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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.86 MB, 8628x2119, study23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1944499 No.1944499 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up. Practice makes Perfect!

A friendly reminder to do wrist exercises and take breaks as you practice to avoid getting CPS.

Previous thread: >>1940460

>> No.1944506

>op pic includes even the pencil rage ones.
You're the best.

>> No.1944518
File: 39 KB, 960x716, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so when should i go to the next lesson? i've been doing this for 2 days now and it's actually quite fun. Is there need to be improved?

too lazy to scan it, so might as well capture it with camera.

>> No.1944521


Are those your own or did you copy them from the book?

>> No.1944524

most of them are from the books, which told me to.

>> No.1944529

also would it be wise to study two books at a time? I'm trying to get a copy of Perspective made Easy.

>> No.1944534
File: 324 KB, 1265x1641, portrait sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, guess I'm too late. Still, how does this look as a start?

>> No.1944543
File: 60 KB, 400x600, 4498_668a_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1944546
File: 341 KB, 3232x3745, portrait5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

into the thrash it goes.

>> No.1944554
File: 480 KB, 840x1260, tumblr_n0r1aaLFY01to56nbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the next study, full figure please.

>> No.1944568


Loomis is trash, quit while you can.

>> No.1944575
File: 2.74 MB, 4160x3120, 20150115_142820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No reference

>> No.1944579


>> No.1944640

im reading drawing on the right side of the brain and ive been doing an exercise a day, i recently reached the part were were supposed to use a viewfinder to draw a hand, but i really dont want to make a viewfinder or buy the materials to make one, how important are these exercises

>> No.1944647
File: 741 KB, 920x1300, Rogue Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying shading cuz i suck at digital

>> No.1944648
File: 3.64 MB, 2000x3000, 1437547_68727673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1944653

disgusting model

>> No.1944655

That's okay, you're going to want to do that, actually.

Upon Fun with a Pencil, you may stumble upon some brick walls as he does go through the lesson rather quickly. In these case, you can simply pick up other books on the related subject and continue forward.

>> No.1944657

I was struck by the motion of her lines, even though she's standing still. She has ridiculously long limbs.

Not everything has to be for fapping, anon.

>> No.1944665
File: 731 KB, 1240x1240, lobban_malcolm_2319_by_sinclairphotography-d8dr3ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe too advanced for the beginner thread, though. How about this one instead?

>> No.1944674

Can we get more body? There are tons of opportunities for beginners to just copy the contours since it's a profie shot.

>> No.1944682
File: 141 KB, 1200x799, Art Reference AND DEFINITELY NOT PORN DAD STOP SPYING ON MY COMPUTER JESUS H CHRIST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art reference for thread, go go go

>> No.1944683

Not from that photographer, it's the only one of her he's uploaded.

Picking stock is hard.

>> No.1944685

Too porny. I thought this thread was SFW.

>> No.1944686

It might be porny, but it's still a good image to practice on. Lots of overlapping body parts.

>> No.1944689
File: 845 KB, 1557x1057, dsc2597_by_jlior-d6ut9v4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout this then?

>> No.1944694

much better!

>> No.1944707

Same. I'm at work guys, you're going to get me banned! :(

>> No.1944716
File: 212 KB, 1200x696, Image029 copy 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cube rendering.

>> No.1944725

that's harder than the other:

>> No.1944732

i really like this one will give it a shot maybe

>> No.1944742

The background is way busier in the first one, but the pose is easier. Second one has a harder pose, but it's all about the figure.

>> No.1944760

I´ve been just drawing for fun during vacation, so I decided to make a draw from imagination to recover me

>> No.1944761

Are you doing these based off scott's book? Wish I could have it...

>> No.1944762

Great post, this is how you choose a good reference for figure drawing.

>> No.1944764
File: 530 KB, 3000x2400, Nuevo Lienzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot the draw

>> No.1944765

foken study cloths for once you nig nogs. 90% of time figure has some cloths on them.

>> No.1944771
File: 91 KB, 864x541, ic20015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I missed the last thread. Aw feck.
2B pencil on newsprint.


>> No.1944775

>>1944761 Yeah. It's great. It's really helped me a lot.

>> No.1944781
File: 1.98 MB, 1668x2500, rouge_by_jlior-d8dlzdu_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Same model as >>1944689

>> No.1944797
File: 139 KB, 1280x960, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to try harder, I have shit will power

>> No.1944800

Good start. Something's off with the hips and back leg but I'm not sure what.

>> No.1944804

I know that feel bro, literally no other choice but to force yourself, just get a grip and force yourself to work. Take quick breaks when you feel like everything is hopeless, and get back to it. Just don't quit!

>> No.1944805
File: 5 KB, 225x225, MiNegro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nuevo Lienzo

>> No.1944809

From the previous thread, you need to watch this.


>> No.1944813


>> No.1944816
File: 361 KB, 2477x2167, gesture 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks too much cartoony

>> No.1944817

Making things look cartoony is actually difficult.
So no, your work doesn't look cartoony.

>> No.1944818

thanks for the encouragement.
Asiatic Clams

>> No.1944822

so, is bad?

>> No.1944826

not him
it's a quarter-decent, but it doesn't follow the reference
she's much lower

>> No.1944827

No, I as fuckin' with you. It's gud.
Keep at it, slut. YOU'RE DOING FINE!! If you think it looks bad, then clearly you know what's wrong.


>> No.1944829

Thanks anons, I'll keep it up

>> No.1944895
File: 35 KB, 569x279, lol cr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not bad, anon. work on you hands though.

>> No.1944927
File: 172 KB, 1280x960, shitboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is hard

>> No.1944974
File: 1.72 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150115_175203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick 5min before i try a digital one... What do you guys think ?

>> No.1945011

Beginner question. How do I choose colors for the dark and light values of a drawing? Like I know the general rule of use cool colors for shadows and warmer colors for highlites, but I have no idea which ones to choose. Lets say you have a blue character and a white character one has red hair and the other has pink hair. Do I use the same color of shading (cool dark color) for both characters? If not, how should I change the color of shading from the white character to the blue character? Do I use colors close to the original color, so for the blue character should I use a purple/blue color, or can I just go apeshit? I can't find any good info on these concepts.

>> No.1945015


>> No.1945019

Thank you gods

>> No.1945020
File: 1.98 MB, 3264x2448, 1421371276440-985292864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't consider myself a beginner probably worse. How'd I do?


>> No.1945022
File: 1.96 MB, 3264x2448, 1421371439567-1944786817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tips fedora

>> No.1945103

have you ever gotten "worse" at drawing, 2 days ago i was proud of what i had drawn today my drawings look like shit, wtf ic

>> No.1945113

What should one do, then? I've just started and how he explains anything irritates me, and how he illustrates bothers me.

>> No.1945128 [DELETED] 

I don't understand drapery
I don't see values
Just kill me already

>> No.1945130
File: 76 KB, 1013x1500, 160115study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand drapery
I don't see values
Just kill me already

>> No.1945173

read some loomis

>> No.1945191

everything looks cartoony before its rendered

>> No.1945193

whats ic's opinion about drawing high/drunk

>> No.1945194


Normal bumps in the road. Don't worry about day to day improvements, you won't be able to see em. Improvement becomes a lot more noticeable when you compare it shit you did months/years ago. Basically you need to keep at it.

>> No.1945200

>everything looks cartoony before its rendered

>> No.1945203
File: 37 KB, 1100x683, Image019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1945130 If you want to learn how to render, you have to understand how light and shadow works on simple volumes (cube, cylinder, cone, and sphere). Seriously, learning to render these simple things makes something as complex as a human easier.

>> No.1945207
File: 886 KB, 2608x3328, pose from imagination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to start drawing poses from imagination. This is my first attempt, what do you guys think? I'd so appreciate a redline, or just some basic advice.

>> No.1945208

You're right. Was being pretty stupid here, I'm just going to try and render simple volumes then objects in the next days.

>> No.1945211

Proportions are off and her left leg in particular has wrong perspective. Also those lines ffs please, what happened?

>> No.1945214

Sorry, could you be more specific? What proportions aren't right, and what looks iffy about the left leg?

Also, about the lines, I draw everything zoomed out so I can see the whole image at once, so the lines aren't at a great resolution. And I'm still stuck in chickenscratch mode. It's a habit I'm trying to break, but one thing at a time.

>> No.1945216
File: 23 KB, 305x350, polls_Lewis_On_Bench_Legs_Crossed_07a_3832_174654_answer_1_xlarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Compare your pose to something like this. Yeah it's small and shitty but it's the best 10 seconds of googling did for me. Also if you need help imagining something try doing the pose yourself and keeping a mental reference of what's going on.

Oh and please stop with the chicken scratch. Practice drawing long smooth lines.

>> No.1945218

I was doing the pose myself, and it really helped me avoid a lot of mistakes. Will do on the long smooth lines.

Which leg did you say had the problem, the drawing's left, or the viewer's left? (the leg on top or the leg below?)

>> No.1945224


Drawing's left, the one that's being crossed. The thigh is going to be angled more up and away from the body while the lower part of the leg will be more or less parallel with the ground.

Oh, and the right foot won't be pointing out like that. I just tried it myself and that shit is awkward as hell to be in.

>> No.1945225

How do you render and paint like in ctrt+paint tutorials but using SAI? Can anyone share their settings?

>> No.1945227

I'm not that anon, but as a beginner as well I have a seriously bad case of chicken scratch.

How can I learn to avoid doing so at this point where I am still uncertain where a line should be? Say for example my sketch line is in the wrong place. Should I be erasing it and drawing a new one, or correcting it on the spot with a new one without erasing? I do the latter and it leaves everything I try looking chicken scratchy.

>> No.1945229

Step 1) download photoshop
Step 2) paint and render like ctrl+paint tutorials

>> No.1945230

my computer cannot handle photoshop.
I just want to know how to change the opacity and flow setting in sai

>> No.1945232


You can either draw it and erase if it isn't where you want it or you can try hovering over the page to figure out where you want to place the line before you draw it.

>> No.1945236


try drawing with your shoulder, not your wrist.

wrist are more into small details while drawing on shoulder or arm constructs healthy long lines.

>> No.1945237


might take months to do but it will really help you build muscle memory.

>> No.1945239

Don't bother erasing and redrawing your lines.
Get a large drawing pad/paper and do free hand straight lines from top to bottom, left to right, diagonally, free hand circles, connect dots, basically loosen up your drawing hand.

This video will be helpful. Demo at 22:55

At your stage, quantity is better. Doing gestures is a good way to loosen up your hand. Don't erase, move onto the next one with the objective to improve the mistake you made with the previous.
Keep going until you fill up the large drawing pad. Repeat until your chicken scratch phases out.

>> No.1945240

I literally just tried this and it makes a world of sense. I think it'll take me forever to make an instinctual habit as >>1945237 said, but I can't believe I didn't realize that. That helps a lot. Thanks, anon.

>> No.1945241

that happens constantly if you're making a consistent effort to improve. you haven't gotten worse, your understanding of whatever you've been studying has improved, but your actual mechanical skill hasn't caught up to it yet.

>> No.1945253
File: 325 KB, 394x615, f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first attempt at a portrait. just started drawing a little bit ago. this any good?

>> No.1945262


where's the reference?

>> No.1945267

Green boards is fine with porn stuff, besides, its ART

>> No.1945271
File: 27 KB, 296x483, 1919388_1209627210562_4448026_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whup, here

>> No.1945284

The fedora is completely off. Also, the character would feel more euphoric if he was tipping that fedora, imo.

>> No.1945286

anyone got an up close face shot? I like doing faces. not that I can't do body's.. I just like doing faces.

>> No.1945292
File: 1.43 MB, 1701x701, SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck am i doing
why am i so bad

>> No.1945316

That's the whole book, nigga.

>> No.1945318
File: 1.15 MB, 1836x3264, IMG_20150116_021652_804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started drawing from imagination this my my first attempt in my sketch book. I know I need to work on legs and faces been focusing on muscles so I decided why not an overly huge creature with an odd muscular build?

>> No.1945325

I would advise you at your stage not to study from references where the background is similar to the general tone of your subject, and if you want to do such studies to change your background to a contrasting colour so you have an easier time of analyzing your source material and your tones.

>> No.1945335

I'm reading Robertson but I don't think I fully understand the picture plane thing. Do you have to draw everytime a random view then pass it to a picture plane to get the view you want? Sorry, I'm stupid.

>> No.1945343
File: 228 KB, 1668x2500, 514614203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to dissuade you from working on your basic shapes, but something that I've done before to try and simplify how I'm seeing forms/planes/values is taking an image into photoshop, turning it to greyscale, and then setting the colour profile to index, and changing the number of colours allowed to something small.

It's helped me understand, anyway.

>> No.1945346

Yeah I thought about that...but then, with time, do you really see the values like this with your nake eye? Probably. Should try, but simple volumes before. Thanks.

Another question by the way, Photoshop related. Let's say I draw the lines on one layer, then grayscale colours on another one that I set on multiply to still see the lines under. Is this the right way? Because for some reason, when I color pick on the multiply layer, the color picked is not the same anymore...not sure if I'm being clear, sorry for my terrible english.

>> No.1945353

No, you decide what you include in the picture plane before everything else. That's composition.

>> No.1945387
File: 317 KB, 1112x823, Screen Shot 2015-01-16 at 7.47.55 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know her feels

>> No.1945388

No you don't, you're not a grill caressing a golden drapery in an empty gray room.

>> No.1945390

my lady jus reachin in the air. she don no what she do, i don no what she do...

listeining to kevin hart makes me talk like a cracker ass bitch

>> No.1945393

>tell me your secret, curtain

>> No.1945418

I do most of my stuff in this state

All I know is that I go way more chicken scratchy, and too dark with values, when I do.

>> No.1945421
File: 100 KB, 889x1000, pose3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I decided to face one of my fears. Values.

How do you guys do values?

>> No.1945424
File: 680 KB, 1583x921, ___.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

;_; another abomination. Can't even resist the urge to puke looking at this.

How do you tell light value from base value? I always end up covering up the base with light.

>> No.1945425

Step one is to set the background as a midtone so you can go towards light or dark. Starting from white means you can only go darker. Watch some ctrlpaint videos and learn the different types of shadows, occlusion, cast, etc, as well as when to use soft or hard edges.

For example your mid right box has a soft or smooth value transition (edge) where it should be hard, this incorrectly makes it look like a blunted prism rather than the cube you were going for.

>> No.1945428
File: 1.14 MB, 3074x2049, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few mins on paper

Behold the chicken scratch

>> No.1945432

What's the best position when practicing drawing by using shoulder instead of wrists, like 33 degrees on the paper or something also what do they call that thing they put sketchpads on

>> No.1945441

How much Jaw should you give the ball of a head?

>> No.1945446
File: 35 KB, 693x261, ball and plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1945457

It's not a start. Symbol drawing, bad proportions etc etc etc. Long story short, you don't know how to draw and there's no point polishing the turd. Read the sticky.
"odd muscular build" that's just an excuse for not knowing musculature. But try for some line hierarchy or study how to do lineart, as it is it looks odd, like the muscles are tacked on.

>> No.1945459
File: 1.82 MB, 1456x1869, gesture-woman-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a go

>> No.1945460

But is there a way to measure it?

>> No.1945462

(first person you replied to here)
I have read the sticky. It's mostly just links to other resources. I've worked through Drawing from the Right Side of the Brain, I know about symbol drawing. However, if you look at the reference image, it really is very plain. The eyes really do look like that, for example. I'd add a lot more detail if I went into value and shading obviously, but as far as just drawing out the placement of the parts of the face go, would you still say I've got proportional problems? If so, where?

>> No.1945463
File: 77 KB, 693x261, ball and plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the distance from the brow line to the nose is the same as the distance from the nose to the end of the jaw

>> No.1945465

It looks a bit longer to me, is the nose line the tip of the nose?

>> No.1945467

it's where the nostrils connect, and it can be slightly longer or shorter depending on the person

>> No.1945468

Other person here, I think the problem is that you tackled it digitally. Use pencil and paper.

That said, I don't think you've gone through DRSB; your drawing is out of proportion. You can see this is obvious in the eyes, nose and mouth.

>> No.1945469

Maybe I misunderstand what you mean by "proportion" then. It refers to placement and size of features, yeah? If I underlay the reference images, it matches up fairly well (though not perfectly). I don't recall DRSB teaching much about drawing proportions correctly (though it's been a while), I mostly just remember it talking about drawing things upside down to avoid symbol drawing and tips on getting value right.

>> No.1945470

do you think learning every single muscle (where it is, what it looks like) and bones is worth my time which I could be spending drawing?

>> No.1945472

draw them while learning

>> No.1945474

You can either do that or waste your time drawing incorrectly.

>> No.1945478

I'm the guy with the odd muscular drawing lol
thanks for the advice i just didn't want to draw human muscles anymore was trying to think outside the box but i see what your saying and i will look those up asap.

>> No.1945490

Here's another description on measuring features on the face.


You can also learn the anatomy of each feature for the face one by one (such as lips, eyes, nose, etc), to get an even better idea of how to measure it.

>> No.1945508

I have no experience drawing sober, so I can't comment. I know a guy that used to take adderal and draw. Quality improved, but it took him forever to finish anything.

>> No.1945512
File: 158 KB, 373x332, 1367128458355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything useful to reading Loomis's Pages of words, none of it feels actually useful or more than what I just saw with his demonstrated drawings

>> No.1945528

Read it. I wish I did years ago but my ADHD prevented me.

>> No.1945554

Shit, this is inspirational as fuck

>> No.1945556

Only the hand written stuff, thats why its important

>> No.1945557

Are you talking about those illustration in "Fun with Pencils"? Those cartoon style are rather dated so if you want to look for something more realistic, read "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth".

If you prefer a more direct approach (Loomis book is rather lengthy), check out Michael Hampton Figure Drawing Design and Invention.

>> No.1945559

It isn't THAT many words. You make it sound like it takes you hours to read a paragraph.

>> No.1945565

What's the best approach for a beginner to learn anatomy? Learning how to draw the human body, having some difficulty. I found proko's videos very helpful when it came to the face anatomy, however he charges quiet a bit for the human body section (so that's not an option).

Any help?

>> No.1945572

just get an anatomy chart and draw a lot of human bodies, you just reference the chart, or a photo when you're not sure how something might look.

>> No.1945573
File: 3.19 MB, 2192x2699, study3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my first full body study in ages, how'd I do? Also, thanks to the guy that suggested last time that I redo my lines after shading, really good advice.

>> No.1945579

Guys, I just started 3 days ago and I try to copy pictures of different styles so far.

Is this a good way or should I try to draw my own stuff as soon as possible?

>> No.1945580

The problem I'm having with Loomis is that he tries to inject all this character into the writing and it just takes him a page to say what should take a couple sentences.

>> No.1945586

Can anyone help me stop procrastinating? I just can't get things done I made a goal for myself to draw everyday but I failed that. The last time I practiced was 10 days ago

>> No.1945593

I'm hardly an expert but I find that you'll never get on with it unless you're enjoying it. So to do that you've got to accept that there's a long learning curve and not get frustrated when something goes wrong. Also draw what interests you, learning basic principals is key but nobody seriously expects you to spend months drawing circles and cubes until Loomis tells you otherwise. Try picking a subject that interests you and practicing basic form on the other side of the paper every so often.

>> No.1945601
File: 2.34 MB, 1456x2496, doodles_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some drawings from imagination. I have no idea how to study anatomy, can someone recommend a good book for studying anatomy in-depth?

>> No.1945604

Thank you, I'll look those up.

>> No.1945611

I'd recommend anyone drawing from a reference to look at your own work 10 x as much s your model

>> No.1945613

Stuff by Vilppu, Hogarth, Hampton and Bridgman.

>> No.1945619
File: 199 KB, 704x960, pillarsofcreatio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to relearn colored pencils
Pillars of Creation seemed pretty useful for this

>> No.1945627 [DELETED] 

Study anatomy by drawing entire skeleton from imagination.

>> No.1945635
File: 232 KB, 900x975, skellie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best I could do

>> No.1945675
File: 53 KB, 488x726, 8fc652cdb203d1657e7eb8697b049f5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really good job.
the space between ribcage and pelvis is a little bit too long in the front view.
Since the bones of the shoulders, elbows, wrists, "great trochanter" knees and ankles aren't depicted in detail I'd recommend studying on your own body the way these regions are thick on the inside and taper towards outside (medial and laterally) and are asymmetric in other ways ( for example the ankle bone on the outside is lower smaller and farther forward and inside is larger higher and further back which you got wrong)

>> No.1945678

For real? Saturation and value is so on point.
Got anymore stuff anon?

>> No.1945682

Wasn't like the space between the top of the pelvis and bottom of the sternum usually 1 head? My ribcabe might be a bit short yeah. Haha I don't really know much of anything below the torso, skellie wise, thanks for the explanation!

>> No.1945745

Alright then, I'll look into that. I know you're supposed to use "shapes" to help create the human body, I'm just not sure when I should be doing that.

>> No.1945754

Anyone feel like explaining chapter 2 of How to Draw by Scott Robertson?

I don't understand how the cone of vision works. Do I need to make a top-down version of my drawings before the actual drawings? How will I know the height of my objects? It's a lot of really technical information with no context.

>> No.1945757
File: 758 KB, 1194x1775, Erythraen_Sibyl_c1508-9_Black_chalk_Pen_and_brown_ink_and_brown_wash_BM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

draw everything as rectangular noodles

>> No.1945760

Where'd you get this advice from?

>> No.1945764
File: 40 KB, 291x488, fig_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's how its done.

>> No.1945767

Show me the ways. How did you determined this?!

>> No.1945803
File: 272 KB, 483x815, study_01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS happens when you don't draw for 2 month straight. As you can see, it's so bad I even ashamed to show the face.

> TODO draw everyday

>> No.1945814

And I wish I could manage to do that

>> No.1945829
File: 634 KB, 2000x2000, begthreadprac2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her legs and torso are messing with my brain. I do feel like I got better value wise at least

>> No.1945835

The white background is fucking up your values. There is more contrast in the picture. Don't be afraid to separate clearly the shadows and the light.

>> No.1945862

Same anon. Please, teach me to fish! I want to catch fish all day!!

>> No.1945881

For starting equipment I'm going to purchase 2500 sheets of printer paper and sketching pencils. Is this okay to start with? I'm not sure whether I should be getting proper sketchbooks or what.

>> No.1945890

It doesn't really matter if you're motivated. Just know that your drawings will surely look like shit if you work on shitty printer paper with your 4h pencil.

>> No.1945893

So should I get proper sketchpads?

>> No.1945894

> That moment when hampton shows Durer's shitty box drawings

>> No.1945900

>My drawing is the smallest in the OP image
G-guess... fuck you OP

>> No.1945906
File: 265 KB, 700x467, DensmoreTPW-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a new common reference lets see you guys draw some really good eggs.

>> No.1945909
File: 977 KB, 1697x957, shit 160115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a failure once again

>> No.1945923

How do I make my eggs really good?

>> No.1945925

You can't use points like "it really does look like that" without posting the reference you rookie. Also I forgot, mother of shit your lines. Use less. A lot less. Even when sketching, you shouldn't carve out a drawing with a million chicken scratches.

>> No.1945932

Reference is OP image, m8.
And I'm aware of the lines thing, I've started working on fixing it.

>> No.1945933

The tackle it efficiently, what you want to do is copy a few generic anatomy videos. Once you've memorized a few reference points on the body (distances and such that tell you if its in reasonable human proportions), you need to learn about construction. When you're starting, you need to block out the human form in shapes before you can fill it in. For the life of me I can't remember a specific resource, but make sure you find a construction method before trying figure studies. They'll come out warped and off if you just try to straight copy them. Do some figure studies where the entire body is visible, with little foreshortening. Once you're confident with that, move into more complicated poses.

>> No.1945936

draw an egg and I'll give you feedback.

>> No.1945938

It's alright anon. You just spent a little too much time rendering and not enough measuring.
So now you flip the canvas if you haven't. Select the head with the lasso tool and move it closer to the shoulders (yes it is allowed). Make the forehead shorter with the same technique, transform the eyes so that they have the same size. Fill the gaps with paint. Post the result in five minutes if you think it's finished.

>> No.1945940

put caviar on them

>> No.1945945
File: 176 KB, 1920x1200, hadfun_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1945949

I'm too busy trying to learn how to draw face. But I'll draw that bowl of eggs this weekend and post it.


>> No.1945955

Base value is not a thing when you're not painting from imagination. Read Creative Illustration by Andrew Loomis. He really helped me with value.

>> No.1945956

needs volume, do wrapping lines, avoid chicken scratch, use value, measure stuff.
However you understand the notion of focal point that's veeery good.

>> No.1945959
File: 75 KB, 646x500, holbein-sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drawing an egg will help you with head and face. cause the head this pretty much an egg shape.

>> No.1945963

Thanks for the comment, dude.

>> No.1945967
File: 2.70 MB, 3264x2448, beginner thread 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holbein confirmed for egglover.

Here's my 15-minute sketch.

>> No.1945969


this >>1945191

>> No.1945975

ive read that you have to train your eye, is it okay to use a ruler for better match?

>> No.1945977

Start with your eye, refer to the ruler occasionally, after you've done a draft by eye only.

>> No.1945979

Well shit, I never thought of that. And I do have a chicken fetish.

Regardless, it's not something I'll pass up and will get it done sometime by this weekend. I'm not procrastinating, just got homework to be done.

>> No.1945982

My main goal for that study was coloring so I didn't take too much time drawing so I guess that will do for now. Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1945992
File: 84 KB, 700x467, 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok you win. Here is my two hour drawing of some very good eggs.
Now share your knowledge. Is the halftone supposed to be more saturated than the shadows? Does it depend?
Also I heard this extremely confusing information saying that warm light has cooler shadows and cool light have warmer shadows. How does that even makes sense scientifically? Is it all because of color relativity? Why do the shadows only have a slight hue variation when I color pick? What can I read on the subject?

>> No.1946021

Bretty good. Would eat/10

>> No.1946046

the half tone is saturated cuz transparency of the egg shell.

>> No.1946055
File: 2.26 MB, 2000x2588, 50 thumbnail studies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some perspective/comp thumb studies from film. I haven't learned anything about value yet so I'm just guessing the darks.

>> No.1946129
File: 84 KB, 762x771, 0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More things.

>> No.1946141

watch the gesture video again

>> No.1946154
File: 121 KB, 519x641, study2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is my attempt.
this is my second study ever, disregard the hair, since i really got fed up after workin 1.5 hours on this.
I dont think i will finish it

>> No.1946156

now that i can switch between the two tabs i can see how wrong her eyes and lips are ;_;

>> No.1946157

this is still me, do you guys put your painting-layer on top of the reference while working on it to see if everything is in place? or does that defeat the purpose of eye measurement?

>> No.1946158

Absolutely not. Off to the side, always.

>> No.1946159

>off to the side, always.
what do you mean by that?

>> No.1946166

Do I have to? What a drag.

>> No.1946171
File: 1.17 MB, 1642x907, study160115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i give up
failed from the sketching stage

>> No.1946174

Cool way of doing a palette though.

>> No.1946180

That's a very tricky angle for the head, and there looks to be a bit of airbrushing making it harder to discern the planes.

That said, I think you jumped into rendering too early. Your major values and shapes aren't quite there, which is why you're having some issues with likeness.

For your next study try to focus on capturing the gesture (and exaggerating it early on), and try to keep perspective in mind. For example, you've drawing the proportions of the head as if viewed from straight on, but in the ref we're seeing the head from the underside, making the top half smaller compared to the bottom.

>> No.1946183

First try at very basic exercise...
Sycra's vids on light and shadow are really good, I just suck. At least now I know where I'm going, just need a million more exercises.

>> No.1946184
File: 24 KB, 966x579, 170115lightexercise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my doodle

>> No.1946188

there's no airbrushing and the planes are pretty easily discernible. the angle of the head is fairly easy too. the only thing hard about her face is that her nose looks super stupid and it'd be hard not to get all pissed off about how it also looks stupid in your copy.

>> No.1946189

>there's no airbrushing and the planes are pretty easily discernible.
There looks to be a bit when looking at the shadow along the jawline, and the shadow at the side of the face. Could be wrong though.

>> No.1946196

those are just artifacts from having a reflector down there to provide a bit of cross lighting

>> No.1946199

Gotcha. What about the underside of the jaw? Would that receive any illumination or does the exposure not allow it?

>> No.1946201


Please see >>1944809

>> No.1946243
File: 323 KB, 900x1680, img121 copy 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if you're if you're telling me to check out Sycra's light videos, but I think I'll pass. Good luck with your studies though.

Anyway, these cubes I uploaded are an update to >>1944716
The bottom cube was the most difficult. Came close though.

>> No.1946308


>> No.1946331


>> No.1946351
File: 173 KB, 1100x660, 348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cone of vision is just a guide to make sure your drawings don't have a lot of distortion. I have the book too so I can help you out with it.

>> No.1946359

Yeah, but how do I determine the correct cone of vision? Or the correct position of the station point? Or the correct position of the picture plane?

Please help, I want to understand this. It's less about art now and more about sheer curiosity.

>> No.1946364

Additionally, what's up with the ground plane? Can I lower/raise it? How do I draw an object that is way closer to the "camera", like, say, a person?

>> No.1946370

>Not sure if you're if you're telling me to check out Sycra's light videos
Nah, I was just answering to you telling me to try basic lighting on basic volumes, that's what I did. You don't seem to need tutorials on the basics obvioulsy, your looks good even if the bottom one bugs me a little, may be because of the mix of hard edges and blury stuff around, really don't know.
What kind of method/brushes did you used for the first 2 ones?

>> No.1946374

Okay just give me a sec to write out my explanation and make a few diagrams to help you out.

>> No.1946386
File: 38 KB, 409x500, 51SCmYQUUlL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the last one was pretty hard.

Well, I do my drawing of what ever I'm gonna render. Bring it into photoshop. Then I go over my linework using paths and start making layers out of the paths I made. It's more efficient than going in and painting and erasing.

I used the same method for all these renderings. As for brushes, I just use default soft round brush. I don't think I gave a very good explanation for the method but I'll try to write a detailed process if enough people ask me.

You can learn all this stuff and from the book on the image I uploaded. It's where I'm learning all this stuff.

>> No.1946494
File: 1.16 MB, 900x4240, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna start off by saying that chapter 2 is a lead in for chapter 4, making grids. I'm gonna try to make it clear enough for you to be ready for chapter 4.
Lets start with the station point. I don't worry too much about it. In fig 1,2, If I put it too close to the Horizon Line (HL) I just don't have enough room to draw the grid construction. Figure 2 just makes a big mess. Find a good balance.

Sidenote - for the 15/75 grid construction, put the station point and the center VP closer to the edge of the paper. Fig 3 shows just how much room you need.
There is only one station point. Look at the diagrams on page 22 of the book - The person is the station point. I'll clear this up in a bit.

Now for the cone of vision. The recommendations for the appropriate COV degrees are on page 23. 50 for 1-pt, 60 for 2 and 3 pt, and anything goes when you're working with a curvilinear grid.

Look at Fig 3. I start off with where I want to put the station point, then draw a line up to find the CVP. I use a small circle at the station point to help me find the pairs that I want. I break down how I use the little circle in fig 4. Use the 30/30 vp pair to find the 60 degree COV. Draw the angle to the HL and where those points meet the HL, draw a big circle. You have just created the COV. The COV is just a check on the image so you wont get distortion.

A right angle is 90 degrees, and half of that is 45 degrees. Get familiar with this.

Fig 5 assumes you can draw the COV. Hopefully I helped.
Fig 6, the ground plane. I don't really worry too much about this term since it is up to the artist if he even wants a ground in his image (could be drawing a bottomless pit). I like to think of the grid under the HL as my ground plane though.

Fig 7,8. I think these are pretty straight forward. Let me know if you need anything cleared up. Really read your book. This chapter is the intro for chapter 4. You can do "free" grids after you finish that chapter.

>> No.1946495
File: 2.38 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_20150117_122200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from me, I was just bored while working

>> No.1946504
File: 97 KB, 1000x600, venusaur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get better at choosing colors, pic related I stole these colors from an image I liked. I remember a thing being like, choose a dominant color and work around that.
Also I wanna get better at drawing people, I'm not terrible, but what's a good way to exaggerate shoulders, elbows, hips, etc. without going too crazy? I feel my drawings come out too muted.

>> No.1946522

>exaggerate shoulders, elbows, hips, etc. without going too crazy

Western comic art I guess.

>> No.1946525

Experiment yo.
What, do you want us to give you measurements on what is "too crazy"? Just test it out.

>> No.1946573

Thanks, that's immensely helpful. I finally understand the concepts I had trouble with.

>> No.1946575


>> No.1946630
File: 61 KB, 1043x689, Crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant get this shit to work at all, anywhere

>> No.1946641
File: 188 KB, 1920x1041, help pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you move an entire single object with multiple layers on Photoshop?

Please help.

>> No.1946647

Shift+Click to select all layers.
Use move tool. Move.

>> No.1946656
File: 222 KB, 1557x1057, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haven't drawn for months and haven't done a study like this ever before, so pretty happy with the result. Hands are awful tho.

>> No.1946667

Torso is really good.
Her neck is too short tho, a way to better see this is to look at the negative space between her neck and right shoulder.
Her right leg is too thin, dont be afraid of drawing legs too fat, since it's way easier to go in with the eraser and "cut out" what's too much. (use negative shapes)
The values are not bad, but you should have a wider range i think.

>> No.1946671
File: 3.88 MB, 2700x3300, morning thumbnail comp studies day 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today more thumbs

>> No.1946672
File: 306 KB, 1557x1057, no45 ic thread woman study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and my attempt

>> No.1946727

second row far right is amazing imo.
you are doing great, i just started drawig and i feel that gesture-drawing is something that kinda takes a while to get used to, but you are well on your way, as far as i can tell.

>> No.1946738
File: 3.36 MB, 3848x5648, face study 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have to stop early to work of stuff im afraid.

Feed back would be nice, was extract careful with my construction lines this time.

>> No.1946743

So whats the technique for this?

>> No.1946753

Eyes look good rest of face kind lacks structure and is bent

>> No.1946756

can i get feedback on this pls?

>> No.1946764

I totally agree, I find it really difficult to maintain structure when rendering. Maybe I just need to practice but I seem to loose all definition without hard lines.

>> No.1946783

>ffuck you OP
Sure m8.
It depends on the resolution of your image, with huge pictures I resize them to fit the whole, but if you uploaded a tiny picture I don't wanna stretch it and just use it as is. Upload a bigger picture next time.

>> No.1946792

No problem. Please use a grid for every exercise in this book after you make a few. It helps a lot.

>> No.1946804

Really try to see things as volumetric. Keep things simple and when rendering keep in mind main plane change above all else

>> No.1946808

how are you supposed to draw your own stuff, if you don't have the fundamentals down?
Read the sticky - without basic shapes and construction you can't do anything.

Same goes for different styles. You might be able to copy the styles - but you won't be able to understand them. A style is always derived from reality - by simplification and stylization. You basically just "warp" reality.
So if you don't understand the basic concept, you won't understand anything else.

>> No.1946834

Get over it. You're not going to get anywhere by being picky with your reference.

>> No.1946835

Maybe you should focus on gesture for now. It's not really going to help you with values, but it's a useful exercise.

>> No.1946844

Not bad, try not to outline the whole body, only the parts that are in shadow, vary lineweight. Practice values and hatching as soon as possible.

>> No.1946847

can someone post this cut out method from tehmeh guide ? i lost it.

>> No.1946850

Read the sticky and use a tool that is sensitive to pressure.

>> No.1946851
File: 871 KB, 3000x3000, study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ride never ends

>> No.1946854

wtf man thats a midget

>> No.1946855

I tought I could study with some fetish fuel

>> No.1946856

Construction is okay.
The background is white and the occlusion shadows are black on the ref. Fix it. And do the ground.

>> No.1946863

Are you telling me to color it?

>> No.1946865

it's nice to see poeple using my refs.

>> No.1946869

No do it with value, don't let your figure floating like that.

>> No.1946874

Do you have experience with figure drawing in perspective? I have a question.

What happens when I need to set up perspective for a character that isn't exactly 8 heads tall? What if my character is 6 1/2 heads tall, how do I divide the rectangle?

>> No.1946883

draw one and use the diagonal technique.

>> No.1946892


alright will do

>> No.1946901


bump i have no idea how to use this fucking cut out method.

>> No.1946909

Yeah, but the diagonal technique only makes multiples of two. What if I don't have multiples of two? What if I want to divide into thirds?

Please help.

>> No.1946915
File: 1.07 MB, 2550x3507, butterface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find the right face.
I tried some portait (can post if needed) turn out well but every drawing i make he this kind of face.
I tried different western and manga styles nut nothing work.

>> No.1946923
File: 141 KB, 615x893, peenus weenus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried.

>> No.1946934
File: 318 KB, 1470x625, grinding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also other stuff from reference.
I guess I should study the anatomy of arms and legs more in depth and then try again.

>> No.1946975

What are you even trying to draw here? Not even looking at the face since the body looks completely off. What studies have you done so far?

>> No.1946986
File: 451 KB, 800x1456, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this >>1946494 is me talking now. Here is an image that is hopefully clear enough to solve some of the problems you're having. I'm going to assume you're the same guy that has the book so just refer to chapter 3 to learn all of these techniques. Master this chapter. It is one of the most useful ones in the book. Chapter 6 and beyond will give you a tough time if you don't get comfortable with the techniques presented here.

>> No.1947004

Some of those look kinda cool actually but you seem to have trouble drawing what you see and not only what you learned. You completely ignored the angle of her back in this picture >>1944689 which won't allow you to push that study properly.

>> No.1947026

Thank you once again, man. You're a great person.

>> No.1947042

I couldn't get the pelvis and torso right in that pose,so I tried doing something similar that would work,I'll try to get it closer next time.
Thanks mane.

>> No.1947055

No problem. Just trying to help around here when I can. If you or anyone else has the book and needs help with it, or just wants to share ideas for building things in perspective or rendering thigs, you can find me here - https://cubebrush.com/members/pizzahead/
its easier to find me there than its is here.

This >>1946494 and this one >>1946243 are me just to clear things up.

>> No.1947058

You gotta know the rules to break the rules. I didn't realize how important this was till way months later upon drawing.

You're basically creating anatomy from imagination and go on from there. After that, everything makes sense.

>> No.1947061

How to Render scans when? Goddamn.

>> No.1947071

How do I defeat this self-doubt? I started taking art seriously recently, and I have been posting some of it to the Internet. I have finished more pictures in a week than I ever did in the rest of my life, and I am happy with them. So why do I have this self doubt that always haunts me when I am about to start an image or draw that says

>The earlier pictures were just flukes
>You're going to forget everything and go back to being shitty
>You don't feel like drawing (even though I definitely do)

This shit can't be normal. What is going on and any advice on how to stop this shit?

>> No.1947072
File: 457 KB, 3232x3745, fuckyoupropotions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck it i cant get those fucking propotions and angles right. So i cant even start to render without having to correct something. and i cant even correct it right. How do I use this cut out method ...

>> No.1947095

It takes time, and the placement of your features on the face isn't bad. Take more time and you'll manage to correct it for sure.
However you should have started with the larger shapes first before moving to detail. It would have helped you to get a better composition. Your values would be more accurate, and more importantly the overall proportions would be better.

>> No.1947149
File: 74 KB, 480x640, ehgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know any books or video that help with shading?

>> No.1947175
File: 267 KB, 1600x1200, realGrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never drawn like this before, but I think I did ok.

I'm not exactly where I want to be atm, but I'm getting closer.

>> No.1947181

>Never drawn like this before

Like what?

>> No.1947192

that round face reminds me of a fat black guy.

>> No.1947239

I want to learn to paint/colour. I understand how to shade and object and I can do decent stuff with pencil but when it comes to colour I have no idea what I'm doing. I have a tablet and would much prefer to learn digitally how to paint. All the stuff I see out there on painting is just someone painting away and in no way are they explaining their process.

>> No.1947246

never really done shading and highlights before.

>> No.1947248

First read this:

Then read this. It's advanced so you'll have to revisit it often:

Read Gurney's "Color and Light". A lot of the content in that book is also on his blog if you browse by topic.

Now, onto painting and using color:

First, learn to paint in grayscale. You can do this digitally, but you want to do primarily still lifes. Grab an object with easy forms (apples, eggs, vases, etc) grab a lamp to light it clearly from a single direction, and paint away. Use big brush strokes and focus on defining forms with value instead of line.

Next, move on to 'monochromatic' palettes. Again, you're still painting still lifes, but you'll make your palette from something like white, black, a cool red, and a warm red for example. Look up equivalent color names online - cool/warm color is common nomenclature. With these still lifes, focus on value, saturation, and color temperature shifts. Pay attention to whether each shape you're laying down should be bright or dark, rich or dull, warm or cool. You do this by comparing it with it's surroundings.

After that, move on to painting still lifes with fuller color palettes. You can do something like color mapping mentioned here:
You could also not use that sort of restriction. If you find it helpful, try to make the palette that you need off to the side before you begin painting (even when working digitally). You can use photos of a standard palette colors (titanium white, ivory black, ultramarine blue, etc), and blend them digitally to create all the colors that you'll use. The limitation can help compared to how daunting the full RGB color space is. If you're blending these digitally, they won't behave quite like the real oil paint analogues, but it will be good enough for learning purporses if you know you'll never paint traditionally. Either way I suggest trying out oils or acrylics at some point.

>> No.1947250
File: 57 KB, 442x412, eye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first real attempt at drawing an eye from imagination after watching some sycra and proko videos.

Man i really love sycra's videos, he is so helpful, i dont understand why he gets all this hate from /ic/

>> No.1947251


thanks so much for the help.

>> No.1947252

this was done in 5 minutes btw.
I dont really know how to do eyelashes yet tho, could someone redline them for me?

>> No.1947258
File: 34 KB, 500x372, explain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this was done in 5 minutes btw.

>> No.1947264
File: 197 KB, 702x496, study1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to get back into regular practice.

>> No.1947266

yeah the point was not really to make it look realistic but to get the different features/shadows right

>> No.1947274

Because when he has to draw more, like an entire face, it looks like shit.

>> No.1947297

you know, as someone who posts in the beginner thread and generally on /ic/ i wouldnt want to talk shit on someone who is easily better than 98% of people on here.

>> No.1947322

once you figure out 3d masses in perspective you can draw anything

>> No.1947324

How would one go about learning that?

>> No.1947331

books on perspective, youtube, the googles are your friend

>> No.1947335

Oh okay, I thought you were talking about something in particular in perspective. In that case, I got plenty yo read on that subject.

However, I'm still trying to figure out how to go about learning the human anatomy. Youtube has taught me many ways in learning in-depth face anatomy (and done a really good job), but I don't know where I can find human anatomy help for an absolute beginner.

I bought Jazza's book on anatomy in hopes it can help, and I just can't seem to get the gestures right in the exercises provided in the book. I just don't know of any beginner method to help me understand the human anatomy. Fun with a Pencil didn't help and I'm always being told to use "shapes". I don't know what shapes to use or how.

>> No.1947342
File: 1.35 MB, 3264x1836, 20150117_225840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do i get the proportions right
Any techniques on planning?

>> No.1947345
File: 1.30 MB, 3264x1836, 20150117_230121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make it better

>> No.1947347

learn to draw cubes and spheres and ellipses very precisely

>> No.1947348

>How do i get the proportions right
>Any techniques on planning?
Draw a gesture first.

This gesture can be anything from an actual line like skeleton to a scribbly blob vaguely shaped like your intended piece.

You work on the simple gesture first and check if the lenghts of the segments correspond to the proportions of the human body.

>> No.1947351

I practice this quiet along side with the Peter Han exercise. My question is how do I go about learning human anatomy and how do I create their form? It seems like no matter what shape I draw, it's no use.

Any beginner tutorials out there explaining the methods? Videos or Books?

>> No.1947354

jazza has a bad style in my opinion
does that book teach you how to draw realistically or the cartoony way he does?

thanks for the tip

>> No.1947356

Kind of, yes. He drew his own comic style characters on the side, asking to connect the dots to mimic their gestures with the method he provided. Sadly, I'm unable to grasp his method as I feel like I'm missing some steps.

Basically, I just want to how to draw the human anatomy of the body. I have all these shapes I can draw, but without any idea of how to place them, they're useless.

Where did anyone else start on anatomy? It doesn't seem like the sticky provides any info on this either.

>> No.1947360

Every now and them I just stop drawing for 3 days or so, then when I come back its just gone to crap

>> No.1947365

this should help
check out the rest of his channel too

thats not good
if you truly love art and want to get good you have to draw a lot
i dont think those long breaks are good for you

>> No.1947367

Thank you so much anon.
I just couldn't finish Fun with a Pencil cause of the section that makes you draw the body, and ever since I've been looking for any tutorial that didn't charge. I've even went out and purchase some of those tutorials, only to fail.

I've haven't looked the video yet since I'm going to bed soon, but I'll no doubt look into this first thing tomorrow morning.

>> No.1947371

Check out this article http://www.idsketching.com/toolbox/common-oversights/ - It was a little motivating for me and personally made me want to do more creative stuff from the usual "boring" studies I do from my books. It might motivate you to draw more.

>> No.1947406
File: 88 KB, 1600x1200, newgrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy here, I decided to go for a different style.

>> No.1947444

Hello. First post here.
Where do I look to practice angled poses? I can draw a basic front view with some guidelines and some rough anatomy knowledge, but trying to draw from a side view, I always feel that I'm going in blind

I'm on my phone. Sorry

>> No.1947494
File: 123 KB, 1000x745, stud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this I'm going back to perspective made easy and loomis

>> No.1947534
File: 3.29 MB, 4160x3120, 0118150250a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you make your waifu look like a monkey

>> No.1947536

Pose maniacs
You can turn the models
Draw the human body a lot and study it and learn to draw it from all angles
And i guess learning perspective would help too

>> No.1947537
File: 1.39 MB, 2560x1536, fka-twigs-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What its supposed to be, I didn't even know how to start on the hair

>> No.1947540

Videos are good, but I also recommend Hampton's figure drawing book and Vilppu's manual. They do a great job of teaching you how to use forms that you build upon.

>> No.1947545

but you nailed the similarity :^)

>> No.1947576

Next time, maybe not such a advanced pose

>> No.1947596
File: 591 KB, 2474x2065, IMG_0002 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time doing this something's wrong with my scanner sorry

>> No.1947632

Isn't that a bit advance for a beginner. I remember seeing something to study specific books before jumping onto Hampton's figure drawing and Vilppu's manual.

>> No.1947656
File: 514 KB, 2162x1062, value.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually thought it was good for a moment but then i flipped, eh whatever

>> No.1947664

What the... Is this deja-vu? I could've sworn I've seen this exact post, with the exact writing in the previous threads.

>> No.1947676

While I read the sticky, should I be doing drawings at the same time of what Im learning?

>> No.1947680

You can do both. Try doing as much from the sticky, and once you're done with your study, challenge yourself with one more exercise by drawing something you'd want to draw whether it's from imagination or your favorite art somewhere.

>> No.1947681

Not getting the correct features/values is a common problem with newbies, so i can see this happening with a lot of people who forget to flip more often.

>> No.1947711
File: 89 KB, 295x685, Tharja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howd I do
I think Im just starting to get the get the feel of perspective properly
I think the Elbow looks a bit out of place

>> No.1947721

Why do you do this to yourself? I don't understand.

>> No.1947727

Because I generally suck and making slow improvements?

>> No.1947729
File: 881 KB, 2250x3252, female anatomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, retard. Why do you avoid everyone's advice. Here, with pic related draw the girl on the very left with the anatomy practice you've received. Don't draw your animu bullshit on it, you're clearly not ready for that subject.

Just draw the female on the very left and go about it from there. If it looks like crap, draw her again. If it still looks like crap, draw her again, and again, and again, and again. Get it as close as possible, but at least give it 20 attempts or more.

>> No.1947739
File: 2.66 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's eh.

>> No.1947745
File: 45 KB, 227x645, Default.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes a bit hungry
I guessed her waist and biggest hip size based off that image info
Still...Better than 2 weeks ago

>> No.1947748

Not really. You just need some basic perspective knowledge.

>> No.1947749
File: 108 KB, 380x380, 1421262575678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to figure out how to draw a head
I feel like screaming in anger and getting drunk now, why do you nerds put up with this shit?

>> No.1947751

if you mean like portrait from a reference then draw everyday stuff around you first. Its about spotting right angles. Then you will have it easier when doing face.

>> No.1947756

It meant 'one head' in terms of the head's height not width.

>> No.1947758

Nah I'm just trying to make the shape, but I think I went in too far. But I'll do what you said, thanks.

>> No.1947783

Keep at it.

>> No.1947787
File: 1.17 MB, 3528x4557, high or low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here for my daily exercise (took way longer than it should have). This time tried a bit of perspective. Critique welcome.

>> No.1947793

>tier whores

>> No.1947799

don't hate the setplay bruh

>> No.1947808


Hope you're using that word ironically.

>> No.1947811

how bout u ironic this
*grabs balls*

>> No.1947814

back the fuck off ?>?

>> No.1947818


Oh wow, didn't think I'd ever see you post here. Small world, huh?

>> No.1947838

Feet should reach the butt
Idk what else is wrong im a beginner too

>> No.1947850

who's askin? =3=

>> No.1947858

Consider doing your own research instead of asking for help. It'll help in the long run

>> No.1947859


I'm worried to type anymore since the sightliest hint will blow my cover. Just know I don't come to this site.

>> No.1947948
File: 398 KB, 2592x2290, 121015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took me too much time then it should

>> No.1947954



>> No.1947972

Whats a good book with lots of exercises for perspective, especially concerning the body, I know there are probably better books that focus only on perspective but I find it applied to anatomy would probably be more interesting to me.

>> No.1947981

loomis covers perspective with some bodies.

>> No.1948061

don't worry, person who knows who i am, i've only been on 4shit since 2005. we can be friends.

>> No.1948206

Watching Proko videos, learned how to draw realistic eyes, lips, and nose. Upon drawing my ref, I notice my gradiate was off on the shadow among other things.

My faces look completely disoriented, but I feel like it's because my circles come off horribly. Looking at the Peter Han exercises, it looks like he covers both methods of drawing a circle and gradiate levels. I need to get on that.

>> No.1948330

Being unable to make those perfect shapes gets to us, but we'll make it if we work enough

>> No.1948333
File: 1.01 MB, 1531x922, study 180115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>l-looking good
>zoom out

>> No.1948335

I feel like if my circles were better, my faces would come out a lot smoother, at least. Because my circle comes out uneven, so does the entire face. If I just got it a little closer...

>> No.1948342
File: 1011 KB, 1495x915, study 180115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops fixed the nose a little

>> No.1948406
File: 125 KB, 812x680, Bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im back
5th drawing done
The Stomach is looking much better now I know that its one head long not wide

>> No.1948448
File: 380 KB, 1554x688, Symetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Symmetry feels good
But is the eyes to high?

>> No.1948482

Is new thread guy kill?

>> No.1948490




>> No.1948531

Just late, sorry. Someone made a new thread anyway, so it's all good.

>> No.1949161
File: 79 KB, 400x600, 6iou2zbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1949926
File: 59 KB, 1500x1000, elcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stuck