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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 17 KB, 228x221, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2081220 No.2081220 [Reply] [Original]

how do you deal with the psychological impact of neetimg and pursuing a self taught career in digital illustration and entertainment design?

i'm currently visiting relatives, plenty of other relatives come too. of course everyone talking about their goals, careers, uni etc. the grown ups of course are super curious... they look amused when i try to explain to them my goals and why i dropped out of uni. nobody gets it. they try to talk and ask about other things, and look at me funnily when i tell them i don't do anything. all i do is draw.

and all i think about is art, and it's aspects. yet nobody nearby who i could talk to about it. all of their conversations about life-stuff i can't at all relate to.

it's starting to get to me. not just being alone but not having support. everyone assumes i'm some delusional dumb kid who's failed at growing up. my own family even. everyone feels sorry for me. this is fucking hell.

>> No.2081225

if you are good and show them most will stop doubting

>> No.2081231


Lol you wish. They assume it's computer algorhytms and photomanipulations. The better you are the more trouble they have pretending to not feel sorry for you.

>> No.2081240

My parents assumes I do super technical computer work then when I remind them I draw all day on the computer not program or some shit they don't understand it. They don't see art as something you can make money off of.

If I buy fast food my mom will come over and say "where'd you get the money anon, did you finally find a job?" Then I'll say it's just side money I make with art. "Art? What's that? Oh so now you'll help pay rent :-)))))?"

>> No.2081257

>tfw you will never be Sakimichan at a family reunion.

>"yes, I still draw pictures for a living"
>"Oh, does that pay the rent, dear? Don't you want to look for a real job? Uncle Cheong might have a secretary job for you at his law firm, you should talk to him!"
>"Thanks but I get by fine, I make half a million $ a year :^)"

>> No.2081268

>607,598.40 $ to be specific

>> No.2081288
File: 67 KB, 478x600, crazy ukranian kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half a million.
Everytime, everytime...

>> No.2081296

I make 2x more income than everyone in my family doing art so nobody can complain.

>> No.2081302

I was always a fat loser so no one expected anything from me to begin with. Not even depressed as I'm getting better every day and losing weight consistently while I find out that there was always a handsome face under the fat.

>> No.2081303

Your parents on welfare? Impressive.

>> No.2081305

>everyone assumes i'm some delusional dumb kid who's failed at growing up.

You probably are. The vast majority who try to get good on their own fail, or use an abhorrent amount of time.
If you were serious about having it as a career, you'd get into art school.

>> No.2081309

Art school is for people with low IQ, like you.

>> No.2081310

Lol they each make 50k

>> No.2081312
File: 144 KB, 953x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art school
Fuck you

>> No.2081315

Never went to art school, but I guess that kneejerk reaction speaks volumes about what a failure you are.

>> No.2081316
File: 203 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im guessing you did one abstract piece and then a super rich guy bought it and now you cruise through 3 years of life

>> No.2081323

>Never went to art school

Then why do you make this claim 'If you were serious about having it as a career, you'd get into art school' ? I (op) actually went to 3 art schools, until I realized that all those horror stories were 100% accurate, and began the journey of self teaching.

>> No.2081324

As I said, failure.

>> No.2081326

Leave him alone, mate. You obviously have no argument for anything you say and spouting failure the whole time as a reply doesn't make it any better.

>> No.2081338

I have these exact feels right now, damnit. The good news is my parents are supportive of me but I always wonder what other people think

>He's always at home
>Is he in school?
>does he work?
>what does he do?
>draws boxes everyday to figure out form and 3d drawing
>They can't begin to comprehend how I am not a neet failure at life
>I can't comprehend how I am not a neet failure at life

>> No.2081340

As opposed to his argument?

>I went to three art schools and failed! Art schools are universally useless because of my personal experiences!

I've been in various online art communities since the 90s, and while this is all anecdotal, art school seems to put a rocket up people's asses and vastly improves their skill level. I know a lot of people who've succeeded to various degrees, and the universal constant is that they got some kind of art degree.
Now, you could argue that they went to art school because they were highly motivated and succeeded because of their dedication and focus, but whatever the reason, it seems to work. Bottom line is, it gives you direction, it makes you try different styles, techniques and mediums, and it forces you to practise.

Ironically, I actually don't have a degree in art, but managed to make enough money to buy my first house working as an artist. Granted, it was mostly illustrations for school books and technical illustration/graphics design for brochures, but still.
I later got a STEM degree and switched careers, as I don't enjoy working as an artist, but prefer it as a creative hobby.

>> No.2081341


I don't get your point. However I still think you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.

Or maybe we should just talk about how you have a measured IQ of 63, and you have been diagnosed with a mental condition that prevents from retaining information beyond the 3 second mark? Because those things clearly mean anything you say can be safely disregarded.

Oh you don't have those conditions, nor an IQ of 63? Oh well since you are very eager to talk about things you know nothing of, I thought I'd just do the same. See how that works? It's in everybodies interest that you exercise a minimum of self reflection when arguing on the internet.

>> No.2081343

The quality of art schools and self teaching always varies for every region and every person. There will be people that just won't make it because natural talent obviously exists and working hard is one of them.

>> No.2081346

Uh close but not really. I've just been selling art since I was around 14. Its been a nice source of income since then.

>> No.2081349

>I've been in various online art communities since the 90s
Thanks for showing your age, old geezer . That explains why you can't sit through a pirated lecture...while (let me remind you tenderly) costs roughly $900 college tuition! And gasp, you can hit the replay button until you get it unlike real life!
>art school seems to put a rocket up people's asses and vastly improves their skill level
People just need to learn time management. The serious learners know about it already.
> I know a lot of people who've succeeded to various degrees, and the universal constant is that they got some kind of art degree.
Piece of paper don't mean shit.
>succeeded because of their dedication and focus
Or maybe because they are sinking in thousands of dollars in debt?
>Bottom line is, it gives you direction, it makes you try different styles, techniques and mediums, and it forces you to practise.
Old man projecting his inabilities to focus on the younger generation.

>> No.2081350

Shouldn't the fact that you've dropped out of three art school tell you something? You think your bitterness is somehow representative of what most people experience and learn in art schools?

>> No.2081352

Again, your pathetic bitterness is shining through. It's no wonder people see you as a failure.

Also, I already stated that I've worked as an artist and later got a STEM degree. How exactly does this correspond to not being able to focus?

>Shut up, dad! You don't understand me.

I kinda get why your family doesn't respect you.

>> No.2081355

>I later got a STEM degree and switched careers, as I don't enjoy working as an artist, but prefer it as a creative hobby.
Yeah It just shows me you too dang old to compete with us 20 somethings and got depressed so you fell back on your "back-up" plan. I get it.

That still does not excuse you for your inability to self teach yourself or try to convince people art school is the only way.

>> No.2081358

>your inability to self teach yourself

Are you illiterate? I did self teach. And I got a job as an artist. That doesn't mean I can't recognize that art school would likely have given me a more varied set of skills, and sped my progress along.

>to compete with us 20 somethings

I honestly don't think I'm going to have to worry about competition from bitter, socially crippled shutins who complain about what their family thinks of them online.

>> No.2081360

I went to art school in order to avoid this situation
>spend 4 years convincing parents I can totally get a job as soon as I graduate
>as soon as I graduate, get a retail job "just to pay bills while I job hunt"
>can't get a real job because getting married/buying house, "don't know where we want to live/work yet"
>out from under their roof, convince them I work various online art jobs and work retail "to bring in a little extra."

Now I have the free time to actually study. They will leave me alone because I have a degree and they won't think I'm lazy because they don't know that I "waste my whole day drawing"

>> No.2081364

Fuck off with your shitty online argument you mouthbreathers.

>> No.2081365

>That doesn't mean I can't recognize that art school would likely have given me a more varied set of skills, and sped my progress along
There are kids who can paint near as good as an FZD student on DA right now because the internet. Okay okay It will speed up YOUR progress because you're just too dumb and need your hand held.
>I honestly don't think I'm going to have to worry about competition from bitter, socially crippled shutins
You're quakin' in your boots.

>> No.2081369

>There are kids who can paint near as good as an FZD student on DA right now because the internet.

Haven't said anything else. Doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of people who succeed in their art career, go to art school. Nor does it change the fact that the majority of NEETs fail. You're a good example of that one.

>You're quakin' in your boots.
Woe is me.

>> No.2081390

>Doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of people who succeed in their art career, go to art school.

xxXchikannekosXxx on deviantart just made her $500th dollar for the week plus her 1k pateron. By the end of the month she'll have 3k in her checking account.

That's "succeeding" to me and she didn't have to go to Calarts to do it--just pure determination and high IQ. Take notes, grandpa.

>> No.2081395

>Nor does it change the fact that the majority of NEETs fail.

I'm winning already. Majority of NEETs are indeed lazy but they haven't failed because they're still young and have the whole 50 years ahead of them.

>> No.2081410
File: 37 KB, 400x400, OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This one person I made up represent the whole.

Are you mentally challenged or just trolling?

>I'm winning already.

Heh, yeah. As I mentioned earlier, I actually think your erratic, defensive behaviour explains why you dropped out of three art schools, and why your family thinks you're weird.

>> No.2081419

Art school is just full of people that onky do art because it goes well with their hippy vegan alternative persona.

Not many art students are actually that interested in art or trying to be successful at it.

Art schools only good if yiu want to hang around stupid hippy vegans all day.

>> No.2081421
File: 8 KB, 210x227, 1 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm winning this internet argument.
Yeah, show that NEET you big man you!

>> No.2081422

Searched this user and literally nothing came up

>> No.2081423


>> No.2081424

Do you know what a quote is, retard?

>> No.2081431

You'll easily find them if you look around a little.

>> No.2081444

Yeah, show that NEET you big man you!

>> No.2081447

As in the only search result for this username was on this thread.

>> No.2081449


LOL my experience exactly.

>> No.2081470

>The vast majority who try to get good on their own fail, or use an abhorrent amount of time.
No shit. This doesn't change if you go to art school.

>> No.2081488

You have a point, that OP might actually be delusional. But how does getting into art school mean anything? Honestly anyone with a month of loomis could get into one, it's just whether or not you wanna sink the money into it. Which, honestly, I can't really see any possible justification for it. Connections made during school are great, but is it really that smart to burden yourself with that sort of debt?

>> No.2081493

Keep searching, you'll find it.

>> No.2081497

just link it faggot

>> No.2081514
File: 29 KB, 398x394, 1386288092349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish you'd stop reminding me that such a person exists.

>> No.2081525

get part time job at a walmart or some shit, then you'll have an excuse.

>> No.2081533
File: 38 KB, 300x271, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hfw she only has to work for 2 years to retire with 20,000 a year until death
>hfw minimum wage makes 13,000 a year
>hfw she can work 4 years for 40,000
>10 years for 100,000 until death

>> No.2081573

don't forget that her prints would still be selling even after she stopped working.

>> No.2081575

You have no idea how jealous I am of that talentless cunt

>> No.2081580

Why is she so popular? Will I make more if I pretend to be a girl?

>> No.2081581

Do you think every wannabe athlete is jealous of how much money every pro athlete makes? There are 100x more athletes that make 10x as much as her.

You're mad at one person where there are thousands of people more successful doing much less work.

>> No.2081582

Also don't forget that she will continue to make more money each month as she gains patrons.

>> No.2081587

>top athletes
>doing less work than patreon artists

>> No.2081589

I want to remind you all that sakimichan went to art school. I have spoke to her myself. Some people do better in that environment. Some people don't do better in that environment. Do what works best for you. Above all, never stop drawing.

>> No.2081595

Not missing any chance to continue with your art school shitposting.

>> No.2081605

He gets paid for every poor soul that joins art school, that's why he's advertising so much.

>> No.2081612

I just tell people I want to be a college art professor and they're satisfied with that answer. I leave it at that.

In reality my goals are to be an illustrator/fine artist.

>> No.2081811

OP just go to an atelier/unaccredited "art school" that actually trains you and meet other artists there.
The lack of support and art friends in general to keep you motivated is the disadvantage to self teaching that pros who try to sell online self-teaching as the best option don't talk about.

>> No.2081836 [DELETED] 

I'm doing a bachelors in Social Sciences and am going to do a Masters in Political science.
Planning on becoming online Adjunct faculty and working like 20 hours a week.

Planning on doing art in my spare time, maybe in 5 or 6 years I'll have a decent portfolio.

>> No.2081837

>Will I make more if I pretend to be a girl?
Curious about this myself. I'm a grill who remains gender neutral online to avoid stupid situations. In that I don't go out of my way to mention my gender, not the "I'm agender" tumblr thing. Now I'm wondering if I just ruined years of trying to get an audience.

>> No.2081838

>Uncle Cheong
I may have to pay a visit to uncle Cheong too

>> No.2081839

Are you me?

>> No.2081842

Dude, it sounds like you have become a reclusive shut in who only cares about art.

Being a NEET is bad for your mental health bro

>> No.2081856

I do this too except I take it one step further and pretend to be a guy

>> No.2081879

The only difference putting up a photo made was messages saying I'm cute once in a while
No impact on anything else whatsoever

>> No.2081903

Don't worry, once you hit 25 your relatives couldn't give two shits what you do or how much $ you pull in. If you don't have grandkids for your parents no one gives a shit about your life, you are free to be yourself!

>> No.2081915

Hey /ic/ most of you are American, but honestly how bad is art school? If it was afforbable would u do it?

Im an Ausfag, so i can get into fine arts at a uni and the whole thing will cost like 30K and thats on a loan that will come out of tax. Should i do it?

>> No.2081951

Who is this fucking autist I see in every thread rattling on about how working in the art industry is only for people aged 18-25? Why does he have such a hatred for people older than him? He'd never survive working in such an industry with that kind of attitude.

There are two kinds of art schools, ones that teach important skills like the fundamentals and force students to draw lots. These are the kinds of art schools that if you put the work in you will succeed
The other kind of art school is the one where all the teachers and students are lunatics that praise contemporary art. You can't win in that kind of school, there are no fundamentals to be taught, no life drawing classes to take advantage of and no students or contacts to write down

>> No.2081963

It's not just one person you insecure moron.

>> No.2081969
File: 40 KB, 453x576, 1359915325268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really looks like it is one person

He's very aggressive about how people over 20 shouldn't work in the industry and how they're incompetent. It's always the same Elliot Rodger attitude

..hey your post kind of resembles his way of posting..
and you was very quick to shut me down
you seem very confident that it's not one person..

>> No.2081973

I love yue minjun <3

>> No.2081979


yep. guarantee you it's the same hurrrdurrr i was an artist now i do stem faggot. no idea why he even posts on here.

>> No.2081983

is me
is STEM faggot
and what you're talking about is just merely coincidence to assure your insecurity that other people think alike.

...hey your post kind of resembles the fear of being too old to work in the industry....too late to get good.

>> No.2081987

>too old to work in the industry

Art isn't an athletic sport. There is no "too old" to enter the art community and be a freelancer that works for multiple industries/clients.

You sound really young and inexperienced with those views. It's obvious your a NEET who doesn't actually go out and converse with people making a living doing art.

>> No.2082000
File: 30 KB, 340x199, 19_lived-a-rich-man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going out
>conversing with people
>not using my unlimited NEET tyme to grind them dragons

You keep brining it up. I think you're just jealous.
>You sound really young and inexperienced with those views
Yes I'm young. I'm in my youthful 20s and have plenty of time to grow and flourish. Don't be too jealous or your facial structure will begin defy gravity and sag.

>> No.2082012 [DELETED] 

Feel this

>> No.2082016

You are immature
Nobody wants to work with a brat that is going to pollute the air with their negative vibes
It's not all about getting the job done, you can't work effectively in a bad environment
I'm absolutely convinced it's all the same person now
Post yer art and if you post merc_wip then you are effectively telling the entire board you're an idiot thus invalidating all of your posts

>> No.2082023
File: 10 KB, 228x167, focus old man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wake up at 5 erryday, multitasking between the eyesee and drawing. I bet you haven't even put in your hour for the day, old man.

I can give you some tips to manage your time and get shit done and I promise you it won't require 50k tution/year!
>Nobody wants to work with a brat that is going to pollute the air with their negative vibes
this is /ic/ not deviantart--I can be as bad vibe as I want

>> No.2082025

You're acting cocky now and telling us how glorious NEETdom is to win some internet argument but in the OP you just told everyone how depressed you are that you're alone and all your family looks down on you.

>> No.2082027

I'm not OP...that's where the confusion comes in. OP probably long abandoned the thread.

>> No.2082029

So you're just the usual NEET acting cocky while haven't achieved anything in both skill and life.

>> No.2082030

>making connections
>not a part of the grind

True NEET with absolutely no business sense at full display. You're the type who will crack under the pressure if ever given a deadline. You'll never be Kim Jung Gi. You'll never even be Artgerm. And both of those dudes are older.

>> No.2082034

I like that projection. Not even god tier yet and making 5 golds/month already. More than the majority of /ic/ I'm sure.
connections just sounds so gay

>> No.2082044

>I like that projection
I'm also young, just 19. I go to school and have a part time job after one year of being a NEET. That other anon is right, the moment you will need to sacrifice a decent portion of your day for responsibilities you will be destroyed because you never cured your mental disease.

I know firsthand how comfortable it is being a NEET and how many downsides there are. It's no life where you ever can hope to be successful. While I can only manage to visit 4chan on sunday having the rest of the week fully dedicated to reach my goals, having responsibilities I can't throw away. After coming only after a single year of being NEET into the real world I was crushed the first few months. I can only imagine how it must grow harder and harder as the years pass. If you really think it will go as smooth as staying a NEET for a few more years, slowly learning day for day while playing games, surfing 4chan and succumbing to your other lowly desires and just entering the industry like that? Don't be naive, you're still merely a child who lives in his closed world.

>> No.2082057

You sound like a girl. I don't need input from a woman who had daddy let her take a gap year so she can figure out what she wants to do in life while looking for part-time work. Get real, neet at 18 isn't neet at all..it's your parents being nice to you to give you breathing room.

Bitch don't even tell me what it's like being NEET. Also
Confirmed "darling I accept you like art but I want you to get an edumacatoin" from your parents.

>> No.2082061

You throw all that other shit in that has nothing to do with the argument.

>> No.2082062

nice projection faggot

>> No.2082063

You have no argument, daddy's girl. 18 year old neet is fresh out of high school don't know what to do with my life situation. Faggot.

You're all just jealous--post them work time stamps. Bet you haven't even put in 30 minutes of draw time and are wasting time on 4chan.

>> No.2082065
File: 8 KB, 311x70, wwwwwwwlol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 you wasting your time too
dual wield losers, dual wield.

>> No.2082067

Strange format for indicating 2 years

>> No.2082069


>> No.2082070

anon ive been there. I know it really sucks. But did you expect this to be easy ? Its part of the struggle man, it will make you stronger in the end. This is only the beginning so be prepared. You have to learn to love pain and struggle its the only way

>> No.2082076

If you think art school is worth anything, let alone the massive amount of debt it puts you in, then you're stupid. I only know a single professional artist who bothered going to art school and graduated. it was essentially worthless and just gave her years of debt.
I've never heard a single professional recommend art school or consider them necessary.
I have never been asked to show a degree or say what university I went to, clients do not give a fuck.
A good portfolio is all that matters, unless you want to teach highschool or some shit.
If you can be self disciplined you can learn art on your own and not get a lifetime of debt.
If you can't do that on your own and need a teacher to hold your hand then art is probably a bad career choice anyway.

Honestly I think you are full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. fuck off

>> No.2082080

I have this problem too. Honestly the only thing that really helps is making social time important. Not talking to people online, but actually leaving your house regularly to hang out with people.

I don't really like going out or interacting with people but I also notice I get depressed and it becomes difficult to draw if I dont make that a priority every so often.
Volunteering or getting a part time job can work too, anything to get you out a few times a week.

>> No.2082130

How/where are you selling your work? I've been wanting to sell myself but I can't find any sites that look worthwhile

>> No.2084504

think you're right about that. there are possibilities, i e.g.live in old germany, to visit some courses at the uni without sinking much money - some are even for free.
visiting a weekly anatomy class and getting in contact with people who're interested in arts could be a promising beginning also if seen from the emotional side...

>> No.2084510

you mean neko-art?
couldn't find it either bla bla...

>> No.2084512

>tfw you discover they don't teach natural drawing anymore
>tfw the teachers have no idea how to fix this
>tfw this all happened because art schools got filled to the brim with hipster faggots that only care about "being an artist" and don't give a single shit about creating art
I can't wait to get into art school.

>> No.2084535

Not true, study the history of art. Arts in general has periods, modern art, the art you hate is just this era of popular art. It's actually just how culture works.

But it's too bad people are too dumb to seek out what draftsmanship is before wasting their money, which is what I presume you mean when you say "natural art".

>> No.2084579

same except my family is fat losers

>> No.2084721

If it's any consolation OP I know that feel 200% and I think we're wired mentally.

>> No.2084801


Have a brofist mane.

>> No.2084849

The only thing plebians can understand as success and shit is when you're famous or rich. If you're being fulfilled and enjoy the creation of art then no ones opinions or anything else matters. If you have the discipline and self motivation to make it you inevitably will with time. As for support, try going to conventions or life drawing sessions and even just social media to talk with other artists. It's so fucking hard to come across them so you're going to have to seek them out. Good luck OP, we're all gonna make it breh

>> No.2084856

>decide to finally quit art school
>lack motivation of self study because bad habits of being lazy and delaying works
Fuck, what do ?

I always feel pumped up when thinking about going to draw, but it only last for a short while and kind of died.

>> No.2084857

>After years of being a suicidal nobody I've finally taken drawing seriously
>Make arrangement with Mom to support me while I study full time
>Work long hours studying and slowly improving using internet resources
>Younger sister started going to community college taking philosophy courses
>First person in the entire family to pursue post-secondary education
>Everyone is impressed by what she's doing
>The only way I can get the family to think what I'm doing has any legitimacy is by lying and saying I'm enrolled in Proko and Vilppu's online courses
>Still no respect, everyone thinks I'm a bum

They'll pay when I'm making 60k and living in a little cabin out in the country while my sister is making Egg McMuffins and crying into her shitty "degree."

>> No.2084861

>while my sister is making Egg McMuffins and crying into her shitty "degree."

jokes on you. she's a woman. she can just catch herself some beta provider with a stem job and live the good life.

and the best part is, women get admiration, pats on the back and a free sense of accomplishment for that.

not born a woman = life on hardmode.

>> No.2084863


She's always been chunk and she's going to completely pork out when she hits her 30s. Woman benefits will not apply.

>> No.2084900

le chubby chaser wildcard appears

>> No.2084905

It isn't easy to do, just worth it in the end.

Or you will regret it forever. It will only get worse, don't wait on motivation.

>> No.2084906

fuck off back to /s4s/

>> No.2085164


If it were only to get connections to things like cn and disney for animation then yeah id go

>> No.2085178

i go to martial arts where people have a way to get into competition, and meet with people who win amateur europe belts in muay thai.

It's motivating as fuck, and takes me to another mindset of trying hard and making challenges for me.
Man up bro. Most people think that the internet is all about youtube and facebook even to this day.

>> No.2085236

>low IQ people like you

It's not for people with inferiority complexes like you, who have a stick up their ass because they either can't afford it, or don't work hard enough to earn a scholarship

>> No.2085242

>pollute the air with their negative vibes

Dude you're getting trolled so hard, did you forget you're on 4chan?

>> No.2085387

You learn to walk alone man, i have a nice family but they never supported me emotionally. It's hard when you're young but with time you ger numb/strong enought to deal with it. I work 40 hours a week though maybe you should look for a part time job or something.

>> No.2085407

>look for a part time job or something

I'd advise against this, unless absolute necessary. You'll get some temporary respect bonus manning up and not being a neet faggot, but in the grand scheme of things you'll still be considered a failure.

If you can somehow avoid it (benefits, welfare, whatever) I'd definitely do that. You'll reach your goals way faster simply because you can dedicate almost all the time of your day to learning and making art.

Rather be 3 years a complete fucking failure, than 4 years an almost complete fucking failure.

>> No.2085557

It's not so bad, OP. Illustration and entertainment design is the biggest art industry right now probably who are tied to a common goal. You're more likely to have people to talk to and people who can actually teach you stuff even if online than any other types of art. Heck, in this board alone you have so many people with similar goals (entertainment industry). If you're in burbank or some other places it would be much easier.

I'm in the same predicament but it's even harder to find people to talk to about stuff who actually know anything about it. I'm actually jealous of you.

>> No.2085602

you would be making money, and get a good bit every tax return period

>> No.2085639

>talking instead of drawing

>> No.2085748

thanks I saved this as a motivational quote

>> No.2085796
File: 30 KB, 385x400, hh;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gave up on my dream
>trying to commission art online
>no one fucking cares, not a single email
>mooching off my mom

>> No.2085840
File: 70 KB, 1141x874, 11084115_926495784037242_6968283818288774713_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you.

21 year old NEET with a passion for art. Working everyday on art, commissions and bettering said art. I've invested so much, - years now, into art and art alone that I've neglected a social life and building up any kind of career otherwise. If I give up on art, I literally have to start from scratch.

>> No.2085883

>tfw I finally felt good enough for jobs due to seeing people shittier than me getting work
>post everywhere send out loads of emails and get nothing
>fail to even land free work
>realize I'm delusional and really shitty at art even though it's by far my best skill


>> No.2085894


Draw porn.

Even the roughest of amateurs can make money off of porn.

>> No.2085915

Oh wow. 21. So old.

>> No.2085926
File: 65 KB, 500x382, 1322796219001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?!

>> No.2085935
File: 354 KB, 1452x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join a group or watch a livestream of someone drawing

>> No.2085974
File: 31 KB, 500x401, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one wants to hire a stranger unless Its an emergency

>> No.2085978
File: 87 KB, 1024x573, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reach out to your fans.
Get with em on skype or livestream and something.

Connect with you populus and have plenty of similar work

>> No.2085981
File: 103 KB, 451x397, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd advise against this, unless absolute necessary. You'll get some temporary respect bonus manning up and not being a neet faggot, but in the grand scheme of things you'll still be considered a failure

>getting upset about what people think of you
>everyone trying to cut the legs off you
>king konta

>> No.2086298

I want to network...I just can't comprehend how.

>> No.2086299

Same, I have no idea how. I dont want it to be forced, like sticking my things in everybodys face.

>> No.2086326

...for real? What did you do in those 4 years?

>> No.2090057

Fix that. Better to make work you hate than wait until you feel *inspired ×