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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 278 KB, 500x500, beg4125796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2087035 No.2087035 [Reply] [Original]

As usual :
>Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up.

(dont forget to resize+jpg before posting 4mb pngs)

OLD THREAD: >>2082513

>> No.2087057

I have a bit of confusion with the wiki.
Should I begin by researching the fundamentals? Or should I attempt to do the "Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain"?
Am I supposed to read these entire books? Or what sections are most important to read? Reading is not my forte, please understand.

>> No.2087061

All the old paintings on the tombs
They do the sand dance don't you know

>> No.2087065

Look up the fundamentals so you know what they are. Yes, do the book. The entire book.

>> No.2087074

Keys to drawing have almost the same exercises as Drawing with the right side of the brain but without the psycoblab but as said on the sticky you should skip the talk on drawing with the right side and go straight to the exercises.

>> No.2087134

Thank you friends.

>> No.2087154

One more question.
I have a Bamboo tablet and PaintToolSai. Do I have to use paper to begin practicing drawing? I've been using SAI to draw shit before, but would like to know the best settings to imitate the pencil and paper.

>> No.2087177

it's recommended to use traditional to learn because it removes the whole knowing your program factor which needlessly makes the learning process more complex.

>> No.2087406

do both, i always do traditional when im not at home by my computer. just start drawing shit around you whenever you wait somewhere and have you have some time to kill

>> No.2087419
File: 851 KB, 1520x2688, Slittingmywritsaswespeak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently going through Villipu's drawing manual. Any tips on gesture drawing?

>> No.2087422
File: 1.91 MB, 1936x2592, 2015-05-13 19.59.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needed some reference to practice off of so i watched this 60fps porn gif and thought "Why not."

So i drew this nice butt.

>> No.2087425
File: 836 KB, 1280x800, FreshPaint-4-2015.05.15-08.15.27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell me how bad i am at drawing

>> No.2087428

pretty bad

>> No.2087430
File: 117 KB, 800x1205, tumblr_mt47rkeu9D1sacdzmo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some more of my artistic abortions

>> No.2087431
File: 105 KB, 800x1205, tumblr_mqygsybWdN1sacdzmo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheesy MAX

>> No.2087433
File: 188 KB, 800x1205, tumblr_mrolgnWHSB1sacdzmo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2087434
File: 109 KB, 800x1205, tumblr_mqv6inGAUh1sacdzmo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teach me how to art

>> No.2087455

I feel like stuff like these should be in /gd/ rather than here

>> No.2087510
File: 100 KB, 824x770, spray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2087534
File: 72 KB, 684x545, sit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2087543

If I just take any photo off of google, how do I find out how many vanishing points it has?

Like how do I figure it out myself?

In all the examples in my book, the book told me beforehand whether it was 2 point or 3 point perspective.

>> No.2087546
File: 351 KB, 900x635, tavern_outline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I avoid cold clear lines?
like I want to line out this room, but using a ruler will make it look cold. using no ruler at all could look wobbly as hell. please help

>> No.2087560


Practice drawing freehand lines. There's no trick behind it.

Also, from my experiences machine made stuff are going to have unnaturally straight lines and natural/hand made stuff are going to not be exactly straight. That could help you out.

>> No.2087563

>using straight edge guides that are not straight.

>> No.2087567

I don't see what it matters if its only a simple guide sketch.

maybe try zoom out then draw your straight lines in one stroke. then zoom in again.

or use a ruler on a layer below as a guide.

>> No.2087577

Maybe use straight lines that are of slightly wiggly brushes.

But if you are aiming for a realistic room image than go as straight as possible this early on. The break in the straight lines should come from the textures to the wood and stones in that tavern.

If you bend perspective lines now, you better be aiming for an exaggerated cartoon look because the only time when lines bend like that is through a wide angle lens.

>> No.2087584

A picture has thousands of vanishing points. Every object has their own set.
You just need to look to where the lines converge. It's that simple.

>> No.2087586


ok thanks for the advice. I'll try out to use straight lines done with a ruler and use them as a layer beyond as a guide.

if this won't work out satisfactorily, I'll do it on paper and scan it in.

>> No.2087590

oh okay so it depends on what I'm focusing on?
like a building or a table or a road?

>> No.2087591

i read that drawing on the right side of your brain book so apparantly i know how to try draw properly now so what's next


what are some good things to practice drawing

i feel like if i just pick up a pencil and start drawing random junk i wont make the most out of my time

what are some basic things i should go and learn?

>> No.2087631

No. There are thousands of vanishing points existing all at once. The 2-point or 3-point perspective rules are there to show you only the orientation of a single object.
For each object in the scene, you have, most likely, different vanishing points.

>> No.2087633

You're misunderstanding something that is fundamental:

a *picture* doesn't have a vanishing point, an *object in it* does.

>Like how do I figure it out myself?

Take any two lines that are parallel, extend them to the horizon, where they cross is their vanishing point (and the vp for all other lines parallel to the original two)

>In all the examples in my book, the book told me beforehand whether it was 2 point or 3 point perspective.

A cube has three sets of parallels, one for each dimension. 1 Point Perspective has only one set of paralles recede into a Vanishing Point. 2PP has two sets of parallels recede into a VP. 3PP has all three sets recede into their respective VPs

Reread your books chapter(s) explaining this subject matter.

>> No.2087693
File: 67 KB, 284x470, Screen Shot 2015-05-15 at 6.28.37 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2087702

ok now add some colour and make it look awesome

>> No.2087705

holy shit I thought that was a weird flower in some landscape then after of looking at this thread I realise that's a face

>> No.2087714

same here

>> No.2087750
File: 48 KB, 422x271, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What settings do I have to put so that whenever I go over a colour it doesn't immediately go darker?

>> No.2087755

Which software are you using? Generally, check if you have the 'multiply' mode enabled in your brush or layer settings. Set that to normal or the equivalent.

>> No.2087756

I'm using Photoshop CS6 with a little bamboo tablet. Basically, say I colour a part, but put the pen back on. The part where I put the pen back on is immediately darker. I just want a slow buildup. Is that what multiply does?

>> No.2087762

not sure what you want but you can set the brush to lower opacity or flow

>> No.2087792

If you want the color to be same as what is already there:
Select the brush > Look at the top toolbar next to "Mode". It should say "Normal"

"Multiply" would result in the color going darker.

If you want to build up to a darker color gradually (like a marker effect), then you can play with the Opacity or Flow. There are also more advanced options if you click the clipboard-looking icon all the way to the right on the toolbar.

>> No.2087793

color it in in one go don't lift the pencil off the tablet you obviously have to keep the pressure consistent otherwise you're gonna get a darker color

>> No.2087801

I meant stylus

>> No.2087803

You can draw random junk. I used to draw notying but pin ups in middle schhol. The trick of it thuogh, and any art class, is to find out and understand why something is the way it is and how it comes to be. Dont just draw. Look at it, think "man, love her long legs". Think about how those long legs affect her hips. Think about where the bones are to make those sexy features. Then draw again with what you learned. Then do it again.

And again. And again. Each time trying to learn then reapply.Im not the best but this method works for me. I like drawing people but you can appy this to whatever you like drawing.

>> No.2087810

Not that anon but I think his problem is that brush strokes with some degree of opacity to them overlap and create that kind of marker effect, while he'd just want overlapping strokes to remain the same color.

I know SAI has some mode that fixes this, but I've googled for literal hours about this before and there doesn't seem to be any sort of fix. What I'd really want is just some sort of "lower threshold" lock for the alpha channel where a stroke would only affect the alpha channel if it's has a higher opacity than the pixels you are painting over.

>> No.2087839
File: 29 KB, 792x561, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my brush settings and it doesn't do that. dunno if that helps.

>> No.2087840

To me the coolest thing about being a beginner is eventually finding out what my art style will actually look like.

Every good artist has their own style. What will mine be? It's cool to think about.

>> No.2087847
File: 45 KB, 440x500, exercise_intersections3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently working through drawabox, on lesson 2 part 3 and I'm struggling to understand where to place the intersecting lines.
Right now I'm just sort of staring at the boxes till they stop looking like two shapes then drawing some lines in the hope they're in the right spot.

I'm not sure if this means I haven't fully understood what's been taught so far or what but can someone explain it in a different way so my plebian brain can comprehend it?

>> No.2087849

well post what you got and ill see if I can find the intersecting parts. if that helps. I suppose its to get you thinking in 3D

>> No.2087851
File: 14 KB, 350x200, boolean[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or maybe looking at some booleans will help.
in 3d programs you can subtract one shape from another.

>> No.2087853

>using booleans
enjoy your shit topology

>> No.2087856

Go to the brush settings and check Transfer, and reduce the Flow (as you want but the lowest it is the slowest it will be opaque).

>> No.2087860

NOoo I was posting my settings to help him.

my brush doesn't do the overlap thing that he was trying to figure out how to switch off.

>> No.2087861

Now that you mention that I realised that because I'm using a pen the lines are very similar in thickness, making it harder for someone else to see what I was going for, which means it would be hard to see what I was going for in the first place.

I'll try again using pencil this time and see if it helps.

>> No.2087862

i'm reading loomis but all i'm drawing is cartoons wtf help??

>> No.2087863


>> No.2087865

did u mean

A im only drawing cartoons so I think this shit doesn't apply to me


B im reading loomis but my drawings still look like shitty cartoons?

>> No.2087866

Why is it only the fourth beginner thread? I'm new to the board but is it because this rule is new?

>> No.2087868

somewhere along the line the old OP of the beginner threads died and now we're starting the count again with a new OP
at least this is what I'm assuming

>> No.2087869

I'm a Lazy Nezumi user and I think it's great but for something as fundamental and important as straight lines and line control it'd probably be for his best to just keep on practicing until he gets it right instead of relying on crutches.

>> No.2087870

he could just hold shift for straight lines.

>> No.2087872


C) Loomis draws cartoons

>> No.2087888

then stop with loomis and go read/watch hampton/vilppu like everybody with a working brain

>> No.2087905
File: 67 KB, 465x621, 71Nvh-+9+kL._SL1000_-465x621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a complete begginer but I'm wondering if studying form and gesture first would be best? I just bought a bunch of books since I want to get serious now, I kinda know how perspective, shading, and proportion works, but I really want to start drawing my own figures.

Pic related along with Figure Drawing for all It's Worth is what I have. My goal is to become better at conceptualizing scenes, props and characters for my 3D work.

>> No.2087914
File: 284 KB, 665x1186, crack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any glaring mistakes so far?

>> No.2087916
File: 26 KB, 800x800, Render.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out an intous small

>> No.2087948

head too small, feet not following perspective of the ground plane, they should be at an angle more similar to the parallel lines of the ground plane (receding to the right VP).

>> No.2087967

Thanks, I'll get to it.

>> No.2087986

Something something foundation.

>> No.2088005
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150516_024541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't really grasp the idea of gesture drawing and am unsure of what I'm doing exactly.

>> No.2088006
File: 1.38 MB, 1500x1500, padakkeita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some heads.

>> No.2088013
File: 78 KB, 813x685, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketching whatever comes to mind every day for a month to get that part of the brain active before I jump into learning shit. Day 3.

>> No.2088028

are you using a mouse

>> No.2088037
File: 255 KB, 659x1098, dunno_mod2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better? If not, a redline would be helpful...
I want him to be falling forward ever so slightly.

>> No.2088079
File: 69 KB, 800x1000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for starters, fix that shit eye

>> No.2088085

Looks like you're getting to caught up in what the underlying structure of a head looks like in your head. Pull up some refs of head photos and drawings and compare the jaw bones with yours for starters.

>> No.2088165

Whats the Reilly Method, and how can I go about learning it? There does not seem to be a single notorious book dedicated to it.

>> No.2088168

You did not search because google gives me a shitload of links and tutorials about it. Stop being lazy, typing Reilly Method on google will not make your hands fall off.

>> No.2088202

>implying I did not google search
I just wanted a good answer from /ic/ instead of searching for it. Read about it, and decided Im not gonna look into it. More important things to work on.

>> No.2088280
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, Forest Ghost resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking around with different brushes.

>> No.2088289


>> No.2088291

Can I have your alien brush?

>> No.2088299
File: 124 KB, 1214x986, fhivdfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying out that no-lines thing

>> No.2088331
File: 2.74 MB, 1920x1080, childe roland to the dark tower came resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more brush fuck-around before bed.

>> No.2088342
File: 88 KB, 540x960, 11225716_1675333639361586_2012172615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shitty picture.

This was for a high school art class. I'm sure it's done poorly but I kinda like it, what's /ic/ think?

>> No.2088352
File: 29 KB, 640x360, WIN_20150314_183528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this awhile back freehand referencing an animal calendar. Any critiques? What to do to make it look better? I've drawn a lot in my life when I was younger, but this was the first thing I've drawn in nearly two years, and this was back in march, I still haven't drawn anything. Anything I can do to get into drawing more?

>> No.2088413

I'll do that

>> No.2088414

It's pretty interesting. The face needs work, but you're better than some of our regulars.

>> No.2088427
File: 428 KB, 1400x1111, 534654634353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some shit

>> No.2088476
File: 147 KB, 1920x1080, asdfa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally first time ever giving drawling a chance

>> No.2088495

Need to fix that chicken scratch.

You need loomis also, you focusing too much on the contours rather that the construction of the body.

>> No.2088528
File: 717 KB, 518x507, tumblr_nof20iOdLD1skbohto1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got kinda inspired by one book about vectors on library so this uh, this happened idk :B

>> No.2088533
File: 407 KB, 1920x1021, dolla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out a what is the quickest and most pleasing technique for gesture drawing. Whatddya think?

>> No.2088534

Wopsie, huge res.

>> No.2088541

I feel that you're focusing a bit too much on the contours since I see you putting down the little bumps in the limbs and bits around her body.
Long strokes are the way to go

>> No.2088543
File: 76 KB, 877x519, Slit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to learn how to render.

>> No.2088566

I think you're going with the wrong approach. Those are not gestures but contours. Way too many lines, too.

>> No.2088681

-Get a sketchbook if you don't already have one.
-Posting more recent work and getting feedback might give you that initial motivation you need.
-I think it's useless to give critique on a drawing you made 2 months ago unless you honestly believe you have had zero progress since then. If nothing else, try drawing and posting the same rhino again. and see where you have improved.

>> No.2088682
File: 162 KB, 929x1000, practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As my figures are always very stiff and the anatomy sucks, I went back learning gesture drawing and construction (Vilppu).

I'm not sure if I'm using gestures right. In the pic I pasted the gesture-drawing to the left, but I actually drew the construction blocks over the gesture drawing.

The figure is out of balance, but how do I do this correctly? Also, where did the mistakes start?

>> No.2088684


This guy will always be better then you, I may just give up on drawing.

>> No.2088689
File: 1.05 MB, 1200x1200, stupid fox 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I hide behind special effects

>> No.2088712

It doesn't help at all.

>> No.2088745

guy spent his whole life doing that, I'm sure if you spend your whole life drawing you'll make it

>> No.2088750
File: 611 KB, 6494x614, Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 30 min warming figure drawing. Am I doing anything right?

>> No.2088751

Why even treat it as a competition?

Set some reasonable goals at first. Get 'competent' first, you can always go for 'great' later.

>> No.2088772 [DELETED] 


>> No.2088779

>Get 'competent'
How do you know when you're competent?

>> No.2088784


You will know when you don't have to ask. It will be obvious to you.

>> No.2088790
File: 113 KB, 929x1000, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you are actually using the gesture drawing properly since you changed the drawing a bit.
your gesture drawing could use a bit more volume to it, especially the limbs. Sometimes it's alright to only have a single line to represent the limb but it as useful in this case since I weren't too sure how thick the limbs were and they tend to be more useful when you follow the lines of the contour but not every single bump produced by the contours.
Also you don't have to separate the lines like that, you can just use a continuous line. which makes it seems like you were quite concern about proportions, which isnt a bad thing but I think it made your gesture stiffer than it is.

I had a quick go to see how I can interpret your gesture, needless to say I did learn some stuff from it.

Take everything I say with a grain of salt since I am a beginner and every I say could just be rubbish

also can you post the reference

>> No.2088792

Yo, how does one draw snow at night in PS? I've tried mixing light purple/blue/white but I cant seem to make it detailed enough. It has to be at least somewhat detailed, so any help would be appreciated. Also I've started drawing yesterday.

>> No.2088804
File: 1.15 MB, 2196x2000, construction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice. Yeah I have never done gesture drawing before, I mostly just started with a "stick figure" and built up from that.

I did not have reference, tried to do it from my mind. Made another iteration now though for which I did find a reference, but this time I skipped the gesture drawing again and started with construction right away

>> No.2088828
File: 374 KB, 1980x1414, DSC_0002_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did another drawabox exercise, sorry for that bleed-through paper again, I have to steal paper and there's not much I can do about liner too
Am I missing something? Because when I look at them they feel _wrong_ and I cannot explain why

>> No.2088862

You're drawing the wrong Dante.

>> No.2088901

>How do you know when you're competent?
Depends on what you're trying to do.

>> No.2088942


What's your brush setup? Im digging that style

>> No.2088943

Just finished the first two lessons on drawabox, lesson 3 is apparently drawing plants and it has entered "draw the rest of the fucking owl" territory.

Am I supposed to have the same level of detail as the exercises show or just to the best of my ability?

>> No.2088949

Is this fucking Donte? Print this and burn it.

>> No.2088987
File: 528 KB, 745x1600, plants 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it has entered "draw the rest of the fucking owl" territory.
You don't start with the simple layin and immediately jump to finished detail. You work in "layers" of complexity to the finished result. I'm showing some of my old drawings as an example. I didn't start with the sketch and jump to details right after. Read and reread the material and look at the pictures cubeboi provided and the work of others to get a better idea of what to do.

>Am I supposed to have the same level of detail as the exercises
I would say yes. If you've practiced the previous 2 enough, your work should be close to his.
>assuming you've practiced Lesson 1 and 2 enough to build up your drawing skills

This exercise (and pretty much most of them) are the same as Lesson 2.

>> No.2089079
File: 1.45 MB, 671x921, sketch small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a face for the first time, the features feel off and I struggled with the black hair's volume.

>> No.2089167
File: 99 KB, 867x635, Screenshot_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawing drawabox free handed cubes, circles and ellipses for two weeks after years of not drawing seriously. I'll finish the 250 cubes and the 250 cylinders before I start with Hampton this week.

>> No.2089182

I've got a question about blending/mixing colors..

I've gotten pretty good at the whole 'blocking in' phase of painting. The values are good, the colors are good, I'm even getting better at likeness, etc
However, when I start to try to polish/render/blend/finish the painting, it all goes to shit. Are there any general rules I should be following when it comes to blending colors?

>> No.2089183

fix your lighting the glare makes it really difficult to see your work in some areas

>> No.2089198
File: 88 KB, 278x237, Sr7R0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanting to learn how to draw heads
>get an amazing lesson of life

thanks loomis

>> No.2089199
File: 150 KB, 879x610, Screenshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops. Didn't realize the quality was this bad before I uploaded. Camera is kinda shit anyway.

>> No.2089202
File: 1.20 MB, 2188x2232, 20150516_215347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to make this mouse but stuck on the legs i cant just point them down like an insects because mice's bellies almost touch the ground and they just kind of scurry around with their legs right in front of them and every time I try to copy it it looks weird as fuck

>> No.2089214

is this psychic art?

>> No.2089220

Eyelashes are not simple black lines that point up. They curve, flow, and stack on top of each other. Start out with them going relatively long and to the left, then shorten and straighten them as they reach the middle.

>> No.2089223

I will keep that in mind, anything else that needs heavy fixing?

>> No.2089236

Nose is too upturned, for one thing. Just study faces, read up on fundamentals, and practice. Self portraits are really fun, so do lots of those.

>> No.2089240
File: 2.76 MB, 4128x2322, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /ic/ i havent had a critique session since high school. i was hoping you could help me out with this one. its been six months since i touched it because it always seemed off to me. thanks in advance

>> No.2089241

See how >>2089240 did his? That's what you should be aiming for. Hell, that's a really damn good face. Just study his, dissect it.

>> No.2089263

I think you should be posting in the draw thread and don't forget to resize/crop. As for the actual drawing, very nice detail and rendering work. If you're not doing this from a ref, then damn.

Problems, though
>the mouth is looking a little too big in comparison to the chin
>her left nostril should still slightly be visible at this angle
>i think you should go for the ribbon method of rendering hair instead of individual strands
>any more white glossy details on areas that aren't the lips or nose are gonna make her look slimy

>> No.2089268

yes thank you for that. im with you on the white glossy areas. a person suggested using a white ink for that and i kinda went overkill.

>> No.2089281
File: 228 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2015-05-17 at 2.04.15 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five-minute face.

>> No.2089283

The symbols are strong with this one.

>> No.2089285
File: 115 KB, 392x256, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the correct way to hold a pencil while sketching? I'm just learning not to use my wrist anymore and getting used to my elbow.

>> No.2089291
File: 280 KB, 835x600, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First capture the flow/motion, then capture shapes. From what I can see in most of your sketches you're capturing shapes/contour first, unless you're erasing your line(s) of action?


>> No.2089296

man peter han's dynamic sketching course is no joke

this shit is hard

>> No.2089300

>look at the drawabox guy's portfolio

his figures are kinda shit, aren't they?
they just look off to me.
I appreciate his earlier lessons but once it gets to the human body I think I'm gonna try learning from something else

>> No.2089301
File: 446 KB, 1121x569, adsfasf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how do I draw eyes, they look so flat, and of course different. Point out anything else wrong too

>> No.2089304

drawabox is a watered down Dynamic Sketching with Peter Han, except not explained half as well.
I recommend getting your learning elsewhere.

ayy lmao

>> No.2089311

>Point out anything else wrong too
Pretty much every feature/the whole head. The proportions are also really off:
>Distance between bottom of head and mouth is too small
>Distance between nose and mouth is small
>Distance from bottom of nose and eyebrows is gigantic
>eyes too small and far apart

The proportions are your biggest problem. If you get those down, the difficulty of putting the features onto the face goes down tremendously.

Watch Proko's vids on the Head/Features. They will help you a lot if you practice what he teaches.

>For the basic head and proportions

>After the basic head comes the features

>> No.2089330

>watch proko
advice dropped

>> No.2089331

I bet your work is amazing.

>> No.2089332

Eh, take it or leave it. Doesn't matter much to me. I don't understand the hate towards the guy around here. The information in his videos is good and free.

>> No.2089334

So I'm reading Loomis (Heads and Hands).

Do you really have to do this super detailed 3D modeling thing each time you draw a face? Isn't there a more simple layout with less lines?

>> No.2089337

The simple layout comes after you've mastered the "super-detailed 3D modeling thing".
How can you quickly construct a head if you don't know the underlying forms?

>> No.2089342

Okay thanks. Hope I'll get there

To be honest I'm having a hard time drawing this model, even if I can kind of draw a head

>> No.2089343

damn man, i'll be honest, this is a hella cool medium.

>> No.2089396

Your mom is going to be so pissed when she sees what you did to her fine cutlery

>> No.2089425
File: 142 KB, 501x583, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying with digital following instructions from a book

>> No.2089427
File: 162 KB, 512x593, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after some mirroring and stuff i got this, but the eyes in particular don't satisfy me at all
also the chin looks too long to me

>> No.2089428

I don't understand this "muh draw thru" shit with drawabox, it comes much better when you take your time and do it once. I feel forced to go faster so it obviously looks like shit.

>> No.2089429
File: 813 KB, 1360x819, img019 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2089430
File: 73 KB, 636x557, ss+(2015-05-17+at+02.58.52).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying hard to construct some descent looking people (or at least their top halves)

>> No.2089431

bruh this isn't beginner level

>> No.2089439

humility is always a good thing but yea it really does seem higher than whats normally in these threads.


>> No.2089444


Pls no.
It's literally a watered down version of Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching, and from what I've seen the figure drawing stuff is gonna be watered down Michael Hampton.

Just do those.

>> No.2089450

where do you get the ideas on what to draw
I always feel like drawing "something", but the second I grip my stylus every idea dissapears and I have not the slightest idea on what to draw

>> No.2089451

That isn't "drawing through" in the first place.

>> No.2089452

well I watched the first parts of Peter Han, and it's kinda the same, he's just speeding through those ellipses for no reason. I get the idea of not stopping your gesture, but I don't see the point, just take your time, make a correct shape then ink it at the end. I'm not talking about the later lessons though.
that's my point, I can't do it and I don't see the point. I'm trying on the second page but it looks like shit.

>> No.2089461

Try drawing objects around you. Try studying a piece from the old masters. Try drawing animals. Get a mirror and do a portrait of you or use the mirror to study parts of your body. There's so many options...

>> No.2089463

i think i goof'd /ic/. ive been working on a master copy that i planned on printing when im finished but i messed up the image size. the ORIGINAL image is 3000x2100 pixels 42x30inches at 72 ppi. the COPY is 3000x2100 pixels 16x12 inches at 72 ppi. this does not seem right

>> No.2089464

Dynamic sketching is brilliant, however workshop does not explain a thing about basic forms and how you can do them, he just states that you should know and practice that

>> No.2089465

Yeah, because you're supposed to know them from studying perspective.
Peter Han says it himself, Dynamic Sketching is not for beginners.

>> No.2089468

Then this raises a question: where to study perspective, specifically combining-interlocking-cutting away-overlaying-penetrating forms and also rotating them with preserved scales?

>> No.2089471

There are dozens of options, man. From How to Draw by Scott Robertson to Erik Olson's perspective series. There's Perspective Made Easy and the Perspective Drawing Handbook too. Even Ctrl-Paint has a perspective series.
Pick one or all of them, perspective study never ends.

>> No.2089472

Form and how you do them is in the realms of perspective. For a beginner you should really only do the line control exercises, after you learn perspective you can advance a little more, after you learn how to cast shadows/reflection you can complete the dynamic sketching worshop.

Scott Robertson - How to Draw - Drawing and Sketching Objects and Enviroments from Your Imagination

You can do with Perspective made easy + the video series Fundamentals of Perspective with Gary Meyer, too.

>> No.2089474

>How to Draw by Scott Robertson to Erik Olson's perspective serie
which one should i start with?

>> No.2089477

Whichever you fucking want.

>> No.2089483

I have some understanding of basic rules of perspective thanks to Meyer and do Robertson right now, but he won't tell me how to slice and rotate stuff!

>> No.2089486

Robertson does, so you should pay more attention.

>> No.2089489

Thanks man, it's probably because I'm stuck on wheel\ellipse part. Can't make it right atm, and I don't view tutorial vids further until I understand ideas they are explaining. Perhaps he tells about those operations later.

>> No.2089498
File: 44 KB, 500x382, 1410983358572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good tutorial/videos/books on realistic color rendering?

I can render b&w more or less okay, but when I start with color. it all completely falls apart.

>> No.2089500

I spent an hour lastnight just drawing circles on my tablet and they all came out shit.
if I took ages to do one larger one it might be alright but I guess that defeats the point.

I thnk its something to do with muscle memory.

>> No.2089501

Joseph D'Amelio (book is in the /ic mega thread) has a great section on this

>> No.2089502
File: 51 KB, 429x500, 51cGHRQjifL[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if that's of any help, its all that comes to mind, you can find the pdf around

>> No.2089504

No, see, it should take you less than 2 seconds to draw a circle. Small or big.
Draw them in one stroke. No chicken scratch shit.

>> No.2089601

You've got a style going on, I like your line quality and the attempt at shadows.
This, however, is overshadowed by your lack of anatomical knowledge. Seems you know a bit but not enough.
Pay attention when you construct. Pay attention to proportions. Take a look, especially, at the arm and neck in your drawings, and to a lesser extent the abdominal area, especially the obliques.
You seem to have learned how to abstract the muscles before learning what they actually look like.
There are also some perspective problems you should look out for, and weight distribution.

That said, you're progressing. I've seen your stuff before and I like it. You're definitely approaching intermediate.

>> No.2089609

Just used a standard brush from Gimp, either it was the Circle(11) or Circle(9), with brush dynamics pressure:opacity, nothing more

>> No.2089611

Is it okay if I start on Drawing on the Right side of the Brain after Fun with a Pencil?

I'm already at page at page 30, and I don't want to jump into another book just when I'm getting the hang of the construction.

>> No.2089623

go at your own pace bruh

>> No.2089645

If you're learning then keep doing what works for you

>> No.2089731

having one of those days where everything you do sucks.

>> No.2089741

that's called everyday lad

>> No.2089761
File: 152 KB, 454x632, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cropped the eyes and brows in paint and moved them down a little. Remember that the eyebrows align with the top of the ears.

>> No.2089765


No one said it'll be easy. It takes thousands upon thousands of shitty drawings to get less shitty drawings.

If you're too much of a babby to live the "git gud" life, think of it as "git less shit" and hopefully you won't be so down on yourself when you aren't constantly shitting gold.

>> No.2089767

try having that for a week or even a month

>> No.2089775

>guide for the realist painter
>fantasy creature on cover

>> No.2089779

That's... exactly the point, though? It teaches you to paint realism, not to paint real things? It teaches you how light and color works?

>> No.2089788

It's just a little ironic.

>> No.2089791

It's a perfect demonstration of what you can do once you've mastered the book.
I don't get what's ironic about it.

>> No.2089794
File: 26 KB, 374x433, AlanisMorissette[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little too ironic..

>> No.2089812

Oh, now I see my error. So the nose was to long, too, I guess. I'll keep that in mind!
Danke. :3

>> No.2089815

Where can one read about composition?

>> No.2089816

I don't understand. What's wrong with Proko's stuff?

>> No.2089819
File: 58 KB, 667x649, wot2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is random, but does anyone on /ic/ have an opinion on Giovanni Civardi? I just, dig the mask thingy. Ive seen this thing in Hogarth too.

>> No.2089822
File: 28 KB, 256x656, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2089837

>As song called ironic
>The events that occur in the lyrics have nothing to do with anything being ironic

Now that's ironic.

>> No.2089851


His stuff is good. Some of videos don't go into as much detail as people like but that's about it. /ic/ is cyclical over which resources they like and hate.

>> No.2089859

Thanks, but I think something like this is too preliminary to put in the drawthread and the sketchbook thread has a weird anti-digital thing, so I'm not sure where to put it. Plus you guys give the most honest advice, alt style thread is great for getting undeserved compliments but I need some honesty right now.

Thanks anon, I definitely realized I don't know enough about the serratus/obliques, but it's somehow flew under the radar when it comes to practice. Improvement is hard to see being self taught, but I'm glad it looks like I'm moving up slowly!

>> No.2089870


You're beyond beginner thread, honestly the shit you're going to get here isn't all too great, and if you do get some good advice it's more of a happy coincidence than anything.

Generally draw thread is good for intermediate and above level study and stylization thread is pretty good for stylized shit. I've been in those threads for a while now and I haven't seen much undeserved compliments except for the really good shit.

>> No.2089880

Are you having trouble with depression or something

>> No.2089884

>The events that occur in the lyrics have nothing to do with anything being ironic
They are though, people fail to realize that word meanings evolve over time.
>a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected
>coincidental; unexpected

>b-but muh original meaning
It's like criticizing someone for using "awesome" when they clearly aren't experiencing awe. Or "cool" when they aren't experiencing cold etc.

>> No.2089895

Bruh, the events in the song are not ironic in the orginal sense of the word. You can jump up and down about the meaning of said word changing, but that doesn't change the simple fact.

No, your meaning isn't more valid than the next guy's.

>> No.2089929

> the events in the song are not ironic in the orginal sense of the word
And an awesome whatever isn't awesome in the original sense of the word. Does it matter? No, because non-autistic people care only about the meaning the word has now, not what it meant at some point in the past.
>your meaning
Those are dictionary meanings.

>> No.2089933

When drawing, are there times when you improve without even knowing it? Like, if you've been drawing/learning for a year, and you swear there has not been a day where you actually noticed significant improvement, but then you compare a drawing you did a year prior to one you did now, you've actually made major improvement?

>> No.2089946
File: 1.29 MB, 950x1290, img022 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stagnating without even knowing it

>> No.2089948

Dubs says yes

>> No.2089949

Buddy, that's pretty good. Not to feed your ego but for some basic sketches they're nice.

>> No.2089952


Welcome to art. It's a marathon. Anyone who tries to convince you that anyone can get good in less than a year is a fucking liar and a troll.

Hell, you heard of that "timmeh" guy, right? It took him too years to get from meh to professional tier, and that's considered to be amazing progress.

So keep drawing. You won't notice significant improvement in a few weeks time, but if you look back months and years ago you'll start to see it. I like watching the Making Progress video on ctrlpaint whenever I start to feel asspained myself. THis one: http://www.ctrlpaint.com/videos/making-progress

>> No.2089953

I know, but I can't quite get to the next level
I feel like I'm just doing some stuff in a few minutes just to feel good, and because I can't plan for longer than that, but then I look at it and I realize how flawed (if I want to improve) and repetitive it is (grills). as an example, I also made this one >>2089519

>> No.2089955

you mean tehmeh?

>> No.2089959


That's the fucker. Whenever I see his name I always think of Timmy from South Park and it makes me smile.

>> No.2089967

Yeah, thanks for the responses. I just need motivation.

Another thing Im wondering is, is it good to move onto drawing new things often? Like, if you focus on drawing a specific part of the body for a whole week, should you move onto a another part of the body, or should you still keep trying till you perfect it? Or just, how does /ic/ know when to move on?

>> No.2089969

absolutely, one week seems pretty long already imo

>> No.2089972

One week is long to you? You probably practice longer a day. Can you describe the feeling you get when you're about to move on? I get this feeling like where I want to improve, but im too sick of drawing the same thing and want to do something new.

>> No.2089973


I'd say don't focus on each body part, try getting the body down first proportion wise and then work on refining your skills from there. Understand the landmarks, general shape of the body parts, and what room for variations you have first. That's how I went about it at least.

>> No.2089977

I don't have a good timetable, I don't even draw every day. but you can't just cram a week or several on something then expect to be done with it forever. you should absolutely change things up. you'll still keep on learning. I think you should avoid going so far as to get sick of something, that won't necessarily make you better.

>> No.2089988

So I have started watching people stream their digital drawings and I noticed a ton of them use a stabilizer. And they are ramped up to 10+, I thought you weren't suppose to use the stabilizer? Is it okay to use if I am just a beginner? Is it a crutch?

>> No.2089996

I see what you mean, instead of learning how to draw the chest, learn the basic shape of it and how it fits into proportion. Ill make sure to focus on general shapes of the body before learning all details for each specific one.
Yeah, always have to repeat things into art, and Im thinking that you learn something new with every new thing you try, and that you build off of that. Ill make sure to keep in mind when I get sick of something and it seems im in a standstill.

>> No.2090023

Everything is a crutch bro, grab ochre and lets go with me and based bro Ug-lok draw some srs stuff on the cave wall, will last millenias not like this captured thunder mumbo-jumbo sorcery "see-gee"

>> No.2090133
File: 599 KB, 1800x805, 43645424324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kill me.

>> No.2090138


Looks like you're starting to get there. Do a hundred more and try using less lines to describe the form.

>> No.2090163

But anon these look good

>> No.2090165
File: 270 KB, 1482x1532, IMAG0377_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I into acrylics

>> No.2090168
File: 357 KB, 1866x1209, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew part of my sister's bookshelf
i need to learn perspective ffuck

>> No.2090169
File: 1.10 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to try out watercolors a bit ago
I got my own set now
still learnin

>> No.2090170

definetely not by symboldrawing

>> No.2090181
File: 188 KB, 1000x1363, 1430018454564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live the "git gud lifestyle" more than the vast majority of the people on /ic/. It's just one of those particularly low-tier days where even your basic linework fails you for some mysterious reason. Not a big deal since it usually just has to do with quality of sleep and mood 'n stuff.


>> No.2090187
File: 113 KB, 688x533, Contour-line-boxes-elipeses[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do what I did when I was young. youre drawing whats visually infront of you but youre not understanding the form.

ignore the small details and draw the from of the large objects first.

>> No.2090205
File: 484 KB, 1800x890, 324442432542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't draw like Vilppu in his lesson about spherical forms . Impossible to draw figure by using spherical forms only

>> No.2090213


Vilppu has eons more experience of feeling it than you do. It's going to take some time for you to start getting decent at it. Quit being a fag, stop complaining, and practice more.

>> No.2090218

Ah, thank you! I'll start to practice form. Do you have any tips for doing so?

>> No.2090231
File: 86 KB, 659x905, teh forms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

form is just seeing complex things broken down into simpler lines and shapes.

I don't know of any particular reading material on this, ive only ever seen a page here and there.

maybe someone else knows a better resource

>> No.2090244
File: 111 KB, 228x215, schoen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(warped by holding it up to webcam)

first day back to drawing in 2 years. I hope to spend at least 6 hours a day during the summer to improve, mostly on anatomy study which I never took seriously before I gave up drawing in high school.

Anyways, really bad for now at least.

>> No.2090248
File: 153 KB, 1400x415, 464534532543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quit being a fag, stop complaining, and practice more.
It's hard to enjoy drawing if you're shit.

>> No.2090256

>It's hard to enjoy drawing if you're shit.
Learn to love the craft. If you spend enough time drawing and studying, you will improve.

>> No.2090259

>Learn to love the craft

>> No.2090272


Why did you want to get into drawing to begin with? What's your end game?

>> No.2090283

I can't really answer that for you. Drawing and painting is something I like doing and I would like to make a living out of it someday. It's gonna take a long time to get to where I want to be so I might as well learn to love it. This is also something I decided to dedicate my life to so it's not like I have much of a choice. Its either git gud and love it or git gud and hate it.

You have your own reasons for trying to improve in your craft. Don't complain, learn to enjoy the process, and do work.

>> No.2090308

Basically this.
It's labor of love, anon. Crafting is life. Sure, learning fundamentals can be boring at times, but drawing gestures can be a lot of fun. But you have to understand what your goal is in order to feel motivated.

>> No.2090321
File: 840 KB, 1532x2052, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning how to draw simple hand gestures, here's my first.

>> No.2090325
File: 278 KB, 1200x1516, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current starting on Keys to Drawing, is there anything wrong with my drawings so far?

>> No.2090331

The ones on the right side are heaps better than the ones on the left side. Keep doing whatever you did on the right.

>> No.2090333

I'm puzzled as to why you took a photo when it was a tablet drawing. Anyway, one advice I have for you is to avoid chickenscratch. Try to think in terms of form too; study the hand's anatomy and how the bones are attached to one another. The finger placement has to make sense.

>> No.2090344

i was gonna bitch about how you cant have the thumb look like that with the line on top, but damn, i can position my hand to make it look EXACTLY like that.

but sill the drawing has no volume at all. you dont need no fancy anatomy if you are just starting out, try getting down the volume first.

>> No.2090355

I've got Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, Keys to Drawing and Fun With a Pencil put on hold at the library. Does anyone have book suggestions if I want to get into illustration/concept art?

As someone who's starting out, I'll be reading Loomis/Dodson/Edwards and drawing still life around the house/neighborhood.

>> No.2090372

is it really necessary to learn all the muscles of the face?

>> No.2090376

Yes. Anatomy is very, very important when it comes to understanding how to simplify.

>You have to know the rules, to break the rules

>> No.2090377

damn. ok thanks. its only a few pages anyways. i reading burne hogarths dynamic anatomy

>> No.2090378

expressions use all kinds of face muscles so definitely

>> No.2090380

Don't worry, it all makes sense you begin and actually start life drawing.

Do this, study the fuck out of the face, attempt to draw several faces. Fail. Try again tomorrow, all the while watching your favorite cartoons. As you watch said cartoon, it'll start making more and more sense why characters are drawn the way they are.

>> No.2090388

For my next attempt at a portrait should I put in the volumes first, than draw in the more complicated details?

>> No.2090394

That ain't a gesture.

>> No.2090417
File: 258 KB, 1600x940, 1431884707487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always start from simplicity and build complexity on top of it. Especially as a beginner. Your biggest mistakes will be in the first 1/3rd of your drawings, so take extra care during those crucial simple steps where you establish volume, perspective, and proportion.

>> No.2090418

ahh okay, I was struggling with the current portrait I was working on because I drew in all the complicated details before the volume and it would damage all the details. (I might post the portrait for critique tomorrow, but my scanner is too far away for tonight)

>> No.2090431

that's awesome

in which book do you learn this kind of construction, loomis' heads and hands?

>> No.2090437

That would be the Rilley method of head construction.

>> No.2090441

To be honest I wouldn't touch most aspects of that construction method as a beginner. However, representing the locations of the eyes as circles is surprisingly valuable because it forces you to acknowledge the fact that the eye socket/ball is a circle/sphere. It helps to avoid symbol drawing.

>> No.2090443
File: 48 KB, 1222x323, reilly2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Reilly method. There's no singular book that fully teaches the method well to the best of my knowledge. There's an anon around here who knew a bit about cobbling together the information from various Reilly students. Pic related

>> No.2090447

I think most beginners would mistake your advice for "draw a circle and two lines for the eyelids!"

>> No.2090461

Think this might be the right thread to ask. I've been learning how to draw these last few weeks and I'm enjoying myself immensly, even though I'm total shit. I was just wondering if it's worth investing in a tablet this early, seeing as I want to move over to one eventually. I've heard some people have trouble transitioning to tablet. So I was just wondering if it's better if I start drawing on one as soon as possible.

>> No.2090468

That's a pretty freaky notion

pls don't fellow beginners

>> No.2090470

I would say purchase a cheap one to see if you really like it or to adjust to it. Probably one with a return policy. Wacoms usually work the best, but they are expensive. Huion is a good alternative with a decent pricetag.
I worked with tablets more than I have pencil and paper so I dunno about transitioning. They are really easy to use once you get used to it. If you wanna do mainly digital art then you should definitely invest in one asap

>> No.2090476

I've been looking at Huion 610 after reading the stuff about tablets in the sticky. Seems to get some good reviews and the price isn't bad. You know about anything that might make me want to reconsider another one?

>> No.2090479

That's a great model IMO. I was gonna pick it up after my first tablet died but I didn't have the funds. I picked up the h580 which is pretty similar. I have no issues with it.
I would probably pick up a rechargable pen if you don't wanna invest in triple A batteries though.

>> No.2090799
File: 83 KB, 500x574, sumthin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2090803

I got one (the pro model, AKA rechargeable one) to replace my intuos pro medium and it's nearly as good. I had to get a grip for my pen though, since it feels too light for me. Also, I only ever have to charge my pen once every two weeks, even when I work for hours a day.

>> No.2090824
File: 3.87 MB, 4200x5200, ELF ARINO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop drawing shitty weeboo anime characters and make my characters more realistic? Also crit pls.

>> No.2090828

>4200x5200 anime
>asking for it

In all seriousness, just forget everything you know about drawing and read the sticky

>> No.2090831

yeah I forgot to resize like a retard and said fuck it after I posted.

>> No.2090839

Going back through the lesson on organic forms with contour lines.
I don't think I "get" it. It feels like you're just using ellipses instead of flat curves on the forms.

>> No.2090853

anatomy is all kinds of wonky, those hands should look way off even to you. do this >>2090828.
cute, in its own way

>> No.2090891
File: 156 KB, 1000x1000, pay attention class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive had a tablet for five months now, and ive mostly just screwed around. Lately ive been making a legitimate effort to work on construction, and ive been studying anatomy (Specifically of the face, so this image is probably bad from that perspective, though i intend to study full body anatomy after I study the head more).

What im asking is whether construction should follow a set of rules, or is it okay to do what I need to do to get things done? I think that as an aspiring artist its hard to get into construction and drafting because the first few sketches always look so much worse than the more shaped 3rd or 4th outline.

I have looked at loomis' skeletons, should I just copy his skeletons and construct poses with those instead of working on my own? I dont like his very much, and if I start copying artists skeletons I tend to hand up and just draw them unnaturally and without any fluid strokes, it just feels very wrong.

I have another question as well, I have a lot of difficulty moving from sketches to rendered images, you know with details etc. Ive seen people worse than me fully complete characters, but I cant seem to go beyond sketches like this, even when I want to. Nothing looks right and then I just go sketch a new skeleton.

Anyway, long post but could others share some construction sketches and learning experiences?

>> No.2090912
File: 420 KB, 1280x956, IMG_1783 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something I did last night. Thoughts?

>> No.2090928
File: 542 KB, 1632x1224, ink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to draw it without references. any critique or thoughts?

done that drawing a couple of weeks ago and just inked it today

>> No.2090931
File: 150 KB, 677x657, quickdoodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master your tools. You're decent at copying, you need to know how to use your medium and render. Especially render.
I can see you've tried to emulate traditional paintings with those gray/blue/green splotches on the skin but they're not supposed to be random. As it is, it looks off because of this and the lack of general proportions.
Keep at it.

It's too early for "outlines" or inking. What you need to do now is draw through, all day every day, no inking, no finished pieces. You're simply not at that level yet. Infact, your drawing is pretty awful and the "inking" is what ruins it most. Not even the bad construction. And it is bad.
Use a softer brush with pressure set to opacity and no size varying.
Construction does follow a set of rules. It follows the rules of perspective. Perspective is what you need to internalize before you approach construction. Copying Loomis' skeletons won't help at this stage. You need to reach a point where you can make your own decisions about what you use to draw. That's when "fluidity" comes naturally.
The difficulty you're experiencing concerning rendered images is normal, especially at this level. You shouldn't even try, honestly, not now. It's just gonna get you down and make you internalize bad habits. Trust me.

Here, this is some construction drawing I did some weeks ago. I'm not especially good, but I've used complex forms to build my characters. These forms come out of simpler forms. Those are the ones you need to learn.

>> No.2090932

line weight looks nice but proportions look off

>> No.2090946
File: 194 KB, 2550x2947, redhead3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. proportions of every character?

pic is another one i did

>> No.2090947
File: 132 KB, 612x708, redhead6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry forget to rezise

>> No.2090971

Thank you very much for your honesty, its the exact kind of comment I was hoping to receive!

Its very hard learning on your own you know? You cant tell whats wrong or where to go or what to work on, so being told that certain things shouldnt be touched for a long time helps so much.

So youre telling me to continue studying perspective and that will lead to better construction? Should I study people from real life now, or just more basic by the books things? Ultimately I suppose Ill just visit the perspective sections of the books in the sticky, it was boring to utilize when i started because I just wanted to draw better. Now I want to draw specific details better so those resources mean more to me.

>> No.2090976

I've been drawing those perspective exercises but I no idea how to apply what I've learned when drawing still life.

>> No.2090981

>I've been drawing those perspective exercises
You now know how to draw boxes in perspective.

>but I no idea how to apply what I've learned when drawing still life.
You can fit any and all objects in boxes of sufficient size.

>> No.2090983
File: 53 KB, 800x600, webcam-toy-photo4 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webcam quality

>> No.2090991

every time I learn something and practice it for a bit, I become lost on where to go next.

Sometimes I think "oh I'll try to learn this" and I find that it involves learning something else that I haven't learned yet.

I just wish there was a sample curriculum online that told me in what order to learn things.

As of right now I'm just too overwhelmed with all that's out there.

>> No.2090992

Yep. Perspective.
Studying people right now won't have a beneficial effect because you don't know how to abstract the masses of the body and put them in perspective.
You can learn to copy, though. Get Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. Great skill to have, applied anywhere.

>> No.2090996
File: 68 KB, 550x352, finished-apple-drawing-tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner question: how to shade gently like pic related? I'm not sure what type of pencils to use, how to hold the pencil, etc.

Do you start light and then progressively darken over time, putting that clay eraser stuff over the areas you want to keep white? Do you start with dark areas and work outwards? Any help or pointers to a tut would be very welcome. I have a lot of different types of pencils on hand, just not sure what darkness/boldness/softness to use

>> No.2090997

Thank you again, I have nobody to ask and youve made me feel a lot less lost and hopeless. posting takes a lot out of me because its scary.

>> No.2090999
File: 1.08 MB, 1619x908, 2015-05-18 17.21.20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2091014

It's a little like sheepherding. In sheepherding, the herder doesn't bring his sheep home one by one. He moves the herd by bringing up the stragglers.

Decide on what aspect you find yourself lacking in and bring that up; if in doing so you come across a straggler that is even further back, bring it up; so on and so on.

>> No.2091017
File: 111 KB, 800x848, 5436354353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to draw front view? I don't feel it. Vilppu never draws front view

>> No.2091019

Am I allowed to p*rate photoshop?

>> No.2091021

>am I allowed to steal

nigga its 10 bucks a month

>> No.2091027

would you download a bear?

>> No.2091029

nigga in my country you'll be killed robbed and raped exactly 30.56 seconds on average after niggers notice 10 bucks in your hand

>> No.2091033


>> No.2091034

>10 bucks a month
It's a product, not a service.

By this time next year you'll have spent $120 dollars on photshop. Would you purchase PS for $120?
Five years from now, PS will have cost you $600.
What does the standalone version cost again, $1000? That'll pay for itself in under 9 years!
>no longer doing art in that time
filthy casual

>> No.2091035

or cs2 is free

>> No.2091043
File: 104 KB, 1000x699, sketchbookforms1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean those lessons on that drawing website, i don't remember the lesson , try this one, someone elses work but a good example of practicing contour lines.

>> No.2091044

10 bucks a month for an always up to date version

or I could buy the current version and then have to pay for another one 5 years down the line.

>> No.2091049

Hello /ic/. I decided to start learning how to draw today. I read the sticky, and as per its instructions I picked up "Drawing on the right side of the brain" and started reading it. I did the first exercise, drawing a person from memory. It took me about an hour, and I just finished.
It looks so FUCKING bad. I seriously want to fucking throw up looking at it its fucking awful. It makes me never want to draw anything ever again and literally kill myself.
How do I get past these feelings.

>> No.2091051

definatly start light, then add shade, you can either just leave places white or use the eraser for highlights.
just get a pencil set, one of those in a tin with a few shades.

>> No.2091054

Cs2 is not free, the download is online for people who already have a licence.

do what you want, or use an alternative.
paint.net, gimp, sai.

>> No.2091062

You need to drop the ego, and drop the need to compare your abilities to others'. Accept that you have absolutely no skill and everything you do will be utter crap for a long time. There is a wonderful silver lining to this, however: You will learn to derive pleasure from progress. You will be able to look back at this in a month and laugh about how little you knew. It's all relative.

>> No.2091069

>How do I get past these feelings.
Do it again, but better.

>> No.2091071

Stay poor, faggot.

>> No.2091082
File: 1023 KB, 703x2779, OldGuyStudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to learn to draw yesterday. Loomis seems to give good return on investment in terms skill increase per unit of time. Although I don't know what is considered good progress or how long these things normally take, is going from pic related pre 1st try, to 2nd try in a couple of hours, including reading, fast or slow or more or less normal?

>> No.2091084

That question only applies if you have a set goal within a set timeframe; do you?

>> No.2091087

fuck off fishing for praise.

>> No.2091097

Really? Not what I am doing. I'm already praising myself enough as it is. I'm *fishing* for data on whether or not I have reason to be.

No, I'm just starting out so I haven't really thought about that. Trying to orientate myself as to what is realistic progress and if certain tools make a difference or not.

>> No.2091098

How do I force myself to get through kets to drawing, the exercises are so fucking boring I just end up drawing shit that's nearby and counting it as "practice"

>> No.2091106

If you're not having fun with the practice then you probably won't have fun with the actual drawing

>> No.2091134

ignore this moron >>2091106

drawing should be enjoyable, don't force yourself to do boring shit just because somebody on /ic/ told you to. practice is practice

>> No.2091137
File: 528 KB, 376x280, bross.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this shit down.

>> No.2091139

Loomis is useless cartoon garbage. Oh shit somebody finally said it.

>> No.2091160

Thanks, now justify your statement by providing something useful for a beginner.

>> No.2091172

I love actually drawing and using the stuff I've learned so far but fuck me those books are so damn dreary.

Eh, I figure it's gotta be done eventually.
There's got to be a method for pushing through it though.

>> No.2091176

Oh yeah that part can be really hard to get through. Which book are you using to study

>> No.2091188

Thanks man

>> No.2091240
File: 98 KB, 1200x800, 1431906901647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attempt to familiarize myself with the weirdness of using a digitizer tablet by tracing over a photograph

>> No.2091242
File: 44 KB, 1920x1080, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 2 of owning a tablet. I still struggle to put what is in my brain onto the screen. Lines are still wobbly and crooked, as though I have had my "skills" sent back 7 years. Most of my time is spent laughing hysterically at how awful my creations are, causing my lines to be even more crooked. At least I'm having fun.


Have a piece of shit drawing

>> No.2091246

Don't use chicken scratch, draw complete lines. Even if they suck. It's the only way to get better.

>> No.2091251

Okay, that makes sense

>> No.2091258

I used mine as a mouse everyday for a year.

also if it has rotate function use that. also u can hold shift for straight lines in most programs

>> No.2091266

I wish I could laugh anon. I just get dipress

>> No.2091276

What's the difference between chickenscratch and restatements?

>> No.2091282

chickenscratch is using a shitload of small lines to create a big one while restatements is creating another line on top/sides/whatever correcting a wrong one while not erasing it.

>> No.2091283

Imma be doing that too.
It's an intuos, I can turn it around but if I don't turn the monitor around too it's kinda silly. It kinda works if I turn my head but I can only do that so far haha
my paint software does have a software rotate and I kinda try to use it

>> No.2091287

>also if it has rotate function use that. also u can hold shift for straight lines in most programs
Also yeah, but I do want to learn how to make lines for real and not let software do it for me

>> No.2091289

it makes sense when u see other people do it.

u using sketchbook?


>> No.2091296

no I think I'm supposed to have sketchbook express but the wacom download page is a blank broken page for me so I downloaded sai

>> No.2091301

hmm i never downloaded my software, but im sure there was a support forum. don't not get what youre entitled to man.

>> No.2091303

I was just gonna check back tomorrow hehe
I want artrage more than sketchbook but yknow ill get it one way or another

>> No.2091304


there has some form vids.


might be of help to you too.

>> No.2091305

yea I have nothing legally but those 2 are my favourite apps.

300 posts. I think we auto sage now.

>> No.2091316

do we need a new thread then? D:

>> No.2091320

considering were only on age 3 and this isn't a fast forum, I think theres an op who likes to make the threads. id just leave it up to them

>> No.2091325

oh ok thats fine youre just a lot faster than the last board i was a part of

>> No.2091425
File: 239 KB, 1920x998, way way pintado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not everything as I wanted to be, but its something before I go to bed

>> No.2091443

I laugh because I know eventually I'll get better at it. I mean if so many people before me could, why can't I? It's just gonna take practice and commitment. You can do it too anon

>> No.2091523
File: 123 KB, 2048x1042, Notsurewhattodo.mpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was doing some imagination shit, and what came out was shit.

>> No.2091560

You're a retard, but I'll help you out.
It will take about a month for you to adjust to the tablet completely, that's because it's a different medium. Something similar will happen if you tried using those oversized pencils or markers to draw, it's a muscle memory thing.

This >>2091282
Also you won't fuck your wrist up using restatements.

>> No.2091690
File: 190 KB, 1500x1335, gestures1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my gestures?
5 minutes each.

>> No.2091692
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I improve my pen drawings? Especially in the way of shading. Critique appreciated.

>> No.2091694
File: 527 KB, 990x1466, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I don't know how it came out sideways. Anyway pic related is the ref used.

>> No.2091729

NEW THREAD (sry for the delay)




>> No.2091787
File: 1.19 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150519_160735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, I will try to practice more on catching the flow. I think I'm starting to understand it bit by bit, but am still focusing too much on the contour.
>unless you're erasing your line(s) of action?
No, I leave them as is.