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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2002453 No.2002453 [Reply] [Original]

>Make comic set in Japan
>Tumblr attacks you for cultural appropriation and fetishization of Japan
>Cancel comic


How do you deal with the tumblr crowd as an artist, /ic/?

>> No.2002460

please explain full background of this, because this sounds ridiculous and I am about to rage.
who's attacking the artists and how? why?
are sjw behind this?

>> No.2002463
File: 181 KB, 1200x2000, I ATE PRINCESS GUMBALL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't. No seriously, I think it would be better to ignore those kinds of people. If your art is 'offending' them, they don't have to be fans of your work and there is not point in trying to pander to people who only gave a shit about you because you offended them. If you let them get to you your work will suffer, and why? Just to appease some strangers on Tumblr?

You will never please these kinds of people. If you do one thing right, they bitch about another. You're the artist, don't let other people tell you how to make your art.

Also, Really sucks for those artists, they actually canceled their whole webcomic just for some retards?

If you're that scared of the tumblr crowd then post your work somewhere else.

>> No.2002470

White girls in college, the first and only line of defense for Japanese cultural posterity

>> No.2002471

just sent them this

>why don't you tell tumblr to go fuck itself? fuck em, and all of their bullshit borderline-nazi ideals. make your fucking comic and put it out there. you are a weak, pathetic failure for conceding to the masses of idiots whose only meaning in life is to point their greasy fingers and make accusations. fuck you. make your comic.

>> No.2002472

Offending people is the best way to get noticed as an artist. I say if people are pissed at what you draw, keep doing it.

>> No.2002473

also by their logic, only Americans can make stories set in American, and Japanese only in Japan and nobody can make stories that take place in space since nobody has any actual experience in outspace except astronauts

>> No.2002475 [DELETED] 

im extremely offended that he would pander to people like that - people should have the right to publish whatever they feel like no matter the content.

then again, you really have to question his integrity as an artist that he could be molded by backlash like that. i would never let a bunch of crybabies whine their way into my art.

>> No.2002477

>How do you deal with the tumblr crowd as an artist, /ic/?
I don't go to tumblr.

>> No.2002478

Perhaps by making a post mentioning the hundreds of japanese manga that take place in other countries, and instead of cancelling the comic like a faggot? Tumblrites don't like anything, and the more you try to appease them the more they will despise you.

>> No.2002481

Supposedly the comic had a wrong narrative because it's made by two white people in the USA about Japanese people struggling with Japanese society issues

>> No.2002482

How to get flamed no matter what you do on Tumblr:

>step 1. be straight
>step 2. be white
>step 3. be male

>> No.2002483 [DELETED] 

i sent him a few comments about my opinions on it - i suggest you all do the same. its an awful world we live in when people can strongarm an artist into censoring his own work, even worse is when the artist himself doesnt make a stand out of it.

>> No.2002506

Yea, i probably wouldnt read it because of that but its the lesser of the two evils.

>> No.2002511

The campaign was spearheaded by this guy

>> No.2002532

he's not even white but some shitty mudslime kek

>> No.2002533
File: 89 KB, 500x493, le cultural appropriation face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If cultural appropriation is such a big deal maybe they should all fuck off back to whatever shit hole their ancestors crawled out of instead of culturally appropriating white things like cars, airplanes and computers all the time.

>tfw that shithole would be europe 99 percent of the time

white men need to grow some fucking balls and start telling these largely white self-hating effeminate retards and legbeards to blow it out their ass instead of kow-towing to this human garbage at every opportunity.

>> No.2002534

They only made one issue! How did people conclude it was appropriating and fetishizing japan culture? Does anybody have the discussion were this came up?

>> No.2002537

Shit like this makes me angry. The artist is effectively letting internet trolls dictate their life, when they could have just ignored their existence altogether. Wave a SJW flag and suddenly a delusional troll becomes scary.

>> No.2002549

It didn't even seem like it garnered that much criticism (like 200 notes on that one ask that the user mentioned by >>2002511 responded to). Pretty disappointing they gave up after just a few accusatory messages.

Forgoing the entire topic of appropriation, it is a little weird to have a slice of life set in an industry and location that the creators aren't natives of.

>> No.2002553

>it is a little weird to have a slice of life set in an industry and location that the creators aren't natives of.

How is that weird?

>> No.2002555

>it is a little weird to have a slice of life set in an industry and location that the creators aren't natives of.
Nah, the style doesn't fit but what you said shouldn't seem weird at all.

I know 3 near top-tier manga artists and like 2 game artists in Japan that favour the works of a foreginer who draws about daily life in Japan.

It's pretty unique and nice to see what people come up with when they don't see their topics surroundings as an everyday thing, and it leads to very nice stylized and creative concepts/ideas.

>> No.2002556
File: 158 KB, 704x1080, checkem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My nigga, I have more for you .

OP Caving in to Tumblr is ridiculous.. they're not even humans, they're like some sort of Hyper evolved trolls.

>> No.2002564

There is a reason why almost every anime SoLs is set in a Japanese highschool. SoL takes "write what you know" to the extreme. Like Shirobako, that anime that's about the anime production industry. Or why US and UK sitcoms are set in their own countries because that's what they're familiar with and who their audience is. I'm not saying it's a rule or anything, just the norm.

And, yeah, I agree. Different interpretations of the same place is always interesting.

>foreigner who draws about daily life in Japan
Do they do it from the view point of an expat or local? That's interesting to know, either way.

>> No.2002566

I don't, tumblr is terrible.

>> No.2002604

>it is a little weird to have a slice of life set in an industry and location that the creators aren't natives of.

Mark Twain wasn't an orphan and didn't own a slave, does that make Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a weird book? Art Spiegelman never faced the horrors his father did, does that make Maus a little weird? Maurice Sendak never had any children, does that make his contribution to children's literature and illustration a little weird?

Part of an artist job is to take an audience to a world they may have never been to or to a world they could never go to. Expecting an artist to have a blood lineage to the subject they are depicting is asking too much and harms the enjoyment of the work. It's a work of fiction not an historical record.

>> No.2002620 [DELETED] 

youre not helping by making it seem like the people who oppose censorship are racist. maybe you should just shut up actually.

>> No.2002623

Its so stupid... So so fucking stupid... looking at shit like this makes me want to kill myself. Fuck everyone and their sensitivities and special retardation.

Tumblr sjws are becoming censorship and it makes me incredibly angry.

>> No.2002624

Your entire post is spot on but I was referring to slice of lifes particularly. A narrative arc with universal themes is a lot different than cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.2002629

The problem here is that the makers of the comic are the same brainwashed liberal kids who trashed the comic, so when they were told that their comic was offensive they immediately believed it and were horrified.

It disgusts me that people are so terrified of offending people.

>> No.2002639

Blow it out your ass. :^)

>> No.2002648
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I was about to say, anybody who takes their comic down before it even begins due to offending people... their work probably isn't worth reading.

I guess this just goes to show the bully mentality of progressive types against things they personally find offensive, and how they negatively impact creativity.

>> No.2002660

>but I was referring to slice of life particularly

How does that change anything?

>> No.2002741
File: 267 KB, 800x736, 1424382701334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like appealing to tumblr pays off.

>> No.2002749

TOP LOLS at that comic. idc about the guy, he seems boring.

>> No.2002781

>it is a little weird to have a slice of life set in an industry and location that the creators aren't natives of.
Not really. They lived there, so they have firsthand knowledge of it, and outsider opinions/ideas/ect usually reflect things that a native's work wouldn't.

>> No.2002793

Jaques? Yeah, he is. So is his comic.

>> No.2002795
File: 557 KB, 800x1000, ac24ecf976dd4624476b96c8e0d95d15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jotaro avatar
So wait, the guy has an issue with white guys making a comic based in Japan, but not a Japanese man who has made comics based in Egypt, England, the US...?

Also shame on the creators for bending over so easily. Way to give these unsignificant fucks power.

>> No.2002828
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Thread theme


>> No.2002833

that sux and it seems incredibly stupid and then they say /ic is cancer. we should support and fight against this. I bet the authors are just overreacting and should plow through for a couple more months for those gawker commenter of the week fuckwits.

>> No.2002841

>we should support and fight against this.
By what, posting super mean anonymous messages to the SJWs? :'^( What do you even expect?

>> No.2002844

To be honest I think the artist isn't white but the dumblr fags bullied him because they thought he was, LOL

>> No.2002859

It seems like to be successful on tumblr, you need to let it be known that you're of a minority ethnicity, a woman, gay or trans, overweight and a weekly post about the struggle against the straight white man.pow

>> No.2002862

>It seems like to be successful on tumblr,
Yeah, if you actually believe the SJW side is the end all-be all of fucking Tumblr.

>> No.2002876

Yeah, it's up to the artist to realize when to throw bad "critique" out. "I'm offended" should never be taken seriously, and as you can see, the artist let that small thing completely stop their project and end that creative work.

But in general, maybe it was best for this person to stop before they could even get started. So be so easily affected so early on doesn't exactly point to a very strong creative work.

>> No.2002989

>Hi everyone! We’re SO EXCITED to finally be launching our new webcomic that we’ve been working on for the past year!
>working on for the past year
That must hurt

>> No.2003005

Sent a message telling them to have some backbone, because these SJWs dont care about comics or japanese culture, just the rush of moral indignation and no one's going to give them a thank you card for quitting their comic.

I'm not going to read their generic webcomic about literal faggots living in Japan, either. It would just be nice if people stopped appeasing these people.

>> No.2003020

It shows that you have no experience in this matter. There are people on tumblr who identify themselves as something other than human, so if someone says he's an alien he can draw things in space. Astronauts would be seen as foreign invaders comparable to the conquistadores.
There was one user who identified as a dragon and complained about cultural appropriation in the media, supposedly referring to things like fantasy, D&D etc.
I wish I were kidding.

>> No.2003023

Well I for one am glad that we've got a containment area for these mentally ill people.

>> No.2003030
File: 161 KB, 665x913, 1417975036134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is cultural appropriation a bad thing?
>Japanese appropriated Chinese culture
>Romans appropriated Greek culture
>18th century Europe appropriated French culture

>> No.2003040

What was the exact argument these SJWs had against the comic? They may have had something of a point. Did anyone in this thread actually read the comic or arguments? I'm not saying that these SJWs were right, but you should never say someone is wrong for who they are vs. what they are actually saying.

Try to remember that it was ultimately the artist's own fault and choice for taking down their comic. Saying that these people on tumblr had no right to complain or express their opinion is censorship as well (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship).). Not only that but everyone here is generalizing; this is a very tiny portion of tumblr that got butthurt at this comic. Odds are the majority were fine with it, including many SJWs.

>> No.2003045

Shill detected.

Thought policing is literally never okay, the slut-shaming of imaginary characters and the whole progressive stack oppressive olympics narrative needs to be demolished before it's too late.


>> No.2003047 [DELETED] 

because in a modern world with no cultural borders to speak of, appropiated culture isnt just borrowed and adapted, it turns into an unrecognized amalgamation that hurts not only the parent culture but the culture that is borrowed from as well.

this is especially true of japan as it has such an exotic and uncorrupted culture (compared to other countries) due to its historical policies of isolation.

>> No.2003050

What a joke. Try saying that about white culture outside of 4chan and see what happens nigga

>> No.2003053

I think the biggest problem here is just an artist without a backbone. But then again, if all it takes is just some people to get a little butthurt to get you to stop your project, i guess there wasn't much motivation to actually do it in the first place

>> No.2003054 [DELETED] 

not a joke, give it 50 years bud. whatever, its stupid to tie pathos into as it cant be stopped. its the natural conclusion of a world with instant communication and world wide marketing.

the only way to stop it would be for everyone to exhibit personal accountability and that can never be anything more than a hypothetical situation, which also brings about nasty things such as collective censorship like what you see here.

>> No.2003056

Ignore them.

>> No.2003058

>interact with tumblr community
>expect something different than shit can be the result
are you all fucking internet hillibillies or something?

>> No.2003062
File: 10 KB, 236x265, d88e33031009e441ed2eae136ee4ce1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural appropriation of dragon culture.
That made me laugh and then it made me sad. It's like they think that if they believe it and feel it in their heart enough, it has to be true,

>> No.2003065


Damn, they should have just claimed to be Japanese trapped in a Gaijin body.

>> No.2003073

>Japanese trapped in a Gaijin body.
so like.. godzilla?

>> No.2003083

I read the first chapter of the comic (it's only 13 pages.) and I liked it. At first I thought it was some weeb bullshit, but the comic went into a very interesting direction and I actually wanted to see more. I always liked Kaitie's art and I think the story had potential to be at least somewhat engaging. I wanted to see more.

Before I read it I was just mildly tickled that somebody would just drop a comic because of cultural appropriation accusations. It just seems stupid. After reading it, and seeing that there is some love put into it I am mad.The more I think about it, the more mad I get. Not even at the chucklefucks that throw these silly accusations around. There are always gonna be those around. I am mad at the authors.

I have my own webcomic and I would fucking NEVER drop it because some pussies got offended. How the fuck do you even do that? If you read through the comic's blog you can see the authors being very excited for the project. They really believed in it.

But no, some assholes told them that they are not good enough to write about VA's in japan. That it doesn't matter that it's something that they are really interested in. All the research that supposedly went into the comic doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that they actually worked in japan. All the time that went into planning and executing the first chapter doesn't matter. All the fans that were waiting for the project to continue after the first chapter don't matter. All that matters is that the authors aren't Japanese and that somehow makes them not good enough to write a story set in Japan.

AND THE AUTHORS FUCKING AGREED. How pathetic can you be? Have some fucking dignity you goofy fucks. Don't you believe in your project? This is what trying to be politicly correct does to you. It kills you.

>> No.2003084

They call it being transethnic japanese. It's a thing in their insane minds.

>> No.2003093

>AND THE AUTHORS FUCKING AGREED. How pathetic can you be? Have some fucking dignity you goofy fucks. Don't you believe in your project?

All you can really do on the internet is: don't be an asshole, and ignore other assholes. Frequenting this place helps a lot with the latter. Builds character. The second you treat everyone on the internet as genuine and worth listening to, you've already lost. If this were lefty's, mikufag's or firez's project, they wouldn't have batted an eye at these SJW trolls.

>> No.2003103

Just be white.

>> No.2003134

>Cancel comic
Why the fuck did you stop, do anything you want man. Tumblr is such a shit place. Why did you let them win?

>> No.2003142

I don't think OP is the creator.

Also, I've been looking over the pictures of the characters and the one that looks like a girl is a dude. Yep. No longer interested.

>> No.2003169
File: 1.25 MB, 2104x1476, 065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the director of the souls series, hidetaka miyazaki has stated numerous times that the main inspiration for the lore/story/whatever being convey in such a fragmented way is becauseh e read western fantasy a lot as a child and didnt fully understand it. this made western fantasy incredibly interesting to him, and he replicated that feeling of utter incomprehension by fragmenting the story/lore of the souls series. he takes western fantasy cliches and fucks with them, leaves crucial elements out intentionally, and shit like that which to me is really interesting. i put so many hours into that game cause the lore intrigued me so much, and theres no way in hell it would have been that cool if he hadnt done a "western fantasy" as an "outsider"

i just dont get it. whats wrong with appreciating something and incorporating it into your work. on oe hand we're supposed to be open to diversity and all this shit but then at the same time you can't write about anything that doesn't fit into whatever other people categorize you into be it gender or racial. its like you have to meet a certain criteria before youre allowed to write about shit, but really the idea of someone on the outside looking into a genre and creating something completely unique based on their own misconceptions of the original genre is fascinating to me, i dont understand why people feel the need to police other people creatively. another example is the mother franchise, specifically mother 2, where it was basically a japanese game dev saying "this is what I think america is like". its not offensive tho, its fucking hilarious. what the hell is wrong with people, the creators are equally to blame i guess in this specific case because htey gave in to pressure
fuck that, don't give perpetually offended people power. its not illegal to hurt someones feelings, goddamn

pic related, its a japanese game appropriating Mesopotamian culture by incorporating scorpion men into their story

>> No.2003178
File: 16 KB, 300x180, Kanye-West-grabs-the-mic-001-300x180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are literally no consequences for being an asshole anymore, and in fact it is glamorized by media. The artists of the comic should have been grateful for the free publicity. The tumblr outrage train will have forgotten them in a few days anyway because of the next crime against political correctness.

>> No.2003185

That's kinda fascinating to read, one of the things I really liked about Dark Souls was that fragmented quality that reminded me of playing JRPGs or watching animes in the '90s.

It also had that sort of unrealistic sense of scale like early video games did, where everything feels so much more compressed than could possibly make sense if you sit and think about it.

>> No.2003208
File: 1.56 MB, 1479x2124, 024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i totally agree about the souls game and the strange, collapsed level design. its almost a perfect marriage between the story and game mechanics, like almost everything else in that game. the convenience and ease of use obviously makes the game more enjoyable, theres no huge empty spaces to create a false sense of depth (skyrim) but at the same time it makes the world so much more interesting from a story telling perspective. your character can only explore a fraction of whats out there, and you can catch glimpses of things far away in the distance without knowing exactly what they are.
but without veering totally off topic
>that fragmented quality that reminded me of playing JRPGs or watching animes in the '90s
the only way i was able to watch dbz as a kid was on this international channel where they played the episodes with japanese VA and no english subs, so i know exactly what you mean
a lot of the story translates visually without the use of dialogue but still there are nuances that are lost and even more interesting is all the shit you come up with to fill in the blank space where an explicit story should be. because of this i alwayus thought it would be really cool for someone to draw a comic in the traditional japanese manga style, but with no dialogue or maybe just random words that have nothing to do with any sort of story; basically attempt to emulate that feeling you get as a kid watching something tjat appeals to you visually but you have no clue as to whats actually going on. that sounds like an interesting idea to explore, maybe an opportunity to mess around with cliches and whatnot. but what do i know, apparently im just being racist.

>> No.2003230

It doesn't even seem like that many people were irate about it.

Selective rage is stupid and there's no reason to cave into it. Eventually it passes as people move onto the next thing. A few weeks ago the neocons I work with were up in arms about Seth Rogens tweet and how he HATED AMERICA. They're mad about something else this week. They'll be mad about something next week.

>> No.2003262

They missed a class where the teacher explained about globalization and multiculturalism.

You can't have any of those things without cultures clashing and absorbing each other and this train left the station 800+ years ago, just now tumblrettes are catching on, what make things even more crazy those people are probably advocates of open boards policies...

They are trying to preserve a heritage that isn't theirs to defend in the first place and at the same time they want people to blend and mix until there's no cultural difference between us, go figure...

>> No.2003276

I want to piss off tumblr to get weirdos to try and beg me to quit drawing. How would I get their attention?

>> No.2003291

>Be male
>Be white
>Be straight
>Tell other people you are and have pride in it

>> No.2003491

Panty and Stocking was made 'cause some people at Gainax got drunk and watched American cartoons and were like "let's do that"

The people that made the comic in the OP are puuuussies

>> No.2003512

will tumblr sjw also fall upon me for being asian drawing classical subjects with beautiful white people? it's been questioned why i draw what i draw, but nothing serious yet.

>> No.2003515

It look like it'd be a cute comic, shame the artists caved in like that.

>> No.2003561

sexy bikini armor battling hordes of landwhales.

>> No.2003574 [DELETED] 

This reminds me of this thread: >>2003371

Both artists caving into the pressures their audiences are unfairly inflicting on them until they resort to self-censoring. Just more proof that everyones a hypocrite.

>> No.2003593

and saving a boy which plays the role of the damsel in distress and looks like the tip a landwhale would chase

>> No.2003610

they may ask why you disrespect your heritage by not doing "asian styled art"

>> No.2003619

this seems a bit blown out of proportion

>make comic
>some people I don't know don't like it
>quit to please them

to answer your question, don't do this.

>> No.2003627

>cultural appropriation
The perfect way to make sure you never ever have to deal with icky foreign cultures while pretending to have a moral highground at the same time.

>> No.2003726
File: 221 KB, 1035x668, 4310386-9808043411-spike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love cowboy bebop, is it not western fetishization. Spegtie westers also.

>> No.2003732
File: 68 KB, 514x569, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creators confirmed for spineless pandering.

>> No.2003735 [DELETED] 

just means people are talking about you, is good thing.

>> No.2003755

Poor naive woman. Give them an inch and they'll take it a mile.

>> No.2003760

fuckin ive been told that because im white and like eating sushi i am appropriating japanese culture. you really want to fight them? it makes 0 sense, all you can do is either ignore them or just bite back with sarcasm. don't be a pussy. dont care if you hurt their feelings, they're twats anyway.

>> No.2003770 [DELETED] 

sure you have.

>> No.2003778

Why stop to silence every dog that barks?
People need to learn to continue, no-one outside of themselves has the power to stop them doing what they want to do.

>> No.2003790


In this situation, counter with Miyazaki being a gigantic idealizing eurofag (he's self aware, of course).

>> No.2003825

sushi is fucking disgusting and only the most committed weeaboos pretend to like it. The only reason the japs eat it is because of how little beef they have access to.

>> No.2003997

>toril said on twitter that the issue raised with msbc was that it was a comic set in japan written by two white people, but—have you considered that it's the idea itself that's inherently fetishistic and not white people writing a story that takes place in another country that's the issue? and that when confronted about it, that the response was "it's ok, i have a BA in japanese" instead of addressing possible areas of concern?

this is a criticism with a certain amount of logic behind it. the comic is about 'the anime voice acting industry, romance, and cup ramen'. that does sound like something a weeaboo would think japan is like.

that said, it could very well have been a well written, respectful comic. it's a pity the creators took the inevitable criticism to heart in this way.

>> No.2004020

I'm not surprised the artist(s) would pander to tumblr artists. They seem to draw in a style that would be popular on tumblr so it's not inconceivable that they're weak-willed tumblrites as well.

>> No.2004023

oops. pander to tumblr crowd, not tumblr artists.

>> No.2004036

This is the thing that separates SJWs with people who care about social justice. SJWs go after people who care, because they know they will listen and most easy to scare, are few people will speak up for fear of being dogpilled and branded a [inserthere]ist.

I'll say it before and I'll say it again SJAs are more afraid of being called racist, than the actually racists are.

>> No.2004049

Horseshoe theory in action.

>> No.2004054

Dude, that's just a popular illustration that's been around for YEARS.

I agree this situation is horrible, but lets not blame anything Tumblr is not responsible for on Tumblr.

>> No.2004056


>> No.2004074

Have you watched anime or read mangas lately? This is exactly how grorious nippon portray themselves on those medias... yeah there's more to japan but we are talking about a comic book so it's not too far fetched they would befall into the same patch as animes/mangas.

>> No.2004114

Would you be upset with a japanese comic set in America about 'the arms industry, romance, and hamburgers'? because I'd read it.

>> No.2004279
File: 33 KB, 300x425, Gunsmith_Cats_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related, Kenichi Sonoda is based

>> No.2004286


I wish that were the case for me, I'm black and gay and I have 47 followers total. ;_;

>> No.2004297

Is it good? I like the intro to the anime.

>> No.2004317


The animation isn't too phenomenal like Akira and the plot wasn't too special like a Miyazaki flick, but it was an enjoyable and entertaining show. Nearly every "technical" thing (vehicles, weaponry, etc) was well-drawn too. Big improvement over Riding Bean.

>> No.2004333
File: 216 KB, 385x600, hahahareally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creators getting messed with by hyper-sensitive loons is a common thing if you look around a bit. It usually happens to people who pander to the SJW too, so it's pretty funny.

This comic, Ava's Demon was blown up by related image (top) and turned about being ACEPHOBIC (bottom) Ace apparently means asexual by the way.

That Jeph Jacques guy, creator of Questionable Content whose comics were edited in >>2002648
>>2002741 is also a guy who panders to the SJW tumblr crowd and has actually stabbed his hand twice because of them.

>> No.2004343
File: 389 KB, 600x458, odin is her brother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally ate some of my post up when formatting it, but Ava's Demon is actually still going on, it did make the creator end up deleting their tumblr account that "talked" to the fanbase if I'm remembering correctly.

That girl in the comic is 12 years old by the way, and the whole lead up to that line is that her brother (Odin) told her she was way too young to date and in her frustration she starts making fun of him by calling him a VIRGIN. What a bigot. The girl was gonna date some other girl, real 'progressive', except she made fun of asexuals somehow so no.

If you want to read the section it starts here: avasdemon.com/pages.php#1196

If you want to read the start of the delusion it comes from here: http://uh-what-the-fuck.tumblr.com/post/104426856919/avas-demon-is-allonormative-michelle-czajkowski

>> No.2004350

What the hell's going on in that panel. Or image as a matter a fact.

>> No.2004352

I remember sending a couple of unaggressive yet analytic critiques to that blog and she never replied. Gotta reinforce that delusion, otherwise you'll look like a fool.

>> No.2004367 [DELETED] 

looks like odin is doing an impression of girlface. taken out of context end a bubble mid sentence makes things so confusing. i think it's probably bad practice in general.

>> No.2004391
File: 353 KB, 600x458, 1199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the confusion, but that is a girl next to her, I think it's either her friend or sister, but Odin is image attached. That panel you guys are looking at is before the panel I posted above it, it also has a link to the comic and the pages that lead up to that conversation if you'd like to read it. But yeah, a weird thing that this webcomic does is that each panel is a separate page, sometimes it creates suspense but a lot of the time it creates an awkward effect when they try to have conversations.

On another note, I think the best way to handle an unruly fanbase is just by ignoring them, otherwise you end up getting into arguments and end up looking unprofessional, but what would you do if you ended up meeting one of these people in real life? Pretending for a moment you're at a convention and you have your own table selling your artwork or whatever

>> No.2004621

>Why is cultural appropriation a bad thing?

>Hundreds of Mexican owned restaurants in the US.
>Richest one is owned by a white American male

>12 Years a Slave, a memoir about a black man being forced back into slavery was a best seller
>Forgotten about once Uncle Tom's Cabin came out; author is a white American woman.

>Amerindians killed, slaughtered and forced to abandon their culture to become more 'American.'
>White owned companies make a killing on selling Amerindian images and culture. The people working on the art are usually white and people buying it are white.

People don't mind sharing cultures...in fact it's a really awesome thing. Yet, when white people do it they rob they take and get massive credit for it while the people they take it from get exploited as a result of it.

>> No.2004640


It's a double-edged sword imo. I see your point though, I didn't like it all when the director of Black Swan took scenes from Perfect Blue without him giving credit to it. Or how zombies were heavily inspired from western african folklore without having a black cast.

Despite that though, I feel that the exposure to culture is leagues better than no exposure at all. It shows that every culture has it's cool shit.

>> No.2004642 [DELETED] 

hey did give credit, he even purchases the rights to the scene.

>> No.2004648


Ah, error on my part then. Sorry.

I think that every culture appropriated from each other though. John Woo was heavily influenced by the spaghetti western film genre and he created "gun-fu".

>> No.2004667

I know you're probably a shill, or you're trying to play devil's advocate for fun, but this is really a shitty argument.
>Richest one is owned by a white American male
So what? Any mexican is welcome to study economy, get into Forex, make trillions and buy it back. Surely you don't mean to say that Mexicans are too stupid to be able to make money, right?
>Forgotten about once Uncle Tom's Cabin came out
Uncle Tom's Cabin came out 1 year BEFORE your negro book. Let's add misinformation to the list of reasons why you're an idiot.
>White owned companies make a killing on selling Amerindian images and culture.
Again, are you trying to say the Amerindians are too stupid to do these things themselves? There are no laws preventing them to do these things and yet they can't do shit. This is capitalism, bitch. If they can't offer anything of value, they have no place on the market. They are free to do these stuff for themselves if they so like it.
>B-but you killed them!
Well yeah, so the dead ones can't quite do the work. Unfortunately those alive seem to be more interested in communicating with spirits then doing something tangible. Like, you know, getting rich?
>The people working on the art are usually white
Evidently they are better then them at their own craft. You know how the shit works in art. Only the product matters.

>> No.2004677

[citation needed]

Take your white guilt back to tumblr

>> No.2004678

>Well yeah, so the dead ones can't quite do the work. Unfortunately those alive seem to be more interested in communicating with spirits then doing something tangible. Like, you know, getting rich?

I dunno man, the tribes that build casinos seem to do a'ight.

>Muh white culture

>> No.2004680

Those are obviously not REAL amerindians! They have been corrupted and are now honorary white people.

>> No.2004687
File: 63 KB, 388x525, GOD...DAMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amerindians killed, slaughtered and forced to abandon their culture to become more 'American.'

No one's stopping the indigenous tribes from returning to their way of life on their land. The problem is their way of life sucked balls and they don't want to. Also don't give me that bullshit, they killed and slaughtered each other and whites alike plenty; they certainly weren't innocent angels just because they got their asses kicked.

White people didn't do anything any other group didn't do to them. You could say that the invading Moors, the Persians and Mongols and our own inter-tribal competition made us what we became that brought us all here today. Over a few hundred years we conquered or assimilated many of the peoples of the world into our system as so many other groups tried and failed to do throughout history, and ultimately we brought peace and plenty to millions where once starvation, superstition and indolence reigned. We stalked through tribalism, labored through feudalism, fought through anarchism, socialism, communism and autocracies of all kinds so you people didn't have to.

Our system today may be far from perfect, but it's as close to perfect as humanity's ever had it and all you had to do was lose to inherit it. Now thanks to that, you can air your butthurt to an audience of hundreds of people across the world with just a few keystrokes.


tl;dr: You're welcome.

>> No.2004693


How about you don't be a weak piece of shit and take down your own comic because people whine, letting down the fans who look forward to the next page every week?

>> No.2004734

Oh my god, who gives a shit? The art sucks anyway.

>> No.2004750

>revisionist history
Grow up you silly twat

>> No.2004755

>being this analannihilated
Fringe groups who own casinos are neither something to be proud of nor a reflection of their people as a whole.

>> No.2004767

>Fringe groups who own casinos are not something to be proud of

You're right, a local tribal casino had to shut down because they couldn't agree on who got to be screwed out of tribe membership and all that sweet dosh.

Turns out once they actually had something, they went full "no true scotsman" and fucked each other out of the one nice thing they could've had.

Nothing to be proud of indeed.

>> No.2004815

That was just 20 minutes of incoherent wailing and gnashing of teeth. There is no point in that video where you can find a coherent an substantive thing that actually matters.

I've stared into the abyss and I feel like a character from an H.P. Lovecraft novel.

>> No.2004821

>but what would you do if you ended up meeting one of these people in real life? Pretending for a moment you're at a convention and you have your own table selling your artwork or whatever

>Did you want this signed?
>It was my *privilege*

>> No.2004907
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...Seriously. All this butthurt over the word virgin? Because it was said in a different emphasis? God, first world problems if ever there was one. I don't care if you're ace or whatever the fuck. Nobody cares. You aren't oppressed.

>> No.2004916
File: 46 KB, 312x312, 1406686124967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so sick of you, please fuck off back to tumblr or twitter or whatever cesspool you crawled out of. Literally not even black people care about you sucking their e-dicks, you absolute cuckstain

>Or how zombies were heavily inspired from western african folklore without having a black cast.
the fuck are you on you dipshit?
You can't copywright something as vague as a reanimated dead person

and "black cast"?? the fuck? Is there a zombie movie convention in which only white people can attend and make just one all-white movie and wring their hands together while caddle-prodding africans away who only want to be represented?

I swear SJWs are so fucking thick headed they will LITERALLY MAKE SWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS about anything without it even making sense... and tack on some bullshit they thought up about how a white person was an absolute monster who appropriated some vague idea, completely stealing it from a culture of poor and starving genius minorities

>> No.2005022

>Surely you don't mean to say that Mexicans are too stupid to be able to make money, right?

>tfw white Americans think that Chipotle is authentic Mexican
>tfw those same white Americans looks at an actual Mexican restaurant and shy away

It also has a lot to do with banks and loans. A lot of US owned banks discriminate against latinos and black people. They can have the same credit as a white person and still get denied for a loan or get charged crazy interest rates hence the subprime/predatory loans during the real estate bubble in the US.

For example, a friend of mine was latino and working in a bank in the Mid-West. He said that he was told to deny loans to anyone who was black or latino. So he started to deny loans to white people who didn't have good enough credit. His superiors got upset with him for doing his job the way it's supposed to be done.

>Uncle Tom's Cabin came out 1 year BEFORE your negro book. Let's add misinformation to the list of reasons why you're an idiot.

Even if that's the case it does not change how Uncle Tom's Cabin's success eclipsed 12 Years A Slave. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass came out in 1845 and still was not as popular as Uncle Tom's Cabin. Why not? Uncle Tom's Cabin has been criticized for it's racist/stereotypical depiction of black people. I think white Americans can't even handle depictions of people of color UNLESS they are stereotypes.

For example, anytime a black person gets an Oscar for a acting it's always for depicting stereotypical roles. Just as playing a mentally ill person always seems guaranteed an Oscar.

>> No.2005024

Sorry meant to quote this: >>2004667

>Again, are you trying to say the Amerindians are too stupid to do these things themselves? There are no laws preventing them to do these things and yet they can't do shit. This is capitalism, bitch. If they can't offer anything of value, they have no place on the market. They are free to do these stuff for themselves if they so like it

It's kind of ironic to see someone trying to explain how the world works when they have no idea of how it does.

>Evidently they are better then them at their own craft. You know how the shit works in art. Only the product matters.

White people make up the majority of consumers in the US. They like things that they are familiar with and feed into the white supremacist diet that they have had since the conception of the United States. It has little to do with just the product alone.

>> No.2005025

Just sound white.

There are a lot of cases where people get harassed for being white cis males (i.e. not agreeing with SJW) who then turn out to be members of minority groups.

>> No.2005067

>no cited facts or sources
>even more sweeping generalizations about a group of people cuz muh feelings
You're fucking insufferable. You can hate yourself all you want but do so somewhere else you cuck.

>> No.2005069
File: 105 KB, 500x688, 1313163302855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>artists and writers would rather default to white cis people because SJWs made everything else a fucking minefield.

So much for encouraging diversity.

>> No.2005072

>It's kind of ironic to see someone trying to explain how the world works when they have no idea of how it does.

You're clearly referring to yourself.

>White people make up the majority of consumers in the US. They like things that they are familiar with and feed into the white supremacist diet that they have had since the conception of the United States. It has little to do with just the product alone.

There is nothing white about "Chipotle" besides the man behind the curtain you presumptuous retard, and the only supremacism here is found in the quality product and the innovative assembly-line production (like Subway) that made Chipotle so successful. It is not this white guy's fault that actual mexicans spam sit-down restaurants on government grant money that don't go anywhere in the end. I don't know anyone in real life that even knew that the owner of Chipotle was white, I certainly didn't, because I as a consumer could care less.

>> No.2005082

You rabid idiot, asking loans is one of the worst thing you can do in your life. You will not get rich by asking loans. In fact, you'll get in debt like most idiot american artists do.
They are actually doing them a favor by not giving them loans. To the white guys too. His superiors got angry because if they denied loans to people who will struggle their entire life to pay them back, they wouldn't be able to make money.
Jesus Christ you're a special kind retard.
>Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass came out in 1845 and still was not as popular as Uncle Tom's Cabin. Why not?
If anything it's incredible that a negro book became a bestseller even back then when slavery existed. You're shooting yourself in the foot.
>It's kind of ironic to see someone trying to explain how the world works when they have no idea of how it does.
Nice argument.
>White people make up the majority of consumers in the US. They like things that they are familiar with and feed into the white supremacist diet that they have had since the conception of the United States. It has little to do with just the product alone.
And? Where is the problem? Again, if the minority wants to make its own product, "fit for the minority members", they can and they should.

>> No.2005141

But...they are a gay Japanese couple from what I can tell. The one on the left looks to even be a cross dresser. If you check out the promo stuff for the comic it talks about how the one on the left is a male.

>> No.2005153

So, according to tumblr, now the only stories anyone is allowed to write are stories that they have experienced directly. So, only autobiographies. Great. Thanks tumblr for taking anything worth anything and shitting on it until it meets your standards.

>> No.2005154
File: 21 KB, 372x260, ௵.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me what the fuck is the deal with Tumblr and extremely exaggerated noses? Even when they are not Rudolph the red nose reindeer tier they are usually fucking huge or otherwise prominent.

>> No.2005156 [DELETED] 

>in the quality product and the innovative assembly-line production

its called fast casual and its the future of america

>> No.2005157

No, because the authors of this lived in Japan. So even if you have firsthand experience, you can't.

>> No.2005158

Surely you don't mean the Terms of Service.

>> No.2005160

Because tumblr is full of faggots.

>> No.2005169

I think it's usually done to characters that are predominately western/european but I agree it looks ridiculous. Just looking at the opening thread image the characters look borderline anthro or something.

>> No.2005172

The point is to look at how that turned out for the artist.

>> No.2005189

You read the notes at the bottom and their are a lot of people who are pissed that they did this. I'm starting to think that the artists may be the overly PC ones in this situation.

>> No.2005575

sweeping generalizations are the only way they can make their feeble and stillborn arguements work.

>> No.2005810


>> No.2005813

Quick question; have you watched this ?

Cause I feel like you haven't watched this.

>> No.2005893
File: 17 KB, 220x268, 2af2fbb24f8da3c47d9532400d2f15a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're advocating that everyone stay in their own borders. Keep the Americans separated from the Japanese. Keep us safe from all of this polluting influence lest the poor culture is hurt.

There have been far worse examples of cultures being damaged by influence from other cultures over the centuries. But Japan especially. No, fuck all of those countries that got manipulated by missionaries. Fuck those countries with civil wars and genocides. Japan is the #1 priority on the cultural appropriation watchlist.

>> No.2005901 [DELETED] 

so because people have committed worse crimes no-one should say anything when i walk around punching people in the face?

>> No.2005909
File: 28 KB, 270x360, mission-hill-brian-posehn-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they shouldn't.

>> No.2005947

>>tfw white Americans think that Chipotle is authentic Mexican
>>tfw those same white Americans looks at an actual Mexican restaurant and shy away
>Muh authenticity
I don't care if something is truly scotsman enough for you, as long as it tastes good (not saying I like Chipotle). You are telling people not to like what they like. Authenticity morons like yourself only ever care about what a thing represents, not what it actually is to other people.

Also, what's wrong with them avoiding "real" Mexican restaurants. Their bodies, their choice, shitlord. Don't try to force people to eat one way or another, food shamer.

>> No.2005966


>white Americans think that Chipotle is authentic Mexican

Do people not know it's founded by a white dude? still tastes good though

>> No.2005967

i eat at pepes tacos bitch and i fucking hate chipotle

>> No.2006048

Are you seriously implying that a non japanese person creating a comic set in japan is a crime? Do you seriously base all your decisions on knee jerk reactions and vapid emotions? Are you a woman?

>> No.2006988

So..... Megatokyo?

>> No.2006995
File: 77 KB, 672x701, 1401840094003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> We hoped that extensive research and experience living and working in Japan would be enough to make a portrayal that wasn’t hurtful.
>We can see now this was incorrect and not possible, and we don’t wish to create a comic that will hurt people, so it seems the solution is to simply stop.
>We sincerely apologise to anyone who was upset by it.
They're lying, this is just as an excuse to cancel the comic without just saying "It was beyond our scope of capabilities/ there's no market for it.)

As far as Tumblr goes, you just need to realize it's like youtube comments. Some of it's okay, some of it is valid critique, and the vast majority is the childish malcontents trying to validate their worthless fucking lives.

I'm so sick and tired of hearing about webcomic artists like Aaron Diaz and Jeph Jaques lose their shit because they listen and feed into the fucking Tumblr crowd. Jaques will probably never learned, but Diaz finally realized what the problem was, stopped interacting with them as much after he got burned, and now only seems to appease them for their Patreon money.

>> No.2007528

>an asexual getting offended that a 12 year old fictional girl calls her heterosexual brother "virgin"
>an asexual
how can you be this butthurt about something that doesn't have to do with you?

>> No.2007567
File: 28 KB, 317x233, 1419248167076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's seriously what they spend their free time on. Think about that.

>> No.2007616

>tfw those same white Americans looks at an actual Mexican restaurant and shy away

I can't say I blame them. I hate food poisoning.

>> No.2007706 [DELETED] 

lol because japan is the only country worth salvaging - if you reread my comment you'll see i mentioned their historic isolationist policies, leading to an almost entirely local development of culture. it stands the most to lose out of any other country on earth by virtue of how culturally pure it is.

everywhere else is practically a lost cause.

>> No.2007707 [DELETED] 

and to clarify, no i dont believe everyone should stay in their own borders - i already conceded that it was a lost cause. the one-world-culture was ensured the moment the internet took off.

>> No.2007708

But health code violations are what make it so delicious

>> No.2007715

It's really fucked when you realize this. Like, this is their hobby. This is what they do. They hoard other hobbies and things to go through them and either get offended personally, or get offended for others.

You have to wonder what these people will do when this whole phase ends.

>> No.2007723


>intense amount of same face
>very little differing body types
>tumblr nose
>generic multicolored hair
>tumblr approved hair styles
>various non-white japanese characters(??) with no distinguishing facial features from the rest of the sameface

I couldn't make it past five pages. It reeks of everything wrong with some artists these days.

>> No.2007742

Most of these SJWs have PayPal donation buttons on their profiles and beg for money to help them in their day to day lives because they can't hop off the computer and get a real job or something. The point I'm trying to get at is that these people are not your demographic. They never were. They'd rather spend their money on uh, whatever SJWs spend their money on. Fawn makeup? I don't know. Point is, ignore it.

>> No.2007762

from the way you describe it, it doesn't seem offensive to me, and i'm asexual. it sounds like the character is framed by the story as childish and petty, so her criticisms of his virginity are meant to be viewed as baseless.

although diaz called some tumblr user 'a shit' because they criticised his comic for having a fap bait nerd fantasy main character. that was probably why.

>> No.2007841

Because artists never have day jobs. And if they could, they'd hold you at gunpoint to demand donations.

>> No.2007845

>half-shaved hair styles on non-racial specific brown and white people who are supposedly japanese

I admit I just hate the half-shaved look that's resurfaced and gotten so trendy again. It looks fucking atrocious.

>> No.2007850


yeah but Diaz sucks and has terrible designs and ideas.

>> No.2008054

Same. Since they're not Japanese they don't have any validity. I wouldn't be interested.

>> No.2008070

Actually, some people get insane amounts of traffic just by offending people. Infamy works just as well as fame in getting noticed.

>> No.2008071

Why the fuck does so many people on tumblr have the same art style?

>> No.2008074

It's a culture thing, I guess. Like how many artists in Japan share the same style.

>> No.2008140

>It's a culture thing, I guess
No it's not.

>> No.2008579

Simple, you just don't give a two fucks about it.

Keeping Grinding Keeping Working

Respect the Hustle.
mah 2cents: But in all seriousness, that comic is generic,boring and no substances.Go back to the storyboard or Leave it in the bin, might save megabytes and time.

>> No.2008811

I highly recommend BLAME! by Tetsuo nihei, (the art gets better, the designs are great). trying to piece together what's going on, especially the passage of time, is one of the best parts of the series. Never read anything like it.

>> No.2008856

What! This is awesome!! I just read the first few pages and I'm really into it, don't stop something over tumblr, this is really good!

>> No.2008877
File: 65 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mmy1pkh2ja1qe38ieo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're on the wrong side of history m8. in 50 years people will be wearing those as 'retro' hairdos

>> No.2008915

Feel free to explain it, then

>> No.2009135
File: 519 KB, 700x1050, E1Act1_0111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be bait, but the first few pages are supposed to be an anime. you see the actual cast after just a bit.

>> No.2009193

>f anything it's incredible that a negro book became a bestseller even back then when slavery existed. You're shooting yourself in the foot.

Yeah, but when US schools are reading about slavery are reading the words of actual slaves or the words of a white woman who was never enslaved in the first place?

>> No.2009213

4 of those characters have the same face........

Holy shit all the noses are the same...

>> No.2009235

I think it's lame that they gave into the critics instead of trying to defend themselves but at the same time their comic seems like a pretty bland wet dream of internet and weeb culture.

>Like how many artists in Japan share the same style.
That's kind of generalizing, when there are artists in Japan with similar artstyles it's usually because of the publisher they work for or that they apprenticed under someone whose style strongly influenced them. Tracing ( "studies" and "redraws") and imitation is praised more in the western online/tumblr art communities than in the east.

>> No.2009344

I was 17 once.

>> No.2010535

Seriously? This should be self explanatory, anon. No one takes anyone on tumblr, who rages like that, seriously. Just do your thing and forget about the "PC Crowd". Most of these people are underage white girls or spoiled opinionated college girls with no self awareness toward reality.
do what you want because these people don't matter in the real world at all.

>> No.2010542

not that the reasons for it weren't retarded, but this is from the artist that made a shitty centaur yaoi comic, so it's probably best it was stopped

>> No.2010551

Appropriation is like plagarizing a book that you claimed not to give a shit about.

Twerking has been a topic for almost two years now, because lily white Miley Cyrus has taken a fleeting interest in hip hop culture. Whites think she invented it, or at least created the word when twerking is a 20 year old word at least and with a longer history in Jamaica.

She declares twerking is over because she is bored with it and wants to try some hippie grunge shit for her next album. That's actually not her call to make, she is talking about things within a culture that no one asked to make mainstream and deciding it's lame because too many whites are doing it.

Would any of these white girls be doing it if it wasn't for Miley? Didn't these same girls think that shit was trashy and ghetto before Miley did it?

It's essentially like being picked on for being a weird nerd, but now everyone wears glasses and talks about entry level video games while still admonishing you for being too geeky because you play the shit more than you talk to your friends.

For what its worth, I don't think weebs aren't really appropriators to me because their thirst for Japan usually runs deep and they'd love to go to Japan out of appreciation, not a desire to make their image more edgy. inb4 SJW, we're all guilty of appropriating something, I'm just explaining.

>> No.2010552


Uh... y'all can take that shit back. And take Miley Cyrus too, if it isn't too much trouble.

>> No.2010557

We never stopped twerking though and no one asked Miley to put it out there in the first place. I'm personally annoyed by people's opinions on it, it's a sexual fun dance, it's not the fucking foxtrot.

I also still liked Miley's last album because I like the occasional pop album and you can only be sad, introspective and feelsy for so long.

>> No.2010567

>Miley Cyrus did a thing that we were already doing
>It didn't stop us from doing it though
>Bunch of other people who weren't doing it started doing it too
>Then Miley stopped
>Some of those other people stopped too, others kept doing it
>We never stopped

Okay. So... why is this a bad thing again?

>> No.2010569

You're literally going out of your way to find things to be upset about

>> No.2010574

The butthurt probably stems from the unsubstantiated claim early in the rant.

"Whites think she invented it"

I personally don't know anyone that thinks she invented dancing like a filthy, repugnant trollop at the behest of her Jewish handlers and if some people do who gives a fuck? Frankly she wasn't the first beloved young female celebrity "tricked out" in such a way and she certainly won't be the last.

Pretty much

Build a bridge and get over it nigga.

>> No.2010606

what you all fail to realize is that the creators were NEVER bullied into stopping their webcomic
they got a callout post or whatever because who the fuck doesn't on Tumblr, that's just how things work there. they inboxe weren't flooded with anon hate, there weren't any posts with billions of notes calling them trash, nobody fucking bullied them

some people complained about "yet ANOTHER comic set in Japan by people who are not japanese", the authors thought long and hard about it, and decided to stop

This was a fucking stupid decision nevertheless because they hae actually lived in Japan & nobody can judge a webcomic on its first chapter, especially when 70% of it is not even an introduction/anything plot related: we have only seen the actual characters for 2 pages and the 2nd main char wasn't even there
There was no public outrage, nobody cared, they chose to stop it

Point being: don't go all "abloobloo tumblr bad let's strawman that shit" when really its the authors who made a shit decision

>> No.2010617

>asexuals don't have sex
>use "you don't have sex!" as an insult
>Inb4 reading comprehension on 4chan
however stupid the complaint was, the link is pretty easy to spot

>> No.2010619

comic looked really bad outside of the cover anyways

>> No.2010626

>Tumblr bullied them into stopping!
>Let's bully them into starting again!
fighting the good fight there anon :^)

>> No.2010637

nah, transethnic is a term for people who have been adopted and raised by parents of another ethnicity, like a black dude raised by japanese parents in Japan or a white kid adopted and raised in a native reservation.
It's not used often tho

>> No.2010648

the centaur comic is bretty gud if you actually read it
It's one of /wcg/'s favorites

>> No.2010701

complaining about this is like complaining about someone posting an amazon review of work.

does anyone have a link to the callout post? it might have some understandable points

>> No.2010864

is it really that fucking hard to look it up on tumblr and know what you're talking about?

>> No.2010875

just click through the links and you'll get to the part where the creators said "minority authors" (as in, queer artists and artists who are not white) are cannibals and just keep bullying the poor white artists who are so so oppressed

people told them a SoL comic in a country they're not familiar with would be tricky > they answered by saying they speak some japanese ad that's enough "research", and said the people "calling them out" were meanies and savages > people got angry at that bullshit > baleet evidence >comic cancelled > 4chan pretends to care

That's it.

>> No.2010911

yeah, it's not the comic itself that people got mad about really, that was jus a few people, it was the creators reaction to said criticism (the original ask bein an obvious troll) that then turned the community against them

which, hilariously, is somethin /ic/ loves to bitch about, people complainin about criticism

xzibit got some advice for y'all muhfuckas:

>> No.2013822

wrong, what if they've been in Japan for years and gained some experience and awareness of whats happening in their environment.

>> No.2013825

so are you saying that it's the greater of two evils? or that you're positively sure the anon would read it?

>> No.2013834
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>> No.2013835

Im saying you shouldnt just make assumptions and say anon is politically incorrect just because he wasnt born there, he could of lived there his whole life...

>> No.2013849

I know, you just formulated it like an idiot, that was sarcasm.
And just fyi, you can't say "wrong" anyway because
1) for all you know it could have been just shitty misrepresentation
2) it was centered around the voice-acting industry which is very closed-off and elitist, which the authors had no access to. Just "knowing about Japan" doesn't mean anything in this debate, because it's the more precise aspects of japanese culture within the voice-acting industry that are discussed.

>> No.2013864

They actually already fucked up with >>2009135 because in Japan most, if not all anime studios have voice actors and actresses perform their scenes together rather than recording them individually.

>> No.2013871
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It's pretty sub-par compared to the work of the mangaka they tried to bandwagon.

>> No.2013873

That made me kek. Good job anon.

>> No.2013884

Not that Anon, but I'm gonna check that out
>Mangafawkz giving me the 18+ warning
h-horse peen?

>> No.2013891

i know i was just saying it as a possibility

>> No.2013908

You don't.

>> No.2014145

It actually has nothing to do with that shit, sol anime is set in high school because the setting sells incredibly well to NEETS who were largely unnoticed during their own school years.

>> No.2014220
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If you don't want centaur blowjobs this and Gallop are pretty clean, kind of like a modern SOL manga but with centaurs mixed in.

>> No.2014926

Doublethink and cognitive dissonance is the backbone of tumblr logic, dude.

>> No.2014931

But these unrecognized amalgamations give birth to new and interesting cultural works. Take shibuya-kei music and fashion - it's essentially Francophilia As Seen By Japan: The Style. Shit shaped Japanese modern fashion and pop culture in a very big way and became something distinctly Japanese in the end.

>> No.2014982

Same with Japanese jazz music, it's based off of American style but evolved into a completely different type over the years

>> No.2015011

>How do you deal with the tumblr crowd as an artist

Like I do with any other retarded child: Ignore if possible, punch if it gets too close and look threatening

>> No.2015017

Smallpox killed amerindians, not white people, tumblrette inbred.

>> No.2015019

>Appopriating Greek culture through use of Greek mythology
Please stop this problematic fetishization of Greek culture.

>> No.2015509


>> No.2015523

Why do Tumblrites insist on drawing such a horrible nose? It's absolutely hideous. On top of that faces look like shit when they try to over-stylize

>> No.2015747

So do many Americans and Europeans.

>> No.2015750

>mfw white people really believe this, because American textbooks have been rewritten so that they don't hurt white people's feelings

Also, Andrew Jackson would like a word with you.

>> No.2015753

>Why do comic book, fantasy, and concept artists insist on drawing women when shit anatomy?

>> No.2015756

They think it's hot. Do Tumblrites think big red disgusting noses are hot?

>> No.2015775

>Repeatedly sneak into white colonies and kill all the unassuming men, women and children you can.
>expect not to get your backwards asses handed to you



>> No.2015795

Red noses give the illusion of a constructed face (to people who don't draw, at least.), and allow those who use it to fit in with all the other tumblr artists who use it, thus be part of the circlejerk and have hordes of people kissing their arses.
As much as tumblrites want to be special, they have to apply certain codes and tricks to their style to be accepted by their peers. Even the themes they can explore through their work are limited, as are, of course, the opinions they are allowed to express.

In short, tumblr does the exact same thing the comic-book industry does with house-styles (or any industry which employs artists, really), all while claiming they're the land of the free creative snowflakes.

>> No.2015800

"Gomi"? That character is called "trash"? Didn't these guys supposedly have a grasp of Japanese? Jesus, I wonder if there's a female character called Chinko.

>> No.2015805
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if they weren't SJW's themselves cancelling wouldn't happen, good thing we need more SJW's policing eachother and forcing CN into bankruptcy.

>> No.2015809

>this style is not my favorite
>it's a bunch of babies also a conspiration also they visually trick you into believing there's a drawing also it's kind of like a mafia and-

>> No.2015816

It's probably intentional, like DBZ character named Chichi.

>> No.2015817

Who said anything about a conspiracy ? tumblr isn't the only place to have a house-style. Just as they aren't the only place to have a majority that shares some opinions, and dislike opinions that are different.
>implying the red nose isn't a trick
They draw flat, unconstructed faces but add a bright red nose on top to make you think there's volume. It didn't start out as a trick when Phobs used it, but it became one.
>a mafia
u wot ?

>> No.2015818

lol butthurt

>> No.2015824

yeah, I call it sracasm.
That's part of my house-style. It's there to make you think I actually took you seriously.

>> No.2015828

>I was merely pretending to be retarded !

>> No.2015838


>> No.2015875

>Blaming Amerindians for trying to take back their land from greedy white Europeans trying to take it for themselves
>White people always victims never the perpetrators
>this is what they teach white Americans in school

That's like if someone came into your house and then tried to kick you out of it. Then people getting mad at the owners. This is why white Americans are entitled twats.

>> No.2015900

>implying white americans are taught anything other than how they should cuck themselves to minorities

At least we don't actually have to by law like those pitful cucknadians and eurotrash. Lol

Also who's mad? We won and everyone's better off for it. Stay butthurt.

>> No.2015916

>>Blaming Amerindians for trying to take back their land from greedy white Europeans trying to take it for themselves

This is what people believe when their only historical education on the matter comes from Pocahontas. The conflict between Native Americans and White settlers wasn't one of greedy white men vs. noble tribespeople who live in harmony with nature and paint with all the colors of the wind.

So much SJW revisionism going on nowadays. 'He who controls the present...'

>> No.2015917
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>mfw americlaps actually believe that

>> No.2015918

so are you saying that settlers didn't steal land? didn't make fake treaties? didn't kill indians? are you actually sure indians existed before settlers created america?

>> No.2015929

This is literally the opposite of what they teach in schools. They love the narrative of whites being born into original sin rather than acknowledging that they're responsible for western civilization.

>> No.2015935

eurocuck pls go


>> No.2016007

>3 guys
>out of hundreds of racist comments
yeah I bet they said totally harmless things that didn't make it sound like they were actually gonna attack muslims at all! The police really is too dumb! #ProtectDangerousRacists2014

>real member of the EU

>> No.2016053

>they said mean things over the Internet and had bad thoughts, they totally deserved it for having an opinion
>if their speech isn't politically correct then it should be illegal
Remember this when you're forced to convert to Islam or get executed in front of your loved ones

>> No.2016060

>they threatened to kill people
>they got arrested
ugh yeah, why can't the police just let us be >:( last time when I was going the school some guy said there was a bomb on the subway and they actually stopped the subway and arrested the guy! I mean wtf! I was late for math! fuck the police!

>> No.2016072



>> No.2016076

>chastise americans for destroying native american culture
>totally fine with muslims destroying theirs
Europeans are funny

>> No.2016079

I repeat:
>real member of the EU

>> No.2016083

I like how the 'so far' in 'three men have so far been taken into custody' in this two year old article somehow escaped your notice. You know the police can't magically arrest everyone at the same time you cock-crazed queer

>> No.2016097

That's not true, you can be those three things as long as you become a whiteknight ass-kissing white guilt sjw. As for me I'm Latino so I can be a little more careless, just a little...

>> No.2016099

sorry, I guess I did forget about the Great Wave of twitter-arrests of 2013!

"cock crazed cunt" would be three words starting with the letter C, you missed a great opportunity here.

>> No.2016102

>totally fine with muslims destroying theirs
I can't speak for all Europeans but everyone I know is appalled by the destruction of those art pieces, as is each TV channel from my country. So no, we're not "totally fine" with it.

>> No.2016120

aw, samefagging your own weak bait?

>> No.2016672

Reminds me of a story I read in middle school about a Japanese girl who tried to fold a thousand paper cranes to make her wish of not dying from cancer come true.

>> No.2016678

i've read that it's called "There are many mt. Fujis: Just Crane your neck a little and you'll see 'em."

>> No.2016706

That's pretty idiotic. Nice waste of being born in a country which actually offers the best religion in the world and going for some wish-fulfilling crap instead.
I don't quite have an image of the buddha with "ow the edge" written on it so just imagine it next to my post.

>> No.2016727

If you piss them off, then you're doing something right.

>> No.2016728

This. Everybody knows that religion can magically solve all your problems.

>> No.2016742

Nice to see Tumblr once again speaking for a culture they don't understand, Japs love people taking interest in their culture.

>> No.2016746

I would have just told them that I'm trans Japanese and they can check their priviledge where the sun doesn1t shine.

>> No.2016777

>only trans and Japanese
You still have so much privilege, anon. You also need to be asexual, fat, crippled, autistic and otherkin to have the right to express yourself on any matter.
Do you even tumblr ?

>> No.2016823

>only trans and Japanese
I'm pretty sure he meant transjapanese, not trans and Japanese. It means that he identifies as a Japanese person even if he was born elsewhere.

>> No.2016858

What are you even talk with about

>> No.2016870

"haterz make me famous!!1"

>> No.2017402
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It's really dumb, I wanted to take this comic seriously at first because it sounded like the creators were actually trying to be accurate and had experience with Japan but they're just like any other tumblr artist that claims to hate anime/manga yet needs to bank on it. I guess I should've seen it coming though, it has all the traits of Tumblr shit.
>interracial gay couple
>brown guy with blonde hair
>gay asian that looks like a girl
>main character's name is literally trash
>gigantic Adrian Brody noses everywhere
>n-not trying to be anime/manga but is still related to it

How much further into it do I have to go before a character that looks exactly like >>2015917 or that one guy in Puppycat appears?

>> No.2017547

Meant to say comic.

>> No.2018031


Please explain this "trash" meme it's everywhere.

>> No.2018038

Bold and brash

>> No.2019368

We can critique your technical skills, we can critique your writing skills, we can critique your subject matter, but we can't critique your expression. Expression belongs solely to you and you alone. Expression is the basis of art. Do not allow yourself to be censored.

That's how you deal with Tumblr.

>> No.2019842

People on Tumblr like using the word "trash" to describe themselves.

>> No.2020328

This is true, I mean look at winterfox

>> No.2020343

This is why I hate 'call out culture', you have to lay out all personal information and 'battle scars' just to enter into a discussion. Just can them be used against you, very dangerous IMO.

>> No.2020385

Also because school is the last period in their lives when they had any social contact at all.

You can't write a university SoL and expect it to sell because most otaku neets are drop-outs/never went to uni in the first place.

>> No.2020416

All of this talk about "white people" on the internet has left me wondering.

Do all white people identify as "white" regardless of ethnicity? Like, would an anglo, a nordic, a germanic and a slav all be okay with being labeled "white"?
It seems fairly common for both white nationalists and the antifa-type to assume that all white people are pretty much the same ethnicity, which isn't true.

As an asian, I absolutely don't think myself as belonging to the same group as, say, chinise or koreans or whatever.
And I doubt that african negroids share a sense of kinship for afro-americans.

Is it a white thing?

>> No.2020447


It might be a north american thing, and the same principle applies to black people it would seem.

It will take time but in one or two generations the divide between different asian cultures will probably blur for those settled in the west. Which is a good thing; I've been close-ish with some korean friends and they were surprisingly racist, their pride in their country was perhaps a tad bit too high.

>> No.2020452

it's a north american thing, honestly. I'm not sure about racial divisions in south america, but the rest of the world focuses on ethnicity rather than race because of the more heterogenous racial spread.

>> No.2020455

I think that being white or whatever is a really vague thing. Using the word caucasian makes more sense because it refers to concrete facts and physical differences.

But I don't go around calling myself Caucasian. There's no culture attached to that, thus I don't see how it contributes to one's identity. Nobody's raised in a Caucasian way, your grand-parents never told you old Caucasian tales, and you don't uphold Caucasian values.
Identity depends a lot on a linguistic community (that's what my Ditactics of French as a Foreign Language teacher says anyway), so it makes sense not to feel part of a group solely based on biology. You belong to a language or several, which in turn shape your culture, not to a race.

But it's not like tumblrites care about that, they just want to blame us for being mean white people.

>> No.2020461

>...in one or two generations the divide between different asian cultures will probably blur for those settled in the west

Doubtful. Clearly you've never called a Chinaman Japanese before, or the other way around. That's like calling an American a Commie.

If you want a laugh and to watch someone get really mad and racist super quick, ask an obviously Chinese person if their name is Japanese.


>> No.2020463

well the japanese are like the nazis for the chinese so makes sense

>> No.2020466


No way they'll be content with being 'merely asian'. That puts them too close to those other asians across the pond.

>> No.2020494
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For those in China/Japan or freshly from there the tensions are still high, but I doubt their descendants in America will really give a shit. When you're born in America you're America, not Chinese or Japanese.

I mean its the same thing for British people and Germans but the kids of the kids of the dudes that fought in these wars don't really seem to give a shit. Or at least that's how it is in Canada. Ethnicity is an after thought for anyone with parents that hardly give a shit about their cultural heritage.

>> No.2020625

actually caucasian is for people from the Caucasus. It's a term that's been bastardized by the media and whatnot, but it absolutely does not mean "white".

White people do not identify as "white" because white is the norm: white people are in movies, advertisement, everywhere. When you read a book, the skin color of a white person is never mentionned, but if the characters a PoC it'll be said that they have "honey coloured skin" to "dark chocolate" or whatever, but nobody says "this lily white skinned person" beause we live in a culture where being non-white is being different.
People from other ethnic groups are well aware that they are "not in the norm".

And that's why whites don't identify as "whites" ever.

>> No.2020639

the main characters name is Gomi and that is japanese for trash

>> No.2020648

>When you read a book, the skin color of a white person is never mentionned
Maybe in your country's literature it isn't, in mine it's extremely important. Pick up any French book before the Nouveau Roman made everything weird and you'll get paragraph after paragraph about some girl's fair skin, how it's almost transparent and pure, etc. Or you'll read the same thing about guys.
It does imply that being as white as possible is a quality and a bit of a cliché, but not that it's the default.

>> No.2020661

Mais bien sûr mon chéri, balance-moi les 3 livres que t'as lu au collège, on est bien partis.
C'est utilisé uniquement pour décrire la beauté extrême du personnage, généralement féminin, dans des situations particulières. SI t'as un livre avec un personnage qui n'est pas blanc, sa couleur de peau sera mentionnée dans la première phrase qui le décrit, généralement. Pour un perso blanc, c'est jamais précisé parce que blanc = normal.

So yeah nah. Read a book nigga.

>> No.2020669

>White people do not identify as "white" because white is the norm

I mean, if brown people who live in white countries are upset that whiteness is the cultural status quo in those countries, maybe they should go back to their own places.

Oh wait. Those are ubiquitously hell-holes. Brown people are desperate to get into white countries, because brown people turn every place they live in sufficient numbers into a backwards shithole where they genocide each other with machetes and rape each others' children to cure the diseases they gave rise to with their own foulness. So they just come into safe, clean, peaceful white countries and then whine about "white privilege."

>> No.2020676
File: 37 KB, 600x401, being believable is hard ;-;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how's the fishing going?

>> No.2020678

Reading comprehension, mate.
I did say
>being as white as possible is a quality

Et tu vas me dire qu'une description de Balzac de Mme Vauquer qui a "l’embonpoint blafard" c'est de la beauté extrême ?
Je suis bien d'accord qu'en général c'est le cas, parce que les nobles bossent pas dans les champs, donc elles sont bien blanches, donc la blancheur est noble, etc etc. Mais le teint de la peau c'est un outil comme un autre, et c'est aussi de la préférence perso, comme Apollinaire a besoin de te dire dans chaque poème "hé ce mec là est roux", certains auteurs auront envie d'insister sur la couleur de peau.

Honnêtement je conteste pas l'idée que nos représentations perso seront quasiment toujours blanches parce que c'est ce que l'on connait, mais tu peux pas affirmer sérieusement que la description du teint de la peau est pas un topos vieux comme pas possible que tu trouves partout. Les descriptions les plus sommaires, généralement, ce sera "blancheur de peau + une super couleur de cheveux + des yeux expressifs + une silhouette sympa". ça fait partie du cliché.

>> No.2020690


Dude has a point. I'm Nigerian and I sure as shit don't want to go back into the place where Boko Haram is at. There's also the corrupt government.

None of us complain about privilege though, it's the some of the US born folks that do.

>> No.2020696

Of course it's described, when it's special.
White skin is only described as white when it is "extremely white", as in beautiful or disgusting. Either pure and transparent or sickly.
Brown skin is always mentionned, no matter the "quality" of the skin/color.
White skin is mentionned when it's not the normal white skin.

C'est pas une question de style ou de choix, un style poétique aura effectivement plus de chance de s’arrêter dessus, parce que les couleurs c'est important dans ce cas la, mais si la couleur de peau n'est pas mentionnée, tu peux être 100% sur que c'est un perso blanc.
(Blafard et roux = pas normal)

SI tu restes dans une littérature moyen-âge ->19ème, la blancheur de peau est utilisée comme description de la beauté/d'u côté maladif, jamais pour établir le personnage en tant que tel. Son identité n'est pas définie par sa couleur de peau, parce que si ce n'est pas précisé, c'est blanc. Mais perso je parlais plus d'un contexte actuel de la littérature, pare ue c'est de la que vient ce thread et ce débat: dans une société qui est aujourd'hui majoritairement multiculturelle (pas comme chez flaubert/apollinaire/mallarmé/que veux tu), la littérature a gardé cette notion de blanc comme norme, et comme c'est devenu tendancieux de louer la blancheur d'une peau, ça c'est d'autant plus renforcé: la blancheur n'est presque jamais mentionné, même méliorativement, alors que les peaux de couleurs sont toujours décrites (avec du vocabulaire culinaire, soit-dit en passant, ce qui est un autre débat hein, mais bon. Je trouve ça assez significatif justement.)

Et là je m'adresse à toi personnellement: si la couleur de peau d'un perso n'était pas mentionnée, ça t'es déjà arrivé de l'imaginer comme autre que blanc? Dans de la fiction, ça t'es déjà arrivé d'avoir un headcanon arabe ou noir/chinois/whatever? Parce que si tu es blanc, la réponse est généralement non.

>> No.2020697
File: 26 KB, 450x300, 100% real fish, no samefag, only 99cents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replies to bait callout

>> No.2020709



I just had to get that out there. The west isn't perfect, but most developing countries make it look utopian.

There's a reason why the majority of us are religious lol. Nigeria's issues are kind of similar to Mexico, there's the scenario where shady folks kidnap our relatives and extort their family members for money. If members can't pay, then they'll kill the relative.

>> No.2020716
File: 56 KB, 599x278, exotic samefagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2020754

>shit, I don't have a rebuttal and now I sound kinda dumb
>better call him a samefag

>> No.2020773


>holy shit, this person is saying something that you'd never be allowed to say on television

>it must be bait. no one could possibly hold views that Jon Stewart wouldn't agree with.

Eat shit

>> No.2021230

>la blancheur n'est presque jamais mentionné, même méliorativement, alors que les peaux de couleurs sont toujours décrites
J'aurais envie de te dire que ça, c'est une faiblesse d'imagination au niveau de l'écrivain, qui oublie qu'il y a plein de nuances de blanc comme il peut y avoir plein de noir. Comme la description de la peau diaphane a été un lieu commun, la description d'une peau bêtement "chocolat" l'est aussi.

>si la couleur de peau d'un perso n'était pas mentionnée, ça t'es déjà arrivé de l'imaginer comme autre que blanc? Dans de la fiction, ça t'es déjà arrivé d'avoir un headcanon arabe ou noir/chinois/whatever?
Si tous les autres éléments liés au personnage portent à indiquer une autre ethnie, genre nom étranger, culture différente, lieu de naissance étranger etc, oui. Mais honnêtement ça n'arrive quasiment jamais parce que les écrivains préfèrent nous lancer à la tête "il est noir" comme si on ne savait pas lire et visualiser.

En fait je suis d'accord avec le fait que les écrivains décrivent toujours une couleur de peau quand elle n'est pas blanche, mais pas avec la signification que tu y attaches. Je pense que c'est moins représentatif d'un fait sociologique/culturel et plus un simple topos, une convention que les écrivains se sentent obligés de respecter sans même vraiment le savoir.
Et même, ça peut consister en un simple exercice de style ; si tout a déjà été dit sur la blancheur de la peau, on peut trouver des nouvelles expressions pour toutes les autres couleurs.

Aussi, peut être que je ne connais pas assez la littérature de la fin XXème début XXIème pour m'avancer sur l'état actuel des choses, mais chez les quelques auteurs que j'ai lu de l'époque, que ce soit Ernaux, Duras ou (malheureusement) Beigbeder, je ne me souviens pas avoir une seule fois lu une référence à une couleur de peau, blanche, noire ou autre, alors que je doute qu'ils ne vivent qu'entourés de blancs.

>> No.2022135

"cultural appropriation" is a good thing for the most part, but I guess if your comics's target audience is tumblr and they turn out to hate it, it makes sense to abandon ship

>> No.2022169

But are they not going to upload a year's worth of art somewhere at all? Just anywhere besides Tumblr, it's a waste and kind of sad