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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 844 KB, 2367x2367, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2085527 No.2085527 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique work and so on.
Furry is allowed, however do not over indulge on the subject of furries or their culture. Unnecessarily reporting these anons are strongly discouraged. This thread is dedicated to helping anons improve their erotic drawings and paintings.
Do not start flame wars.
Do not reply to shitposting.
Stay on topic.

Last thread: >>2080976

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Also, thank you mods and janitors for keeping this thread running well.

Questions about referances for drawing porn will be answered.

>> No.2085528

Hopefully I dont get banned

>> No.2085530

I won't say anything. Is that yours OP? Got any more like it or source for it?

>> No.2085536
File: 27 KB, 176x371, fuck_fucky_fuckfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't seem to do poses for the life of me. Trying to go through Loomis and Hampton, but even the exercises are frustrating as hell. Anyways, can't seem to do shit with this. You guys know what I'm doing wrong?

>> No.2085539


>> No.2085540
File: 923 KB, 1142x857, 1431310858205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that's mine! I make them periodically, so you'll probably see more over the course of this thread

>> No.2085543

Awesome, I was about to ask about that one too. Got any place for your work, or do you mainly post here?

>> No.2085550

I've started up a pintrest recently, but It's bare bones right now. I've mainly been posting here as it is, but I've started filling up the site here


>> No.2085569


nigga what are you doing. Its like you open up a bakery in the sewers.

>> No.2085573
File: 90 KB, 700x466, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085575


fucking get back to your containment board and stop spreading your cancer here.


>> No.2085576

whats with the star of davids lol, are you jewish?

>> No.2085577

giving up is what you're doing wrong

keep going keep practicing

that image looks good except for the arm in the background

>> No.2085580
File: 139 KB, 692x787, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your gay lol

>> No.2085584

Love you too anon.

>> No.2085586

I like the way you draw and adapt the pone face. I'm going to steal some of it.

>> No.2085587

Face is a little 2human4me. Literally would look like a normal human without the nostrils and ears/tail, but it's drawn well.

>> No.2085591


so I wanted to make some game grumps puppets

and I wanted danny's head to be in the shape of the star of david


people post furry type stuff all the time is one or two pones really gonna ruin your day?

>> No.2085597

furry is fine but pony is next level autism. I won't allow it!

>> No.2085601

Pony is better than furry. Get smoked faggut.

>> No.2085603
File: 15 KB, 290x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ruse fell short.
Only use periods and question marks

>> No.2085605

Now that I know you like Game Grumps, not only will I bite your pone style I'll officially declare you mah nigga.

>> No.2085606

this board is a pure cancer.

>> No.2085607
File: 642 KB, 1280x720, 1413683259487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys what's going on in this thread?

>> No.2085612
File: 468 KB, 500x400, I_Seriously_Hope_You_Guys_Do.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085622
File: 47 KB, 350x525, 7239111414_a657b4540c_z-e1430934838522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really is

>> No.2085623
File: 36 KB, 480x480, kthen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the flavors...

>> No.2085625


I guess Is should have a tumblr too, huh?


>> No.2085637
File: 541 KB, 1606x1000, windranger_wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any perceptive/anatomy/composition tips before I'll dump another night into this pic?

>> No.2085643
File: 53 KB, 812x783, furrrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I think I've almost got this

>> No.2085645


the guy on the bottom's foreshortening is a little wonky, he needs to be bigger if he's that close to the view

>> No.2085648


I think you belong in /fags/

>> No.2085662
File: 658 KB, 975x1007, 見ていることbetterbetter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I'll post this back form the last one since I've fixed it up now

>> No.2085665

i don't like the airbrushed look, but that's jus personal tastes

i think you could work on the line work, it's super clean but right now it reads very bland, like it looks like every generic webcomic lineart ever made

>> No.2085689

Polished turd. That anatomy is godawful.

>> No.2085690

Guys any of you have some good vag tutorials or references?

>> No.2085691
File: 591 KB, 872x3557, Vagina 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085695
File: 850 KB, 800x3478, vagina 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blup blup

>> No.2085698

thanks anon, using porn references always give me some loosy vags

>> No.2085704
File: 129 KB, 887x900, senpai_by_secretagentcami-d5y1ctr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad faggot.

>> No.2085741

Very nice.

>> No.2085770


>> No.2085809


>> No.2085815

question, how does someone make money drawing people porn?

>> No.2085835

1. post your stuff
2. wait until you have a couple hundred watchers or people start asking for commissions
3. draw stuff for them
4. profit

>> No.2085843
File: 3.94 MB, 2714x2171, _MG_2408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2085845

shit didn't mean to reply to anybody.

>> No.2085847

why did you take a shit on that piece of wood

>> No.2085849

what if you never get an audience

>> No.2085851

then you either suck or are terrible at self promotion

>> No.2085904

Don't forget to make fan art of shit you don't like cuz it's popular.
Don't like LoL? Fuck you, draw it.
Don't like Frozen? Fuck you, draw it.

>> No.2085906
File: 94 KB, 795x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study your market. Know the potential risks of your market. Find people with an intrest in that market.
However, if you choose not to do so, then you must deliver on a daily basis. Shove it down their throats until they like you.
Dont forget to spread your name like fire, reblog and send nice notes

>> No.2085907

Draw shit you moderatley like drawing.
If not, you're gonna be asked to do it over and over and over. Its going to get fustrating

>> No.2085912

Is it harder to start a regular drawing commission status than say a porn-based one?

>> No.2085927
File: 48 KB, 400x462, 1420834954844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to drop in to say that drawing porn is degenerate and you taint the name of art by doing it.

Art is supposed to be beautiful. Something to be admired, not masturbated over.

>> No.2085941

no one take it

>> No.2085942
File: 81 KB, 800x480, MMMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not jerking off to ancient porn

>> No.2085944

>art is supposed to be beautiful

Is sex not beautiful?
Who says we don't admire the stuff we masturbate over? Porn is an art, you can't just slap groins together on a page and expect it to elicit the expected feeling
Weak bait mate

>> No.2085956
File: 601 KB, 845x1187, comi woot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the hopefully finished product, customer has yet to reply. How feel, senpais? Also price paid was $45 if you want to crit the pricing. Time was around 5 hours.

>> No.2085963

>taking the bait
Guys you're better than this.

>> No.2085964


hear, hear!

>> No.2085975

It's fun to see what people see.

>> No.2085979

Anywhere one can follow?

>> No.2086001



>> No.2086006

You do realize people have expressions, right? You can't just have them sit there bored and with dead eyes when they're supposedly fucking.

Also, why have the porn threads primarily devolved into furry and gay shit?

>> No.2086019
File: 163 KB, 500x667, fuckin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2086021
File: 50 KB, 473x489, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id say. But it depends on what you draw and how good you are.
The way to make money is to make or find people that want you and your service.

>> No.2086026
File: 43 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats where the populus is

>> No.2086036

why is there a melted black horse cock on a ripped of flesh ?

>> No.2086050

Finally! This anon has been patiently waiting!

>> No.2086133

can you guys recomend me good artists that draws astetic looking guys, not too muscular can be gay. I jsut need to bulk up my dudes ref folder

>> No.2086247

did fap

>> No.2086248
File: 538 KB, 1620x1000, windranger_wip3.1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time for updates yee
I was thinking about giving him a proper lewd expression, but was kinda overwhelmed with refining all the other parts. I've drawn him with a blank one just to occupy the space, but it had grown on me since then. I guess that's not very efficient, since I know I'm gonna change it sooner or later.
I'll deliver more shit soon, starting to work on my online presence.
Cute, but needs more refined landmarks. Bones are sexy too, don't underestimate them

>> No.2086275

>I've drawn him with a blank one just to occupy the space, but it had grown on me since then.

I've done this plenty of times myself, but that doesn't change the fact that showing some emotion or personality adds tremendously to the quality of porn. You could always cut and paste the faces and use them in some other picture.

>> No.2086295
File: 132 KB, 750x995, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me all you got.
I know that I need to work on male pevlis

>> No.2086297
File: 24 KB, 331x334, spooky pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X is supposed to be Y because

Also, Romans used to fuck little boys in the ass and were all round 'degenerates' so better not use Roman related reaction images when talking about degenerates.

>> No.2086304

at least clean up the sketch marks properly.

>> No.2086312
File: 103 KB, 597x900, nowe2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sketching this for hours and hours and cant fucking get that fucking guy right. fuck i hate drawing.

>> No.2086314
File: 31 KB, 300x300, 1370189553351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I get frustrated, I listen to either Bob painting his happy trees or Jeff Watts talking. Both are very relaxing. Recently I've mainly been listening to Jeff's workshop stream.


Happy trees, nigga.

>> No.2086316
File: 139 KB, 591x773, 2015-05-14_09-11-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna go pee
feel free to peruse the head collection

perspective on the floor feels outta sync with the perspective of the thing he's sittin on an the poses feel super stiff. work on gesture maybe? guy looks fine to me, jus seems... eh

i wouldn't draw the contours like that for pinchin the fat in the bottom image, you gotta be super subtle with the contour lines an how it envelops the hand squeezin it, then imply the rest with renderin. also, if the guy is poundin away, he wouldn't grip by pinchin the fat, that shit'll hella bruise, gotta grip around the hips/upper thigh with the forearm, usin the hand as a gentle "hook", nah mean?

>> No.2086317

>i wouldn't draw the contours like th... nah mean?

I see now, yea. I have to learn to be subtle as well

>> No.2086331

yeah no get rid of those yeti legs and feet

>> No.2086347
File: 19 KB, 280x249, 2015-05-14_10-30-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2086349

Wooden dolls practically
Balloon animal joints
Eye is jutted too far to the left
Knees of the girl looks slanted
Guy doesn't have hips
Everything thing looks formuliac,
diagrammatic even

Well look on the bright side, I'm sure your rendering will cover all that up.

>> No.2086356

i guess i will fix a brand new pose.

>> No.2086360

this is so interesting, I love it

>> No.2086374

>mouthbreather detected

>> No.2086391
File: 184 KB, 491x432, av2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really want to post in these threads because i know shota is technically against the rules here (although i have seen it) so here's the pixiv i recently started using.


any critique on my shit would be appreciated

>> No.2086400

or fuck you I will finnish it.

>> No.2086427

people in this thread are going to get good only at drawing boobs and dicks.
No soul whatsoever...
i bet these anons are all chinks

>> No.2086549

fucking with boys ain't degenerate, it's a pure ancient tradition that exists in many great nations. Like the Chinese one, or did you think all these master/pupil relations were purely platonic?

>> No.2086558

We might accept furfags but please gtfo you pedophile

>> No.2086559

Pixiv is for superior Nippon artist. We don't want gaijin there posting ugly ugly art. Please delete account now. You use deviant art please

>> No.2086563

>Oh won't someone PLEASE think of the drawn children!

>> No.2086564
File: 3.60 MB, 3069x2455, _MG_2402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you remembered my process.

>> No.2086565

you're disgusting.

>> No.2086572

>people in this thread are going to get good only at drawing boobs and dicks
>Implying i want anything else

>> No.2086573

Being called disgusting in a porn draw thread is a badge of honor.

>> No.2086601

there is barely any porn in this thread

>> No.2086606

What IS your process? The results look pretty good.

>> No.2086607

It's more about shit that's not safe for work. Stuff that people who aren't already depraved would call pornographic.

>> No.2086609

I soak an animal penis in frits and fluxes and fire it on a underglaze drawing on a porcelain slab

I get off on that old Greek poetry.

>> No.2086623

how do I get so good at understanding humans like legoman, being able to see all those parts in simple boxes and somehow connecting it all ? plz no standard ic response.

>> No.2086628

These faggots have been posting furry in these threads for months now. If you wanted to do something about it you should have spoken up sooner.

>> No.2086631

so what ? how it harms you ?

>> No.2086632

It doesn't. They're just being whiny jack offs and nobody should listen to them no matter how much furfags suck.

>> No.2086660

Well it's against the global rules for one, but not like shitposter ever cared about those before anyway. Furries/ponyfags are especially bad at respecting the rules.

>> No.2086666

Those rules are gay as shit anyway. The pony and furry rules are deprecated. If I want include a picture of a sexy cartoon horse with each and every one of my posts it should be my natural right.

>> No.2086748

So you've read the global rules and thing that global rule 3 is ever enforced?

>> No.2086757
File: 1.34 MB, 2681x1817, strappado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2086845

Im bored is what I am.

>> No.2086869

Its a line of erotica and spanking the monkey. Most of the posters are on the erotica side

>> No.2086872

Learn the muscles under the parts. Also learn the landmarks of the body.
Legoman draws ass first and hands last, why? Because he knows what its gonna look like before its done.

>> No.2086880
File: 82 KB, 960x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did we disscuss the show

>did we over indulge in the topic of furries/ pone

>Are we giving critiques and moving on

>> No.2086884
File: 108 KB, 547x613, 30bc39d23c8261c6f01a2bf153c433d9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i need to make his neck longer

>> No.2086888


People on /v/ are so embarrassed.

>> No.2086889

Wait, what? Seriously? I don't get it. What happens to the dick?

>> No.2086917

still makes me wonder where the artists became such a specialist into pussies. Didd he train with his gf ? He's a girl ?

>> No.2086924

I know, if only there were some way to see naked pictures somewhere.

>> No.2086927

I doubt you can get this much knowledge just by looking at random pics. Don't tell me he learnt by analyzing porn videos ?

>> No.2086936

If you have the basics down already you most definitely can from looking at pics. It's just about insinuating volume which you already know how to do.

>> No.2086944

I guess I left a critical part out. Once you let the dick soak in a mixture of frits and fluxes you then place it on the porcelain slab and fire it. The The os penis breaks down and the calcium phosphate because the stabilizer and forms a glaze.

>> No.2086961

I'm sorry shitposting is not a critique.

>> No.2086975

>He's a girl ?

You got the nail on the head there bed.

>> No.2086980
File: 857 KB, 498x364, 1422516795617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw I ask the same price for a full color with background piece.
Sometimes I think I underprice my work, but since I'm not that well known I feel as if I should do it.

>> No.2086982

That doesn't sound like a girl...

>> No.2086988
File: 110 KB, 398x611, a96164d53b348f5d9d3e382537d8b411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not that hard to have spatial awareness when it comes to the body.
If you know the anatomy of the hips and know where the clit is, you can draw a vagina.

People's main issue is drawing vaginas with dicks going into them at an impossible angle because they don't get that you can't fuck the peehole. They can't visualize an actual opening into the body so they just draw weird ass lookin cunts. Plus good line variation makes a convincing "bits", since they're kinda complex, if you draw them literally (the clit looks like a button and there are two flaps) it looks pretty terrifying. It's like people drawing lines in between all of the teeth, just horrifying.

read above. yes you can.
It's not random, it's the flappy bits and also inside the pelvis.

You can learn to draw anything, man, don't set yourself up to fail.

>> No.2087001
File: 532 KB, 1728x2592, flux capacitor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2087026 [DELETED] 

Well, I am from Canada...

>> No.2087030
File: 133 KB, 506x543, 1429463039114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The plot thickens.

>> No.2087063

Did you draw this if so do you have a da I like the art style

>> No.2087081

Holy shit I've gamed with this dude...

>> No.2087094

This is an awesome fuckin drawing, I want to see more.

>> No.2087101
File: 214 KB, 1016x718, what the hell am I doing with my free time2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is the thread to go to, but I am in need of help for searching tutorials.

Attached is a colored version of a sketch from a request. However, as I have not touched photoshop in a long time, I have completely forgotten how to advance my colors beyond basic coloring so that the picture does not look 100% flat.
Which tools would help me solve my color crisis?

>> No.2087110

What game?

>> No.2087113

Anyways, here's a good place to start:

>> No.2087126
File: 100 KB, 695x614, 141e80d515861faab1a78be0f834a14d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. I have a Da but never post.
Thanks a lot! I like drawin shawntey and that thin waist style... I should do it more.

>> No.2087139

Oh I'm trippin, I already follow you lol

>> No.2087145

Oh, got it.

>> No.2087223
File: 99 KB, 765x1024, 6yXjUhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know a tumblr thread's already up, but a lot of my work's porn specific and I didn't wanna shit up the thread.

>> No.2087228
File: 65 KB, 650x650, Ankha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

older work of mine

>> No.2087238
File: 782 KB, 2448x2448, pone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man I forgot how much I love this tablet

>> No.2087243
File: 12 KB, 426x382, 1431648294943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't stop

>> No.2087261

Just to let you know. I would suck your cock irl.

>> No.2087268


don't stop is my middle name


as long as you swallow

>> No.2087271

doxy is from canada, srs

>> No.2087272

forgot to add: he's a cunt though, total douchebag "celebrity" attitude, and he never goes outside, so I doubt you were friends with doxy himself.

>> No.2087300

i jus knew him from tf2/hangin out in a ventrillo server. he worked for the NDP an then became a mountie, but i doubt he was onta/doxy now that i think about it, they jus both have winnipeg accents an one of /those/ voices.

i doubt he goes outside much cause he's workin all the time, but i've never heard from anyone who actually knew him say he was an asshole, it all seems to jus be "i heard from someone who heard from blah"

>> No.2087301

To be honest, the vast majority of my furry stuff falls into figure-drawing territory. It'd be safe-for-work if it wasn't furry so I probably don't qualify.

>> No.2087309

the technique of color mixing in the video reminds me more of how the mixer brush works. Still handy info. Thanks.

>> No.2087322
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x2448, pone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an update to tide y'all over for a while

any tips on feet would be very very welcome

damn captcha, 5 pastas?

>> No.2087326

Just drop the feet and give her hoofs already, you fucking degenerate :^)

>> No.2087335

Pls change the color of that dick. It's giving me cramps

>> No.2087340

While we're on the topic, anyone know some good sites for nsfw figure reference? I actually don't have an interest in drawing porn, but nearly all the usual places for figure reference avoid certain angles because it's too lewd and now that I'm working on pelvic/leg anatomy it's becoming quite frustrating.

>> No.2087343


>> No.2087358
File: 404 KB, 1280x781, say nein to furfaggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking sellouts who draw furry porn because you hope that autistic idiots will pay you for commissions. Let that sink in for a second. Yes, your presence on this board does make itself felt. You attract people like yourself, and you post in other threads and shit up discussion with your delusions. This faggotry doesn't belong on /ic/. Go make a subreddit.

>> No.2087365

>you hope that autistic idiots will pay you for commissions
They do. It's pretty nice actually.

>> No.2087368

I think you're mad because at least these guys draw smth instead of shitposting on /ic. I mean, seriously, if you want to make the board better post good art instead of trying to purge bad art.

>> No.2087370

I get you guys mean well but seriously please, stop feeding it.

>> No.2087371

But I'm so bored.

>> No.2087372


>Go make a subreddit.
Meh, they should just make their own thread. /yiff general/ or something like that

>> No.2087373
File: 155 KB, 1280x1280, justwarmingup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could post more of these if you don't mind the messy gestures. Just warming up with random figures and studies on the side.

>> No.2087375

If you want to make quick bucks off oblivious idiots there are better ways to go about it than by drawing furry art.

>You're just jelly because at least we're writing vampire erotica, while you aren't writing anything

The things you are spending so much time to create are, by their very nature, worthless. Even if I didn't draw and sat around playing videogames all day it would still be a better way of spending my time than laboring over something for furfags to jack off to.

>> No.2087376

study how the bippys set on the chest, you got it a bit miffy there

>> No.2087377

>If you want to make quick bucks off oblivious idiots there are better ways to go about it than by drawing furry art.
But I like drawing gay furry art. Getting paid for it just makes it all the better. It's not much, but it pays for gas and adds to savings, and I get to work on my art. It's a win win win.

>> No.2087379

Then draw some porn, man.
The people who post it seem to behave like everyone else, the only complaints I've seen have been people complaining about it just being what it is, rather than the posters being disruptive. Separating it would make it a big deal when it needn't be.
Everyone just needs to be chill, that's all.

>> No.2087411

I've only spoken to Doxy through his nightly streams, but he just has the aura of someone who is accomplished and doesn't give a single fuck about plebs, only ever speaks to those who are near his level.

He earns 100k per year so I guess it's justifiable, he needs to prioritize the type of people he talks to, because there are a lot of fucksticks on the internet, he just doesn't have time to talk to them all.

>> No.2087413

One day I'm gonna get that mofo to notice me.

>> No.2087424

By any chance, do you know malfunction54/breaker137?

>> No.2087438

>you are spending so much time to create
I haven't drawn any anthro shit for at least 8 years now, so please stop projecting.
sorry man I'm bored too

>> No.2087443

I'm working on some commissions right now, and enjoying it.
Except some of my commissioners constantly email me as if I am their friend. I'm responding in a polite, business-like manner because I've worked customer service jobs and know it's part of any sale, and sometimes people do need the extra help telling you what they want, but the amount of time I'm spending emailing is bordering on a couple of hours a week. I don't have many repeat customers so I don't want to lose them.
How do I politely ask people to stop chatting to me, or at least consolidate their messages, without upsetting them?

>> No.2087449

man I wish for a chating customers. You can always sell them more..i think.

>> No.2087452

as drake said "i know way too many people here right now that i didn't know last year, who the fuck are y'all"
yet even then, every time i've emailed him (onta, not drake lol), even jus to ask dumb questions, he responds (an he doesn't even know me, least not through that email anyways).

also, know that hunned k he rakes in? that's jus net. he prolly puts mos of that back into patreon fees, taxes, rent, hirin other artists, webhostin, travel an other work expenses.

jus keep up on your grind, if you like his work chances are your work'll prolly be somethin he'd like once you reach a decent skill level

i'mma need examples of how/what they're sayin that causes you to have to spend so much time respondin

>> No.2087459

Firez is now used for reaction images? Oh god.

>> No.2087473
File: 1.01 MB, 905x1286, baileyone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2087477
File: 273 KB, 1094x613, Inklings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to figure out where the boys pelvis and ribcage is connected to the ground plane, as they appeared very far away from each other in that perspective angle.
I have no idea what is going on with the inkling girl, her legs seems to indicate that she is tripping or floating in space.

>> No.2087479

>no girl will accidently tripp off right on your cock to suck it


>> No.2087480

>quoting Drake

Next you'll be saying some dumb shit like "started from the bottom". Get some taste faggot.

>> No.2087486

tax man takes like 40%, you're right, but the rest wouldn't be that much. and travel is a luxury, not a work expense, since he really doesn't have to go to cons if he doesn't want to.

>> No.2087487

But anon, Drake did start from the bottom, the bottom of the talent pool. It's a shame he's stil at the bottom.

>> No.2087488

what the fuck 40 % income taxes ? here i have 19 % and i think thats a lot.

>> No.2087490
File: 82 KB, 900x864, aacbxcfb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything u hate ?

>> No.2087492

I hate non-lesbian sex

>> No.2087493
File: 71 KB, 432x594, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mo money you make, the mo money they take

>> No.2087495

When the guy who's next in line to order food can't decide what to order. MOTHERFUCKER YOU HAD LIKE TEN MINUTES BEFORE GETTING TO THE CASHIER TO THINK WHAT TO ORDER!

oh, you ment in your image... nah, nothing really, I actually like it. Though it looks like the vag is a little too stretch, I get that the penis penetrates around that area, but it looks a little too stretch. Or maybe I'm wrong but it looks like there's a lot of the pussy that's not getting penetrated.

>> No.2087497
File: 42 KB, 320x316, tfw game show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate my life

>> No.2087498

thats pure robbery
will fix
me 2
thats gay

>> No.2087501
File: 105 KB, 555x482, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I don't want to make more money than Saki anymore

>> No.2087506

I spend so much time chatting that it feels like I'm not earning anything when they pay me for work, because they've had so many hours of my time.
Just simple things about their lives or what they like or asking me what I think about such and such. When I start to go business on them, they lead me on with talking about how they were thinking of commissioning me again and then space out their messages with more small talk stuff for the next few replies rather than just giving me the brief up front.

>> No.2087508

that might be because they think you a grill. Did u said or implyied that u a grill ? Also if you dont like it then just dont reply for long. Like you can chat with them but make like 1 messege per hour.

>> No.2087509

Financial moron here. Can you give a tl;dr version of that chart?

>> No.2087520
File: 69 KB, 599x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The top chart isn't really what i was trying to point out, but it basically shows the tax cuts and tax increases throughout the years. It says that there hasn't been a major tax increase since 1993, which you can clearly see by the lack of green bars from 2013 to 1993.

Maybe this one is a little better to understand.

>> No.2087521

>I spend so much time chatting that it feels like I'm not earning anything when they pay me for work, because they've had so many hours of my time.

Are you anti-social? Or are you taking forever in a day to finish their commissions so they are constantly nagging you? Honestly, I don't get why you're complaining. Ain't like that situation is hard to handle. And it ain't taking up THAT much of your time. If it is than that's entirely your own fault.

>> No.2087537
File: 57 KB, 468x263, sprite1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not likin drake
stay losin, anon

totally not like he lived in poverty while his mom was sick an couldn't work before gettin on degrassi to pay the bills, supportin the family at age 15 (i really wish i could do the same, my moms' shouldn't be workin with the severity of her arthritis ;-;)

he pays ~$150-200 american per page/pinup minimum for two sites that update for a total of at least 6-7 times a week
20 updates a month (say he does an update a week himself) at $150 per for a full year is $36,000 alone, tack on webhostin along with someone to manage the sites/keep them up an runnin in tip top shape an DDoS protection (i have no earthly idea what this costs, let's jus say 5k a year).
then there's the manitoba (i'm guessin based off his accent) tax rate on top of the federal rate, which if he's makin ~100k would be $19294.74 for the fed an $13680 to manitoba for a total of $32974.74 in taxes before deductions. add rent an utilities/supplies along with food, which if he lived super spartan in single bedroom/studio (cause he mos likely doesn't have a roommate) would maybe be about 10k a year minimum tho he most likely pays much more than that.

all that together gives us $83874.74 minimum base cost (save how much he might be able to save with tax deductions, i'm not readin no more bout canadian tax codes)

jus give short, polite responses to any question while deferrin the subject (ie: "how are you?" "i'm good, anything i can help you with :)" or "hey, how do you feel about x" "i haven't really been keepin up with x/i don't feel like i know enough about x to comment/i'm sorry but i'd rather not talk about x"). emoticons are the secret to avoid them misreadin shorter responses as angry/annoyed but don't over do it.

no bully, social interactions aren't often a strength of the average 4chan poster

>> No.2087539

>liking drake

god what a fucking pleb you are.

>> No.2087553

>implying Drake was ever legit poor

The faggot is jewish and was in a middle class family prior.

>> No.2087559
File: 22 KB, 818x1023, 6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aye, B i got your CD, you get an E for effort/10

>> No.2087572

Damn. Makes me kinda glad that I'm making 1st world money while living in a 3rd world shithole

>> No.2087578

Aren't those web related bits tax deductible? But idk, I'm no accountant

>> No.2087587

i have honestly no idea how tax deductions work beyond "certain expenses for certain things can remove certain amounts from the taxes you owe"

>> No.2087610

Maybe the gril thing, but I don't know how they would have worked it out. Going to reply less, maybe once a day at most, see what happens.
The second one, I'm getting like five emails an hour sometimes.
>emoticons are the secret to avoid them misreadin shorter responses
Will try this! Thanks

>> No.2087618

>5 emails

And you're replying to them all the moment you get them? Have you tried NOT responding back so readily? These are emails right? They aren't PMs over skype or some shit. Why the hell are you responding so quickly? Also, finish their damn commissions. Less reason for them to bug you.

>> No.2087621

msg me bby i have 99 inch cock ;^)

>> No.2087690
File: 820 KB, 250x188, 220495758292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest question

How do you people take compliments from randoms? When people claim they "love love love" your work or how "good" you are, how do you not get pissed off? It always just feels like brown nosing to me. My stuff ain't that hot and I have a long way to go. I understand they are trying to make me feel good, but it just pisses me off in the end because I know I'm not where I want to be artistically at all. Something must be wrong with me.

>> No.2087698

say thank you an smile
tell them you hope to get even better

on the "i'm not that good" front, don't matter. there are things i used to think were amazin an great before i could draw, but when i look at them after years of study i can see that they were actually not as hot as i thought

>> No.2087712

They want a request.

>> No.2087713

>I understand they are trying to make me feel good
Unless those randoms are (not-shit) artists (or there's some context you're omitting), they probably believe that your stuff is actually good. Most non-artists have some really broad categories, like these:
>Bad: this is basically beginner's stuff a few months in tops. Absolute trash. If they compliment this, it's probably fake, trying to encourage you.
>Good: this is anything from not absolute beginner to aspiring professional.
>Very good: anything done by an average pro.
>Fine art: everything that's fine art will be instantly considered a good tier of its own, regardless of its quality.
That's how normal people think.

>> No.2087717

I just take it as a fucking complement?
They may not get what makes it not so great, but I appreciate that they like it regardless. Getting offended by someone liking your stuff seems a bit...defeatist.

>> No.2087719
File: 68 KB, 670x503, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mo money, mo problems, gotta think carefully.

>> No.2087722

>Getting offended by someone liking your stuff seems a bit...defeatist.

Or just shows a willingness to not get complacent and end up stagnating. Some people go ham with the compliments. Specially on the internet. Which is why it can come off as shameless brown nosing. A lot of people online are starved for friendship.

>> No.2087725

>A lot of people online are starved for friendship.

Everbody's lonely, mang. Not just on the 'net.

>> No.2087728

that'd only lead to complacency if your sole drive for improvement was the approval of others. i feel you gotta at least some what desire to improve jus to see how far you can go if you truly wish to avoid stagnation.

>> No.2087731

>just shows a willingness to not get complacent and end up stagnating.
It's a common defense mechanism in people with low confidence or inferiority complex.

You can try and dress it up as 2deep4u, but simple awareness of your skill and will to improve wouldn't elicit an irrational and emotional reaction like anger, nor the paranoid assumption that people are being intentionally dishonest instead of, oh I don't know, actually liking your work because they're just common plebs.

>> No.2087737

>Some people go ham with the compliments

You seem to have missed that important detail. People online emote on extremes for whatever reason. It's so bad and ridiculous that people can get self-conscious and think you're being dismissive just for not using a smiley or exclamation mark.

>> No.2087744
File: 81 KB, 677x538, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hasn't been much porn

So here's a starburst


You get the idea

>> No.2087752

looks like she's biting into a hot link

>> No.2087834
File: 1.27 MB, 1254x965, bananasplit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too old to make it anyways so might as well use the rest of my days drawing porn.

>> No.2087835
File: 430 KB, 722x474, g002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will a style thats not the usual thin lines+mangaish construction+cell shading get attention?

>> No.2087837

you need glasses

nice either way

>> No.2087844

I've seen people who made it who were worse than you.

>> No.2087845

Too old to make it? This looks nice, though. Reminds me of Dean Yeagle, with more rendering. I'm sure people would buy it.
Yeah, I think so. When it comes to porn I don't think it's necessarily the stylization so much as the exaggeration of the gestures that draws people to it. So long as it's not ugly, but even then a lot of people like stuff that actually is kind of ugly.

>> No.2087852

i bet you are like 25 and think youre old.

>> No.2087854

>tfw 24, life wasted, I'm done
Not him, though, I suck.

>> No.2087871

Dude. It doesn't have to be one extreme or another. Accepting a complement here and there isn't going to turn you into Nero. And looking at your posts, there's no way you'd ever get complacent. You know the downfalls and you're terrified of stagnating. You have what it takes to keep driving yourself forward in spite of adulation.

>> No.2087883

Yeah, that first pic of Steve was a request from her, why?

>> No.2088170
File: 385 KB, 1000x733, ss+(2015-05-15+at+09.36.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That foreshortening, that xtreme perspective
You picked the hardest position I've ever seen.

I tried to figure it out for you, but I ended up moving some limbs around. Not the best solution, but hope it helps

>> No.2088246

yeah, unless the focus is the feet, it's usually better to crop past them so you can make more important things larger/the focus when usin extreme perspective

>> No.2088252

give loli sharp teeth

>> No.2088297
File: 25 KB, 1265x1568, escanear0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi dear, i'm new here... what you do

>> No.2088305
File: 667 KB, 1878x947, c1d9ea850dd875df02e83d38067920b1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2088315

not gross enough jmgn


>> No.2088367

wait, why does he pay money for site updates? he draws his shit. or are you talking about him paying the wetblush artists or something?

>> No.2088396
File: 668 KB, 1417x1834, shimmer-me-tambers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything I should keep in mind?
>tfw captcha makes you hungry

>> No.2088397

it's a wip by the way

>> No.2088399

Pretend I draw while spouting my ignorance as fact at other's works when in reality I have many of those errors myself and I'm just wasting time on 4chan instead of doing something productive.

>> No.2088401

Not erotic.

>> No.2088402
File: 322 KB, 569x565, 1429462064816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onta/doxy runs three sites that i know of
hardblush (MxM furry), wetblush (non MxM furry) an trapfuta (reincarnation of prismgirls without outside hired artists, it's general pop cultural ephemera porn, tits are usually involved)

hardblush updates 4 times a week an wetblush updates 2-3 dependin on how well that patreon's doin.

also, i miffed a bit an miscalculated, sayin his update expendatures were 36k by roundin months to 4 weeks. at 52 weeks a year with 5 hired updates a week at $150 minimum, it would actually be 39k per, so tack another 3k onto that figure i came up with for $86874.74 per year before deductions.

but seein how much he makes on his doxy patreon tho, we should readjust our estimates for how much he takes in net each year.

currently that's $1750.22 per week from doxy patreon an $530.41 from the wetblush patreon.
i have no idea how much hardblush makes, but it's enough to pay for 4 updates per week, so we'll substitute wetblushe's goal of $700 weekly for the equivalent.

$2280.63 combined weekly from patreon, subtract the 5% fee, along with say 10% of people who dodge their patreon payments (this is probably underestimated) an then throw that guesstimate for hardblush back on there for for a net income of $2638.54 per week, extrapolate for a year to get $137,204.08 annually, throw in a couple thousand from merchandising an simplifiy it to a flat $140,000.

federal taxes come to $29737.06 with $20640 to manitoba, so $50,377.06 gross before deductions.

throw everything together with the lowest livin expenses i can imagine an you get like $104377.06 for a low estimate of how much it cost to run his business minus whatever deductions he can get.

maybe i should shift my focus from art to financial consultant.

>> No.2088405

That's one of the most hurtful things someone's said to me... because it's true. Dammit, now I see it. I guess this is the part where I try to justify myself by saying the sketch and lineart was made for a 30 minutes challenge and that I liked it enough to color it. But yeah, now I can see the stiffnes of it all.

>> No.2088406
File: 67 KB, 500x592, 2015-05-16_05-21-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, this thread's s'pposed to be bout tits or somethin

>> No.2088419

Seems like a fair assessment, but I'm still confused as to why he's blowing so much money on hardblush and wetblush. If it costs him 150 per page to hire artists, and there's no way the sites can make that money back, why throw that much into it when you know it's going to be a losing investment? Some twisted sense of heroism? Devoting your income to making sure furry lovers can fap to porn?

I find it hard to believe that Doxy isn't taking money baths and fucking supermodels at night, with that kind of income.

>> No.2088422


well from what I can remember he lives modestly in his own apartment.

He likes other artists he admires and treats them well, and if you're not an inspirational artist to him he won't give a shit about you.

unless you're really popular and can benefit him. Like maniacpaint and shadman.

>> No.2088428

they still turn him a profit, however slight, but they also prolly give him a hella nice tax credit cause that's easily 40k+ worth of business expenses.

also i'm a fuckin idiot an his taxes should be a higher amount cause i forgot to exchange his income from american to canadian dollars ;-;

he has a soft spot for a couple people, i think he jus has the normal level of detachment one would have at his level of popularity in the art communities he rolls. he's surrounded by thousands of people who want his attention only because he's famous an unless you got honest to god skills in the areas he's lookin for he's not gonna wanna do business, much less socialize with every single random stranger he gets a message from.

>> No.2088430
File: 790 KB, 1094x1280, reptilepuffy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to just slap some highlights on the other five but I think I'm going to give them the full monty

>> No.2088436

were those Reptiles a commission or just practice?

>> No.2088441

Nice detail on the butt.

>> No.2088443

Is that a canine penis or Bigmac?

>> No.2088458

Why? Why draw this shit?
Is there anyone who gets off to that garbage?

>> No.2088460

Hey gayben, what timezone are you in.
I keep missing your streams.

>> No.2088461

No, they just pretend to. They pay for someone to draw stuff they don't like, so they can beguile people into thinking they like it. But they don't. Good thing you are smart and you noticed this clever ruse.

>> No.2088497

Yeah, its something a lot of people in these threads struggle with. Drawing people having sex doesn't automatically make it erotic.
Try to keep composition, angles and forshortening in mind when drawing erotic stuff.

Look at >>2088430
compared to your own, see how flat your seems, since there's no extremes? No matter how much I think he should be chimically castrated for drawing furry, I can't deny that he knows how to draw erotic images.

>> No.2088515


Big Mac
He's usually my go to pony dick when I can't get in some futa

>> No.2088573
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x1500, lels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a quick paintover on face and pussy, could help you. Also good taste in pone, nigga

>> No.2088646

Wow, anon! Thank you! you're way too kind. I know this may sound cliche, but I apparently paintovers teach you a lot when they're applied to your work... Thank you again anon.

>> No.2088679
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1500, lels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just added some things because why not. Today's episode was pretty good so I'm kinda in a good mood.

>> No.2088690

you two are adorable nwn

>> No.2088691

>black wing ding

cuck pls

>> No.2088729

>Implying I'm white

>> No.2088734

Thanks again, anon! you're doing god's job.

>> No.2088742

i realize this prolly came off as condescendin, but i really meant it earnestly

>> No.2088746

Shimmerfag here, I don't think you came condesxending. I thinks he's making fuun of our drawings and attitude. Then again, there's an almost insignificant possibility that he's ernest too, but I don't think so.

>> No.2088748

>Cuckold is the only type of interracial porn

Nice projection there faggot.

>> No.2088914

can i set up picarto stream to only show my photoshop? i dont want plebs to see my references.

>> No.2088939

>window capture
>can I set to only show window?

>> No.2089012

Window capture doesn't work with PS, at least not with OBS. Gonna have to change programs or get a dual monitor set up.

>> No.2089020

You can just focus the capture area to just the boundaries of your PS window

>> No.2089047

wtf happened to her tits

>> No.2089082

Are you trying to charge extra for a development vid? I think I should do that too.

>> No.2089114
File: 120 KB, 500x544, tumblr_ml0xdqloE51qa1dc3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do u get so many horse dicks ??????????????????????

>> No.2089115
File: 293 KB, 744x1052, fg_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch of the cover for the latest comic.

>> No.2089119

Like the pose goes past awkward to impossible?

>> No.2089133

Nice, what comic though?

>> No.2089145
File: 709 KB, 951x1231, Delete Later I dont even like ponies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea how helpful this will be, I'm no expert, but this is how I read the picture.

The stomach down seems to either be a non-fitting stomach, or her ladyparts are veering off to our left. Maybe the problem lies in the legs she's sitting on, they seem pretty randomly drawn

>> No.2089154

I purposely didn't go into details, because I'm fed up with all the flaming I'm receiving each time I mention the kind of comics I make.

>> No.2089156
File: 49 KB, 203x201, 1359885804955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that sucks.

>> No.2089157

By how these threads goes, I think I know what they're about and why indeed they would create such a strong response, which sucks.

>> No.2089160

Seems like there's more hatred for BBC compared to furry.

>> No.2089161


>> No.2089162

It's awkwardly posed, which is one of the reasons for it not being sexy.

>> No.2089173
File: 14 KB, 246x238, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the haters, I love what you do man. Keep it up and keep chugging.

>> No.2089179

Thanks! This helps a lot. I'm starting to notice this is a problem I have a lot.

>> No.2089185

Shows their insecurities I guess

>> No.2089193

Michael Hampton's figure drawing book helped me a lot with these sort of problems. He sets some rules that make it easier to get a grasp of things like that

>> No.2089205

>no hooves
Fuck you.

>> No.2089505

Hey, /ic/. I'm kinda new to hentai foundry and didn't know there was an approval system with regards to submissions. How long does it take usually for submissions to get approved or denied?

>> No.2089507


4chan is the haven for insecure virgins. Of course they hate BBC. It feeds their insecurity as much as an average conversation with a normalfags would. Fuck them, their opinions are worthless.

>> No.2089517

About a day more or less, at least that's my case.

>> No.2089518

tumblr or something? i love the linework ;-;

>> No.2089522

Doh, I guess it's time I create a thumblr or something.

>> No.2089525

I see, thank you.

>> No.2089527

I don't see any black men in the image, what could possibly be wrong about your comic?

>> No.2089530
File: 18 KB, 500x500, 8d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2089537

>the idea of some niggershit fucking my white woman

insectruee XDDDXDDD.

>> No.2089549


Hey there Elliot Rodger.

>> No.2089569

Thanks anon.

>> No.2089570

sup progcuck.

>> No.2089582

>those women belong to me, even though they never choose me.


>> No.2089591

Fuck, I knew it would come to this.
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

>> No.2089610
File: 31 KB, 500x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to give me all you supplies before you kill yourself

>> No.2089614


Just ignore 'em and report their autistic bitching and moaning. Mods have cleaned up their shit before.

>> No.2089625
File: 463 KB, 610x792, robble-robble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help. I can't into perspective.

>> No.2089626

what do you guys think of getting a commission for some crappy OCs? It's worthless, also when someone asks to do art of something that already exists/done better elsewhere. Never

>> No.2089637

>what do you guys think of getting a commission for some crappy OCs
It's where I get most of my art related cash from.
> also when someone asks to do art of something that already exists/done better
If they like your style, why not let them throw money at you?

>> No.2089639

Money is money. If they ask to draw custom mlp with diapers, money is money.

>> No.2089646
File: 444 KB, 1000x2123, comm-androir_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BBC sir Getsflamedalot here. And now for something completely different... tadaaa
It's a very old commission. Don't mind the anatomy. I want to get back into doing some colored/finished pieces and could use some advice related to that (coloring).

>> No.2089651

If you don't like money, anon, just say it (or get a job and draw whatever the fuck you want).

>> No.2089662
File: 106 KB, 754x854, kung-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not loli, I'm just flatchested.

>> No.2089665

Those are some dick sucking lips.

>> No.2089666
File: 218 KB, 900x880, callie-swat_kats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Callie pinup.

>> No.2089670
File: 100 KB, 421x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god.
I-Its beautiful.

BBC chan, I-

>> No.2089671
File: 218 KB, 900x880, callie-swat_kats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG, I shat some bricks when I saw dat foot.

>> No.2089672

>BBC chan
Haha, I'm going to steal that and use it as my Tumblr name.

>> No.2089683


>> No.2089688

they dont belong to dindu either

>> No.2089692

lookin good but dat forearm feels a bit long an the knee/kneecap on the extended leg isn't really there?

lookin good but that linework starts to get a bit shoddy below the waist. also with the curvature of those abs/belly combined with the position of the butt, you wouldn't really see the belly button from this side (you have it too high regardless)

>> No.2089790

Hmmm. Maybe I'm wrong since I'm fusing on NG+.
Try Google, bro.

>> No.2089896

That guys taint is dangling like none other, looks like its growing out from his asshole

>> No.2091813
File: 107 KB, 540x675, tumblr_nolg65EdFD1t14xmho1_r1_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna know how you guys do it. Im trying to make a name for myself by drawing porn but its just not working. Ive been at it for 5 months now, have over 100 posts of nothing but my drawings, I tag all my posts, but I still have less than 10 followers. What am I doing wrong? Is my style just not appealing enough to arouse people? Am I just not pandering to the right crowd?
Ive noticed porn of Nintendo IPs gets a lot attention somewhat on the same level as MLP. Also characters drawn with vibrant colors, and round soft features seem to get lots of attention as well. Any advice?

>> No.2091824


>> No.2091845
File: 137 KB, 960x720, 1431670711456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey you posted my paddie!

>> No.2091959

There's no way you have less than 10 followers, your posts average 300~ notes. Unless you're talking about soup.io or something.

>> No.2092023

Thats not my drawing. Its just an example of the kind of stuff horny nerds like really like

>> No.2092029

Then how are we supposed to judge whether or not your art is worthy enough? It's like asking fish for your cat when you actually own a cow.