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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 128 KB, 640x640, 3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2040329 No.2040329 [Reply] [Original]

For those of you who have attended art school, what is the most ridiculous experience you have had there?
art school stories thread
My assignment for my (mandatory) 3D class is to make an art nouveau styled warthog chair out of cardboard.
also painting with literal sticks in figure drawing class.
Literally taking twigs and shit from outside and doing gesture drawings with them and kid paint

pic related, its someone's Baroque styled rooster chair out of cardboard. it actually looks kind of cool, for however cool that kind of thing can look

>> No.2040334

We were told to do finger painting with acrylics
I left

>> No.2040335

That's not ridiculous, faggot. Now shut up and do your homework.

>> No.2040340

>Literally taking twigs and shit from outside and doing gesture drawings with them and kid paint
Hey I had to do that too in art school

>> No.2040345
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There are only a few "real" art schools if you want to treat art as a craft. I suggest you go into maps.google.com and search for an "atelier" instead. You may be surprised how near one is to your home; I know I was.

>I left

lol, did you actually drop out? That's pretty ballsy man, but a totally appropriate response. I feel bad for kids that go through several costly semesters of that sort of thing only to find out that it doesn't get any better and now they're tens of thousands of dollars in debt with no practical skills whatsoever. Good on you for seeing the writing on the wall early (unless this was a sort of 'straw that broke the camel's back' kind of scenario). Care to elaborate on your art school experience further?

>> No.2040350
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What does atelier mean though? I've heard of someone else doing this.
its not actually horrible except for all the mandatory classes. because its a University I have to take a bunch of regular classes like english and math. (its the state's doing)
Other than that its pretty good actually. This one class is just awful, the teacher is a loon.
He's actually really good at teaching creativity but I just fucking hate 3D artwork.

>> No.2040354

I don't even know where to begin with my experience but yeah that was the last straw

We didn't do any fundamentals, it was all expressive special creativity individualism shit
The teachers said the fundamentals aren't important it's all about being yourself and having your own style
Nobody in the class was interested in drawing
Nobody in the class could draw

It wasn't even free

Why is April Fools joke pin thing still here?

>> No.2040358

lets not forget this one

>> No.2040361
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I dropped out after the first semester.
Having art buddies and pussy was nice, but having debt over something I can literally teach myself is stupid.
Now im 20k+ in debt just from that.

I fucked up

>> No.2040362

I had a similar experience at MCA.
Except their were people who could draw and get A's everytime.

How are you supposed to be graded on subjective material though?

>> No.2040364

Holy shit. 20k for one semester?? That's insane.
After 4 1/2 years mine should only be 30k.

>> No.2040365

not op, but everyone who does the work passes

>> No.2040376

I had a class for designing using photoshop, a basic first year digital design thing. The prof was some faggot from a different school in the university with tenure who didn't know a thing about adobe and tried to be all deep by limiting us to using powerpoint to make designs, yes he was this pretentious and stupid. Ended up taking it to the dean when tried to fail us for demanding him to let us use photoshop like we signed up to do. He passed us they couldn't put a new teacher in due to his tenure. And that kids is why I fucking hate tenured profs.

>> No.2040378

That's what I thought.
Then I got a fucking D because we had to make a paper pyramid and mine didn't match up perfectly.

>> No.2040379

I can see that happening here, but they wouldn't hire a geology teacher with no chem experience to teach ochem. Why has academia left art? I came here expecting a goddamn education

>> No.2040385
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My color/comp class (2nd sem freshman) is the fucking worst. We don't learn anything about composition or color theory. It's 10% bullshit assignments that would fit a middle-school level arts and crafts class. I'm not fucking kidding. One week, we all worked on a mural. The teacher gave us green paints and brushes and a big canvas on the wall. No one gave a shit and the mural is actually random paint splatters with no forethought or attention to any formal aspects. She said it looked great and hung it in the hallway.

Another project we've done was called "lovely things, hateful colors." We were instructed to make booklets of drawings of things we liked with a 4 color scheme of colors we hated. Again, no color theory, no emphasis on strong composition.

No one in this class cares and few can actually draw ok. Doesn't matter

>> No.2040387

I got a 12k scholorship as well.
20k is the remaining balance from it

>> No.2040390

Try sitting in color theroy class for 6 hours on friday.
An entire highschool day spent In one fucking classroom

>> No.2040391

OP here, the teacher for this 3D class has tenure. tenure is so fucked up.
The teachers who have tenure here are complete assholes. They use the kids as guinea pigs to make their own personal projects.

>> No.2040394
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>I came here expecting a goddamn education

Art school is a joke.
College isnt like highschool, they dont give you assingments and then follow up on you to see if you did it. If you fail, they could give a shit less.
You can do what a pro does if you just buckle down and study, but college is there to make sure you buckle down or get out, and at the end you get a piece of paper that says "I did it, hire me please"

>> No.2040395

I'm glad I'm a Canuck.

I dropped out 1/2 into 1st semester and even I fucking hate myself for getting into 1.8k debt. I'd probably off myself if I was in your situation.

>> No.2040400
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On the first day of our second year we had to all bring in 3 old items. Could be anything, an old watch, an old children's toy, old clothes, whatever. We then all had to put our items on a table. Then, in groups of 3's, each take an item that wasn't ours, deconstruct the items and use them to create one new item.
It was fucking retarded. I had an old vacuum cleaner part, a kids water gun and a clock

>> No.2040402
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Here are some pages from one of my assignment briefs

>> No.2040403

kind of school was that?
who do these people think they are?

>> No.2040404
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>> No.2040405

We do something very similar.
For a long time there was a project where they would take old detergent bottles and cut them up and past them together to make animals.
They suprisingly in the end looked like anmals, but you could still tell they were clearly detergent bottles and like
I just hate it cause
whyt he fuck would I want this piece of shit lookin thing??

>> No.2040407
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I don't care if its staged, I 100% agree with her anger.
Boiling it down to pracitcality of abstract art and being taught percision all your life until this semmester is absoulutley soul crushing. I walk into hotels and hospitals and see the art hanging on the walls and I say "why"

>> No.2040409
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>> No.2040411
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Why not be an engineer and be paid FUCKING QUADTRUPLE FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS

>> No.2040412
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Alright that's enough
Keep in mind the class is 16+ and most of the students are over 20

>> No.2040414

Memphis College of Art.
Its the type of school that shoves abstract shit down your throat and makes you swallow it all.
The teachers are all freelancers or media people

>> No.2040415

So did I, but it was actually really fucking awesome, made really nice lines!

>> No.2040416

This is the average tuition of a well known art/design school in the US, such as MCAD, RISD, or parsons. I almost went to MCAD but decided to study computer science last minute. Sometimes I wish I went to art school for the experience but I know the debt isn't worth it.

>> No.2040417
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>class is over 20
>paying people to teach you basic communication between your co-workers

Your teacher needs to be arrested and lynched

>> No.2040419
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What the fuck is this? This can't be real
>Yongu person
>To infinity and beyond!

>> No.2040420
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>roomate spilled the ink I just bought
>piss fucking broke
>have to fail the assingment

Thats another thing.
You dont pay for textbooks besides art history, but they make double by making you pay for paint and supplies.
>deciding on wether you should restock or eat

Its happened too many times

>> No.2040423

Buzz Lightyear???

>> No.2040424

Pursuing art was the worst mistake of my life

I was reasonably intelligent in school and could have gone down a more successful career path if I actually worked on them. Instead I took the easy option of media studies and art and neglected the other subjects because "lol just do what you enjoy and you'll be successful"
Then in college I took art and then I went to Uni and wasted 3 years of my life and £9k of my dad's money. Those years of your life are the best you'll hvae in terms of setting yourself up as a person for education and development and starting your path into the real world. Instead, they were wasted.

I wish I could turn back time and actually focus my talents on a subject where I'd be more likely to not end up working in retail.
Art college is an absolute scam.

>> No.2040426
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Julius hivemind

>> No.2040427

I knew people who would just steal stuff to cover costs. Oh, someone left a tube of paint? Mine. Someone left an old assignment? I'll paint over it. An eraser? Mine.

>> No.2040428

I'm going to art school next semester (more precisely: going to liberal arts college to study art). I've always doubted whether it would be worth it. As >>2040361 put it, I don't see why I can't just teach myself, since I'm motivated enough. The only reason I can think of that I should go to art school is for the degree. Does a degree really matter when it comes to getting a job, or does your portfolio speak for itself? I've gotten mixed feedback on that. And even if a degree does matter, going to school for four years and spending thousands of dollars for a piece of fucking paper that will slightly improve my chances of getting a job just makes me more disillusioned about art school.

>> No.2040432

Speaking from experience:

I'd say it is a waste of time if you are doing "fine art" because 1) you can learn it yourself, 2) It gives you no skills for a job outside of art when you realize your degree is useless

If you do a course where you learn things say in Photoshop or other areas of media then you have a better chance because you would be able to easier apply for a job in marketing or some kind of corporation where they need a design element.

Some places don't care what degree you have. A degree, no matter what it is, shows you have gone through a higher level of education and they like this. However this is mainly for graduate schemes in stuff completely unrelated to art.

>> No.2040434


1. Keep in mind that these threads are mostly sour grapes faggots who came in thinking art school was going to be 4 years of cramming Loomis down your gullets or idiots who didn't do their research and went into a school with programs that don't suit them. Or trolls.

Art isn't something where a degree is necessary. Art school can help you a lot if you aren't lazy and are willing to put in the effort. Yes you can do it on your own. Whether if art school or self study as effective or not depends entirely on you.

>> No.2040435

You can get on just fine without a degree
You go to art school for these reasons:
>To improve your skills
>To get good words in to companies and clients from your teachers if they are working
>Be forced to put in the hours to improve
>Art buddies

Signs it's a bad art school:
>No Illustration, Industrial Design or graphic design course
>Primary focus on expression
>lacking in fundamental classes like perspective, colour theory and life drawing

If you can't find your teachers online then it's likely they've either been out of the game too long and will tell you that digital art isn't real art and that you can't get jobs or learn anything on the internet. Or they just aren't qualified and have never done an art job in their life

>> No.2040436

>Does a degree really matter when it comes to getting a job
Depends on the job and your country and stuff. I live in Canada and couldn't get a visa for a job offer in the US because I lacked a degree. That being said, I wouldn't have graduated by then anyhow so it was a bit moot. And you can use years of experience in the field in lieu of a degree for that type of visa. Some teaching positions though require a degree.

>> No.2040438

My uni bragged about how 80% of their students got employment after attending the uni, which is significantly higher than a lot of the other Uni's in the area which was what enticed me there.

What they didn't specify was that they counted people that worked in retail or whatever in that 80%. So basically anyone that left uni and was working part time in Domino's or whatever

>> No.2040440
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You can do what you enjoy but art school isnt necessary at all. Some clients might want you with that degree, but fuck that.

>> No.2040446

>why are these guys so angry about spending tens of thousands of dollars to learn how to fingerpaint like mongoloid retards instead of lerning practical artistic skills that are valuable to somebody outside of the avant garde hippy faggot drum circle

Get fucked, retard

>Art school can help you a lot if you aren't lazy and are willing to put in the effort.

Yes, if it's an art school where 'they cram Loomis down your throat for 4 years' which damn few of them do.

>Art isn't something where a degree is necessary.

You're right about one thing at least


>> No.2040447

You had to steal.
If not, you were fucked.

>people leave paint in the studios with a sign saying to not touch it
Fuck your sign. Im out of crimson red, and theres a whole tube of it just laying there. You bet your ass im going to get it.

>> No.2040449
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>going to liberal arts college to study art
oh shit nigger what are you doing

>> No.2040452

At least I can dip into the slightly more lucrative graphic Design phase and even lettering if I desired just by reading whats on the internet and sorting out the bullshit

>> No.2040490

Mandatory 3D techniques (aka woodshop/metal shop)
>Want to create an organic vase-thing with this cool scaly texture
>Instructor digs the idea and helps me out trying to figure out how to do it, he gets really into it too
>Figure out a rough plan
>"Aight, so just use the jigsaw to cut these areas in the metal, then we'll..."
>Start using jigsaw
>Hard as fuck to get a good shape
>Metal vibrating hard enough to make women cum instantly
>Try three different approaches with the jigsaw
>Nothing is working the way I want it to
>"Here, why don't we use this."
>Takes me over by the mig welding stations
>Holds up a torch
>"Plasma Cutter"
>Fucking cutting through metal with ease
>So fucking badass
>able to do more than I would ever think
It's like a goddamn lightsaber.

Why do you guys go to shitty 'art' schools? I would rather take 1 or 2 courses at a big name school rather than sink in tons of dough at a shitty one.

>> No.2040494
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If they ask what school you went to just lie and say you did. People are lazy and trusting. They are unlikely to question your story and contact the school. If you need to embellish your story do so. Steal stories from threads like this if you need anecdotes. If you want to get educated to make great art I recomend your local library it's free Library has many, many large books with big highly detailed photographs of great works from all over the world. There also many instructional books in every medium conceivable. Plus the internet. There I saved many years and thousands of dollars. You're welcome.

>> No.2040497

Go for a skill or trade and pursue the art yourself. You then can support your art for the long haul.

>> No.2040509

I got a BFA from a liberal arts college. I learned a lot and support myself with my art these days. It's all about the effort you give and your portfolio in the real world, I wouldn't pull out all the stops for college unless I was going for my MFA.

>> No.2040510
File: 102 KB, 880x587, charcoal-drawing-contemporary-dance-heather-hansen-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're allowed to play music using the smart board because headphones are banned
>I personally fucking hate listening to music when I work so it really irritates me
>one kid chooses fleetwood mac
>teacher hates fleetwood mac
>so she just walks out of the classroom and doesn't come back until lunchtime (about 30 minutes)

>teacher shows us work by heather hansen
>gives us huge roll of paper big enough for a person to lie down on
>we have to move our bodies and make marks on the paper
>charcoal everywhere
>soft charcoal gets stepped on and literally covers the floor
>cleaners complain
>teacher gets in trouble
>banned from ever using charcoal again

>> No.2040515

>Why do you guys go to shitty 'art' schools? I would rather take 1 or 2 courses at a big name school rather than sink in tons of dough at a shitty one.

Because freshmen think that art schools are universal and you become a god at the end

>> No.2040523

>Go for a skill or trade and pursue the art yourself.
I want to do this so bad right now.
I ran out of time to get a job while in school, and I dont have time [2 years] to go to school and learn a trade.
Im still a freshman and my parents want me out. Quite frankly I want out too.

>> No.2040528
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>in drawing 1
>can't use your own headphones because fuck you
>listened to 70's-80's rock and roll

>[you] banned from using charcoal
>art school
What the actual fuck

>> No.2040533
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As expected.
Thank you

>> No.2040544
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>I suggest you go into maps.google.com and search for an "atelier" instead. You may be surprised how near one is to your home; I know I was.

Near me
>furniture showroom "atelier"
>bridal "atelier"
>interior design "atelier"
>beauty fucking salon "atelier"

wow, this rates up there on some of the worst advice I've ever gotten on /ic/

>> No.2040550

Atelier is the French word for "workshop;" in English it is used primarily for the workshop of an artist in the fine or decorative arts, where a principal master and a number of assistants, students, and apprentices worked together producing pieces released in the master's name.

it gets abused a lot

>> No.2040551


It illustrates the typical attitude of people with no ambition. (so... most of whats hanging out on /ic/ )

The critique was variable, but that's with all opinionated critique. If you do art, you have to be open to other people's thoughts and opinions. Making the red more solid, changing the perspective, adjusting the light, ...focusing less on your ego with your art is also a valid critique. They all make a point and they all aim at a vision of individual people. Following that vision to understand what people see is also how you learn about yourself as a reflection on others.

I say, every kind of critique is helpful. Even if people just go around and betitle your work 'Shit'. Maybe it is shit, maybe it provokes envy and so the person that calls it shit is just blowing out anger and frustration from his own life and ambitions at you and your work.

There are a thousand ways to interpret things. So no way should be 'right' or 'wrong' in terms of free expression. If it is not tied with mathematics (perspective, physics, realism in general) you can do what you want to express but you have to accept all the eyes on what you did to express.
Have you ever worked on something you thought would be so great, people will love it, and then got disappointed by the feedback?

That's telling you what you have to work on. The art, not your ego.

>> No.2040555

I quit art and decided to pursue Fashion Design instead

don't know if I made a good decision or not

>> No.2040565
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I hope you like extreme marketing and sitting in classes full of skeletal females and actual faggots.

>> No.2040575

well I am a skeletal female so I don't give shit about either of those things

>> No.2040588
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Cool beans.

>> No.2040597

Are you a nigger?

>> No.2040598

God, that cat is cute.

>> No.2040599

there was a guy at my school that would go into art rooms and pretend to be an instructor or something and try to convince people to get naked on the pretense of him drawing them. he got banned from the school and put on a sex offender list.

>> No.2040600

Starting school at the cooper union in the fall, not really sure what to expect, but really excited. Has anyone had any experiences there?

>> No.2040601

>skeletal females
landwhale legbeard detected

>> No.2040604

What kind of shit place has the students model?

>> No.2040605

Are you serious?

It's not my fault there's no atelier near you, you pissy little faggot.

>> No.2040606

I told this one on /ic/ forever ago but it still weirds me out. My first year of drawing classes we had this one aspie kid who for some reason clung to me like a parasite. Constantly asked me for critique theb bitch when I gave him advice (he was shit at drawing too.) Best part was he was obsessed with kingdom hearts and would never shut up about it. He tried constantly using KH in his projects, typical weeaboo shit. But the kicker was when class ended he would exclaim to me "see you later keyblader!" Fuck the spaghetti could fill a lake.

>> No.2040613

I hope you know when he tells people of your experiences together, he talks about how you were a great friend, and he misses your adivice because he looked up to you.

>> No.2040614
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I am nigger incarnate

>> No.2040617

You inspired him. Thats all that matters

>> No.2040618

so i have a place to stay whilst studying art.
My state doesnt give me moneys for nothing.

>> No.2040619

>see you later keyblader!
meme-level quote right there. I had an aspie in my class as well, but MegaMan was his jam. Wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

>> No.2040621
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>get into somewhat respected art uni
>going for that animation major
>mandatory foundation year to weed out the casuals
>think it'll be a good chance to brush up on basic techniques
>get placed in Design Core
>think to myself, well alright I know most adobe programs like the back of my hand
>mfw I'm making paper shoes for half of the goddamn semester

If this school wasn't so cheap, and If I hadn't been assured by senior year anim students that it gets better, I would've dropped out by now and just done self directed work. I guess I wasn't expecting that the school's idea of a casual filter would be just a test of patience, rather than ambition.

>> No.2040628

Looked up to me? Hardly. He was as resistant to advice as Tom Preston. He quit a few weeks b r cause he hated criticism and thought the art school catered to gays and non christians. But you might be right. Maybe I was too hard on the guy.

>> No.2040631

He's just a retard.
But even retards look up to people.

>> No.2040642

I feel bad for this thread, so many poor kids who listened to their naive parents advice about "finishing school", as if you'd learn anything of value about art in classroom.
Fools and their money are soon parted :(

I'll admit, I tried 2/3rds a semester at top tier science school, most pointless 6 weeks of my life.

Unless you want to be a doctor or some shit, don't bother.

>> No.2040660

my school doesn't even offer color theory. Color/composition is the closest we have and I haven't learned jack shit about color theory

>> No.2040667

Nothing has made me want to give up and quit art like art school.

>> No.2040672

Are you serious? Art school has pushed me in ways I've never been pushed. Obviously you aren't doing the work.

>> No.2040681

many people get into art school, are blind sided with the emphasis on 'non-representational' hoo-ha, and they stick it out with the hope that things will get better over time. It doesn't. These people are right to be upset that they've been duped out of sometimes upwards of tens of thousands of dollars

>> No.2040682
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>before art school
>grinding like a mother fucker and being happy
>after art school
>grinding like an angry depressed man
>unsatisfied with my life choices

>> No.2040685

I feel the duping bambozeld pain in my wallet and my soul.
I want a time machine and transfer my memory and abilites to myself

>> No.2040686

sums up my feelings well. I used to be so enthusiastic about drawing and learning to draw...

>> No.2040689

My drawing II class has been hugely helpful. A lot of stuff I wouldn't have just learned on my own or from loomis etc. Everything else, though...

>> No.2040710
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I cant belive I let this happen.
I try everything to rekindle the burning passion, but its so cold and gustly in my mind that it doesnt stay lit for more than a few days.

>> No.2040717

y'all gotta choose better art schools.

>> No.2040912

I'm glad someone else feels this way. I'm back and forth several times every day between crushing anxiety and depression, thinking that I can't do this anymore, and then back to normal.

Still nothing like the hours I spent night after night drawing obsessively. I feel so depressed

>> No.2040920

care to explain what about art school made you this way?

>> No.2040935

I go to UGA

I don't think it's the school, though. Last semester, I still had the drive and enthusiasm to draw and create things on my own time. I hate one of my studio classes, but the other has been really helpful. I dunno. I think it's more of a personal thing, and a lot of people like to blame it on where they are. The high school I was going to was an art magnet school, and the art classes were truly abhorrent. Didn't discourage me. I guess cause high school is more of a means to college but still.

I think that art may just not be for me. It might, but I might be happier pursuing a science or liberal art.

>> No.2042242

16 year olds are in your college?

>> No.2042507

UK, college is 16+ and University is 18+ I believe
Here College is before Uni. Gotta pass College to get to Uni
Secondary school is from like 11-16 so basically highschool but the last two years are college and then americas college is our uni
I think that's how it goes anyway

>> No.2042608

>Level 2

did you not pass your GCSEs or something?

>> No.2042619

Currently in artschool.

Last semester a classmate made a hoola-hoop out of barbed wire and used it in class.

Blood everywhere.

He got a High Distinction.

>> No.2042663

>mandatory art class for core curriculum shit
>decide to do an advanced art class because I wanted to actually learn something
>first project is just a bunch of colored shit on a table
literally, just bought a bunch of green shit, threw it on a table and called it art.

>> No.2042693

I'm supposed to be doing Level 3 Btec

>> No.2042923
File: 20 KB, 230x315, 1418792614737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I went to art school with this kind of shit daily for 6 months so I could get into another school that would teach me 3d modeling.

We had a girl make a cast of her dildo then she made about 30 resin dicks out of various colors.

>> No.2042949

>blood and dildos
So much art going on.

>> No.2042972


if you don't think dildos are art then you're a small minded ignorant peasant with no taste who doesn't understand real art and probably wears a fedora and is a virgin.

>> No.2042986

I live in a third world country and managed to get into an art uni on a grant so it's a little BIT less soul crushing, but still.
During the first semester we had two days of painting, one day of drawing and the rest was filled with total BULLSHIT like "ethics", "tolerance", "ecology", etc.
They'd be extremely strict with those bullshit classes, while for painting and drawing, there wasn't even a program or a book. You learn what the teacher tells you. If your teacher sucks, too bad. Fortunately, my painting teacher is good. Drawing teacher is shit, though.
I found out pretty quickly that half the people get into this uni do so to transfer to another one after the first semester, since the standards for entrance are notoriously LOW here.

And during the second semester, our currency tanked by 20% and the government cut spending on education. So I'm on my second year, we get ONE fucking day of painting, one day of drawing and one day of "composition", with no fucking books or theory to draw from. The painting teacher is doing his best and trying to use composition hours for painting, but there's no live models during those days.
Meanwhile we get new bullshit classes like "economics" and "politology" that fill the rest of the week.

I stopped going to those classes and now I have the threat of being expelled looming over me.
And guess what, I can't just say fuck it and drop out. The only reason I went there in the first place because it was either that or the fucking gas station. Because my parents think that education is created in institutions. If I drop out, it's go directly to washing dishes at the local diner. And she'll complain endlessly that I squandered the money she paid for the grant. Yes, we had to pay a bribe to get my fucking grant.
kill me

Phew, that felt good. Just wanted to get it off my chest.

>> No.2043007

Somewhat related. Back when I entered college, architecture seemed like something I could get into. I mean shit, I like design, I like drawing, what's not to like?

I started procrastinating hard and failed my first design class. Not because I was doing bad but I just didn't finish my final project in time. I decided to focus on electives and other basic classes to get those out of the way so that I could focus on the core design classes the next year.

>Next year rolls around
>New dean
>Hurr durr new curriculum cuz I studied in X university and this is what they did over there
>Design classes went from being practical design into conceptual bullshit
>I believe that architecture and design should be practical
>Started not caring about the projects
>Did as little amount of work possible and just came with some deep meaning for everything
>Nailed 5/6 projects and passed the class without much problem

>2nd design class comes around
>have to make a presentation on movement and motion based on a word (i got bartender)
>problem is they never explained the whole movement part so no one knew what the fuck to do
>1 out of 16 actually made something related to movement
>professor started insulting us because we were dumb and simpleminded (even though he was the one that never explained things properly)
>second project we get a word and we have to design something that goes with the word
>as we are nearing the date of the presentation we give a preliminary presentation
>one of the kids there designs a chair (dont remember the word they gave him)
>professor comments how the kid doesnt understand the project since his concept does not go with his design
>its better if when you sit on the chair it breaks
>I comment that why would he design something (a chair) that's main role is for you to sit and have it break once you sit on it?
>Professor starts insulting me
>Told him to go fuck himself and just left

>> No.2043025

https://vimeo.com/67556847 welcome to art

>> No.2043031


One would take design classes in a workshop and discuss with the other people ways on how to improve your design. The professor would even help you out. Few weeks later you would have a presentation where all 3 classes would group up and all 3 professors (plus any other professors that had nothing to do at the time, and even some 4th year students would join) and critique.

In the class everyone usually agree that something was great and then on the presentation everyone suddenly would comment on how terrible it was because they failed to see the concept.

Also in some cases they would just humiliate people for something and then the next person (who also had the same issue) they wouldn't even comment on it as if it was not there. Everything was so subjective that it just bothered me. If the professor had something against you, you would be screwed. They would find any little thing, relevant or not just to bitch at you for it.


The more objective classes like drawing, building materials and wood workshop were the best classes I ever took and the professors would all be great. When it came to design everything changed though. Seemed that everyone had their own idea of what was good design and what wasn't and even the professors would often disagree with each other.

Came back 4 years later after switching majors and people who had started out with me were still taking the 3rd year classes. Good thing I switched.

>> No.2043049

Ateliers are for people that wanna learn how to paint boring brown oil painting portraits - good art schools teach you that shit in 3 terms and then move on to translating that into something that will actually make you money in the contemporary world.

>> No.2043052

If you go to art school for the degree, you're a fucking idiot. Art school is highly beneficial, but the last reason in the world to go is for that piece of paper. You should be working before you graduate. Also, I need to clarify, there are good art schools (RISD, Art Center, Ringling, etc) and there are shit wastes of money (see art institute, full sail, etc).

>> No.2043053

You went to a shit school if you were able to be lazy about it. Good art schools don't let you sleep.

>> No.2043109


Voice of wisdom, here. Unfortunately, most of this board are kids who are stubbornly convinced they've got shit figured out and won't listen to you. Cue the rebuttals about how you were lazy or it wasn't a good school or you studied the wrong kind of art, et cetera.

Even a diligent student at a big-name art school is still taking a gamble when it comes to trying to break into the commercial art world. You guys who haven't tried to make a living at art don't realize how insanely competitive it is out there. It's nothing like it was even 5 years ago. I used to be one of those guys who'd tell people that anyone could make it, just work hard and so on, but now I just can't say that.

>> No.2043112

Anyone remember that short youtube series that followed a group of seniors at some british fine art academy? One of them was a kleptomaniac that stole a tree from another artist's installation.

>> No.2043149

Wow sounds like fucking primary school

>> No.2043792
File: 51 KB, 350x470, hitler the sculptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

Marxism marches on.
I wish Hitler won the war.

>> No.2043797

>took out loans to get a BFA that he didn't get
never go full retard.

>> No.2043799

hitler lost and 'that pic' is an unverified and anonymous anecdote that doesn't represent the breadth of most art programs, both at fine arts colleges and liberal arts colleges. life drawing is very much a part of an art education today.

>> No.2043816

it's not really anonymous- it's by the animator Richard Williams.
Although it was written about 20 years ago and the story could have been from any time in the 70's, 80's or 90's.
In my school the animation students get frequent life drawing, and the illustration students get a little bit, but none of the other courses have life drawing and the fine art students are actively discouraged from representational drawing and painting.

>> No.2043818

Fat old woman in degree as mature student. Complains she has ME.
spends 3 years making crude little clay men with dicks. That is all. One day decides to bronze cast one because money to burn.

She spent all morning trying to cut the flush and shit off it, literally hadn't even cut the pour waste off.
Bitching about her ME.

Take that shit off her, stick it in the clamps that are on every work bench, took the hacksaw through it in 2 strikes. Shameful stare and walk off.

>> No.2043841

>community college so I can get that stupid piece of paper for the least amount of money

>First semester Drawing I teacher is an obese woman
>brings a bag of chips to class
>She turns on the radio in class
>fuck this, i'm dropping this class

>next semester take drawing I again, she's no longer part of the college and replaced by a balding middle aged man that makes us draw deep edgy triangles and circles

>he starts blasting Tom Waites in class

>study hampton, vilppu, bridgeman for 4 hours a day when out of school and learn more than I ever would have in college

I hate this.

>> No.2044455

3rd world fag. The teachers in our uni are okay since they stick to traditional methods and most often refrain from modernist styles but they seriously have no idea on grading students. The thing is, students who absolutely learn nothing can pass while others are failed.

I failed a class and was held back a year because of it. Meanwhile students who are taking their thesis are shitting themselves because they dont know jack shit.

>> No.2044457

My university has the same cardboard chair thing in their art department, does every school do this?

>> No.2044475

>portfolios were full of textures, abstract collages, scribbles, often nude photos of themselves and friends

This is painfully true.

A friend of mine has been a professional illustrator for over 25 years and currently works for a large company with a relatively large art department. He'll occasionally sit in on potential hires' interviews or portfolio reviews ("Hey, my kid just graduated art school, can you check out their portfolio?").

He gets genuinely sad with some of these kids' portfolios, especially when they come from a school that has had a respectable reputation in the past. More than once an applicant has brought in a portfolio which consisted of only one stencil-type work, with 4-5 different prints where only the color has been changed. They were instructed in school that this would be a more than acceptable portfolio.

>> No.2044481

Would that imply that artists are paid?

>> No.2044483

pfft, law schools will do that too

>> No.2044489

Why is she mad? The critiques?

>> No.2044554

>In the class everyone usually agree that something was great and then on the presentation everyone suddenly would comment on how terrible it was because they failed to see the concept.
>Also in some cases they would just humiliate people for something and then the next person (who also had the same issue) they wouldn't even comment on it as if it was not there.

Welcome to the real world.

This happens everywhere, not just art school.

Absolutely anything that has you perform in front of an audience or any type of public speaking or presenting, including in the military, is going to see people shit on you simply because they don't like you and hold up people that are objectively as bad or worse because they like them.

>> No.2044587
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>> No.2044595

It was confirmed fake by her on a skype call.

Apparently the assignment was to pick an art medium you're not familiar with, and hers was "performance art". The person recording was the only one aware of how she was going to react, so the initial retard painting critiques were real.

She walked back in and bowed and got a real critique afterwards according to her skype call.

>> No.2044652

dildo design is becoming a legitimate career track.

>> No.2044691
File: 27 KB, 640x424, skinhead vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish highschool at 16
>have to get tertiary eduaction because that how it works here, school till 18
>ended up going to some media design school
>absolute donkey dick, literally learned nothing
>filled with muh style special snowflakes
>shitty teachers
>bullshit assignments
>huge waste of time and money

I wish I had access to some kind of atelier back then, but no dice.
Fuck that shit man, waste of resources

>villpu will never mold your 16 year old self into a super artist

>> No.2044692

I would be very surprised if they did.
You're not from IUP are you?
if so

>> No.2044719

I feel you deeply. Almost fell in this trap called "3rd world art schools", thank god i made my research.

For all 3rd worlders out there, leave Art school alone. Get a degree in something less "artsy" but that still involves art while grinding in your free time.

Things like architecture, any-design course, hell even computer science/software engineering can make use of art skills. The thing is if your art fail you have a backup, living in a poor country this is a must, unless you want to paint walls for a living.

>> No.2044721


Lol. I have a new plan B.

>> No.2044727


But the upside of third world countries is you can just become a drug runner or some shit, right?

>> No.2044746

And get beheaded 3 hours later, seems legit.

>> No.2044750
File: 808 KB, 328x268, 888.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was taking art classes at a college with an ever dwindling art department that was slowly being edged out square foot by square foot by the music department.

I took the one sculpture class and we actually had the opportunity to make one bronze casting!

We were told to make an "abstract" piece for it.

>> No.2044813
File: 17 KB, 297x251, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third world country

The only upside is breathing the next day or leaving with enough money and a wiped record

>> No.2044868

>We were told to make an "abstract" piece for it.
You should have made an "abstract" representation of the human figure.

By making a classical sculpture of the human figure and then call it abstract.

>> No.2044965

Nah, knowing the kind of teacher she was, that would not have flown. We weren't given a lot of time to work on the wax anyway before moving on to the wastemolds.

>> No.2044983

What country?

>> No.2045085

Probably anywhere in Yurop that isn't Germany or a Norse country.

>> No.2045087

I think you mean Nordic. The Norse are long dead.

>> No.2045093

>The Norse are long dead.
Shut your dirty mouth.

>> No.2045114

Don't worry, they'll be back for Ragnarok.

>> No.2045415

What I've gotten from this is that I should get a non-art degree and grind by myself or do those online courses that villpu and peter han do. Does anyone have any experience with those online classes?

>> No.2045499

>Does anyone have any experience with those online classes?

Yeah me here
I did Vilppu academy's drawing class and I've subscribed to Master's Academy. They are definitely worth it. Vilppu classes will be ~$500, New Master's Academy is $29 a month without the 3D stuff.

The greatest thing about NMA is you get access to Vilppu lectures that aren't on the dl that was passed around here years ago and you get a shit ton of Steve Huston lectures. There are also other really good artists on there like Juliette Aristides.

>> No.2045501

>What I've gotten from this is that I should get a non-art degree and grind by myself
Also I'm doing this because I was already on a career track that I was good at and enjoyed before I started getting serious about improving my drawing and painting ability.

>> No.2045604


Online courses seem pretty nice. I'm fairly broke right now so maybe NMA is a decent choice for me. I'm more interested in illustration/drawing so getting no 3D is a-ok.

How was Vilppus? I've seen some of his videos and I love his stuff. Was it worth the money do you think?

>> No.2045625

But digital isn't real art. It's for drawing animu

>> No.2045650

Post soviet.

Also, I failed two classes and now they want me to pay a bribe to not get expelled.
Mom's going to be really mad.

>> No.2045652

I can't believe how many people here went to art school to "learn art".

Connections, a gentle ease into independence (for most attending immediately post high school), and collaborative research are the primary reasons you should be going to college right now.

Most learning for every field is mostly done outside the classroom. You think you can just attend a few hours of lectures a week and boom!... you're a doctor?
>but teacher assigned a project I didn't like
>so I half-assed it
>muh comfort zone

If you weren't motivated enough to advance on your own then you deserve a debt-slap to the face.

>> No.2045659
File: 22 KB, 500x300, comfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3rd world country, nobody interested in art
>still found some courses to go after work
>came to the strange three-storey house
>it's pink and white with round walls and angular parts with windows
>the teacher in his 40-50s, asks to follow him
>came in, took off my shoes
>there is only 3 highschool-age students drawing still life and geometric figures and such, each one doing his own business
>the teacher showes me where to put my coat
>I ask: 'I-Is it your house?'
>Yes, it's my own design

>After seeing my sketches, he said they are nice and gave me a cube and a pyramide to draw
>''Should I give you 2 figures or 1? I think 2 is a bit harder to draw but you can do this.''
>Feeling motivated, started to draw
>After about 10 minutes he says "It's tea-time!"
>Everyone gathered in the middle
>Beta-kind silent students drinking their tea while teacher is asking me abour stuff and talking about what they usually do here
>I said that I also make digital art
>'Hmm how interesting, what is it?'

>> No.2045798

if you passed your GCSEs you shouldn't be doing level 2 shit

double check they've put you on the right course

>> No.2045836

>I should get a non-art degree
Now youve got it

>> No.2045840

>I can't believe how many people here went to art school to "learn art"

The transition from highschool to college is wierd and strange, and the first semmester even stranger. Its not about you by law HAVE to go to school, and the teachers have to give a shit about you.
You go through a grind fest to "do it yourself" area. Some people cant handle it because they were handheld like me. And when life kicked my door down and molested my dog, I didnt even know what to do.

Sure the skills they teach you in highschool are important, but why isnt there a course on doing your taxes or doing a resume or even job interviewing?

>> No.2045994


That sounds great. Lots of artist who grew up before the internet haven't heard of digital art.

>> No.2046003

Holy shit, I had the same feels before I fell for the 3rd world art school trap.

Should have stayed there drawing cubes and drinking tea with kids.

>> No.2046012

Either that or find an atelier. The other option is an art school that gives a training certificate (if it offers a degree it is required by law to waste your time with unnecessary classes). Just make sure you look at current student and graduate work along with the instructors, make sure it's legit and the facilities don't suck.

>> No.2046289

>Was it worth the money do you think?
Yes. But his classes are expensive. They are really only affordable if you are making decent money.

Like he just started doing two new classes, one on sketching and one on composition. Both are $900.

It's objectively worth it, just expensive.

>> No.2046295


>> No.2046297

Sounds nice.

>> No.2046471

My assignment for this evening:

1) Pretend that these pics is a joke.
2) Turn off computer.
3) Go to bed.
4) Read.
5) Fap.
6) Sleep.

>> No.2046620

You would have stagnated like a fucking mudslime

>> No.2046631

>1) Pretend that those pics are a joke.
>2)Turn off computer.
>3) Go to bed.
>4) Fap.
>5) Fap.
>6) Sleep.

>> No.2048447

>implying i listened to them and they didnt actually force me to finish school or face no support

>> No.2048909

I want to cum on her face...

>> No.2050478
File: 52 KB, 644x720, 11061205_10206486015057490_7139363735904738710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, that anecdote was written decades and decades ago. it simply doesnt apply to art schools as they are today.

>> No.2050490 [DELETED] 


Bro, I don't think so (computer animation), and even if it is, the issue he's presenting is real. I experienced the same in art school.

>> No.2050497

go right ahead. make sure you upload a video of it on xhamster so I can fap to it on Monday.

>> No.2050499

Yes it does man.
It's all about "yay you didt it, you did yourself! Now go make another abstract self portrait." than actually learning anything.

>> No.2050562

I'm a new media student in a semi-liberal arts college but I've had a bad experience with Art history courses.

>Modern Art History class
>Teacher is a history nut
>unorganized as fuck
>tells us last second to buy art textbook
>1 class a week so we have enough time to read a decade which = about 20 pages each or so (understandable)
>get into class
>projector of her laptop
>from 630pm to 950pm it's her pulling images off the internet and her horrible unorganized desktop
>seeming random images that barely connect to the theme and none to the book
>not only do I have to take extensive notes from the book but I also must navigate her horrific cluster fuck info dump of a class
>none of the book info are in her tests, it's all her shit
>Surprised a lot of students can't keep up and do bad on her tests
>end of semester reviews come in, tell her to get more organized and to start classes off with an outline of the topics
>this semester taking a similar contemporary course with the same teacher
>same set up

>> No.2050624

>art history
>630pm til 950pm
>teacher is a peice of shit

you're at MCA aren't you?

>> No.2050840

Ironically it's a teaching college in Maine. I chose to go here so on a resume it doesn't say an art college but rather a normal one.

>> No.2051386


>> No.2051404

real talk to everyone in this thread

if you think jus goin to a school an followin the things they tell you to do will make you good enough to get a job in a creative field you are gonna be disappointed by even the most respected academia. with creative work it's either what you bring to the table or what you can realize for someone else. you gotta have your own goals an ideas an shit an figure out how to work those into the requirements they give you.

>> No.2051690

But how can I take advantage of the class when there is no life drawing in the curriculum, no still life, no teachers with valuable knowledge or students or books?
The best I can do is steal paper
All the assignments have us making sculptures out of wires and stones type shit

>you can't get a banana out of a banana peel if the banana is an apple

>> No.2051768
File: 27 KB, 625x444, JcdzzDM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extreme marketing
It's really hard to filter that shit out. A friend of mine goes to a school that hires out to Microsoft. One of their software engineering courses was basically using C# and ASP.NET using whatever development methodology that Microsoft happens to be using at the time. They give a bunch of money to the school and use it as a training ground for future employees where the employees pay for their own fucking training.

I mean, it's not necessarily a bad thing, many people see university as nothing more than vocational training, but come on.

>> No.2052370

I'm right there with ya. You're not alone, anon.

>> No.2052902

imagine trying this, and then it turns out the guy interviewing you went to the school you claim you attended....

yeah this is garbage advice, just be honest. the work will speak for itself and if it don't they're not worth it.

it has given me a larger amount of bitterness towards 'fine art' than i knew I could possess

>> No.2053093

it was about goldsmiths. i showed it to some my fine art friends and they all said it was cray by any standard.

>> No.2053108

some places, maybe. fine art courses. but he is referring to animation and illustration courses he looks through to find trained artists to hire. a lot of people will read that and get the false impression that if they do just a bit of life drawing they'll be ahead of all the clueless plebs, when really any art school that cares about appearances will brag about the life drawing classes on the curriculum. things have changed since 1960s.

>> No.2053343
File: 13 KB, 319x165, Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 07.10.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yurotrash here. just had my first day of art semester. I have art as a 3rd subject, because I want to become a school teacher and art is chilled.

Holy fucking shit. I was prepared for it being a gathering point for spoiled, white hipster children, but I didn't expect it to be this extreme. I'm not exaggerating when I say that about 50% of these kids have some kind of mental issue, with about 10% being clinically insane.

>> No.2053865
File: 73 KB, 250x250, tumblr_mlheerFMPD1qk8kgko1_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 classes later
>everything's great
>I learn more, I learn faster
>the Teacher's critics really help me to improve
>he allows me to work in my style with use of academic rules and such

>one day after finishing I found out the gate door was closed
>calling the Teacher who is inside the house so he came out and opened the door
>he shows the other gate door a little further which is open
>opposite from it there is an another door
>'hey did I show you my workshop?'
>he opens the door
>the workshop is freaking huge like a garage or something
>everywhere wood and other materials and things
>'my wife often yells me because of the mess but I like this chaos. So how's it?'
>'I love it, I also want a workshop like that. It would be perfect for making sculptures'
>'One day I'll teach you how to make sculptures'
>I almost shed a tear

>> No.2053924

Hoh, I was in the same situation last year. I was considering dropping out just because the amount of muh style and snobs. I don't know how it works in your country but in mine you go to an arts uni for the social experience and shenanigans, not so much to actually learn how to draw/paint/sculpt better. It's like a flexible timeframe that allows you to learn on your own while giving you bragging rights for having a diploma too.

>> No.2055455

In my case it's more economically oriented. I just need the paper that says "You made it" which enables me to get a job and move out of the ghetto. It doesn't help being surrounded by the same white hipster children in every class. There isn't a single day where I don't want to knock their teeth out or crush their skulls. I think most "artists" are the scum of society. Useless, mentally challenged idiots too lazy to get a real job who should be gassed for the good of humanity.

>> No.2055859

Funny how many people shit on art school,yet pick up any juxtapoz/hifructose or contemporary illustration magazine and see that the vast majority of them went to art school. Even the ones that complain about art school still went.

>> No.2055885

Because most of them researched before applying to the first shit-tier school they saw or since it's 'murrika without a college degree you won't be able to get a job cleaning mcd floors, so better have it. Some people just don't take someone without a college education seriously, so there's that too.

It's a grim world out there.

>> No.2057451

of course they disabled the comments

>> No.2057482

Yay Feminism!

>> No.2057629

same thing with comedians. pretty much everyone who produces art is horrifically damaged, and horrifically damaged people tend to be real shitty, obnoxious, pretentious sadsacks. Me included.

>> No.2057674

Did you suck his dick deep afterwards?