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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1988976 No.1988976 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel incredibly saddened when looking over Teal's redlines? Truly we lost someone precious, now there was a fine draftsman who's generosity was not bound by his greed. When will there be another?

>> No.1988978

Coming from this place? Probably never. I mean this place is basically dead. I can't even enjoy this board at night when I'm actually up and awake because no one comes here at night but a couple of people who post once every 30 minutes.

>> No.1988980

>When will there be another?

The next one could be you m8

git gud

>> No.1988982

this was a monster you created

never forget that

>> No.1988983

We should all get better. let's band together as a studio and become super buddies. in memory of Teal.


>> No.1988984

red lines are dumb as fuck. if you want someone to get better, paint over it in white and tell them to do it all again until it's right.

>> No.1988985

im ok, i just dont wanna draw like teal lol

>> No.1988989

I can replace him but I don't think /ic/ is worth it.

>> No.1988995

yeah sure you could.

>> No.1988998

teal, tehmeh, what's the difference

>> No.1989002

merc_wip.guy is better lel

>> No.1989004

Though he doesn't do paintovers often. When he does though, they're very much appreciated.

>> No.1989005

post your art so I could redline it.

>> No.1989011
File: 159 KB, 1200x1662, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He wasn't *that* good, only better than most of the cancer here.

>> No.1989013 [DELETED] 

you're just too noob to see understand his skills.

>> No.1989015

you're just too noob to see and understand his skills.

>> No.1989018
File: 284 KB, 700x800, 1387657989315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did posses a solid understanding of perspective and forms his greatest strength was foreshortening a figure.

>> No.1989029


>> No.1989033

Post your art.

>> No.1989035

post your art

>> No.1989036
File: 49 KB, 800x960, 10670033_708037465958485_8542149869944292495_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1989038

I think I like his line weights the most.

>> No.1989041

This cliche, really? What does my work have do with his?

>> No.1989044


Aren't you going to prove >>1989015 wrong?

>> No.1989048

What would be the point? I'm too noob to see and understand his gloriousness.

>> No.1989061

>When will there be another?

There would be little point. Most people on /ic/ do not seem interested in learning constructive, industrial design-style drawing. Most of the stuff being posted in the stylized thread are still just studies. The advice about boxing, dividing in perspective, line weight, ghosting lines, etc. are the exact same advice that can be found in Scott Robertson's book, or Rapid Viz. Everyone's downloaded them, skimmed through them, and most will never learn or apply them and go back to painting photos.

>> No.1989068

Because that shit is not fun. At least not for me. i'm learning a non-technical way of drawing, or at least i'm trying to. I hated math and geometry in school. I love to be quick and flowy with my art. It just works for me. If I have to delve into structure, boxes, and very technical aspects for drawings or art it becomes very unfun and tedious for me. Who knows if I'll ever make something work, but so far I have improved dramatically in the last few months by doing my own thing and drawing every day. I'm getting a good grasp of perspective and form without the overly structural bullshit and lines, and I know it's gonna work for me, because fuck that other shit. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.1989088

Have you heard of the expression "you are what you repeatedly do?"
It means that no matter what you think of yourself, you truly express yourself with what you do in life. It doesn't matter if you think of doing something until you actually do it, and it means that justifying the bad things you do in your mind does not make you someone who doesn't do bad things.
It means that no matter how smart you consider yourself and how much you disassociate yourself with your actions, you go on anonymous imageboards to shitpost. That's who you are.

>> No.1989090

So if I go on anonymous imageboards to get trampled on by trolls does that make me a masochist?

>> No.1989095

Anon asks why, and you shit post calling the anon a shitposter. Wonder what that makes you?

>> No.1989101

good samefag skills, I give it samefagging/10.

>> No.1989104

Wrong. I'm the one who asked the first question. I wasn't calling him a troll, I was just asking a general question.

I give your 4chan detective skills terrible/10.

>> No.1989107

good denying skills, I give it denier/10.

>> No.1989108

Just because you tell yourself you're right doesn't mean you are. If you're old enough to be on the Internet you should know that by now.

>> No.1989111


You just illustrated my point. Scott Robertson himself could be here teaching you the exact same material, and you'd complain and say it's too hard and doesn't fit your style, as if you whined loudly enough all that math and geometry stuff would cease to be true.

There's no point in teaching that stuff here. It really is a waste.

>> No.1989112

>Just because you tell yourself you're right doesn't mean you are

that's what >>1989088 is telling you and have meant, I have forced you to understand it and answered your question >>1989090. thanks for playing.

>> No.1989113

I just said I'm improving. How does that illustrate your point other than people can learn to art without the technical shit? If you have a trained eye, you don't need that shit, and you can get a trained eye without starting with that shit.

>> No.1989114

Sense meter 0/makes sense.

>> No.1989116

too stupid to comprehend/10

>> No.1989118

>if you think you can do better than teal, then post your work


>> No.1989121

It isn't about me being stupid. It's about you not knowing how to properly use the language you're typing with to correctly get your words across. It however, does make you stupid for not understanding that prior to me explaining it to you.

>> No.1989125

then I'll simplify it for you sir stupidalot.

this is your troll post: >>1989029

this is anon telling you: "Just because you tell yourself teal sucks doesn't mean you are" >>1989088

this is you trying to troll him back >>1989090

this is me trolling you >>1989101

this is you telling me: "Just because you tell yourself you're right doesn't mean you are" >>1989108

this is me telling you how I owned you hard >>1989112

>> No.1989128

You really spent that much time coming up with some kind of weird bullshit like this, when only two of those posts you linked were mine and in no way relevant to any of your insane argument? You need a break. A long one.

>> No.1989130

keep denying it, denier.

>> No.1989132

Why? What happened to teal?

>> No.1989133

Denying what? There's nothing to deny.

>> No.1989135

so you're not denying I owned you then, good sportsmanship, commend.

>> No.1989136

You mexicans are so funny to argue with.

>> No.1989137

That`s racist

>> No.1989138

No it isn't. Calling someone funny to argue with isn't racist.

>> No.1989167

I miss TDF more than I miss Teal. Those guys were a riot.

Drop the CP word and the entire thread derails with bait memes and textwalls about how a layperson wouldn't understand the sophisticated qualities and the uber-complex technicalities that went into such superior loli work as Teal's.

Question Teal's anatomy or just say you don't like it and watch TDF go full force on your ass. It was the most hilarious thing to watch. Paranoia and violent rhetoric would run amok. You couldn't ask for a better bunch of anons to fuck with on this board.

>> No.1989232

I personally have never seen any TDF or any other defense force for whatever other artist for that matter. Most of the time noobs like you write a stupid "critique", people call them out for being stupid and in order to save face, the noobs then act as if those people were trying to defend the artist in question.

>> No.1989235


and nothing of value was lost

i'm pretty sure that faggot is still here I keep seeing redlines with even more text I can't fucking read pop up on /ic/ all the time

either that or an imposter

>> No.1989273

Hah, try having /asp/ or /p/ as your main board and you will learn true terrordffersiol regricu

>> No.1989674

Never seen any redline even remotely as good as his since he left, so no, it's most definitely not him.

On a side note, how much of a noob are you that you can't even tell the artist by the drawing but rather try to tell it from how much text they are writing?

>> No.1989675

where can i find more of this

>> No.1989677

Fuck off

>> No.1989740


>> No.1989766


>> No.1989894

yeah but not everyone has that much time to paint over something from scratch. people will take whatever they can get

>> No.1989925
File: 505 KB, 454x1536, Her avatars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I personally have never seen any TDF or any other defense force for whatever other artist for that matter

You must be new then. TDF was, and probably still is, a tight-knit group of kids, included such anons like this guy for example: http://pleasedontsleep.tumblr.com/.. And then there was this ring-leader of sorts who doubled as the town-crier for the threads. Bait memes galore! She would avatar like crazy. She beckoned from /a/ and frequents https://www.shrinemaiden.org/forum/index.php.. Pic related, it's some the pics she would routinely use

Here's a stroll down memory


>> No.1990259

Damn... looking at these old threads reminded me that I used to enjoy posting on /ic/

>> No.1990383

Teal was a bit conceited though, not sure if that was because of English being a second language or what. It was bound not to last. Let it go.

>> No.1990602

am person who asked for more of that weird disney porn, none of this i could whack off to cause its so fucking creepy and weird. this guy's a pretty shitty human being, using his art skills to draw "sexy" children. That fucking dude must be the lord of all shut-ins, no wonder he was so good at redlining - not like he had a social life or anything

>> No.1990708

>ask for weird disney porn
>what a shitty human being for spending his time drawing what he wants to draw

come on dude

>> No.1990709
File: 331 KB, 800x900, tumblr_nk3atuT14x1rxx0cco1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ten year old sister has more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics than the shit hes drawing and wanking off to

>> No.1990711

>muh thought crimes!

I can't believe the sjw infestation that goes on here who the fuck cares if this dude draws the shit he likes to draw it's either that or the envy and jealousy that sparked major buttannihilation to go and be a cunt against this dude.

>> No.1990714

i can get off to this, and probably your ten year old sister too.

>> No.1990715

It's LeEpicTroll.
Shitposter from animu threads and stalker

>> No.1990718

this. also i don't think anyone ever learned anything from that guy. that's what annoys me off the most about htis whole thing.

also this. apparently nobody was allowed to critique teal, simply because he posts a lot of "redlines". it's like you shitters will take fucking anyone as long as they post redlines for your shitty art, even if the redlines are shit themselves.

>> No.1990719

Show your art shitter.

>> No.1990729

The reason why people were attacking noobs who "critiqued" Teal was exactly because his redlines weren't shit though.

>> No.1990732

look at all these internet buzzwords and thought terminating cliches hiding yhe fact that the guy's been on a 2 or 3 year long streak of drawing pedophilia for, btw, no money at all. you yourself just said that im faulting him for drawing what he likes, and that's literally what he likes. teal's got issues

you've gone so far down the internet hole. if we want to bring up "sjw"-ism randomly, there is literally no difference between fat people using the internet to justify their addiction to eating and shut-ins getting so far into their animu kid porn justification hugbox that they would freely admit to wanking off to a ten year old. your life is sad and hilarious

>> No.1990737

>i don't think anyone ever learned anything from that guy.

Judging by most drawings on /ic/, no one learned a thing from Loomis and Hampton either.

>> No.1990743

>teal's got issues

Yeah, he probably does. Why are you angry that the way he deals with those issues is by drawing, where he doesn't hurt anyone? I find it funny that you are apparently too stupid to understand the alternative of what would happen if people like Teal didn't have this harmless outlet to deal with their depraved and disgusting sexual urges.

>> No.1990744

no but srsly, you would ravage >>1990709

>> No.1990748
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>> No.1990751

Why the fuck does it matter what he likes or doesn't like this does not affect you nor does it hurt you in any way shape or form mind your own business

>> No.1990752

>implying i'll post my art in a stinky teal thread.
i don't even have anything against teal himself. he's a little arrogant, but that's fine, i'm no better.
it's the fans buzzing around him that bother me. they opened my eyes to the nature of the posters here. i've been very cynical towards ic ever since this whole teal shit. If you put someone with teals level of art on a pedestal like that, it lowers the quality of the board for anyone who isn't a complete noob.

every single teal thread has this vibe of
>teal is a national treasure, we should treat him with care lest we scare him away.
and thats something that makes me cringe really hard. i don't see any reason to treat him differently.
the truth is, if teal made 30 redlines less, he wouldn't even be a thing. You treat him special because of the QUANTITY of redlines he made. But any aritst working on their art from day to day would realize that there isn't actually that much value in his redlines. I don't go bak to look at his garbage the way i do with 0033 or toshi.
this whole thing is a farce. and i'm still disgusted with ic to this day for being a bunch of useless bandwagoners and getting blinded like that. there is no reason to ever create a social hierachy on ic, and especially not for someone like teal.

>> No.1990753

I hope you realize the reason why Teal was placed on this so called "pedestal" is not just his art in itself it is because he went out of his way to help those who had perspective issues and clearly showed them what they lacked, what they can do to improve and even what to study and shared priceless studying material.

If you cannot see that then I suggest you take a look around for a moment and see that rarely nobody redlines others out of their own generosity I can name a few like Greydeath or that bluelineguy but what I am trying to say is it is very rare to have somebody with strong fundamentals to give constructive critiques and redlines I mean we even used to have redline threads but they're are long gone.

>> No.1990754

No. He's treated better due to the QUALITY. Worst case scenario a redline is just drawn over, sometimes someone just goes "It's shit." but a vast majority of these go out of their ways to help the person in particular with intentions that maybe others can learn from it.

Arguing about someone elses trying to help people is such a huge waste of time.

>> No.1990755

Teal/Simon wasn't all that good, all of his heads looked terrible and he'd always screw up the anatomy of the neck area. Also he's a sick pedo, so fuck him.

If you love Teal so much just download Hampton's book which goes over the same ideas with much better drawings.

>> No.1990756

I bet if you typed "judging" into the archive. You'll find hundreds of posts that read exactly like yours. Always a generalized insult over everybody in this community.

There's a shitload of lurkers on here. Killers some of them draw do draw at a high skill level.

I'm not even talking about Teal.

>> No.1990760

>Also he's a sick pedo, so fuck him.

This is the type of mentality that is the cancer killing /ic/

>stop liking what I don't like!
>abloo bloo bloo they draw half naked fiction characters based on cartoons
>muh feels!
>stop triggering me!!!

Seriously if you can not have just a bit of coping skills from the works of others that might offend you then I suggest to stay away from /ic/, better yet stay away from 4chan and blog about it on your Tumblr about how triggered you are right now from a couple of pictures you saw.

>> No.1990764

>I hope you realize the reason why Teal was placed on this so called "pedestal" is not just his art in itself it is because he went out of his way to help those who had perspective issues and clearly showed them what they lacked, what they can do to improve and even what to study and shared priceless studying material.
No. see, that's the difference between me and you.
i can take 0033/toshi as an example: if someone pointed out his flaws, i wouldn't defend him the way you defend teal because i know that they aren't perfect either (especially toshi), even though they offer many things i can learn from.
there is no reason to put them on a pedestal for their actions alone PERIOD. i don't like 0033 because he "tries" to help people. i like him becuase his stuff is actually helpful to me.

i know you will may the same about teal. which is hard to believe, but fine by me. just don't defend him blindly just because he posts a lot.
this thread (>>/ic/thread/1502915#p1503162)) was a travesty, and everything i hate about ic. except for the pedo crap, i find most of the critiques toward him to be valid.

>> No.1990765

fuck off pedo scum

>> No.1990771
File: 379 KB, 1000x1000, DYq5IuV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if teal made 30 redlines less,
>Teal made actually 100 high quality redlines for free.
Teal is /ic/ 0033. Stay mad
Go go fuck yourself

>> No.1990773

everyone who doesn't like his drawn child porn (which, even if its his way to not go out to fuck actual kids, is still morally fucking gross and illegal in some countries) just isn't edgy enough for this webshite.

whatever, i hate all of 4chan anyway and only go on this board to be with other artists. this website is not special or some beacon of truth, you're all huge shut ins who go on the internet for eight hours a day

>> No.1990777


holy shit how sad is this post

>"I-I'm too good to be here but I'mhere anyway I promise!!!!"

>> No.1990781

You don't get the point, the reason this entire shitstorm happened was because one faggot announced Teal's personal website(s) and you nosy fuckers started to nose around territories you had no business in and now you brought the shit you saw back here on /ic/ and each and everytime Teal posted you started flinging the same shit you saw and derailed threads.

All you had to do is mind your own business, instead you gathered pitchforks and embarked on a witch hunt because you saw things that was totally unlreated to what Teal was doing.

Did these images hurt anyone? Did they bruise you in a way? Did your feelings get hurt? If Teal's personal work hurt you again I suggest you blog about it on your Tumblr it may make you feel better.

>> No.1990791


So it's okay for you to generalize about no one being helped by these redlines?

The only reason you have a bug up your ass about this is because people asked for these redlines, got helped, and probably ignored your advice or shitty hue hue Loomis posts. You've probably never put yourself on the line, never posted your own artwork, or never backed up your own arguments with your drawings to demonstrate what you're talking about.

Most of the advice was universal, and it didn't matter if you didn't like the style or the topic. The stylization thread started out as redline threads. If you don't like redlines, you shouldn't have followed the threads. If you didn't like other people's advice and methods, move on.

>> No.1990793

are you really gonna bait me into posting proof about how i'm more well-adjusted/plain better than the average 4channer?

ic has helped me a lot as a beginner artist, a hell of a lot more than ca. but you people are still fat NEETs in their mid-twenties who go in a rage when they see art thats better than theirs. you're all losers, i'm definitely not. i think even my dick is bigger than you people's

Only reason ive been doing all this posting is because im procastinating from work im supposed to be doing

>> No.1990797

The only one who seems to be raging is you though. And a literal e-penis comparison, seriously? You are a sad little man.

>> No.1990798

You go, girl!

>> No.1990801

nothing sad about defending child porn on the internet though, okay then

>> No.1990803

Nobody is defending that shit, nobody gives a shit to begin with the only ones having sand in their Vaginas and making a big deal about it is you.

>> No.1990804

I think the reason why some people are so mad at Teal was because they actually tried to do redlines too for the same drawings that Teal redlined. Naturally, theirs were really bad and far inferior compared to Teal's, but they can't just admit that. I know there was one case of some butthurt faggot trying to redline teals redlines and it was hilarious how shit that person was, yet somehow he was so deluded that he genuinely believed he knew more about anatomy and construction than Teal did.

>> No.1990807

Where the hell am I defending CP? I haven't even seen CP from Teal tbh. If he is a pedophile, which he probably is, and he gets off on drawing sexy images of lolis, then that is a good thing, because it keeps him from living out his sexual desires in a much more harmful way.

>> No.1990808

>one case of some butthurt faggot trying to redline teals redlines and it was hilarious how shit that person was, yet somehow he was so deluded that he genuinely believed he knew more about anatomy

The delusion is priceless.

>> No.1990813

The reason why you're being accused of that is because the cunt is using the same tactic sjw's use when losing an argument or being proven right they resort to muh feels and racism in this case pedophilia to sum up their argument while trying to leave with their noses held up high.

>> No.1990829
File: 938 KB, 1400x1050, 1420912602300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AntiLoli guy is shitposter from anime thread.
Don't respond.
/ic/ never will be awesome place as 自作絵裏 and 自作絵 because of shitposters biotrash

>> No.1990831

>Teal is /ic/ 0033. Stay mad
KEK. the difference is that you'd want to have 0033's skill but you wouldn't want any of teals horrible habits.


but no really, it's sad. are you guys honestly telling me that you want to draw like teal..? There really is no helping you, /ic/.

>> No.1990846

Teal undeniably knows his shit about perspective and construction, who the fuck cares how he stylizes his figures? Of course he's far from perfect, but it's safe to say that you will never reach his level.

>> No.1990857

>who the fuck cares how he stylizes his figures?
yeah, who cares how his art looks? muh style! it doesn't matter at all! it's all about him being "helpful" after all :^)

>Of course he's far from perfect, but it's safe to say that you will never reach his level.
no one could possibly reach teal's level :^)

i keep saying this, but this is just so sad on so many levels..

>> No.1990859
File: 262 KB, 446x456, 1415279486244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my ten year old sister has more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics
What the fuck

>> No.1990860
File: 266 KB, 950x750, 2WCaF8H.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're degenerate, epictroll.

>> No.1990862

maybe because I cant read gook

>> No.1990868

post pics of sister, I don't believe you

>> No.1990869
File: 41 KB, 614x632, trellface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's far, far better than 99.8% that in itself makes this whole argument moot.

It's like a bunch of deep fry cooks that work at 'Sal's Rape Shack' trying to shit talk Gordon Ramsay. Fuck, most people on /ic/ aren't even at a 'fry cook' level.

This isn't necessarily related to Teal, but it's something that annoys the shit out of me.
How much you actually know is only reflected in your artwork, and in your artwork alone. Not in how good you can parrot Loomis.

Posting work should be mandatory, except when giving out the most basic of critiques.

>> No.1990876

i like how you keep posting his shit like you're trying to show me something. almost as if it's the first time in your fucking life that you've seen these type of ideas.

>He's far, far better than 99.8
this is the kind of sad shit that makes me despise /ic/. it's like a bunch of noobs chattering among themselves, gawking whenever someone gives them the attention they don't deserve.
We can't have decent artists talking among themselves because garbage hobbyists like you keep posting.

you say shit like that because you are PROJECTING. you think that YOU wont ever even reach that level of art. and i bet you don't even fucking care, as long as you can look at others art.
in moments like these i seriously despise the shithole that is /ic/.

>> No.1990881

>in moments like these i seriously despise the shithole that is /ic/.

Not who you're replying to, but you could seriously just leave. Close the tab, go somewhere else like reddit, or something. There's literally nothing forcing you to be here you know.

>> No.1990888


It's not whether or not you're telling the truth, but if you're so insecure that you have to be like "LET ME PREFACE THIS BY SAYING I AM NORMAL UNLIKE YOU WEIRDOS" to a bunch of anonymous strangers who will never know your name or anything about you then you're probably not as well adjusted as you think, kiddo.

>> No.1990889
File: 31 KB, 480x531, smug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost as if it's the first time in your fucking life that you've seen these type of ideas.

Not all of us got the chance to suck your art teachers dick when you were in grade school anon.
Art lessons for a BJ, who knew?

>> No.1990890
File: 10 KB, 259x194, 1404927480621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's literally nothing forcing you to be here you know.

Reminder. He is one of us. He can check out anytime, but he may never leave.

>> No.1990892
File: 31 KB, 1142x643, 1374180456251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't get the point, the reason this entire shitstorm happened was because one faggot announced Teal's personal website(s)

That doesn't make sense. You're implying he made a tumblr so as to not be seen on the internet? You're saying this guy put himself out there on the internet to be seen by the world but because some "one faggot" linked to his tumblr the whole thing went to hell. Is that the jist of it? Did this "one faggot" ruin your secret club?

You mean like pic related? It was me bitch! And I do know more than Teal. I know well enough that there is more than one way to approach this stuff. Unlike you I don't get butt-hurt panty-twisted when someone presents a counter argument.

>> No.1990894

>reddit XD
i just feel this overwhelming sense of disgust whenever i read through these threads concerning teal.
i also wish that all of you would simply disappear. why don't go be a fanboy somewhere else. you can always be a fanboy on tumblr.

it makes me sick to stomach. fuck you.

>> No.1990895
File: 7 KB, 225x225, smug pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you say shit like that because you are PROJECTING.

Stop projecting that I'm projecting.

>> No.1990896

If Teal wanted to be seen by /ic/ he would of replied a long time ago when someone asked about his blog or whatever before "that one faggot" did it instead; if I remember correctly Teal was not interested telling others about himself instead he seemed to almost always be on the subject of good draftsmanship and talked about resources like Perspective made easy hence the faggot who always told teal to stop riding on Ernest's Norling's cock.

Even when Teal tried to throw out resources out of a good gesture to help you faggots jumped him even for that.

>> No.1990897


Then don't fucking post in them poindexter how hard is it to just be a big boy and walk away

>> No.1990903

>it makes me sick to stomach ^_^; fuck you!! LOL X______X
I don't care who you think you are you little auspie piece of shit. Don't you EVER, EVER quote me and put a fucking emote by my text you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.1990905

You guys can't shut down or ignore one guy?


>> No.1990909

Why your hand is so big?

>> No.1990914

>You guys can't shut down or ignore one guy?
Why the fuck would we ignore him? It's like a bunch of wolves coming upon a dead lamb in the road and some faggot woodsman saying,

>I know ur hungry guys, but you could just leave this delicious lamb alone to rot

>> No.1990916

>I can not resist the sensational drama so I am going to make shit up about a guy and shitpost each and everytime someone mentions him or when I see him!

I can't say I am surprised, really this is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.1990920

>if I'm just enough of a cock gobbler for just long enough then these folks will see it my way and resolve to change they're ways

Is this how you conduct yourself in your day-to-day too or do you save your messiah complex for fucking 4chan

>> No.1990922

I haven't made up anything yet.

>> No.1990923

>Don't you EVER, EVER quote me and put a fucking emote by my text you stupid piece of shit. >:( )8-K

>> No.1990928

What the fuck are those, pre-aol era emotes?

>> No.1990930

Deal with it B)

>> No.1990931

What the fuck are those, pre-aol era emotes? ?:-o ):-(

No need to get so worked up there, buddy.

>> No.1990932

even though I am terribly angry at your emotes that directly insult everything i stand for, i guess i will have to deal with it after all, oh well, damn.

>> No.1990933

don't post if you can't say anything worth a damn. go cry and throw yourself out the nearest window you sorry sack of shit.

look, you could've made this point at any given time during the course of the thread. i would've probably stopped.
but no, instead we get the usual shitposts about everyone being jelly of teal. care to fucking tell me why this is the only answer you guys seem to have? even though better points could've been made. the warosu thread linked earlier had some.

but no, this is all you can say because this is as much as you understand.
>teal is so much better than the sorry shit i make
>teal is better than everyone! anyone talking shit about teal must be jelly

it's so mindbogglingly retarded because the whole point is that teals art is mediocre and extremely wonky.

>> No.1990934

Shit, I forgot to meme text X'D

>> No.1990936

>No need to get so worked up there, buddy.
You don't have a clue what worked up means. You probably think some dude in a stall taking a huge shit is angry too you fuckin retard.

>> No.1990938



>> No.1990940

I just want to let you know that literally no one here is going to read your stupid ass post. It's a long pointless bullshitfest.

>> No.1990941

I don't think you understand. He made a PUBLIC tumblr to begin with. There are plenty of options out there to make invite-only blogs to protect his privacy. If he didn't want people seeing his work he wouldn't have made a public site. And even if he didn't want that "one faggot" to follow him he still had the ability to ignore that "one faggot". It's not like people broke into his home and ransack the place. And it's not like the stuff on the tumblr was meant for a different crowd either.

Besides, you have no way of knowing if that "one faggot" was him or not.

>> No.1990943

Well that's true I'll give you that, but still this shouldn't of been a big deal if everyone didn't bring all the shit back from his Tumblr and start this entire shitstorm in the first place. It's the same as people who lurk /pol/ and they get used to /pol/ and talk like /pol/ and the Anon goes back to his other board and brings all the shit back from /pol/ and the others don't want to hear about it.

>> No.1990945

/ic/ has no soul now. It's nothing people spamming "get rich quick" schemes and putting in minimal effort.

There is no critique anymore, just "I DRAW WHAT I WANT" and people patting each other on the back for refusing help. It's like /adv/ for "artists". Or /i/ 2.0

>> No.1990947

You don't have a clue what worked up means. You probably think some dude in a stall taking a huge shit is angry too you fuckin retard. :P (Lel, I bet he thinks I'm actually angry) XD

>> No.1990951

I bet you think I'm more mad.

>> No.1990952

What the fuck can we do about this dilemma then? Start up those redline thread again? Start posting your work more often during arguments to show you know what you are talking about and set examples on forms and shape instead of just parroting Loomis and anatomy is off and perspective is off?

>> No.1990953

the bottom line is, many of you don't want to acknowledge that teals art looks weird as fuck at least 50% of the time.

i get that you want to "protect" your little fairy from critique (oh noez he will leave us!). but this isn't deviantart.
you can't just fucking ignore and try to surpress an opinon just because you want teal's image to stay the same in your imaginary realm.
it's straight up DELUSION.

even if you acknowledge it you have to throw in snide remarks because of bitter fanboyism.

>> No.1990956

Back up your words with fact. Show us some of the shitty stuff he did. I genuinely want to see it.

>because I think you're full of shit up to your brain cavity.

>> No.1990959

>I bet you think I'm more mad. :-|=

Not really, no.

>> No.1990961


"post your work" arguments only work when someone is acting ten kinds of arrogant and shitting all over established artists without any real substance behind their words. At the very least it's a good way of shutting trolls up or making it painfully obvious to idiot newfags that this guy is trolling and not just being opinionated and controversial.

>> No.1990964

He welcomed critiques and had asked to set an example and put theories to the test before regarding the way he clipped the farthest eye when there was a nose bridge and how he didn't clip the eye when there was no nose bridge depending on the camera angle viewing the head.

>> No.1990967

I guess you should ask half of the posters here to start posting their work.

>> No.1990973

you can even see it in this thread. look through his redlines. look through the archive.
and don't even pretend like i was the only one ever saying this.

>TDF diversion tactics
>1. stray the topic into CP and SJWTUMBLRREDDITKEKLELXD even though nobody except one guy gives a shit about the loli
>2. say that you're jelly
>3. talk about how helpful he's been (at least you're honest, and i agree, but it's irrelevant)

i was there. but even then i remember it being very messy, not because of teal, but because of all the noise from the scrubs.
and like i said in the very beginning, i don't hate teal or his art. but i despise the fucking people buzzing around him.

>> No.1990977

>I genuinely want to see it.

You tlg-anons think everything he does is gold. How could anyone show you what they don't like about his work? His work is so completely gilded by your fanboyism that it's impossible for anyone to give an opinion. Everybody already knows it would be a waste present anything to you. So what would be the point?

>> No.1990979

>even though nobody except one guy gives a shit about the loli

But it's the loli that started this entire shitstorm in the first place, nobody but a small minority cared about that shit but that small minority caused the shitstorm each and everytime Teal was around. As I've said before this shouldn't of been a big deal but instead people love drama and to stir shit up so much they rather fling shit than learn from Teal.

>> No.1990982

no, it's because people love to surpress opinions when it comes to teal.
well, except for the CP guys. they don't make too much sense anyway.

>> No.1990986

>post youré work
>w-wuts the point lel

Every time.
Look, I'm not even the guy you're replying too but everybody knows that the only reason you, or anybody else for that matter, won't post their work is because you know it's shit.
If you were actually good, you would have just posted your art and blown us all away and been like 'Fuck yeah, suck my dick, your turn faggits'.

But you'll pull any excuse out of your ass just so you can avoid posting your actually work.

>> No.1990990
File: 82 KB, 500x497, poland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you were actually good, you would have just posted your art and blown us all away and been like 'Fuck yeah, suck my dick, your turn faggits'.
>But you'll pull any excuse out of your ass just so you can avoid posting your actually work.

It's about time someone's said what needed to be said.

>muh dick measuring contest!

When I ask to post your work I am genuinely curious what kind of person is posting or most of the times shitposting. As another Anon said it's also a good way to check someone on their little opinion or whatever they talk about.

Isn't that how merc_wip was born though?

>> No.1990995

I'm becoming drastically bored of 4chan.
Its grown dull on me and ive moved to another place but I still come back every now and then.
Just move to another art community.

Describe a day away from 4chan.

>> No.1991010

>Just move to another art community.

I don't know of another art community. I'll be honest I don't know how to take the good and positive comments or feedbacks I always think they're being ironic or are flat out lying or up to something it just seems unnatural to me.

>> No.1991022

>I'll be honest I don't know how to take the good and positive comments or feedbacks I always think they're being ironic or are flat out lying or up to something it just seems unnatural to me.

I'm the same way. I think its the way my parents are so wishy washy about everything and soul sucking.

>> No.1991024

Not the anon you're talking to.

I was there and no he wasn't really open for critique, and others wouldn't allow that which made it all the more difficult. He was passive aggressive and dismissing the big argument: Why are certain styles choice wrong and others right? He made heavy style choices in his work but condemned them in others. There were some design choices he was denying he was making, or he didn't know he was making. He never really told anyone what they did right, build off of. He focused only what he saw wrong, looking from his approach.

The eye thing was about how come on a stylized head with a flat face, like the one he usually does, why does the eye clip so early. It wasn't about whether or not it clipped it was about why so early on such a slight turn, like 15 degrees, on such a flat face. If it's because the bridge protrudes to cause occlusion then that would mean the flat face is wrong, but the flat face was there because of the child like look it helps give. So what's the deal. It's simple, it's a design choice. He continued implied it wasn't

He wasn't aware, or he refused to admit, of how he was making some things come more forward and others recede out of personal style choices. He put things where they looked right to him, he used artistic license. Which he is entitled to. But he refused to acknowledge that artistry. Instead he tried to claim that it was completely done out of some objectionable fact. He had no other choice but to clip like that. He was trying to tell you that his art is not art it's science, sort of speak. He wasn't aware of making the map the territory, or he wasn't willing to admit that.

Another case in point is the different line type diagram he drew. The last example claims that thicker lines are used to hide imbalance between positive and negative space. If you've sat in a design class, that statement alone should cause you to say, "wait a minute, that can always be true".

>> No.1991030

It sure would be nice if someone would post a link to the

>magical art community that is thriving, and much much more helpful and amazing than /ic/ where all the helpful artists go to grow budding artists into beautiful art flowers

That people keep talking about. I'd love to see such a place. Yep, just go ahead and post a link. Any day now.

>> No.1991037

You fucking faggots

>> No.1991038


Were any of your drawings redlined? If not, why is it your problem?

Sounds like you're the one who isn't open about stylistic choices.

>> No.1991046

his bodies were good (weird proportion)
He was really only more proficient than most in perspective, foreshortening, and poses.

his heads, and necks in particular, were straight up ugly and very flat.

>> No.1991054

what if the guy's at the same level, just slightly below, or better in some aspects and worse in others? or what if he's significalntly better, but doesn't want to associate with threads like these?
i love how you leave yourselves out of this because it is already a given that you are complete beginners.

also take it from me: i don't hate teal, but looking at my posts, even i would think i had a huge issue with him. the truth is, you people force others to argue because you're unable to accept a single bad thing about the guy. it's fucking pathetic.

>art powerlevels
>posting your art in a stinky teal thread

>> No.1991073


This >>1991030, fucking deliver, faggot.

>> No.1991096

>If you were actually good, you would have just posted your art
it doesn't matter how good your work actually is, the artist is rarely satisfied with his level. any decent artist doesn't think his art is any good, so why would he post it? our perceptions and reality don't always match perfectly, but we still act on emotions. hence, no one posts their work.

>> No.1991101

So that makes teal an even better artist.

>> No.1991115

What do my drawings have to do with anything? The questions were directed at him and his choices.

>> No.1991120

You know come to think of it one of you mentioned to Teal that sharing his website would open a pandora's box or something along that phrase, and as a matter of fact people sort of already knew who he was and called him that "simon" guy and that's what started the nosing around to confirm who he was until someone must have recognized his style and announced his Tumblr.

The ability to recognize people from their work can be beneficial or a nightmare. All it takes is for someone to find something they don't like and go full social justice all over you.

>> No.1991130

It's the fact that teals a pedo. the backlash would've been halved if he was making racist cartoons or making rape porn or some other less fucked shit.

>> No.1991137

I drew >>1990892. I drew it that way because I thought the forearm was too long, wrist too round, and there were too many tangencies around where the neck and elbow are. It was an opinion, like all redlines are. TDF hated it with a passion.

Some anon here says the hand is too big. Which in a way shows my point, no matter what somebody posts to a challenge the one issuing the challenge will always finds something to dismiss the whole thing by. They will not try to extrapolate for the discussion. They just want something to call the other guy out on.

Asking some anon to post their stuff to prove you wrong, is stupid. We all know you're not asking for discussion. You just need something to win an internet debate with.

>> No.1991142

>It's the fact that teals a pedo.

How do you know this, from the glimpses of what I've seen from his personal works they're mostly Anime or Disney related Cartoons or Toons from other shows. To be honest it's no different from what I see occasionally from /pol/ with that one Vietnamese or Japan man posting about genetically engineered cat girls for domestic ownership featuring lolis or even the stuff Trollchan drew for free for that one guy wanted a drawing of Digimon porn or whatever.

So where is the backlash for Trollchan drawing that loli? Where is the uproar, why did it have to be Teal to get the full blow why is he so special? Don't tell me you've never drawn or tried to draw a toon in a lewd pose? Does that make you a pedophile for doing so?

>> No.1991144

His art is 90% loli porn

>> No.1991148

Long before Teal came to /ic/ he was posting on /co/. Some of that fanart he would repost on his tumblr. So I doubt very seriously he wasn't completely surprised by the attention he got.

>> No.1991149

link? i need to verify

>> No.1991150

Also that doesn't make him a pedo anymore than people playing GTA are murderers. They aren't prepubescent human children. They're drawings of made up fantasy characters.

>> No.1991151

Fuck off degenerate
So? Some of you want to git gud for the soul purpose of drawing porn and even lolis?

>> No.1991155

They're a representation of sexualized human children you dumb ass. gta is a video game.

>> No.1991157

>d-don't touch muh games
also, they barely even look like children

>> No.1991160

Have you seen lolis? Look at the fucking op pic. Does that look like a real child to you? If so, you fuckin dense like a diamond son.

>gta is a video game

NO SHIT. According to you

>representation of murder is murder

Even in a video game. They aren't real children. Don't even look like children. Yet, murder on GTA actually looks like murder IRL. Oh man. We are on to something, lets keep going.

>> No.1991161
File: 304 KB, 666x1600, betty_boop_standing_proto_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By your logic, anyone thinking this picture is cute and sexy makes them a demonized Pedophile monster out to hurt innocent poor children.

>> No.1991162


>> No.1991167

Betty is not a minor though. But she is symbolic of how women are sexualized in media, sometimes even comical, in her case.

>> No.1991170

Blame Japan for sexualizing young looking characters.

>> No.1991178
File: 2.00 MB, 300x300, the_fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yet, murder on GTA actually looks like murder IRL.

>> No.1991181

>real children

Now you're gettin it smart guy.

>> No.1991183

> kids with big hips and small tits
>real children

>> No.1991185
File: 95 KB, 500x322, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the size of her head, clearly baby like hence the cute and adorable feeling people get. Her figure may easily pass as a "minor" if someone simply says so and as for Betty being a symbol of a sexualized woman out to oppress a stronk independent womyn who needs no man is purely a matter of opinion heck I know Women who collect her figurines and buy them like hot cakes; Betty is right up there with Elvis Presley.

So what doesn't make a stylized fictional character a "minor" anyway? I would agree that proportion would be one of them but see the ambiguity comes from how heavily styled these characters are and in reality if one would say all these characters are minor that's all it would take but then again it would be pointless as these characters are purely fictional and do not exist.

>> No.1991186

It's still far more realistic than a cartoon loli.

Anyway, in both cases it's just our imaginations doing all the job of turing a buch of pixels into something we can recognize.

>> No.1991188
File: 61 KB, 722x468, 372bb1e8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legit loli
18 years old

>> No.1991189

If you want to get technical, it's more realistic to say that every anime character is a child due to headsize, eyesize, cuteness of a young child. The cuter/younger the face, the cuter the character. Most of these 'older' characters use these young features, and only add huge breasts. If you ask an older person who is seeing anime for the first time, they will think even women with huge tits are children. So technically, this is all pretty stupid. I just hate to see people come in here acting like they're the shit and people who like loli are pedophiles. It's stupid and ignorant.

>> No.1991190

I wasn't even the guy he was replying to. I only made an observation on his video game terminology.

However, the art form executes ideas, and this idea is little kids.
>Is there a physical difference?
>Is the idea different?

In addition, kids are becoming more.. developed than in the past for whatever reason

>> No.1991197

>In addition, kids are becoming more.. developed than in the past for whatever reason

Which makes it more likely that these social justice knights are fapping to characters who are underage. You have no idea how many animu characters are under 18. 90%+ of them easily. If we're going to make all animu characters real life peepl equivalents then every person who faps to animu porn of any kind is a pedophile. Where do you draw the line?

How about right where the


line is?

>> No.1991198

This. You can kill people in the most sadistic ways in a fictional environment, like games, comic books, illustrations, there's no problem about that, but still, they fall into hopcrisy when the subject is something they don't like.

>> No.1991203

there's also 15 year olds who look 20.

>> No.1991205
File: 518 KB, 650x772, 1416840603178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fall into hopcrisy when the subject is something they don't like.

What you need to understand is as a Woman gets older she has to compete against more and more younger, fertile girls and so when Men naturally pays attention to the younger ones more the older Woman instinctively demonizes him and does whatever she can to get a stranglehold of the Stallion.

This is not limited to real girls, the same applies to totally made up figures and fictional characters as again it all depends what the Man is paying attention to she will make sure he suffers if he doesn't pay attention to her instead.

>> No.1991210

I don't believe.

>> No.1991211

So you're saying the people who bash and demonize loli are old nasty bitches who can't get any? It makes so much sense.

>> No.1991214
File: 35 KB, 506x285, 1421646723127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old nasty bitches need love too.

>> No.1991218

95% of them. Just check social networks.
>no bra
>thong panties
They're ready for all four. Based mother nature.

>> No.1991227

I know you're trying to make a point from ridiculousness.

But none of this changes the fact that Teal's work celebrates pedophilia. Just like GTA celebrates murder, although GTA attempts satire at the least. Teal deliberately takes characters that are well known for being emblematic of children and draws them in pornographic situations. Some people take offense to that because of what it represents-- pedophilia.

Notice how I didn't say he is a pedo?

>> No.1991230
File: 130 KB, 640x1136, 1424115584499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take offense to that because of what it represents

It's 2015, stop living in a cave.

>> No.1991232

It doesn't represent pedophilia, because there are no children. That's what you're failing to understand. You can enjoy lolicon, and not be a pedophile or attracted to real life children. They have cute unrealistic facial proportions that make them something quite different from human beings. Just like people calling loli art CP, it's a stupid and ignorant viewpoint.

>> No.1991236

I personally love Teal's drawings, but
It's pretty clear that he watches real CP with real children, and that's absolutely disgusting. If his drawings were awful he'd probably be doxxed by now, he only get's away with it because of his awesome drawings.

>> No.1991239

>It doesn't represent pedophilia, because there are no children.
Not that Anon, but by your logic I could draw (and enjoy) two grown men fucking each other and it wouldn't be gay porn, nor would I be gay? Neato.
>Just like people calling loli art CP, it's a stupid and ignorant viewpoint.
It's drawn CP, and that's a no-go to the FBI and the well majority of people. Even if try to persuade them that you're only into 2D (which keep in mind cannot be even proven), it's still fucking disgusting and illegal in many parts of the world.

And keep in mind that there has been a link between drawn lolicon and what not and actual pedophiles. So have fun and good luck trying to defend lolicon/shotacon, buddy. You're just making yourself look like a pedophile in denial or some shit.

>> No.1991249

>Not that Anon, but by your logic I could draw (and enjoy) two grown men fucking each other and it wouldn't be gay porn, nor would I be gay? Neato.

If you draw and enjoy two actual men fucking then yes, could possibly be gay. Who am I to give a fuck what you fap to? If you have two non-real characters who happen to have penises or be classified as male fucking eachother, then no, it does not at all mean you are gay, but you could be. Just like anything, nothing is black and white. Plenty of people enjoy penises in their art and are not gay by any means. Again, all your arguments are based on ignorance.

>> No.1991250

Ignorance and shaming. This is what nasty old bitches base their arguments on. Pay attention.

>> No.1991253

>It's pretty clear that he watches real CP with real children, and that's absolutely disgusting.

What do you base this on? What evidence?

>> No.1991265
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, 2013-10-23-16-15-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad

>> No.1991267

You clearly missed the point of the argument and just want to whine about being kink-shamed! b'aww! ;_;

Arguing that people into drawn child porn (which is what lolicon/shota is. That's what it represents, like an illustration of cheese representing cheese) aren't necessarily into child porn/children in real life is something you cannot argue against, because you really cannot prove otherwise. Not to mention that, as previously said, there is a strong correlation between shotacon/lolicon and actual pedophiles that have been convicted in Japan. That, and people don't draw sexually-charged images or pornography of things recreationally that they're not into--so it's not akin to things like murder. Now there is a double standard in regards to things like rape, but that's another can of worms there.

What I am ultimately saying is that you're fucking retarded if you're trying to dismay the fact that lolicon/shotacon represents pornography featuring underaged subjects, and you're stupid for trying to defend that shit when you cannot even prove that people into loli/shotacon aren't pedophiles. People are going to assume that you're a fucking pedophile, and as you can see here that's completely true.

It's like living in a country where homosexuality is banned, and then try to argue that your stash of drawn gay men fucking don't represent gay porn and that you're not actually gay, despite owning a collection (or drawing it) and getting turned on by it.

>> No.1991271

>That, and people don't draw sexually-charged images or pornography of things recreationally that they're not into--so it's not akin to things like murder. Now there is a double standard in regards to things like rape, but that's another can of worms there.

All of your posts are thinly veiled lies and misinformation presented as facts.

>people into guro (some of it is sexual) are all murderers
>people into vore actually eat people IRL or are real life cannibals (most of it is sexual in nature)
>people into MLP actually fuck horses
>people who love rape fantasy, girls who read 50 shades of grey are into bondage and love to be raped

You're so full of shit it's leaking out of your eye sockets. Your falsely sound arguments can't veil your mental issues.

>> No.1991272
File: 98 KB, 1024x668, B3re6uJCUAAh67z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shit when you cannot even prove that people into loli/shotacon aren't pedophiles.
>most of artists have wifes and childrens
Is this real epictroll who stalk Teal in animu threads?

>> No.1991273

It's like reading the life and times of the mentally retarded detective SJW.

>> No.1991274

I found you bro.


>> No.1991278

>you're stupid for trying to defend that shit when you cannot even prove that people into loli/shotacon aren't pedophiles

That's not how it works. You have to prove that they are pedos.

>> No.1991281

Shouldn't you be jacking off to your little girl cartoons? :^)
You do know you can be into both adults and children, correct? Hell, have you not heard of fathers (or even mothers) sexually abusing their young children for their own sexual interests?
You're completely thick-skulled if you have yet to grasp the point.

I'm not even calling them pedophiles or anything. The fact that you're getting really defensive over something that hasn't been stated says a lot about you.

I'm just saying that pulling the 'L-l-loli/shota doesn't represent child porn...!' or that 'people who are into loli/shota aren't always pedophiles' doesn't always fly for reasons that have already been stated. I'm afraid to find out how many times I have to repeat the argument for it to go through your retarded brain.
>Your falsely sound arguments can't veil your mental issues.
You should actually understand the argument first before spouting a pathetic excuse for a counterargument.

>> No.1991285
File: 692 KB, 1000x1412, 1400117142435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you /ic/

>clavicle is too low

Oh fuck how the hell did they fuck up that badly?

>> No.1991286

When you're interested in drawn child porn, the proof of evidence is going to rely on you for that one. That's how it works unfortunately, and bitching about that to me isn't going to solve anything, nor change the fact that that's how life works. Go take it up with the federal court instead.

>> No.1991287
File: 14 KB, 236x272, 8e90e0165dc0e9fcc415d57aeb8a8cee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that you're getting really defensive over something that hasn't been stated says a lot about you.
Look at yourself before you call others out for doing half of what you're doing.

Case closed, moving on.

>> No.1991290

>Look at yourself before you call others out for doing half of what you're doing.
You're either confusing me with somebody else, or you lack reading comprehension. Which one is it?

I see you're often pulling the ignorant card, but have yet to actually grasp the argument itself. It's funny, because I see SJWs pull the "You're ignorant!" card often whenever somebody tells them something they don't like yet cannot dispute.

>> No.1991291
File: 40 KB, 480x320, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God she looks just like a real child. Where is her mother? I hope none of you are thinking of this child sexually.

Good thing someone created this older woman for people to fap to. I mean, her face is much more mature than that child's face if you compare them. It's the big boobs that really make her an adult though!

>> No.1991292
File: 1.65 MB, 178x120, 1418580929597.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1991295

Because you're not worth arguing with. You spout the same shit and expect people to play by your misguided rules. Who is gonna sit here and waste their time explaining something to some dipshit who doesn't listen to anyone? It's not like anyone cares what you think about their fetishes anyway. I just pick out the really dumb people who think they're smart and chat with them a bit. It's a hobby of mine.

>> No.1991296

>I just pick out the really dumb people who think they're smart and chat with them a bit. It's a hobby of mine.

/ic/ - inbred chatroom

>> No.1991299

>You spout the same shit...
That's only because you cannot grasp the argument, as proven by the fact that you've yet to say anything actually relevant in your counterargument. And whatever these "misguided rules" you speak of, it probably just isn't mine but the majority of people.
>to some dipshit who doesn't listen to anyone?
>It's not like anyone cares what you think about their fetishes anyway
Is that why people are getting so defensive over what people think about them and their shota/lolicon interests? :^)

>> No.1991300

Everyone has to get their entertainment from somewhere. Some people choose to parrot shit they read from fox news and SWJ's on tumblr, some of us choose to make fun of their ignorance.

>> No.1991301

They're emblematic of children. That's what you're trying to gloss over.

Teal steals characters from Disney, Nickelodeon, and Dreamworks. And all of them are characters that represent children. He draws them being raped, molested, harrased and overtly sexualizing. It's celebrating pedophilia.

>> No.1991302

>Is that why people are getting so defensive over what people think about them and their shota/lolicon interests? :^)
The only one who is defensive is you. I think everyone else is just a bit astounded by your idiocy. Also, I'm a better certified troll than you'll ever be, and I don't even need shitty emotes to further the appeal of my posts. Bring it.

>> No.1991303

You people are so fucking insecure. Waah he draws pretend child porn, he draws fiction, don't support him. Were you snowflakes home schooled, mollycoddled your whole life?

I come to 4chan to get away from this insipidness, if you can learn from another persons artwork then do it regardless of subject matter.

>> No.1991304

>characters that represent children
>with job, cars and apartaments

>> No.1991305

>It's celebrating pedophilia.
Alright Bill O'Riley, what the fuck are you doing on 4chan?

>> No.1991309

>The only one who is defensive is you
Nice, the "no u!" card. You sure beat around the bush when it comes to this, don't ya?

Do tell me, what exactly am I defending then if I'm being defensive? Because I'm not the one defending child porn here. :^)

>> No.1991310

you can estimate people's age by how easily they get baited.

>> No.1991313

Not only that but if they're Female too and it's a fact that /ic/ consists of mostly Females, the bitter ones at that. This is why /ic/ gets baited so easily and this is why /ic/ is always moaning and bitching and crying about muh feels I mean just look at how many "artist feels" thread we've been having and just look at all the fucking gossip and drama this board brings.

>> No.1991314

>people into guro (some of it is sexual) are all murderers
You don't have to murder for that though
>people into vore actually eat people IRL or are real life cannibals (most of it is sexual in nature)
That's more of a size-kink than actual cannibalism. A lot of them would get eaten by a giant dick-shitting-nipple dragon if they could, assuming it wasn't fatal or anything.
>people into MLP actually fuck horses
>implying they wouldn't fuck a horse
>people who love rape fantasy, girls who read 50 shades of grey are into bondage and love to be raped
Rape roleplay and BDSM is totally a thing, yes.

>> No.1991316

Except most of /ic/'s demographic is male.

>> No.1991317
File: 105 KB, 1200x1679, 47022893_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said that because both federal and supreme courts in the United states have shit all over your argument for every type of fiction there is. Don't confuse law with a court. Lots of laws get passed that fall like dominoes on the first challenge.

Loli has been specifically ruled on in "Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition", so there's precedent for such laws to be struck down if challenged.

Like the piss-porn laws in Britland, prosecutors are simply banking on you being too ashamed to fight this out in court, so they get your plea deals.

If you research it, you'll see that nobody has ever gone to jail just for loli--and that it's only ever legally considered in order to increase sentences on actual convicted pedophiles who have real CP.

So the burden is on you to tell me why this is bad, and why I cant enjoy it. I hate real children, real women, and the general dirtiness of the human body. So fuck off and let me fap in peace

>> No.1991318



>> No.1991320

If that's the case you're all a bunch of dicklick faggots.

>> No.1991321

No use bringing up facts. It's just a troll that I'm trolling.

>I'd say I win because he has typed at least 6x as much as me.
>I'm not really reading his posts, shhh

>> No.1991322

Takes a dicklicking faggot to know why. The fact that you're crying about it and being an overall drama queen proves it.

>> No.1991323

Nobody can argue against fapping to Tsugumomo.

>> No.1991326

I'm stating the obvious, /ic/ gets easily baited and bitches about everything hence the conclusion of this board housing a bunch of Females or dicklick faggots.

You're all faggots, really.

>> No.1991327

>..and why I cant enjoy it.
Where did I say you couldn't?

I just said that saying drawn child porn doesn't represent child porn is fucking retarded and requires the mental gymnastics of an SJW, and don't cry when people assume you're a pedophile because of it.

>> No.1991340
File: 38 KB, 483x600, 500full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's easy to find him.
Just search for "pedo" and "pedophile"
He likes smiles) or questions in every sentence.
But it's fun thread
Moar. Artist name?

>> No.1991343

Why should we shut up so you can fap to CP? Why do you feel a need to inform us that you fap to CP?
Why do you feel a need to inform us that our opinion on CP is interfering with your fapping of said CP?

>> No.1991350

Ladies and gentlemen, the town-crier I was talking about in >>1989925. I forgot about the riddler and that one dude with the chef hat.
Hey girl,

Where's that one pic with the little chibi fire dude giving the thumbs up? I miss that little guy. Not as much as I miss, "IT'S THAT ONE ANON, YOU GUIZ!!! B8 B8 B8 DON'T FEED DA TROLL!!!"

>> No.1991352

You're a funny man.

>> No.1991355

Obvious bait is too obvious. God damn man, learn to troll better.

>> No.1991356
File: 15 KB, 406x385, 1417237533725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recognizing Anons

It's like we're one big dysfunctional family that hates each others guts. How lovely.

>> No.1991359

ITT Mad bitches who will NEVER EVER get close to Teal's skills. Not even in 15 lifetimes.

>> No.1991360

Artist is Hamada Yoshikadu. He draws a popular manga called "Tsugumomo".

>> No.1991365

This thread has been derailed to arguing if shota/loli is equivalent to real CP for the last 150 post now. Almost nothing relevant on Teal's actual skill level.

>> No.1991379


Have you even seen real CP or are you just banwagoning on what you don't even know? Oh yes of course, you haven't. Wouldn't want to be locked up now would we?

>> No.1991382

this >>1991317
is not CP because CP doesn't have a girl pose like that for the camera

It is Art and has a purpose.

>> No.1991383

You should be locked up ina shut the fuck up facility. Your mom should have slapped you more.

>> No.1991385


Come at me with an argument like a grown adult MATE.

>> No.1991387

>like a grown adult

I don't think you realize that's a Woman you are trying to argue with, Anon - Women are basically children.

>> No.1991389

I'm not on either side m80, I'm just stating the fact that this thread has been nothing about Teal's artistic skill for awhile now.

>> No.1991392

Nah, you bore me to tears, and honestly this thread is about to tank. Don't give enough fucks to get into a mirror match of the same stupid shit that has been argued since lolicon hit the Internet years and years ago. Welcome to the world of trollbaiting though, do try harder next time.

>> No.1991394


Well for your sakes next time don't try to compare a drawing to CP if you don't even know what that means. You sound like an utter retard.

>> No.1991395

Dayam. Save the fucking fictional children, but fuck women right? Inequality troll in action here.

>> No.1991398

Wasn't me. I was on the other side of the argument. Lolanonymous.

>> No.1991399

But it holds greater principles, think about it each and everyone of us could be in the same spotlight as Teal all it takes is for a cunt like /ic/ to see something they don't like and shitstorms ensue dragging your name on mud.

We strive for good draftsmanship, yes? We strive to be original and even stylize or exaggerate proportions on our work, right? It's possible someone might be offended by your work and start a crusade against you, burning you at the stake and throw tar and feathers everywhere you go.

>> No.1991403

It's the same for literally everything. Grow a thicker skin and learn to ignore the bitches/trolls. If you want to draw loli and post it to the Internet for people to consume, own up to it, or don't post it in the first place. Do a better job at keeping your shit separate. Etc etc.

>> No.1991408

>grow a thicker skin

It's not about that it's about how it may affect your success think about it with how sensitive people are all it takes is someone to label you as racist for not drawing enough "minorities" and congratulations you are now an evil intolerant Nazi racist and nobody would want to do business with someone that Twitter is bitching and crying about.

>> No.1991413

I don't think it's that bad. You seem to be worrying about non-issues. Sure, you might get a bunch of ignorant idiots like the loli=cp guy in this thread, but the majority of normal people will simply ignore it and continue to support you. Vocal minorities aren't always as strong as they might appear.

>> No.1991421

I certainly hope you're right about that it's unsettling to see all of this negativity over someone who stylizes his work and draws silly porn based off toons. We even have a porn thread now, so where's the uproar on that we have female figures with dicks yet here we have a shitstorm over someone who draws entirely subjective material that some have deemed as CP.

It's ridiculous.

>> No.1991424
File: 176 KB, 1200x1200, 1390737458976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss him. Where is he?

>> No.1991428

He only posted once, how could you miss him over just one thing he posted? And I certainly hope he has left /ic/ and gone to greener pastures he doesn't need our shit. I've always looked up to /ic/ I've kissed ass here in the hopes I can learn something but now this is the first time I sincerely say this place really is a cancerous cess pool for those who already have good draftsmanship.

>> No.1991430

Well, yeah. As much of a troll as that guy or girl is, there is some truth there. People in Western society generally do not tolerate loli artwork. It used to be more tolerated because only a select group of people actually viewed, drew, and were exposed to that kind of artwork. These days the flood gates are kinda open with sites like tumblr bridging gaps between normals and weird shit like cartoon porn. Just expect it to get worse before it gets better. At least with things like loli. Hell, even Japan is starting to shy away from loli content for the most part. I mean there used to be at least a couple hentai with loli in them, but these days for the past year or two loli has been ultra scarce. So if loli is what you're looking to draw, you might want to consider long and hard about whether you really want to bear that burden.

>> No.1991433

Represent something is different than actually BE that something.

Let's be honest, rational and impartial here: Loli art isn't CP, but do represents it.

Now, if it represents it in a stylized way, it cannot be CP since no child is involved, but as an artistic representation, it has an intrinsic message on it that can indeed glorify it.

>> No.1991444

Well, what website can we flock to that has a community ready to help the young artist improve?

>> No.1991446

>He only posted once, how could you miss him over just one thing he posted?
One of hottest pic from /ic/ for me. He promised to return in animu thread but...two years I guess?

>> No.1991450

At this point in time you are better off by yourself and be self reliant and studious, do participate on /ic/ in the hopes someone with enough competence will provide with the critique that will point flaws, and provide examples on what you can do without spoonfeeding you. Really it doesn't matter where you go it all depends on you.

>One of the hottest pic from /ic/ for me

If you really only admire this guy over how sex his figures are instead of admiring how he places them in perspective and how he keeps forms simple to read and what action they're doing and how to do it yourself you need to start thinking objectively.

>> No.1991515


lurks /co/, drew something when the Clarence creator guy got fired/ had his sexual assault episode

>> No.1991516

>but do represents it.

>> No.1991544

Hes never left; you're the only one claiming any sort of drama. He's posted here often, thats certainly not the last thing he's posted here.

>> No.1991548
File: 46 KB, 447x387, 1401733098192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sincerely apologize, /ic/ I thought you where all just jealous meanwhile /pol/ is doing the same exact thing to their little Christ-chan character


I'm sorry I thought it was just you guys that can be capable of this bullshit.

>> No.1991573
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 2015-02-21-213150_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you guys still got me. Finally got some new refs uploaded to my computer.

>> No.1991574

do you do any naked refs?

>> No.1991577

Finally you get a shave and a haircut, we need a strong male figure on /ic/ to keep the betas and the faggots in check. You're doing gods work Anon.

>> No.1991586

i have before, not sure if i should post them though i dont want to get banned.

>> No.1991589

I want to see your cock though. :(

>> No.1991590


>> No.1991594

no, post it here, I'm shy. I want to draw you naked.

>> No.1991597
File: 18 KB, 800x473, cheeky cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just want to shlick off someone from /ic/ admit it.

>> No.1991600


>> No.1991603
File: 771 KB, 320x240, usageiasadasdasdasdsadsdasdsad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, doesn't, concern you!!!

>> No.1991610

kik 4 cox

>> No.1991616


There is still critique, just abrasive and extremely vague critique. The fact that people are calling Teal a shit artist for drawing loli instead of his technical skill or fundamentals (form, proportion, anatomy, perspective, composition) says a lot.

The advice here has gotten really bad and irrelevant over the years. /ic/ was incredibly harsh 7 years ago, but those people absolutely knew their shit and they were specific about the issues presented in artwork. They had an ability to mention the fundamentals and would drop some resources.

Now you get vague advice like "it's shit, go read loomis". No one even simply mentions the fundamental that the artist is lacking. There's nothing wrong with searching for it yourself, but it can only help for so long before you unintentionally put yourself in the wrong direction.

>> No.1991654

There's more to it than, muh fundamentals. Teal didn't know that, you don't know it either. So give it a rest and move on.

>> No.1991659


When it comes to technical skill, being specific is still leagues better than being vague or focusing on irrelevant shit.

I'm just dropping advice. You don't have to follow it, but don't be too surprised if you hear criticism about your criticism.

>> No.1991667

Stating cliche conventions and ignoring, or even downplaying, the design side of things doesn't constitute being specific or make it leagues better as a critique. And an unwillingness to compromise when making a critique doesn't help either.

I'm just stating the obvious. You don't have to believe it, but don't be surprise when someone tells you that your emperor has no clothes.

>> No.1991671


There's no such thing as bad ideas, just poor execution.

>> No.1991698

>There's no such thing as bad ideas

Perhaps. But giving an idea (a critique) without appropriate context, or just presenting it in a narrow-minded fashion does breed misconceptions.

>> No.1991710


That's true, but the critique here never omits context. /ic/'s critique is mainly aimed at the context of technical skill; anatomy, composition, form, perspective, timing, rendering, etc.

You rarely see advice on how to obtain better taste in subject matter.

>> No.1991719

Yeah, but a lot of context is omitted actually. In teals critiques for example designing is crippled at the sake of a narrow application of a technique. He'll change someone's composition' completely destroying a works narrative, just to talk about perspective. He omitted the works context just to preach.

And stating or just implying that these, "fundamentals" only have one approach or are absolute, not only omits a world of practice and expression but insults the artists that gave us those "fundamentals" to begin with.

>> No.1991722

Yous a funny guy

>> No.1991787


So which one of your pics got redlined and made you mad for changing your narrative?

>> No.1991811

U 'member. Da onez I dru wit yr momz

>> No.1991951

This. Please!
I just want to know what "more pronounced secondary sexual characteristics" means.