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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1998147 No.1998147 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys, i recently noticed that several artists on facebook have blocked me. these are exactly the artists that /ic/ loves to hate.

i don't want to drop any names but just be aware that if you start becoming a bit more noticeable in social media, while at the same time you are a frequent poster of this board, people will associate you with the /ic/-hatemachine and treat you accordingly.

just a public service anouncement.

>> No.1998148

Go back to sleep Ian.

>> No.1998153

...ruan jia 30 second block in? :/

>> No.1998159

How can you tell if artists block you?

Also why would top-tier artists browse /ic/ just to block random posters, most of which would require a fair amount of research to track down their fb from what they post on here?

>> No.1998169

More like 2 hours of fiddling around. Ruanjia works surprisingly slow and awkward. Very shitty sketches and block-ins, then spends all the time looking at references and slowly fixes shit. It's both inspiring and disappointing to have finally seen his workflow in those youtube videos.

>> No.1998174
File: 129 KB, 751x960, 10347780_853780241334956_5337031577972888533_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never post personal work here.
This place is great for turning of your "I'm a nice professional" attitude.
Even if the artist you are talking to sucks dick and is being a tool you can't ever drop the professional attitude.

Perfect Example is when you see "Rene Aigner" get into debates with people on the Concept Art forum. He's probably a really nice guy but then he get's into a discussion with some kid that can't draw for shit and he ends up looking like a dick.

>> No.1998179

People have to realize that you gotta start from somewhere, no matter how shitty it looks. It's all about the final product. As long as it looks good, then you succeeded.

>> No.1998181

My process is a lot like that.. Im trying to get away from it but its impossiburu.

>> No.1998198

he's saying that people /ic/ shits on like dan luvisi and other photobashers are blocking the more well known posters on /ic/ because of their affiliation.

>> No.1998211

Seriously, does anyone care?
I personally try to get away from the circle jerk that is the artistic community.

>> No.1998218

Thank god I'm not good enough just yet to be effected by stupid shit like this..

How the fuck do they even know unless they post here? Fuck this some stupid shit.

>> No.1998220

But there are only 2 well known posters from /ic/. Catbib and Tehmeh.

>> No.1998224

Sorry that happened buddy. But I don't blame them. Sucks, but the cunts here are relentlessly bitter.

>> No.1998226

Not bitter, just brutally honest.
Only place where I can get honest critique.

>> No.1998235


he is one of those guys that immediatly struck me as everything other than a nice guy. but i don't know him irl so i won't judge. but i interacted online with him a little bit and he seemed really rude and arrogant.

>> No.1998238


those two are the only well known, but there's plenty more that are just known.

>> No.1998240

I agree that's the impression you get but until he insults me personally I won't make up my mind.

>> No.1998245

I don't even get crits here. Nobody says shit. And yes you're right. But I'm telling you you can't have 20 Sakimi chan threads and be "brutally honest". You're a biter fuck.

>> No.1998248

I always post anonymously here. Could it be the self promotion threads? I always thought that was idiotic. I actually love tehmeh but he was taking a huge risk posting here.

Some artists are friends with art directors and big clients so you best be careful.

>> No.1998251


/ic/ is really stuck on the idea that you can only be brutally honest by being rude as all fuck when really it's just telling it how it is.

I like to think of /ic/ as those guys who heard bad things about critique from deviantart and their attempts to remedy that is to be full retard in the opposite way. Instead of asspats you get assblasting in the guise of "honest critique."

Though to be fair 4chan attracts a lot of meek r9k types who react well to caustic remarks.

>> No.1998257

Not all of us are the same. I can be brutally honest and gentle in a single post. I can also see what you're going for and try to emphasize that you should bring that out more. There was this guy posting scribbles the crits were gore messy stop scribbling. And I told the dude, hey not so fast, you do have something here. And I was being honest.

And true brutal honesty is more along the lines of, you're wasting your fucking time with this shit, stop playing games you're slacking you're lazy get your shit together. You have potential but you're gonna whine and be bitter when you're not making it, put your time in. Just an example.

And yea teasing huge mistakes is fun too, I'm actually warming up to the occasional hey your drawing looks like a crackhead with dicks for hands! Another example, I think that's ok and good for a laugh.

>> No.1998258

tsk, Rene gives really good critique, he doesn't have to help anyone, he even has some shitty videos on scott robertson method drawing.

He's probably a good guy, the only people Ive ever seen him yell at were people like illastrat and shitty people who can't take a crit and immediately have to have a cry.

>> No.1998260

uhg phone posting
Very, I suppose

>> No.1998263

Problem I see, what proof does these guys have that it is just me exactly that is making those posts they deem hateful.

>> No.1998264

Yeah I agree with you.
He comes off as a bit of a dick to these people which is a shame because he probably is a nice guy.

>> No.1998268

Honestly, hateful comments is one part of life that artist needs to learn. There is always going to be straight up sardonic comments by envious people, and /ic/ is great for learning what they look like.

>> No.1998270

I liked the scribble look a bit too,had a certain feeling to it

>> No.1998274

Im sorry, this would be awful if happened to me, good thing im nobody.
I think is childish to do that based on a anonymus board. You cant really tell who is saying what.

>> No.1998276

Well, you're posting on 4chan. It's enough for normalfags to see you as an angst bully from the Internet.

>> No.1998278


It doesn't add anything to a community that's already a haven for trolling and feels threads. I mean shit for a place that's supposedly the only place I can get honest critique it's quite rare to see actual critique here.

>> No.1998279

>sardonic comments by envious people
I feel insulted.
Post your art.

>> No.1998282

Draw Thread, if you post somewhere else you are going to get insulted or ridiculized. So that leaves a lot of space for shitty threads.

>> No.1998285

Sadly yeah, guilt by association is a normalfags best friend on the internet.
The way I do, I post a thing. If I don't get any critique I keep on working because if you don't get any response you might be to early in the drawing process or no one sees anything wrong with it. Then I post it again. You should not be discouraged because no one replies to you.
My use of the word envious is because I believe you will make it.

>> No.1998289

It sucks becase /ic/ is the only place that taught me I was a lazy cunt who needed to study

>> No.1998303

>i recently noticed that several artists on facebook have blocked me
>dan luvisi and other photobashers
Dan made a post on muddy colors a couple of weeks ago saying that he deleted his facebook for X reasons, and encouraged other people to do the same. Is there any confirmation that blocking has occurred, or are these all people that get hate often enough to delete facebook altogether?

>> No.1998338

thats really stupid

dan is just a sensitive dud with a big outlet and some power. It's like phil fish. And I iterate, I don't hate these guys. Someone posted a video about the phil fish thing. Normal everyday guys who get looped up in stupidity and they keep feeding the hate mongers with their own stupidity. It's like no dude, block it and keep posting art. You aren't a great orator, you are a colorblind concept artist.

>> No.1998346

Makes it sound like Dan deleted FB because of comments or drama or whatever... when in his post he explains he just needed to get away from comparing his work to all the other work of artists he followed.

Since FB likes to shove updates or whatever into your face so you can see the latest happenings, I can see why he deleted it.

>> No.1998352

ok i take back what I said.

he's kind of right. I know if i check social media too long i start noticing the nuances of intermediate and advanced artists becoming too similar in styles. Gotta unplug. But you can't disappear completely.

>> No.1998386

Just read his last two posts.
>And my mind grew fatigued this past week. After five days, I could not, for the life of me, figure out the perspective of this character's face. It was a simple three quarter view, but nothing worked. No amount of reference, sketch-overs, or paint-overs could figure it out. Every hour, I would sit there, shaking in my head out of anger, erasing and repainting. Merging layers, and re-painting. I can only imagine this problem on a traditional level, so excuse my venting.
My fucking sides this guy is beyond a joke. Why did they even invite him? Seriously why couldn't they just get good artists instead of popular ones? Fuck.

>> No.1998400

>Seriously why couldn't they just get good artists instead of popular ones? Fuck.

Dan is the only popular artist I see on there. Everyone else I've never heard of except for Greg Manchess, who is a very strong painter.

>> No.1998420
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...Why doesn't he just ask for critique? Surely he has some artist friends.

>> No.1998441

dos santos and paolo rivera are very popular

santos is a book cover illustrator, so unless you read books you aren't his demographic. I believe he gets paid 5-35k per book cover, which takes time to complete. I don't quite remember.

Paolo Rivera is one of the highest level talents in cartooning right now. Dude is straight up amazing at everything. Seriously check his run on daredevil. The shit he does to illustrate his sonic powers is tremendous. He's also a solid cover artist, painter and sculptor.

muddy colors has some legit artists. I'd say luvisi is the weakest of them. But he's still a legit professional.

>> No.1998446

>Why doesn't he just ask for critique? Surely he has some artist friends.
Luvisi banned a guy on livestream for telling him the colors looked wrong. And his mod girlfriends piled up and coddled him.

>> No.1998458

Why is there a draw thread anyway? It's like having an anime general on /a/ Maybe we could nest threads even more! A concept thread, composition thread, sketch thread, progress thread and a final work thread. Then there is free space for threads about how bad popular artists are.

>> No.1998462

you really can, but someone who cares has to monitor it and nurture it.

iive made a few threads, that could have been better, but i never cared to nurture them.

>> No.1998474

Everyone forgets about long.

>> No.1998504

>Paolo Rivera
Different anon here. I've seen some of his work before but never knew those painted and graphic covers were all the same guy. His work is sick.

>> No.1998521
File: 233 KB, 593x900, Paolo-Rivera-Daredevil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Paolo Rivera
yes he's also very nice, i met him at nycc 3 years ago, nobody was around his booth i was fucking shocked. Signed my DD cover dude is the best. Dustin Nguyen was there too, super nice, he was SURROUNDED i think he had sold all his prints and he had like a 3 page list of orders and had 2 assistants helping him. Dude is clearly making bank at DC. I should also mention the Imaginism dudes bobby Chiu? promoting the school, good people. I bought a print from Kei acedera? And the asian guy was there awesome too, was probably the most popular guy there.

I think Hughes had a booth but he wasn't even there. I was also looking for Sara Pichelli, I think she just made ultimate spiderman the black one. But i liked her original art more. She wasn't even there 2 days, what the fuck?! Man i was getting excited, I felt like an autistic kid out to at least see some pro artists.

>> No.1998538

that's really great that one

>> No.1998540

Yeah, I've recently started to make art world contacts and a lot of them are people /ic/ likes to shit on. I'm just glad I mostly lurk and never posted much here in the first place, because I'm pretty sure most professionals would rather not associate with d/ic/ks because of how much we've screwed other artists over.

I would much rather be contacts with industry professionals and have friends than be known as a regular to this shit hole.

>> No.1998586

Paolo Rivera is definitely a talented guy, it's always helpful to go through his blog and see some of his in process stuff.
Got the chance to meet him too, he took the time look through my stuff and give me advice. Bought a print of his and he and his father signed it.

I am rather curious about this whole blocked thing though, do people just go around talking about being on /ic/? Is that something to brag about now? I never really think to mention it.

>> No.1998596

>I am rather curious about this whole blocked thing though

Maybe it's just one crazy dickhead that did something he's not telling us. So I'm curious too.

>> No.1998790

^ i didn't do anything. i'm also not very active in soial media i just ocassionally like cool stuff and sometimes post a plain nice comment with a smileyface. i would never have thought i'm 'important' enough to be blocked by anyone.

it's a little scary because like one anon said being found guilty by association can be very unfair. i also would never have imagined that other artists actually talk about /ic/ and apparently know some frequent posters. they must think those are sort of the leader figures who speartip the hate crusades. which of course isn't true at all. i'm convinced the more advanced posters are the nicest around here.

>> No.1998812

Name the artists that blocked you

>> No.1998856


not gonna happen, this doesn't have to turn into a witchhunt

>> No.1998858

craig mullins

>> No.1998860

>being found guilty by association
See, this is where I'm confused.
How are you being associated with /ic/? You seem to post anonymously here, and all you do is like the posts and say nice things, so where is the association? How are these artists that are blocking you making this connection?

>> No.1998870

Barack Obama

>> No.1998872

Aбaмa aбeзьянa

>> No.1998874

/ic/ is the easiest place to get dox'd. You can't hide your style. Lurk long enough and you can match up the shitposter with the artwork. From there it's easy. Plus, nearly everyone reveals themselves for self publicity.

>> No.1998879

But then what's the point of this thread? If he's getting blocked for shitposting, then why the little 'public service' announcement about unwarranted blocking for simply being "associated" with /ic/?
I post here and don't get blocked, so something doesn't add up.

>> No.1998880

Blocking people is very pathetic.
Only women do that.

I do it to spambots though, ofc.

>> No.1998892

Give it time you'll get dox'd

>> No.1998894

Mods tell secrets sometimes.

>> No.1998899

I'm not buying it. Either you did something outside of ic that got you blocked or you didn't get blocked at all. If what you say was true, a lot more people would get blocked. Most people on here like to bitch about all the facebook groups, deviantart and tumblr, but we are still there like everyone else hoping to get noticed and ready to suck any dick that could give us an opportunity to get further. One person getting blocked just doesn't add up sorry.

>> No.1998900

I'm blocking you right now.

>> No.1998903

lol marc silvestri blocked me because i kept asking him questions about fundamentals, he never responded either he just read the messages.i didnt send him long messages either i just asked simple shit like howd you learn perspective

>> No.1998911




>> No.1998920

lol i dont give a fuck i wanted answers and was too lazy to go about asking the right way i guess

>> No.1998968

I post art that I don't even associate with my social media here. If I really need crit. I'll post something that won't get recognized anywhere else. In the draw thread only and I don't get replies anyway.

>> No.1998969

why does everyone hate ic so much, other artists talk shit about eachother just as much as we talk shit about them, most younger artists act like faggots anyway

>> No.1998971

You did something. It's like those fuckers that get hacked in mmos. They go on shady fucking websites. And give their passwords to shady friends. And they use cheat tools dupe and complain about getting banned.

I played online games for 12 years I had easy fucking passwords and never had been hacked. Most people ust bring dumb attention to themselves. Like you OP you did something and you're not giving any details. Just be honest about what you did and stop crying wolf. So far the pro artist ic crusade is just one guy, you.

>> No.1998974

Imagine a bully who talked shit about you daily and you couldn't do anything about it. The best defense is to ignore it until you become so boring to talk about. And that's hard To do. So these guys retaliate it's not just ic. There is deep shame involved with going on 4chan altogether. People are bullies some want to speak with honesty because there are few places left. Even 4 chan is becoming a place you can get banned in for saying the wrong thing.

>> No.1998976

i honestly didnt make this thread i just joined in on the conversation and im giving you the full truth, i messaged him a few times which is probably why he blocked me because he didnt want to respond to me in the first place and probably thought id keep bugging him. alot of those comic artists probably get harassed by people daily so i understand and i dont resent him for doing it, i still respect him as an artist

>> No.1998981

>no fun allowed

>> No.1998982

Well protip. Don't waste your post on such an inane and vague beginner question. A kindergarten art teacher can tell you what the fundamentals are even if she draws as bad as a 12 year old.

>> No.1998984
File: 158 KB, 500x359, 1422644389140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking simple shit instead of using google or sticky or books or even youtube
>expecting others to spoon feed you, just because you're lazy
People like you are the reason why this board is so shitty sometimes.
Please, leave.

>> No.1998987

You can't befriend artists online. You can only befriend people you know in real life. To talk to an artist is so complex. Many of them have baggage. They are crazy, paranoid, they think your simple questions are insults, something like what are fundamentals. May come across as a sarcastic jab that they don't know the fundamentals. Just an example.

Another thing is they are pros, I'm sure there is some insecurity that they could be helping out the next killer in the art world, it's become too easy for people to improve now. These guys seem to hush up now. It doesn't help that you have art gurus like feng and Noah running around, you can do it too! 500$ please!

So when you talk to them on equal footing just be nice compliment them and get back to work. You're not going to be invited to their Google chats any time soon unless you're a cute fucking girl. So just work your ass off.

>> No.1998988

>you're a cute fucking girl
should i send pics first?

>> No.1998990

>You can't befriend artists online. You can only befriend people you know in real life.

I can see why you can't do that, you sound like an insufferable cunt that no one wants to be around, but most other people have no problem with that. There are lots of professionals and beginners alike who made friends through conceptart.org for example.

>> No.1998994

Listen. Until you are a working pro or a contributing hardworking up and comer. Nobody wants anything to do with you. You're not to make friends with these guys they're fucking busy there's no time for fanboys who don't buy shit. Buy, be good, or go away. You're a burden. Solution? Work hard. No time for posers. Only cute girls.

>> No.1998995

If you want to make friends join a jujitsu class. That's all I can tell you. Your idols hitting it off doesn't mean you're gonna hit it off. So learn to live without it. Most of the time you're going to create art alone. So get used to it.

>> No.1999001

i already know about books and all the resources, i was just curious how one of my favorite artists learned, thats all, whats the big deal? a lot of people learn differently i was just interested in knowing how they become so great. i already realized what i did was stupid its why i havent done anything like that ever since, i dont even bother asking pros or even contacting them anymore, i just thought it was kind of funny since we were on the subject of being blocked.

>> No.1999075

Why are /ic/ mods so fucking petty?

>> No.1999286

This. He won't name specific names so that people here can verify this alleged trend. The entire premise of the thread is one huge claim/assumption without any evidence to back it up.

>> No.1999294
File: 174 KB, 591x591, FengZhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In After Feng Zhu's master plan to drive people from /ic/ and to Drawcrowd has been revealed.

>> No.1999299

all he needs is a pony tail and some tattood hipster sleeves to be one of those hippie gurus walking around SoCal

>> No.1999358

come to 4+4chan, /dpd/ board
serious critique board :-)

>> No.1999452

some nice stuff in there but only 50ish posts. Question is, why is the talent posting there, and not here?

i don't see that community lasting.

>> No.1999492

you guys are fuckin stupid then i think its pretty realistic that a professional will block some random ass person asking them for advice, not everyone is like sycra

>> No.1999495
File: 397 KB, 468x1070, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know right those groups are full of morons.
cringe worthy

>> No.1999496

only stupid fucking noobs ask for advice, everything you need is on google. I knew niggers that learned from how to draw the marvel way, not even marko durdjdjddjvivivc legit painter learned fundamentals through that. no fucking loomis, no fucking anatomy books, straight up marvel way.

>> No.1999498

>Dan deleted his facebook cause he was tired of Dave Rapoza's 'MY LE LADY <3' photo spam.

Same reason why I unfollowed him.

>> No.1999502

>its pretty realistic that a professional will block some random ass person asking them for advice
OP claims he didn't do that. According to him, all he ever did was like posts and post nice comments with a smiley face - i.e. just like every other facebook post ever. He claims this and also claims that "artists that /ic/ likes to hate" blocked him. Luvisi would make that list, but it's already publicly documented that he deleted facebook altogether.

OP claims that he is being blocked by association with /ic/. This begs the question of who the hell would know /ic/ enough to recognize who posts here, and is still afraid of /ic/ for some reason, AND is a professional with a public facebook account. OP either got blocked for being an ass or a troll, or he wasn't blocked at all. He's full of shit either way, as there's literally no evidence or precedent set that anybody would block somebody simply for posting on a board.

>> No.1999509

>as there's literally no evidence or precedent set that anybody would block somebody simply for posting on a board.
Well of course there wouldn't be, assuming one got blocked for allegedly browsing here, posting right away "hey look I got blocked for posting here" would only worsen his situation as that would confirm that indeed he posted here. Who would do such a retarded thing, except OP.

>> No.1999521

This right here;

Who Is at the same time browsing /ic/ AND blocking people Associated with it?

Maybe You got "blocked" for being part of other art communities? Why /ic/ ?

Conclusion; OP is Illastrat, and he was blocked because he said "This is great, but It needs more expressionalism" to craig mullins.

>> No.1999535

>Well of course there wouldn't be, assuming one got blocked for allegedly browsing here, posting right away "hey look I got blocked for posting here" would only worsen his situation as that would confirm that indeed he posted here.
If he's already blocked, what more damage can he do? If pros already blocked him, there's no reason for them to unblock him if they go sniffing around these parts and don't see his name come up. OP hasn't provided ANY proof for anything he says. I can say Marko hit on my girlfriend on facebook and start a whole thread about that, but without proof it'd be stupid not to assume I'm just lying.

Exactly. Pros are busy, and they literally don't give a rat's ass about /ic/. People like OP like to pretend that this place is more important than it is, and apparently has a victim-complex too.

You have people like illastrat where it's taken years of dedicated trolling across multiple sites to eventually get banned. If pros had some secret list of trolls to avoid, we would never have seen illastrat here, or on conceptart or deviantart. He's a very open troll and I bet even he isn't blocked by pros on facebook.

Pros would block people if that person gives them reason to, whether towards them or to their close friends. OP clearly did SOMETHING that he's omitting, or he's just plain lying altogether.

>> No.1999574

rapoza is better than luvisi anyway

>> No.1999578


>> No.1999582

And yet you're still here you fucking vulture

Are you honestly this insecure?

>> No.1999599

welcome to 2015 where online artist communities act like cliques

If you become too focused on other artists you'll lose sight of what you really want to do if you're here on /ic/, which is most likely improving and gaining a career, and getting a career has actually really little to do with /ic/. individualism should be encouraged. think where you are in your progress and focus on that. Sometimes "pulling away" can be a rewarding thing to the individual.

>> No.1999614

Because you hate illastrat so much I'm going to start supporting him. Anyone who can manipulate others into having such a hateboner is worth paying attention to.

>> No.1999618

go to bed illustrat

>> No.1999644

that's a terrible study.

>> No.1999645

and ipgd, and loliparts, and greydeath, and miles, and thdark, and several others.

>> No.1999651

You are mom is terrible.

>> No.1999675

>tfw i was the only one posting work in the photobash thread
It could've been great...

>> No.1999702

/ic/'s population doesn't really allow for the draw thread to be split.... Plus there's only like a meaninful split between wip/finished and even then it's like okay you're finished why post then. Praise? Fuck you get good.

To be honest I prefer when the draw thread is bumped all day by many artists... sure your work might not get as much attention but its whatever man.. just draw some more.

>> No.1999954

Dude Kr0n is better than luvishit

>> No.1999983

I don't think you know the difference between a study and using reference

>> No.2000007

well he's correct, it is a bad study. nice picture, good use of reference, but a shitty study :p

>> No.2000077

How can something that clearly is not a study be a shitty study? That's like saying a drawing of a chair is a shitty figure drawing.

>> No.2000081

I was being sarcastic. Because it used to be all about critique - an artist made a thread, people gave advice, they cept refining it until there was a piece finished in that thread.

>> No.2000106

We all know Dan LUvis quit Facebook because Dave Rapoza stole his girlfriend. It's common sense. One minute this girl is all over Dans pictures. The next she's all over Rapozas. How embarrassed would you be? I'd be very embarrassed. But I wouldn't leave a social networking site over that. And I'd probably tell Rapoza to suck a big one.

>> No.2000113

Here's the truth about the pros. This is a fact my friends. We don't like ic because you guys conduct yourselves horribly. I wouldn't say you'd immediately get I friended or blocked for being on here but we would definitely see you in a different light. Most pros do know about this place. We do read a lot of the stupid shit you talk about. It's funny for many reasons but mainly because ic's opinions are usually pretty ridiculous and what you say here doesn't affect with our ability to make money. If it did, we would probably take over ic. An example of this is, I know of a few ok artists who I talk to that have posted here. Not frequent posters but they've posted. I didn't block them. But I think differently of them. You guys, this place, ic is very much disliked. Why am I writing this? Because someday in your life, if by miracle one of you makes it, you will have to carry yourselves proffesios ally. Not like a total troll. There's your scoop. There's your truth. Have a good day ic.

>> No.2000136


top kek

>> No.2000137

Nice fakepost.

>> No.2000139

Exactly what I mean. Morons.

>> No.2000144

because muh 4chan hate machine.

We've pulled out some nice lulz even from Mullins.

>> No.2000151

Pro here, please stop trying to speak for me you pathetic little shitter.

>> No.2000153

Pro here, please stop trying to speak for me you pathetic little shitter.

>> No.2000158

I'm not. Where do you see me trying to speak for you, you idiot?

>> No.2000161

Pro here with 20 years experience in the industry, please fuck off.

>> No.2000163


top kek

>> No.2000166

Sigh. I've seen your type. Actually I feel like I almost know who you are. You're that horrible 40 something year old that sucks complete donkey dick and you're mad because nobody likes your work. You might of gotten lucky and got a few very low paying gigs. I know your type. Your the guy that gets mad if a better artist critiques you. You're that guy in denial. You are the person that proves that maybe... Talent, or lack thereof, is a real thing. I'm not blowing my dick here. I'm an actual pro. I know your type. Ic is full of people like you.

>> No.2000169

Yeah yeah, call me whatever you want, cunt.

>> No.2000170

You're also what gives this ic thing a weird twist. If ic was full of 13 year olds we'd probably laugh it off. I mean we do, but it would be understandable. But that's not how it is. We know there's some really old dudes in here. And that just bumps the "pathetic" factor. Some of you older guys. I'm not sure if you started super late. You're too lazy or its a mix, but you guys are at horrible levels. Some of the art I've seen here by you older guys, I was doing in the 5th grade. And I wish I was just saying that to be mean but the saddest thing is that this is true. Ic, this is why we don't like you. Because you're lazy and You hate the world for failing yourselves.

>> No.2000173

>tfw you'll never make into the artists seele because you posted on ic before

F U C K What am I gonna do when the impact comes??

>> No.2000194

Who are we talking about, are we talking about JSTAR ?

There's so many artists like that..

>> No.2000201

WHICH one though, who's wrongfully harmed you?

For all we know you could be illastrat raging against tehmeh telling him to get good.

>> No.2000261

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2000271

thank you for saying it whether or not you are one of the pros. I always knew this. I came here for honesty. But there's no way the cunts here are gonna make it with their autistic online gaming behavior, shameful smut work, shittalk everybody, pirate software books, entitlement attitude.

This place and 90% of you are filthy and just not ready. It doesn't matter if you're brutally honest, it doesn't matter if you've made a perfect portrait copy, it doesn't matter if you did the study correctly. You're children, you act like it, you do not know how to conduct yourselves professionally. Most of you don't even have a website. What the fuck? Train yourselves to stop being neets.

>> No.2000274

>Some of the art i've seen here
>implying everyone here posts their art
You come to dumb conclusions because you make dumb assumptions.

>> No.2000275

Long is never gonna make it.

>> No.2000277

Where the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.2000279

>You're children, you act like it, you do not know how to conduct yourselves professionally.

That's funny coming from a faggot who's literally throwing a rage tantrum because someone was mean to him on an anonymous imageboard.

Grow up kid, grow some thick skin. You think if you ever were gonna make it, you'll never hear anything mean on tumblr or facebook?

>> No.2000285

I think you've got me confused. You're free to act how you like. I definitely have some thin skin, but so does everyone. It's why most of the good posters stick to self-promotion and draw threads and skedaddle.

Also I was agreeing with that other poster. It's no surprise. It's impossible not to know about /ic/. You just can't acknowledge it. You just aren't supposed to acknowledge 4chan in any profession. It's career suicide.

In the end I'm one of you fucks. But this is the only board where people care about their careers. Maybe /sci/ and /biz/ but everyone else is using this site to unwind. This is a wake up call, start acting like a professional. Stop mentioning this website, stop acting like it's a club house, post work, get brutalized, steal your books, and leave.

>> No.2000296


lol at having the stupidity and arrogance to think you can talk for an entire group of people.

i'm an art director, i talk on behalve of all art directors. /ic/ is amazing and we greatly respect every artist who posts here. we, all of us art directors, know that artists who dislike /ic/ have a small dick and are 5'7 or shorter. absolutely laughable manlet subhumans.

>> No.2000309

>art director

You are cancer that couldn't cut it.

>> No.2000317 [DELETED] 

What if I make it as a professional troll?

>> No.2000322

What if I make it as professional troll?

>> No.2000367

Serious question BTW.

What if I start a website that deconstructs and criticizes drawing conventions found around the web? And what if I cite some people, maybe even one you 'professional' anons, as an example of stupidity? I would show historic information to counter the conventions and support my claims. I would demonstrate better alternatives. And then I would throw a wrench into everything about drawing. I would collect contradictions and present the hard problems from them. I would find the questions that artists are too afraid to ask. I would throw shit on your idols and piss on your degree.

What would the professionals do if I did all that and were very very gud at it? What would the professional world do to me if I showed how much fucking bullshit they espouse and spread?

>> No.2000378

You need to get out more friend.
Provide a service that people want or need,
Nobody buy's the paper for a review but they might read it because it's in there.

>> No.2000391

>I know your type
>I know your type
>I know your type
not that guy, but i know your type as well.

>> No.2000420

So what you're saying is you'd secretly be a fan. You click the page but you wouldn't be got dead following it.

And there are lots of periodicals people buy just for the reviews. The Paris Review comes to mind, it's known for it's review of literature. Newsweek's highest selling issue is routinely the college review issue. The wall street journal started out as a review of the market.

Artist of whatever style pretend not to read reviews, but are sharply aware of them. If you were out more in the world you would know that already.

>> No.2000423


>> No.2000426

Pretty much the only posters from /ic/ that are good enough / popular enough for other artists to know about them are Tehmeh and Catbib. Never heard from either of them that they have problems with their careers because of /ic/.

>> No.2000509

Who cares as long as the final product is good? Which most of his work tends to be...

>> No.2000548

Pros usually don't have time to come on this stupid site. Depending on how busy you are I guess. I'm not too busy to stop by here and laugh at all the stupid shit you guys say. In a very weird and fucked up way, you guys kind of cheer me up on a daily basis. Why? Because thank god, I'm not you. Anyway. Art director? Haha. Dude, directors are busy fucking people. They usually suck at art which would be the only correlation between ic and an art director but either way, art directors wouldn't come here. Unless of course they're sick and demented like myself.

>> No.2000556

Because the majority of talent stopped going to /ic/.

>> No.2000557

I think reddit would be more suited for someone like you

>> No.2000569

Hey guys letting you know you are great. I visit this board everyday most "pros" who say this place is shit are hacks at the very least.

>> No.2000577

We have to assume this is the real Craig Mullins, why? Cause he's cool as hell.

Craig Add me to friends already, I can't send you a request cause you're full up haha.

>> No.2000579

You know what's funny, The "Level up" live streams are frequently visited by pros/semipros like Noah Bradley/Rene Aignar etc
Which is basically /ic/ de-anonimized.

I would not put it past them to visit this board

>> No.2000581

Yeah man a lot of pros do visit this board just no one mentions it since its 4chan and all that man.

>> No.2000586


Yea it would really hurt my reputation if people found out I come here.

>> No.2000590
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>> No.2000592

>not crab mullins

>> No.2000594

I like this yess this great!

>> No.2000595

We have invented nothing, These are the true old masters.

>> No.2000597


yeah you like that, you fucking fraud

>> No.2000600

I agree. I had to quit art because of ic. You've all been warned.

>> No.2000601
File: 3.34 MB, 2835x4289, Lisa_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud post here when your anatomy does not look like its filled with peanuts.

>> No.2000603

Haha man you guys are delusional. See why I come here? You guys make me feel so much better about myself. But anywho, I can assure you, a lot of the people you talk about and I won't get specific because I don't wanna give anything away, a lot of people do come and read the bullshit. A lot of times people just laugh it off. Some of them get really insulted and never visit again and never really bother with coming here. Other people are really grossed out by this site. So, yeah. There's no positive review on you guys. Nobody who's anybody would ever think of publicly praising ic. Why am I saying all this mean shit? I'm saying thing in hopes that someday you change. Because even though I know a lot of you are complete waste of oxygen, I know there's a few good people in here. So to those I say run, leave this place, go socialize with the real art world... Or B, help make this ic place better. That might be impossible but, who knows. As I've said, I come here to laugh at the ridiculous and misinformed shit you guys talk about all the time. It amazes me to see the blind trying to lead the deaf and blind.

>> No.2000606

where do you suggest to go then?

>> No.2000607

If I told people I come here, I'd lose all my Commisions.

>> No.2000609

Aren't you the fag that got caught trolling? You got caught flaming a pro artist and then you quit like a bitch. How is that ic's fault you cunt?

>> No.2000610

I see these same people that I see on /ic/ Post in Permanoobs Conceptart Commgennpeas and facebook, maybe they think they're anonymous? but they're really not even their text is the same flavor.

>> No.2000633

I said this before but it just keeps happening again and again. Every single week we get the same kind of self important snowflake who spends all of a week to a month here that thinks /ic/ needs to change in accordance to how he feels because it isn't exactly like where he came from. And from what I've seen over the last month you're an incredibly insecure individual who doesn't want to contribute so much as you want the freedom to gossip like teenagers about the "community" so you can drop the act about wanting to help /ic/. You also use your anonymity to cover the fact that you are here solely to stir up shit in some weird sense of self righteousness and you still manage to lambast /ic/ because it's an anonymous image board and there's no way to see someone's "credentials" when they reply in the form of critique, so I ask that you kindly find somewhere else to do so. /ic/ isn't going to change no matter how much you shitpost and whine, just look at where you are.

>> No.2000637

You project like a snowflake

>> No.2000638

day one of permanoobs i saw a post that had muh gitgud or something in the thread title

>> No.2000646

>implying people pay for your shit paintings

you already have a bad reputation on several art sites, i doubt posting on 4chan makes you look worse than you already are regarded as.

>> No.2000649

it was a joke you autist.

>> No.2000653

>In a very weird and fucked up way, you guys kind of cheer me up on a daily basis. Why? Because thank god, I'm not you.
>Because thank god, I'm not you.

>Posted by:
>Anonymous 03/01/15(Sun)13:52:00 No.2000548

Heh, a'ight dude. Whatever you need to tell yourself.

>> No.2000655

That's not my point you retarded troll. My point is nobody really cares about ic. Nobody cares about you trolls. Especially trolls like you who think they know it all. You are the reason why this place is shit. You are the blind leading the blind. I recommended people left ic for a legitimate place to learn. A place, any place where there are no anonymous hacks like yourself saying any stupid thing they please. As you said, credentials are everything. You are absolutely fucking right. So how is ic great? No one knows who you are. Why should I listen to anonymous idiots when they themselves probably suck at art? I don't want ic to change. You and a lot of people on this site will never change. You will always be lazy and you will always blame the world for your inabilities and flaws. There's scum everywhere in life. Ic is that, for the art world. I don't care what happens to ic. Other pros don't care either. What I personally do care about is the future of younger artists coming here and getting infected by your horrible ways of thinking. You're creating jealous, angry trolls in here with bad work ethics. You are hindering people. If you wanna be pitiful and lazy, please continue being you. Continue thinking you know everything. Yet I know and anybody in the industry knows who you are. You're shit. And you're angry. That's who you are.

>> No.2000659

Oh you're so funny and clever. I have a name in the real art world. Do you? How does it feel to know this... This anonymous garbage is the best thing you have in your life? Must be a wonderful feeling.

>> No.2000663

>He shitposts
>And thinks he's not one of us

>> No.2000665

this. many people itt even admitted it. it's amazing how many come here just "feel better about themselves". it's really sad. what the fuck do you guys think this place is?

they will post about how 99% of ic is horrible, and conveniently leave out the fact that they themselves as well as all the lurkers in the same position could have posted to raise the quality.
but they never do. all they do is complain.
people constantly forget the lurkers around here.

look at all that projection.

>Especially trolls like you who think they know it all
>jealous, angry trolls with bad work ethics
>You're shit. And you're angry. That's who you are
even from your posts i can guess that all these characteristics probably describe YOU more than the people you are accusing.

>> No.2000667

>though I'm anonymous here I've a name outside! Can you say the same, anonymous?
Do you not see how retarded that is?

>> No.2000668
File: 88 KB, 700x700, 1418059529605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop projecting. You are not the Young Artist Internet Defense Force. You clearly don't know how to use /ic/ and filter out all the drama and shit that goes on here instead you internalize it and go on a campaign to help these poor vulnerable Artists stay away from this place in the hopes they keep their anal virginity and not get fucked up the ass by the truth.

If someone is terrible at drawing, they can have their wake up call here instead of sugar coating a young Artist and treating them like a special little snowflake that is infallible to error and mistakes why not tell someone their hair is on fire? The worst you can do is not tell someone the truth about the thing and they'll keep staying that way which only hurts an Artist in the longterm.

Nobody is hindering anyone here, the only one that can hinder you is yourself.

>> No.2000672

>no one really cares about /ic/
Except for you, obviously

Your lack of self awareness is incredible

>> No.2000673

I could be Craig Mullins and you wouldn't even know. See my point? You need to go back to real world, poser.

>> No.2000680


/ic/ has it's fucking issues and it doesn't take an art genius to realize it. Hell, a lot of artists here are just a serious attitude adjustment away from making great strides as an artist but people here are too stuck in their own shit about it and justify their toxic thinking with "i'm just telling the truth." Yeah I get it no one wants this place to be deviant art but you have to realize the faults with the community here. I try my part but changing someone else's attitudes is a lot harder than telling them to go read Loomis.

Being honest about critiques is great and I wish more places would do that, but /ic/ talks the talk without walking the walk.

>> No.2000693

/ic/ is 5th grade recess

don't take it seriously...you are supposed to post like an asshole on purpose. It makes you feel good and so should the other person. It lets out some pent in anger from studying all the time. That's why we call them d/ic/ks.

>> No.2000699

Why are you even here then?

>> No.2000704


Why are you? Take a look around you one more time...you're on 4chan. This place was never hugbox central.

>> No.2000709

You can not change a person's attitude here, especially if we're all Anonymous but maybe on a rare occasion under a full moon will you pull someone's head out of their ass and get someone to be a bit more sensible on how they provide feedback instead of the usual "fuck off you're shit read the sticky Loomis" but would changing that make any difference on how the other person takes the advice?

I'm sure you know that it takes time to provide a well thought out critique but see here's the thing, the average Artist who is new to here gets defensive, disregards your advice, and go as far as questioning you on who do you think you are telling ME that my perspective is off or that I do not fully understand the pelvis etc. basically they become Dobson or Christopher Hart. If the Artist is clearly a beginner /ic/ usually introduces them to Loomis which is a good reliable source of information on fundamentals I see no reason why not parrot someone Loomis over and over until they get it and start to realize the importance of perspective and forms among other things part of fundamentals.

It's not the Artist who gets defensive their fault entirely as they are used to getting sugar coated and pampered on the outside whereas on /ic/ it's the exact opposite.

It's obvious if someone's being an asshole, there are assholes in the world who would of thought? Learn to filter the negative feedback, usually if someone is being the asshole here other Anons start to jump on the asshole at least that's what I've observed.

>> No.2000717

in one of the streams some guy mentioned "get of 4chan" or something about improving.

>> No.2000734


I'm not talking about feedback so much as how they approach art. You get a lot of NEETs and r9k types with shitty attitudes and it affects their art and their improvement rates and how they absorb information. Believe it not shit like that has a huge impact, I personally was able to get my head out of my ass with that even though I did roughly the same amount of drawing as I did before. Shit like "oh man I know so much more than everyone else here I'm such fucking hot shit" to "oh wow I spotted a mistake in this person's drawing they're such shit lel." You get trolls that do it to get a reaction out of people but I'd wager a lot of people do believe in that shit to some degree and that's what's holding them back, just like how I believe /pol/ aren't full on Nazi stooges but they aren't too fond of blacks and jews.

The critiques here aren't bad per se. if you've been here long enough you can easily spot the bait from the shit that's at least attempting to critique your shit. I won't expect any improvement on that end unless 4chan's demographics change drastically.

>> No.2000751

Oh I'm definitely trolling right now. But isn't that what you guys do here all day?

>> No.2000760

Sigh. "Fucked up in the ass by the truth" do you realize how fucking stupid you sound? Truth in critiques is great. Some of the best artists I know are extremely tough on themselves. It's also good to have an outside view and critiques of your work. It's good to be hard but ic takes this shit to another stupid, immature and ridiculous level. Not to mention, more than half of the "critiques" I've seen here are full of opinionated shit. That's where this place just falls apart. The blind leading the blind. Youre happy keeping the noobs here because that's how you, you pathetic shit for person, gets off. You ridicule them and call them noobs in order to feel good about your slightly better stick figures. Of course you want these people to stay. Otherwise who else do you have to bullshit? Just yourselves. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.2000761

I thought you meant the attitude /ic/ has on other Artists that come here for a critique. That changes everything, because now all I have to tell you is stop worrying about other people's personal attitudes and affairs. If their bad attitude about themselves, or about Art is hindering their goal to good draftsmanship let them put obstacles for themselves these are Adults (manchildren) who can situate their own personal affairs.

Quit trying to mother /ic/ because that is next to impossible; learn how to use /ic/ for your own benefit learn how to filter and ignore the bad attitudes or shitposts and learn to think objectively. Anybody on /ic/ has the opportunity to learn a lot from here and at the same time waste a lot of hours but again it depends how you use it just like anything else.

>> No.2000767


Call me crazy but I try to help improve people's art on a board meant to help improve your art. I guess it's a "this is something I learned that could really fucking help SOMEONE out there" thing but I don't let the critiques get to me. If anything my reaction to some of the crazy shit here is more "Fucking really?" than "holy shit i am so analdevastated right now"

>> No.2000770
File: 84 KB, 847x716, 1404754351879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As I've said to the other Anon stop projecting, you internalize the shit that goes on here and you don't know how to use /ic/ as a positive influence. If someone states an opinion that's all there is to it just an opinion and nothing more.

If someone calls you a Noob and hurts your feelings perhaps you should change your attitude about someone calling you names over the internet and stop internalizing shit because the only thing truly hurting you is your inability to ignore nonsense instead you blow things in text out of proportions and you take it personal you stupid cunt.

>> No.2000774

Is OP serious? Should I avoid posting my art here? Can't tell if trolling or not...

I genuinely want to get help but don't want to hinder my career with something as trivial like this :/

>> No.2000775


It's an exaggeration that has a hint of truth to it, like most successful troll attempts. If you're the kind of person who buys into /ic/'s shit hook line and sinker (other than GIT GUD) you'll for teh most part be miserable and unemployable little shit anyway.

>> No.2000780

None of this applies to me, are you not fucking reading what I'm writing?

>> No.2000788

No what the OP is saying is very close to the truth. As I mentioned before and yes, I've been watching this thread all day, Yes it's close to the truth. You won't be blocked but we will definitely see you in a different light if we know you're an ic person. You can usually tell who they are by the way they carry themselves. Insecure and angry comments are givers. Looking at their art and finding total shit is another. I usually keep a close eye on people who I suspect are ic people and I will unfriend them first chance. I can't speak for all my other friends about that but I can say that I have had talks with a lot of them about this place. And ic is definitely not liked. Not a single bit. Sorry guys that's the harsh reality of it.

>> No.2000794

It obviously does if you remain here with the clear intent to shitpost despite you claiming to be well above everyone here

>> No.2000801

>Anybody on /ic/ has the opportunity to learn a lot from here and at the same time waste a lot of hours but again it depends how you use it just like anything else.
Good sentence right here.

A tip I have is to stay away from threads like the ones solely dedicated to gossiping and stick to the ones in which people are actually drawing. I don't believe gossiping is conducive to improving in art.

Another tip is to learn how to strip all posts down of insults. If there's nothing left, it's safe to ignore but don't be so quick to dismiss it. Separate the subjective and the objective. This is a little tricky to learn how to do since some vague posts might fall close to shitposting territory, but usually those posts aren't helpful anyways.

Last tip is to actually try helping the person you find mistakes in and create a legitimate paintover/redline. It's easy to point out the mistakes because it doesn't take a chef to tell food is shit, but it'll take skill to make that same food taste good. Consider it practice for yourself and helping somebody else is just a small benefit. I guarantee that it will knock down the ego of most posters because they'll find difficulty in implementing their own critique. You should go beyond the little filters/edits in photoshop or small lines overlayed on the original. It's difficult, but that's practice to getting good. In both the draw thread and style thread, there's literally around two posters in each that go the extra mile to do this.

>> No.2000832

>A tip I have is to stay away from threads like the ones solely dedicated to gossiping and stick to the ones in which people are actually drawing.
Agree 100% I always stay away from these threads and never post in them ever either.

>> No.2001274

I'm not gonna lie, I've been seeing better and better work in here lately. So keep it up ic.

>> No.2001289
File: 175 KB, 1200x2000, ateprincessgumball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea Me too.

>> No.2001305


>> No.2001334

I honestly think /ic/ is split into two camps, the casuals (likely from /b/) and the tryhards. The casuals will herp around in gossip threads and derp around in "what is art?" threads. Casuals made /v/ shit by talking about tangentially related topics and slowly stopped talking about actually playing the video games. They make /ic/ shit the same way where the topics slowly drift away from actual drawing aside from the generals. Filthy casuals ruin all the boards they touch.

>> No.2001486

why are you wasting other peoples' time. how do you ever expect to make it when you cant do anything by yourself

>> No.2002233

just because i ask a question doesnt mean i cant do anything by myself, i like getting several different insights on subjects