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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 46 KB, 640x675, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1978341 No.1978341 [Reply] [Original]

Post your nsfw, critique others.
Ask advice, and so on etc. etc.

last thread >>1973259

>> No.1978392

Here's my question. I could have put it in the question thread, but it's about to tank and my question is more related to porn artists. I am pretty out of touch with new websites and trends lately. Lets say I do a commission for someone. I upload the share resolution of the image to my thing, but I want to give the commissioner a huge ass version, like 10+ MB size that I don't want anyone else to see or get. It's probably too huge for e-mail right? It would be completely unsafe for work and probably have some weird ass fetishes involved, so I don't want to use anywhere that has harsh rules against that. What is the usual method for sharing such files with commissioners? I just need something quick, effective, and easy to do.

>> No.1978407

mega, dropbox, whatever

>> No.1978426

I was just contacted by flyrice. Anyone hear about it?

>> No.1978434


>Inappropriate products may be removed at any time.
>Payment in credits that can be used on the Flyrice marketplace


>> No.1978527

In case the anon doesn't see the one in the other thread

>> No.1978532

For some reason this saddens me, but helpful. Thank you.

>> No.1978563

Same, and you're welcome.

>> No.1978575
File: 172 KB, 500x500, profilepic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to start doing porn and thought this would be appropriately bad idea for a profilepic.

I just can't unsee it :(

>> No.1978580
File: 9 KB, 303x501, skinny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw she ain't letting me leave the room

>> No.1978581

Yeah, don't use that. Even if it's your intention, you don't want to be unappealing to possible commissioners.

>> No.1978629


>> No.1978636
File: 165 KB, 1000x1332, moo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good at this.

>> No.1978642

Note the ones that are oversaturated with porn.
Use it to your advantage

>> No.1978646

It's better than you think. The sloppy lame ass tablet sketching ruins it.

>> No.1978650


Refine it some more and you'll have a decent base to work with.

>> No.1978666

I'll worry about that when I actually start to do comissions. For now it's just for lulz to motivate myself to study anatomy.

>> No.1978667

Give some weight to the penis, as of now it looks like a needle.

>> No.1978716

>draw a cunt
>for the lulz

>> No.1978800

>using my terrible sketch as thread header

>> No.1978808
File: 119 KB, 1029x838, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna post some of the porn art I drew a while ago. I'm not good but critique is appreciated anyway. Drew it for Paheal.

>> No.1978810
File: 138 KB, 1029x838, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


2nd of the set.

>> No.1978816

Hey guys. Got banned for posting a pony. How is everyone doing? I think I might start subcontracting porn comissions in the future, I'm getting waaay more than I can manage.

Bonus feel:

>that feel when you realize furry and fetish porn is the dirty little secret nobody talks about in the freelance art industry. Sort of how gay videoshows and muscle worship is the dirty little secret of the fitness industry. Kinda sad. I wonder how many semi-pros do disgusting porn for a significant part of their income.

>> No.1978827
File: 186 KB, 1280x720, 3 hours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp. Apparently loli IS banned on HF so it got rejected. What

>> No.1978833

nigga i post loli on HF and no one gives a fuck

hell i put loli in the fucking title too

dude was probably a chenfag

>> No.1978835



>> No.1978836

Hmmm. Do you draw on a more cartoony style? Maybe it got rejected for being too lifelike....

What are some porn hosting sites that support my lolicon freedoms?

Can I use Pixiv if I don't know Japanese?

>> No.1978838

nigger i draw anime

aslo pixiv is very easy to navigate, a lot of it is in english

>> No.1978841
File: 528 KB, 1024x836, 1345835920014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you could try to emulate this guy. his work is soooo beautiful technically

>> No.1978843

lol I actually got inspired by him. That guy is a hero.

>> No.1978844


tbh you're a shit artist

hope no one is paying for that

>> No.1978852

More specifics?

I don't get asshurt easily so please be harsh and explicit with your critique.

>> No.1978854


>> No.1978855


Well it's porn, so the 1 thing that matters most is how easily it can get a dick erect.

Not even going to talk about the obvious censorship. The first picture is a noticeable drop in quality compared to the second. I don't know if it's unfinished or what, I'm not big into digital art. The bodies seem very flat and aren't sexy enough, and the dick just reminds me of wieners that I eat for breakfast, instead of an actual dick. It also doesn't look natural enough, seems almost detached from the body.

The second pic has a dead bird. It's a dead bird. That might kill boners. The chest is quite manly for a female, too.

Your pics give off a very depressing vibe, possibly eluding to the fact that you are quite a depressed individual in real life. Perhaps this is your desperate cry for help. We're here if you need us.

>> No.1978856

top kek

>> No.1978859

Second pic is not mine but I can see from where you come from. I'll take this into account next time.

>> No.1978869

Who's the artist?

>> No.1978874
File: 89 KB, 750x750, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the color pallete thst makes it depressing

>> No.1978878
File: 501 KB, 1056x1080, 1419384714501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first picture is a noticeable drop in quality compared to the second.
>The first picture is a noticeable drop in quality compared to the second.
>The first picture is a noticeable drop in quality compared to the second.
>The first picture is a noticeable drop in quality compared to the second.

>> No.1978879
File: 211 KB, 1400x985, previewd9c9878ba3482ec89e7793c5f9cfb58c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this guy. i believe he goes by 'white datura'. he is the craig mullins of hentai.

anon i would recommend you to ditch painting for porn. it's not efficient timewise when you are doing comissions, and it only makes it harder on yourself. that one anon is right, porn consumers don't even care about your painterly skills, they want to get off to your work. lines work, they are simple and descriptive.

>> No.1978893


I can totally see what you mean. Lines are much better for expression and energy than paint.

But I can paint way faster than draw. That painting took me like 2 hours which I could have spent just cleaning up the lineart.

I wish I could afford a yiynova to do more linework though. I have the smallest wacom, the one with 512 levels of pressure and drawing on it kills my wrist :(

>> No.1978897


2 hours cleaning up lineart? wow that seems really excessive. are you trying to get into porn comissions to make some money? because if you are being fast is absolutely crucial.

>> No.1978902

Unfortunately yes I really need money. I guess I'll have to keep grinding until I gitgud....

>> No.1978940


Man, if you're gonna settle for the smallest wacom tablet might as well throw some money at some cheap alternatives like a huion or some rebranded monoprice tablet.

Not to be a shill, but a good, functioning 10"x6" with 1024-2048 levels of pressure and 4000-5000 LPI will cost you anywhere between $40-$70.

You really only have to suffer through installing drivers, which isn't half bad in comparison to getting carpal tunnel.

>> No.1978949
File: 27 KB, 313x286, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew this in record time of 14 min and 23 sec.
Fastest ive ever done porn. I am aware that I need too shrink the head on the second one
I also had fun, which could be a problem.


>> No.1978973

Oh one of my fav artist.

Heres his DA and Pixiv account



>> No.1979014

That's what bull penises look like, not the guy, but that's kinda what bull penises look like.

>> No.1979066
File: 349 KB, 2000x2464, butt practice 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think I have the skin tones down on this

>> No.1979082

Yeah man looks nice
>tfw can't do skin tones to save your life

>> No.1979087
File: 7 KB, 175x313, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what I'm doing. I use a shitton of layers and blurs and shit. but if it works it works. This was like 15 layers before I condensed it a little

>> No.1979105

Whatever works lol

>> No.1979434


(in regards to selling out) Im curious, do you think SFW fanart result in similar levels of popularity as their porn counterpart? Or does SFW art have it's own rankings in what characters are popular?

I'm also trying to find out what's best to draw to build up my profile, without going full porn mode.

>> No.1979455

Any advantages to having a tumblr for increasing popularity?

Last I heard some hardcore NSFW tumblrs were banned from public search.

>> No.1979487

They don't look like they've been drawn with the line tool. At least it should be freehanded to give more organic look.
And for erotic purposes you can always cheat on reality a bit. It's a walking bull with human torso after all, unless of course somebody gets off of that needle.

On another note; did a quick search to make sure that I wasn't completely wrong and it turns out they make walking canes out of bull-penises.

>> No.1979500

tbph, all of my sfw fanart has thus far been far more popular than my nsfw. Compare 275 followers there to my nsfw's 71 followers. It may have to do with tumblr's search system defaulting not to include blogs marked nsfw, but I do think that sfw fanart will generally be more popular because more audiences will accept it. Some people really don't like seeing their favorite characters in sexual situations or just aren't interested in seeing that, but well done and interesting sfw art will always have its place. I just think it's harder to generate as much buzz because if you're not relying on sex to sell it, you better have some damn high quality or a really interesting style.

>> No.1979548

Wasn't Noill taken out for shota?

>> No.1979721
File: 109 KB, 629x611, Screenshot_17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Progress on Maori. Anything I need to address before I shade/color it?

>> No.1979748
File: 2.10 MB, 340x305, nahm8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you don't get line weight quite just yet

very flat and stablizer-crutchy

>> No.1979756

Understood. I'll read up on line weight and re-do the linework here without a stabilizer.

>> No.1979770
File: 56 KB, 401x372, 1419825460851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read up on art principle

>> No.1979800
File: 193 KB, 700x1063, line_weight_tutorial_by_michaelmetcalf-d6cshn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Never really focused on line weight for some reason, so my past drawings have been flat / bland as shit.

>> No.1979809


If you need the stabilzer use it, but you can learn how to mask it's blatant use, it's there to help you, not dictate how your art is supposed to look. I've been using sai fro 5 years and I'm only now just getting that.

You have to build up that feel of where to start and where to end a line

>> No.1979845

I feel like it should've been more sexy of a pose.

>> No.1979874

>pinkie pie

good taste

>> No.1979877

who draws the best nip-nops

>> No.1979890

Oh thank god it read right.
And thank you.

Turns out these little shits are great warmups. I cant stop drawing it everyday and its only been 3 days

>> No.1979911
File: 2.07 MB, 2894x4500, B&W Beach Babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I am not sure this counts as nsfw but I will post for advice anyway. Also I know her face kinda really sucks. I am looking more for body advice.

>> No.1979912
File: 2.31 MB, 2894x4500, Color Beach Babe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colored version

>> No.1979925

Wow. I am the world's worst failure. I just showed my first mlp drawing to mlp and they hated it. There's someone making bank off of piece-mailing traced pictures to create ponies and I can't even draw an appealing one.
>brb killing self

>> No.1979929

Post the drawing first

>> No.1979935


>being ethical about selling porn furry garbage

why? go full kron and trace. do you not value your own time?

>> No.1979936

I can't post it here I guess but here's a link
That's exactly why I don't trace. All I care about is drawing, all I want to do is draw. If I'm not trying to draw the picture, it's not worth my time.

>> No.1979942

Not bad.

>> No.1979944

According to them it looks like it was drawn by a retard.

>> No.1979953

Looks to me like they were making fun of the jewel you placed on her forehead instead of the drawing as a whole.

>> No.1979957

what's pixiv stance on uncensored western porn?

>> No.1979962

Even without it they didn't like it. But they're all being such assholes that I'm actually glad I found out about it before I actually did draw anything for any of them. They're saying "don't whine about critique" when none of them said anything beyond "it's shit" except one guy who said the ears "look weird" and what am I supposed to take from that? That's not a critique. Besides the only potentially negative thing I said in that actual thread was that I wasn't doing to draw mlp anymore, how is that one, matter of factly stated phrase, whining? I should've known based on the shit storm I saw there yesterday, and the fact that they praise horrible scribbles on lined paper over the work of their better drawfags already. Fuck those guys.

>> No.1979970
File: 249 KB, 280x300, 1422080982754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get attached to your work faggot anywhere you go no matter who you are you will always get a form of feedback whether you like it or not. Stop being a bitch about those horsefuckers not giving you the asspats and get over it you stupid cunt.

>> No.1979981

Fuck off, you went over there to snitch like that's the cool shit to do. If anyone's a cunt around here it's you, pulling bitch moves like that. Why don't you mind your own business instead of worrying about what I'm doing and what I'm saying and who I say it to?

>> No.1979983

If you want people to not care about what you're doing, what you're saying and to whom, then don't do/say it publicly, because otherwise it's unavoidable.
Just chiming in.

>> No.1979989

To be fair, they dont know what they want.
What they do want is it to look nice, and nice is subjective

What you posted is like posting Loomis 1st base skeleton dude and asking for critique. Its the bare bones of a character. Add some meat

>> No.1979990
File: 745 KB, 1037x966, sad buster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>horrible scribbles on lined paper
Y-you didn't like it?

>> No.1979991

You are the one technically talking behind our backs :^)

And besides, you're being a pussy
I actually liked the drawing, but yes, the ears look weird
the "horrible scribbles on lined paper" guy has literally never drawn, and we want to help him.
You obviously have experience drawing, so you don't need as much help
but if you're going to bitch about it, go ahead and whine about it here like the baby you're being

>> No.1979992
File: 35 KB, 225x148, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not nice advice, but it's good to keep in mind. Getting too attached to or defensive about your work means you run the risk of getting stuck in a rut.

I'm not saying you can't be happy with what you make, just embrace criticism and feedback as opportunities to improve.

>> No.1979993

I think it's cute, but her forehead is fucking huge. And the jewel looks kind of slapped on last minute, but other than that I like it.

>> No.1979997

I actually thought it was all fine except the jewel. I posted the fix'd pic because I thought the jewel looked stupid.

>> No.1979999

>didn't like it
read this

you take things too harshly

>> No.1980001
File: 90 KB, 395x465, bigfoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some bigfoot porn

>> No.1980002 [DELETED] 

>you take things too harshly
I'm not the artist. I just edited out the jewel.

>> No.1980004
File: 49 KB, 371x480, 1423108459105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quads speak truth
I was telling the artist to read your comment, they are being too butthurt

>> No.1980013
File: 61 KB, 255x559, 8510f03c3af19e29daab9a4103154d97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the quality is downing at a rapid pace

>> No.1980018


small fix

>> No.1980020

Pretty stinkin' cute, anon. Clean up those lines and keep working at it.

>> No.1980021

Alright this is the last thing I'm gonna say about it. I was sad when it seemed like mlp didn't like the drawing, I came over here to try to talk to someone and figure out what I could do better because they didn't give me much to go off of, but the nominal response I did give over there was enough to draw everyone's ire. I don't care about the drawing, I'd redraw it 100 times. I'm upset because now people are calling me a bitch and a cunt simply because I even wanted to TALK about it. And how can I figure out what to do better if I don't talk to someone about it? So I appreciate the actual feedback I have gotten here, and I'm sorry I let that one troll upset me. So if I do any other mlp stuff, I'll just experiment on my own so nobody else has to be bothered with this drama and nonsense. I'm sorry for derailing and with this post, let's please bring this thread back to productivity.

>> No.1980024

I need an easy way to draw cute little easy feet. I can draw an entire body, but the feet always ruin it.

>> No.1980028

That's an improvement. You brought down the hairline. This is a matter of personal taste but I'm just not digging the jewel forehead thing. But that's my opinion.

Anyway, I just want to say that when I posted the fix'd image I didn't mean for you to take it that I didn't like the drawing at all. I'm glad I got the chance to explain that to you.

>> No.1980030

No one on /mlp/ really knows how to draw. If people who don't know how to draw and only want shitty porn of their favorite cartoon characters, you really shouldn't put a lot of weight on what they say to you.
P.S: don't be offended by being called a bitch or a cunt on the internet, just close your eyes nigga hahahah

>> No.1980042

No harm done dude.
Just relax and listen to some sweet jammy jams

>no rescue girl this Saturday
Oh well.
You better go forth with that design

>> No.1980066
File: 217 KB, 1280x1252, 1423651362.nomercyrules_shade3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a drawing someone else did that I colored. Does anyone mind pointing out inaccuracies in my shading? I have no art experience, I just started coloring a couple weeks ago. I want to get perfect placement of highlights/shadows before moving on to more complicated and professional coloring.

Again, I'm very new and don't have a trained eye at all, so I apologize if its offensively bad.

>> No.1980069

Your posts always crack me up for some reason.

>> No.1980070
File: 927 KB, 2008x3071, curly comic 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a comic for /d/ recently.

Any criticism is welcome, of course, but in particular I'm looking for advice on the storytelling / narrative side of things.


>> No.1980076
File: 48 KB, 828x840, goattits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed the legs and the face

>> No.1980087

nigga went through all that trouble for a hand-beezy

>> No.1980092


so many missed opportunities to showcase form with value and edges

>> No.1980095
File: 266 KB, 450x253, 1423549590336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1980097

i think the people who can fap to this are the same people that fap to argonian porn from elder scrolls.

>> No.1980098

Can you give me an example? I don't even know what this means, sorry

>> No.1980101

Furries, anon
You are talking about furries

>> No.1980114

I like it, but I'm also a degenerate

>> No.1980120

>argonian porn from elder scrolls.
Pssh yea what a bunch of los-
>googles it
Im going to take a break

>> No.1980122

they're like scaly bald men. what the fuck is wrong with you? that studio is terrible at making race models.

>> No.1980126
File: 529 KB, 700x660, Bara_-_Watermelon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what he means, but your shadow and highlight shapes are too simple.
The shadows should define the minor shapes of the leg and arm muscles.

It also looks like they are standing on a floor light which is ok if that was your intention.

>> No.1980135

thats my problem

>> No.1980194

there are plenty of hot furry reptiles, scalies they call them. argonians, unless they are completely redesigned to be cute by the artist, are not in any way good looking to any self respecting person.

>> No.1980198


>> No.1980205

>scalies they call them

yea riiight

>> No.1980222

That definitely looks better, but the lighting and the shadows don't look accurate to me. For instance, why do some of the shadows have highlights in them? The light source seems to be all over the place too, but it could just be that I don't have a well trained eye.

>> No.1980228

I have infiltrated their community. I will send you notes from the inside on their mode of operation and how they go about their daily lives. It's getting hot from inside this suit, but I'm sure one day it will all pay off. One day.

>> No.1980241

You dont need to tell me how they operate because I was on the other side of the fence

>> No.1980255
File: 106 KB, 653x960, tumblr_muscj7eBQJ1qfivsmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful anon

>> No.1980327

Just let it happen anon.
Just let it happen.

>> No.1980330

lol omg, don't use that but holy shit i love it, gj bro

>> No.1980521


from thumb ass looks like a pic

>> No.1980525
File: 35 KB, 518x331, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send Help.
Ive gone too far down the rabbit hole


>> No.1980548
File: 550 KB, 1000x717, nevergonnafinishthis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1980549

>never going to finish
I like how you lovingly rendered this shit before you even sketched the basics for the hands. Check your checklist.

>> No.1980550

or it looks like he render without any lineart.

>> No.1980570

Yeah, my workflow in this is pretty inefficient, though I did do a rough figure sketch beforehand. As for the excessive eye-candy/rendering, indeed not necessary at this stage. Kinda wanted to see everything context as I've been making the image as I go.

>> No.1980594 [DELETED] 

I've learned the style I've been aiming for in coloing is called cel-shading. I now know that's not just a video game art style. Please shame me for my deep ignorance.

>> No.1980644

i like the forms

>> No.1980645


Is there a process checklist out there somewhere? This would be useful for me, I bounce around like a lunatic when I draw.

>> No.1980660
File: 206 KB, 620x657, shekelmagnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furry practice
the shekels are calling out to me

>> No.1980678

pretty cute, now just give her massive tits and a horse cock and you'll be rolling in the furry money

...this is how I became a furry 10/10 would recommend

>> No.1980781

how do people get that pixiv painting 'look' is it just the sai brush engine or what?

>> No.1980891

Thank you.
Ive been focusing on volume these past few days, because I felt it was lack luster.
Granted im not where I want to be with it, but its a step foward

>> No.1980894


>> No.1980895

I never made a fursona, but im on the edge of tommorow

>> No.1980916

HA! Turns out all the "I just draw furry for muh money" were furfags after all.

I don't have a fursona though, that's silly.

>> No.1981096

>>1980222 here
I just learned that the highlights of the shadows are reflective lights. I'm going to try to read all the color theory stuff on wikipedia before I try coloring again.

>> No.1981099

Godspeed you beautiful comet.

>> No.1981212

This is really nice, I like the style.

>> No.1981239
File: 136 KB, 483x614, horsecock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting now on commissions
will be back with $100k

>> No.1981240

You should stick with cute stuff.

>> No.1981241

anybody who does comissions:

how do you get paid? before/after its done? half and half? do you just use paypal?

>> No.1981248

Always full up front to be safe. 50/50 adds more Paypal fees.

>> No.1981254

how come, anon

>> No.1981256

Your style is cute and horse dicks are gross.

>> No.1981259

i tried to make it look cute too ;-;

>> No.1981276

Derpibooru has a lot of tutorials on them.
From the small human-like, to the "cute" floppies up to the throbbing veiny rods of destruction.

>> No.1981326

I have a conundrum and I'm not sure what to do, could you guys help me make a decision?
I have a commissioner who wants a picture, and has ordered several from me before. I also have a bill coming due and that commission alone won't be enough, but I can borrow the small remainder. However, I've been told I might get more commissions if I lower my prices. If I do that, I would have to also charge my usual customer less, so much less that I won't be able to borrow the remainder, so I'd be taking a gamble on whether I'll get enough commissions to make the payment. Should I play it safe or lower my prices and possibly gain more business in the long run but risk defaulting on a huge bill?

>> No.1981350

Hard to say without knowing how much you charge and what your skill level is. My general advice would be to never lower your prices. If you aren't getting enough commissions that's usually not a money problem, but rather you simply aren't popular enough.

>> No.1981370
File: 346 KB, 660x664, whywhhhyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1981373
File: 266 KB, 1644x1412, Refia_prev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm definitely not popular enough, I'm not sure why my tumblr posts and things never seem to get any likes. I've been told my art is good, but I guess it's boring or something. I was talking to some other people about it and they said they thought my current prices were fair but that I needed to up my popularity or else lower them so that more people would give me a chance. I'm doing what I can to draw some fanart and whatever else to try and get more eyes on my blog, but I'm also sort of stuck working on something really important so I don't have time to make very much new art right away. Here's an example. I think I'm probably just gonna go with the lower prices - it'd be $15 for a sketch like this, $20 for clean line with some rendering and $35 for color.

>> No.1981389

Oh, it's you. You should definitely try to color more of your drawings, otherwise they won't stick out much.

If you have trouble gaining overall popularity, a good way to boost your influx of commissions is to stick to one fandom and try to get their attention. People are more likely to commission artists who have drawn stuff they like before.

>> No.1981396

Can someone tell me about "hidden" photoshop stabilizer? I always use MS5 and SAI with zero stabilizer, because /ic/ said me stabilizers are for shit artist, but I tried photoshop today and it's fuckin awesome. Standart round brush is best brush I ever seen. Feels so comfortable, like a skating on the ice. Whats happened?

>> No.1981397

Yeah, that's a good idea. The fandoms I've drawn are all over the place because most of what I posted there was either from a drawthread or a commission. I know someone was speaking against it earlier, but I might go with Nintendo stuff, not even just for its popularity but I have a lot of favorite Nintendo characters I'd like to draw. And yeah I definitely agree with you, I'm coloring a picture right now. I hope this works out.

>> No.1981405

> I have a lot of favourite Nintendo characters I'd like to draw.

That's a venue to explore, maybe get two birds with one stone, make an timed period where shit you want to draw anyway has a discount.

>> No.1981409

You could also try to get into MMO fandoms. WoW and FF14 are two good ones. FF14 in particular. It won't even be that difficult, since most of your commissions will be catgirls and they basically look all the same.
Besides a couple of good artists there's a bunch of mediocre ones (as myself) and tons of really fucking terrible ones. As long as your prices are not too high you will get good commissions.

>> No.1981410

change your name/OCavatar to something more sell-outy. its a repellent as it is right now

>> No.1981415

Okay yeah I'll keep that in mind too, thanks.
I don't know anything about WoW but I have a friend who's really into FF14 so I'll ask what the characters/job clases/etc are and try drawing some of those. This is all going to be the more long term work though, I can't do this stuff right now because of my job. For now then, I guess I'll just lower the prices and hope I can net enough customers to make it worth it. Thanks guys.

>> No.1981419

>that guy who once drew Yozakura from SK with big nipples

My fucking hero.

>> No.1981422

that vagina is pretty fucking bad, have you even seen one IRL?

>> No.1981424

lol thanks. Man someone on /i/ did a really great job coloring that picture too. I should have asked if they would mind me sharing it on my blog. I think the colorist has a blog I could credit them with, apparently they're there regularly.

>> No.1981434

It fits with the shittyness of the rest of the drawing

>> No.1981439


I'm interested too. What style of brushes/settings are you using?

>> No.1981445

I've tried to make this checklist from watching how pro's do and looking at what stages tuts have:

-Rough sketch: This is just to get the idea down to see if it works at all, usually looks like somebody gave a pen to 2 years old. Might take a few tries but that doesn't matter since it doesn't take long to make these.
-Sketch: Now we got the idea down, time to make it work. Trying to get the perspective, anatomy, composition, etcetc right.
-Basic values: Slap in some basic values to toy with the light and to make it somewhat consistent and correct throughout the picture.
-Accurate values: Using to slightly smaller brush and doing some general bouncelights and whatnot.
-Render the shit out of it: Doesn't need that much explanation. I might add more details and remove some during this step.
-Polishing: Again, doesn't need that much explanation. Basically doing the same as last step. I might add some additional stuff to empty areas and remove some from cluttered ones as well as push contrast or dampen it. Might do more than one polishing pass.

If anyone feels the need to add or change something, please do so. I'm interested in seeing how others draw and paint.

>> No.1981527

Monster Hunter 3 is a thing right now.
So maybe its something youd like to do or not

>> No.1981528

How does that work out? It's mostly just monsters, isn't it? I've never played MH before, only seen some friends play it.

>> No.1981541

Can't imagine anything really good coming off it, just bikini-mail cheesecake with surf-board sized swords as background propes.

>> No.1981552

Tumblr, anon?

>> No.1981593

Fanart, hunters fucking the monsters, monsters fucking the hunters.
All the jam

>> No.1981595

Looks like drawing can be fun if you not take this shit so serious

>> No.1981599
File: 290 KB, 901x1285, meh4000000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, happened again

>> No.1981652

So I've made a price sign. It's not the most photogenic thing in the world but hopefully effective enough until I can spend more time on making a really nice one.
Hm. I know this sounds like an excuse but I'm not sure I could draw the monsters and armor and all that lol. I might look into it though, so thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.1981671

Any brush with soft ass edges.

>> No.1981704
File: 552 KB, 826x1076, sketch_7_valentinesday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some help with this? I feel the perspective is kind of odd.

>> No.1981753

That's just airbrush. They use it all the time for mass coloring like you see in hentai vns.

>> No.1981819

her head is tiny

>> No.1981894

I love the facial expressions mate.

>> No.1981919

Head is too small, jaw/lips aren't from the same head, (her) right arm is too short and it doesn't follow anatomy. Hand also might be too small. Also, collarbones are doing something rather heretical.

>> No.1982114
File: 112 KB, 384x574, resize.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just using the sketch tool for the line art, then using water to fill it, its really basic.

>> No.1982136

All your drawing are really good, but they are blurry. especially the lineart

>> No.1982147
File: 863 KB, 1500x999, Valentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique ? where do i have to improve on ?

>> No.1982357
File: 62 KB, 598x856, howtocock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys, it been a while.
trying to save this, i should have thought more about everything beforehand

>> No.1982359

General improvement on anatomy would be nice, apart from that apply some physics to he boobs: nipples are facing on weird directions atm and they look like airballoons.

>> No.1982365
File: 180 KB, 400x388, 1421887962227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am such a fucking degenerate, I would honestly pay money to see more of your shit.

>> No.1982394

You really need to get better at drawing cocks

>> No.1982425
File: 3 KB, 119x51, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you ready to claim your rightful on the throne?
The only person stopping you, is you.

>> No.1982430

I get the furry thing but why the horsecock?

>> No.1982440
File: 63 KB, 400x225, 1402955943443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, my thing is the fluffyness and softness of the fur I love how smooth and delicate it must feel much like silk. The horsecock and horsefuckery is a whole different beast all together.

>> No.1982443

>I get the furry thing but I don't really get THE FURRY THING
that's very contradictory

>> No.1982453


did you miss the post where that anon was like GOOD NOW GIVE IT A HORSECOCK

I see it as more taking the piss than anything (no pun intended)

>> No.1982486

would fart porn be ok to be posted here?

>> No.1982515

everything you got Anon

>> No.1982518

I get it when it isn't a fucking horsecock attached on a nonmale nonhorse.

>> No.1982533

spoiler it please.

>> No.1982596

can't spoiler on /ic/

>> No.1982609

Thanks Anon's.. I'll go practice more.

>> No.1982689
File: 2.16 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1982697


holy crap i would devour that pussy. and i almost never eat pussy irl.

>> No.1982703

I ate one out 3 years ago.
Now im just passive about vaginas. But its part of "putting yourself in the customers shoes." So Im just rolling with the tide.

>> No.1982705

>not eating her out every time

>> No.1982707

you know that eating pussy is the most beta thing you can do ?

>> No.1982710
File: 6 KB, 209x215, 1407393015354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You people kill me...

>> No.1982711
File: 888 KB, 854x1080, bunnygirl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to anatomy hard.

>> No.1982735

Not good pussy.

>> No.1982772
File: 471 KB, 1800x2292, Rosalina-clrwiip_prev1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I posted one color pic, and it still didn't get much attention. I'm trying another one, trying to see if I can do this faster and make the drawings more interesting. Here's a wip so far, what do you think? inb4 saturated colors, I know, but I've been looking at what's popular out there and it seems like people really enjoy bright colors. I haven't defined all the planes and forms yet but I will in a second. I dunno, thoughts?

>> No.1982788
File: 175 KB, 720x792, sketcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a sometimes doodler, I did this a couple of weeks ago. Just thought i'd dump it here for you guys

>> No.1982790

I think you mean

"and i almost never get pussy irl" *

>> No.1982794


oh i get plenty.

>> No.1982795

Dick looks upside down. Google what the underside of a dick looks like.

>> No.1982796

What's the deal with cocks? Why are they so hard to draw?

>> No.1982802

The overly saturated shadows are too distracting - it also looks like she's beaten

>> No.1982806

When cock is hard to draw, things are bad.
When drawing makes cock hard, good times to be had.

>> No.1982833

Ay, cmon now. Fleshlights dont count.

>> No.1982928

They need to be bold, intoxicating and cute at the same time

>> No.1982929
File: 116 KB, 1011x1069, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too!

>> No.1982934

These names, my sides.

>> No.1982936
File: 483 KB, 1800x2312, Rosalina-clrwiip_prev2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last wip before I go into final detail and clean up. My attempt at doing this quickly failed miserably, I've spent nearly 5 hours on this. Even so, that's still the fastest I've drawn and gotten a drawing to this stage of coloring so maybe it's an improvement. On the cleanup layer I'll try and fix the peen anatomy too.

>> No.1983164

dick head is upside down
also the inner pink vadge lips don't split all the way up to the top, it looks like a flesh clam

>> No.1983169

Bad anatomy, even for futanari. The penis is larger than her arms.

>> No.1983309

>complaining about the dick being too big
what are you, gay?

>> No.1983317


>> No.1983320

what opacity brush are you using?

>> No.1983371

i wonder if thats chick drawn. she got the pussy right but not the dick. It must be a chick.

>> No.1983376

Having or not having parts =/= being able to draw them. A dick is a more complex structure than a vaj, at least in terms of drawing them. Just think of how many people suck at drawing hands and heads and everyone has those.

>> No.1983379

i know anon!
hopefully this will help

>> No.1983440

still waiting for my fart porn

>> No.1983554

Maybe they were just blowing hot air.

>> No.1983590

A guy doesn't get a dick upside down, man.

>> No.1983609

Hey, I don't know if I should do it here, but why not.

I'm looking for some muscle girl/possible futa on male stuff if anyone's interested. I'm willing to pay pretty well if the artist is right, up to about $2-250.

Just reply here with a piece of art and a way to contact you.

>> No.1983670
File: 370 KB, 1800x2280, Rosalina-CLRfin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone, thanks for the help and feedback finishing this picture.
Here's something I just finished. If this seems like a good fit or if you want to see some more of my stuff, my gallery is at http://onyxhorn-aries.tumblr.com and my commissions info is there as a link.

>> No.1983680

It's nice, but not what I'm looking for. First part is musculature and body type, then comes cock.

>> No.1983686
File: 292 KB, 1241x2021, CammySkivvies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can draw muscular girls and guys, it's just not in that picture. Here's one more, I don't think this sketch is up on my blog, actually. On my blog there's another one of Zelda with bigger, more exaggerated muscles. But after this, I won't pester you further.

>> No.1983690

Link to it?

>> No.1983693

Here ya go http://onyxhorn-aries.tumblr.com/image/106933608258

>> No.1983695

I do - every time. Guess it's time to go trans.

>> No.1983700



>> No.1983703

It's okay man, it happens. I haven't drawn dicks a whole lot but usually I get them right, I guess I can only chalk it up to the fact that I was trying to draw it as fast as possible. I fuck up in crazy ways whenever I do that - 6 fingers, 4 fingers, missing limbs, it's pretty bad.

>> No.1983770
File: 112 KB, 730x610, 0c03e6ea050b090069c1e87c051bfc4a-d8dnprn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been using this for sketchy, been liking it.

>> No.1983777


hey brah. assuming i was curious about getting into porn/fetish comissions... would be able to get a nice comission-flow going with work of your skill level and your prices? or is it just a little bit of beer money for you?

>> No.1983780

If you sucked a dick before, you'd know what the underside of a dick looks like.
Dont go trans if you're not even a full grown faggot

>> No.1983786

That little thing is adorable

>> No.1983799

qt enough to get the dick

>> No.1983814
File: 169 KB, 592x1098, chubbyfoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been drawing hentai for a while now, just because I enjoy it, but if I try and make money it just isn't worth it because I'm too slow.
This took me 2 hours and I know it isn't even correct. Once I'm done with the colours it'll be nearly 5 hours of work, and nobody will pay enough for that to be worthwhile.

>> No.1983818

Actually I just started drawing anything nsfw pretty recently and haven't gathered enough of a following or anything yet to make much off it. I've done a number of commissions but it seems I need to do a bit more leg work to prime the pump, so here I am.

>> No.1983820
File: 282 KB, 918x893, 20150215_184858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1983832
File: 24 KB, 414x400, 1412893083214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1983835


dick elephant

>> No.1983841


guys how do i promote my tumblr?

>> No.1983844


>> No.1983860

guys please reply this is a commission and i don't want to go forward without knowing what i should change

>> No.1983865

your art style.

>> No.1984032

stop using blur

>> No.1984099

it's actually blurred cause i fucked up and when i copy-pasted a shitty white line appeared around what i selected, i'm gonna paint over it

>> No.1984105

Guess how I can tell you traced a body.

>> No.1984106

lol, oh really? You can "tell" that? How can you tell? This should be good, considering I never trace.

>> No.1984107

Because the cock was upside down.

>> No.1984117

I don't see how that shows anything other than that I fucked up while I was sketching, which truly, I did. The vaj was fucked up, the waist was, the leg was, a lot of things weren't great when I laid them in but I worked it out, like you're supposed to. Yes I did get reference - I used the first few pics in this thread >>>/d/5944566 along with some photos - to make sure I made it more believable, but I didn't trace anything, I never do. You can still see some of the construction lines in the very first version I posted.

>> No.1984119

Also because the head is small like a normal woman wearing a felt wig.
And the coloring is just so shitty it looks like you don't know anything.

The crazy nipples and upside down cock just pushed it over the edge.

>> No.1984122

sweet mercy someone get the gold bond for the ass chapping that has just been dealt out

>> No.1984123

So you're saying because it's flawed I traced? That doesn't make sense, if I traced something it would be more accurate, wouldn't it? And no, I don't really know color theory that well because I usually just draw lineart, I've been practicing and coming here to learn to get better, so if the coloring isn't that great, it's because I'm still learning. I can see all you want to do is frustrate me so I'm not going to reply to you anymore, and really, I shouldn't have in the first place.

>> No.1984138

Hey, do you think you can do a request I can send you on your tumblr?

>> No.1984227

Fookin ell m8. Stop using so much blur. Have more sharper edges.

>> No.1984231

Lets see your shitty art next, how bout it mate?

>> No.1984234

Please, don't egg him on. Please just let it die.

>> No.1984297

I make too much money with my shitty art to risk some autistic fuck trying to ruin me.

>> No.1984302

Hah, bet you charge like 10 bucks for a drawing.

>> No.1984305

I charge twice as much as upside-down dick.

>> No.1984308

Stop. Seriously. This is not what this thread is for.

>> No.1984353

I got a question guys
What would you say people prefer:
A fanart in the artist's style or one according to their respective show/game/whatever?
Specially in those characters that are more stylized like the rosaline above

>> No.1984360

It seems to me that having a consistent, preferably unique style is better. It's more marketable I guess, like it gives people a sense of security about what they're going to get from you. It probably also helps long term, like if people see your art somewhere else, it might be more easily recognized, so it helps you get more well known.

>> No.1984519
File: 100 KB, 1090x1500, g121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i want to finnish this just showin

>> No.1984663
File: 611 KB, 707x1000, helenparr_testpg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any just draw porn because it's fun?

>> No.1984688

Yeah, actually. The first time I tried it was so awesome. And honestly I think I've made more advancements art wise when trying to draw lewd than when not, at least in certain areas.

>> No.1984693

especially with the figure, right? I see this mad rush to draw porn and get patreon bux, but I honestly wonder how many in this thread even like drawing erotic work? Would you do it as a hobby?

>> No.1984694

veiny dicks is not an advancement in anything

>> No.1984695
File: 200 KB, 545x633, 55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. If makes me so sad that those threads quickly devolved into "how do i make a quick buck out of horny teenagers with no taste"

>> No.1984698

I have a feeling a good number of anons here actually like drawing it. People are talking about how to cash in on it but I think a lot of people were already drawing it anyway. I know I've been drawing it on the side, just to make things I wanted to see. I'm hoping maybe I can start doing a comic someday, like Incase does.

>> No.1984704

Hell yeah, man. Besides best porn comes from the heart.

>> No.1984712

are you kids good at this tumbleror thing ? which theme should I take for porn blog ? they all look hipsterlike. how to gut theme ?

>> No.1984771

When you talk about art it's a given people are doing it because they like it, even if they ask money question.
Art is not exactly a profession you pick up because you want to make money.

>> No.1984789
File: 24 KB, 425x298, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get rid of that disgusting filter

>> No.1984795
File: 120 KB, 829x662, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1984796
File: 31 KB, 713x761, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize there were so many casuals on /ic/

>> No.1984802
File: 96 KB, 491x616, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just choose a nice color pallete, but you are limited to 2 or 3 colors, so choose wisely.
You want to grab attention to your work and bot your backround, so dont make it neon pink or green

>> No.1984803

I enjoy drawing pony porn because I work so fast on it, but human porn makes me slightly uncomfortable

>> No.1984804

Id do it for side money

>> No.1984825

Hey this is just my opinion as a hip lover but you should be more careful with those bumps on her hips/legs

>> No.1984850


It's not a filter. The guy just took a picture of his monitor.

>> No.1984856


poast tumblr

>> No.1984862

I really like this person's themes

I use Diffindo for my blog

>> No.1984926

Requesting this as next OP

>> No.1984956

This thread ends in 9 more posts anyway

>> No.1985024

Careful with the pussy placement and the structure of the head. Also i would switch boobs
Is she supporting all her weight with one hand? Or maybe like floating?
In any case hands are bad, her right foot too and careful with how you stylize the knees
The lower half is fucked up and so is her hand
When was thr last time you finished a piece man?
I think now it would be a good time to study artists you like and all that jizz.
Specially for head and facial expression. Otherwise keep it up
Thanks that makes sense
Watch out those proportions. I like big butts(and i can not lie) too but you have to be consistent.
Also the foreshortening with her right arm is bad and the fold of her skin on her back should be thiner. Think about her skeleton and how fucked up it is.
Is not that bad, just keep practicing and you will be faster. Give her a good expression and you are good to go. Also most of the time there is a fold happening in the belly button line unless he/she is pregnant.
Nice but the braids are too stiff and the butt too bubbly for a fit girl
In that pose her boobs should hang more and the nipple of her right boob should be in more of a profile view. I would also add more veins to that dick, cause you know, blood.
Step up your vilppu game
Yea study more man, there should be a fold because she is turning back, that ass looks like two spheres, the way you render her stockings reminds me of those meat thing and the legs of the guys are really bad man. At leas she has some manners with that pinky
Is that a human body with a dragon face or are you trying to change the anatomy too? In both cases you need to improve everything.
Nice. Not sure if big hands are on purpose though.
Your problem is the obliques. Draw some perspective lines to a vp and you should be good


>> No.1985077

>all dat critique
Are you a god?

>> No.1985103

"Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say 'YES'!"

>> No.1985105
File: 107 KB, 504x504, A-Single-Tear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone gets the reference

>> No.1985140
File: 90 KB, 600x800, utwYURa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half of top ten "came on" characters are MLP
>2015, Somehow being surprised

>> No.1985153

God, this is so fucking bad, bro.

>> No.1985154

thats only because pony fags are retareded enough to click some button after masturbating

>> No.1985164

It works on votes? I thought it was just a count of how many pictures of each character there were, or some analytics type thing where it shows how many for the last month or something.

>> No.1985198

>In this list you'll find the characters people came on the most, this is done by clicking the icame button under the tags at every image. You can cum on a character once per day.

>> No.1985211

Oh shit, didn't even read anything past that first coma. Welp.

>> No.1985214

Comma. Whatever.

>> No.1985220

so basicly it measures more the autism levels of a fanbase rather than popularity.

>> No.1985235

Normally people that mass-post are ignorant asshole trolls.
But you Sir, are a helpful member of this board. Thanks!

>> No.1985397

Would you guys know where or how to look up references for threesomes?

>> No.1985427

Bump limit

>> No.1986029

>all those artists getting U$2000 a month to draw incredibly shitty porn

who doesn't want to get in the bandwagon?