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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1994778 No.1994778 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any cute artist couples anyone knows of?
Or, rather, do you and your significant other draw/paint together?
How is it?

>> No.1994784


>> No.1994795

whats that london meme mean i never got it

>> No.1994801

It's a /fit/ meme.
Girl posts her body and you say pls be in london

>> No.1994810

the guy who does the sunstone comics, stjepan sejic(or something) he and his girl are both artists. he does art for fantasy comics and also drew a bunch of witchblade stuff. she has a webcomic she hosts on deviantart, its called blood stain.

his deviantart(he has two):
shiniez(his page for kinky stuffs)
nebezial(fantasy stuff)

her devart:

>> No.1994823

kei and bobby, griz and norm are all i can think of atm

>> No.1994830

>/fit/ meme.
oh boy, you haven't visited much boards lately, have you?

>> No.1994834

if you mean /sp/ then no.

>> No.1994839

dunno what's on /sp/, but it's bretty much everywhere, and for a long time

>> No.1994842

There's plenty of artist couples, just not that many that have both the people famous. A few that come to mind are Boris Vallejo/Julie Bell, Sam Weber/Jillian Tamaki, Jana Schirmer/Mathias Verhasselt, and EM Gist/Meadow Gist. Other artists are dating someone else who does art but is less famous, an example I guess would be Zedig. Cutest couple was Rapoza and Chelsea, but they broke up a few years ago :(

It did start on /fit/ though when one of the trips (Tiny?) mistook some dude for a girl or something and asked if they were in London.

>> No.1994843

I don't want to argue about memes.

>> No.1994845

Ah, I dont visit other boards too often, just /ic/ pretty much.

>> No.1994856

Alex and Small Butera are my favorite artist couple. I Can only dream of having a gf that cute and that i could make cute animations together...


>> No.1994858

Erik & Meadow Gist are pretty cute.

>> No.1994863

Keppok and her significant other

>> No.1994872

James Gurney goes on life sketching with his wife, but in general you'll be alone most of the time no matter what.

>> No.1994873

having an artist gf would probably be bad for me because i would just fuck her all the time instead of making art. hell thats probably why i avoid relationships in the first place, sex drive is way too high and i need to work on my art

>> No.1994877

yep that's why you avoid relationships. fashioning a shield out of adipose tissue was an excellent strategy, too.

>> No.1994878

im not fat

>> No.1994880

no, you're big boned

>> No.1994884
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 2015-02-24-200230_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bones are quite large.

>> No.1994885

Mr and Mrs Butera

>> No.1994889

dude you're the hero /ic/

>> No.1994896

Thanks for the ref

>> No.1994901

ah sorry i didn't realise it was you /ic/-tan, my apologies.

>> No.1994931
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It fucking works

>> No.1994935
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You can fuck all you want and still have time for art.
There's no way you can fug all day for forever.

>> No.1994963

>he thinks people have sex daily in a relationship

>> No.1994968

You don't?

>> No.1995033

I'm an animator/musician and my girlfriend is an artist/film student.

Its pretty great, something is always being created or brainstormed.

>> No.1995040

I had an artist bf.. Lasted 2 months, he was 3D artist, me 2D , but we never made anything together. I'm forever alone hermit now and I dont like it cuz art time

>> No.1995042

Dont care* oops mistyped it...

>> No.1995044

Is this a thing now?
Whelp, I only know about Togashi and Takeuchi.

>> No.1995051

Keppok and brekkist are the same artist, he gets more money that way

>> No.1995071

wait for the arguments..

>> No.1995220

I think Weber and Tamaki just split though. From what I understand Weber cheated on her and Tamaki moved back to Canada? Idk if Weber went with her but I'm pretty sure that one isn't actually working out.

>> No.1995270
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>> No.1995434
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Hah hah, I know I get confused for Brek since I've started to copy his style but I can assure you that we're two different people.

I did not know there were conspiracy theories around us, though.