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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 310 KB, 650x722, wddwww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2012600 No.2012600 [Reply] [Original]

Previous Thread


Post your current drawing here and give constructive critiques to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear and is under 1500 x 1500 pixels in size.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

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Channel: #/ic/

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

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>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:

>Photoshop Brushes

>> No.2012608
File: 282 KB, 540x613, musician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012616
File: 220 KB, 797x800, wipstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012634
File: 59 KB, 1112x1206, blorf1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012636


Nice, love how you manage to keep it simple. I find myself forgeting the big to smal thing

>> No.2012648

Can't tell if that's going to be a man or a woman. I think the head angle can be more expressive, I'm thinking chin up looking towards the viewer or tilted looking at the harp.

The canvas might benefit from being taller or narrower. Overall I like it.

>> No.2012656
File: 251 KB, 900x500, vv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eyes see too high.

>> No.2012661
File: 464 KB, 1920x791, Smaug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 min study, crits are welcome.

>> No.2012664
File: 343 KB, 1920x807, hobbitstevenfry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Another one from the hobbit, wasn't able to finish it and ran out of time so I'm gonna move on.

>> No.2012667
File: 528 KB, 1064x685, musiciancrop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I try to paint efficiently but ultimately when inventing a scene like this there is also some sloppy areas or parts I overwork.

Was planning on a woman. I changed the leg position a bit so it is more feminine in posing. I assume when I add a face is should be clearer :P I tried recropping and making it taller as per your suggestion (and added some transparent drapes to fill the empty space a bit), but then I also tried making it shorter and a very tight crop. What are your thoughts on these crops? I kinda like each for different reasons. In any case, if I decide to continue it I will start a brand new canvas and lay in my shapes and perspective more clearly (also because I painted it at the size I am posting haha).

>> No.2012694

Part of the gender issue was the pose, the rest was the proportions (manly jaw, thick neck and arms, wide feet, possibly wide shoulders and waist). From the attire I imagine she's Mediterranean, and I generally associate that with fairer complexion - she looks like she was tan from laboring out in the sun. I'd try to push the skin closer towards yellow than red.

As for the composition, I like the taller version. With the inclusion of the bright sky the tall canvas gives the piece more breathing room. The shorter canvas could work, but only if the bright sky was replaced with darks - which would drastically alter the mood. This again relates to that breathing room issue, but the shorter crop also makes the top third of the canvas much more busy than the rest. The tall canvas in comparison has a plain top third, high detail middle third, and medium detail lower third. I like the clear contrast in detail provided by the tall canvas.

>> No.2012699

Oh, and I kinda prefer the foot on the floor. with the foot raised the bottom of the body is now another horizontal atop of the many horizontals from the bench. It's not the most womanly pose, but it carries more confidence and with that comfort. Both of the feet together look timid in comparison.

>> No.2012704

Awesome thanks for all the feedback, it's very well thought out and informative for me. Like you say, the different crops have different moods, especially if I were to play with values on the tight crop to balance it better. I'll try to make the changes you suggested with the gender issues and I'll keep the tall version I suppose. And yeah, I wanted her to be Greek or something, I dunno, I was looking at some Alma-Tadema today and felt like painting the same themes as him. Probably a lot of anachronisms in my furniture though haha! The lighter skintone idea could be cool if I make it nearly identical to the dress and sky value, I could probably simplify the number of values a lot more (but will need to still maintain readability!).

>> No.2012711
File: 193 KB, 627x1113, Priestess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yeah, fair point. I'll have to really play up the feminine qualities though if I do the other pose. Not many women would sit with their legs apart like that.

Also while I've got you here, maybe you can give some feedback on this piece. I like it a lot, but feel there are some shitty parts such as the windows and pillar and maybe arm positioning.

>> No.2012714

I don't know if it'll make a difference but I guess I'll try asking my question again >>2011606
If anyone has any tips on how to do some nice but fairly quick clothing textures, or other feedback?

>> No.2012722

Try really observing your reference or finding more/better ref. Denim is very matte and has a fine texture to it. Leather can have different appearances, but often has a some specular qualities to it.

>> No.2012731

I get that but I mean do I really have to use a hard round brush to painstakingly mimic the texture myself? Nobody has any suggestions for a brush or combination of things I could do to maybe speed it up? I know there's "no shortcuts" and I know that if I sit there and paint for hours I can probably get it to look like denim eventually but I was hoping maybe someone had at least a good way to get a quick base.

>> No.2012732

Well for starters, the scene is a bit tricky to make out: I'm assuming those are other figures in the background that are roughly her height?

The pillar does stand out a tiny bit from it's dark value, and the windows could possibly be a bit taller.

I'm not feeling the pose - looks staged or forced. I can't tell if you plan to have those hands palm down with arched-back fingers (how I initially read it), or palm up with slightly curved fingers. I'd opt for palm up, but pull the elbows down a bit or bring the hands a bit higher. The arms are very stiff right now when everything is shoulder-height.

The head need to be looking down at the embers, or gazing upward at the smoke. Right now I'm reading it as looking straight at the viewer, and it breaks the narrative that's often crucial in scenes like this. The viewer should be treated as an unimportant observer in this crowded scene (assuming those are figures in the back).

You might be able to experiment with a slightly lower or even a slightly higher eye level. With a lower eye we can get more emphasis on the lights from the windows, and it could help isolate the head and possibly hands from the current busier backdrop. A higher eye level (like maybe the height of a staircase) might also bring in a different narrative focus that you might like.

>> No.2012750

Nah use a texture brush for sure. Something with some noise, even a simple chalk brush or something should suffice. Maybe a speckle brush? Experiment, see what works, that's how you learn about textures.

Hm, yeah the scene is fairly clear in my mind/when I look at it, but that's also because it is my shorthand and I knew what I was painting. Those are more figures in the back, perhaps a set of onlookers watching a ritual or something.

I like your idea of changing the horizon though so I'll have to experiment with that a bit. The lower horizon would be neat but then I lose the embers, and a higher horizon may affect the impact of the scene. I also really want to play up the light passing through the material of her dress but being blocked by her body. I'm sure you know the effect.

Anyhow, thanks for the feedback again, very helpful and makes me think a bit more on composing images. I feel like my values and lighting skills are okay (well you can't really tell much in such early stages of the paintings), but then I really have to work to fix all the drawing and composition issues in my stuff. After I painted these I started looking at Watkiss and feeling pretty shit about my composition and perspective skills and draftsmanship hehe.

>> No.2012752

>do I really have to use a hard round brush to painstakingly mimic the texture myself?
Don't worry about texture. Use whatever brush/brushes you're comfortable with. What you should do is find a ref of jeans for example, zoom out the ref so that you can't perceive the texture (or squint!) and paint that. If you handle the folds and values well, the viewer will understand it as denim.

You could paint it with a regular brush (no fine details) or any number of texture brushes and it will still read correctly if the relative textures match the rest of the piece. Figure out what material/surface is the most smooth and with is the roughest when viewed from afar (and where everything else falls in between). As long as the textures relative to each other are correct, people will believe it.

Listen to anon >>2012722 . Get the folds and light behavior right, and the viewer will believe it.

>> No.2012757

>Experiment, see what works
Well alright then. I actually had been using a chalk brush for what I did so far, it's funny you mentioned that.
Alright, I'll do my best with this too. I might have to do a couple studies. I'm still going to try at least using some textured brushes, though. Thanks you guys, hopefully I can get this together.

>> No.2012770

Yeah, I do like the embers and it would be a shame to lose them. If you do choose to emphasize the light through the dress be careful to let less light through where there are more folds/layers of clothing. Also, try to track the cast shadow from her body onto the front of the dress from our right side, as I imagine the transmitted light wouldn't hug the figure as tightly on our right compared to our left.

>After I painted these I started looking at Watkiss and feeling pretty shit about my composition and perspective skills and draftsmanship hehe.
Don't worry about that now. We're all gonna make it, brah

>> No.2012771

Your thumbnail impression is insane compared to the full sized image, good 4 u

>> No.2012784
File: 1.04 MB, 1800x900, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2012788

Composition feels split between the dude and the boat/bg. Maybe make some bright skyholes in the trees behind/near the guy? Or have a better visual bridge between the boat and guy, like redo the shape/value of hte path or something. Actually I might even remove the foliage on the far left.

>> No.2012801
File: 114 KB, 599x785, all quiet small 2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watercolor and copic markers, i think i shouldnt work on this anymore

>> No.2012809

VERY nice! Glad to see you painting a bit and not just drawing :)

>> No.2012815

Really like this, the atmosphere in it is awesome


>> No.2012825
File: 335 KB, 853x1000, 4silly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012828

thanks! been really tryin to work outside of my comfort zone or whatever my awful attention span allows, havent quite grown balls big enough for large paintings yet

Thanks! glad u guys like it, tried to go for a sad ghostly feel

>> No.2012829

amazing. serious shintaro kago vibes

>> No.2012831

Link didn't work for me. I had to google and then http://powderfingers.tumblr.com/ works

>> No.2012832
File: 2.50 MB, 1700x1500, Untitled-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012846
File: 182 KB, 1342x800, momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2012852

Wtf is with that perspective???

>> No.2012858

I know you was going for simplified reflection, but left shore doesn't seem to cast a reflection at all

>> No.2012860
File: 39 KB, 726x696, selfportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi :)

>> No.2012870

You forgot to draw the ear

>> No.2012872

You've made most of the same errors as last time. What kind of reference are you using?

>> No.2012874


What? I couldn't hear you?

>> No.2012876
File: 1.21 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20150304_008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord knows if anyone's on right now or if anyone will read this but whatever

>> No.2012879
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20150304_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the quality but please crit!

>> No.2012883

What is this? It's making me feel unsettled.

>> No.2012889
File: 44 KB, 700x859, notatrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no, she went van gogh


you are right, I start the drawing with the intentions of keeping those things in check and then as the process continues I forget and they kinda just surface again.
I don't really use alot of reference, I start with a simple asaro head, kinda map out the skull to give and estimation as to where the placement of the features will nest and then ill try and morph the entity into what I would like to see. Ill use reference for when I get stuck on what the eye or lips would look like from a certatin angle etc but I never really draw entirley from reference, Its alot more enjoyable to me to try and make it from imagibation and then use reference when I get stuck.

>> No.2012891

>i'm making the same mistake because it's fun

>> No.2012900

Well you should be much more thorough with your studies. You don't quite have your basic knowledge up to a level where you can only loosely use references (or not at all). Draw yourself from a mirror with a strong clear light source. Have friends and family pose for you so that you can draw them (have them read or watch tv). You need to learn and internalize an anatomically correct average head, then learn to compare the model (when available) to your idealized average.

>> No.2012916


okay, that's really sensible advice.
Im new to drawing heads, its my latest endeavor, I know I got the simple asaro down and to a lesser extent the skull but that's just the tip of iceberg


>> No.2012946
File: 1.05 MB, 1800x900, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this help at al l(please let it because the foliage is my favorite part). I don't think the keyholes would match the current lighting set up to be honest but sounds like a good idea.

>> No.2012964 [DELETED] 
File: 995 KB, 1800x900, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I ruined it

>> No.2012966
File: 1.07 MB, 1800x900, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure I ruined it.

>> No.2012998


It was better without the softer edges on the clouds - the light shapes of the last version help frame him better, and you don't have soft edges anywhere else so it makes them emphatic. Also, it's still splitting down the middle like the last anon said - It's the line from the tree foliage, to his backpack, to his arm.

Also, don't hold on to your foliage, no matter how well it came out. If it's making the picture suffer, then take it out and redo it. If you don't draw people's interest in with a strong composition then no one will even care that the tree looks pretty.

From here it's hard to judge the piece overall while the character is still lined up - it affects how we see the temperatures and values, so get that resolved roughly as soon as you can.

>> No.2013029

right idea, but the clouds look like they are lower than the mast of the boat now.
either reduce the boat or bring the clouds up more

>> No.2013034

I have no idea why you turned the clouds into fog.

>> No.2013036
File: 344 KB, 960x1280, 1426157597721-6084253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or is stylization harder than realism?

>> No.2013037

Didnt mean to quote my bad

>> No.2013041

no. it is not.
for i can symbol draw a face with 3 lines.
now you draw a realistic face with only 3 lines, hard as fuck

>> No.2013044
File: 374 KB, 960x1280, 14261585963571952167997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought symbol drawing and stylization were two diferent things
Oh and i used 2 lines to make pic related :^)

>> No.2013049
File: 1.21 MB, 1583x1988, get fuked gross dan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, i have a bad habit of starting 10000 things and never getting anything done, but here's one i really would like to finish.
it's at a good place for tweeking tho, i haven't played with it in a week or so.

>> No.2013053
File: 1.71 MB, 1890x900, 1426147425338 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that's better now. You broke up the hard line in the middle at the very least even if there's still a line. If you look at the thumbnail, it's still split right down the middle though. Or if you open it up in whatever program you have and actually split it into 2. I feel like the canvas size you chose is a pretty big factor in that.

>> No.2013055

Because you need to know realism to some extent to properly stylize it.
That's the reason most fananimushit looks like shit.

>> No.2013056

Those work pretty well as standalones though.

>> No.2013058


agree with anon. thumbnail impression is pretty absurd. building up clarity out of a works-in-thumbnail clusterfuck is something i want to be able to do with my work too.

>> No.2013062
File: 42 KB, 517x500, 3lines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go :^)

>> No.2013066

Some1 plz tech me hw to draw lyk my senpais doomfest n doyora

>> No.2013071

>draw a realistic face with only 3 lines
that is still stylized as fuck mate.

>> No.2013075 [DELETED] 

no it's not, have you never seen harsh lighting?

>> No.2013076
File: 7 KB, 236x236, 533d9a40b5b7b5d2ec8c8f618b63a48d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it's not, have you never seen harsh lighting?

>> No.2013077
File: 3.72 MB, 1800x2412, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is literally the only way you can draw a realistic face using one continuous line.
>hard as fuck

>also sorry for file size but it is necessary

>> No.2013079

the face is stylized, it has no hair, it has no contour, it has no cheeks, it has nothing but the eye sockets and lips with nose shadow. its stylized.
just because the ref is not does not mean your drawing is not.
that is a stylized drawing.
you sir, are incorrect.

>> No.2013081

the rule says 3 lines for face
>now you draw a realistic face with only 3 lines

I will not consider, hair as face, cheeks can be non-existent for some people and contour doesn't exist IRL! I am now un-incorrect :^)

>> No.2013089

Everybody has cheeks, mate

>> No.2013094
File: 345 KB, 524x744, Mokou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know what i'm doing, how is it.

>she's on fire
Well she's a pyromancer

>> No.2013103

wtf im in love, blog????

>> No.2013171

That you Olly?
If so, nice to see you posting again, it's been a while!

>> No.2013193
File: 245 KB, 500x863, II - The High Priestess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you guys help me out with the color of the sky on top? It looks too bright and I think leads the eye away from the statue.

>> No.2013194

use a gradation faggot.

>> No.2013204

I bet my left toe that isn't olly

>> No.2013220


Lol what? First of all that's fake humility guy who loves playing teacher, second despite his massively overinflated ego he is way better than Olly. Olly was never really that good, just shilled and samefagged himself into /IC/-stardom.

>> No.2013229

>fake humility
What makes it fake?

>> No.2013234

that anon's jelly and skewed view makes everyone seems fake for him/her.

>> No.2013326

lel stay salty anon

>> No.2013335

its andrew

>> No.2013340

>he is way better than Olly. Olly was never really that good
You see anon, there's this thing called progress.
People tend to improve as time goes on, especially people with a special aptitude for learning or a good work ethic, which Olly seemed to have a bit of both seeing his improvement.
And despite whatever delusional conspiracy theories you have about him samefagging to get popular on /ic/ (lol)
he still gets hired by companies that probably don't even know what the fuck /ic/, because of his skill level, not some /ic/ fandom

>> No.2013343

Got a place you post your work Andrew?
I'm diggin your stuff man.

>> No.2013352

Nope. My mom doesn't let me have my own blog, thats why i post here.

>> No.2013356
File: 97 KB, 700x737, creepy sma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look hes a cool guy

>> No.2013360
File: 533 KB, 645x1000, Indoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013369


>> No.2013372

Maybe I'd believe your claim if your drawings weren't symbol ridden garbage.

>> No.2013375

Tehmeh stopped posting after he/someone else broke an NDA he had with a company.

>> No.2013376


>> No.2013378

I been here 24/7 and that never fucking happened.

and that's acid enema

>> No.2013381

I lol'd and saved this one
Looks nice though for a study, you should try to do a full still render. A lot of the shots in the Hobbit movies have really nice lighting.

>> No.2013389

Wait wut?

>> No.2013416
File: 96 KB, 639x639, Side-View-of-a-Woman-DVP4917147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chins don't attach to the neck like that, mate.
And get rid of that hard-ass black line for the jaw, looks like she's wearing a mask that's drooping down.

AND, it looks like you never took into account that fire actually gives off light. You should have two lightsources, but I only see one (warm yellow light) coming from the top left-ish area; there needs to be more light coming from below.

I can keep going on and on, but I feel like those are the major issues that would drastically make your painting much better than where it is now.

>> No.2013429

Thank you bro.

>> No.2013439
File: 397 KB, 700x795, cavalryWIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys, big compliment there :)

Ha, no I'm not Olly, nor am I better than him. Funny thread though, I've been mistaken for Olly or Catbib when posting before, and now I get Acid Enema. I'm sure he'll have a laugh about it when I tell him.

For the record whichever anon guessed it was Andrew was right. >>2013343 Sorry though I don't post stuff online these days much really.

>> No.2013462


Agreed, i need to spend more time.

>> No.2013471
File: 307 KB, 942x624, rztfgh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can see it working...


ohhh this one is a bit muddy tho. gotta start carving out those forms!

>> No.2013473
File: 351 KB, 600x985, AlmaTadema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah gotta clear it up. It was also pointed out to me that a horse wouldn't let you lean against it like that which kind of ruins the image then.

>> No.2013479


lol i honestly don't think most people would notice. or is it about the horse being a tiny? seems a little to me. is that a study or tadema inspired?

>> No.2013482

It's a study. The rest in this thread and the old draw thread by me are not studies though. Just wanted to show how it's easy to be clearer when working from ref, even if there are lots of similar values :)

And yeah the horse may be a bit small. Gotta find some ref for it if I want to continue, I suck at painting horses.

>> No.2013483


but yeah, yeah i got a lot of clearing and cleaning up to do

>> No.2013487

I was talking about my own image there actually, but yours can be cleaned up too I suppose. Though to me the biggest issue is the perspective looks weird. Why are you hamming in a 2 point awkwardness when a 1-point would work much better? Or maybe try building the scene in Sketchup or something? It just looks off at the moment. Cast shadow of dappled tree light would be a lot softer too.

>> No.2013492


yeah it's petty wonky. i tell myself herpderp inca temples weren't perfectly symmetrical and stuff, but it does make the image unappealing so it becomes an issue regardless. i might still try to fix that but by that point i'll probably realize you were right about rather starting from scratch because i will have painted over 90% of the image lol.

>> No.2013494

Yes it did you retard. Maybe you're not as much of a NEET as you think.


>> No.2013496

Just add /ic/ after the org

>> No.2013499

but that's just people saying he photobash, no one posted a work of his under NDA and found out by some company which your first post implied you faggot.

>> No.2013502


wow. dick move. can't deny that i would love to see what his nda work looks like though.

>> No.2013512

What? That link was full of NDA works that he used to privately show clients to get more work.

Most of the work that was in the link at that time he has since released online on fb and stuff.

>> No.2013546

Would anyone here be willing to give me some more critiques for my drawing?

>> No.2013551

When doing a study to try to learn someone's likeness, do you find it's better to try to copy a photo of them or to look at several pics and try to sketch them without directly copying?

>> No.2013571

How do I draw people's faces?
At what level do I need to be to start with actual people?

I just tried to do a portrait with a ohoto reference (no overpainting, no picker) and holy shit it was HORRIBLE, I feel completely destroyed humiliated and sick after such disaster.

>> No.2013577
File: 160 KB, 329x286, cgj copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rough sketch. It needs a lot of refining, but I'm pretty satisfied with the color scheme

>> No.2013589

What's the pink? Is it a warm light hitting things (sunset or something)? The stuff in the sky is also confusing. I would try to get the focal point more on her too, since the central plant thing is really grabbing a lot of attention.

>> No.2013615
File: 115 KB, 712x706, Copy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screw it I decided to try at least one photo ref sketch first. Can you tell who this is?

>> No.2013623

It's smirkfu from Gayme of Thrones

>> No.2013628

I don't actually watch the show so I'm not sure what smirkfu means, but since you knew what show she's in I figure that means you recognized her and I did a good enough copy job. Thanks anon!
I think I'll do a few more, this is for a commission where she's going to be in an original pose so I'm not going to be able to just copy her face. Time to git gud.

>> No.2013629

Thanks for the feedback. I agree on the clouds and am currently re working them by bringing the edges back and bumping back the shadow. what I am unsure of is how to fix the split. Should I extend the foliage of the tree on the right so that it doesn't line up with his figure so much? Or is there a better way?

>> No.2013633


jeeez what. haven't seen you around for ages. although your name is mentioned around here ocassionally. you should post more often (or at all???) too man.

>> No.2013635

Why are clouds so hard. I've been fiddling with these the most which is surprising. Thanks for the feedback. Like I said to the other anon I'm reworking them. I changed them becuase it seemed a little flat.

>> No.2013639
File: 234 KB, 664x1000, School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plz give me tips, i want to keep my style very clean and simple.

>> No.2013641

You should start with actual people right away. It helps to learn as much as you can about construction and gesture/loose layouts, but challenge yourself to copy a photo of them exactly. You'll fail a lot but you'll improve each time.

>> No.2013642

Whoa. Yeah it's obvious when it's split like this. I hadn't even notices it until you guys pointed it out. currently trying to find a solution thanks.

>> No.2013642,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

your works are on the road to mullins tier, you'll make it for sure

>> No.2013646
File: 306 KB, 979x643, fghfhgfgh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think i only have 2 major issues left to solve. time to render some shiny armored conquistadores.

clouds hard? :O :0 :o :| no man.

>> No.2013647

They are for me anyway. I haven't done enough cloud studies it would seem. Oh and nifty painting.

>> No.2013660
File: 161 KB, 1500x623, 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013662
File: 203 KB, 1500x525, 2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013666
File: 1.28 MB, 1050x1581, tumblr_mq58ve6NaD1qhttpto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thanks! have a look at how the pros do them. imo there's only a couple of important things to keep in mind in order to make decent clouds.

>> No.2013674
File: 303 KB, 574x737, asfasgsfhghj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reffed from the pic here - http://i.4cdn.org/s/1426184311371.jpg

i dont really know what im doing

>> No.2013685

Looks traced, that's a bad thing even if it isn't actually traced. Tracing is much harder that people think, you can only really get away with it once you really know what your doing.

>> No.2013687
File: 566 KB, 1300x1444, eeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013688
File: 273 KB, 797x800, wipstudy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the catch anon.

>> No.2013692


go to the stylising thread please?

>> No.2013706

The stylization thread is optional.

>> No.2013722

>Draw Thread
>Post your current drawing here and give constructive critiques to others!

>> No.2013724
File: 22 KB, 866x513, bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2013730

What's that?
And man they are so rigid. This is amazing. I'd never think to use warm colors like that

>> No.2013740

>and give constructive critiques to others
ayyyy, there's the rub

>> No.2013775
File: 104 KB, 600x649, digger sm b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian at gallipoli , done with pastels on about... 6x10'

>> No.2013888

Nice. Got tumblr or something?

>> No.2013941

Yeah thanks for asking anon! Normally I never get asked lol. This particular picture isn't going to end up there, though, terms of the commission.

>> No.2013943

Trace more. Yea that should do it. Trace more.

>> No.2013945

Its still stylized. You are back to being incorrect.

>> No.2013952

Well, after spending some time here I think it's time to stop shitting out half-assed tracing-a-skeleton-ontop-of-a-ref for fun and just grind right side of the brain, Hampton, Loomis, and others for non stop soul crushing improvement

>> No.2013968
File: 18 KB, 700x563, b4breakfeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna get a coffee and doughnut gonna be cool as fuck

>> No.2013983

thank you! I like your stuff.

>> No.2013989

Aw man, thanks! Feels gud to have piqued someone's interest, heh.

>> No.2014005

the ref looks like it some photoshop work was done to it.

>> No.2014019
File: 127 KB, 700x903, dude sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing of jeff lebowski i did today

>> No.2014023

Damn, that's awesome.

>> No.2014024

Noice, but I feel like the shoulders are too small.

>jeff lebowski

That's Flynn ,mate.

>> No.2014028

Watcha talking about, she's so hot the laptop burst in flames.

>> No.2014034

I like the mark quality

>> No.2014036

thanks :D
u are correct bout the shoulders man, i see that now thx
yeah, me too thx

>> No.2014037
File: 13 KB, 550x532, zzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best pic of the thread

>> No.2014039
File: 174 KB, 849x1483, 5654Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a doodle took an hour or so
looks like shit compared to a lot of the stuff here lol

>> No.2014047
File: 349 KB, 800x1017, Hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2014185
File: 37 KB, 720x960, spacewoman wip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help, I can't draw boobs.

>> No.2014194

man, youre almost mullins tier, if anytier

>> No.2014226
File: 308 KB, 1080x1920, sneer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to give up on this sneer. the face might be too long, and the lips are off. feedback would be cool.

>> No.2014249
File: 161 KB, 577x577, idk how to do the thign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how to paint the nose, I've looked at what seems to be millions of photograph references, but I can't get it to look right

Can anyone help?

>> No.2014253

Thats because you dont know perspective.

>> No.2014263

He paints like mullins but without any of mullins' skills

>> No.2014266

i'm not really one to give advice, so take it with grin of salt. you have cartoon looking hair, eyes, and mouth, but you're approaching the nose realistically. I mean look at the hair, and then look at the nose, it conflicts if you ask me. perspective might have a lot to do with it, but i'm no expert. hope it helps

>> No.2014279


Especially since he has posted some cool things, but that pic is not one of them.

>> No.2014285

oh hey gibby.

>> No.2014372


>> No.2014374


>> No.2014379

That horse would let you lean, if you were it's trusted rider.

But where is the bridle ???

>> No.2014382

This is a good point, actually. I didn't think of that o:
I'll stick with the cartoon-y style and change the nose to fit

>> No.2014415
File: 79 KB, 580x820, flyswatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2014489

Looking better. I quite like some areas of it, but I think the pose still feels off.

The feet don't look like they are on the same plane, it looks like her far foot is resting on a higher surface or something. Have you tried doing this pose in a mirror or getting a friend/family member to get in the pose just to see how it looks?

Also it is a bit stiff since her pelvis and ribcage and shoulders and head are ALL perfectly aligned on all axes.

Then there is the intent of the pose. Is she defensive? Offensive? Standing ready? Ready for what? Her expression and direction of her eyes isn't telling us much.

Oh, and her hair is blowing in the wind rather strongly but her sleeves and furs and crotch carpet are not in agreement with the hair.

>> No.2014527
File: 58 KB, 412x960, geist rising.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my proudest creation thus far. tear it apart please.

>> No.2014582
File: 795 KB, 661x950, z3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lucky me I have access to a natural history museum with literally tons of stuffed animals there.
rushed it though

>> No.2014584

Yeah looks rushed as fuck. Don't rely on the stylistic qualities of your hatching to cover the poor drawing and structure of it or the sloppy linework.

>> No.2014585

looks like it has 3 horns

>> No.2014589

you shouldn't look at the others then; maybe I should use a fineliner next time and construct the animals?
nevertheless I had fun, like when lifedrawing, but it felt kinda empty when I looked at drawings back home

>> No.2014593
File: 1.33 MB, 1536x802, Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 2.40.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant see what im doing wrong, i just know im doing something wrong

>> No.2014596

Eyes are too big, head tilting is wrong, mouth is off, and you are missing highlights.

>> No.2014598


well your drawing is a complete mess, forms are all over the place and don't match your ref at all. you are also being waaay too generious with contrast, and completely desaturating darks and lights. that being said you are doing a lot of things right too, and the thought you put into edges and their softness is worth mentioning. i don't know how much you care about really becoming good, but if i were you i would probably go back to drawing on paper so you can study the complexities of the face without fighting against the software and it's additional factors like color/brushwork etc. everything holding you back right now is better learned with traditional media, and of course a live model.

>> No.2014603
File: 145 KB, 744x1052, Sad_Rei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2014606

thanks <:) ill pull out the sketchpad

>> No.2014609
File: 158 KB, 1536x802, 1426272395024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad Values.
Values are extremely important because they showthe shape of the surface by showing how the shade is cast on it.

Try switching to greyscale, you don't need the color until you can't do an okay black and white.

If you need to get this done in color then you can use greyscale to color method.

>> No.2014617

dont need to do it in color or really at all. just a study for a passionate hobby is all. ill keep that in mind

>> No.2014634

Can anybody recommend a really simple 3D program just for blocking out an environment to get the perspective right?

I need to draw a series involving a star shit control room, it would be faster to just make the room roughly and then zoom around to take screenshots to trace over.
>INB4 learn perspective
Working on it, but gotta get this shit done efficiently

>> No.2014645

Sketchup. Takes 10 minutes to learn to use and it is free and even a shit computer can run it.

>> No.2014653

Thanks anon! I'll download it and start right now, but I guess I can't post anything on this thread.

>> No.2014669
File: 164 KB, 754x560, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started painting 3 yrs ago, I just use acrylic, how's my work?

>> No.2014685
File: 448 KB, 1042x1280, march 13 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 hours with an HB pencil

>> No.2014689

Very nice anon! I think you are starting to find a better balance of stylization and observation. The ghost penis is a bit funny though, you should have just drawn it normally.

>> No.2014690
File: 469 KB, 968x1296, march 13 2015 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also i forgot to post this. this was a 20 minute pose. different model.

>> No.2014693

thanks im definitely getting a better response from people so im doing something right lately.

>> No.2014703

I really love the colours holy shit

>> No.2014708

brush variety is lacking. everything looks furry. same brush strokes for the reflektion as for the snow. no distinguishable drawing for the plants, just texture. lacking in color variety on a majority of the painting. looks like you mixed one blue, ochre, and sienna and stuck with it.

overall im feeling a strong 4 to a light 5 on this. let me know what you think in the comments. do you agree, do you disagree? why and why not? and don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel in the box below

>> No.2014709
File: 81 KB, 720x960, 2015-03-13_14.21.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really new at this and haven't looked too much into proportions/shading. Any tips on those two things apart from stuff in the sticky? Like what sources made the most sense to you? This is something i worked on today during classes

>> No.2014787
File: 340 KB, 1024x576, Honeyview_20150313_172612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a lot wrong, but some of the mistakes I cannot pin point. Blow me away, /ic/

>> No.2014792

the figure takes away from it. if it was just a landscape with the horizon visible in the distance and some rolling hills and trees and shit. that'd look good.

very dr. seuss, but you haven't found an interesting way to incorporate figures into your style yet in the same way you have plants.

>> No.2014799

composition is boring, centered and unnaturally symmetrical. the various image elements are tossed in without a lot of though: the trees and grass aren't visibly growing from the ground, just springing from the edges of the image or have their bases hidden behind conveniently placed patches of earth. the canopy forms one uniform mass, you can't tell that any bundles belong to particular branches, there are not holes in the canopy through which the sky is visible, no individual leaves or even leaf-like texture. no textures at all really. and the trees only have one limb apiece, with nothing branching off from these limbs? where is the horizon? what's in the sky or in the distance? what's up with the figure's hands? how does the figure relate to the path he's standing on? it seems it just drops off suddenly, his legs conveniently hidden behind a cliff. I don't think (like another poster said) that the figure detracts from the image, but why is he here, what is he doing? there's no narrative.

>> No.2014813
File: 321 KB, 648x1008, LowResFemalePainting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was working on this yesterday took about 5-6 hours with smoke breaks every hour. Had a lot of trouble keeping my brush strokes and making sure to keep female figures soft.

I'm curious how you guys keep your females from getting too soft and smooth?

>> No.2014818

this is really neat. Tumblr?

looks a bit hesitant, can't really explain it, but I like it nonetheless.

>> No.2014835

thats me thx


>> No.2014889
File: 136 KB, 700x889, space-marinette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2014890
File: 398 KB, 500x863, painto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here did a little paintover, adding ambient light on the statue and making the sky less bright would direct the eye towards the statue, i kinda like your composition bro, could add some darker elements in the foreground tho

>> No.2014895


awesome. don't stop now! push it further while you are in the flow.

>> No.2014898

No fucking way you are stil trying to save that piece of shit!
You have some attachment issues holy shit let it die already.

>> No.2014900
File: 70 KB, 554x390, 1419844681896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


haha. yeah, i do. not giving up yet.

>> No.2014924
File: 267 KB, 1189x656, pilot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this looking, boys?

>> No.2014927

Listen to this person.

>> No.2014936


>> No.2014949
File: 191 KB, 1084x635, h2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks 4 million times better with areas of rest. just need to find some dynamic appealing arrangement of ships.

>> No.2014955

excuse me what

>> No.2014981

>just need to find some dynamic appealing arrangement of ships

yeah. just like that.

caught myself trying to solve the single biggest problem that is basically the core of this illustration, and makes up 95% of it's success or failure, casually and in a rush. my approach is so retarded holy shit. composition is everything, seriously.

>> No.2014985


>> No.2014997
File: 440 KB, 1247x714, pilotCA3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how so?

>> No.2015013
File: 209 KB, 569x625, Screen Shot 2015-03-13 at 5.35.37 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what to do next. Everything is too soft imo. I'm new to painting in photoshop and am using a regular soft brush with pressure and line sensitivity. It's difficult for me to make clear shapes without hard lines, without everything blurring together.

>> No.2015014

It's a painting of a big empty space, with both the setting and subject shoved off into the outer edges.

>> No.2015021

please respond.

>> No.2015026

Whoa what did you just do to it? 3d

>> No.2015032

Tell me why my drawing is "gross" so far, please.

>> No.2015038


i don't know what you mean by that ?

>> No.2015039
File: 166 KB, 980x626, ghjgjhhjk7563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic. this kinda works i think.

>> No.2015042

Ships are shoved off to the top edge, city is shoved off to the bottom edge. What's left is a bunch of space in the middle of the canvas and nothing for the eye to grab on to. It's neither a painting of a city, nor a painting of space ships. Just a painting of an empty sky at the moment. Which is a shame because there is some painting abilitiy being shown in the in the buildings.

>> No.2015050


yeah of course, but you are probably referring to the first revision i posted right? i just had the fleet on a masked layer and was experiment around with how to get an interesting arrangement going. it was in no way a definitive step i wanted to move forward with.

>> No.2015078

>>2014787 here
I should have mentioned this; he's being engulfed by a forest fire. Dunno if that makes a difference, but there it is


>> No.2015080
File: 1.49 MB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experimental self portrait. Crits welcome

>> No.2015087
File: 165 KB, 569x625, paintoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another little paintover,you shouldnt only use soft brush, use hard brush for hard edges, its easier that way but honestly brushes dont matter.. your values are messed up thats why its all "blurry" , you gotta do alot studies for edges and values to improve.also the light is coming from front but the top of the hair is really lit, makes the light source confusing. always gotta keep it in mind where the light is coming from, an easy way is to paint the light and not the shadows, easier to put light in a painting that way. now, i m not a really good artist but i just told you what i know so yeah.

>> No.2015092
File: 591 KB, 962x1280, march 13 2015 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

latest painting

>> No.2015093

inspiration was Massacre in Korea by picasso

>> No.2015094

no one will take you seriously until you drop that muh asbtract shit and get some real shit done.

>> No.2015096

I thought her foot was coming out of her bum

>> No.2015109

has that effect less in person. but i can see what you mean. drawing kind of looks like that too.

>> No.2015111

>it's how I *feeeeel*
Of you wanna do abstract stuff that's fine but drop the self portrait notion, it only makes you look like a massive tool

>> No.2015121

Thanks for the advise but I think I'll stick with self portraits

>> No.2015126

it's ok if you do portraits, but doing asbtract stuff will take you nowhere. (that's from a professional point of view).

>> No.2015127
File: 137 KB, 525x959, 876987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands are so frustrating

>> No.2015138

Thanks for your feedback. Anymore advise would be appreciated

>> No.2015201
File: 373 KB, 1200x675, Knight_wip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic-Knight-Man coming to save the day!
Seriously though, I'm more concerned on the arms and legs, if they feel natural enough

>> No.2015204
File: 297 KB, 1200x675, 1426309180575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legs need to be longer, other than that it looks okay.

>> No.2015205

Wow you look really funny lol

>> No.2015246
File: 113 KB, 863x835, ss+(2015-03-14+at+01.52.44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much right now, just a quick sketch and some flat coloring.

Can you guys point out any flaws in the pose and shit? I should probably point out that the left foot is going to be on a slightly elevated platform and she is supposed to be looking out from behind cover.

>> No.2015250

It would have been more dynamic/dramatic if she was looking towards the viewer. Right now it looks like something in the background is going the be the focus, not her.

>> No.2015257

But then you don't see her ass

>> No.2015258
File: 55 KB, 863x835, 1426312657147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't naturally arch our backs

>> No.2015260

You could still see her butt, it just wouldn't be the main focus. If you're trying to make this erotic, I would think people still want to see her face, a good portion of what makes a picture erotic is the expression.

>> No.2015302
File: 307 KB, 800x1100, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liek my chinese animu

>> No.2015303

Thanks for taking the time! I think we have different ideas about the lighting though. I don't want to post my reference selfie though!

>> No.2015306

I love it.

Although I too thought her foot was a rifle handle out the bum initially.

>> No.2015312

the lighting in his paintover is almost exactly the same, it doesn't really make enough of a difference to matter

>> No.2015314

>I don't want to post my reference selfie though

Woah woah woah hold the phone.
You're cute as hell.

>> No.2015318

different ideas? whaddumean?

>> No.2015333

"Die Bruecke" by Wicki?

>> No.2015335
File: 1.95 MB, 1700x2338, Skyrimmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little cheap showmanship...

>> No.2015341
File: 246 KB, 933x1024, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a couple of gay doodles

>> No.2015342
File: 669 KB, 1531x1024, renaissance2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2015353


>> No.2015354
File: 3.72 MB, 854x2000, IMG_0001 sub4mb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just "finished" this one earlier.

It's not exactly where I want it at but I can't figure out what to do with it or add to it, so I just went ahead and scanned it.

I feel that if I added more pen linework it'd get artificially messy, and if I added more pencilwork it'd lose the two/three tone sort of shading I was going for.

any tips?

>> No.2015358

That's correct, Lloyd...

>> No.2015359

I MADE IT!!! Might not be very constructive nor revealing, at least this time someone responded ma post in someway...

>> No.2015374

fucking good dude.

>> No.2015377

thnx :3

>> No.2015379

Can you tell me more about what I'm doing wrong in terms of color choice? I'm still figuring out how to pick them. I typically just slide the color selector up and down in a straight line to get darker or lighter.

>> No.2015597

What's the "grayscale to color" method?

>> No.2015613

You do a painting in greyscale then using layers set to different blending modes (Overlay, Color, Hard Light, Soft Light etc) you glaze colours over it until you have a colour image. It's popular for beginners to use since it lets you get your values right at the start before worrying about colour, but to be completely honest I don't think it is a good way of working at all and tends to get pretty bad results unless you know a ton about colour, at which point it is still better to just paint directly in colour.

>> No.2015685
File: 239 KB, 2835x1669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im working on my first painting from imagination. what do you guys think so far? would this be considered surrealism?

>> No.2015687

goddamnit i dont know how to resize on iphone

>> No.2015728

if you have to explain, it isn't obvious enough

>> No.2015731

>foot in butt

>> No.2015749
File: 89 KB, 960x635, 11073_10153153927818781_8928222118492703018_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my colored pencil dragon head whatcha guys think?

>> No.2015843

It looks like it was scrawled in crayon. Also, it's completely flat.

Please read the sticky.

>> No.2016040
File: 127 KB, 672x964, Copy2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing from photos really helps a lot, I can see why some people get stuck on it.
This one I'm not sure exactly looks like her though, I think you'd just have to know the photo it came from. The real test will be trying to draw her from memory.

>> No.2016085
File: 628 KB, 2400x800, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clouds form photo

>> No.2016090

Honestly unless you're an acclaimed artist with an extensive amount of experience you shouldn't be drawing from memory, but we all do it cause its fun.

>> No.2016094

what a bullshit thing to say. "acclaimed artist". there's no objective way you can be acclaimed. picasso probably had days when he felt like a shit artist. you should be brave enough to work from memory as soon as you start drawing and painting.

>> No.2016103

Maybe for doodles and sketches (and cartoons) but we'll never know enough about bodies or landscapes, etc. So working from reference (from real life, not a picture) will always be the superior way to go.

>> No.2016115

Eh, it always gets muddy when we talk about "should and shouldn't" in art. I don't think there's anything wrong with using reference, but straight up copying a photo, I feel isn't art. When I draw something I want to create an image I envisioned, not one someone else has already captured. I'm just copying these photos of her though so that when I go to draw her my own way, I'll have some familiarity with her features and hopefully have a better chance of capturing her likeness. However as I thought about it after that post, I decided I'm still just going to throw together a bunch of pictures of her in pure ref to use while I draw it, because yeah honestly I don't think I can study her enough to draw her purely from memory in such a short time, and besides there's really no reason I need to do it purely from memory if using reference will make it easier and better. So long as I'm not just outright copying a photo like I did here, I think the customer won't feel cheated.

>> No.2016123
File: 35 KB, 600x600, suwakoburh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I fucking thought you fucking vagina-ass faggot.
I'll kill you.

>> No.2016130
File: 68 KB, 657x642, ss (2015-03-14 at 10.45.28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying something new. Don't know which version I should take..

>> No.2016149
File: 652 KB, 900x916, smite_condi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique towards gesture and colors pls, especially colors. I know my lines are ass.

>> No.2016159

how do you feel about this opinion:

working from memory should be the finalized piece, since it gets rid of unnecessary details and only leaves what you found most vital to the image.

>> No.2016163

I should probably clarify I'm talking about realism and the basics taught in school, not about my personal opinion.

I think one should study from real life and practice from memory, but for a final piece it could involve both.

>> No.2016166

i love it

>> No.2016190
File: 346 KB, 1630x2130, gotta get good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally cropped this, the arm she's resting on had more mass at the elbow.

>> No.2016208
File: 203 KB, 1360x894, hfgfhg33ed-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just can't stop.... send help

>> No.2016235

Don't stop now, it's actually looking good.

>> No.2016247
File: 449 KB, 1000x457, reffaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm really not getting that spark of life that defines the look of a person, yet. There's always these micro-flubs in key areas of proportion that seem to skew the humanity and accuracy out of every earnest attempt I make.

I'm sure someone here understands what I'm talking about and can give me a hand.

>> No.2016250

Bottom. Lines lead towared the lightpost. In the top one they just go around it.

>> No.2016252


holy crap it actually is. also just realized that the engine stuff i'm rendering acts as a perfect focal point and allows me to get away with halfassing the tip of the penisship into a shapeless blob of value. this is perfect.

>> No.2016259

You're drawing caricatures, and they don't look right because you haven't learned proper portraits. You're not creating the accuracy, you're filling in gaps and taking shortcuts, using shorthand like "ah yeah, the cheek is roughly this shape". You need to sit there and be patient and force yourself to be as exact and accurate as you can. Where does the corner of the mouth line up with that eye, or with the jaw, what's the exact curve of that lip. Make a grid if you have to. It's tedious. But when you do it, and can accurately reproduce a photo or something drawn from life, then exaggeration without losing likeness will come easily. And if it matters at all to you I drew theme park caricatures for 3-4 years so I had to do this stuff myself, and it works.

>> No.2016275


Gotcha, this level of specificity is probably why I fucked off ref practice for so long.

Garcias anonamigo

>> No.2016279
File: 224 KB, 484x900, jaa2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please shove me towards a better and/or more interesting direction.

>> No.2016312

mouth is mis-alligned with the face
the face melts into the collar on the left side of the drawing. otherwise i'm really digging it. blog?
back 2 beginner bread
opt for oil instead
you might want to actually BLEND m8. and she's got a hunchback going on , check that
you can only do GOOD abstract when you know your fundamentals and anamtomy and proportions of stuff etc etc. check picasso, man knew how to paint very realistically when he was but a teenager, thats why his abstract stuff is brilliant.
no, it would be considered "random weird stuff mushed into one painting"
don't forget that it's best to draw from real life and not pictures, because irl you can walk around your subject and see the forms very clearly. a picture is very one-dimmensional and a bit shit to study from in general.

>> No.2016340
File: 258 KB, 1073x853, WIP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill upload a better picture using my camera soon.
My phone knocks out the subtle colors.

>> No.2016343

Still quite a rough wip. Obviously.

>> No.2016345

his left (our right) arm seems like it's recessed into his shoulder, or squished in
his right forearm appears swollen especially compared to the left, although that may just be perspective

>> No.2016351

yeah his right arm is coming towards the viewer, it does look off however. I have been debating changing it.
And yes the left arm shoulder is to small, I put a white mark to remind myself to fix it. I have real problems with connecting the torso to the arms.

>> No.2016355
File: 310 KB, 3532x2855, monkdudeconcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I would appreciate if you could point out a few things on this guy ;

What do you like/dislike?
What would you do to improve?
Based on this sketch, what should I study/emphasis next time?

Thanks guys

>> No.2016359

The biggest issues i sse for know is that he feels very stiff. And it doesn't feel like his coat is fitting on a body.

>> No.2016367
File: 3.76 MB, 3600x3600, tattoo2-Recovered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ay first time /ic/ poster here, any advice for my painting?

>> No.2016369
File: 198 KB, 1000x939, fghfgh-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w-what about me??

don't know much about character design nor do i care to, but i feel like theres a big disconnect going on between the emotive angry facial expression and the stiff static pose.

>> No.2016371

It looks really good, just make sure to resize it next time.
Also I see some gaps between colors, make sure to fill those in so they don't become a chore once you start blending, and the linework is just a guide, right?

>> No.2016390

>the linework is just a guide, right?
im not sure really, it started off like that but now i kind of like the effect it gives. Ill sort out the other stuff too, thanks

>> No.2016407

Is it okay to post a copy of another picture here? It's kind of a color study. It's homework, hence the copying, but I like how's it going and I'd like advice on how to improve the technique or something.

>> No.2016426
File: 141 KB, 641x759, face study 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing faces because I learned I suck at them today.

>> No.2016445

Yup, people do it all the time.

>> No.2016472
File: 168 KB, 1280x960, IMG-20150311-WA0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay then
Sorry for the shitty quality, scanner just decided to stop working tonight. It's done with pastel pencils, any tips on how to blend the colors or something?

>> No.2016500

her left eye feels a tiny bit high.

Other than that I like it. You can definitely tell the shape of the eye sockets and the curve of (her) left cheek

>> No.2016524


Boy you've come a long way. I actually still remember when you would post on DA. Just so you know your progress isn't going unnoticed. Godspeed mate.

>> No.2016568
File: 153 KB, 437x605, wop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2016578

>tfw no critique

>> No.2016579

I feel like you aren't emphasizing the right features of each person. A solid caricature blows their features out and maximizes them.

>> No.2016590

I think you meant to reply to >>2016247

>> No.2016610

stop drawing anime and learn anatomy first

>> No.2016612

Particular issues with anatomy?

Head construction, arms in the wrong places, so on,

>> No.2016631
File: 246 KB, 1500x542, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you probably wanted to concentrate on the cityscape. But i had some random ideas to make it a little bit more dramatic. Feel free to disregard.

>> No.2016644

means pathetically much to me anon. thanks.

that is actually really awesome. i've been looking to include some sequental work in my portfolio. how do you even come up with those shots??

>> No.2016657

I'm not sure, but i think part of it is asking what do i want to show and how do i want to show it. What can i disregard. Then do a lot of thumbnails.

>> No.2016995
File: 471 KB, 1434x1848, fuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2017925 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 1000x1250, alexwip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worked on this a little more. probably not going to continue on it. it's a bit of a mess. was good practice though lol.

>> No.2018489

invasion of the giant metal dicks