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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1952919 No.1952919 [Reply] [Original]

This is the thread where you share your workflow.

What does your path to gitin' gud look like?
What does your study schedule look like?
Do you even have a schedule?
Do you even want to git gud?
What is wrong with you?
Get back to work faggot.

I'll start. Every day I do:
30 min gestures
30 min speed paint
1 hour master's study
1 hour environment study
1 hour fuck around and draw shit

And for the rest of the day I either read some art books or make useless threads on /ic/.

>> No.1952961


>> No.1952962

I don't have much of a schedule but doing one still life per day, gesture+portrait studies and then personal pieces to apply what I am trying to learn. Other than that I am pretty clueless of what to practice and how. :(

>> No.1952969

8-12 hours of drawing and painting every day. When I'm not doing that, I am trying to learn about art related stuff or fucking off on the Internet. Days I feel like shit, I don't do anything except wallow in my self pity.

>> No.1952979

I kinda wing it myself. Wherever I see my work lacking I focus on that. It's important to build up habits tho. It makes the work more seamless.

>> No.1952984
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i try to feel it out.

usually all i do until i go to sleep with video games in between.

only consistent things I do are life drawing for 3 hours on monday and wednesday and then i try to do at least 4 hours of painting on fridays.

>> No.1952996

Replace 'schedule' with 'goals' and you will get further faster.

>> No.1952999

Goals? What is this soccer? Ya fucking europoors shitting it up in here.

>> No.1953005

You mean football, you wanker.

>> No.1953101


>billions upon quintillions of national debt
>calls prosperous mother europe poor

oh you silly gringo

>> No.1953123
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I work on roughly 5 days a week for 2-6 hours

Focused on general stuff like anatomy and studying other artists, though most of the time is spent on personal works and possible commissions

>> No.1953185

2-3.5 and you have a legitimate schedule. I'd say any more than that and your at risk to burn hard if your balancing school or work with drawing.

>> No.1953195

I'm just waiting to apply to some schools in a few months, not working outside a few commissions.

It's not really even a rigid schedule, no times set in stone so I mostly work when I feel inspired and it's working for me much better than trying to force things every day in specific hours. Not spending that much time in the learning makes it much more relaxed. For example I copy bridgman's hand anatomy drawings, look at some bone & muscle refs for 20-40 minutes and then try to draw hands during rest of the time during some personal works

>> No.1953287

Any pros willing to share their schedules?

>> No.1953904
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>> No.1953911

>Two hours of sleep on Monday

>> No.1953918

>three hours too fap and relax the whole week

fucking hell

>> No.1954873

It's part of being hardcore. Honor is what keeps them from sleeping.

>> No.1954889

Starting tomorrow:

30 minutes warmup (straight lines and ellipses)
1 hour anatomy study (drawing studies from Bridgman)
1 hour perspective study (setting up scenes, drawing objectives in perspective, mirroring, etc)
1 hour film study (thumbnailing Taxi Driver shot-for-shot)
1 hour figure drawing from photographs
1 hour creative sketching (putting the last four hours to use)
30 minutes inking practice (messing around with a G-pen practicing linework and inking some of my sketches)

Started giving myself weekly goals in October, starting with two hours a day, seven days a week and adding more time every week. Three months later I'm finally up to 30 hours a week, just 10 hours shy of my goal. In a month I'm hoping I'll be practicing full time, 8 hours a day, five days a week. After that the next step will be getting the whole thing done within a nine hour period. Focus focus focus.

>> No.1954898

I want to focus on painting, but I have yelling parents, looking for a house, part time job (non-art) & three studies (IELTS prep, university, certificate).
I feel like I can't drop any of those. Already quit going to the gym and shit.

Any anons got suggestions on how to organize this? I tried waking up at 2am but I didn't get out of bed.

>> No.1954900

either make a commitment to art and quit that other stuff or just be a sunday painter, there's only mild shame in that.

>> No.1955114

I hope you're meeting your goals so you don't end up feeling like shit when you don't. I'm trying to push to 6 hours but I give up at 4-5 and end up feeling like shit.

>> No.1955121
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>Starting tomorrow

>> No.1955124

>color picker detected.

>> No.1955129

>face looks extremely realistic, body looks like a fucking turd, background isn't even flash tier
trace detected
>doesn't know how to color anything but the face
color picker detected
>how am i brush strokes ???
1/10, there was an attempt

>> No.1955200

Hey you loving faggot, weren't you thumbnailing all of taxi driver the other day?

These art schedules are impractical and ridiculous, i dont think a single one of these has ever been carried out in total.

>> No.1955230

I dont have schedule, but I make to do list every night before sleep. It consists of 3 parts: Draw(studies, sketching, anatomy, poses, etc), Casual(workout, school, job, etc), Bonus(Shit i dont really need to do but if i do it i get some reward). For me this is more effective than schedule cuz i can change it daily, because i cant put everyday 6 hours into drawing

>> No.1955268


Not the anon you're replying to, but set yourself up for success, man. If 4-5 hours is all you can take, do that. As it becomes habitual, soon it won't be enough and you'll CRAVE that 6th hour. Or maybe you just need better breaks peppered in.
Don't wear yourself down, build yourself up.

>> No.1955272
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>> No.1955335


When I tried jumping right into an 8 hour schedule I floundered and burned out quickly. Since I decided to start small and work my way up it's gone well.


Yes I was. I'm right up to the moment where Betsy tells Travis to take his Kris Kristofferson record and shove it up his perverted ass. So far I've drawn 238 shots and I'm doing around 16 a day.

As for my schedule goals, last week went smooth and the only difference between last week and this week is an extra half hour of perspective study and I can do a half hour of that standing on my head. Not sure what I'll add next week though.

>> No.1955364

This thread again? Here is my copy pasta from the archive with minor edits

Polyphasic sleep schedule

>Wake up - go to bus stop

>get on bus - check 4chan to see if people responded to my drawing bait
> bus nap 1.5hrs

> start work, check 4chan
>avoid work, check 4chan, lunch, write 2 lines of code
>meetings - check 4chan, wish I was drawing, consider quitting

>get on bus - check 4chan
>1.5hr nap

>cook dinner, tend to hygiene
>watch movie, check 4chan
>study pix, plan tonight's draw session

>Start drawing - self crit last nights work
>practice faces, gestures, materials, and whatever sucked from last night
>pick something to ink and color

>document tonight's draw session - post on 4chan
>Sleep 3-4hrs

Replaced my 23:00-27:00 activities with drawing for the 15months. I used to stay up till 29:00, but I heard some anon got epilepsy from sleep deprivation so I dialed it back to 25:00. Otherwise same schedule for 4.5 yrs

>> No.1955378

Jesus fuck you sound like a loser, do you get any pussy at all?

>> No.1955392

>sound like a loser
Ya, but probably no more than the rest of /ic/

>do you get any pussy at all?
I don't see how this is a measure of winning, but I am married - I know this doesn't answer your pussy question.

>> No.1955397

Jesus fuck you sound like a faggot, do you suck dick all the time?

>> No.1955433

Been trying a new schedule that's been working for me.

I book end my days with study, wake up 5 am, study for 2 hours, after that I just go about my day/go to work. At 8 pm, I do and 1 1/2 hours of personal work, then another hour applying my morning studies. All in All 4 1/2 hours daily.

Currently following the Aguri one year fundamentals document posted a few months back. I'm on Term I.

>> No.1955435

can you post the document?

>> No.1955439

>30 minutes drawing elipses and lines

>> No.1955538

link should still be in the archives.

>> No.1955539


Gotta build that freehand muscle memory.