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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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2002258 No.2002258[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How long till she becomes a full time porn artist?
I give her 15 months.

>> No.2002260

how long till you git gud?

I give it never.

>> No.2002261

Inb4 the inevitable "She makes more money that I think she should." shitshorm

>> No.2002262

She doesn't need to though.

>> No.2002265

inb4 people bump another one of these stupid threads while complaining about them.

oops, too late.

fuck you guys.

at least sage if you just can't stop yourself from commenting.

you could also try reporting it instead.

>> No.2002270

If it gets these faggots out of my patreon thread, then I'm fine with it.

>> No.2002271

Porn doesn't really suit that oily style.

>> No.2002273
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I doubt that sakimichan is competent enough in drawing to make pornography.
To make decent, convincing, and arousing pornography you have to have a very very high understanding of perspective, anatomy, and most importantly gesture.

The ability to draw a fuck convincingly (physically) and sexy is extremely difficult without it getting bland.

Sakimi literally only knows how to draw "above the knees at most" character shots, that's why her "porn" only consists of lazily slapping on tits to her girl pictures.
She will never be able to draw characters interacting in a convincing, impactful, and organic way.
I say this because she hasn't even bothered to try.

>> No.2002275

she doesn't need to but there are shekels to be made in trying.

>> No.2002278

Actually it does. To me atleast.

Shes almost making half a million a year. Thats...wow...Will she ever get to a million? lets wait and see.

>> No.2002283

>tfw i'd be happy making $800 a month with Patreon.

at least I wouldn't have to worry about being homeless again.

>> No.2002285

This is the point I was trying to make, both her Bayo and Ahri pics were threading waters and now she's started to draw figures more like those that appeal to the porn consumers than the slimmer, softer cartoony girls from before.

I'm betting she wants those sheckels too and will be caught in the murky waters of softcore porn pinups.

>> No.2002287

teen yaoi when

>> No.2002295

>havent seen her patreon before
>24k a month

what the actual fuck.

>> No.2002315

>tfw drawing porn is the pinnacle of artistic achievement

No artist has as much freedom as an artist who draws porn does, especially in the age of the internet.

>> No.2002322

Try 34k/ month

>> No.2002327

I'd be more concerned about being able to render clothes and backgrounds.

>> No.2002343

honestly what happens when you try to go away from the loomis practice of things and try to produce forms like fabrics and shit? i'm still new and only do the blook faces.

>> No.2002347

i have a few mannequins for life drawing that i play dress up with.

>> No.2002352
File: 14 KB, 201x201, 9B050960F61148846813990846464_34c801adff3.0.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I have weird ethical dilemma when it comes to creation of porn among successful artists.
I would never go as far as to tell an artist what they can and can't do, but when I see artists, like Atryl as good example, try to balance between commercial art/fanart while doing just as much porn, on fetishistic levels might I add, it just gives me a weird vibe about the artist....

>> No.2002353

The question should be, how long until she ruins her body of work with an over-use of chromatic aberration and an avoidance of perspective?

It seems like every time I turn around up-and-coming artists are ruining their work and a genre altogether because of their autistic reliance on tricks and a laziness to understand things better.

Eurobrats ruined speed painting with their brush fetish and the most gawd awful sense of design. Canadians ruined web comics with their chibi-ing and their superficial slice of life storytelling. Californians have singled handedly ruined everything about learning art with their addiction to formula and complete incapability of independent thought.

It's sad because most of these artists are unaware of the creative contributions others have gone and given them. It's sad because they'll read two seconds into something and think they got it down. They produce work that is cliche and formulaic and then act like they have creative skill.

Whatever happen to good old fashion creativity and refinement? Are the best days behind us? Are we rolling down hill like a snowball headed for hell?

>> No.2002354


Are we finally back?

>> No.2002361

minimal work, maximum profit.
sakimi-chan is brilliant. i want to be as good at selling art as she is.

>> No.2002365

If you want to be good at selling art with minimal effort, here's what you have to do:
>1. Be a girl.

>> No.2002366

What's so wrong with that, anon?

>> No.2002369


It's funny how the people who always talk about shekels and stuff don't seem to have any sort of business sense whatsoever. Her patreon is constantly rising with the fanart she's doing. Changing her focus to porn would alienate lots of her current patrons who support her because they like tame, sexy fanart and not hardcore porn. For every horny neckbeard who'd support her, she'd lose 100 of her current supporters.

>> No.2002371

Exactly. This is why I plan on having separate accounts for porn and SFW. Might even use different pen names for them, just in case.

>> No.2002373

That would make sense if there were several female artists who made Sakimichan-money. As it stands, Sakimichan is the only artist in the whole world who makes that kind of money with fanart, so clearly her success can't be purely brought down to her being a girl.

>> No.2002375

It takes a special kind of degenerate to spend their life and talents making sexy fan-art pictures for neckbeards.

>> No.2002377

A good amount of her followers would probably want her to draw porn. Chances are that she already spends too much time drawing as it is so it would be hard to have her draw both sfw and a nsfw. So the most she will probably do is post simple nude variants to all of her stuff.

>> No.2002379

There is a ton of shitty artists who get more than 100k/year from patreon. You don't need to have a vagina.

You need to:
1. Draw GIRLS since virgin faggots who repost this shit on their facebooks are your primary audience
2. Pander to as many fanbases as possible
3. Overrender everything because plebs perceive it as the measure of quality
4. Be social in the media and beg for exposure at every opportunity you get

>> No.2002380

No, but it takes a special kind of degenerate who wants to dictate artists what they should do with their art.

>> No.2002383

It makes sense to me, considering the demographic of people who are into anime and hentai are straight males.
Well, good thing the only reason I started drawing was because I wanted to draw hentai then.

>> No.2002385

You can draw whatever you want. I'd say it takes a special kind of degenerate to beg for money on patreon and actually donate to this garbage

>> No.2002389

still better than donating to your garbage.

>> No.2002390

>There is a ton of shitty artists who get more than 100k/year from patreon

Like who? I can only think of a handful of artists that make more than 8000$ per month. The QC webcomic guy, that russian porn artist, Akabur or whatever his name, Sakimichan, Kron. That's it.

I agree with you that you don't have to be a female though, considering Sakimichan is the only female out of the highly successful patreon artists I just listed.

>> No.2002392

She's actually pretty good. I bet half of you couldn't reproduce one of her pictures.

>inb4 hurr hurr bad anootomy bad rendor needs more loomis

>> No.2002397

I don't doubt that she can draw anatomy well. It's that she chooses not to and has zero imagination that makes me think she sucks. People are paying out the ass for the same picture with a palette swap over and over again. She is literally the Justin Bieber of art.

>> No.2002400

The ones you've listed are more than enough considering the fact that: 1. Patreon itself is not that big yet; 2. a huge percentage of people who are popular despite being mediocre refuse to use patreon out of principle.

>> No.2002401

dragon and mech drawfag calling other people zero imagination, top kek.

>> No.2002402

I have literally never drawn a dragon or a mech.

>> No.2002403

then you have no imagination.

>> No.2002404

A lot of projection there, buddy. It's so easy to hate on others when you're less skilled than they are.

>> No.2002406

Artyl has my thumbs up.
Sure he does porn, but he also makes some pretty interesting concept art for clients

>> No.2002407

No, I just don't see the point in practicing them yet.
I'm not hating, just stating facts.

>> No.2002410

>stating facts

so you know sakimi-chan personally?

>> No.2002411
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Okay anon.
Ill try today.

>> No.2002414
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>> No.2002415

If you can't see how similar every one of her pictures are, you're delusional.

>> No.2002416

Nice try, but 'stating facts' that means you either know her personally and/or are sitting behind her every time she's drawing. Are you doing either of those things, anon?

>> No.2002419

No, it doesn't. It just means I have eyes and can see that every picture is the same.

>> No.2002424

So you don't know her, how she works, what she's drawing when she's not making fan art, or sort of 'facts' about her.

>jealousy and projection

>> No.2002425

>there is no objective criteria for judging art, nor the morals and wholesomeness of the artists' themselves
You're the reason that art has fallen so low.

>> No.2002426

like how bouguereau paint the same girls girls girls?

like how ruan jia paint the same ethereal lighting?

like how mullins paint the same loose brushstroke?

like how every drawing you do is shit?

>> No.2002428

art nowadays is in intellectual peak, you're just to dumb to partake in it.

>> No.2002430

If she draws stuff with more variety other than her fanart, I'd love to see it. If I was just hating and projecting, I wouldn't have said I think she can draw well, but just chooses not to.
You don't understand what I said.

>> No.2002435

>I think, I believe, I feel, I guess
>Not 'facts'

Be more careful next time.

>> No.2002441

I am jelly, the thread.

>> No.2002442
File: 140 KB, 884x1200, Partial Coverage by Gil Elvgren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no objective criteria for judging art

Sure there is. No idea how you thought that was remotely what I was saying in that post you replied to. I simply don't believe just become some fanartists enjoy drawing sexy fanart pictures means it's the end of the art world, you fucking idiot.

The great thing about art is that individual people have different interests and as such, pursue different goals in art. Fuck you and everyone who wants all art to only be what YOU want to see, because that is true degeneracy. Some people enjoy drawing sexy women and there has always been a market for that. Frustrated homosexuals like you will never change this fact.

>> No.2002444

>the thread
not THE thread, just A thread. jelly threads are 1/3rd of this board.

>> No.2002447

Man this bitch hasn't gotten any better.

She's like a female Genzoman.

I'm jealous she makes that much money for such shitty artwork. I wish i liked making fanart.

>> No.2002455

>I wish i liked making fanart.

Yep, that's it anon. If only you LIKED making fanart, you could be rich too!. But man, you are cursed with so much integrity and good taste that you never had a chance.

Haha, the delusions of some posters on this board run fucking deep.

>> No.2002540

This. She makes tons without drawing porn at all.

>> No.2002542

I like her stuff. Very clean and pretty; a lot of you just have sour grapes.

>> No.2002545

anyone would be sour if they suck at drawing.

>> No.2002551

I honestly believe Sakimi will not last very long, what you are seeing is a fad that will eventually be replaced by another probably someone who doesn't keep drawing the same 3/4 face at the same camera angle with the same perspective and with the same bust shot.

Unless she starts to draw full fledged figures with interesting eye levels and have characters with expressions that communicates with the viewer she won't last and someone will start to call her out on this.

>> No.2002558

I suck at drawing but I'm happy for her because she's showing that artists can be financially successful. I'd love to make a lot of money pandering to fandoms and then have enough free time to work on my own artistic expression.

>> No.2002561

No, she'll last and has lasted for a decade. The Patreon trend, unfortunately, will die as soon as it started.

>> No.2002563

luckily for her she now makes enough money and has enough free time to discover Loomis.

>> No.2002567

I doubt sakimi will ever draw a dick.

>> No.2002569
File: 63 KB, 850x1212, 1416882905518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should invite Sakimi to /ic/ just imagine being able to Critique Sakimi herself and introduce her to Loomis and be forever sealed in /ic/.

It would be glorious.

>> No.2002570

She's been amongst the most popular artists on DA for several years. The patreon fad will no doubt fade, but for different reasons altogether. People like you are forgetting that Sakimichan was able to make a comfortable living with her art, long before patreon.

>> No.2002571

Here's my take:

She's not bad. She's just boring.

She has showcased on plenty of occasions that she has the skills necessary to make awesome pieces, and to some extent, she has, but her recent work feels lifeless because each one is the same.

>same facial feature measurements that make the viewer rely on costume alone for character recognizability
>same thematic elements (deep blue hues, heavy saturation, lustful facial expressions, composition, including swooshing whirlpool strokes and false defocus, emphasizing the bust and torso - an element that can be easily layered to reveal a clothed and unclothed version of the work)
>same lack of effort on hands, legs and feet (hands are usually hidden, feet are always cropped along with legs)

>> No.2002575

Do you seriously believe Loomis is some kind of secret that only /ic/ knows of? Are you fucking stupid? Everything you know about anatomy, Sakimichan has studied years ago. She's better at drawing and anatomy than pretty much everyone on /ic/.

>> No.2002576

give her one good reason why she should visit a board full of losers.

>> No.2002577

I disagree.

>> No.2002579

Patreon will die when retards figure out that paying 70$ a month from your own pocket adds up to some insane amounts. To bad the last idiot is not born yet.

>> No.2002580

>being this delusional
There is no knowledge on /ic/ just a place people go to see the latest artist dramu.

>> No.2002582

pretty much all knowledge is in cgpeers not here.

>> No.2002585

Either you are new or you've been using /ic/ to shitpost and gossip and do anything but learn from critiques and the resources.

>> No.2002586

>I disagree.

Alright, prove it. Post some good figure drawings from /ic/ that show an excellent understanding of human anatomy, good, dynamic poses, strong gesture etc.. Not studies. Drawings from imagination.

Oh and no Catbib scribbles please.

>> No.2002587

/ic/ still has knowledge with the capacity to help a beginner learn fundamentals or even someone with some experience go over material to improve on.

It's how you use /ic/ to either benefit you or waste a lot of time gossiping.

>> No.2002588

>learn from critique that no one ever gives
>learn from sticky resource that is down for months

top kekking to the max.

>> No.2002589


>> No.2002591

You are not making your case better by proving that you can't find information out by yourself.

>> No.2002592

Not him, but what resources? You mean the books that literally every artist in the world knows of? The mandatory reading lists from every art school ever? Vilppu, Bridgman, Hampton and Loomis? The most well known anatomy teachers in the fucking world? Do you seriously think just because Sakimichan isn't posting in this shithole, she has never heard of these resources? How can you be this fucking retarded?

If anything, If she ever came to this hellhole, you faggots could learn from her critiques.

>> No.2002593
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>> No.2002594

Loomis sucks, /ic/ takes books and shit too seriously. Just draw. That's why this bitch is making thousands off fucking fan art, she draws. It might not be exactly to your liking but she's still getting shit done.

>> No.2002595

Still a good place to come..
Not everyone is out to get you with their crits, some crits are actually good...

Plus you can get resources here..
I was unaware of Composition Generation Pencils until I came here..

>> No.2002596
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it's the undeniable truth that fan art gets more views than original artwork. because regular people don't care about art unless it's about pop culture or porn. Just look at modern art galleries.

> But man, you are cursed with so much integrity and good taste that you never had a chance.
that's right.
also, no longevity. the longer you've been posting your art on the web, the more fans you have collected over the years.
it's why pig shit like megatokyo is still popular.
it's why sakimakichan and genzo are still making big bucks with absolutely no artistic development in over a decade.

maybe you're fine with drawing pictures of goku fighting superman or dr. who or whatever shit you like but actual adults stop caring about that stuff after a while.

>> No.2002597

>/ic/ still has knowledge with the capacity to help a BEGINNER learn fundamentals

you seriously think she's still a beginner? I'm pretty sure you'll say yes just for the sake of argument and trolling, despite you sounding serious trying to make /ic/ a better place.

>> No.2002598

There's no point in posting your shit here if you want to go professional. /ic/ is a beginner's forum at its worst.
The most entertaining shit is the drama and gossip, it's the only thing you should be here for honestly.

>> No.2002599


underrated post

>> No.2002600

>not studies
>post some Teal leg study / example

Also Teal doesn't post on /ic/ anymore. You people drove him away because while he was posting here, every jealous shitposter kept attacking him. so yeah, great example there, champ.

>> No.2002603

the case is about giving a good reason why she should come here and you said knowledge, so by your post, it's saying she should go somewhere else for those information.

then again I ask you this >>2002576

>> No.2002606

I am not that guy you replied to at first, but you are still not making your case better by proving that you have an inability to find stuff out yourself. You are a fucking entitled crybaby if you think we owe you critique for just posting here.

>> No.2002608

> but actual adults stop caring about that stuff after a while.

No one forces you to draw fanart of super popular shit you don't care about, you dimwit. but if you seriously have nothing that interests you, then you are a very sad and pathetic human being. You don't read? You don't play games? You don't watch movies, tv shows? Nothing?

>> No.2002609

then there's no merit going into /ic/ then, case solved.

and I did say there's cgpeers if you look at the post replies, so it's just you're inability to comprehend that is at stake here.

>> No.2002611

I learned SO much from being on /ic/. I would have never practiced as much shitposting as I did before.

>> No.2002612

The merit of going to an anonymous message-board is that you are anonymous you dolt.

>> No.2002615

not for critique nor resource but the ability to shitpost without repercussion? thanks for proving my point again that there isn't a good reason for her to come here.

>> No.2002616

you are pathetic

>> No.2002617

That's actually the opposite of merit.
If you're serious about art, go to a place where people have consequences for their actions and won't be able to hide behind anonymity like a faggot.

>> No.2002618

Well leave then, you obviously don't want to be here and I am not stopping you.

>> No.2002619

Not that guy, but are you fucking stupid? You argument was that Sakimichan should come to /ic/ because of "knowledge". This guy proves that there is actually no knowledge to be found here. Now she should come to /ic/ so she'd be anonymous? What the fuck is wrong with your brain?

>> No.2002625

I want to shitpost man, the argument is why she should come here not why I am here. thanks for playing.

he did say he's not the guy who answered knowledge.

>> No.2002627

>leave then
top fucking kek
Not that guy either but wow. Do not put /ic/ on a pedestal, I hope this whole thread woke you up some.

>> No.2002628

Either this or you would end up in a hugbox community that would not help you grow up.
Being in here means that there is no reservation when people makes a criticism.

Do you think Sakimichan will received any sort of critism for any of her artwork? Nobody dare to point it out because of the fear for her fanbase. Either the fear of getting flaked for it or fear of losing your current fanbase.

>> No.2002635

I'm not too big a fan of her art because of some of her stylistic choices, the faces just don't appeal to me that much, but as I'm now trying to produce work even close to this level of polish and style I have newfound respect for her and appreciation of how hard and time consuming it can be. She must be pretty fast by now but I can see it taking a while to get there.

>> No.2002637

You mean nurturing community based environment that makes artists motivated to continue making art?

>/ic/: pretentious/and or delusional fuckers who think they're all that and get shut the fuck down when they post, never to pick up a pencil again.

>> No.2002638

>almost making half a million a year
What the fuck? She has to be the most well payed artist in digital painting by far if this is the case.

>> No.2002642

remember ethan? no one remembers ethan now it's because /ic/ helps him grow. :'(

>> No.2002643

Ethan, toughen the fuck up or stop posting.

>> No.2002645

>You mean nurturing community based environment that makes artists motivated to continue making art?

Too much nurture and care would impede an artist improvement. They're gonna stuck in the same place if that is all they receive.


>> No.2002646

If you are serious about art you do it as much as you can, there is no bullshit in art, your work is telling us all about your capabilities. And if you are good enough, you stand out with your work. You don't need to tie a bullshit persona that is clearly not you to sell yourself that all you care about is your art. We can see that.
I am not the guy that started that conversation. But your reasoning for not being able to find any knowledge here just show how shallow your knowledge about this place is.
Why would this thread wake me up? I have accepted the dark side of 4chan and /ic/ ages ago, it happens. I still return because of though love.

To get back at you for why she would come here. Maybe she already does? If you lurk enough threads you can find hidden gems here. Like the hi res Ruan Jia images, translated articles, scanned books and more. You don't need to post here.

>> No.2002649

>"helped" him grow
Is this sarcastic? I agree then.
Who the fuck is ethan

>> No.2002651

Stop flip floppin romney

>> No.2002653

ron pall 20137

>> No.2002655

Like I said you don't know how to use /ic/ I got what I wanted out of /ic/ and I keep coming back for more. Maybe it's because /ic/ does have a lot of professionals who are from the field and have very little or nothing to gain from /ic/ since they (hopefully) studied years ago and are proficient in their craft hence the shitposting and gossiping that happens here since they have nothing else to do but shitpost.

You can be Sakimi and still benefit from /ic/ you learn a lot by simply talking about fundamentals and drafting examples or solving mistakes from others it only reinforces your knowledge of the thing but I'm just implying that Sakimi knows how to draw besides her usual 3/4 bust views.

>> No.2002657
File: 1.39 MB, 1273x800, 6cc365e2cfefe220bac1492b8d590fea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new pic

>> No.2002663

>benefit from /ic/
How? by pirating her own tutorials and videos?

/ic/ would benefit from her coming here, not the other way around.

>> No.2002664
File: 179 KB, 489x353, 1390232404708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I see something like this I just feel more and more envious and want to be able to do something like this, it's the same as someone flexing their muscles and showing off their massive gains and it just wants to make you listen to Nasheed and pump iron.

>> No.2002665

She has no knowledge to impart outside of the "business" side of it. Artistically, she's no better than Noah and they're the first level of professional quality.

>> No.2002675


>> No.2002679

>no knowledge
>first level of professional quality
Make up your damn mind, woman.

Yeah I'm sure business is the only thing /ic/ needs since we're all such ruan jia tier artists who have it all but just don't have enough exposure );

>> No.2002683

>Style and proportions irrelevant to gesture, construction and form

That's ignorant and it's probably with that kind of thinking his work is looks bespoken of same-face and same-body.

>> No.2002684

i'm surprised teal didn't draw in the cunny, since when is he a prude?

>> No.2002685

I dont pump iron, thats for neanderthals. I draw and drink Health Tea.

>> No.2002688

I used that as an analogy, you get fit by repeatedly working out correctly its the same for drawing.

>> No.2002692
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>> No.2002693

But that art isn't good, anon.

>> No.2002695

you're a fucking cunt. if you faggots start trying to embrace him again and end up forcing the only useful member of this board go away again, then... then please don't.

>> No.2002697

He said to the issue of gesture, construction and form which is true in order to stylize you must learn gesture, construction and form found from life not from Animu or something already stylized it is irrelevant.

>> No.2002699

First level of professional quality isn't that hard to reach. Literally you should easily be there by your third year. Even second if you try hard enough.

You can even mask it well and get some decent exposure with just the right brushes because those idiots who don't know anything, like yourself, will be in awe at how "great" it looks.

>> No.2002700

But it's still better than what I currently do which is why I envy.

>> No.2002704
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>> No.2002706

Exactly my point. 100% formula and not an once of character or personal expression in any one of those. Even the experiments don't explore creatively

>> No.2002707


>> No.2002708

This mentality is why you'll never be great.

>> No.2002710

>implying you will be

>> No.2002711

I hope someday /ic/ will hate me this much for my art and talk shit about me behind my back.

>> No.2002713

Fuck these sluts, fuck drama

git gud

>> No.2002716
File: 35 KB, 500x491, 1425014191704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No one forces you to draw fanart of super popular shit you don't care about, you dimwit.
actually they do if you actually get paid for your art.
commissions, gallery shows, etc. i've had to draw commerical crap for freelance work. i hate it, but pays the bills. you can't be too picky when you're not living with mommy, which i'm sure all fans of sakimichan are.

it's why i hate "artists" who's commercial work and personal work are exactly the same.

> but if you seriously have nothing that interests you, then you are a very sad and pathetic human being.
i like all sorts of art but i don't essentially copy it for financial gain like fanartists do. my personal art isn't shit like pokemon or harry potter.
it's funny that you basically equate pop culture shit with living. like i said, real adults start to care less about that shit as they get older. i guess having real families, real friends, going outside, exercising, eating good food, having sex, or hiking, or doing anything else that isn't connected to a electric socket makes me sad. LOL.

>> No.2002717

Then were are all the pros then? not here, who brag about being here for years and years. Where's all my sakimi look alikes?

>idiots who don't know anything, like yourself
Projecting doesn't make it better m8. Maybe one day you'll get there too with a lil practice! ;)

>> No.2002719

Snobs and pseudointellectuals are subhumans.

>> No.2002720

The ones who brag about being here for years obviously haven't gotten anywhere, otherwise they wouldn't still be here.
>sakimi look alikes
Who would want that?

There isn't any projection. The fact you're defending Sakimi as if she's some kind of great artist proves your level of understanding.

>> No.2002721

/ic/ is full of industry professionals, but they can't reveal their identities because...... reasons. just take their word and believe that they're living masters and all popular artists out there like sakimi-chan are untalented and will never be as good as them, ok?

>> No.2002723

Let's be real here

nobody in their right mind has Sakimi as an artistic role model

>> No.2002724

>implying the target audience is catering to 50-60 year olds.
There's always new "fans" poppin out every second. The world will never run of of teenage/college students.

>> No.2002725

>actually they do if you actually get paid for your art.
Wow! Like old masters.

>> No.2002726

People who use the terms "snobs", "hipsters" and "pseudointellectuals" seriously will call anyone who does things differently themselves that. There's no satisfying you guys unless they're on the same boat as you. With your logic, there's no such thing as actual intellectuals because in your eyes they're all pseudo. What does that make you if you're able to call them out on being fake? An actual intellectual?

>> No.2002727

doesn't matter, she's still better than you!

oh wait, sorry mr. mullins.

>> No.2002730

yes you are

>> No.2002740

>who want that
Clearly tons of people.

>the fact
Look, I know you have some weird personal grudge against her because she's rakin in the dosh but let it go man. She is pretty decent and is smart about making money thru her fans.

/ic/ is clearly not full of industry professionals.

>just take their word and believe
I'm craig mullins and I'm tellling you to shut up. Take my word for it.

Denial, 317 thousand fans would like a word with you.

>> No.2002742

Seriously, all old masters draw bible fanart commisioned by some patron with money.

And they did their share of porn, too.

>> No.2002743
File: 237 KB, 800x846, 63547567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go, go read som HIGH NON-FICTION

>> No.2002745

nope! sorry to tell you this but art history means nothing here.

now shut the fuck up and grab a pitchfork

>> No.2002746

>bible fanart

>> No.2002750

I have no idea what this convo is about but imma jump in.

u r faget lol

>> No.2002754

>you should draw and read what I draw and read and anything that intimidates me I'll deem as pretentious, hipster and pseudointellectual!

>> No.2002756
File: 1.13 MB, 2240x1400, 1424715616220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you never will able to draw porn for Obama

>> No.2002757

Fan-art should die.

>> No.2002762

This picture >>2002657 is too high for your low taste.

>> No.2002772

Speaking as someone who holds the old masters in high esteem I would like to say that is exactly what a lot of it was. This is why I don't criticize fanartists for their subject matter alone, often. Even if there's no presumptions of transcendentalism involved in the theme, they're essentially carrying on the tradition of the masters in a secular, capitalist and cosmopolitan world (albeit more often than not fairly poorly)

>> No.2002773

I used to be like that

I didn't think much of fanart until I really got into something. I ended up scouring through the garbage for fanart because I liked x that much. I appreciated that people drew fanart for x, even the really shitty ones.

I liked knowing these guys knew what I liked too since it was such an obscure piece of shit.

And that's how I stopped giving a shit about hating fan art any more.

>> No.2002784
File: 157 KB, 701x1000, Karakozov_by_Repin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repin fan-art is disgusting.

>> No.2002807

The only audience an artist should cater to is himself.

and several other fantastic artists. like I said, it pays the bills.
michaelangelo didn't want to paint the sistine chapel ceiling but was forced to.

Interesting how that stuff was their worst work and still made personal art that was way different and better.

>> No.2002812

>The only audience an artist should cater to is himself.
Not always the option when you want to make money, son.

And believe it or not, but you can cater to your audience and still cater to yourself. I'm pretty sure Sakimi loves fan art too.

>> No.2002822

did you notice though how she went from BL love themes at the beginning to drawing girls with big boobs
the most popular of her works were disney themed
i think she is still trying to figure out what speaks to most people and corrects her fanart towards it and not necessarily draws on topics she herself is most interested in

>> No.2002825

>The only audience an artist should cater to is himself.
Maybe if you're a hobbyist.

There is meaning to the word "professional" and it doesn't mean always drawing what you want. In this case. sakimi seems to enjoy making fanart and is just making money off that too.

>> No.2002856

Believe it or not, but people's tastes can change. Not to mention that she probably likes that shit herself.

And even then, there's nothing wrong with catering to the audience (for money, because you're a fucking professional artist and all) if you don't particularly mind it. It's not like she's forcing herself to draw gross fetishy furry porn to make extra dosh.

>> No.2002877

yeah i know tastes change, can apply it to myself
was just writing down my thoughts, i didn't pay much attention to her till today when i went through her deviantart older pages and i saw her trying to make some original stuff once which looked less popular then fanart
it makes me wonder if what she is doing now is creating a base to support herself further so she could get back to doing more stuff of her own liking and developing as an artist

>> No.2002971
File: 393 KB, 1200x1210, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course, there are only two kind of artworks, good and bad ones.

>> No.2002986

oh you don't know about Ethan!?!?! QUICK, GRAB SOME POPCORN AND READ THIS.


>> No.2002992

why most of his accounts deactivated?

>> No.2002994

Aw what the fuck man? I talked to this guy a couple times on /co/ he was really cool. God /ic/ do you have to chase away EVERY cool person?

>> No.2002997

I can see why ic was mad. the guy got caught trolling, then threw the blame on ic. that's kind of a bitch move. plus his art sucks.

>> No.2002998

Best thread that has ever happened on /ic/ while I've been here in my two years

>> No.2003000

For one thing his art doesn't suck. But I can't really read through all this right now, I don't see how he was "caught" trolling though. From as much as I did read, it seems like someone was trolling him.

>> No.2003002
File: 5 KB, 79x95, 1425370445130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no

>> No.2003004

noah bradley's art sucks. but his doesn't. Ethan, welcome, ic's talking about you again.

>> No.2003009

Actually I was in that Noah Bradley thread a little while back, the one where he apparently drew some fan who passed away? In that thread I sort of defended Noah but I haven't seen much of his work because I focus more on comics, hence why I saw this Ethan guy on /co/. That picture at least was pretty good imo, although it had some issues. So how exactly was he "caught" trolling? Could I just get a tldr version? Like I said when I talked to him he seemed really cool and I'm finding it hard to believe this.

>> No.2003010
File: 194 KB, 1572x776, CSLMSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody should pay for using other people design

>> No.2003013

ethan. stahp. pls.

>> No.2003014

why are all pro/semi-pro artists such faggots? it seems like kekai is one of the only chill dudes who doesnt act like a faggot. why is this?

>> No.2003015
File: 164 KB, 252x249, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

key say his name 3 times and he appears.

>> No.2003016

If you look her old stuff there's plenty of them. also non semi-profiles, full bodies, different rendering styles, backgrounds, creatures, zbrush 3d sculpture, photo studies, perspective, and even animation.

She is just smart enough to give her audience what they want nowadays.

>> No.2003017

because none of the good ones speak english
or just don't talk.

>> No.2003018

Look stop being an ass and answer my question or stop replying to me. Fuck, all you're doing is solidifying my impression that you assholes were the ones trolling him. I'm not him, I just want to fucking know what happened without having to spend hours reading that archive.