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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 38 KB, 749x946, 1424946359235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2005886 No.2005886 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread no longer Bumping..

I'd like to start with my own question if that's cool.
I'm starting to get to the stage where My art might actually be worth more then the paper it's printed on... and I'd like to print some stuff out..

Do you ever print shit out? Where do you get it printed? I want it to look nice, but I don't wanna spend too much.. I Was thinking of just giving it to the fucking Costco Photo developers and hope they don't notice..

>> No.2005988

whatever you are comfortable with that gets shit done really.


go for it, i just remake each tread because if i don't they will 404 and a few days will go by with separate threads for questions happen when they could all be contained in one area. if you make another thread, remember to spam the end of the thread with the link to this thread with new thread so people don't keep using it.

look up local print shops first, if they are a small business than they are likely to try their best to keep you as a customer if they think you have any better alternative. outside of that, i cant say... i think fedex bought one of the bigger printers in the us, and i dont know how good they were before or after that acquisition.

as for costco, fairly good company over all... but the way you word it makes it sound like you want to print porn... in which case i would recommend finding a good online printer just for the sake of you will never see them outside of their printer business.

if you are doing inking, manga studio 5 paint tool sai are better options than photoshop.

there is one that draws the line like a vector, think the pen tool in photoshop if you actually could draw with it too, though im not sure which that is.

>> No.2006082
File: 236 KB, 540x720, url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having trouble drawing the leg in a bent position, usually because I'll set the hip joint too high or too low.

Any tips to correcting this?

I've found office supplies stores to be very cheap for printing, but you really have to stay on them because they can screw up your orders unless you specify a lot.

>> No.2006095

should i read loomis fun with a pencil first or vilpuu's drawing manual?

>> No.2006099

Do you have any experience drawing? Fun with a Pencil is geared towards people who've never drawn seriously before. Vilppu's Drawing Manual is geared towards intermediates.

>> No.2006105

i've done gesture sketches of people on the bus when going to school, and did some online where you're timed 60 seconds and it switches drawing. i'm not good at refining though, and i'm scratchy.

>> No.2006168

How do I stop worrying about how much money will my drawings make and just enjoy drawing like when I was 5 years old? Honestly I never think about money until know I can sell my drawings. Now I'm more business-minded that ever. I have never sold anything though.

>> No.2006169

>Honestly I never think about money until I know I can sell my drawings. Now I'm more business-minded than ever.

Stupid me

>> No.2006175

I can't conceptualize 3D space and I have poor line weight skills. I also make boring compositions. Which LOOMIS is right for me?

>> No.2006220


draw what you want to draw and fuck the price

when you can actually sell art, do it based on past work and commission, not based on what you already have made... if someone wants to buy that worry than.

line weight inst all that important unless you are doing line art... at least if im thinking what you are doing correctly... the end goal till you pick up a style is to be able to treat the pencil like its a paint brush, than either keep doing that, or pick up what you want because you now have the skills.

>> No.2006240
File: 372 KB, 1388x785, jjbaiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am doing a gradient for a large background. Never really painted much before. The piece is about 24x30 inches.

Using Matte Acrylic. Only brush I have is a 1 inch.

What is a good wide brush that wont leave much of a brush stroke mark and is fairly cheap?

Or should I just use a 5/6 inch paint roller? I am leaning towards the roller.

pic unrelated

>> No.2006423

I see there a lot of praise to Vilppu but did he ever do anything other than sketching naked people?

>> No.2006435


Synthetic House painting brushes aren't bad. Not chip brushes, the nicer ones. You can mix in a flow aid if you want it to dry with a flat surface.

>> No.2006446

I like the new image

>> No.2006490

jesus christ what did they do to iggy!?

>> No.2006507

Whats the best edition of drawing on the right side of the brain?

>> No.2006508

Alright I will try that I guess

I think it was an attempt to further humanize him but who knows.

>> No.2006515

God damn circles, will they ever be perfect without doing 10+ revolutions?

>> No.2006524
File: 95 KB, 1396x508, Obnoxioustoolnotworking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OKAY SO, I'm using Manga Studio ex 5 and ran into an annoying problem.
I was watching someone stream a week or so back and they showed an easy way to smooth your lines and it doesn't seem to be working for me, literally, the tool isn't letting me do anything.
Can anyone enlighten me on how to make the tool work? I cant seem to find the answer anywhere on the internet.
To clarify, I dont use a drawling tablet at the moment, I drawl the doodle and move it over to the computer and render out the lines and then thicken them to one solid color. I wanna smooth them now to make them look nicer.

>> No.2006536
File: 81 KB, 447x392, monkeySTOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get faster at drawing? Other than the obvious, drawing more and more, I was wondering if there's any exercises to specifically target one's ability at drafting quickly.I hear doing gesture studies can help with that, but I always feel like I'm not doing them right and I can't accomplish anything in the 30-60 second time frame.

>> No.2006552

I've downloaded some Dave Rapoza's and Jaime's brush sets, and those contain an enormous amount of brushes. How do you guys select what you need from those sets?

>> No.2006608

I just got Crab Mullin's and Im pretty much set for life...

(Cause most of those are derivative of crab mullins)

Just use everything.. learn to use them all ..
I'm not sure You need every size of the brush.. I usually just size it down

>> No.2006671

I wonder why there are different sizes for some brushes. There has to be a reason. And it's not like it's faster to open the brush presets rather than resizing it manually.

>> No.2006683

mm when you really know what you're doing you can swap brushes with a hotkey and when you're working with the right brush you can quickly change sizes.

>> No.2006736

does anyone use their own tumblr/DA page/twitter/whatever as a motivation tool? like promising your followers to post daily, thus holding yourself responsible and forcing yourself to publish at least one drawing or sketch per day?

because I really think I need some way of either "tricking" or forcing myself into drawing. I definitely feel like I have enough passion for art to want to pour more time in it, but it's just so damn easy to make up excuses or find distractions or play vidya with your friends.

>> No.2006760

That definitely helps, which is why having a sketchbook (on Conceptart, Permanoobs, CD) is recommended.

If you're going to do this, as a recommendation: don't post your best-looking/highest standards works It's only going to increase anxiety.

>> No.2006779
File: 136 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mte7b33Rdm1qem1y6o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I know there is definitely a difference between brands of colored pencils, but what's the best to use? I've never used anything better than crayola unfortunately.

>> No.2006785

Where the fuck can I get Vilppu's Drawing Manual in non shit quality without having to pay for it?

>> No.2006811

I personally like prisma.

>> No.2006812

that's what most artists use, right?

>> No.2006813

I mean.. yeah. It blends pretty well and the colors are pretty vibrant. Blick is pretty good too. I guess it's really just a matter of trying them out and seeing what works for you.

I'm planning on trying Faber-Castell if that helps you any..

>> No.2006818

Blick is good?? I have so many Blick stores where I live. The prices seem to be the same for those and Prisma in their stores however. I feel like I should just start using Prisma.

And thank you, I'll look at Faber-Castell too.

>> No.2006862

>pen only
>sketchbook at starbucks
>final destination
>no items

>> No.2006865

posted this in the beginner thread but might as well ask here too to get a few more answers

hi guys.. I'm a true beginner.

Is there somewhere I can get like a sample curriculum list so I can figure out which order I'm supposed to learn all these things?

I'm pretty overwhelmed right now.
People keep saying "oh just do loomis" but he has like a bunch of books and something tells me some are more suited for a true beginner than others.

>> No.2006872
File: 187 KB, 700x600, pthYXew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2006874

Hit up "Fun with a Pencil", that's suited for real level 1 beginners. As far as the "order" for all art goes, it's really up to you. I recommend just working on your figures and anatomy at first, but once you can draw decent people just look into improving whatever you want to.

>> No.2007017
File: 29 KB, 241x350, how2eliminate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to do pressure sensitive darkness other than opacity? I usually just do 100% opacity and change colors all the time but sometimes i just want to throw down a quick sketch and having to do all of the values without lifting the pen is a huge pain. The result of drawing over a line after lifting the pen looks like ass.

>> No.2007020

in photoshop btw

>> No.2007051

How long should a portrait take if you want hard brushstrokes to show? I've been on it for an hour, but I've only done the face and I'm really bored right now.

>> No.2007100
File: 312 KB, 1657x2500, adamhughesww300dpi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been going back and forth 2mm and 0.5mm lead many times. And I was wondering, when it comes to comic/manga drawings and only mechanical pencils....

Would 0.7mm be better for the feel vs 0.5mm? Sort of an unclear question, but I was wondering if anyone else had experiences on pencils and feel they prefer.

>> No.2007113

I use 0.5mm B2 pretty much exclusively when sketching/drafting and actual pencils for serious shading.

>> No.2007115

I use HB. Used to use F and H. But I decided on normal HB since I also draw digitally, with the whole flowy and slippery feel.

>> No.2007116

>the whole flowy and slippery feel
This was so fucking hard to get used to for me, ended up taping a sheet of paper to my tablet for a while, then went to the felty tips my pen came with

>> No.2007117

because as opposed to a child you have to provide for yourself which requires you having to do things for money as opposed to enjoyment

>> No.2007118

>ended up taping a sheet of paper to my tablet
I actually did that and had that for months until I realized the jittery lines that the paper sometimes produced due to the vibrations. Though it might have been due to the shitty wacom driver I realized I had. Now I just use lazynezumi for smooth lines.

>felty tips
also used to use that when I was starting out, but they wear out fast and they give that "screwy, come to a halt dried marker" drag feel once they do.

>> No.2007122

I want to get into digital art. What is the best "course" I can take on my own time (online videos, books, etc.) to fast track through everything asap. I already have a good background so a lot will be review, I just want to soak in as much knowledge as possible in as little time as possible so I can get right to the practicing and working,

Ideally I want to have completed all of the learning/review within the month at which point everything will be taking that and continuing to practice and grow. And no I'm not hoping to be an expert in a month, I just want to know the concepts by then, so I can apply them to my work as I practice and improve.

>> No.2007126

That's how it is with photoshop. You could try the mixer brush or a softer brush.

When Pen pressure is involved, you can have 10% blacks and 50-100% blacks showing in strokes, that's why it looks so clashy. You could increase the minimum opacity.

>> No.2007129

Is there any word for the change a model has in their pose from start to finish? It happens every croquis-session I attend. I'm inclined to just call it Pose-Detoriation, but that's not the correct word, I guess.

>> No.2007143

Try ctrl+paint.

>> No.2007182

im going to assume yes, but thats not what he is known for, he teaches anatomy and figure drawing. and looking at what he does, hes one of the best currently alive... granted, you require someone next to you telling to the technical side while he shows you how to feel it... think prokos gesture video and vilppus, vilppu shows you the abstract version that once you know it you know it but have not a fucking clue how to explain it, while proko can teach you technically how but cant show/explain it...

look proko showed a gesture video where he told you to push it further, the whole time i was asking if i push the fucker further, what the fuck am i going to do with it, and never shows you what to do with it, where as vilppu shows you and completes the drawing making the gesture easy to understand if you already have the technical knowledge.

no, like it or not, you will never do a perfect circle on command, though you will get close enough it doesn't matter, i just picked up a pencil and went for it, first one was a bit lopsided, the second and third were good enough that id doesn't matter if you require precision to be that exact, you use tools to make it exact instead of freehanding it.

go over to photoshop, go to the filters and dick around with the palette knife.

if you are doing digital line art, photoshop inst that good, but if you are doing photo manipulation (what you are doing) photoshop is king.

first off, get your mind use to drawing whats required, you bild that with people sketching/10-30 second poses
second, stop making shit lines, this gets better only though practice.

in time you are able to draw faster just because you cut out the unnecessary shit you are doing... if you have a webcam try recording how you draw and than watch it critically after a 2 minute pose.

>> No.2007191

get a small pack of both and see what works.

blick is surprisingly good for how cheap they can be, im guessing it has more to do with them being a storefront making money off everything instead of just making money off their brand though.

the version i have is 36mb and is found in a vilppu torrent, just went through the whole thing, the text inst bad, the scanner sucked so some of the shaded areas have a weird gradient, but aside from that, VERY good quality.

try out the flow and airbrush setting.

at what level? shit level beginner or master?
watts has a video where he shows head sketching and shits that stuff out in 5 minutes each

id use the whole line of menchanical pencils if non of its planed to be inked, if you do the inking the lines are up to you and the pencil is a rough guide, if you have someone else ink, its up to them to follow your lines anyway.

if you are willing to pay, watts is traditional and gets you a foundation that cant be beat, and youtube will teach you digital art for the most part, with you supplementing experimenting on your own and converting watts traditional knowledge and skill to to digital.

>> No.2007202

How can I tell for sure if my tablet and its drivers are functioning 100% properly?

I'm new to tablet in general and I want to know if my problems painting are because I'm just not used to it or good with it yet, or maybe if there's a problem with the driver or settings of the tablet itself. Is there a good way to test or find out if everything is working good?

>> No.2007213

Go in photoshop and see if you can draw decent circles. Then draw quick straight lines

shit circles, quick lines that aren't straight=broken driver

It pissed me off to realize I've been using a shit driver for months.

>> No.2007221

>>2007051 here. High beginner, low intermediate. I understand head construction, just painting takes forever.

>> No.2007225

never render at that level

rendering is a long process that is easy to get good at because of how long you spend doing it, instead of painting, draw it, map shadows, move on to the next and keep doing that, get your drawings solid than worry about painting.

>> No.2007329
File: 175 KB, 751x1063, jinx_by_neoartcore-d8kla5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I watch/read thorought instructions and examples of coloring greyscale?

I see there's a lot of completely different ways and i'm pretty lost.
Some do light greyscale and multiply, some do dark one and hard light some do greyscale and just overpaint it with color.

>> No.2007333

What is the best "free education" on the fundamentals of drawing online? Is there a website or a youtube channel with good videos to teach this? I don't have any money, but I have a lot of time in the next couple of months, I just want a good source to teach me everything I need to know to get started.

>> No.2007335

Literally Loomis.

>> No.2007342


thats what i mean when i say map the shadows, the one on the left has all the important shit down and if he chose to do it he could finish that drawing later on.

dont dick around with filling in the shadow because it will just make shit more messy (coming at it from traditional here) and take up time that could be better spent drawing more, you and me both fucking know where that shadow goes, you can put it in there later.

this is what is meant when we say don't render, it eats time that could be better spend drawing more, someone who is good could spend 2-5 minutes drawing but dedicate the next 3 hours to rendering and still have more shit they could have done.

dont render till your drawings are already solid.

when you say "free" do you mean free free, or i didn't have to pay for it free?

if you go free free you are going to be bouncing around youtube tutorials, which while they can be good and help, rarely put together a solid curriculum on one channel, they bounce the fuck around where this person will draw hair like a master, but cant do shit outside of that, or they can draw the face but the fuck happened to the body, or more commonly, their drawing is fucked but they render like a fucking pro...

if you want to go truely free, you are going to need to do alot of research and finding out who is good and who isnt... the best i could tell you is watts youtube channel and proko even though i hate him... watts has friday night workshop videos where you can watch and learn also some of the promos for the drawing phases you can see what he does but these are small glimpses, you need to learn by observation here.

>> No.2007345
File: 389 KB, 992x599, 7959271_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you guys use face references, do you guys use it directly or do you/some of you absorb the form in your head, able to draw it from different angles? And possible good guides on this?

I tried making my own faces using a frontal and profile view, but ran into consistency problems when doing different angles other than that.

>> No.2007352

this is the idea, draw anything from any angle.

>> No.2007479

Where can i find a video fully showing how they animate nowadays a 2d animation film/movie?
not just parts of it, the full process, so i can see how i could make one myself.

>> No.2007524

What makes an artist mediocre? What makes an artist a good artist? I'm not talking about skill, I'm talking about quality of the art they produce.

>> No.2007551

Guys I'm a nogains skeletor, not just a nogains but semi-aushwitz mode.
And when I try to draw using full arm I literally feel tensiton somewhere in triceps area.
I thought like
>Maybe I can't control he line because my arm is too light and weak?
And when I decided to to some push ups I felt crcking and ache somewhere between shoulder joint and collarbone.

Do I really need meat on my bones to draw?
What that cracking was? Not enought meat in deltoid to hold my weight?

>> No.2007574

Anyone got good resources about composition in pictures and film? Stuff like Every Frame a Painting on YT for movies is fascinating as fuck, and I'd love to look into the theory behind the types of things he mentions. Some similar type of theory for painting composition and such as well, since that's what I actually work with in reality (and films are just a side interest).

>> No.2007591

you are going to be looking for flash tutorials, or you are going to be inventing a new animation method.

the difference is when they fall into mah style.
is it before they have solid foundations, or did they go to the style because they never wanted to draw real people

thats really the only diffrence... at least when mental illness isnt a factor.

muscle helps, but is not necessary... if shit hurts, it may be because you are to weak, it may be something else. we aint doctors here.

>> No.2007761
File: 91 KB, 600x450, drawing-overhand-grip[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far back do you hold your tablet pen? I find that the friction of my hand touching the tablet makes my lines imprecise.

I cant hold the pen like I would a pencil, the nib unfortunately is too short.

>> No.2007796

try getting a smudge guard or put a piece of paper on top of the tablet if you feel your hand sticks too much to it

>> No.2007800

I think that the slippery surface of the tablets is far worse.

In tradicional media, the paper texture seems to keep my lines more precise and steady.

>> No.2007820

Did anyone start out hating art and only started enjoying it once he or she got better?

I'm still in my babby stages, but I can't fucking stand practice. It's destroying my brain. Should I just stop trying?

>> No.2007821

>cant hold the digital pen the same way
I had the EXACT same problem.
I found that drawing in pen, to get the angle right, fixed it.
It may sound like a bummer, but its all a part of it

>> No.2007824


I don't mess with my tablet much, never could get into it... but can't you flip it around and use the eraser part as the pencil and pen nib as the eraser?

Shouldn't that work?

>> No.2007825

I got better and now I hate it because I didnt have an end goal in mind. Fucking blows when you are on the throne with no crown

>> No.2007830

You can certaintly try. My pen doesnt have an eraser on it, so its balls to the wall

>> No.2007864

I'm gonna try my weird question here too:
I'm painting a pic of a rock star guy and I could really use some good rock music for inspiration, but I never listen to rock and don't know any good albums. I'm looking for stuff that's sort of like Pour Some Sugar on Me. Any recommendations?

>> No.2007900

>make pandora account for free
>type in Pour some sugar on Me
>slip in to a rockin state

Also, Dude looks like a lady

>> No.2007903
File: 49 KB, 837x866, ss+(2015-03-07+at+02.30.23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I know things on the face aren't very symmetrical right now but that's not
what I'm focusing on)

I'm starting to grasp volumes and smoothing colors together but I'm having a lot of
trouble as to what to do when different colors collide, such as in this drawing I'm
working on I have no idea what to do with the outer-rim of the eyes or the lips
without it just being a straight up line there. or am I just over complicating things?

>> No.2007913

Oh yeah, I forgot about internet radio, I've never used any before. Ayy, thanks anon.

>> No.2007915
File: 78 KB, 498x800, 1423536666412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right? He didn't give very many examples of finding the starting angle.


>> No.2007931

No problemo dude

>> No.2007932

From the pit of the neck to the taint of the figure.
Males have more of a taint than females

>> No.2007939

better watch Villpu for this.

He shows better technique and explains better, and for fucks sake he doesn't scratch when making an educational video.

>> No.2007943

I will, but I can't fucking hear him though.

>> No.2007945

What I watched was a fucking VHS rip with him in a way better condition.

VHS isn't a great experience but I could hear and kinda see what he's doing.

>> No.2007962
File: 89 KB, 454x511, wip_skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do Paint skin? Any resources/tutorials/tip appreciated.

>> No.2007970

I have a very newbie question about photoshop: how do I keep the background when I save something? Everything is transparent.

>> No.2007980

If you want to draw a perfect square lying down flat on the ground in 3-point perspective, can you use the same techniques as you use for drawing perfect squares in 2-point perspective?

Since the up/down / zenith/nadir axis is irrelevant for this flat shape I'd assume the answer is yes.

>> No.2007994
File: 54 KB, 454x511, 1425772582279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this is SAI, right?

paint it darker or decrease value and paint it over with Overlay layer.
Tinker with it a bit, it will take some to find right value and right colors,
Overlay is an additive layer so it increases the value.
>but what to do with those low saturation areas?
Fuck me if I know, paint them over or use more saturated color in overlay for them I guess

>> No.2008098

Turn up the volume and up the speed by 3

>> No.2008100

Make sure opacity is 100% on each layer

>> No.2008104

The only difference is the horizon line.

Squares, or cubes?

>> No.2008106

Ctrlpaint has a free series where he makes and goes through selecting a thumbnail for a compostion

>> No.2008108

When an artist cant leave the comfort zone, do they ever become bad.

>> No.2008109

"Not sitting the fuck still"

>> No.2008111

Manga Studio actually. But I'll try overlay, Thanks!

>> No.2008179

How do I bring this >>2008051 to a finish?

I know there are details to clean up and add but do I do more with lighting? Maybe make it darker? Also are there any glaring anatomical mistakes? I don't know, I think it's going well but I'm having some kind of mental block whenever I go and try to work on it and I think I'm gonna start noodling it without making any progress.

>> No.2008210

Any advice on how to start learning to render?

>> No.2008266

Would a softer lead like B or 2B lead 2mm stay sharper than HB lead? Since it's it's softer and possibly being sharpened from being used?

>> No.2008306
File: 42 KB, 500x600, moebius 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute beginner here, I've checked out some stuff from a few different books and videos etc. and I don't really like the philosophy of books like drawing on the right side of the brain or keys to drawing. It seems like there must be an approach that is more constructional than observational, is it possible to get any ok at all in art without following the mindset of these books?

>> No.2008315

Start with the largest brushes possible until you're forced to go smaller, don't zoom in until you need to.

CtrlPaint has some tutorials on edge control, soft vs hard brushes and rendering iirc (I haven't had to go there for like, two years). Go check those.
No, softer lead doesn't do that. B = soft, H = hard. Lead doesn't get sharpened while used, it gets duller (unless you're drawing right at an angle and creates a slant or some shit.)
Try Fun With a Pencil by Loomis, but keep in mind that you do need to know how to think observationally (get rid of your symbol drawing, think more in a 3D space.) Do some object still life and Bammes drawings.

>> No.2008348

hi everyone i have just have two basic question

i cant see the final piece in my mind.
that end up usually a drawing with a lack of detail and some flaw
anyone know what to do to fix that ?

2 i seen some artist drawing without guide lines (circle for the head .....) that means they know a lot about anatomy ,study life is a good excecice but this is the only excercice

>> No.2008374

Much appreciated drawfriend.

>> No.2008375

the first wall you hit is your ability to see mistakes is better than your ability to draw, but at some point the two cross and that is when you will start enjoying drawing again. just remember that the two constantly fight and will start seeing mistakes again.

define comfort zone.

if the zone is their style, yes, they look worse when they initially leave it and its possible they never return to what they once did, for better or worse.
if its drawing something they never drew before, no shit they are bad

scrap the mic stand, i believe danny is something like 6 feet tall or something... dudes tall... but that mic stand the way its drawin makes him look like he is under 4 feet.

you have a style going for you tight now, at least in the body, face and horns, the accessories and pants tail and hair still look like they are quick "will this work" instead of im going for the goal...

on a side note, you may want to add a bulge in the pants 1/3 down the leg, im sure danny would enjoy that.

hard lead will stay sharp longer, soft lead will sharpen faster through use... i think thats what you were getting at.

most people tell you to fuck the pseudoscience bullshit in those books and instead take from them the skills they present.

thumbnail, most people don't see the most minute details in their final piece when they start, they just get broad strokes and figure it out form there.

and with 2, it depends... some artists really do see all the construction in their head, others fake it by drawing really lightly on paper than erasing it to the point only someone in real life could see the lines because youtube compresses them away. if you are talking about youtube artists who do realistic shit, i have seen a number of their base sketches... that shit is full of lines telling them were everything is.

>> No.2008382

I've never read any of those books. Instead, I went to croquis class once a week along with model studies.

Doing so is maybe a slower learning curve than the one you get from those books. But it's given me a very free approach to drawing and painting (not constructing the motif beforehand). I've used my observational skills to draw and paint what I see, I've learned to see what looks right and what looks wrong, what works and what doesnt. I don't know if the books make it easier, all I'm saying is that you can learn without reading, too.

>> No.2008390

ok thinks do you think that could work with comics ?

as for the two i was think about guys like this http://youtu.be/9gJQyVfKZJg?t=2m21s

>> No.2008395

take note that no detail in that entire thing is precise. the only reason this works is because of the brush style he uses. mix that in with the ability to properly do proportions by eyeballing and you got something that many people could mimic.

when you see demos like this, they are never doing final work, they are almost always doing pormo work and what impresses people the most/gets more people to look is if you do it all freehand.

yea... to get that kind of skill you need to either gain muscle memory through tons of repetition, or you have to be in a setting where being accurate is second to speed.

now, american comics... you probably need to either suck some major dick, be a name already, or have an interesting style before you could get away with 100% free hand. for manga style... no, not if you want to look good and if you aren't doing fan service shit, you need to look good.

>> No.2008412
File: 47 KB, 182x310, 1413477179356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have two questions

1. Does anyone have trouble breaking down the human form into shapes/doing good poses from imagination regularly? Like, sometimes i can draw a pretty good picture from imagination and other times i have to use reference/copy my reference for the sake of a good drawing. Maybe its just a "im having a bad art day" thing or i just haven't grinded enough. I just wanted some feedback on this.

2. I have only been drawing with a common number 2 pencil despite me having some graded pencils ( and maybe some charcoal, id have to check). im not really doing anything with value yet, is this a bad behavior or what.

thanks for the feedback?

>> No.2008503

>define comfort zone.

3 quater portraits now and forever.
Never ending

>> No.2008504

I just realized I bought a very fugitive watercolor pigment, should I still use it for works?

>> No.2008511

2, no its not, those are just tools to get shit on paper, useing more may make it easier so experiment, but its not nessassary.

1... this is harder... define good pose here, are they poses you have done before in some other drawing that you just cant get to work, or are they completely new ones that you never thought would work?

like i said, in that case its a no shit they are bad at something they never did before... though in 3/4 case you described its hard to call that person an artist if thats all they can fucking do.

>> No.2008520

by a good pose, i mean a pose that looks accurate. More often than not when i do it from imagination, the body will look weird or the foot will seem twisted in a manner or something along those lines. If i just do the common standing figure i can get it to look pretty accurate

So i guess a good pose to me would be a dynamic pose that could be realistically held.

>> No.2008522
File: 134 KB, 877x620, Krystal_Warfare_by_bittenhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I start to learn to paint like Bittenhard? I love this style of painting and I just have no idea where to start.

>> No.2008528

post something you did to illustrate this point, and it would be best if you DON'T post something you did for fun, just something you did for practice.

from the sound of it, you have a hard time visualizing the forms in perspective.

new masters academy, a beginners guide to figure drawing part 5, that will give you a good idea of what to draw, how to draw it, and not to move forward at all if shit isnt right.

ok, first off, look at the lower left rubble, and the smoke under the monster, what he draws there id very rough... now take a look at cat womans face... this is where he spends the time, to detail, also look at the forearm to see more simplistic painting, and also the abs,

also take note of the computer screen thing, its omitting a green light that he applies everywhere it would hit, and also pay attention to the shadows, it looks like he handles them through desaturation opposed to picking a darker color of the light around it... however this also may because he is mixing blue and red because of a fire scene... i would have to see more to figure that out.

more or less, know damn well where your focal points are going to be and detail only those, everything else, half ass because most people not analizeing it ware going to notice that shit anyway.

>> No.2008535

I mean more like his brush work, just the basic stuff that maybe someone who knows anything about digital painting would know. I'm a complete beginner at it so I just have no idea how to get that effect.

I can't post much of his stuff, since it's pretty much all furry porn but he's the most obvious example of this style I can think off the top of my head.

>> No.2008540

i pointed out areas where the brush work was shit that shows off how he did it... the face he blended to all hell or really took his time with so you dont see the strokes there, but you do see it on the arm, the abs, the lower left corner and the smoke.

this is a GREAT case for showing how little you need to do to make something look good and how making one detail well done brings the rest of the picture up with it.

you know where to find his art, and im not sure if 4chan bans linking to that site so here
take a look at that image of his, it show off how he does his style better tahn the picture above. the above one has some polish, this one... its rough as fuck and shows off how he paints if you know what to look for... pst that image here and some others can probably help you... im tired as fuck and am not going to analyze another image till probably monday.

>> No.2008541

Ok, thank you for your help!

>> No.2008542
File: 68 KB, 496x702, 1416658033.bittenhard_petuniacol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so posting this to hopefully get some feedback, ideas on where to start as the anon above said. I can see the rough, unblended brush strokes and can kinda tell this might be a step in a normal, more detailed painting but as I'm a complete beginner with painting, I just have no idea where to start. Just looking for a direction to start learning with a semi-end goal of this kinda style.

>> No.2008583

Thanks so much for the feedback anon, I was starting to think I'd be ignored forever. Sorry if it's greedy but could I ask you another question?
>scrap the mic stand
Should he still be holding a mic though, you think? Otherwise I don't really know what to do with the pose... And yeah all the stuff that looks "quick" is just a filler/block in for me to tighten up, but I didn't want to start detailing those until I made sure I wasn't gonna change the pose or anatomy in a major way.
>you may want to add a bulge in the pants 1/3 down the leg

>> No.2008599

i should have said current mic stand, his position it would be weird without one, but google what one thats retractable looks like or what a non retractable one, its FAR to thick and makes him look really small

for the bulge, i meant thigh not entire leg, god im tired right now, also keep in mind the kind of songs danny has done in the past, namely no reason boner.

for the pants, make the knee or bottom frayed a bit... somehow danny seems to be the kind of person who does not give a shit how old the clothes are so long as they cover.

its a bit hard to say anything else.

you may want to make him a bit more shiney, remember the lights singers and shit are under are hot as fuck and they sweat quite a bit on stage, also

outside of that, i think its good fo far... its hard to say more due to knowing its not done.

>> No.2008615

It might just be MPC, but I can't understand even at 1x speed.
Thank you!

>> No.2008620

Awesome, I have to admit I know nothing of music and performance so even using reference I wouldn't have picked up on how the mic looked off in relation to him. Good tip on the pants too, I'm definitely gonna fray them, I hadn't even thought of that. I'll check some concert photos or something too for the lighting, I know you're right about it being really intense, maybe that'll help me set the mood better. As for the bulge, well, we'll see what happens there lol.
Man all of this stuff would have slipped my mind entirely and I know it's gonna make the pic a lot better, I'm really glad you pointed it out! Thanks again so much, you've been positively Lovely.

>> No.2008625
File: 311 KB, 900x900, nativesmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im going to be using this design to screen print onto bags and tees. Aiming to have two layers, one for colour and one for the lines (i have two separate files for each layer).
Any tips on getting these two layers as synced up as possible when printing?

>> No.2008644

for the sweat, think if this is before the show starts danny mid or after... from what you have now, i would say its early on so i wouldn't go pitstain with it but still more shiney.

also, remember the musicians that dan likes, which i believe is non autotuned (at least when autotune is used to hide lack of singing talent opposed to when its used to get an interesting sound)

when i use to do screen printing we used massive ass screens, and were able to make a washable mark on the shirt that we would use to re zero in the exact position over and over again...

now, just in case you don't know, you are putting down the colored layer first and than the black on top, the reason for this is the orange could overlap the black and it would show, but the black overlapping the orange would not

now, in future when you do a new design, keep in mind you have to re sync the fucker every color and have 2 corners that have something like a crosshair on them so re syncing is easy, also, if you dont want to do that, DO NOT DO THIS STYLE where everything looks like its not in the right place and its on purpose...

i just noticed this... look at the feather and the foot, you could use those as the points to align the screen

>> No.2008658

Thanks, that's super helpful I will keep those things in mind. I'm hoping for this to be a one off and that i won't have to do more screen printing again. (i find it far too time consuming).
I'm mostly just concerned about the shadows on the face lining up, I may just remove those if its becomes too tricky.

>> No.2008659
File: 452 KB, 1078x597, dicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.

I have just started Hampton's lectures on Analytical Figure Drawing and I can't understand the spine. I always see it as the opposite of what Hampton sees when he draws the figure.

Is he actually drawing the spine? Am I actually drawing the spine? Where is the spine in this drawing? I don't understand.

>> No.2008666

Anon pls, stop making me think about sweaty Danny, it's been hard enough to work on this lol.
Nah but in all seriousness I'll keep that in mind too.

>> No.2008669

I'm still having trouble, I'm fine with one color for the most part but when multiple come in I have no idea what to do when they collide.

>> No.2008671

you line up one thing you line them all up.

and as for screen printing being time consuming... its really not... at least not if you have the right setup.

1) get photosensitive masking shit,
2) get shit printed in clear plastic
3) get strong enough light source to cure the photosensitive shit.
4) pressure wash the screen (depends on the material used and the screen)
5) screen print as much as you fucking want
6) solvent on the screen to re use it again once you re setup the photosensitive shit.

when i was doing this crap i was doing 7 layers of color... the initial setup for screen printing can be a little time consuming, in the case i said above, it was 15 minutes a screen once i got shit printed, and because i was forced to use a mac and had no idea what i was doing, the separate the colors step took longer than i would have wished it to.

you have to bake the colors to 250 or 350 degrees... at least with the ink i used, and you need to watch that step carefully, because making it hotter makes it shitty, baking it like that to long fucks it up too, and baking it to little makes it weak... you need to be just right.

yea... i loved screen printing, but in all honesty i would rather do airbrush stenciling

google natural human standing posture, the curses he sees are a bit more subtle than what you are drawing.

you want me to make it hard? just remember the bj story than brian wrote. lol

look up how light works with colors... that will probably help you out a bit.

>> No.2008681

>just remember the bj story than brian wrote

>> No.2008684

yeah i have all that available to me, Im using my uni's studios for it. Ill be using a uv bed to expose the screens with.
7 layers? damn son

>> No.2008686

But where is the spine when twisting? Does it stay in place?

>> No.2008691

I'm at the same point you are. It's really confusing and hard to draw with lines like that. But when you look at his books where he gives examples of gestures, he outlines the shapes a lot (which I think is easier) and doesn't use these lines at all.

>> No.2008692

im not googling this you have to, but largely the spine if you start at the head, it bends out a bit than in than out by the ass again, and depending on the persons posture, it may be twisting or some of the bends will be straightening out.

>> No.2008700
File: 142 KB, 704x704, rdLGOiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is best artist and why is it kr0npr1nz?

>> No.2008702


>> No.2008708


>> No.2008709

Is that you, colorcunt?

>> No.2008716

Have you ever watched someone paint?. go to youtube and look anybody paint. Because what you seem to be doing just doesn't make any sense.

>> No.2008719
File: 155 KB, 1600x715, walkacyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what software are people using nowadays for 2D animation? Be it cartoons or chinese cartoons.

>> No.2008723

No but I was just messing around with volumes on half of a face, it took like 3 minutes to do but I should probably do that

>> No.2008731

ToonBoom, Flash, TvPaint

chinese cartoons is mainly done on paper.
Shitty cartoons (aka western Cartoon network stuff) is done in toonboom.

>> No.2008732

if i remember right


i have also seen successful works that use 3d programs and flat planes for shit.

not sure of others, i would have to assume some use photoshop, layers, and something like virtural dub.

>> No.2008742

I think 2d studios do the animation of figures on paper and some in 3d
Isn't there any info of this in your huge collection of info /ic/? I'm really desperate.

>> No.2008746


Do you know where can I find toon boom 3 for download? Cgpeers doesnt have the lastest version.

>> No.2008754

What are some different art related forums that are more advancing towards animation than /ic/'s concept art interest?

>> No.2008758


We seem to be interested in the same subjects anon. Wanna keep in touch to share skillz?

>> No.2008771

> go google it
quality advice brought to you from /ic/

>> No.2008778

in all honesty i recommend against using it and animating in general... if you are going to animate, you may as well use flash because there is good tutorials on how to use it apposed to other options... and i recommend against animation because there is no money in solo shit anymore, and doing it as a hobby, it could take over a month to even get a minute done.

i cant help you on where to find it.

just so you are aware, youtube animation scene collapsed after they fucked over how the metrics for money are done, and made anything less than 10 minutes almost doesn't pay out... and to top that off animation in general of that length could take a single person a year or more if they care about quality...

dude i got damn near no sleep and don't want to dick around with something that is easily found with a quick google search, im not saving an image than uploading it when searching natural human posture turns up the image he needs to see with the 3rd image. ill point you in the direction but damnit you are walking over there yourself.

>> No.2008799


I've been told quite the opposite... I heard 3D animators are in high demand, which means money. But I agree that for solo stuff drawing > animating.

>> No.2008810

you want to do 3d, go for it, but on this board when animation is brought up the assumption is 2d.

3d may be a bit more difficult, but if you build up a animation library and do it good, you could produce some good animations fast even as a solo person... granted, because you would have to master everything, the road is harder.

>> No.2008820
File: 827 KB, 800x1200, 332507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do paint like Graevling?

>> No.2008821

alright, I'm beginner though, so don't expect much
do you have tumblr?

>> No.2008822

With your hand.

>> No.2008955

Watch his livestream

>> No.2008957

Where can I find a good set of warm-up exercises?

I saw an infographic/tutorial with a list of exercises, including drawing basic shapes, but I didn't save it.

>> No.2008981

>highest goal is crapshooting youtube
Step Up your Goals

3D animation is in demand now. Companies are phasing out of 2D animation and the only people complaining are the 70's-80's kids.

>> No.2009047

How do I change the background layer or make a custom one in cs6? Google just give me guides on how to cut the background out of an image.

What I want is for it to be gray or something like Sycra's

>> No.2009050

Not a question per se, how do you guys get inspired? After a few years without drawing I can't find anything to draw

>> No.2009059

Anywhere and everywhere. My last body of work was inspired by local landscapes (caves, hills, creeks), with surreal creatures inspired by carnivorous plants and insects I frequently saw. I also looked back to art history for inspiration (the surrealists and lowbrow art in particular.)

My current series is a reflection of my cultural identity, so a lot of my inspiration comes from objects and photographs from my grandmother's house and my childhood experiences.
I've found a lot of other sources of inspiration in the past- movies, tv, books, plays, hikes, memories, and definitely from other artists.

>> No.2009066

holy shit, that sounds complex, guess i'll try some simple landscapes

>> No.2009085

How do tags on DA work? Should I only add 5 or just add as many as possible?

>> No.2009136
File: 86 KB, 820x572, asdfg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to achieve a "Billy & Mandy" look but i don't know how to color it propely.

>> No.2009139
File: 7 KB, 436x394, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i prevent things like this from happening.

>> No.2009228

I have a Bamboo Fun tablet and when ever I use it my wrist starts to hurt, even after less than 5 mins of use despite using my shoulder to draw. I was wondering if the tablet is too small or what exactly is the problem, pls help.

>> No.2009231

Is there any good video-based online curriculum for learning to draw (or at least the fundamental concepts). I know there are many great books but I find videos (with people explaining) much easier to learn from.

I have seen a couple sites that offer stuff like this but their "free" version of the course seems to be very limited or bad, and I don't have the money to invest in a paid version at this time.

Anyone know if there is something out there that can help me?

>> No.2009375

I've kind of hit a road block with proportions and I don't know know what to do or what direction to take. The part in "on the right side of the brain" about proportions didn't seem to help, so I looked at some of Sycra's videos.

And when I didn't really get those, I came here and was told to use Vilppu's stuff which led me back to those fucking stickfigures of his that I don't get. What should I do?

>> No.2009428

I am getting a cintq, either a 13hd (no touch) or a companion hybrid. I have enough money.

I only started drawing seriously a year and a half ago. I really got into digital art and I started with a small intuos. I decided to get a poor man's cintiq shortly after because I decided to learn how to draw using my entire arm instead of my wrist and elbow. I mainly got it because it was bigger and it was cheaper than a larger, new off-screen tablet. I used it every day, and I bought it used. The screen is so yellowed that it is not worth using, and all of the values are off. It's not just the screen that is the problem with the color, either. There are tons of problems with it, mainly because I used it every day for 5-10 hours a day for 9 months. I am not selling any of my artwork or even displaying it anywhere online. I am not a professional and do not intend to become one. I show my friends and family my work and will draw for them if they ask. Now that I have the money and am about to buy it, I am feeling a little nervous. The word "professional" really scares me when I read "professional tablet." I have been wanting one for a long time. I do not expect my work to improve, but I do expect it to be something to last for a very long time. I feel very happy when I draw. I will be sharing this cintiq with my husband. He draws very much, also. My main question is, do you think it is a waste or stupid to buy it if I am not planning to be professional? By professional, I mean in the industry. I do not mean taking commissions. I think maybe one day I would like to take commissions. I just don't want to enjoy drawing on an expensive piece, even if I do so for years, and have people think it was a waste because I never gained money back from it. I think the cintiq 13hd would be lovely, and it is cheaper now. However, I really love the portability of the companion hybrid. I just don't want to regret buying.

>> No.2009429

Tape tablet pen to dick.

Fuck your tablet.

>> No.2009431

If youre getting a companion. Wait for the companion 2. Dont you dare buy the companion 1. Especially the hybrid. So glad theyre getting rid of that.

>> No.2009433

Proko, Ctrl+Paint unplugged, pirate online courses (you can do your research on that one).
Sycra a shit.
As for proportions, learn the head measurement (I believe Loomis uses this.) Keep in note how many heads there are in whatever (eg. head to crotch is 4 heads). Thumbnail a shit load of basic figures until you've grasped it and it becomes more natural (via imagination and reference, you should be measuring the # of heads while you draw them.) 1000 is good, should take you 10 days if you do 100/day. This is how I personally learned proportions.
Look into the Yiynova's newest tablet monitor model. It's much cheaper and is still pretty damn good.

If your husband also wants to use it, then it's even better. There are people who aren't professionals but use the Cintiq for hobby and personal work. Don't worry about it m8.
It could be a size issue, which is why people do not recommend buying a small tablet because of the wrist issue.

>> No.2009445

I watched a lot of videos of well-known concept artists and most of them use textures in their workflow (Aaron Limonick for example). Is it really cheating?

>> No.2009446

Textures used to accentuate a unique drawing or painting are fine. Using photographs and tracing them or literally copying and pasting them into a work after applying a few filters is not.

>> No.2009462

>concept artists
they do more than just use real textures, it's okay.

>> No.2009520

ok, you want to work with a big team where you are one person who has no say in the process... yea... apposed to being able to work for yourself and make money on your own... for many people the dream was youtube, a place where a small team of if you were good/lucky could independently work on their own...

also, it depends... the kids from the 70's or 80's remember the big budget animation, or remember the good cartoons that didn't talk down to them constantly. the people who come into old shit now... they just notice the hana barbara low quality shit and lets be honest, the worst 3d animated things look better than hana barbara, but even the best 3d animation... they styles are there, and there is nothing overly memorable... the best they can hope for is they stick with simple technical style and push artistic... but everything moves toward realistic in a way that kills off an interesting style completely.

in that way, 2d and stop motion things usually come out ahead of 3d... at least when they have a budget.

also, lets not talk about colossal clusterfucks like food fight, god didn't want that movie made but they pressed onward.

layer, grey, new layer on top of the grey

fantasy videogames and shit that can never exist but i wish could.

backgrounds they are going to use more than once are largely painted, characters are simple with a hard outside out line and smaller inside ones, they are also iconic enough designs that you can tell who they are by silhouette alone. also, but looking at some clips, the backgrounds may be in perspective but i don't thin the characters ever are outside of grims head, and its a fake perspective.

painted backgrounds are 1, your style you are doing now is problem 2, coloring the characters should probably be last on your list right now not first.

dont use fill, if you cant prevent it, there should be an over fill setting.

>> No.2009526

i have been looking for one for a while, granted i want extreme basic to intermediate from one source because everyone is so fucking scattershot in their tutorials, i want to see where i am skill wise but its hard to do that when you cant find a single person source

for measurement cranium is better. also, above i recomended a new master academy video, try to get that.

also, watch proko gesture than vilppu gesture on the same channel... you should understand the stickfigures better that way

aw the hybrid was the best one, able to take that shit on the go and draw, and when you get home cintiq with only 100$ more than the only cintiq version... you should never be finishing the drawing on the tablets hardware as its fairly crap unless you bend over and take it financially in the ass

also check out the monoprice penable display, if it uses uclogic its a contender for good.

you want to be a concept artist, fucking anything goes so long as the shit gets done and done fast. your work is not art no matter what you want to think it is in that field, its just getting an idea on paper so others who cant see the vision can understand it.

>> No.2009538
File: 622 KB, 1500x2500, characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a simple character design and need feedback on which would be more appealing to an audience, help me /ic/

>> No.2009539


i have no idea. i'm not an audience. but in my opinion 12/13.

>> No.2009540


no dude. no it's not. no worries. it'll look shitty if you overdo it though.

>> No.2009570

I don't fucking understand 3D. All my drawings are flat and lifeless, I have no fucking idea what I'm doing wrong.

Also why does my Photoshop not recognize brush sensitivity?

>> No.2009582


are you this guy >>2009572 ?

post your work or link me to it. how long have you been studying seriously? it takes time anon. can't help you with the last question. reinstall tablet drivers maybe.

>> No.2009592
File: 412 KB, 873x502, sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's me. maybe about 4 months seriously, I even bought an anatomy book to help me with forms but it's even more confusing. I feel like I know less now when when I was just dicking around for fun.

Here's a sketch that I was going to paint before giving up about 30 minutes in. It looks nothing like her, none of my drawings look like the people I reference.

>> No.2009593

Seriously, this question has been burning my brain and I've gone through quite a few books trying to figure this out.
How does one go about drawing something that are tilted in perspective?
And I mean tilted in a way that it's angles cannot be traced back to the picture plane's horizon line.

>> No.2009598

>animation on youtube isnt a reliable source of income anymore
Rubber[Ross] Ninja made a video that went pretty deep on this.

>> No.2009602

Take it easy man. Draw some skulls to better help you with facial placement. As for the other things, its just a matter of flipping the image

>> No.2009654
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 20442-2041-1-2ww-m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any decent cheaper alternative to pic related?
i love drawing with them a lot, but they are quite pricey :/

>> No.2009655


post example.

tzzz if you get so worked up right now you might wanna drop art entirely. it just takes long, and a lot of failed attempts to get good. tbh there is some resemblance between your reference and the sketch. ontop of that 30 minutes is very short. you'll have to take more time.

>> No.2009659


get a job you fucking bum.

>> No.2009664

i do have a job

>> No.2009681

How do you waste these so quick bro?
Stick those in a pencil sharpener

>> No.2009689

kooh-i-noor cheaper.

>> No.2009704

it's my main sketching tool, i draw poses by shading the basic body blocks first then readjust the contour lines with the tip, i also draw from life only with them
and i do use standard pencil sharpener sometimes when i'm outdoors and don't want to get messy :/
but usually i just scrap off the outer layer a bit and sharpen during shading proses itself

thanks :) i'll try them out

>> No.2009850

I would never think about getting the companion 1. The companion 2 has been glitchy from what I have heard and I also cannot stand windows 8 at all. But thanks for the advice anyways.

Does it have a matte finish? I have always really liked that about wacoms and have always liked the feel. I haven't had very good luck with any tablet besides wacom. I have tried monoprice, huion/turcom, vistablet (i think that's how it is spelled) and wacom. I know lots of people think it is overrated, but I really enjoy it. But I will still look into it. I have $1,500 now and I am pretty sure we are getting the cintiq companion hybrid. When it's connected to the computer, can you turn off the touch?

Yeah and for the version with less space, it is only $50 more. Would you suggest getting the one with smaller space? I am only planning on keeping necessary apps on it and maybe a few pdfs and photos. I will also have a micro sd in it. I think I am pretty set on a wacom. I don't want to be an alternative because I feel like it will always be an alternative to the one we really want. Sorry for being so stubborn, but I'll still look into it! I haven't had good luck with monoprice though.

>> No.2010195

What do you mean by thumbnail? Are you saying to draw lots of tiny figures?

>> No.2010249
File: 273 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its an idea shute. I use index cards cause if you dont like the composition, then you can just throw it away.

>small pics
You dont want to waste an entire sheet of paper or an entire layer on one sketch

>> No.2010271

Yes, fairly small figures (lets say 1.5-2 inches). The reason why thumbnails are recommended is because it's faster, and at this point you want to grind until you grasp the basics and 'refine' with more longer studies.

You don't need to draw on index cards like >>2010249 is saying, which is kind of silly. Just use printer paper or do it digitally. You're not doing compositions like he has said (for some reason), just basic figure drawings.

>> No.2010274

>until you're ready to 'refine'

>> No.2010287

Should I use reference for all of it?

>> No.2010338

What are some recommended videos I should download of CGpeers?

I was looking at Glenn Vilppu's stuff but I'm not sure on what order to watch his videos in.

>> No.2010342

Gesture first. Get ready to fall asleep.

>> No.2010352
File: 60 KB, 1730x318, ss+(2015-03-10+at+02.01.04).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see it.

>> No.2010372

How long did it take you guys to adjust to a tablet? I can draw reasonably well with a regular pencil and paper, but on a tablet its an uphill battle.

I've just been trying to do some simple gesture drawing to get the hang of the tablet and even though I know what kind of stroke I want to put down and where I want it, I have to undo+redraw the stroke several times. Sometimes to get the right curve I intend to draw it takes upwards of 5 undo's to get it close enough. Do you ever get comfortable enough to where drawing with a tablet is just as easy as drawing with a pen and paper, and how long does it take to get there?

And yes my tablet is set up and configured and the drivers are good, its just mechanical adjustment now on my part that is the issue.

>> No.2010377

There's a 17gb Vilppu torrent on the rusky tracker.

>> No.2010427

Majority of it, yeah. Do some via imagination once you're near finishing your session and analyse what you're having problems with. It takes a week or two (assuming you work hard) to get it nailed in your head,

>> No.2010451

how oversaturated is this market? I feel like every faggot nowadays wants to be a concept artist.

I'm seeing more and more 3d sculpting, but I still feel like it's 20 concept-fag for every other category of the art industry.

do you all expect to find a job in this industry or y'all are learning trad. drawing as a support for your other art skill?

>> No.2010452

I have a life size human skull.
Does anyone know of a sort of bendable arm with a clamp or something on the end that I could use to mount it?

I just want something that I can attach the skull to and easily move around and position in different angles.
Something like http://www.amazon.com/Kupo-Mini-Flex-Alligator-KD700912/dp/B006JHKPP8/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1425964625&sr=8-2&keywords=kupo+flex+arm
has been the closest thing I can find. If anyone knows of any others that'd be great.

>> No.2010455

I am starting Perspective Made Easy and there is this part i can't understand. The Eye level change according to the direction where the eye is looking or just the "fixed" distance between the eyes and the ground?

>> No.2010484

If you get a small tablet, it is extremely hard to get used to. Or at least for me it was. The medium size was great, near perfect. I tried a large size and practically fell in love. I'm the one planning on getting a cintiq though. It took me a week and a half to get used to the small bamboo. It never felt right. Then I used a medium for a month and got my poor man's cintiq. I only tried the large one for half an hour. I still prefer on-screen tablets, but i just suggest to never ever get a small tablet.

>> No.2010529

every sketchpad brand I bought has smooth backside which I find annoying to draw on since I like somewhat textured paper. is there any sketchpad brand that has texture on both sides?

>> No.2010543

what page are you referring to?

you don't understand the eye level?
eye level = horizon line

where the eye level/the horizon is depends on how far away you are from the ground.
the horizon is always at the height of your eyes. that's what the horizon is, hence why it's also called the eye level, because it is on the same "level" as your eyes. it changes according to the position of your eyes.

>> No.2010545

(cont.) it doesn't change according to where your eyes are looking. it's always on the height of your eyes(and if there are objects infront of it, then you wont see it)

>> No.2010555

what are you going for, what is the tone of the project, kids, adults...

take a look at windwaker as an example. in still images it looks like crap, but once you know what its like in motion...

get a n64 emulator and get some roms, find games that have wireframe cheats... thats how you should see form...

i say n64 because its an old system with a 100-500 polly limit on main characters, the mesho wont be so dense you only see a flat surface.

from there look at higher polly wireframes.

with this guys post. think of a box in 2 point, now instead of the point being in the center, think of it as flat edges with the lines being parallel to the vertical lines, and if you trace the lines, they wont end up at the horizon... i may not be explaining that right, but i don't feel like drawing to make explain his point... >>2009593 i say this allot, once you learn the basics of perspective, the more advanced shit is just a logic puzzle, you can either figure out a way on your own, pick up a perspective book, or watch a perspective coarse. i HIGHLY suggest you don't come to ic with perspective problems as ic is shit at helping with them overall... while i understand it, explaining is an absolute motherfucker and you would be better off with other resources.

i personally, would eyeball it unless perfect perspective was required.

allot of people did. what it comes down to is adds not wanting to piss people off so they try not to play in front of 30 second videos or they will give bad cpm for those videos, the magic number to hit that will pay out the most is 10 minutes or higher. its part of the reason animations stopped happening for personal projects and just happen on commission now.


i personally use http://www.dickblick.com/products/prismacolor-ebony-pencil/

>> No.2010561

when it comes to space, if you can't expand it with sd cards, always get the one with more, unless they are charging apple prices for the extra space.

imagination about 5-10 of them before you start, than reference, once you are done, look at the initial ones, than the reference and see what you are fucking up on or were, than do a few imagination again... granted im assuming this is a 1-2 minute process per drawing as its meant to be really rough.

watts 7-8gb video...

i have been using a tablet for over 10 years with a 3+ month point in time where i had no mouse and had to use my tablet as one... can still not draw for shit on it.

i think the better question we should ask is when should you give up the idea of a tablet and think penable display...

id say after the first year of use if you cant do anything right.

a 3d sculpt can help, but its a specialized thing and not suitable to all scenarios, 2d will be faster than 3d in most areas... however a 3d sculpt could be used in a final production or at least as a base to work off of so they are a bit more versatile.


if you are willing to dick around a pop guard could be used if you take some parts off.

get blender, and play around with it a bit. its the easiest way to learn perspective, video games can help too.

look for paper that is rough on both sides? barring that, get a drawing board with clips and make that into a sketchbook.

>> No.2010565

Pls respond. ;_;

>> No.2010573

if you are asking how to tag, look at the sites faq, if you are asking how they work as a meritc, i dont think info like that EVER gets released.

>> No.2010579

Does anyone know of a good video (or series) that covers anatomy for artistic purposes? I can draw well enough, but I have no knowledge of anatomy so its one of the things holding me back.

I am just not good at learning from books, so I really would like a video source if possible. Anyone know of one?

>> No.2010645

What's the best slanted drawing board that $100 can get me?

>> No.2010650

For use on a table top*

>> No.2010659

Scott Eaton torrents.php?id=23922
Vilppu lectures
Robert Beverly Hale lectures

>> No.2010663

Play FPS games with it.
Now its like a third arm

>> No.2010666

Its very oversaturated, but only the tenacious and the elite will rise to the top.
As for 3D, duh. More developers want 3d. 2D is almost dead, in america at least.
You gotta dip your toes in other places too besides concept art like maybe printing or /gd/. I do it cause its fun for me, you dont really 'have' to do it.

>> No.2010669

Short and too the point.
You dont want to have an instagram hashtag post on your DA

>> No.2010737

If something is "out of stock" at wacom's site, is it out of stock, or is it not being sold anymore? Trying to get a 13hd no touch

>> No.2010741

I'm currently using an intuos 4 small but I found a used Cintiq 13HD at a decent price. I want to go for it but will I eventually regret it and want to move to the bigger cintiqs? I am considering the 22 and 24hds but they are out of my budget right now but I could eventually save up for them

>> No.2010765

Is there a decent market for decent artists in Australia, /ic/? Or will i be a starving artist due to lack of industry there?

>> No.2010772

Thanks anons. Generally what's the plan to go smooth on DA? Do I watch/follow everyone, favorite pics or do I have to join groups etc?

>> No.2010774

Thanks, that's exactly what i wanted to know.

Thanks, i will give it a shot, looks very helpful.

>> No.2010775
File: 160 KB, 311x874, some_rabbit_drawing_that_demonstrated_my_point.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i only wan't to draw semi-realistic characters in line art, what do i have to learn and practice?

>> No.2010777


i've read that there's a lot of game industry in melbourne.

>> No.2010778

I have a 13HD and pretty happy with the size. Obviously a 22 would be preferable but the point is that 13HD is enough space to work with for me, it's an A4 size and keep in mind that the pixels density is way higher than a typical monitor so menus are pretty small which is a plus for its intended use. One of the biggest problems is the ergonomics, I have the Cintiq sat on 3 large books, where with a larger one you can rest your hand/arm on the lower portion of the device.
As for buying used, make sure the device is in good condition, especially as far as scratches on the protective film. Wacom also changed the film a couple month after release I think, and stopped shipping felt nibs. Also Wacom allows dead subpixels in their displays, but no dead pixels. The first one I got had 2 dead subpixels, returned it and got a perfect one easy, can't do that with a used one. They keep their value pretty nicely so if you make some money it's not a big deal to upgrade to a large one eventually

>> No.2010812

You don't have to follow a ton of people, but browse around and fav a few pics of the same kind you're trying to promote. But the best thing you can do is submit to groups. You usually have to join to submit so try to pick a group with a somewhat high following, and before you waste your time check and see what the last update or journal entry or something was, because there are some groups that are full or inactive but will still accept memberships. I have no idea how their tagging system works though, I just put in 5-6 tags that I think cover what my drawing's about. I think the category selection is probably more important in terms of searching.

>> No.2010941

Join groups and submit work to them. You can get a shit ton of watchers. I posted one piece into 60 something groups and gained almost 100 watchers because of it.

>> No.2010950

Line weight

>> No.2010977

What's the Paint Tool Sai equivalent of Photoshop's "flow" option?

>> No.2011001

Gesture Drawing
Is that enough?

>> No.2011082

I just want to know if I have this correct or not, the typical process of a character art incorporating the fundamentals. And if not what should be changed about it?

>Start with a gesture drawing of the pose I am going for
>Use knowledge of proportion to map out the form of the figure
>Use anatomy knowledge to fill in the details of the body parts
>Shading to establish further detail and give a more 3D look
>Coloring/rendering of the image to make it look final and polished

Is this mostly a correct general process for a character piece? What should be added, adjusted, or removed here?

>> No.2011085

Really appreciated, thanks.

>> No.2011095

Actually I have another question regarding DA. I just made an account there, like it's one day old. Should I first add a bunch of drawings and then start submitting them around, or just do it despite having less than five images in the gallery?

>> No.2011104

No one will care, just put yourself out there

>> No.2011105

Do I need to learn how to draw if I want to paint?

>> No.2011118
File: 113 KB, 525x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depens on how you use each

>> No.2011126
File: 233 KB, 900x1223, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, this is the beaten path for it.

The content inbetween the instructions is up to you.

>> No.2011128

Good draftsmanship= a great painting

>> No.2011129

Its out of stock.
Give the work factories time to make new ones

>> No.2011220

Thread ded?

>> No.2011244

Do you use a Tortillon?

>> No.2011314
File: 157 KB, 800x732, friends_by_marcobucci-d50t3d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell do i learn to understand and use color? are there any books or things online that really go in depth as to how colors work and how to use them properly?

it seems like one of those things where nobody gives a straight answer. probably because there is none but in case there is i want to know.

is it all just experimental?

>> No.2011319

read gurney

>> No.2011322

Study, practice/experimentation, learn how colour operates (Gurney has a good book on that)

>> No.2011351

TO the anon who suggested I use Pandora, let me just say, you are the best person in the world. Thank you.

>> No.2011352
File: 47 KB, 600x900, Moshpire___4_by_mjranum_stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Could someone please do a gesture breakdown for this image? I'm having serious trouble finding a proper rhythm down the body, and it's beyond frustrating, since it seems like such a simple pose.

Using Hampton's method.

Probably the most confusing thing is that I can never really travel down any gesture I draw without having awkward transitions at the legs. This one is no different.

>> No.2011388
File: 366 KB, 1000x715, 24864557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i unteach myself from symbol drawing?
never drawns seriously, occasional doodling here and there
now trying to face fundamentals seriously, same mistakes all the time
>draw comfortable and well know positions/perspectives
>same idealistic beauty faces
>get bored fast from studying and get back to thoughtless auto pilot drawing again

>> No.2011432
File: 110 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing this right?

>> No.2011433
File: 81 KB, 375x500, 3570343108_b62232394f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my reference.

>> No.2011439

Look at Proko's videos for figure drawing. You want to be drawing 3d figures.

>> No.2011442

I have. I've watched them like 10 times today. God dammit...

>> No.2011450
File: 423 KB, 1135x900, gesture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the cleanest of line quality cause I suck at digital lines, but yeah, maybe this gives an idea. I don't use Hampton so maybe it's a bit different, but this is how I see the gesture at least. I think the S curves in the legs are throwing you off a bit.

>> No.2011457

Start with the two masses, bro. You're not applying what he's saying at all.

Start with a line of action, identify the perspective and line of balance, and start with the ribcage and pelvis. Connect those masses, and draw the rest of the limbs.

>> No.2011470

>line of balance
What is that? I haven't heard Proko or Vilppu mention it. Also after watching Proko's video AGAIN I see why I'm drawing stickfigures.

>> No.2011472

Is paint tool sai just a weeb thing or it's actually good for drawing? Because it seems like only weebs use it.

>> No.2011475

It's actually good for drawing. At the same time though, weebs are fucking drawn to that shit because "sugoi wow its so japanese"

>> No.2011494
File: 66 KB, 640x462, 67858759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this any better?

>> No.2011496

By using different layers for line work and fill

>> No.2011501
File: 39 KB, 500x375, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me.
No problem bro

>> No.2011519
File: 1.45 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2011521
File: 1.37 MB, 2446x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my ass, its sideways

>> No.2011571

I've found you can get better feeling that way.

>> No.2011612

Since it worked out better last time I'm gonna ask my crit question here again too >>2011606
It's about clothing textures and how to do them?

>> No.2011653

Anyone have a good reference tool for drawing all the pokemon? I just stopped myself from looking them up one by one on a wiki but I don't really know how to go about this.

>> No.2011745

I feel the same way anon, drawing as a chore will never get you anywhere but you won't get better if you don't practice. In my opinion, find a subject you really enjoy to draw and draw this. For example, is there a character you like? Draw him/her instead in the figures. Not necessarily with a face or clothes, but just to get rid of the thought that you're doing a chore.

>> No.2011776


>> No.2011801
File: 95 KB, 2000x2000, your shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are going to draw on a table... get a clipboard drawing board, some wood and nails from a hardware store. total cost would be about 25$ at most. ill use mine as an example... ok, drawing each of these will be a bitch, so im going to give a rough outline with some numbers.

first number is angle of incline second is a third is b, and i'm only going up to a 45 degree incline as that is the point where you stop looking for table boards and start looking for easels.

5 - 2.7 - 25.9
10 - 4.5 - 25.6
15 - 6.7 - 25.1
20 - 8.9 -24.4
25 - 11 - 23.6
30 - 13 - 22.5
35 - 14.9 - 21.3
40 - 16.7 - 19.9
45 - 18.4 - 18.4

depending on how good you are with wood, you could even make an adjustable one,

personally, i would make one with hinges on it and some shit to lock it in place, that way i could fold it up and be done with it, but i dont know how good you are with wood or your tools so i went with the possibility you would need everything cut at the hardware store.

>> No.2011804

if you go this route, i would suggest not playing new games and instead something like doom through an opengl loader, you are going to suck and you will need to load fast over and over again, i cant think of something that will load faster. just know for the purpose of drawing you may never get use to it to the extent you want to.

unless you fuck it up and make the thing unusable, cintiqs retain a fair amount of "value" on resell, hell, even if the thing is 100% broke screenwise, its still useable as a tablet i believe so unless you fuck the thing up bad, the resell wont be bad.

you can freelance from anyplace in the world and work from anyplace that doesn't require you to be physically present... they will pay you first world money even if you live somewhere where that first world money in the first world would last 3 days will get you a few weeks.

define realistic, best post an image in the style you want to do along with it, realistic line art... that can cover a LARGE range of areas.

no, its slow and you are banking on someone knowing sai and knowing what flow does... heres a tip, every time someone asks for something that flow fixes, 1 in 15 people here even come close to helping that person most tell him opacity.

you would be better served looking for a paint tool sai thread, or starting a sai thread asking the the photoshop equivalents in it.

generally, painting is a time consuming process so everyone gets fuck loads of practice in it and people tend to be able to render realistically LONG before they can draw even ok... its why well tell people to not fucking render when they are still beginners and even after that for a while.

yes and no... i try to just use paper towel but for some more detail areas, ill use one if only because the paper towel is a pain to get to a firm point.

>> No.2011814

color is an absolute motherfucker, and no one here is skilled enough to tell you how to do it right, or even give you a clear path, the best you could get is a "this is how i do it" type answer.

symbols, at least how ic uses them, is drawing like shit... ic can never correctly identify symbols unless the person is an absolute beginner.

to this end, learn to draw form.
because you cant be self motivated enough to do this, get a 3d model of a head, preferably low poly (sub 2000 pollies), load it into blender, and make it a wire frame and star drawing the wires, this shit is how you should be doing form more or less, and because you cant possibly draw symbols while doing this, you have no fucking choice but to do it right.


proko sucks a fat cock at gesture, get the vilppu drawing manual video series and video one... i suggest proko only so you hear his explanation because he doesn't go all feel with it like vilppu does, vilppu isnt wrong, and neither is proko, but proko sucks at teaching gesture because he tells you to push it when its already so fucked up you cant see how to make a reall thing out of it and vilppu tells you to feel it without much in way o techenically objective info... combine to two and you get a good gesture teacher.

its a light weight japanese drawing program, you got weebs who use it because their artists they follow do, and you got people who use it because its good at what it does.

nice to see how it progressed, with the pants you are going to go denim... which i cant help you to much besides the material to look for, same with the vest which looks like you want leather there

now... look at the feet, because you added in a stage background, this area is off because of perspective. i would say when doing the stage either make that from a near eye level, or redo the legs so the belt like is about eye level. keep in mind the base of the mic stand when you do either

>> No.2011826

do you want full sized images or just a quick cheat sheet so you can go "oh yea, i remember now"

in either case, you should use a chart with all of them on it small with what numbers they are under it for quick reference.

>> No.2011935
File: 78 KB, 720x720, 1306831633736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sycra a shit go watch vilppu
>vilppu a shit go watch proko
>proko a shit go watch vilppu
I think all of them are kind of shit.

Sycra is just meh at explaining gestures, Proko is decent, but there's a miss leading part during his video where he says not to draw stickfigures, and then presented a curvy stickfigure as what you should be drawing. So I ended up drawing a hundred of these >>2011432 on paper. And also his gesture drawings look like contour drawings which just confuses me more.

Vilppu is probably the best out of all of them, but even after watching his shit 5 times I still have no idea how to do gesture like he does. No matter who you pick you have no idea whether you're doing it right or not.

I just downloaded the new masters academy videos on gesture, maybe they'll be decent and I'll know what the fuck I'm doing finally.

>> No.2011946

sycra is one of the few people who do an extensive online series on how to, granted, as of late he fell into mah style and stopped getting better among other issues people who watched more of his shit may better explain, though there are a few good things that come out of his videos.

proko... i watched his web stuff and i watched his payed stuff... he is a shitty teacher but competent artist. i also find the edutainment shit fucking obnoxious, his payed videos are him silently drawing and where he chimes in every now and than...
got gesture, what he tells you is technically right.

vilppu... whenever he goes into "feel the drawing" i want to slam my palm in my face, but the only way do describe how he does it is feel... maybe its because im not as good with words as i should be... its why i tell people all the time watch prokos video than watch vilppu's, the vilppu drawing manual i told you about has a 1 hour 22 minute video where all he does is go through how to gesture... i still don't think he is good at explaining it there either, but his gestures in other videos he pulls them into finished drawings, or at least what he calls finished, so you get to see how he does it and how to use the gesture apposed to proko telling someone who made a gesture that couldn't possibly be used in a final piece because its so fucked that they didn't fuck it enough and to fuck it further without ever showing how to take it to a final drawing.

going to check out the steve hudson one now

>> No.2011948

>this area is off because of perspective
Thanks but all of that stage stuff is just a filler to help me visualize, it's literally just a couple gradients I slapped down, I had no intention of leaving it that way. But I really would like a method for doing those textures that doesn't involve spending hours on them lol

>> No.2011957
File: 9 KB, 259x194, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>define realistic, best post an image in the style you want to do along with it, realistic line art... that can cover a LARGE range of areas.
Like pic related on
not hyper-realism but not that very stylized either(like pic releated).

>> No.2011963

all i can really help with on the texture would be make a very small repeating pattern, on the jennens and apply it to the whole thing, than liquify the thing and have it kind of form to the leg... but i also dont know what the end result of everything else is going to look like...

if its realistic, thats one thing, if its more cartoony, to could get off with a more style choice.

with what you have now... of you put the image to 1/2 or 1/3 the size it looks fine if not un detailed in those areas, but once you look at it full size it kind of falls apart.

hell, google some leather vests and denim pants and get really close up shots of them and see if you can replicate that, again, small so you can repeat the texture.

>> No.2011967

Which is slipperier? A cintiq 13/24hd or intuos pro?

>> No.2011974

You can expand with gb and it is $50 extra for twice the space

>> No.2011978

Yeah I pulled up reference before I even started trying to paint the pants and vest and I know if I spend enough time going it manually I could probably make them look decent, just thought I'd see if anyone had some shortcut tips. Thanks though anon, you're still lovely ~

>> No.2011979

I hope it doesn't take long.

>> No.2011980

>the vilppu drawing manual i told you about has a 1 hour 22 minute video where all he does is go through how to gesture
I know, I've watch it. But when I try to apply it to something I don't know if its right or not.

>> No.2011983

do you mean with sd?
also whats the base gb on it, 50$ for twice may be good may not be good.

twards the back of the video he does gestures with photo ref, before he gestures out the photoref, do your own gesture and see if it matches up in any way and he will go on on what hes doing and why... ill admit i skimmed a bit there at the end, so it may be a less helpful than i think it is.

>> No.2011989

thanks anon, but that's the point, i draw too much of the same and learn in a very slow pace :(
whenever i try to draw from basics, i'm getting lost in all the info there is, jumping from construction then to anatomy then to perspective and in the end i waste time unproductively and get lost

>load it into blender, and make it a wire frame and star drawing the wires
confused, not sure what you mean

>> No.2012049
File: 23 KB, 1000x900, qreweee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I start with grayscale and then want to put some color on it, how could I go about doing it?

related grayscale WIP

>> No.2012059

$1150 for cintiq companion hybrid 16gb and can have an sd card put in
$1200 for cintiq companion hybrid for 32gb that can also put an sd card in

I think the $50 is not worth it. Do you agree or disagree? I do not plan to have apps on it that do not involve drawing. Also maybe 10-20 pdfs.

>> No.2012060

By using LAB in Photoshop

>> No.2012062

Add a new layer over your drawing and put it onto overlay. Then choose a color for everything and draw over it. I only use grayscale +overlay if I want a gradient in clothing.

>> No.2012227
File: 142 KB, 666x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So kinda like this?

>> No.2012231

Yeah kinda like that.

>> No.2012233
File: 142 KB, 565x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture isnt about getting the exact pose right, its about capturing the flow of the image. You know its right when you can identify what the figures are doing.
Here is a pic I found that illustrates what I mean

>> No.2012239

look into how google lets you use the sd slot on standard android... if they let you load from the sd card go 16, if they don't, go 32 just in case.

proko told someone that had already made the arms longer than the legs that he needed to push it further...

all of those are at least proportionally correct.

>> No.2012243
File: 81 KB, 678x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2012247

But I've been told not to use contours. Or rather, the lines aren't contours. But then Proko and those drawings seem to use them.

>> No.2012248
File: 81 KB, 500x669, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything beyond getting the jist of the movement is adding fundies. He probably ment "pushing" in a sense of making the body curve more, or making it more dynamic.


>> No.2012249

Exactly. I love the amount of detail.

>> No.2012258
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gesture drawing doesnt really have a concrete set of instructions. They tell you to not draw with contours because it could be distracting for you. For those more experenced, how could you not draw contours?
Stick figures, or wierd shapes, as long as the movement reads clearly, you've succesfully drawn a gesture correctly

>> No.2012266
File: 76 KB, 631x893, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its just knowing where to put the lines for each plane.
Thats the difficult part of it, capturing volume with just line and without color

>> No.2012268

kind of.

draw the head, than draw the spine, than draw one side of the body, than other other, you get a triangle torso, if the arms flow into the side of the body, than draw them too in the last step, if they didnt, do them now. and than move onto the legs.

granted, the gesture could just be a straight stick figure, but most people it doesn't turn out that way. like i said, proko can tell you what it is, but the moment he starts drawing them i want him to show me what he is going to do with THAT now. vilppu showed me how to do a gesture and what to do with it, and the nma guy i said above... maybe in this thread maybe another will tell you if the proportions of off scrap it and go again.

you fuck the proportions up you fuck everything up, unless you are never meant to use the gesture in a actual drawing at least...

well take the arms or legs when they are flowing properly without any stop... those could easily turn into a single line, alot of the times in mine the arms tend to just be straight lines due to only one line needing to be there for the flow.

>> No.2012274

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