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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 112 KB, 900x793, hanna_in_white_by_baineann-d8ii80b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1987526 No.1987526 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you're given a study like this, where the body all sorts of wrong?

>> No.1987531
File: 387 KB, 1283x916, You're gonna feel it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feel the pose, take the pose and feel the pinch. The pull, the compression, over and around coming through and over the surface feeling the pelvis pushing out.

>> No.1987535

you draw what you see thats the point of a study

>> No.1987540

You don't ever copy the model, you don't just "draw what you see" you analyze the figure and break it down you don't copy the model we're not copying the model you need to feel the gesture you gotta experience it.

>> No.1987542

until you are at a level where you are able to correct for the imperfections in reference, you study from an image that hasn't been photoshopped instead

>> No.1987550

this. some people look strange. stop aspiring to perfect proportions and normal faces. god forbid you ever draw an ugly person! well you'd just have to straighten out that nose, and get rid of some of the bags under their eyes wouldnt you. god forbid something doesn't give you an erection.

>> No.1987551

'Draw what you see' means you observe what you see and don't just draw what you think you see you dimwit.

>> No.1987555
File: 184 KB, 600x809, 1424123005948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Artist wouldn't strive for the Ideal? Who wouldn't want their Ideas to manifest onto canvas and further push the ideal into the most supreme and beautiful display of Artistic ability and knowledge behind anatomy and the human figure as a machine?

>> No.1987556

>rabbles on about faces and wanks about pretty girl art

It's the stomach I was talking about you idiot?

>> No.1987563

it looks fucking fine. just draw it. do you know how retarded it sounds to say someones body doesn't look right? you could draw it wrong as long as it's confident and rendered right it doesn't matter.


>> No.1987570

most unsettling thing about this is the hidden feet

>> No.1987574
File: 20 KB, 450x300, 1326992391215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself why do you strive to learn how you see the world in order to express your ideas? What exactly do you hope to achieve from the sweat of your brow? What is your purpose?

The ideal requires hard work, it is an inspiration to see a figure chiseled by determination and a persistent desire to achieve perfection. Do not tell me you don't have a desire to achieve close to perfection? What would be the point of anything?

>> No.1987579
File: 824 KB, 968x1296, february-18-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perfection is subjective.

pic related i drew today. it may not be perfect to you but its perfect to me. everyone has different ideals. i prefer unattractive people when I'm drawing and painting. If they are attractive I try to make their features harsher.

But this the same website that glorifies john singer sargent so you all have terrible taste.

>> No.1987584


>shit taste

Way to look like a fucking child

>> No.1987589

let me guess, you go to art school :^)
cause that's the bullshit they feed you

>> No.1987593

That's wrong and you're training yourself wrong and you look like a fool.

>> No.1987597
File: 121 KB, 766x1043, real art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My art btw

>> No.1987598

he's terrible! oh my god! maybe I'm just not as grown up as everyone else but that stuff looks like C-R-A-P crap to me.
no i don't go to art school. I guess I came to these bullshit conclusions on my own.

>> No.1987601

post your work. show me the light please. I'm so misguided.

>> No.1987616

netorare/cuckhold themed?

>> No.1987617

>it looks fucking fine.

No it doesn't.

>> No.1987631
File: 60 KB, 1024x772, female-pelvic-bone-anatomy-54b9cb7a55f6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fucking PELVIS you fucking mong.
People have BONES in their bodies.

>> No.1987632

Haha oh wow. Are you trying to be the next illistrat or something? Terrible art paired with incredibly dumb and arrogant opinions sure gives you a lot of attention on this board, I Guess that's what you're craving, isn't it?

>> No.1987636

just trying to help people. and come on. terrible art? stop kidding yourself.

>> No.1987637

If you're doing an anatomy study, find an image that isn't distorted.

That image is photoshopped to shit and is practically worthless as a ref.

>> No.1987643
File: 119 KB, 150x150, goodfeel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a good idea of the pelvis form after watching good ol' Vilppu where as before it would confuse the hell out of me.

>> No.1987645

This one could actually get good.. I think...
There's no time attached to it, for all you know it was a 10 minute study.

Illustrat gained 0 exp since he's started, the only one who compares to him here is bonesofruin.

>> No.1987647
File: 881 KB, 1082x814, trusted opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1987648

What exactly do you think is good about that drawing you posted?

>> No.1987652

That looks nasty

>> No.1987653

lol i was scared for a sec id like his more but nope. mines dope.

>> No.1987654

>shit art makes your opinion invalid

>> No.1987655

>This one could actually get good.. I think...

How? The drawing sucks and he already established the shadows, sharp edges and darkest darks, which means it can't even be saved by erasing it anymore.

>> No.1987660
File: 143 KB, 968x1296, 1424297991803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1987661

It does, actually.

>> No.1987663

It definitely means he's less of a reliable source.

>> No.1987664

>What exactly do you think is good about that drawing you posted?

Seriously, do yourself a favor and try to answer this question as analytical and objectively as you can. If you can't, then you suffer from Dunning Kruger syndrome and you will never get good at art until you have found the courage to judge your own art with critical eyes.

>> No.1987670

grievous errors! i think there should be a rule that you don't post in /ic/ without your work attached. this is getting stupid.

>> No.1987673

might as well stop with this whole /ic/ thing then.

>> No.1987674
File: 28 KB, 484x648, november 12 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill just start dumping idgaf

>> No.1987675
File: 160 KB, 1600x1200, 1416081297849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1987677

>20mins for this shit


>> No.1987678

Post your work faggot.

>> No.1987680

>p-post ur work

If a shit artist like you can diss sarge then a shit artist like me can diss you.

>> No.1987688

But there's nothing wrong with that body you raging homosexual

>> No.1987705
File: 34 KB, 340x700, gesture_v3_pad_2_007b_print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me that you are desperately trying to hide behind exaggerated proportions. Let me just tell you I don't think your drawings look bad because you are going against the norm and exaggerating proportions and distorting anatomy, plenty of artists have done that stuff expertly long before you. Your drawings suck because they lack confidence, you have no understanding of line weight, your shadow mapping is incredibly weak and your line quality is as timid as it gets.

Exaggerate proportions as much as you want, that's cool, but unless you stop using it as an excuse to deflect criticism, you will never get good.

>> No.1987788

>god forbid something doesn't give you an erection.
Making something less deformed doesn't have to do with sexuality. Closeness to reality is actually more earthy and more prone to inciting lust, especially when talking about real Idealism seeing that it's about balance and order.

>perfection is subjective.
Perfectibility is impossible in material world, sure, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't strive towards what is closer to perfection. There exists no perfect circle in material world, but we see it and by virtue of its closeness to the idea of a circle, we contemplate the perfection of the circle. Why compose architecture using good rule and measure if perfection is subjective anyway? Go live in a cave.

>What Artist wouldn't strive for the Ideal?
Artists whose minds are too weak to even think of the existence of Ideal forms.

>> No.1987802
File: 283 KB, 1000x701, real art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my art btw

>> No.1987807

>There exists no perfect circle in material world
But that's wrong, you massive flaming faggot.

>> No.1987827
File: 99 KB, 829x720, 1417924848232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get close to perfect however when you take matter into consideration and how it forms and shapes material and structure in the world you will find that there is indeed no such thing as a perfect circle or a sphere due to the fact that matter is comprised of mostly empty space and therefore no such things as true solids.

For example if you would bunch up all the matter of an object into one single lump you would get something that is only visible with a high powered microscope

>hurrrr if there's no such things as solids why can't I go through walls?

That's because you are comprised of the same fundamental particles that interact with the other particles, the reason why you can not go through walls is not because you are colliding with the wall in itself rather it is a collision of forces, the very same forces that holds atoms together.

There is no such thing as perfect and no such thing as solids and your perception of the world is nothing but a mere illusion.

>> No.1987832
File: 46 KB, 800x607, 51575_592625[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol why did you pick a boring fucking portrait, way to not make your point. and why didn't you pick something that was at least the same type of picture, and implying some kid thinks he is better that jss because he dissed him is intellectually fatuous.

here's a better comparison, some shitty sketch sargent did. instead of some polished portrait.

>> No.1987841

No he is right, I think you misinterpreted him.

>> No.1987843

Do you even into geometry? Geometric lines have no thickness. They exist only as concepts and ideas.

>> No.1987845

>Do you even into geometry? Geometric lines have no thickness. They exist only as concepts and ideas.

Stop posting.

>> No.1987871
File: 302 KB, 570x285, lead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1987873
File: 301 KB, 900x697, John_Singer_Sargent_-_Reclining_Figure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't post it as a comparison necessarily, more as just an example.

People with no skill are trying to critique masters and that's hilarious.

If you want a better comparison, try this, probably took around 20 minutes if not less.

>> No.1987895

>artboard with anonymity being the greatest strength
>we should remove anonymity

>> No.1987974

You find real people and draw them.

All you need is:
and [spoilers]The Outside[/spoilers]

>> No.1987986

The easy answer is to not use obviously shooped/airbrushed models for reference.

>> No.1988040

I start by not drawing from a photoshopped picture.

Also this...

...and this. People who draw from models or poses by putting down idealized structures first, instead of getting the structure from the source, are setting their artwork up for failure.

>> No.1988062

Ignore this guy >>1988040 and everyone he quoted OP. Always strive for perfection. Idealize your forms. You are not a photocamera. You can do better than copying shitty reality.

>> No.1988068

>Someone who can't draw reality.

>> No.1989936
File: 12 KB, 200x220, 142178_20130820_193341_Always_Rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capcha: abformed and

>> No.1990219

Your proportions are not just exaggerated but that bitch has a baby leg compared to her other. your proportions are of from the exaggeration of your proportions. your lighting looks as if you scribbled just to emphasize certain contours of her body instead of having a rhyme or reason to your madness. where the hell is the light coming from? could you outline her body anymore ? did you use a be just to scetch her gestures? you faggot piece of trash.

>> No.1990242

Ugly people can be well rendered too, something you clearly couldn't do here.

You should change your excuse and call it a "style", seriously.

>> No.1990250

Oh God, you're right. It's like I've been enlightened.

>> No.1990261

idk you guys need to reevaluate yourselves. i never criticize anyones art on here. you never know who you might be calling a piece of shit. could look really dumb in the future.

>> No.1990279

No one is going to look dumb calling your shitty sketches shitty dude. You are by far the most insufferable person on this fucking board, you think you're the hottest shit when you're mediocre at best because all you do is hide behind your lame ass style that is probably more thanks to your mental handicap then any kind of innate ability or effort put into actually becoming a better artist. Please do us all a favor and check back into the psych ward

>> No.1990319

but that's a shadow... not even that guy, but that's a shadow you redlined.

>> No.1990320

is that the
>im a grill
of /ic/?