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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1970032 No.1970032 [Reply] [Original]

What is the ideal side of a drawing tablet?

I know it should not matter and an artists works with what he has but I feel like my set up is too small or maybe I'm not in a good position for drawing. Someone have any tips?

>> No.1970039
File: 136 KB, 459x499, 1422166997547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away Firez right now is not the time to shitpost a tabletthread.

>> No.1970054


something bad happen?

>> No.1970063

get a bigger desk and a longer cord. the tablet is fine as long as you know how to use it unlike me.
i switched my nibs with tooth picks for better grab and it feels like drawing on paper, try that out. try get a monitor so you'll have more space.

>> No.1970073


> I switched my nibs with toothpicks for better grab and it feels like drawing on paper

huh? I don't understand what you mean by this, what are nibs?

>> No.1970078
File: 650 KB, 1920x1027, Screenshot (40).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's how i put my set up.
and the tooth pick part as i mean it wont feel slippery like the defualt nibs bamboo gives you

>> No.1970080

Wait, you don't have to use their default nibs in order for the pen to work? WHAT?????? Why am I just now hearing about this?

>> No.1970082


how does it work with the toothpick?

>> No.1970087

yeah give it a try, but smooth out the tooth pich and cut it the right size. and you can see all my tooth picks i was testing on. and yeah i just learned this a while ago and it feels better then the the regular nibs

>> No.1970089


I thought the nib had some magnetic stuff that made it work but it doesn't need to?

>> No.1970091

they're just bits of plastic

>> No.1970122


well shit, no store in my area carries toothpicks, the one time in my life I'm interested in buying some and no one has them.

>> No.1970134
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top kek, tough luck man.

>> No.1970139


its ok, I solved by putting a single strand of spaghetti

>> No.1970149

Question about drawing tablets. Do you watch the computer screen while drawing? So do you not see what you're doing with your hand I mean? Because that seems like it would be confusing as shit.

>> No.1970156


it took a bit to get used to but I can draw without having to look at my hand now.

>> No.1970336

>same desk as me
>same table
>same laundry basket
>same usb
yo what

>> No.1970348


the desk is from Ikea so I think its a common one.
thats a trash bin
the usb came with my samsung s3 so I assume you have a similar one.

>> No.1970405

i never got why people found it SO CONFUSING, i get it takes a while to get used to but it's not that odd. try drawing with your mouse in mspaint, it's a similar idea that you're not watching your hand

>> No.1970432

get a fucking monitor OP.I used to paint on a Asus laptop too and colors are shit.

>> No.1970495
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How do you use your mouse to click on things if you're not constantly looking at your hand?

>> No.1970499

>i switched my nibs with tooth picks for better grab
or you know you could just tape a piece of paper on your tablet

>> No.1970538

I need a new table. I can't have my tablet and keyboard at the same time, it's too small.

>> No.1970557

My lap top screen and monitor are different colors too brah.

>> No.1970570

I have the Grey Bamboo of that size.
I hate the nibs because its all slippery and wishy washy, but ill see if I have
>a toothpick
>dry spagetti strand
>wire for weed wacking grass

One of these should work

>> No.1970579
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No spagetti for me

>> No.1970585
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I can feel the power already in my black hands.

>> No.1970586
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>> No.1970593

what about getting a sewing needle for a sewing machine or similar, test if it fits, if it does take a pair of pliers, cut the sharp end of and then file it like there is no tomorrow and make it smoother than your baby chin.

>> No.1970611

You know how the nubs get worn down? That's because the material they're made of is softer than the surface of the tablet. If the nub was made of something harder than the tablet surface, such as steel, the surface would be worn instead of the nub. And the surface is much more difficult to replace than the nubs.

In short, I would seriously advise against this.

>> No.1970616

what is high school science/common sense

>> No.1970698

A japanese dude already made tons of steel nibs.

>> No.1970723
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These had better be intended to be used with some kind of replaceable tablet sheath.

>> No.1970728
File: 698 KB, 2592x1936, IMG_0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my current setup.
My tablet doubles as a mousepad.
Why is your tablet on top of your desktop?

>> No.1970733

>tfw Surface pro 3 masterrace

>> No.1970735

Huh my setup's pretty much the same, same tablet and same positioning near the edge of desk. Works okay for me, I put my sketchbooks there too.

>i switched my nibs with tooth picks
Wouldn't the wood scratch up the surface? Not that it doesn't already scratch, and they're made of a pretty soft wood, but I can't help but feel like that'd fuck it up.

>> No.1970757

Thanks Nippon

>> No.1970780

S M for general shit, 3d artists, mouse replacement
L (or a4) for illustration.

Most people that argue this fact can't afford a proper sized tablet.

>> No.1970784

What? Anyone who doesn't use A1 sized papers for drawings are plebs. What do you even base that on? Are you just upset because you bought a large tablet large as a kite and cant fit it anywhere?

>> No.1970790

I base this on experience working in the field.

If you want to fuck around with a1 sized papers for your drawings, go ahead.

>> No.1970795

I've used the 24HD cintiq and the large Intuos pro but I use my medium sized intuos for all my professional work.
You probably prefer the bigger tablets/paper but that doesn't mean it's the only way to create professional work.
Personally, I find big tablets intrusive and only use them if I am forced to in the office.
Whatever tool you use is irrelevant.

>> No.1970806

Sure you do.

I'm in my 6th year of working -mostly in house- and I've yet to come across a succesful 2d illustrator that uses anything else than the larger models.

If you are dead set on handicapping yourself - go ahead. I'm not the one that will say it's impossible. Just unnecessary.

>> No.1970826

Why are you stating opinions and passing them off as facts?
I don't suppose I can see your work, right?

Also, Sandara, Algen, Sergei, Shaddy, they all use a medium sized tablet.

>> No.1970836


algen destroyed both of his wrists though

>> No.1970845

Eh, he asked for successful illustrators, I mentioned a few.
Not to mention the myriad of Japanese illustrators that work with relatively small-sized paper, like Kunihiko Tanaka and Suzuki Sanami

>> No.1970860

>I'm in my 6th year of working -mostly in house- and I've yet to come across a succesful 2d illustrator that uses anything else than the larger models.
>If you are dead set on handicapping yourself - go ahead. I'm not the one that will say it's impossible. Just unnecessary.

Thanks for murdering my dreams. He was sleeping on the couch with his teddy and you shot him in the face with a 50 Cal sniper rifle.
You werent even 10 yards away from his face.
How could you?

>> No.1970866

Algen destroyed his wrists from poor ergonomics, not taking sufficient breaks, not exercising enough, and not listening to his body at the first sign of pain. He did not destroy his wrists from using a medium-sized tablet.

>> No.1970872

>Why are you stating opinions and passing them off as facts?
Posted my observations as an artist to help OP who seems to realize a small tablet is not enough.

>Also, Sandara, Algen, Sergei, Shaddy, they all use a medium sized tablet.
Bet as fuck they do. Sure you read all about them. I don't care.

>Eh, he asked for successful illustrators, I
Didn't. Still don't give shit fuck about some guy you read about online.

>relatively small-sized paper, like Kunihiko Tanaka and Suzuki Sanami
Haven't mentioned paper. Again, no idea who they are. Keep sucking their dicks though.

>> No.1970875

Never claimed it was mandatory but as a professional with your tablet as a factor to your income there's no fucking reason to punish yourself.

>> No.1970883

It's a double edged sword. When I got my 22HD I fell in love with it, but it has been slowly taking my soul piece by piece from my body. I thought I had taken control of my life, but I am slowly losing my will and motivation. One day I will wake up and realize that I am an emotionless professional. I cry myself to sleep.

>> No.1970884

And now you're acting like a hyper-aggressive tough guy.

I haven't been hostile towards you at all.
Again, I don't suppose I can see your work, out of curiosity.
If other artists are successful with whatever tools they use, how can you state that bigger tablets are the better tool?

>> No.1970887

>If other artists are successful with whatever tools they use, how can you state that bigger tablets are the better tool?
Not him, but I just wanted to say that I used to own a 24HD cintiq and holy fuck, I would never go back to that. Way too big for me. 22HD is perfect, but honestly, you can do just as much with a flimsy little pad, a fuckin canvas, or whatever. What matters is your hand and your mind. You can make shit happen, it doesn't matter what you do it on.

>> No.1970890

I guess the Teddy is spared then.

I never have fun with art anymore. I dont know what happend. Im not even a pro yet.

>> No.1970892

That's what I've been arguing.
But that guy apparently know better than other professionals and masters.

I call shenanigans since he doesn't seem to want to show us his work.
To be honest /ic/ is a terrible platform to share critique or advice, due to the anonymous nature of this place you never know if the guy you're talking to is just some troll, a newbie giving bad advice or a pro, and people get offended if you ask them to post their art.

>> No.1970895

To add to that, you can get those... 21 inch wacom screens on ebay for super cheap sometimes WX or something. They are supposedly awesome, and you can get a swivel stand and position it anywhere. Big name companies and pros use the expensive shit because they can. It doesn't make them the best, though they are useful.

>> No.1970897

>super cheap
As cheap as 99 bucks?

>> No.1970898

The big cintiqs look amazing, and a lot of that is due to marketing. Seriously, save your money. Buy them when you have enough cash, if you feel the need to buy one, or just use the money to buy groceries for the next half a year or more.

>> No.1970901

Some cheap options

No, like 400-700 dollar range last I checked. You still don't need that shit though. If you want to draw on a screen, draw on actual paper. It's the texture cintiq tries to hard to mimic.

>> No.1971189


lack of space? I like the tilted angle I get when it rests on the base of my laptop

>> No.1971198
File: 23 KB, 300x200, hold-drawing-pencil-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had a tablet pen that could be held like a sketch pencil like in pic

>> No.1971203

Wouldn't it still feel off since you're still looking at the monitor?

>> No.1971205


well when I used to hold it like that it was during life drawing where I looked at the model as I drew, so I have that sort of hand eye coordination already.

>> No.1971274

holy shit I havent laughed like that in a long fucking time

>> No.1971279


Pretty sure I've seen a screencap of a thread on /ic/ where someone did the exact same thing as you, snapped off the end and got the spaghetti stuck, and then ended up steaming their pen or something to get it out.

Don't do it bruh

>> No.1971352

why do you have those toys?

>> No.1971378

got a Huion H610 pro for 70 bucks, couldn't be happier.

>> No.1971394

Buy a sample of 1.75mm ABS filament. Nylon is the best but ABS is cheaper. Cut a 1-inch piece - it fits perfectly to Wacom pens.

>> No.1971395

>But that guy apparently know better than other professionals and masters.
Post your own work then instead of rehashing something you read on facebook a year ago.

>To be honest /ic/ is a terrible platform to share critique or advice,
I agree. Go to any company that has professional artists and count the number of small sized wacoms. Then come back and tell me.

>> No.1971530
File: 424 KB, 696x1920, wirecutter_nibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using wood or steel on your tablet surface

>> No.1971532

You can always work on a smaller area of a large tablet, but you can't upsize a medium tablet. So those companies are clever to cater to both preferences at once.
Doesn't mean medium is terrible or unprofessional or whatever you're trying to say.

>> No.1971586

>fuck you wacom, you can't have my money
>buying wacom in the first place
they already have it, goy.

>> No.1972000

In all fairness, not buying the official nibs still denies them profit, especially when you see how ridiculously expensive they are. The tablets themselves last forever.

>> No.1972031

Not like there are many alternatives. Even the alternatives aren't completely fully compatible, sometimes require importing (and depending on the country, that might be expensive), etc.

>> No.1972044

Not forever. At least not all of them.

My old first-generation Wacom Bamboo Fun lasted about five years, I think, before the gremlins got into it. Then the cursor started getting jittery. Like the tablet couldn't accurately locate the stylus any more.
I haven't heard of anyone else with similar problems, though, so it probably isn't very common.

>> No.1972339

I highly recommend you have the tablet set in front of the laptop straight in line with it. Makes it much easier to draw on

>> No.1972360

They're my weeaboo action figures of my waifu and other characters.
I've considered this but

How do you deal with shortcuts?
I got used to drawing without looking at my tablet and when I tried drawing with my tablet in front of the laptop, the shortcut keys/laptop was too far away. I'll give it a try again.

>> No.1972387

>I highly recommend you have the tablet set in front of the laptop straight in line with it. Makes it much easier to draw on
Unless you plan to replace the keyboard with the hotkeys then this is really bad positioning.

Stretching your arm over the wacom to reach your keys will cause strain on your shoulder.