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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2074215 No.2074215 [Reply] [Original]

Can we start a "delusional artist tales" thread? Kind of like /fit/'s "fat people stories" threads.

I'll start.

>be me
>be a couple of months ago
>working on a project on photoshop
>pretty much one of the most knowledgeable guy on photoshop besides the teacher himself
>not surprising this is a 3d graphics class no one has touched photoshop before. just coming in on my free time to work
>teacher sends someone to me
"Hey this is student wants to learn photoshop. He seems really interested at your skills."
"Yeah, sure. I'd be happy to show him around."
>sit him down give him a rundown of the basics. brush, lasso, eraser, hardness, flow and opacity.
"My sister draws anime a lot. So drawing is in my blood."
>red flag
"Oh that's cool. Here I'm going to give you a basic exercise. You need to make this circle appear 3d by shading it in. Just black and white its pretty simple."
>give him a brief lesson on shading and how shadows work
>leave him alone. he should be fine right?
>come back 10 minutes later, literally googling images of half naked anime chicks
"How's the sphere doing?"
"Oh it's too hard besides no one in Japan draws like this."
>fuck me
"Oh, is that so... lemme see how far you've gone."
>maybe he gave up. I get frustrated too sometimes. open up brush history.
>nothing. its like the moment i left he just decided to do whatever the fuck he wanted
"Look man, you gotta at least try. Try drawing stuff until you feel comfortable."
>paint bucket. black. fill.
>brush. bright magenta. squiggly lines
>bright yellow. big circle.
>glance at him once in a while. this takes him half an hour
"Hey! Look! I'm finished!"
>cringe a little at the mess. am too nice to say anything bad about it.
"Uhh... it's colorful. I has a bit too much contrast but... what is it suppose to be?"
"A volcano lit by the luminescence of the full moon."
>acts like his magnum opus
"Good job."

Pic related. It's my best recreation of it.

>> No.2074223

Aight, few years ago;

>be me
>sitting in social class at the back because i dont have friends
>social is ez as fuck so I doodle half the time
>start sketching on some handout
>girl on my left looks over
>shes a fucking hipster faggot who loves art
>says "wow thats really good!"
>she says "wow you must draw a lot"
>drags on conversation
>"I really like drawing too"
>me: "oh cool what do you draw?"
>she says "I like drawing people"
then this fucking triggered me
>in the most annoying bitchy voice I've ever heard
>"I'm taking art but its so stupid, like, we're learning to draw body parts, like, why can't we just do projects already? I know how to draw people omg"
>me: "well ya know you need to learn how to draw body parts and composition before actually attempting it right?"
>"yeah I know but I know how to draw people so its dumb"
>me: "oh, ok"

fucking bitch was drawing the wonkiest tumblr-core shit and adding stupid handrwiting bubble into her drawings, her skill cap literally wasn't past a proficient 5th grader, and shes talking about not needing to learn to draw. fuck.

>> No.2074225

But this is like the definition of shitposting.

>> No.2074231

top kek
In the midst of all the negativity on this board, it's good to have a thread for laughs.

>> No.2074232

Mine isn't really on topic but close enough. This is a slow board anyway

>7th-ish grade
>be friends with grill who got me into drawing
>it's all cringey animu, but she's still better than me
>we're both drawing, or doing some project during some freetime and a boy comes up
>we're nerdy outcasts ourselves, but he was possibly on the absolute bottom of the totem pole
>honestly felt sorry for him
>he asks my friend to teach him how to draw
>right away I can tell he's either crushing or holds her art in high regard, possibly both
>she's too busy to help so she asks me to help him
>decide to go over the basics of drawing a head with him
>tell him to sketch a circle with loose lines
>draws example for him
>he looks visibly upset but is trying to hide it
>almost glaring at me
>sits there angrily and slowly draws the most chicken scratchy circle I've seen
>possibly made out of 200 1mm lines
>try to rein in my reaction and give him tips to do looser lines and try to coach him into the next phase
>he looks like he's barely listening to me and keeps glancing at my friend
>had to deal with this for a whole head, took maybe 15 minutes
>no escape
>awkward as hell
>wanted to kill my friend after
>acted oblivious and in shock when I later told her he was obviously crushing on her and wanted to spend some time with her

I just... Wow.

>> No.2074233

>complains about fun shitpost everyone is enjoying

>while is boring shitpost everyone hates

>> No.2074238

Well this was a while back:

>be me
>be in a mid-tier digital art class in community college
>project for the year is to illustrate a short book
>can be a comic/children's book/whatever

So being a CC we got the gamut of skills and people. Some are good, most are half-way decent and trying to get better, and the title of awful without any progress was shared by an autistic kid and a middle-aged woman.

>we go to present our concepts
>middle-aged woman snorts at the rough ideas we present
"I can't believe you all are such AMATEURS!"
>begins her presentation

>> No.2074240

>i don't like fun

literally you.

>> No.2074241

gettin my popcorn homey

>> No.2074255



>she opens a 300 pg pdf file
>it's a poser render comic
>did I say comic
>dead silence from the class
>teacher breaks the silence
"So what is it about?"
>she begins giving us the description of her main character
>literally a self insert
>only defining trait is all dudes want to bang her
>says the story is based in the Cthulhu Mythos
>proceeds to give us her interpretation of said Mythos
>for 15 minutes
>15 fucking minutes
>random student far kinder than I speaks
"Ah, so it's like a horror comic?"
>The love interest is some great old one trapped in human form
>teacher speaks up again
"Well that's an interesting first draft-"
>woman screeches
>this is apparently near the final product
>she's using the class to finish her last 100 pages
>launches into a diatribe about how great poser is as a digital arts tool
>not augmented with anything else like PS
>just poser
>prides herself on having bought all of the assets she used in the comic
>ends her presentation talking about how she'll get movie deals out of this
>and 3D poser comics are the way of the future
>she fumes through the next presentation
>loudly announces that she's going to the bathroom during the each of the five afterwards

I pray she's still out there preaching the tao of poser and DAZ.

>> No.2074256

No offence, but you should probably relax a bit. That doesn't sound like that awful of a situation to warrant your blinding autism.

>> No.2074257
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this might be cooler if i knew what poser and dao is but alas i am only here to occasionally shitpost my doodles and make jokes

>> No.2074258

no offence but literally kill yourself with a gun

>> No.2074261
File: 240 KB, 640x457, dis shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poser is a free 3d software that is essentially a doll maker

every terrible 3d porn comic on the internet is made with it if you need reference to its quality

>> No.2074262
File: 11 KB, 501x501, C2F-12-female-mannequin-55642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, fuck.
You know those mannequins people use for pose reference? Poser is a program that basically allows you to pose a mannequin like that but it's a 3D digital model. So imagine she took a bunch of those mannequins and shifted them into different poses and took photos and called those photos comic panels. It'd be better if she at least painted them to look like different characters or something but from anon's story it sounds like she just basically used them out of the box so to speak.
And tao/daoism is something like buddhism, just anon's way of saying she's clearly way too convinced of how great using poser like that is.

>> No.2074263

Get the fuck off /ic/

>> No.2074266


>> No.2074315


jesus christ guys if i wanted to know i could just google it, stop all this quality discussion it's creeping me out

>> No.2074349

chances are he just wanted the girl not your drawing skills.

>> No.2074356

well some people get really high strung about this sort of thing, especially if they secretly know they suck i bet.

in my school there was some older lady who the teacher critted very gently who smashed her sculpture on the ground and stormed out, never to return.

>> No.2074359

The dude who greentexted it made that kinda obvious

>> No.2074532
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>Local college art course
>Btec level 3 / A level Art course
>expecting all students to be fairly competent and interested in improving art
>nobody cares about art
>some of the girls want to be tattooist and spend class hours drawing shit on their friends arms
>they can't draw
>Some of the students saying they're going to get a job working on video games when they finish
>they can't draw
>Everyone is a normie
>nobody can draw
>nobody cares about drawing
>they're all talented snowflakes
>have no reason to talk to anyone in my class
>The teacher is just like them

>start chatting with someone in the 2nd year of the 2 year course I'm on
>he's on his laptop
>furry desktop
>so desperate to find an art buddy I go for him
>furry fandom is centered around art, surely he cares about improving and is good right?
>we chat for a bit about art, I don't mention the furry
>I've finally found someone who shares my interests
>He knows about all the cool youtube artists and some of the cool art books
>figuratively orgasming as I hear the word 'Proko' spoken in real life
>but he said he'd only watched one video of Prokos
>ask how long he's been drawing
>"all my life"
>oh no
>get around to him showing me his art
>weird edgy teenager 5 yr old shitty chicken scratch drawing of some robot with a skull and blood coming out on grid paper
>he can't draw
>he thinks it's good
>die a little on the inside
>sit through the next 15 minutes of him talking about some anime shit I don't care about
>not really listening, the lights gone out in my heart
>Never talk to him again

Where did it all go so wrong?

>> No.2074549

>ask how long he's been drawing
>"all my life"
>oh no

lost it so hard

>> No.2074558

My mother keeps telling me I should go to art school, but stories like this are why I keep saying no.

>> No.2074564

>first day of CC English class
>take seat in front of possible vampire
>teacher decides we should analyze some abstract painting for a warm up
>one by one, students give interpretations and their reasoning
>"pfffftt... oooh my god... yeah, no." etc. from goth girl behind me
>laughs and criticizes everyone through entire exercise
>as class eventually runs out of things to say, she finally raises her hand, as if she's the definitive voice on this painting
>"Well, I'm an ARTIST, so what this actually means is..."
>gives just about as shitty and highschool of an answer as everyone else, just with more confidence.
>when break starts, I see she's leaning over to some guy and going on about 'art'
>notebook is open with a bunch of shitty fairy drawings

This is why no one takes art study seriously.

>> No.2074573

>be me
>work for hours on something
>it's going pretty good
>work late into the night
>almost done
>"I'll finish it tomorrow"
>go to bed
>wake up
>it's a horrendous piece of shit
>so demotivated I stop drawing for a week and consider suicide

>> No.2074575


that, and then there's also the girl showing spaghetti up her vagina.

>> No.2074617
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>so demotivated I stop drawing for a week and consider suicide
>consider suicide

>> No.2074641

you should probably forget about whether you like the end result or not.
Or you will really commit suicide one day or switch goals.

>> No.2074644

>tfw my mind selects out all the art stories, so i remember only fragments of them not worthy of sharing
>tfw i unconsciously see people who don't have the drive to draw, yet draw as aliens. Normal people are either striving to learn to draw, or not draw at all in my messed up head.

>> No.2074716
File: 89 KB, 532x599, 532px-SWEETHEARTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>math class in senior year
>usual high school drawings people do when they're bored, there's that girl who draws anime, my friend behind me draws dudes with "badass" weapons
>one kid adjacent to us is incredibly annoying
>has a hard on for aliens
>writes a story about aliens
>draws aliens all day long
>always coming over to slap the aliens down on an empty desk and ask if they're good
>completely flat, no depth, basically just stick figures with random appendages
> gets mad when I say it's not that good
>threatens to fight my friend becausehe told him to sit down
>hilarity ensues as two fat kids get up to fight each other
>teacher breaks it up
>"whats going on?"
>"they made fun of my aaaalllllllieeens"
>"I don't want to see this type of behavior again out of all of you"
>get abducted that night

>> No.2074881

Not to get a whole gender thing going but as funny as these stories usually are, it always kinda sucks that so many of them are girls. The most delusional artists I've ever known have all been guys but I can't even really call them delusional because despite their terrible art and attitudes, they've brute forced their way into a hell of a lot more success than I've had with my art. In terms of just people who aren't that skilled I think the number of men and women is probably pretty close, just seems like somehow the women stand out more. I think maybe girls feel more free to be open about the fact they like art and want to be artists while guys maybe tend to want to keep it to themselves, at least until they start feeling like they've got something worth showing.
Anyway I don't have a good story to share, so I'll stop rambling.

>> No.2074903 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 246x316, autism_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relaxing after doing some studies, just browsing unnamed art site
>see a guy posting miku drawing, literally traced over a photo with a title like: "just got my intuos 24hd, trying out my new style xdddd".
>would literally give non drawing arm for that shit
>chill out, write a nice comment about how he should try to improve a little, and from a solid fundamental skill he can sucessfully stylize (even fucking game links to teal line guy's tutorials)
>next day
>see guy 'n friends buttblasted in the comments
>the guy made a gif about my comment with popping up text like: "lol first hater" "buttmad lol" "get rekt son"

>> No.2074907
File: 30 KB, 246x316, autism_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relaxing after doing some studies, just browsing unnamed art site
>see a guy posting miku drawing, literally traced over a photo with a title like: "just got my intuos 24hd, trying out my new style xdddd".
>would literally give non drawing arm for that shit
>chill out, write a nice comment about how he should try to improve a little, and from a solid fundamental skill he can sucessfully stylize (even fucking gave links to teal's screencaps)
>next day
>see guy 'n friends buttblasted in the comments
>the guy made a gif about my comment with popping up text like: "lol first hater" "buttmad lol" "get rekt son"

>> No.2075013

I find the very worst, and the very best of a class or group of people tend to be males, while the females all sit around the middle without much divergence

>> No.2075017

>>ask how long he's been drawing
>>"all my life"
>>oh no

this is some Hemingway shit

>> No.2075019


>Not to get a whole gender thing going but as funny as these stories usually are, it always kinda sucks that so many of them are girls.

Yeah, if you're a girl who sucks at art, you're less likely to realize that you suck, because people will treat you more delicately by default, plus a lot of guys will probably tell you you're talented because they want to have sex with you.

>> No.2075023

Or maybe because the guys who compliment her art don't know what actual art is. Don't blame the girl

>> No.2075030

Maybe it has to do with stereotypes where girls are encouraged to be more open about emotions and creativity, and boys are pushed to be active. Take up sports, etc.

>> No.2075038
File: 30 KB, 210x280, 10d5xs6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be at a party a few months ago
>it's at some friends' shared flat
>they're all studying different edgy things in college
>you can imagine the hipster population who was invited there
>talking about fucking jazz and low level left wing politics, I'm sure you can imagine
>some guy is doing cringy abstract shit on a sketchbook with posca markers
>some drawings I gave to my friends are around the flat so he learns I draw
>thinks that makes him my friend
>start telling me he's been studying photoshop for months in college
>that he creates "pieces that reflect society"
>ask "wanna see me do my project due for tommorow? It's going to be a digital collage"
>not at all a digital artist myself so I say ok, maybe I'll learn a thing or two about photoshop
>we sit at a table, he opens his laptop
>"So yeah, I plan to do this thing about consumerism. It's going to be a burger, except the buns are going to be naked girls"
>he proceeds to take sources on google image
>finds his girls, finds his meat, lettuce and tomato, opens photoshop
>Try to show off by using shortcuts really fast
>It doesn't work
>He's unable to cut out the first bun girl from a highly contrasted background
>tries some more shortcuts
>unable to do the most basic stuffs
>manually cut out using no tool in particular
>pixelated horror
>awkward as fuck
>I sometimes use photofiltre to edit pictures for fun so I know the basics of cutting out something
>I suggest "isn't there a polygonal lasso or something?"
>persist in typing random shortcuts as fast as he can with no result
>some more pixelated horror
>gives up some awkward 45 minutes later (I left after about 15)
>his project was due for the morning

true fucking story...

>> No.2075066

There may well be a certain amount of patronizing involved. I figure there has to be for anyone who gets such a distorted view of their skill compared to their actual skill. This >>2075023 is probably pretty true too, maybe a lot of people decline to say more than "yeah it's good" because they don't draw or really care about art so they don't think they're qualified to say more.
Yeah I think it's moreso this, really. Most of my artist friends have stories of having to hide the fact that they draw from their family or hide it from friends or getting made fun of for doing something "artsy".

>> No.2075081

Holy shit, OP, you are so nice that it's creepy. I would've straight told him that his shit sucks. Hence why I can't get a job...but whatever.

>> No.2075089

>Don't blame the girl

Not blaming the girl Sir Galahad, cool your jets.

>> No.2075103
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the only time i left my house and did something art related was a drawing class i took at my college. it started with like 24 people and all but 3 of us dropped it.

>> No.2075112


OP here. Yeah it's my downfall. Honestly, I felt sorry for the kid he seemed like he had severe autism. Not enough that he goes around grunting and bashing his head on walls but just a step down so that he couldn't recognise my look of disgust.

I saw him the other day. He tried convincing me he is working for a company making a game based on Sword Art Online. I've personally never seen the show but from what I heard, its like the Matrix.

He tried convincing me that you can learn real world skills from it by playing video games and that he was a Assassin's Creed master. At one point he tried to stab me in the neck with a pencil.

I mean, I got mad that time but he didn't seem to recognise it.

Kinda off topic but I have more stories about him if you guys want to listen.

>> No.2075134


>At one point he tried to stab me in the neck with a pencil.

Holy jesus refer him to the nearest mental institute mang

>> No.2075137

>Be conscript
>Fuck this shit I need to draw
>Guy sees me sketchbook
>"hey I draw anime too"
>Oh no I know where this is going
>"Well uh, sure thing mang why don't you draw on this page over here"
>He starts by drawing the eye
>Fuck no I know exactly where this is going
>End result is animu trash but it's at least mediocre DA and not something worse
>Meet two other guys who told me they did art
>looked at their shit, they're all bad
>Why am I not surprised

At least one of them is aware of the fundamentals and is studying it, but come on.

>> No.2075149

Whoops made it sound worse than it was. He stabbed me with the eraser part on the back of my neck. It wasn't life threatening but it hurt like a bitch.

>> No.2075228

I've had male and female art friends and I think part of it has to do with the people who mostly view your stuff. Girls tend to respond with stuff like "Oh my gosshhhh! That's so amazing! I wish I was as talented as you!!!" while a guy will either barely acknowledge it or be more interested in the subject matter than the skill.

And since girls tend to have girl friends, and guys tend to have guy friends, it's easy for a girl to get an inflated ego.

>> No.2075253
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Well I don't really have anything specific, except that I was kind of one of those people for about the course of my high school days. It was strange, I knew how shit I was, but for some reason I felt I was something special - I guess because all my friends and family said so. Fuck those days

>> No.2075256

I really don't have anything to say outside of 'I know someone who thinks they're hot shit but they're really just full of themselves."

>> No.2075261

I think it also has to do with putting any effort whatsoever into art makes you seem a lot better than people who stopped drawing when 6 years old.

>> No.2075269

>Be in art high school
>I'm one of the few people who can draw and actually get pay to make portrait commissions
>one day I was doodling Captain America on my sketchbook doring outdoor break
>struggle to draw an hand, get frustrated
>the class weaboo faggot comes and sees me erasing over and over
>"Hey I can draw hands pretty well!"
> kill me
> he takes the sketchbook off my hands and then procede to draw the most shittiest of hands ever drawn to human being while pushing the pencil hard on the paper
> "there, no need to thank me"
> "th-thank you"
> Can't erase it
> burn sketchbook

I dropped from high school after 2 years, couldn't stand these people, I'm better off sitting all day in my room drawing by myself and jerking off to Jaime Jones

If this thread is up when I go home, I'll post a picture of said hand

>> No.2075271

>be a weeb
>be copying 3/4 view of anime head, incessantly
>move onto diagramming anime anatomy
>copying like an obsess weeb
>be copying figures out of published sketchbooks
>getin' lines super thin, be getin' in gud
>go flex in weeb threads

And the weeb can't compose a picture worth a damn. Everything looks piecemeal right out of books and what not. Absolutely no sense of design. Nothing original, nothing interesting, nothing personal, 100% pure formula. And they think thier shit don't stink. All that copying and perfecting copying and not once did they really look at what they were copying.

>> No.2075273

It's ridiculous. Of course part of me knew better, but nobody was there to just pull me aside and tell me what I had suspicion of and only partially understood.

There was this whole farcical thing where I was the mock trial team's 'court artist' and because I knew generally where the eyes, nose, and mouth are, I won against the only other 'court artist' on any of the other teams competing in the county, who drew slightly complex stick figures. The lawyers who helped the team figure stuff out even thought my work was good. One kept a copy of one of my sketches of himself which I assume may still be in his office. He was legitimately impressed, somehow.

I guess even though everything I produced for that was rancid visual shit, I took an opportunity to get some life drawing in.

>> No.2075276

the one you use to jerk off to Jaime Jones?

>> No.2075296

holy shit this made me remember that I stabbed someone on her thigh with a pencil during preschool. It wasn't serious but remembering is making me cringe so bad right now.

>> No.2075303

At least you were little
I was in middle school when I stabbed a boy in the hand with a pencil. I had to sit separate from the other students after that (not all bad, I got to sleep in class since I was behind the teacher, and I think she was afraid of me)
I was an angry child. Sleep deprived and making poor choices with drugs. I still cringe, but meh, it's life.
That boy and I were good friends thru high school and after. He laughs and jokes about it now and makes light of it. I still feel awful about it.

>> No.2075339

>teaching people for zero monies


>> No.2075458


I am so sensitive with my work that if anyone defaces it like that i would go full autism on their ass guaranteed.

>> No.2075787
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>> No.2075790

I remember when I was in middle school one of my friends stabbed someone in the eye with a pen.

>> No.2075909

Kind of agreeing with this.
I'm a gril, and all my grilmates are always pandering. It's lovely when you're sad, but you can't believe a word they say.
It's over generalisation of course, because you get bitchy boys too, and so as a rule you should just believe no-one.

The most cringe story I have right now is about me, at a portrait exhibition opening
>invited by gallery staff, expecting to meet some like-minded artists
>surprise, actually work of 17yr olds that were just about to apply to uni
>super amateur, but all the kids, teachers and parents are in attendance so being nice
>parents, teachers and kids all not drinking wine because obvious reasons
>but I have been
>trying to hold back from breathing winebreath on these bright young things
>trying not to tell them that artschool was a total failure for me
>trying to congratulate parents on supporting their kids fragile dreams
>very obviously drunk
I'm a monster.

>> No.2079735
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>be me
>comm. tech fresh in the morning first thing
>basically easiest course ever
>to my right is my friend, to my left some kid I don't know
>get assigned some basic "introduction" powerpoint (as a warm up I suppose.)
>aldosterone done, just ain't some animations and polishing it off
>out of curiosity I peek at the screen of the kid to my left
>see all these cringy rage faces and memes

Here's the best part

>his turn to present next day
>he plugs in his Macbook air and turns on tHe powerpoint
>instantly the derp song starts playing, rage faces flying around in cringy animations
>comic sans text
>he's fucking wearing a minecraft sweater, too.
>talks about how he lives to pay video games and LOVES graohic design and drawing
>suddenly shite quality drawings come on screen. One's a drawing of a creeper, who's head is a fucking huge smudge and a vase with cringy lines
>wishing I'd just die already
>he stutters on, only to get interrupted by next don't in the playlist, the fucking troll song.
>finally it was over

Kid moved half way through the semester.

that's my cringe story. Although it has very little to do with art I still felt like sharing it.

>> No.2079748

6/9 dont make fun of retard

>> No.2079766

Also partially stems from the cultural fact that women are judged based on their looks, men are judged based on their accomplishments.

>> No.2079779

>men aren't judged for their looks


>> No.2079781

I judge men harder on their looks than women.

>> No.2079783

OK fag

>> No.2080104
File: 38 KB, 530x530, ass-burger-food-nsfw-1144517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha ha ha, that is hilarious, sad and infuriating at the same.

>> No.2080139
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>Oh it's too hard besides no one in Japan draws like this.

>> No.2080143

the biggest spook of this story is that you're like them but don't even realize it.

>> No.2080144
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>art classes beyond highschool
Might as well shit in a pot and call it art

>> No.2080148
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Dude is socially inept. No one uses memes outside the computer screen

>> No.2080168


This 'self-taught painter' from my country.


>> No.2080178


Pls post hand.

>> No.2082693

poser and daz aren't as bad as people make them out to be... but they are easy tools to use so you get people who won't learn how to make something look good using it all the time

>> No.2083149 [DELETED] 


>> No.2083350

>get abducted that night

>> No.2083376
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>art class
>borrowing some qt's 7 dollar pen
>friend comes over
>"let me draw something"
>snags the pen and proceeds to scrape the soft tip along the paper of my book in the most horrifying chicken scratch graffiti you'd ever seen
>living hell as he obliterates the pen
>it wont stop
>keeps going over previous "lines"
>starts going over my work
>terrible un readable font
>have to hand qt her marker back
>"y-you can keep it"
the final product;

>> No.2083384

why stay passive

>> No.2083386

>Where did it all go so wrong?
>BTEC college

Should've stayed in 6th form, man

>> No.2083387

Waaa look at me I'm a quirky snowflake so amateur wow waaa

>> No.2083392


>> No.2083404

Letting people draw in your sketchbook.

>> No.2083420

Way to be a beta.

>> No.2083430

what you gonna do about it?

>> No.2083435

link us

>> No.2083558

Somewhat related, but has anyone ever had that teacher who just doesn't ever tell someone their stuff is terrible? Like it could be mistaken for a 3rd grade art project but during critique the professor goes "Well you could have explored a deeper range of values."

>> No.2083610

You should have offered to buy her a replacement so she could repay you with sex after seeing how awesome you are. Maybe.

>> No.2084223


The average person isn't going to listen to criticism if it isn't sugar coated butt patting. Unfortunately, its more productive to tell people what they want to hear with little tidbits of truth rather than being brutally honest.

>> No.2084262

Duude my entire class was like this
Everyone was chicken scratching, painting mud and drawing in some 4th dimension perspective
I tried telling the class that they're doing everything wrong but nobody listened to me because the teacher didn't say it was wrong

>> No.2084312

>Sister always drew as a kid
>Really good stuff for her age from like 7 years old
>Goes to art university
>Makes friends with some fat tumblr shit who cosplays
>Soon drops out of uni from boyfriend drama or some dumb stuff
>Have a look at her art after a long absence
>It's all pointless colours and cute things
>No fine art, no landscapes, no portraits
>Single colour backgrounds with a character in the middle all tumblr tier

I am so sorry this happened to her.
I think going digital ruined her life
I would like to try and convince her to start painting properly again but she lives so far away

She works in retail now

>> No.2084583 [DELETED] 

I'm a junior in high school and i'm pretty much the only one who knows how to draw at my school, i tried to be nice once:
>Drawing in class
>studying loomis
>drawing old people and a few images from past study threads because i'm bored
>freshman approaches me
"Wow, you're really good!"
>she's watching me
>she then says:
"i draw too"
>i brace for the worst
>Pulls out lined paper school notebook full of animeshit attack on titan characters.
>she can't draw
"Well ok, this isn't bad but i want to show you something that'll make you better!"
"Cool! Is it a book?"
>pull up Heads and Hands by Loomis
>give her a link to the website that has it for free
>tell her to study
>she has a bored look
>proceeds to talk at me for the next 15 minutes
>remind her to study
>she's not listening
1 month passes
>She comes to me in class
>pulls out same notebook
>exact same thing
>She drew one circle
>ask her why she didn't study
"It's not muh style."

>> No.2084589

Max delusion
>tracing is its own skill
>you need to practice to be able to do it.

>> No.2084593

The irony is sweet

>> No.2084622

He ACTUALLY said that just because you didn't learn from it doesn't mean it's not a study. What the fuck does "study" mean if not the act of learning?

>> No.2084623

I'm sick of this intellectual wankfest, I'm going to continue tracing and you can fuck yourself when I post it.

>> No.2084626
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Its like the delusion wants to manifest itself into another form

>> No.2084630

>fuck yourself
Your the only one fucking yourself bub

>> No.2084648

I see what people mean when talking to 'muh style' people now. Its as if their perspective is the only one.

>> No.2084677

Yeah, tunnel vision and selective hearing, all the way.

>> No.2084739

tfw no art buddy. Seriously, nobody is above or around my level. Everybody either does shitty copies, traces or animus. Nobody knows the fucking fundamentals or anything. Not even the teacher is that good. Hell, he doesn't even know what cross-hatching actually is.

>> No.2084747

I love this thread.
I work as a retail caricature artist and you wouldn't imagine how many people come up saying "on I'm an artist" and then proceed to show me their crappy art. I usually try to tell them info on how to apply but of course it's "not their style". Then what was the point? Why show me your traced anime and and smudged to hell portraits? Why are shitty artists so quick to show off and brag about their work?

>> No.2084750

What's funny is that you got shown up. And you came here to get a hugbox going


>> No.2084755

isnt that what ur doing right now

>> No.2084765

You two should stick to your own thread

>> No.2084790

>Why are shitty artists so quick to show off and brag about their work?
No idea. I used to work the same job and got the same nonsense. It kills me because they'll insist you look at it and say what you think but if you do they'll say "well this wasn't my best" or "I just do this for fun", so it's like oh okay you just wasted my time then? Cool. That dumb ass posted in the study thread only to turn and say he wasn't looking for replies yet kept checking the thread.
If they were sane they wouldn't be delusional.
That >>2084755 wasn't me.

>> No.2084795

The reply's' i got vs the constructive criticism i got were very different, and I replied to them differently. Stop swinging that broad brush, it only makes you look disingenuous

>> No.2084796

I am someone who is just learning actual construction and figures and such. Before I used to just go off on a whim and draw what I thought was right and I would act the same way. I believe the whole shitty artists showing off thing is due to their lack of knowledge. They don't realize how incorrect their drawings are, and most people won't tell them. If you don't know what is right you can't tell what is wrong.

>> No.2084833

>I wasn't looking for comments, I was just participating
>I wasn't looking for comments
You made the brush broad enough on your own.

>> No.2084920

p-please deliver

>> No.2084933

Wow. You are such a mild mannered person.

I would not have been able to stop myself from laughing at the person in your situation. Or at least said "Ewwwww..."

>> No.2084997

comments vs criticism
thus isn't hard to follow

>> No.2085154
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Is she a freshman/sophmore? Cause if so there could be hope for her. In my freshmen year i was the same way until i was a junior.

>> No.2085180

Jesus Christ, how did you manage not to punch him? Or at least get really mad at him.

You've got some nice self-control.

>> No.2085181

junior in highschool wth.
You're starting at that time, im jelly.

>> No.2085214

>be me
>Be in Study Hall
>sitting Alone, Drawing
>Strong Hatred For anime
>Drawing Knights/Monsters, D&D stuff
>Kid walks over, I already know whats coming.
>"did you draw that" "How did you get so good" "do you draw all the time?" Ect.
>says he Also draws
>fucking anime
>flips through his "book"
>all just stuff from anime he watches
>all pictures are Just heads and Torsos
>he asks me if i draw anime
>fuckin' No
>Asks if he wants to teach me
>i say sure, Rage Boiling inside of me
>Draws the ol' "hair over one eye Animu face" you know the one
>bell finally rings

Now this faggot wont stop talking to me

>> No.2085266

You really hate the guy solely because he likes anime? He didn't do anything besides show you his doodles, and it doesn't sound like he was being arrogant the way you described it, it sounds like he thought you might want to learn to draw anime since he saw that you don't. You had an opportunity to tell him you weren't interested, but either way it sounds like he was just looking for a common bond and wants a friend.
Why are people always looking for stupid, picky reasons to hate others? You're just like one of the edgy, anti social anime characters you claim to hate, like that kid Neku from The World Ends With You.

>> No.2085295


These are all starting to sound super beta, where the person is boiling on the inside yet, deducing from the flow of the story, is at the same time being super nice to the person. Then they wonder why the delusional artists stick around and want to be their friend.

>> No.2085339

That's what you get for being a doormat, the fact that he did something like that in the first place is proof enough you are one.
They probably come from non artist environments where family and friends give them positive remarks because they don't know better or are trying to be encouraging.

>be me
>all this obnoxious writing styles
Where did all you kids come from? Reddit? Where did you all learn this from?
I remember a time when anons would actively discourage this faggotry.

>> No.2085384

>Now this faggot wont stop talking to me
yeah, that's bound to happen. thank jesus I've learned to be socially awkward so when an unwanted person talks to me I completely ignore their existence. then they leave me alone, complain to their friends that I'm rude/a dick, but it's mission accomplished to me.

>> No.2085388


> i've learned to be socially awkward
> they complain to their friends that I'm rude/a dick
> mission accomplished

Yeah, great rationalizing there. I'm sure you're just socially awkward by choice.

>> No.2085394

Fuck off.

>> No.2085400

Yeah this is freaking me out a little. I guess it's to be expected since this place is full of people who want to be contrary just for the sake of it, because being normal and main stream is the worst sin, although so is trying to be a special snowflake, right? There are definitely some people on here who don't realize their own hypocrisy, and that this attitude of outright hating people for such trivial things as what cartoons they like is only going to have them walking around bitter and angry, and makes them as unpalatable as they see everyone else.
It won't kill you to make a friend or two who's a little different.

>> No.2085425

I wasn't gonna tell him to fuck off because i don't enjoy being rude

>> No.2085439


>talking about fucking jazz
>i'm sure you can imagine

step down from your high horse, alexander, for you will fall soon enough

>> No.2085446


you cant teach art and not be an alcoholic/semi alcoholic. dw

>> No.2085564

Okay, I managed to get to 1.51.

Can anyone else suffer for longer ?

>> No.2085642

This is what women tell themselves so that they don't have to feel like failures.

>> No.2086188


I turned off when i seen she 'married herself'. unbelievable.

Its not the fact that these people exist, but the fact that they seem to be always given a platform.

Heres me working all my life in CG/Animation/Art and VFX dedicating every waking moment to multiple disciplines professionally, killing myself to be the best I can possibly be... and this cunt gets a soap box, megaphone and a free ride for marrying herself and doing the worst stuff.

It happens very rarely but that video had me questioning why I care, or even try.

>> No.2086226

lmao u sound like a hella faggot.

>> No.2086246

faggot who runs his own CG studio in europe, yeah. but sure, ive no way to prove that and im not sharing my site here. Just know, i live a better life than you fag.

>> No.2086302

>ive no way to prove that and im not sharing my site here.
Then you're fucking nobody, put up or shut up you insecure anal-pained faggot.

>> No.2086306

>all these stories
you all sound like gossiping little high school kids

>> No.2086310

when you see RJD's yellow blinky interface in the new SW movie, think of me xxx

>> No.2086621

There's a Jewish kind of goth girl in my class who thinks she can draw. I saw her portfolio she carries around with her and its just a bunch of traced hard line shit. There's also the other girl who draws animu shit. Saw her sketchbook and it has a bunch of animu with bad anatomy.

>> No.2086629

You don't have to be rude, but you also don't have to be so nice that they think you really like them and respect what they're doing artistically. Life ain't black and white. I prefer being real rather than placating.

>> No.2086630

Is this a cringey thing to say or something? I have literally been drawing since infancy, is the question supposed to mean "how long have you been making a concerted effort to train yourself how to draw better?"

>> No.2086634


Unless you had been brought up by an art teacher and learned art since you were born.

When you're doing art as a child it's not really learning, or at least the amount you're learning is so small it's not worth considering. We have that point in our life when we decided to buckle down and start studying.
If someone has not had that moment than it means they aren't trying to improve or they think they don't need to improve.

>> No.2086639

>Not to get a whole gender thing going but HERE LET ME DO JUST THAT
Why are you trying to attach some trend to a random selection of stories?

>I can't even really call them delusional because despite their terrible art and attitudes, they've brute forced their way into a hell of a lot more success than I've had with my art.
This makes it sound way more like YOU'RE delusional, man. It sounds like your peers have worked harder and been more successful than you and that you're jealous of them.

>> No.2086644

Oh, well I can't really relate, because I have been studying and teaching myself how to draw throughout my whole life. Even as a babby, I would get frustrated by being unable to draw something right and try to figure out how to do it.

>> No.2086650

>Even as a babby
most babies are too busy trying to walk and shit, but this anon was studying loomis

>> No.2086695

>Is this a cringey thing to say or something?
>I have literally been drawing since infancy,
So has literally everyone else.
>is the question supposed to mean "how long have you been making a concerted effort to train yourself how to draw better?"
Basically. Everyone drew as a child, everyone had pencils and crayons and shit, and most people doodle through elementary school and into middle school. Most people never make the leap to learn it as a skill.

>> No.2086831

Nothing like Loomis, obviously, but I have never not done the thing where I draw something, think "this doesn't look as good as I want it to" and then go try to look at something from either from life, a picture, or someone else's drawing and try to figure out what I needed to do.

>most people doodle through elementary school and into middle school
Well yeah, but then most people stop. I would assume there's more than a small percentage of those people that re-started later in life and started taking it seriously.
Maybe I'm just autistic, but I've always thought the question was weird as shit.

>> No.2086855
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>In a high school art class
>Been going since freshman year
>Have to stop going for a few months due to personal things
>Come back later
>New girl
>I try to make friends with her
>She seems nice, what does she like to draw
>Her "portfolio" is copies from Thomas Kinkade, and from photographs she copied
>She also seems to have copied the teachers art style
>Whats her personal art like
>"I like to draw wolves, they are my favorite animal"
>Oh boy
>She becomes the teachers pet
>Draws a Thomas Kinkade picture to call her out on her bullshit
>Teacher looks at it
>"You need to be more original like her, work on something serious"
>Gets all kind of scholarships and money for college for her "original" art by selling it
>Gets accepted to one of the top colleges in the state based on her portfolio
>Well shit

>> No.2086874
File: 253 KB, 876x427, stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t-this can't be true, can it?

>> No.2086883

Guys what's your deal I talked about trying to not hurt feelings but being spagetti, by cringing at myself in a cringe thread for it, would you rather I was a total asshole and was proud of myself for it?

>> No.2086885

I'm afraid so.
I was so frustrated I lost motivation to draw for a while.

>> No.2086886

Copying is fine, if you get away with it.

>> No.2086890

More girls than guys are into art, simples

>> No.2086902

You sound even more socially retarded than he does. Quit being a limp dick and learn to say no.

>> No.2086903
File: 91 KB, 450x300, offtheisland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl in class always comes to crit with an hour worth of work
>Spends 15min talking about concept
>Doesn't even talk about the work
>Goes on about how her mother is a strong woman
>Everyone nods that mom is a strong woman
>Professor affirms mom is a strong woman
>Other professor confirms strong woman
> Mother strong woman
>Strong woman
>The only thing strong is her deflecting the fact she didn't work.
>Professor says...
> "So are you going to talk about the painting"
My sides count down
> "its obvious that you haven't been working on this
My sided ignite boosters
> "you need to spend more time in the studio
Sides can be spotted over Cape Canaveral
> "you need to work harder to be in the program
Sides have broken the ozone layer
> "The painting itself isn't working
Everyone in mission control cheers and hugs eachother
>After crit
>Her- "Man, Prof was really hard today
>Me- I know right, you had some great work done, I think prof is being a jerk


>> No.2086919

>Maybe I'm just autistic, but I've always thought the question was weird as shit.
It's called "small talk." People don't really ask because they care, they ask to make conversation and avoid awkward silence.

>> No.2086928
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It's called "small" talk because it's all irrelevant garble. It's just for people to feel comfortable because humans are social by nature. It's also good practice for opening for flirting which is that thing that gets people laid.

>> No.2086932

Copying photographs is alright for a few pieces but not if it is most of your portfolio. Deciding on whether or not to call bullshit because any "top college" worth their salt knows Kinkade is cheesy crap.

>> No.2087112

>draw anime shit for fun when nothing better to do
>its the most cringe worthy shit you'll ever see from a grown man
>hide that shit inside a drawer that will light on fire the moment someone else opens it
>weeb still manages to find it

>> No.2087311
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So of reverse of what your asking for but hey here it is:

>Animation College class: Power level = third year
>Half hour before crit, girl is moaning about how horrible her work is and how embarrassed she is
>people console her, even professor from previous class as she leaves
>hugs even
>girl starts weeping. "IM SO SAD/embarrassed"
>Everyone chimes in "Your awesome, cheer up" :)
>Girl rebuffs, sniffs
>Crit starts, she postures to go last
>Her turn, she self depreciates as she begins
>Her work is of the best in class, if not best.

>two weeks later, new crit, new peice, girl repeats performance, gets same results, has best work.
>Repeats for whole year, nobody changes in reaction to girls predicable behavior.

>Dawn of 4th year. week leading to crit I worked in studio with girl. Constantly self depreciates, 'friends' respond with compliments like pavlov's dogs to the bell throughout the week.
>first crit day
> girl begins her sob story, everyone is really into getting her self esteem up for the start of the new year.
>she turns to me (an upper-tier of class) saying "OMG my works suck so bad I am so embarrassed"
>I know her work is good
>I say in front of whole class: "If you think it sucks, I agree, it sucks. You should have worked harder on it. You have only yourself to blame."
>Never whined in class again

>Bonus: Found out later she pulled this afterward in classes I wasn't attending.

>> No.2087320

>inviting a weeb over to your house, let alone in your own room

It's like you want them to see your dakimakura and waifu figures

>> No.2087362

>So hey anon i have this idea for a comic-


>> No.2087369

When you say "dropped" I like to picture you actually picked them up and did a piledriver.

>> No.2087403
File: 114 KB, 540x519, Lemurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>annoying guy who never shuts up commissions me
>worst job I've ever had, just want to be done with him forever
>he keeps trying to get me work with his friends
>one of them is a "producer who's done a bunch of feature films"
>wants me to animate a trailer for his movie that does not exist
>for free
>for \exposure/
>the trailer is dogs peeing on stuff
>I look up the guy on IMDb, and he's only co-produced one movie
>all the reviews say it's the worst thing they've ever seen
>annoying commissioner guy says I'm stupid for not taking this great opportunity

>> No.2087476

She will come out as a phony r-right?

>> No.2087874

I doubt it. She changes things around, but its so obvious its copied from Kinkade.

>> No.2087878
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Gonna post hers to show what I'm talking about

>> No.2087879
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>> No.2087885

I really hope that's not in the portfolio she got accepted into a top college for

>> No.2087929
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>life drawing class
>go around the class talking to people, checking out sketches
>5'2 fat girl wearing a deathnote shirt, fingerless gloves, a trenchcoat, and a courier hat walks up and starts showing me her sketchbook
>Full of shitty invader zim/anime abominations
>"I colored them using sharpies!"
>This is very apparent

On a side note, she is a FtM transgender who "can't imagine being with woman"

Heres her deviantart http://kurokisamemugen.deviantart.com

And heres a quick glance at her facebook

>> No.2087942
File: 447 KB, 550x480, I already came.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'2 fat girl wearing a deathnote shirt, fingerless gloves, a trenchcoat, and a courier hat

I refuse to believe this

>> No.2087966
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>tfw trenchcoats have been ruined by high school fuckups

>> No.2087968

>take 1 art class in college because its mandatory and figured might as well take a real class
>always felt like people were looking down on me for my lack of skill
>realize these are the type people who continue on in art school
kind of a confidence booster, but I'm still shit and would be cringe worthy if I showed it to the public.

>> No.2088008
File: 127 KB, 614x429, bandicam 2015-05-15 16-51-54-744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2088022

>Hot Topic
>Jhonen Vasquez
>Tim Burton
>Deviant Art
Is this fucking 2008? How the fuck are these people still around?

>> No.2088057

Idiot, she probably wanted the D

>> No.2088290

I forgot to add, upon meeting her, she said she wanted people to call her "nukawa" or "noky"

Her name is like jennifer or something.

>> No.2088295

Why do anime 'fans' always 'draw' like they don't give a shit instead of practicing and learning like the manga artists they worship?

>> No.2088303

why are kids so fascinated with "creepypasta" characters? it really confuses me as a phenomenon.

>> No.2088418
File: 64 KB, 389x298, El-FUA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because theyre actually more fascinated with the ideas and stories associated with the anime than the actual animations themselves.
i believe being an artist who draws anime makes them subtly autistic, but not so autistic that their actual artistic talent should be disregarded completely.
next time you see an awful anime artist, try helping them.

>> No.2088704

Then why not just answer with something short like "all of my life"? I always thought it sounded autistic as fuck when they went on about how long they have been drawing and why it's been that amount of time and other parts of their life story. Literally no one cares.

>> No.2088803

>ken penders

>> No.2088814

>Why do EVERYONE always 'draw' like they don't give a shit instead of practicing and learning?
Maybe because they're noobs? It's fuckin best time for learning, when ur inner critic is sleeping. I want to be 16 again.

>> No.2088815
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>be me
>doing art foundation, didnt really put any effort in
>didnt know what to do for final project on dreams
>decided to just copy a bat from a batman comic
>drew a giant bat in white chalk on a black blind
>called it blind as a bat,tried to make it seem deep
>mfw they fell for it

>> No.2088864
File: 12 KB, 395x395, me right now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>offer critiques for free on deviantart
>people who are elementary school-tier get a link to a large resource on fundamentals while i explain why they need to go down that path
>most say thank you
>only ones to ever get buttblasted are girls
>usually around 18 years old
>one time this girl "quips me their spontaneous art style"
>prepare the link
>their work is chicken scratchy alice in wonderland tier fan art
>they go on the defensive when I tell them they need fundamentals in their life
>but theyre a strong independant artist who dont need no loomis
>they passive aggresively go back and forth at me while i calmly explain why i do what i did and offer to help them even more
>they are getting visibly rump rustled because im not feeding into the drama
>they show me other works they did with colored pencil and suggests that they cant possibly be a bad artist because of it
>in their words "amateur artists trace and use paint(the program) so i cant possibly be an amateur"
>their 'better' work shares a lot of the same flaws
>eventually just critique all of their work instead of offering the fundamentals link
>they hide all the comments and dont respond

>> No.2088876

did you try showing your work?

>> No.2088882

the one thing i didnt think of!

well they can see it whenever they want on deviantart and they did and they attacked that too naturally

>> No.2088883

NOBODY gives a fuck about their BTEC. They just had no idea what else to do after leaving secondary school and decided, "yeah that course will waste another couple of years and make it look like I'm doing something with my life".

They just hand those things out as long as out turn up enough and have some work to show at the end of the semester.

>> No.2089013
File: 129 KB, 900x654, anime_drawing___bad_hair_day___by_jihawk-d36s0hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kids who draw anime are just trying to copy what they see and usually don't take the time to understand anatomy, proportions and other fundamentals that good manga artists learn and utilize so even while stylized their stuff makes sense.

>> No.2089030
File: 84 KB, 901x873, 11174818_10153333414714558_5835639567479852868_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I barely ever post here since i'm kinda advanced and practice with live criticism

But here's one i have

>be me, art is sold worldwide, extremely lucky, forever thankful
>girl in art university seeks out my advice
>praises my work, says she wants to work for bioware (local game design studio)
>Tell her even a guy like me who's super advanced will struggle getting into a studio like that
>She tells me she'll do it
>tell her i hope she makes it
>her characters are a little interesting, but usually historically innacurate, or lacking in skill
>tell her she should focus more, draw every day
>i don't have time, because of school
>but.... you're in ART school
>try to set her up with an indie game developer
>i have no time for art jobs, im in school
>you're in school to be an artist but you won't do the work for your reputaion?
>no, i want to be an animator
>what the fuck even

>pic related is the latest thing she posted along with this description

Native american Norwegian knight. His parents come from two different cultures and he became one of the greatest knights in 1814. When he fought against the sweetish people in the Norwegian war.

>sweetish people

i feel like a snob. :(

>> No.2089033

At 1814 we had already hit the industrial era, whats a knight going to do vs a regiment of firearms. Fucking stupid

>> No.2089049

Die, and if that drawing is any indication, look like a twat doing it.

>> No.2089090

With that description she just might win over Bioware.

>> No.2089105

>implying it's hard to get a 4.0 fine arts degree

>> No.2089111

Bioware is garbage anyways they'll hire her as a concept artist.

>> No.2089165

>be me, meets a guy on online forum a couple years ago
>is really passionate about art, he is too
>we talk about art a lot, and he seems to know a bit about it, even reads Loomis
>he wants to become a mangaka, I dont think too much about it
>tells me how good he is at drawing and that he is going to make millions from his manga
>keeps telling me that his art teacher says his anatomy is on spot
>finally shows me his art
>its the same stick figures and anime heads over and over again, probably hundreds of pictures of the same thing
>its all really awful and makes me want gouge me eyes out
>tells him its awful, he tells me off and says he is improving and is going to be great one day, I'm just jealous he says
>years later, his art is still awful, he hasn't even improved a little bit and he probably draws more than I've ever done

link to his photobucket because its a gold mine, http://s33.photobucket.com/user/Treius123455/library/?sort=3&page=1

idk how old this guy is, but when I spoke to him I think he was about 20 or 22 and that was a few years ago

>> No.2089192


Jesus lord have mercy on this poor guy

>> No.2089195
File: 225 KB, 471x349, -RIP Billy Mays - Mighty Shine - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasting all that money to be dishonest to teachers.
>implying you got away with anything other than robbing yourself of practice.

>> No.2089213

im done

>> No.2089216

post your deviantart

>> No.2089217
File: 29 KB, 475x356, 1415477797942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those gesture drawings
>Hasn't got a clue and all mindlessly drawing stiff looking Loomis mannequins

I don't give a fuck how many gestures or drawings you dish out, if you are not thinking and problem solving and understanding the how and why of the matter and just mindlessly doodling you are wasting time. You can learn more from a single exercise or drawing you spend one hour on with thought and mind than ten or twenty with no mind in the matter.

>> No.2089364

What is autism.

Actually it feels like a lot of the stories in this thread involve someone genuinely on the spectrum, either the subject or the storyteller themselves. Not surprising for /ic/.

>> No.2089372

Well he seems to have moved to 3d.

>> No.2089426
File: 46 KB, 800x600, AnarchistProtesters-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We can dance if we want to, we can leave your friends behind, cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're no friends of mine

>> No.2089448
File: 79 KB, 640x586, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What exactly is this bear so happy about?

>> No.2089469

>First day of Intermediate Community College Art Course
>teacher asks that we draw anything we want to gauge skill
>begin drawing
>teacher strolls by, stops, leans down and whispers
>"Very bold, not many people would be willing to draw something like this."
>what in the hell is she talking about?
>can't remember what it was supposed to be now but
>it looked like a dick
>time for an easy grade
>draw that dick for all it's worth
>40 points out of a possible 20
>proceed to draw dicks for every single assignment
>bonus credit every assignment
>finish class with the best grade I've ever had for any class

The only awkward part of the whole thing was putting our drawings up for critique and having to bullshit an explanation to Tyrone in the back who drew anime why I drew a penis cumming through the window of a dollhouse. It symbolizes the loss of innocence, Tyrone, I swear.

>> No.2089475
File: 786 KB, 787x1464, 1431425109489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2089479

those aren't for poses, they're for lighting, maybe for foreshortening. but a pose is about weight and force transfer mainly, and those dolls can't show that shit at all.

>> No.2089575

Lighten up, it was just a stupid, funny thing I did when I was younger

>> No.2089622

To be fair, you can actually become a really good artist on just copying what you see. The issue isn't that they're doing that, its that they suck at doing it.
If I idolized murata and drew exactly like him, and even was able to make my own designs that looked like he drew them, but I have absolutely 0 knowledge of why things look the way they do. The picture would still be good, and I'd still be more than able to draw anything I wanted. The issue with weebs is that they -try- to draw what they see and fail in doing so.

>> No.2089740

>trying to hold back from breathing winebreath on these bright young things

>> No.2089759

laughting about even more negative things i guess

>> No.2089786
File: 119 KB, 549x768, lolmis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>strong independant artist who dont need no loomis

>> No.2089797

this is my greatest fear
how can someone who reads loomis and practices fundamentals so much be so bad?

>> No.2089806

i don't get it
you were drawing something, your teacher thought it was a dick, then you decided to actually draw dicks to get a grade?

>> No.2090031

not him, but that's how it works.
>draw thing
>teacher thinks its something else and mentions it to you
>fuck it, might as well pretend that's what I was going for because obviously it wasn't what I intended.
plus art teachers eat that shock value shit up.

>> No.2090183
File: 68 KB, 500x438, 1428600094381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Native american Norwegian knight

>captcha: beer, latte, construction helmet

>> No.2090349
File: 24 KB, 284x253, I have no mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me at university 2012
>doing micro bio degree because this is before I realized only soulless devils can complete that shit.
>waiting for my next class.
>completely alone in a hallway so I hide away from view best I can and begin drawing.
>I had a comic idea so I was drawing the beginning of it.
>I will never show my comic or my work to anyone fuck that.
>Creepy lanky kid walks by and unfortunately notices me.
>"Hey! I love drawing too! Let me look!"
>He proceeds to take my sketchbook from me.
>Me, being the pussy I am, look on in horror as he flips though it.
>"I'm drawing a comic too! Omg take a look!"
>Proceeds to pull out the thickest binder I have ever witnessed.
>Each page has a cover protector.
>My hands are trembling as I open this pandora's box.

>> No.2090477
File: 57 KB, 820x592, 1431925184362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> art school
> diploma project comes around, theme is free to choose
> mfw one girl makes a piece about anorexia
> literally just a red balloon with nails coming out of it, simbolizing PAIN AND HUNGER
> mfw one girl makes a piece on "contrasts"
> literally just two walls of complimentary colors and the word "CONTRAST" written on it
> mfw goth guy just hangs up a shitty photoshopped pic of his half-naked goth gf and surrounds it with styrofoam crosses

>> No.2090716

To be fair the first one could come out correct if she explained her thoughtprocess correctly
Personally I would have included something symbolizing self consciousness, but pain and hunger I could see being implied from a deflated balloon with nails in it.

>> No.2090805
File: 39 KB, 615x251, mfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be real. So many drawings trying to understand construction and anatomy and loomis and he never finished a single drawing. Nothing but sloppy floating heads, wonky mannequins, and 20 psi pencil marks. This is like some kind of elaborate /ic/ joke, right?

>> No.2090808


> never finished a single drawing
As a complete beginner, should we be completing drawings / pieces? I hear differing things from "draw what you like and apply what you've learned, even if it's not perfect" and "stick to practice exercises, no point in polishing a turd if your fundamentals still suck".

>> No.2090819

I've also heard this discussed a lot. I think as you get better and grasp more and more of the fundamentals, you should start trickling in more and more finished pieces. Otherwise, how would you ever practice the final steps of polish? My two cents.

>> No.2090865

>As a complete beginner, should we be completing drawings / pieces?
If there's still something for you to learn by finishing something, then yes. For example, if you draw a lot of figures, but never touch the head or feet and call them "unfinished", then you'll never learn how to draw the head or feet -especially connected to a body. If you aren't finishing something because of difficulty, and you can't identify any basal problems (bad forms, inconsistent lighting, etc), then you should consider finishing it.

On the other hand, if you've done a bad drawing, and now you're meticulously adding values and surface polish hoping to make it look better in the end, chances are you're turd polishing. If you're spending hours on detail and rendering when the base is bad, then you're probably wasting your time.

As you can see, it's a balance and you have to critically think if there's something for you to learn (preferably a basal fundamental skill) by continuing. If you're spending less than an hour or two on something, chances are you haven't entered the turd polishing stage yet. If you've spent 20 hours on something, constantly tweaking and changing things hoping that it will look better with more polish, then you're probably turd polishing. That said, if there's one piece you're doing for fun and you really want to push it as far as you possibly can, then why not turd polish it to your heart's content - just don't do that with everything.

There's a good story in Art and Fear about a ceramics teacher dividing a class in two. Half would be graded on quantity of pots produced (weighed) and the other on quality (only need to produce 1 pot, but make it perfect). By the end of the semester the best pots were produced by the quantity half, because they spent there time learning from their mistakes by making multiple pots, while the other sat and theorized about how to make a perfect pot or kept noodling with one attempt.

>> No.2090892


I see. Persistent practice is important but one must also focus and really critically think to make the most out of it, otherwise you're just treading water rather than swimming.

Thank you.

>> No.2090902

Not about any particular person but basically i had interviews in art colleges and i went through 2 bad ones, i’ll just share the worst one of the two.

> Only picked that uni because distance.
> waiting for interview to start
> see girl from same school
> heard she was kinda crazy, even climbed a tree to stalk a guy ?
> pretend that didn't happen and talk to her
> realize she picked the not so good art unis and give her tips.
> goes “haha… yeah”
> “haha… yeah”
> interview starts but professor decides to do presentation and touring first.
> all students enter this hall, sit in small chair that comes with a tiny table attached to it.
> teacher pulls out his mspowerpoint
> first thing he says, "Now what is animation, do any of you know?"
> notthisplebshit.scream
> starts talking about 24 fps, stop motion, basic shit full of vids with miserable looking undergrads.
> already decided i’m not going here.
> we go up like 4 or so floors on foot.
> in a tiny corridor shows us a room full of stop motion thing
> next door pc/mac room
> like 3 or so students doing work.
> one student using photoshop but drawing looks like he tried drawing anime girl on mspaint
> see one girl using a tablet
> ask her if they just have a regular tablet or have a cintiq also
> girl points in the corner of the room
> there’s nothing in the corner of the room
> entire room’s atmosphere is depressing.

>> No.2090911

> go downstairs in a tiny dark room
> another stopmotion room split into 4-7 smaller ones using a curtain.
> two girls working on their stop motion
> stopmotion props look kiddie, i see no potential
> why this uni is so into stop motion i’ll never know
> go downstairs again
> regular classroom.
> professor sits us all down and talks about animation for over an hour.
> even starts talking about their past students finance and how much they earn
> don’t do that
> finally finishes his lecture, “Any questions?”
> i ask him about cgi and 3d because all i saw was stopmotion shit
> “well anon, i don’t believe cgi is art/creative/essencial”
> absolutely disgusting
> gives us handout to draw on and survey to fill up when waiting to get called for interview.
> interview goes well
> finished with handout and survey, reach out to the girl from the beginning
> she was with this other girl
> decide to tell her about what she’s gonna be asked in the interview so that it’s easier for her
> tell her the uni is not that great from what i saw
> both said they liked it and would be glad to study there
> were talking about £27,000 in debt you guys.
> the other girl get’s pissed at me and says i’m a total asshole or whatever for saying the uni is not that great.
> fine whatever
> left the place and never going back even after i got accepted
> months later i ask the girl from the beginning how many out of 5 uni’s she got into
> 2 out of 5.

>> No.2090917

are you implying that its bad to try to draw anime girls with pencil tool?
the japanese are fucked then?

>> No.2090920

Hey, i'm studying BTEC too, last two months actually.

Nah bro, i did A level art and dropped out because i'm not good with academic exams.

>> No.2090925

I'm ok with anime, photoshop and pencil tool except that his drawing was incredibly bad for a guy studying in uni and being in debt. His lines were all wonky and shit for someone using a tablet. I felt bad for all the peeps in that course.

>> No.2090934

>polishing a turd if your fundamentals still suck
they're using that expression wrong. polishing a turd means don't spend too much time rendering and trying to make your shitty drawing perfect. it doesn't mean don't draw, just don't expect it to look perfect.
Drawing should still be fun for you, exercise are just to practice things you're bad at, if you don't have fun drawing you'll never be good because the motivation isn't there.
tldr, draw whatever the fuck you want but don't skip practice.

>> No.2091065
File: 56 KB, 321x470, xtan9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would kill for a knowledgeable person to be my master, im disciplined enough to dedicate atleast 5-8 hours a day studying, but you really benefit from other sets of eyes critiquing your work. that's one of the only 2 benefits of art school i think, peer review constantly and forcing you to get into good work habits.

>> No.2091074

If you are going to be an artist not even hell can stop you.

If you aren't meant for it then not even heaven can help you.

>> No.2091079 [DELETED] 

Do you like this?

>> No.2091099
File: 44 KB, 403x480, tg and x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree but sometimes it feels like learning a language by myself, doing everything i can yet never truly having any confidence in anything i produce. im worried i cant draw form my imagination well at all, but im getting pretty good at composition and shade if i have a reference. but if i have a shit imagination whats the point.
im also concerned because im not remotely good at anything else, so if this is a lost cause i better get used to the idea of minimum wage job for my livelihood. this keeps me awake at night, that even though im doing all i can and it isn't enough.

>> No.2091108

fuck you, stop posting your gmod videos for 12 year olds

>> No.2091109

good luck being hated by all artists around the world

>> No.2091110


>> No.2091119

this is the definition of pain

>> No.2091180


Literally just take a good LSD or mushroom trip. When I was in a creative rut, this propelled me and opened up a lot of doors for me.

I'm not a huge user. Only ever did it to fix the problem you are having when I was having it.

>> No.2091205

I heard a lot of talk and complaints about teachers not being harsh enough in critiquing students. Can't remember the specific ones but I thought I could shed some insight.

I myself am a teacher... of English. More of an adjunct staff member at a university, but I also substitute teach art and English for highschoolers to suppliment my pay/improve on my teaching abilities. I'm a nerd for teaching.

Anyhoo, I've been in art classes back when I was a wee struggling student in uni. Lemme tell ya, I wish I could be an art professor!! They literally get to just rip students a new asshole in attempts that will either weed them out of the program, or have them fucking learn something!

teaching has a lot of of ins and outs about it, and part of it stems from techniques that will encourage progression even if a work (artistic or literary) is not exactly "good" after all, a student is a student because they suck at something and hope to be good at it! (Or so I like to tell myself over wine when grading abysmal papers). Another part of teaching stems from being the sole recipient of all emails from complaining parents, students, and staff members who had to deal with said parents before I had to. Some schools really hold a teacher back from teaching.

So, to the question. "Why don't teachers straight up tell a student that they suck?!" Well, on one hand it's the school's fault. this is more of a problem In highschool. Little Timmy's mom, who got pregnant at 16 and works part time for hooters, will call you up and demand to know why her son didn't get an A in art class. I can tell her "because Timmy would rather break the art supplies that the teacher paid out of pocket for and piss into his own mouth, instead of doing any actual work." She will disagree and aparently I am the one who doesn't know better.
To be cont.

>> No.2091215

It won't just be artists.

>> No.2091216

>Why don't teachers straight up tell a student that they suck

this I would like to know. For about a 20-some student class at my college, about 3 or 4 students actually try

>> No.2091233


Art programs where I am are also in danger of being cut out for STEM stuff. So if I let Timmy out with a B- and save the A's for students who care (and A+'s for kids who got a shot at art school), the school looks good, Timmy can move onto clown-school, and the arts can stay "relevant"

Now for the other side if the coin: bad Teaching!!

A lot of teachers are not traditionally trained these days. As you hold a degree in a subject, you MUST know how to teach it, right? Welp, not always the case. To some, teaching is a job. To others, a passion. The thing is, a teacher who doesn't know how to teach will just tell a student everything is good out of fear of engaging further or deviating from their lesson plan. A good teacher will offer constructive criticism. For a first class or two, the teacher will judge your work for strengths and weaknesses. A lot of the time, newer papers I grade tend to say something like "your content is very creative, but your grammar is weak in these areas here".
Sometimes I get absolute garbage back, but a student isn't going to learn from you telling him he is a dickhead, or by crossing out half of his paper; especially early on. The worse professors are the ones who scorn you for not knowing the class content before the class. Later in in the year, I grade harsher based off lesson content and past critiques. If a student literally has not progressed, I will tell him he needs to actually improve to get through the class. Just because you came in here at the right level does not mean you get to leave my class with an A without bettering your craft.
What's even harder for English/writing teachers is that students feel vulnerable with written work, and will freak out from being criticized. Many teachers are afraid to risk hurting feelings, but it sometimes needs to happen. If the student wants to get better, he'll get over it and get better. If they just wanted their who stroked, they will either cry a lot or drop.

>> No.2091257

/ic/ teaching people

my fucking sides

>> No.2091263

*ego stroked, they will cry, or drop out, or email me and give me thumbs down on "rate my professor"

A teacher walks a fine line in creating an environment where learning can happen. It's up to the students to actually learn.

Art professors have the crit. stage a lititle easier. they get a piece that you can look at and literally point out what needs to be fixed, ams what doesn't. Also, they get more of a free pass in criting students because it's part of an art-scool culture that has existed for a long time. Most tend to be artists themselves with work backing them up in a professional field. You basically can't argue with them unless you got a good reason for something.

I get a lot of kids who think they are the next JRR Martin in my classes but can't write for dick and feel attacked when you give them any kind of criticism. I once told a student in an open crit. that his story seemed interesting, but his protagonist was a bit of a "Mary Sue" (bland and generic). I wasn't harsh about it. I gave him suggestions about how he just needs to add those "little things that give a character life!" Literally a very light crit. The kid starts crying and freaking out, tossing his shit everywhere, and babbling abut how he will never be good before running out of class. A lot of teachers try to avoid this at all costs, even to the point where they fail to craft an environment for learning. I do my best to avoid it, but also realize it will happen no matter what, so long as I'm doing my job right. This was a college kid in his 20s by the way. It happens more often than you would think. It's really hard to be a good teacher these days because everyone is a special snowflake. I bet if you take 10 seconds and think, you probably know a good handful of kids who got through college while you are sitting there, scratching your head and wondering how the fuck they did it.

Anyway, I gtg for now, but I'll reply to questions if you got any :)

>> No.2091264

>tfw my art prof straight up told me I suck

but in terms of subject matter and such, its hard to say something is wrong when the entire thing is subjective.
Sure you might not think this dildo getting pierced by a nail symbolizes abortion, but maybe to the person drawing it it makes perfect sense, and you can't say its wrong just because you don't think that way.
most the art professors I've had/talked with have no issue with saying things like
>your lines could use some work
>your values are lacking
and things like that. While they don't blatantly say you suck, they lay on the implications pretty hard.

>> No.2091272

God I cringe so much reading this. I can picture you accurately in my mind, skinny jeans, long dirty hair, wearing all black, acne and a general bad smell, a look of disdain permanently moulded onto your face.

>"Oh you shouldn't go to those unis, those are terrible choices. Here, let me give you a personalised list of unis that will be much better for you."
>"haha... yeah"

>"Do they just have these shitty regular tablets? Where's the Citiqs at?"
>Girl points to something on the end of the desk
>Mistakenly think she's pointing to the corner of the room
>Awkwardly walk away without saying anything

>Finished interview, walk up to girl from before who is now chatting with another girl. Interrupt their conversation
>"Psssh. That interview was easy as fuck. Just so you know, they're going to ask you the following questions.... (insert questions here)"
>"Yeah don't worry about it. This uni is shit anyway. I got like 4 other god-tier unis lined up after this one, so I don't even care if they don't accept me"
>"ok... I like it here"
>"Yeah that's just because you have pleb taste. If you knew what a good uni looked like you wouldn't be here. Psssh."
>girl says I'm an asshole and walks away
>Lean against the wall next to the other girl
>"Pssh! What the hell was her problem, am i right? Fine whatever. I'm never coming back here even when I do get accepted."

Oh man you must have had a hard time in high school hahahaha.

>> No.2091459

How much does being a prof make? Do you art on the side? Do you write book on the side?

>> No.2091547

>have a friend who studies cinema
>post on FB "i need a graphic designes to do a poster for this movie"
>i tell her if i can fit the work as ilustrator
>"oh yeah totally, do you have a book"
>book i have do not match with the movie's art
>"i'll do a book"
>make plans to visit her and work with her in the book, ill travel for 2 days
>1 week making plans and drawing concepts, tickets bought
>the day arrives, i call her "hey i'm going"
>cool see you tomorrow
8 hours of travel in bus
>call her....no answer....no answer in ALL THE FUCKING DAY
>next day call her....nothing
>finally at 5pm of the second day she answer on FACEBOK.....
>"oh sorry i had an emergency yesterday"
> well and today??
>"i was celebrating mother's day"
>rage of thousands suns
>she wants to meet in like 2 hours
>my bus tickets its in 4 hours
>i'll never do real work on 2 hours

Fucking bitch i hope your mother die

>> No.2091893

That is very much real I'm afraid.He did become a joke over at the other forum though, till he got banned.

>> No.2091952

The first one interested me, if she actually had an eating disorder anyway.
I've got two overweight sisters who struggle to lose it because of comfort eating and that seems like an apt metaphor.

>> No.2091957


A full time professor will make something around $80,000 and up depending on what school they teach at and their qualifications. I'm an adjunct, which means I'm not an official faculty member exactly. I make about 27,000 annually, although I am still fairly young and working up to professor status (one day ;_;). Full time professors spend a lot of time being involved in their craft, and the community. It's very impressive actually, and I hope to be that involved one day :)

As for side work, I know enough about art to get kids to work on arts and crafts essentially, can fire up a kiln without setting the building on fire, etc. (which is why I substitute art) but I came to this board recently because I really want to improve my own abilities. I went to an art college part time when I was in high school and originally planned to go to art school. I got scared by the idea of starving and went for a STEM field, hated it, and switched to English because I loved to write more than anything (and kids paid me to fix their assignments).

I do write a novel in my spare time, but I am more involved in poetry and the poetic community. So my big projects have been exploring hybrid form and capturing the immortal soul of humanity in it's seemingly ineffable form (sounds super gay but it's really very interesting!).

Now that I'm older, I know the importance of art and literature to a degree I never would have imagined. We literally NEED art right now because our culture is dying and succumbing to only be worth a dollar value, and not a humane value. Well, I'm rambling a bit, but I hope I answered your question!

>> No.2091993

>We literally NEED art right now because our culture is dying and succumbing to only be worth a dollar value, and not a humane value.

Are sure you're professor and not just a linkin park fan?

>> No.2091995
File: 1.85 MB, 4128x2322, 20150425_104154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty much it. It was a terrible sonic the hedgehog fan comic. The art looked flat and almost traced. Some terrible plot about them being stranded on an island. Lots and lots of tiny handwriting in big speech bubbles. Just awful. I read 5 pages, told him it was good but I had to go. Went to my empty classroom and waited. The funny thing is that I gave up on my micro degree yet I'm taking micro this summer semester. No regrets for choosing nursing over art.

>> No.2092052


I've never been much of a fan sadly. But it's true (in my country anyway) the artist community has hit the backburner in favor of STEM subjects. The highschool I graduated from a billion years ago literally cut out its art curriculum Alltogether (outside of art 1 and 2). How the hell are kids going to get into art school if they don't have a chance to study art?? It's really sad :(

>> No.2092072

>how long have you been drawing
>all my life

This is literally never a good sign

>> No.2092122

1) Her decisions were based on no considerations towards the facilities, student work, finance, grades, routine or even course content. When we both met it was a surprise for me since she was doing graphic design, which is a creative course but i dunno if she had animation classes like i did and out of around 18 students from my class who did study animation only about 4-5 students pursued for further education. Since we both were tryna get into uni we both talked about our choices, and once i realized that she just picked random universities because she felt like it i told her about other universities that were better whether if it was specializing in 2d animation, 3d animation, vfx, whatever. Yes it was personalized because i visited multiple universities first hand before and after making my choices because i wanted what's worth my money, i am not going to make stupid decisions and be a gullible piece of shit and accept a place because that university gives out free pens or says they’re all that great because chances are that art university or course is just a huge scam. And if you think i’m a snobby bitch for trying to help me or another student with their art university choices then fuck you.

2) She was sitting in a row of computers, there was no one and nothing other than a keyboard and a monitor beside her. Plus she turned around, looked and pointed in the corner of the room so i’m pretty fucking sure where she was pointing at, and yes there was nothing in the corner of the room, the girl continued with her work and i left feeling bad for the students so don’t act like you seen shit when you haven’t.

>> No.2092123

3) The interview was easy because the interviewer literally asked the questions presented in the survey, to which everyone who was getting interviewed had gone through. I approached the girl when she was done and just told her it’s ok because she’s gonna be asked the thing she had already filled out in the survey. We had a casual talk about the university since that was the only thing keeping the three of us common, the girls said they liked it, i talked about how the facilities are strongly towards stopmotion since stop motion is basically dead except for wallace and gromit and other rare occasional stop motion movies, how they didn’t even talk about life drawing classes or having people from the industry talk and mentor us, how vfx and 3d is becoming a popular form of animation and the professor doesn't consider them, how the professor didn’t even leave out info on 2d animation, how they track their students personal information such as salary and even talked about how he earns money off students debts, how he talked about animation for over an hour towards students like as if they’re dumbasses who didn’t know what the course they chose to spend money on as if it was like it was something that his student who were staring at their computer dead eyed, removed of potential, scammed, would be completely glad about. I’ve left out a lot of other shit but you should get the fact that i wasn’t happy about the course, and of course the girl chose to give more fuck about the fact that i said no i didn’t like the course as much as she did compared my point that studying and drawing on their $50 tablets or their stop motion equipments is a large risk for the amount she’ll be paying for the rest of her life

>> No.2092126
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unless a) she’s into stop motion and would like to pursue in that, b) she’s fucking rich, c) she is super independent and can rely on herself that she can get good, so she can do what she wants if my points were not that important to her, i’m chill since i know that place is not right for me and she thinks it is.
To be honest from all the anti-uni/art school posts i’ve seen i thought /ic/ wouldn't be so anal about my experience but i guess the only creative thing that comes out of this place is finding something to be an autistic faggot about. I tried considering the undergrads feelings about this but i’ll attach a picture of the students works posted online anyways, i looked through their books and stuff but there wasn’t any images on them, books and online showreels are a way to expose and advertise the students works so it’s supposed to show the good stuff out of the regular. Image shows first, second and third year students work.

>> No.2092484

>Be me
>Doing animation in college
>No one actually draws/know how to
>No art buddies
>No crazy people

At least no one thinks their a fucking god.

>> No.2092497

what college? I'm about to transfer someplace for animation

>> No.2092993

What? I don't follow. A book?

>> No.2093064

> waah, why aren't you available? Check your phone, bitch!
It's fucking sad that this is the world we live in.
You're upset because someone wanted to spend mothers day with their mom and turned off their phone so they could do it in piece? You entitled piece of shit.

>> No.2093088

Why not? You don't think a lot of artists have been drawing since they were kids and just continued doing it? I've been drawing all my life, and my mom had been an art student in college so when I was like 6-7 she started teaching me perspective and foreshortening and stuff. I don't see how it's inherently a bad sign to have continued drawing since childhood vs having stopped and picked it back up later.

>> No.2093094

But the girl told Anon to fucking come over, she was the one with the deadline, they planned it and anon even called her the day before he came over. If she wanted to spend Mother's day alone with her mom she should have told him and not waste his time and money. I mean it's not like Anon was just showing up out of the blue without any warning.

its like going in for a job interview and you wait for three hours just to find out that they forgot about it completely.

>> No.2093104

That explains the histology slide.
I chose dentistry because we get to carve tiny sculptures (teeth) and do plaster casting.

>> No.2093113

>Went to performing art high school
>visual arts
>One of the other white kids is decent at cartoons for high school.
>He's awkward as fuck
>Never in the circle of normal white friends.
>Pathetic Beta
>In love with Tim Burton
>Wants to do "movies" "animation"
>Never finished an assignment on time
>Never produced any complete works in his own time
>Habitual liar
>Lies about forgetting art assignments at home or "messed up files"
>regularly destroys paintings to start over.

>Ended up spending 100s of 1000s of dollars in art school in NYC for film.
>Shows me one of his films
>lolsorandum slapstick humor, clearly thought up in a crunch
>Another short film is rooftop Matrix ripoff fight

>Then a stage of perpetual "recruiting" for a "zombie film"
>2 edgy script
>He's the main character
>actually post a public casting for leading lady that must be willing to kiss him.
>bought a motor cycle that broke

>Saw him before he graduated
>absolute shit demo reel.
>a few second of mediocre stop motion
>animations that could be done without any school
>graduated with no job opportunity.
>worked at the mall
>Got dumped by gf
>posted public lamentations every day on fb about love and sadness
>literally had to tell him to stop
>got her and then got dumped again by her after a month of begging.

>> No.2093114

It was remarkably inconsiderate of her to not inform him about changes in the schedule after all he had to go through to get there.

But anon over reacted. Not like it'll have any lasting effect though. He's just venting.

>> No.2093119

How did he over react, he didn't even say what his actual reaction or response to her was. But I still say fuck that bitch, they planned this a week in advance, she had plenty time to realize she was making Mother's day plans on one of the same days they planned to work this project. And even if she did have an emergency, if it was dealt with fast enough for her to still do her Mother's day shit, she could've taken a minute to check her phone and text the guy. He rode the bus for 8 damn hours and spent money to get to her. That's beyond inconsiderate.

>> No.2093216

At school, most of the best artists are the ones who have been drawing all their life. A lot of the worst ones have too, but it's not inherently one way or the other.

>> No.2093331
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But it's the actual quote "all my life" that is concerning. It's so vague but so confident at the same time. And clearly they had to start in ernest at some time. I suspect everyone on here could give a good estimate of when they started practicing art, and it's never "all my life".

You would expect someone to say "I've been drawing since I was enrolled in a still-life class at the art museum when I was 8"
That might equate to "all my life" but generally "all my life" means that they have been drawing stick figures in their notebooks.

>> No.2093345

>How did he over react
>i hope your mother die
It's not the mom's fault her daughter is near criminally unprofessional.

>> No.2093347

He didn't say he actually said that to her, though, that's just his hyperbolic way of showing he pissed he was. If he did actually say that to her and hang up in her face then yeah it'd be an overreaction.

>> No.2093900
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I am really good at copying though, but I would not like to see me get compared to those social animu outcasts whose last resort in life is talking drawings.

Pic related took me like 8 hours

>> No.2093901


nice try sly guy.

>> No.2093904

If this is your better work and you're like 20 years old you might as well bury that dream.

Wrong anatomy, no render, shit face...your style is low tumblr tier.

>> No.2093975


I think I got one, but it's petty deviantART drama.

>deviantart years ago, used to draw shitty anime, now it's shitty realism
>block this girl to get away from drama and move on
>this girl's friend/s come to my page and try to start drama, make journals about me
>she calls me a tracer because I took the time to improve drawing, but provide no proof to claim on tracing
>white knight realizes that she made a mistake on what she's doing, "apologizes", and deletes her journals about me, watches me on deviantart, etc.
>years later, they both still talk negatively about me in a foreign language
>her and the person i blocked still draws the same exact way as they did years ago

>> No.2094000

Post DA's, them and yours. Also why would they attack you out of nowhere?

>> No.2094009


the whiteknight
Mella.deviantart.com and oeml.deviantart.com

the one I blocked seemed to have deactivated, but she had only anime chibis with lighting effects in her gallery.

this is mines:

mine has shitty realism in it and looking back at it now, i can obviously see that I've gotten worse and lazier, and made a ton of careless mistakes. and for that, i've been trying to draw (and actually complete) things. and I've made a new account for that, as this one is full of useless clutter.

but to answer your question, I blocked the first girl because I wanted to "turn over a new leaf", or something, and I had drama with her in the past. what came out of nowhere was the whiteknights, as I blocked her a year, or almost a year, before they started showing up.

>> No.2094011


oh sorry. it's maidenoftheflowers. I hate the username

>> No.2094036

Looks like she gave up art and went cosplaying instead

>> No.2094063

I expect some part of it comes from technically everyone has been drawing "all their life" to varying degrees so its hard to pinpoint when they started, especially for the people who got good young. My sister for example was already better than /ic/ by 12, but she couldn't tell you when she started drawing seriously, it just happened. Meanwhile I was tracing shit until I was 16 then started getting serious a few years ago, despite that all the tracing did give me a pretty good grasp on forms and shapes so while I wasn't serious about it, by shit from back then actually helps me a lot now so its hard to give a date on when I actually started "drawing"

>> No.2094089

It's better to be delusional and continuously making work than to not make anything at all. Just let them do their thing. Does their delusion affect you? Is it getting in your way of developing as an artist? Probably not, right?

The (sad) truth is, delusional artists will typically be too timid to take their work outside of their bedrooms and their tumblrs, and the ones that do will eventually be crushed by the real world.

Luck, hard work, and an insatiable urge to create and better one's work is what makes an artist successful.

>> No.2094337

>that, and then there's also the girl showing spaghetti up her vagina.
You just don't get it. It's about the dirt in society and how fucked up everything is.

That's why she probably gave herself a yeast infection due to using rotten spaghetti up her vagina. It's art and it's a message and it's beautiful.


>> No.2094357
File: 107 KB, 1377x980, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm studying 'digital media' hoping it'd be focusing on the movie aspect but it's focusing on mainly on gaming (I was not told this and only found out after it's too late to change).

Anyway this one kid in class is severely autistic. Actual autism not the fake kind people use as an insult.

One one assignment we either have to draw a weapon or a vehicle.

This kid chooses a weapon and starts doing some basic sketches but mainly wastes time on the internet looking at guns instead of drawing (he drew for maybe 10 minutes).

The next day during class this kid just pulls out a gun (I'm pretty sure it was a glock). It was deactivated but when he did that nobody knew. Everybody around him just freezes and are like "what the fuck dude".

He says it's a 'replica' and not real. We ask him why he bought it in and he says "it's to help me draw the weapon. I'm using it as a reference."

It didn't even have the orange safety marker because apparently "it doesn't look cool".

The teacher is appalled at him and everyone is just shocked. The teacher even said to us when he wasn't in the room he was tempted to notify the police about it.

As for his drawing, he placed the gun on the table flat but draws the image top down. My best attempt is pic related, just imagine a load of pencil sketchiness to it with some eraser markings.

The worst part is last week he suggested to our current teacher about bringing it in again. He wanted permission so he wouldn't get in trouble.

>> No.2094374

Better write /s otherwise we might downvote you.

>> No.2094376

gotta keep them internet points

>> No.2094391

wait, does her last name start with a K?

>> No.2094394

name of the guys movie?

>> No.2094407

probably because they can't be bothered to read an actual spooky book but want to read a badly written 5-minute long '7spooky8me' story.

>> No.2094412


lmfao ive never read loomis or fundamentals and im 100x better than this

and i draw like once a fortnight. he lacks basic self-criticism and realism. not once have i looked at my drawing and thought wow yeah thats really good. i bet this guy thinks that for everything he draws.

>> No.2094450

Inb4 next time he brings it in he draws it perfectly like a master.

>> No.2094503

...so he didn't get that photo memory autism like some people, that sucks.

>> No.2094514

He got the socially inept autism.

Yesterday he bought a tin of mackerel and a tin of sweetcorn in for his lunch. It wasn't in anything, he just bought the entire can in with the pull top lid opened both up, drained the juice into the bin and just ate it in the classroom during lunch.

About 6 people walked out and he could see no problem about making the room stink of fish and shitcorn.

It's the second time he has done this. He did make a few friends at the start of the year and they have pretty much all left him.

>> No.2094521

All it needs to do is be traced over in flash and animated and it'll be a perfect AdventureQuest ad.

>> No.2094531

His thought process must be

>read loomis
>breath loomis
>think loomis
>I can't do anything but loomis
>I won't even attempt to try and experiment with my loomis
>i don't need to understand what each line is because as long as I draw it exactly how it's shown I can be loomis

>> No.2094534


>> No.2094539
File: 14 KB, 799x593, 6 fingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have 6 noodle fingers

>> No.2094638
File: 22 KB, 598x328, AnimeCharacter3copy.jpg Photo by Treius123455 Photobucket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so hard to believe a person could draw so many figures that are so bad. But i wish I had some money to order one of these prints.

>> No.2094663

the only good artists I know are all females, I think you're just noticing what you want to notice, just as many stories have been posted about men.

>> No.2094810

can i see this link?

>> No.2094821

You're the second person to reply to this without understanding what I said.
I said it sucks that a lot of these stories are women, I didn't even say "most" I just said many of them. I said I thought the number of actually delusional men and women is probably the same, and that in my personal experience most of the delusional artists I've encountered were men. I had typed this in that comment before but I cut it out, but I was going to add that all of the female artists I know are actually serious about their work and very skilled.
Talking about noticing what you want to notice, as soon as I brought up gender you assumed I was saying "yup, wimminz be delusional as fuck" when actually I was saying the opposite.

>> No.2094824

This is not true, many girls who do art are faced with the "womyn are naturally bad at art and at everything" argument daily

>> No.2094839

who the fuck says that shit?

How can girls even be stereotyped into not being good at art? It's ART.

>> No.2094846

Not that anon but I've taken my portfolio for reviews before and have had people straight up tell me they didn't believe I drew what I was showing them. When I was younger I used to get that "girls can't draw/do x" bs all the time but that's shit kids just say so it doesn't count as much.

>> No.2094996

>This is like some kind of elaborate /ic/ joke, right?
You're thinking of Loomis.

>> No.2095005

Honestly because its a lot like cooking in some sense.
People see it was a womanly hobby but for professionals they still think you have to be a man to do it right.

>> No.2095058

Problem is anxiety. Our generation has a lot of it and now with the internet it grows through validation of the false concepts the person with anxiety imagines.

For instance, this woman was told by somebody that they didn't believe they drew something themselves.

Nowhere is it suggested that this is because she's a woman, she just 'knows'.

And then she comes here and announces it as if the logic isn't missing something.

That is called anxiety my friend. You had a bad experience and then assumes that it's because theres something wrong with her, she has been told people think theres something wrong with being a woman, which couldn't be further from the truth in society's eyes but the theory becomes the missing piece of logic thats needed to enable her anxiety-born delusion.

If that girl is reading this, just take this advice:

There is nothing wrong with you. You imagine every situation where people hate you for what you can't control. It isn't real and you will be happier when you recognise that it's just anxiety, a condition, in your head.

>> No.2095064

>Nowhere is it suggested that this is because she's a woman, she just 'knows
I like how readily you assumed that I assumed it's because I'm a woman, when what you don't know is that I went back for another review a year later with the same guy and he fessed up to why he dismissed me before, and it was specifically because I'm female, in his own words. He wasn't the only one though, in other reviews I've been asked if "really drew this" and when I'd ask why, they stutter out "oh, well, uh, just a young lady like you...l didn't expect..." I expected a response like yours though, the only thing I've experienced more is people trying to minimize my personal experiences of this so I usually don't bother talking about it.

>> No.2095308


>School official (or anyone) casually admits to discriminating against you based on gender
>happens more than once

yeah, this doesn't seem likely.

you're a liar. not because sexism doesn't exist. Because no person would admit to it especially when it will likely lead them to a fine of some crazy amount for the company and then they would be fired.

Just take the advice that was given to you.

>> No.2095857

>School official
Where the fuck are you getting this? You just keep inserting all these assumptions into what I'm saying and yet accusing me of doing it. I'm not talking about school reviews I'm talking about portfolio reviews to apply for jobs and at conventions. This is exactly the problem with trying to tell anyone about this issue, they believe that somehow with their incredibly limited scope of knowledge and experiences, they've seen everything, and if they haven't seen what you know happened to you, surely it can't have happened. I know what I've been through, I know other women who've dealt with it too, and I don't need your condescension because I never once let it stop me, in fact that guy and I are still friends now and he hooked me up with some other people who ended up getting me my first jobs. Whether you believe it or not doesn't matter though, since you're a drop in the bucket who'll have no effect on my life and career, or probably any other woman's, really.

>> No.2095950

>not a school official
>actually a company official, in charge of hiring.
ah. so, anyone else want to point out why this doesn't happen? Again?

A person in charge of hiring who makes a decision based on gender is breaking the law, not in a small way, but in a way that will have their company destroyed, this is if it happens just once.

People in charge of hiring do not say "oh, well, i assumed because you were a woman that you-" anything.

No company would risk this, you sound crazy.

You are not a very good liar, and your delusions about the world are showing really clearly in that you expect anyone to believe this happened in our reality.

Unless of course you live in Saudi Arabia, which from your attitude, i doubt.

>> No.2096030

You've obviously never been to a convention.
Of course nobody ever said "Sorry, I won't hire a woman". A con setting is so informal that if they did, nobody would care. That's not what I said happened though. I said people have said they didn't think a girl could/would draw what I drew, including editors, artists, con goers, one time even a receptionist. Once, someone did turn me away, but it worked out later, and he was just an artist, not some big company rep whose words could've gotten them in HR trouble.
The question was whether people ever buy into the idea that women can't do art, I shared that I've experienced people being surprised by my art in the context of me being female, all true and imo not a stretch to believe. Nobody would get sued for just saying "wow, I didn't think a girl could draw like this" and I'm not even saying that's a big deal, but the fact of the matter is, there are people who get surprised by women's art and yes they stupidly comment on it.

>> No.2096085

This tension is too much for me. lets just get married already.

>> No.2096123
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