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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1981720 No.1981720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I can't believe you all didn't keep this going, don't tell me the sellouts of /ic/ are losing steam after a week.
Anyway, let's make a monopoly on this fanbase shit. If you wanna make decent cash on the side but still want to keep your identity hidden this pitch is for you.

1. make a new account on DA/other places
2. be a decent anime artist or whatever's popular
3. pander to some popular niche/fandom
4. don't troll or trace, we want this long term.
5. drama very welcome though, attracts attention.
6. copy other artists for sure, but just enough so they can't do shit about it.
7. ???
8. literal profit
BONUS: keep the names of certain artists out of it. While we are motivated by their actions, I don't want this turning into a stan war.

Due to the recent amount of events, I think this is pretty good idea for the part of /ic/ who just want money. Or those who want to make ironic art that proves some weird point.

We'll pimp eachother out and become artist besties on DA while all drawing the same kind of shit. Think of it as a side project I guess.
The thing is though, this ain't no regular troll/parody account. This is just us being sell out whores because IT WORKS.

So who wants a ride on le money train?
S/N: Mods, plz no bully. Just baleet if these threads are no longer permitted.

>> No.1981727

my tablet got fucked because im a retard and spilled drink, new one day after tomorrow

>> No.1981728

>be a decent
that's the part we all get stuck on.

>> No.1981729

I am very interested in observing the potential trainwreck.

>> No.1981730

>not making 3k a month off weeaboos and furries.

nigga, please.

>> No.1981732

Are you the original admin? You just left overnight after you made the group without saying anything.

>> No.1981733

Is anyone going through feelings of inadequacy, even though all you're going to be doing is animu and bullshit portraits?
>tfw getting rekt on the study thread
>buying more referential books to sell out now than my entire artistic career

>> No.1981734
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Don't do it nigga.

>> No.1981735

Why not? they just bought my $900 computer.

>> No.1981736

No, I don't know where the OP went. I just believe in this enough to keep a thread up about it. I also didn't join the last two groups so I don't know how those are doing.

>> No.1981739


We had I think just 2 people drop out already. Everyone else either didn't upload anything or doing just fine their first week.

>> No.1981741

>doing just fine their first week.

>> No.1981776



>> No.1981792

so you're doing this like unmotivated losers?

>> No.1981797

Yeah. Supposedly my art is good even but I've generated less than a blip of interest. I had some bad shit go down when I tried to do an mlp picture. It's hard to feel like you gonna make it if you fuck up on mlp.
Still trying though, still trying.

>> No.1981799

Somewhat. I can't really speak for everyone but we were in talks to keep the member list down to 20 people because people just join only to deactivate their accounts few days later. There is no pressure to kick people as of yet.

>> No.1981803


money? you mean a living nigga. if i take my income from porn alone of the last 4 days, and project that into the future, i'm looking at aroud 2,400$ a month. i'm not kidding. nor am i working super hard.

>> No.1981805
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>autistic rage story when

>> No.1981808

>$2400 after about 4 days of activity
You're kidding, right?

>> No.1981814

>and project that into the future

>> No.1981821

So you've already made over $300?

>> No.1981838

Not that anon, just pointing out that it was projections.

>> No.1981855

So, is deviantart or tumblr more lucrative? Commissions or Patreon?

>> No.1981861

Ever since DA started using a hashtag system, I think they're doing a bit better, plus they have groups but I think tumblr still gets your stuff seen faster and easier. Probably best to use both. Patreon is great because you don't have to worry about the plug being pulled on you for drawing lewd, if that's what you do, but it seems like you really need to build a following to make it work.

>> No.1981867

Should I forget about building a lewd empire and such and instead just focus on preparing a portfolio or a manuscript for making comic books? Because I'm starting to worry that I might be a bit too stupid for all this web stuff.

>> No.1981870

Honestly, my art teachers are working three jobs and selling paintings and they don't get H A L F the money today's fan artists make because they're old and don't see a market for this.
keks are on them, web shit is lucrative as fuck.

>> No.1981879

Learn reading comprehension.

>> No.1981880

You're going to have to market your comic book so that all comes back to 'web stuff'.

>> No.1981883

shit guys, so i'm a bit depressed and angry right now because there's a lot of paypal issues i need to find viable workarounds for. i was using a non-verified paypal account, that wasn't linked to any bank account, to receive money, and would send that money from there to my legitimate-verified account. i thought this was the perfect solution, that would also protect my anonymity. turns out however that unverified accounts are asked to hook up a bank account after a specific sum of money has been sent. ofcourse since the info i put in is all fake and the person doesn't exist, i can't really legitimize that account.

i thought about just creating a new account every time, but paypal asks for your phone number, so they would immediatly spot the bluff. that might then lead to them locking my real account, which i need for serious freelance.

tldr: why is paypal such a fucking asshole?

should i just accept my faith, come clean, and use my legitimate account for porn gigs? this would still be risky and i would have to be careful and ask comissioners not to type gross stuff into the transaction comment box, but atleast the moneyflow would be uninterrupted. anonymity would be at stake, although that's probably not that much of an issue (not like i'm the presidents son or anything). however most importantly if the acount was locked i would be in deep trouble regarding serious freelance work.

this is seriously pissing me off, i can't find an elegant solution to this shit.


yes, roughly.

>> No.1981886

Have you considered using a prepaid credit card?

>> No.1981887

You can convert your real account to a business account and show only your business name in order to avoid sharing your real name. You can also send invoices rather than relying on the clients to send you money unguided and so significantly decrease the possibility of one of them typing something that would tip paypal off. However, since you've already built up such a huge demand in a matter of days, you could just move to patreon soon and no longer have to worry about hiding your nsfw stuff.

>> No.1981892

i tought you guys will be so rich by now that woudn't need to come back to /ic/ ever.

I'll give you another week.

>> No.1981897


hm never thought of that, looking into it right now


while you can hide behind a 'business name' the email adress is not hideable (or is it?). naively i used my private email adress when setting up my paypal a long time ago. i would love to hop on patreon eventually but it might be a little early for that.

>> No.1981901

Yes, you can hide the email address. When I send out my invoices, I have an entirely different email address appear on the form. Unfortunately though I hadn't gone and upgraded to a business account yet so it was still giving my name, so I need to fix that but yeah the email account can be changed easily. But don't use one that you've used to sign up for an account or advertised on a page like HF, FA or something that could cause a red flag. The email I have show up on there is active, but I use it for nothing else whatsoever.

>> No.1981910

really? sweet. that would be a solution. i can just call my business 'art and illustration' or something like that and then both real clients and porn clients will be equally well served.

for some reason though when i try to change my business name paypal takes me to the profile settinsg where i can change everything, BUT the business name. what the fuck paypal.

also anon can you do me a favour and show me where i can check the option to hide my email from clients? i can't seem to find it.

i think it's possible that my paypal site is completel broken for some reason.

>> No.1981913


Anon can you talk a bit about how to use these? I don't know anything about them, but from what I read online they require you to give out correct personal info aswell. Wouldn't paypal freeze your account when they realize your paypal information and credi card information doesn't match?

>> No.1981917

I'm not too familiar with it, personally. My friends use them for Amazon purchases, you can get one at Wal-Mart or something and have them activate it. They'll need your name and SSN, but after that, you can always have funds allocated to that card for small fee, like $5. I think Paypal would accept these cards.

>> No.1981920

Well I haven't done the business account thing yet so I'm not sure how to go about changing the name there. At any rate, there's not really a "don't show my email" button so to speak. It's stupid because there literally is a button like that, but it doesn't actually get rid of the email. What you have to do is add the extra email account to your paypal account and verify it, then make an invoice and replace the default one with the one you want seen instead, and any other info that should be different, and save that mock up as a template for your nsfw invoices.

>> No.1981929

Skepticalfag here, >>1981821
If you're telling the truth that's great. Did you go the tumblr route? Do I need porn or will fanservice suffice?

>> No.1981932

Porn works for me.
I make $800+ a week.

>> No.1981941

Would you consider yourself to be one of the higher end hentai/and or porn artists out there?

>> No.1981947

I'm a mediocre furry porn artist.

>> No.1981951
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>at the point where I can just bust right in e621 and sit down with my pony porn n shit
>at point where I can sell waay the fuck out
>parents catches me drawing another one then Im insta homeless
>parents want me to make money


>> No.1981952

Guess you'd better go through with selling it, then.

>> No.1981953

My parents draw the line at furshit, but they've realized the importance of selling out with porn.
I don't intend to, though.

>> No.1981954

>tfw my parents know I draw furry porn
>we laugh at furries together while I rake in the money

feels good.

>> No.1981955


how do you get paid if paypal is such a pain in the ass to furry porn artists??

>> No.1981956
File: 16 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthro or Feral?

>> No.1981958

I send invoices instead of letting them send the money and risking them writing "FURRY PORN" in the fucking notes.

>> No.1981959

Got any links or samples to show? Just curious about the finishing and time spent for these commissions. A crop or something would be enough for me if you're uncomfortable in showing the full piece.
Approximately <10 pcs per week then?

>> No.1981963
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>> No.1981965


and do you hide your email/real name? if so how?

>> No.1981966

There has to be a way you can do it without them seeing your every move. But like you said, if you're bringing in money you can at least go stay in a studio or a residential hotel for a while and save up until you can really live on your own.

>> No.1981968

>Got any links or samples to show
I can't risk someone ruining me. But I am a pretty crap artist, I'm just fast and slighty better than your average furry artists.

2 hours per pic.

If I can make it, anyone can. You just have to kill that glimmer of hope in your soul and just draw furries.


>> No.1981969

I don't use my real email, or my real artist usernames on furry sites, But I use my real name in paypal, but it doesn't matter because all I get paid for is porn. I draw other things just for fun.

You can hide your name with a paypal business account though.

>> No.1981973
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Where is the first thread?

>> No.1981976
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>stay in a studio or a residential hotel for a while and save up
You've opened up my eyes and gave me hope to escape this damn place.

No, hiding from them is impossible, my banishment will be inevitable. They belive in the work of God, entering in a low job and honestly working your way up to manager or something, while going to college. But im in college getting my double jam in Home Sec and IT.
Its not enough for them, I must do this and that, its infuriating.

Our minds do not agree on many things, which results in many fallouts. I cant continue living positivley like this

>> No.1981977 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1981978

>tfw no artist buddy to exploit furries with and make a living on our own.

>> No.1981979

You can't post furry outside /b/, dummy. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.1981980

this is the best /ic/ has ever been
oh how the >mighty have fallen

>> No.1981982

I don't blame you. Organized religion is designed to keep people passive while they get shafted by the wealthy and it's bullshit. Even without religious shit I think it's bs that parents think they can dictate what your life should be just because they birthed you. Sure they should have some say, but not to the point of not even letting you have your one and only chance to experience your own unique life and try things you want to try. Liberate yourself anon!

>> No.1982061

That's because you are inadequate. All of you have talked shit about fanartists and animu forever, yet you were too afraid to ever try doing it yourself to protect your false sense of superiority. Now that you have finally tried it you KNOW for a fact that you are still lightyears behind people like Sakimichan, Loish, Kron etc.

>> No.1982071

Mass projection there, buddy.

>> No.1982078

Loish literally isn't anything special.
Sakimi, maybe. Loish? I do that shit in art class to the chagrin of my instructors.

You're also a big fucking homo.

>> No.1982080


I can draw fanart just as well as the teenbros who can kill me in rendering off DA. I'm not lightyears away,less than 1 year of intense study away to get some kind of pocket change.

>> No.1982100


And yet, we are all still waiting to see a single fanart image from the /ic/ "Money train".

>> No.1982105


no :-)

>> No.1982117


i fixed it! i made a sample invoice template with no information other than the business name (which now is super generic) and i tried a tiny transaction from a fake account. indeed there is no contact info or email on the invoice.

i think i can finally open the cash-floodgates and stop worrying about paypal screwing me over. let's hope nothing bad happens.

>> No.1982128

How do I join?

>> No.1982135

>5. drama very welcome though, attracts attention.
How can I start internet drama?

>> No.1982137


>> No.1982138


by making your own group

>> No.1982140

Whilst I'm very supportive of this awesome and hilarious idea, I don't believe that you guys will be able to do it for long.

If you don't genuinely love the art that you create then the cynicism will set in very quickly and you will resent what you are drawing to the point where you just can't do it anymore. I think the 'fans' will be able to tell that you aren't genuinely into it. If someone commissioned me to draw two anthro wolves fucking eachother in the ass (simultaneously), and paid me $200 to do it, well I could do it, technically, but I just don't believe I could really give it my all and make it great and, more importantly, make it genuinely erotic and arousing. I couldn't draw it cold, in other words.

Still, I wish you all luck and think it would be wicked if you could prove me wrong. Keep up these threads, I'm intrigued to know how this works out.

>> No.1982142


Put your furry anthro dog gays into SS uniforms and have them fucking eachother in the butt in what is clearly Aushwitz. Bingo bango, instant web-celeb.

>> No.1982146


naw I LOVE the fandom I'm drawing for

>> No.1982149


Oh yeah? What is it? And just how easy is it to make money if you're a skilled artist willing to sell out?

>> No.1982150

I had a roomate once. He was a really chill black dude. Also art buddy.

I totally agree with you.
Liberation is the only answer right now.
But first I have to rescue my truck from the chop shop

>> No.1982191

Thanks for reporting back on this and confirming it works. Looks like this is the meta game for now.

>> No.1982193

Hey actually, I'm trying to convert to a business account right now and it asks for a phone number and address and all that. Did you actually fill all that in with real info?

>> No.1982234

You know in Europe you have to provide a real name and address if you're selling anything over the internet. It would actually surprise me if it was legal to make freelance contracts in the US and not provide any identity in case of future disputes. Let alone selling porn to minors. More generally it would be helpful if there was a middle man service or something like that to keep anonymity, sort of like a publisher. Of course just because regulations exist doesn't mean you have to follow them, which is the point of using PayPal for porn commissions.

By the way, Payza allows porn since 2014 (bank, credit card, bitcoin), and PayPal of course allows physical porn (on eBay), and digital porn only in Europe via Epoch.

You ever heard of tax evasion, money laundering, banking laws etc? Of course PayPal is gonna need your real fucking identity if you plan on receiving thousands of dollars that you're going to cash out eventually.

>> No.1982256

I've already signed up to paypal with my real identity or I wouldn't have been able to use it thus far to send money to my real bank account. But there's a difference between that and listing an address for a business that's essentially my home address and might be seen by people other than paypal, so I wanted to know what anon did in that situation.
Anyway I had never heard of Payza before but it looks like it might actually be better. I couldn't believe it, they actually don't ban the sale of adult materials, just CP which is understandable.

>> No.1982279

All of my PayPal purchases with normal businesses just show an email address and sometimes a phone number but no addresses or names, so I don't think even your home address would show up on a client's PayPal.

You can get a virtual office or mailbox typically for around $25 - $100 a month, it's a real address where they receive your mail (and/or phone calls) and either scan it or forward it to your actual home. A valid address is just a place someone can send mail to so that you're going to read it. You don't actually have to live there, just consider that some people are traveling all the time. It's nobody's business where you are physically unless the cops want to find you at which point you have a couple more problems than what address to give to PayPal.

>> No.1982286

Awesome, thanks for the info.

>> No.1982383

>look mom, I posted it again!
Again, no one is going to post their work, which can be reversed searched in a thread dedicated to being a whore and selling out.

>> No.1982420

Yeah although after that furry picture was posted it occurred to me that since anyone could go on DA or somewhere, grab a pic and upload it and go "oh okay here's something I drew" or something like that, even if someone did post something there'd be no way of actually knowing it was really them and they're really part of it.
So tldr that guy is trolling at max retard.

>> No.1982421

Same feeling over here

>> No.1982481

I wanna do this.

>> No.1982483

make your own group then

>> No.1982488

They follow you IRL. I've met cringy people IRL who knew me because they followed the information I put on my paypal account

>> No.1982495


>> No.1982502

No one is going to visit me.
I live in Camden NJ.

>> No.1982508

You'll never make it with that kind of thinking.
The better you draw, the more money you make. You can't let your personal feelings of the subject have an impact on the outcome.

>> No.1982527

Seriously, I need to see something this guys do, or something that they consider to be on their same level.

If I can't check how far I am, this whole thread is usless.

>> No.1982532

Here's all you need to know. The guy who's rolling in dough right now? All he did is poorly trace some stuff and throw some rendering on it and it sold. Apparently he uses a girl's photo as his avatar. It could not matter less at all what the quality of your art is like - if you really want money, pander. Pander like hell.

>> No.1982534

Go look up how much artists are charging.
It's not that hard.

>> No.1982536


>> No.1982537
File: 18 KB, 500x282, f67185b7bdad1558d277abe1551bbc58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've done this a couple of times when people tell other people to post their work.
"Person A tells person B to post his work, Person C(That's me) pulls something random from Deviantart and post it.

it's good fun.

>> No.1982539

It's basically mercwip in another form.

>> No.1982541

Ofcourse, but everyone knows that Mercwip isn't anyones picture.
When I do it people can't just go "oh ha ha, you posted mercwip"

>> No.1982545

>but still want to keep your identity hidden
You are all literally scrubs. You have no identity to protect.

>> No.1982546

so are you

>> No.1982547

i don't want my parents to disown me yet. i still depend on them.

>> No.1982549

Seriously with this guy.
"You guys are all losers! And I'm such a loser I have nothing better to do than sit in the stands and yell how much you're all losers!"

>> No.1982801

What type of shit is popular right now?
Judging from kr0n and sakimichan, I'd say portraits or something of fanart. Backgrounds are irrelevant.
Can I still put my OC shit in there, or does it not matter?

>> No.1982807

I have the balls to post fan art under my own name

Protip: nobody ever cared. I make art for money.

>> No.1982809


You can't even draw I'm guessing and you don't make money. If you do...post proof of your paypal balance.


post proof or your skills since you are telling us to post our stuff

because you won't because you suck

>> No.1982810

I'm starting to think you're not just pretending to be retarded.
Are you Bones of Ruin? It would make sense, he's about this dense and deluded, this much of a troll, and he does actually post art under his own name. lol oh my god you ARE aren't you?

>> No.1982814

>will people give a shit about my OC standing next to a Disney character?


That's like sonic-fag tier thinking.

>> No.1982815

Post proof of PayPal balance?

Another Protip for you
Most people that aren't doing deviant art commissions use a proper bank.

Keep holding that secret identity strong bro, hope nobody ever will find out you're reluctantly doing fan art on the side

>> No.1982817

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Autism really does speak.

>> No.1982818


Then post proof of your bank account balance. Some transactions for the art you sold. What's the hold up?

>> No.1982819

What do you have to say about the old school who has no idea that fanart and illustration is not only highly preferred, but also very lucrative? I appreciate the advice they gave, but they're still dependent on galleries for money and shit. It's so easy to get popular if you know how to make someone else OC look good.

>> No.1982822

He said he wanted to draw his own OC, not someone else's.

>> No.1982823

W-well my question still stands. I just think that's funny that people don't give a shit about your original ideas at all, if it's not implemented in a form they already are familiar with.

>> No.1982825

so this is the thread with no morals, spine or courage right?

I'm gonna hide this one.

>> No.1982826

I think I may have confused something here.
If he meant OC as in Original Character drawn next to a popular character, then no one but him with care about it.

If he meant Original content, as in the popular character drawn in a different setting, then yes people will care.

>> No.1982827

Stay poor.

>> No.1982831

No proof...

I guess that means you not only don't make money but can't draw out your way of a paper bag. I rest my case.

>> No.1982835

lmao is ic seriously going from post art fggt to post your bank account?

oh my god the autism is real

>> No.1982838

Just leave. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.1982839

Well the happy medium is having a FC Which is an original character that is still from a fandom, like Pokemon. People are interested because the recognize the species of character and you get to draw them in further for your character design.

Just don't have them interacting with actual canon characters in the show- if you make your own universe you can draw interest using the background as a spring for popularity.

>> No.1982857
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>> No.1982860

Good, go and stay go.

>> No.1982861

I just wish I focused my high school years on drawing AND painting at the same time.

>> No.1982865
File: 30 KB, 350x303, 1325709315440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waaait, i just realized soemthing.

does this mean that we all should encorage furfags as much as possible? everyhwerem evertime.

more furfags = more money to cash in

>> No.1982870

Hating on furfags is like hating on pedophiles for their loli. It does nothing to their self esteem and encouraging them only makes them come out in doves as you see on 4chan.

>> No.1982873
File: 50 KB, 350x303, 45-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are genious

>> No.1982874

but if you encourage them, more people will join them, which means the more potential customers willing to pay you for drawing their shitty characters with horsedicks

>> No.1982885

Relating to this, I realized something yesterday. When it comes to furries, it's important, I'd dare say the most important, to have the animal head and face. Of the stuff I've posted thus far, it didn't really matter about the bodies which I drew all the same more or less. The ones that got the most likes were the ones that had the most animalistic heads and faces. I guess it should go without saying but just in case anyone else thought maybe you could get the same attention just with cat-eared girls and not go full on fur.

>> No.1982959

Guys, anyone know if MLP is profitable?

>> No.1982962


yes. extremely.

>> No.1982964

okay I might do mlp stuff too

but the human forms ( I won't stoop to horses)

>> No.1982965

define extremely. comared to furfags and weeaboo shit

>> No.1982976

haha, I remember dignity.

>> No.1982977

See >>1982885 though. I tried it too, and I did horse ears and a tail, but so far it hasn't gotten up to 5 likes or favorites on anything. Maybe make it lewd, I didn't really do much with mine. That might help it still get some attention.

>> No.1982978

no u don't. you have never known true dignity. nice try tho.

>> No.1982980


You have to post to groups dude. You can't just rely on the searches.

>> No.1982981

my dignity died in 2004 when started to exploit furries.

>> No.1982989

How can you kill that which has never lived?

>> No.1982998

For whatever reason, the two groups I tried joining didn't accept. One of them was pending for two days until I just finally cancelled. The other one is still pending and has been all day. I'm not sure if anybody's manning the stations, because they didn't have any rules listed about who they accept into the groups, but I don't know. I looked specifically at human pony groups though, maybe some of the regular pony groups have a humanized folder in them, so i'll check that out. But it didn't get any likes on tumblr and barely any on FA either. I think it should've just been sexier or something.

>> No.1983001

Does it have to sexy or visually appealing to make it to tumblr?

>> No.1983014

Color. Just color it. Doesn't matter how it looks.

>> No.1983018

Same for me.

>> No.1983020

You may think you will never lose your dignity, but just give it time.

>> No.1983022

You know what though, I just tried one of the regular groups and they did have a humanized section after all. I haven't checked others yet but I bet a lot of them do, especially ones that say something like "all pony art welcome". I got accepted so now I'm just waiting for my submission to be approved, you should try that out.

>> No.1983023

How can you kill that which has never lived?

>> No.1983027

Jaden, please go.

>> No.1983030
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Are you ready to play god?

If you are half the person I remember, you drew her a lil tiny tiny chubby.
You need to go chubbier.
Guarantee the hearts and souls of your slaves.
Bronies are slaves, take your place on the throne

>> No.1983033
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>> No.1983035

Thanks for the tip, I'll try to do better. I think I have an idea of what I'm gonna try this time around. But it's gonna take some effort and damn it, if I still don't get even a single like on that one, I wouldn't know what else to do with it so that'd be that.
But I have a feeling people will like the new one.

>> No.1983040

>tfw you hold the advantage because you actually attempted to learn color theory

>> No.1983059

are you trying to sabotage this thread?

at 20 min:
>the best way to be succesful it to make art that appeals to yourself
>the more you love what you're creating, the more other people are gonna find value in it

>> No.1983065
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>butchered the color theroy in college
>reading gurney
>doing alright

>> No.1983070

>tfw I feel like every DA account that "Joined this week!" is from /ic/

I'm one of them too, not in the /ic/ group though.

>> No.1983071

I watched some graffiti kid on YouTube explain it and then my whole world opened up. Little things like that make me feel like why are any of us retarded in 2015?

>> No.1983088

Willful ignorance.
Mind sharing the video?

>> No.1983093

No problem, hope you get something out of it.

>> No.1983098

Thanks anon, I'm sure it'll help in some way, every little bit counts.

>> No.1983140
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>> No.1983148

Problem, officer?

>> No.1983191

wut oppoeiste color lowers saturation? guess im stupid after all...
the more you know...

thx anon

>> No.1983211

Nah everything you'll add to the colour will lower it's saturation. Adding the opposite colour will just give you the most neutral grey for this colour.

>> No.1983258
File: 2.36 MB, 852x532, 2015-02-15-1717-02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put google analytics on my blog

>submitted my last few pieces on a bunch of sites

>mfw my blog has 18-25 active visitors in real-time.webm

I'm actually impressed by these numbers

>> No.1983330

I'd be up for it. If we work out a plan and not draw the same shit then this COULD work out

>> No.1983473

Can you explain this Google Analytics to me?

>> No.1983576

I'm ready to make some moneyYyyYyyYyyyyYyy todei

>> No.1983584

this is some high level satire in here

>> No.1983587


i think i need to

a) switch to paint tool sai asap
b) stop tracing other peoples work and draw my own stuff

ohterwise this thing i'm building will not be sustainable in the future. how do you advertise yourselves, fellow porn moneyrakers? are there any high traffic sites where i could post some of my stuff?

>> No.1983618

I'm pretty sure the right image on tumblr will net you attention and possible shekels.

>> No.1983621

I can seriously feel that I'm about to make over 30k within the next 6 months. I'm THAT much certain.

>> No.1983625

SAI is outdated abandonware bro. There are so many alternatives now that do the exact same shit but way better.

>> No.1983626

Novice to the scene here: can anyone point to examples of people already making $ doing this?

>> No.1983633

Are you porn artist?

>> No.1983638

which ones? how do they compare to PS ?

>> No.1983640


I am a God.

>> No.1983650

which one?

>> No.1983654

Amazing Trap Ahead

>> No.1983772

If you haven't heard about the kr0n and sakimi dramu, the idea is that we're trying to get at least a fraction of what they earn.
>sakimichan: 14,000 bi weekly
>kr0n: $5000 bi weekly
kr0n is in trouble for tracing, sakimi just draws same face hacky fanart of popular characters. Any nigga can make fanart.

We are those niggas.

>> No.1983794

>We are those niggas.
no, we wish to be those niggas

>> No.1983805


>> No.1983868

When I go to make my tumblr, should I go full SJW, part SJW, or remain entirely neutral?

I'll cash in on some "this is thin privilege" bucks, idaf. But will this isolate me from the big money as a whole?

>> No.1983915

Full sjw, you'll cultivate a personal army. Make sure to cash in on the kin type and gender stuff especially

>> No.1983920

name of the group?

>> No.1983928

how do you even sjw ? i really dont know

>> No.1983953

There's really nothing going on in the group in terms of activity anyway, aside from one guy that's in obvious higher tier than everyone else.

>> No.1983956

so then what is the money making strategy? i lurked the last thread but other than making DA account and posting stuff i dont see anything special

am i not seeing something?

>> No.1983963

In essence, everyone has to get some fans then whore each other out to them, but if no one is doing anything, then you can see why it wont work.
Other than that, there's just advice that you can give out to each other?

The idea works only if there's an active group and if you look at the group page, there's not a whole lot going on.

>> No.1983967


I'm busy with other things that will make me money, that's my excuse. Also I have been posting to my other account.

>> No.1984048


There has been more activity than UL ever has in 1 week and they have more users. You are also forgetting the group was made just 7 days ago. Way to go for posting the link.

>> No.1984063

I don't think otherkin is plausible. But deffo on the feminism. I just don't know if I want to be part of the shitstorm though, as feminists turn on each other rather fucking quickly. If I have to start drawing fat racially ambiguous transgender-chans, I'm out.

I-Is this the secret group? You rat bastard. D:

>> No.1984192


even Teal is getting a modest 230$ biweekly

>> No.1984200

Who is teal?

>> No.1984203


one of us

>> No.1984206


>> No.1984220

Wow, teal is the shit. What's his patreon, I'm ready to get assblasted.

>> No.1984236
File: 9 KB, 225x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secret group is just a bunch of plebs who have befriended each other
>trying to pander
>0 replies from outsiders

>> No.1984240



>> No.1984247

>some of these people are at the same level as you
>0 notes on their tumblr
we're not going to make it, are we?

>> No.1984267


No unfortunately. 7a looks like he is doing well but nowhere still has a little way to go. There are 15 year old kids who murder in cold blood everyone in that group.

>> No.1984274

Can you see pageviews on tumblr? I like his style, but I feel almost certain no one is checking him out on tumblr. Maybe he's pushing too hard for his OC?

>> No.1984276

>secret group is just a bunch of plebs who have befriended each other

That's all it ever was supposed to be, right?
It's just like- minded individuals grouping up, seems more than reasonable to me, even if they're pleb masters.

>> No.1984278

You guys really gotta put more time into this thing if you really wanna kick it off.
Deviantart isnt really good for porn, cutesy stuff will get more attention.
Meanwhile keep promoting your tumblr or whatever where you house all of your nsfw stuff.
Protip; open requests. First come first serve style and watch the page views go up.

>> No.1984279

They're ruining the idea I had for that group. I imagined it was capable artists being given assignments near daily reporting back if they get results. Like a Jew version of Charlie's Angels, if you will. They're all lazy as shit, where's the sellout kr0n style art, mang?

>> No.1984281

where is the group?

>> No.1984282


You the admin? You didn't even post your art. And if you are jolly you are a beginner yourself...why would you open a group then leave it?

>> No.1984283


>> No.1984284

No, I'm the OP. I didn't join the group because I was going to stick with tumblr, but I imagined it was better than that.

>> No.1984286


There was the idea of just tracing over photos like Kr0n but I guess everyone decided to be purists (and realized it's a lot more difficult to manipulate a photo).

>> No.1984288
File: 441 KB, 1067x800, where do you think we are faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capable artists

Pick one faggot.

>> No.1984303

>Meanwhile keep promoting your tumblr or whatever where you house all of your nsfw stuff.
How and where do you do that?

>> No.1984309


you need to hook up with the pornmillionaire schmuck.

>> No.1984317


guys for those of you who use a predesigned invoice template that hides email adress and personal info, i'm afraid the data still shows up on the email that your clients receive. it does get hidden within the paypal client, but it's all there in email.

fuck. atleast one client can now officially screw me over big time if he would want to. back at square 1 regarding the paypal problem.

>> No.1984319

That payza thing sounded good, maybe we should try that?

>> No.1984323


i'm too lazy to try that lol. apparently though you can have 2 paypal accounts, so i'm making a second one, with all fake data and a fake email, except phone number and bank account. i'll try to just hook my private bank account and use that. that way my anonymity is 100% covered, and if something bad happens HOPEFULLY paypal only freezes this fake account. worst case they freeze both my accounts but let's hope that doesn't happen too fast. sigh.

>> No.1984329

When you sign up for paypal, do they need a SSN? Or can everything be fake except for the bank account?

>> No.1984331

Alright, I think I'm gonna check it out though. It has "we keep your information secure" plastered all over the website, plus I checked the terms and they allow adult material except loli/shota so that's already a plus imo.

>> No.1984346

Progress so far?

>> No.1984350


i wasn't required to provide SSN. i hope paypal doesn't lock my account for having fake data. we'll have to wait and see. gonna make sure not to leave any money on there.

they allow adult material? oh that's so good to hear... one thing to worry about less. now i just need to cover my anonymity.

>> No.1984355

No one except for one anon is claiming to make serious bank. The money train is at a standstill.

>> No.1984402

So , rich fellas... Let's say I want to make money. I can draw, and am planning on buying a tablet.
So is there any reason for noobz to even read Loomis or study anything art related if they want to make money?
Because right now all I see is furry porn and other tits make the biggest cash.

>> No.1984405

I'm studying because I still want my shit to look quality. I might not have time to learn anatomy or proper gesture, so a bitch might just pull a kr0n and lift references.

>> No.1984407

No, normal work for normal clients actually makes the biggest cash, you just need to be good. Find me someone in porn who gets paid $20,000 for a single image, that's an amount of money some professionals make on a book/magazine cover illustration. Even as a mediocre artist you can get contracts for a couple images = 1000-2000 bucks. Find me some porn work that sold hundreds of thousands of times -- even the most popular, internationally known high-profile indie porn in fucking Japan only sells around 30-50,000 max from all stores combined. Porn art is the bottom of the barrel, that's why shitty artists can make any money at all there.