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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2026457 No.2026457 [Reply] [Original]

Music? Goals? Career?
What keeps you from sinking to a puddle in a sofa, /ic/?

>> No.2026459
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Nothing anymore. I am one with the couch.

>> No.2026462

I just wanna have fun.

>> No.2026473

My motivation is that I live in abject squalor and I desperately want to improve my skills so I can actually make money at this.

I still don't manage to draw half as often as I should.

>> No.2026660
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motivation ? I occasionally look at professional or even amateurish stuff to keep me going. I get an instant motivation/creativity boost when I look at paintings that please me.

I also love creating stories or compositions with picture I randomly look at daily. this keeps your imagination rolling.

>> No.2026682

being a neet and realizing that if I don't gitgud I'll end being a hobo

>> No.2026691

Good mindsetting.
Recommended painter(s)?

>> No.2026695
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I have invested to much into art to quit now

>> No.2026766


Find the "theme", or maybe the..subject ? you like to draw most. and keep looking at professional work of it.

to me, it's everything that has to do with lighting, light play, boucing lights, reflections and stuff like that. it's so fun to imagine, and very pleasant to look at.

and I'd say to not get focused on certain painters, to be honest I have seen unknown stuff that speaks to me a lot more than popular ones and either saved it or forgot it to maybe someday find it again.

here's a page you might like. I used to go on that mosaic compilation of works, cg hub, but it's closed now.

>> No.2026785
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Working with shitty comics as a way of practicing.
Kinda helps defeating procrastination and reflecting into thoughts while writing bad jokes or meanings.

>> No.2026786

I never got past my rebellion stage and just wanted to say "fuck your lifestyle" to my business major relatives.

They could still all suck it for all i care.

>> No.2026789
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page in question. just look at random stuff in here and i'm sure your motivation is gonna be sky high. not all are great, but some are really talented.

>> No.2026820

I want to make a fucktonne of comics before I die. I want the creation of these stories to be the undertone of my life.
At this point I don't think any of my stuff has appeal to the masses but I'll keep getting better at drawing and making these things anyway. When I die such works will be my legacy, even if they're unseen by basically everyone by myself.

I wish I had reason to believe that people liked my work though. Keeping all this shit to myself is sad but I'd rather do that than be hated on all the time. Maybe it's for the better though, I'm not entitled to any sort of appreciation for my work regardless of the effort involved.

>> No.2026983
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Ive mostly given up.
I dont want this to happen. Everything was a green light for me and my flame died.

every light died. I share no joy in vidya, drawing, movies, or socializing.
This life is just boring, theres nothing to do thats rejuvenating anymore. So what if I die today, nothing changes, I dont have any stories to illustrate or anything to express me because I am a humanity-less husk of space.
Everything is just binary forever.
And when you are on your death bed, or on the wet concrete bleeding out while your car crushes your ribcage, can you say that it was worth it?

Fucking blogpost

>> No.2026991

I just wanna post pictures people find funny on 4chan, but too bad I suck as I just started learning how to draw.

>> No.2026998
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>> No.2027007
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>> No.2027023
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>> No.2027081
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>> No.2027147
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Fuck it I just fapped and I feel better now.
At least I know my breaking point now

>> No.2027153

>Oh shit this nigga is depressed about life
Life may not matter, but regardless 'you' exist. Just say fuck it and get lost in the moment. Beauty is everywhere and nowhere, just enjoy your shitty life and paint.

>> No.2027183
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Just don't lean on it as a coping mechanism, once that behaviour is reinforced it's a bitch to get rid of. Fapping 5+ times a day just as a way to feel something is not healthy and will detract from other aspects of your life. Spent a solid few years dealing with this shit, not horridly fun.

Now if you want to just feel nice and hard, grab some razors, pop on some nice tunes and start slicing your skin up (or some other form of harming). It has a way of waking you up and reinvigorating your emotions. Throwing yourself against your preprogrammed survival or sexual instincts is one of the most 'feeling' things you can do. Besides, blood is a pretty colour and there's nothing like being able to use your wrist as a palette.

But life is subtle and easy to condition away the details. If you want to be happy stop experiencing life through symbols.

>> No.2027334
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>Now if you want to just feel nice and hard, grab some razors, pop on some nice tunes and start slicing your skin up (or some other form of harming). It has a way of waking you up and reinvigorating your emotions. Throwing yourself against your preprogrammed survival or sexual instincts is one of the most 'feeling' things you can do. Besides, blood is a pretty colour and there's nothing like being able to use your wrist as a palette.

Hold up nigga

>> No.2027528
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But look at this shit ano

>> No.2027563
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>Not listening to the hardest metal known to man.
>Not getting inspired by their insane solos and slick riffs
>Not getting motivated by those vocals

It's like you all live in a boring, stagnant life.

>> No.2027567
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I'm not an artist really, my girlfriend is though. She does realism really well, but doesn't exactly enjoy it. She almost does this weird mock-manga style stuff for fun though, and that's more so what she enjoys doing.

I really enjoy music and film, but I have no talent as a musician or director. People tell me that I'm a good writer, but I hate writing. I do enjoy Martial Arts though, weightlifting is pretty fun, but I'm not sure that I'd excel at that either.

I'd like to become better at drawing, but man am I fucking garbage, and I feel I would turn into a try hard in the shadow of my gf if I made ventures into it.

I guess I just come here to look at cool shit you people do, learn some terms and find pieces to talk about with her

>tfw the only medium you will ever progress in isn't even viewed as a real art form

>> No.2027568

Nigga do you even Power Within? ZP ain't got shit on Marc.

>> No.2027572

>nobody takes me seriously
>better cut off a few heads

That is a neat story behind that work.

>> No.2027600
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anything made by this guy.
on the right.

>> No.2027607

read books man. 40 pages a day. challenge yourself. but not fiction books.
read Carl Gustav Jung, get in connection with your anima. Anima is the inspiration, the fantasy, but also can be a cruel mistress, a death angel if you ignore her.

Read Carl Gustav Jung bitch.

>> No.2027613

The power. Just having pro skills. All the things I would draw.....if I was gud.

>> No.2027615
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>> No.2027629

All my life, I've felt like a nobody and have never really enjoyed any aspect of life from the age of 14.
I'm the son of an immigrant and live in Europe but I've never bothered to learn my parents language. I've only been to their country once and felt like I didn't belong there. It's the same for the country I live in now, I can speak the language but I will always be that different guy that you can never be romantically/socially involved with.

I don't want to come across as whiny but this sums it all up:I feel like a monkey that can speak with humans but I'll never be accepted as one. Conversely, I don't belong with the other monkeys since I'm the odd one out.

So where do I go? Well I've recently started to draw and I love it. I want to draw a comic in order to (And this will sound really stupid and pretentious but) connect with people I.E. my readers on a mental level rather than them seeing my appearance.

That's all, feel free to laugh at this post. This was probably the most cheesy thing I ever posted on this site

>> No.2027673

haha the funny thing is i strangely feel very similar

>> No.2027685

Mostly it's other people's stories OP. I remember watching Aoi Honoo a while ago. Man, that was a huge motivation boost, especially those parts where the main character admits he's having trouble drawing somethings. That really let me know that everyone has gone through those phases before.

We should work on something together. I don't know who you are, but anyone who shares a passion for comics is a friend to me.

>> No.2027689
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Dragonforce gets boring after a song or two. Power metal is pretty motivating though.

>> No.2027691

Didn't listen to those songs but if you want to hear really good metal, check out Meshuggah. Maybe you've heard of them?

>> No.2027693

I agree with you bro. A lot of people who draw comics here. We should all work together to make something. Maybe make a skype group or something.

>> No.2027698

I don't know, it was just an idea. It's a lot better trying to create with more people then alone.

>> No.2027707

you muh niggad me last time too when i mentioned i hold close Satoshi Kon's work to my heart.
I wonder...

>> No.2027719

Satoshi kon is decent i guess. Not my cup a tea tho

>> No.2027723
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All i've ever wanted to do was to create something amazing.

If i create something that is beautiful and amazing, and cannot be done by any ordinary man, then i will be better than everyone else.

Also giving up isnt really an option, im 22. At worst if i get into drugs i'll die at 30, 8 years to work on something. At best i'll live to like 90, 68 years. Fuck yeah i can make something fucking amazing in that time.

Also i live in glorious welfare state

>> No.2027734

I realised I don't want to spend my time on a job I hate and people I don't like, so my only choise is to git gud and live on mune from drawing

>> No.2027737

Make it faggots, I'm in. I'm working on a script right now (I both draw and write the thing) and could use some objective critiques, and I'm ready as fuck to work on something with you guys.

>> No.2027745


That's the reason that I more often than not am sinking to a puddle in my sofa.

And by puddle I mean browsing imageboards.
And by sofa i mean the chair by my desk.

>> No.2027750

Hell yeah. Give me a few hours. Ill host a skype group and post back here. Someones gotta help me out later though, aint too good with skype

>> No.2027766


>> No.2027876
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I hope you find your spark in life

>> No.2027905
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>Chasing the high of laying down even just the SLIGHTEST mark right with my pen/brush/etc
>Chasing the high that comes from improving and becoming a better artist
>The freedom that comes from allowing myself to experiment and play in my art after studying

>> No.2027954

>Power Within
I'll admit, Cry Thunder and Give Me the Night are pretty goddamn awesome.

>> No.2027955

This, basically. Drawing's just another one of my several hobbies. It's fun as fuck so I want to keep getting better.

>> No.2027965

I need to get rich off of something so I don't end up working retail for the rest of my life.

I'm planning to do it with porn, practicing writing as much as I am drawing. As another anon mentioned, leaving behind something after I die wouldn't be a bad thing, possibly something clammy neckbeards will be fapping too for centuries to com.

>> No.2028048

Nig, that whole album is beast tier. But I can't deny those classics ZP gave us.

>> No.2028388

I made the group. Not sure how to invite directly to group yet so just send me an invite on skype. My skype name is " Naisorav ".

>> No.2028392

err; add me basically is what I meant to

>> No.2028597

to be honest, I've been getting into some of Ultra Beatdown's songs. But I agree with you, no doubt.

>> No.2028612

I sink in the sofa, get up in a burst of wilpower, and go back to the sofa before even getting close to the table. and I'm always so confused. I can't even understand anymore what I like and what I don't. its all the same, and I don't know what to draw. guess that my age and constant failures in all the fields also have a role in this.
probably I lost myself definitely

>> No.2028697
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I just want to get off loomis' wild ride

>> No.2028710
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I'm on the verge of losing it. I haven't progressed in the past two years at all. I'm fucking 20 and I still draw like shit. I just don't "get it". I'm good at faking it, but I just hate all my fucking work.

>> No.2028712

I must keep moving forward. If I stop and think about the hopelessness of my dreams I break down. Unacceptable.

>> No.2028717

Post your work

>> No.2028726 [DELETED] 
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This is about regular for me
I practice, and I study, and I look at others work and watch them draw, but I can never progress past this.

>> No.2028727

Post an actual study, please. Do not hyper stylize it.

>> No.2028731
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>> No.2028759

First post.
Jesus these spam filters.

Some good advice.

>> No.2029009

>being younger than me
Are you trying to make me mad?

>> No.2029037

are you me?

>> No.2029051
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>> No.2029053

>I caught decapitating dog

>> No.2029061

>At worst if i get into drugs i'll die at 30
Or painful death from cancer
Or car accident leaving you a cripple.
Or illness destroying your CNS

>> No.2029071

>cant draw until I find a job on top of alresdy going to school
>everyone ive applied too hasnt called back or said that I didnt make it
>have to get a job by the end of the semmester or else im toast
>mom still wants to keep me
>dad wants to help me move out
>they keep arguing
>I get the shit end of the stick

Fuck, just let me find a job and let me go.

>> No.2029079

Art is one of the earliest talents I really have. I'd be nothing if I didn't have art.

>> No.2029101
