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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 740 KB, 1312x4752, study28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1971743 No.1971743 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up. Practice makes Perfect!

A friendly reminder to do wrist exercises and take breaks as you practice to avoid getting CPS.

Previous thread: >>1962818

>> No.1971817

What's the best way to approach gesture drawings? Just finished Keys to Drawing, and Perspective Made Easy, but I'd also like to learn more about drawing gestures.

Where should I begin?

>> No.1971823

Go look up Proko on youtube. His gesture videos are pretty good.

>> No.1971937

Can someone reccommend a good book about cartoon faces?

>> No.1971966
File: 2.48 MB, 3264x2448, 1423340207897499409584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my second day of reading Fun with a Pencil. Skipped heads and circles, went straight to figures.

I'm only posting here because I don't want to annoy my friends and family every day with this kind of stuff, but any tips or critiques would be welcome.

>> No.1971988

First, you should post much smaller filesize. Try also find some good light source when doing photos. It looks dark and blurred.

Now, before you do Loomis figures, you need to know how to draw basic forms in perspective freehand. Watch Proko, he has quite good video about drawing 3D froms.
You should practice basic forms each day at the begining, then move on on bulding figures, trying to apply what you have learned, reapeat that everyday. This way you keep it stil fun and learn more.

>> No.1972001
File: 1.61 MB, 2560x1920, 2015-02-07 20.31.34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practicing shading and drawing from imagination. Thinking I should go back to improve linework. Opinions?

>> No.1972007

Forgot to mention but I'm posting from phone at work so sorry about the image being as it is (crappy old phone with no real features)

>> No.1972146
File: 188 KB, 1200x650, 20150207_study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to make realistic face from the planes of head reference

>> No.1972184

I'm in it. Thanks anon.

>> No.1972190

It looks like you ignored a lot of the planes/forgot about them in your head on the right. The upper eyelid has no planar definition, the bottom of the lower eyelid is downward facing and needs to be in shadow, the lower lip faces upward and needs to catch light, etc.

For your next exercise, try finding a well lit portrait and do a study of that, but reference the Asaro heads as well and try to emphasize the major planes..

>> No.1972213
File: 2.69 MB, 3264x2448, 20150207_233739[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can never get the shading right when im doing a whole figure/upper body

>> No.1972235

I want to learn to draw political caricatures - if I have basically no art skill at all, how should I go about learning to draw?

>> No.1972243

That planes of the head shit has got me interested. Will it make me decent-tier in a week?

>> No.1972247
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, Prog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's just me, but I think it looks bad. I don't want it to end up looking like some bad MS paint thing you see on DA.

>> No.1972256

Well I can tell you that you'll need to be able to draw a normal head well first. Loomis's Fun With a Pencil has some good advice on head construction as well as exercises that involve exaggerated cartoons but I'm not sure if it's good or not for an absolute beginner.

Assuming you're the same guy as the last poster with zero experience, you can't get decent in a week. Don't let that discourage you though.

Read up on color theory and digital painting.

>> No.1972269

Nah man, I definitely have some experience.

>> No.1972300

I'm looking at Fun With a Pencil - it does seem useful, but the only thing I wonder about is if the heads won't all end up too circular. A lot of caricatures use faces that are really droopy.

>> No.1972314

The funny faces are more about drawing 3D objects than actual heads. He goes into the actual construction later.

>> No.1972316

Ok, cool, will keep reading.

>> No.1972325
File: 165 KB, 800x600, env.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8te my first environment art

>> No.1972330


If you are...

Under 12
Practice more :) Watch tutorials and master one thing at a time, observe the work of others and do little exercises in individual things.

12 - 16
^ get out and do some life-drawing, use traditional media, go and draw with a pencil. Most importantly train your eye, if you draw that and think it's good for a second your brain is in denial.

Kill yourself.

>> No.1972335

>I don't want it to end up looking like some bad MS paint thing you see on DA.

A little too late there.

>> No.1972340

>and think it's good for a second your brain is in denial.


>> No.1972373
File: 292 KB, 1300x939, heads imagination1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing the same thing m8
just keep grinding

>> No.1972377

Was the kill yourself necessary? I'm just trying to learn like everyone else.

>> No.1972382

it's fine m8, everyone does this kind of stuff at one point or another, well... at least I did it when I started out. If you want to learn more about digital painting I would advise you to look up ctrlpaint video tutorials on the subject matter, they are pretty easy to find, and to torrent if you're into that thing.

>> No.1972383

start by drawing on one layer and working with a simple dark color. Use the pen tool :)

>> No.1972385
File: 152 KB, 800x376, 10m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried 10m value challenge, any advice? Its hard as fuck.

>> No.1972388

>Most importantly train your eye

What do you mean by that, exactly?

>> No.1972389

I was actually just looking at his videos now, thanks. Good to know I'm on the right track.

>> No.1972392

You've got really good references there, I especially like the moody britbong, czech(?) bridge, a lot of guys usually go for really superexposed pictures when they study value and then don't understand why is it so hard. Keep a lookout for images that are not HDR(high definition range). Once you see it, you'll kinda figure it out from there.

He means, and I assume he does, training your eye to visualize measurement tools to help you copy anything from life or photos, mostly threedimensional shapes, and then using those visual tools to transcribe those threedimensional shapes on a twodimensional surface - paper, canvas(digital traditional) etc.

>> No.1972393

What are some good ways to "train the eye" and what type of objects should be drawn?

>> No.1972399


Could you post the references? Those look really good and I'd like to try my hand at them.

>> No.1972401

drawing on the right side of the brain by betty edwards
keys to drawing by bert dobson
you can get these books on the free book thread, look for it in the catalog

>> No.1972405

for some reason it didn't post the rest
As for the value exercise itself, use 9 values, and don't set any timers man, just study, SLOWLY, try to understand what you're doing. Compare things, this is the most important thing in understanding how light and shadow work, always compare things. How dark is the side of the foreground bridge compared to the statues in the distance, is the statue on the left lighter or darker than the one on the left? is it darker or lighter than the road? etc etc

Depends on what you want to train, for a beginner it's always great to draw ANY threedimensional geometrical objects, spheres, cubes, cilinders, cones. They teach that in any serious artschool, you learn to start thinking around the form, basically you get x-ray vision out of it. Afterwards you learn perspective and you're basically set for any draftsman problem out there.

If you don't really want to do that, it's fine, pick charles bargue's drawing course, it teaches you to draw what you see exactly as it is, google it. It gives you a method of measurement with an assortment of plates with plaster casts to draw from. Academies in russia usually combine both methods, you draw a still life with 3d objects laying around + drapery one day, then the next you draw plaster casts using an assortment of measuring techniques described in the charles bargue course.
you can skim through these posts to get your head around what it all means, the pictures pretty much speak for themselves

I've also made a post earlier with every proportion resource known to me. you can find it here >>/ic/thread/S1937059#p1938660

>> No.1972411

It looks like a bunch of polygons badly plastered together.
Why is everything so brown?
What is that environment supposed to be? A cave? A mountain? Your mom's anus from the inside?

>> No.1972444
File: 120 KB, 600x1180, spray-bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1972449


You're going through the ctrl-paint videos? That looks pretty good imo.

I'd say try doing that same spray bottle from a more extreme angle, like put it on the floor and try drawing while looking down at it.

>> No.1972460

Tasteful example of the exercise. Now do 9 more.

>> No.1972462

You shouldn't be giving advice, you know that?
I rate your advice 1/10 because
>What is that environment supposed to be?
is a legit question.

>> No.1972476

Don't listen to him. I really like your colonscape.

>> No.1972490


Thank you. I wasn't going through them, but I'll start listening to them to have a program to follow


Thank you. I will.

>> No.1972504

Be confident about your shapes. Don't do a lot of small squiggly half blurred stuff.

>> No.1972554
File: 104 KB, 600x800, dicks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew someone sitting down
how I do

>> No.1972589

Welcome to /ic/

>> No.1972631
File: 67 KB, 275x395, Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 6.54.23 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tiny study. 45 min (?). planes are hard.

>> No.1972633
File: 71 KB, 657x600, frog-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got caught up with drawing this frog from ctrl-paint.

Is it useful at this stage to go into more detailed shading than this? My rendering skills aren't where I want them to be, but I feel like I could use my time better by getting more drawings in.

>> No.1972634
File: 38 KB, 450x358, givemeyourskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its necessary to become a good artist. to learn to paint you must learn to love, to love you must live, and to truly live you must die

>> No.1972641


At this stage you learn more by drawing more. For example if you have let's say an hour to draw you'll get a lot more out of it by doing 6 10 minute drawings than by doing one 60 minute drawing.

At least's that's what I've been told.

>> No.1972656

Hey. I bought a bunch of art supplies to get started.

I have 6 drawing pencils by Staedtler, 60 colored pencils, and also bought some drawing paper and erasers+sharpener.

Anything else I need or am I good for now? First thing I want to do is sketching.

>> No.1972660

All you need to sketch is a pencil, eraser, and sketchbook. Use cheap shit to practice with, save the good materials for finished works.

>> No.1972665


These are neat, what are your studies?

>> No.1972668

>planes are hard.

Is this a joke? Looks pretty easy to me. Just basic 3D shapes. I should give it a try.

>> No.1972768

Thanks. I'm not sure what you're asking. Those 2 and a kleenex box I posted a few days ago are my only drawings in a while

>> No.1972789

I would recommend not focusing on coloring. Sycra has a good video about this on how, even if you were to get really good at coloring your art will always look bad if your lines are bad. Another point he makes is that people who focus on coloring have a tendency to, rather than making a bunch of drawings and practicing a lot, they key up on trying to make just a handful of drawings look good, which you may or may not be doing. Either way, point is, draw a lot, learn anatomy and gesture drawing, make your lines look good. Then you can start getting into shading and coloring. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jAmc5UmVT8

>> No.1972840
File: 219 KB, 540x720, CAM01309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to post this on facebook so my friend can see it and laugh, but her arms are bit off, aren't they?

>> No.1972841
File: 325 KB, 540x748, CAM01306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew some cats today as well, some did not turn out like cats.. I have a lot of work to do.

>> No.1972842
File: 174 KB, 540x424, CAM01308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one last cat

>> No.1972864

How can you just tell someone to kill them-self? That is fucked up dude. Is that supposed to be funny? What a dick.

>> No.1972870

I'm pro choice when it comes to matters of life and death.

>> No.1972873

where exactly do you think you are?

>> No.1972887
File: 20 KB, 322x282, 1423112086093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1972888

so i've recently got into digital art and am interested in painting landscapes and conceptual art. where would be a good place to start?

>> No.1972896

Pencil, Drawing your friends portraits,
Various items around in the house.
Learning perspective and do not neglect your anatomy studies.
Watch tons of movies, read books, buy books about cars, planes, architecture and visual design.

>> No.1972912

Hey man. Keep bitching. When we hit 12 bill pop and you're forced under martial law to share your house with a dirty fuck with a tile fetish then I'm sure you'll be all DON'T KILL YOURSELF!111 faggot.

>> No.1972913

Hey guys, does anyone know of any online tools for practicing perspective? I use a site for gesture drawings which is great, but I want to improve my perspective as well.

>> No.1972916

I don't know how people live with each other in large cities where you have to have a roommate or you won't be able to pay rent.
Fuck, I hate my roommates.
If it wasn't for drawing, I'd be gone long ago.

>> No.1972920
File: 90 KB, 408x622, anat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anatomy issues?

>> No.1972929

the only thing I see is that the back foot is smaller, it should be the same size only at a distance and more skewed.

>> No.1972936
File: 151 KB, 966x650, work in progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to draw this from a lower perspective where the girl is approaching the boy, they are both swimming, boy's left leg is behind her and his head is over hers,

I need advise on anatomy and how underwater hair is drawn

>> No.1972942

Perspective and human proportions mate, except you intended to draw a manlet

>> No.1972967
File: 15 KB, 320x253, eh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't draw often, so what do you guys think?
I also can't draw cloth, and I didn't even bother trying. :T

>> No.1972969

Its cool but don't be afraid of drawing hands :3 You only learn by doing not by avoiding

>> No.1972972

I know, I was mostly being lazy

>> No.1972979
File: 109 KB, 591x847, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1973058

I'm trying to learn how to draw hands right now, using my own as a reference and trying to get down some sketches in about 30 seconds. I can't help but feel that I'm not making any progress. I'm 30 sketches in and I feel just as bad as when I started.

>> No.1973059


Its going to take you more than 30 attempts at 30 seconds a pop to feel improvement.

Its good that you're drawing them form life. Use photos and anatomy books as well. Try break down the hand into basic forms etc.

>> No.1973068

Draw robo blocky hands.

Just do it.

>> No.1973078
File: 264 KB, 758x945, practice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

criticism and value check on lower img and general cc on thumbnails wanted

>>first exercise in digital painting ft me trynna render chicken tendies and get a hang of values thx anons

>> No.1973079


from imagination btw would include references otherwise

>> No.1973107
File: 125 KB, 768x1024, portätt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must inflict my self portrait unto you. YES I am reading Keys to drawing, calm your tits. Also I am a master at drawing hair, I'll take all commisions to draw wigs for you.

>> No.1973109
File: 242 KB, 1263x1461, thumbnailing4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did some thumbnailing. How dis?

>> No.1973121

Oh, I was simply asking what have you studied to get this far in your drawing? (ie, what books you've read and such)

>> No.1973128

Bottom form is too complex/messy. Doesn't work as a thumb

>> No.1973137
File: 457 KB, 1500x844, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not how it always works, but i think it helps to think about it this way at least in the beginning

>> No.1973140
File: 134 KB, 768x1024, porträtt2dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Darkened the shadows, of course the shadows are fucked, but perhaps it looks a bit more interesting.

>> No.1973159
File: 951 KB, 1568x2090, 20150208_162806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need help with the form, please.

>> No.1973164
File: 719 KB, 1920x1080, eye comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this guy's eyes to be looking straight forward, but the original has him looking a bit off-center. I tried remaking the eyes in photoshop, but I don't know if I like the look. Are the new eyes passable? Anything I can do to make them better?

>> No.1973174

It doesn't look bad I think.
Anyways, ig he is looking at a person, who is standing close to him, the pupils will point a little inwards. If he is looking at something far, the pupils will be centered.

>> No.1973215

Right upper arm is too thick, and the left lower arm shouldn't completely cover the upper arm as far as I can tell.

>> No.1973217
File: 638 KB, 1920x1080, 1423409848127 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made a little diagram. If you want the viewer to look straight ahead, then you need to keep the eyes centered toward the camera. We know when someone is looking directly at us, so we kind of know when eyes in a drawing are not looking at the viewer. Beginners might not catch this.

Also, I adjusted the shoulder a bit. In the original it looks like his right shoulder is raised up to his ear. I don't think this was intentional. Flip the canvas every now and then to check for mistakes. Our eyes will get used to how the picture looks and it gets harder to spot mistakes if we don't see the picture differently.

Last note. I wanted to point out that the finger was not pointing directly at us. It looks like its pointing towards our left. Hopefully my crude drawings demonstrated some of the things I mentioned clearly.

>> No.1973222

Also, I think I could've pushed the "off" eye a little bit more towards his right, now that I think about it. It looks a bit more centered but could move a little bit more.

>> No.1973238

I've read "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" but didn't find it very helpful. The only thing I remember from it is to pay more attention to negative space. I've got some Bridgman books for anatomy, those will be okay once I start studying anatomy. However, I don't find books very helpful on their own; they're just meant as a supplement to practicing.

I've been drawing for a long time, but not regularly so my progress is slow. From my experience the 3 most important things to improve are:
- Still life drawings
- Studies + Gestures
- Practicing line control. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgDNDOKnArk

I've only recently started doing still lives, studies and gestures and I've been improving a lot faster than by drawing friend and celebrity portraits or copying photographs.

>> No.1973242
File: 549 KB, 1920x1080, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I tried enlarging the pupils towards the centre very slightly, and that weird feeling I got isn't there as much. It's not as good as your eye though, but I'm not so uncomfortable with it now.

Also, it's not my drawing, I'm just trying to color it in PS. I've got no artistic skills. I started coloring a week ago, I'm sure there's a lot I can be doing better. I'm a bit worried of my lack of skill/experience that I can do anything more than 3 shades per color and having the highlights/shadows outline in this one. I haven't added shadows yet so it's not a great example. I know I should blend the shades together but I kind of like the style enough that I want to try to get the lighting just right with it before advancing.

>> No.1973252
File: 667 KB, 1224x1632, 20150208_173628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I think the crotch is too low and the hips are to narrow, can anybody confirm? also what else?

>> No.1973348
File: 240 KB, 1200x1600, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to practice with figure, particularly fema;l efigure except the last one, what the fuck am I ding wrong?

Also are there any tips on abdomenal area? I coild draw something like a super bulky blocky male torso, but soft girl's belly is blowing my mind, whenever i'n trying to give subtle forms any volume it comes out ultra fucked up.

Cool Neandertalian

>> No.1973354

Your whole pelvis is too low and belly is too long.

There shoulf be about one size of the neck between the end of the ribs an beginning of pelvis but you ave waist area longer than one head.

Poke yourself at the side, feel where the ribs are andd where is pelvis.

>> No.1973393

Good information, I appreciate the feedback.
Funny enough, I have no idea how Gestures work, but a class I'm taking have is drawing from live models with very little experiences. Even though the class is for beginners, I feel as though we're jumping ahead of ourselves in that class.

>> No.1973450

Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.1973583

I'm learning how to draw Gestures from Proko, but I'm wondering when it's a good time to read up on Hampton's work? I just don't want to be getting ahead of myself.

>> No.1973636
File: 1.27 MB, 2048x1152, 1423429866987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I am aware the quality of the picture is shit, I did this on a fucking ipad and took a pic of it with my phone. How does it look?

>> No.1973638

Also sorry for light lines

>> No.1973763

Just wondering, is my adjustment enough? I don't want his pupils any bigger, and I tried moving them a pixel over and that didn't look better. If there's a better way to accomplish this, please let me know

>> No.1973764

sorry, ignore this, I'm a blind retard and didn't even notice you moved the whole colored part of the eye.

>> No.1973819
File: 302 KB, 1650x1056, Lugia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what i should draw to improve, this is my third drawing.

>> No.1973827
File: 60 KB, 450x710, arm-anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anatomy practice. Should do another one from another angle now, with same colors.

>> No.1973870

Gesture drawing is the first thing Hampton talks about in his book or when he teaches a class.

>> No.1973873
File: 130 KB, 586x753, pspsgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this for my digital sketchpad. I'm over half way to finishing the page.

>> No.1973886

New fag here. How do I into pixel art?

>> No.1973927

post reference / source ?

>> No.1973935

What is the technical term for "Making pieces fit/work together"
For example, an arm that "fits in" with the rest of the body, it does not look "out of place"

>> No.1973936
File: 2.31 MB, 1386x989, jämförelse10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to make some babe posted here into a Dunmer babe, but the dunmer isn't showing through. I should've slanted the eyes more, the skin is darker when viewed normally. The shirt and lighting on it is fucked, I know.

>> No.1973962

Might wanna learn some perspective and finding ways to draw shapes to representation a body. Hampton is good to look at, but only once you have a strong understanding of perspective.

>> No.1973964

the sticky doesnt work m8s

>> No.1973968


Yeah, I'm doing keys to drawing at the moment. I'll take a look at that afterwards. Do you have any recommendations for books about starting perspective? Maybe there's a part later in Keys to drawing even, I haven't gotten that far. The beginners guide is dead so I can't check there.

>> No.1973971


I think that's exactly what I need now that I think about it... my drawings are always flat as a board...

>> No.1973973


Ok, chapter five in Keys should make it better, now I have some more motivation to plow through it.

>> No.1973975

Finish Keys of Drawing all the while drawing from life (like objects around your room, boxes, USB sticks, your monitor, the corner of your room, etc.)

You'll need to read Norling's Perspective Made Easy, it's a really good eye opener as to how perspective works. It's a small book, shouldn't take you no more than a couple of days to finish (perhaps even in one afternoon) with some good exercises.

After that, read either Scott Robertson's How to Draw or Successful Drawing by Loomis. Honestly, I'd recommend both, and since you're drawing asian woman, I'm assuming you wanna draw animu in the future. In that case, you'll need Loomis.

>> No.1973985


Thanks a bunch, you've increased my motivation.

>> No.1973991

Remember, read Perspective Made Easy first. The book I recommended from Scott and Loomis both teach perspective and they each have their own methods but they go more depth into, allowing your images to look more 3D.

I say read both since, you may hit a brick wall in one book, but reading the other may break down that wall and so forth. Sometimes it's just fun seeing the same exact method but explained differently, giving you two options to approach said method (letting you decide which one is easier).

Just keep at it.

>> No.1974069

What exactly do you mean by that?

>> No.1974101

The shading is messy, and it reads very flat. The lines under the eye are too dark.

Are you familiar with the planes of the face? I would recommend doing some planar heads and then doing another portrait.

The shading isnt too bad, your proportions are off. The shoulders biceps are small compared to the chest. Keep going anon.

The shapes are interesting but I don't know what I'm looking at.
Think about what is the main idea of the piece, what do you want the viewer to look at. The part of the picture the brighest or darkest, the part with most detail and contrast. The focal point. Its the top center of your piece. But there is nothing there.

>> No.1974111

what is a good beginners guide since the sticky isnt working

>> No.1974135

Their faces are pretty bad compared to the body. The heads are just there and not in perspective.

The girl doesn't look like shes swimming. The guys pose looks all right, but she is very, very stiff. Look at some swimmer pictures and look how the limbs are spread out and imply movement.

>> No.1974144
File: 142 KB, 500x677, WonderWomanSketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to figure out a good style for my comics. Getting real watercolors tomorrow so I can do this and actually make it look much better.

>> No.1974154

Looks alright anon, why is the top clipped? Or is it just cropped that way.

When your plotting your drawing make sure it will fit. When you get close to the edge sometimes the artist will start making it smaller just to fit. Its a good idea to mark where the top and bottom left right.

>> No.1974169

Anon, if its practical for you, scan your line arts and print them out again. Then go to the library and make a couple copies.

Read up on preparing the sheets for watercolor. The paper wont be that good, but this way you can get some practice in with out fucking it up. You won't have anything to lose and can just keep working on the water color techniques.

When you scan or photo them in, its going to lose saturation but their are guides for that if you google it.

>> No.1974179

I have started doing my line art in PS and then printing them out and inking (although I have not been doing a ton of inking and have been trying to get used to digital work instead). That is good to know.

I need to look this stuff up. I think the comic book artist that does this type of work uses those crazy big comic panel pages (they seem like they are cardboard or something).

>> No.1974275

hey, thanks for that video, anon. I plan on working on my line quality/control using those exercises.

>> No.1974343 [DELETED] 
File: 404 KB, 2480x3508, ughh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know how to do studies and actually learn from them.
Also my lines are all shaky, its been a while since i tried to draw something

>> No.1974346

If you're brand new, then this is a decent drawing. What are you currently studying and what are your struggles?

>> No.1974349
File: 117 KB, 612x899, sorrylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im not doing any studies atm, mostly because i dont know how to use them correctly and learn whatever i have to learn from them.
I guess mostly anatomy and stuff

Reuploading because i posted a big ass jpg

>> No.1974352

I mean, it's hard to give advice when you're completely vague on your issues. With the drawing you've posted, it doesn't seem bad. If you continue on the path you're on you should be fine.

Could you elaborate or perhaps give info as to what frustrates you the most when you draw?

>> No.1974355

Sorry, my english is crappy so i feel kind of limited when i try to explain something.
Basically its just a general thing, i dont know how to colour or do anatomy studies correctly mostly because that whole shapes and boxes when drawing bodies confuse me.
I basically draw the lines of the reference pic, and i feel like im not acomplishing nothing by doing this.
I just feel kind of lost atm. Maybe i should start with Loomis?

Sorry if im not clear, but thanks for at least trying to help c:

>> No.1974360

Well, judging from your drawing and from your explanation, you have plenty of resources at your disposal. I'd recommend looking up Michael Hampton's CGMA class for Analytical Figure Drawing. It's a very popular class, so much so that it's also a popular and easy torrent to find.

Download both terms of his classes and watch the instructor videos. If you feel as though they may seem to "basic" skip ahead and try doing the assignments suggested.

Loomis is always good, you can look at Looms now or later, but don't forget about Loomis.

>> No.1974364

Thanks! Ill do that now :)
Its a bit frustrating having no idea about anatomy, composition, perspective, color and so many important things and not knowing where to start. So that seems like a good start, thank you!

>> No.1974369

The Hampton videos suggested goes over shapes, anatomy and how to create a solid structure among your shapes.

You can also youtube some of Proko's videos for more info in this regards, as his vids are short and simple, but don't go as depth as Hampton. Good luck!

>> No.1974431

Is figure drawing the best way to learn anatomy? Does it make a difference if it's from a picture or IRL?

>> No.1974452

What would be a good canvas size in cs5 for drawing landscapes?

>> No.1974466
File: 551 KB, 1800x1050, Ribcage and overlap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do more anatomy studies. Do more gestures. Overlap is important. Boilerplate sort of stuff. You can do it anon, just study and work at it.

>> No.1974475

Dude, you're like a budget TEAL.

>> No.1974511
File: 849 KB, 2100x1050, Forms and junk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and thats the closest I'll ever get to a compliment on ic
Take better photos / get a scanner or tablet. Keep practicing. Go to a life drawing class

>> No.1974512

Haha, I was just trying to be funny, but honestly I wish more people were like you here, and I wish they would come around when I have some stuff worth posting. You have some solid forms for sure. Really wish I was at the level where I could just pull the proper forms out of my ass on a whim. Maybe someday.

>> No.1974532

I hope you stick around

>> No.1974578
File: 236 KB, 750x2021, gestures1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A page of 2-3 minute gestures from today. Trying to focus on movement, form, and proportion probably in that order, but there are still a lot of these that don't really succeed in any of the 3. I feel like I'm learning a lot by doing these but holy shit they're still so frustrating to look at. I decently understand perspective and form, but manage to fuck it up repeatedly in the gestures due to time constraints/trying to capture movement. If anyone has any tips that'd be cool, I'm trying to bang out a page about this size every day.

>> No.1974701
File: 196 KB, 1536x2048, VU7ywgr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my first drawings after watching some youtube videos, started a couple weeks back.

I used a reference photo btw.

>> No.1974741

I just finished reading "perspective made easy" and id like to think i have an alright understanding of the subject now. But whenever the vanishing points are off the paper my perspective is always slightly off, it becomes easy when i draw the vanishing poits outside the canvas. Should i just keep on doing that until it becomes natural?

>> No.1974789

Talk me about overlap.
It's easier than i can understand?

>> No.1974799

My gesture lines look terrible. But I just started, so it just seems the more practice I do the better. Looking at Proko on how to tackle 30 second drawings.

>> No.1974806

Yeah, man, just keep at it. If it works for you, why argue the results? Obviously with something like perspective, probably one of the most technical parts of art, there are more set rules on how to do things, but you should be taking the information you learn and adapting it to work best for you. It's a fine line to walk in the beginner stage since a lot of learning at this level is aimed toward changing how you think about sight and objects, but as long as you stick to the fundamental principals of the technique you want to recreate you should be alright. You want to be an artist, right? You have to learn to put your knowledge and tools to work for you. As long as you aren't tracing or doing something artistically or ethically immoral, who cares? You don't need to ask permission, just get to work making shit.

>> No.1974827

Vilppu has book, and videos dedicated to this. Especially gesture and spherical forms videos are realy good

>> No.1974839
File: 2.50 MB, 3508x4961, cook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time post.. but, what can i do to make it more pop out??

>> No.1974841

I've finished Keys to Drawing, so now I'm wondering what to tackle next. Should I go after Loomis, or Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain?

>> No.1974845


>> No.1974853

I'm nearly finished with studying "Perspective Made Easy", and I'm considering a drawing tablet. I'm one button away from ordering a $500 one. Is it too early or something to start doing digital stuff, or should I go for it?

>> No.1974856

Go for it even if it's "too early", you'll be used to drawing on it by the time you git gud. Plus it can add variety to your work, it's fun, etc.

>> No.1974862

Alright, I just put up the order. Hopefully I won't regret it.

>> No.1974877

You only regret the things you don't do.

Don't expect great results the first week with the tablet, it's going to take some time getting used to

>> No.1974927

that's other anon mentioned vilpu. Best to learn from a master than some faceless guy on the internet, but if you really need some advice, I'm more of a shower and less of a talker. Post some work practicing overlap and I'll redline it when I get home from work.

>> No.1974940
File: 195 KB, 700x895, bottle-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a more extreme angle and failed miserably

>> No.1974941

For what it's worth, I think this is a good attempt. It shows your understanding of the form pretty well. Lines are good too.

Keep visualizing in 3D, the perspective and proportions will soon fall into place.

>> No.1974977

/ic/, what is the reference we are using for this thread?

>> No.1974978
File: 1.31 MB, 2191x3287, Veronica116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1975000
File: 112 KB, 1024x687, 83.105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1975102


That makes the toe look freakishly large.

>> No.1975114

perspective, use it. in the first thumbnail you seelines going straight ways, you should pay attention to that, also, you should never try to paint in details. below the forthmost lamppost is a white page glued onto the wall and that it the biggest contrast in the picture. not a good sign. you should ignore it and shade in the plane of the wall not put a super white smack dab in the middle of the drawing. the same thing with the whiter brick a bit to the right from the page. you should not highlight it, you must try to comprehend the shading of the plane itself and ignore small details. drawing in details you leave out fundamentals and then you end up with a broken work.
the street on the left handside - the biggest contrasts are these little black smudges over there. what are those? no idea, but the thing that worries me is that you've put a lot of effort into drawing them, but left the wall of the sidewalk with two quick strokes. not good.

what you're studying is composition and perspective. in means of composition, you must look at the image, squint if you have to, to notice the- lightest spot on the image, the darkest and the spot with the biggest contrast. the biggest contrast in your given thumbnail is on the far right side of the image where for some reason you've just put in a blob of black. this just wrecks your composition and renders the piece wonky and unballanced. highest contrast would probably be from the left side of the image to the middle as the wall of the sidewalk meets the much brighter road.

keep in mind that structures, planes, shapes and colors are the most fundamental things when doing these types of study. you pay very close attention to how things appear to you, and if it helps, imagine them in a 3d-space where you can pan around and see if it all even makes sense. details are always put on last and are never really important.

same goes to the second and third thumbnails. although the third is a bit better.


>> No.1975130
File: 195 KB, 768x960, umm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked one of Hamptons color palettes so i tried to paint this with a lot of pinks, blues and purples as he does
I have no idea how to color correctly tho, if anyone know any useful color theory classes pls tell me

>> No.1975174

also, continuing my block of text post, the 10minutes are meant for you to not overwork the thumb. you can use more time as long as you do not overwork it. and then narrow it down to the 10 minutes after you've become familiar with the base principles

>> No.1975230
File: 147 KB, 1400x900, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use more colors. you've only colors from one gradient. it might be a lot more poppy if you would use more colors.
also, a sense of ballance makes the drawing better.

>> No.1975232
File: 169 KB, 1600x966, 09_02_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working now on Vilppu's spherical forms, trying to get that forms overlapping, etc.

>> No.1975240

I like it a lot.

>> No.1975265

y-you too

Woah i love those confident lines

>> No.1975297

I simply had to.

>> No.1975302
File: 410 KB, 615x735, this taste, it's of a liar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also had to forget the image, retard.

>> No.1975323

That was a selfportrait but im really really okay with this 10/10

>> No.1975335

Is it okay to skip parts of a book you are studying from? Currently on Fun With a Pencil and it gets a little awkward for me on page 31 when Loomis begins combining shapes with circles.

Is this something I absolutely should be able to do?

>> No.1975340

omg femanaoonan

>> No.1975354
File: 98 KB, 400x167, head5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wrote this tutorial:


Would anyone find things like this helpful? I just thought I'd try this out. Also don't want to start a new thread for this.

>> No.1975401

are those yellowish things barrettes anon?

>> No.1975405

The side skull one is confusing, because the circle doesn't correspond with the mass of the skull.

>> No.1975413

True. I was just trying to simplify it. I'll go change it.

>> No.1975419

Fuck if I know, ask Araki-sensei.

>> No.1975633

I can't control my drawing skills in digital.

Should I just stick to traditional to learn to draw from observation and reference?

>> No.1975649


same. I don't know what the problem is. I guess it's just a matter of practice

>> No.1975665

if you cant do something then practice until youre better, dont give up.

common sense 101, most people who wait to be told this are already resigned to not trying because its harder than what theyre used to, though

>> No.1975666

What's the best site to practice gesture drawing?

>> No.1975709


I've been using artists.pixelovely.com although a lot of the poses are pretty difficult

>> No.1975713

Are they? I just started gesture drawing, and the only info I on how to draw gestures was from Proko. Though, there's a weekend class where we draw from life, and I couldn't draw the live model in front of me cause I suck. Want to prepare so I'm ready for this weekend.

>> No.1975720


Go ahead and try it out. Here's another decent website too www.quickposes.com

>> No.1975724
File: 1.73 MB, 2688x1520, IMAG0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning gesture and form, not going well at the moment... Any tips to get me started? I'm already watching villipu and reading Loomis, but I guess they haven't really clicked yet.

>> No.1975738

Stop reading loomis
His skeletal construction is horrible for beginners. Pick up Proko and Hampton and you'll get it right away.

>> No.1975751

Is Hampton's CMGA class just as friendly as his books? I'm assuming it's all the same... or so I believe.

>> No.1975755
File: 160 KB, 768x1024, JudgeDredd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took a break from the studies and just drew some Judge Dredd, I had a reference from the head to about his elbow, the rest I just tried to fit in with what was there. If somebody would care to redline correct anatomy into the picture (if possible), then I'd be grateful.

>> No.1975765

The videos are more in depth.

>> No.1975770

Oh? That's interesting to know.
I'll look into those videos once I get the hang of gestures.

>> No.1975782

take it easy my friend are we here to help? or anonymously gloat our achievements?

Looks like you're getting it, keep at it. Draw a few more.

>> No.1975787

do some still lives

>> No.1975788

that's a great idea, ill be stealing this

>> No.1975793

why not use an actual bottle and put it on the floor beside your foot?

>> No.1975795
File: 46 KB, 600x774, stairs-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practising perspective, I should probably try redrawing these stairs again in a month or 2

>> No.1975798

That's what I did, the picture was to show the angle I was trying to draw it at because my drawing didn't convey it well

>> No.1975830

He covers gesture in the first video of that class. Honestly, there doesn't seem to be a "this is the correct way" to do gestures. Hampton, Proko, Kevin Chan, and some other guy named Brian Lee(these are just the guys I learned from) all do it in a similar way and get the same results. Just pick it up from one person and go with it.

>> No.1975848

oh my bad

good work then :) keep at it remember simple! grab tooth brushes and razors and odd organic and geometric shapes to study. Ignore the grooves and textures, ignore the logos. Just draw the major twists and stuff. You'll quickly learn!

>> No.1975850

Could someone post their rags to riches progression? It doesn't have to be you, just an artist that has posted here.

>> No.1975862
File: 5 KB, 170x180, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dem stairs

>> No.1976006

Yeah that happens with new obstacles. Try a completely new one anon.

I'm gonna assume by pop out you mean more three dimensional. Having your figure grounded will give it a sense of space. Do a gradient in the background to give it some depth.

Don't hide your characters hands.

Also pick a direction for your lightsource. Your pillow shading some areas.

Not bad anon, the profile of the head is very flat, and the elbows terribly thin.

Try to make your dark areas darker. It will be hard with out the proper pencils though.

>> No.1976012

When I do 30 second gesture drawings, I feel like it's too much time to create the line, but not enough time to add in the contour. What can I do in-between these segments?

>> No.1976025

Alright anon, the shading is flat. The helmet you did well at suggesting form, but the rest of the image is flat. Especially where his arm overlaps his abdomen.

Try this ; get a handful of arm references into one image. Then draw arm studies from reference, but don't just draw what you see. Draw them as simpler forms first. Cylinders and spheres. Do it so you have like 5 boxy arms with overlaping forms.

Take a photo of that, then go back to the first arm and then flesh it out a bit, make the shapes more organic but don't loss the weight of the object. Don't erase so much. Do this for all the arms. Photo.

Now put the ref sheet, simple forms, and complex forms together in paint and post it.

He looks like he is wearing yoga pants.

>> No.1976034

let's see these gestures mang

>> No.1976094
File: 700 KB, 2588x1896, trash x2 combo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be non-artist
>decide to learn how to draw
>make a few sketches while in lecture on phone
>come to /ic/
>beginner thread
>see these
>closes tabs
>chucks new sketchbook off of balcony into abyss

>> No.1976110
File: 87 KB, 800x900, donutfucwifme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay man. I'm terrible too. Just follow your dreams

>> No.1976177

Ask for redlines. One thing I did was look at pictures with people holding the weapons I wanna draw, and then draw it a couple times until it looks right.

>> No.1976207

I've been doing some fine art lessons and finally progressed to drawing rocks, trees and reflections in water. My teacher told me to come back and surprise him without "going too far" in the sense of going beyond what he's taught me so far. How do I push the barriers, on re-drawing another scene of rocks and trees reflecting into water?

>> No.1976216


>> No.1976218

make the rocks trees pond etc asian

>> No.1976222


>> No.1976228

I'll give it a go, but he's a true blue kind of guy, so hopefully he doesn't get a hint that I could be another weeaboo animu shithead coming into his class.

>> No.1976253


Haha, that Yoga-pants comment cracked me up. Thanks, I'll give that a go next time I'm drawing a person.

>> No.1976331

bitch I'm 21

>> No.1976336
File: 296 KB, 977x1199, study 1.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hoping to finish my first study here, didn't have time to put it in the last study thread, so here it is.

I know I'm supposed to make her smile a little bit more but I tweaked the shit out of her mouth in every way and strangely can't do it.

>> No.1976337


Pick the same composition with different kinds of trees/rocks. As in types of rock, from basalt, to sandstone same for trees, anything from redwoods to japanese cherry.

>> No.1976348


thanks, i will try it and post results..

>> No.1976367

You should work on your picture as a whole, in shapes and not concentrate on a specific spot like that.

>> No.1976368
File: 306 KB, 1600x960, 10_02_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some gestures/ basic forms exercises

>> No.1976371
File: 2.42 MB, 3578x2298, phototest_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to do these exercises where I take a photo of a model and redraw it into my own style.

>> No.1976375
File: 116 KB, 932x900, mystickfigures.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my attempt at 30 seconds gestures drawing. I feel like they come out way to "stick figurey" but I'm also told that this is okay?

I feel as though I can add way more depth into the gesture during those 30 seconds, but I'm not sure what I should be adding during that time without it looking incomplete. The only video I've watched so far on this subject is Proko.

>> No.1976411

Either simplify the body or keep working on the face. I would simplify the body though
Also push your values

>> No.1976422

Thanks for the advice.

Is it weird because the face is cartoony and the body is too realistic? How would I go about simplifying the body further? I talked to my friend about this piece and we just went over all the critical anatomical and shading errors.

I'm most probably going to move onto the next piece and apply everything I learned from this one on it. But I'd still like to know how you'd try to simplify this.

>> No.1976427

you can be there in a month or two.

do you have any figure drawing classes or anything nearby? try to get in on them.

>> No.1976546
File: 135 KB, 1388x938, study1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how am i doing so far? this is my second color study

>> No.1976548 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 2201x1813, failerino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from the study thread.

>> No.1976568


were these timed?

>> No.1976571

Why everyone looks fat with this method?

>> No.1976573

Ok anon this is pure JELLY, anon >>1976336 dont listen to >>1976367 you are creally above a begginer level and had no problem with proportions, where did you learn to paint like that? its pretty impressive, cheers.

>> No.1976594

Does anyone have a pic or vid explaining how the arms work in a simple way?

>> No.1976596
File: 908 KB, 2560x1440, 20150210_125930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any specific exercises i can do as a beginner to get my proportions better?

>> No.1976598


proportions of what? What am I looking at here?

>> No.1976601

>what am i looking at
Tried to drawing a bus seat, failed miserably but had fun

just the proportions of my art in general. everything i draw is always a bit off, i can't measure them right

>> No.1976602


You can use a ruler you know.

>> No.1976608

When drawing an object like an Bus seat you should rather look into perspective then proportion.
"Perspective made easy" is good, also everything by Scott Robertsen.

>> No.1976668

I think I made most of them under 3-4 minutes. The most loose, gestural one in top center I've made in 30 seconds.

>> No.1976676

i was going to say something similar, but way more politely

calm down dude.

>> No.1976807


>> No.1976833
File: 3.82 MB, 3234x2879, IMG_20150210_150647835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew these two after a few weeks of daily practice. Any tips?

>> No.1976849


Don't look for shortcuts and keep practicing. Every single day.

>> No.1976907

dont focus on shading and cross-hatching before you can do perspective
also >>1976608

>> No.1976923

So I'm wondering, would you agree that quantity > quality when it comes to beginners trying to learn the basics of construction and composition?

I've been sitting in Photoshop for the last one and a half hours sketching and trying to turn that sketch into workable lineart. Got about halfway through and feel like I'm starting to realize that I could learn so much more by simply doing a quick, semi-chicken-scratch-y outline job and move on to something new.

I understand that there's something to gain in having the diligence and patience to go through with a drawing all the way, but still, feels like time could be better spent learning fundamentals at this point in the learning curve.

>> No.1976954
File: 182 KB, 649x949, colours oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning oils

Lesson #1

The hues aren't correct in the picture, they're a lot more vibrant. Will take a proper pictures in natural daylight of future stuff.

>> No.1976956

Drawing is as much of a skill as construction and composition. It takes time to develop a good workflow, line quality, confidence, and patience. Just sit down, grab a snack, put on some music or noise in the background, and just draw. There's no other way around it and is a good skill to develop. When you feel like you've done all you can with a drawing just move onto the next assignment.

As for quality and quantity, I would say they have equal importance. Quantity just means you can sit down and do the work. Quality means you can polish a sketch up to a finished piece. Those are things you need to develop too.

These things are more of the technical aspect of what we do. Think of these things as skills of your hand. The fundamentals (perspective, anatomy, color and light, etc) are the brain skills.

>> No.1976999
File: 583 KB, 1222x1630, WP_002742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pre-instruction drawing of my hand from Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain.

I'm not super happy with it; everything's a bit skewed in relation to everything else (and I've given myself a fat-ass wrist), but I've decided to complete at least one exercise a day and post the results in here—hopefully it'll keep me working.

Sorry for blogging.

>> No.1977046
File: 298 KB, 800x1434, XYZ shape simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright here's my shit.

>> No.1977049

nice fucking thumbnail

>> No.1977073
File: 139 KB, 870x506, ggfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1977134

line work for sure

>> No.1977296 [DELETED] 

Could you post the different steps if you keep them?

>> No.1977300

>tonight I'm going to study serious stuff!
>doodles useless shit for 2 hours

Every fucking time.

>> No.1977303

It's good to doodle as a warm up, but yeah get your ass to studies/actual drawing now.

>> No.1977313

Do stuff from Hampton and worship him. He sound so kawaii :3

>> No.1977329

I'm already married to Vilppu sensei but I'll give it a try. Is there anything in particular to recommand from him, vids, books?

>> No.1977336

Just torrent both his terms at the CGMA classes then read his later books. That's all there is to know about Hampton, but just cause you finished with Hampton, don't mean you're done with Anatomy.

Nigga, you gotta then read Loomis, Vipplu, and Brdigeman. In no order, they fuckin mega man bosses and shit.

>> No.1977387
File: 125 KB, 1100x602, XYZ render 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an update. Not sure what's going on with that fucking thumbnail though.

>> No.1977436
File: 31 KB, 750x750, eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ty! I really needed that to continue it. I don't know, i've literally only been doing line art until today, and didn't think much about studies really. I started seeing these study/begginer threads wanted to try it out at least once.

my very first try at colors was pic related. couple of weeks ago in a begginer/study thread iirc. I didn't even know what tool did what on manga studio. I actually tried the "work on your picture as a whole" thing but failed miserably, so seeing as it was pretty bad I gave it up and didn't touch colors since then.

new study thread was really crowded, and I really wanted to give it another shot so here it is. although this time I actually worked with full line art first, did everything in line before starting the colors since i'm better at that.

>> No.1977439

They're fine, do more

>> No.1977443
File: 67 KB, 250x250, 1420411083564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw drawing comics and you have the constant urge to ink things in so your pencils don't fuck up

How do I resist? The more I erase the more I feel like I'm damaging the paper

>> No.1977456

Just stop erasing. There's hardly any reason to since you'll be inking over it in the end anyway.

And I assume you're using bristol board as well. If not, time to start.

>> No.1977478

>inking over your original pencils

>> No.1977498

When drawing Gestures, is it easier to learn how to draw 30 second Gestures? Or should I learn how to draw the 2 minute gestures then go back to 30 seconds?

Looking through tutorials on gesture drawings, no one seems to go over any depth of how to tackle the 30 second version. Why is that? I haven't done anything past 30 seconds, but I feel like my 30 second gestures come out too "stick figurey" and I feel like I finish them too quickly.

>> No.1977510
File: 231 KB, 540x720, CAM01312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shit picture, I don't have a scanner.
but please, rip it to shreds.

>> No.1977515

>When drawing Gestures, is it easier to learn how to draw 30 second Gestures?
I like them but they're really challenging.
Don't do those only. If you can't think and draw fast enough and get the important lines, just try 1 mn. This is already hard enough.

About stick figures, just watch Vilppu's vids

>> No.1977531

I feel 30 seconds is too much time to get those stick actions and need to draw a bit "more", or perhaps my figures need "more" to them during those 30 seconds since they look rather dull compare to other 30 seconds figures I see.

I'm missing something here, but I'm not sure what.

>> No.1977542

I think you may be drawing stiff stick figures but that's not the point. Seriously, watch how Vilppu does it and explains, you'll start to understand.
Maybe post some of your gestures too so people can tell if there's anything wrong.

>> No.1977552


seems like the stomach upward inclination is exaggerated.

>> No.1977555

I've watched it before and just finished watching some of Hampton's work. I understand what they're implying when it comes to the "flow", but Proko showed how a 30 second Gesture drawing should look like (sadly, only one example)

When I draw it, it comes off too stiff and I'm not sure why.
Here's my first attempt. And upon looking back, I didn't realize someone quoted me.

Regardless, I feel like something is a miss here, but I've never done anything past 30 seconds. Maybe if I do the 2 minute exercise, it'll become a lot more clear.

>> No.1977560
File: 187 KB, 2700x1800, spider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what im doing or where to go from here

>> No.1977562

shoulda used references, niggaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.1977590

You can sit there and think about how it looks amiss, but that's normal; you're starting. Nothing anyone says here will help. You need to draw more of them. You can listen to Proko and Hampton to get a better understanding of gestures but I guarantee you they will still look stiff until you draw enough of them. So I repeat, your gestures are fine for a beginner, do more and they'll improve. And yes you can do more than 30s, vary it if you want. There's no recipe, just draw more.

Notice how often I repeated draw more? It's because that's all that matters right now.

>> No.1977645
File: 1.97 MB, 2137x2745, life drawing line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(barrage of questions await)

So, ever since a year and a half ago, I haven't truly focused on art because of personal issues. And I think I am pretty rusty. I don't even know where to start from; now that I want back into this. But I really want to get back into the fine arts for my sake- it helps calm myself when anxious, and I do it for the intrinsic value as well. Prior to my hiatus, I used to do a lot of abstract art (inb4 degenerate) and studies of people- specifically movement and expressions.

Are there any books on animal proportions and landscapes that would be suggested? (Specifically wolves- I had a painting commission to do something for a friend a year ago, I might as well since I don't know where to start but with this.)

Does anybody here work with oils, too? My previous professor always suggested us to do 1 part medium and 1 part turpenoid- though he never really delved into to that more. Why do we do these ratios again? I personally use walnut oil. Though, I'll admit. My memory has faded- and now I've forgotten what the differences are between poppy-seed oil, walnut oil, linseed oil, etc.. Would anybody have some insight on that? I just know that certain oils dry either slowly/faster, make things go smoothly, make things appear glossy etc..

Actually, maybe I shouldn't drive myself into painting so soon as I've just come back. But having the questions answered would still benefit if anyone were to take a shot.

Anyway, I don't have any recent drawings. But this is a drawing i did about a year ago from a life drawing session irl on an 18x24 drawing pad. I think every position change was ever 45 minutes. It is one of the few drawings I ever liked that I've drawn in that class.

>> No.1977753

you're not ready to paint. get reasonably good at drawing first.

>> No.1977760

fuck off, that style of drawing looks just right for painting.

if i were you i'd paint in acrylic where you can literally do whatever the fuck you want without worrying about turps or what you're painting on or stuff taking weeks or months to dry or any of that shit. it looks pretty good these days too, and fairly expensive acrylic paint is cheaper than mediocre oil paint.

oil painting also has a lot of mystic and different opinions about this and that which make it a confusing beginner medium even though it's a pretty versatile tool.

as i said to that fuckhead, your drawing there looks like you're naturally a paint kinda guy so definitely give it a shot.

here are some books,

Atlas Animal Anatomy For Artists
Ken Hultgren - The Art Of Animal Drawing
Vilppu - The Vilppu Drawing Manual - Drawing Animals

i got them in a big torrent called 'Art Tutorials' so you should be able to get them online.

>> No.1977830
File: 978 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150211_140633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help on this, can't share the reference because I don't have it anymore. Piece needs to be finished tho.

>> No.1977834

Alright then, I'll shut up an stop thinking too much about it and just keep on drawing. Thanks for that info, anon.

>> No.1977840
File: 170 KB, 1280x1440, 20150211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New to values and shading; are there any notable problems here I can work on to improve future images?

>> No.1977842

no, its perfect. no shitting.

>> No.1977848
File: 316 KB, 1600x960, 11_02_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some gesture drawings

>> No.1977856

You could play with different brushes and/or filters to add more texture (I'm looking at highlight)

>> No.1977865
File: 318 KB, 1600x960, RubensForms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study of spherical forms based on painting of Rubens

>> No.1977871

this. anyone tells you what you draw is "perfect" and youre not making mad money off of it is a liar and a suck-up

>> No.1977874
File: 170 KB, 1280x1440, 20150211a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wasn't happy with the transitions in the thumbnail (too harsh) so I worked on it a bit more.


Thanks! Thought the same thing and tried to add a bit of texture, though I kind of half-assed it.

>> No.1977875

No one is going to pay for a perfect picture of a ball on a cup.

>> No.1977887
File: 151 KB, 978x655, WIP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Work in progress..how am I doing?

>> No.1977912

was debating about that as well

agreed. i have a lot of acrylic paint as well, and waiting in between 3 to a week to do a layer is awful.

but yeah, i think i should "downgrade" to acrylic in the meantime after i do some warm ups with drawing in the next few weeks. i also haven't drawn in a long time as well.

thanks for the suggestions.

>> No.1977913

i'll do it just to spite you fgt

>> No.1977973

please deliver

>> No.1977980

But everyone is going to pay for pictures that are carefully rendered. By painting those simple shapes (balls, cylinders and so on) Anon learns how to render.

>> No.1977993

Is there a reason why no one says anything about my work?
You guys are the only real teachers I can get!

>> No.1978003


Anon, these are really good. Keep drawing.

>> No.1978055
File: 1.28 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20150211_181845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I did some vilppu study and I feel like I've already improved

>> No.1978063

Working through Perspective Made Easy; during the problems sections, is it best to draw what he tells you to from life, or from imagination? Such as when you have to draw a book on a table.

How'd you do it?

>> No.1978065


Sorry if this sounds harsh, but that image is barely worth commenting on as it doesn't seem to have employed any level of technical application. Read the sticky, start learning anatomy, and try again with a better understanding of construction.

Tips to get you started - draw the figure without clothing or hair and pay careful attention to proportions.

>> No.1978068

I do practice anatomy, and I have read the sticky before it 404'd

>> No.1978081
File: 184 KB, 488x497, Drawing (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhere between this and the finished product I had to start over...my program glitched and shut down..

>> No.1978085

the anatomy of... everything is completely messed up. her lower legs are broken, her left arm and leg are shorter than the right and her face is not attached to her skull. you're trying to into stylization before you even understand what a real human looks like.

>> No.1978123



>> No.1978130 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 640x480, 20150211_201627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been practicing for a while on figures i want to know what needs improvement in this sketch

>> No.1978164

>discover you actually really love drawing at the age of 26
>never had an artistic education, started drawing some months ago
>got a STEM degree in the last years
>hate my job and would rather study again, animations or something related to concept art
>don't know if I'm too old to start out now

I'm still pretty shit at drawing and I'm going through the beginner books to learn. Is it too late for me to build a career around this one day, if I even became good enough? I didn't know that drawing would make me feel so happy, after dealing with various degrees of shit for years I found the passion I was looking for.
I heard from a teacher that with enough study and practice someone can really become good in a couple of years. Also, should I even try to draw on my computer or should I stick with paper and pencil?
Is there an expiration date to make drawing or animation more than just an hobby?

>> No.1978168

When i construct a car or a plane (perspective+form building) it gets very messy after a while and i get lost in all the guidelines. Any tips on how to avoid that? Or is it just a "you'll get used to it" thing.

>> No.1978195

It's never too late. Some of the best comic book artists, concept artists and animators in the world started out from nothing late in their life. Years of focused study and practice are much more meaningful than doodling for ten years or doing technical drawing as they do in many schools now. Follow your dream if it's what you really like.
Now, I advise you to not enroll in an art school. You will most likely find younger people who have been drawing for more time than you and you will probably feel inferior to them and be discouraged. Draw and study by your own and if in a few years you'll still want to make a living out of it, then go for it.
Don't waste money and time on art schools.

>> No.1978225
File: 328 KB, 1000x1176, Image009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you build something really complex, with lines everywhere, it can be easy to get "lost". You have to really pay attention to what you're building and try to visualize what it will look like when you have to do an overlay. I don't think I can offer to much great advice though. Just keep working on your line drawing and construction skills. It does get easier over time though. I don't get as lost as I did when I first started, but every now and then and mistakes happen. keep practicing and learn from them.

Does my drawing look like what happens in your constructions? It can get more complex than this so practice, practice, practice.

>> No.1978244

yeah pretty much, right now i do more freehand perspective so the line quality is already lacking and also im trying to build rounds and organic shapes. Maybe i should begin with a ruler, but id rather learn to do it freehand tbh.

>> No.1978256

So I have perspective down pat, but every time I try to draw something from imagination, I have difficulty nailing down proportions. I'll have an arm too thick here, an calf too long there, among other things.

What can I do to correct this? It's seriously bugging the shit out of me.

>> No.1978257

Nothing wrong with doing it freehand. I mostly freehand everything except my ellipses and circles. I do use a ruler though to double-check my stuff sometimes and when I don't want to mess up a long line that I have to draw. We just have to keep drawing and building up our drawing skills.

>> No.1978263

Cool, you're totally feeling it. How much time?

>> No.1978307

Thanks, it took me around one minute to do every one

>> No.1978384
File: 135 KB, 640x640, Camren-Bicondova-gotham-120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you tell what makes a face different from the others? We can instantly see when someone has a specific, recognizable kind of face but I wouldn't know how to draw it differently than the basic model we learn in general.
I don't want to sameface so I'd like to understand how to make different faces as soon as possible. Is it just about measuring the facial features? Sometimes the difference is so subtle...
Any tips/tuts?

>> No.1978388

I'm in near enough the exact situation as you, sans the STEM. I started because of the simple realisation that I'm not going to get any younger, and that those years are gone. Gotta put the present and future first. Plus, who knows, maybe some of your past will be able to manifest in some of your art? Good luck and HAVE FUN BRO :^)

>> No.1978427
File: 15 KB, 352x321, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Loomis.

I'm drawing with a stylus, but how come the lines look like I'm drawing in ms paint with a mouse? When I look at tutorials of other people, their drawing looks like actual pencil marks.

>> No.1978450

reinstall drivers, reconnect the tablet, restart computer and check your tablet settings.

>> No.1978472

No damnit. I've done all that enough times already. There must be some kind of guide for photoshop brush settings.

>> No.1978566
File: 153 KB, 673x983, exercise 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil exercise #2, still under shitty light.

>> No.1978633

genes form depth, everything cmon man. change the nose to a bit wider, shallower cheeks, higher cheeckbones eye outer corners slightly lower, wider nose bridge higher eyebrows and a distinctive wrinkle on the forehead and you have a completely different face from which you started. not even starting about colors.

>> No.1978665

I haven't looked into Vilppu's work just yet, but does he teach you how to draw the face?

>> No.1978692

Hey you know what would be a good and interesting exercise?

Choose any picture to paint. But- paint this picture upside down. It will reap the picture out of its initial meaning for the most part and make you focus on shape. And if there's color- well, that's a plus.

I've done it, and let me tell you- it was pretty fun painting exercise. Well, I know with oil it will take pretty long to do. But I still recommend it.

>> No.1978694

Trying to get back into drawing & digital art after bloody years of not drawing at all.
>Folks telling me to learn drawing the right way, like Loomis, not from imagination
>Folks telling me to just keep drawing random shit daily and eventually i'll be good

The issue being that learning the former is too difficult and in turn thinking about doing the latter makes me worry that I'll be drawing "wrong" and that I'll just be reinforcing my badness.
How am I to get out of this loop?

>> No.1978700

>learning the former is too difficult

What. There are people here who are complete beginners and have learned the basics of correct drawing that way in few months.

>> No.1978707

That is a good suggestion but I don't think I need it just yet, I'm alright with shapes, ok with construction and am simply learning oils on top of that at the moment. Mainly the colour mixing aspect now. Shapes & painting soon.

>> No.1978713

Oops forgot to mention- make sure that picture is a painting*** Try to have it with as many colors as possible so you can have a study with color at the same time.

It was an assignment from a professor of mine from a painting course.

Another exercise I'd suggest is to choose any black & white picture. Though- make your own black. (If you don't know- raw umber & ultramarine blue; how much of each you need to mix depends on the brand. Just test it out on any white canvas to see if you've made it.) Anyway, with this picture. Every thirty minutes, you have to turn your reference to another side. This exercise is supposed to help you with proportion.


Yeah. Maybe once in a while you can add something that can throw you off- like go thrift shopping and buy the most abstract objects you can find along with these shapes you have, and paint them in a dark room with a lamp facing them.

It just seems like you're beginning. So I just wanted to throw in these suggestions from the time I was under a professor.

OOH- and make a color chart out of every color you have. It WILL help in the long run, especially if you're just beginning.

>> No.1978745
File: 302 KB, 1222x1630, WP_002744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My shameful pre-instruction drawing of the corner of my room.

It can only get better from here on, I guess.

>> No.1978751
File: 57 KB, 764x577, capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1978753


I don't see what the problem is, just keep at it. No one was born amazing at art, and if you're not happy with your first attempt, try it again.

>> No.1978839

Yo autist did you turn on pressure sensitivity in photoshop? If you did. and it's still not working. Your tablet is broken : )

>> No.1978866

oh man, honestly you're gonna get more help over at the Amateur Game Development General on >>>/vg/
they've got some pretty good resources for that sort of thing

>> No.1979027

New thread:

>> No.1979138
File: 202 KB, 826x897, portraits1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good suggestions, thanks anon. Already making my colour chart and labeling it then hanging it up in front of me, but will paint from life soon after a few more colour exercises.

I'm not a complete beginner, just a beginner with oils, so I'm not too concerned about constructions & proportions.

>> No.1980647

I learned a lot from Cartoonblock too, but he isn't a someone you should follow too much. If you want to get good at drawing the human form you need to look into Loomis and other such teachers/artists/techniques. Practice a lot and you'll make good progress. Good luck, buddy.