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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1956558 No.1956558 [Reply] [Original]

so i toyed with the idea of making a youtube channel recently. it would be an art channel, mostly geared towards advanced/mid level digital painters. would be focused on technique and technique only. no big industry talk, no concept-art design blabbering, just about painting digitally.

my idea was to make a channel to fill with tiny videos, that present useful and helpful non-newbie concepts, in 6-8 minutes time. clearly and to-the-point. i would keep the channel anonymous, as i wouldn't want to feel like i'm using it as a shilling platform for my work (which is exactly why i find 99% of art-channels on youtube so offputting).

i know what you are thinking: 'nobody on /ic/ is good enough for such a channel to be remotely worth viewing' i think you are wrong. ever since i started toying with this idea i've been collecting topics for videos (that are somewhat advanced, and can be presented, explained and demonstrated in 6-8 minutes) and i have a pretty sweet list by now. i'm convinced 90% of people on here would greatly benefit, the other 10% not greatly but they would still benefit.

what do you think? should i just give it a go?

>> No.1956562

If you have the time, go for it.
I'd watch it, why even ask?

>> No.1956595

People with successful channels got there because they enjoyed making the videos and helping people. Most, if not all of them had no idea if anyone would even enjoy their videos when they started. If you want to make videos to help people, do it. You don't need to ask others. The answer you get from here won't decide whether it fails or not, your own passion will.

>> No.1956598

Not another dick who will bash, will you take ctrlpaints approach, just a clip for something and then build up on that subject with new videos etc?

>> No.1956637

Post your art.

>> No.1956645

>that are somewhat advanced, and can be presented, explained and demonstrated in 6-8 minutes

Like what? I honestly can't think of a single advanced topic that can be explained and demonstrated in 6-8 minutes in any decent manner.

>> No.1956750

Really? It depends how in depth you go, but you can explain some topics in that time. Stuff like using saturation to shift temperature and turn form, or certain value hierarchies, or building and using certain textures and stuff can be explained in that time and are not exactly beginner topics. Or just general art thoughts. In the Mullins Gnomon masterclass he has a bunch of videos that are like under 10 minutes and explain advanced topics with great success.

>> No.1956783

can you post your resources in this thread? I'm also interested in your idea.

>> No.1956795

brush economy
edge control

>> No.1956797

Do it fgt!
Make useful videos and people will watch it
If you have time go for it. It dont cost any money to make videos so you dont have anything to lose.
You said yourself you will do it anonymously so it will not hurt your professional carrier

>> No.1956802

>i would keep the channel anonymous, as i wouldn't want to feel like i'm using it as a shilling platform for my work (which is exactly why i find 99% of art-channels on youtube so offputting).

Terrible idea. People want to see if you are actually good and able to apply the stuff you are trying to teach. No one wants to listen to an anonymous teacher who has no proof that he even knows what he's talking about. The short duration of the videos would also be just perfect to hide a lack of skill because it's too short for any real painting demos.

>> No.1956809

Now what the fuck could you teach an _advanced_ artist about any of those topics that he doesn't already know in 5-8 minutes?

>> No.1956815

>No one wants to listen to an anonymous teacher who has no proof that he even knows what he's talking about.
And yet this board is still very much alive. Whereas posters who do not adhere to critique are shunned and made fun of, often being mocked for not "fixing" the mistakes they have been told to fix.

plenty, I find myself finding out new things all the time when I look at master paintings, for example you could tell that sargent's strokes were made at an exact interval, which probably means he stepped away from his canvas to see it small compared to the model, which also possibly means he was aware of the power of squinting even before it was introduced into modern painting.

>> No.1956816

This guy has a very valid point, you should at least back up the stuff you say with decent art.
Even if you don't, I'd still like to see your videos though, its interesting to see how other people do shit, even if it devolves into a "what not to do" video...

>> No.1956835

you should do it, but dont be anonymus

>> No.1956857

>And yet this board is still very much alive.

Yes, and it is also incredibly hostile towards wannabe teachers who think they know shit yet don't ever post their work as proof. No one will take you or your channel seriously, sorry but there is absolutely no reason to not tell the people who you are trying to teach who you are so they can look up your work. "Shilling" is a pathetic excuse for being afraid of posting your work because you are most likely not very good to begin with and just hope that no one will notice due to the nature of the videos you are planning to do. Every noob can talk about shit for 5 minutes and parrot what they picked up from better artists.

>> No.1956867

so you are planning on making videos about useless art trivia? Because that isn't really teachning anyone anything.

>> No.1956916

I wasn't OP. I was merely giving you an example that what you call "useless trivia" is a good reference to start working zoomed out, and to use your strokes more efficiently.

>> No.1956917

>I find myself finding out new things all the time

A thing I found is that, people who draw the belly button low, are fat themselves.
Since the belly button hangs with fat

>> No.1957199


i may be interested in it, but I'd need to see what level your own artwork is at first

>> No.1957202

if presentation is good, people will watch. think about that.

>> No.1957599

do a channel called 'progress in paint' where you pretend to be a beginner and your flock grows with you each episode in the episodes you'll have subscribes submit their art and facebook info. heres the twist, your audience doesn't know that you're a pro and they'll soon be left hopelessly behind which you then use your channel as a platform for humiliating these pathetic excuses of 'artists' for a new audience. from then your channel will do 360 and walk right into the youtube prank channel genre and ride the bubble for a while until you amass a decent fortune for yourself.

>> No.1957678

Damn, you sound like an incredibly self-hating noob. Here's a twist for you: Good artists usually don't feel any resentment towards beginners trying to improve. Only other, even worse beginners do.

>> No.1957679

Post art than will talk

>> No.1957689

hey anons, wrote an indepth reply yesterday, page somehow refreshed, lost everything. trying again now.

you are right i should just go for it, i think i just value this boards opinion very highly. also i wouldn't aim for fame or monetary success, it would be a very nieche thing. but i would find joy in helping others no doubt.

it will not be a progressive kind of thing, where you have a structure of videos, that tackle concepts increasing in difficulty, and require to have watched the previous vids. every single video would be very much stand alone. skill wise however it would require to have watched most/a lot of the ctrl-paint videos.

absolutely no way. that would just be opening myself up for hate of all kinds.

oh i think there's plenty. just from browsing the ruanjia high-res image thread, i wrote down several potential topics. wether these are things that might help you or you are already aware of, i obviously can't know.

this anon got the right idea >>1956795, and there's many more!

what ressources do you mean? don't think i get the question.

i most likely will

i get your point but i think it wouldn't matter too much. besides the viewer would quickly notice if i'm talking out of my ass, or if my talking is based on solid understanding. i don't think it's something that you can fake.

i realize this, but i think it most likely wouldn't be very good. it would really be all about the concept itself, no fancy video-production stuff. ofcourse that would be awesome to have and all, but spending the time learning that stuff seems overkill. and since the channel would not be aiming for the hordest of newbies, i think whoever watches it will not care too much about superficialities, assuming the substance of the videos is solid.

that's hilarious but a little in a different direction lol.

>> No.1957691

>absolutely no way. that would just be opening myself up for hate of all kinds.

Grow up, kid. You are no teacher, you have nothing to teach. No one wants, nor should learn anything from a person who is too afraid to even show their own work. What are you so afraid of? That people say you suck? Well, if that's your fear then chances are, you do in fact suck.

Go back to studying instead of trying to play teacher.

>> No.1957697


thanks for proving my point.

>> No.1957698
File: 51 KB, 640x480, Mad-Angelica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>grow up
>grow up
>grow up
stop that shit you sound like this cartoon character

>> No.1957701

Do what you want, I'm just telling you that you are wasting your time because no one is gonna watch some noob play teacher.

Maybe you have spent too much time on /ic/ where it is perfectly normal to never post your work and never back up anything you claim, but outside of /ic/ where you are trying to reach actual artists to watch you videos? Nah, not gonna happen. People will assume you suck and they are most likely right.

>> No.1957702

Sorry, I don't watch children cartoons. Aren't you a bit too old for that as well? Maybe you should indeed grow up.

>> No.1957703


why are you so buttmad though?

>> No.1957705

Rugrats is older than you, kid. How do you NOT know what it is? Or are you trying too hard to be old?

On the contrary, you don't need to be a pro to teach. There is something a person knows that the beginner doesn't know and therefore makes the person teaching a "teacher".

>> No.1957708

#2 you learn more things yourself when you teach others because it's forcing you to make sure you really know your shit. If people say "yous suck" then that is a good indicator that you don't know what you're talking about which is a good thing.

>> No.1957711

>On the contrary, you don't need to be a pro to teach. There is something a person knows that the beginner doesn't know and therefore makes the person teaching a "teacher".

Except OP even states that he aims his channel at advanced artists, not beginners. You DO need to know what you are talking about if you want to teach advanced artists.

Nah, it's all good, do your thing, I'm actually looking forward to seeing that trainwreck unfold. Just keep in mind that you will be the laughingstock of /ic/ for many months to come.

>> No.1957712

>except OP even states that he aims his channel at advanced artists, not beginners
if that's the case then carry on...

>> No.1957713

>If people say "yous suck" then that is a good indicator that you don't know what you're talking about which is a good thing.

Your art itself already shows to a good degree whether or not you know what you are talking about. Refusing to let your "students" see your art is already hard evidence that you do in fact suck.

>> No.1957716

best artists can't teach though, because it's all intuition to them. how do you explain art to someone if you got talent and it all just comes to you naturally? that's why you have fruitcake on the other end of the spectrum trying to analyze art and actually thinking what makes picture better. if he didn't achieve the scholar status yet, then so be it.
if he still draws sonic art, then that's another story...

>> No.1957718
File: 261 KB, 512x617, 1420679934272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rugrats is older than you, kid. How do you NOT know what it is? Or are you trying too hard to be old?
>trying this hard to spin it around

>> No.1957719


>trying this hard to be an old fart
hey at least I'm in my youth

>> No.1957721


lol, get the stick out of your ass you sad and furious, rambling moron.

>> No.1957798

When I first found mark's drawing tutorials and moatdd, I wasn't even browsing /ic/. But the way he taught, and the logic of what he said, the authority in his communication, made me respect and want to learn from him even if I didn't know his level of work.

Op, this is key. You must become pretty confident about what you're teaching. Rehearse, speak with power.

My god, do you even know what you're talking about? Either this is bait or you are seriously misinformed. Skill for concept artists or any professional artists is a complex mingling of intuition and understanding. Understanding of light, composition, design elements, fundamentals, etc. But this applies even for really good traditional artists; Glenn Vilppu, Steve Huston, both fucking GREAT artists and top-tier teachers. Get your ass out of your head if you think the best are only 'naturally talented.' The best are both naturally capable, and the most motivated and learning types of folk.

The best are so in-tune with their craft that they reach the sought-after state of consciousness where they observe their work and understand what they're doing while doing it, thus being able to teach.

>> No.1957819
File: 198 KB, 700x699, 1415106372980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely no way. that would just be opening myself up for hate of all kinds.
Why do you think so?
Pic related. It's not THAT impressive, but it was enough to make opinions of some random art teacher valid (you probably remember him, he made a "ask me anything thread" twice). And literally NOBODY was hating him.

>thanks for proving my point.
It didn't prove that posting your art would result in offensive criticism.
You got haters because you have NOT posted your art.

If you're good enough to make those videos, then you don't have any valid reasons to be scared.
Don't be a pussy and just post it.

>> No.1957873


you assume i would get hate if my art was bad, and otherwise wouldn't. that couldn't be further from the truth.

>> No.1957879

You might get hated on by trolls and assholes. But that's not your audience anyways. But for the actual decent people, the people who actually want to learn, would not hate on you for only being decent or average.

>> No.1957882

You're just a guy who wants to make a youtube channel and some videos anyways, man. Don't need to put so much pressure on yourself. But there are people here to want to see your work.

>> No.1957898

>not even explaining your point of view
You're clearly a troll or you didn't understand anything from the post you're replying to.

Here's version for retards:
1. You don't have ANY good reasons to believe that /ic/ will hate you if you will post your good art.
2. You DO HAVE evidence that /ic/ can value people who posted their decent art.

>> No.1958000

>i get your point but i think it wouldn't matter too much. besides the viewer would quickly notice if i'm talking out of my ass, or if my talking is based on solid understanding. i don't think it's something that you can fake.

Personally I find it matters a lot when it comes down to it especially if you're 'talking out of my ass' than it would make sense for us to actually believe you if you can achieve decent results from what you are talking about. It honestly sounds like you should just ditch the youtube format of making videos, and just make a blog or a thread then post what trips n le tricks you wanna share.

You can't just walk into a bar and boast how much of a good drinker you are than never take a single sip. You gotta show everyone your not full of it. That you can walk the walk while talk the talk. Of course unless you do the blog thing.

>> No.1958008

>mostly geared towards advanced/mid level digital painters

>i'm convinced 90% of people on here would greatly benefit
As if even 5% of the posters on /ic/ are mid level.

>> No.1958018

Just remember, something like this is both a combination of how knowledgable you are and how interesting you are and the overall quality of your videos.

You can't be another monotone fuck with a thick spanish accent and 2 frames per second video.

If you want it to get attention then you gotta just go balls deep with it. You can get a TB external HDD for recording so you can record 60fps at at least 1080p. They're like 30$ or some such.

Also, get a high quality mic.

And one last big of advice is to download audacity and use the "remove noise" tool on every video you make. It's astounding how much more professional that makes something sound.

>> No.1958055

>You can't just walk into a bar and boast how much of a good drinker you are than never take a single sip

you are a bit thick, aren't you? making youtube videos explaining principles of digital painting does in no way imply 'boasting how much of a good painter i am'.

i'm gonna shamelessly go ahead and claim that you are the typical d/ic/k suffering from severe low confidence and projection issues who sees arrogance and overconfidence everywhere, and can't hold back his pathological need to point the finger and yell 'hahaaaa you think you are so great! you are NOT! NOOOOT!

it's fucking sad. exact reason why i would make a BIG mistake if i didn't do this anonymously. are you this guy by any chance? >>1957691 let me know so i can add this to the accumulating pile of evidence pointing towards there being 1 single individual like this on /ic/

noted. thanks for the input.

>> No.1958375

>i know what you are thinking: 'nobody on /ic/ is good enough for such a channel to be remotely worth viewing' i think you are wrong.

>making youtube videos explaining principles of digital painting does in no way imply 'boasting how much of a good painter i am'.

Which is it bud?

>> No.1959563

there's a book called Techniques of the Impressionists by anthea callen that provides a nice model way to analyze paintings in the style you're looking for.

>> No.1960639

Only if you're tehmeh/AE/catbib; otherwise no

>> No.1960684


I don't think so anon. Still, and I say this without trying to intentionally rustle jimmies, catbib is way ahead of the other two. Like waaay ahead.

>> No.1960695


>> No.1960698

I think you're over estimating the percents of people who would benefit. There are still artists here that don't do any digital at all. I still say do it. Give giveaways for people who spread the word about you and all that thing even.

>> No.1960699

And on the part of anonymosity, I don't think it would hurt you that much. Alphonso Dunn, although he shows off his works and has references to his works, his youtube videos are mostly about instructional content and I don't think people watching his stuff really care about the art he's producing; they're there for the instructions.

>> No.1960714

What the fuck, just post some snippet of work you did that shows you have any idea what you're talking about so I know whether or not to be interested. You won't lose your anonymity, just post something you haven't posted online under your real name. I mean christ, this isn't some elaborate ruse it's an entirely valid concern. Who would want to learn something form somebody who can't even apply his own advice? There needs to be a certain level of trust for anyone to take your lessons seriously and feel comfortable applying them and spending time on them. Come the fuck on, why does everything always think being asked to post their work is some sort of trick? It is completely justified in this case, as you're attempting to TEACH.

>> No.1960734


you don't think that wether or not op knows what he's talking about or not would be self evident in the videos? i think it would, that's why i see this concern as redundant.

>> No.1960740

To someone who already has the knowledge he's teaching, yes, it would be.

To someone new to the information he's presenting (you know, his target audience), not necessarily.