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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2048665 No.2048665 [Reply] [Original]

I genuinely like Jazza. He's like one of your friends that isn't the best artist in the whole world but he's just so passionate about what he does it's kind of endearing. He's also really knowledgeable and articulate, especially when it comes to software. He's in his mid 20s now and while he isn't spectacular by any means, I bet he'll be really good in his mid 30s.

Whew, I'm glad that's over.

What's YOUR dark secret, /ic/?

>> No.2048676

ah, I've seen a couple videos of this dude. art is bad but he seems a cool guy

>> No.2048680

Hey jazza

>> No.2048689

I masturbated to Bob Ross once.
no homo

>> No.2048707

I find watching people like jazza is detrimental to your own gains. everything he teaches is based of his own "muh style" which was born from "I don't know how to do this properly" and not from abstraction for the sake of interest or efficiency. this is a dark secret thread, so I guess your justified, just filling you in before you get stuck in a similar issue

my dark secret? I tell people to work on perspective but I never took the time to learn it properly myself. the whole line method seems really overdone and fake to me now, so I never keep interested, even when I'm trying to force myself to learn

>> No.2048713
File: 72 KB, 422x591, procrastinating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tell people to work on ______ but I never bother to take the time to learn it myself.

/ic/ in one post.

>> No.2048715


i never did loomis.

> isn't the best artist in the whole world but he's just so passionate about what he does it's kind of endearing

such feels. i agree /ic/ judges other artists too harshly based on pure technical skill alone, it's a little depressing. great when you want to become the next jaime, sargent, mullins, whatever. it's very valuable to push yourself and aspire to such ridiculous levels of technical ability in your early years, but for most artists eventually life sets in, they get that comfy job at some company (i just got an interview at a mobile game company and can already see myself hopping on the computer and grinding on just like i did the last years neeting), get a girlfriend who eventually ends up married, and their life goals suddenly shift towards ... simply being happy.

that's all beta faggot pussy shit though because i won't happen to me. lol. we'll see...

>> No.2048718

I think Jazza and Sycra are cool enough guys.
They aren't that great as an artist but at least they're humble.

>> No.2048722

That picture is true, my whole day has been like that lol.

I think the real gross thing about art and illustration is that I can genuinely see the faults in other people's work like subtle perspective problems and so on but when I try and draw myself it's pathetic. I think /ic/ is harmful in that way because it feels better to help another artist correct one of their mistakes than it does to make your own.

>tfw I will never git gud.

>> No.2048727

I think his art is mostly bad but I liked his reviews and his tutorials on lines and stuff isn't bad

>> No.2048748

i have a friend whose plunged thousands of dollars into software wanting to create a game. He couldn't draw a circle onto a piece of paper, and finds even the most beginner tutorials on programming to be too difficult. I've offered to help him get started, but he says sinking 500+hrs into learning how to draw, starting from basics is too much and thinks i'm a nerd for doing so. he would rather load up whatever game is popular right now and play that for 8 hours.

He whines about how much he wants it, but does nothing. i'm so filled with rage and want to tell him he's being retarded, but i'm his friend :^).

>> No.2048765


that's the average person for you. fuck em, they are npc's anyway. they are scripted bots that only exist to populate your universe.

>> No.2048773

I have a similar friend. He wants to make an animated film but can't draw a stick man so he's being the director and asking other people with drawings skills to do the work for him, for no money, with the promise of "exposure".

>> No.2048877

I really like the whole CalArts/Tumblr art style.

I rather look at sketches than fully rendered pieces.

>> No.2048883

nigga that's gay


>> No.2048906

I only got back into art because I have to be drunk to write and it was destroying my health.

>> No.2048922


See this is the thing, it's EASY to point out flaws in other people's work, Like it's one of the first things you should be able to do. Hell, even if you step back and look at your own shit, you should be able to see where you screwed up and what needs fixing or improvement.

Not only is doing it in your own work hard, offering suggestions on HOW to improve it requires mileage, which is something you don't get much of in /ic/. That's why people are pissed when people keep throwing "needs more loomis" and "fix your anatomy" because it doesn't offer any help.

>> No.2048935

My secret? I relentlessly shitpost on /ic/ despite honestly wanting to see it become a better place.

Ironically I've learn more from people poking holes in my arguments and trying to prove me wrong than I have by any critiques of my artwork here.

>> No.2048945


>> No.2048970



>> No.2049154

I don't work as hard as I tell people I do...

Also the fact that I regularly come to this shit hole is a dark secret in itself

>> No.2049312

I feel the same way anon. I love seeing the thought process underneath someone's pencil drawings

>> No.2049331

I agree, be wary of your teachers because if you choose an inexperienced one, you might pick up their bad habits.

Sycra is great to listen to on streams but ever since he started that pointy chins series I stopped watching his stuff.

That's not the only thing wrong with this place, it's artists in general. They do not want to be harsh so they'll tell you that "you'll get there" instead of the specifics of what's wrong with the painting.

I like to go into specifics and remain objective along with sandwiching my advice between two complements. Also I've been guilty of telling someone better than me what's wrong with their picture that I haven't worked on because the reason it sticks out to me is because I need to work on it. Critiques are good in that kind of way, reminds you of your flaws and helps others.

>> No.2049337
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My Dark secret is that even though I'm into digital art, I'm not really a fan of craig mullins' style. So many of my friends, people on here and others like it while I find it quite messy, undone and makes me think that it's lazy for being that way. It's a probably a personal preference, but to me it looks like he just scribbled it in for 2-3 hours. The way he leaves most of the painting to the imagination, it feels like I'm doing all the work making the painting look great.

You can tell by the way Im defending it I feel bad for calling "The grandfather of digital art" not a great artist.

>> No.2049348


woah there buddy, he's still a great artist, just one that you don't particularly like.

>> No.2049359

You're probably just not experienced enough to appreciate his work as much as other people around here do.

>> No.2049361

You just suck at art.

>> No.2049364


Jazza is cool. The man finds steady work to pay his bills with art and animation, there exists a lesson to be had just from that.

You might not be able to learn anything art related from him, but if you are ever hoping to support yourself off of your art, you could probably learn something from him.

>> No.2049367

when you get better, you will come to get him and why people love him

>> No.2049369


my first serious art practice/knowledge started with mark crilley, thankfully I was through after a week or so. it was helpful at the time like everything else when you know absolutely nothing, but once you know some basic stuff you wonder how the fuck he's still that bad after decades of drawing.

>> No.2049385

Me too m8. Sketches inspire me a lot more than finished pieces

>> No.2049386

I dont like him either, but i can appreciate his godlike skills anyway

>> No.2049405
File: 245 KB, 980x768, The_Critique_by_EddieTheYeti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tell people to work on ______ but I never bother to take the time to learn it myself.
I thought so. That's why I often ask people to "post your art".

>> No.2049418

Should change that pic to be 'heads don't fucking look like that, more loomis' to be more /ic/

>> No.2049422

I'm really a good high skilled tier in painting and drawing but I shitpost on /ic/ instead of helping people.

>> No.2049530


Post your art.

Seriously though, if you claim that you're fucking hot shit at art you should post your own shit. merc_wip should only be reserved for assholes who are using "post your art" as a way to deflect your critique.

>> No.2049542
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ur dumb as le potatoe brah. he gets paid mad dosh for that shit. why would he spend more time than necessary if his clients have use for stuff that is THAT loose?

don't forget about his polished work. he doesn't just have godlike skills, he is god.

>> No.2049547
File: 637 KB, 1023x963, average ic critic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2049934

>He whines about how much he wants it, but does nothing.

Tell him that if he wants to achieve his goals then he needs to work towards them, no matter how far away success is. If he's not willing to do that, then he obviously doesn't truly want it and should just move on to something he actually cares about.

>> No.2049945

You can still critique something without being able to do it yourself.

>> No.2049947

Sketches arouse me more than finished pieces

>> No.2049959
File: 36 KB, 500x688, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regularly fap to pics like this.
I dont know why, but I enjoy it fully

>> No.2049970

Can you give more examples, anon? Just so we can get a better idea of what "pics like this" means.

>> No.2049974
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Things like this.
Ill post more

>> No.2049975

please do

>> No.2049976
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>> No.2049977
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>> No.2049979
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>> No.2049982
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>> No.2049985
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>> No.2049987
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>> No.2049988
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Im not gonna flood the thread with it but yea.

>> No.2049992

Of course you can! Just keep in mind that:
- your "critique" won't help anyone
- you're a disgusting hypocrite if you can't apply your own advices
- you're misleading and harmful to novices who don't know that they should just ignore people like you

If you can't bake a cake, don't tell others how they should do it, faggot.

>> No.2049993

Let me guess

You have a "style", don't you?

>> No.2049994

Let me guess

You don't know how to draw, don't you?

>> No.2049999
File: 16 KB, 475x263, ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright I feel you on that one mane

>> No.2050000

I enjoy sketches over finished pieces, and have never really wanted to do more than be really good at doodling

>> No.2050007

If you're passionate about something, but really fucking suck at it, it's not endearing. It's frustrating, and displays a complete lack of insight and self-awareness.

>> No.2050011

You... prefer tumblr?
Please fucking die.

What's happened to this place?

>> No.2050014

>you can't say a movie is bad if you've never directed a movie
>you can't say an album is bad if you agent a producer
>you can't say a building is ugly unless you're an architect
I agree with you a little about how you should walk the walk but you gotta ask yourself who's the bigger faggot, the person giving the critique or the person saying that no one should critique anything?

>> No.2050015

This "you can't criticize it if you can't do better" mentality is ridiculous. I guess most critics for film, games, etc. should keep their disgusting hypocrite opinions to themselves then, right?

I don't need to be able to bake a cake to know if one I'm eating tastes like shit.

>> No.2050016
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I also enjoy Pedro Perez

>> No.2050020
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I enjoy sketches and Im not going to change my opinion on it

>> No.2050024

So, sketches are somehow exclusive to tumblr?

>> No.2050036

Sketches and tumblr are synonymous? This is news to me

>> No.2050046


It's not that you shouldn't, but you will likely have no useful advice to give on a board dedicated towards useful critique. It's like saying that a half-cooked piece of chicken is better than starving, which it technically is, but there's fuck-all you can anyway do if you don't know how to cook it properly.

Layman critiques are useful only if you actually know what the fuck you're doing and you just need someone to give you some general feedback to go off of. /ic/ is overwhelmingly filled with beginners so that kind of sweeping advice will do jack shit to help them.

>> No.2050049

If you need this much validation why are you even here?

>> No.2050185
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I don't think I have much of an imagination at all. I look at over the top stylized stuff from both western and eastern artists and think it all looks so cool and that's what I want to do and then I try and make something myself and it looks like a bunch of gay faggot shit.

My dark secret is that I'm not gonna make it bruh. I'm just wondering how many years I'm going to piss away trying.

>> No.2050197


>You... prefer tumblr?

Only one person mentioned Tumblr, which was me, you fucking moron. Everyone else was just agreeing about the sketches.

I never stated that I "prefer" Tumblr over anything. I just said that like CalArts/Tumblr style. Sometimes it's cute as fuck. I like cute shit.

>> No.2050211

>It's not that you shouldn't, but you will likely have no useful advice to give on a board dedicated towards useful critique

Humans see perspective everyday, if the perspective of something is off that's valuable information.

People see anatomy and proportions everyday so if you see that the arms are too little or the hands are messed up you can tell them so.You can also try the poses that the person want's critiqued, and if it feels uncomfortable and off balanced or forced.

A fresh mind is always okay, vague terms such as "learn anatomy" or "work on perspective" is not really helpful.

>> No.2050330

I wish I could fap to this, my mind has taken me to extremes I can't get out of

>> No.2050340

>I don't need to be able to bake a cake to know if one I'm eating tastes like shit.

But if some motherfucker serves you a choclate mousse flim flam cake extravaganza you wouldn't know what the fuck to say.

Sure you could tell somebody his easy bake oven chemial cake is shit, but apart from that you would be absolutely useless because you're hardly better at baking cakes yourself.

>> No.2050349

I draw gay shit but I'm too ashamed to show that it's gay so I make the characters look like girls

>> No.2050355

lol you censor your own work?
C'mon just fucken draw whatever you want and fuck everbody who thinks it's stupid because it's gay.

Unless it's tryhard bullshit that looks like a polished turd.

>> No.2050358

I think your mistake is that you don't analyse the stuff you like, once you've drawn some redline of the anatomy and see the flow of the picture you can improve very very fast.

Also you shouldn't try to be like someone, just take influences here and there.

Believe me bruh, I've had the same issues but I actually started analysing what was in front of me and it changed my view dramatically.

With a little amount of talent and expanding that talent, everyone can be "good".

>> No.2050359
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I can't draw Form, only Function, Every time I try and draw to purely express raw emotions I feel retarded. Drawing to me isn't a form of catharsis , and I hope to fuck there's other artists like that.

Can you be an artist if you only draw to tell stories or be funny? Or does that make you something else like an entertainer.

>> No.2050363

I think as an artist, you have to have a certain amount of passion, if you feel stupid when you draw, then try drawing more serious stuff.

But I feel like every true artist does indeed want to tell a story with his work. At least to a certain degree.

>> No.2050485

Despair mode?

>> No.2050487

>I just said that like CalArts/Tumblr style.

What's it like to have no soul?

>> No.2050504

>Every time I try and draw to purely express raw emotions I feel retarded

When I'm deppresed or sad I just can't do it but when I'm at a certain level of mad I just draw people killing each other and then I throw it away. It makes me feel a lot better.

>> No.2050545


who said that? are you dumb?

>> No.2050629

Feels pretty great.

>> No.2053793

Shitposting here and elsewhere is killing my art gains. I had all day to draw and I think I drew like 3 hands from the Bridgman book which took only a few minutes each. Holy shit somebody save me from myself ;-;

>> No.2055657

I think tracing is pretty fun.

>> No.2055659

Tracing should only be used to help you learn things. Tracing is not a crime, but tracing and passing it off as your own work ought to be god dammit!


>> No.2055663

Argeed. Tracing for the purpose of garnering attention or shortcutting success, aside from being ethically bankrupt, really just kind of shows how much one doesn't really understand the interpretive nature of art.

>> No.2055666

Oh no I just trace for my own amusement, the fact that it helps me learn how to do things is a bonus. I wouldn't dream of passing what I've traced as something original though, that's for dorks.

>> No.2055667

good ups nigga

>> No.2055668

and by "success" I meant, "an end product"

>> No.2055671

For shure, the video was nice though. Thanks for that.

Nah I've seen a few people who do that and people find out eventually anyway, I assume it doesn't have the satisfaction of making something from scratch yourself anyway. Still, though, it's pleasant on days where I just can't seem to figure out anything on my own.

>> No.2055679
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It's not that dark, but I hate Leyendecker.

>> No.2055680

I don't reckon you'd be handing out your tracings as accomplishments, though. That's what I'm saying.

Tracing as practice is pretty great for breaking the ultra subtle stylistic habits that prevent level-ups. And inking over pictures or other people's sketches helps to wizard up your general approach to linework, since it unhinges you from your own style.

>> No.2055681



>> No.2055683

I don't like how angular all his paintings are, but mostly I find his brushwork obnoxious. I can't really articulate it, I just hate it.

>> No.2055690

I would call you a fag if the artist himself wasn't one, faggot.

>> No.2055702

I have to agree with that for the background. I really like the rest. It reminds me of a comic somehow

>> No.2055708

Leyendecker fucked nine women before he ate breakfast! ...Which I will admit was a bowl of gay dicks but he's still a straight manly artist in my book.

>> No.2055736
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Once you know he was a homo you actually realize how fucking obvious it is lol.

>> No.2055751


All I see there is a nice straight non-homosexual sportsman who has incurred battle damage on his uniform from engaging in fierce contest with men who threatened his dominance.

His seven girlfriends will be up all night sewing his raiment back together.

>> No.2055765
File: 271 KB, 1048x1312, 1912_lyendecker_footballplayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We can do this all day bruh

>> No.2055770

>a nice straight non-homosexual sportsman who has incurred battle damage on his uniform from engaging in fierce contest with men who threatened his dominance.
>His seven gir


nigga, as a gay man I can tell you that there's a lot of Delicious gay undertones in leyendecker work, the reason for this is probably because the era he lived on, also the guy had a lot of taste so being flamboyant was probably a turn off for him

>> No.2055779

In all seriousness I'm a strong proponent of gays making manly things as much as they want, and sliding it past straight guys who will then appreciate it for different reasons.

Straight guys like me would get called a fag if we tried to make stuff like that! So I vote to let the gaymans do their thing with all the sexual focus that causes them to excel in these fields.

Gays both make the manliest art, out of sheer appreciation, as well as write the best pussygetting music, in Depeche Mode's case.

>> No.2055781


Are gays creatively superior? Oh lawd. Is that the secret?

>> No.2055790


I thought Depeche mode were straight? Like I know they seem hella gay but that was just the 80's man.

>> No.2055794

It's just a matter of lowered inhibitions negating restrictions on specific fields of interest. Gaymans are piss poor at many other brands of artistic expression.

For example, drawing anime girls, their're anime girls looks gay. They also looks gay (stupid), and also gay (ugly). They don't do a good job at anime girls at all. Stay out of the anime girls business, you gays!!!

>> No.2055795

ohhh no, they're very many gay.

Except for Vince Clarke and maybe one other guy, which is funny since Clarke, the straight one, eventually went into Erasure, which is the gayest band that ever gayed. (Robot unicorn theme)

>> No.2055798

Well okay I take that back, there is a gayer music product than even Erasure...


I'm sure you all find my encyclopedic understanding of gayness very impressive and not in any way implicating, yes???

>> No.2055807


Nothing wrong with a phd in faggotry

>> No.2055873

M-my dark secret is that I'm terrified of the day I wake up and regret all the hours I've invested in art and this feeling brings me sadness so I shut down and can't draw. I've spent thousands of hours practicing and filling commisions already so I begin to regret moping around and not drawing. There are so many things I want to do, I'm just 20, art's all I've ever done and been good at, but I also want to experience other things instead of putting in 8 hours a day hunched over a desk, pushing a pencil.
>pls halp

>> No.2056123
File: 65 KB, 500x500, Disc+Charge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ha ha ha that is pretty gay but I think I've got you trumped. This shit is super rare, and so gay it can only be confined by vinyl.

>> No.2056191

Seriously though, you need to be able to relax: walk around a bit outside, sketch a little outside, talk to people a lot.
It's okay to draw and practice all day, just make sure you don't burn out. What's that for if oyu got all the money in the world, but you can't enjoy life as it is?

About the regret part: you won't regret it. If you set your mind to it, then it's the best thing you could ever done.

>> No.2056329
File: 36 KB, 316x263, 1422549934382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, anon, I really needed to hear that. Honestly, art's all I want to do, and the only thing I'd regret is giving up on it. Starting today I'll be taking walks and drawing outside and next time a friend asks me to hang out, I won't tell them I'm too busy drawing. I didn't even realize I had burnt out, but it was just that.

>> No.2056446

I won the script portion of that group animation contest he canned.

I wish he had at least come through with the hundred bucks.

>> No.2056450


Oh no, as it turns out I've actually heard this version of this song before.

>> No.2057046
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Possibly a wall struggle grasping the fundamentals, among with a crippling depression and despair of trying to learn. Like I have hit a point where my skills are trying to improve without guidance.


>> No.2057049
File: 42 KB, 400x388, 1422982330902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With family support on my side helping at mental issues and myself learning wisdom and enlightenment from /fringe/ at 3+5 cha-n
Even when I was just learning about spirituality 4 years back because of my mother's injures and thought me together.

>> No.2057050
File: 206 KB, 372x417, 1421618690168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to say like the masons knew, using nature or any supernatural methods in your process can feel almost godlike and being at paranormal events like the blood moon can be life fuel. Among with that my imagination feels like an image synthesizer, more I train it the better it gets.

TL:DR: Seek enlightenment for well-being before its too late in today's world, don't be a degenerate any longer if you care about your life.

That is one of the main reasons why I choose animation is to make stories of experiences kinda like the Pink Floyd approach. Make something the opposite of the standard like playing jazz in a rock band.

Nice based quads.

>> No.2057071

>blowing off your IRL friends to draw

This is definitely where you fucked up. That's only excusable if they are bugging you to hang out everyday. But if they are only doing it once or twice a week or biweekly, you literally just don't want to have friends worth a damn. Internet based friendships are worthless in comparison to IRL ones.

>> No.2057088
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Well, that pose looks pretty damn familiar.

>> No.2057127

I started this way, then I did a bunch of drugs and discovered I could develop both sides of the coin. Achieving this however, has been a monster bitch.

>> No.2057132

>Everyone needs a push once in a while
Good luck!.

>> No.2057143

I very rarely get further than linework/sketches on my works

Whenever I feel like I need to color/shade I just lose the will to finish it.

>> No.2057145

i hate over-rendered smooth paintings. i like messy brushwork an kinetic lines, i love the feelin of movement an action, then again, i'm more into animation than painting

also, almost every artist i look up to is known for drawin porn which i actually honestly don't much care for beyond the look.

>> No.2057156


I think you rely too much on references!

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