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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 229 KB, 365x336, 775fcc9bc3252d462a5ee8d816342a5c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1978995 No.1978995 [Reply] [Original]

can we get a whiny bitch thread? a thread where you vent about all of your issues, get them off of your chest, then go back to work? or maybe we can help each other out if you see someone having trouble with something your having an issue with.

Me? I feel my work is fundamentally flawed. like, I'm missing some piece of really simple, beginners lvl knowledge that is stopping me from doing things properly. then I don't feel like studying anything else because I don't want to learn something and then be too novice to apply it
ok, your shot

>> No.1978999

I waste my time on too many projects that have no commercial potential.

>> No.1979002

I'm tired of studying shit, then going to draw from imagination and not being able to. Because the mistakes I make in anatomy when doing what I want art too large and I become too critical of my own work and scrap it

>> No.1979006

think up of what you want to draw
find fitting reference
use the reference as base
add what you want after
profit like every other profit fag

I don't know how true this is. unless your making shit, any work you make should be able to be shined up to portfolio lvl

>> No.1979026


I know how you feel dawwwg. I also have this thing where I try to add detail to cover up the fact that I know nothing about composition or color. I also hate doing studies because I don't feel like I'm creating anything of value. I know that studies are done so you learn stuff but I always feel like I need to be "creating" something new and awesome even though I'm lacking in skill.

>> No.1979060

I was told that you fill your portfolio with things you like and people will commission you to do what you like but I've gotten a few commissions that I really fucking hate but took because good dosh. I'm not shit but they make me feel shit.

>> No.1979074

use your off time to let loose some steam, and keep making the work you want to make. eventually people will hire you for more then just your talent in that you can draw, but for your content, what you draw very well.

just hang in there bud. your starting up

>> No.1979077

I feel ya. and its like yea, i could learn color theory and good comp, but i wont even be able to apply it at all yet

>> No.1979091


saw a reddit thread about a guy who's quitting art. it's pretty depressing, as most of the posts talk about how saturated the industry is and that you're never ever gonna make it

>> No.1979093


>> No.1979095

dont worry bud. your better then him

>> No.1979113

To be honest I hear similar complaints from friends in just about every other industry, while I also know people who've been terribly successful by their mid twenties. Statistical probability of certain events aside, the main dividing factor between these people is always attitude.

The problem with the internet is that it makes it all too easy to compare yourself to other people and waste time focusing on them and putting yourself down. The best you can do is work hard, cultivate a character of growth and improvement, and eventually master whatever skill you choose. If you're a master of something, there's always going to be a way to get paid for it. As long as part of mastering your skill you also mastered basic "putting yourself out there" and "networking with people" skills, which I think are also essential to growth. You should be seeking out challenging people, ideas, and making yourself known in order to create more opportunities to better yourself.

>> No.1979217
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I think I get too much anxiety about what to study because I only want to do what is the most beneficial and sometimes I'll just flip through multiple books before I actually start drawing, it seems quite psychotic actually.

Eventually I do make up my mind and just pick something but its something that always irritates me. And then I fight if I should try studying other artists or studying from fundamental books. I think the problem is I have too many books to choose from, if I only owned like 2 or 3 I would just be forced to study those.

>> No.1979224

I'm probably quite similar to you. I stress out about the "right" way to do things or about finding a specific method that'll be the most efficient in helping me learn.

When you're overwhelmed by choice and possibilities, the best thing to do is just start. Pick up anything that comes with some form of solid recommendation (figure studies, drawing from life, particular books) and just draw from it. Only then can you decide if it's actually helping you or not.

>> No.1979225

I have retarded good tiers of learning both programming and being able to draw/have creativity needed, and even motivation to draw but I can never get myself to draw for more than 5 minutes.

>> No.1979259

I will never be an artist, I chose the other road long ago and there's no going back now. Yeah I draw and paint, I do it a lot, but I'll never have the time to get the training in composition/color theory/anatomy/etc. to make anything truly valuable or beautiful. That world is lost to me. Shit sucks.

>> No.1979260

Find ways to retain information more from the studies u do. Draw certain parts of the reference over and over and understand how that part works until u can easily draw it from memory. STUDY!

>> No.1979261

Just pick one book, go through it and then put it down, or delete it if it's digital.

>> No.1979263

Literally take 30 minutes out of your day to practice, even an hour. Everyone has some kind of time

>> No.1979274

>all them mistakes
>no capital letters
>then him

>> No.1979276

I draw/do digital painting for probably 3-4 hours a day (it's how I chill after work), but I feel like I've reached a breaking point where I really need academic training to improve. I'm a very competent line artist, I can draw anything I see, but when it comes to composition and color I go full retard. Do you have any recommendations for composition tutorials/studies? I'm really at a loss here.

>> No.1979280

Hard to say without knowing where you're at right now.

>> No.1979284
File: 2.62 MB, 7200x6600, scottStudiesSmall3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are a few quick figures I made as a kinda character design thing a couple days ago. i have a cheapo bamboo tablet and I've been working in CS5 for a couple months now. i can do flat, line-heavy shit like this all damn day but when I want to make a fully rendered piece with background and shading etc. it suddenly looks like crap.

>> No.1979289

>and even motivation to draw
> I can never get myself to draw for more than 5 minutes.
I don't understand, are you getting anxious or something?

>> No.1979291

try manga studio 5. i have the manga intuos, and i can get much better results with it.

>> No.1979302
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It lacks a purpose. Sure you draw cute boys, but what will they be doing?
Composition can be achevied with a few values.

Dont beat yourself up over it. I got this from Pintrest. Its a cool website thats not all stay-at-home-moms and crafts type shit.
I get most of my referances from there too.

>> No.1979312

Other anon here. Also try huaban. The chinese version

>> No.1979324

I started out imitating popular artists and people responded to my work, but it felt wrong to me. I began to pursue a style of my own and now my art appeals to no one.

>> No.1979368
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Thats the name of the game.
I started to study this guy a bit, only to do small pinups for fun

>> No.1979370
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And this

>> No.1979390
File: 3.93 MB, 5036x5673, scottGodpreview1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

totally, yes. but as I said, this was just a character design/figure practice to give that anon some idea of where i'm at technically. so, very much NOT a full-on "art thing that has the deep meanings and implicit societal criticisms." that said, i'm a huge sucker for boring-ass portraits of people that look cute. we've all got our weaknesses. the thing i drew today I think is a little more interesting, but it's still just a sketch and it's a cop-out in terms of background and dynamism (i.e. it lacks both). but that was intentional, since it references early renaissance christian art that is then juxtaposed with a hyper-modern aesthetic to (I'm tryna back out of the vortex of pretentious academic discourse here) kinda suggest some bullshit about the idolatry of commercial branding and the parallels between religious fervor and pop hysteria. I also made this picture to inform people about how much LSD I've taken (hint: it's a lot).

>> No.1979398

I can't figure out which photoshop brushes to use. In study threads with people; some can achieve paint strokes which look realistic, while mine are shit and watery.

>> No.1979400

yr linework has this really elegant sexy smoothness to it, very cool :}

>> No.1979411


>be me
>work as engineer
>low pay ((not enough to live on my own and already been there a year)
>practice drawing everyday

Im on the point where im thinking that if im going to be underpaid it better be with something I actually love. Just trying to reunite enough courage to tell my family and ask for a little support to go to art school or ateliers.

>> No.1979423


What is it with French guys being so good at appealing drawings. Even Sempai Mullins pointed this out.

>> No.1979435

I did nothing today.

Fucking kill me.

>> No.1979436

im dying over here brah

>> No.1979438

Wow I thought that engineer should be a one of those profession with decent pay, are you from Europe?

>> No.1979440

Latin America, oil industry... They year I finish college is the year that oil plunges, fucking awesome. But meh, its not like engineers of other industries are paid more over here anyway.

>> No.1979755
File: 178 KB, 894x894, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its all about that lineweight dude.

Its Wakfu fucking magic.
Goddamn bless those fuckers

>> No.1979767

>deactivated account

>> No.1979776

>not going for electrical engineer
>buy Benz
>fuck bitches

You realllly fucked up

>> No.1979777

It's weird, you can always recognise french artists. I grew up in France and people even tell me there's something about the eyes of my characters in sketches, even though I just draw really simple animu crap. Dunno if it's down to the cartoons and comics we grew up around or something.

>> No.1979780

I know, I just want to git gud now, and be able to eat healthy food. Eating shit passed 22 is not a good idea.

>> No.1979795
File: 290 KB, 1200x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found him on Pintrest yo

I get caught up for hours, repinning really good shit

>> No.1979806

play around a litte

Try out the different brushes and look, what they do/how they look

Then take a non-fancy one (standard round or w/e) and play some more. This time with the options (opacity and shit). Change option XYZ and look, what happens
You will get an idea, what you can do, when you change option ABC with brush XYZ.

Don't be hesistant - just doodle around and test different shit.

It's like with videogames. What do you do, when you play a new game? You test everything out.
Hmm... what does this button do? Ah ok, you can punch. I wonder what happens if i push the same butten in front of a big crate? Ah ok, i can move it.
This way you learn, what you can and can't do with your given options. It's the same with drawing programs.

>> No.1979810

Are your opacity and flow too low? Try keeping both at 100% and either enabling pressure control for opacity or flow. Experiment with different brushes with those settings. I'd also look into brush packs of various pros. With a little bit of googling you should be able to find Jaime Jones, Ruan Jia, and Whit Brachna's brushes for starters, but there's a ton more out there. Scribble around with a bunch of brushes until you find one that you like, and stick with using mostly that one for most things.

>> No.1979814

Ah, thanks man. Time to get inspired

>> No.1979823

>french drawn eyes
Thats one of the most known features though.
"Draw me like one of your french girls" isnt a meme, its a goddamn root in your french soul

>> No.1979828
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Godspeed anon

No prob

>> No.1979831

I don't know who or what the fuck I am. Recently decided to start learning how to draw and even tough everyone says " it's never too late", I feel like it's too late for me. I'm in my early twenties, studying something completely unrelated to art at a university. Sometimes I feel like I will make a living out of drawing but when I realize that I'm going in a totally different direction with what I'm studying and seeing just how much of a beginner I am to art, life bitch slaps me real fucking hard and that leaves me fucking depressed.

After a long day I come home to this warzone of a family, different day, same shit, always fighting, and at night I get some free time to practice, and even tough I'm tired as hell, I keep pushing it, which results in practicing an hour max, and out of that hour, half an hour is reading the PDF on how to actually do what I'm doing.

I can not afford to quit university, because I am absolutely a freaking beginner, and family is broke as hell, so in order to escape this shithole of a state of life, I have to finish university, get a job, help my family, and THEN maybe I can get to draw some stuff.

I don't usually bitch about anything, I do what I have to do, I ' man the fuck up' everytime I feel like quitting art, but it felt good to just write it all out.

>> No.1979832

>I also made this picture to inform people about how much LSD I've taken
looks more like
>I also made this picture to inform people about how much I browse Tumblr

>> No.1979837

Who is this

>> No.1979843
File: 436 KB, 995x1600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know.
Thats one of the greatest falls of Pintrest, finding sauce can be easy or impossible. Only two possiblities.
And its a bad place to market over all.

But goddamn does it have dank shit

>> No.1979852

Im in the same jam, except for being poor and new. Im middle class but might lose the house soon.
Professors are the best thing in your life right now. They want to help you help yourself. I love them

>> No.1979864

Did you follow me?

>> No.1979873

yeah you know I cant even complain about my professors at the university, they are helping us in every way they can, but whenever I am at class, something in my mind just closes, I pull a wall, feeling like " I dont give a damn about all this stuff", even tough one day Im gonna have to graduate and work on this field. so yeah, not sure how to go about all this. wish you the best though.

>> No.1979884

Im in IT, and I love art.
But the classes can potientally stem into parts of design and art.
>Web Design
>making code and sprites for vidya cause coding and java
>graphic Design as elective
>making phone apps

I dont want to be limited to just drawing, Im working on ways to incorperate both

>> No.1979889


joel jurion.


that one's wes burt of course

>> No.1979892

yeah well you know bookkeeping and drawing doesn't have that much in common lol. so it's hard to find a balance to do both at the same time. I have different motives for both, so that helps a little, knowing why I am doing them.

>> No.1979926


>> No.1980288

One of my "friends" just stopped talking to me completely because she was jealous that her art was not as good as mine. That's just the tip of the iceberg compared to all the shitty art-related things she would do. God I hate her.

>> No.1980307

Sounds like a child

Are you in high school?

>> No.1980333
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Fuck that bitch, dont need another mutha fuckin hater holding you down.

>> No.1980336

Being better was probably a massive blow to her ego. Just don't waste your time with women you won't/wouldn't fuck

>> No.1980517

when I post in a drawthread asking for crits and nobody replies with any help I aggressively shitpost and mock myself hoping someone will come to my defense and say its not as bad as I'm making it out to be
It never works though ;-;

>> No.1980543

yeah, or when you post an opinion you're not really sure of, but it sounds accurate, and you know some shithead's going to come in guns blazing with their hot shit contrarian opinion and you hope someone will defend your stance so you don't have to
and it works every time

>> No.1980547

I could turn back and choose my dads career. At least i would have money as we is very successful.
I do love drawing. Its the thing i love the most in my life. I wish i was better. I wish i wasnt shy enough to go to classes or get myself noticed.
I wish people stopped asking me for free works. I wish i wasnt so mediocre.
Im scared of my future.

>> No.1980557

I had a really bad experience today. I don't even want to actually vent about because it'll just cause trouble again. But I sincerely feel it was bs.
Anyway I'm trying to paint this and I still don't know how to color and I'm overall pretty frustrated that I wasted my day.

>> No.1980559
File: 85 KB, 691x745, whatever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And of course I would forget to attach the image.

>> No.1980566

desaturate it and paint over it using less gaudy colors. you're actually not a terrible painter but the composition is lacking.

>> No.1980579

I've been drawing in those pocket sized sketchbooks for about three years now, and been filling up a bunch each year. Mostly take them with me in the city and draw people or things I see in the city. Usually do portraits and stop somewhere at shoulder height, because I don't want to "waste so much space on the page".
It's nice and all, but I've gotten so adjusted to this one size of paper, I have no idea how to draw full bodies and always fuck up the proportions.
It feels weird getting a bigger sketchbook, because the small ones are so portable.

Also, I'm not super serious about my art, just do it to more clearly form the images from my imagination.

>> No.1980582

Actually not bad at all bro. the biggest issue is the oversaturated background blue. a little detail in the hair wouldn't hurt

>> No.1980583

I'll try to correct the colors. It's really hard because while I'm painting it, it looks really washed out like there's hardly any color, I can't see how harsh it looks until I save it as a jpg and it gets compressed or whatever happens. As for the composition there's more happening in the picture, but I didn't think it was worth showing.
Thanks and yeah, still getting there, haven't touched anything but the face yet.

>> No.1980587

I don't doubt there's more going on in the composition, but even for a portrait it is still lacking in composition. You just can't get out of it, faces are complex as fuck. Check the ears for starters, and because you're using this ink/paint hybrid you've marked where the upper eyelid fold is with a highlight but it should probably be an ink line or a dark red skin tone. The hybrid's just kinda weird as it is.

>> No.1980603
File: 108 KB, 1029x767, whatever2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a portrait, it's a full body picture, so while I hear you and agree with you that if it were just a portrait this wouldn't be a great composition, I don't think it really works to judge the composition of this based on how I cropped a small part of it for the example. Also, the lineart is just there as a guide meant to be painted over. I'm still trying to work out the colors, it's so frustrating.

>> No.1980607

>there's more happening in the picture, but I didn't think it was worth showing.

okay then post it fagt why this whole song and dance?

>> No.1980609

Hey, relax. A critique doesn't have to go over everything under the sun. All I asked about was color correction because that's all I wanted help on, I tried to gently let on that I don't feel I need help with the composition, and that's why I didn't show the whole picture.

>> No.1980612

>critique does not go over basic critique
l8ter fag

>> No.1980613

Okay well, I appreciate the help with the color and the tip about the ears though. I just thought I'd save time by asking about the stuff I thought I couldn't handle on my own, but I also appreciate your enthusiasm about giving a thorough critique.

>> No.1980619

there is a beading crafter bitch i know in real life who whines about being copied by others whenever somebody beads the same things she does or do the same thing she does.

like she wove a little cozie to wrap around a warm coffee cup, sold a few and when the idea caught on she bitched about people stealing her idea. same thing with this lipgloss she shared on a facebook page she followed, and others posting about it too. whenever she shares an idea and it catches on with others she gets butthurt about it and says people are stealing her ideas.

I think shes an asperger so it might not be her fault but somedays i seriously wish she'd go permanently blind so she'd get the fuck over herself. its fucking beads and crochet. unless you're gonna copyright your cookie recipies i suggest you get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.1980621

>finally not slacking and forcing myself to draw everyday for a few hours at least
>end up sketching mindlessly, not bothering with refs or studies
>when I do decide to try and study I rush everything and half-ass my gestures
>tell myself "I'm gonna do this and that tomorrow!" everytime I finish another shitty piece

I want to get better but I feel like I have too much to catch up on and just end up drawing without thinking about anything. I do fix mistakes that I'm able to spot, but without knowledge I'm probably just going to keep polishing turds. I hate this.

>> No.1980643 [DELETED] 

I cant really complain. The only thing I can do is put in the work, I know what I have to do, I know what it takes, I have the resources, and I have the will and desire, but my skill isnt there yet.

I dont know if I'll make it, I dont know what the future holds, all I can do is keep working and see what happens. I dont want to impress anyone, I just want to prove everyone wrong, because no one believes in me.

I mean you gotta do what you gotta do, when you get older, you have to do something for money right, even if it sucks. But if you want it bad enough, youll find the time to draw, and draw a lot. Sacrifice sleep whatever it takes doesnt matter, theres always time to put in work. Ive pissed off a lot of people in my family to focus on developing my skill and truth be told, I dont care.

I dont know its late and I'm just rambling. I used to hate studying but eventually, its all just building and upgrading your arsenal, so you do whatever you think is going to improve that. Divide and conquer baby

>> No.1980668
File: 12 KB, 197x220, 1365971215742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all I want to draw is my waifu doing cute things
>can't do that because gotta learn proper anatomy/color theory and all that other shit first or it's gonna look like shit
>get frustrated as hell
Somebody shoot me.

>> No.1980808

im fine

>> No.1980899

>want to draw waifu
>cant into anime-esqe eyes
>she has /fit/ features that ive been working on but still shit

We could cuddle with our corpses after suicide

>> No.1981016

I can't figure out a style of my own. I'm a pixel artist, and I'm starting to have a decent grasp at anatomy, I can tell when something doesn't look right and fix it unless it's easy to miss. However, I'm always unhappy with anything human that I draw, because it always looks like a 12 year old made it. I want my human characters to be realistic or chibi(megaman), not an ugly cross between the two.

Do I keep at it until my stye evens out or does it have to do with anatomy?

>> No.1981032

>pixel artist

choose one, the only semi realistic would be King of Fighters pixel art.

>> No.1981035

Realistic anatomy, not realistic style, sorry I guess I didn't specify.

>> No.1981404

I think this has to do with stylization, what are you aiming for? Like the new contra?

>> No.1981421

I'm shit, a total failure, I never managed to pass the finish line first NOT EVEN ONCE
I'm terrible, the worst piece of shit, I can't even call myself artist because I'm so fucking bad
you have no idea of what kind of multi faced, cyclopic shame and guilt I have on my shoulders, when I was younger I had some potential but wasted years doing nothing and forgetting about the only thing that was really meaningful for me, so I ended old and human trash, and I tried to get back in but I only obtained having my ugly face slapped by the fact I'm shit, the worst, fucking useless, so in the end it was all a delusion, I've been a fool all my fucking life, and now I have no future and my past is all a fucking lie
I'm shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, I'm shit
I wish I had never been born, everything I did was a failure and ruined every person that ended getting close with me. I hate, hate, hate myself, I'm less than fucking garbage
I dont want to be

>> No.1981440

How old are you exactly?

>> No.1981448

I just want my art to look more professional than something a teenager could come up with. You know that new artist look, slight disproportionate anatomy, very round features, lanky/skinny.

I think I just need more practice at anatomy.

>> No.1981467

32 years of crawling in the dirt

>> No.1981473

Go seek professional help.

>> No.1981478

Its late for that. I resolved the worst stuff on my own already

>> No.1981480

I got into art first and foremost to draw scenes from my head, I can not feel anything other that disgust every time I'm trying to put something on paper from imagination. I understand that I'm far too unexperienced, that I don't have my fundamentals, that I'm not putting enough hours and resources into drawing but still it drives me insane. Every study I do seems almost pointless for me, I lost ability to believe in myself. I'm not sure I'm able to learn at all after a few years of doing absolutely nothing useful.
I'm only 21 and already feel the same. I'm from poor family, we have big financial problems, the dream of being an artist seems absolutely stupid for me, I hate every single cell of myself for even thinking about it, but this is what I want to do, this what I want to be able to do . I let down my family, I let down myself.

>> No.1981484

Fuck this shit, a friend introduced me to a clannie of his who is nearly illustrator quality at art. Well I was fine with that until we chatted a bit and turns out this person doesn't even study art but instead some other shit.
I died a bit inside. I'm such a fucking failure. I do art daily but I lose all motivation if I really push myself to study every day. Not studying nearly enough to get anywhere in the next few years. Fuck. My whole situation of life is pure shit and I still live with parents, don't have a job and am not in school. Having suicidal thoughts at least every few days.
To top that all I have social anxiety and can't get important shit done.

>> No.1981485

Are you me?

>> No.1981488

I hope not, otherwise I need to fix those fucked up teeth.

>> No.1981491


>> No.1981493

Listen carefully
quit thinking of your family. leave them behind, exploit them without remorse and be as much egoistical as you can. because its the only way you can have a chance at living with art as job, and maybe repay them one day
if you let feelings and obligations weight you down, you'll never go anywhere, never accomplish anything, one day you'll start hating them, hating yourself, and becoming a walking mass of hate and razor sharp shards of broken dreams
you'll hurt them. the love will become hate or indifference, and since they can't understand why, everything will become even more painful for everyone
the hate will corrode everything in your life, and you'll transform in a different person.
not thinking that you are important as you what you want to protect, this is the mistake

>> No.1981496

Say wut?

>> No.1981497

A couple years ago I met an old guy at some class. he was a monster. meaning he could draw like the fucking Leonardo, without even the slighest mistake in the lines. animals, people, objects, fucking landscapes from memory
and he was completely self taught since he was a kid.
I fell in a depression so deep, I avoided anything that was drawing related for a year.

>> No.1981500

I can't think more ways to "exploit' them. My mother's health is declining from countless hours of hard work. Such an anguish to know that they put themselves in that position and a having a thoughts that I could do better.
Don't think too much about it.

>> No.1981502

I was afraid you might say something like that.

>> No.1981511
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>> No.1981525

>be 22
>have like 7 commissions around the states
>haven't done art in a year because existential crisis
>those people still want their oil paintings done
>they're actually okay with me delaying their shit
>try to attempt a painting but it always turns to shit midway
>scrap ideas
>art skills have roughened a whole lot
>i mean they are just mediocre at this point
>don't know when ill ever come back to those people
>feel guilty when i disappoint others
>spent $100 trying to get back into art by buying new brushes, paint, and mediums
>try to attempt paintings
>feel like i need to start ALL the way from the beginning, like starting drawing 1 all over again
>life is busy with shitty retail job, going to class, and just hanging with friends very once in a while
>anxiety is killing me because depression for the future
>procrastinate a lot because of this
>i have trouble getting into painting again

I truly need to get back on my feet.

>> No.1981529

>be me
>solo for 2 years straight
>drinking coffee at mcdonalds
>pretty looking asian girl walks to me
>ask for a number
>i dont have a phone
>too poor for that shit
>"i dont have number"
>she walks away
>too busy thinking about alternate way to take this unintentional reject back
>in my mind, "y-you can write my skype id and add me later, maybe?"
>solo for 2 years straight
>life sucks

>> No.1981534

At least you were only single for 2 years, I've never dated anyone in my life and I'm 27. If you're in the US, Cricket has pretty good deals on phones. I've got a smart phone with a pretty good camera and all that, unlimited talk/text, 1g of 4G for $35/mo, it's only 40-45 for 2gigs if you need it.

>> No.1981538

sadly i'm living in canada
where everything is just expansive as obama's balls

>> No.1981563

I know all the hobos in my town and there isn't a single one that doesn't have a phone.

>> No.1981566

>if you let feelings and obligations weight you down, you'll never go anywhere, never accomplish anything, one day you'll start hating them, hating yourself, and becoming a walking mass of hate and razor sharp shards of broken dreams
>you'll hurt them. the love will become hate or indifference, and since they can't understand why, everything will become even more painful for everyone

Im on the edge of this train, but im beggining to open up my chakiras and expose lies ive told myself to keep the chain tight

>> No.1981567

I don't draw enough, sometimes I just stop drawing for a few weeks and it's so hard to get back into.
But once I do I draw a shitload but never finish anything

also I'm poor.

>> No.1981589

I feel you. My mom was just recently diagnosed with cancer. I'm the only one of her kids still in the nest and I feel like a real piece of shit not even being able to give her rent money. I'm even trying resorting to drawing porn and furry and even tried mlp to try and make some money, along with the job I have, and nobody seems to want to buy my art. I feel like shit for leaning on her, and even shittier that I still haven't done shit with my art, and terrified that I may never be able to pay her back, let alone support myself. I don't even fucking know how anyone gets through shit like this, but I feel you.

>> No.1981612

Can't draw from imagination for shit. Whenever I draw with reference I have some fun. Most of the time I'm okay with what I have, then when I compare the finished product to the reference it looks so shitty. I just can't capture life's splendor. Meanwhile I never get past lines because I'm shit at shading.

>> No.1982390

I just need a sense of direction. I want to draw porn someday and maybe become a concept artist as a side job, so I just need whatever resources will get me there.
I'm guessing I'll need to know perspective, anatomy, and character design, but I don't know how to go about tackling it. Which ones do I so first and who do I study? Loomis a shit, in my opinion, are there any other alternatives?
Sorry is this isn't really bitching, but I need some help with this crap and this seemed the best place to go

>> No.1982521

>this seemed the best place to go
you mean better, than the beginner thread?
seriously, go there. I have not enough experience to help you, but those guys do.

And to stay on topic: I have serious motivational problems. I quit my job, so i can draw but yet i haven't done shit in a fucking month.
Also i have hyperhydrosis, so my hand is sweaty as fuck and complicates drawing because of smudging/wet paper.
And apparantly i have arthritis in my hand, too.
I'm not giving up, though...

>> No.1982574

Anon you replied to here.
I also have hyperhidrosis and it makes drawing a pain in the ass. Kudos for not giving up

>> No.1982606

oh hey, brothers in pain i guess.
A little tip: Use this stuff, it works wonders.

I have no idea, what it's called in your country, though.

The first 1 or 2 weeks nothing seems to happen, but then it turns your hands into a fucking desert.
I used it a few years ago, but stopped, because it makes your hands really dry, so that the skin will crack. (it's just dead skin, though. So your hands don't get damaged, it's just annoying)
Also the skin will become yellow. Seriously, if you rub your palms together, it will start to snow.
But right now, i'm starting to use it again, because that's a small cost for dry hands.

Apparantly there's this stuff called "AHC30", which isn't as hard on your skin and you can alternate between the two after the first few weeks with the strong one. I haven't tried that yet, though.

Good luck on your way.

>> No.1982956

Sounds kind of scary, but I'm honestly open to anything to get rid of it. It's so bad that even applying lotion causes me to oversweat everywhere for half the day. It's even worse because I play an instrument and it interferes sometimes. Well, less bitching more drawing, I guess.

>> No.1983000
File: 190 KB, 780x1026, 1397605591675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't drawn in almost half a year due to depression and I can't seem to find any enjoyment in it anymore. I'm wasting so much time and I want to get back on track. I'm too embarrassed to seek any help and all my friends got sick of my shitty mood and gave up on me. No one knows I'm depressed or they don't care. I want to start a webcomic but whenever I start, even a simple thumbnail, I give up. I haven't told my family I'm failing miserably in school or that I want to go to art school. I just want to stop feeling like shit and stop acting like a little bitch.

>> No.1983024

iktf, because my dad's going through the same shit. I want to make it so I can pay bills so he doesn't have to work, but I know I'm shit.

Godspeed, mang.

>> No.1983037

My best friend got her lawn mowed for free by a guy that felt sorry for her. She asked me to do a drawing for him because she felt shit that she couldn't pay him.
Bitch, I sell my graphites for $200, he hardly spent half an hour on your yard and it's your own goddamned fault that you live above your means. I can't afford to do art for free.

>> No.1983039

sounds like whore problems

>> No.1983042


>> No.1983081

Draw a centerline/line of action that will determine the height of the figure/whatever. Then divide that line up into proportions or what have you.
Trust me, this helps way more than you think!

>> No.1983178

Ever since I left school, I don't think I can do art anymore. I did two art subjects and maintained straight As/A+s in, but since I'm not actually being told to do anything now I have no reason to draw. I feel like any skills I have are going to waste. I'm not studying again for a while. Even then, studying art is a waste of money where I live (Australia) because there is basically no industry for it. And since in school I was forced to make art, I had a reason and drive to do my best but now that I'm on my own everything looks like shit because I have no drive.

I've taken up photography, but it's so frustrating to have to learn new skills and learn a whole bunch of new crap when it's not what I think I'm really passionate about, but it's more useful than... drawing.

>> No.1983442

I've got so many common problems, embarrassment, my friends are moving on with their lives and always busy, while I'm can't find courage to tell my mom that I quit college and afraid to make any movements outside my town's comfort zone. I can't even imagine getting a loan and going in art school in foreign country, and we ain't got shit here.

>> No.1983510

/ic/ will never win the next match.. ;_;

>> No.1983517

she should just fuck him like wtf

>> No.1983538
File: 31 KB, 250x350, 11.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to get better, don't feel like drawing

>> No.1983637

My life exactly

>> No.1983639

Something similar here, but I already finished college last year, the industry is in a bad moment and Im making little money so she wants me to do something else, I cant gather the strengt to tell her what I really want to do in life, im such a pussy

>> No.1983710

having a gf won't make you any richer

>> No.1984502

>have all the time in the world
>endless references, tutorials, books
>still can't fucking practice 5+ hours everyday, sometimes can't even draw for an hour

I just don't know what to do. I look at my reference folder, draw some hands or gestures and give up. Fuck me. I don't feel like I'm learning anything anymore.

>> No.1984511

listen to music, man. if you can begin drawing, music will keep you going.
we had a trend where /ic/ was saying how music is distracting and you shouldn't listen to it, i'm sure everyone who said that doesn't draw now.

>> No.1984543

>haven't done art in a year because existential crisis
>anxiety is killing me because depression for the future
>procrastinate a lot because of this

I know that feel, but hey, at least you have commissions and those people are WILLING to wait for you- so your art has something special about it. I'm the same age as you but can't even hold down a job for longer than 2 months, am a community college drop out, and haven't been able to finish a painting for years already. You're doing good, man. Fight through it. Don't let the feels completely take over.

>> No.1984549

You're lacking motivation, I'm just like you, there's just no fire, I've got something I want to get on paper but I wish to draw well before I can do that and between this thing I want and skill I want to get is a huge gap of emptiness.

>> No.1984651

Thanks, that helps a bit. Now I need to ignore the temptation of checking shit online every half an hour.

Waiting for motivation is bad thinking in my opinion. I was like that and ended up not drawing for months. I force myself to draw everytme I feel bored, which is a lot. Problem is sticking to it once you start. I have a bunch of sketchs from today, I hate looking at them because they're so horrible and still don't feel like I've done much, but it's better than nothing.

>> No.1984730

man i hate it when people tell you to "study x"
>have you tried trying
>yes actually that's how I got here

>> No.1984769

When do you know that you just can't into art? How much time spent working with no improvement is enough to show that you're left and right brains can't work together? How many times should you draw the same things over and over only to realize it cannot be actualized? Once you've foumd yourself stagnating and not going anywheres even with outside help do you just accept that you'll never be able to produce that piece the way you want or do you keep trying? Is it all attitude or aare some folks just not capable of art?

>> No.1985015

I'm learning to not hate myself by getting more organized and exercising and doing art when I have the time. But I've committed to a group project(with franzz) that's not my style or concept and don't pay but takes up a lot of time. I work a day job to just pay the bills and occasionally get a chance to to make art for [shit] pay.

I hate social media because it's all just people floundering for attention and I don't have any community where I can just post my art and get REAL feedback. I don't know how to use tumblr/deviantart/etc in a way that would actually benefit me/get attention for my art. And either there are no (paying) jobs relevant to my abilities or when they're are I'm turned down for a candidate with "more experience".

So what am I supposed to aspire to now that I've been out of college for almost 2 years? What is the next fucking step that I need to take so I don't find myself doing the same exact shit 5 years from now?

>> No.1985027

I have been awake for 8 hours. I have been browsing ic for 6 hours. The other 2 hours have been wasted chitchatting or some other wasteful activity. There's nothing good here, including me. I think I'll still manage 3 hours today. Because...

I have been out of work due to an illness. I've been out for 7 weeks. This is the only chance I'll ever have to get to a professional level, I have about 3-4 months left. I still have been getting 2-3 hours of work in a day, believe it or not the advice has been beneficial to me in this time. I learned to use photoshop and other programs. Time was not completely wasted.

I'm just still feeling awful guilt that I'm not being disciplined enough. I'm not drawing for a productive 8 hours. Like how the fuck does anyone do that? Every 5 minutes I just want to get up and walk around.

I have work paralysis. I know what I have to do but I don't know what to do. A degree of me wants to be perfect, but I'm comping to terms with being imperfect. I need a portfolio but everything I make will not be marketable.

>> No.1985029

I have that too. I gave up on the idea of becoming an artist and just treat it as a big hobby now. I had a few more career choices

>> No.1985042

I'd say you're unable to do art, if you're blind on both eyes.

As you've said, a lot of it is attitude. You sound pretty negative right now and a very negative attitude can reaaaaaly stunt your progress. It's best not to take your mistakes too serious. Art is a path of failing - there's nothing wrong about fucking up. As long as you keep going.

>> No.1985061

Motivation doesn't just come, you need to actively look, I'm not talking about inspiration or shit, I'm talking about the most basic stuff, WHY you're drawing, you can mechanically do everything but you won't find pleasure nor reason to keep doing it until you find why you're doing this.

>> No.1985064

Thing is, it can't be a hobby. I'm gonna be 30 soon. I have no other skills. It's this or homelessness.

Or hire an assassin because I don't have the balls to end it.

>> No.1985721

I hate feeling guilty all the time. If I play video games or read a book instead of drawing I feel like shit.

>> No.1985731

don't do those things then, durr. listen to an audiobook, you can do that and draw. and don't play video games, they're just evil in every way.

>> No.1985733

>playing the electric jew

yah don't do that tho

>> No.1985771

I draw something.
And then I agonize over it for 2 days.
As you can tell, I don't sketch much.

>> No.1985773
File: 34 KB, 450x329, 1417117207712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I figure this is an appropriate place to share, sorry for being a faggot and making a wall of text, but maybe you guys can help.

I've really started making a positive change in my life and started pursuing a lot of hobbies and goals again, slowly, but successfully. I finally have that passion for things that I used to as a child and young adult, and it feels wonderful. For some reason, the only thing that still seems so daunting to me is getting back into drawing after stopping regular practice for 4 years. It's not like I was relatively good or anything, calling my art decent would be a slight stretch regardless of what people who aren't into art said. I've taken my fair share of classes when younger, but high school art classes don't really mean much, even if you learn theory. But the few times I have picked up a pencil or stylus in the past, I just see how severely my skills have deteriorated, and I can't bring myself to stick to it long enough to actually make any progress. It's just so frustrating to start again at a skill level that's pretty much zero.

>> No.1985774

well sketch more bro, fucking sketch everything around you like a mad man every waking minute be drawing, then how can you agonise over one drawing or another, you did 600 of 'em today. who gives a shit if 552 turned out all fucked up or not.

>> No.1985775
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Now, I may be in a worse position. I just spend my time speeding and thinking about or looking up specific exercises to do, or talking my self out of it because "I don't have that book yet," "I need to create some goals/schedule," "I need to find the best way to practice," or some other convenient justification to go do something else instead. Before that, it was "I'll start drawing again when I start taking ADD medication," but I'm already more than a month and a half in without having even picked up a pencil. I've been doing and enjoying a lot of other stuff, but not that.

I guess what I'm really looking for is some definitive drills to do, to learn to be okay with my mistakes, and not compare myself to the artist I used to be. I know you guys wouldn't be able to help with the latter problems, but would you know what drills to do? Gesture drawings, life drawings, and anatomy studies are what I need to work on, but I find myself dreading them and delaying them, then fantasizing about being able to draw all the "cool stuff I WILL to draw WHEN I REALLY git gud." I don't even have the doubt I can do it, because I've made good improvement and progress before. I'm just having difficultly getting over that initial hump. Is there a way to learn to enjoy more, or make them more engaging? Or perhaps some more exciting exercises to work with?

TL;DR, What do I practice to relearn fundamentals? Is there anything else besides the standard "life drawing, gesture drawing, form and light studies, etc?" And mostly, how do enjoy or spruce up the boring, tedious slump that comes with learning to draw?

I really hope you can help, /ic/. As sad as it is, I really need someone to tell me what to do, and to tell me man up and do it.

>> No.1985778

Beginner here, I've decided to learn to draw, and I got soo many bookmarks and pdf-s and videos and I dont even know where to start. Any advice or similar experience?

>> No.1985780

right, I'll try to sketch more in my free time.
Can't be drawing every minute, as I'm a Comp Sci. major.

>> No.1985782

you have to read a sort of 'primer' kinda book first that teaches you about the picture plane and the artist's eye and all those other little concepts that you need to understand a bit for drawing.

there's a few,

one is betty edward's drawing with the right side of the brain

another is keys to drawing

but there are lots of 'em

>> No.1985783
File: 398 KB, 1024x871, cooool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So find an entry level/gateway style that is simple and uncomplicated and draw that until you're used to drawing for fun. Then start with the fundamentals. I've heard it takes about two weeks to get into a rhythm.

>> No.1985788

Yeah I red that drawing on the right side of the brain should be among the first books. is there a pdf lying around somewhere?

>> No.1985790

Thanks, do you have any suggestions as for a style to mimic or take inspiration from? Or should I just try and stylize things intuitively, and focus on minimalism and simplicity with my creative process?

>> No.1985795
File: 394 KB, 593x900, ChrisG_Walking_Dead_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever suits your interests. Keep an eye out.

>> No.1985798
File: 366 KB, 1600x877, easyprocess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just keep in mind the fundamentals: line, shape, form, value, space, color, texture. And the principles: balance, proportion, unity, harmony, variety, emphasis, rhythm, and movement. Read up on them and memorize them if you can, but for the first two weeks I emphasize fun.

>> No.1985843
File: 91 KB, 604x465, 1417927707104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll refresh myself in the basic fundamentals, but I saw that in the latter part of your post, you mentioned a lot of principles of composition. I never practiced using nor identifying it well, and only learned strict definitions in an Art History class. This may be a bit premature to ask, but for future reference, but how would I hypothetically go about improving my ability to identify good composition and utilize it in my work effectively?

>> No.1985848
File: 1.59 MB, 750x1023, hellbendertumblr (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most traits I love in other artist's work are totally absent in mine. It's fucking with my brain a bit. I really like tight, clean, well-designed stuff. No lines.. Meg Hunt and Charlie Harper have the kind of art that makes my heart flutter.
But my artwork is almost totally dependent on linework, it's wacky, fluid, sketchy and strange looking. And part of me really likes that, but another part of me thinks I'm just a lazy artist trying to justify myself. Regardless, the type of illustration I do is far from trendy right now, but I love doing it.. Maybe I'll try to wait it out and see if stuff like mine is trendy in 10 years, who the fuck even knows, right?

>> No.1985854

where can you find a good source on the fundamentals and principles you mentioned? Is there a book that summerizes all these?

>> No.1985875

I'm no expert since I'm in this thread, but most of the beginner drawing books cover these concepts at least marginally in the first few pages, along with supplies and tools you'll need

>> No.1985880

reading is good. finish the fucking book dont just read it halfway then give up. reading fuels your imagination, and finishing a big book is something that most people cant even do.

most people buy books and never read them.

so read the book. it will teach you discipline that you need to finish drawings. of course, dont read book after book because then it will take up drawing time. but if you start a book, finish it. this drawing thing takes a long time anyway. taking several days to read a book isnt going to crush any possibilities of you improving your drawing.

read and draw, learn, practice, repetition, growth, maximize.

>> No.1986247

One time I went on pixelovely and I drew figures for an hour. I ended up with some stuff that was better than I'd ever done before.
I think it was a fluke though because I can't seem to do it again. So I did another Stravinsky and copied some blooks.
I can never seem to make my own blook, the parts always end up in the wrong place.

>> No.1986254


>> No.1986257
File: 133 KB, 760x1699, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lines are awsome you dank fool.
If you want to do that, then paint with a big brush

>> No.1986263
File: 117 KB, 576x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make your own blook, or jam as I like to call them, by studying landmarks and anatomy. Each muscle is probably intimitating for you, but thats why you break it down and do each thing individually and connect them like lego

>> No.1986268
File: 206 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask yourself why you like a pic and break it down.
Alterniavley you could watch CtrlPaints composition videos or Something about thumbnails

>> No.1986269

uh... why don't you experiment with colors and ink then? ..or anything, for that matte
you are choosing to make lines the focus of your work. you can try something else just by doing something new.

>> No.1986292
File: 1003 KB, 2560x1089, 1422482317192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure I'll bite, I just want to get it off my chest.

Spent the last 6 or so years in a college course I hate and not passing anything because I keep fucking procrastinating like an idiot and can't help it.
Doesn't look like I'll graduate either, I don't want to drop out either since it would look bad on me and the family. and if I do it would be with shit GPA anyway, had a job for 1 year and quite this month because of clashes with classes. Started drawing around November last year and complete shit, I hate looking at my sketchpad sometimes,completed 3 half way through my 4th. Bought a cheap Wacom tablet from what I worked and waiting for it to be delivered so I can start drawing digital, practice 2 -3 hours a day since I started and since I have no job now I draw for about 4. Right now I see myself as a fucking waste of space and I seriously don't know where my life is going, I can't even afford to move out since I have no money, getting a new job may clash with my classes again and my parents are on my fucking back saying that I'm being useless. As for my art I'll keep practicing until I am somewhere near pic related and maybe start a patreon when I am good enough.

tl;dr I wasted a couple years of my life and looking to art as a backup plan which is uncertain and that uncertainty is killing me inside.

>> No.1986301

look at all those muscley men. i bet a lot goes on on that planet.

>> No.1986346

like hardcore gay sex?

>> No.1986349

What's that?

>> No.1986352

There's two things I like: "adult services" & drawing.

I'm doubting which to turn into a career and which into a side hobby.

>> No.1986353

Like they stick eachother penis in eachothers butts while moaning and then blow eachother while really cool tribal music is playing?

>> No.1986357
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>> No.1986358

and this is something you enjoy on a daily basis?

>> No.1986364
File: 26 KB, 363x507, Bioshocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you do for a living Mark?
>get up in their face real close
>"I draw furry porn"
>turn away and walk out the door into my chevy truck

>> No.1986365

butt sex cannot be sustained on a daily basis

>> No.1986368

gay sex can.

>> No.1986399
File: 133 KB, 667x1000, 1343231978302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIV sex can too... even several times a day. You might get in trouble if you ain't used to much, but that goes for every kind of sex.

>> No.1986489

Meant to get work done today. Instead spent the entire day on 4chan being depressed. That's what I did yesterday too. It's soulcrushing when I think that's how tomorrow is going to end up also.

>> No.1986530

Turn it around right now. Grab your pencil and sketchbook and doodle away. If you suddenly have the urge to tackle something bigger then go for it. Otherwise just play around.

>> No.1986532

But I feel so laz--fuck it, you're right, anon. Even if it's scribbles it's better than nothing.

>> No.1986755
File: 22 KB, 313x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have felt that art is just a waste of time lately, i have procrastinated for years to make an animated short but i feel like it will be a fucking waste of time

>> No.1986847
File: 46 KB, 480x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice body, but not the boipussy I would fuck

>> No.1986852

i feel like i'm not progressing at all and i never will to a point where people will like what i draw.
and i know, i should be doing this for me, but I figure that all artists are attention whores at heart. otherwise we wouldn't bother posting this shit online in the first place.

been doodling/learning for the last 5 years and it's finally starting to eat at me that I haven't REALLY learned anything and made my art better.

>> No.1986861
File: 33 KB, 475x266, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, im beyyyoooond shit, and I post every other day or so.
But you should do a really nice drawing or whatever at your level, amd take a step back to see whats wrong with it and grind on that to see how it fits and just throw it back in again.

>> No.1986867

i know what is wrong, i suck, hard.
usually when i do draw i can pull out what is wrong because the idea in my head is definitely not what is on the paper.

>> No.1986879
File: 1.11 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many things are wrong with this pic I made.
But it made me realize that I have to feel her when I draw her. Inhave to carry the same emotion of lust from my head, to the paper.
Also, try using thumbnails on index cards

>> No.1986881

i couldn't fucking tell ANYTHING is wrong, that is how good I am right now.

>> No.1986885

Ah, I see.
Draw what you love, what made you start drawing?

>> No.1986891

huge boobs.
mostly wanted to draw oppai loli doing cute shit.
even if i draw what i love, i still get a feeling of disappointment whenever i draw something. it's hard getting things to look right and in proportion, not to mention not looking 2D as fuck.

>> No.1987212
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>> No.1987247
File: 28 KB, 499x322, tumblr_inline_n0aqnh3Gob1qer6i0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beginner tryin' to learn and I just fucking cant with torso's. I have a decent base of everything else but shoulders down to naval is killing me. What even ARE torso's?

>> No.1987259

I wanna go to a real big boy art school but I'm afraid I'm going to spend my whole life underneath the glass ceiling.

>> No.1987280
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>> No.1987298

This...This surprising helped me. Thank you.

>> No.1987301
File: 368 KB, 324x534, batmanrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought of my drawings as decent for a good amount of time, but then I go look at the old ones and realize they're shit. I realize also that I have similar feelings towards my newer drawings, which probably means they're shit.

Furthermore, I know I need to practice my basics but I have a hard time with the Loomis books.

>> No.1987306

Holy shit anon are you me. I'm the exact same way.

>> No.1987323

>I don't know who or what the fuck I am.

You are the person that you want to be, not your parents.
Break free.

>> No.1987351

No problem dude

>> No.1987355

I learned from watching livestreams and seeing how people apply methods in real time

>> No.1987378


You are both me, but Im already done with college, keeping a half time job with my degree making some decent noodle money enough to get a shitty tablet that helped me improve. Working on my thesis to get my full degree while trying to git gud, its hard, it challenges you in a mental level because you are dedicating your full time to be good at both things, but its not all dark now, I can see some progress which is good, dont give up baes, I love you all.

>> No.1987404

Anybody here know how to to train good lines? No matter what I'm doing it seems like I can't get my lines in the right place or right length.

>> No.1987406

Train by blood and fire and only use pen.
It will show you how to use one stroke, and how shitty it looks with many strokes

>> No.1987410

ok. provided i do this correctly and practice about an hour daily, what kind of timeframe should i expect to start noticing results? (this is so i can attention to know if it is working)

>> No.1987411


>> No.1987412

That feeling never goes away.
You'll be learning new things for the rest of your life.

No need to stress out over it.

>> No.1987445

thank you. i'll give it my all.
-no stop till the top

>> No.1987484

Any videos you'd highly suggest?

>> No.1987504

this is kinda fun. makin fuckin barcodes!

>> No.1987527

Id watch anyone from Legoman to Slugbox.
Its all about your own taste

>> No.1987719

Gotcha. My taste is leaning more towards stylization like anime and manga so I'll see what I can find about that.

>> No.1988154 [DELETED] 

Dont really know anymore. 27, been drawing awhile, have a kid, work in retail, family hates me. Got lectured all the time when I made an effort to keep in contact with them, kind of stopped giving a fuck about what my family thinks - as a result I hardly talk to them any more. Spend all my free time drawing, reading, and lifting weights. Gotta get a better job though because I dont make enough money.

Shits hard man, dont know if I'll ever make it. Ive never completely given up, but I go through phases where I'm like fuck it all and I'll read for several weeks and not draw until I feel like I'm ready to give it another shot, and then I go balls to the wall and draw for hours on end everyday.

I have to deal with obnoxious people on a daily basis, at work and at home. I hate having to please people that I dont even want to associate with in the first place, put on that fake smile and pretend to be a happy social person, oh god I hate it. I used to just be mute all the time haha, I wouldnt even talk to people, but it made my days a whole lot longer. Either way it sucks, no matter how many motivational/self help books I read, I cant be that super positive energetic people person who loves everyone. I can maintain confidence in myself, but its just fuckin hard for me to be social because I dont want to be. Anyway, it makes it hard to be creative sometimes because all of it stresses me out.

I have these days where I just daydream that I'm in a different world and those are always the best drawing days for me, but they dont come as often as I like. I wish I could figure out a way to have more days like that. I'm chill as fuck and nothing seems to bother me on those days, and all I want to do is draw.

>> No.1988636

For once in my life I have a chance to maybe sort of make an impression in the mainstream industry, if I finish this project tomorrow. But it's something I was basically still learning, digital painting. I'm nearly done with the pictures but I don't think they look great and I don't know if I'm going to finish and this could change my life and fuck.

>> No.1988650

What do you study from? Very nice drawing anon i like em!

>> No.1989940

I just realized that there's something that's blocking me. not only in art, but in everything, from sexual inhibition to being afraid of aggressive guys
its the same thing, I'm fucking sure of it. and I also managed to get rid of it some time ago, but its back
how the hell do I get rid of it damn

>> No.1989949

I know all those feels. If you're like me, you had people always acting in your best interest and telling you what to do. You don't feel confident making your own decisions and asserting yourself without getting approval first. Even when it comes to art. If it isn't going to be good, you aren't certain you want to do it.