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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 192 KB, 1000x1000, ask-question-2-fb180173e13f21ad6ae73ba29b08cd02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2058032 No.2058032 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>2042708

>> No.2058033

how do i draw.

>> No.2058052

Is it bad to do a rough sketch with a soft round brush in Photoshop? I used to draw a lot with pencil and paper but I'm still very new to digital media so I'm still trying to get used to it. As of now, sketching with soft brush seems so much easier compared to hard brush, but I remembered /ic/ saying that it's way better to use hard brush to do most of the rendering work, but is it the same for sketching?

>> No.2058080


>> No.2058088

Put your pencil or other drawing utensil onto a piece of paper, a wall, the ground, anything and have at it! Never forget to draw in 3d

>> No.2058090

I personally have always done sketches with softer brushes, then I go over it with quick line art and then nice line art. Sometimes I do it with harder brushes. Jusr depends on what mood im im i guess. If I did a painting, i would do a nice, cleaner sketch with a hard brush.
Soft brush = messy

>> No.2058092

How do I use perspective on humans, animals, and other non-cubic structures?

>> No.2058124

you just feel it man.

>> No.2058125

You break it down into cubic structures, or put it within one.

>> No.2058126

I NEED OPINIONS ON COPICS. I just spent $200 on this expensive shit did I do good or bad?

>> No.2058158

Reposting because no answer

What are good books/tutorials for traditional painting?

Preferably something that explains the very basic things like different mediums, the actual painting process, how to blend colors, etc.

>> No.2058161

>want to spend all day drawing
>fear getting burnt out

Anyone else worry about this? As a beginner I can't afford to lose the passion, but at the same time I can't work myself too much or else it could all fizzle out. But I also feel that, if I'm not drawing THIS SECOND I'm just wasting time.

What's your advice on dealing with this? Should I just take it gradually? I've noticed my improvement already and it feels good.

>> No.2058168
File: 449 KB, 920x518, Aikatsu_S2_scan_teaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the French version of Paul Richer's Anatomy book okay if I don't read French? It's the only version I can find online. I mean I wont be missing much right?

>> No.2058198

If you have never tried them before, you did meh. If you have tried them before, you did good. As long as you use them. My parents always told me when I was younger that if you really want something but are very worried about the price, it is always worth it if it will be used often and correctly

>> No.2058214

Thank you, i tired this and it helped me very much.

http:/(take out)/m.vk.c(these parts)om/topic-4918594_2( in parenthesis)7696136
Look here for a while

Sometimes, I feel like I have bursts of energy to render or to sketch or to do line art only, and other times I have bursts of energy to do all of those. I try to draw one thing a day, or render one thing or line one thing. But some days, I feel the need to do 20 sketches so i do 20 sketches and end up lining them or coloring them later on (usually within the same 3 days.)
Find a passion. I personally draw for my husband, it keeps me motivated. when I first started, I would stop drawing as soon as i got to the point where I was havibg trouble and had already tried to fix the problem for 30min or so. Now, when that happens, I write down what it was that I had trouble with (gesture, hands, color, etc.) and i would practice that for at least 1 hour the next day. There were some days i didn't want to draw at all, so I only did one thing. There were some days where I wanted to draw 40 things.

>> No.2058263

so i have a traditional drawing i scanned into computer an i've done the magic tricks to deprive it off it's white background in photoshop, the only problem is, now it's too transparent to easily do simple flat colors on, what the fuck do i do

>> No.2058266

makin it dark enough in levels to not have to worry about transparency destroys the line quality

>> No.2058274

make a new layer and do new line art on top of it

>> No.2058279

i wouldn't've done the lineart traditional if i coulda done it digital, there's gotta be some kinna maskin technique i can use that doesn't take five billion years

>> No.2058288

If I have a decent grasp of fundamentals would the best way to train my skills just be doing a shitload of studies?

>> No.2058300

Also things from imagination. That is always important

>> No.2058310

Are there any good books or resources for learning about sculpting? Especially for sculpting faces and figures.

>> No.2058322
File: 1022 KB, 500x500, 1428080822148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for some kind of online/free to download poseable figure software. Couldn't find anything in the sticky like this

Posemaniacs and the like is good for those timed drawings of preset poses, but I'm trying to do a piece on processional movement so I need something that lets me pose the figure and make slight adjustments to it as well as rotate the camera around it

>> No.2058329

Clip studio paint has 3d figures in it that you can change. It's a little wonky to control, though

>> No.2058331

source film maker

i'm not a robot

>> No.2058333

Is it harder for someone who has drawn (not studied/practiced) for "years" learning bad habits such as copying anime and just what they see on deviant art to learn the proper methods of drawing and overcome their comforts or is it harder to start from nothing?

I see a lot of inspirational "complete beginner" stories, but not a lot of "I drew really bad animu for years and then something hit me and I realized everything I did was wrong and made an effort to change it" and I've even heard that if you start learning the wrong way your brain might be incapable of changing it's way of thinking.

Also does it take a certain level of intelligence to be a good artist?

>> No.2058339

You should not start from referencing stylized art no matter what.

Sure, you'll be able to imitate the style well early on but later you'll become fucked because you won't know the fundamentals.

>> No.2058343

Yeah. My concern is that if that is something you did because you were a dumb kid with no proper direction, is it possible to unlearn those bad habits and relearn from the beginning?

>> No.2058344

I drew a lot of bad animu/invader zim style art/every typical thing shitty teenagers draw for years because I was a moron who hated "copying".

That said, once I kicked my ass into gear and went back to life drawing and proper fundamentals the skills I practiced with my shitty teen drawings (construction, shading, etc) did absolutely help me even if my old pictures were no good. I at least understood those concepts, and a better understanding of the fundamentals allowed me to apply them better.

I don't believe that you can learn "the wrong way" and be stuck like that. I think most people who continue drawing shitty animu forever are for the most part people who are unwilling to go back and practice their fundamentals ("But I've been drawing since I was 13, I'm not a beginner!" or "Drawing from life is boring, just teach me how to do better anime!") or are defensive and hate to get crit ("It's my style!").

>> No.2058352

Why do people say "animu" instead of "anime."
It's like saying ">le" for every single time you want to say "art"
"What do you think of >le art"
i feel like it is the same thing

>> No.2058353

Thanks, your answer is really helpful.

If it's not too invasive to ask can I see something you've drawn anytime recently? It doesn't matter what it is.

I only recently came to the realization that I never truly learned the fundamentals and that is the core problem of why I am terrible at everything. I'd say my best skill is color which is pretty much useless when I don't know proper form, anatomy, perspective or structure. I've spend my entire life with no art direction at all but I'm completely determined to change it with the help of this board and any decent art instruction books I can get my hands on.

>> No.2058375

>Clip studio paint

This is great and really close to what I was after, thanks. It is pretty clunky, I'm sure I'll get used to it though

Will download this too, but it seems all the models would be clothed and I need the figure to be bare

>> No.2058473

Do I just use another pair of vanishing points when I need to draw an object in a different angle on the same picture? I mean, you can't always draw perpendicular to the same vanishing points.

>> No.2058477

Yes, you either "feel" the new points, or you'll need days to properly calculate where to put them. Vandruff perspective series shows how to do the latter with a box with an open lid iirc.

>> No.2058485

Thank you. It made me crazy because no one explained how to use it technically. I guess you can just feel the size too although the ground plane made out of the first vanishing points gives at least some decent directions to that.

>> No.2058550

Regarding bounced light, if light is reflected off of a yellow surface on a blue surface, will the highlight be yellow, or green, or what?

>> No.2058556


From my experience on /ic/ "animu" referred to the terrible deviant art shit that shows no understanding of the fundamentals. Of course the meaning morphed from that to anything stylized with bigger eyes that I don't like.

>> No.2058728

why does it feel so good drawing with the binary pen?

>> No.2058730

Because it reminds you of when you were a child on ms paint
I say, sketch with whatever tool you want it you can easily follow it.

>> No.2058731

If the object was perfectly blue, you wouldn't see anything.

Take a hypothetical perfectly blue matte sphere. Being blue means that it reflects blue wavelengths of light, and absorbs all other wavelengths of light. In RGB terms, lets call it (0,0,255) in color. If you shine only a pure yellow light on it (RBG values of 255,255,0), you'll get nothing but black. The yellow wavelength is absorbed by the object, so nothing is reflected.

In real world conditions, a blue object reflects many wavelengths of light, but mostly blues. In practical terms, yellow light on a blue ball will shit the hue towards green, greatly decrease the saturation and greatly decrease the brightness (compared to white light).

Disclaimer that I'm only mostly sure about this, but I could be wrong. Look into huevaluechroma.com, and see if you can get a hold of lectures on color and light. Your best bet for figuring out what would happen in the real world is to grab a blue object, a lamp, and a yellow sheet of paper. Pay attention to what happens when you introduce and remove the yellow sheet.

>> No.2058732

How do you get an "art rival?"

>> No.2058733

>In practical terms, yellow light on a blue ball will shit the hue towards green
meant to say shift

>> No.2058734


>> No.2058736

why is it so pupular on pixiv?

you see finished works done with it all the time there

>> No.2058737

Get a friend first.

>> No.2058740

Not sure, I do not have a pixiv

I have only one friend who is my husband and says he thinks I am better than him but I think overall he is better than me.
He doesn't draw often. I do not have any other friends

>> No.2058742
File: 57 KB, 488x450, 6202136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stuff like this, also just B/W linearts with hatch shadows

>> No.2058743

is there a warpgrid in sai?

>> No.2058744

I could tell. If you have a tumblr, post art and people will follow you. If you like their art, follow them back and try to do better than them. Art rivals.

>> No.2058747

>post art and people will follow you
thats not how it works there

you post art and nobody gives a shit. you need to go full blown sjw mode to get recognition there

>> No.2058750

What's your favorite book/tutorial for drawing landscapes?

I can do perspective and figure drawing but I rarely ever draw full-on landscapes.

>> No.2058751

Has anyone ever been a part of an art club?
>how do I create an art club at university when it's a niche, athletic school?
>all the funds are allocated to muh football and muh basketball team.
>the art department is one teacher who teaches two days out of the week
> will I attract the few people want will want to draw and listen to music or is this a pleb dream?
Please, I'm desperate here.

>> No.2058769

I follow several artists who never post a single one of their "opinions" about anything, just their drawings, and they get 400-800 reblogs. If people like your art, they are gonna share it.

>> No.2058886

No there isnt, at least not that im aware of. for these you are going to be looking at people spped painting (preferably without a time lapse) to learn how they do it and apply it to your own work.

its always easier to draw in an environment where everyone is drawing too.
in person or on call are the best, though by email (what i would consider ic to be) is less helpfull as its not a constant reminder that people are drawing with you.

i think the sketch is to scratchy to really make that form of an observation.

there is a search (im not sure if its the one you posted) that will only search public domain images.

however, we have seen that freaked out pose so many times from so many sources, so long as you don't copy exact and instead use it as a reference, you should be ok.

the pay way would probably be watts, considering you are getting at least 50+ hours from people who could be considered masters in their own right and are some of the best living teachers.

if you want it free... i got no clue where to point you.

block in, refine, block in, refine again, and keep getting smaller and smaller. texture brushes help, but are not necessary and are only a tool to save time.

this is assuming that you have a clear understanding of how to work with color and how to pick colors, and work with layers.

a very light touch

ok, you are not going to be able to comic on art while also dealing with collage. for this, i would suggest getting the basics of perspective, know how to lay in construction, and be consistent with what you draw, from there, work out a simple style that you can do fairly easily and able to work with in 3d space, and make the focus of the comic on the story, not so much the art.

at some point you can make it about the art, but you sure as fuck can't get their doing art on the side during college where you have to do class work on your own.

>> No.2058891


>> No.2058893

>i could tell

I agree with you. I don't want to turn into one of those tumblr feminists and whatnot. Maybe i will just... Pick a random artist and decide I will get better than them or something?

>> No.2058902

Anons who are not professional artists making bank: how do you you make money?

>> No.2058962

>ask how2draw
>read the books
>I understand what they're talking about
>can't transfer the understanding onto paper
I can't /ic/, I just can't. I can understand the stuff in the book but drawing it turns out like hot shit.

>but just keep drawing, you'll improve
No, no no no no fucking no. I'm not improving after drawing for months and I'm on edge with this. What do I fucking do? Does anyone even know what I'm talking about?

>> No.2058966

Use a copy grid to start out if you really need to

>> No.2058991

Okay so I've been doing the Loomis thing for a solid year now, drawing from life, figure drawings, perspective studies, the works. When is it a good time to finally start working on stylization and drawing the kawaii animu grills I've always wanted to draw.

>> No.2059002

Ok well first please don't say "kawaii animu grills" because it is cringy so uh just try it and try looking at other people's work as well, like at actual anime/manga.

>> No.2059005

with a .5 mechanical pencil, don't work on making the values a solid color, work on following the form and hatching.

if you build it they will come.
you may not get school funds, but if you can get a few people together and have a space to use, you could get them to pool funds together to to hire a live model for a time or even have some of the students go up and hold a position for 1-5 minutes and do quick drawing that way, anyone should be able to hold a pose for at least 5 minutes.

if you have athletes who are willing to help for some cash, you may even be able to get them to hold a sitting pose for an hour or so...

dont make students do nude though, thats paid professional territory. but you should be able to do shirtless, female in swimsuit, or make in underwear or swim trunks fairly easily.

because this board is about getting better, if you want a specific thing only. go to /a/ and their draw thread.
its also slow enough to handle multiple subjects.

from my understanding, it takes the load off the cpu and distributes it to the gpu, and in this kind of work, the gpu is FAR better than the cpu at this job.

go to the art book thread, should be there

sketching is just getting the idea down. hard round forces you to see your shortcoming far more than soft round does.

i see copics are over all expensive, and useless if you have easy access/use of watercolors. they can speed up the creation process but cost what 5-8$ a color and you need a fuck load to have your bases covered...

dont tell us, but if you bought them from anywhere besides japan, you kind of fucked up on getting the best value.

if you buy a bunch and buy them imported from japan you will almost always come out at a lower price than you would get them for in america.

look at my other post... cant help you with free.

>> No.2059007

I need help with arms. Please explain the anatomy.

>> No.2059008

you will burn out at least till you get to the point that your eye no longer sees your mistakes. once you hit that you are good to go.

granted this is assuming you like drawing in the first place... most people want to draw but don't have the willpower to get good at it.

ok, here is what i do when i transfer traditional to computer.

adjust the levels so its just the line work and not the paper, than palette knife filter, fuck around with the settings till you get the results you are ok with.

if you want the white background gone and only the lineart remains make that layer one, than under that layer, make a 50% grey layer so you got good contrast.

keep going over the fundamentals every single day.

real world... you would be wanting video tutorials, digital... well... video tutorials are even easier to find there...

google hercules sculpt and among the first videos should be a pretty good person who made a 100~ video walkthrough of her making the figure.

daz, poser, blender and a poseable figure, if you are willing to learn modeling, you could make a stick figure in blender, bone it, and make it poseable within 2 hours, and there is also zbrush if you are ok with pirating... its fairly easy to move figures around, though you may distort them a bit.

if you have been drawing, lets say anime, for a long time, i dont think its as bad as some people make it out to seem... it will fuck with you in getting proportions right, and it will fuck with you in getting faces right, but any drawing will help motor skills, and help you with knowing the medium.

realize the style and fixing it for a more real world look at least for me was easy... but that was when i was still actively practicing and not trying to relearn.

>> No.2059011

it also depends, if you get good at that style and than try to branch out from that, as in you see a flaw and want to improve that while working within a comfort zone (think you know how to draw anime fairly good, and you want to learn perspective... instead of going to something you are bad at, learning it within the style you chose)
you see this kind of learning within furry art more so than anything else because anime/manga look, at least to people who dont care, has a very simple style, and in shoujo where its most stagnant, has a style that is generic as fuck and never improves. but the furry side... they have no style that they are trying to emulate, so skys the limit and there are a few (cant remember off the top of my head) who went from crummy to i'm not noticing flaws when you want to fap to i cant say anything bad about it even when not trying to beat my meat
basicly, no mater where you start, as long as you want to improve you will, if you ever think you are good enough(please note i dont mean "this drawing is good enough"i mean"im as an artist good enough")you will always improve.
its said to piss off people who take anime way to seriously. in context of ic im not sure.
it depends on the intensity... i honestly recomend learning a 3d modeling program well enough to set up a scene and render the results. you will get results accurate to real world if you do it right, and you can play around with light and color on various surfaces easily this way and all you need to do is learn to place boxes, light and set up a shader.

see >>2058886

draw something from reference, put the picture and reference away, come back in a few months and draw it again without looking at the first drawing.
if you know you're not better... than you aren't fucking learning, you may think you are but you aren't.
get motor skills and apply what you learn, there should be a clear difference from when you start to now.

>> No.2059013

Thanks for posting itt lol
Have you looked up tutorials on google? Or deviantart? I can find some for you in a bit, but seriously, check around

>> No.2059028
File: 35 KB, 447x447, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do artists limit themselves to a value scale of 5, 9, and 10 shades?

There are MANY more tints and shades of gray distinguishable to the human eye.

>> No.2059030

I wish i knew

>> No.2059038

Because it's practical. Plus the general advice is to simplify your values, not complicate them.

>> No.2059059
File: 500 KB, 1024x2835, arms_above_the_shoulder_head_tutorial_by_dersketchie-d63o0na.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few tutorials for you.

>> No.2059062
File: 2.90 MB, 1680x4480, Arms_and_Hands_Tutorial_by_Snigom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2059064
File: 469 KB, 1024x793, arms_by_moni158_d4ummd3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2059066
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>> No.2059083

I need help drawing tits.

>> No.2059084
File: 124 KB, 1200x700, 26eaa8f09c42acc29e8fba480c8078a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post a few tutorials for you too. I know the struggle, being someone who only started drawing so he could draw rule 34.

>> No.2059086
File: 168 KB, 1200x992, 1290201600133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2059087
File: 92 KB, 1200x437, breasts_understanding_the_dynamics_1_by_nsio_d67ko47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2059088
File: 2.92 MB, 1215x6652, breasts_understanding_the_dynamics_2_by_nsio_d688ips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to think of it more as a bag of sand than a circle. Unless you want her to look like she has implants.

>> No.2059089
File: 216 KB, 1200x1200, 129125089799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, a water balloon is probably a better analogy.

>> No.2059092

I'm actually not new to drawing, I just really suck at drawing people.

>> No.2059098

I never understood why people put red under their highlights for skin

>> No.2059105

there are 256 colors there

are you telling me that you can accurately tell the difference between 190 191 and 189 and never be wrong... much less accurately belt out a pressure of 151 for an entire area where 151 may be?

personally i may be able to do 20 values, possibly 30... but there is no way i could accurately do more.

more contrast, i don't know... but i do know that when you remove the red something looks off so it may have something to so with that style of image too.

>> No.2059109

Well i think it is because they are trying to make it look extra shiny. I think they could use a darker skin color, or maybe use a darker color than white for a highlight, like tinted yellow. I personally think it looks better without the red. Meh.
Also, poll:
Innie nipples: yes or no?

>> No.2059115

hell yes

>> No.2059120


>> No.2059124
File: 7 KB, 360x360, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That makes a LOT of sense actually; some shades are so indistinguishable from one another that there wouldn't really be a point... But how many are?

Using 0-256, 0 being pure black and 255 being pure white, how many steps would it take for a value to be easily distinguishable for an average person?

A 0 - 1 step in value would be almost identical to one another.

A 0 - 8 step is SLIGHTLY different but not very useful.

0-16?.. we might be getting somewhere.

256/16 = 16 shades, is this a more accurate palette for artists?

>> No.2059146


...now that I think about it perhaps "value" is just so relative that it doesn't have to stick to an "absolute end all" scale.

Maybe it really is best to stay within 5 or 10 values because it's so flexible. By "blending" or "smudging" a limited palette you inadvertently create a slew of inbetween values that you don't necessarily have to "remember"; they just naturally fill in the gaps.

I never knew something so complicated to me would end up being so simple, i'm back to where I started.

>> No.2059149

on real people... hell no, on stylized drawn... fuck yea.
the problem is i have never seen them on someone in the real world who was anywhere i would consider remotely attractive.

also a darker shade may look like a bruise, and yellow would change the overall color... you know what, i think i just found the reason.
the red value doesn't change how i see the overall image at all, but at the same times adds a level of fake detail that wouldn't be there otherwise in some of the lower images i believe its abused, but a slight red that never becomes a full shade of red... that adds just enough. and also the shade of the skin is so light that the first image on the left the shoulder has a white highlight without the red, and its almost un noticeable.


this really only applies for when you are blocking the values in the moment you have the values in, you start to blend between the two a bit and start rendering you are already using more values than are there.


the only time that you use a hard defined value is when you are doing something high detail with a cel shaded approach. even than, 4 or 5 values is the most you should use.

the 10 value scale is there just because its a large enough jump in between each to make it noticeable and easy enough with practice to make 10 values yourself.

>> No.2059319

Does anyone happen to have a good break down/tutorial/explanation of painting in grey scale then adding colour?
I've never actually done so before, always painted straight colour, so I'm at a loss for how to begin, and how to properly translate the grey-scale into colour.

>> No.2059617

why does everything I draw from imagination look so ugly and flat

>> No.2059621

I need help drawing hands that are actually attached to people.

>> No.2059630

cuz you need to study the fundamentals more

also loomis

>> No.2059745


>> No.2059898

Brigdman Constructive Anatomy. Read the text, not just copy the pictures.

>> No.2059913

I'm finding it really difficult to build confidence when everything looks like absolute shit.

>> No.2059929

you don't need confidence, just motivation

keep drawing and read some art books

>> No.2059935
File: 38 KB, 400x280, reference for ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there no book sharing thread anymore?

I'm looking for pose file 7 light & shade.

>> No.2060022
File: 1.77 MB, 320x180, 1429235116918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dose tracing Pictures Improve Learning for Drawing? Or Using the picture as a Reference?

>> No.2060027

>Dose tracing Pictures Improve Learning for Drawing?
It can if you're actively thinking about what you're doing, and making conscious decisions and observations. Generally newer artists won't benefit much from it. Probably helps with motor control and unlearning symbols. Artists with more experience can learn about simplification and line economy through tracing.

A good rule of thumb is the more mental effort a task requires, the more you can learn from it. Drawing a still life provides more to learn than drawing from a photo, and drawing from a photo provides more to learn than tracing a photo.

>> No.2060029

Tracing is not a crime

(don't use tracing in an actual finished painting like those fagguts Mohrbacher and Bradley tho')


>> No.2060065

does anyone have tips for drawing clothing in digital?

>> No.2060068

When learning figure drawing, is it more beneficial to draw with lines (pencil/pen) or lay down blocks of color and work with form (clumps of digital paint)? Or is it one and the same ultimately?

>> No.2060078

I think it depends on how you learn. I would personally suggest clumps of paint to start out. It's easier to think of it that way for me

>> No.2060142

people are different in this regard, most people start with lines naturally, but that doesn't mean that they'll learn best with lines. and when you're first starting to use mass some of that 'line thinking' will remain and trip you up a bit. whereas 'mass thinking' doesn't hurt line drawings much at all, it may even help.

so you may be a line person or a mass person, and mass takes a little while to get used to but might help your line drawing.

and thus, using a game theory type of analysis we can see that you should prioritize using mass.

>> No.2060184

Do it anyways. I draw for 9 hrs/day - not always on the same thing, but I've got a value study going on that I slowly go through every day, plus daily gesture drawing warmups, figure drawing some days, and other days it's perspective. Keep to it through the frustrating burnt out shit and you'll start to hate it, then you'll realize what your mistake was, then you'll feel really fucking great, then you'll get stuck again. It shouldn't kill your passion or anything. If it does that badly then you really shouldn't be an artist in the first place.
Just stick through it knowing that when you've gotten through the fundamentals, you're going to be able to make whatever the fuck you want and have fun with it.

Those plates are super useful. If there's anything you want to understand more, just google it. I'd suggest learning some names (don't focus on that too much) and what muscles/bones do (this is more important). I guess if you really want to get the gist of what he's saying you could try tossing some text in google translate.

No it's just a simple way to think of the values. You break it up into a set of 10 values, white to black. Then when you're looking at a patch of values you go "ok these are between 7-8 and this is definitely a 9" to get things blocked in. Then you can go nuts making all the other values in between that you've shown. So no we don't just stick to that, it's stupid. But we're also not going to just start with 256 values either. Artists aren't robots, you're going to learn that pretty much everything we do is simplified in some way to start off then gets complicated. An idea that's echoed across all the techniques and processes you learn is "general to specific".

>> No.2060188

That means you really shouldn't be painting in color in the first place. Value (greyscale) is half of what you need to have down pat for doing color. Go back to value studies until you get an eye for it, then you can come back to color.

Probably because you're doing symbol drawings and need to build up your visual library. Go study something and test yourself by drawing it from memory. Then come back and study it again, then draw it from memory. Look at it and draw it from different angles you don't have pics of. Draw from memory again. It's a process and it takes time but if you work at it you'll get it.

You'll gain confidence after you've studied your ass off and hit a wall, then get over it and have a breakthrough. Then you'll lose it again, study, get over it. Keep at it, things will look like shit for a while, everyone starts out drawing like shit.
It can help to keep the best drawings you've done each month, then go back and compare them to see your progress. It only works if you draw a lot though. Draw every day if you can.

The way you draw clothing isn't exclusive to traditional or digital though. It's just like drawing anything else - block in a general rough shape for the space it occupies, block in shadow shapes or important landmarks, refine it, block in smaller things, refine. Big to small ideas.

>> No.2060235
File: 313 KB, 500x619, 1366481533622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to realize that I have wasted years on video games, I have learned practically nothing and stepping from them has made me realize that I haven't gained any skills whatsoever.

I want to change that and would love to draw, I have always wanted to, but never had the drive to try and whenever I do doodle, it is complete shit. I know it takes time and practice, but what can I do to make myself love drawing and become addicted to it?

I want to become addicted to drawing.

>> No.2060271

Bet your life on it.

>> No.2060274
File: 548 KB, 723x1000, Human Anatomy for Artists - The Elements of Form (Eliot Goldfinger).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for anatomy reference books. At the moment I have "Human Anatomy for Artists - The Elements of Form" by Eliot Goldfinger which is pretty good. Are there any others?

>> No.2060295

What does it feel like to be really good at drawing?

>> No.2060301


Eh. The frustration and self-loathing won't ever ever ever end.

>> No.2060303
File: 648 KB, 408x578, how2draw.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2060311


>> No.2060371

such skill

>> No.2060386

you never get good at drawing, you just get less worse

>> No.2060388

you get better at drawing at the same rate you get better at recognizing your faults. when you think you are good you need to stop yourself and remind yourself about dunning kruger. i got that chart hanged next to the place i draw.

>> No.2060392

I know this is super silly and you guys probably get this all the time but:
how long, if practicing just a little almost everyday, can I hope to draw something decent? (like, far from good, but not super bad)?
I ask cause I just wanna have reasonable expectations so I don't get demotivated easily :( (or get more motivated, idk).

Also, being using Krita.
Does anyone here have used it and other FOSS stuff and can give some opinions on that? I see a lot of people here talking about MyPaint.

>> No.2060393

>draw something from reference, put the picture and reference away, come back in a few months and draw it again without looking at the first drawing
that's pretty solid advice, I'll try that as well (not the person you said it to)
cause one of the main problems for me is lacking the motivation cause I see no progress :(

>> No.2060394

Something decent? Probably a couple months if you actually read books and draw every day.

As for software just pirate SAI and Photoshop. Nobody will think less of you.

>> No.2060395
File: 722 KB, 1188x1401, alch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started drawing when I was young and just used to draw some dragonball stuff.

As the time passed I understood the anatomy better etc. but... All of my drawings are kind of schemes. I think I just lack some kind of basics - what do I mean exactly? Drawing the same character in a bit different angle, pose will give me a lot of trouble, slight change in head's angle and i dont know what to do.

So what I pointed out - i think I lack some basics I want to catch on, but what, how? Do I start drawing from the real life, not just pictures? Do I just try to make thing more square, simple to understand how they change along with angle?

So far I was ALWAYS drawing off the pictures, never from real life, might it be the case?

I want to get better but I just need a bit of guidance

Pic not really related, one of my latest drawings but its just to catch attention

>> No.2060397

How do I draw straight lines in photoshop cs5 but not vertical or horizontal ones without rotating the canvas all the time

Help me I'm trying to do perspective drawings

>> No.2060398

hey guys, i want to be a character designer
what artists should i look up to?
and i dont really mean the stylized ones btw

>> No.2060399

So if it's just 1 hour a day skipping some days, something like a year? lol

I don't care of what people think tbh, I just prefer to only use free/open source stuff because of personal values haha
And I think that for actually drawing (since I am someone that doesn't know how to do that at all) the software won't make much of a difference till I git reasonably decent anyways, it is more out of curiosity.

>> No.2060400

Depends, if you just want to grind you can get there easily and draw something like >>2060284 and similar amateur things. But beyond that it gets hard and you will have to deal with a ton of details.

MyPaint is an interesting tool as it has a good color tool and endless canvas. It doesn't have cut&paste and you can't apply normal coloring tutorials for mass produced illustrations with it, so it is maybe good for Painting, but only that.

>> No.2060403

a few weeks to months, as you basically just copy and rearrange. It's really just grinding and learning to use the tools properly and reading a book about the topic and 1-2 other books to avoid basic mistakes.

>> No.2060405
File: 10 KB, 309x379, Bez tytułu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a line tool dude

You can access it by right clicking there or just press U+shift (its its not on line too, if it is just press u and there you go)

>> No.2060414

thanks a lot, I guess I'll just do try my best in my free time and see where it goes
then try this >>2060393 every now and then to see where am I getting, cause that might rly help
aand try to stop getting so easily frustrated when drawing lol :(

>> No.2060421
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>> No.2060526

Yes, you are missing basics such as form, construction and perspective. When you try a different angle, all your brain can think is how things look from the angles you think you know how to draw, instead of thinking how it should actually look. Simple way to put it, you want to draw a cube viewed from the bottom but you only know how to draw it viewed from the top because that's what you always copy, and since you only copy you can't tell what the difference should be.

You need to understand how life works in order to create simplified design solutions you can use to draw from imagination. Pretty much what you mention with "making things more square." How you go about it is up to you, books such as the ones in the sticky contain different ways to do it. Through studying real life you can create your own as well. You should try both and combine them, and find a solution you'll like.

>> No.2060588

uh, is using stabilizer a sin?

>> No.2060601
File: 1.98 MB, 340x191, a8643003f65b41a48b2468474be54a64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the link to the site that generates complimentary color schemes from movies?

>> No.2060607

S-sauce ?

>> No.2060611


In most cases

>> No.2060616
File: 815 KB, 250x163, dliver.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, please answer question
>[RCT-510] エレベーターに挟まれたデカ尻女子校生をガン突き on sukebei

>> No.2060700

As a beginner how best should I utilize this site?


I'm still at the stage where I'm learning perspective, but I want to get better at bodies too. Know nothing about anatomy; should I wait until I know perspective well enough to study anatomy books?

>> No.2060708

>Rocket will never make a sequel to sandwiched girls in an elevator

>> No.2060724
File: 47 KB, 514x750, Shepherd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people buy figure drawings, and if so, how do you do that?

>> No.2060803

how do you draw good animu eyes? like, what's the thought process behind them, which style of eyes reads as what personality and how do you construct them?

anyone have any cheat cheats or tutorials? i've looked around briefly on google but most "how to draw anime eyes" posts seemed sub-par to say the least. or should i just go on pixiv and study everything i can find?

>> No.2060840

typically they work more like they're stickers on the surface of the face than constructed eyeballs in sockets

>> No.2060952

No rules just tools.

Stabilizers are kinda necessary with digital anyways, if you turn it off you'll notice there's this jitter that happens with the pen.

>> No.2060959

>Stabilizers are kinda necessary with digital anyways
Majority of the time it's just incompetency on the user's part. You can get your line work to be just as good as your traditional work.

It's just that a lot of people either don't practice drawing enough digitally or just rely on the stabilizer than learning it themselves.

>> No.2060969

I've been using a tablet for like 8 years now, and while I'm certainly comfortable with it, I've never gotten the nanometer-level control I have with pencil on paper.

>> No.2061217

When I draw something and get to inking phase, where I am to do my final clean lineart, I hit a brick wall. I'm lost. I don't know how I should approach it or how it should be done. I've used my google-fu, Ctrl Paint. There is no simple "Loomis" for my problem.

>> No.2061229

Why is it when I try to draw comics my characters end up being too small in Photoshop. I'm going on 300 dpi and I find im using the brush at like a 5 and they look too pixelated

>> No.2061231

They aren't used to drawing confident clean lines, if they did, they wouldn't need a stabilizer.

>> No.2061233

Stop making your canvasses in inches with dpi. Start with 6000 x 8000, or as big as you can go without it being too much for your computer, then downscale it some when you want to publish.

>> No.2061237

6000 pixels x 8000 pixels that is

>> No.2061248

Then only do final lineart with pencil. Using inking tools is yet another thing to learn, so learn final lineart first.

>> No.2061250

that's because you didn't choose a paper size as canvas. A4 300-600 dpi when making a new image or something like that.

>> No.2061256

Asked in old thread, but asking here, too. Are there any guides for becoming a business oriented artist? Can an anon share some advice? What should I do when I start selling? Taxes I need to worry about, any tips, etc?

I'm trying to become a professional digital artist that takes commisions

>> No.2061262

Depends on where you live. Laws, regulations, who to ask etc. ... generally you will have to read up a lot, so be prepared.

Actually, ask your parents where to start.

>> No.2061270

>ask your parents where to start.

Thanks for the idea, they'll definitely know all the laws I need to know.

>> No.2061296

How do you set up drawing on canvas/paper sheets on walls? This is a dumb question, but I'm wary of getting charcoal and paint on walls and I don't even know how I'd temporarily hang the materials on the wall.

Also, butcher paper is a decent surface for charcoal and graphite, right?

>> No.2061307

does SAI have warp grid?

>> No.2061345

butcher paper is fine. you will get charcoal/paint on the wall, so don't use a wall you don't want to fuck up.

>> No.2061346

no, but it has a warp drive.

>> No.2061371

I am working on my first comic and I'm stuck when it comes to expressing time lapse graphically. Basically I don't read much comic anymore and I need references to work on dynamic stuff.
Any recommendations?

>> No.2061372
File: 137 KB, 926x900, Understanding-Comics_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2061475

How do I make drawing heads less frustrating shit just drives me up the walls especially when I try to draw some pretty girl and it starts to look like a cave troll.

>> No.2061483

faces are about a sort of 'the whole is greater than the parts' kinda thing. n00bl0rds tend to get too detail oriented when they're learning. so take a step back and make sure the big simple stuff, what le scientistists call 'low-pass' stuff is right and you can fuck up the details quite a bit and still have a pretty face.

>> No.2061508

How did you study with Bridgman? It's a very sparse book. There's like 10 'lessons' (which seem kind of generic and not too helpful) and then just a lot of pictures. Did you copy the illustrations?

>> No.2061516
File: 342 KB, 757x1440, gist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2061518

What's the best way to learn when you fucking hate reading books? I'm more of a hands on learner, would classes be my best bet?

>> No.2061520

Glad to hear that about butcher, less so about getting shit on walls.

>> No.2061524

Classes, drawing from life, etc. You can try opening books to random pages, skim them and copy the pictures. Anything is better than nothing.

Realistically, you should work on the reading books thing. The discipline is a necessary skill if you want to get into art, and you don't want to close off a lot of useful and accessible knowledge just because you dislike reading.

>> No.2061539


>> No.2061541

It's not that I dislike reading, it's that I learn better when it's a more hands on approach. Everyone learns differently anon, but I will try to read the books and see what I can make happen.

>> No.2061561

I have a question regarding learning how to render. I've done a few value paintings here and there but usually I just do linework and move onto something else. Should I perfect drawing before I even touch rendering or would it beneficial to learn rendering and values at the same ratio for drawing: Eg: 1 hour of drawing = 1 hour of values/rendering.

>> No.2061575

I see. In that case try to find classes or a tutor. If it's just a case of learning better from a hands on approach, you'll still learn a lot from books on your own - it just might take you a bit more time with a given book to absorb the same amount of material.

All that aside, the best way to learn to draw is to draw. Theory, instruction and all that can help a lot, and even expedite the process, but most things that click will be things you've observed and learned on your own. See what all these resources tell you to pay attention to, then observe it in your drawing experience.

>> No.2061578

Some books give you exercises and force you to think for yourself, so you can do the hands-on approach right there. Books written for art school curriculae would be a good source.

>> No.2061582

First off, what most call rendering is essentially the polish. The block-in is where you lay down your values/colors, focusing on getting the big relationships and edges correct.

Many times a flaw in a painting traces back to a flaw in the drawing. With that mindset it's useful to focus most of your effort on learning to draw. That said it's still helpful to practice your values to get a head start on learning light, and it can also help you to think about the 3D qualities of what you're drawing.

Work on everything concurrently, but focus most of your time on the most basal skill. In this example it would be drawing before values, but this doesn't mean you shouldn't touch values. Just don't get too caught up on learning values, or trying to apply value to what's already a broken drawing. There's no magic ratio or rule to abide by - trust your gut.

>> No.2061814
File: 46 KB, 308x410, 4_graficheskiy-planshet-wacom-intuos3-a3-wide-usb-tablet-dtp-ptz-1231w-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this surface on intuos A3, how does i feel like for painting?

is it just some sheet that is easily removable? why is it like that

>> No.2061821

some people find drawing on a glasslike surface to be unnerving and strange, so there's an option to have the surface more grippy like paper

>> No.2061927

Is art school worth it if you have really bad anxiety and can't network well (if at all) despite your best attempts?

>> No.2061978

If you have these problems, art school will help to ease them.

>> No.2062140
File: 316 KB, 1024x592, deleteme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something i don't see discussed a lot is how you actually set up a study. i realize there isn't exactly any way you're supposed to do it, and I carry a sketchbook and use it often, but when you want to do a more focused study to learn how to compose a drawing/painting from start to finish, what are some things to consider?

>> No.2062150

There are some general guidelines to it.

You want things like:
- Simple, interesting lighting (some good shadows but not blown out and not in total darkness. So look for a good range of values and shapes/shadows that interest you)
- Overlap between objects to create depth
- Different materials (glass and fabric, metal and liquid, different fruits/veggies, something simple with a detailed object, etc)
Keep a general kind of composition in mind as well. If it looks like a clusterfuck, move your objects around some more or remove a few.

If you're drawing this from life over a few hours or even a day you shouldn't have to worry about this, but if you're doing multiple days you'll want to keep it in a controlled environment and a place where things won't get moved. So, no uncovered windows (light from outside changes with weather conditions) in a dark room with your lighting set-up.

>> No.2062154 [DELETED] 

So how long until you began to draw decently, /ic/?

I always feel so discouraged after trying to draw but I want to git gud

>> No.2062158

It is. Just be kind to the other students and try to strike up small conversation here and there or make opportunities to hang out every once in a while - you're bound to make at least one acquaintance. If you're not good at talking, ask about themselves or their work. Or ask them for advice on your own. People love talking about themselves and like it when someone shows interest.
It takes time to get to know people, but people are generally pretty cool about anxiety stuff too. This is coming from someone in the exact same position you're talking about (anxiety + networking in art school). So I know it's going to be strange to hear but don't worry too much and even if you fuck up, move on and try again another day.

>> No.2062162

about 1 1/2 years until i made stuff that wasn't obviously pleb tier.

>> No.2062164 [DELETED] 

And how often each week would you draw?

>> No.2062166

It depends entirely on how often you draw/for how long, if you're studying correctly instead of copying, and what you're studying.

Don't get discouraged and give up so easily or you're never going to git gud. I do gesture drawings every day - maybe 1 out of 30 drawings today were even OK looking. As I get back into practice, I'll get 2 out of 30, then maybe 3 or 4. It's a slow process but it builds up. You just have to go through a volume of work to get to the good stuff.

Save that good stuff you do, the best out of the month. Then after your next month you can compare them and find something you got better at. Compare things after a few months, a year, etc. It can help.

Just draw every day man, seriously. You'll get there but you've gotta put in some serious effort first.

>> No.2062169 [DELETED] 

Thanks anon

I'll start trying to draw everyday and put some time into it. Loved drawing during my school days but right now at the end of my college days I'm studying to be an accountant, complete opposite part of the brain ayy

>> No.2062265

While I'm not great, I'm not exactly a beginner. But I want to start over from point A and do shit properly. What I want to do is make a sort of schedule for what to practice and how long. I know I don't need a schedule for this but it helps me stay on track. Anyways, I'm going to try this method for a month and see how it goes.

Actual question here, what sort of schedule/routine should a beginner (or someone like me) have? Like how many hours should I practice "x" for each day. What should my practices focus on? When should I move on to other things?

>> No.2062269

ayy well good luck to you man.

Look up what the fundamentals are in art then practice those things. If you're at home all day, practice 7-8hrs/day. Have a project you take your time bringing to a nice polished finish (so you learn how to do it) and have other shorter projects that let you practice things like perspective and figure drawing. You could try setting things up like a school schedule even, where you have things you do every day or once a week for an extended period. Changing it up helps.

Nobody can make you a schedule, you've gotta do what's good for you. But if your'e unsure as to whether you're headed in the right direction you could make one up and post it, I'll check and suggest changes if you want.

>> No.2062326
File: 209 KB, 500x746, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2062341

Please friends of ic i beg of you. There was a webcomic posted here of a man giving a woman a weeding ring and when she stands it's revealed she has a penis. if anyone has this i beg of you to share. Thank you and have a good evening.

>> No.2062454

this doesnt really answer it

>> No.2062513

When working on gesture of a model that's clothed should I only try to draw what I see behind the clothing or should I include some of the clothing?

>> No.2062516

Everything you deem worthwile.

>> No.2062521

you cant see behind the clothing

>> No.2062538

Anyone know some good books about Character Design and how I get startet with it? :)

>> No.2062576

How? That guy said the tablet feels like glass so done people put a cover on it so it feels nicer

>> No.2062628

What's the best way to price commissions for a novice cartoonists looking to make some dosh from suckers on tumblr?

And also: what's the best method for receiving and processing commissions, usually? What are the common pitfalls? I'm not looking to go pro (at least not right now) I just want some cash to piss away on NEET hobbies.

>> No.2062630

You'll get more dosh fishing from furry fags.

>> No.2062635

The Skillful Huntsman shows different approaches and thoughts on the process to an extent.

>> No.2062651

David Colman's animal character design books are real gud

>> No.2062789
File: 62 KB, 428x600, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this to /r/ as well, but I probably I'll have better luck in here. Sorry if it's out of profile.

I'm looking for pic related in better resolution and without watermark. Presumably it's The Alchemist by David Teniers.

>> No.2062808

Sorry for the blog.

I'm at a point where I just "don't know anymore".

I keep forgetting things I've been through before. Feels like I got to a point where the stuff I draw looks decent, but it gives me a feel that from when I first started, nothing much changed.

Does this feeling ever end? Everything I draw in digital I end up resizing,replacing,redoing...

It's like I'm a prime example of someone who can't think artistically, but only analogously.

>> No.2062827

I want to draw in manga style but I don't know how to draw human anatomy.
Should I start drawing realisticly at first learn about human anatomy,poses and then get to manga or should I go straight to manga drawings.

>> No.2062832

Straight into manga. They usually over simplify things anyways so learning real anatomy isn't going to help that much. Just break out your favorite manga and try drawing the contours that you see. Scratch at the lines until you get one that looks good, it's your choice to erase all the scratches or keep them. Good Luck.

>> No.2062844

I did both at the same time. Practice a study of a real girl, do a study of a manga page

>> No.2062845

thx for advice

>> No.2062850 [DELETED] 

Stylization is about using shortcuts to convey subjects in an interesting or new (often simplified) way. This requires decent knowledge of human anatomy. Without context, copying someone elses's work won't help you understand why they made their design choices.

>> No.2062857


Don't listen to this guy. Seriously, this is absolutely horrible advice.

Learn to draw reality first, then you can depict reality in any manner you wish. I cannot stress this enough. Real anatomy WILL help you because you cannot simplify that which you can't depict in the first place.

Learn anatomy. Learn gesture and posing, and how to balance the weight of the human figure, and learn how to properly convey action and intent. Learn form and construction, learn how to depict in two dimensions a shape that exists in three. Learn how a human is built from basic forms and shapes, learn the proportions of the body, learn the joints and their angles and limitations. Learn to form a whole body from basic shapes, then break down those shapes into subsidiary forms, creating a working model of a human in your mind from progressive detail like a photograph coming into focus.

Learn to see beauty in everything. Learn to love humanity and nature as it is, not how you wish it to be. Learn to see and observe, rather than simply look.

You can work on aping a manga style while doing all of this, but it is of massive importance that it is done. Without these fundamentals, you will forever be stuck making formless, lifeless mannequins. All of the features, none of the soul.

Also, Loomis.

>> No.2062869

hahaha, no, nobody wants to be your artfag friend

>> No.2063024
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1426871317240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a muscle hu-Asian who teached in a video how to practice drawing lines.
Somehow i didn't save this video and can't find it neither. May u know?

>> No.2063043

if you want to draw a comic or animate you are going to need to be able to articulate figures in hundreds of different poses.
But if you don't want to, you never will

>> No.2063066

This guy knows what he's talking about. Kinda sick of seeing so many "uhhhhh real people are not important if you want to draw anime"
If you want to draw girls, learn to draw girls... Christ

>> No.2063074

Both his bullshit troll advice and yours are idiotic. You don't learn drawing manga by only drawing manga or by only concentrating on real life for a few years.

Learn to draw manga and learn the fundamentals as you go. But learning to draw fundamentals before you draw manga is bullshit. Wasting your time learning anatomy to the last "to simplify it later" is a just blind learning in the hope of avoiding errors.

You are just scared of making mistakes.

>> No.2063100

Dynamic Sketching by Peter Han. There are 2 demo videos of it on Youtube.

>> No.2063173
File: 43 KB, 396x449, 1476426_10151908687093598_1667205848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tools I need to shade like this?

>> No.2063188
File: 72 KB, 621x720, 515ede8961dfd15a7c51cdab7aec68f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another reference.

>> No.2063202

From the looks of it these are literally just graphite

>> No.2063203

You can't make that kind of god tier shading with just that.

>> No.2063204

You need a hand too

>> No.2063210

you need a solid understanding of light and form

>> No.2063212

Quit shitposting.

Okay. How I get that?

What graphite?

>> No.2063213
File: 362 KB, 476x359, face1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay. How I get that?

>> No.2063217

>Okay. How I get that?
Same way you get the fundamentals of drawing. I hope this is a joke.

>> No.2063224

Lots of work, man. It's brutal.
Many small layers of very even patches of value, a very sharp (probably HB) lead, and fucking shit the fucking hours on end, the little circles, filling in the little parts that are too light, crosshatching almost but with those patches of tone... It drives you mad, bro.

>> No.2063242

What's the best pc for an artist? A mac with photoshop or a pc with intel cpu? I want a computer for drawing and painting, and of course to read loomis books.

>> No.2063243

If possible, portable (notebook, ultrabook), I want to take it with me in my travels.

>> No.2063245

Depends on the specs, bro. Something with good cpu and good amount of ram for photoshop, and you need a nice monitor.

>> No.2063246

Would macbook be enough? I want something portable and able to run PS.

>> No.2063247
File: 17 KB, 407x345, clevo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon, but how about Corel Painter? This is my current laptop specs. I use it for gaming so maybe it should be intense enough.

>> No.2063256
File: 2.67 MB, 1416x1947, michelangelo_studies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i get serious, quit my job and move west to attend an atelier ??

>> No.2063266

probably not.

atelier is a wank word. and is pretty much a sure indicator that whoever is employing it in naming their business is going to overcharge you.

>> No.2063268

But Proko learned from attending one. Pretty sure Caravaggio did too.

>> No.2063269

It's definitely powerful enough to handle Corel Painter/PS/etc, even at very high resolutions on dual monitors, etc.

>> No.2063277

Maybe? Idk don't be stupid about it, save up before you go quitting for that shit, man.

If you're doing it just for money you probably shouldn't though. Shit's brutal and only the dedicated survive, bruh.

Dude, have you even been to an atelier? They're cheaper than art school and you actually learn skills that can land you jobs.

>> No.2063278

there isn't a through-line to caravaggio. there is on one side the studio system of renaissance italy and on the other side some americans using the word atelier to allude to that time while having nothing at all to do with it. (the academies are in between).

there are workshops around today that still operate in more or less the way they did when caravaggio was around but they don't have anything to do with art, they're just workshops, making stuff out of tubular steel and plasma cutting bits of metal and what not. you go there and work as an apprentice.

well i suppose they do have them in art as well, but their not call an "atelier" they're called "an internship."

>> No.2063285

So I should head for Italy since the true Ateliers are there?

>> No.2063289

You don't even know what you're talking about.
Ateliers as they exist now use "a method of fine art instruction modeled after the private art studio schools of 15th-19th century Europe. Taking its name from the French word for 'artist's studio,' the Atelier Method is a form of private instruction in which an artist, usually a professional painter, works closely with a small number of students to progressively train them. Atelier schools can be found around the world."
Stop talking out of your ass. An atelier is not an internship, and it is not a workshop. It can be run in an artist's studio/workshop but an art atelier has everything to do with art.

>> No.2063291

Don't listen to that faggot. And don't assume an atelier is going to be good just because "lol it's in europe", you're going to find good and bad anywhere you go.

This is one way to find a good atelier. They have to pay a fee to keep themselves listed and have to be checked out and approved by the ARC, who do know their shit.


>> No.2063293

>No listing for any in Japan
Guess Japanese probably not interested in it.

>> No.2063301

>google "atelier japan"
>Ebisu Atelier d'Art
There's at least one. Idk about more, I can't read moonrunes.

>> No.2063476

as long as you don't go with an Atom or Jaguar CPU you should be good to go. Both of them don't work well with all graphic programs and they are too slow for complex or big brushes. Otherwise, get the maximum amount of RAM and a good SSD. Beyond that its as much as you want to spend.

>> No.2063490

THX mate

>> No.2063520

What is a easy to use 3D moddeling programm, just for simple box models? How are Modo and SketchUp?

>> No.2063603

I'm not too doog with Photoshop, and normally i draw with Manga Studio, but when I feel like paining I love doing it with Photoshop.

Some good brushes were posted here on /ic, but i lost them. They had great tip shapes and paint texture, i loved making fuzzy painting with them.

Can you share those or some other brusher please?

>> No.2063653

How do you do chromatic aberration in Clip Studio Paint?
Also, how do you get a blurry affect with leaving an area in focus? Can you do this on one layer?
Thanks in advance!

>> No.2063762

You save it as PSD, open in photoshop, apply necessary stuff in there (move channels and do iris blur) and then go back to Clip Paint if you need it.

>> No.2063771

oh, and i guess if Gimp could also do that if you don't have PS

>> No.2063774

Ooh I have Photoshop but inky cs4 on that computer. Another computer has cc. I'll just transfer it, it's no big deal. Thank you

I hate gimp lol, but one of my favorite artists uses it exclusively.

>> No.2063781

Care to share who that is?

>> No.2063786

He's not the best out there, but he's the first artist I ever started to really follow. I also first found out about deviantart through him. Though I've never made one

>> No.2063951

Looking in to buying a brush pen for when I wanna draw on-the-go. For those that've used a brush pen, what are some things I should expect to happen? How does the brush tip hold up in the long run? How's line consistency after some use? Things like that. Thanks in advance

>> No.2063954

so i havent used photoshop in over a year, and now that i have it back i completely forget everything i knew about coloring. Not that i knew much before really. So could someone give me a quick rundown on how they usually do it/link me to a good video or tutorial?? Like blocking in midtones, and doing shadows and highlights and stuff? Also what the fuck is flow and how does it work.

>> No.2063967
File: 41 KB, 240x400, ttt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I draw with in clip/manga studio to get lines like in picture related?

I've been going through dark pencil, pen and recently I've been even considering using brushes. All have pressure settings and what not and I'm just not sure which to go as a base for Lineart.

Pen has like huge variations in line thickness due to pressure/speed.

Darker Pencil on the other hand is pretty much always the same line width and changing the pressure/etc doesnt do much.

>> No.2063973

in clip studio you can edit the brushes however you want. you could reduce the pressure settings for the pen, or add pressure sensitivity on the pencil.

>> No.2063975


That's the point, I've tried rolling with that, but either reducing pressure for pen or adding it to the pencil didn't land me in that sweet spot I'm looking for.

What's the most common used among manga artists / lineartists?

>> No.2063981
File: 64 KB, 513x800, sepia_figure1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some pretty mixed results from the Edinburgh ARA
I've watched a couple of the Watt's videos on YT and it looks pretty cool, although I'm not sure how the online thing works

>> No.2064006
File: 43 KB, 600x488, ab1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have good advice for drawing in chibi-style, specifically like pic related and such?

>> No.2064036

Just curious. Compared to othee boards, how depressed/bitter are the people of /ic/?
How smart? How creative? How good looking? How nice? How "normal"?
Just curious

>> No.2064038

Look at k-on and simplicify it more. Chibi drawing is really easy. Big cheeks, big eyes, tiny, fat body.
Maybe look at yamio.deviantart.com

>> No.2064041 [DELETED] 

Be a weeb that has no interest in actually learning anatomy. You're welcome.

>> No.2064042

Well the pic you posted is a bad trace of a different picture, but anyway.

The correct way:
Learn how to draw
Deform through design choices to convey what you know and how you want to depict it.

The weeb way:
Mindlessly try to copy things without knowing understanding what you are doing or why you are doing it.

>> No.2064083


I dunno about Chinese cartoons but in my own illustration work when I'm trying to emphasize neoteny in a character I usually shoot for the following things:

- Cranium/Jaw ratio weighted heavily towards cranium. Your brain reaches full size way before your teeth and jaw does, so kids have really big noggins in comparison.

- Eyes also reach full size far sooner than the nose or mouth. If you've got the cranium/jaw ratio right, you'll notice you have a lot of room for large, expressive eyes by comparatively little room with which to place the nose and mouth. This is the manner in which you exaggerate without falling into anatomical inaccuracy, by inflating or contracting areas while still respecting relative topology (no matter how exaggerated, the bridge of the nose always demarcates the border between the cranium and the jaw).

- As for the figure, emphasize the belly and buttocks and de-emphasize the shoulders and ribcage. The limbs are should be kept short and fatty. In babies and toddlers, the head should dominate the figure.

- Use shape and line quality to emphasize roundness in the subject rather than hard, bony shapes and landmarks.

>> No.2064093

>Mindlessly try to copy things without knowing understanding what you are doing or why you are doing it.
>Be a weeb that has no interest in actually learning anatomy. You're welcome.

When a person asks a question like this, generally it's because they want to develop an understanding of how the thing is done. If I wanted to vector-trace it I easily could, but I want to develop, as one of you put it, an "understanding of what [I] am doing and why [I]
am doing it."

Thank you, that was helpful, especially the part about the Cranium/Jaw ratio.

>> No.2064096 [DELETED] 

What blows my mind is that it's not self-evident to you.

>> No.2064146

does either Vilppu or Proko offer any sort of correspondence/critique with the videos they sell online?

>> No.2064257

How can some of you guys stay focused for 4-8 hours a day? I mean, I have art school to be focused on, but over the summer, I'll be taking like, 3 courses so I'll have tons of time.

Do you just unplug yourselves from social media, youtube, tv, internet, 4chan, etc? Or are you guys just that good at keeping focus.

This is what I want to do, but I can't stay focused long enough to ever really FINISH anything (other than assignments, of course)

>> No.2064273

Does anyone know of any good resources for painting sci-fi interiors? Or even modern interiors?

Also, does anybody remember the term used to describe the superficial details and cuts seen in machinery (usually sci-fi)?

>> No.2064275

Break down the work you do into bite sized chunks, and take a break between chunks. Realistically you might only be able to focus for 20-25 minutes. Work for that long, then take a 5 minute break. After 3-4 work units, take a 15-20 minute break. Use a timer if necessary

If you try to focus and work non-stop, you'll find that you quickly become drained and lose focus. Plus, it doesn't hurt to use the breaks to stretch.

>> No.2064346 [DELETED] 
File: 112 KB, 95x496, steps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a 0.5 mech pencil. Can I use the same process my pic related to draw and define shape/forms?

>> No.2064350
File: 112 KB, 95x496, steps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use a 0.5 mech pencil. Can I use the same process my pic related to draw and define shape/forms? In tradicional media, paper and my mech pencil, I mean.

>> No.2064398

Just think about drawing problems all the time? Or is that not enough?

>> No.2064421

No, this technique to block and refine without an erasing step only works for opaque paint and better on a computer. The closest would be drawing with charcoal and clutch holders.

>> No.2064446

Tips for drawing with a ballpoint pen?

>> No.2064475

you don't need any, ball-point pens are great and easy.

>> No.2064485

My favorite is Uniball, but some people say it's not a real ballpoint pen. What do they mean?

>> No.2064513
File: 50 KB, 552x728, burne-anatomy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is from Hogarth's book. Hogarth uses ellipses to determine the length of foreshortened limbs from the pivot. Loomis has an identical method he calls "arc of movement."

The question is: Is there a more methodical way of determining the width of the ellipse?

Loomis says to "draw them until they seem right."

Hogarth, meanwhile, uses the limb positioned vertically as basis for the length/major axis of the ellipse. He also says that "the tightest ellipse curves make the deepest foreshortenings." However, he doesn't mention how wide the ellipse can be without ruining the proportions in perspective.

>> No.2064518


One of the secrets of art is that it's not an exact science. You're going to have to keep trying and failing until you eventually figure out. Using references is key.

Unfortunately there isn't a better way, it's an intuition thing and you gain intuition by drawing.

>> No.2064519

Any guides on how to get started with colors, choosing them based on the scene, temperature and lighting and such?

>> No.2064535

What do you people think about talent?
I personally think the idea of talent is fucking bullshit.

>> No.2064549

that's not a secret lol, that's almost it's defining quality, as per the saying "more an art than a science."

>> No.2064590

I don't really think it's bullshit.
Natural talent and gained talent are different to me. "Natural talent," I think, depends on who you were growing up. Were you more observant or did you pass through things without taking note? If you spent much time looking at things but not building things, it might help you to do studies, but hurt you when you're doing things from imagination since you don't think about form and how things work. It's also kind of like there are different ways of teaching one subject. One kid might get it, and the other might not. The kid that understood might have "natural talent" while in reality, the kid who didn't understand it just needs it explained in a different way.
I guess it's more of a concept than anything, but not necessarily bullshit
Anyone can become talented at anything if they try. Though I am short, I could be a decent basketball player if I really wanted to. Not that I want to, of course.

>> No.2064732

If you mean a geometric solution? Yes there are. But you drown in help lines.

Also, the ellipse is a circle on a plane cut through the sphere of all possible arm positions. You have lots of freedom how you want to draw the ellipse depending on how you want to move the arm.

>> No.2064857

Jesus fuck this board is no help. If ballpoint pen drawing were easy I wouldn't be asking for advice

>> No.2064887

Any method.

Yes, you are right about that. I'm still curious, however. Perhaps what I'm looking for is more in the territory of mechanical perspective. If you have any ideas, fire away.

>> No.2064891

or you're an idiot. :p it really is easy though. it's the most intuitive medium ever in the history of the word, very responsive to pressure, direction doesn't matter, precise. it's the hard round of drawing implements.

>> No.2064892

Try different papers. Papers with some tooth to them will make it easier to make lighter lines, smoother papers will make it easier to make uniform lines. Drawing with a pad of paper under the page you're drawing on will make it easier to vary your lines and give the pen a better feel. Most ballpoints will develop a glob of ink at the tip after drawing for a while, especially after many long, parallel lines. Keep a folded up paper towel nearby to wipe the tip off frequently. Medium point Bic pens are actually pretty decent; they can easily make lots of different line weights and they don't form an ink glob as quickly as some others. Honestly there isn't that much to it. You can pretty much use it like a pencil. Are you having problems or something?

It's a real ballpoint pen. It uses a hybrid ink, though, that is almost like a gel pen. They have upsides: the ink (like most Uni-Ball pens) is damn near impervious to everything, they write smoothly, and they're easy to find. I don't really care for them for drawing because they require frequent dabbing of the tip to get rid of ink globs, and because of how "smooth" they are, it makes it harder to shade and make light construction lines. It's a lot different than using a plain Bic pen. To be fair, I've only tried the 0.7mm.

>> No.2064953

"Perspective, A Guide for Artists, Architects and Designers" by White.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.2065019

Much appreciated, anon.

>> No.2065021

Hmm, I see. Thank you for answering my question about the uniball pens.

>> No.2065067

An ellipse like this is simply a circle inscribed in a square. In order to inscribe a circle in a square in perspective you need to know how to draw a square in perspective. Most artists and most art teachers do not know how to draw a square in perspective, so they won't be able to tell you how to draw a correct ellipse. Once you have a quadrilateral that represents a square, there is only one correct ellipse to inscribe. You can quite easily find 8 points on the ellipse using only geometric methods. This defines the shape of the ellipse with sufficient accuracy for everything but the most demanding applications.

>> No.2065096

I want to draw something for my brother for his birthday. Any ideas?

>> No.2065137

How do I get back into drawing after not drawing at all for 6 months because of losing motivation and being busy.

>> No.2065142

Go to a figure drawing class, then you have to draw

>> No.2065143

What does he like?

>> No.2065172


>> No.2065190

you just have to pay and then weep because you suck. Then you get thrown out because you annoy everyone but are too ugly as model.

Unlikely: Find out why you lost motivation and fix it.
Easier: find some fun and easy exercises to get another way into drawing and broaden your horizon.

>> No.2065354
File: 70 KB, 630x500, Ohio-State-1974-imgur-e1360709639889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i kick the bucket and quit masturbating? i can work for a long period of time then i feel like i need to masturbate. Like not orgasm but look at porn. Then i go back and forth working and jerking off in bursts of 20 minutes or so. I feel if i can get the urge to stop i'd be so much more efficient.

please help me.

>> No.2065393

jizz on the first J-break?

>> No.2065554

Are there any books with drawing exercises so you can just pick and do one?

>> No.2065613
File: 83 KB, 806x806, 312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it worth working through Erik Olson's perspective classes? Looks like you need a shitload of time to finish it.

>> No.2065646

If you want to learn perspective properly, then you will need a shitton of time. No clue about the quality of his course.

>> No.2065666

Realize your mood and energy is better if you stop fapping for 1-2 days.

>> No.2065669

Just get the fapping over with. Nothing to feel guilty about. It's normal.

>> No.2065705

where do i start?

>> No.2065728

just exactly how much detail is enough? is it necessary zoom in and fix each pixel?

i also, i want to print a painting im almost finished with right now its at 40x23 inches 100 ppi. whats a good size to print?

>> No.2065737
File: 15 KB, 185x268, 1422790062308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to do a realistic drawing of a room, person, animal or item with a tie to nature.
It's supposed to be finished by the 30th. Nothing big, just to show what I can do.

Here's the problem though, all I draw is stupid comics and there's no way I know how to approach a drawing of realistic nature.
It's really not my strong suit.

how can draw realistic stuff and what draw?

>> No.2065742
File: 327 KB, 729x1094, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where do i start
Depends on where you have already been.

Personally, I like to copy the transformers comics. They have simple shapes and simple colors. Look up some of the IDW comics - pic related

Look for "hard surface" blogs / pinterest for inspo. The rule people like to throw around is 80/20. 80% smooth surfaces and panels, and 20% exposed mechanics.

Also, figure drawing is surprisingly helpful.

>> No.2065788

What method of digital inking do you people normally use? I'm asking for your personal preferences.

>> No.2065863
File: 149 KB, 960x840, X6gkWdC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a version of Goldfinger's book with pages 229,230 and 231 actually not missing? Want my pectineus muscle and stuff. Also, as I can recall, some pages from the forearm muscles were also missing… >:(

>> No.2065991

new thread where?

>> No.2066023
File: 1.47 MB, 1400x1750, diadelosdeadites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you sustain yourself if you study art for the majority of your week? I just got a full time job and finding the time to draw has become extremely difficult. I went from 2-4 hours a day to being lucky to get 1 hour/day.

How do I time management?

>> No.2066089


Wake up earlier.

>> No.2066114

would taking traditional painting and sculpture classes help if my long term goal is to work digitally? right now i do everything traditionally and go to regular life drawing but i have the opportunity to take painting and figure sculpture.

or should i just save my money for more life drawing instead?

>> No.2066894

I've been learning how to draw for about the past 6 months. I have plenty of books that I've taken advice from, but one of the biggest advances was when I paid a local artist to tutor me to draw. She died in a car crash and I've been self-teaching myself ever since. Improving, but not as quickly as when she taught me.

How do you guys learn? Sure you draw and read, but is that enough? Can you look at your work and say what is wrong with it and exactly how to fix it? That seems like magic to me as all I see with my shitty art is the fact that it looks shitty.

Is /ic/ and sketching books all I need? Reading /ic/, I'm sure posting my art here will be like getting fist-fucked by Kimbo Slice. I'm slightly prone to discouragement, so this concerns me.

Is it worth my time and money to take a local college's art class? Or another tutor?

What are all the procedures and methods you guys uses to get good and improve?

>> No.2066914

I finally figured out how to ask this question.

When painting (mainly from imagination) the shadows on an object, how can you determine how dark/intense/colorful the shadow value is? How can you maintain a "proper" value interaction between light and shadow in a painting?

Sure you can just paint b&w then glaze with color. But I'm talking about straight up identifying and painting color right from the get-go.

>Bumping a thread with 300+ posts
I couldn't wait for the new thread to be posted.

>> No.2066996

Can someone remind me tumblr of a guy, who drew some sea god with two purple swords, robot with glass canon, dynamite hippo and etc. something like "sauurince" but I can't tell exactly.

>> No.2067544

I can't seem to get into drawing anymore.
Im so overly critical now that any attempt at drawing just sends me spiraling into depression.

I used to be able to really enjoy drawing but its like after I discovered other artists my own inadequacies are too much to bear.

wat do?

>> No.2067962

Draw something anyway. Halfass it if you have to. Fullass it when you feel better.

>> No.2069945

How do I draw a head in 3/4 view?

>> No.2070206

Learn where you are inadequate and grab some books. Draw simpler stuff and try to achieve good results in them. Read books about basics.