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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 33 KB, 310x700, Fosten-plate (17).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2002776 No.2002776 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I need you opinion; what level I'm I on: pleb, beginner, intermediate, expert, advance. pic related How long before I can do a similar image? The album is below is my progress so far 2013- 2015

>> No.2002780

Here is the album : http://imgur.com/tIrDFh2,VALoQru,VcBTpw5,Lg4cZDq,zBYrfXK,gGKVahc,6tY1K5w,ssNn8EE,4wizHTI,1gm81Dx,TmprUrx

>> No.2002788

looks like beginner still.
in fact, it looks like you just started practicing a few weeks ago at best.

it'll take a few years for sure.

>> No.2002789

You really are asking what level you are on? And putting expert and advanced in the options?

Sorry to break it to you, but you are very very beginner. It's gonna take at a year or two of ideal practice before you can draw something like the image in the first post, which in reality means probably at least 3 years of self study.

I suggest taking some local art classes or buying some beginner art books just to teach you how to accurately observe since you still can't see objectively. Hopefully from there you can learn more on your own.

>> No.2002798


This is your progress from 2013 to 2015? Nigga wtf are you doing. some people went from your level to making a living freelancing in 2 years. Find a different pursuit. Honestly.

>> No.2002817

i bought art books a few weeks ago and started. I haven't really been drawing I saw it more as a past time than a real hobbies I know should have been practicing

>> No.2002818

3-5 years

>> No.2002820

No these are all within this years yes a few weeks. How long if I practice everyday? What art books do you suggest?

>> No.2002830

I've been drawing for years at most 6 years. I think I need more art books

>> No.2002832

You need to do two things daily:
You need to Efficently study the fundamentals to the point where you understand how to apply them.
You need to practice applying what you are studying aka draw every day.

You have been doodeling for 6 years.
I mean Study fundamentals with purpose for 3-5 years. You are as good now as most people are during high school, those 6 years were not worth dick.

>> No.2002837
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>> No.2002848
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Drawing isnt a set timebomb. Everything happens mostly by the "OH!" Moment. Your chances of having that eurika moment increase when you study life, pictures, and techniques.

You need to think if you really want to do this as a hobby or a profession

>> No.2002851

>ome people went from your level to making a living freelancing in 2 years
any names you can list?
just for inspiration :>

>> No.2002852

Yea, I wasn't fully instructed in the arts just now learning basics. proportions, height, shapes, shading. As painful as this might sound I wasted my time :(

>> No.2002857

I've decided this could be an excellent career choice. I just need guidance

>> No.2002863

Nah dude, you had fun didn't you?

>> No.2002864


dont feel bad for blowing it.
I wasted 2 years drawing pone, but I learned a good deal about internet popularity, gesture, contour, line weight, etc.

>> No.2002865

It could be worse; right now I'm making baby steps but I'm light years away from achieving my goals

>> No.2002875

Hell yea I always had an interest in art every since I saw Batman . Some of my drawing aren't that bad but lack details. Another thing I'm poor can't afford schools, books are expensive but worth it , don't have a studio currently a NEET. Damn

>> No.2002885

i started following few people on pixiv, but what i see in their galleries are mostly things since they already started to get good, i can't find a process of their starting point

>> No.2002889

You have the internet.
The most powerful tool in a young artists life. Connect with other artists and find ways to get books for free.
Scribid is like a Netflix for books, but a haven for artists. 8 bucks a month grants you more books than you can ever handle

>> No.2002890

There aren't really any people who truly went from noob to self sustained pro in two years. In reality it takes a lot longer than that (maybe 3 to 5 years, and that's still a quick progression), though some people won't admit it. There are some examples of people improving incredible amounts in a couple years, but it still takes more than that to reach a level where you are good enough to make a living (and not just get a couple shit paying jobs) and also there are more things at play to make a living than just skill.

A few famous people who improved a lot and quickly are Tehmeh (his progress pic gets posted a lot, although is a bit misleading I think), Algenpfleger (check out his sketchbook on conceptart.org) and Zedig.

>> No.2002892

dave rapoza

>> No.2002897

Thanks my nigga ! right now I'm learning oil painting techniques any ideas?

>> No.2002902

Do I draw everyday?

>> No.2002903

He took more than two years to get to pro

>> No.2002908
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However, I can offer you this. Pintrest isnt just a place for single moms to make arts n crafts for their friends 2 year old daughter, and them go home and cry in a bucket of chunky choclate Ben and Jerrys. No sir.
There are thousands of different references for you to plunge into, once you are ready for it. Thousands of artists to look at and be inspired by.

I sound like a shill, but after stumbling across this site, I am no longer short of references.

>> No.2002914

yeah tehmeh's progress pic is kinda confusing
anf thanks, gonna check the other two now

i can see how you can improve in 2 years with basics, but what i'm most confused at this point is how do you take it to more advanced level, it looks like it takes another 2 or more years to get good with colors/composition/refining technique/etc.. to reach professional level

he improved a lot from 2007 to 2009, but wasn't completely there yet

>> No.2002916
File: 289 KB, 940x1224, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre asking? Haha.
After a while, drawing becomes an addiction, you cant stop unless you fall asleep. If you stop one day, the next you are 4x as shittier, no joke.

>> No.2002921

Drop the oil and the techniques until you can draw accurately from life.
It simply won't help you improve at a good rate I'm sorry to say.

>> No.2002924

>my nigga
>right now I'm learning oil painting techniques any ideas?
lel good luck

>> No.2002925
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>but what i'm most confused at this point is how do you take it to more advanced level, it looks like it takes another 2 or more years to get good with colors/composition/refining technique/etc.. to reach professional level

It grows with style. Once you learn the fundies, you grow away from doing "everyone else".
Your style becomes your trademark, it cannot be mistaken; It can be copied, but whats a copy without a soul?

>> No.2002929

>If you stop one day, the next you are 4x as shittier, no joke.
fucking hell.

just let me take some comfy time without consequences..

>> No.2002930
File: 27 KB, 156x267, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real oils require high maintenance and poision control.
Gotta do it outside or put a mask on inside.

>> No.2002932

>If you stop one day, the next you are 4x as shittier, no joke.
It's true, so very true.

>Didn't draw or paint yesterday 'cause life reasons
>Sluggish and a bit depressed today
>Gonna draw and paint tonight
>It'll probably suck 'cause I didn't paint or draw yesterday
>I will probably get mad
>Will feel better tomorrow though

>> No.2002947

No jinx but,
I want to have more threads like this on /ic/. Like, us actually helping people instead of weeping about sakimachan.

>> No.2002953

i don't really care about developing my own style at this point, i just want to build an ability to bring things alive from my own imagination and be gud enough to show stories

are you serious guys?
i haven't drawn for years, starting a new now and my hand draws stuff i have no idea where it come from
i got better just by observing and can apply this knowledge now where once i was struggling with those exact same things

>> No.2002955

My ultimate fear is that because of the stress of life in general I am slowly declining to early alzheimers disease and forgetting so much so often.

>> No.2002959

OP here, Yea been trying to discover my own style, Looked at at the classics looking at nature the sky everything. It's just I'm a NEET I lack money and right now I'm looking at art books.

>> No.2002963

I've seen really great stuff on deviantart on flickr and other websites

>> No.2002964

>are you serious?
Hell yeah, I have to keep my WIP psd files so I can remember how I made something or reference my own art from like 2 years ago.

Keep all your old stuff, doodles and sketches. I amaze myself how much I've forgotten and have to re-learn through old studies/drawings. At least keep a notebook of important shit so you don't forget.

>> No.2002968

i also don't really understand how that happens, and i have considered that maybe it's not normal...
i am mostly talking about form and figure from imagination though.

>> No.2002981

you don't really need money to start drawing, most of the basic starting books and tutorials are floating free on the web
you don't even need books, just start drawing dude, when you see something you don't know how to draw look at some reference and study it

i actually throw away most of stuff i do now, it feels like when you understand something you have the knowledge to recreate it again at later point
the only thing i find useful to save are ideas for later that i might forget, but you are right, i should start saving some stuff. maybe i'll make a separate notebook, thanks :)

i was at some lecture on neuroscience, excuse my english, but basically the main point of it was that in order to learn something your brain has to create connections between synapses, the professor at that lecture told that once you first encounter something you, a weak connection is made, that connection could disband if you don't repeat/practice that process again during next 2/3(forgot the exact time) weeks, so basically you will have to go over and over it again during the next few days to build stronger bond in that synapse connection for it to remain permanent

nah, i think it's pretty natural, maybe it's a part of growing up

>> No.2003011

on that too, it helps to have refs where you can always see them (a physical copy on walls, table) or have a ref book close by to remind yourself.

makes sense, I usually draw once or twice a week, I should draw more in general.

>> No.2003027

>are you serious guys?
>i haven't drawn for years, starting a new now and my hand draws stuff i have no idea where it come from
>i got better just by observing and can apply this knowledge now where once i was struggling with those exact same things

>>2002916 here.
One thing I noticed is that if you dont draw 1 to 4 days, your fucked.
However, on the 5th day, a new horizon happens and you are back better than ever.
Maybe its develping your 'artistic eye'

>> No.2003066

>a physical copy on walls, table
i've left peck's book on the table the other day and went procrastinating on the internet, it felt awkwardly uncomfortable to see in in the background staring at me... so i ended up closing the computer and drawing till the rest of the day
damn guilt feels

maybe, maybe it takes some time to process things and get a grasp of the idea. i sometimes feel lost when i draw too much and stop visualizing the shape because everything turns into one dump of mess
but damn, 5 day? that's some exact science kek

>> No.2003074

>are you serious guys?
Yeah. I mean, I'll get back in the groove fairly quick but rust builds up just as quick.

I was exaggerating a little, I probably won't paint like total crap for missing one night and maybe even have something decent... but I'll probably have a few "throw-away" drawings to start with.

>i haven't drawn for years, starting a new now and my hand draws stuff i have no idea where it come from
i got better just by observing and can apply this knowledge now where once i was struggling with those exact same things

Yeah, that happens regardless if you practice often or not.

Daily practice is more about just keeping sharp, if you falter then you'll be a lil' dull next time is all.

>> No.2003085

>Daily practice is more about just keeping sharp, if you falter then you'll be a lil' dull next time is all.
maybe i'm too noob to get it, but this is concerning for future notice
doesn't it makes drawing feel more like a chore? it's adding anxiety to something you love doing :(

>> No.2003125

>doesn't it makes drawing feel more like a chore? it's adding anxiety to something you love doing :(

I guess it is a chore, in the literal sense, but frankly any hard work is. I'd certainly rather be drawing than doing yard work or dishes, and when I've got the time to do some "real" work (painting something original) then I'm able to focus all my effort on the unique problems of that artwork rather than fussing about technical hassles.

Also, when you've gotten yourself "in practice" then this "chore" is fairly effortless. Like, if I'm doing a photo-study either as a warm up or to add some images/shapes to my visual library I just kinda fall into it like riding a bike.

>> No.2003135

if it takes three years what all do I need to study? How do I find my style?

>> No.2003136

Oh, and quick note about "anxiety".

There really isn't much reason to be anxious, just do whatever it is you can do as often as possible, review your work, and push yourself where you need it.

Drawing and painting frequently really does a lot to remove anxiety, because each individual image becomes fairly worthless. Had a string of shitty drawings? Lol, whatever, crumple them up and juggle them into the trash can.

Loving your work too much and making every piece precious will really hamper your development, it'll make you afraid to "fuck up" which will keep you from practicing until you have "just that right idea" which you will then probably fuck up because you're not in practice.

I think every artist has a "hate phase", and every now and then I also have a super shitty day that gets me in a pissy mood, but once you realize it's about the long game and that each piece on its own is disposable... things get quite a bit more chill.

Now there is professional anxiety, about making an image for someone else before a deadline... I'm not a professional so I get to dodge that bullet, but I couldn't imagine any pro making it while still being hung up on loving each piece and being anxious about the process itself... they ain't got time for that jazz.

>> No.2003139

I really I'm kind of afraid of throwing away my work because I like trying to keep documentation of my progress. I will keep that advice in mind next time

>> No.2003164

thanks for the "insight" man
i kind feel like my attitude changed now since when i was drawing back then
whatever i draw now come with "i only learn" attitude and i'm not getting attached to my works now, it's mainly sketches and studies anyway, so i don't have that fear of fucking up a finished piece for now. it will come sooner or later, i hope to find my way to deal with it until then

you can always snap a picture and forget about it until later, maybe sort some of the key pieces you want to keep because those things pile up when you draw a lot

>> No.2003190

if you look at the album those are some of my latest and best work. I burned the rest because it was awful

>> No.2003243
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Art isnt a time bomb, no amount of time is guaranteed to get you anywhere.
Their are plenty of people on DA who have been drawing for Half a decade and still never ever plateu.

Your style develops on its own. Its a combination of artists you like, but with your own special touch.

>> No.2003246

>Loving your work too much and making every piece precious will really hamper your development, it'll make you afraid to "fuck up" which will keep you from practicing until you have "just that right idea" which you will then probably fuck up because you're not in practice.

This was my biggest stick in the mud.
I overcame it by doing new things and fucking up with buddies.

>> No.2003249

I keep all of my shit.
The thought of a fire terrifies me.

>> No.2003251
File: 177 KB, 743x1075, elsa_by_sakimichan-d75jib4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2003272


I actually liked a number of your sketches. If you want to go further, learn ANATOMY. You need to understand how the bones and muscles work. I do not mean to dissect a corpse (unless you want to) but take a course where you can sketch from a live nude model. You will also need to learn perspective but that will come together for you over time. I think you will be very good if you keep at it.

>> No.2003298
File: 70 KB, 494x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the joke
Fuck you, haha

>> No.2003303

which sketches? Yea here in the south it be a little difficult to find a nude model. Unless you have money. Some of those sketches are based off the “Classic Human Anatomy” By Valerie L. Winslow a book which is in my collection

>> No.2003312

What's the name of that uniform? I like it a lot so did a sketch based on it, but would appreciate being able to see more ref of the uniform (possibly some photos).

>> No.2003356

It should be a French regular Infantry 1813. Hard to say the rank could be private

>> No.2003358

Part of La Grand Armee of Napoleon

>> No.2003381

>here in the south
Im in New Orleans, and theres classes here.
google is your best friend

>> No.2003393

Like in AR for example?

>> No.2003427

I'd also like to see something like this but I have no idea where to look for it. It's incredibly hard to find any asian artist's early work.

>> No.2003429


Realistically, you probably won't ever find any of their early works. Asians tend to have self esteem problems, and will probably never upload their early work/they threw it out because it was shit.

>> No.2003829

Not sure why it matters whether or not they're asian. I'm sure the stuff is out there, but its on websites that we've never heard of and all in another language. There's a shit ton of early works available for various western artists so just look at that.

For what it's worth though in the chinese ones, I've seen some works of students who are taught by some of the digital big names in china, and their work is like...well it is weird to look at since it displays pretty good rendering and lighting on top of a horrible drawing. Proportions and balance and stuff are way out of wack but they don't care really and just focus on rendering and that asian style of heavy detail design. Also all the lighting they do is very artificial and formulaic.

>> No.2003931

As a beginner where do I start ? Can someone tell me what wrong with the Sketches so I can improve for next time.