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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 248 KB, 1500x1500, man-with-question-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1971226 No.1971226 [Reply] [Original]

Yet another thread goes by with questions answered and bump limit reached.

we should really make a faq page out of the question threads

>> No.1971241


the long and short is yes you can eyeball it, but you need to have that shit in some form of prospective... it doesn't need to be 100% perfect, but it does help.

the less mechanical you go with the piece the less the prospective is required, if this makes sense...

you wont post work, so i cant tell you if its a lack of skill or not... if you are just doing art exercises and just that, no one will fucking care outside of art communities unless you are really good, and if you get really good normal people will bitch that you are stealing shit.

g13 i would trust over anything razer... logitech has issues with software, but razer has fucking issues with almost all products build quality that isnt a high end flagship piece... also the synapse program bloats over time to demanding 25% processing power 24/7

charts like that are useful, but at a beginner level you don't need that detail, and even at a higher end that detail is rarely going to be used.
not saying its bad, but it would be better to study major forms and than work lower.

rendering is making the drawing look pretty, drawing contours and mapping a shadow are steps before you would be getting into rendering... someone else can probably explain it better.

if this is serious, you have no concept of how clothing lays on a person, with arms that thin you would see definition in areas where muscles would be... may not be cut like a man, but still have some definition. fuck that hair, learn how to draw the grouping better, even assuming this is anime style, its shit. draw a few lines and than draw the hair groups following those lines, also don't follow the hair to its roots, when stop drawing the lines when a large area of hair is all going the same way. the light in the hand is so intense it goes almost all the way up her arm, but is almost invisible in comparison to the rest of her body.

>> No.1971246


the rib cage is to fucking long, and the stomach is to compressed.

try using this method to measure the body parts next time... there is likely a better image for reference than this, but burn this into your head.


i would also say gesture and try to lay in a figure in perspective so you can get you to it so you can do it eyeballing and be ballpark correct.

>> No.1971272

From last thread
>problems with windows crashing after your computer posts but ONLY while the wacom is plugged in?

>what windows you running
Vista - the computer is like 7yrs old

No external drives, I did switch the boot order in BIOS to the primary drive when I fixed the computer

>1) unplug everything from usb, did that work?
hahaha i have never thought of doing this, but its on the list now since it worked. I usually swap the HD to a different computer to make sure my data is OK and I back it up immediately.

>if all these fail its a motherboard/cpu issue
I replaced some bloated caps on my motherboard by hand. My computer wasn't posting for the past 3 yrs, but it seemed to fix it. I was hoping that I did not break anything - but who knows!?

>size down, size 100%, size up
these sound like good shortcuts

Thanks for the tech support!

>> No.1971319

is vista 100% up to date? i know that shit had issues till either service pack 1 or 2.

if you hand replaced caps, you are already in a realm where most people won't be able to help you due to a VERY unique situation.

out of curiosity what is your cpu and ram and boot drive?

>> No.1971320
File: 194 KB, 600x1100, Psychic Knight WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I'm trying to improve this piece by piece and make it look more natural. Having trouble with the shoulders looking awkward and the chest piece not looking enough like an armor chest piece.

Any Detailed help on how to fix these would be amazing.

>> No.1971344

intel q9550 quad core 2.83GHz, 4GB DDR2 800, 750GB Seagate 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM, Vista is on SP2

I basically tried to max out everything before the 32nm processors came out, and SSDs were still hella expensive so I tried to get the best HD that wasn't SSD - now everything is just old...

The mobo was dead, so when I replaced the caps I had already given up on it.

>> No.1971357

Posted in old thread before I saw this on, reposting.

What are the "good" programs for painting?

Some guy in another thread was shitting on SAI because "the brushes blend everything to shit, you can't paint with opacity, and the brush can never be as good as in photoshop". Apparently blending is for talentless chumps or something and stunts your technique.

I just started digital painting, using Manga Studio, planning to move to Painter when I get the basics down. Should I use PS?

>> No.1971359

Yeah use PS. Look at the speedpaints on youtube to get the idea of process and motivation.

>> No.1971374


>> No.1971377

yea i know the motherboard was dead, i was hoping you had at least a ddr3 motherboard and best case scenario you could drop what you currently have into a new motherboard... but as it stands the cpu and ram would be scrapped.

your computer is slightly less powerful than my phenom...

honestly, i would suggest getting a 240+gb ssd,
is right now the cheapest i would trust, i was going to recommend a 120+ but the cheapest i would trust there is 90~$ apposed to double the space for 20-30~$ more.
apparently people bought up the low end ssds

and i recommend this to you as its a part that won't become useless anytime soon. im on a 3 year old intel drive that i use sole as a boot drive and program drive, this thing is still at over 80% of its life left, so i could use it for another what, 15 - 30 years the way i currently do and not see it die?

i don't believe that you will see a sata4 soon, and even then, i don't think there will be an appreciable difference between 500-600mb read write and 1000-1200 read write... at least as far as quality of life is concerned.

and the ssd is honestly something you could easily take from the current build you got to a new build if the motherboard goes on you.

the ssd would allow you to reinstall windows and that may be the thing you need to do to fix your issue...

i think i got a little rambly... havent slept in a while.

google armor and try to find range of movement and how plate armor was put together... understanding that will fix your current issues.

because industry standard and they have such a boner for brush packs.
manga studio, sai, kitra are all capable of painting, and manga studio has extensive tools to help you, but photoshop is still the standard because everyone knows it and it can be a painting program... doesn't mean its a good one, thought this is largely opinions at this point... skill>tool

>> No.1971386

How should I say this, there a logical way to art making in PS. Sorta like how it's used to transform and edit real photos. When you get a hang of the brushes and such, it's really easy to use.

>> No.1971407

how should i study from gurney's color and light

>> No.1971423

Any way to make rotation in photoshop smooth as fuck?
It's way to unprecise and simply unusable as it is now.
Any tips how I can easily rotate to my sweet spot would be appreciated.

>> No.1971465

Any tips on using using and absorbing references and drawing them at different angles and poses?

I sort of can do it with the whole mental 3d render thought process but I was wondering if anyone else does this and possibly had some better tips.

>> No.1971481

Use the degrees box?

I think the open gl drawing preference setting also makes things looks smoother.

>> No.1971483

Is using reference and doing studies (to learn) OK?
Maybe stupid question, but with all the drama it has me asking questions. I'm a beginner, btw.

>> No.1971487

>are studies good for studying?

>> No.1971489

For a beginner it's especially hard because no matter what you do you will feel directionless. What you do is good, just keep at it till you break that first wall.

>> No.1971505
File: 44 KB, 412x500, 51u1fomD-IL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I recently bought Scott Robertson's How to Draw and I'm a little confused by something.

On page 25 he talks about drawing boxes on the same ground plane rotated at different degrees.

He then says,
"A common error is to cause a rotated object to look like it's floating above the ground or is tilted. This is caused by not matching the Vanishing Points to the same Cone of Vision."

Maybe it's completely obvious but I'm not technically minded at all and am a little confused about matching VPs to the same cone of vision.

What does this mean?
Is he referring to using a 60 degree cone of vision for 2 point perspective, 50 degree CoV for 1 point etc.? or is there something else I'm missing?

>> No.1971508

So, me doing what I'm doing is OK? The only reason I ask is after all this hard work doing gestures, and studies from references, and style studies, that when I eventually do stuff from imagination, I don't want to be accused of 'tracing or stealing.

>> No.1971512

Doing cross-contour studies seems to help me quite a lot.

>> No.1971522

It seems to be an easy problem but I can't fully understand what your problem is.

Didn't he include an example or something?

>> No.1971533
File: 59 KB, 985x569, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does the horizon line actually work? No I mean seriously they say it is on my eyelevel yeah? I turn my head to the left, and thus the angle of where the desk meets the wall becomes an angle, then there is a paper not pararell to the desk/wall angle - I don't even know anymore what is going on.

>> No.1971546

Sorry I'm not very good at explaining things. The examples he included were for rotating objects in perspective and I get that part.

I'm confused because that sentence was the first time he mentioned matching (or rather not matching) vanishing points to the same cone of vision. Like how could you not match them to the same CoV? What criteria does a VP have to have to be matched to a specific CoV? Ugh I'm confused.

It's not that it was a major part of the lesson, which is why I'm so frustrated - it feels like something that should be understood immediately - but I'm kinda getting hung up on it.
Maybe I should just keep pressing on and hope something else later in the book will trigger my understanding of it?

>> No.1971554

Sounds to me like he brought it up for people who had the problem to begin with. It's nothing new and neither does he elaborate with it on his methods.

It's hard to understand a solution if you never had the problem to begin with.

>> No.1971563

That makes sense, thanks Anon!

>> No.1971571

Thanks for showing your gratitude, I greatly appreciate it.

>> No.1971582

whats a lightweight but powerful drawing software? not sai because the brush opacity is no good.
im in love with photoshop but its too bulky and lags if i go above 1000px canvases.
i tried krita but its even more laggy then photoshop.

>> No.1971589

What is your specs on the computer you are using? Maybe Gimp would work.

>> No.1971590

>the brush opacity is no good

pls explain

>> No.1971604

imagine you're on a small boat in the middle of the see with nothing but water surrounding you.

look in any direction and you'll see the horizon as a perfectly horizontal line.

now, if you turn your head to the left or right, what happens to the horizon line?
it stays perfectly horizontal.

the only time the horizon line won't be perfectly horizontal is if you're trying to draw a scene as if your viewpoint is tilted to the side (i.e. your head is tilted towards either of your shoulders).

if you haven't already, read Perspective Made Easy. It's such a great book at explaining perspective in simple words and illustrations.

>> No.1971609
File: 4 KB, 454x67, e70f843157[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know how to get any other specs. im using a laptop.

its shit for painting. it either blends the fuck out of everything or it just puts more color on top without being able to use less opacity. i dont like it.

>> No.1971620

Cheers, I am reading it right now actually, the thing that confuses me the most is that the wall is on an angle, then the paper is another angle, they would still lead to the same horizon line but have own vanishing points yeah? But I am not totally sure how to place the horizonline when doing a still life, if I pretend it is just straight ahead of what I see, it will be too low for any angles to make sense when I try to draw the paper?

The specs are quite alright and should be able to run photoshop, do you have a ton of programs in the background, try to see if you could enable to work from cpu/gpu in photoshop settings.

>> No.1971621


Hmm, I've generally only read good things about SAI's brush engine here. Have you tried adjusting the advanced settings?

>> No.1971623

What is the most efficient way of learning how to draw in only pen? I have used pencil before and relied on erasing to get the proportions correct before inking but I would like to be able to get it right the first time with a confident pen stroke. I understand mileage is important but I have spent most of my time restarting my drawing and it doesn't seem to be helping me much. Should I just try to finish a drawing even after I know I messed up or is restarting and trying not to repeat the same error the best way to go about it?

>> No.1971624

Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.1971627

Grind lines, curves, waves, elipses and circles. It takes long but it would give you confidence in your lines.

>> No.1971631

i have no idea how to do that and google didn't help. i'll just look at all the settings. thanks anon!

ive been using sai for 5 years. i know every little nook and cranny of it. its fine for when i was drawing animeshit but im trying to actually improve now

>> No.1971633
File: 212 KB, 950x643, charles-dana-gibson-jurors-1902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

monochrome lighting i guess

>> No.1971671

First wall? What's the second?

>> No.1971686

It was just a metaphor to describe the hardships of a beginner. When you keep at it and tear the first wall down and you finally start to enjoy studies and practice because you have enough experience and motivation boosts from the serious improvement that will change your subconscious and mentality in a noticeable matter and you start to think in a different way. The moment your body and mind start to transform for this skill. When the phenomena people call talent becomes a part of your subconscious and you gain valuable habits trough you forcing yourself to change.

>> No.1971697


Measure your drawing; whether its from reference or an imagined figure there are set proportions. Go slow. Draw thoughtfully and give every mark a purpose.

>> No.1971704

Is drawing from 'imagination' essentially just drawing from memory?

>> No.1971713

I understand this kind of questions very well.
Try to stop thinking of memory in the most shallow and simplified way possible. Instead think of an extremely complex system that we don't even begin to grasp.

Imagination is of course using memory. I actually research visualization for months now. I came to the self proven conclusion that you need to learn to see to improve your visualization. That's not all there is to it, but its the most important aspect.

>> No.1971719

So, the answers 'yes'? OK.

>> No.1971724

Read it. After each new concept/idea is introduced, take a break and spend the rest of the day seeing it and studying it. Memorise the effects of different lighting and such, but also why things look the way they do. So just study and revise each new thing one by one.

>> No.1971727

I elaborated a bit because I don't want anyone here to simply believe in anything without good reasoning. Most likely you would just question it again the moment you struggled with that exact same problem. I want people to understand the concepts. I want them to think about them, elaborate on them and even to disregard anything that was picked to be redundant or untrue in the process.

Everyone, let's reach our goals pure minded, optimistic and supportive of each other.

>> No.1971738

I like your mind set OP, very positive.

I asked, because I want to be free to absore and study everything I like without repercussions.

>> No.1971752

Free to absorb..
I'm thinking back when I was a child seeing the world in black and white, when I was a cocky teen who began to see the world in shades of grey and now where I'm forcing myself to see both at the very same time.

Free to absorb, what a splendid perspective.

>> No.1971756

how do I get into comissions on Deviant? Got a DA yesterday.

I want to start with anime girls WITHOUT going fucked up, i suppose first I get some fans, then I call out "OPEN, I draw Waifus, no furries and shit" then what?
Ask payment before or after the work?
DA seems to have some sort of points, can I sell points for money?
How much does a pretty picture worth assuming it isn't really amateurish and actually is pretty?
In what time do they expect the work to be done?

>inb4 you're stupid for not doing Gay fuury pony scat
If I was a Neitzhe ubermensh able to do anything I find necessary I'd already be quite a rich gay prostitute.

>> No.1971761
File: 614 KB, 630x990, 2014-12-03-060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Software or settings do you use to get this crayon like traits? Sorry for being such a faggot but I'm really curious
Pic related, it's this kind of art that is really pretty (from the webcomic helvetica)

>> No.1971762

it's literally reference material. When you come across it irl, cross it off the list, you learned it. Another tool in your belt.

>Oh yes that's atmospheric perspective! Everything in the distance begins to lose intensity because of atmospheric matter in the air.

>Hmm it's overcast today, I'm seeing more local colors, flat, and little to no shadows.

>I'm using candle light it's the lighting shows us it's a strong amber glow outside that range dramatically drops in intensity and becomes high in contrast.

Whatever you find, whatever you want to attempt, just pull the book out. He covers almost every scenario and explains it a bit.

>> No.1971767

1. post fanart of popular series and games (try to appeal to the most obnoxious and dedicated fanbases)
2. be always super nice, keep tight connections to your followers
3. make it public that you do commissions

>> No.1971775

That Is something I quite understand.

But how exactly do I do business with a client?

>> No.1971779

They message you.
They always pay first trough paypal. It's your reputation that's on the line so that's alright.

Try to make your advertisement for commissions concrete and simple. Be straight with what you offer and always mention that you're always open to questions.

>> No.1971824

>>do fanart
>>open Tumblr account

>> No.1971846

Anyone have a good resource on painting oceans? I'm working on a piece that is set in the midst of a turbulent sea. I'm not quite sure how to represent the form of the waves.

>> No.1971853
File: 403 KB, 5434x2874, shad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going crazy, I have this situation, which is the right solution? Thanks.

>> No.1971855

How the fuck do i make a textured plane in thotoshop?

It is supposed to be simple, but i don't see a CREATE A PLANE option, I can cpeate a plane with depth map, but I don't nned a depth map.

All I want is a PLANE with a tiled texture on it going into the horizon.

>> No.1971857


>> No.1971866

1 if there is no ambient light

>> No.1971869

might be three with blended or two directional light .

Buy in most situations 1 will do.

>> No.1971870

Question please, does someone know where can I read/find the sticky, as the current link is dead, would be happy to read it.

>> No.1971875
File: 165 KB, 743x1100, 1414853030371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the original asker, but how do I keep my info private when using paypal?

I'm trying to set up a secondary DA account for commissions, and I don't want clients to see my real name when making payments. Do I need to sign up for a business account?

>> No.1971891


>> No.1971894



>> No.1971911

You cannot do it anonymously unless you have a business account, and business accounts require a business name and shit which costs money/paperwork/etc.

>> No.1971926

What happens when you tilt your head up or down?
Sure, the horizon is at your eye LEVEL, but it's most definitely not where your Center of Vision is.

In my understanding, the Center of Vision is the point where your Center of Vision Line intersects perpendicular with the Eye Level. But if you have to assume that the Eye Level is the horizon line, then what intersects my Center of Vision Line when I tilt my head down? Or Up?

>> No.1971928

wouldn't that just move the horizon up or down on the canvas?

>> No.1971948

How to get good lines with a tablet? With a pencil I get smooth as fuck lines, not to mention that rotation is not a pain in the ass. Digital I don't even have half as much confidence in my lines.

>> No.1972037

Practice, really. I can draw just as smooth lines as I can traditionally because I mainly draw with the tablet.
>not to mention that rotation is not a pain in the ass
Out of curiosity, what program are you using? If you're using Photoshop, I believe after Cs2 they give you a proper rotation tool and it's anything but difficult to use.

>inb4 somebody suggests you use a crutch like a stabilizer

>> No.1972041

bump plox

>> No.1972046

Photoshop CS6. I'm gonna install it on my main computer to see if performance is the reason. I have this touch circle on my intuos pro and with that it really sucks because it isn't smooth at all.

>> No.1972202

How does saturation work when shading an object? Does the saturation increase towards the darkest shade or decrease? How do colors in the environment effect it?

>> No.1972354
File: 7 KB, 250x242, 1401653641426s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i spent the last few months pouring over countless tutorials, videos, collecting reference etc.

i find myself watching more tutorials... more and more... for weeks now. theres so many to watch. i feel like i need to watch everything before i get started, like an excuse to prevent myself from actually practicing

fuck guys. is this depression? the fear is strong. im so scared to get started because i know i will still be horseshit even after i consumed all those tuts. ugh... can anyone relate? i don't know how to get over this fear.

>> No.1972355

take some paper and fuck shit up on prupose

>> No.1972359

You might be depressed but this isn't necessarily an indication of it. Watching all of those videos is useless if you're not applying them, that's like watching videos on playing baseball without actually playing baseball. Don't be a pussy. Embrace failure. You're going to make a lot of shitty pieces of art before you make good ones. Just own that, bang them out.

>> No.1972363


Really? Well shit. All those wasted hours. I like to watch tutorials during meal times, hoping to absorb a thing or two.

>> No.1972365

There is really nothing we can help you with.

You perfectly know what to do. We can maybe talk you out of some of your anxiety but in the end you either just fucking do it or keep the status quo. Nothing in this world is gifted to you. You have to overcome your struggle all on your own. You have to keep an optimistic outlook all on your own.

Basically you have to take that first step all on your own.

>> No.1972366

You are procrastinating because you do not feel ready, you never feel ready. Maybe this tutorial will change it all around you think, maybe this tutorial will make me be a fucking master on how to draw, oh shit my results wasn't what I hoped for, I better go back to watch more tutorials or maybe even quit.

I think not having anything to compare yourself with will help you in this case, you have nothing to be disappointed for, no one will see the trash you draw and you will be one piece of shit closer to do a better piece. Keep at it, draw useless shit, get good at drawing shit and finally become the shit.

>> No.1972375

throw em away, tutorials are for artists

>> No.1972395
File: 182 KB, 1600x1066, AStp6vS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in a hypothetical character design article, would you want the actual writing of a character to be covered, or is that too much of a different topic? What would you want out of the article?

everybody has 10000 bad drawings in them. you'd be a freak of nature if your first works didn't suck. and most of the really good artists believe that they're not very good themselves, because they see that there's always more to learn.

checked author's tumblr
>I use Photoshop CS5 for all my work! And as for brushes, I use a mix-match of ones I’ve made myself or collected over the years, and Kyle Webster’s gouache and dry brushes! For those who are interested in seeing my process, particularly w/ my Helvetica pages, I’ll be updating the backer blog on my Patreon with that stuff!

i really like that comic. i feel like lucy's design would be better with a proportionately smaller head, though.

>> No.1972404

>draw something on paper
>it's okay for my standards
>draw something in photoshop
>it looks absolutely horrible
It looks like I have a real problem drawing on my tablet how to fix

[spoilerson/ic/]I don't have a problem sculpting in zbrush with my tablet tho fucking weird[/spoilerson/ic/]

>> No.1972407

Not really. Tutorials belong always into the trash. They're simply to make money, for people like that guy who dream of being artists some day and think they will find the answer in one of this videos.

>> No.1972408

Do you guys have an online portfolio? more like behance, or just blogs like tumblrs and deviant-art?
Wich is the best free platform to do so?

>> No.1972416

You can't be serious. There are some tutorials out there that have drastically changed my workflow.

Admittedly, a lot of them are cash-grabs, I mean come on, how many times does someone need to learn about composition, golden ratio and rule of thirds?

Do you define Vilpuu/Loomis as tutorials?

>> No.1972419

Basically those step by step guides and speed courses.

>> No.1972455

You can use tumblr as a free portfolio and have pretty good control in formatting it, as well as get your own domain for the site.

>> No.1972457

Does being exposed to bad art make you pick up bad habits and hamper your visual library?

Sometimes I see vomit-inducing art on /ic/ that imprints itself onto my brain, making it memorable - like a recurring nightmare.

>> No.1972477

You should research how the mind works. It's simply impossible for that to happen.

>> No.1972492
File: 103 KB, 683x672, 1418219543384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it take high intelligence to be a good artist?

What is the correlation between great artists and their IQ?

>> No.1972530

IQ represents only a small part and even then it's psychology so it belongs into the trash. Not to mention that you can easily practice those tests.

We know only the most shallow facts about intelligence so no one will be able to truly answer you. But I have seen a brain damaged man that couldn't do anything on his own. Not eat, not drink, not use the toilet, not talk, probably not even think. He had the mentality of an infant, but he could draw. Drawing was the only thing he could do, and he was damn good. Some people would call him a genius, but he is simply a retard that drew for decades.

>> No.1972533


If you even have to ask such a stupid question your art is too garbage to worry about getting worse.

>> No.1972539
File: 16 KB, 309x266, RIP AND TEAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to art college/university/whatever, besides your art program, what are some good, at least semi-relevant electives to take?

Don't have to be specific but what could possibly help an artist? Literature? Philosophy? I don't fucking know just throwing shit out there.

>> No.1972544


>> No.1972556

It usually takes a while to get used to a new medium. Same is true for digital. Just practice a shit ton and mess around with brush settings to see what works.

>> No.1972583
File: 437 KB, 639x477, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's some good ways of training my arm to draw?

I've been using my fingers and wrist for awhile and feel like I need to abandon that way of drawing to become better

>> No.1972709

do you have it locked to a grid right now? try pressing alt ctrl or shift, it usually unlocks from grid...
make sure you are gpu accelerated, and if that fails... work smaller your current rig cant handle it correctly.

yes he is

here is the direction you need, learn to measure and then compare... its a skill that will help you immensely early on so your shit doesn't look jank as fuck.

unless you are gods gift to art, when you start imagination you wont be accused of tracing, stealing possibly but thats more douches.

its an ever shifting wall, the first one is base skill is lacking, every subsequent one is when you learn to see how you are fucking up and you have to skill the fuck up till you dont make those mistakes and this wall like i said keeps shifting...

you will get to a point that you don't make real errors anymore but you will still see them... so the last skill you will need to learn is when to call it on a piece.

you will encounter this a lot in his book apparently, he doesn't tend to explain things in an easy way to understand, but he explains them correctly... you will get what he means eventually, he isn't horrible at explaining, just bad at speaking at lower levels than he is currently at.

go into a 3d program and load up a cube, make sure you have prospective for the camera working, and than shift it up and down on the X axis, thats eye level, and regardless of where you are that is always the horizon line.

from my understanding, memory is knowing what something looked like and going from there
imagination is creating something that looks real without relying on exact memory.

>> No.1972727
File: 345 KB, 771x540, 551328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>training to draw with arm

standing easel or well... if you're shy just prop it on something and sit down at a chair.

18x24, better 30x40 or better a giant human sized roll of newsprint. Not even joking. You want the wingspan of your arm.

thick medium, usually charcoal or conte, the bigger the better. Fuckin draw with a rock if you have one. Large paintbrush works too. The more you loosen up the smaller you get to go.

Freehand circles ellipses point to point curves. Gesture and figure drawing on the large pads. I suppose this will still help without the crazy sized pads.

Keep in mind, single line statements. No feathering.

>> No.1972736

if you go paypal, only work through invoices if possible, that way someone cant dick you over for lols.

be up front with base price and final prices (base is minimum wage + materials, final is what you charge for skill) get base up front so you aren't dicked over, and get skill for final piece.

also add additional charges like 20% more if i cant post it, 50% if i have to bend morals, 100-200% if i cant let humans know i made it... shit like that

1 with a slight shadow under the person, there wont be much, but there is something there.

there are some real fucking idiots who know how to draw above what you would assume they are capable of, and there are people who know their shit and can tell you dictionary perfect definitions of ideas, but cant draw for crap.

math, anything technical math will help, if not directly, through the mindset it instills.

overhand grip forces arm movements.
get a drawing board and 18x24 newsprint and go to town.

>> No.1972739

I never learned how to do lineart with Photoshop.

How to do lined art without having to meticulously draw neatly?

>> No.1972848

vectors but they suck and you end up wasting more time

>> No.1972860

What? That's Illustrator's thing.
Pen tool.

>> No.1972886

for one, if you are just doing lineart, you want to work 9-16 times larger than the final product, and than down scale... its the best AA method you have access to but its also a little processor intensive.

if you mean VERY clean work, you are going to want to work in the pen tool and plot lines...

there is another program that will do this automaticly free hand and i believe have a point by point that includes line thickness and color... i saw this demoed but don't know the program, as i have little interest in hard lines, i prefer pencil and watercolor like lines.

>> No.1972893

The pen tool always confused the shit out of me. Do you recommend anyone who does a good pen tutorial?

>> No.1972898

I feel like everything I draw is flat and stiff. Lifeless.

Any good tips on drawing things with better form and how to think in 3D?

>> No.1972917

can't help you there.

find out the pen tools functions, and than find a simple anime image, i suggest something from chiis sweet home, and get the lines made, and there, you learn the pen tool.

i would also suggest learning how to use the pen tool to select too, and there you go, beginner vector art.

i don't know how well the pen tool scales in photoshop or if it can, i stopped using it after i learned i fucking hated the lines it made, and would rather use a tablet and a brush with some amount of lazy brush attached to it to even out an un smooth line.

in fact i recommend against line art in photoshop entirely for various reasons, but the best being it does not have the best tools for the job, and just so im clear with everyone who fetishises photoshop as the be all end all and will post people who do line art exclusively in photoshop ill leave this here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2g5qbvb7F4 just because you can do something in a program does not automatically make it the best. professionals have a workflow that they are use to and many places require photoshop files, they use it because thats what the jobs require most of the time, not because its the best program for the job.

find action movies that are well known for melee combat (and well known for being good not the "you have to see this shit" well known) and freeze fame them mid attack and gesture draw that shit.

if the pose is dead, you see it VERY early on even if you are a beginner.

>> No.1972922

Awesome, I just got some JCVD movies.

>> No.1972924

Thanks mate!

>> No.1972934

When you do commissions, do you usually give the guy the resized pic or the full res pic?

Also do artists tend to do exclusive personal art for clients? I've been looking over several professionals, and it's a bit hard to find clues if they do commissions for people or not. Especially ones that are good, but haven't done things for an actual company.

>> No.1972938

Professionals who don't work for an actual company are living with 3 other people under a tin roof and subsisting on dog food. You could pay them to suck your dick. They would love to draw for you.

>> No.1972941

Well they don't have to work for an actual company, just commissioned for little work like for covers or illustrations.

It's just that I'm looking over some people that do have professional skills, but can find no evidence of professional client work.

>> No.1972946


So looking at this guy's art, it looks pretty nice, but I find it hard to focus or rest on anything. Why? Is it because there too much hard edges? Any guesses or opinions?

>> No.1972987

Tablet question: I've been using my small wacom bamboo for years now drawing pretty seriously, it's been ok but not the most comfortable, would you recommend updating to a larger one, and if so, which one?

>> No.1972988

You know how when you don't plan out your values before the painting doesn't have a sense of depth? I think its that + too much going on.

>> No.1972994

intuos pro med and be set for life

>> No.1972996

There is some serious critique about intuos pro 5. The nibs wear out too fast.

>> No.1972998

>not using toothpick nib

>> No.1972999


>> No.1973001

I just got one and noticed this shit right away. I don't press hard at all, but a brand new nib wears to a point in 3 hours for me.

Shit makes me want to cry, for real.
I have to try the toothpick or weed whacker line alternatives.

>> No.1973003
File: 15 KB, 480x360, PTH651_800x600_Gallery_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you guys talking about this one? I've had mine for 3 months and I've only gone through 1 nib from drawing everyday.

How often do you guys change your nibs? I keep using mine even when it's flat, only changing it if it gets too small to remove.

>> No.1973006

I have mine since the nib of december. I don't really use it that often and even put a sheet of paper over the surface and my nib already noticeably changed from the beginning. It's still perfectly usable, the tip got a little flat. As long as it doesn't scratch I'm gonna continue to use it. Also the texture of the intuos 5 should change with time to that more smooth texture instead of the paper simulated texture in the beginning.

>> No.1973009

>even put a sheet of paper over the surface
I've actually done that for some months. Stopped doing it since I found out it jitters my lines like 10% of the time. Has something to do with the mini vibrations caused from the rough surface.

>> No.1973013

Well, it doesn't stop the nibs from wearing down.

>> No.1973026

never had them, granted I sanded the toothpick down smoothly

>> No.1973075

What does Paypal thinks of art comissions, especially porn ?

>> No.1973086
File: 8 KB, 222x227, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is anyone ever scared of getting that good that /ic/ will do anything to destroy you?

Maybe stupid question, but this board can be pretty unwieldy in its hate.

>> No.1973089


>> No.1973092

Apparently, they aren't too happy with NSFW commissions.

>> No.1973096

yeah, but how can they know you're doing nsfw comissions ? People can denounce you ?

>> No.1973100

If some jack wagon puts "Silverfire wolf-fox from FA, For furry Pr0N!"
In the notes section when paying you.

Always send invoices instead.

>> No.1973114

charge more...

you give them the biggest size you can make (1:1) and a more reasonable size one too, and charge them more for full access (the psd files) and also charge them more for not having any claim to the work (no personal/promotional use) and charge those by a fixed %

cheap people will feel like they are getting a deal, while people who want exclusive art will get a warm fuzzy in themselves.

what do you mean you cant feel a place to rest on anything? i never understood this, some art is never meant to have you resting and its meant for you to see details, and than see more details, and than did that guy just hide waldo in the back of that porn image?

what is see most damning in his work is perspective, look at the woman in the chair... so much is off my just enough that nothing looks right to me. normally perspective isn't something that will damn an image that way, but when you make the whole focus of the image a a unique perspective, you have to have at least the basics right.

huion h610 is what i have, though i don't know if they make a better one right now
monoprice also stepped their tablet up, they also make a large 12X9 inch tablet.

suspend your account and steal your money.
send invoices if you want to be as safe as you can be on that site.

im not enough of a pussy to care.
and if lets say the off chance i get employed for art and i did furry porn in the past, i'm not going to use the fur porn style in a commercial setting.

>> No.1973120

Doesn't that mean people can shut down random people's accounts?

Imagine shutting down a competitor's account.

>> No.1973130

So as a beginner gesture, studies and referencing is a good starting point? Then anatomy and the rest?

>> No.1973141

If you are a beginner to figures, then yes this is the way to go.

If you are a complete beginner to drawing you should maybepractice a few other things first.
For example freehand straight lines, somwhat decent circles. Make sure your line are accurate and go where you want them to go.
You could throw in some perspective work to make the straight line practice worthwhile.
Goof around with random sketches to get used to the tablet.

I have a bit of a weird qestion guys.
I am looking for reference pictures of a certain lighting type.
Those were a character is being hit by the sharp shadow of a buildings roof so that the upper part is lit and the bottom part is in shadows.
Is there a name for that? Any Ideas how I could look for those?

>> No.1973145


Perspective and form before anatomy m8
You'll probably end up dabbling in all of them before getting particularly competent at any, and thats fine.

>> No.1973149

You mean something like that?

>> No.1973167

you are going to be looking for japanese pictures. america tends to have places this can happen, but it's usually crowded cities, where as japan even in less populated areas have structures that do this where people wait.

other than that, look for nature images too, sure you will have the trees casting that shadow, but its almost the same.


with prospective, i would say once you can draw your room and desk in prospective, you got the idea down good enough for now. no need to go further than that till a little later on. but if you like figuring out art and how to place lines in a really mechanical way, go for it.


try to measure points, and than try, from those points, measure to other points, and then check your work when it comes to reference... this is a skill that will make doing studies SO much more enjoyable.

also, when you finally do jump into anatomy, learn the difference between major forms and minor forms, because major forms are the ones that need to be correct to look good, minor forms... most people don't know them 100% and so long as the major forms are down most people can just roll with the minor ones. that said, you should know the minor too... its just their importance is far less than that of the major.

>> No.1973180
File: 37 KB, 587x294, insp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1973182

depends on what type of art you want to do

literature, probably.

>> No.1973229

I practised with paper and pencil for some time and I now I think I understand basics and such but I feel like its really hard to finish something with just pencil. Especially complex scenes, paper is too small for them, I cant afford to make too many mistakes or use too many construction lines, I smudge pencil on paper too much and loosing hard edges and values because of it and so on. If I buy tablet, would it be easier to create finished images? Can I really how you call it "polish those turds" until it looks good? Or maybe I am just missing some knowledge I need and my digital artwork will suck anyway.

>> No.1973235

You will suck anyway. You can't do it simply because you lack in skill and experience.

>> No.1973237

get a light box

>> No.1973240

I'm great at drawing but I have 0 creativity. I'm doing my A2 and my teachers hate me for just painting the whole time. What the fuck do I do about this?

>> No.1973251

Describe your childhood and your teens. Also it may be of worth to note that they did studies on that. They wanted to identify what makes people creative to build more quality in the workforce. The only difference between creative people and uncreative ones they could find was that the creative ones told them that they were creative and the uncreative ones told them that they were not. It may very well be mental problem where your subconsciousness simply doesn't care about being creative because your consciousness believes you aren't.

>> No.1973271

I had an alright childhood, my parents cared a lot for me, but I never went out much of the house or played with other kids outside of school. I was a good student, and my family travelled a lot during summer.

As a teen I became more withdrawn and distrustful of others (not sure why), and mostly hang out with my brother and his friends. I discovered 4chan when I was 13 and when I was around 16 I kind of stopped having any meaningful friends i.e. i had friends but no one close. Now at 18 I'm less shy but my weekends consist of fucking around on the internet, my social life didn't improve much. My relationship with my parents is fine, but I hardly speak to my brother since he left.

I forgot a lot of details of my childhood, but it was a normal one overall.

>> No.1973288

Try to think of three solutions every time you encounter a problem. It doesn't matter if the first idea is the best one, think of two more. Think of three three different layouts of your room. What could you change to improve it? Forcing yourself to think of more solutions in any situation is a good to improve creativity.

Your mentality shouldn't be "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". It should be "if it works, make it work better, faster and stronger".

>> No.1973294

You're right, my room has been pretty much the same for the past 10 years because I refuse to change things.

>> No.1973305

whats up with all the psychoanalysis in this thread?

totally retarded m8s

>> No.1973325

use bigger paper? dont put your hand on the paper? no seriously, don't put your fucking hand on it?
get a piece of wood and put your hand on that and cock it up so your hand doesn't touch it...

i know people here tend to hate this, but its VERY relevant to this person.

that was done in pencil and there is no loss of definition or hard edges because the person did not rest his hand on the page.

i hate saying this but post your work, because i can not for the life of me imagine you have ever done something worthwhile without learning how to not smudge the paper.

wow do i sound like a colossal asshole or what...

go and play a videogame. preferably an older one or even an mmo.
now when you get to something interesting, write down what is happening
once you do that, wait a few days so the game is no longer clear in your head, and drw the scene you depicted in the writing.

this wont help you be creative on the spot, but its an exercise that helps people start to learn how to think creatively.

>> No.1973564
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1418845764561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop falling asleep when watching other artists and tutorials?

I'm interested in what they're doing, but I yawn constantly and go into a sleepy trance.

>> No.1973567

Try watching shorter videos or draw while you watch.

>> No.1973578

how do i draw faces?
its like i've completely forgotten how to do the simplest shit

>> No.1973587

Use construction and reteach yourself how to draw the features with references.

>> No.1973979

>honestly, i would suggest getting a 240+gb ssd,
I found a 120GB SSD in my pile of old HDs. I just popped it in - crossing my fingers

>the ssd would allow you to reinstall windows and that may be the thing you need to do to fix your issue...
Just reinstalled windows too. I hope this fixes the issue. I think it might have been an HD load issue. It crashed again at 230am the other day while I was drawing and windows was doing a system restore. I couldn't boot back into windows until the next day (the wacom was a red herring). The SSD should draw less power if the mobo was struggling.

I put a fresh 2TB drive in there too for all the real files. I ran out of drive bays though... I am going to ditch the optical after I finish installing shit and put in another 2TB - I am on an old Shuttle XPC

>difference between 500-600mb read write and 1000-1200 read write
next time...

>> No.1973980

Try upping the playback speed. Depending on the video anywhere from 1.1x - 1.4x does wonders.

>> No.1973999

Any advice on color analisys or overall painting on SAI? i'm stuck with it atm

any slow RAM demanding software, how good is sketchbook?

>> No.1974002
File: 1.19 MB, 628x8842, ab5PApX_700b_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the art piece in this amusing cat picture?

>> No.1974007

I can draw from my imagination fine, but I have no ability drawing references, I simply cannot come close to recreating a picture.
what do?

>> No.1974190
File: 1.29 MB, 2560x1920, New Doc 14_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No matter what I do, I can never draw large, let alone full finished pictures. Can anyone give advice as to how to overcome this mental wall? Pic related, as big as I can go

>> No.1974390

Hey /ic/, realistically, how hard would it be to earn 750$ a month on commissions n shit? That's all I need to live comfy but I have no idea what level of skill/popularity you'd have to be at to make that work. Is there like a study or something with data on stuff like that?

>> No.1974408

You need to learn to observe more accurately. Focus on big shapes, angles, and proportions. Turn every curve into straight lines to make this measuring process easier.

Look into Drawing Made Easy by Lutz, or the Bargue and Gerome Drawing Course (namely the methodology for copying the plates). Basically look into visual measuring techniques, and focus on working general to specific: big shapes and value groups before smaller shapes and value nuances.

>> No.1974413

Grab large paper, like REALLY large paper from an art store. Get something that can serve as an easel that you can use while standing. Tear out sheets and tape them to a wall if you half to. Draw using the side of your pencil or charcoal, and use your whole arm.

>> No.1974415

Thanks, I'll try this out.

>> No.1974419

>Draw Furry porn
>Be fast
>Be better than most

I made 1.2k so far this month.

>> No.1974421

how much hours is that? 20 or something?

>> No.1974435

how many months did it take you to get regular commissions? Or can you pretty much go 0-60 in a second if you're good enough?

>> No.1974439

>I made 1.2k so far this month.
Somehow I doubt it. We're gonna need more info to make the believable.

That's pretty much completing 2 70 dollar commissions every single day for the last 9 days. Don't believe it.

>> No.1974448

there is a 3d guy who does blender, andrew price... i believe he is hands down the best person who made tutorials for 3d by the fact he is also entertaining in the down time. i dont know who is equivalent would be for 2d, but general consensus says its probably bob ross.

honestly, the difference between sata2 and sata 3 is the system can boot before your monitor turns on, the difference between 3 and a theoretical 4 is just load time... which will help with large files, but going from sata2 to sata 3 even if the drives were literally 2X faster did not mean 2X faster loads, there were other bottlenecks when you went from a hdd to a ssd that make them feel so god damn fast that the ssd got rid of.

and just so you know, i wont call it a red herring. the usb boot issue has been a windows problem for the last 10 years... its a rare issue, but like i said, i had a hdd that wasn't in boot order, if i restarted the computer before i turned it on it would not boot, and the issue for me wasn't a dying hdd, it was the motherboard itself.

here hopes you love the ssd boot.
also, don't stick anything on the 2tb drive for the first 3 months... if a hdd will fail it failed most often in the first 3 months

learn how to measure an image accurately.
draw the distance between the eyes, than draw the distance between them and the nose, so on so forth, and once you are done, photoshop and see how close you are, using the distance between the two eyes as the standard.

learn to map out shadows. it will get you to be "finished" faster than actually finishing will.
even with big paper i have a tendency to still draw small... its the part of me that tells me that if i fuck up ill waste less space. but i am a really cheap motherfucker so i dont know if this is the same issue.

skilled labor pays 20-30$ an hour... what so unbelievable that he charges like his time is worth it?

>> No.1974450

Any good book(s) on basic skeletal anatomy for artists?

>> No.1974454

>skilled labor pays 20-30$ an hour... what so unbelievable that he charges like his time is worth it?
It's unbelievable because he is a furry artist who does commissions and I am being realistic based on being a furry fan who is constantly seeing commissioners on furry sites with their price ranges and how many slots they have/how quickly they fill those slots. It isn't about what he's charging. It's about the realistic amount of time, demand, and price averages that would be involved.

>> No.1974459
File: 121 KB, 281x308, 1401430140366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weirdest Question ever. I'm trying to draw someone in a trashcan but I'm new to backgrounds and I have NO reference to how trash in a trashcan should look. The pile, etc.. I need it to look cartoony.

Can anyone help me out with my absolute TRASHY request.

>> No.1974460

Draw each trash separate. Then simplify it.

>> No.1974481

I'm just having trouble where to start. Just balls of paper and a can or two thrown in? It's just weird without reference

>> No.1974485

Draw balls on each other. The turn them into crumpled paper.

>> No.1974488

draw vague lines that look like they could be a part of something disposable. think styrofoam cups, shit you put food in on the go, and paper, with the occasional can or bottle.

wireframe garbage can to save money, and a black plastic bag lining the inside to make it easier on drawing.

>> No.1974522

>here hopes you love the ssd boot
everything else in my life has SSD, this computer felt like it was from the stone age, feels good let this guy be part of the modern era.

>the first 3 months... if a hdd will fail it failed most often in the first 3 months
good to know - thanks for all the tips!

>> No.1974526
File: 17 KB, 480x360, tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know tablet discussion originally belongs in /g/ according to the rules, but I think I'll receive both faster and better responses here.

I'm looking at investing in a tablet, and I'm thinking about buying a wacom intuos pro. The only thing I'm not sure about is whether to get the medium or large version. The large is approx 12 inches x 8 inches, is that overkill or is it a good size?

>> No.1974530

Take piece of paper, cut it to size of each tablet you're looking at, draw on it, move it around, decide if you need larger or smaller.

>> No.1974602

get the large if you plan on a lot of digital painting and you have a large monitor on a computer you dont move around.

I upgraded to a Pro large from a really old medium with no regrets, its a pleasure to use.

>> No.1974603

What kind of computer should I get for drawing?

budget is $600

>> No.1974607

>That's pretty much completing 2 70 dollar

Actually its about 2-3 $50 -$65 commissions, but Sometimes $100, of which i've done two this month.

each pic takes me 2-3 hours to draw.

>> No.1974608

how large do you usually paint, traditional painting wise.

>> No.1974609

I draw fast.

>> No.1974655
File: 326 KB, 2500x1667, anatomy tracing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my tracing somewhat correct?
also why does the serratus (circled in pink) appear as one big bump as opposed to 3d anatomy models' serratus?
and what are those muscles near the abs?

>> No.1974661
File: 339 KB, 795x657, Andre_Website-Muscles-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've circled the latissimus dorsi and teres major. The muscles beside the abs are the external obliques.

>> No.1974664
File: 50 KB, 600x550, 1339088024719.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, uploaded the wrong pic. That one's not very helpful.

>> No.1974692


The Serratus are the little ends, the mass you circled is the lats.

>> No.1974739

How can I into straight lines in photoshop ? It's ok with pencil on paper, but graphic tablet with it pen makes me sad.

>> No.1974751

hold shift then tap point A to B.

>> No.1974871

thank you!

>> No.1974886

i recommend the huion h610 and possibly the current monoprice.

the huion is 60-70$ monoprice is about the same, but they also put out a 12x9 tablet for about 100-130$

all them use uc-logic which quality wise has caught up with wacom, but are in a cheaper package. there are some driver issues, but nothing you cant get passed, though it helps if you used a computer around 95 or 98 and knew how to troubleshoot issues on those oses...

are you able to reuse parts or are you going 100% fresh?

any examples of work, would love to see what 2-3 hours looks like.

depends on what the purpose of the painting is. if im learning a medium usually post card or a little bigger, if i know the medium as big as the picture requires, usually no bigger than a drawing board though.

>> No.1974919

I need some tutorial for light reflections on the windows, have someone? Thanks.

>> No.1974976

I have lots of trouble visualizing the forms of the brow-line, and how it interacts with the upper eyelid and that area to the left/right of the keystone where the tear-duct is. Does anyone have anything I can reference to, or something that has worked for you?

>> No.1975129

Setting up a 7-day subject plan:
Figure drawing, Landscapes, Perspective, Head drawing, Value practice, Anatomy, Free draw(replace with a subject?)

With some gesture drawings every day. Is this good enough? Are there any bases I'm not covering? Please advise

>> No.1975135

The fuck is with this subjects? They are in different leagues. It's completely inefficient to learn everything at the same time and jam each subject instead focus on certain things first and do the things that build up on it later.

Also a schedule for a total beginner? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.1975155

I'm not a total beginner. I've been drawing for almost 2 years. I'm about to be able to have a LOT more free time, and I thought I would partition my learning into days.
How would you suggest I set up the subjects? Dedicate each week to a subject? each month?

>> No.1975171

I can't really suggest anything because I don't know your skill level. Perspective is the most important of those so I would say to do that till you're confident. You can mix it up with landscapes and free drawing to work on your overall line control. Try to observe focused at all times to form some valuable observation habits. It's pretty important that you're confident with your lines till you switch to figure drawing and anatomy. I wouldn't worry about values till you are confident with lines and confident with construction. You can do values early if you concentrate on forms in the beginning.

>> No.1975420

does anyone have good reference pictures for anatomy tracing? I just can't seem to find any, wasted my whole day searching for them.
Also i simply can't wrap my mind around how the knee looks like.
anyone care to help me out?

>> No.1975422

Is there or has there ever been an artist who could perfectly replicate any image he perceives, perfectly proportioned and scaled, an exact replication?

>> No.1975426

Hey everyone! Im having trouble with perspective a lot, im my school ive been teached to make perspective using a long string to know where the vanishing points are.
That really confused me so i would like to know if anybody knows a good basic perspective class or guide.

>> No.1975431

Perspective Made Easy by Norling. Really good book.

>> No.1975502

Thank you, kind anon!

>> No.1975513

what are the reasons not to buy Huion H610?

>> No.1975783

Requesting an anatomy book. I need something that explains the relationship between the extremities and the torso. Is that all anatomy books? I don't know, mang. Just a good ass anatomy book.

Also something on color theory would be nice.

>> No.1975842

All anatomy books should cover that. For starters, give Bridgman (Constructive Anatomy), Hampton, Peck (Atlas of Human Anatomy), and Vilppu (Anatomy videos) a shot.

The key is understanding the basic forms and proportions of the skeleton and learning the relevant muscle attachment points. Then you just draw in those muscles with the correct forms and with the correct origin and insertion points in mind and it will generally look fine. You'll need to compare what you see in those books to a live figure or at least photo refs to get a really solid understanding of it all.

>> No.1976293

when you're using the eye drop tool to check your colors, whats an acceptable amount of deviation for the RGB sliders?

>> No.1976363

how far back does warosu archive?

>> No.1976591
File: 208 KB, 1600x813, hitep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you to do this shit?

some anon posted this last week on that photomanipulation thread, and i can't, for the life of mine, find any filter, parameter, or plugin that achieves at least a somewhat similar effect.

>> No.1976599


>> No.1976606

not that one: the second frame, it gives a nice painterly look to the photograph

>> No.1976624

I know post your work is a meme now so any chance you could just post someone else's work of a similar level?

>> No.1976640

I want to paint a digital landscape but my attempts at atmospheric painting looks like a smudgy piece of crap.
What tutorials do you people recommend? I'm looking at these youtube results and I can't decide.

>> No.1976647

looks like blur, smudge and maybe a bit of paint

>> No.1976664

some anon on here did this to one of my drawings too.
i suppose it's some watercolour action or something like that

>> No.1976671

What are people on here talking about when they talk about chromatic aberration??

>> No.1976677

How do I make sure I'm always trying my best during—and making the most of—exercises and studies?

>> No.1976681

You don't. This comes with a huge amount of experience.

>> No.1976686
File: 931 KB, 900x900, 5ba45d6d76d012960b3e9254c4b28d16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See the multi-colored distortion?

>> No.1976699

Okay, gotcha. People tend to shit on it a lot on here I've noticed, what is the issue with it?

>> No.1976720

I think the main issue is that it's used to "pad" a piece, to make it more interesting, in a similar way to sepia tints in tumblr photographs.

>> No.1976747
File: 59 KB, 965x634, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw a video where they mention that you should pull a line from the corner closest to you through the corner facing the middle, eh the picture illustrate better than I do.

Is this something you guys use/do ? I have never done it before but it supposedly makes it more correct if not even better? Usually I just pull lines to the vp, thoughts?

>> No.1976767

It's the modern lens flare: cheap, gimmicky, overdone, and seldom used well or actually needed. It makes your picture "pop" to plebs.

>> No.1976787

Ever hear of Bargue plate studies?

>> No.1976788
File: 9 KB, 360x245, perspec4c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a 45 degree vanishing point, it's useful for doing squares or circles in perspective, but using a 3d soft is way easier. you can't just put it anywhere

>> No.1976804

Hmm if I understand you correctly this mean that the line I use is to do a 45+45 degree cube yeah? So I could just skip this if I want wider cubes or is that "wrong" in perspective?

>> No.1976815

I've heard them called MP45s. Mid point 45s. An MP45 is a point between two perpendicular vanishing points.


Check out this guy. Although I don't always agree with his method. I think he explains mp45s on his one point perspective video.

>> No.1976834

My intuos 5 medium sized tablet is basically irrecoverable because of the shitty cable plug, so now I don't even know if I should bother getting the same model or not.

Is the Pro better made? Suggestions?

>> No.1976845

Cheers will give it a look, this is the one I talked about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4QWwaJhys4 - I might be understanding it wrong, he do my approach first but says the foreshortening is wrong I guess and that you can check with the line from the middle? He shows how to do it off center that is not a 45/45. I assume?

>> No.1976870

In the video the middle point he's using is the MP45. The two points on the left at the edge of the circle are perpendicular to each other (90 degrees to each other). I think the problem with the circle method to find two perpendicular vanishing points is that in reality our cone of vision is much larger than that, so you'd have to draw the things in side much smaller than what he's doing unless the objects are really big or up-close I guess.

>> No.1976885

Ah I think I see what you mean. Attached pic is what I usually do althought not as forced withing the perspective as the ones I showed earlier. it kinda looks like a good way to show something that is either far away or close up yeah? It reminds me of a fisheye(?). I mean in the picture I showed earlier, that would probably make a decent way to get a small town going or show a big picture forced into a smaller perspective?

>> No.1976894
File: 45 KB, 980x560, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idiots forgets pictures.

>> No.1976896

i know this has been asked before, but would anyone be able to say what's the best method of submitting art online?

im getting to the point where i think I can start submitting some polished work. I'll make a portfolio site. I don't like DA, but I guess its a needed evil. Any idea where else i can post?

>> No.1976898

Oops, not cone of vision, but what we perceive as 90 degrees to each other on the horizon.

Another thing that you'd have to be careful of, such as in the pic you attached, is when you're working with such fish eye perspective by way of the vanishing points so close together in relation to the size of the objects, is that you'd have to be aware of "third" vanishing points. Or, Vanishing points below or above. I don't know how to explain how to arrive at that point from the top of my head. There are vanishing points from where your eye is situated up, down, left, right, front, back, and a 45 degree point in between two perpendiculars, such as the one in "front" and "below." This is especially true the farther it is away from the horizon line.

>> No.1976901

by the attached picture i mean the one you attached originally

>> No.1976916

My drawing instructor says he's classically trained. And by classically trained, I mean, he learned through the Bargue Method of drawing. He's an insanely good draftsman and painter.

Although, the way he's making us approach drawing the figure is by doing a reductive contour with straight lines. Then from there, carving out the little features and getting detailed and more detailed.

I don't think he's really big on the idea of "feeling the form" rather, he's more "draw what you see, and draw it accurately"

Do most of you guys draw like this? I'm very positive my instructor know's what he's talking about. And, without a doubt, I'll definitely learn something with this new method. But I just feel like its such a huge contrast from drawing "through" the figure to drawing what you see.

I'm sure different artists say different things
but I just want to know what you guys do when drawing the figure.

>> No.1976933

His mindset is contourdrawing, you want constructional drawing, terms and opinion may vary. I am only doing the constructional stuff, look at Prokos video about robot-beans for example.

>> No.1976946

Bargue method is actually so far away from what is truly classical, but so is the modern constructive method. True classical painters indeed felt the form. Look at Raphael's drawings for example. They never copied shadow shapes or contour lines the way that Bargue "classical-realists" do. The thing about this Bargue method is it's very easy to improve into drawing realistically with fewer steps.

>> No.1976949

Anyway, I for one do a more direct way of drawing, altering the weight of the line, and I hatch with the form for the most part. I don't worry about getting the value correctly; I use my judgment. Local value almost never. Sometimes transition from contour into hatching.

>> No.1976950
File: 41 KB, 500x333, 500px-kinocannon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found that i'm lacking in knowledge on basic forms so i'm going to study those.
what is the best approach for those? im not into rendering yet, i just want to nail in the correct form.
should i set up a still life, draw for 30 min then change?
what i mean by basic shapes is cylinder, cube, cone etc. i dont have all of these, but i made myself cube and have wine bottles.

so whats the most effective approach? should i craft myself cones and cylinders from paper?

>> No.1977494
File: 130 KB, 768x1040, __thinking_in_3d___practicing_by_nsio-d88h2eq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any perspective books that delve into constructing humans or something similar to this?

>> No.1977583

Here's a question for anyone who is good. How long did it take you before you realized that you were really improving and going to make it? What was it that made you realize that?

>> No.1977606

can you use a lead pointer on a wood pencil?

>> No.1977610

Don't own one myself, but I'm pretty sure you can't. Unless you shaved off the wood of the pencil with a blade first.

>> No.1977730

medical text and look at a generic form, knowing whats underneath will tell you how you can play with the form, and knowing the generic will give you the baseline.

honestly i would move perspective to an every day thing and space it out over the weak instead of an entire day to it... i have said it before, perspective is simple but tedious though this is also assuming you are doing a 4+ hour chunk and not just a 1 hour till i get bored deal. and like i also say, if you really like doing perspective work, than keep going, but the tedious repetition will cause many to burn out.

female bodybuilders, male to female muscel is more or less the same, but with female body builders you tend not to have roid figures

if you are talking of innate skill to do that, look up some of the autistic artist who after 1 look do prefect renders.
if you are talking about training... most people can who are traditional artists to various degrees, most only differing in how they go about the render.

the string is an aid as to get the perspective to not be off page, you need to draw small,
honestly, if you are only drawing small, it may be better to learn perspective digitally, as there is no space requirements, and things like manga studio have tools that do the string shit for you while the knowledge of what to do is easily transferable from digital to traditional.

im the guy who recommends it above.
1) there are issues with drivers, much can be solved with knowing how to troubleshoot and not plug the thing in till drivers are installed
2) wacom people have a raging boner for wacom, like mac people for macs
3) real hardware issues may be troublesome to deal with, while i had some of my best customer service experiences with them, i can see it being a different story if my problems were hardware and not software.
4) if you use tilt and need it

otherwise h610 is intuos pro level for 1/5th the cost.

>> No.1977734

The obvious one is bridgeman
But i think you have to do it on your own too.
At the end you are gonna use the shapes you want

>> No.1977742

explain this a bit better, if you are talking about the degree they are different while 1 pixel away, it all depends on the camera, if you are talking about who much can you play with the sliders and still be close... someone better than me needs to address this.

the focal points, where the eye is drawn most look to be painted in crisp detail, while the rest he could five a fuck about.
he probably also went in with the pen tool and got an edge, and used multiple layers to make damn sure his blur was sharp
look at the palette filter, i use it when doing line art to make the lines sharp without fucking things over. i think that in combination with blur was used.

you want to paint a landscape that doesn't become smudges shit... bob ross? watch an episode and transfer what he does to digital... i know he isn't the best, but he manages to paint reasonably well in a short amount of time while being entertaining. you can find more in depth stuff later to teach you theory and all that shit, but for fast results, watch him and figure out why he does things in an order.

its something that happens in real cameras because of the way light bends, i don't believe it really exists in real life (may be wrong here) and it gets abused to make a picture look more visually interesting than it is, over on /3/ it usually accompanies the most generic shit imaginable.
you want something to look photoreal (as in a camera took the picture, not you drew it), you need some amount of it

the pro is the intuos line, the non pro is the old bamboo... they re branded as far as i know.

your own website?

if i understand right, he is teaching you how to be objectively accurate right now. in a way its far easier to tell if you are doing it correctly and find the problems than a more feelsy way. do that class and get shit right than worry about adding the feel to it later on i think.

>> No.1977750

does /ic/ have any tags that are used on tumblr? (so I can watch other /ic/ anons)

>> No.1977751

>i don't believe it really exists in real life
it does but not as often or as noticeably. it comes from high contrast, so if you look at like a power-line silhouetted against the sky you can see it.

basically it's caused by not all the wavelengths of light (colours) being in focus, and so you get that halo.

because focus is very obviously optical it helps to create atmosphere in a piece and makes it seem more photographic. for most people on a subconscious level. so it's a nice trick to have in the bag, but is often abused by people who just see it as a fashionable design element (for example if you don't have the contrast the effect doesn't work).

>> No.1977788

for comic artist and mangaka, how many pages a day can you guys churn out? do you guys prefer detailed drawings or not?

>> No.1977796

what i did, and its probably not right, was just add form on top of a 3d object i made

take a cube, then add a ball to the top of it, and than shaded the crap out of it with as little construction as i could get away with. i melded shapes into one and other till i made something that if i looked at it looks like it could have been there. though the shadows are... i wont call them wrong but i cant call them right either, they got the job done to express the form i added to shit.

i am corrected, thanks, at least in real life, you don't see it without looking for it, in photography, it is noticeable but ignorable (much of the time), but when many people do 3d renders or art that shows it off, they think its the coolest shit ever and abuse it heavily.

depends on the model, some where you spin the pencil instead of the whole op have blades that are much close to the surface, and normal sharpened pencils i think expose enough lead to do this with, others i am assuming they fit the metal clamps in it so you use that as leverage instead of the lead so no, probably not that type.

the first time i enjoyed what i made and thought it was good, my 5th grade art teacher (art was more or less babysitting in my school at this point) got pissed at me because i wasn't making a play dough (clay air dried) pizza and gave me detention. by the end of 6th grade i had a friend with employable skill, while i was still... not there... not due to lack of trying, just real shit teachers and no internet till high school. by high school my ability to see flaws could pick apart everyone around me, and my skill that wasn't as good as theirs... lets just say there is a reason i stopped trying.

the one thing i learned from than to now is that everyone can get an employable level. everyone is capable of memorization and if you seen people in school who got ok with a guitar, you know everyone can get muscle memory... continued.

>> No.1977797

... continued

you put those two together and everyone can learn to draw... the problem is crappy teachers when you don't know how to look shit up yourself, and that period you still believe in talent, if you think some people are just born with immense talent than you are doomed to mediocrity no matter what you do.

i had employable skill draw by me for 5 years before he stopped, so i got an eye that never let me see my own shit as good for fucking ever.

i would say most people who get good and think they are going to make it hit that first level of my shits good, had their eye level up a bit, caught up with skill again.

so long as you know this cycle exists, you know god damn well you can make it because you can see it yourself in almost real time that you are getting better and better.

>> No.1977813

actual mangaka churn out 16-26 pages in a near weekly format with help.

go look at some manga, there are some like berserk or one piece where you can see them gradually get better and better, i would say they prefer detail.

than there are others like naruto or bleach where they get worse and worse, and you can clearly see they don't like drawing with detail anymore.

for comic artists... at least the comics i read and have seen, most of the good ones treat the art as a utility to tell the story, so the mare minimum to get the story they want told, granted i don't know if thats a minority or a majority as most comics i have seen are superhero stories... yea... you may think manga is obscure in america, comics that aren't superhero are more obscure than that obscure manga that only has a scanlation. the only things i have that aren't hero related seem to all be the art is there to drive the story and is some of the most lifeless shit i have ever seen a "professional" get payed to draw.

super hero seems to be the opposite where detail is everything... also whenever there is violence it seems to be depicted in gory detail no matter the rest of the arts quality.

>> No.1977815

What's the mindset for doing still lives? It's fun and I like the result, but I don't feel like I'm learning anything that transfers well to painting from imagination, what am I doing wrong?

>> No.1977821

look at the shadows, why does the light do that, why does blank look like blank.

thinking the bowl of fruit and cloth, thinking hay the cloth is flat here, wrinkled here, light passes through here, even though its dark its not black why, blaa de blaa blaa...

i think you should get the thought that you should be having with that. go into any study with an inquisitive mind apposed to sit down shut up and copy this.

>> No.1977889
File: 58 KB, 800x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I start with art? Should I jump straight to Loomis or start with Fun with pencil? Or is drawing on the right side of the brain better? I'm confused.

>> No.1977917

Keys to Drawing, I cannot recommend it enough. It has everything you could need to understand where to begin, exercises to help challenge you, and examples of great art.

After that, well I suppose you could go for Loomis, FWAP is really for the absolute beginner though. Perspective is like, the most important thing to a good picture, so I would advise you go look up Perspective Made Easy.

>> No.1977988

I'm looking for a good drawing exercise, however there is a serious limitation, I need to be able to do this exercise without a book or reference. At work I'm stuck on hold a lot and I want to draw something but I can't bust out my phone to look at things. My level is pretty beginner.

>> No.1978057

Is GIMP alright for drawing? I realize almost everyone uses Photoshop nowadays, but I'm extremely scared of catching malware, so I'd rather not pirate it, and I can't afford it otherwise.

>> No.1978071

Any tips on using John Vanderpoel's anatomy book??

this mother fucker writes like a fucking brain surgeon. (super advanced wording)

>> No.1978229

clip studio/manga studio question

I figured out how to make lines of different colors in a layer to black. But let's say I want to change the color of the black lines to a different color, light yellow even?

>> No.1978239

1. Lock the layer opacity ("Lock Transparent Pixels") and then just color the lines with a brush.
2. Under Layer Properties, next to Effects, enable Layer Color (looks like a blue square on top of a black square) then just select the color you want.

>> No.1978259



>> No.1978274

GIMP is fine, yeah. Almost anything (assuming you aren't using MS Paint or some shit) is fine if you're just drawing on it.

Try FireAlpaca also. That's probably better than GIMP.

>> No.1978316
File: 353 KB, 1000x731, mtg__restoration_angel_by_algenpfleger-d4vitks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf, why was the algenpfleger patreon thread deleted? Are we not allowed to talk about patreon here anymore?

>> No.1978317

Fanboys reported it, lots of reports = deleted. Surely you don't think they care about what was actually being discussed in it.

>> No.1978318

because moderation on 4chan is subjective as fuck. but im not complaining gotta live with it

>> No.1978319
File: 22 KB, 400x300, joey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to learn how to draw and paint. I cannot create simple shapes like cylinders and cubes. With art are you just suppose to drill, drill, drill? In the beginning are you just suppose to keep drawing simple shapes and loomis potato head cartoons until the muscle memory kicks in?

Half the sticky is dead links, but from what I've been looking at "beginner" is a step ahead of me.

>> No.1978336


To me it's seems like a blanket deletion on anything that can be taken as a personal army request after that kron shitstorm a while back.

If you want to talk about patreon talk about patreon and not about anyone specific, at least that's my understanding on it.

>> No.1978376

the fun part is, if you will ever leave the beginner phase, you will stagnate. if you ever consider yourself pro, thats where your improving will stop.

>> No.1978385

Posting here since the beginner thread is slow and this thread seems more fit for what I'm asking.

So I have perspective down pat, but every time I try to draw something from imagination, I have difficulty nailing down proportions. I'll have an arm too thick here, an calf too long there, among other things.

What can I do to correct this? It's seriously bugging the shit out of me.

>> No.1978389

keep practicing. you can tell what the issues are, so that's good. just study the size and shape of muscles/etc. and keep making figure drawings. draw from a live model if possible, you can find figure drawing classes in most cities.

>> No.1978448

somewhere along the lines thought stopped being put into post deletion and now they just follow their set of premade rules

>> No.1978469
File: 76 KB, 800x832, 1422812862946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone's still interested, i finally achieved some results using Akvis artwork watercolor plugin.

you may be right, but I still think it's most work was done by some software

you knew it all the time, didn't you?

>> No.1978533

Alright, so I've been literally out cold for a good few years and I'm fucking surprised, shitty shade drawings of non-furry art commissions can go up to 3 digit amounts of dollars these days and it isn't even the "oddjob" kind of commissions from super popular people.

Has the quality and quantity of quality artists just dropped or have people found out that they can abuse people for more money trough similar to this concepts?

>> No.1978537

you literally don't know what that word means

>> No.1978541

No, I was in an actual coma, dude

>> No.1978542

I didn't really use it wrong, I've been in a coma for a good few years so instead of "out cold" as in sleeping in the snow I was in a coma.

I suppose I could've used a better word for that but it wasn't necessarily wrong, was it?

>> No.1978543

How do I learn to see in 3D?

Drawing from real life is one option. Are there others?

>> No.1978545

>Has the quality and quantity of quality artists just dropped

No. I used to be able to find and track most of the good artists a few years ago. These days, I can find 40 new artists that have awesome art every single day. It's becoming impossible to follow all the good ones. I'm honestly surprised that commission rates are rising.

>> No.1978637

How do you improve your lines? Do you literally just draw cubes, cylinders, and ovals over and over?

>> No.1978661

Real life is key. You just need to build an intuition for manipulating and rotating simple and complex forms in your mind. Doing the same in real life with tangible objects makes that all easier. Perspective and construction are also important.

>> No.1978662

Try the Peter Han exercises:

>> No.1978722

I'm just starting out drawing with Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

My room is pretty dimly lit... will this interfere with the exercises?

>> No.1978783

do you do pullups to improve your squats?

the answer is make lines to improve lines. gesture drawing and ellipses are great for this. have goals.

>> No.1978801

Not the guy you responded to, but as a personal trainer I fucking love you for answering this way. Have a great week, sir and/or madam.

>> No.1978803

This is a general guide that I try to keep in my head regarding horizon lines and how high or low they should be.

Pretend that you eyes are a camera. If the camera is on a tripod and is perfectly level, then the horizonline is going to be exactly in the middle of the "frame". If i tilt the camera, or my eyes, down, then the line is going to move up the "frame" more as i move i head down.

If i move my camera up instead, the horizon will start moving to the bottom.

If you are doing still lifes from life, try to find something on the wall that is about as high off the ground as your head is and use that item as a guide line for where the horizon is from your prespective.

I hope that helped and at least made some sense.

>> No.1978918


>> No.1979011

what i mean about the color picking is, say im doing a study and have my painting and the ref open. i pick my colors by eye and start painting. obviously someone whos just learning color isnt going to get the exact color. so you check to see how close you are with the eyedrop. lets say the actual color is

>G: 113
>B: 75

but the actual color you used is

>G: 95
>B: 70

obviously its not the same color (i didnt check to see what this would actually look like) but say for the sake of example it LOOKS pretty fucking close. is that all that really matters? whats the process? should you keep picking until you get as close as possible? you obviously cant pick the color exactly perfect, unless you're just using the eye drop, which is cheating. is there any guideline for determining whats acceptable?

>> No.1979064

I've been trying to study from life more and I was wondering how I should go about drawing people from life. Am I supposed to just stare at people in public and draw them? Would that be weird or creepy?

>> No.1979102

When you finish a commission for a person not a company, do you give them the resized version of the pic, or the full/big one?

I know for companies like marvel, they want the hires for prints and stuff...

>> No.1979124
File: 782 KB, 1491x2002, zodiac-1896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm quite ok at drawing figure and faces already, however, I'm rather clueless when it comes to landscape and cityscape. Is copying picture of them a valid way to study em? If I ever need to draw/paint a background for a piece, is it acceptable to copy a certain scene from photo? no? Should I try to understand as many architecture style as possible?

Lastly, what should I do in order to draw patterns and motifs like the one in pics? Just copy em till I remember it? Is french curve a must for a perfect curve?

Doesn't matter that much I guess, as long as you can observe the object well. If you ever need to do a light study, just get some portable light source and place it near the object to set up as you like.

I've never painted (yet) but if the colour's nearly indistinguishable, why bother? As long as it doesn't alter the overall feel of the pieces I would say it doesn't matter.

>> No.1979193
File: 169 KB, 986x775, 2f5690d7dd34845f2200476ac3172ebf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you paint like this?

How do you make colors look like this?

>> No.1979216

paint over lines
study anatomy and values

>> No.1979219


are you serious? why would you give the one paying you a shitty downsized version of what he paid for??

>> No.1979227

care to give youtube links so I can understand better?

>> No.1979273

Ok, so I have a serious problem, and it only occurs when I'm drawing from a model.
Whenever I begin a drawing, I start out with a gesture. You know, get the angle of the head, then find line of action, etc etc.

Unfortunately, about halfway through, I realize that my heads are too small. So I have to go back and readjust the head so that it fits on the body. Usually, by this time, the pose is almost done, and I have to BS whatever I don't have.

This seriously happens no matter how much I measure and place landmarks.
I know that I shouldn't worry about proportions at this stage, but if I can get it right on the first or second try, it'll save me tons of time in the long run.

How do you guys manage proportions while doing a gesture/initial drawing?

>> No.1979304

I find it easier to get the proportions of the head right when I start with the torso instead.

>> No.1979337

honestly, i want something like this too. i get enough time to dick around but not enough time to do shit from reference, so the answer is draw from life, which i don't find acceptable because i'm not fast at drawing. so im trying to figure out a way to practice without reference that i can objectively see if i did good or bad later on or from drawing to drawing.

what i personally came up with was take basic shapes and add other basic shapes to it and define the forms. go cube, and in the center of a cube draw the top half of a doughnut and smooth the line connecting it to the cube... shit like that. i know the shading on what i make is not great, but its honestly just there so i can define the form which i think i do a fairly decent job of.

regardless of what you call yourself, you stagnate when you stop being critical of your shit, the only reason pros stagnate more is because they got hired for a certain style/skillset and they don't want to fuck up a good thing, OR they call themselves pros and anyone not pro cant talk shit about them and pros don't seem to shit on eachothers works much. you also have the dickbags who do get shit on by other pros and quote sales numbers like that means anything.

try using cranium measurements apposed to head, also if you front and side view a character you should be able to pinpoint how big shit should be... if you were in the beginner thread, use tons of fucking construction, the ideal is to do that shit in your head and not need to waste time, but you aren't there yet.

i know the majority of the grunt work is done by filters, but the difference between your result and his is the polish in just the right areas.

autism, mental disorders, retardation... you name it the fur community has an abundance of it. some people who genuinely like the community and suck and some who want to abuse it and suck took the lowest commissions, and people with skill could price their shit...

>> No.1979338

>i finally achieved some results using Akvis artwork watercolor plugin
nice, thanks!

>> No.1979353

.. their shit higher because that borderline stick figure for 30$ or this nice looking line art for 30$... they have always been a fanatical community and have no waning popularity that other flavor of the month shit can suffer from. you dont have to sell cheap if you are good because people come to find you.

honestly, i have issues with depth perception. i learned to see in 3d from old video games, also learned extremely basic prospective from them too.
try looking at old n64 or emulated ps1 (not real ps1) gameplay and try to visualize the wireframe.
its much the same for real life, you are trying to make a real life person a wireframe.

i think i suck at explaining this.

i do this, but i don't do it in pen. im not stupid and i know damn well when my lines suck, but sharpening a pencil by drawing the lines over and over again... it gives you a fuck load of opportunity to practice.

i also practice with dip pen and going in different directions because i'm not always going to be able to pull a line from the perfect angle so i may as well be able to pull lines from all the angles

tldr you want a definitive way to see your lines use pen, you want a way to practice all the god damn time pulling lines, sharpen pencils.

ok, draw inspiration from the landscapes, from the cityscapes, you could also use rights free landscapes or cityscapes, but its best to get an idea of how to make your own.

ok, when you eyedropper, blend the area you are going to dropper a bit, even the best slr cameras are going to pick up some level of grain and noise, if what you are studying is digital, than any non lossless will add artifacts, you may not see them bluntly but they will be there.

your job is to get as close as fucking humanly possible to the color you are using. at this point... continue

>> No.1979384


... continue ... you are trying to learn why they picked a specific color. so knowing why you chose one color and they chose another would be a great learning experience.

take the color you picked and make a blob of it and the color you chose and blob of it and see how off they are from each other. i hate to say this but if you have a ipad you may want to view the image on there instead of your monitor. not all monitors are made equal, and if you dont have an ips, or calibration hardware... colors are going to be fairly off.

look for something that covers 90%+ adobe rgb while having 1000 contrast ratio as a minimum.

my personal choice would be BenQ BL3200PT for my monitor, but i also play games, the thing also has an amazing contrast ratio of 2300+
dell ultrasharp are also really good for color, but i don't know the exact 5 they cover.

got to learn how to get the details down fast. the key is being quick and knowing whats necessary to draw.

before they pay, you add artifacting and shit and give them a size big enough to to see what you did. when they pay you give them the biggest version you can make that is 1:1 with source, i would personally also add a % charge if they also want the source file.

ok, paint like that... thats a line art color. you get black lines and you paint the inside.
to get colors like that, you have to look at the lighting, and know that you never make things darker with black, you make them darker with a darker color. in this case it looks like they put down a base of light blue, than went purple for the shading and red for the blush.

you should worry about proportions at that stage. though exact proportions not so much.

if you are within 1 head of the actual proportions don't worry, the exercise isnt about that (unless you are going really slow)

new master academy A beginners guide to Figure Drawing video 5, i dont like his teaching style but he is good to learn fr

>> No.1979538
File: 284 KB, 732x473, 98798789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been thinking of finally buying a cintiq, but I've never even touched a cintiq before, so I'm a little worried about spending all that money only to find out that I can't use it properly.
Especially considering that, currently, the way I draw on my intuos and the way I draw in my sketchbook are completely different.
Are cintiqs worth it? Did anyone notice any significant change to their art when they switched over? I'm unsure as to whether my art will continue to look the way it does when I draw with my Intuos, or if it'll come out looking more like my traditional art since it's drawing directly onto the screen.
Any notable cons? I haven't seen too many reviews that give significant cons.
I'm probably going to get a hybrid. Figured if i'm gonna spend that money, might as well do it on something I can use to draw on the go with.

>> No.1979600

>I'm unsure as to whether my art will continue to look the way it does when I draw with my Intuos, or if it'll come out looking more like my traditional art since it's drawing directly onto the screen.
It will definitely look more like your current digital work because you'll still have the same tools and workflow. If anything you just might find drawing on the screen to be more natural, and doing linework will be a bit easier.

>I'm probably going to get a hybrid.
NO. Unless it's deeply discounted. They just announced the companion 2 going on sale in a few months. It can work standalone or plugged into another computer just like the hybrid, but it's a full windows OS when standalone. The hybrid is an Android on standalone, and you're limited to whatever Android painting apps are out there.

>> No.1979628

>It will definitely look more like your current digital work because you'll still have the same tools and workflow. If anything you just might find drawing on the screen to be more natural, and doing linework will be a bit easier.
Well, when I say my art looks different, I mostly mean stylewise. I don't know why, but I can get into details a lot faster on paper, whereas digitally I'm constantly pressing the undo button and I can't be as freeflowing, so it's more simple.

>NO. Unless it's deeply discounted. They just announced the companion 2 going on sale in a few months. It can work standalone or plugged into another computer just like the hybrid, but it's a full windows OS when standalone. The hybrid is an Android on standalone, and you're limited to whatever Android painting apps are out there.
I thought about getting the companion 2, but after clicking it once and seeing the $2,000+ ticket I flew out. But, after looking at it again, I didn't realize that there's less expensive low-memory ones for about $1,300, which is doable, especially if there's going to be a sale.
Okay, companion 2 then, thanks anon.

>> No.1979705
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Are vanishing points important? I believe "drawing on the right side of the brain" said something about not learning about them, but the other day when I was trying to do a perspective drawing a friend asked what my vanishing points were and I couldn't answer him.

>> No.1979737

In order to show depth, then yes.
If you want to draw a landscape, then yes.
If you want to draw a little illustrated scene, then yes.

>Are vanishing points important
nigga please.

>> No.1979740 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 1117x788, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying you're wrong, but this comes from a book that's suggested here all the time. Doesn't it kind of make sense why I would be confused?

>> No.1979815


lol. these rookies. hands anon. you pose your nondominat hand and draw it with your dominant hand. possible lighting/angle combinations are endless. and hands are incredibly hard, so you'll learn a lot.

>> No.1979947
File: 6 KB, 280x180, 36583246945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feng mentioned that you should think in 3D, and not in 2D. What is exactly meant by this? Do you create an image in your head and try to virtually rotate it? If so, how do you practice this?

>> No.1980436

When you use the generic hard brush in PS to blend, is it better to have spacing set to 5-10 or at 1?

>> No.1980720

So I got a tablet, and I have little to no line/pressure control, and it all feels very unnatural and frustrating.

Pencil on paper, I make the line go where I want to go, and can make it as light or strong as the pencil can go, but with the tablet it's like I'm retarded.

Is this normal? I didn't expect such a difference and I'm depressed from how shit I am.

>> No.1980892

i have 450 USD.
i need a tablet that is good for line drawings and animation. what should i get? ATM looking at this
also, i cant get the yiynova. they don't ship to here

>> No.1981590
File: 950 KB, 3000x2000, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you go around drawing/painting crowds of people, especially ones that are semi close to the camera?

Any examples?

>> No.1981743

Opacity question for photoshop:
i have the problem with my transferbrush in photoshop that it keeps the same opacity when i draw over the same spot when i dont change the pressure. now i dont want to increase the pressure but i want that the opacity increases on the spot that i draw over and over again (without taking the pen from the tablet, it increases the opacity on the spot when i do that about 50% of the current) . what do i have to change in the settings?

>> No.1982280

How do I learn to draw faces using lines only? Like in a sketch, without a full pencil render.

Everytime I try to do it I end up drawing the shadows, halftones, etc. But I want to do it with lines only, and some minimal crosshatching where necessary.

Also, does that have a name? Line drawing?

>> No.1982290
File: 17 KB, 296x394, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok not sure if posting in the right thread so apologies first.

Around 3 years back I stopped drawing all together but recently i've got back into quick sketches most is normally just rubbish quick shapes usual bored doodles by 2 nights back I offhandedly attempted to draw a full character and this is how it turned out.

I suck at hands and feet and also suck at most things like proportions etc etc (after finishing I noticed the face looked a lot like Dora the Explorer.

How bad did the character turn out?

>> No.1982306

lets also mention that the android one is 1000$ cheaper almost than the full windows computer one.

that cheaper one also has an i3, 64gb ssd (no idea if upgradeable, windows alone is 40~gb when all is said and done) and 4gb ram on a 64bit os

the higher end one, and lowest end you should look at, has an i5, 8gb of ram, and 128gb ssd, its not gods gift to ssd sizes, but if you just install art programs and save projects (and clean them off every now and than) it should be good enough

now i look at penable displays like this as a sketch shit and get the basics down, not an i'm going to finish shit on the go thing so i wouldn't get something with tons of power on a personal level, but i would never run a modern os on something with less than 4 cores.

with that said, hybrid for me would be the best value because i dont expect a full computer, just something to get a sketch idea down and later finish it.

and in all honestly, i am cheap, i would be looking at the monoprice penable display before i would consider a cintiq, just because wacom in penable displays doesn't have a clear win outside of monitor quality, which you can argue if an extra 1500$ is worth the better display, where i would personally get a cheaper penable display and a really nice normal monitor with a large % adobergb and mirror the display. you get to see where you are drawing, and you get a good representation of what you are drawing at the same time for cheaper or as cheap as the lowest end cintiq.


in all honesty, if you are drawing exactly what you are seeing, you dont need them so much, and it is cumbersome and tedious work. on the other side, to draw with them so innately that you don't even know they are there or where they would be is a level of mastery that is retarded to try and achieve.

learn what they are and learn prospective don't grind it, but know what it is so you when you have to pull it out you can.

>> No.1982329

again, there is a problem there of not having a hand to hold the sketch book. im sure that people dont always have a table they can rest shit on, and even than, many are slow and don't have the time to even do a quick contour drawing they could later finish, and getting the hand into the exact same position again...

this is one of those things that you don't understand till you understand it. and i cant give examples of bad 3d planning without breaking rules against furry art and pony art. more or less what i believe he wants you to do is know where things are in relation to each other instead of just making everything work on that one 2d image. i would need more context to confirm what he said though.

cant say, i believe spacing set as low as possible is the best for that program, the problem is the processing power to do that is kind of allot.

you are new... yes its normal. go into the tablet controls and adjust the tablet settings. i have mine set to the hardest level is about as hard as i would need to press to ruin paper and possibly rip with a pencil... just a little above snapping the lead.

if that monitor has uc logic in it, its probably good, in fact i think its the only non wacom monitor that has dvi inputs apposed to vga.

as for quality of the product... like i said, uc logic should be solid but just know what you are getting into with it.

white wash everything, paint a dot for the head, and nothing else, as they are not the part you focus on, the players are, and in this, even the players would get second billing to the 2 jumping. i would probably give a few a face, but for the most part, some white and some brown peach.

need a picture example for this.

post an example of what you are trying to achieve... i think i understand, but i want to be sure.

>> No.1982344

how it turned out like that...
ill be generous and say you used 6 heads when it really looks like its 5.5.
men and women generally have the same proportions, just what the ideal head size is changes.
normal adults the ideal is around 7.5-8 with women being 7-8

now, you also went for stylized opposed to realistic, when you are learning to draw, fuck they god damn style, you cant objectively look at a style and critq is fucking hard when you do that... add on may people get way the fuck to defensive.

now given the simplistic nature of the drawing, the hands and feet aren't horrible. along with the clothing

but i'm looking at the left side of the face... yea, draw bigger. the eyes appear to be 2-4 times the width of your pencils lead, and when you fuck up on something that small, like the left of the face... its a motherfucker to fix, also, the smallest detail you are off on shows up like a sore thumb, like the eye further away being bigger then the closer one

now how to fix this if you were to draw realistically... start with a gesture, and if the proportions are off there, scrap it and gesture again. once you get those down than go forward.

i also recommend instead of heads for proportions use cranium as its easier to measure with.

>> No.1982353

i didn't use heads, I drew the first circle for the head then drew a rough body shape then built up from there, i think the style came from old habits more than anything is there any particular guide or tutorial you would suggest from your own experience?

Also i feel you held back a little on your critique might just be how i read it but thank you any advice is good since you didnt just up and say something overly nice to spare my feelings.

>> No.1982366

i held back because of how simple it was, many of the shittier areas look ok with it.
drawing the thing from the first circle is the cranium method, and the character should be 11.5 for male and i think 10-10.5 for female tall if you are going for more realism.

as for guides. there is a fuck load you have to learn before you go with figures, but saying that i doubt you would stick to only doing basics till you are perfect.

so, watch prokos gesture video till he gives examples, than watch vilppu do gestures. there was a vilppu video on youtube a while back that was easily the best gesture video to watch but i cant find it again.

from there new master academy A beginners guide to Figure Drawing video 5, this will help you see where you want to get to, personally i don't like his stories much, but skill cant be denied.

there is also a gnomon video i think that is about the head may be about anatomy in general, where they guy showed off how simple you could make a face that looked like a face, look into that as it will let you draw faster if you know how much you can simplify it.

now, people will bitch at alines not being confident and like the right sleeve, chickenscratchy... but you suck right now, so the scratchiness makes your shit look better to me than if you had only one line throughout the whole thing. you may want to start exercises to curve that. look above, its likely someone mentioned that and i probably added, it was either this thread or the other one.

>> No.1982371
File: 203 KB, 612x612, 42f03ce21b8511e39ebd22000aaa21ed_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


line drawing guy from 1982280 here.

Something like this. I can read the face, the forms, but it's mostly just pen lines and some hatching.

>> No.1982374

thanks for the tips i'll look everything up and hopefully improve, i know it's going to take a lot of time.

>> No.1982375

posting an answer in the new thread check there.


