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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 91 KB, 560x350, huion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1976854 No.1976854 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have a Huion H610pro? I just bought mine. Installed the drivers but when I plug it in it isn't being detected. Do tablets normally give trouble?

>> No.1976862


download the drivers online, haven't had any trouble with mine once i got it working

>> No.1976879

I had to install the drivers from the CD since the only thing they seem to have on their website is this TabletDriver software that doesn't really do anything.

>> No.1976887

btw the PRO one has rechargable pen where the normal version needs aaa bateries right?
also the pro is the one with the logo on the side, where the normal one has on the bottom?

>> No.1976893

Try removeing everything that is installed regarding tablet drivers, rebooting, installing the right ones again (make sure you do right ones)


Mine 610pro works OK

>> No.1976899

good, i almost missed the little but important details (just got mine today from here http://www.ebay.com/itm/400697552947 so i hope i did not dun goofed)

btw how are the tips on huion compared to wacom? from what i know the wcom ones dont last much

>> No.1976902

You're joking right? This is a troll thread right? People actually buy the chink knock-off tablets instead of wacom?

>> No.1976909

o yea, you have the right to be mad for realizing you bough overpriced piece of junk wacom

the only thing that costs the extra money is the brand

>> No.1976912

>paying twice as much for a name brand

I bet you sit in starbucks with a mac book and a pair of dre beats.

>> No.1976914

i bet you meme on the chan with your meme friends

>> No.1976915

hows it like losing an argument?

>> No.1976924

All of it including the nibs is made of normal plastic meaning it doesn't melt like butter. Nibs stick out far nore than Wacvoms meaning it will be lasting much longer, i'm using one for month drawing several hours every day and i guess it will live quite long.

Pressure sensitivity is a WAY BETTER than wacons, the nibs are on the spring and it feels amazing
but it has no tilt sensitivity if you needed that.

>> No.1976926

I'm in need of a new tablet since my last one, so elaborate on Wacom vs other brands' tablets.

>> No.1976928

Wacom is literally the only brand ever mentioned among professionals.

If you feel unsure about your decision, just visit any studio or company that has artists working there.

>> No.1976929


i honestly like it better than my intuos 3

>> No.1976934

thats because when you are wroking in a studio, you dont give fuck about money that much

>> No.1976938

does anybody here get some value of using the tilt? it just seems like a fancy pants mostly useless toy feature

>> No.1976941

>guy who budgets company money is some business fuck
>cant be bothered to research anything
>wacom literally the first thing when you google "art tablet"
>wastes company money because he doesnt give a shit

That is pretty much how it goes down. Wacom is more expensive because they spend more on marketing not because it is better. If you spend a few hours researching you can save money on anything while still buying a high quality product.

>> No.1976952

>That is pretty much how it goes down
No that's not how it works.

As for equipment and budget it's the head of art who makes the decisions. For the companies I've been in that's a person with extensive experience (20+) from both art and leading. He works closely with lead artists and art directors. They are the ones researching and requesting the equipment that they need to work and the equipment they feel can improve workflow or improve the product.

>> No.1976960


Well, that and Wacom over all is more compatible with everything across the board.

They don't like to take risks and although Huion is very decent product for its price, it's just too much of a gamble for any industry professional.

It's good though, if you're low on funds Huion is a great choice for someone looking for an alternative to a lower end Wacom Intuos.

Definitely worth the purchase.

>> No.1976961

But anon, most artists are hipsters with their heads up their asses. The exact type of people who would be buying products purely for name brand.

>> No.1976965

Yeah, App Lel is known for being used for CREATIVE purposes exclusively.

And it's not because itruns Photoshop any better than PC.

>> No.1976971

The difference between being a hipster and buying a good product is doing your research.

>> No.1976976

>Implying you conducted a research proving that Mac and Wacom are in some way more productive as woking tools thatn PC and non-wacon tablet.

>> No.1976981

>implying I didn't try other shitty tablets since I started
>implying I ever made an argument for mac

>> No.1976984

I got my huion (not 610 but same nibs) around Sept 2012 and I'm still on the first nib. I don't draw for hours a day though, so it may be different for you. It's visibly a little worn down, but definitely not enough to switch it out yet.

This is true, but what's so wrong with getting a cheaper tablet at first? Better to use 'lower quality' stuff, learn the skills, and upgrade later than to dump cash right away on expensive materials you probably can't use to their full extent for a while.

>> No.1976991

guys, wacom is the only real shit out there

the reason is because they have a patent for the pen technology so that the pen doesn't have to have any batteries in it, this is why other real tech companies haven't bothered making their own tablets yet and why the only alternatives are cheap chinese shit

just get a fucking wacom, stop thinking you're ahead of the curve by buying some third world bullshit

>> No.1976997

70$ is quite somethinng for a chinese brand.
Intuos PRO if 500$ and bamboo is pure fucking shit compared to this one.

Also why do you think that if chinks are making iPhones and Wacom tablets they can't make their own tablets?

>> No.1977004

read again, the patent

do you really want to be wielding a heavy piece of shit stylus that you have to keep changing the batteries on because youre using a shitty version of a wacom instead of just saving up for the real thing?

>> No.1977007

but anon, it has rechargable pen that doesent run on external bateries

>> No.1977012
File: 52 KB, 573x609, 1418247732183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the stylus is too heavy!!

>> No.1977013

It's lighter than Wacom's stilus and i havent charged it even once yet. When it runs out I will have a coffee while it's charging and keep drawing for another several months.

>> No.1977015

Are you guys serious about Huion H610pro being a decent tablet? No sarcasm.

>> No.1977016

you can get a second hand intuos3 (the best intuos, before they changed their surfaces to start destroying your pen nibs) for 100bux on ebay

>> No.1977017

yes we are, no sarcasm

>> No.1977018


No wait, why charge?
I can buy ten of them for the price of one wacom and i will be throwing tablets away when their pens run out of charge without needing to charge.

Or I could get one tablanalogue for the price of an Intuos.

>> No.1977020

In comparison to the Intuos line? I've had (refurbished, mind you) an Intuos 3 and 5 that have both died on me within 2 years, so the H610p is looking like a good alternative.

>> No.1977021


Meant tablet-monitor like cintique.
accidentally pressed Enter while editing

>> No.1977023

well if you are looking for a throw away tablet then there really is no point in getting intuos, is there?

>> No.1977028


thats my new artist name, thanks anon

>> No.1977030

I actually bought them because I heard they lasted forever but it wasn't the case for me.

>> No.1977035

Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.1977048

Trying to set up Huion H610 Pro. It is shit. The drivers are a huge pain to set up. There is a good 500ms delay when writing with it. The pressure sensitivity isn't even working in photoshop. Really irritating.

>> No.1977061

thats what you get for buying third world trash instead of investing in a wacom

>> No.1977067

>dump cash right away on expensive materials you probably can't use to their full extent for a while.
I considered it an investment that paid off. I wouldn't say that it's has a higher skill roof, but rather that a cheaper one will make learning more difficult.

>> No.1977071

You probably fucked up with installation.
What OS? Admin privileges?

Try removing everything that you have installed and installing it right.

>> No.1977081
File: 47 KB, 1005x508, tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting rings at 50% flow. Is this because of settings in photoshop? Left is with the mouse, right is with stylus.

>> No.1977083

check your spacing setting

>> No.1977086
File: 42 KB, 496x436, kebkac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


uncheck circled

restart computer

make sure you have the lastest driver

>> No.1977088

This is SPACING setting in the advanced brush settings.

Open the driver from the tray, it has sensitivity bar, if you see it changing on how hard you press than the drivers are working and the tablet is OK.

Try SAI, SAI is set up outta the box for working with tablets UNLIKE photosop.
If SAI is working fine, then you are an idiot and don't blame Huion.

Are you sure you removed WACOM drivers entirely before setting up Huion ones?
Have you rebooted after eliting old ones?

>> No.1977089

Are you sure your USB port is working?

>> No.1977093

The only problem I have with intuos pro is the nib rape. This SHOULDN'T happen with a 300€ tablet.

>> No.1977098

As if huion is any different.

>> No.1977107

I don't care about the piece of shit huion that only poorfags get. I paid fucking hundreds of euros for the flagship non cintiq tablet of motherfucking wacom. I still need a solution for that problem.

>> No.1977109


Try toothpicks. You can slice the edges off it and slide it through.

>> No.1977113

Do I need a screen protector of some kind?

>> No.1977114

just get a second hand intuos3 dude

>> No.1977115

its meant to be that way so you throw more shekels at wacom for extra nibs or a surface protector.

>> No.1977119
File: 30 KB, 488x470, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the spacing setting? Are you talking about the shape dynamics tab in the brush window? Even in the pressure test you can see rings and inconsistencies. This is my first tablet, I don't have ANY other driver on this computer. I just installed it from the disk, plugged the tablet in, and its giving me problems already.

>> No.1977125
File: 71 KB, 394x611, sassgfndfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set spacing less than 10%

>> No.1977129

also best to get recent drivers from website


>> No.1977142

maybe, I only tried the toothpick thing on bamboo

>> No.1977143

But the website doesn't seem to have any drivers, all the downloads are just the PenTablet software. I can see on youtube people using what looks like really good customization software for the tablet, that is even featured in the manual, but all I can find is the shitty PenTablet.

>> No.1977160

I guess I can understand this since good tablets won't be used up like paint. I just don't think huion has any serious problems that limit learning. The battery pen is only slightly heavier and sensitivity is at least as good as what Bamboos have.... having decent pressure and pixel resolution is enough to make good digital art imo.

To be fair, my experience with Wacom was only ~1.5 month with one of the small bamboo funs, so maybe there's something great about the intuos that I just don't know of.

>> No.1977166


I've been warning you people about their drivers. You didn't listen. You have to hang around their forums for some woman to post the "latest" drivers. It's a scam.

>> No.1977184
File: 27 KB, 241x228, 1391325996498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to go to forums
>it sends you to a broken page called "personal funds allocated"

>> No.1977188

sorry about that, i am a monoprice user, but since they are made by the same people, just under a new name, maybe these driver will work


>> No.1977191


>> No.1977195

Hilarious. You huionfags deserve everything you get for not listening.

The buyer shouldn't have to go to some external site to download something. If so they should put a note in the package. This is big red flags.

>> No.1977201

you know that huion is the shit when they have this awesome deviantart profile!


>> No.1977207

>Hi, i have been using the huion h610 without any problems but recently i noticed the pressure sensitivity has been a bit messed up in photoshop, so i downloaded the new drivers...
>Hi, I just got an Huion 580 and I've been having some issues with pressure sensitivity not registering.
>Did you try using the drivers from the site instead of the cd that was included? The site has the most up to date drivers, so you should try those out first.
>site has most up to date
>Hello! I have a Huion P608N and when I plug my tablet into the USB port it works for about 30 seconds then the pen stops working altogether
lmaooooooooooooooooooo problems, problems everywhere

but you buy a wacom and it works right out the box...even the old piece of shit intuos 2 works still.

>> No.1977208
File: 864 KB, 160x270, 1419022178915.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its just pictures of their tablets

>> No.1977209

yeah, I got a Huion H610 Pro from dx. I had to delete a DLL (had a wacom tablet before) but after deleting it and installing the drivers I downloaded, everything works perfectly. Tried it with SAI and Krita. I don't own photoshop so I don't care.

>> No.1977213

okay, now google for "wacom problem"

>> No.1977215

how much is wacom paying you to shill this thread?

>> No.1977217
File: 21 KB, 218x265, 1393453213623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1977220


Wacom has the best customer support. What about Huion? Contact them during Chinese hours and during Chinese hours you get a house answering machine. Very professional indeed. If they ever pick up they'll tell you their go-to line "go to our website and download the latest dribers...xDD".

They say that to avoid Amazon from removing their shit.

>> No.1977222

but despite all the hate, there are people that got it going no?

>> No.1977224

Is huion the only competition for wacom? Thought there would be more.

>> No.1977227

chinkova and chinkoprice

monoprice makes some good stuff though but not tablets

>> No.1977228

there are many "brands" but there are only a handful technologies, if that makes sense. Huion, monoprice and so on are using UClogic technology but there are other competitors even with battery-less pens.

>> No.1977229

I went from a wacom graphire 2 to a huion, actually a turcom but its the exact same tablet. It cost me no more than $50 and i've been pretty happy with it.

>> No.1977231

tell us how did you get it working, shill.

oh wait you won't

>> No.1977235

the only fag shilling here is you, wacomfag.

>> No.1977236

To be fair, wacom abandoned their deviantart page

>> No.1977237


That didn't answer the question. You only strengthen your scam aura.

>> No.1977240

uh, I just downloaded and installed the latest driver. Make sure you install it before plugging the tablet in.

>> No.1977241

>all happy smiley comments on the front page

>> No.1977243

but still, their page looks 100000x more legit. it tells you something that company making graphic tables has the most hideous shittiest promotional graphics

>> No.1977244

what question? How to install drivers? You run the exe. Man, that was fucking haaaaaaaaaard.

>> No.1977245

and what drivers is that?

>> No.1977246


Sure thing, Mr Wang. I Instarued the dribers and they work just as deseribed. :-)

So tell me, why do you need to keep posting updates every 2 months?

>> No.1977251
File: 98 KB, 952x768, madcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm enjoying this, shit's hilarious.

>> No.1977253

Drawn with a wacom. Nice try, Mr. Wang. Keep on dodging the question.

>> No.1977259

>Drawn with a wacom.
yeah, no.

>> No.1977263

show us your timestamped working huion please and i will buy one

>> No.1977273
File: 127 KB, 908x882, Image6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger, I don't give a shit. Maybe tomorrow, a man's gotta sleep, you kno'.

>> No.1977274

but that shit aint the driver you see in the reviews on youtube ffs

>> No.1977280

Download latest driver on our website. Totally not scam.

>> No.1977403
File: 63 KB, 614x535, basedhuion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest huion product drivers:

Please, please install the drivers before plugging in the tablet. This is an important step that so many people overlook without even realizing. To be safe, I went ahead and uninstalled the wacom drivers to be safe.

Coming from a Wacom CTH470 (Bamboo Pen & Touch), I can say comfortably that the H610Pro is a massive upgrade. The only problems I've had so far have been driver related. wintab programs like sai are good to go. But mucking around with the TabletPC functionality of your rig, either directly(services.msc) or indirectly( via the Tablet Driver program in the tasktray ) can cause you to lose pressure sensitivity until you unplug and reconnect the tablet. This happened to me once while using drivers from late 2014.

ALSO!!! Jittery lines - no matter the strength or speed of your stroke - in every software package is indicative of pressure sensitivity not working for the reasons I've outline above. Even in photoshop, you really shouldn't see excessive jitter - what I've seen people complain about - unless your strokes are very, very slowly paced.

On my H610Pro, I haven't experienced any problems with the latest drivers. PSCS6, Sai, MangaStudio, and Mischief are all perfect.

>> No.1977409
File: 121 KB, 1133x778, linux_huion_module.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for /g/ bros

>> No.1977415

there was this thirt party commercial plugin for photoshop that got rid of the jittery lines at slow speeds, it could do more fancy smoohing stuff n shit, but i can not remember what it was. if i recall correctly it had somewhat of a weeaboo name.

anybody know what im talkin about?

>> No.1977417

Lazy Nezumi

Just learn how to carry a stable hand, jeez.

>> No.1977422

why isn't it on their site you fucking retard?

>> No.1977430
File: 53 KB, 1137x888, goawaywacomkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this is the site for the western market? The tumblr blog posted above that contains links to the latest drivers can also be found here. Same links, same file host, same drivers.


Yup, Lazy Nezumi. Awesome app, certainly not a necessity. However, I'm not a professional inker nor am I too concerned about my linework currently to invest in the program. I guess I find comfort in the fact that I can always use Manga Studio/Sai if I need some crazy nice stroke stabilization.

>> No.1977617
File: 125 KB, 1600x1200, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works with my huion.

>> No.1977625

I bet all this noise is one retard who couldn't fucking google to huiontablet page.

>> No.1977668

>professional company
>you have to be a fucking detective to find their drivers
>it's on their fucking TUMBLR page

you retards who buy these chinese tablets thinking theyre beating the system crack me up

>> No.1977686

eh, i'm just as happy with my huion as i was with my old wacom. we're all making art here, who gives a shit

>> No.1977737
File: 306 KB, 362x411, tealc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lately, I don't know what's bait or true ignorance.

The latest drivers can be downloaded from links that can be found on huiontablet.com and/or their tumblr. No detective work required.

When guys like >>1977668 start mindlessly shilling it pushes people away who may be looking for wacom tablet alternatives. In this instance, THE alternative for the frugal-minded enthusiast is the H610Pro and it's the closest thing to the current generation Intuos Pro Medium.

>> No.1977738

People here arguing for wacom purely because of brand loyalty or because "pros" use it? I got my huion for $60 and it's bretty good, I tried my gfs new intuos and it doesn't feel any better or worse. Also she's only had it a month and hasn't complained about the nib yet, is it really that bad?

i've been using the same chink nib for ages and still have the 4 spare that came with it though

>> No.1977851


Is it really that hard?

>> No.1977860
File: 219 KB, 1858x965, huion drivers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't that way for a long while. Pic is what their site looked like for the longest time. They would tell you to go to their drivers and click on one of those buttons and it was the same old same old driver, never updated.

>> No.1977869

Well it's their old site which they for some reason won't take down.

Btw the old drivers worked for me on W8.1

>> No.1977893

Hey ehmm I'll just ask it here to not make a new thread.. I have an intuos pro L, but I need to get some cheap ass tablet to carry along and use with my laptop, I don't need anything fancy, just a tablet that works enough and the bamboo is too expensive for a poorfag student atm. Any suggestions?

>> No.1977924

The thing is that they already are the cheapest, their smaller versions are same price as big ones but are smaler. 610pro is 70$ when the pen alone is 20$. So it's not like the small one is gonna cost nothing.

Check their site (new site, not the old one) and pick which you like the most.
the one for 86$ is wireless, signature pad is cjheap but it might be too small for anything.

>> No.1978659

Bought a HUION. Wobbly lines. No fix. Don't get scammed.

>> No.1978670

>no pic related

well stfu wacomfag

>> No.1978674
File: 339 KB, 1609x1056, wobble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah man, wobble all over the fukken place

>> No.1978677


>> No.1978678

>replying to shitposters

/ic/ is full of normalfags who have no idea how to ignore bait

that being said my huion will be arriving this week and I hope I don't fuck up installation.

>> No.1978679

oh I'm aware, I just like to entertain them a bit. It's funny.

>> No.1978680

I've got loads of money. Convince me there's any reason to switch my large intuos pro to a piece of shit like this.

Did anyone ever paint anything worth selling with this trash?

>> No.1978681

>I hope I don't fuck up installation
just install the drivers first before plugging in the tablet and you'll be fine. They even tell you in the manual.

>> No.1978686

if you have infinite money, why bother with stuff like this and not getting cintiq-style tabled to draw?

>> No.1978687

>it's funny
you're encouraging faggotry

I read a review that said you gotta do a bunch of shit, uninstall your old drivers, turn off window's tablet settings and disconnecting your internet or something bizarre/arcane like that. Shouldn't be too hard though.

Good to hear it's an upgrade from the bamboo though, really needed this bigger one.

>> No.1978697
File: 53 KB, 789x645, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What driver are you using? What is your operating system? Are you using the rechargeable stylus?

I'm literally stuffing my face with cookies I'm so frustrated.

>> No.1978702
File: 35 KB, 600x189, problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, i see now! there is your problem anon!

>> No.1978703
File: 27 KB, 414x461, driver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Driver pic related, Windows 7, it's a rechargeable stylus because I got the H610 pro.

What software are you using?

>> No.1978710
File: 76 KB, 927x483, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same fucking set up as you. I'm in photoshop.
Could this be a graphics card thing?

>> No.1978724

can't help you because I don't use photoshop but wacom has the same issues (google wacom photoshop wobble). Usually it's a driver issue and people have come up with many different routines to make it work. I suggest reading up those posts.

>> No.1978728
File: 44 KB, 906x529, capture.jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1979294

Have you launched the drivers BEFORE you opened the drawing program?

>> No.1979313

thats you OS thats giving you trouble. Windows has a habit to think youre using a tablet PC once you connect a tablet to it. Just go: control panel->software->activate or deactivate windowsa functions and then remove the checked box next to "tablet pc components",restart your comp and the annoying ripple and lag should be gone.

>> No.1979323

Thank you based anon

>> No.1979395

If you have "loads of money" you should be getting a pen display. Even without "loads", the era of tablets is coming to an end as Wacom is getting more and more capable competition for the Cintiq. The awkwardness of a normal tablet is just a waste of an artist's time unless you are 100% a hobbyist or never drawing lines. UC-Logic/Yiynova are coming out with a 13 inch 1080p batteryless pen display in April or May for half cost of the Cintiq, so for something you're gonna use several years potentially to make money you might as well invest more than 70

>> No.1979433
File: 308 KB, 550x824, MADE IN USC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>130 replies
>no frenden reviews
/ic/ you disappoint me sometimes...


>For people having problems with the Huion drivers

He goes step by step on how not to fuck it up while installing it.

Also there's nothing wrong with buying a Huion, guess what shitheads wacom products are manufactured in china too and if you really want to go all "'murrikan pride fuck yeah!" Monoprice sells cheap tablets too...

>> No.1979456
File: 206 KB, 1500x1125, 81xcdZFy6tL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since this thread became a wacom alternative thread, what do you guys think about pic related?

>> No.1979473

What a retarded post I don't even know where to begin.

>> No.1979475

Never heard of such brand.

I'd be cautious about it and would really conduct a thorough research myself.

>> No.1979485
File: 15 KB, 794x394, mvp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine actually just got shipped today, should arrive hopefully tomorrow or Saturday. The thing's been pretty hard to get in Europe, but yesterday they got a new batch. I guess I can write a thing or two once I have it. I'm getting real tired of this Intuos and the extra focus it takes to do the remote control drawing thing.
It seems that the V3 of the Yiynova is supposed to be the best Cintiq alternative currently on the market. There's Huion's GT-220 which is supposed to be pretty good as well but some reviews are actually mixed, and I think their drivers and support may be worse. Also the Huion only ships from China, whereas Yiynova has locations in Europe, US, Japan, Canada etc.

>> No.1979492

I recently got a Lenovo ThnkVision LT1423p, and I'm... pretty happy with it..? The pen is really small, so you should get a Bamboo pen for it. The calibration is also a little off, no matter how many times I calibrate, so it's best for sketching and animating imo.

>> No.1979508

So I don't get it guys.
Yes wacom might be a better tablet I won't argue with that since we've all seen and know that more expensive stuff is better ( except iPhone)
But what's the problem with someone buying a Huion, getting used to drawing with it, messing about with colours( if it prooves to be shit ) while saving the green to buy a wacom?
What's wrong with that?
It's not like we shit money so we might as well not waste it on a very expensive tablet straight before since we are not going to use it to its full potential straight away.
It's like buying the best colouring and sketching pencils when you're practising kankinimas frames from Loomis.

>> No.1979542

>its calibration is off no matter what
>pretty happy with it
I'm glad the Thinkpad genre got bought by these assholes and people actually support them.

My x201t is still the strongest and most reliable shit I have while traveling and it's somehow not pure fucking shit with near 7~ hours of battery time and good digitizer support, and that shit costs 230~ EUR.

Why isn't there some nutjob buying these fucking thing and assembling two screens together with a custom case and selling them for 700 EUR for mad profit?

>> No.1979564

Sweet! I'd like to hear your impressions.

>never heard of such brand
Yiynova is probably one of the most positively reviewed brand when it comes to cintiq alternatives.

>> No.1979609

>potentially to make money
I already make money using my intuos . I have a tablet instead of a cintiq because I travel and work. I'm not going to switch to a second tier brand any time soon.

I'm glad to see the monopoly being challenged but I would not recommend anyone professional to take a gamble.

>> No.1979610

I have been owning it for about a year now and it's a great tool - also great support.
it's best for drawing - overkill for painting

>> No.1982025

Update: This had a whole bunch of problems so I'm returning it and getting a Cintiq 13HD instead. Testing it made me realize that 13 inch is actually large enough for my needs, especially in 1080p so you can have a tiny UI. The small Cintiq is actually quite a bit cheaper, plus the pixel pitch on a 22 inch 1080p display is just barely enough to work with comfortably (same would go for the 24HD).

The new UC-Logic pen has a very nice feel to it though, I'd almost say it's better than the Wacom Grip Pen (don't know the Pro Pen). It actuates over a wider range so getting very faint lines and controlled pressure buildup is super easy compared to the Wacom. Inexplicably, the UC-Logic drivers still don't allow you to remap pressure via a function.

>> No.1982029

is this any good?

>> No.1982039

Depends on how much money you have and what you want to do with the display. Obviously that sort of product has a lot of shortcomings compared to a Cintiq. For example TN panels have horrible viewing angles and you'd still want to use an IPS monitor when doing value/color. But after having worked with an Intuos for years and now having tried a pen display, my experience is that any halfway usable pen display is probably better than none because I immediately worked faster and more confidently. But I'd also rather have a small Cintiq than a large Cintiq alternative with mediocre tracking/display/drivers.

>> No.1982075

Does anyone here use a (regular) tablet or a touch/hybrid laptop for drawing?
I can't really find any good information and comparisons. Currently looking at x201, x220, x230t

>> No.1982088

I think the Surface Pro 2 is considered a very good tablet for artists since it uses Wacom tech. The Surface Pro 3 uses a different tech

>> No.1982126

but the smallest cintiq cost double and is smaller
(13 in vs 19 in) does it really worth it?

>> No.1982130 [DELETED] 

I just bought a $80 Intuos and I can't draw

Where do I start

>> No.1982131

i have it, its the manga/small right?
it fucking sucks. draw on paper and read the sticky

>> No.1982134


>> No.1982168

I can't decide that for you. I've found that 13.3 inch is fine for me. Of course I'd rather have a 24HD Touch but all the main aspects are in the 13HD... IPS panel, perfect tracking, Wacom pen, driver support in everything that exists, usable hotkeys. Wacom tablets also keep their value quite nicely if and when you want to upgrade; good luck trying to get anybody to buy a used Monoprice/Huion/Yiynova for a reasonable portion of your initial investment.

>> No.1982557

Rather than making a new thread, i'll ask here...

I have a 1080p monitor, would an a5 sized tablet be suitable? or should i go larger?

>> No.1982559

A5 is never suitable size for tablet

>> No.1982569


Care to expand? I thought this was the standard size everyonr uses? A4 looks massive.

>> No.1982591

your hand will start to hurt when you draw on a small limited area for longer time. because you will constantly flex your muscles to stop you going away from the tablet.

the medium tablets (h610, intuos m) are quite a bit smaller than A4

also the small tablets are smaller than A5

>> No.1982610

I have a medium Intuos 4 (just a bit larger than A5, 10.4 inch diagonal) and it's always been too fucking small. I have it mapped to a 15 inch portion of the screen (11 inch precision mode) and still too small because the thing itself is too small to draw comfortably. It's like drawing on a napkin, except you're remote controlling a mouse cursor, oh and a 22-24 inch full screen mapping I find unusable. That tablet size is about OK for painting, coloring, tracing and general Photoshop work, but drawing and sketching is super tedious. For illustration and drawing I would now always recommend a large tablet (15 inch diagonal). Considering the Cintiq 13HD costs 'only' twice as much as a large Intuos and the screen is only marginally smaller than the large Intuos tablet, I would recommend taking it into consideration as well.

>> No.1983237

How do you know if the tablet is just a piece of shit, or its broken, or its just the stylus, or its just the painting software you are using?

I have huion like in the OP and it barely works. I have to keep restarting in order to sometimes not get wobbly lines but they randomly return. Theres suppose to be like 2000 levels of sensitivity but it goes from a 1, 2, 3, then jumps to a 10.

I've installed everything correctly multiple times and it still feels like a piece of shit.

>> No.1983241


By owning a wacom first then buying a chinkion can you then tell the difference.

>> No.1983250

were can i find the chinkion tablets? im quite interested in cheaper huion alternatives, but google doesent give me any results

>> No.1983257


Sounds like a driver problem.

>> No.1983268

Benefits of Wacom:
You can get spare pens and nibs. Always. Everywhere.
Quality drivers.
They're the only ones that have tilt and rotation recognition (except Qualcomm, that JUST came out on the market)

>> No.1983277

wow, that sure worth four times the price!
>literally apple and android but with tablets

>> No.1983278

>they have a patent for the pen technology so that the pen doesn't have to have any batteries in it
Expired, Huion are making battery-free pens now.

>> No.1983279

>You can get spare pens and nibs. Always. Everywhere.
you can get Huion pens and nibs on amazon as well.

>> No.1983282

>wow, that sure worth four times the price!
When you are running a business and you can't afford to faff around with finding pens/nibs on eBay or losing half a day's work because the damn drivers won't load anymore for no apparent reason, it's important.

Of course Huion and Monoprice are getting better, so eventually Wacom would have to be more competitively priced.

>> No.1983283

Too bad their products suck

>> No.1983284

cry me river

>> No.1983286

Yes they're getting better, but this is very recent, as in only in the last year or two. Before that, Wacom was the only business option.

>> No.1983287

>wow you sure convinced me with those hot opinions friend tron

>> No.1983289

so your argument has no value
have fun living in the past

>> No.1983290

Wacom is still the only business option. Chink drivers don't even fucking work in most applications, UC-Logic tech has wobble because their grid is super low res.Enjoy your nocash

>> No.1983295

>Chink drivers
because wacom is american hurr durr
>Wacom is still the only business option.
"apple is the only business option because i said so herp derp"
>UC-Logic tech has wobble because their grid is super low res

>> No.1983296

While this is all very productive and civil, Wacom's drivers and hardware are still the most reliable and most advanced. I don't see why you're so angry. You want to run a business with flaky drivers and breaky devices? I'm not stopping you.

>> No.1983313

While I agree with you, they are way too overpriced

>> No.1983321

the price is stopping me

>> No.1983329

That doesn't even mean anything when there's no competition. The only competition for Wacom is scanning traditional.

>> No.1983353

Can you use wacom drivers with huion tablet? I just want this thing to work properly.

>> No.1983354

I had this problem. I returned it and got a replacement which worked fine.

>> No.1983362

no, only huion drivers.

Which sucks because I have both tablets and can only use one as I can't have both drivers installed at the same time either.

Huion H610 pro is way better than the Intuos Small though, I can literally feel the pressure level difference

>> No.1983368

Just buy wacom you stupid ignorant fucks. Ebay has cheap used intuos 3s and 4s that will last you for YEARS. You act like you're beating the system.

>> No.1983380
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, `1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Works fine here

>> No.1983383


How long have you had yours for?

>> No.1983385

About 8 months.

I'm >>1983354
I noticed it disconnect at random times, there was a problem with the USB port and so I replaced it, they let me keep the faulty one.

The only thing I dislike about it is the pen button integration, if they could get the eraser and rotate working seamlessly on all software with drivers it would be great. It works, but you can't 'hold' it then go back to pen like youc an on Wacom tablets, but that can be fixed with a driver update when they get around to it.

>> No.1983462

Where do drivers get installed to? Do I only have to reformat the harddrive that my os is on?

>> No.1983466

program files
device manager

>> No.1983488

\program files\

>> No.1984718
File: 95 KB, 1268x827, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you use your mouse to draw do you get smooth lines? I'm still trying to fix my huion wobble lines and I think it might be my mouse drivers screwing it up.

>> No.1984731

try deactivating windows' tablet PC input service. Google it if you don't know how. Also, it's one of the most often appearing problems with wacoms as well and it's an often proposed solution.

>> No.1984735


>> No.1984740

about time to see a neurologist

>> No.1984745

No that doesn't have anything to do with it. And actually makes the wobble happen 100% of the time in photoshop when its off rather than just about 80% of the time.

>> No.1984749

No, it's actually exceptionally rare with Wacom and was solved years ago. If you google it you only find shit from 5-10 years ago

>> No.1984753


>> No.1984763

same here. graphire 4 to H610. loving the extra size

>> No.1984767

i tried this a while ago, and i could not make the huion work with linux.
at that time they already started to include it into the kernel though, how is it looking now?

>> No.1984772

So I erase all tablet driver from my computer, restart. Then I install huion drivers, restart. Plug in my huion and windows just installs its own tablet drivers anyway. Is this suppose to happen? Is this whats giving me wobbles? Its even wobbley in the huion pen pressure test.

>> No.1984775

No it is not supposed to happen.
Somethiong is wrong with your windows.

btw are you launching the driver? I have wobbly lines when i forget to turn them on, the drivers can't be set onto autorun because they need Admin privileges so every time I'm launching them manually.

>> No.1984778

>some guy's blog
>the same blog re-posted on some kid's deviantart
>grandpas complaining about their 21UX
Wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.1984779
File: 85 KB, 550x550, 1423707354821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have parkinsons anon?

>> No.1984781
File: 56 KB, 491x431, pentablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean "launch the driver"? Are you talking about this software? It launches automatically.

>> No.1984788
File: 30 KB, 626x610, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not me butthead. The left is what it normally looks like in photoshop. Then after about 50 seconds the wobbles kick in and I'll have to restart photoshop to get it smooth again.

>> No.1984793

You have to manually delete everything wintab- and wacom-related in the Windows directory, you also have to delete all the archived drivers in the driverstore, using pnputil -e and pnputil -d -f oem<number>.inf
Windows probably doesn't "install its own drivers", it just installs the drivers that the Huion installation registered in the driverstore for for the given USB device.
Windows doesn't even know how to interface with most graphics tablets, you need a manufacturer driver

>> No.1984822

there may be something wrong with your tablet

contact huion, their support is pretty good. They sent me a free tablet and let me keep the old one despite it still being 70% functional

>> No.1984831

what if i bought the tablet somewhere else than the official website?

>> No.1984873

>You have to manually delete everything wintab- and wacom-related in the Windows directory
This idea is about as good as deleting system32

>> No.1987121

are there any huion tablets with multi-touch like the intuos line?

>> No.1987185


>> No.1987225


It's going to be at least another several years until features like pen tilt, battery free and multi touch reach the main third party tablets.

>> No.1987281

>pen tilt

>battery free
patent wankery

>multi touch

>> No.1987834


i've never seen an art program do anything useful with pen tilt.

battery free was only useful 20 years ago when you had to use a couple AAs to power the pen -- or 30 years ago when pens were wired. lithium ion batteries are so small that battery size will never be an issue again.

even if they weren't, there's no fucking way wacom will ever license out the technology that gained them a monopoly on the tablet market. they'll cling to that shit long after it becomes the objectively inferior technology.

properly working multitouch is incredible, especially when you can do 3 and 4 finger gestures. fucking insanely useful.
wacom's done the bare minimum in this department.

>> No.1987836

i have a. idk what it's called, anyway it does rotation as well as tilt and rotation + tilt is awesome, allllmost like painting with a brush

>> No.1989306


Probably nothing, they are compelled to do this to rationalize massively overpaying for their Wacom tablet.

>> No.1989307

Enjoy using flat brushes/palette knife-type brushes without tilt

>> No.1989309

Tilt is actually very useful if you're not a fucking idiot. For example, brushes with flat, angular and round edges can be extremely helpful and efficient, but you need tilt to use them for that

>> No.1989311


Works well for me with h610. What didn't work? Unfortunately Gimp is retarded and gets confused all the time, I do a little dance where I restart gimp a few times before it gets its shit together. It sucks but it's a Gimp bug because it uses device "names" instead of USB IDs to reference devices, and gets confused because the huion h610 has three USB interfaces, all with the same name, and only one of them is the "real" one (the other is for the tablet buttons, and the third one is literally junk)

>> No.1989314


I've been to animation studios where they use both Huion and Yiynova tablets. Wacom products are fantastic, but you are paying a lot just for the brand name.

For example a Yiynova Cintiq alternative costs about 1000$ while a comparable cintiq costs about 2500$ - 3000$.

I currently own a Huion 610 pro and it works great, Intuos are slightly better but there not worth 5 times the price.

>> No.1992625

lets also add that uc logic based and wacom BOTH have driver issues, but uc logic based tablets work to fix them while wacom will sit on their dicks for 4+ years with no answer.
(there is a guy ic links to every now and then who demonstrated the issues, his attempts to get in touch with wacom to solve them, and showing off his custom driver he had to make to get shit to work)
wacom usually works out of the box no matter what, but uclogic needs some dicking around... and there is no logic to if you will need to dick around or not.
also, tilt/rotation is largely unimportant and is at best a novelty to most users.

they are already as good as the intous pro when they work, and your nib complaint is easily solved by planning ahead. so long as wacom keeps that "we are the real art brand come to us if you want to be a real pro" train of though, they will continue to be the mac of tablets.

as good as the itous pro with 1/5th the price... yea... bad products.

the only applications they don't work in is because they are programed to only enable tablet functionality with wacom shit installed. and in this case, its recommended to install intous 3 drivers to unlock the programs.

huion for over a year now, after the initial driver issue with my main computer, works flawlessly.

you want to talk businesses than i'll agree, you want to talk individuals, than i cant.

learning more difficult? yea no... even a good 10-12 years ago when i used uc logic back than, they were still fantastic tools, the only problem was the cable was not interchangeable and the connections tend to break.

to be fair, the monitors in the cintiqs are FAR better than the alternatives, but the cintiqs has there own issues that make it a hard to say clear win.

wacom sat on their dicks for decades after they got patents to prevent innovation and the competition caught up in the mean time.

>> No.1992673


once you get them working, they are almost exactly the same.

more pressure levels, and possibly more draw space... yea i can see them liking it more than the intuos 3

some programs effectively mimic brushes, and the tilt there is VERY useful, but most of those people here don't use them.

>cant install drivers correctly
>blames product

if you dont shove it in their face, the shitposts become the truth.

i had the best email support from them than ANYTHING else i have ever had problems with.

uclogic is the only tech that caught up because other brands have a niche and its not art, though some try to be art still.

most people prefer the huion and monoprice for their second tablet even if they have wacom as the primary just because its so cheap that if they break it its not a massive investment they lost.