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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2027223 No.2027223 [Reply] [Original]

question thread

old thread

>> No.2027226
File: 721 KB, 1049x582, Su.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I become a successful artist on the internet?

>> No.2027228

Is there a place to buy second hand supplies? Half used tubes of paint, half a pint of glaze, old drafting table, a handful of unwanted sculpey, etc.

besides craigslist.

>> No.2027238


>> No.2027248

how do i get noticed on facebook and tumblr

>> No.2027256

draw very light, go over the pencil with darker colors? if the paper soaks the color in good, erace the pencil after you paint.

um... get some charcoal and spread it on your finger and gesture with that... make it so you absolutely CAN NOT draw in minor details. a bit higher i made a blick list of what i got, the graphite chunk may be something you want to lookinto.

take your pick, it depends on what you want to do, mind giving us a rundown?

you have the psds, if you have the online prenses where there you go a record of you were first.

not really, if you hate what you make currently, its best to switch to practice and practice things in the same vein, it wont burn you out nearly as much that way apposed to drawing something you like bad...

someone needs to post good and bad examples, its not something i can easily describe but its something thats painfully obvious when you compare good and bad.

old hardware, like the table yes... old medium... you may not want to do that.

pander to whats popular, get a base, do some original shit every now and than, pander less origional more, and there you go, it may not be the biggest base but you now got one and they are there for you, not the source material.

>> No.2027286
File: 539 KB, 736x4029, lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know how it looks, but I was just wondering about the approach to it - that's what I'm not sure of.

>> No.2027289


Thanks. I've been recommended to use charcoal, and now I really feel that's probably the next best step for me then. Would you prescribe a similar approach to resolving this problem? >>2025794 Or is there something I should change conceptually/attitude/perception-wise?

>> No.2027291

How could I deal with compliment?

People telling they loved it, that it is amazing, that I'm talented, that it is beautiful, that it inspire them, that it is the best they ever saw, etc.

I'm not shitting on you and I don't even agree with these arrogantly. I'm happy for the compliments, but I always drop my spaghetti and don't know how to answer to that kind of commentary.

>> No.2027292


From my experience, get to a point where your art is somewhat presentable.
Write and draw a popular webcomic, run pornography art account or just do a bunch of fanart for the fandoms that are most prominent at the moment.
Make sure to network to spread your name.
Take comissions and start a Patreon.

>> No.2027294


>> No.2027299

tell them god bless you all those talent and that you are thankful to god and all that jazz.

>> No.2027302

I don't remember where I got that image, but I think drawing was dude's job.

I wish drawing was as straight forward as exercising. I wouldn't mind doing a hundred gesture drawings or whatever as long as I knew the thing I was practicing was actually getting me somewhere.
More slow gesture guesswork it is then!

>> No.2027307


I'm new, so I kind of feel... lost, when I practice.
I'm currently in university so I kind of keep a sketchbook on hand and do still life drawings or quick gestures whenever I can. But other than that, and some deliberate figure drawing at a club or from Quickposes, I'm not really having a "direction" with it aside from reading through and doing exercises Keys to Drawing. It's particularly nervewracking because if I develop bad habits at any stage, it'll be hard to unlearn them.
I kind of wish I had someone to give me direction/purpose with how I practice. Should I keep doing these small sketches for a few hours a day? Should I do some "projects" on the side as I do them, or save that for when I'm more proficient? What am I doing wrong, what bad habits am I developing? That sort of thing.

>> No.2027312

Tell them why they think they're even worthy of talking to you

>> No.2027314


I appreciate how you're pulling overtime being pretty much the one guy who's answering everyone's questions.
This isn't sort of a jab at your legitimacy or anything, but do you mind telling us a little about yourself?

>> No.2027319

Are you me, man? I don't think that feeling will ever leave either. Even once we can draw what we like and have a decent comfort-zone, outside of that comfort-zone will probably be same as it use to be.

>> No.2027320

Anyone know of a hood set-up that I could do that's under $100 (or close to it thereabouts)? I would really love to set up a home ceramic studio but don't have 1k to drop on a dust hood. The space I want to work in is very small and enclosed, I don't want to breathe this shit.

>> No.2027324

To add I do have a properly certified dust mask, but I find it difficult to work in it for long periods of time.

>> No.2027364

the second question falls into an i understand what to do but fuck me if i could explain it.

i think the best way to explain it is you don't want to focus on the contours, at least with most drawing styles contours are still a part of the drawing, but instead of focusing on them, once you get them down you focus on the values instead.

the short story is i have a fairly good mind and a fairly good eye that kept getting better and better but my skill with drawing never really caught up, it got better, but not better than my eye, so it discouraged me from drawing for nearly a decade... the knowledge i had and how to do shit didnt fade, but what skill i did pretty much rotted. when i came back to wanting to learn traditional again thats where i learned that i was nowhere near what i was at my worst when i was still in school... at that point doctors said i had tendonitis, however after not having insurance, what the doctors use to do to see if i had carpel tunnel is now showing up... fun times for wanting to get better at a skill that requires hands.

it was around this time that i noticed that question threads were around and even the simple shit in these was going unanswered.

because its just my hands that are fucked and not my mind, i sit around here and check the thread every now and then, answer what i can, and when i can't, i point people where they can find the info. there are likely better people than me for each topic individually, but because of how my school handled art programs i have dealt with most traditional mediums (outside of oil, that was the highest end of out art program which i did qualify for, but like i said my eye was worlds above my skill and i say it a lot in these threads, doing something you want to do but seeing every flaw in it and hating the end result... thats painful) and i'm able to answer a wider variety, and due to how i live, faster than those who may be better suited...

i think that covers everything

>> No.2027383

im just assuming you are the lineart person. good line art knows when to be thick, when to be thin, and almost never is a longish line a constant thickness.

when you see bad line art, its thick on the outside, but thin with no variation on the inside, when you see good line art, nothing jumps at you screaming this person fucked up... its a bit hard to explain without a bad and a good example next to each other and i don't have them readily available.

tell them thank you, and never really let that compliment dictate what you do next, you want to avoid the thought that you made it or that you are good enough as much as possible if you are not getting paid well for said thoughts.

if you go webcomic route, make sure you have a fucking point to it. 1 off images, an arching story, it doesn't matter... there was one a while ago that showed off a pretty webcomic, but all it was, was a string of what the fuck is going on after about page 20 or so... that person failed at the medium...

you dont even need words exactly, but you need to tell a story with your pictures.

you mean something like just getting the dust the fuck away from you, or do you need a filter of some kind?

if its just getting dust away and you have some ability to work with wood, you can get a 9-15 foot piece of wood for fairly cheep from hardware store, and get some burlap, a fan and face that shit out a window. you could also use a shop vac for this too.

if you need something with a filter, thats beyond me.

>> No.2027387

that is a 6 hour day plan, with i think a 8-10 hour free time in there where it recommends you shit. if you work a job you hate, you still have 6 free hours after its over, and if you are going neet, this is a schedule because people generally function best when they have some structure to their lives appose to living the neet dream.

>> No.2027419

Okay I want to draw. I read the sticky and finished reading the book of Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" I improve a little. Then I jump into Vilppu and learning gesture. But I feel like shit right now. What other tutorials, books are good for begginers? Loomis? Hampton? Other tutorials in the internet. Please Help me.

>> No.2027492

What are some tips and techniques for those of you who that sketch on the street/subway/bus whatever? Urban Sketching.

I know how to accurately draw still lives and models, but I'd think it would be kind of creepy and weird to start measuring with my pencil and to keep my eyes locked onto them...

>> No.2027514

Fun with a Pencil by Loomis
Keys to Drawing
Drawing Made Easy by Lutz
Perspective Made Easy by Norling
Successful Drawing by Loomis
Figure Drawing For All It's Worth by Loomis

I believe all of these books are worth checking out before Vilppu. Vilppu is geared more towards intermediates IMHO. You'll need more pencil mileage than just Drawing on the Right Side to get the most out of his material. That said, if whatever exercise you're doing is hard, then chances are it's what you need. You can technically tackle Vilppu and some of these other materials above simultaneously if you so desire.

Once you're past the basics, you also want to check out Hampton, Bridgman, Peck, Hogarth, and Reilly (there are a ton of other great resources out there but I won't vouch for anything I haven't seen/read in depth). Remember that all of these resources are meant to supplement life drawing - not just live models but still lifes and anything else you can observe away from your computer monitor.

>> No.2027520

Don't measure meticulously. Learn to eyeball proportions and shapes - use your judgement. It will suck at first but you'll get better at mentally judging shapes, lines and angles. Holding out a pencil or a thin stick is only ever necessary when it's a long drawing and you need utmost accuracy.

Learn to take quick darts at your model, or to observe them in your peripheral, or to observe them outside of their line of sight (being behind them), or where sunglasses if you're outdoors. Learn to not move your head around a lot, observe them by looking with just your eyeballs moving. People notice someone's head pointing towards them in their periphery and you don't want to catch their attention.

Focus on gesture, big shapes, or anything unique or memorable. Think of it more like note taking than capturing a likeness. Practice drawing quick gestures and whatnot of friends and family if you want before you do it in the field.

>> No.2027526

>to observe them in your peripheral
people can do this? fuck, i hate wearing glasses.

>> No.2027530

Yes, but it depends on how far in the peripheral we're talking about. If they're practically 90 degrees to your line of sight it will be a blurry mess. If you look like you're looking just past them but not at them, you can make out a lot. Something along where the frame of your glasses would be might be optimal.

Contact lenses would help with that, but it isn't necessary. The bigger loss is not being able to keep your head pointed at your sketchbook and scan the room with your eyeballs.

>> No.2027602

Does anyone else have issues drawing big? I've been trying to draw at something like 3000 x 4000 ppi/300-600 dpi and for whatever reason my line work and sketches never look good. I don't know if I'm psyching myself out or what's going on, but when I draw at a more normal, paper like res everything looks alright.

>> No.2027608

Just zoom out and use a bigger brush size. It shouldn't make a difference unless your computer lags at larger sizes. If anything it should be easier to draw because you won't have any issues with visible pixels.

You also want to try keeping your zoom at halfing increments (100%, 50%, 25%, 12.5%, etc). Zoom levels like 33% and any other arbitrary number will give you suboptimal sampling appearance, so that might be what's throwing you off.

>> No.2027609

How the fuck do you draw anime hair? it seems so chaotic and random but I've seen people draw it so quick and perfectly...

>> No.2027618

Zoom out for long strokes, zoom in for short strokes and precision. I draw on 11x14inch by 300 dpi with thin lineart(similar to the size of scanned pencil lines)

I would do roughs at 25-33% zoom, then tighten up at 33-66% zoom.

>> No.2027621

Guess I'll keep messing around then. Maybe it is some weird psychological thing. I have a pretty decent computer so the lag shouldn't be the issue, perhaps it's the zoom increments.

>> No.2027623

Just copy anime hair until you understand. That's basically how a shitload of japanese artists learn. Just copy each other.

>> No.2027625

I would usually do roughed at 50% then zoom into 75% for clean up. Within that 50 I'd tend to draw medium to small pictures so I'm really trying to break that habit. I appreciate the advice.

>> No.2027663

The planes section of Loomis drawing the head and hands book is giving me a bit of difficulty. Do I still construct the head with the sphere and then add the planes to it? Its hard for me to do that since I'm used to constructing with the sphere and now everything is squarish, or should I start the plane head as a box?

>> No.2027664

Worry about gesture and capturing what's in your head first, then construct/check proportions(this is where the box forms come in), then clean up and refine.

Of course everyone does it a bit differently, but this is probably the most widely used work flow. The planes really are just there to help you find the light and shadow forms and should be relatively easy to construct if you know your anatomy. The more anatomy you know, the more detailed your planes will become.

>> No.2027760

Does anyone know if there's a Torrent with all the perspective videos from Erik Olson? Even other download links would do as I can't find it anywhere, but a single archive would be really handy

>> No.2027791

Cg peers

Also reposting from last thread:
hey do you guys know tumblrs that let you submit your work? i cant find any
my stuff is fantasy characters/portraits btw
i think i have to be rebbloged by other blogs otherwise no one is gonna see my shit :^)

>> No.2027802
File: 54 KB, 491x700, 8afb57a984cdecef5c4394b1ac8ba867[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long does it take to get this good?

Why is the style so perfect? How does one develop such a beautiful aesthethica?

>> No.2027805


my question..

does that fucking faggot eran 1300 a month for THAT SHIT


>> No.2027825


Comeon... casual people have really low standards. It's like that everywhere.

>> No.2027829


Why isn't /ic/ rich then? Everyone can do a patreon and upload shitty tutorials

>> No.2027880
File: 27 KB, 500x333, greencatweb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else feel like their brain enter a different state of time perception when drawing?
It's like time moves much faster, I'll look away from the clock, doodle a few things, look back and 15 minutes have already passed. But it doesn't feel like 15 minutes have passed, more like 5.

>> No.2027883


yes it's normal. It happens the same thing when you play videogames.

>> No.2027884

-It depends on your dedication and initial talent. Some people, the concept of the style they want will click sooner than others. But no matter what, most artists will find they're in for years of practice to achieve what they want their art to look like. It's a lot of dedication and perseverance.

-Line confidence is something developed purely through practice. The practice stops when the arthritis sets in.

-Aesthetic is something you develop over time. Another way is to study styles that appeal to you. Identify their key features. Apply them to your own work.

>> No.2027885

Practice gesture drawing a lot. Don't hinder yourself so much on schematics, learn to be loose and swift, don't judge your work so much, be less rational about it.

>> No.2027886

What is that software that opens multiple image files in a single window?
Something like that.

Or just share how do you approach organizing your references while working on a piece. It currently feels suffocating since I only have one screen and I usually need more than 3 references opened.

>> No.2027888

huh, her upper leg is far too long.
but it works... strange

>> No.2027889

It's called PureRef
I have it but don't really use it anymore.

>> No.2027891

A friend of mine is storing his giant flat screen tv in my house.

I have a hdmi cable

I've never been so happy

I might just murder him when he comes back to reclaim it.

>> No.2027894

Personally I do one of these things:
-dedicate 75% of screen to drawing, 25% to reference
-paste the references on a separate layers on my canvas
-Look at them on my phone
-print them out if I'm desperate

I havent done this but I dont see why it cant be done, but if you're working on a desk-top, dual monitor that bitch up.

>> No.2027909


>> No.2027983
File: 33 KB, 410x284, 1327438360022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this /ic/'s way of challenging artists, right?

If the person is not meant to become an artist, he will surrender after reading this post, but if he's motivated enough, he'll practice until he becomes a god and won't give two shits about "talent"


>> No.2027992

Does anyone here alternate between tablets?
I have an Intuos Pro Pen&Touch and Intuos4. I want to use both alternatively, but I'm worried about fucking up the drivers. Can anybody with experience fill me in on this?

>> No.2028000

Whatever gets you through the night anon...;)

>> No.2028018
File: 43 KB, 789x960, WhyWouldYouDoThat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mentioned to my job psychologist that I like to draw. So he asked me to draw two things, and I did; when he saw them he said that my work looked "traditional", and then went on to add that it "shows no personality".

>mfw he folded the page and saw that my first object of the picture was more on the left than to the right, apparantly this shows that i'm introverted
>mfw all of this makes me feel so ashamed

Anyway, the "no personality thing" has been bugging me for a while. I don't have a style- is that the problem? Can anything else factor into this?

>> No.2028250
File: 12 KB, 302x349, jointed-wood-body-form-mannequin-dress-form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are most drawing mannequins so shit? Also any gesture drawing pointers would be appreciated.

>> No.2028257

You have a job psychologist?

>> No.2028261

You need to develop taste. Read books, watch movies and tv shows, play video games, travel, meet people. You need to experience the world around you before you can filter it and represent your version of it in art.

>> No.2028272

i think he meant career counselor

>> No.2028378

why didn't anyone tell me that gesture drawing is basically just playing pinball with the pose. would have saved me so many hours of frustration.

glad it finally clicked though

>> No.2028384

How hard is it to completely unlearn bad technique? Is it better to learn wrong than to not learn at all?

I kind of just want to jump in and start learning art, but I don't want to screw myself over somehow and limit myself to mediocrity.

>> No.2028585

shadman only makes 1.3k?

DSP makes about that much

>> No.2028592

Not sure if this is an /ic/ question or a /g/ question, but I'm looking for a decent scanner. I'm in the market for something I can use to scan some lineart on larger than average paper; 11" x 14" at the very least. I really don't want to spend more than a couple hundred dollars either. Any suggestions or recommendations?

>> No.2028613

Even my shitty $50 Epson XP-310 can scan stuff at incredibly high DPI, it just takes longer. The colors aren't perfect but you can tweak those, not that you'll need to if you're just doing lineart.

You certainly don't need a $200 printer.

>> No.2028634


All of the scanners I've looked at with a larger document size were upwards of $100. Its difficult to find home/office models with the size I'm looking for.

>> No.2028639
File: 123 KB, 640x640, tumblr_njvrp6PzBg1qk84mgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I learn how to sketch with value like this from imagination? Where do I start?

>> No.2028643

You look at that sketch and then you sketch things from real life using the same value structure as that sketch.
You actually do have the guide right infront of you.
You can even do a value study of it as often as you would like. It isn't a mystery its just good value grouping.

>> No.2028649

what would you consider mastery? and what do you mean by value grouping?

>> No.2028655

That guy didn't sketch that from imagination. First he had to learn what a spooky skeleton looks like, or he copied one.

>> No.2028657

What? He obviously didn't use ref on the skull since it's way off being anatomically correct.

>> No.2028730

i use a wacom inuos pro small. its to my understanding that its inferior to the medium because youre limited to drawing with the wrists. is this gling to end lited my abilities if i dont draw from the shoulder every once and a while?

>> No.2028732
File: 10 KB, 429x173, cgpeers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the only way to register for CGpeers is to do it on the 1st and 14th? Or can someone send you an invite code like with Demonoid?

>> No.2028735
File: 87 KB, 1024x768, 4138493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do none of you realize the drawing is of skeletor?

>> No.2028737

>tfw a buddy sent me an invite before I even know about cgpeers so i was never this thirsty

Feels good.

>> No.2028738

i was going to invite you but it says the user list is full. I guess they increase it on those days, maybe?

>> No.2028739

It's a mystery to me how anyone can even do anything on a small size... I mean sure painting and some retouching might work, but drawing? Unless maybe your screen is just a small laptop, at that point you might as well be drawing on a napkin.

>> No.2028747

how exactly does one go about printing a digital painting without their own printer

>> No.2028750

>without their own printer
Take it in to a print shop like Kinko's or a local printer. You could also probably order prints online and have them mailed to you.

>> No.2028911

How do I get past this period of being insecure about my art and looking at other peoples' art thinking that I'll never be that good?

It's only been happening in these past few days, and it's terrible.

>> No.2028920

But anon, you're already that good
You just haven't drawn it yet
Draw more, you'll see that you're as good or even better than them.

>> No.2028930

is it possible to learn to draw from scratch

>> No.2028960


get the important shit down, and in this case, the important shit is the details you will not remember. lets say someone wheres a red shirt and yellow pants, you will sure as fuck remember that, so get the shit that you will forget down first in either drawing form or words along with the gesture than work form there, if you are fast enough you may not need to draw/write the details, but you probably aren't going to be that fast for a while.

are you doing "anime" hair from a western point of view or actual anime hair?
with the actual hair there is a method to the madness.
you will probably want to try to do realistic hair hair first though, because knowing how to group it and where to is a transferable skill. also knowing how to do the highlights in real hair will help you with their placement in the anime hair so long as you dont 100% half ass it.
i also say do realistic hair first because there are definite ways to do it and there are videos in english that show you how to do it well apposed to the "anime" hair that you would get from english speakers...

also, if you are talking "anime" hair, its westerners having no fucking clue what anime or manga look like but think spiky hair with a western style cartoon aesthetic.

um... i googled it, the person is "Nicolas Nemiri | Partfaliaz" or what ever correct? looking at the images that that kicked back in google... not long. i scrolled down till google stopped kicking images back without pressing a button... the worst of what was there i could probably do myself with my non dominant hand, the best of what was there is he knows proportions and perspective. if you mean this specific image, again, not to long. if the artist has some really good shit that google didn't kick back or i looked at the wrong thing i don't know...

>> No.2028962

Yeah cartoon style.

>> No.2028974

its good enough that when jerking off im not instantly thinking something is wrong, thats really all that it requires.

when you are having fun, time speeds up, but when you are miserable time slows down because one you aren't paying attention to it, and with 2 you are only thinking of how much longer will this shit last.

woot constantly has 40+inch tvs there for sub 300$ price tags,

ask him to show you something he things IS expressive, and see if its a matter of taste or if this guy is a retard.

more on the left than the right, well thats probably due to you being right handed more than it does introverted, though im not saying you arent also introverted.

because they are 5-7$ for that size, you are not getting quality.

because no one would have ever thought of saying it or thinking of it like that.
but than again, gesture is one of the things that you don't get till you get it, and no amount of explaining will get you there, it can just point you in the direction.

just learn whatever, getting your ass to draw everyday is more important than am i doing this right. so long as its not part of muscle memory that you do when you stop thinking, un learning a technique doesn't need to be hard at all. lets say for example, don't draw from the wrist, but thats how you learned, solution to that would be hold the pencil in a way you cant draw with your wrist.

look into used, also make sure they can scan at least 600dpi without a digital zoom/fake dpi, apparently allot of newer shit is either just that, shit, or it doesn't have real 600dpi support.

honestly, you may want to invest in a dslr camera and a tripod. 16+ mp will get you a 300 dpi image and you will likely be able to get it sharper than a scanner would. again, used is your friend here. the dslr has the added bonus of more functionality than a scanner so a bit easier to justify.

>> No.2028978

small isn't for drawing, it can be used for it, but its more just so you have a pen as an interface to make photo work easier.

im going to say sorry dude, even if i could invite, i don't know if it would bite me in the ass if you are a crappy user. this is really the only torrent site that i keep a decent ratio on.

first, get over the first hump, that is, draw better than your eyes can see the mistakes...
than get your eyes to the point they see the mistakes again,
finally surpass your eye...

at that point you will know for a fucking fact you can do better than them with effort

scratch meaning what?

>> No.2028987

Sorry, I'm in a foreign country so I translated it directly from that language. Career counselor is correct.

Thank you for providing helpful information to everyone in this thread.
>see if its a matter of taste or if this guy is a retard
Unfortunately as far as I know that was the last time I was ever seeing him. Otherwise I would've definitely taken that advice!

>probably due to you being right handed more than it does introverted
Right? Felt more like he was trying to show off his psychology degree than anything.

>> No.2028991

unless you are going to see him again, take what he said as "i don't like what you coverd or your style, and because its a more realistic piece, it lacks personality"

i dont know what you showed him, and don't post it here if what he said affected you that much. unless you devote a fuck load of time to drawing, im guessing you are still in the learning proportions, learning to draw, and just starting to touch rendering... at this point its not meant to have you infusing yourself into it, its suppose to be building up skill.

and lets say you did try to put yourself into it, unless you devote a fuckload of time to art, you are going to be developing that skill slowly over time if you chose to make a personal style at all.

granted, i would personally love to think that this phyc person loves conceptual art where you sell an idea outside of the art opposed to art where the art itself is the idea.

>> No.2028997 [DELETED] 

Has anyone used WACOM Intuos Pen Touch Manga CTH-480MS? I currently have a cheap supermarket graphics tablet that's barely working right now so it's about time to buy something better.

>> No.2029008

How to cellshade? any tutorials, good artist who do it well, anything would help

>> No.2029198

Why do I make my drawings so elaborate? Why can't I just paint with blocky colors instead of smoothing it out? How do I unlearn this, I hate doing 8+ hours on art, shit makes my hands hurt.

>> No.2029228

Tell me everything you know about gesture please.

>> No.2029229

Set a hard time limit for each piece. If you keep rendering and detailing more than you want, decrease that time limit.

>> No.2029230

Vilppu, Hampton, Proko.

>> No.2029232

That's a new one, guess I'll check his stuff out. The other two make no sense.

>> No.2029242

>The other two make no sense.
As in you don't understand what they're doing? Pretty self explanatory. For Vilppu make sure you watch his video too.

>> No.2029247

>Pretty self explanatory.
>you have to FEEL the FLOW of the ribcage into the pelvis you gotta go THROUGH and AROUND the surface
That tells me absolutely nothing about whether or not what I'm doing is right or not.

>> No.2029251

Feel can mean both feeling forms turn, come forward, recede into space, etc. It can also mean feeling and imagining what the pose feels like if you were to do it yourself, notice how your weight is distributed, what muscles are contracting, what muscles are stretching, etc.

If Villpu's, Proko's and Hampton's explanations don't together suffice, then I don't know what to say. Generally you can tell if you're doing it right if your gestures look like the instructor's gestures. Try copying their examples, or using their same refs when possible. You'll get better at it with practice, but try thinking about forms in 3D space, and movement.

>> No.2029274

> this is really the only torrent site that i keep a decent ratio on.

>Everything is freeleech

>> No.2029275

>If Villpu's, Proko's and Hampton's explanations don't together suffice, then I don't know what to say.
I haven't looked at Hampton's stuff yet, maybe he'll help.
>Generally you can tell if you're doing it right if your gestures look like the instructor's gestures. Try copying their examples, or using their same refs when possible.
I do, and when I copy the ones the instructors do they seem to come out decent, but when I try to apply it to some other model it turns out like shit.

When Vilppu says not to copy the contours I'm baffled. It doesn't feel like there's any clear goal like there is when drawing anything else.

>> No.2029282

>When Vilppu says not to copy the contours I'm baffled.
He means you want to analyze the model in terms of forms, and construct it from the inside out. Once all your muscles are in place, you'll incidentally get the right contours, but you ended up with them at the last step because you were working and thinking in terms of forms as opposed to flat shapes. Not to imply there's anything wrong with copying flat shapes, but that's a different approach to figure drawing. You should be comfortable drawing through shapes observed or form observed/imagined, but forms are ideal for drawing figures from imagination or deviating from your references.

>It doesn't feel like there's any clear goal like there is when drawing anything else.
The goal is to capture the movement, weight, and proportions to an extent, of the figure. It's the essence of the figure devoid of superficial details and polish. If the gesture is good, it serves as a base for building up your forms to a more anatomically correct and presentable drawing.

>> No.2029313
File: 203 KB, 482x777, gesture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He means you want to analyze the model in terms of forms, and construct it from the inside out. Once all your muscles are in place, you'll incidentally get the right contours, but you ended up with them at the last step because you were working and thinking in terms of forms as opposed to flat shapes. Not to imply there's anything wrong with copying flat shapes, but that's a different approach to figure drawing. You should be comfortable drawing through shapes observed or form observed/imagined, but forms are ideal for drawing figures from imagination or deviating from your references.
I've heard him explain this at least 40 times and it makes sense, but his first steps always stump me.

>The goal is to capture the movement, weight, and proportions to an extent, of the figure.
I don't think any of them have explained it as clearly as this. Vilppu says over and over that is the movement but then adds forms to everything he draws before he explains forms.

Whatever though, thanks man. I hope this helps me fumble in the dark a little easier.

>> No.2029320
File: 588 KB, 646x856, hampton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in the same spot like you, I watched Proko and read Vilppu but it still didn't click. Then I came across this underlined blurb in Hampton's book and suddenly it all made sense.

If it still doesn't click, just keep on trying different stuff until it does. Gesture is almost impossible to explain in a way that everyone understands, you really do just have to get a feel for it on your own.

In my opinion Proko's vids on gesture were extremely misleading and watching them first was a mistake since he makes it seem like it's about contour and having stylized people-like drawings be your final result. Vilppu's feel lines are better.

>> No.2029339

>pinball like experience
Interesting. I'm not sure if it clicked for me after reading that but I'll keep it in mind. Thank you very much.

>> No.2029456

Any good ways to practice human figure perspective and foreshortening?

>> No.2029471

Between Alla Prima and Color and Light, which book should I go through first?

>> No.2029500

Neither are books that have exercises, so just read whichever one you want to first. Alla Prima has more thoughts on the theory of picture making in general, whereas Color and Light is moreso a list of various lighting effects, what causes them, and some suggestions for depicting them.

>> No.2029538


>> No.2029674

What happened to the tower girls thread? It's gone yo sadday

>> No.2029679

Gesture drawing and figure drawing. Alongside those, actual perspective.

>> No.2029786

wild guess but it's either because some anally annihilated guy keep reporting for breaking the furry/anthro rule OR possibly because the OP image has a link to another chan in it

>> No.2029790

How involved do I have to be for Deviantplebs to watch me?

>> No.2029817 [DELETED] 

I'm 14 but I want to be a good artists, how do i start??? I can draw stick people and realistic eyes but thats about it.
first time here btw, my friends told me to chek this board out. pretty cool ! xD

>> No.2029849


>> No.2029865

Anyone know if the book "How to Draw Noir Comics: The Art and Technique of Visual Storytelling" is any good?

>> No.2029885
File: 275 KB, 850x725, legoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried looking around for a proper "anime" head guide that I'd like, but all are either cartoony tier, realism or a "wikiHOW" guides for 5 year olds.

I really liked this artists head shapes, but I get lost when I try to go for ratios for all head parts from different angles.

Is there anything that's similar to this that would help me get started and then readjust accordingly to my liking that's close to his?

I'm pretty much a beginner.

>> No.2029894

Your best bet is to first learn to draw and construct basic forms, then complex forms from those basic ones. Knowing real head anatomy is crucial if you want the best results possible, but isn't necessary depending on your goals. Study and analyze the heads drawn by artists you admire, and you'll mentally compile what it should look like.

You should also look up teal line guy's redlines. There should be a few imgur albums that compiled the redlines he posted here back in the day, and many are probably relevant to your needs.

>> No.2029926



>> No.2029946

How many hours a day and doing what? So far I'm joining groups and giving critique.

>> No.2029950

Don't forget to post in the forums.

>> No.2029978
File: 169 KB, 487x740, 1425920388881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here place acrylic/plastic sheets on their tablet surface to avoid nibwear/scratches?

Thinking of doing so with my Wacom Intuos Pro-M, how is drawing on a completely smooth surface? Similar to a Cintiq?

>> No.2029981

doesn't really affect how I draw; if you're not a beginner tablet-user it shouldn't make much of a difference

>> No.2029987

What type of sheet do you use?

>> No.2029997
File: 259 KB, 535x554, ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got no problem with common angles like front view, 3/4 view and profile view but I try angles like pic related I fuck up pretty bad. How I draw, practice and git gud that difficult angles? I tried drawing a circle inside a box but still looking pretty bad.

>> No.2030007

construct a bunch of angled heads from reference.

>> No.2030015

I tried a Yiynova, they have glass surfaces. It's pretty nice for a large surface because you can draw easily with the whole arm. I also had a Intuos 3 sheet on my Intuos 4, that somehow felt even more slippery than the Yiynova glass and not comfortable enough for the small size (medium). So the Intuos 4 surface was better in the end, but it wears out anyway and gets way more slippery in the center, which sucks dick because it's inconsistent across the whole surface. The Cintiqs are not completely smooth, but the surface is really nice in my opinion. I have a screen protector and the surface is just as good. The Intuos 3 sheet was probably the most slippery of them all, but my memory might not be entirely accurate, that was years back.

>> No.2030036

But my problem is with the construction of difficult angles as well.

>> No.2030040

not all the time, while i do try to stay in free leach times, i also don't wait till free leach is there for everything i download.

if you are talking about in a 3d sense, its the shaders, if you are just talking about the look.
first, put down the base color in the area, than i think polygonal select tool and a mask
and do this for each different color and value area.

you can also do this in a vector program apposed to photoshop so the image scales infinitely bigger apposed to a raster image.

this thread and last thread i told someone to cell shade apposed to smooth. actually think of the colors you are going to put down and have a finite amount of shades. doing this may not help you with your time constraint in the sense of how long you take, but it will get you to start thinking of whats important and force you to put down definite lines opposed to what you are doing where you are dicking around with blending your colors for hours to look good.

if you don't want to do that, set 5 different brush sizes, all of them large but one that is 1/4th the canvas, one that is 1/6 one that's 1/8 one that is 1/12 and one that is 1/20

start with the largest, work your way down, and than stop when you are at the lowest, save it, start a new one... do this for a week or so... there shouldn't be much you can do with a brush that is 1/20 the size of the canvas to pull out detail... so you will get your shit done faster.

gesture is largely a you don't get it till you get it... think of it like the word cute, you have no fucking idea what the word means till you know what the word means and no amount of explaining will tell you, it can only point you in the right direction...

ok, i basically don't use tumbler, i goggled "art submit tumblr" and got results, i don't know how good they are or if they are what you want but thats step 1, most people here want to get re blogged and don't fish for submission stuff im assuming.

>> No.2030046

Whats the best way to learn photoshop for art? Best youtube videos and what not.
also is it even worth trying if all I have is the tiny $99 glorified bamboo tablet?

>> No.2030060

How do I learn to be more subtle with my values, especially when using graphite to render? I guess, what are some tips on value-grouping or is there anything that adress the matter in greater depth?

>> No.2030061

its technically a roll image, those are only for /b/ and even there they get pruned some times...
just looked now, im assuming #8 was the pruned one, there were 2 other threads, 7 and 6 that are still on the board, so it could have been seen as spam


looking through it i see nothing wrong with it at least while the other two exist still out side the roll nature of it.

you can likely see this but can no longer respond.
look up loomis, look up... and i hate to say this... proko, look up vilppu, watts (possibly the best teacher alive for just straight art)
i believe barouge plates will be another good thing for you.
get use to gesture, draw all the time if possible.
sense you are in highschool, take the art class they offer, even if the teacher is shit and you fail it, its a 45-hour long chunk where you can get out a sketch book at the least and practice drawing without people stopping you.
and if you do the class, don't stop just because class is over, practice a bit every day on your own. you dont need to pour 6+ hours a day into it, but plan a 1-2 hour chunk a day out to draw and practice...

DO NOT RENDER till you are good at drawing, there is no point to polishing a turd
draw with your shoulder. and use the overhand grip,
draw large...
that's about it... if you don't have a 4 year long ban, next time you post, don't say your age, hell, never say it online.


i cant say, look at that and see if it will give you the info you want.

you probably wont find a good guide in english. just know that any manga artist that is known for their art can also do good realism too.

i did a few shit drawings in the last 2 threads where you have a sphere and just leave the hemisphere lines and cut the other areas out... try doing that a bit, it shuld help you a bit with the weirder angles and will show you where you...

>> No.2030069

... need some more practice if its not perfect.

people do realistic santas in ms paint... its all about how you use the tool... though a bamboo is pretty bad i wont lie...

best way to learn it is to use it. figure out what tools you need and where they are, than learn about the tools so you know better ways to use them or in some cases different functions that dont make themselves known.

press lighter, possibly cover up the surrounding area because a light tone surrounded by dark will look FAR lighter than it really is.

i cant help to much because skill wise i have no fucking clue where you are at.

>> No.2030093
File: 816 KB, 1280x720, 03_1 Front View - Part A.avi_snapshot_13.08_[2015.03.24_02.06.00].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's using charcoal to draw this. Is it possible to shade/draw with only one pencil like this? Or it's possible with charcoal only? I wanted to use a mech pencil 0.5 or something like this.

>> No.2030132

does anyone have any experience with monoprice tablets? How are they?

>> No.2030156

yes but you might need a paper stump to get the
gradient blending, i find mechanical pencils
quite cumbersome to shade with but it is quiet do able, ron is amazing so much info in that dvd, helped me with several portrait commisions

>> No.2030178

What does /ic/ think about New Masters Academy? Is being taught by gods like Vilppu and Houston for $20-$30 a month good enough for me to doing kawaii animu commissions down the road?

>> No.2030239

Does anybody have a pdf of the 'famous artists' commercial art course?

>> No.2030261

if i was going to pay, i would go one month at watts for the basics, and a recording program so i can capture the video, and i would try to get a few a day, don't bother trying to get everything, but just get a few a day, cancel at the end of the month and if they require a reason... say its to expensive for your budget to keep going and you are going to use their teaching to learn on your own till you need help again.

you wont be able to get the same range of value, but there is no reason you can't do that with a pencil... though i would say fuck it to the idea of smooth gradients and instead use the pencils small lead to go a hatching route instead.

they use the same tech as huion i believe... uc logic... so long as you know what you are getting into driver wise they are fantastic tablets for the price.

having seen many nma videos... they aren't bad but every series i have seen seems to have a fuck load of padding to the point i feel like i'm wasting my time if i'm not skipping around.

yes, and i believe i got them from the artbook guy with the mega.

>> No.2030284
File: 22 KB, 327x540, white654646board.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this?

>> No.2030286

well the lines are very lacking in confidence but it's a pretty good gesture really, i can really see the torque and the balance is 'kay. that shoulder thrown way up there looks great.

so i think you should be fairly proud of it. you really need to do some actual anatomical studies though. but it does it's job. so v. good.

>> No.2030287

R-really? That's one of my shittier ones. Most of my practice is on paper.

>> No.2030334

How do i stop feeling sleepy and yawning when watching tutorials?

and btw i get plenty of sleep.

>> No.2030349

I think everyone is like that. Increasing the speed of the video was what I was told to do.

>> No.2030478

Do I need to stand for this?

>> No.2030504

Got a link to the mega?

>> No.2030505

Be interested in art

>> No.2030530

Should I start internet drama to be popular?

>> No.2030531
File: 1.20 MB, 2000x2000, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are gestures I've spent on more than 30 minutes of my time on. I still can't really get a good method for placing feet as I want them ( as seen in B & C, A looks somewhat fine to me ) but my actual question is...

Are the thighs supposed to be like that? I feel like I'm missing something crucial everytime I draw them. To me from every angle they're just a big flobby cylinder.

I'm aiming for >anime but anytime I'd like to expand on the thighs, it feels like there's nothing I can do with them, since it's for lineart mostly and there's not much lines to be put there ( aside of a few positions where the ass is greater than the thigh like while sitting ).

>> No.2030540

standing would be good for you, but no, you don't have to stand.

>> No.2030545

The back of the knees are missing, especially in C and B

>> No.2030556


That's probably what's been bugging me for a while now, will look into that. thanks

>> No.2030723

Sketchbook Pro was recommended to me for going through Eric Olson's perspective series, I've been using it but struggling when it comes to measurements. Does this program have some sort of proper ruler tool? It's got something to make straight lines but nothing for actual measurements like an inch or mm.

pls hlp

>> No.2030732


>> No.2030737
File: 314 KB, 700x700, 296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez man, you shouldn't spend 30 minutes on three gestures. Should be just a few minutes each. I think you are doing fine, maybe try focusing on the main action a bit more (I drew some action lines next to each one) and also some cross contour lines in some places might help too. Watch the proportions as well.

>> No.2030744

There is nothing magical about 60° you fucking retard, when are you going to get it?
Plus you didn't even answer his question.

>> No.2030748


Pop a .png of a ruler if he wants to be super accurate. Or make like 3 increments on a horizontal line then copy/paste over and over until he has a custom ruler.

>> No.2030756

>The 90° circle of view is a very convenient framework for working out perspective problems, but drawings that completely fill the circle are subject to perspective distortions that most artists find objectionable. For that reason, the actual image area typically is fitted into a much smaller circle of view, such as the 60° or 40° circles shown in the diagram.


>> No.2030758

>The practical LIMIT for an acceptable visual cone has historically been a 60° circle of view — a suggestion first made by Piero della Francesca in c.1470 and repeated often since then. In fact, depending on the geometry of the principal form and the location of the vanishing points, a 40° circle of view or less is much more typical.

>Leonardo da Vinci devoted many pages in his notebooks (c.1490) to the analysis of perspective distortions, and he especially disliked the exaggerated apparent size of the perspective grid as it reached the ground line of the image plane (for example, as in the ground squares of this image). He recommended painting an object as it appears from a distance of 3 to 10 times its actual dimensions (e.g., a standing figure 1.75 meters tall should be viewed from 5 to 18 meters). This is equivalent to placing the figure within a 19° to 6° circle of view. In fact, modern vision research has found that most people say an object "fills their field of view" once it occupies approximately a 20° circle of view; the classical French rule has been to contain the image within a 30° circle of view. I use a 25° circle of view as a rule of thumb when designing or analyzing an image, which corresponds to a viewing distance to a finished painting of about 2.5 times its height, width or diagonal. (These issues are explored further in the section on display geometry & image impact.)

>> No.2030761
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, ss+(2015-03-25+at+06.49.10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand how to do all of that, what I don't understand is how to create a measurement of inches, cm, mm etc. Like what is done in the picture. Because right now I've just been creating my own measurement for length by making a distance and then just extrapolating that X amount.

>> No.2030778
File: 59 KB, 500x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat pic

What the fuck is he doing?
His measurements are wrong

>> No.2030785

I'm pretty sure that's exactly what he's doing in those videos. He makes a completely random measurement, and imagines them as feet inside the picture.

>> No.2030815


That's how I've been rolling for the past 3~ months, I just start with a rough sketch and work my way up to something I'd call lineart. I never actually did gestures.

>> No.2031130

I want to get into commissions and I don't really want my personal info out there. I already have a paypal account linked to my school email and I understand PayPal doesn't allow multiple accounts linked to the same bank account. is there any safe way to do this or am I fugged?

>> No.2031135

hope this doesn't get ignored because I plan on doing anonymous commisions under a pseudonym in the future as well

>> No.2031148

How do I get a freind to collaborate on a comic with me? We both draw pretty good but she only likes doing her own thing and wants all the glory to her self

>> No.2031193

Hey guys! There was a reference thread where OP gave links to female nude references in 8 links, but only one is working for me. Did someone by the chance save it? It would be great if someone posted the working links!

>> No.2031210

Promise to put her name first

>> No.2031309

ask in the artbook thread, i dont keep the mega on had.

there is a 3d guy, andrew price, even if you aren't interested in 3d or the program he uses, he is still interesting. watts is kind of the same for traditional, its hard to not be interested in what hes teaching... this is what a good teacher does, they make you interested in shit you don't find interesting.

the reason why we have suck shit quality tutorials or "teachers" is this mentality that it just needs to get the info across and only those dedicated are able to pass anyway... fuck that logic, the dedicated ones could learn from damn near anything.

art really needs a good cheap course that could be sold to schools or public taught by someone who is a good teacher first and foremost... watts fits that but is far from cheap.

are you good to the point people will see the drama, see you and not tell you to go fuck yourself?

some people are using patreon as a way to get money from commissions now.

>> No.2031320

Not the one you're were talking to, but I am. I listen very closely to Vilppu but he still puts me to sleep.

>> No.2031324

teaching and knowing your shit are two completely different things, vilppu knows his shit but he is far from the best teacher... i dont know if its age or something else... has he ever taught younger people? i mean non college/pro level.

>> No.2031325
File: 823 KB, 1924x2046, gjvvQxn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best resource(s) for learning how to draw human heads/faces?

This is my current objective, I know the skull pretty well and a couple head outlines but It's not enough. Help

>> No.2031335

what size should the canvas be compared to the ref when you do a study? specifically master studies

>> No.2031342

What would you tell someone who wants to rush?

>> No.2031354

draw the real deal look up some loomis on it and find his measurements and try to memorize them :D

>> No.2031364

How do I increase my productivity?

>> No.2031366

The face and the skull are not in the same perspective...just study some photos or people from life and try to use as much construction as you can at first while taking note of proportions and shape. Just drawing the head is the best way to get good at drawing the head.

>> No.2031370

Why is deviantArt forum so fucking ripe for trolling and why am I struggling not to shitpost for hours?

I've been gone for 7 fucking years fucking around on 4chan, and they are so fucking stupid; I wish my name wasn't attached so I can get my daily trolling in. FUCK.

How do you suppress the urge not to be an asshole when you're building a brand?

>> No.2031383

Just create a fake account. I've done that in order to insult people's art.

>> No.2031384

excersizes that they can do fast?

>> No.2031470

i just downloaded my first set of custom tools and its not showing in the tools. i'm assuming its because im using cs5?

>> No.2031473

Which software has the best brush customization that is NOT based on using a bitmap as a brush. For example, which software would allow me to specify the falloff curve of a soft round brush? You can do it in ZBrush, but what about 2D?

>> No.2031548

Twofold question about cast drawing and studying.

Where to buy cast models that aren't super expensive in the UK?

And -

It feels like I've been studying and studying and I feel like I'm getting better, but I wonder if I'm studying hard but not smart? Any tips? Or do I just keep grinding?

>> No.2031565

why not just go with bargue plates? you can find the pdf online pretty easily

>> No.2031567


I'd like to be able to study them up close and really get into drawing from life but you are right, I could go that route I suppose

>> No.2031568

i think buying the molds and casting the models yourself is cheaper.

>> No.2031781
File: 88 KB, 480x640, Alexi-K-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a name for these kind of drawings?

>> No.2031819

Are there any good websites for movie stills, or do I have to go capture them myself? I think that one popular website for movie stills is shut down now.

>> No.2031831

general 'cross contour drawing' will cover you.

>> No.2031865
File: 335 KB, 962x603, environtest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never really done background/environment/landscape stuff before and I have no idea what I am doing. I need all the help I can get.
Any tips, advice or links to tutorials (video or otherwise) would be super helpful.
Pic is my first attempt (I'm still working on this)

>> No.2032041

Oh that's pretty.

>> No.2032059
File: 42 KB, 236x1044, 6d941d0cd22deb8cc7d0d2dacf22d447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it like this. Sketch - big shape block in -> more specific+rendering, then detail.
Your brush is too small for the stage you're at right now.

>> No.2032061

I'm an art teacher. Would it be alright for me to start a thread on here where we discuss art ed. and swap lesson ideas for different grade levels? I'd expect to see more art teachers here than I do.

>> No.2032075

btw it also helps to color-pick a palette from your ref, keep it from 5-10 colors.

>> No.2032084
File: 502 KB, 656x900, ck_by_virus_ac-d6skp7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How I learn to PAINT like this? Not draw, just paint.

>> No.2032154
File: 428 KB, 1011x642, evirprogress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That looks a lot simpler, thanks. I just got some new brushes which work better bigger.
I'll do that.

pic is where I have got to so far. I think I may leave it at this and work on a new one.

>> No.2032249
File: 67 KB, 192x175, eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got the tutorial that teaches how draw a eyes using different values only?

>> No.2032252

Lol you're in the wrong place. I've warned you, don't say I didnt.

>> No.2032311

I know it's a dumb question but: I'll be capable of drawing from imagination if I keep using reference?

>> No.2032328

so do i just post on tumblr daily then the money and fangirl/fembois just flood in?

>> No.2032338

Yes and no. You'll be capable of drawing from imagination when you've built up enough of your mental library over the years. Studying lots of animals and humans and their anatomy would allow you to sketch out different kinds of crocodile men for example.

Look up shrimp method if you'd like a way to study things that'll stick with you after you repeat it.

>> No.2032434
File: 35 KB, 1247x217, tut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the tracing part really necessary?

>> No.2032444

Why do so many of you try so hard to draw realistically when a camera + photoshop does the same thing better?

>> No.2032447

>Why do so many of you try so hard to draw realistically

All I see on /ic/ is weeb shit. From what dimension do you hail from?

>> No.2032449
File: 746 KB, 1500x1140, pixelated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im doing this master copy and i've run into a problem. see how pixelated the dog looks? its because the canvas size is too small. those individual hairs are one pixel wide while they are some time 3-4 pixels wide in the ref. is there a way to fix this? i tried changing the canvas size and scaling it but it didnt seem to do anything

>> No.2032450
File: 1.18 MB, 1500x1155, a-sleeping-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the ref

>> No.2032462

Use a textured brush ffs

>> No.2032472

okay i will do that going forward but it still doesnt resolve my resolution issue

>> No.2032479

One where there seems to be a general distaste/elitism towards anything that doesn't resemble either comic art or hyperrealism.

>> No.2032480
File: 102 KB, 460x421, 18249898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a few Youtube links for acrylic painting instruction?

I've looked through Pinterest and Google,but all I can find is the usual landscape/still life/santa claus dross.

Im not a complete novice to art in general, but Id like to find the sort of intermediate instruction given to serious students.

>This isnt possible for free is it?

>> No.2032481

I spend nearly 40 minutes on a face and nearly 3 hours on full body/half body contruction and lineart. The result is always good, but after that I feel like I'm done. So basically, I'm only doing one drawing per day.

Is there any way to increase my drawing "stamina"?

>> No.2032490

Bump, really need these

>> No.2032495


>> No.2032497

your canvas is tiny, untextured, and the strokes arent bended at all. old masters didnt have cell shading

>> No.2032507

i have no idea what any of that means. i just started painting a month ago. this is literally my third painting

>> No.2032509

go to the /ic/ front page and there's an archive link next to the catalog

>> No.2032515

This is all I care about, At this point, animation will never be as flexible or well paying.
You need to attract a sizeable fanbase. Steven Universe is big right now, but not so large that your work gets flooded out of the tag within seconds. As for skill, if your work is bad, fetish porn is your best option. Even the worst artists who can draw a small horse girl with a huge dick get regular commissions.

It's unlikely the industry will support you after making a name from hard porn, so you have to dedicate yourself to it, Onta, Doxy, Zone, Dmitrys etc, they work all day to be able to support themselves considerably well because art is the only skill they have, and they've gotten to the point that no company wants to be associated with them.

You can choose to draw VERY well sfw fanart, for a very small amount, but your style needs distinction and a niche, like Omocat has attracted other fujoshi weeaboo women to spread her art into a small fashion label.

>> No.2032516

As long as you pander your absolute hardest to certain fanbases and you stir up as much drama as possible then just maybe

>> No.2032520

Just scrap it. Draw something you actually give a shit about. There's no reason in striving to be successful with objective art when there are billions of cellphones that will do it better than you in 0.2 seconds.

>> No.2032521

I know - I have already found this thread, but the problem is that mediafire won't allow to download some files because they violate their rules or some shit. So thisis why I am asking if I can download them somewhere else.

>> No.2032524

Wrong, don't draw for something you don't actually like. If you're just doing whatever to get attention, people WILL notice and call you on your bullshit. If you focus on something popular, do it because you like it instead of painting emotionless bullshit. Even bad art gets attention when someone puts emotion, reaction, and commentary into it.

Drama doesn't work for the employers/commissioners who will come across your page through it later.

>> No.2032532

but im having fun and its good practice for color picking. can you at least explain what the fuck is wrong with it. isn't the point of a master study learn a fuck ton of stuff anyways?

>> No.2032608

Sure, you can have fun with a drawing, but you aren't connected to it, its a lifeless and empty imitation. You're learning values and cell shading, but unless you're a japanese 90s animator, those skills aren't worth learning.
What are you trying to do with the skills you're practicing?

>> No.2032628

what is cell shading? isnt imitating the point of studies? its empty because im not that far along lol... ive only put a lot of effort into the pot and dog (where i realized my issue that i posted in my op) really. im trying to learn color and 'technique(which i was told was the pint of master studies in the first place)' mostly.

>> No.2032637

cell shading is when you interpret lighting and shadows through big, flat, blocks of color, instead of using blending and soft brushes. realism is based upon blending. the purpose of doing studies is to interpret an artist into your own style, and you clearly don't have any style to speak of. you need to focus on the elementary basics.
try and find mark criley's 'draw squad' book. its fun and makes all that basic, boring lining and shape and coloring shit actually interesting. I've been drawing for over 5 years, but I like going back to it to refresh on my basics all the time.

>> No.2032638

When it comes to being known on dA, rank the following by order of importance.
>starting dramu on the forums
>joining groups
>kissing ass
>actually drawing

>> No.2032661
File: 123 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuh why does noah bradley do exact copies then (see pic)? it was my understanding master studies are to study the technique. i havent gotten to the blending yet, hence the blocking.

jesus you guys are tearing me apart because

>> No.2032670

whoops i didnt finished. you guys are tearing me apart for what i havent done, not what ive been doing

>> No.2032675

Who is Coffee-Pot and why is she attention whoring about muh ED stalkers on dA forums? She actually seems decent enough in art.

>> No.2032680

Right, how could I forget to mention adoptables? On dA, there's an excellent market that you need to be unique to break into, but its a big business to take advantage of.You can sell character designs to writers, RPers, furries, weeaboos, and the few mentally obsessive-compulsive design hoarders who spend over $900 just to have the adopt, even for a basic sketch. These are gems as far as big spenders go.

You can create fan character designs for franchises that already exist (gemsona, naruto clan, adventure time self insert, etc).

You can create your own badass animal species like Paexie's "Girafferoos" to focus on the hard furry crowd.

Or, just draw young looking boys with fanciful, detailed markings and minimal animal features, like Coynu's "Dreamies", catered to the 'kemonomimi shota' niche group, who are known to be VERY competitive in auctions, and clique-y.

To do any of these, you need to be excellent with networking (getting popular friends to buy/trade adopts with you), design skills, imagination, and creativity to get a good costumer base. People from dA WILL steal your designs instead of buying them, so its important that you're the best possible place to get them. Most adopts artists do auctions with bonuses for each price tier; so "for $50, I'll throw in an extra sketch!, for $100 another outfit", etc.

>> No.2032686

Tell me more about these adoptables. You're telling me that I can draw cute Yaoi boys with cat ears for hundreds of dollars? Am I drawing it and then transferring the rights to the character when I get paid?

>> No.2032687

Noah Bradley doesn't do exact copies, he makes thumbnail sketch paintings from reference, as a means to make portfolio filler. You can see he would never get work as an actual art restorer.
He is a freelance concept artist, which requires making lots of varied backgrounds, and his speedpaint studies count as that, and are also a means of displaying his style, amassing an audience of people who can't draw (customers), and promoting his art course.

>> No.2032691

oh well since i was able to defend work so far would you happen to know of theres a way to fox my image size issue our am i just going to be stuck with the dog looking like complete shit

>> No.2032696

Yes, there are thousands of dA groups for them, and a huge userbase on FA. The buyer usually owns the design, and agrees not to completely alter the drawing, or claim they drew it themselves.

>> No.2032698

Scrap it and start over again on a bigger canvas

>> No.2032703
File: 931 KB, 1200x797, tumblr_nkwsg0Zq1v1u5goq4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do I paint without linework?
I feel like its holding me back in a lot of areas. I've always been prone to cartoons and such, but when i want to draw/paint pretty environments and things like that suddenly i don't know what the fuck I'm doing and it drives me absolutely insane.

>> No.2032705

any tips for choosing a canvas size?

>> No.2032709

any dimensions over 1000x1000, below 3000x3000, and at least 300 dpi in case of printing.

>> No.2032715

Practice blocking in areas of color. Start to think in terms of color blobs.

Loomis' The Eye of the Painter elaborates more on this.

>> No.2032716

huh well mine was 1500x1100 so ill have more room to work. there really isnt a way to just copy it and scale it bigger? you have to admit the pot was coming along really well.

>> No.2032718

If you like cartoon environment scenery, just look up the tumblr blogs of the artists who make them, they usually will post progress shots and ect for inspiration.
As for lineartless styles, you need to focus on colors and cell shading. Look closely at the pic you posted, is the field green, or is it hundreds of shades of lime, olive, deep forest green, citrine, black, teal, and a few strikes of violet?

>> No.2032719

Of course, just resize the image, what's the problem?

>> No.2032722
File: 8 KB, 189x200, ImMadFuckBoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a beginner, so please excuse me if I sound whiny or ignorant. I'm kind of frustrated.

Are professional models really needed? It doesn't seem that way, but I don't know. Can I just ask people on craigslist to pose for money per hour? Does anybody have any experience finding models to pose for you? No, my family isn't an option, and I'm a no friend loser.

It kind of seems like the model part is the biggest obstacle right now. I've tried going to the library to draw people, but they're all in the same old hunched positions, and I can't get a good look at them. It's even harder to draw people just lounging around in public.

>> No.2032724

well i tried it and it didnt seem to work as intended. maybe im derping herping though. ill play around with it some more and if it doesnt work ill have to start over.

>> No.2032725

What's a good website/community to compile and display your work, and actively gain useful feedback on stuff you work on, from beginner to professional?

>> No.2032726
File: 444 KB, 472x1000, tumblr_njcpl7TKZb1qcbo7bo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this painting style, how do I replicate it?

>> No.2032727


>> No.2032729

The pot was nice, and you have learned how to cell shade from it. But, the dog has you stumped, because you need a completely NEW technique to learn how to paint animal bodies and fur.

I know you're attached because of all your work and time and learning, but there is nowhere else you can take the painting.Though, you CAN treasure what you have gained from it. Its time to move on and study something new.

Resizing a painting for more room blurs and fuzzes the pixel quality.

>> No.2032730

This sounds like the easiest fucking money I've ever heard of. Why doesn't /ic/ cash in on this?

>> No.2032732

Its obviously a personally acquired style. you need to formulate your own individual style, or commission the artist.

>> No.2032734

>Resizing a painting for more room blurs and fuzzes the pixel quality.
You can just x2 each dimension with nearest neighbor if you're so concerned

>> No.2032738


> compile and display
> ACTIVELY gain useful feedback

Like, I like /ic/, but there aren't many people here and they're all working on their own art.

>> No.2032739

I'm not gonna rip them off whole heartedly, I'm just a pleb at digital painting and wanted to know how I could make basic colours for the skin like that and good brushes to use for hair and outlines etc.

>> No.2032740

Like I said, you need good design skill, creativity, and social networking for it to work; I highly doubt any 4chan regular would have a modicum of the creativity and social maturity needed to do something like adopts successfully. Just drawing what you think the typical customer base in a good style and imitating what you see does not work for that field.

>> No.2032741

Oh. The brushes look like the basic 'noise' and 'fuzystatic' texture for SAI, but you could use MUCH better brushes for that purpose.

>> No.2032748

I've been trying to improve my digital skills by practicing portraits. Nothing seems right though. I'm using the basic round brushes for blocking at around 30-50% opacity. The colors are either not blended well enough or everything looks muddy and dull. Does anyone have any stand by steps and techniques for digital portraits?

>> No.2032749

>social maturity
What do you mean by this?

>> No.2032750

If you're vehemently opposed to using tumblr, conceptArt and deviantArt's forums for whatever reason, don't expect much as a freelancer.

>> No.2032757

You need to be a socially acceptable adult to succeed in any community-based art business. Some of your closest, richist associates will be comprised of 15 year olds, furries, transgenders, autists, weeaboos, emos, etc who spend all their time watching kids anime, trying not to commit suicide, gaming, and RPing. You need to work with them sensitively without acting like an immature child and posting shit about how much you hate them, or how embarrassing they are.
Of course you can shit on close friends, but saying stupid shit about clients online like a gossipy schoolgirl is what's going to kill your career and reputation as an online freelancer.

>> No.2032772

Oh, I see. Yeah, I'm treading very carefully with my fedora tipping, I just have to save my shitposting for 4chan.

>> No.2032773


> conceptArt
That sounds ok, actually. Thanks.

>> No.2032781

bob ross...

he may not be the best painter, but he gets a fairly competent painting done in a 30 minute time frame.

watch a video of his and translate that over to digital.

go for it, if you are any good try making a beginner to high intermediate lesson plan.

(beginner>intermediate>advanced>expert>master, at least thats how i see skill level breakdowns)

the problem with current beginner to intermediate is everything is glossed over as a "i dont need to show or tell you shit" or better yet, there are no single source free beginner to intermediate plans that don't scatter shot from "heres something beginner, now ill show you something advanced, i feel like doing some intermediate today, look at this thing thats a high advanced low expert skill level i can do." if you can put together a fairly good plan with images to back what you say up, i don't think there wouldn't be a single eyeball here not on your thread.

just remember the general rule here is dont render just draw. rendering takes time and is easy to learn due to the time you will spend doing it. because of that you could master rendering before your drawings are anything worth rendering.

pretty much just know how light interacts with color and shadows... if you know how to get the colors the rest is self explanatory.

watts head video, he takes 10 seconds to do that to show you how he is drawing in a more painterly way...

tracing is helpful if you know how to apply what you are doing to non tracing.

there is drawing for fun and drawing for work... you don't get to chose what you draw when its work, also, people don't care what drama you stir if you are good, the drama is more to get exposure, so dont say something like "all niggers need to be hung from trees" as drama, but picking a side on a topic that has no right or wrong side will get people to see you, and as long as you are good, and on time, will commission you regardless.

>> No.2032789

>you don't get to chose what you draw when its work
I disagree

>> No.2032804

master study guy here again. thanks for all the input from everyone. ill attempt to resize and if that fails i may just start a new one of something else. ill start blending with soft/air brushes and i downloaded a people fur brushes to do the dog. im just going to copy the best i can because its technique and color that im trying to study and not develop my style or whatever that means.

>> No.2032806

*a pack of fur brushes

>> No.2032808
File: 73 KB, 734x960, 1653353_722296107789010_1263504015_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I've been working on my portraits, any pointers?

>> No.2032809

>pretty much just know how light interacts with color and shadows... if you know how to get the colors the rest is self explanatory.
Okay senpai, what book, video or whatever teach me how understand how light interacts with color and shadows? I'll do my best and work hard.

>> No.2032812

learn how to draw

>> No.2032820

Not the guy but I recommend
Advanced Lighting by Sam Nielson (Schoolism)
For color theory huevaluechroma
For color vision, http://www.handprint.com/LS/CVS/color.html

>> No.2032822

critiqueable skill is FAR better than muh style i cant say shit because its muh style.
there is also skill in hyper realism, if you think there isn't, fucking do it and prove me wrong, but on that note, most of /ic/ makes fun of hyper realism... i get the feeling you are more talking about people wanting to be able to draw/render realistically.

if you are talking about abstract art or conceptional, yes... a minority of people here like that.

change the canvas size... if thats not doable... start a new canvas of either
3000x2280 or 4500x3420

that will scale it up so the pixels don't stretch.

also, how fucking long have you been doing this? if i remember right i gave you the better reference a while ago.

learn to get what you absolutely need to get down down and leave out anything else till later... get the watts video, he gets some fairly fantastic heads down in 2-5 minutes each, you can probably learn alot from that video.

post a pic from the reference or to the thread, theres chance i have more from the set.

he said that your canvas is to small, normally you paint far larger than the end product, its not necessary to do but it helps... i don't think it matters all to much in your case though.
you arent using textured brushes... again another thing that doesn't matter
he is also bitching about the way you are getting color down,

not needed, but helpful, as to getting them, i have only ever done model stuff in group setting where that shits taken care of before hand.

look, you can site a lucky person in damn near every field where life worked out perfectly for them, patreon is not a guarantee you get paid a living wage, or any wage.

>> No.2032825

post the ref so we can better see how much you are off.

there is a gunnery book... dont know if i spelled that right.
at least when most people ask "how do i paint like X" its almost always the color that gives them the hardest time. this image, outside of being able to draw that, comes down to the colors they chose while painting, look at the shadows, on the cape area you see sub surface a bit and even in the shadows you are seeing highlights,

also, try to ignore the fog and shit that's a later over the top of it, as thats not painted into the image.

look at my above posts

>> No.2032836

well i got distracted with other stuff. but in terms of hours i probably put about 10-15 into the study. i dont recall being referred another master study? someone told me to do Michelangelo and i was like no i already chose this. i haven't really posted in on /ic/ much since.

anyways the resize and scale worked, its at 2700x2000 now vs 1500x1100 or whatever it was at. i think its going to solve my problem and ill be able to do a better job at the dog. and yes so far im just being using hard and soft round brushes. like i said ive only been painting about a month or two. i just barely downloaded my first brush/texture packs this week and haven't gotten around to trying them.

>> No.2032838

also, that brings me to another question. how many pieces do you guys work on at a time. i have three 'big' things going on right now. which explains the slow progress on the master study

>> No.2032840

Should beginners work on projects sometimes or stick to to shorter sketches and drawings focusing purely on study?

>> No.2032843

next time you scale up, do it in exact increments of 2x 3x or 4x
the thing is if you scale it up without having exactly double triple... ect the pixels, the thing loses some detail/it interoperates it weirdly... granted this isnt a master piece, and you are trying to learn form it so keep that as future reference.

and yea, last time i saw you you were asking if you should do the basket, and i found the better reference.

now... what you are doing isnt wrong... but if you are this new to painting in and of itself, doing master studies probably wont help you as much as just getting use to the programs and painting in general. i mean 15 hours and only getting that far... that would be an issue.

personally, when i was actively working on shit, i would keep many more or less planned out things on the backburner, and keep creating new thing.

i see damn near no value in me completing something when in 1-2 months time my skill would be to the point that the prior work was shit. but there were pieces that i accidently (at the time accidently) made that were good enough for me to take further steps.

it depends on how far you are. if you can tell your work is shit, why try to polish the turd? i would focus on drawing and getting good at drawing so that when you go to the next step your project has a good base to work on.

>> No.2032848

okay i remember that but i dont remember someone suggesting a reference? i honestly dont know how many hours i really put in. it was just a guy. could have been more could have been less. picking the colors is whats getting me but each of the objects has so many fucking colors its rediculous and color is new to me so yeah. the thing is i did a lot of my painting when im at my job and its hard to tell exactly how long im working on it because im literally doing 5-10 min on, back to work, 5-10 min on etc which i know isnt the best way to paint but its better than nothing

>> No.2032929
File: 150 KB, 900x880, nosurprises 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is gonna sound really stupid because I'm really stupid.
I'm just starting out and trying to practice drawing from observation, but my long term goal is working purely from imagination. I'm having a hell of a time with measurements and proportions and the like, but it feels a thousand times easier when I ignore everything else and just focus on the negative space. So easy that it almost feels like cheating, am I actually getting anything out of it?

tldr will practicing and getting comfortable drawing through negative space at all benefit drawing from imagination eventually?

>> No.2032933

I'm a self taught noob. Picked up a 6h, 4h pencil to start sketching. Never learned how to shade, just dabbling in figure drawing. Getting a lot better, but I need some advice on how to start shading my works. What can you tell someone that draws real light with hard pencils and is super afraid of shading?

>> No.2032954

just do it

what are you afraid of? it's 100% proven impossible to learn without making mistakes.

make sure to make the darkest spots really dark. most common beginner's mistake seems to be to shade too lightly which makes the final result look washed out.

>> No.2032996

don't bother shading till you are solid at drawing first, if you need to shade, id recommend just drawing a line to represent the shadow and then move on...

what you want to do is get better at drawing, not so much the render aspects of it yet because you can sink a fuck ton of time into to it later on when your drawings are good enough to warrant rendering.

>> No.2033008

it doesnt sound stupid. I am beginner so you dont have to listen to me but I see it this way. I dont know if its cheating, there is no such thing except stealing from other artists. However there are many ways to get to some point, some of them are faster and some of them are slower and more difficult but you learn more. To draw from imagination you must have good knowledge about the subject and then about drawing(perspective, shading, etc.) Drawing negative space doesnt help you undestand how object looks like in space. You wont be able to turn it around in your mind and draw it from another angle.
But hey, you dont have to think about it too much. If it works for you now to draw from real life than do it this way. Than try to draw something from imagination and see how you did. If you did bad than try to practice different way.

>> No.2033042

How are all these gumroad tutorial makers so successful?

Are there thousands upon thousands of "artists" out there with deep pockets buying out tutorials?

I've only bought like 3 tutorials and aside from that, all you need is practice. But these gumroaders are pumping out content like it's a cash cow. Don't entirely understand it. I always assumed this career path was pretty niche. I guess it's actually saturated as fuck,,,,

>> No.2033068

>Are there thousands upon thousands of "artists" out there with deep pockets buying out tutorials?

No, there are thousands upon thousands of KIDS who have 100% expendable income and all aspire to be concept artists or illustrators of some kind. So a lot 'professionals' prey upon their naivete and market poor quality tutorials and materials to them. And because there are no normative standards for quality and the distribution is extremely easy and cheap, the kids eat them up like crazy. All it takes is a little social engineering and they'll come by the hordes.

>> No.2033080

So i'm going to become an animator. Precisity, and avoiding carpal tunnels would be key, so working from shoulder would be key.

Should I buy myself wacom intuos pro medium or large?

>> No.2033099

I'm about to order a copy of the Artist's Complete Guide to Drawing the Head but I was wondering if there was another book that explains the techniques better, or is this the best option?

>> No.2033105

Does anyone have a good example of foreshortening? Every time I see it, even when its done "right" its just looks awkward and disgusting to me. I understand the principle behind it, but when I see it in practice it just doesn't look right to me.

>> No.2033146

What is the site where you can share a mural with others so they can select tiles to paint in search for a final result?

>> No.2033180

Where I can get watts videos? What's his complete name.

>> No.2033182

That sounds good. I'll try that. Thanks.

>> No.2033221

Asus Vivotab is a great drawing PC

>> No.2033284

I'm trying to get a following of dA to worship me. So far, I'm getting a decent amount of pageviews.
>why do people send me llamas?
>why hasn't anyone started watching me yet?

>> No.2033293

Online freelancing is all about connections. When a popular person shows you to all their friends and followerbase, they will follow and commission you, too.
You can do it alone with lots of constant good quality fanart porn, but it takes awhile to get there.

>> No.2033295

How is photoshop doing with wine on linux these days? Can you draw in it?
Basically the only thing that keeps me on windows.

>> No.2033343

what's the diff between a lead holder and a regular old lead pencil?

>> No.2033411

draw fanart. if you draw porn keep it minimal so you don't get pidgeon holed.

>> No.2033484

>muh style
I was never trying to put down technical skills or fundamentals, otherwise this board would turn into a complete circlejerk. It's just that from what I've seen, there doesn't seem to be much art posted beyond realistic people plus the occasional wizard hat, which to me seems somewhat uninteresting and limited in expression. So yes, I was just wondering why fans of abstract art are in such a minority here.

>> No.2033732

How do I stop procrastinating?

>> No.2033737

Stop asking 4chan how to stop proctastinating, turn off your computer and get to fucking work.

>> No.2033742

-Establish a "work space" and a "play space" if you can. Avoid cross-contamination.

-Set aside a set period of time to work. "I will work on my shit for 5 hours today." Set a timer and stop it if you take breaks, even just to go to the bathroom.

-If you work on your computer, do not have browsers open in the background to favorite sites to browse.

-Keep music or something to listen to while you work playing so you won't seek out other distractions to break tedium.

-Set goals for yourself. Give yourself a reasonable deadline to work on it. If it's a complicated project, set deadlines for different landmarks in the project.

-Settle into a routine. Maybe when you come home from work or school you give yourself one hour to chill, then start your timer.

>> No.2033780
File: 3.64 MB, 3000x1695, different_angles_of_a_skull_by_clz-d64u8qh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where/what brand do you guys buy your bone casts?

I'd like to start using images as reference less.

>> No.2033782


>> No.2033802


Also is it worth buying a whole skeleton? Robert Beverly Hale advised against in one of his books but I was wondering if there were any contrary opinions.

>> No.2033813

It's not 1852 bro. You can find 3D anatomy reference models on the interbutts, ZBrush comes with a very good one too. Serves the same purpose as a real object, saves money and space. We'll have consumer VR by the end of the year, so buying objects just to look at is a huge waste of money

>> No.2033845

Don't get fullsize unless you have a lot of cash to spare. Try small classroom models. They're anatomically correct, dont take up as much room, and cost significantly less.


>> No.2033872

Anyone know where i can learn the disney artstyle?

>> No.2033883

Just trace until you get it

>> No.2033895

