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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 419 KB, 864x864, 090916MU_Henry_Rollins_00022_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2060573 No.2060573 [Reply] [Original]

How many anons here are aspiring character designers? Would anyone be interested in joining a group or forum for this?
If so, what format would be better ( Facebook, forum , twitter etc)

>> No.2060580

I would like to join.

I don't know what would be the best place to work together but am open to whatever other anons suggest.

>> No.2060582


I'm interested, I don't use twitter but isn't there a word limit that might make crits and discussions difficult?

>> No.2060584
File: 61 KB, 378x287, preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deviantart isnt really giving me a boner so yeah why the hell not

>> No.2060680

Yeah thats a good point, so twitter is out. Seems like a facebook group would be the easiest place to post work easily.

>> No.2060694

Unless people would rather be anonymous

>> No.2060695

I'm interested. Though I would prefer something different than facebook.

>> No.2060712

another anonymous solution I can think of is to make a new board on a place like 8 chan for character design. Either that or making a forum through a host site.

>> No.2060783
File: 30 KB, 328x246, 1254341494454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too would like to join, unless it's facebook.

>> No.2060799

There are nice character design groups on Facebook.

>> No.2060844

I cant really find any where you can post and get feedback though. If you know any link me plz.

>> No.2060874

...can't we just make a thread here?

>> No.2060881

not quite an aspiring character designer myself, but you could probably make a character design thread on /ic/

>> No.2060892

thats a good point actually...I feel stupid lol

>> No.2060894

whoops for some reason i totally thought we were on a different board...

>> No.2060899
File: 200 KB, 756x1000, 04242871bbb8f5a09f973de2da1444d8-d6zud1p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work as character designer but suffer from not having a place where i can discuss that stuff and draw characters and etc. because all i see is places for Digital Painting artists.
HOWEVER when i see threads like this...often it gathers nothing but people who just want to draw their waifu/teenage girls in anime/cartoon style...

>> No.2060907

Tell moar. Chara-design is my plan B since im good at it but i take course in illustration.

USA / Europe / Something else? Do you make good money? Animation or other field? Is attaching to whole project stylistic choices is necessary?

>> No.2060918

I know your work and I am a fan (its good to know someone with your design skills browses ic)

You make a good point, as I am aspiring to be a professional character designer. I want a place that feels like all the painting forums but is actually geared towards legitimate character design.

>> No.2060954

>I know your work and I am a fan
>posts random art from your random folder just to make your post stand out
>anon thinks you are artist who drew this picture
n-no...you are incorrect

>> No.2060964

>I work as a character designer
this made me think it was your work

>> No.2060974

>work as character designer
>post random work
>anon thinks its mine
n-n-no anon...you are wrong...

>> No.2060981

Hey so are we gonna draw something...?

>> No.2060984

>Would anyone be interested in joining a group or forum for this?
>If so, what format would be better ( Facebook, forum , twitter etc)

i think it's obvious that most of us wont post our stuff here because we are anons. But i will join a group/forum outside of /ic/.

Facebook group sounds nice. Twitter too. I don't mind having both.

>> No.2060996

jesus christ i can tell youre beta as fuck just by the way you type

>> No.2060998
File: 58 KB, 640x480, the_joker__destiny__btas__by_avatom182-d5vn1hj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but...anon. im just being danky...A HELL you fucking faggot.
I meen jeesus - you actually that easy to fool. What a fag.
It's like i can act in any way i want and you will fall for it?
Ahaha. How it feels to be nothing but a mere marionette in someone's hands?
A-anon please don't bully me...
Bwahaha what a moron!

>> No.2061000

the hell is this post

>> No.2061002

...okay, what's going on in here?

>> No.2061006
File: 45 KB, 640x480, 2f323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this.
look at these hopeless little souls. they feel confused. they feel weak...

>> No.2061011
File: 23 KB, 300x400, penn_jillette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-but...anon. im just being danky...A HELL you fucking faggot.
>b-but...anon. im just being danky...
>anon. im just being danky
>just being danky

>> No.2061012
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 0004 - KahEJSj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being danky as hell

>> No.2061016


>> No.2061018
File: 8 KB, 400x400, 0117 - VWHodZx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2061064

Im working on a charqcter design portfolio, I dont want to post my designs here.
A group thats related to this pit of despair and bile is alright but... Let's be fair, you lot are rabid mongoloids burning professionals on the funeral pyre at times for no legit reason other than "You technique isnt pure"

>> No.2061070

I'm interested in learning some character design. Can anyone point out some resources to learn that shit?

>> No.2061073

sure you huge faggot

>> No.2061100

If you're going to post, at least be productive.


>inb4 spoon feeding

shitposting isn't that much better.

>> No.2061103


I don't get what's so hard with saying "you should check these books/sites out." That's like the bare minimum and only a troll would call that spoonfeeding. Its not like character design is a commonly discussed topic on /ic/

>> No.2061131

Could we make some sort of Character Design thread? Or general? Keeping it anonymous, but a commonplace for all designers to gather.

>> No.2061135

I think this could work
The point of this thread was to find a place where people who want to be professional character designers could go and get good feedback and advice from other character designers.

>> No.2061138
File: 654 KB, 1000x1473, 1428782637075 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could we make some sort of Character Design thread?

>MFW they make a CD thread and it gets flooded with shitty waifu pictures and anime girls
>MFW shitposting with "it's NOT anime its just stylized!"
>MFW thread sinks

>> No.2061142

It would work like a draw thread, beginner thread, or sketchbook thread.
There could be a few guidelines for people to stick to (just designs, no illustrations or story-telling) but then it's basically open for critique.

I would start one I had a good design already.

Someone just needs to do it...see what happens

>> No.2061145

I wpuld start one *if* I had a good design already.

>> No.2061204
File: 1009 KB, 1400x1356, blizzard_concept_art_12b - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, well we all seem pretty stupid just fumbling around trying to organize this shit. We'll just make this thread a character design thread. We need to make some rules though before we get deeper into this:
>No Anime
We already have a stylization thread for that sort of work.

We also need to make some guidelines for what kind of work is posted here and what kind of criticism is given out.

One of the core fundamentals of what we need to have is an understanding of the human body and clothing. Not too many anons here are well rounded in these areas (myself included) so many of the images posted here are going to be shit. We need to create some core values of motivation and progress for a thread like this to be serious. If not, we can take this to somewhere outside of 4chan and be serious elsewhere.

I would like some more feedback on this.

In the meantime, here is some inspiration.

I'll try to upload something I'm working on after I finish it and try to get this thread rolling.

>> No.2061228

>character design thread.
FYI, we used to have this kind of threads last year. Just start the concept art/design threads again, not necessarily limited to characters.

>> No.2061240

did we? i dont remember
anyway, should there be a prompt or will everyone just do their thing?

>> No.2061268


I'm actually doing marathon sessions of character design right now, but I'm too antisocial and insecure to interact with anyone outside of the safety the anonimity of /ic/ provides.

>> No.2061273

this is already a character design thread.
post your art

>> No.2061281

> character designer
> rockstar
> astronaut
shiggy diggy doo

If you want to have an artist job in the game industry there's one thing you have to do: BROADEN YOUR SKILLS. Nobody gets the character design jobs right ahead. Get your graphic design, your interface design and your enviroment art ready, because that's what you're gonna do for many many years before even smelling the sweet scent of character art.

Git gud at many things - or you'll end up at the QA department with all the other fallen dreamers.

>> No.2061282


No, I'm not going to be the first and only one to post here seriously. Also I need to start detaching myself from this place for several reasons.

>> No.2061284

everyone wants to do character design

the reality is most if not all of you don't understand what it takes to be a good character designer and are doomed to produce poorly drawn and derivative designs

>> No.2061287

>the reality is

If you want to talk about reality lets talk about how 95% of /ic/ won't ever come close to making it.

>> No.2061289


that seems a little low tbh

this place is so disgusting nobody knows anything and everyone talks like they know everything

>> No.2061292
File: 40 KB, 482x480, Ninja-Scroll-ninja-scroll-26434376-482-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup everyone I made a forum for character design. It allows guest posting so u can still be anons. Only bad thing is no uploading images for guests. So like you have to upload your image to some random 4chan thread first and then embed it with [img] tags.


I spent a whole hour setting this up. So yeah, looks like shit. And ninja art was the best attempt I had at something catchy like crimson daggers.

>> No.2061293

Also it allows you to register an account that way ur art can be like attached to your name when u post it.

>> No.2061302


>bitch about sakimichan here

Lmao. Good luck with the forums brah.

>> No.2061305

The best character design threads we had on /ic/ were those where OP would start the thread with an interesting photo ref and people were supposed to draw a character design based on it, using the photo as inpsirational theme, not necessarily as actual reference.

Can we get those threads back?

>> No.2061311

I made two of those thread here:


>> No.2061313


>No porn.
>No gore.
>No warez/pirated ebook links.
>Don't discuss sex/drugs.

I guess I can't post the headless copyright infringing, drug taking fuckmonster I was working on then, that's a real shame I think you would have liked it

>> No.2061330


It's a bit of a shame but I honestly don't think anyone will actually go there :[

>> No.2061331
File: 328 KB, 727x739, 1429474662152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just start the concept art/design threads again, not necessarily limited to characters.
Damn nigga you completely missed the point of this thread
>anon creates thread where he tries to gather anons specifically around "Character Design"
>this nigga appears and says " Just start the concept art/design threads again, not necessarily limited to characters."
what the fuck

>> No.2061335

Great! Anon actually did something.
Im ready to post and feed your forums with stuff. Hope other people will join too.
>Only bad thing is no uploading images for guests. So like you have to upload your image to some random 4chan thread first and then embed it with [img] tags.
the image will be erased when thread will sink
i guess posting randomly to hostings like Imageshack will work better - noone cares about imageshack, so it will be safe.

>> No.2061336

those are so generic
god damn people work on some ideas before you draw

>> No.2061337

Also it will be better if you will create a thread about Ninja Art forum on /ic/ and describe "why" and "what for". More anons will see it! (damn my english is bad)

>> No.2061338
File: 73 KB, 360x540, rollin the rollin rollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2061339

Nice...but next time try to draw full body picture.
When a character is just a person with casual clothes - he/she will gain +9000 points when drawn full body.

>> No.2061343


It's fucking blizzard. after the mindblowing success of wow they've gone maximum cashcowmilkfarm. generic garbage sells. Just look at the designs for strife or stride or whatever their stupid new shooter is called and compare it to existing LoL hero designs.

It's so stupid... 'h-hey guys LOL is a gigantic commercial success, let's make designs for our characters that appeal to the biggest common denominator, the average notaste-pleb that likes LOL' ... 'excellent idea sam, lets do it!'

>> No.2061347

i never get this..never.
Let's see
1) someone got popular because they made some uniqhe projects that gained lots of suxess
2) h-hey guyz let's stop being unique and just be regular-Mc-generics
Wouldn't it be more successful to continue making unique and cool stuff instead of being boring?

Like look at Pixar for example. EVERY time they were making 1 unique film about characters and plot you would never guess.
As soon as they become extremely popular and well known around globe...they produce disney princess ripoffs and Cars 2/Planes/plan to make Toy Story 4 and etc.
What the fuck. Noone would stop loving them if they just continue doing the same stuff they did before because that what was making them stand out.

>> No.2061354


Quite frankly, you 2 seem to have no fucking clue what good design is about. If there's one thing Blizzard is excellent at, it's creating character designs that read incredibly well and become iconic really fast. That new shooter is called Overwatch and it already has tons of fanart and hype going for it BECAUSE the characters are very well designed.

Good character design is supposed to be appealing to the masses. Hipster neckbeards like you have absolutely no place in this industry as designers.

>> No.2061359
File: 113 KB, 540x880, rollin the rollin rollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2061362

Also, yet another thing you don't seem to realize, there is nothing wrong trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, that in and of itself is probably the highest challenged for a designer.

You really need to stop thinking as a consumer and start thinking as an artist. The projects you will work on are not supposed to have you as their target audience. You want to do this professionally? Then start acting like a fucking professional. If Blizzard hires you to design the most appealing pleb-shooter ever made, then your first goddamn thought isn't supposed to be "meh, that's really plebeian and unoriginal". Your first thought should be "how can I make those designs appeal to the biggest group of people?"

I swear, nothing irritates me more than wannabe artists who just can't get out of their amateur as fuck consumer mindset.

>> No.2061370

remember they are companies.

>> No.2061378

>remember they are companies.
Im really tired of this faggot logic.
Every time anyone talks about anything, some boring person appears and "durr hurr companies profit money it always been this way".
Thank gods there are Kickstarter and huge Indie market nowadays.
Go watch your Despecable me 3.

>> No.2061379


>> No.2061380


Here comes typical, predictably dumb /ic/-retard. Fuck off retard.

>> No.2061382


Quite frankly you seem to have no fucking clue what good design is about. Also, yet another thing you don't seem to realize, there is nothing wrong with pointing out that blizzard is trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator, you fucking inbred moron. You really need to start thinking. And reading.

I swear nothing irritates me more than a wannabe artist retard who can't fucking read other peoples posts, projects opinions into them and replies with a smug elitist know-it-all attitude.

Suck a fat cock retard.

>> No.2061385

Brainless consumers, everyone. Why do you keep acting as if you are artists? Go to /v/ and talk about your favorite video games, because that is all you will ever do.

>> No.2061389
File: 758 KB, 4000x2076, Destiny-Bungie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indie games have way worse designs than triple A games. That is because triple A game companies actually have the money to hire good artists. I'm sorry that your hipster mind just can't accept this, but Blizzard, Bungie, Ubisoft, Fromsoft etc do a much better job in their designs than your favorite, shitty indie developer.

You do not understand design and you probably never will because when you see good design, your brain shuts down before you can actually use it to THINK.

>I've seen a similar design before -> it's popular and effective -> must be generic -> it's shit because I'm better than the stupid masses

You are too stupid to ever be a good designer, too stupid to analyze good shape language and good silhouettes, too much of a pleb to even see the irony in all of this. You are actually one step BELOW the lowest common denominator, not above it. You are a nerd and a hipster, not an artist and most definitely not a designer.

>> No.2061402

Thread ruined. Good job.

>> No.2061415

this is awesome. Do you think there should be subcategories like character design for games, animation, etc? Or would that be splitting it up too much?

>> No.2061416
File: 184 KB, 500x370, 1421289383450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Indie games have way worse designs than triple A games
>You do not understand design and you probably never will
go fap at your spasemarine art, snowflake

>> No.2061417
File: 149 KB, 500x282, 1429584219412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are too stupid to ever be a good designer, too stupid to analyze good shape language and good silhouettes, too much of a pleb to even see the irony in all of this.
also this fucking butthurt just because somebody mentioned "indie".
Most of well known indie artist also working in big companines on AAA projects, dumb faggot

>> No.2061419


Instead of being a wet cunt why don't you post some examples of good character design? Otherwise you just sound like Morris, complaining about "meat shooters" and AAA games and then going back to drawing the worst fucking characters I've ever seen.

>> No.2061421 [DELETED] 

OP if you're serious about this make a facebook group for fuck sakes. If you don't you're just asking for a high turn-over rate from people who think 'what a great idea' but don't post any work.

>> No.2061424

It seems like no one was interested in a Facebook group.

>> No.2061450
File: 274 KB, 1920x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made an account, let's make this happen.

>> No.2061452

I also made a Facebook group called character design central if anyone is interested

>> No.2061454

Ill be posting on the forum for now.
Ill keep an eye on the FB group if it isnt closed or secret and if its good I might quit the forum and post there.

>> No.2061457

Alright. It's set to public for future reference

>> No.2061491

Me too. Hope more join

>> No.2061493

Will there be a place for sketchbooks?

>> No.2061494

err... how do you start new threads

>> No.2061497

I cant find the fb group

>> No.2061509

/ groups / 582121525224905 /

>> No.2061538

I'll keep it updated with inspiring things until it gets a good flow going

>> No.2061703

the admin hasn't made that avaiable on every forum yet. I just lucked out with the one I posted in.

Register up people, just make up a user name and post under a Pen-Name.

>> No.2061722

Maybe you'll be the one that starts the whole shin-dig.
Too many people are too timid when sharing their concept art.

Holy shit you're not gonna make it if you can't anonymously post work with confidence

>> No.2061810

bumping in case others want to register

>> No.2061813

You fags can't even keep a deviant art group or a skype chat alive for more than a week let alone a fucking forum.

>> No.2061826

>bumping in case others want to register
Create a different tread for this forum already!
Noone will open and lurk through this flooded thread.
Create a thread and put a link in OPs post - this will make more people see it.

>> No.2061883

god dammit faggots can't we use just this thread?

>> No.2061900

>god dammit faggots can't we use just this thread?
No because /ic/ should see a thread about NEW FORUM not about random character design stuff.
if i was a newfag and saw this thread i'd never look whats inside so i would never find that fucking goddamm pissy LINK
geeez what a fag

>> No.2061911
File: 175 KB, 666x999, ruan-jia-diabloiii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amnesia series
>Metro 2033 (okay, 80 employees as of today, whatev)
>Space Engineers
>Tribes series
>Fucking Outlast

If I'm not mistaken, I think all of these came out of indie studios. While bigger studios might have the available resources to hire more artists to pump out quality work faster, it by no means limits the smaller studios to creating sub-professional work. Really the biggest difference would be how quickly assets could be created. If you have three artists making all the shit for your game, it's gonna take a tad longer than if you have 30~50, plus, feedback from multiple sources to help refine and create your work to be absolute top tier. Not saying that it can't happen like that at an indie studio, but if an indie studio has room for 30+ artists, they've probably bumped out of 'indie' status.

As for your over the top response, well, maybe you could take a little of your own advice on that thinking bit.

>> No.2061933

>skype chat alive for more than a week
Im not letting it die.
Fuck that. They are my only friends right now

>> No.2061945

ohy eess RUAN JIA

>> No.2061970

>skype chat
dare give a link to the skype thread? im from my phone right now. i want to have skypetalk art-friends too.

>> No.2062499
File: 96 KB, 1202x510, welp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess i will be the first one haha
here are some i did a while back

>> No.2062627

Bump for the anons that just woke up

>> No.2062971

last bump
post some wips or something guise

>> No.2062977
File: 122 KB, 1700x1200, merc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medieval mercenary guy

>> No.2063080


There's only enough room for one merc.wip on this board buddy, you've got some balls I'll give you that.

>> No.2063207

The helmet on the first one doesn't feel like it quite matches the rest of the armor. You have two stags on the breastplate, so why don't you put some sort of design on the helmet too? So it kinda ties the whole thing together.

Do you look at a lot of reference while you do some of these? Or is a lot of it from imagination?