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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2012271 No.2012271 [Reply] [Original]

Questions Thread.

Old thread

>> No.2012389

How does a person determine their skill level?
What are sure signs you're a shit/intermediate/good artist?

>> No.2012396

In order to reach intermediate/good you need to be self aware enough that you will simply know. So if you're asking then you are still beginner.

>> No.2012408

So if I know that I'm a beginner, that actually means I'm a pro?

HAHA time for commissions!

>> No.2012409

What exactly is "symbol drawing"? I have seen these two words a lot of times, but did never see any examples or explanations.

>> No.2012414

i feel that i'm at the point where i can accurately draw from reference by looking at lines, proportions, negative space etc. so the next step is to break apart my references into simple volumes and construct my drawings using those without worrying too much about every small detail. correct?

been starting off by drawing birds and insects and other relatively simple things. any good exercises for getting a good feel for cross-contour lines?

>> No.2012436

When is the best time to say you're open for commissions on deviantart without looking desperate and how much to ask for?

>> No.2012444

How often should I update my Patreon? Am I supposed to update every day? I have it set to charge per content rather than monthly. How do I make my patreon not a failure?

>> No.2012466

When you like it.
Without a doubt of regret or a sense of incompetence.

>birds being drawn as a [v]
>spagetti arms

>> No.2012472



>> No.2012500

Got a near mint condition Aiptek 14000u tablet for 5 bux on a garage sale. Did I do gud?

>> No.2012523

>>>/g/ here
Are there any books that describe facial features in detail or similar. I'd need it for a database I'm currently writing.

>> No.2012530

How many janitors do we got roaming this board? I was always curious to know if the number is small or not.

And if we've had any abuse from them like /v/

>> No.2012531

It's pocket change, so whatever. I cannot imagine it being actually good though; but it's good to have a back-up tablet, even if it's cruddy.
I'd say one at the most. Rarely are threads and posts deleted, unfortunately. As for abuse, no? What happens on /v/?

>> No.2012549

Doing the Peter Han exercises
Will I get straight liens through practice or should I do a certain movement to effectively make lines?
I feel like I'm using mt elbow to much and making them curved.

>> No.2012559

Has anyone figured out how to shot web?

>> No.2012579

Id say 1, and /v/ deservs it

>> No.2012582
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>> No.2012583

Do real life janitors count?
Art degree ftw

>> No.2012645

no matter what skill level you are, the first hurdle you need to overcome is the first time your skill exceeds your eyes ability to find faults with it, i would honestly call you a beginner before this happens, and intermediate after... at least if you are browsing this board its more than likely you gained quite a bit of skill with eye but lurk so much you don't gain much skill.

everyone knows they are a beginner when they start, but the self awareness comes after your skill has exceeded your eye and your eye caught up a few times, basically if you need to be told you are good you still aren't good.

ic has damn near no idea what symbol drawing is and can only point it out in the worst of the worst drawings and be correct...

its suppose to be you draw an eye, but not a real eye or what you see but a representation of what you think you see... understand why its hard to tell you exactly what it is? think shitty cartoons, those are symbols, for the most part. the problem is, once you start drawing what you see, till you get good, it can still look like symbols because you don't have the skill to pull it off yet. fucking hate the term on this site.

update it as often as you feel like it, i would say if people are paying, keep them in the fucking loop... per content you have a tick box that you say THIS IS PAYED CONTENT, apposed to others i believe.

if it works it will be pretty good, if not, you are only out 5$

i do those but i also do them from all directions and make them wavey, if i'm going to pull a good like i want to do it in any direction, not just from right to left as you aren't always able to conveniently move the drawing board.

>> No.2012649

Why Deviant art comments is always so friendly and cheerful? Are they being moderated for negative attitude or something? If you open any entry, even the shittiest one, there is always tons of praise and smiley faces. I mean what's the point, you don't get any critique this way and stay delusional about your mistakes.

>> No.2012652

DA is a fucking hugbox.
A very deciteful way to keep people complacent

>> No.2012654

It's because if they are nice, then they are more likely to get watchers. Also they want to encourage people to keep going and improve. Critique is generally not welcome unless said so.

>> No.2012730

Deviant art is a social media site. The point isn't to be honest but to engage in a community. In every community honesty is shunned and polite lying is the norm. Would you critique someone openly on facebook. I don't. I care to much about how i appear online to do so. That's why level up group is shit. People promote themselves but won't critique others because doing so puts your image at risk. Ic has it's own problem but it at least removes the fear of being honest.

>> No.2012807

That was neither helpful nor did it answer such a simple question.

>> No.2012843

does anyone know of any good tutorials for drawing draping fabric/fabric folds?

>> No.2012980

Using the sticky guide at the moment.

I want to eventually end up in digital art so I assume I need to start with the basics of drawing, right side of the brain, into
Then loomis.
Then fundamentals
Then the digital art tutorials. to learn how the programs itself works that will let me apply the stuff I've learned before that.

Have I got it right or am I missing something?

>> No.2013010

Hey guys, i have been having some problems with drawing bodies, specifically torsos twisting and compresing, as in i am not sure when the ribcage would be noticeable and how the abs/ fat would compress.
I have been looking for pics but i havent found many, probably because at that pose they would look fatter.
So yea any help with that would be awesome

>> No.2013011


>> No.2013012
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Any tips for direct reference sketching?

>> No.2013014

Put your landmarks and figure out proportions before drawing figures, warm up your arm first before sketching nigga.
"Loomis" is a meme for fundamentals. Learn the absolute basics, then continue with your fundamentals using whatever teacher you prefer. Learn how to draw first, then pick up the basics of digital painting (not with Deviantart-tier tutorials, mind you.) Look at sketchbooks online (CA, Permanoobs, etc.) to see what everyone is doing and how they're applying their studies.
Artist's Course Drapery, search it on Google.

>> No.2013033

>Learn how to draw first, then pick up the basics of digital painting
Thanks, it really should have been obvious to me but since it wasn't specifically explained when everything else was it left me hanging.

>> No.2013073

Follow up stupid question, it says to ignore the pseudo science, does that mean I can skip it entirely or should I read it and not think too much about it?

>> No.2013096

How do you get a brush in PS to get the line to be thinest at start and thickest at the end? Or thin at both ends while thick in the middle (like when you stroke a path with simulated pressure)

>> No.2013102

yea, you have to make a throw away account to be 4chan anywhere else on the internet.

people can mod their own shit to some extent and critique can be considered harassment under many definitions you you also risk accounts by doing this.


ok, sense that guys video apparently didn't help... when should you charge? different for many people. look at furry porn, there is autistic sonic levels of bad that people will pay for, but at the same time there is art there that is worlds better that no one will commission for for some reason.

when is the best time... i would say before you have the skill to get a professional job, take note that just level of skill is lower than you think, how do you know when you are there... thats the hard part because you need other people to tell you and the majority of ic is you are either the best or you are worthless when money comes into play so best look elsewhere for that evaluation.

the pseudoscience would be this part of the brain X while this part x so blaa blaa blaa and doesn't go on about useable skills in drawing... basicly anything that cant be applied to art skill skip.


google "touch your toes" or look up artistic pose reference, that should be what you are looking for. artistic poses will probably cover more of your question that touch your toes but one is easier to find.

>> No.2013109

>basicly anything that cant be applied to art skill skip.

Gotcha, these art exercises are a complete bitch. For some reason I just can't get the image to line up, gonna have to redo that spider man and horse like 5 or six times.

>> No.2013114

>when is the best time... i would say before you have the skill to get a professional job, take note that just level of skill is lower than you think, how do you know when you are there... thats the hard part because you need other people to tell you and the majority of ic is you are either the best or you are worthless when money comes into play so best look elsewhere for that evaluation.

Just send one to a company and have them say "no" that will lead to a "yes"

>> No.2013116

Does anybody actually use lazy nezumi?
Is that shit any good at anything?

>> No.2013122

the problem there is, if we take the 10k hour approach, wont hire you till you have 7000 under you, and some are ok with 1000... if you want to do commissions but not do art for a corporation/on payroll for a business.

i dont use it, but its a program that makes lazy mouse in everything if i remember correctly, so as long as it works, yes its fantastic for bringing that function into programs that dont have it.

>> No.2013248

What does it mean to draw 'smart' as opposed to doing it "mindlessly"?

To use an example, let's say I'm doing a self-portrait. How would I be drawing without thinking, as opposed to getting the most out of my study?

>> No.2013261

First ask yourself what are you studying. In the selfportrait case, is it the structure of the head? Perspective? Maybe from certain features? Or perhaps the lighting? Values? Color?
So at the end you will have a self portrait in varying degrees of finished and an answer to one or some of the questions above that will allow you to either, understand it better or come up with another question and another study, etc.
If you only end up with a selfportrait(and assuming that wasnt your goal, as in maybe sell it) then you may have just copied mindelessly(again, not bad if it is your intention)

>> No.2013266

Is direct sunlight warm or cold light ?

>> No.2013268


>> No.2013361

My instructor is big on the whole Straight-Line Construction deal: Only use straight lines. Figure out what angle the contour is making. If it's going downwards at a 45 degree, draw that line at a 45 degree, and so on. Work from Most General to Most detail, slowly carving out shapes from a weird geometric shape.
Find a landmark that you can easily make exact as possible using plumb lines and leveling lines.
Use the model's head to figure out distance between landmarks (Or any other unit that you can find).

Something that I find important to do in the beginning of a drawing is to plan out how large the reference is going to be. Where the topmost part is going to be (Top of the head, etc) and where the lowest point is going to be (Big toe, ankle, etc.). It just helps me keep my objects in check.

Just know this isn't the only way, but I've found that this method really helped my Observation skills. It doesn't really help your Imaginative and Construction skills though, so idk what you're going for.

>> No.2013365
File: 97 KB, 500x666, NjIoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a Bob Ross for Drawing?
I just watched a documentary on him and was curious if there was anyone else that is more of a Draftsman than a Painter, but still makes drawing seem like fun?

>> No.2013367

Should I draw outlines by hand, or use the line tool after I have the preliminary sketch down? Figure drawing.

>> No.2013371

What are the best exercises you've found to improve your understanding of light?

>> No.2013385

Sounds like you haven't heard of pappyland.

>> No.2013395
File: 21 KB, 300x229, fanclub05-300x229_zps6ed7a4ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2013415

>Having held military positions that required him to be, in his own words, "mean" and "tough," "the guy who makes you scrub the latrine, the guy who makes you make your bed, the guy who screams at you for being late to work," Ross decided that if he ever moved on from the military, he would never scream again.


>> No.2013420

that is for early children, like 5 or younger... i think the guy was talking about something like where bob ross would make more or less something sellable within 30 minutes, something that if you did it yourself you could probably proudly display it, someone from a newbie to the mediums perspective looks damn near impossible but churns it out good in a low amount of time...

to that end i would probably way watts is close, what he does in 5 minutes would take most here an hour if they could even come close.

probably also vilppu, watch him take a rag and gesture to what he calls a finished drawing and tell me you don't feel like you could do it that easily too.

if anyone knows better post em as this is interesting me the more i think about it.

playing with light in a 3d program inst a bad way to go,

>> No.2013443

To the guy who helped me in the last thread:
It turns out the cintiq companion hybrid 16gb is $1050, not $1150. It's an extra $150 for twice the space, but you can put a micro sd card in it. Soooo not worth the extra caash in my opinon. I'm just going to buy the smaller one (16gb)

>> No.2013452

How and where can I learn basic shapes and solid construction?

>> No.2013500

The next time I here someone say "feel the flow" I'm going to snap the neck of a squirrel.

>> No.2013521
File: 636 KB, 655x900, a7205fef89ea2d8abcb185c01b343b5c-d8l7ynk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i render like this?
Or at least try to
How do you pick such colours?

>> No.2013556

before you go in, make sure everything is the same because 150$ more for 16gb is retarded even by apples standards.

honestly, once you understand it the terms make sense, till than it sounds retarded.

think of it like the word cute... there isnt a fucking way you can explain it to someone who doesn't know the word, but you try to do it in the way that makes sense.

ok see all that detail in the chest, remove that as its not form fitiing at all, its just there in a lazy way.

lets also fuck the lense flairs and sparkles
than there is a comatic aberration later that is abused i believe.

you got some stupid lines and scribbles that are more or less just decoration, not causing light to flow back into it.
than you have the flairs on the head that aren't flowing with the hair, there may be something above it but its not clear... you also have some

ok, the only places to pay attention to are the face and some of the hair. everything else is fairly basic with so much shit thrown on top of it that it looks complex.

if it wasnt for the obvious watermark this would be an image i glance at and look away, but god damn... that makes me hate the image in is entirety even before i go in and break it down...

>> No.2013596

where should i look up how circles on spheres work (like the eye for example)?

>> No.2013603

medical texts, if you want the info easier, how to draw eyes in google should return decent tutorials.

>> No.2013604
File: 105 KB, 1300x1390, red-dotted-ball-classic-white-dots-traditional-children-s-games-air-filled-elastic-44199988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i meant some explanation on shit like this

>> No.2013612

Offhand, I'd say as a practical matter you should just simplify the surface into a disco-ball style polygon and draw the ellipse into the appropriate square.

Or eyeball it until it feels right.

If you really want the nitty gritties about this subject though, start looking up Escher's work on circle/sphere limits and stuff on curvilinear perspective.

>> No.2013618

im not following you...

if you mean how it reflects shit i believe that is called 4 point perspective, if you are talking about how lets say those dots wrap around the surface, you may want to look into a 3d modeling program and some pre modeled spheres, it will give you a grasp of what you are doing or what you need to do faster...

hell, get zbrush, make a sphere, sub surface it to 1-20 million pollies, and make a single brush indent into it, and rotate the thing around to see how it changes.

>> No.2013631

yeah it was the dots warping around, i watched proko's eye tutorial and it somewhat covered the topic very basically.

>> No.2013691

I'm finding that if I color in photoshop using the color blending layer, the shade ends up being lighter than what it should be.
Am I doing something wrong or is this just the way it is?

>> No.2013695

yea, proko has skill but he refuses to really teach and yet he still plays at it.

you may be able to do what i said in blender, though i wouldn't push it passed 5 million pollies in that, turning the object around while you cause a hole in it would be a good way to see how shit wraps around it... you could also do polypainting, 4 millionish polies would make a fairly defined esge if you used... i think its called geospheres... the ones where its not cut into squares but triangles, that way it doesn't have everything coalescing into one point at the top and spreads the polycount out through the whole thing... you wont be 3d modeling so its not an issue to you that its not in quads, you are just using it as a tool to learn.

if you want to spend some money, go to a toy store and get a rubber ball, preferably something shiney and some dry erase markers

>> No.2013713

I really want to get prisma colored pencils, but as a beginner, how many colors should I get? Do I start of with more basic colors or just get a ton of them to have every colors?
Also what is the blending process like?

>> No.2013725

Does anyone have tips for staying motivated on a piece throughout the time I'm working on it?

One of the most commons problems I have on my personal projects is that when I start I'm really into it and giving the piece a lot of care and attention. As the process draws on though and I've been working on it for several hours I tend to get a bit "bored" with the piece though and tend to rush it just to get it over with because I just want to start fresh on a new project. How can I keep myself motivated to work hard all the way to the end of a piece?

>> No.2013738
File: 93 KB, 558x295, efvfev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am supposed to do a model of a neat tent, but I'm all out of inspiration, or sources of inspiration

So give me some good sites with pictures of neat tents, models, drawings, photo, anything counts.

>> No.2013742

Watercolor is too hard and messy, pencil looks like shit, markers are too expensive, and the cheap ones suck. What other kind of coloring on paper should I try before giving up on coloring without a computer?

>> No.2013744

All of those things you said... They just take practice. Except the cheap marker part. I agree with you on that. A poormans cintiq is $45 - $150 (or up to the $400s but then you could just save and get a cintiq)
Medium sized, off screen tablets are $50 (try the CTH-661)

>> No.2013745

Chalk pastels can be really nice on the right paper

>> No.2013747

Could try pastels or something, but you'll probably hate that too.

You can't just do what the fuck ever with traditional media, like you can with Photoshop. You have to learn the mediums quirks, its limitations, what it's good at what it's bad at, and how to handle it.

Traditional media can be messy, and there's a learning curve. Who knew?

>> No.2013755

You what m9? That's 1/5th of the actual price. You sure you're not thinking of Monoprice?

>> No.2013773

do you know how to work with color at all? any other medium?

just fucking stop and do a new thing... theres no harm in having multiple projects. if you have some severe add, i would probably work on making a style that fits with you attention span.

if you know what you are doing, there is no reason why you should not have a fairly complete work within 15-30 minutes. it may be a little rough, but still everything you would need to covery would be there.

what is this for?

dude... stick with watercolor and google some people who do simpler watercolor shit, and try to replicate it.
can you take a picture of your materials and why you think its so messy? it may be how you are handling it or the materials themselves.

huion h610, monoprice also upped their game so i don't know what the quality is but i think they brought their base line up to what huion puts in the h610...

also, there are no 45-150$ cintiq like monitors, those are what non intous tablets cost, as for the 400$, the cheapest cintiq is 1000$ and the cheapest one thats worth a damn is 2000$

monoprice puts out a fairly ok looking monitor and i think its the only one with digital inputs and not vga, though i dont know whats inside it, if its uclogic, its probably worth it, other than that, there is that y company that i can never remember, but there stuff has a fair amount of lemons if what people report are to be believed.

>> No.2013777

oh, one more thing, you when you try pastels/chalk, try using them with a brush. the blick compressed charcoal i got says they are pastells on the box... if this is what colored pastels are like, using it with a brush should be pretty fun.

>> No.2013782

I mean a "poor man's cintiq." I got a lenovo thinkpad x60 tablet. It runs clip studio paint, photoshop cs4, and paint tool sai. I got it for $55 on ebay. Unfortunately, I used it so much and the screen is extremely yellowed now. You get get newer ones for more.

>> No.2013784

>there is that y company that i can never remember, but there stuff has a fair amount of lemons if what people report are to be believed.

How many pressure levels?

>> No.2013788


I bought one for about $50. They might have been $500 when they first came out

>> No.2013791

I think like 1000 something. I can't remember. I have only done one thing digitally in the two months because of my tablet screen becoming extremely yellow. I enjoyed using it. It felt very nice. The pen reminds me of a mechanical pencil, or perhaps the bamboo pad's pen.

>> No.2013792

Since we're talking about Huion, mine arrived today. It works alright but it has a super annoying bug on photoshop where it doesn't recognize the full stroke and just does something similar to an Alt+click sometimes. I have to change a setting back and forth for it to go away, sometimes it takes a long time to get back to normal.

Anyone know about this? What do?

Also, is there any way to scroll easily with it, like you would do with a Wacom?

>> No.2013794
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>do you know how to work with color at all? any other medium?
Not really. I tried digital stuff a long time ago.
Example of my shit shading with just a pencil...

inb4 read the sticky and use a reference. I have and I did.

>> No.2013795

Also what the hell is a yongonou whatever

>> No.2013796

Is its screen the standard soft TFT LCD? If it's a normal laptop screen, I imagine putting pressure on it with a fine point would break it.

Chinese tech company.

>> No.2013800

You just need more practice is all. I personally really enjoyed using acrylic when I first started. I like watercolor but i suck at it and don't get to use it as often. You just need practice.

>> No.2013801

>I like watercolor but i suck at it and don't get to use it as often.
That's a good a reason as any to practice in your free time.

>> No.2013802

yes, I know? I want to learn colors though. I'm the one who was asking about the prisma color pencils.

>> No.2013805


I should have been more specific about my problem, sorry.
I draw since ever, but only in black and white, recently I wanted to find a way to ad color to my work, I wanted something that could give me uniform shade to to my drawing (so I discarded pencil, couldn't get a solid look it doesn't matter how much I tried, I'm afraid the same would happen with chalk. Or can I get the desired result with a smoother paper?) Then I borrowed some markers from a friend, the result was almost exactly what I was looking for, but I don't have this much money, watercolors also gave me a nice uniform color, but I can barely keep them inside the lines, and this is very frustrating.

That's it, I don't want to be a great painter, I just want to fill my shapes with some color, I'm just doing a simple line work with a nanquim pen and trying different techniques.

>> No.2013809

Buy or make a blending stump, use it to rub the pencil into the paper. Outside of that, non-solid shading is part of the medium.

>> No.2013813


Just read up on it. I didn't have trouble using it at all. I just had to update the drivers. I used it strictly for drawing. I used it about 6 hours a day and kept the battery out because i was afraid of it ruining it (My dad suggested i do that.) I think it is really fun and I am sad that it can't be used. The yellowed problem isn't just the screen, by the way. It sucks because I thought I could just use grayscale, but anything brighter than gray 10% was completely white and anything darker than 80 something gray would be black. Everything is screwed up with it. I recommend buying a newer lenovo tablet (the x60 is from 2006 or 2005 and the one I got was well used)

Yes I love to do it but I also got the spectrum noir markers for christmas and a lot of prismacolor markers. I am having fun with those. I practice with watercolor maybe once a week and I draw every day. I hope to improve.

Why not just get a small amount of everything? Like 1-3 copic or prismacolor markers, a try-out set of paints, a small pack of prismacolor pencils.... Etc. Then you can decide what you like. You can always borrow from friends, too. Look online for cheaper prices.

>> No.2013819

Oh yeah also how can I work on composition? I feel like some of my drawings are unbalanced and that I used the same composition each time, even if I plan it out ahead of time.

>> No.2013824

>I recommend buying a newer lenovo tablet
Looking at videos of the "Thinkpad Tablet 2" right now, looks pretty interesting for the price. It'd be nice to have something I can use when I'm not at my computer.

>> No.2013827

Im the one buying the cintiq companion hybrid by the way. Last thread I was hesitant to get it because I am not making money off of my art and don't really want to. Also there are tons of people that are better than me. However, I know I will use it every day and have very much fun with it, so I do not think it is a waste anymore. Others said it is okay, too. I got to use my husband's x41 tablet (so slow) for two weeks and i accidentally kinda killed it.... I used it so much and it isn't usually turned on for more than two hours. That was used even more than the x60 i had. Good thing I bought him that cth661. He never uses the x41 anyways.

>> No.2013833


Well watercolors or markers are definitely your best bet then. Dunno too much about markers, but with practice you can get what you want with watercolor.

To keep it within the lines, apart from some "git gud" you can also use masking fluid and/or get some Titanium White gouache to cover-up mistakes.

Mostly though, you'll just wanna practice and learn the right speed to work at. You can't go too slow or the paint will dry up, but there's no need to go so fast that you get sloppy either. Planning helps a lot too, breaking your painting into "sections" so you can do one spot at a time at a calm pace.

>> No.2013922

my eyedrop wont pick the fucking color. whats going on here. cs5 if it matters

>> No.2013925

never mind figured it out.

>> No.2013929

okay maybe not. so theres a button just above the foreground/background swatches on the left toolbar that apparently switches them. its automatically painting with the background color and the eyedropper picks a color for the background. if i click the button, it switchs to the foreground color but when i pick another color is switches back again. help.

>> No.2013932

I've been drawing seriously for a month now. But now I'm starting to falter; I'm no longer practicing every day, and when I do practice it's for smaller periods of time. I'm burning out but I want to improve. How to?

Do I take it slower for a few days or what?

To give you an idea of what kind of work I was doing in that month: http://ralrom.tumblr.com/

>> No.2013934

Okay now it refuses to pick the brush tool and always switches to the eraser when I get the pen in range. When I just click with the mouse, it has the brush selected.

The fuck do I do now? I have the latest drivers installed from the HUION site, not the CD that came with the tablet.

>> No.2013935

Close photoshop and reopen it.

>> No.2013939

I tried it and it kept happening. Is this going to happen a lot? It's working now but I had to tweak some random settings as usual and disable the soft keys from the program.

>> No.2013948

yea your shit isn't great but thats not the point...

in all honesty i would suggest a different medium instead of colored pencils if only because it can be a pain in the ass and you need a lot of colors to do it properly.

someone else said it, watercolor... its hard to get good at, but is one of the cheaper mediums and probably the easiest to blend... colored pencils have always been... annoying, yes thats it, to me. when you put one color down and want to adjust its kind of hard because nothing really picks them up well and if you have to much of one color down they tend to not want to also be put down on the paper. its solved with knowing the medium better but thats a skill i never really felt like learning.

what paper are you using?

now, you may want to look into this, water color pencils... they are a bit more expensive, but may be able to fill crap in the way you want without relying to heavily on the water aspect.

but seriously, the fucks your paper?

>> No.2013951 [DELETED] 

check on board hotkeys, make sure none of them are pressed down... those buttons aren't exactly the best things ever made, and make sure you aren't accidentally hitting the number hotkeys...

also, try a different program and see if its glitching the same way.


well the problem probably stems from you have a full fucking page of spoons. you also attempted perspective... ok... here you go

1) knock the spoons off, sure its an ok exercise but you are feeling like you are burning out and your idea was to draw a full page of spoons?

2) knock the perspective shit off,

>> No.2013953

Quick tablet question:
>Is pressure sensitivity that big of a deal?
>Is side tilt worth it?

Thinking of getting a new Intuos pen and touch at 1024 pressure levels instead of Intuos pro's 2048.

My old one was at 512 levels, which wasn't noticeable and I don't really give a shit about the side buttons.

Intuos pro seems p cool but it's gigantic for such tiny active drawing space. Is it really worth it?

>inb4 huion or other chinese tablets
battery life pens sounds terrible

>> No.2013955

>>inb4 huion or other chinese tablets
>battery life pens sounds terrible
No. Active-power pens have a battery life of thousands of hours.

>> No.2013956

went to resize the window and hit submit by accident.

check on board hotkeys, make sure none of them are pressed down... those buttons aren't exactly the best things ever made, and make sure you aren't accidentally hitting the number hotkeys...

also, try a different program and see if its glitching the same way.


well the problem probably stems from you have a full fucking page of spoons. you also attempted perspective... ok... here you go

1) knock the spoons off, sure its an ok exercise but you are feeling like you are burning out and your idea was to draw a full page of spoons?

2) knock the perspective shit off, do one page a day where you focus on boxes than the next day do cylinders and the day after pyramids and cones, just one page a day than every 4th day, do a page of nothing but a cube, connected to a sphere, connected to a cylinder, connected to a sphere connected to a cone flat side, and than another conte but connect it by the tip and work backwards till you are at box again, and every one of these have go off in a different direction. than repeat from the beginning... thats the most perspective you should do, as its simple but bitch work that will cause burnout like nothing else.

3) knock rendering off, if you need a single shade value to represent shadow go for it, but you want drawing skill not god damn render skill right now... same thing, fuck the color too...

stick to practicing at least 1 hour a day for a month and make it a habit. make it feel wrong not to practice, your goal right now isn't to get better though that would help, the goal is to make yourself feel a need to practice every day.

not really... you do notice a jump from 512 to 2048 but its not an "i just saw the light of god" moment
as for tilt, depend on the program and what you map it to, it can be useful but most see it as meh.
and as for active power... get 2 AAA rechargeables, never without one and they last long

>> No.2013959

>thousands of hours
Which is basically a couple months? versus one that never runs out?

idk man, I'm not looking for a cheap alternative, just an efficient one that isn't the size of a children's desk.

>> No.2013966

>Which is basically a couple months? versus one that never runs out?
Are you really saying changing a fucking battery is that much of an issue?

It takes about one minute to change the battery. It also gives a nice weight to the pen that you'll stop noticing after using it for a bit.

>> No.2013970

>Which is basically a couple months?
The pen isn't on constantly.

there is literally no downside to a battery-operated pen.

>> No.2013976

H610 pro seems cool with the rechargable pen and all but I don't want a tablet with obscure problems/bugs to be honest. You get what you pay for basically.

I'mma get the wacom lol.

>> No.2013978

>You get what you pay for basically.
An excellent tablet for a portion of Wacom's money-grubbing price?

>> No.2013982

>Is side tilt worth it?
tilt is great for resizing the brush, while pressure deals with opacity. Corel Painter does that in their "real" brushes: feels nice, allows more control, is very intuitive, and is less straining for your changing-brush-size-hand.

that said, photoshop ain't capable of doing that shit, so you'll end up using the tilt thing rarely, if ever.

>> No.2013990
File: 68 KB, 255x205, OhTheHumanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I landed a job at a big-name company that will be enough financially to keep me stable, should I stay in art school?

Does art school really matter if I can just study really hard and create a kickass portfolio in much less time and money? Sure, art school is great for connections, but I feel that if I got off my ass and actually met with some people, I can achieve the same thing that an art school promises me in four years. Is a degree really that worth it?

I'm talking hypothetical, of course.

>> No.2013991

I'm the anon with the new Huion and the bugs. If you want my opinion, don't get it. I don't know if there's a workaround for all these, but if you have the money just go with a Wacom.

>> No.2014004

No one gives a shit about an art degree. If your work is fucking great, or you pump out more art than you piss in a day, they will take you.

>> No.2014007

How important is punctuality for commissions? I've done about a dozen commissions each completed within 3 weeks. But I've seen plenty of other artists not finish their commission for months but people still pay. Does finishing them quickly really change the consumer's attitude in any way? Or should I just not care?

>> No.2014012

People are more likely to commission you again and tell others if you get it done sooner.

>> No.2014079

Is there any good way to learn coloring/shading/rendering line art? I have got to a point where I can do some pretty respectable line art and they actually look quite good and acceptable to me. Whenever I try and color, shade it, paint it, whatever - it looks like absolute ass. I actually get pissed off with how much worse it looks.

If its shading with a pencil and paper its no problem. But any kind of coloring/blending/rendering on photoshop or whatever program I've tried is just complete and utter failure in every definition of the word. I want so much to bring my creations to life with color or shading but I've yet to have any success.

Is there any good tutorials, or anything? I've watched countless artists stream their own work and they do it so effortlessly but none of the ones I've watched commentate or explain so I just have to try and guess and it hasn't worked. Please help!

>> No.2014081

Social shit?

Some people like me are hermits.

>> No.2014085

How do I get straight lines? I'm not talking large straight lines, I'm talking that I want to fit in 10 parallel lines within an inch block using a pen. Always comes out looking like I have Parkinson's, glasses on or off. Doesn't matter how tight I hold the pen.

The other thing I'm wondering, is how do you guys place your necks? There's a bunch of emphasis on getting the shape of the head, and I think I'm getting better at it, but how do you place the edges of the neck? I'm just eyeballing and guessing randomly, but they always appear too thick, too thin, or shifted off to one side or another until I chicken scratch the shit out of it and erase the offending areas.

I've tried tracing down the centerline of the head to form the spine and extend forward from that, although I'm not quite sure when the base of the head ends and the top of the neck begins, as nothing on constructing the head ever seems to go into too much detail there.

Finally, is working big actually useful? I've pretty much worked small (as in doodling in class instead of paying attention) in less that 6x6 inch squares for practically my whole life.

When I go big I just throw down some really loose lines, but then I feel like I'm missing everything, and nothing feels as tight or in the correct place. tl;dr tips for working big. (In this case, big for me is like 8.5x11, standard letter size)

>> No.2014089

You are always a beginner until you realize you're shit. Then you are intermediate.

You become advanced when you still think your art is shit, but look at it and can't find anything wrong.

>> No.2014092

>Would you critique someone openly on facebook.
I do this shit all the time in real life and on facebook

tell people exactly what I think

>> No.2014095

Work smaller, or just say "fuck it" and work on a new one.

Go through your old shit once in a while.

>> No.2014098

So you want a solid flat color?

Blending stumps, coarse paper, soft chalk pastels.

You can try oil pastels, they're like tacky crayons, but more annoying and I don't think they'd give that smooth flat shade you're trying to do.

>> No.2014101

How do you stop your eyes getting hazy and unfocused when trying to focus on value painting?

Even with a mid-grey background my eyes start hurting. White bg kills me.

>> No.2014102

Maybe you need glasses!

>> No.2014103

squint. Take glasses off if you wear them, or just look over the brim.

It helps to unfocus all the details and leave you with little blobs of various shades.

>> No.2014106

You're working on a computer, right? Take breaks for your eyes, make sure your room is well-lit.
>White bg kills me.
It kills everyone.

>> No.2014108

>>White bg kills me.
>It kills everyone
Not me. I almost always use a white background while sketching.

>> No.2014109

>black background
>draw in white
>invert entire picture when done


>> No.2014111

Any good lineart/pencil artists that draw mechanical stuff to look out for?

Took a break from organic stuff like humans to draw stuff like cars/motorcycles and planes.

>> No.2014112

I feel like completely black would be bad, too. Maybe like 85% gray

>> No.2014113

>invert entire picture when done

Or don't. Dat scratchboard style.

>> No.2014116

Anybody PLEASE? This would help me so much.

>> No.2014119

Sorry i feel so sad because I do not know how to help :c

>> No.2014120

Just draw your line backwards.

>> No.2014125

turn on pen pressure for size

Then draw your line with light pressure at the start and hard pressure near the end.

>> No.2014142
File: 267 KB, 3264x2448, DSC_0116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do into twisting forms like sycra does?
my forms always come out impossible.

>> No.2014153
File: 11 KB, 826x672, twisting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your forms come out impossible because you are twisting sheets of paper.

Instead of an X in the center, it ought to be more of a yʎ sort of shape.

tl;dr give it thickness

horrific mspaint attached for example

>> No.2014169

but cloth folds could look like this too not only impossible paper

>> No.2014173

What the fuck are you on a bout m8
its sakiimichan or something art work. She swims in money from paintings like this

>> No.2014180

and that makes what i said less true how?
dude makes 34000$ every month, and thats less to do with his skill and more to do with what his subject matter is.
fact of the matter is i think it looks like crap and i gave my reasons why, the person wants to know how to render like this, well i fucking told them whats going on in this image, how most of the retail is fake ot looks like shit (see the left breast and the reflections that don't bend with the form as an example, and all the "ohh shiney" bits everywhere that have nothing to do with the drawing or rendering aspect and are thrown on at the end to make it look more busy.

the only places where you can learn in this image is the face and the hair... possibly the right hand, but because of so many shortcut decisions he made its hard to tell if that areas worth looking at in detail anyway.

he gets his dick sucked in the way of 17K every two weeks, i dont need to add to that if i dont like the work.

yea, huion/uclogic constantly fix their software issues, while wacom if you have one will sit on their dicks for 4+ years because they have "no competition"

they both have severe problems, one company is chinese and trying, one company got patents and jerked off in a corner for so long everyone else is catching up if not surpassed in the tablet market...

if you get the wacom, don't get the glorified bamboo and get the real intuos, or pay 1/5th the price or less and get a huion thats damn near the same quality outside of the initial driver setup.

cant argue with you if you have a bad experience, but if you want to go with price range, one is 50-70$ the other is 300-400$ and your issues are likely either photoshop related or the initial driver setup related. go through their tech support and they will either get the drivers working properly or they send you a new tablet.

>> No.2014183


there are some positions that care about the degree, and the connections can be VERY helpful, a big name studio pays out more than you would think for even the lower end jobs, thanks sony leak for that info.

the question for us is what does your school cost, and do they have decent classes/teachers.

fast or slow, if you are shitty to the customer they are shit back, if you are slow and are really kind and accommodating, its less likely they are going to get pissed at you.

post a before and after, we may be able to see where you are going wrong.
i have a few ideas but an example would make me sure.
angin like always, preferably something you did for practice and not personal

first, unless its an exercise to improve skill, use a ruler
with the neck... look up real people and focus on the cranium (ball) and how that would flow into the neck (cylinder) and do that in your drawings... cranium measurements line up with a crap ton of skeletal landmarks so it wont be used just for the neck measurements once you get use to it
feel the back of your head and trace the center down to the spine, you feel that first pit it may be subtle, but its there, thats where the head turns into the spine.
it allows you to make smaller mistakes and still not fuck a drawing up, and allows you to draw with your whole arm instead of just the wrist more effectively.
google prokos pencil video, thats how you hold the pencil, also get some pencils with thick leads in them so they dont break... i use prismacolor ebony that you can buy in 12 packs.

friends hated when i did that because they than saw the mistakes too... good thing my friends wanted to get better.

when you do it digitally, you are just working the other way around, instead of putting the blacks and dark areas down, you are working with white and making the area lighter, no reason it shoudl turn otu scratchboardy unless you do that on purpose

>> No.2014187

check out other programs, the pen tool in one of them is FAR more advanced than photoshop and i beleive does what you want... however i forget the programs name.

try drawing a cube, and rotate the top 90 degrees and for the line going to the top make sure its an s curve...

when you are doing the twisting, make sure you have a definite form that you understand and when you are starting out, just make the twists simple...


assuming the person is thinking in 3d here the top one looks like its wrong when you don't know its right

think a 3d program here, make a plane with a 5x5 grid than twist it and plot the grid again... that sould help with visualizing it.

>> No.2014191

By working from source material

>> No.2014198
File: 65 KB, 1000x500, badshading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't really have any good examples of before and after (and almost all of my work is personal right now). I just quickly shaded a sphere as an example, this is pretty much how any of my digital shading or coloring ends up looking.

>> No.2014200

Inspect other peoples' work. Don't just look, examine. Look for things they're doing and you're not. Look at how they use saturation and desaturation. Aside from that, read, read, and read some more from your art book of choice.

>> No.2014202

i think i see where you are going wrong... the reason i say dont post personal work is because some people try to defend it or being told its complete shit makes them question what they are even trying to do...

if you are ok with that, post something you don't give a shit about if possible... my solution could be simple, but id like to see if my assumption is correct before i go on.

>> No.2014207
File: 101 KB, 1000x500, badcoloring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don't care about any of that. I'm well aware my digital work is shit (I'm new at it, what more would I expect) I just want to get better. This is probably the only actual example I have so hopefully its enough to get some insight.

Any book recommendations? I have no books or readings of any kind that covers digital art at all.

>> No.2014221
File: 1.60 MB, 2829x4000, 280037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, you are trying to hard when you go for hair... thats a motherfucker for even people who are good to do convincingly.
yea i get where you are at... ill leave out the loomis and all the bullshit that goes along with it, even though i think you should still be focusing on drawing instead of rendering.

for now whats most off in the hair is you don't know where to put the highlights and you don't know how to texture them right/get the illusion of texture right... looking at the sphere, i can only imagine what a flattish surface would look like...

for now, fuck the soft shading shit. you will practice that on your own trying to get colors to smoothly blend into each other without smudge tools, opacity, or flow.

pic related, this is what you should try to do for not... i don't know how much you like the aesthetic but he has clear shading, multiple levels of it, and its all through hard lines, if you wanted to take that image you could easily smooth out the shading a bit and get a more or less correct image. try doing this for now... you may not like it because of colors you pick.

heres a top on how to... every color make a new layer. 1 for the base layer which is a flat color, line work on top, and than bits and pieces inside get selected and worked with on a mask layer, the polygonal selection tool will be a major help here.

i dont know how much you know about colors and what works well together, but you may also want to study up on that too... sorry that i cant really point you in a good direction there.

im not sure what your end goal is base don the image you gave me, but work baby steps to there... 1 color, than 2 color shading, and so on so forth till its to much work picking the inbetweens and blending them together would be easier...

>> No.2014481

How many times should you draw a given thing before it sticks? Somethings I just draw almost from muscle memory, other things I struggle with so there has to be a way to get things to commit to memory.
>e.g I struggle with legs so I draw legs 50-100 times a day, will that work?

>> No.2014482

Can anyone tell me what kind of pen is being used in this video at 1:40?


I've used a sakura pigma brush pen and a similar one by prismacolor, I think, and they were both awful. The tips were destroyed after less than an hour of drawing.

>> No.2014494

a better look at the pen is at 6:25

>> No.2014503

That's true, but given they have the proprietary technology that is objectively superior. We have no choice to bend over and take one up the ass if we want said technology.

This isn't like Appel where you pay more for the brand when the other alternatives offer the same technology.

>> No.2014504

If you draw from muscle memory, then you're going to have a hard time. You can learn to draw legs, hands, etc in different poses and memorize them all and make them look polished and nice, but that won't teach you anything about anatomy.

The best way to learn drawing is to draw from life. Learn to critically observe what's in front of you and what's around you. If you can draw objects in 3d space, then build solid understanding of anatomy and perspective on top of that, you can draw anything.

To answer your question, drawing the same few legs 50-100 times a day will get you really good at drawing those particular legs in those exact poses, but if you draw still lifes, get people to pose for you, attend drawing classes, and build your fundamentals, you can draw anything! Professionals don't work from muscle memory. it helps, but to be a true artist, you have to draw from your head

>> No.2014575

I've been looking through this board and I don't see anything about drawing tablet recommendations. Affordability is not the question here, what is the absolute best?

>> No.2014578


>> No.2014579

What are good warm up exercises?

>> No.2014640

thats what i was hoping to avoid. id like to turn off the pressure sensitivity completely and always vary the thikness as described by itself

>> No.2014687

I'm just starting fun with a pencil, never drew in my life, and I can't draw correctly the lines in the balls. They always look wrong, they don't make any sense.

Is drawing a ball supposed to be this fucking hard? Do I just keep drawing balls until they look decent or do I try to go on with the book?

>> No.2014697
File: 677 KB, 1150x699, 035_143_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted this in another thread. This isn't something to aspire to. This drawing is garbage. As for picking colors, just fucking google "color theory" and take the time to research different color palettes. Study drawings and paintings that actually make good use of color.

>> No.2014784

any ideas as to what folder a pirated copy of cs5 would be in? im trying to install some brush packs

>> No.2014789

oh nevermind im all kinds of potato today

>> No.2015041

looks like a brush tip, dont know if its real or fake but if you want that may as well go with the pentel one.

um... it kind of is unless you want tilt and require a batteryless pen.

depends... for tablet the absolute best is wacom, but thats 5X minimum the cost of alternatives are as good when it comes to drawing, wacom only inches out the win there by many pen types that can be useful, id still go uc logic based on on principal.

if you want monitors... wacom use to have issues with heat and the alternatives did not. im not sure how it changed, but wacom also has driver issues there too that they don't fix for years on end... but if i had the money to burn i would get the biggest non touch monitor.

see if you can map size to scroll wheel and do it that way.

>> No.2015048

what the fuck is loomis and why does /ic/ always mention it?
i really have no idea and i tried searching, nothing

>> No.2015075

Read the sticky
And that's Andrew Loomis, to you.

>> No.2015089

Alright thanks for the help. I think you are definitely correct that I need to focus more on drawing over rendering, but I struggle so much in leaving a drawn image the way it is, it just looks unfinished to me.

I will definitely try out that style of shading though, it seems much more tuned to my skill level and I can always transition to other styles later on. I think you are right in saying that its more important to know where to place the highlights/shadows than simply to get good technique in blending them.

Thanks again for the advice, I still have a lot to learn.

>> No.2015142

Do any of you use mechanical pencils for your pencil work? I've been using one for a couple months now and I love it.

>> No.2015198

I use it for sketching and for light shading. I use .05 lead. What do you use?

>> No.2015207

I use .5mm too.

>> No.2015212
File: 1.27 MB, 800x828, picpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a straight up beginner, what would be the book to start first?

1. Keys to Drawing / Bert Dodson
2. Fun with A Pencil / Andrew Loomis

>> No.2015214

Cool.what do you draw

>> No.2015222

Why is /ic/ dead?

>> No.2015225

I feel like during summer and fall, it is way more active. I'm not sure why. I really wish it wasnt. I want to get critics. Lots of my friends just say it good and move on.

>> No.2015226

We're too busy drawing princesses and mushroom girls to post on this faggot board.

>> No.2015238

Are there other art communities besides tumblr and deviantart that are worth going to?

>> No.2015244

Anything outside of /ic/ is one big circle-jerk

>> No.2015249


>> No.2015253
File: 46 KB, 600x512, 1414941234883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does perspective work

Seriously though, there's no horizon to have Vanishing points on. You couldn't have a ground plane. So how would it work?

I haven't thought too deep into it, the idea popped into my mind just a second ago, so don't kill me if it's a stupid question.

>> No.2015256

>implying /ic/ isn't one

>> No.2015261

It's really not, it goes from medium to harsh critiques but you rarely hear something positive.

>> No.2015262

>don't kill me if it's a stupid question
Do not fear, this is the best place to ask stupid questions

It all depends on the point of view doesn't it? just make an imaginary horizon line/vps

>> No.2015270

Your actual eye level I guess.

>> No.2015278

It still works the same for the most part. There's no literal horizon, but parallel lines will still meet up in the distance at an imaginary horizon line at your eye level.

The one thing that's really different is the complete lack of atmospheric perspective. Meaning things won't get dimmer or grayer the farther they are from you--the values of something up close you will have the same exact contrast as it would a thousand miles away. So that really messes with your sense of depth, as something far away will look much smaller and closer than it actually is.

>> No.2015286

Not really a question but I'm trying to find this painting done by some female contemporary artist, it was a portrait of a female face and drawn ontop was the sameface a bit higher up. I think the only colored part was her hand in a very bright red. Does anyone remember this? I saw it on this board a while ago.

>> No.2015295

When creating flash files with Adobe Flash, do the files got (hidden) informations in them, that reveals who created it? Like create two complete different files and there is something like a generated serial code of the creating programm? Dont want dirty stuff i create to be traceable to the regular stuff i create.

>> No.2015451

what are the GOAT perspective tutorials I should download?

I've got Scott Roberson's book but I learn better from video.

>> No.2015454
File: 320 KB, 2473x2530, 47358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people normally raise their tablets upwards? Like for intuos?

I'm trying to figure out if I draw better if it's like a few millimeters upwards.

>> No.2015532

Put a book under the top. Try drawing like that for a few days and see if you like it

>> No.2015537

Scott Robertson is garbage on perspective, don't listen to him.

In terms of videos, get NMA's Erik Olsen series on perspective, it's up on cgp.

The handprint guide is the best written tutorial on perspective. A bit less technical but still very good is Joseph D'Amelio's book on perspective.

For beginners as an introduction, Norling and Rex Vicat Cole are good.

>> No.2015557

is there a site or something that allows you to rotate a sphere with two lines perpendicular to each other? (Now really perpendicular in a sphere but you get the point)

hard to imagine where to draw the two lines for eye level and direction of the face just purely by imagination

>> No.2015565

That's a very basic perspective question, you could put the head (or a sphere) in a box just as well. It's just a 3 axis thing in space. So what is your question?

>> No.2015591

How do you decide where to put vanishing points, especially with eccentric angles that don't fit many of the other elements of the piece?

>> No.2015608
File: 9 KB, 253x245, perspec4a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refer to >>2015537 to learn the basics of perspective

The tldr for your question is that a pair of vanishing points representing a certain angle in world space have that same angle at the station point (also called viewpoint) in image space, which is the point that lies on the 90° circle of view directly above/below the direction of view (center of vision).

You can also use math to find the correct distance for a certain angle when you have one VP and want to put down the second.

>> No.2015626
File: 268 KB, 800x600, australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of pen is this

>> No.2015642

Get a 45° 45° 90° triangle.
Find where your station point (viewpoint) is.
Place the triangle so that the 90° lies right on the station point.
Wherever the lines creating 90° intersect the horizon line/eye level, that is where your vanishing points are.

You can do this backwards to find a stationary point, too, if you think about it.

Just remember, all pairs of vanishing points create a 90° at the stationary point.

>> No.2015664

To do it backwards you may need a third point though, such as the diagonal VP, unless it doesn't matter where the direction of view and how big the 90° circle of view is

>> No.2015710

most people on ic are below the loomis books teaching level, and they, untill recently i think, were one of the few good resources that were actually public domain...

the best of his shit however is very beginner, and may not serve many people here, but the word loomis became shorthand for you have beginner problems.

just keep in mind, the way you were doing it and the way i showed you are both difficult, the main difference is the blending way allows you do dick around with the notion of "maybe if i blend more it will look better" opposed to the hard edge one where you don't get to think that, you have to make a choice and if the choice is wrong its immediately obvious.

as for not "finishing" art... let me tell you this, if the line art isnt good, overwhelmingly the colored inst going to be good either... there are some people who are able to fix bad line art through their painting, but in their case the lines were just a rough outline to kind of follow and refine. if you keep on the path of just drawing and leaveing in a 1 tone shadow you will get to a place where that looks finished in and of itself.

depends on size and what im doing... i usually use a thick leaded pencil like a paintbrush

its not dead, its just slow.

if you are looking for a crit on ic, you usually aren't good, thats why... the best ic can do for a good crit is point you in the direction where you can find better people.

/g/ may be able to tell you faster than ic

that nma video was one of the most repetitive things i ever watched. just a heads up, the teaching style the guy does is good for a classroom, but not a video, the few i watched he went over concepts for 11 minutes that were explainable in 30 seconds if he gave one example. its frustrating to watch... i don't think there is a single good perspective video series that isnt an absolute clusterfuck of an infodump

>> No.2015714

honestly the way that people would draw the best is from an easel, but its more convenient to draw mostly.

not sure, it may be a soft felt tip to mimic brush, or it may be a hard felt tip and the person moved the pen at more of an angle to do the calligraphy.

>> No.2015767
File: 144 KB, 472x402, 598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get into photo study? I don't know where to start when attempting to draw what I see.
Should i break the form into smaller shapes or start with the contour lines or make key marks and freehand the rest?

>> No.2015781
File: 196 KB, 950x633, 1418262071650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick better reference, to start.

Find something with strong values, that shows the form in a straightforward way, without extreme angles, preferably black & white, et cetera.

The photo you've got is fine if you're trying to figure out what a guy carrying a pack looks like, or studying foreshortened legs, or looking at overcast lighting... but for just learning to "draw what you see" it's pretty awful.

For the drawing itself, I'd suggest starting with big broad shapes to indicate the whole picture then breaking it down into smaller and smaller chunks. Measure too, make sure everything is placed correctly relative to everything else.

>> No.2015790

Realize that all you need is your Center Line of Vision and your Eye Level/Horizon Line.

You can put your station point wherever you want and create 2 vps from there. Or you can place 1 vp, then figure out where the 90° would land on the CVL (that is where your station point is), then figure out where the other vp is.
Use either of these methods to figure out vp's for any 2-point object.

Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

>> No.2015807

You talked about doing it backwards though to find a station point, now you're back at construction again. If you have 2 VPs that represent a right angle, there are an infinite number of possible station points for which they would be correct. If you draw a box with those 2 VPs and its sides are supposed to be perfectly square, there is now only exactly one correct station point.

>> No.2015808

I dunno why i picked it, maybe cause it was Shia with the pedobear pose, or the foreshortened legs that looked cool. I wanted to add drawing people with clothes to my anatomy study routine, naked people are getting boring.

So basically I should start studying with simpler references at the beginning?
What would be the ways to see if I place everything correctly? I tend to catch pieces of shapes right sometimes but then i mess up on either measurement or placement and everything gets the screwed look

>> No.2015811

how do I into animation

>> No.2015814

I did all the beginner books in the sticky (Drawing on the left side, Keys to drawin), but my drawings don't really look that different.

>> No.2015872

wouldn't bother as its a field that is mostly farmed out to the cheapest labor possible, and is non profitable on as a solo task anymore.

outside of that


and i suggest flash because of glut of tutorials people do for that.

>> No.2015876

I wanna do it for fun, not really as a career, but thank you.

>> No.2015879

i still recommend against because it can take months for even 1 minute of animation and in that case its a time spent what you get out of it deal... if you do it for a job, or at least use to do it for a job, you could justify that 3-9 month period of time where you are doing nothing but the animation because its future money...

id honestly recommend going into 3d if you want to do animation, just because you can get more done faster on your own than you can with 2d... though there are quite a few more skill sets you need to learn do do it well...

>> No.2015880

What do you mean by you "did" all the books? Just read them? If so then of course you're drawings aren't much different. Knowing all the concepts and theories and facts of drawing is only half the battle; you still need to actually practice doing what those books tell you to do and applying the info and concepts for your drawings to get any better.

And if you already are practicing...well, you just need to practice more.

>> No.2015885

I did the exercises in them. I just don't see much if any of a difference.

>> No.2015888

Where i can find some weekly art challenges as was at conceptart org ?

>> No.2015937

can we thank this unnamed dude that has been consistently answering questions for a while now

>> No.2015939

Agreed, thanks anon. Now if only more people started to actually give critique that would help, since that's what the board is about in the first place.

>> No.2015953
File: 2.97 MB, 290x184, sandy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, i'm supposed to have an interview to get in a preparatory art class in a private art school this tuesday 17th, i have two days left to prepair a portfolio i'm supposed to present to the interviewer, but i could really use any suggestion about it

I started drawing two days ago (but i had some really light notions) when i asked for the interview)
here is the link of all my drawings so far


i'd like to know if there is any drawing i could present or i should keep them for me and produce something more presentable (and if yes, what sort of things)

english is not my native language but i'm sorry to bother you with this, i wish you guys have a lovely day, thanks

>> No.2015979

What happens when anything you draw fucking sucks. You work on a piece for hours, just trudging through shit until you become numb to it's shitness. You try new things, and the piece starts to look bearable. After another two hours you add some finishing touches, and feel a little better. It's not the best, but it's not bad. Then you post it. You suddenly snap back to reality and notice it's absolute utter shit and you'll never be as good as your favorite artists. Never want to draw again, but you have to.

Rinse and Repeat.

Why can't I just be proud of at least one thing I've done.

>> No.2015983

i think often times it's more of a matter not of how good you are but how creative you are.

i may be wrong though

>> No.2016002

I feel the same way man. The point is (and I'm telling you what I'm hearing, not really speaking from experience) that you will get better over time and you will feel better, but that whole thing will repeat a lot of times.
There has been some shit I made that I'm proud of, some others confuse me and I don't know if I like them. I assume that if I feel this way about my work, then the rest of the world will think it's shit, but then again we're on /ic/ and critiques are more harsh.

>> No.2016043

Is my computer good enough to get into digital painting and some 2D animation?

Thinkpad x200
2.53ghz Dual Core
4gb ram

>> No.2016050
File: 2.38 MB, 2791x2118, 35_plate_I_8_the_foot_of_the_medici_venus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, for the ref I gave you you could start with a rectangle for her upper torso, a rectangle for her straight leg, a couple rectangles for her bent leg with a triangle for the foot. Square for the head. Probably a rectangular shape for her breast jutting out.

Measure everything.

The very back of her hair lines up with the very back of her left butt cheek, which also lines up with her leftmost arm. So the rectangle of her straight leg, torso, and the square for her head should also line up accordingly.

The tip of her chin lines up with where her right leg meets the contour of her torso, so the corner of her head square should line up with where the first right leg rectangle meets the torso triangle. If you want to handle the right arm at this point, you could break it down to two rectangles and a triangle (base out) and note that her upper right arm also lines up with the relation we established with her chin and hip.

Look close at the ref and think of every little way you can measure one thing to another until you feel satisfied that everything lines up correctly.

Now you can cut in with some contours, shave off the upper left corner of the torso rectangle to develop her neck/shoulder/arm contours for example. And at this point it's rinse and repeat, after you cut in some contours you measure again, then you can start drawing in the shadow shapes, measure again, probably refine some contours, add in some details (like eyes/nose/lips), measure again, put in some highlights, measure again... and so on.

Basically I'm roughly describing the technique used for bargue drawings, which is overkill for regular drawing but as a way to "learn to draw what you see" it is quite excellent.

>> No.2016051

Your computer will probably struggle. RAM should be pumped to at least 6GB (unless you're still using Windows XP or something), and the processor is fairly weak.

Don't know about 2d animation (it'll probably fair off worse), but using heavier programs like CSP/Photoshop with larger files is going to make your computer struggle.

>> No.2016063

Damn. I can't draw, but I really want to learn to do so whilst I learn how to animate. Maybe I'll just focus on drawing on paper until I have enough money for a decent computer.

>> No.2016064

You don't need a perfect square to find a station point. Rectangles have 90° too.
What if one vp is closer to the center of vision? That would throw your square method off, unless i'm missing something. All im saying is that once you have one VP, you can decide where the SP is by choosing where the other VP is.

>> No.2016086

Well I didn't say you needed a square to find a station point. If you have only 2 VPs, then yes you can find a station point, but there are an infinite number of possible ones (all of the points on the semicircle connecting the 2 VPs have a 90° angle with the VPs). And depending on which point you choose, it means something different for your image and your VPs.

If you draw a square with those 2 VPs, this implies a certain level of foreshortening at that point as well as a certain diagonal. So now there is only one correct direction of view with station point, because the vanishing point of the diagonal must bisect the 90° angle that the VPs form at the station point.

>> No.2016157

What's so important about learning value?
How do I use it?

Can someone just give me a short summary?

I did this value game thing and kept scoring between 3-6

>> No.2016175

3-6 per row I hope you mean.
And anyway, that exercise is fucking stupid. You're not gonna have any trouble discerning values unless you're blind. At least not to a degree it would influence your art negatively.

>> No.2016177

>3-6 per row I hope you mean.

You see that thing that says "total"? That's what I'm talking about

>> No.2016183

Well it could just be that your monitor sucks or is poorly calibrated.

Test these

But again, that Sycra game is dumb for many reasons, among them that staring at those dots for a while will fuck up your perception of them anyway, and it has no relevance for art either way.

>> No.2016191

The lower the score the better, right? if he gets 3-6 that's totally amazing. I make around 70.

>> No.2016196

Just checked, lower is better indeed. I usually make around 10 but if I put random values I get higher scores.

>> No.2016207
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, valuething.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I did it again.

Why is this a good thing?

>> No.2016214

No, amazing is actually being a decent artist, getting x score on a Sycra game is the opposite of amazing, it's not amazing.

>> No.2016218

You must be an amazing artist or designer.

>> No.2016225
File: 24 KB, 394x436, af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice programming on this piece of trash, did Sycra make this? Like it's not enough that we came up with one of the least helpful exercises an artist could possibly be engaged in, we also have to fuck up the implementation.

>> No.2016226

Hah, if I was an amazing artist, I probably wouldn't be asking about what the point of values were

>> No.2016229

Value is just a tryhard word for brightness

>> No.2016234

Can someone suggest some books related to comic art. I know of framed ink and i have the marvel way to draw but is there any major books that are worth buying?

>> No.2016244

Meh I guess. When I think of brightness, I kind of think of light source and where it is. Maybe. I guess I wouldn't say it is a try hard word. Though I dont use it much. I kinda say scales instead. I guess value is more specific though

>> No.2016269

i can not het the GAMA test and BLACK test to be right together.

i eiather have correct gama, and miss the top row of black squares, or have the gama (where shit blends together) shifted to like 1.6 and see all balck squares.

what do?

>> No.2016290

Why would you assume that?

>> No.2016316

your welcome, i assume you are talking about me.

as for crit, i do that too, but i have less ability there than what usually pops up here and at best i can point people in a different direction or point out an obvious flaw. also... crits are usually asked on pieces people did for fun... so they defend it and other people come to their aid if they liked it so i stay away from the dedicated threads that ask for crit. if you want crits, post a link to the image or post the image here... i think question could somewhat cover crit too as you still want some help with something you aren't seeing yourself... i think question started out as "questions that don't deserve their own thread" kind of deal and because question kept dieing and not getting remade for a few days... im also lazy a fuck with horrible spelling, so i just started them as question thread...

if you want challenges, look into some of the 3d centered websites, they usually have a monthly entire site challenge, and some of the time they will spawn off shorter speed sculpts challenges... you may not be able to participate in them, but they will give you a do X with some structure if thats what you are looking for...

granted, there is no reason you couldn't come up with an idea and a time frame lets say a daily challenge and a weekly one... if this board has a mod that cares, they could come up with a weekly challenge on monday and lock a sticky thread than open it sunday lock it monday, than archive/delete it wednesday while starting another challenge sticky lock thread on monday for the next challenge.

on the off chance this is serious, one thing i would do is a major muscle chart, and try to do it as clean as possible, from the front, side and back. also there is nothing you can do to gain skill wise in 2 days so another thing to do is show off everything you know as possible, i dont know if they want quantity to show work ethic or if... cont

>> No.2016336

... they are looking for as few items as possible to show them all they want to see.

as for the interview, again, without knowing whats nessassary i can tell you the basic do nots
1) DO NOT COME OFF AUTISTIC, i could never watch the whole thing because cring shit hits all the wrong buttons for me, but here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULqAIbjCsXE
2) try to come off as someone who would seem to fit in... i know its not a job but if they are interviewing you they are probably going to see if you would be a good fit, add value to other people going there, and sense this is a school thing, makeing sure you aren't wasting their time.

all i can really say without knowing more.

you learn to stop fucking rendering.
if the bones of the drawing are shit, nothing you put on top of them are going to matter, it will continue to be fucking shit.
focus on getting drawing skill and not so much on the finished product for now.

paper is the prefered way as there is hundreds of years of "we got this shit down" that you can learn from, where as in 2 years any program could come out on the pc and change how you approach drawing on one entirely. i suggest getting a 23x26 drawing board and some 18x24 newsprint, some vine charcoal, and some prismacolor ebony pencils (there may be some better ones or just use 7mm graphite pencils, but its what i have) i also have a centeimeterish wide graphite chunk for gesture... but you dont need that.

values are largely to help you in deciding what to make something, in this case a black and white drawing... if there is a spot that is lighter than everything around it, it will appear FAR lighter than it really is fucking with your perception, knowing how it fucks with your protection and knowing how to get correct values helps allot.

what kind of comic art are you talking about, because there are a FUCK LOAD of styles.

>> No.2016352

As styling goes do you mean a specific artist style if so joe maduriera kind of stuff or are you talking about layouts or something like that. The reason im asking is because ive never really looked at doing comic work before and after just doing some more comic stylized work im actually really enjoying it. so i was hoping for some information on where to start with this kind of thing.

>> No.2016360

>joe maduriera
i just googled that, and if what is poping up on the images is his... he doesn't have a style that you can bullshit your way though... dude knows his anatomy and is good enough to back it up with little construction to be seen (on pencil stuff you can usually see some remnants of construction he either uses very little, blends it all in well, or is so light with the construction its a non issue when it comes time to remove)

gnomen, while it may not be the guy you want, has 2 videos, one with the guy who pencils it and one with the guy who inks the same work... you may want to take a look at that... other than get good and know your shit thats all i can really tell you.

if you want any help with paneling... you may want to go ask on co, they are better at that stuff than ic is for the most part.

>> No.2016383

Yeah i understand the get good and that its not just a bullshit your way through. what i was asking is if there were any how to comic books that might point me in the right direction for getting started With comics. The style i think i may develop over time but i am under the impression that comics have certain rules and seperate colour theorys etc compared to regular illustration. Anatomy is not something i just dick around with and i study it quite thourougly, not saying i know what im doing though.

>> No.2016421

it depends on the comic and story. some of them are simple because people are going to get it regardless of art, while some have to bust their fucking balls just to get people to pick the damn thing up and striking art is one way to do it.

the main thing that changes is lighting, having the light be realistic is secondary to making a visually interesting page so long as a normal person isn't going to double take and wonder what the fuck is wrong with it.

it may be better to ask co than here, i can only speak for what i have seen and read.

>> No.2016431

how do I move from chicken scratch to drawing proper lines in digital art / lineart?

and how do I learn to do gestures? I know there are sites where you draw the piece given for 30-120 sec, but what am I trying to do here? Do I look at it for a solid 20 sec and try to recreate it from memory or do I look at each few lines to recreate it?

and would learning to do gestures help me figure out the pelvis and how legs/ass/stomach and all that work in different positions, it's sort of driving me nuts because i can't really learn it

>> No.2016438

what should you do if you want to draw someone who's dancing really fast? what is most helpful?

>> No.2016457

>chicken scratch
Use your whole arm. This will be verryyyy difficult to learn on a small tablet.

I watched videos on how to do it. Focus on mass, not as much bone. It's okay if it isn't exact . look back and forth, mostly at the thimg you're copying. It will help you learn those things but also studying anatomy a little and maybe drawing the skeleton over a model (like an anatomy tracing but with the skeleton)

>> No.2016511

I mean, why?
Generally, why?
I try this hard and everytime I look at my own drawing I get depressed as fuck.
Do I need to read more books? Do I just need to draw mindlessly for 8 years like any other good artists?
How do those artists do it so easily, and how is it impossible to even copy them even with step-by-step walkthrough videos.
Is there really "born with gift" in art?
Am I lacking talent? Will I ever be as good as those "born with gift" artists if I spend half of my entire life by drawing away?

>> No.2016512
File: 87 KB, 800x448, WP_20150310_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you study if you aren't even at the beginner stage yet? I've read you're supposed to work on hand eye coordination and rid yourself of symbol drawing. Okay, but these books only have a few studies. I've been drawing things from real life but they still look awful and I have run out of things to draw. Do I just keep drawing shit from life until I somehow start making okay art? I just don't get it.

>> No.2016514

I can show you my work and you will feel better. I am bad but I love to draw. Please do not be sad.

>> No.2016522
File: 78 KB, 400x517, Oil,Watercolor , Acrylic Painting And Painting Do-It-Yourself For Dummies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good books or reliable tutorials on painting that you would recommend? Any books I should avoid or have a YMMV status to it?

Also, I'd like to take more life-drawing classes to improve my anatomy and gesture, but finding them in my local area has been nothing short of frustrating. Is there a resource here anybody can recommend like videos or am I SOL?

>> No.2016526

Ctrl paints vids helped me. Also try to maybe perhaps make a grid or measure something like how many eyes away something is From another thing.

>> No.2016529
File: 95 KB, 800x448, WP_20150311_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a study to help me visualize the distance between things while drawing, or something? I'm not sure I totally got that.
I'll watch some of these videos they look interesting even though I'm not quite at this level yet.

>> No.2016577

What are the best sites to sell prints/shirts on?

>> No.2016587
File: 87 KB, 800x448, WP_20150314_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually never mind these are exactly what I was looking for. The draw 20 phones in rectangles is a great study idea.
Still looking for more ideas anyway, anyone willing to share how they studied would be very helpful.

>> No.2016637
File: 179 KB, 1500x1300, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I do?
I've been stuck in this stupid chair for 2 months just drawing and drawing.
And I'm so stressed about my own drawings.
I guess I should go rest for a bit, but I can't rest peacefully knowing how much ass I suck at art.
I look at other artist's drawings and envy them, then look at my own, killing my own motivation. I look into my old drawings, stare at one of few really well-done one for hours, not wanting to draw to see how shit I am at drawing now.

I'm so unmotivated, I just want to give up, but I can't.

What can I do to ease up my mind?
How can I let it go for moment? I just can't simply focus onto anything else knowing how bad I am.

>> No.2016645

Draw because you enjoy it. I love to draw but I would be considered absolutely terrible
Don't be sad please

>> No.2016649

Don't give up anon, it's only natural. If you're self aware you're bound to be this way and a lot of us are.
Honestly if it makes you feel bad then drop it for a while and come back to it in a few days. There's no rush.

>> No.2016684

How come ic is so dead lately

>> No.2016686

you could like go do some art instead of sitting in your chair for months.

>> No.2016719

what are some good forums for traditional animation?

>> No.2016880
File: 382 KB, 1280x960, 1426424065989-319731570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have always had trouble with this. What is the right way to draw this? Its hard to find ref for this 3/4 angle girl pose

>> No.2016887

it's a mix of the first two, that top bump is in front of a bigger curve, so depending on the angle n' stuff sometimes that front bump, which is the iliac crest is visible in the silhouette, sometimes it isn't. better to learn the anatomy than relying on learning silhouettes, depending on the pose the interactions between those two forms can change a lot, often they merge together.

>> No.2016894

>better to learn the anatomy
Oh i know anatomy m8, its just that its hard to determine how it would look like since it depends on how much muscle/fat there is, the angle of the pelvis, the angle of the leg( the siloutte can change a lot depending on where the foot is pointing).
Oh and i have actually seen the third one in skinny girls with big pelvis

>> No.2016902

then why are you asking the question?

and yep you do get the third one here and there, especially in like teenagers, there's a spectrum between the like closed squarish male pelvis and the open female one, and some chicks have quite a male shaped pelvis. or they have underdeveloped musculature/fat. the big sort of gluteal curve behind that iliac mass has quite a lot of muscle in it too, it's not just fat.

>> No.2016933
File: 272 KB, 1191x842, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never try to improve yourself forcefully, enjoy what you do. You can only truly move forwards with enjoyment.

Depending on what you want to do, move forwards

Do real life studies of the world, movies with great cinematography and realistic CGI are great for getting study materials, i suggest oblivion, the hobbit, LOTR, avatar and others, download them all in 1080P and get stills, then study them.

Character? Learn anatomy, do gesture studies and study from your idols, people that you want to be as good as, for me its ruan jia, so pic related, I've been doing value studies of his material for a while:

Anything else:
refer to real life every time, you have to be able to replicate, when you do life studies you learn so much.
spatial relationships
how to render stuff: I learned how to render armor in a specific way recently due to a Elizabeth the 1st picture study i did here:

The best artists all over the world, ruan jia, Jaime jones, HGJ art, they all have comprehensively study reality and more importantly replicated past traditional masters.

If you truly want to improve, you'll take my advice and start planning stuff.

pic related, a comprehensive schedule to get better in 1 year.

>> No.2016934


obviously change the schedule around to fit your needs, if you want to do characters, do less environment stuff and fit that time in for life like college and socialising, etc

>> No.2017080

how do i into learning how cloths fold?

>> No.2017090

Hey I know this is mostly for artists but right now I'm in a pretty dired situation and I don't know how to handle it.

I commissioned an artist 5 to 6 months ago and was told that the art should be done by within the next 2 or so weeks. I paid 25 bucks and agreed to the transaction. A few weeks I did receive a sketch of the drawing and I was really thrilled and happy with it and could not wait for completion.

Unfortunately this is where stuff kind of turns downwards. Eventually the commission drawing has been delayed to the point where the artist is making apologizes and will even reimburse with 2 new drawings for me. Of course I was really happy with that and agreed to wait for a while before the completion.


>> No.2017092

>>2017090 continued...

5 months later, the artist is has been giving me the same excuse of being really busy and has actually worked on it. She promised me to provide printscreens of the picture back in January but since then has not provided me with anything about it. I requested she at least gave me some update before my birthday which is around mid-february.

Mid february has passed and she only gave me one notification of she's polishing it up.

It is now Mid-March and I sent her a couple of PMs but no luck and she won't respond to a single thing I requested.


>> No.2017095


The big issue for me is that the artist is online and I see her update her personal drawings and even giving free drawings away to her friends. Which I personally find it understandable because it is her drawing she can do whatever she wants with it and has the rights to do it. However I feel like I am being jeopardized or put into the backlog with no way of ever being able to contact her now. She's ignored my PMs for about a month now. Not to mention she is constantly updating her twitter feed and tumblr blogs with updated drawings and in colour no less.

What should I do in this situation? Should I just wait patient? Go to artist beware livejournal? I don't know how to handle this situation properly. I really don't want to do anything bad to her since I really like her art and her personality and she's been generous to me before since she has done a doodle commision for me before.

>> No.2017113

Well if you ever DO get your piece... don't offer the your business again. Ever. That's some shitty customer service. (Honestly, contact them on twitter. Make it public. I don't think you'd want other people to suffer as you have been.) They shouldn't offer commissions if they're going to take all of your money and then go "Oh, I already got paid. I don't really have the incentive to work now." That's shit.

Ask for your money back and use that money to commission a different artist that will ACTUALLY treat the work as WORK! You ordered something from them. It was a transaction. Like ordering a custom phone case or some shit. Like buying pens at a store. That's the level of professionalism they should offer you. At the very least, I'd think they'd respect you enough to offer you a refund. They won't, so ask for a refund yourself.

What if they don't offer you a FULL refund? Ask them to send you what they have already and ask for a refund for what they didn't finish. Or even just ask for 50%. I'm sorry this happened to you, I don't know how you can get your money back without going to your bank or reporting to Paypal (if you used that and DIDNT USE THE SEND TO FRIENDS OPTION, be wary of using that option because of situations like this)

Go to artist beware livejournal, sure.
Go to twitter and ask why your commission has been delayed for so long.

It doesn't matter how nice they are as a person, if they're shit at their JOB (in this case, they have been hired by YOU) they don't deserve your service. She's taken your money without offering the promised good...

Hell, just go, "It's been [time] since I commissioned you. I'm very wary of ever buying art from you again because of this experience. I don't think I'd ever recommend you to anyone because of the extremely lacking customer service you've provided to me. It's all been entirely unprofessional.

I would like a full refund since I haven't received my finished piece. I will take my business elsewhere."

>> No.2017116

My bad. SKipped over that piece of text. Just take the refund and go to an artist that is actually ready to take commissions.

>> No.2017117
File: 3 KB, 346x87, pic12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the problem is that she has actually completed 1 of the 3 which is the one that I have paid for. She hasn't responded to anything at all. It really sucks since she is a pretty well-known artist too.

>> No.2017121

ask for a refund for the work she hasn't completed.
in this case, reimbursed for the difference in price: $full - $lineart = refunded price and then $full - $sketch = refunded price

Don't pussy out on telling them what a bad experience you had. Would you honestly recommend her to someone who wanted to commission someone knowing she isn't that reliable at all? Would you wish this kind of experience onto someone with limited spending money (which is most of the consumer base for people like us who take commissions)? Would you go through this experience all over again? Was it worth it? Was commissioning this artist you admire so much all you had hoped it would be?


Then don't advocate for this artist when it comes to giving them people's hard-earned money.

Advise people against ordering commissions from them. Do it anonymously if you have to. Seriously.

>> No.2017222

I'm actually really glad for this reply. I didn't have any plans at all, but like all studies, planning is probably more important than anything to get best result...
You have enlightened me, anon. Thank you so very much.
And Thank you to other anons who encouraged me.

>> No.2017243

I like the way that I roughly sketch but I lose it all entirely when I go to paint. The sketch is more interesting before I start painting it. What should I do?

>> No.2017245


>> No.2017271

I going to try talking to her friend first since I have contacts with her and see how that goes and if it will help me resolve anything.

If it doesn't I will probably have no choice but to threaten her with the paypal dispute.

>> No.2017274


Any time.

>> No.2017322

How necessary is perspective in drawing from life? I get the feeling that perspective, or at least basic perspective, is mostly a tool for drawing from imagination rather than from observation. I find it harder to draw a box from life with perspective compared to horizon + lines.

Am I going about this the wrong way?

>> No.2017341

I'm working for minimum salary at the moment.

If I "make it" will I get lots of money (IN relativity!) ?

Or is an industry job still low wage, working like a slavE?

>> No.2017348


>> No.2017349

Depends on your definition of "make it". Some people think it's being MTG-tier, some think it's much lower.

Mainly depends on how good your art is x what content you draw x how large is your fanbase/what contacts you have.

>> No.2017365

You can make it right now. Sellout.
Of course that's terrible advice, and its a stab in the dark.
Soon, you may discover the void, and decide to wander in it. Dont walk in the void anon.

>> No.2017585
File: 64 KB, 395x578, iOOuXq4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good resource to see what video gems and moovies are trending - so that I can draw "fanart" and maximise social media shekels.

>> No.2017594

Having friends

>> No.2017600

More like having a fucking brain that works.

You can to any normalfag site like reddit, 9gag, youtube etc and just observe

>> No.2017608


Why would i visit these pleb sites and follow pleb pop culture? Just because you follow vidye geams and play the latest call the duty, doesn't mean we all do.

I'm too busy making art. Fanart is a simply a fast way to make a quick buck.

>> No.2017611
File: 18 KB, 300x300, 1417115672815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why the fuck are you even asking about how to know what's trending nowadays even, you fucking idiot

>> No.2017632

Reddit and Tumblr.
Go to places that aren't elitist.

>> No.2017704

Quick question:
Where is the website with the high quality movie stills?

>> No.2017725

How do you gain followers on tumblr?

>> No.2017731

Draw garbage from that shitty korra show

>> No.2017736
File: 1.38 MB, 828x1280, tumblr_lhxi9j0SLr1qgbzcro1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you achieve color like this in photoshop? like the way highlights are bleded?

>> No.2017738

I meant it more like, does following a shitton of people and expecting followbacks work? At least as a start.

>> No.2017740
File: 721 KB, 1920x1080, 1414554000783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a lot of trouble actually finishing my fucking projects.
Most of the time, I can buckle down and focus for around 4 or 5 hours and finish a painting in photoshop.
But until recently I've been in a fucking rut just trying to figure out what exactly to even do!
Maybe I should try drawing a different subject matter, as of right now I've been just doing a bunch of knights and spacemen, so maybe I should try drawing a lobster or something.

>> No.2017744

You could always whore yourself out in drawthreads and reddit.

Start off with doing some requests, then samefag and reply to yourself with "nice, do you have a tumblr or something?"

Don't overdo it, though.


>> No.2017753
File: 114 KB, 769x672, 1390678489863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then samefag and reply to yourself with "nice, do you have a tumblr or something?"
So it's really samefagging after all huh.

>> No.2017755
File: 163 KB, 480x600, 1420164719049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not cheating if you don't get caught

Also, be sure to use a trip after doing like 10 requests

>> No.2017758

I used to draw for some certain threads on /a/ (where everyone has a tumblr but no one admits it) but I don't know if I want to post the shitty requests I did there on tumblr.

I'm afraid that would attract negative attention as well though. Wouldn't having a trademark style detail be more efficient to be recognizable? Like drawing the hair in a certain way, using a certain color in the background etc.

>> No.2017761

Try doing a bunch of thumbnails. Art prompt generator might give you something to do, too.

>> No.2017763

Fuck /a/. Who cares about those nerds.

Go to /v/ or /co/. They don't give a fuck about someone with a trip and they'll get happy with whatever you shit out. In fact they'll probably go "oh, drawfag-san? You come to /v/, too?"


Draw something extremely nice, then say "sorry it's so rough. Hope you like it!" or some other shit like that

Pro tip number two: Draw those autistic porn requests, too

>> No.2017764

Can anyone explain to me the relevance of a cone of vision in 2 point linear perspective? Or one point for that matter?

The main problem I have conceptualizing it is, I don't understand if you can change the station point of your eye on the page without changing where two vanishing points are.

So if I've got two vanishing points on a horizon line, and I make them locked to their positions on that line on the page, can I move the station point of my eyes and therefore expand/contract the cone of vision? And if that is the case, what use is the concept of a 60 degree cone of vision to avoid distortion? Distortion seems to appear at certain distances from the vanishing point regardless of what circles I draw on the page that I call "cones of vision". So I guess I'm just having trouble when looking at examples in my perspective books as to what the relevance of the concept is for avoiding distortion. It seems like to avoid distortion you need to keep your shapes a certain distance from their vanishing points, and the closeness and farness of the points from each other decides that space, rather than a "station point" or a "cone of vision".

BUT, the only solution I could come up with was if the "cone of vision" was virtually cropping the page. So that if I defined my station point on the page, and then made a cone of vision smaller than the page, I could make this actually relevant to my drawing by either cutting out a frame that is within that cone of vision, or making that frame into a larger drawing and scaling everything up appropriately.

>> No.2017766

So uh. Is there anything else other than Loomis?
It didn't work out too well for me

>> No.2017768


Successful Drawing is better than Fun With a Pencil, in case you were using that, and other than that just Right Side of the Brain, How to Draw and that other perspective book (Perspective Made Easy?)

>> No.2017769

Point taken, but how will drawfagging for /a/, /v/, /co/ or reddit help with tumblr at all? Assuming you suggested samefagging, it can't be done on reddit for example.

>> No.2017771

Reddit is a filthy hugbox shit fest. Just post your tumblr whenever you get the chance.

As for drawthreads. You can always just include your tumblr on the bottom of your art. No need to samefag at all.

>> No.2017772

*blended, sorry

>> No.2017777
File: 905 KB, 2592x1944, Picture 44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop chickenstratching... i suggest taking a piece of paper and going over the line multiple times, pic related, i did that with a dip pen, the method is described by someone who tells you to go as slow as you need to to get the line to overlap, i would personally recommend you slightly faster than you are comfortable with.

with this i started in the center and than went out from there without shifting the paper, i want to pull lines in any direction with ease and not be dependant on being able to move the canvas/paper to suit my needs.

as for gesture, i just went through NMA gesture videos...

first, proko than vilppu on proko channel, than if thats not enough, vilppu drawing manual video on gesture, and then the NMA hampton video.

in all honesty, there are very few good options here gor gesture, and its largely a you don't get it till you get it thing.

i suggest the NMA A beginners guide to Figure Drawing video 5, thats what you probably want to try to work towards.

a camera or pausing the video? if none are available, a 3 line gesture, one for the arms and 2 for the torso to the legs that cross...

if possible, post am image you did for practice alone, we may see you are doing something wrong better than you and tell you what would improve.

you should ask what places to avoid over what places are good, i cant help you any more than that, but generally you will be told to avoid places because of quality issues or because they are overcharging for what another place does cheaper.

first off, go watch some watts youtube channel stuff. hes trying to teach people to draw in a way that emulates how you would paint, doing shit like that will improve your skills for cheaper than doing it with oils/other medium.

but this is assuming you still have shit to learn in the drawing aspect, which honestly most people here still need to work on.

outside of that if you are ok with paying, watts online or in person.

>> No.2017780

Need help with ink washes. I know it is similar to Watercolor but less forgiving. All of the tutorials I have found on it explain brush techniques and talk about working from light to dark, ect. But none talk about the actual ink mixing process.

How do you actually get the values how you like them? How much water should I use? Stuff like that is what I need to know to get started.

>> No.2017808



>> No.2017943
File: 44 KB, 960x609, PerspectiveStuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a shitty pic explaining how an SP works and how it relates to the COV and Eye Level.

Think of an SP as a camera, and the further away from the Picture Plane you are, the more you can see on that Picture Plane, hence giving you less distortion.

If you could see into your blind spots, things would look very distorted because that is outside of your cone of vision.

>> No.2018065

can anyone think of a way to get big canvases or boards for cheap? i've got some big paintings planned, like 3m x 3m etc. and i'll need like 20 structures but i can barely afford the paint.

>> No.2018269


Go to /r/gaming, trust me, they top posts are always image captions of popular games.

I think gta 5 is ramping up for a pc relese or something, so its getting a lot of attention, it's trending on google too. If you can bang out an interracial Tracey x Franklin scene you will gain massive popularity and appeal to the cuckold majority