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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 258 KB, 1500x1008, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2025505 No.2025505 [Reply] [Original]

How do I draw good dicks? I mean ones that make the viewers mouth water and beg it were in front of them in real life to suck, good?

Doxy draws some amazing ones.

>> No.2025574

Copy and analise what your favorite artists do.

>> No.2025578
File: 153 KB, 725x318, doxy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup richard
remember last night?

>> No.2025583

Channel your inner Turbofag and draw dicks until you cream your pants?

>> No.2025599

you don't need your own thread, doxy. You're not a special snowflake, so take it to the porn thread.

>> No.2025616

that dick looks like literal shit

>> No.2025641

OP do you actually like cocks?

>> No.2025762

Hi Doxy.

>> No.2025784

that dick is the least well drawn part of that image and the image is shit overall to boot you faggot

>> No.2025792

You couldn't draw a better dick if your life depended on it.

>> No.2025795

Calm down, Doxy

>> No.2025801

Someone who draws that good would never waste their time here.

>> No.2025808

dicks on bathroom stalls look better than that, they at least rad as a dick. That looks more like the fucking brain alien in starship troopers covered in shit than a cock

>> No.2025818

>they at least rad as a dick

>> No.2025871 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 310x311, photo.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

o im laffin

shilling your thread cos it's too late to delete it doxy? leel

>> No.2025874

no offence but that dick looks totally gross to me

perhaps post some other examples?

>> No.2025921

It looks like a gigantic maggot.

>> No.2026053 [DELETED] 

where eşse is he going to waste his time, bronycon?


>> No.2026071

You some kinda queer, faggot?

>> No.2026885
File: 148 KB, 900x1200, 460-CWCsComputerGraphicsPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump doxy viraling

>> No.2026975
File: 159 KB, 900x1440, ca2446d8dbc5c07a6c44186ba9b1f564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posted image on tumblr 30 minutes ago
fuck you doxy you stupid pos

>> No.2027360

What the fuck is going on in that image?

>> No.2027378

I think it looks amazing. It's Bowser's penis right? It should look monstrous and a bit disgusting. He's not a human after all.

>> No.2027435

Pretty sure thats fan art of some fucked up anime i watched a while back *shivers*

>> No.2027441

Corpse Party.
Its fucked up guro shit

>> No.2027646 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 1071x1500, tumblr_nju2o4ibF91rjf577o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's pretty good at drawing dicks.

>> No.2027648

>dicks on girls
this is so silly

>> No.2027711

>Dick same color as skin color
I'm about to puke, what unimaginative shit is this

>> No.2027715

>hating on Doxy because he's one of the best western artists
>hating Doxy because he's making a ton (rightfully so) via Patreon
>hating Doxy because he's popular

Never change /ic/

>> No.2027738

Corpse Party's a really great game. I'd recommend it.

The anime sucked though.

>> No.2027742

>Its fucked up guro shit
>Corpse Party's a really great game. I'd recommend it.

I think I'll fucking pass.

>> No.2027778

It really isn't fucked up guro shit. Nothing very graphic, atmosphere is spooky, 9/10 would play again.

>> No.2027779

There is a dead corpse pissing herself >>2026975

How is that not graphic?

>> No.2027786

Please stop being envious, guys, it's very pathetic.

Of course Doxy isn't the best artist in the world, that goes without saying, but have you seen the porn artist community? He's easily top five at least as far as the west goes and within that context it comes off as very petty to say shit about him like you do, when there's literal thousands of literal whos under him.

>> No.2027804

That dick isn't anything to write home about though, tbh.
It looks like a turkey baster yet slightly less erotic, as if it's tiny opening would never have the flow potential to dump a staunch load into her all at once. More like multiple small, ultimately disappointing squirts which just overflow onto the back of her legs as it went limp.

>> No.2027832

The thing is that the shape of the dick is ultimately a stylistic choice so at most you can say "oh I think this is shit" among us or "I don't like this" directly to the artist but you can't really tell him "you did this wrong". I mean it may be something he might want to consider, but it's no basis to say the artist is shit.
I mean if we're gonna criticize him on things he did wrong and isn't just opinions I think there's a bit of a problem with impossible lighting in several places.
The main light seems to be overhead behind bowser, but his dick is fully lit by a light that seems to be behind the camera when it shouldn't. The shadow itself makes bowser seem ultra thin since he fits neatly between Peach's legs when he should be much thicker. Her pussy, tit and tongue are catching some specular reflection from the light source that bowser is covering.
This is stuff you can point out and say, "hey that is actually wrong". The shape of the dick is worth a mention because it might be pushing proportions beyond the comfort zone of most people, but it's ultimately his stylistic choice and not liking it an opinion.

>> No.2027846


The point of the piece is Peach is head over heels for Bowser and his amazing monster cock over a small human penis from Mario.


>> No.2027860

I just assumed there were multiple light sources.

That's a valid view point, I just don't see anything particularly monstrous about that cock. It's just fatter behind the head for some reason, making it look like a slightly misshapen human penis.

>> No.2027920

What the hell is with you idiots and thinking that just because someone can draw well they're automatically not a petty shithead?

>> No.2027939

I remember when this guy called himself Onta, and all he drew was gay furry porn.

>> No.2027977

He still draws the furry porn under that name. Why? I have no idea.
It's shaft is pretty damn swollen and misshapen like you said, it's also got some warts on it.

>> No.2027996
File: 30 KB, 504x500, 63n456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to understand how this penis is shaped from the side. Pardon my shit "sketch" I'm not at my apartment so I'm doing this with an old gaming mouse.

That's the way I see it, it's a very odd shape and I how it's a drawing but how would it not rip her open?

>> No.2028003

It would rip her open, it might compress slightly and she might just be pretty flexible but it would have ripped her gash up without ample foreplay.

Honestly seems kinda lazy, monster dicks are really the place you go to unleash the creativity.

>> No.2028012

No amount of foreplay would have saved her from a penis that size and shape.

>> No.2028019
File: 98 KB, 960x854, 7307_555170414524453_2140113946_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres some cocks

>> No.2028022
File: 107 KB, 716x960, 942027_538037402904421_145306773_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copy them as practise

>> No.2028066 [DELETED] 

Thanks for a serious answer!

>> No.2028142

What are you talking about? Who said that?

>> No.2028175


I know you think you're the best thing since sliced bread, Richard, but take it to the normal porno thread.

Your samfagging is very obvious

>> No.2028184
File: 616 KB, 685x511, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard and his fat furry sister
aka the greatest dick drawer of all time and the worst samefaggot of all time.

>> No.2028242

Poor guy.

>> No.2028248

>JJ character
no thanks

>> No.2028251

dax ratter please go

>> No.2028252
File: 28 KB, 500x376, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here here, OP. Dox is the greatest dick drawer in the history of mankind.

>> No.2028273

Get outta here Snrub.

>> No.2028274
File: 329 KB, 250x141, 1406408949788.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

poasting in a doxy viral thread

>> No.2028284

no again

>> No.2028334

That's just bad fanart.

>> No.2028368

That wasn't in the game. There weren't any detailed guts and brains or severed limbs flowing, is what I meant. If I remember correctly.

>> No.2028376

OK big cocks an be nice but that thing is an anatomical mess, the pussy looks totally fucked up too. I'm not saying Doxy can't draw dicks but that one there is super unappealing.

the heart eyes are super cute tho

To answer OP's question go look at some bara stuff (e.g. http://barahardcore.tumblr.com/).). If anyone has a fixation on hue thick cocks is queer guys.

>> No.2028383

The heart eyes are overdone now, everyone is doing them now.

>> No.2028442

The pussy looks fine.
Most people don't realize how puffy a pussy can get during sex.

>> No.2028460

I got his one tutorial video he sounds like a total obese neckbeard mouthbreather

>> No.2028461

its not that its puffy, the clitorial hood is missing and the inner labia start under the clitoris for some reason

>> No.2028468

I can kinda see what he was trying to so, she's I guess holding her legs/hips back and up, so the clit hood's hidden due to the position, but yeah it's pretty fucked up.

>> No.2028470

Is there any proof of Doxy being Onta? I find it so odd that he would make porn under two different names when they both draw pretty much the same subject (well except for Doxy drawing more humans).

>> No.2028484

He confirmed it himself. Hell he advertises it on his trapfuta website.

>> No.2028486

Sometimes people just like using different pennames for things. Considering his popularity and volume of work too, maybe he just thought it'd make it easier for people to find what they're looking for if he split the two types under two names.

>> No.2028490

Christ he spits out an incredible volume of porn then.

>> No.2028496

Well if there's one credit I can give him the man is always drawing, instead of bitching about other artists on some autistic image board like we do.

>> No.2028498

honestly doxy is great and i doubt theyre actually posting in this thread

>> No.2028502



>> No.2028504

The craziest thing about this board is people are supposedly here to get help and advice right? You look in the drawthread and very few pics are above intermediate skill level. Everyone being anonymous, what are the odds that you get advice from one of those people if you get any, and not some random person struggling just as much as you are? Yet most of the board hates on established artists. They'd really rather take their chances learning from some unproven stranger than consider trying to learn from someone who's making it. It's madness. I hope to fuck that I get as good as Doxy someday.

>> No.2028508

>art looks exactly the same
>make two patreons
>double dip your fanbase
>we saki dollars now

Most people want criticism, professional artists won't give that too them.
Seriously finding critique that isn't just personal attacks is so hard.

>> No.2028510

Sorry bro, not Doxy. Just some random faggot.

>> No.2028512

motherfucker i can say something too

>> No.2028513

Yeah and the reason it's so hard to get critique is probably because people get all defensive and crazy on you if you try and tell them something.

>> No.2028535

Generally speaking, giving feedback without being asked for it or giving low quality feed back will get you a negative response.

I've never encountered one in the beginner and draw threads though.

>> No.2028555
File: 9 KB, 252x244, 1412642457022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one is hating on Doxy as an artist of that he posts on /ic/

it's because he's viraling (2 nights in a row)
and has a holier-than-thou attitude about his art and his popularity.

if he posted in a critique thread no one would have a problem, but no, he has to be a fart-sniffing faggot about it and fish for clicks and compliments.

>> No.2028580

Can someone please try to explain to be the shape of the penis in OP? It is the angle or is it suppose to be misshapen?

>> No.2028608

Its at an angle, and it's a big monster dong.

>> No.2028627
File: 209 KB, 1812x3038, fl5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst part is the dicks

>> No.2028638

>not liking dicks
what are you, a faggot?

>> No.2028645

its gonna take looking at a lot of dicks anon

>> No.2028671


Wait the guy not in the furry suit is HardBlush???

>> No.2028691

he should be good at it, since OP is such a fag.

>> No.2028700

Goddamn this fucking thread is preventing me from using the catalogue in public

>> No.2028704

>using 4chan in public

I swear to god, If I ever saw someone doing that, they'd get sucker punched.

>> No.2028720

Its not like I'm browsing rule 34 threads in public you fucking mongoloid

>> No.2028740

Could just hide it...

>> No.2028743

I wanna be the Doxy of alternative hentai. TF, TG, monstergirl/guys that kind of thing.

>> No.2028745

Honestly I think I might be retarded completely forgot about that function

>> No.2028864

ITT envy and jealousy

You guys are such whiners.

>> No.2028896

How do you do that?

>> No.2028986

Hey guys, I know that Doxy is posting in this thread to start viral shit. I KNOW IT FOR SURE ON THIS ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD. I saw it in the tea leaves of my cum and chai latte this morning.

>> No.2029019
File: 56 KB, 524x336, 15235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his fat sjw sister faps to his art

>> No.2029032

>tfw wishing for more heart eyes for almost 5 years
>tfw shit's everywhere and the fetish is dead

The first time I saw a yandere shoot skull eyes my balls folded inside out.

>> No.2029039



Dude, you know Doxy has like 7 Patreons running right now, right?

>> No.2029042

Couldn't blame him, shit's cash money.

Especially for people who pump out tonnes of similar looking art work extremely often.

>> No.2029344
File: 1.11 MB, 910x905, 1410729221017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he posted this same image like 4 days ago and deleted the thread when someone namedropped him.
This peach picture didn't even get released to the public until after this thread was made.

Of course it's doxy, he just waited too long and it's too late to delete this thread so he's gotta samefag the shit out of it.

>> No.2029352

>his fat sjw sister
it might just be a coincidence you say this, but she really is a gay furry SJW.

>> No.2029357

Is that really his sister? Why would you want your family to know you raw furry and MLP porn?

>> No.2029358

So what you're saying is viraling yourself works? I need to start fuckin doing that..

>> No.2029385


he is the embodiment of autism.

considering his hambeast sister is cut from the same cloth - his parents probably encouraged the siblings to share in this hobbies of theirs... its disgusting according to social norms, but these autists dont live inside the norm. they live in an mlp furry gay futa community bubble. outside opinions are irrelevant, really.

>> No.2029388

>hating in famous artists just because they are famous

>> No.2029394

According to Worthington's law, he's better than you.

>> No.2029407


Nigga what? Fame from drawing porn still means you're a nobody to the general art world and society.

>> No.2029411 [DELETED] 

Im PRETTY sure i saw this picture released on futatrap.com before this thread got made.

>> No.2029415 [DELETED] 

Im PRETTY sure i saw this picture released on trapfuta.com before this thread got made.

>> No.2029478

Go to bed Richard

>> No.2029854

>So what you're saying is viraling yourself works?
not to /ic/ you fucking idiot

>> No.2029869

Did I SAY to /ic/, or did I just say viraling, period?
You guys will viral everyone you hate on your own, no need to waste the effort doing it oneself.

>> No.2029975

Doxy and Shadman are my favorite autists

>> No.2030116

That penis is the shape of a maggot or is it just me?