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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 188 KB, 1222x1833, 11050324_916347571719779_2537694251759865587_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2020384 No.2020384[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this good?
How much I can make on patreon if I could paint like this?

>> No.2020387

It depends on how much you advertise it. And if you're a girl or a boy

>> No.2020388

better than 98% of /ic/


>> No.2020394

You don't need that amount of skill to earn a lot through a patreon account, it's all about pandering and building a community of devote followers, meaning you can't draw anything that would offend a group of people or not bend down to your followers' requests.

>> No.2020406

This. As much as I absolutely hate to pull the girl card, I feel like that's affected how many followers she's gotten. Besides that, Sakimichan knows how to advertise and get her name out there well, and she's definitely good at her work.

It also depends on how much of that quality of work you can pump out in as short a time frame as possible.
>Is this good?
I think so, it's at least pleasant on the eyes, although the line quality bothers me at some places (that breast pressed against the arm bugs me).

>> No.2020409

I don't know shit about patreon, but that is absolutely fucking horrible.

>> No.2020417

>but that is absolutely fucking horrible

I feel the same way, but not because it's painted badly. The subject matter is just not very ambitious, yet another topless cute girl painted from reference making animu eyes at the viewer.

That said, I also feel the same about Samikichan and people eat that shit up so... yeah. There's a big difference between art that artists like, and art that everyone else likes.

>> No.2020419

Did sakimichan make this?

>> No.2020431

>There's a big difference between art that artists like, and art that everyone else likes.
Yes. Not enough of us here seem to understand that.

>> No.2020432

I don't know actually, I meant to allude to the fact that it's similar and that might be what the above anons were talking about. I edited my post poorly and left out some important bits though. That said, the work does look similar to her style.

>> No.2020433

>And if you're a girl or a boy

Not really, the 3 highest paid artists on patreon after Sakimichan are 2 men. Sakimichan is a phenomenon, no one knows what happened there and why her Patreon just doesn't stop growing, but no other female artist comes even remotely close to her success. No other female artist on Patreon comes close to Kronprinz' success either.

>> No.2020435

Yeah but if you're a girl it's way easier to get the the point where you are making money. It's easier to gain once you have a group of followers already.

>> No.2020443

I meant that AND that it is painted poorly. It's not even from reference, it's traced. The colors are awful, the brushes, the lines, everything is horrible and on top of that the subject is ugly and childish.

>> No.2020450

.... I like it.

>> No.2020464

Can you list a few female artists who have such an easy time making money compared to their male counterparts of equal skill / fame?

>> No.2020467

It looks like someone traced over a picture of some random girl and gave her miku hair.

>> No.2020470

Are there any proofs that sakimichan is actually a gril?

>> No.2020472

I can but I don't know if you understood what I meant. i feel like girls have an easier time obtaining followers and getting noticed, especially if they draw "cute" things. I feel like guys have to work harder to get noticed.

>> No.2020476

She has a pic on her facebook and she has done voiceover videos. I don't see why it would matter that much

>> No.2020481


I hate to break it to you but your feelings don't have any real empirical value.

>> No.2020487


>> No.2020489

Shouldn't underestimate the value of polishing and finishing touches. What the picture needs is details, a bright, secondary light source, exaggerated reflections, textures and chromatic aberration.

>> No.2020502

So what's the logical conclusion to Kron and Jeph making more patreon money than any female artist other than Sakimichan? They are that much more hard working? Are you serious? I can name dozens of great female artists who are far better skill-wise than either of those guys and don't have a fraction of their followers.

>> No.2020507

Name them.

>> No.2020513

Is this shoop'd from something?

>> No.2020515
File: 70 KB, 815x960, 10682284_611287642330393_396322880055947297_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to spend my evening naming all the female artists I've seen who are better than Jeph and Kron. that'd be about every female professional artist in the world.

>> No.2020516

super boring and stupid.

>> No.2020517
File: 969 KB, 1000x732, GISA_2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, are you seriously doubting that there are dozens of female artists better and less famous than those 2? I am talking about Jeph Jaques here, the guy who does the webcomic Questionable Content and the russian weeb who paints over photographs and traces anime screenshots.

>> No.2020520
File: 424 KB, 662x1073, tumblr_mwok4fvUia1t2lmcuo3_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better than anything either of those 2 artists in question has ever done you fucking moronic retard. I'm not letting you change the goalposts here.

>> No.2020521

No, it doesn't matter. The only reason I can think is that men would draw girls that appeal to men while women would draw cute girls without making it sexual thus getting fans among both men and women. But this doesn't seem to be true also because in sakimichans case, her work is pretty sexual.

>> No.2020522

>One of the popular Patreon artists is a girl

>> No.2020526

>How much I can make on patreon if I could paint like this?
My patreon calculator concludes that you will earn 34.24523 USD a day and also you're a faggot

>> No.2020534

I'm not sure who is more pathetic, tumblr feminists constantly victimizing themselves or 4chan neckbeards doing the exact same thing. I fucking hate people who constantly have to play the victim of circumstance.
"bohoo the patriarchy is keeping me down"
"bohoo if only I was a woman I'd make lots of money with my art"

>> No.2020546

Yeah, I really don't understand why this keeps coming up. I've always had gril avatars and name on my dA and such and I don't think it ever brought me any extra acknowledgement, in fact at most it's only ever caused me trouble, and I actually started having more success once I withheld that information.

>> No.2020582

Made me reply.

>> No.2020593

thats boring.

>> No.2020641

Alright, but with sakimichan though, you guys fail to account for this: How many artists, male or female or (whatever tumblr concieved gender that's hot right now) frequently draw guys sexualized or ideally attractive?

>> No.2020649

Lacks light values
Lacks neon glow on skin
Dull background lacks neon colors and lights
Black unfinished feeling lineart not sexy, looks like WIP
Boobs blocked with arms so you cant make a nude version easily for extra moneys

Conclusion: alot less than Sakimi

>> No.2020658

I can think of many, but all from Japan or China.

And then there's people like Artgerm or whatever who definitely can draw attractive men, but mainly stick with women.

>> No.2020660

Nigga, I make more than that from mediocre furry porn.

>> No.2020714

Let's clear this up, patreon isn't just welfare for artists. Saki does well because she puts up genuine content as benchmark rewards. Tutorials should be readily available, comissions as milestones, etc.
It also helps that she can draw cute, which few artists of a comparable level can manage.

Your back grounds basic as fuck but the subject matter is well executed.

>> No.2020719

Could you post the original photo please?

>> No.2020722

Fuck, post got cut off.

Girls will have an easier time getting to the basic earning point, purely because porn drawn by a woman is hotter than porn drawn by a man in the mind of the neckbeard.

One contributing factor to saki is the snowball effect of fame and people trying to get at her tutorials to emulate her work/ earn the same kinda money.

>> No.2020762

You could always ask a girl to help you setup a female persona, if needed...

>> No.2020770


>implying you'd need a girl's help to set up a convincing female persona

at most you'd need selfies to attention whore with

>> No.2020789

I have to pretend to be a man to make more money.
Otherwise, people hit on you when they find out you're a girl.

They get clingy and expect you to be friends with them so you'll draw free shit for them.

>> No.2020796

Everyone expects free drawings, it's also customary to give mates rates to repeat customers.

>> No.2020814

I have this problem with furries.

They like my porn and think my characters are hot, but as soon as they find out I'm a woman, they're all "ew, vagina."

>> No.2020819

>the "girl" card

for some female artists i can understand saying this, but sakimichan hardly ever talks about being a girl unlike other artists. even on her deviantart about section she's not listed as either a male or female. in fact people i've talked to haven't even realised that she's a girl until i've told them so.
i think this is something i can actually admire about her, being a female hasn't helped her as much as it has for many other people.

>> No.2020849

The name implies it.

>> No.2020850
File: 464 KB, 1000x1500, 3e88aca7e153b483f08751925562c570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This looks familiar.

>> No.2020852


>> No.2020853

The plot thickens.

>> No.2020854

>Everyone expects free drawings
Not if they respect you.

And who has less respect than a woman?

A nigger that's who. Yoko was right.

>> No.2020855


>> No.2020856


>> No.2020857
File: 389 KB, 1284x980, 028938578292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2020860
File: 262 KB, 457x380, 1366154043625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying you don't use references

I use references all the time, what's the big deal?

>> No.2020862

That background at least is clearly traced.

>> No.2020863
File: 189 KB, 1222x1833, Ayyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2020865


You use reference(s) to aid properly form the initial mental image you already had in your head. In other words, you Frankenstein the shit together. You don't copy from a photo exactly unless you're doing studies.

>> No.2020866
File: 279 KB, 584x410, 14117850254303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, now I'm mad. Release the hounds.

>> No.2020868

That left index finger is driving me fucking crazy just how small it is. And where the hell is her right thumb? And that perspective, where the hell is her body going? Her left arm is awkwardly positioned and ridiculously dis-proportioned to the rest of her body.

That giant right arm should be just enough to balance out the rest of the garbage, though.

>> No.2020869
File: 163 KB, 1180x1004, Ayyyy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2020870

Hey didn't Sakimi frown on Kron for doing the same thing? So this makes her a hypocrite.

>> No.2020873


What relation does the OP image have to do with Sakimichan?

>> No.2020875
File: 3.43 MB, 600x6667, the_basics___using_references_by_shattered_earth-d48cakt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There isn't nothing wrong per se, it's just morally iffy and that alone is enough to get a bunch of faggots with a bone to pick to cause a shitstorm. But at the very least it isn't the best way to develop as an artist.

Honestly it isn't THAT big a deal. The only place I've seen that takes shit like that kind of seriously is school, and even then there is no law against being "inspired" by something. But it opens yourself up to internet drama and the kinds of people needing only the filmiest of reasons to start shit.

>> No.2020876

Well didn't she draw the OP?

>> No.2020881
File: 190 KB, 1222x1833, yep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's all just manipulated and traced.

>> No.2020882

>Well didn't she draw the OP?

Where the flying fuck did you get that idea?
No, she didn't draw that.

>> No.2020883

Based of the dozens of sakimi threads we get here, it's pretty obvious that it isn't her. Her stuff has exaggerated lighting and colors, sameface with broken forms, and (c)sakimi all over the thing.

>> No.2020885

So kr0n 101 then

>> No.2020887


Kron copied. He didn't cut the images up and trace them.

>> No.2020903

I actually have no problem with the ops image, it's just polite to mention that you used a photograph when you talk about your painting.

>> No.2020908

>polite to mention
It's one thing if you use reference. If you use it the right way, and are studying multiple images to get the info you need but still drawing from your own knowledge and understanding, that's not worth mentioning. If you copy a reference to a T and add your own detail on top of it, you should definitely mention you used a photo. If you lay down a photo and literally draw on top of it, and even whatever minor "changes" you make are you just using the transform tool to rotate pieces of the photo, and the stuff you ad-lib on top of it still betrays your lack of skill, then you shouldn't even bother posting the picture let alone mentioning you "referenced" a photo.

>> No.2020967
File: 359 KB, 709x1073, mona-lisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this, plz don't steal

>> No.2020974

Wow, that is a cute ass model. All hate on Sakimi aside, anyone know what's the models name?

>> No.2020980
File: 407 KB, 1000x1500, 362829cda546a94f06125373c126d28f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize that nigga couldn't even do his own face and hand
pic related

lenfried, apparently

>> No.2020984

She's asian, she's not all that cute

>> No.2020986

Holy shit, can you overlay it?

>> No.2020987

>that lineart

Broken wacom driver detected. Or just plain shit.

>> No.2020988

So asians aren't cute? Especially the brighter skin races (chinese, korean japanese, etc)?

>> No.2020989

Too lazy. Just open them both up in different tabs and switch between em. It's identical.

>> No.2020991

tip top kek

>> No.2020993

Yeah, I don't find them cute.

>> No.2020994

>tfw all this time you thought you were a qt due to half asian half white heritage ..... ;-;

>> No.2020996

Guess /ic/ is gonna get the word out then. May as well make a list of artists exposed by /ic/, starting with Kr0nprinz.

>> No.2020998

Asians are one of the steering wheel races.

either at 2 or 10

>> No.2020999

but who is this artist? i reverse image searched but nothing came up

>> No.2021002
File: 2.15 MB, 1222x1833, 1426624223377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, you found the exact one that they traced.

>> No.2021004

Do a gif, if you can. It's much easier to see them switching back and forth.

>> No.2021006

Don't listen to that psycho, half asians are the qtest. The majority of my top 5-10 favorite/hottest celeb picks are all mixed asian, doesn't have to be white either, can be any mix.

>> No.2021008

just do it yourself lazy bummm

i don't look all that asian though. only a little because i'm mostly vietnamese

>> No.2021011

Well personal taste, can't argue with that. But the thing I like about Asians' faces is how it doesn't have much contrast. A lot of Anglo-sax models' faces have a really "bold" look on their facial features, mainly the eyes and nose. Of course there are exceptions, but a lot of asian models seem to be leaning toward the one I said.
Never said anything about half asians. Personally I'm not too into the weird mixes, like puerto rican and asian. But white/asian is decent I suppose.

>> No.2021014
File: 1.12 MB, 1222x1833, 1426624223377.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's terrible quality because all I've got is my crappy Photoshop to make gifs, but it's good enough.

>> No.2021016

hispanic/asians just look like phillipinos

>> No.2021017
File: 815 KB, 682x1024, WOloDo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2021018

in all honesty i'd say i'm a 6. slightly above average but not by much. anyways who is this artist of the op pic? i don't think it is sakimichan and i can't find it when i reverse image search

>> No.2021020

who gives a shit

>> No.2021021

7.5 for me. But anyway, I'm derailing the thread. Sorry about that guys. Let's go back to exposing who ever this is

>> No.2021022

Sakimichan pls

>> No.2021026

here is how you translate what you think of your own attractiveness to reality.

10-8 -> 6 or 7
7-6 ->5
<6 -> buttfuck ugly

>> No.2021029

mm i'd be anywhere from 5-6. I have never been called ugly except by my mother.

>> No.2021030

My bad, I read wrong. I thought he was talking about the model. If it's about me I'd say I'm average, so I guess a 5.

>> No.2021033


>> No.2021036

Yeah I really fucked up this thread, sorry about that guys. Maybe we should postpone the exposing? Fuck I don't know.

>> No.2021037
File: 27 KB, 273x415, 2014-12-10-060920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in all honesty i think im a 10. im extremely muscular and sexy and talented and could mop the floor with most of you guys, which i fucking promised myself that i never would anyway because ive sworn allegiance to ic and will protect you guys because i love you all very much.

>> No.2021038

I'm a 5. I've been told if my eyes were farther apart I'd be better looking. I also have a very big forehead which i used to hide with long hair. I'm also kind of dumpy, and out of shape.

I actually used to draw all my self portraits with my eyes farther apart and higher up until recently. Now I'm too good at drawing to have that excuse. I'm just average.

and my mother thinks I'm handsome for what it's worth.

>> No.2021039

ic-tan can you please show me a picture of you with your arm locked and straight down? i need it for reference please

>> No.2021041

i have never done a self portrait before. i will try

>> No.2021044

Well you can be the ugliest motherfucker in the world and your mother will still think your handsome, that's just how mothers are.

>> No.2021045

its a great feeling doing your first good self portrait. you are a better model than anyone else.

>> No.2021047

refer to >>2021029

>> No.2021048

cant do it im in a no ref zone at the moment which means i wont draw with ref and i cant help anyone out with refs either because you shouldnt be drawing with ref either theres a time for study and a time to rock out with your cock out and right now its time to whip out that dick and see what you can do with it.

>> No.2021053

okay i have been doing mostly no-ref pics but thank you for the encouragement i will do it thx

>> No.2021095

Did Sakimi even draw this?

>> No.2021097

It's clearly not her.

>> No.2021098

i don't think so. we're trying to figure out who did

>> No.2021099

No. You can tell because there's no neon lighting and hand hiding.

Reverse image search comes up with nothing though.

>> No.2021100

maybe op made it (^:

>> No.2021101

As other anons have said, no.

>maybe op traced it (^:

>> No.2021146


How long till i get as good at this at drawing so i can start making money?

>> No.2021156

half a month because it's literally traced.
Although I will say good luck in court for even attempting to make money off of things like this.

>> No.2021168

So I don't get it, I mean this is traced so I get how you could get in trouble for making money off this. But its only illegal because the variable of the photographer is there right? Thus making it stealing. I mean, what if you sat down in front of a model, and made a fully rendered piece and attempted to sell it? Then it wouldn't be illegal, right?

>> No.2021169

Or copying your own photos, I guess.

>> No.2021171

I mean, I wonder if the photographer has the permission himself to trace this photo if you wanted to. I'm just wondering how the legalities work there.

>> No.2021177

>if you sat down in front of a model, and made a fully rendered piece and attempted to sell it? Then it wouldn't be illegal, right?
Right. This is what Alex Ross does, and many old-timey illustrators used to do. The thing is they are still conceptualizing the piece, setting up the lighting and the poses, and they still would embellish and idealize and tailor the look as they saw fit. But even if they just replicated their reference exactly, they still created their own reference, so essentially it's the same as drawing up thumbnails or doing a rough sketch, because they're generating the image themselves. If you take someone else's photo and paint on top of it, it's stealing, painting a little bit on top of a photo you took and claiming to have painted the whole thing, while legal, is still cheesy and people probably will still see through it even without access to your original photo.

>> No.2021203

That explains why the boob was bugging me, it's the only part the artist didn't trace (besides the hair) so it's fucked up. More annoying now is that the new hair made the head like 20% larger. Can't unsee.

>> No.2021211

Jesus Christ, this is embarrassing.

Holy shit, I fucking hate you, OP.

>> No.2021217

Flat girls are better anyways.

>> No.2021219

The hand is fucked up too

>> No.2021247

>not being able to tell it's traced by looking at the line work
seriously. There's almost no command of form.

>> No.2021257

this is just pathetic

>> No.2021267

The brickwork is hilarious.

>> No.2021552

If you want to complain they don't have more exposure then expose them.

>> No.2021567

Itsa me, mona lisa.

>> No.2021601

But atleast Kr0n just redrew it without tracing. Now this...THIS is just straight up tracing a photo.

>> No.2021606

You know this shit is so traced when you can do an iqdp search and it pulls up the traced image.

>> No.2021608

huey , magic the gathering

>> No.2021612

How do you guys paint? i can do the drawings but i paint like a 4th grader , any tips i can swallow or recommended videos to watch?

>> No.2021627

Even though its traced, its gonna take a good while to get to that level of rendering.

>> No.2021662

That wasn't my point whatsoever you moron. Some guy wrote women have it that much easier than men at making money. I mentioned Kron and Jeph, 2 guys who make a shitton of money and are way worse than plenty of artists who are much more skilled and happen to be female. That's it. Stop implying shit I never said.

>> No.2021663

This is mostly false because

I'm a gril that draws porn. My followers probably don't believe me, because why would I put my face or voice to that?
We covered this in a porn thread a while back.

Exceptions are when a qt girl with ample cleavage also mixes in selfies to their blog, but the same can be said for cute guys and how they gain hordes of teen girl fans.

>> No.2021674
File: 17 KB, 397x262, 1421818018479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute guys and how they gain hordes of teen girl fans.

>tfw you're too hideous and camera shy to gain hordes of attention from teen girls
>tfw you're no Justin Beaver.

>> No.2021709

Oh yeah? Try being Black. Doesn't matter if you're cute or not, just try posting a selfie and see if 99% of replies aren't some variation of 'niggorilla'. It's alright though, just means the art has to stand on its own, like it should.

>> No.2021712

>Try being black

You know white women want your bbc. You know that right?

>> No.2021717

Nobody has said anything about my race and I have my identity wide open.

>> No.2021719

If you say so.

>> No.2021730

Actually ive seen black artist post selfies of them selves. No negative comments.

Its only on shit holes like 4chan where racism thrives.

>> No.2021748

>No negative comments.
That's because racists get banned doing that stuff publicly. You'd usually see that stuff in private messages, emails, and of course on 4chan (tumblr too if you're white).

>> No.2021756

>Racism will not be tolerated
>Any racist comments will be moderated on sight and immediately
>Now when a black artist gets racist comments on a self-portrait, nobody believes him because there is no evidence


>> No.2021764
File: 768 KB, 1277x1278, 1423791335308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh waycism!

There's no such thing, only a lack of knowledge and education and a stereotype derived from lack of wisdom and experience.

>> No.2021769

>There's no such thing.

Racism is a PRODUCT of lack of knowledge and education nimrod. Of course it exists. And the general masses, are uneducated as fuck.

>> No.2021770

>Its only on shit holes like 4chan where racism thrives
I'd have to strongly disagree. I didn't mean to kick off a whole race debate though, but it gives me the topest of keks whenever someone says they don't want to post pics cuz they think they're ugly or they're shy. I don't really think the whole gril selfie thing helps that much with gaining followers unless maybe they're taking suggestive pics or something, but I seriously don't see it working for a black girl, but like I said I don't really think it works.
Besides nobody still said where the op pic came from, we don't even know who the artist is, so how did we even get on what they are/aren't doing for gains?

>> No.2021774

>take a photo
>draw outline
>fuck around with blending layers a bit and add some soft gradient/brushstrokes and highlights
>draw the hair
>post on a non-japanese and preferably low-powerlevel weeaboo space (so no one recognizes the model)
>instant success

>> No.2021779

So what are you waiting for to become an overnight success? Should be easy, right?

While you're at it make a money train thread, recruit a bunch of people into a secret group, and copy what sakimi and kr0n is doing because it's so easy.

>> No.2021782

Racism is both good fun, and the result of a robust education.

You don't want to know a world without racism. All the hugging and togetherness would get old very quickly.

>> No.2021783

>Its only on shit holes like 4chan where racism thrives.

has nothing to do with 4chan and everything to do with anonymity. It's not socially acceptable to be racist right now; it gets you fired and outcast from society, ect. But everyone is racist instinctively. Studies show that even people who don't think they're racist actually are on the level of their physiological responses to different races, often more than people who admit they're racist. When someone's anonymous, they're more likely to let their social filters down.

though posting nigger comments on black people's selfies is probably more just trolls than actual expressions of racism. so many people on the internet fly into histrionics over racism; it's just fun to watch.

>> No.2021804
File: 835 KB, 1277x1278, faces of ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2021812

>though posting nigger comments on black people's selfies is probably more just trolls than actual expressions of racism.

It is an actual expression of racism, just not an effective one. It's just an expression for powerless people. Online trolls are powerless people. Which is why they troll online for attention in the first place.

>> No.2021813
File: 11 KB, 256x192, 1404757138461.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP thinks that skill has anything to do with patreon money instead of drama

>> No.2021817

Even if you don't get upset by race themed comments on your selfies, even if you get no comments on your selfies at all, you're not gonna get the kind of attention that supposedly Sakimi and whoever else get from it, so one way or another I still say that shit wouldn't work for a black person.
This is actually hilarious.

>> No.2021818

I agree. Everyone is racist that's why we have to learn to be racist and have good fun wih it, together. Gran Torino style.

The very mindset among most of the shrieking retards who feign tolerance, is pretty much a psychological form of fear-pee. You can read the stockholm syndrome in their every word and action when they start weighing in on issues and leveling blame, oddly enough, almost entirely on the basis of race.

>> No.2021819


>> No.2021833

>Everyone is racist

Everyone has a preference for their own. Everyone isn't out to disenfranchise another group to make sure their group can't be one upped. What's the point of competition if you cripple your opponents before the match? It's like intentionally getting your opponent sick before they enter the ring. It only shows how weak you are.

Racism =/= preference for one own.

>> No.2021865

So is anyone going to ever say where this picture came from?

>> No.2021874

It's pretty obvious Sakimichan did this, just look at all the damage control from all the sakimifags in this thread I wouldn't be surprised if Sakimi herself was doing this, I thought I saw something like this on the "more from deviant art" box with her name on it.

Sakimifags just can't get enough of her dick.

>> No.2021877

My godess Sakimi, WHY? I thought she was based :(

>> No.2021880

But that's not even her signature, is it? She always marks her stuff with a watermark for her webpages too. And I'm not the biggest fan of her work but she doesn't trace. I don't know man, I really don't think this was her. I'm starting to wonder if op or someone op knows made this to test the waters.

>> No.2021966

Yes I also agree with you, so how do you like that, asshole?

Anything seemingly arbitrary that keeps us apart and subsequently makes funny things appear out of thin air, I agree with.

>> No.2021979

Does anyone else remember the times where /ic/ condemned this sort of forced drama?

We're starting to reach /cgl/ in terms of gossiping.

>> No.2021991

Actually I remember /ic/ shitposting and gossiping about other artists for as long as I can remember, the only recent phenomenon to hit /ic/ now is an increase of muh feels thread.

>> No.2021992

that feel when you gotta take a fat shit but you wanna keep drawing.

>> No.2021995

So sexy kawaii desu cutesybeard <3! And dat hair rules!

>> No.2021998

Take it with you duuhh

>> No.2022000

It can't be helped. We relegated actual critique of the users created content to the three/four drawthreads (regular, alternative, beginner and porn), and severely reprehend whoever dares to post outside them. Questions are technically not confined to the questions thread, but most people post them there anyways. Even digital drawing materials can't be discussed, even though most people here draw digitally.
Not much left to do with the rest of the board beside gossiping really.

>> No.2022076

It was obvious to me that it was traced the moment I looked at those rocks.

Look at that smudged-ass texture on the rocks and the sloppy lines on top. NOBODY draws like that. It's impossible to produce such an image with normal workflow.

>> No.2022086

That korean guy who draws Applibot stuff with the girls who are like pudding and crazy breasts achieves pretty much the same results without photo bashing. His finished paintings always look like smudged stuff closed by a strong, unrefined, contour.

>> No.2024202


>> No.2024241
File: 218 KB, 1024x1448, orange__colour_by_sitegg1122-d6x2cb0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy crap

Anybody gonna call him out?

Also, I find the lack of descriptions and comments kinda suspicious, but...

>> No.2024245
File: 5 KB, 247x101, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he aint the real deal

>> No.2024274

I knew something was up.

>> No.2024437


Wowie op do you watch Level up?

>> No.2027634

Not every board is /pol/ /v/ and /b/. The majority of anons aren't like that.

>> No.2027665

Someone recently posted two "draw me" threads here, one with a white guy, the other a black chick. There were negative comments in both but people only drew the guy, in the other one of the first replies was a pic of a gorilla iirc. Look at the current study thread & see how many of the first few posts are shit like "that's not a pretty girl" and worse. I'd say the number of anons who'd leave a negative comment is easily the majority across 4chan but I meant posting selfies on other sites too.
But I regret bringing it up, I didn't want to start this debate.

>> No.2027668

he may just have created the deviantart profile and uploaded the pictures in a batch.

>> No.2027669
File: 36 KB, 340x565, 1363546648499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat anything on girls
Pedo please

>> No.2027730

Is being really good at copying images the same as tracing?

>> No.2027731

Is being really good at drawing from real life the same as copying?

>> No.2027795


>> No.2027817
File: 36 KB, 644x362, 1422828456214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Death is a proper punishment to monetizing tracers.

>> No.2028001

Tbh only reason i didnt draw her was because she chopped off her forehead in the pic.

>> No.2028060

Yeah I saw the couple of comments about the face being cut off. Doesn't change the fact that most of the replies were negative comments about her being black or something to do with race in general, not many were about drawing. They didn't even ask for money or why, like they did in the other thread, they just basically said nig and left. I'm not saying everyone is racist, I'm just saying imo, here and across most the internet the majority of comments on a black person's pic will be negative, whether truly meant or not.

>> No.2028127

I don't know man, what if she can just copy really well? Like, I've copied from a ref really well and had people accuse of tracing as well. It feels really fucking awful when that happens, If she did it by eyeballing it I would be alot more sympathetic.

>> No.2028135

then you're doing it wrong anyway and you should of just traced it.

>> No.2028137

The main reason this seems traced is because of the lines in the body and those indicating the bricks around the pool. They have that rushed, shaky, flat look to them that traced lines tend to have. And anyone who's that good at sight copying to have the face be exactly on point in theory wouldn't have messed up the foreshortening on that index finger. The hair doesn't show the same kind of depth of understanding as the body, the curves follow no sense of gravity and weight and the rendering style there is more like cell-shaded anime while there are implied lines and soft rendering elsewhere, and if they knew how to paint form that well in general it doesn't make sense they'd make the hair so cartoony. Sure nobody has concrete proof but the drop in accuracy of things that were changed vs things that weren't says to me this person doesn't know how to draw well enough to have not traced this.

>> No.2028144

Oh, that makes sense. The only question I have is how do you properly use references?

>> No.2028147

Someone posted a great infographic here that I think explains it perfectly >>2020875

>> No.2028302
File: 135 KB, 1280x848, witch_hunter_larp_costume_by_davio3d-d5pkyq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like your explanation for both.

>> No.2029069

Because humans make mistakes and our perceptions don't allow for photocopy, pixels by pixel reproduction. And some of the information in a photo we don't need, winging it should be good enough. But I'm looking in the back part of the pool where water meets stone and I'm not impressed, it's not an accurate representation of what is really there. Anyways he didn't even bother messing with the area behind the pool, it has been left untouched for the most part and shows through in the "artist's version"

>> No.2030691

where are all these sakimi-chan accusations coming from?
the drawing is not hers, neither the signature.
i get why you get so jealous over her income, but you really gotta calm your shit.

>> No.2030698


Bored kids looking to start shit. Before the advent of computers these would be the kids starting bonfires in the forest or tagging up the local church or some shit.

>> No.2030767
File: 205 KB, 963x1316, 1422079144384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ in terms of gossiping.
exactly why I left /cgl/ when mods banned drama

and then came here