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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 54 KB, 480x228, handing-over-money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1985601 No.1985601 [Reply] [Original]

I want to make the transition from making art as a hobby to doing commissions. My art isn't that great, but it is unique and has charm to it and people are starting to recognize it. I've gotten a few requests in the last month but nothing major. I started making a Paypal to accept payments, it should be set up next week.

Anyway, I was wondering if you guys could help me. I'm only set up on Deviant Art, but I'm open to anything. Please, /ic/, give me the knowledge necessary to make money with my art and I will be grateful.

>> No.1985605
File: 5 KB, 452x106, Reptil-E-N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my latest piece to give you an idea of my work.

>> No.1985844


>> No.1985851

It's not porn, nobody will want to buy it.

>> No.1985853

plenty of people who would want this shit.
Pixelart(-esque) stuff is the hype for game art now, right?

Could try some forums about making games or pixelart forums as pixeljoint, pixelation.

>> No.1985884

that's not impressive at all, you have some serious lack of self awareness if you think people would pay you to create pixel art on a level as basic as that.

do you have any animations? anything utilizing shading and light? environmental art? characters?

>> No.1985921

You have a serious lack of reading comprehension since op stated he has requests already and didn't really ask for your opinion

>> No.1985924

If youre gonna do pixel art i suggest doing backgrounds.
As always the easiest way to generate hype is to make some fanart of something popular.
For instance, male a pixel art of the targaryen banner from game of thrones. Generate some fans. Do some fan requested free shit. Then start doing personal commissions for €£$

>> No.1986303
File: 11 KB, 175x203, FURSHIT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll check those out.

I said it was my latest, not my best, I haven't even animated it yet. Pic related, here's a piece My sister and I collaborated on.

You speak the truth. I've been doing too many game-sprites and should work on backgrounds. When I started out I only did fanart, I only recently started doing robots but I guess I could alternate between the two. Thanks for the advice

>> No.1987186

What software do you use?

>> No.1987191

my cousin makes these. i always wondered about the process. is there anything on youtube i could watch to see how? i don't want to make them just interested. whats it called? what program do you use to make it? sorry don't mean to derail the thread i might be interested in selling my art too. proceed.

>> No.1987198

People use GraphicsGale and Pro Motion mostly, and just Photoshop, there are some alternatives like Pyxel and Asesprite but they're less used I think.

I really like these tutorials

>> No.1987210

thats dope thanks

>> No.1987331

I'm on a shitty mac and the best I could get without paying was a program called Pixen. It's arse, don't use it. Listen to this >>1987198 anon.

>> No.1987337

For this piece, my sister made a large sketch, then I shrunk it down, made it transparent then put a layer above it and started my sketch. When that was finished I gave it flat colors and added the details, then I upgraded the outline from black to a darker shade of the flat color it was outlining. Sister helped with the shading and she did the animation, but you should get the picture. It took a long time to make.

>> No.1989435


How does someone charge for art work when people can download it and walk out of the deal? Even if it was one of those annoying sites that won't let you drag and drop or right click save as, you can still screenshot and splice it, right?

Can someone explain how to not get screwed and also convince buyers they're not getting screwed before they buy?

>> No.1989453
File: 320 KB, 2126x1495, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can be done in photoshop
Time to go in on these niggas

>> No.1989457

Where is this image real? I mean no photoshop?

>> No.1989459

Forget where, was going to write something different and forgot to erase that.

>> No.1989462

You have to provide the client with just a really rough sketch thats somewhat easy to read, and then they pay half of the total to see it through. Once both of you agree that its the design they want, and you have the half, you can begin finishing it and polishing it.
Ask for the other half, and then present the final pic.
If worse comes to worse and they want to see it, you can just zoom in and out on MS paint till it becomes pixels and show it to them for the general idea of it.

The idea for paying half is that they are investing in you, and investors dont typically pull out and see that you complete your task for the price bargained

>> No.1989463

the image is 100% real.
Its a Narcotics team on the march.
Its the MOST bad ass picture I have saved ever

>> No.1989684

Annoying watermarks.

>> No.1989724
File: 37 KB, 600x755, selloutt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quickly redrew >>1986216 with 0 effort, dont even need to check proportions. Can I begin getting commissions from dA fags for this kind of stuff?

>> No.1989733

>no colors or rendering

>> No.1989884

If you want $5 per commission. I'm aiming to do large, fully colored pieces worthy of $10 or more. I suggest you do the same. With practice you can get up to $150 per commission like my sister.

>> No.1989907

Thanks. My problem is moving to digital. On paper I'm very fast and can get confident lines but on my tablet it's the complete opposite. I just tried doing the lineart for this and it was terrible.

Just curious could you show one of your sister's pieces if she doesn't mind? I'd like to know what kind of drawing I should charge 150$ for.

>> No.1989911

Lines on tablet usually takes some practice... or a lot of practice. Also the tablet should be reasonably sized and mapped. Of course lines are much easier on a Cintiq, painting is not that big a difference.

>> No.1989916

>drawing pone takes 0 effort
My nigga


>> No.1989917



>> No.1989919

thats because you just redrew some shit. now lets see you draw that ugly bitch from different angles with your based 0 effort

>> No.1989941

I know I couldn't right now, but, in a day or 2 of studying some pony gallery on dA, I'll be well on my way. You can't convince me that drawing these ponies is going to take a long time to master.

I'm actually going to try it and see if I can get any commissions. Even if I only get 6-10$ for pencil sketches and can only draw 2 of these per hour, I'd still be getting paid better than my shit job right now.

>> No.1989942

The problem you're going to have is a lack of clients. You can't get 6 daily hours of paid freelance work as some unknown entity, that's delusional.

Are you aware that it's actually possible to make money with something other than furshit?

>> No.1989948

Low res sample, like 500x500 then solid watermarks.

>> No.1989952

I know both things.

1) I'm currently working part time while looking for a job in my field. Might as well try to earn some freelance work on the side while I have some free time. I'm not expecting 6hours daily, but if I can get 2-3 hours weekly just to start I'd be more than happy.

2) I'm still learning and am not good enough yet to sell more realistic work. Though, I think I could start doing portraits in about a month from now. I'm looking to do ponies because of popularity and ease of drawing. Idk what else I could sell on dA easily, if you have suggestions, I'm open.

>> No.1989965

>Are you aware that it's actually possible to make money with something other than furshit?
Like what?

>> No.1990002

Like illustration for business clients and larger projects. You know, the reason furshit on dA pays like shit is because these are private individuals without any money and they're not profiting off of your work.
There's this idea that in order to get work with business clients you need to be this top tier elite artist with insane skills. That's not actually the case though. Sometimes a mediocre artist is fine for the job.
And you also don't need to try to become some retarded e-celebrity to get work with business clients either. Although it's never a bad idea to shit out some OC to sell as a download. Business clients may treat you like trash though more so than private people, it varies.

>> No.1990020

What if I can live comfortably just doing a couple of commissions a month of shit I want to draw anyway? Should I still go suck the dick of some clients and corporations? I guess I don't see the point in getting involved with companies and shit when I can just draw smut and get enough money from that while having no worries and a schedule and terms that I set.

>> No.1990027

Ok duly noted. I'll start posting more finished work on my dA and try to engage with the community more

Thanks for sharing, I think I can get there soon if I keep practicing

>> No.1990039

Not sure how you can live comfortably off of dA commissions unless maybe you live in third world. Yeah, some people make the big dollaroos on patreon, but I'm thinking more realistically here for the beginning.

The point is simply, if you license your work to be used for profit, you typically make a lot more money, but it's the same amount of effort as a non-profit commission. You aware that people can be paid thousands on a single image for commercial use, right. But also there's a larger chance you'd get a contract for a set of images, so that's a larger bulk of income for your acquisition efforts, and a lot more hours per client, so you'd typically have at least 500-1000 dollaroo contracts. Then your $150 furshit goes right down the toilet.

>> No.1990041

She gets 150$ for these? Damn I need to start drawing furshit.

>> No.1990044

When you say mediocre artists can do it though, you mean like Noah Bradley level at least, which takes years of practice. Since we're mostly beginners here, we can't even see the light at the end of that tunnel yet.

Plus, there's hundreds of new skilled artists showing up nearly every week. It's insane how many artists are coming out of the wood works lately.

>> No.1990050

It's like 70 bucks for a fully detailed picture. I'm sure she doesn't get very much and probably spends a lot of time on each picture. Pateon is 80 bucks a month, which isn't amazing. Still about an internet bill worth of money though.

>> No.1990065
File: 89 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mediocre artists can do it though, you mean like Noah Bradley

>> No.1990076


After you've established a solid reputation, you should be doing commissions on a payment upfront basis, or at least 50%.

There are many difficult clients, but few that are out to intentionally screw with artists. If they like your work, they'd want to maintain a good relationship with you.

>> No.1990086
File: 141 KB, 1688x518, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but few that are out to intentionally screw with artists.
For what purpose

>> No.1990109

I asked her, she said $130-$150 per full drawing.

>> No.1990216


Imagine the kind of person who would swat someone while they were streaming, or doxx people on /b/. It happens rarely, but they're out there. This is why you want to have some kind of minimum payment in place before you even begin work. It reduces the number of riffraffs you'll have to deal with, but even with completed commissions, the commissioner's motives may not always be sincere. Just look at the guys who commissioned Dobson.

>> No.1990217

>There's this idea that in order to get work with business clients you need to be this top tier elite artist with insane skills

I say the mentality like that comes from /ic/ and unrealistic pride. Sure we can do better, and go farther, but how far does one really have to go to earn money?
For people replying to this, dont say money isnt everything, because it is. Its used to live, be independent, eat, buy supplies, dispose income to enjoy life.

I could see how having a following doesnt effect the clients decision on you, but it could come off as
>This guy must be good to have x
Or maybe
>Huh, this guy is really popular with the internet folks

>> No.1990220
File: 103 KB, 1304x1184, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats fucking stupid.
I hate the internet a lot at times

>> No.1990247

I'd never do commissions. The enjoyment I get from drawing would vanish very soon. But I admire who's good or smart enough to live off art. I wonder if there's some of them on this board

>> No.1990805

I enjoy doing my art more when it's the result of a request and I make someone happy. I want to do commissions for this reason. When I do personal art I don't push myself, what I make is neat but nothing worthwhile.

>> No.1990815

I have another issue. What's the line between "it's just work" and "this is too much"? If someone commissoned porn to you for a very good sum of money, would you accept it? (question to those who don't draw porn for a living obviously)

>> No.1990822
File: 488 KB, 1314x2557, 1325 usd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If someone commissoned porn to you for a very good sum of money, would you accept it?
For a proper price I would let a band of horny niggers to rape my virgin asshole. Pic related, proper price.

>> No.1990827

There are all sorts of porn.
I probably would turn down furry unless it's like real lot of money to pay for my mental damage but I'd have no problems with some OK stuff or non-guro hardcore.

>> No.1990873
File: 166 KB, 1000x666, 1112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck

>> No.1990886

Wolfy-nail is either THE most popular furry artist, or one of the top 3 easy among all furs. It's like people bidding for an autograph from a superstar. Don't let your expectations get out of hand. It isn't realistic for any of you.

>> No.1990918
File: 58 KB, 500x500, cool_as_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I get commisions from regular people?

Well, you know its in demand so there has to be something right? Reversing your question to be
>Where can I hire [illustrators/ comic/ manga/ etc} artists
,can change everything.

Think outside the box

>> No.1990974

Just goes to show that you can't make any money with porn. Commercial illustrators can make upwards of $10,000 on a single image commission

>> No.1991018

I grow tired of the temptation to sell my soul just to make a quick buck.
I need to grow up

>> No.1991021

Furry art and pron commissions are fine if you are a kid who lives in your parents basement or don't need much income because you live in a box and eat bugs everyday. I mean, some people can pull it off. Most of them are students or non-adults though.

>> No.1991035

But I cant live with my parents anymore.
Its too much on me emotionally and physically. I've gained over 110LBS ever since I graduated highschool in 2013 and spent time at home. My mom almost never leaves, and is the most degrading thing to my health.

I've become a mess, my spiritual karma is very low and my ability to stay awake is fading away. Finding a true reason to live and continue my legacy through a heir is the only thing I think about.

>> No.1991043

Welcome to the NHK, watch it through the entire thing. Unfortunately there will be no beautiful girl to help motivate you, but making the H-game scene describes pretty much 90% of the people here who want to live on commissions. They are high on that pipe dream. One day they will all need to meet with the reality, like the scene where he finally is forced to leave the house, brave the sunlight and get a job.

>> No.1991048

I stopped watching it halfway through for whatever reason, but I know what you are talking about.

>> No.1991068

Plus paypal is being a bitch with this new address form that people have to fill out. If they do it wrong you're account is gonna get suspended. There's really no decent way to get paid for commissions. Fuck paypal.

>> No.1991069

Different anon here. The second half is actually the good part...

>> No.1994024

Can you elaborate on this?

>> No.1994029

Star Wars Vs World War 2


>> No.1994056

The Death of Freelance
Has /ic/ discussed about this video?

>inb4 Noah bradley
He maybe an ass from what /ic/ has told me but his insight could be beneficial.

>> No.1994245

What are you talking about? I use Paypal for.professional contract gigs as well as my last day job, and have never even seen anything about an address.

>> No.1994266
File: 48 KB, 646x624, feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I started to try to get commssions by spamming my portfolio everywhere and emailing job offers but I only got one guy who wants to do revshare for a game that wants to have triple a graphics with roguelike elements and a convoluted story line while being the first game they made and the other guy wants you to do 5 pieces for free

looks like I'm either gonna become a ladyboy and suck dicks for a living or draw horsecocks for people with autism

>> No.1994284

you can send out payment requests. It's much safer than having your client doing it all wrong.
Just state clearly that you are requesting money and don't accept money that has been sent to you in a different way.

>> No.1995175

How does tax work with commissions?

Do you report your earnings at all?

>> No.1995176

i would also love to know this.

>> No.1995177

depends on where you live
google is your friend

>> No.1995180

>do you report your earnings

>> No.1995193

Reminds of of this japanese toy shop, they make you send them paypal money as an invoice so they don't get charged for taxes.

>> No.1995219

>Gets $1,325 for a single image
>Makes the background in 2 minutes in MSPaint

>> No.1997443


Holy fucking shit are you this fucking sad?

Do you make any money off your art?

Fuck. Why do people like you exist? You're always such downers.

>> No.1997454

It isn't realistic mainly, because unlike people on /ic/ who want to make quick bucks, these artist actualy do love furry.
And to make the hottest porn you have to like it.

>> No.1997491

If you earn over $400 a year in commissions in the US you have to report your earnings.

>> No.1997682

Are you retarded? His comment was highly informative. It's always useful to get a reality check.

>> No.1997793

this is how you fight the psychopathic cartels.

smoke mirrors, machine guns and terrifying gear.

>> No.1997817

The guy is completely right.

Wolf-Nail is THE furry artists.
He's like the James Dean of furry artists.
He's the hottest shit around. On top of that he's also considerably better than the majority of /ic/. Everybody on /ic/ thinks that furries are retards that throw money at anyone but which is hardly the case.
That's why we have dozens of threads like this but so far nobody has actually come forward with proof that he succeed in his jew quest for furry gold.

>> No.1997837

Whatever happened to the guys who thought they were going to make easy money with fanart after this whole Kron shitstorm happened? Anyone heard any success stories yet?

>> No.1997866

>my sister and I collaborated on

That's something I'll never say in my life holy shit

>> No.1998024

Because it's not grammatically correct?

>> No.1998044

They're going to take your images you made and bring them to their own artists to redo it and present it.

>> No.1998047

>fapping to the backround

>> No.1998048

because he doesn't have a sister. ez

>> No.1998054

No, he has a sister but she's not an artist.

>> No.1998058

in europe it's around 410€ a year.

>> No.1998095
File: 470 KB, 1904x1234, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hes being realistic.
You cant fuck every bad bitch in the world.