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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 87 KB, 960x960, 11103008_1559124734353202_6949652482917040535_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2070063 No.2070063[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to paint as well as Marko Djurdjevic? Stop day dreaming noob and get his amazing super brush and draw just like him!

Marko kept this brush secret, pretending he only ever used a "default charcoal" in interviews. Truth is he used a custom brush that is so Amazing artists have spent years searching for it! And now it's yours to download absolutely free!

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>> No.2070067

Anon learns the secret to get good at art quick without practice and makes $500 working for Google from home! Art schools hate him!

>> No.2070068

You haven't even tried the brush.

>> No.2070070

and what's the name of this brush? loomies hard round?

>> No.2070075

It's called MarkoBrush.abr

Jakob found it in another concept artists brush pack. I guess marko shared it with some of his friends but they didn't pass it on.

Loomis was pre photoshop bro.

Ask youself, if Marko doesn't have a great tool (I wonder if he has moved on now though to other tools), WHY DIDN'T HE RELEASE HIS BRUSH SET??

>> No.2070077

Marko claimed it was a default charcoal brush. From his imagine fx tutorial:

"I work with a default charcoal brush set to 100% opacity with pen pressure applied"

He lied about the type of brush but not that it was only one brush he used.

>> No.2070080
File: 18 KB, 300x169, kepign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you think a brush makes you a great artist

then your in for one hell of a surprise

this is why we cant have nice things cause its OP's like you that fuck up the chance of having a great art (annonymous) community with these brain dead bait threads.

>> No.2070087
File: 330 KB, 1600x1100, back2back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you draw as well as me? No? Then shut the fuck up noob.

If you don't believe this is Marko's brush then go on his facebook page and ask him, IS THIS YOUR ACTUAL DEFAULT CHARCOAL BRUSH?

>> No.2070089
File: 4 KB, 351x152, IC survial guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for proving a point. the poses in this are stiff as fuck. you lack loomis and no bush is ever going to give you that faggot. stop making a mountain out of a fucking molehill

>> No.2070090

>Can you draw as well as me? No? Then shut the fuck up noob.
Damn. Fucking killed me with that bro.

>> No.2070092
File: 732 KB, 893x1080, Ultimate Form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

step it up to my level faggot

>> No.2070094

And you won't post your stuff will you? Cos it sucks right?

>> No.2070095

holy shit, this is a level of autism not usually seen here.Congrats op, you seem to be whole heartedly invested in this. its good to have a hobby, and ranting like an insane person must be yours. Because from what you've shown, your hobby and career sure as hell are not art

now get back to work. if the brush set is so good, you'll be making masterpieces in no time

>> No.2070096
File: 97 KB, 776x1119, Maximum memage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like this joke has already been made

>> No.2070097

This is the same forum linked in the picasso shitposting thread.

>> No.2070098

Btw I already addressed that the marko brush will only give you 2/3rds of the art equation.

As you can see, there's a big improvement. But you can't draw like Marko overnight. It'll take you months of practicing fundamentals to get to that level (the other third of the equation). Here's some more fantastic advice from Jakob on this:

After painting this way for a while, I quickly realized I needed more photo references, because I
clearly didn't understand painting and drawing as well as I thought I did. ;(

I only mention this because -- for me -- the epic quest to find this brush was a little
underwhelming, because now that I had it, the real work of learning how to use it began.

Marko took the book "Dynamic Anatomy" by Brian Hogarth, and just went through it page by page,
did all the lessons, dissected all the drawings, and practiced until he actually understood how all the muscles and bones worked in perspective from any angle.

(see second post in ninja-art thread)

>> No.2070101

that's because op is the same faggot with absolutely nothing better to do with his life i guess

>> No.2070104

>if the brush set is so good, you'll be making masterpieces in no time

made them.

By the way will you guys make masterpieces drawing pot plants and head studies? Isn't ic filled with suicides who thought they'd get gud by copying life and brushes don't matter?

why not call ic suicide watch?

>> No.2070105

the real question is, how many people will download this virus because op is jerking the "god brush" off so much

>> No.2070106

ow! will you stop bullying me if I download your magic brush op? your- your really hurting my feelings!

>> No.2070107

Just like the Picasso thread, this is a sad attempt at getting people to visit this guys shitty forum.

>> No.2070108

is this before, or after? because if it's after, then Huston, we have a problem

>> No.2070109

how can a .abr contain a virus? herp derp

how much shit does ic download all the time such as pirated photoshop, ebooks etc.

>> No.2070110

Are you that guy from the Picasso thread who couldn't stop samefagging and bragging about his 4 year art education?

No wonder you're trying to stunt ic's art potential. They should draw abstract art instead of using marko's brush, is that what you think?

>> No.2070111

what masterpiece? sure hope you haven't posted it yet, because I think I missed it.

unless your this guy. then vastly improved 10/10 I'm making your forum my webpage and becoming a NEET so i can stay home and moderate the forum every waking moment i have

>> No.2070113

It's not magic, it's just a brush an art genius created which is so coveted by concept artists it's been a secret until now.

>> No.2070115

It's the after. Where's yours?

>> No.2070120

oh boy! I'll immediately get that good! wow! the only way I though I could get that good was if I gave myself a lobotomy and forgot everything I knew about gesture and anatomy.

even if it Is the tool he uses, using it doesn't make you god. It wont make anyone else here god either.

he got good, and he made the brush himself. It's his creation and you could get good, and make your own brush that works for you. same goes for any artist

doesn't matter much. all your doing is trying to advertise your forum

>> No.2070121
File: 4 KB, 352x55, Rule 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2070122

anyone wanna link me a megashare? I collect brushes and this interests me, but I don't want to shit up my browser by visiting some god awful forum

>> No.2070124

Ok, I was curious. But it's just the stock PS
chalk brush.

I uploaded it for anyone who is likewise curious, as revenge for OP conning me.


>> No.2070125

Its actually a really good brush and it feels good too.

>> No.2070127


No, I'm not that anon. I just think this clickbaiting is pathetic and you've done it twice now.

>> No.2070129

Cool! thanks!
thanks anon! real love from the street

>> No.2070131

max kek. thanks anon. I was just waiting till someone posted this. get fucked op

>> No.2070132
File: 410 KB, 1908x967, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marko says the dress is white and gold

>> No.2070133

All these people investing so much energy into stupid bullshit, and art-community fame efforts like samefagging hard as fuck on /ic/ or making other alternative boards where they are mods so they can live out their power fantasies make me want to throw up. Put that energy into your art you stupid idiots, isn't that the whole point?

Otherwise you'll find yourself being mediocre as fuck one day but praised by hordes of nobodies who you'll slowly grow to hate because you know they are completely oblivious to how hard you actually suck.

>> No.2070134

Wow no thanks for the guy who spent hours writing the post and drawing art that shows you how good the brush is?

>> No.2070135

why cant we just make those challenges from the forum here?
i think i will just make a thread later

>> No.2070137

If he says its white and gold, its white and gold.

>> No.2070140

Because being anons means there's no peer pressure to take part. Only if you have a sketchbook on a forum do you have the peer pressure to make art and not shitpost all day.

ic asked for the new CA.org. You got it. So what's stopping you becoming an art ninja?

>> No.2070142

Can we just ban this faggot now? This is the second time he's baited people into his meta /ic forum.

>> No.2070143

nope, fuck you op. this thread is shit but the brush is alright. Glad I didn't need to visit your god awful forum. go fag up your own shithole

>> No.2070144

>Put that energy into your art you stupid idiots, isn't that the whole point?

How you gonna do that without a sketchbook thread? Also, why u posting here if ur so focused on muh art?

>> No.2070146

The forum is advertised like a joke,
Noone serious about art will join and post.

>> No.2070147


yeah, I kind of feel bad for him. He just wants people to come to his forum. This is actually a pretty good way to trick people into registering, too. Of course, they'll probably never actually post there afterwards.

It's a noble endeavor, because we really need a good art forum now that CA is dead. Sadly, it's also most likely doomed to fail. For some reason, art forums are ubiquitously small and shabby, and new ones never seem to be able to break that mold.

>> No.2070148

>This is actually a pretty good way to trick people into registering,

I underestimated how ungrateful ic cunts are though.

Oh well ...

>> No.2070149


Well you didn't really give anyone anything. Just tricked people into registering to download one of the basic photoshop brushes. This is probably a suboptimal way to advertise your forum.

>> No.2070150

because I want to get critique from dedicated people who know what they're talking about, not faggots like you who crunch themselves by relying on brush sets

>> No.2070151
File: 49 KB, 600x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you sell shit, you get shit

>> No.2070152

OMG 1. you didn't know that that was Marko's brush.

2. Has anyone actually verified that all the settings are the same as a standard chalk brush? Just because the brush tip is the chalk brush doesn't mean it came with photoshop.

I honestly didn't double check. Jakob sent it to me and he claimed it was in an artists brush pack.

>> No.2070153

cool dude, that means your not going to shitpost and advertise on here again, right?

>> No.2070154


>It's a noble endeavor

No it isn't, he baits people and then shitposts. If he was making an honest effort at starting a forum he wouldn't be doing it like this.

The bulk of the general discussion on that forum is the admin bitching about /ic to himself.

>> No.2070155

>that handsome manly face
Id love to cum all over it. yes i do

>> No.2070156
File: 151 KB, 759x303, dfgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You admit to doing it on your own forum you dumb cunt.

>> No.2070158

Bro, I commented as in it only seemed clever if anons on ic didn't repost it on megashare within 30 seconds. I guess I should have only sent it out via pm after 24 hours.

>> No.2070160


"Trust me bro, when you see it, you'll agree it was worth the wait in terms of forcing lots of people to register. Though in general I do overcomplicate things ."

9 hours ago.

>> No.2070162

You still don't get it. The "clever" part is what the post disputed, not the "forcing people to register"

If your iq was in the double digits you'd get that.

>> No.2070164


There's nothing "clever" about this, and the point is that absolutely no one should feel grateful for your shitposting and baiting.

>> No.2070165

I always felt this guy looks Extremely retarded. Like his head and face.

>> No.2070166


it took you 9 hours with an edited default brush to make sub par art and come up with a long story just to try to bait people into your shit forum.

why the fuck are you still here? every time you post your shitty forum on here again, the thread will get flooded by anons like me pointing you out for the hack you are. you'll never get new members from here, and your forum will die from lack of traffic in a month or two

good work, I needed a chuckle tonight

>> No.2070171

This confirms that Marko's an idiot.

>> No.2070174

>the thread will get flooded by anons like me

Who are too afraid to post their own art.

>> No.2070176
File: 72 KB, 628x388, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using /ic/ as your primary recruitment spot is bound to end poorly

>> No.2070177

Still don't get that I ironically disputed my own cleverness. Are you in prep school or something? Is english a second language?

>> No.2070178

>edited default brush

At least you're admitting it's an edited brush. Why did you slander the brush so hard, saying it was just a default brush? I mean, are you that butthurt that picasso can't draw that you'll say anything to undermine ninja-art and ic?

>> No.2070179
File: 202 KB, 776x1119, OVERMEMED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like an obsession

>> No.2070181


> see second post in ninja art thread


>> No.2070184
File: 49 KB, 391x391, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might aswell burn all the bridges and ruin any chance the forum had

>> No.2070186

can someone explain to me why this marine is an epic /ic/ maymay

>> No.2070188

Picasso can't draw bro. I don't want want people who are too stupid to realise this on my forum. They'd be like "help how do i edit a post is it this edit button?"

>> No.2070189
File: 61 KB, 494x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill tell you why. ONE WORD OP: NINJA. Ninjas are gay as fuck. And Asian. Now if it was Art PIRATE, now we're talking.

>> No.2070190

Has nothing to do with picasso

>> No.2070193

whats the brush though?

>> No.2070199

This may may is used when OP or another anon with their head up their own ass says "why don't you post your work" or "I don't see you doing better". It was derived from that being the original post it was in. These days, merc.wip stands for much more, most importantly a statement against the rampant faggotry of self righteous assholes who think that criticism and critique is only Valid if they lose to the person trying to help them in a dick wagging contest. One could also interpreted it as an insult, that you are not worth the time of posting an up to date wip, so you get merc.

Tldr: "n-no you post your work" is perhaps one of the easiest ways to de-credit yourself as an artist. It shows your unable to take negative feedback and lash out with a blind autism . The critique is valid, and if it isnt, other anon will call it out as wrong. But that's rare. Just like this thread. You posted your shit work. I said it's shit, stiff, needs loomis . Nobody corrected me because I'm right. You respond like a retard, I post ,meme to mock you

Please go. Nobody in their right mind will sign up for ninja art whatever the Fuck it is after you've behaved like this

>> No.2070203

Dammit where were you when I was picking names?

Another one I thought of was "ninja balls"

I really think its catchy.

PS. pirates were more homosexual than ninjas in real life.

>> No.2070204

>merc.wip stands for much more, most importantly a statement against the rampant faggotry of self righteous assholes who think that criticism and critique is only Valid if they lose to the person trying to help them in a dick wagging contest.

But to me it's "faggot who can't draw and lacks balls"

>> No.2070211

>NINJA. Ninjas are gay as fuck
pirates were gays IRL stupid faggot.
they also invented men earrings. or at least loved them to death.
not as a bad thing thought sinse im gay who finds pirates hot

>> No.2070237

>there's no peer pressure to take part
you have to have self discipline

>> No.2070254

How much of the day do you goof off shitposting?

Even if you are doing well, how many years will you be able to keep it up on your own? What happens when you get depressed?

ic is like suicide watch there's so many threads here about depressed artists or even worse the artist who made it after 2 failed suicide attempts (I'm not joking) and that's supposed to be a feel good thread???!

>> No.2070262

>How much of the day do you goof off shitposting?
i dont shitpost
i am doing a okay, its been about two years i think since i started and i am not a depressive person.

>> No.2070267

>merc.wip stands for much more, most importantly a statement against the rampant faggotry of self righteous assholes who think that criticism and critique is only Valid if they lose to the person trying to help them in a dick wagging contest.
NASA is full of stupid retards. Lmao they even can't into math. I can build rockets better

>> No.2070268

Please go.

>> No.2070292
File: 192 KB, 985x1000, pablo-picasso-patek-philippe-scaled1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That forum never had a chance - Picasso 2015

>> No.2070294

Shut up Pablito, go pin some nails or something


>> No.2070304

Oh, I always understood it that the moment someone posts Merc wip, they admit to being a shit tier artist who can't actually draw and whose advice you should not heed.

>> No.2070315

Post work?

>> No.2070317

Right here buddy >>2070179

>> No.2070327

He is insulting the intelligence of every potential new forum member right from the start. How the fuck is that a noble effort? He didn't even realize that people can read the fuck chat messages right there on his forum, where he is talking about this genius marketing ploy with his one other forum member.

>It's a noble endeavor, because we really need a good art forum now that CA is dead

Dude, you realize that CA still has way more members than even Permanoobs, right? A forum started by an industry professional who advertized it to thousands of artists on facebook and had a huge start with tons of professionals participating in the first few months. There is no way this Ninja shit forum could ever reach even a fraction of active posters "dead" CA still has.

>> No.2070342
File: 55 KB, 750x340, 138-Star-Wars-HD-750x340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That other forum member was me and when I saw the thread I took down all my posts and disabled my account.

>> No.2070359
File: 637 KB, 1023x963, average ic user giving a crit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who think that criticism and critique is only Valid if they lose to the person trying to help them in a dick wagging contest

Except, that's how it's supposed to work.
How much you actually know about art shows in your art and only in your art.
Most people here know fuck all and just like to parrot LOOMIS. It's even more ridiculous when these types of people talk shit about pro artists that are infinitely better.

You can twist your nipples all day, but we all know that the reason people won't post their work is because they're shit.

/ic/ should have ID's turned on.

>> No.2070364

Posting your real work, regardless of how good it is, is just giving others ammunition, hence merc_wip

>> No.2070372

>Posting your real work, regardless of how good it is, is just giving others ammunition

Only when you have put yourself in a situation where others are antagonizing you, because you failed to talk to them like a normal human being but rather were venting your own anger and frustration disguised as a critique. I have honestly never seen someone who wrote a helpful, constructive critique to be even asked to post his work, unless his critique was objectively wrong.

Look at the image posted by >>2070359

Not only did the guy talk like an autistic, anti-social retard, he also proved his art is utter shit and he doesn't know what he's talking about. If he had written a helpful critique and had done a good paintover, no one would have used that as ammunition.

>> No.2070380

>/ic/ should have ID's turned on

Haha one particular poster would find himself looking extremely silly if ID's were turned on right now.

>> No.2070382

>dat stiff anatomy
>dat plastic rendering

I wouldn't be talking If I were you.

>> No.2070389

>Only when you have put yourself in a situation where others are antagonizing you
Why else would someone tell you to show your work?
Also, that paintover is decent, and definitely improves on the original.

>> No.2070390


I said it was a noble effort to try to create new art forums. I think you jackasses misread things intentionally just so you can bitch.

>Dude, you realize that CA still has way more members than even Permanoobs, right?

CA is a ghost town; doesn't matter if other art forums are even slower. my point was that /ic/ is about the only place to talk about art anymore and we're mostly cunts. It'd be great if there was a new ascendant conceptart.org... but there probably will never be again. You need more than teenage noobs to make a good art forum (which is all that still animates CA): you need active pros to draw people in; people want to see cool sketches and read experienced perspectives, not wade through 10,000 badly drawn Loomis copies. All the pros hang out on Facebook now so they can avoid the plebs.

>> No.2070392

>Also, that paintover is decent, and definitely improves on the original

Low-taste faggot detected.

>> No.2070394


This guy knows what's up. The only time I've ever been asked to post work was when I was being a cunt. But the whole reason I come to an anonymous art forum is so I can say what I really think without it biting me in the ass later, and I'm a cunt at heart.

And now some faggot started an archive of all the threads here, so I can't get in art battles anymore or else it will be preserved forever. Sucks.

>> No.2070395

Why wouldn't you get into art battles anymore? You're still anonymous. No one will wade through /ic/ archives with the specific goal of finding some shitty drawings.

>> No.2070405


I bet that's what merc_wip guy thought when he first posted it. Then some other dude saved his image and tried to win an argument by pretending it was his, and now it's the /ic/ cringe meme. I can't take that risk.

>> No.2070411

I hate when people feel they have to make bait threads to share a fucking brushset..

I got it off Deviantart.. there are some cool looking brushes in it that I don't have and I have about a 1000 brushes now.. and my backlog for learning brushes is like 9 years...

tl;drWhatever.. thanks for the brushes, no thanks for the Bait thread.


>> No.2070538

I left the thread for the night after I posted the merc.wip explanation. Jesus I hope OP was samefagging, but if not, let me say it this way:

say your listening to a singer, and they are singing well, but they always get out of key for one note. now, just like art, you can tell whats wrong even if your not a master artist

asking for a dick wagging contest immediately says " your post hurt my feelings, so now I have to justify my pain by insulting you" because no matter what i would have posted, you would have picked it apart just to make yourself feel better.

/Ic/ has and always will be a place that will rub shit in your face if you suck. I'm sorry if me calling the work that you tried hard all day to make in hopes of tricking us to join your forum for a fake magic brush triggered you or somthing. but here's the thing; We are all students. we have all drawn stiff drawings and most of us, are reading loomis and learning. so when I say your work is shit beacuse its stiff, and you need loomis, then that means you need loomis. there's no antagonizing you faggot, and half the reason I avoid forums is to avoid faggots like you who will go on a witch hunt the moment that I don't get on the floor and suck your art cock

tldr: you dont need to be a master chef, or a chef at all, to know when food gets burnt. you dont need to be a singer to know when someone sings off key. you dont need to be a master artist to know when gesture is stiff. I even told you how to fix it. seems like I gave a good critique

>> No.2070554


Can I share a life secret I've learned that has improved my life immeasurably and can yours too?

Don't explain things to morons. Either they already understand and are being deliberately obtuse, or they lack the capacity to understand. Either way your efforts are futile. Just let them keep being wrong, because they will anyway.