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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 64 KB, 394x768, nude-1931-ivan-albright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2041534 No.2041534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why arent you drawing/painting real womyn like pic related?

I DARE you shitlords to study this

>> No.2041535

nice bait m8

>> No.2041545
File: 244 KB, 841x1200, 1407791615106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have posted the wrong file
You're probably looking for this one

>> No.2041548
File: 537 KB, 1783x2654, vocation-1896william-adolphe-bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh this?

>> No.2041578

I'm already fat.
I want to study the things that make everyone happy

>> No.2041580
File: 262 KB, 446x456, 1415279486244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you fapped to man ass
>didnt find out it was man ass till after

>> No.2041583
File: 174 KB, 774x1032, 1421518022559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>real womyn like pic related?
But that's an amorphous blob. Don't get me wrong, i don't mind ladies with a bit of weight on them, but when they lose their shape I lose interest. Same with dudes.
A fine ass is a fine ass regardless of owner.

>> No.2041588
File: 365 KB, 1600x1090, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not study a far superior obese nude?

>> No.2041590

But that's a painting, not a real woman.

>> No.2041593

those hips are gross.

>> No.2041594

9/10 homosexuals agree with this post

>> No.2041600

she looks like a bunch of water balloons tied together.

>> No.2041603
File: 229 KB, 550x800, 1377948559771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To each their own. Maybe you'd prefer this?

>> No.2041606

When I see threads like this I'm reminded a lot of people on /ic/ don't study real figures and go to live model sessions. The good ones always have different types of body, male and female, fat, fit and so on.

Studying by copying pictures online or by doing them in your pc is 1/10th worth of a good figure drawing class, with quick gesture, some longer ones, big sheets of paper and so on.

The pictures you use to study influence the way you work. If you only copy from magazines and ads, you'll have all your figures standing there like in a photoshoot. It goes beyond types of body (even though it is part of it as well), but about the variety of ways to represent the human body. The reason models are naked is so that we can understand their body without something in between, and in the same sense, to draw something right in front of you is drawing "naked" from the aesthetic choices that a photographer, editor or even another painter did before you.

Don't get me wrong, I copy from photos all the time, but I strongly recommend everyone to search for life drawing classes.

>> No.2041609


She's arching her back almost in half to push her chest out and suck her stomach in just so you don't see how obviously fat she is. Them's some stretch marks on her hips. Not sexy.

>> No.2041618

>but I strongly recommend everyone to search for life drawing classes.

I went to that once.
We had to draw a qt redhead with freckles and shorthair, medical student. Of course she was naked, and I learned a lot from her.
That was 2 years ago though.

>> No.2041619

>tfw can't find any reputable ones in south straya

>> No.2041676

Are you fucking high?
A huge number of the models that come to my figure classes are fat old women.
Or fat old men.

Although there are occasionally a real qt3.14159265359

>> No.2041694


>> No.2041696

not everyone can use mommy and daddy's money to go to an art school, fag

>> No.2041703

You don't even need to go to art school. If you live in a big city I'm sure there are free or at least cheap sessions. You can also start your own group of interest people and hire a model yourself or pose for one another (even with clothes on).

>> No.2041705
File: 43 KB, 350x600, sleeping-by-the-lion-carpet-also-known-as-sue-tilley.jpg!Large-lucian-feud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.2041710

>I'm sure there are free or at least cheap sessions.
>You can also start your own group of interest people and hire a model yourself

>> No.2041711
File: 602 KB, 1008x995, Ivan-Albright-Portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those life studies culminated in this riveting portrait.

>> No.2041712

>If you live in a big city
which im sure you do~
>I'm sure there are free or at least cheap sessions.
you have no clue what you're talking about.
>You can also start your own group of interest people
again more rich shitstain excuses that mean literally nothing.
>hire a model yourself
yes, because everyone has money for this, dont they?

>> No.2041718

Local figure drawing sessions here range between $5 and $15 for a couple of hours of drawing. Everyone pitches in, model gets paid a nice sum, and now one has to pay a huge expense out of pocket on their own.

Not rocket science.

>> No.2041719

>Thank you, anon! Nice tips! Unfortunately I don't live in a big city and it's really hard to find those classes around, but I'll continue to look after them :)

You're welcome, friends! Keep drawing! ;)

>> No.2041720

looking at this portrait is truly riveting. this picture makes me feel like im literally being riveted by a machine.

>> No.2041963


>> No.2041980

You know, I've gone to at least 14 live sessions and haven't had a fat woman that wasn't a granny so far.
Have had a bunch of old guys fat and skinny, olympic young guys, petite pixie girls, alt-looking chicks, a couple grannies, and a couple fat guys.

I'm not looking forward to a young landwhale, at least wrinkles make shit fun to draw instead of just disgusting.

>> No.2041986

You know how I got to afford a cintiq, books and live drawing classes?

Life drawing modeling.

>> No.2042008

>tfw you got stretchmarks just from growing/maturing too quickly without being overweight

>> No.2042015

half the girls who model at the co ops i go to look like this

>> No.2042016

it's actually a better alternative than using mommy and daddy's money for art school. 4 years of life drawing classes that cost you $1500 a year. 4 years of art education that cost you $30000 a year.

as long as you are self-motivated you don't need to buy a degree to tell people to pay attention to you.

>> No.2042200

ITT filthy material realists

>> No.2042202

That's from the potratit of Dorian Gray faggot.

It's about a young beautiful man who stays youthful because his portrait his artist friend painted takes the age and evil from all of his debauchery for him, that's how the portrait looks at the end.

>> No.2042203


They're not a deal breaker, but when someone overweight tries to say they're healthy, there's literally physical evidence that their body wasn't meant to be like that.

>> No.2042208

it's pretty typical of Albright's work, not sure what your point is.

>> No.2042210

oh mami pls engulf my burrito

>> No.2042215

pretty sure thats photoshopped fat pads on the gluteus medius don't grow that large without other portions growing even larger as well

>> No.2042220

bretty sure it isn't

>> No.2042233

Life drawing is free at some community colleges for students of anything, and even non-students granted you have an ID with you.
Some institutions its just like 10- 17 dollars, some provide instructions, others don't, go to meetup and get to drink and draw.
And if that shit doesn't float your boat or there isn't one near you, you can just plop your ass at the park or the nearest cafe/restaurant and just draw the people there.

Really, there is no excuse, unless you wanna prolong your stay at that plateu or you live in the middle of nowhere, you learn far faster and more things if the object or subject matter is in front of your face, a reference is just a reference, its just the quote of that 3 dimensional object, it is the shortened movie version of a rich and deep book, devoid of an extra dimension.

That's not to say an artist can't learn through reference and text plenty professional working artists have studied and reach proficiency this way.

>> No.2043081

Does she have hip cancer?