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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 461 KB, 500x724, bendthatdick cuminbitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2036545 No.2036545 [Reply] [Original]

study thread?

>> No.2036559 [DELETED] 

Oh look another useless study of a portrait that has been done hundreds of thousands of times!

>Let's copy something mindlessly and become a human xerox machine!

Why won't you offer a full figure with an interesting perspective that shows hands and feet or something to exercise foreshortening?

>> No.2036605

I am not studying cucumberfaggotpatch.

Maybe with a different ref

>> No.2036609
File: 922 KB, 900x1350, 1423840168987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how's this instead? clothing ref

>> No.2038309
File: 294 KB, 800x1077, 1127066363ca985182o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be doing this now

>> No.2038319

Terrible lighting

>> No.2038320

ayy lmao

>> No.2038404

Is there a time limit, op? I need to make myself do more studies, but I'm supposed to work on commissions and a lot of times I can't stop if I start a study. People on here have said they can do a good one in an hour or less, I want to attain that.
Also I can't lie, I've been wishing there'd be celeb studies from time to time.

>> No.2038413

Cute brows

>> No.2038419

nigger you need to educate yourself a bit and learn some lighting situations other than strong directional light.

Contre Jour is a great way to light a character depending on the mood you are going for. It's also used very often in fashion illustration where the focus is to present a design and not distract from it with strong cast shadows etc.

Also not every study has to be a fucking color and value study. How about you try to think like a draughtsman for once and not like a shit tier photocopy machine who only wants to reproduce a pretty picutre?

>> No.2038428
File: 936 KB, 640x640, quick photo study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick study I did
Pl0x support me on patreon xxoxox

>> No.2038429

kronz pls

>> No.2038432

A good time limit is 4 - 6 hours. You'll get quicker with practice over time/be able to get more done in the time you set for yourself.

>> No.2038436

Alright, I think I'm gonna try it out. I think I'll limit myself to 3-4 hours, but I won't try to rush it too much, just get as far as I can. In the end hopefully it'll serve as a good warm-up for me to work on my commissions. One of them is a celeb portrait anyway and I've been pretty fucking terrified to start on it.

>> No.2038439

4-6 hours? Man, I haven't spent that long on a study in a couple years probably...

>> No.2038440

That's the spirit! Go for it man.

>> No.2038503
File: 378 KB, 1264x1552, BdctCmbchStdy_wip1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I've got what I think is a mostly decent sketch. I think I'm gonna make a few more tweaks then try for color.

>> No.2038600
File: 535 KB, 1596x2044, BdctCmbchStdy_wip1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright I think I'm gonna try for color now.

>> No.2038641
File: 1.23 MB, 959x1277, img001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2038841
File: 86 KB, 576x1023, 2015-03-31 19.04.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2038903
File: 538 KB, 750x1000, itried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried but damn did I hate drawing his face.

>> No.2038926

Turned out bretty nice, why'd you hate drawing him?

>> No.2038932

Thanks. And I just wasn't a fan of his features or the angle/lighting. Was good practice though.

>> No.2039059
File: 213 KB, 749x1149, 76897678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2039208
File: 473 KB, 1603x2072, BdctCmbchStdy_clr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I did it again. Couldn't freaking stop myself. But I think this turned out pretty good? So maybe it was worth it. I really shouldn't have spent all day on it though, damn it. I try to tell myself it benefits my customers in the long run but I know I'm a p.o.s. for not just doing their pictures. Ah well.

>> No.2039421
File: 314 KB, 588x800, itriedagain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed some things with the contrast and tried to take a non potato quality picture this time.
This did turn out nice, you got a decent likeness here.

>> No.2039502

Thanks although looking at it with fresh eyes this morning I see the likeness isn't nearly as close as I thought last night lol. I'll probably mess with it some more.

>> No.2039511


>> No.2039772
File: 390 KB, 861x933, ben2 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Painted with a mouse.
Had to stop before I hurt my arm again.

Please donate.

>> No.2039801
File: 74 KB, 731x950, tumblr_mx8l5hSSWV1qbqma2o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't wanna do bergerdick cumonbuns

>> No.2039803

you'd rather draw super generic tumblrcore photos?

>> No.2039821

Is it so hard to imagine someone might want to draw a pretty portrait (which I find interesting) rather than an ugly dude with weird features?

>> No.2039825

kronz PLEASE

>> No.2039829
File: 47 KB, 500x375, HermesHuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ugly dude with weird features
I'm not that anon but you're godamn crazy. He's a beautiful man.

>> No.2039848 [DELETED] 

one day, /ic/

>> No.2039849
File: 188 KB, 500x724, wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2039851
File: 25 KB, 640x350, zachary-quinto-out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every time I see him I think "Ayy LMAO".

This is beauty, no homo.

>> No.2039853

That's not beauty, that's sexy. I just feel like Cumberbatch has a more elegant air, and that fits more with my idea of 'beauty'. Quinto is definitely a cutie though.
No homo.

>> No.2039856

He looks like how the x-files theme song sounds like.

>> No.2039911

Airbrush less. A lot less. In fact, just stop altogether.

Harder, flatter brushes would do you a favor.

>> No.2039997

Not him, but what is "/ic/ approved" photoshop brush?
I was told to use hard round.
But with disabled opacity
>hard round with disabled opacity doesnt mix colors
I was told to set hardness to 0
>stop airbrush
I am using "2b pencil" tool from photoshop for everything now

>> No.2040135

I initially drew it with hard brushes, but i smudged it all, trying to make it look good. Guess i'll just keep trying, thanks

>> No.2040137

>But with disabled opacity
>hard round with disabled opacity doesnt mix colors
You disable pen pressure opacity and instead change the opacity yourself, either with the slider or with the 1-0 keys on your keyboard. That's how you blend.

>> No.2040554
File: 465 KB, 881x883, retrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is mine.
How do you scan your drawings dear anons? I think I have a shitty scanner.

>> No.2040648
File: 77 KB, 755x687, BdctCmbchStdy-clr_wip3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to make the likeness and execution better. At least I think it looks more like him now. I'm hoping it does so I can move on to the hair and be done with this.

>> No.2041675
File: 1.60 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20150403_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His mouth is a troll

>> No.2041682


I'm always torn on these threads. On one end I see some pretty impressive stuff but on the other end I learned that the best way to study is to do a bunch of quick drawings instead of one long one. Like you'll get a lot more out of it if you're doing 12 5 minutes studies instead of 1 full hour study.

>> No.2041685
File: 497 KB, 700x1082, 1428083903822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, sorry

>> No.2041731

Yeah, even if you are going to do the long one, it'd be better to try sketching from the reference a few times before attempting it. Study the shape of the features individually, then if you actually went on and tried to do the whole picture, it'd probably be way easier. I'm gonna try that next time.

>> No.2041746

It depends on what you want to study. If it is proportions you want to study, the focus solely on that. If it edges, then the likeness does not mean much, if it is values, again the rest does not matter as much. A problem some people have with these things is they are trying to do too much at once when they need to focus on one part oft heir work that is lacking and use it to patch it up.

>> No.2041752

Noone is gonna comment on the fact that anon has commissions "stacked" with skills like that?

>> No.2041762

What do you mean? Are you saying I'm not good enough to have commissioners? Also it's not a "stack", when I posted that I only had 2 that I'm going back and forth on, although I did pick up another small one since then.

>> No.2041806

different anon here. How do you get these commissions? I'd like to think I'm of a similar skill level but I never get any commissions ever. How do you promote yourself and find them?

>> No.2041830

Well, just to clarify, that thumbnail sketch anon quoted is not the kind of thing people who commission me see on my galleries or receive from me after paying, this last update >>2040648 is more like what I'd show. Aside from that, I've pretty much gotten all my commissions here on 4chan, a few through DA. One of the ones I'm currently doing, I picked up here on /ic/, the other two are people who follow me from when I used to draw on /co/. I pretty much just go in drawthreads and draw and when someone asks for my info I give it, and just post on tumblr or da or wherever else I can.

>> No.2041855

To add on, make sure you have a commission sign too, with prices or at least what you offer. Once I made one it helped a lot.

>> No.2041964


what pencil do you use for drafting ?

>> No.2042799
File: 189 KB, 937x921, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lizardmen, man

>> No.2042942

The funny thing is it still pretty much looks like him.

>> No.2045004
File: 26 KB, 480x640, Doctor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2045014

dont substitute a shitty joke for your drawing. haha. now get back to it faggot

>> No.2045033

>Also not every study has to be a fucking color and value study.
Light is the basis of all drawing and painting you goddamned troglodyte.

And if you want practice construction maybe you shouldn't have form-destroying backlight on the figure that leaves out most of the subtleties ?

Face it, your azn waifu is a bad picture to study from.

>> No.2045045


Don't subnstitute contributing to the thread with being an anal tryhard.

>> No.2045058

>abloo bloo bloo

>> No.2045131

>artist defend his turd confirmed

>> No.2045147

>Light is the basis of all drawing and painting you goddamned troglodyte.

>what is rendering and painting practice
>what is high-key value practice
>what is clothing practice
>what is non-value/colour observational practice

Not that Anon, but you're pretty simple minded.

>> No.2045298

Is it just me or is the study thread usually a lot more active than this? Is it seriously because op picked a celebrity and /ic/ is so very against le celeb photocopy? Or is it just that people don't like Cumberbatch specifically? Or people just not interested in doing studies right now in general?

>> No.2045564

It's not a particularly interesting thing to study like a woman's weird labia or something.

All of those are related to light and shadow, fucking dumbass.
>what is non-value/colour observational practice
What does this even mean? Are you looking at something in the dark?

>> No.2045572

partly because if the color filter, partly cause I think his face is really weird and dont want to draw it.

>> No.2045642

This board is full of beggars who want to be choosers. People need to get out of their comfort zones and draw whatever's put in front of them. You learn nothing by going "eh I don't wanna draw that" and walking away. Besides that if anyone here seriously thinks they want to work in the industry, they need to understand that they WILL be asked to draw crap they don't feel like drawing. The key is to find a way to make it interesting. If your reference sucks, improve it in your drawing, that's how you're supposed to use reference anyway, not just to blindly copy it but learn how to make it into a cool picture. Or just use it as an opportunity to practice your brush technique or rendering or something.
So many missed opportunities for growth here, so many.

>> No.2045660

>beggars who want to be choosers.
Nobody asked for a study thread, and you can't expect a lot of participation when the ref is so underwhelming.

It's a somewhat shitty photo of a funny-looking celebrity. Nobody is missing out by not doing the study. They can do a still life in the same amount of time and learn a lot more.

>> No.2045703

Question from a newbie.

What do you use to draw this? Tablet + photoshop?

>> No.2045910
File: 205 KB, 800x835, ihateyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this in hour and I don't like it at all.

>> No.2045935

not him, but yes

>> No.2045939

This. The fucking weird filter on the photo turns me off of it.
/ic/ needs to relearn how to pick good refs.

>> No.2046032

Yes, I usually like drawing in pencil but I wanted to practice digital painting and color so I did this in photoshop. If you're wondering how I kept the reference up, I used PureRef.

>> No.2046055

Form-destroying backlighting? Are you slightly retarded?

>> No.2046234

I have a folder full of portraits to do studies of, I don't need or want to draw this one. I don't like it. So what? I don't plan on becoming a professional painter, drawing is something I do for fun.