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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 379 KB, 650x999, wolf viking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1941869 No.1941869 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Jamie Jones so highly praised?

I get that his art is good, but why do so many people point to him as the best digital painter?

Not bashing on him I think he's an amazing artist, but what makes him considered the best? It doesn't even seem he markets himself at all

>> No.1941871

>he's not the best
Post a name of an better digital artist then, and explain why he is better.
Pro tip: you can't.

>> No.1941872
File: 608 KB, 1279x719, 1364526353-destiny-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


for me personally, and i am beyond obsessed with the guy, it's the eloquence. the precision with which he makes a simple yet breathtakingly-beautiful statement. he is insanely good, his work has a level of quality very rarely seen in digital illustration. and thus a level of... life and 'personality'... it's a bit difficult to explain.

cool thread though. only thing i like doing more than talking about jaime or craig is painting.

>those clouds... hnnnnngggggg

>> No.1941876

for me it's just as bland. humorless and boring as any other digital artist with no comedic voice. There's nothing new in his work. I couldn't pick it out of a line-up of digital artists.

>> No.1941886
File: 198 KB, 1400x627, Blackzero_interior__halll_v2_110624_jj_lr_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I couldn't pick it out of a line-up of digital artists

i think you could if you really tried. and how is there nothing new in his work? you ever seen something like pic related? no, you haven't.

if you are expecting him to reinvent the wheel o f entertainment media and stop borrowing from popular scifi and fantasy themes, then yeah you are expecting something from him that he doesn't set out to do. within the boundaries of these themes though, his work is incredibly fresh. both thematically/creatively AND technically.

why does his work need a comedic voice? i really didn't understand that claim.

>> No.1941894

Ive heard great artist who only work in oil / traditional method say that jamies compositions are on par or that he is the greatest composter since frazetta.

that is saying something imo/.

>> No.1941896

it's just how i judge artists. comedy isn't always laughing out loud. sometimes comedy is just clever. Getting from A to C. that kind of stuff.

People who only reach for technical ability end up getting lost in the group. Sure you can look at it and go "It's cool someone accomplished that" but it never leaves a lasting impression.

humor is really where artists, whether it be in music, painting, or pottery ( The three most important artistic fields) really differentiate themselves

>> No.1941897


good guy! composting is definitely a very cool hobby, and you can use it to grow your own vegetables or something.

>> No.1941900


what digital illustrator/artist stands out due to his comedic voice or cleverness in your opinion? genuinenly curious.

>> No.1941913
File: 544 KB, 1280x960, trafficlights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people who have achieved success with it, even if it's fleeting are danny brown, nicholas gurewitch ( who i think let's the jokes get in the way of the art sometimes), hidetaka miyazaki, and i think a lot of what pixar and disney do is a great example ( having to produce for kids is a great catalyst for creativity because you need to make content that is appropriate for children while also entertaining for adults)

danny brown is also writing a children's book so he has that same creative drive to make his jokes subtle enough to entertain adults and children.

I know some of those people aren't digital artists or visual artists at all but they are great examples

im not saying what jaime jones does isn't exemplary, but I like to see technicality come together with writing and creativity. Sometimes I feel great artists waste a lot of talent when they only focus on creating imagery that is beautiful but empty.

pic related: my measly attempts at children's humor with adult themes

>> No.1941915


Never said he wasn't, I'm just curios why he's up for the title.

Also Craig Mullins, but I couldn't explain why

>> No.1941919
File: 286 KB, 780x1024, vincent-van-gogh-skull-of-a-skeleton-with-burning-cigarette1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, van gogh worked humorously and retained a childlike quality in a lot of his work too. sometimes people get so lost in technicality they never return to it though

>> No.1941920

and there was a great little series of paintings by basquiat of upright canvases with crudely drawn windows so the canvases looked like city buildings.

>> No.1941922

these threads are disappointing because most of the people participating them are still drawing the backs of their hands trying to improve. You have no idea why these high level guys blow you away.

I'll point something out about wow look at how this dude paints fucking grass, look at these comps, look at the colors in the snow! And because you're not there yet it's just not registering.

But the good news is I like anime too, so I'm happy to talk about cool anime shit with my homies.

>> No.1941927

i hope you don't say shit like this to other people in real life...

>> No.1941928
File: 2.77 MB, 2070x1611, img090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought i was the only person who liked Danny Brown....

>> No.1941929

Nothing wrong with anything he said, some people are just on a higher level than others.

>> No.1941930


>subtly calling your peers incompetent

u lookin for trouble mate?

>> No.1941931

I learned from other people in real life. I like being around intelligent people. even when I'm wrong.

>> No.1941938

nope, me too bagbosse, if that is actually you

>> No.1941939

I'm also a danny brown fan... in doses.

>> No.1941942


>> No.1941946
File: 130 KB, 554x832, Danny-Brown-16-Sheefy-McFly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did i get the right danny brown? how is this remotely comparable to jaime jones? i don't get it ... no offense

>> No.1941953

hes a rapper

>> No.1941960


yeah well, there you have it. jiro, the world famous sushi master, makes much better sushi than danny brown. that's why i consider jiro to be a better artist. i just... you know, like my art to taste really good.

^ as retarded as it sounds that is you right now op.

>> No.1941982
File: 1.17 MB, 1099x1850, page1_c_by_yangqi917-d7xpq0l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP. Jaime is a pretty good allround guy, but honestly, there are plenty of other artists who blow me away in their specific expertise in a way that Jaime never could. Jin Kim for example when it comes to pure drawing skills and character design. Yang Qi for amazingly accurate lighting and values. Mullins and Paul Felix for striking value statements and compositions. Peleng when it comes to story telling and humor. Ruanjia for his amazing rendering ability and richness in colors and use of greys.

Jaime is great and all, but there is no such thing as "the best" and there are plenty of artists equal or better than him in certain areas. Trying to deny that is just being a mindless fanboy.

>> No.1941990


that image is incredible. i had no idea yang qi did shit like that. i'm impressed. and you are right, there is no absolute best. at the top of the totem pole everyone has his particularities, and it becomes a matter of taste largely.

>> No.1942013

>be chinese
>go out
>take a photo of a local temple
>have average (chinese) skill
>copy the photos
Not that hard bro, don't let the multiple images trick you into thinking they are a very good single one. If you look at them separately you'll see that they are pretty average pro stuff, nothing that should "blow you away".

>> No.1942021

Never thought of the be Chinese have Chinese temples factor. Tho good is good. I feel like the foreign element overpowers people into thinking it's better or more fantastic than it is.

>> No.1942036


the cake is strong in this one obi won.


>> No.1942044

Personally I consider Dan Luvisi to be the best

>> No.1942049

get out squiggles

>> No.1942079
File: 122 KB, 625x626, 1388021465880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1942120

my first 4chan reply post, not sure if im doing right but here is my opinion. i think the original poster is right, everyone keeps talking about jaime jones how he is awesome and all, but for me his artworks are just whatever, its very abstract, no detail, no rendering and kind of uninteresting too. i dont fking get it. you know who is good? brad rigney, dan luvisi, dave rapoza, marek okon. those are good, you know it is their stuffs from a mile away. jaime jones? i cant tell which artwork is his and he doesnt even talk on FB or make tutorials or anything, he is completely silent. but somehow everyone goes crazy over him. i dont get it.

>> No.1942132


ahahaha this is high level bait. but i spotted it.

where's my medal?

>> No.1942164


>no comedic voice.

what the actual fuck?

>> No.1942167


butthurt hand-drawer detected

>> No.1942168
File: 474 KB, 1279x719, 1364526661-destiny-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You want bait? I'll give you bait.

Tell me how this Jaime Jones pic is better than merc_wip.

(because it's not)

>> No.1942169

just look at how far off to the side that left eye is

>> No.1942174


the alarm on my baitspotter 5000 is about to reach critical levels.

>> No.1942188


In favor of curiosity and in bucking the Jaime-bait, we don't know if Jaime did this; I wouldn't be surprised at all if Dorje or Ryan did this.

>> No.1942213

Jamie Jones is REALLY GOOD. But people suck his dick so much mostly because he was very distinctive in the early years of digital concept art, mostly highly praised in the CA.org.
Now hes just one of many, but people still parrot this "THE BEST" thing without real knowledge to understand what they're stating. Let's be fair, the average skill level here is low, still, people here like to say things as it's the only true rule.
Also, I'm way better than average here to say this, but won't post my work for obvious reasons. Peace.

>> No.1942216


You should let the merit of your comment rest in its content rather than your dubious character as an artist. The whole point of 4chan is anonimity anyway, too many faggots here are challenging each other's skill instead of each other's words and its cancerous, you can't even have a proper discussion without it degenerating into merc_wip shitposting.

>> No.1942229
File: 285 KB, 800x1095, 1-18-2008 v5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1942230


look at those brushstrokes in the background and tell me that's not pure JJ.

I like Jaime's work, too. All I'm saying is that some anon posted that here, it would become the new merc_wip.

>> No.1942236
File: 438 KB, 1512x489, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(though i have the utmost respect for this dude - and i believe this is a good way to learn anyway)

>> No.1942237
File: 859 KB, 1800x727, 1409252208954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1942238
File: 1.45 MB, 1607x987, 1409252166197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1942243


When you're good enough you can get away with reference all day, who gives a fuck if it gets the job done

Besides, hes the one getting paid Ar the end, axe the indignance and find skill

>> No.1942254

>who gives a fuck if it gets the job done

The noob this guy was replying to who claimed Yang Qi has average skill and relies on photos.

>> No.1942257
File: 763 KB, 3000x1744, yangqi917-the-eighty-one-disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be chinese
>go out
>take photo of monkey king, riding a giant sea-monster with a pig-man and a priest
>have average (chinese) skill
>copy the photo

Seems like you've got it all figured out, champ.

>> No.1942262

Because you're not supposed to post when challenged. It was foolhardy to begin with. You're a beginner if you think merc wip is amazing.

>> No.1942263

He's not implying merc wip is amazing, dumbass. He's implying that Jaime painting is so bad that it would be ridiculed on the same level as merc wip is right now. Not that I agree though, the painting is clearly better than Merc wip. If the face was fixed, it would look like reasonable quick character sketch.

>> No.1942264

if anon would post it on draw thread he would be called medicore

>> No.1942267

How would you know that? No anon has ever posted anything remotely close to this good in the draw thread.

>> No.1942272

saarunice and catbib are easy examples of people who posted BY FAR better character paitings, with better mood, brush control and color control and design

we cant talk about background here becouse its paintover

>> No.1942274

Yeah man, i agree - i dont post them to take anything away from him - maybe just allow people to accept that its okay to use reference as part of a learning process :)

>> No.1942275

also im pretty sure Jaime didnt paint this - i thought so too when i looked through the Destiny artbook, let me see if i can find the artist who did this.

>> No.1942278

>saarunice and catbib are easy examples of people who posted BY FAR better character paitings,

Uh, no, no they really haven't. And even if we disagree on that, those paintings they posted were never called mediore. Every time Catbib posts even a study, everyone creams their pants and asks for his brushes, workflow, tips etc.

>> No.1942279

In my post the context of "you're" refers to anyone not the person I'm replying to. The rest of your post insults me and reiterates the same idea we have already been addressing. So your post is redundant.

>> No.1942282
File: 364 KB, 1500x741, adrianm_destiny_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, heres the guy i think it could be - but see how the two char paintings on his site sort of resemble Jaime-esque brushwork - everyone who worked with jaime on destiny, sort of took that thing to them, im sure they used to opportunity to learn from him - or maybe he set the look for the art so they had to follow suit - who knows.

>> No.1942283

Jaime by the way does have a stronger drawing. Calling me a dumbass is a true error on your observation skills, as an artist. Take a look at how Jaime handles a simple pose versus the artist of merc wip. These little things register in the unconscious of even beginners who don't quite know what's going on. By the way I said the drawing wasn't amazing however I believe him to be one of the stronger artists on here. It's a shame he got caught up in dick swinging.

>> No.1942289
File: 758 KB, 4000x2076, Destiny-Bungie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw be rather unknown artist who is good enough that everyone confuses your work with Jaime's
>Jaime gets all the credit for your work

Must be annoying to be that guy.

>> No.1942297

>Because you're not supposed to post when challenged.

Why not? Because then everyone would see your terrible Loomis copies?

People here act like it's some kind of point of pride never to back their words up with their work. It's not. You just pretend that it is because it helps you save face when someone calls you out on being a terrible artist and you know you can't prove them wrong.

>> No.1942301
File: 212 KB, 850x582, abi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that Ryan Demita? Maybe he shouldn't copy Jaime's style so closely if he doesn't want to get mistaken for him. :p

>yfw you realize a lot of Jaime Jone's work from a few years ago is extremely merc_wip tier. pic related.

What will you guys do when merc_wip guy is working on the next Bungie game?

>> No.1942312

The appeal of Jamie jones for me is his abillity to describe form and texture with a very impressionistic painting style.

>> No.1942323


>> No.1942332

May i know who this Merc_wip guy is and whats wrong with him?

>> No.1942337

Okay. Post your work then. Now, I'M gentle. But good luck with the rest of these shitdicks.

>> No.1942343

>whats wrong with him?
You don't have to be bad to become a meme you know. He just posted a mediocre image at the best time possible for memefication.

>> No.1942348

Most of us do seem to take informal posts at literal face value. It's an understandable mistake since we are only posting in text format on an anonymous message board. There is no context or inflection for you to work with here. So you've asked.

>why not?

I said.
>because it was foolhardy to begin with
Now, did you you read that as?

Here's what I'll say right now, you can take it at face value.
>Post whatever you want!
It's cool. just don't try to understand the savage nature of an anonymous message board. Don't try to understand why people respond to images the way they do. I warn you not to respond autistically(once again not calling you autistic, not even suggesting you'd be offended by this as a SJW would!) to stupid shit like "POST UR WORK" and you seem to react, as if it were, a violation of human rights.

I like to understand why successful images work, and not so successful images fall. That is all I'm doing. Just prove me wrong, I might even agree with you.

>> No.1942423


no man. honestly no. saaru and catbib are fucking gods but, still, no.

>> No.1942427


the problem is that as you get better, you should naturally stop being an overagressive dick on /ic/. both out of artgains-induced maturity and confidence, and out of the fact that now everyone starts recognizing your work, making it a bit dangerous to go berserk on noob posters with stupid opinions (especially if you are about to drop the anonimity). in favor of mercwip guy though, he is definitely one of the best regular posters on this board, and i can understand how you get caught up in an ugly internet-fight when there's just SO MUCH passion in this. i mean we all love art, we get mad as fuck about what we perceive to be wrong opinions because this shit means SO much to us. atleast that's how i feel about it.

put incredibly passionate people with conflicting opinions in a room, let them argue, and they'll most likely end up killing eachother.

>> No.1942455


I thought half the issue with merc_wip guy was that some asshat took his image and claimed it as his own during a shit slinging competition.

Also an issue with /ic/ is its insistance of being the anti-tumblr/anti-da. Since a lot of posters here are straight up amateurs all you get is a bunch of unneeded hostility when the whole point was to be truthful and honest. Plus 4chan gets a lot of /r9k/ types with the shittiest goddamn attitudes towards every goddamn thing, and art is a field where a shitty attitude is one of the hugest roadblocks towards your development.

I wouldn't say it's about passion so much as it is guys who just have a compulsive need to start shit with people over nonsense, whether its from a "I AM INFALLIBLE AND ANYONE WHO DISAGREES IS OBVIOUSLY WRONG AND NEEDS TO BE SHOWN THAT THEY'RE WRONG" or "Woe is me I am a meek, self-defeatist loser who collapses at the slightest hint of challenge and I need to be given reassurances that this is hard so I am justified in complaining and not doing this because it is so hard."

>> No.1942504

>an issue with /ic/ is its insistance of being the anti-tumblr/anti-da
>art is a field where a shitty attitude is one of the hugest roadblocks
And that's why we are anti-DA and anti-tumblr. Or rather why we should be, since lately the influence of the idiots coming here from these two sites is stronger than ever. A few years ago posting shit like the tumblr sharing thread would have been unthinkable.

>> No.1942543

>anti-DA and anti-tumblr

i don't even know what that means

>> No.1942546

It means you should use proper punctuation and capitalization, among other things.

>> No.1942590

>few years ago
>posts image that is over a decade old

>> No.1942607

>just another normal Tuesday in Chinese mainland

>> No.1942620

did ruan jia or craig mullins make this?

>> No.1942634


i can't believe 2004 was 20 years ago

>> No.1942635


Yang Qi did, you amateur

>> No.1942656


ok, those are actually good reasons. nevermind.

>> No.1942668
File: 47 KB, 609x915, 1382063011127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1943555

what an ugly man

>> No.1943604

The weight of the pose is better than merc-wip. That's all that matters.

>> No.1943822

People have opinions, how shocking. What are you even asking OP, why do some people like things? There's is no general one answer to your rhetorical ass question.

>> No.1943827

That's cool. I hope you're not saying this ironically just to rustle Jimmies...

>> No.1943837


first point is debatable, second is pants-on-head retarded.

>> No.1943892

>first point is debatable
Different anon here, but I find that hard to believe. The painting by Not-Jaime has a very natural and believable stance. There is a very believable sense of weight and counterweight. One of merc_wip's greatest faults is the unbelievably stiff stance. Pose comes off as a mannequin holding weightless props.

I'd like to see an argument that states the opposite, but I genuinely don't feel that's possible.

>> No.1943895

power armor makes shit easy to hold

>do you even lift without power armor

>> No.1943900

>unbelievably stiff stance

that's the point you dofus, have you ever seen marching armies or even guards? they're stiff and robotic soulless war machine, who's gonna pose like taking a selfie pic in a war? top kek.

>> No.1943903

Your entire post is shirt on waist retarded.

>> No.1943906
File: 19 KB, 300x238, eJTFsIMQAuaj7pOtZlc9vCIVrU1bDPoo3EmGHmIIg9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not hard to find extremely casual poses in war.... i'm pretty sure the entire film Jarhead was about how much time is wasted preparing for battle while being a killing machine.

>> No.1943910


OP here

I wanted to know what make him not only good, but better than so many others. It wasn't rhetorical in the slightest. I'm in awe at how much one digital artist who has virtually no presence online is so influential and admired.

Obviously he is amazing, but what is it that puts him above everyone else. He's not the only one with an amazing sense of color or light or composition.

But it has been enjoyable to see a thread I've started blow up and to look at the anal flabbergastration I must have caused with this post.

>> No.1943911
File: 58 KB, 425x600, Turkish_Female_Soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by the way if merc_wip san just put the knife away in his drawing he might receive less flak

even a simple google search shows a completely casual and natural pose. This is reference!

>> No.1943912

then it can be just either one but the merc_wip is fine after his killing attempt he doesn't need to pose like some super cool hollywood assassin.

>> No.1943915

She's so small!

>> No.1943916

>have you ever seen marching armies or even guards?
Literally the only time you see stiff poses, but even then there's a sense of weight and believability. The action in merc_wip is unclear, but whatever situation he's in it certainly isn't something ceremonial where a stiffness is expected.

And even if the stiffness was intentional, it was still done incredibly poorly

power armor? Are we looking at the same merc_wip? I see normal fabric attire, with some scifi-ish plates of armor on top. There's literally modern straps and buckles holding everything together. That isn't power armor, and even if it were that wouldn't excuse the awkward pose.

>> No.1943920

There is a difference between a stiff figure and a stiff position.
Frazetta's male characters are often in very stiff positions but the figure never looks stiff.
I'm getting baited hard, but whatever.

>> No.1943922

Every sign of this guy that he picked up a couple words to parrot in the past month.

Can you rephrase that utter drek of a sentence?

>> No.1943925

not my fault you have comprehension skill of a mushroom.

>> No.1943931

No your mother took a mushroom stamp from my prick. And you kept eating paint thinner.

>> No.1943932


You people complain too much yet still can't draw better than that merc_wip.

Post your works faggots.

>> No.1943933

I only kept eating paint thinner as long as your mom keeps eating my dick.

>> No.1943936

>no "eat your words" comeback

is arguing like this just masturbating for lazy people?

>> No.1943938


the thing about merc_wip.jpg is that it was actually pretty good, at least compared to most of what gets posted on /ic/. the only reason people here laugh about it is because some other anon stole it, acted like a dickhead, and tried to win an argument by pretending it was his. people only hate merc_wip because they associate it with that dickhead. (there's some debate about whether the original artist acted like a dick at some point, too, but I've never seen him be anything but cool. And anyway, this is /ic/, and all of us occasionally act like d/ic/ks.)

the Destiny art in >>1942168, which is probably by either Jaime or Dorje (probably not Ryan; he uses the hard round a lot more I think) is really about the same level as merc_wip as far as rendering goes. The pose is more natural, the strokes are more economical, it was clearly done more quickly... but it's flawed, too. The face is very wonky, for instance.

But that's ok, because even great artists do work that's flawed. Most of the work they do is flawed, most likely; you only ever see the art they think is good enough to post online, which is a small fraction of their total output. No one gets to a high level without constantly pushing outside their comfort zone and failing hard.

>> No.1943939

>giving effort and getting riled up in argument

top kek

>> No.1943942

nobody said merc_wip was terrible. it reveals lack of experience that you keep associating crit of the work with jealousy or bitterness.

you derailed the thread because you were unable to defend your original position. you will continue to derail the thread because it occupies your time away from having to paint.

>> No.1943944

I already defended it, you're just too retarded to listen and get it.

>it occupies your time away from having to paint
>implying I can't paint while owning your ass at the same time

>> No.1943945


It's a failure of communication on their part. It's super easy to just phrase it as "It's good but..." and it makes their position super clear: they like it but there's some flaws in it. If all you do is point out the flaws others get the impression that you're just nitpicking or you hate the thing or whatever.

>> No.1943947

I can point out why it's good. The difference between me and that dude is that he can't point out why it's good.

All you can do is imply. You have nothing to prove. It's free for you to say whatever you want.

>> No.1943950

>I can do this I can do that
>doesn't even post one word worth shit

sure you can champ

>> No.1943953
File: 157 KB, 932x672, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rewind time

>first point is debatable, second is pants-on-head retarded.

This was your original post. Put up or shut up time anon. You haven't backed anything up. So start yapping.

You can't. You're garbage. I even bet you even created this fine thread >>1943812

So back to your containment board bitch nigga.

>> No.1943956

rewind time


that's my debate which you counter it with another post which I counter it with another post then spiraling down to me owning you then here, you don't want to rewind anon, you'll just get hurt again :^)

>> No.1943957

>This was your original post. Put up or shut up time anon.

you're arguing with someone who didn't make that post, anon. I know because I made it, and I haven't bothered to argue over it since.

>> No.1943961

yet back in the nick of time. I'm calling out a bitch nigga


>> No.1943979

>the thing about merc_wip.jpg is that it was actually pretty good, at least compared to most of what gets posted on /ic/.
No, it isn't. The only thing it has going for it that the Destiny art doesn't is that it's more polished, but that isn't a good thing in this case. Merc_wip is bad even by the original artist's standards at that point in time. Sure he's better now, but even back then this was arguably one of his weakest that he posted online. As in it's so bad that I was surprised that he even made it.

I'm not denying that you can see some technical skill in it, but the idea and the execution are crap. Even that destiny pic isn't that great but it's still leagues better than merc. Time spent polishing doesn't make the piece better.

>> No.1943986


you must really hate your own work, if you think merc_wip is that bad. still, no denying that it's leagues better than most of what you see people posting in drawthreads here.

>> No.1944002

>you must really hate your own work, if you think merc_wip is that bad.
The artist that made it said recently said that he wasn't 100% satisfied with it, but that the client liked it so he was fine with that.

>no denying that it's leagues better than most of what you see people posting in drawthreads here.
Well, that depends. You can't compare professional quality art against amateur level art. That's apples and oranges. Merc_wip is a professional piece made for a client in the same way that the destiny piece is, though I imagine the destiny one was in-house. Those are comparable and merc lacking at best. Even compared with other professional quality art that gets posted here occasionally, merc is towards the bottom of that totem pole.

>> No.1944007

>Sure he's better now, but even back then this was arguably one of his weakest that he posted online
That's kind of the point. He posted something so he could still have something to show, but it wasn't something good enough that it had been posted under his name anywhere else.

If you dig around every pro artist (even Jaime) has weaker pieces that they never post themselves because it would lower your impression of them.

>> No.1944012

No, the point was that someone said it was pretty good when compared to that destiny pic. I'm saying that it isn't pretty good. I never denied that artists I admire can produce bad work.

>> No.1944025

Oh. Yeah. The Destiny pic I don't think is Jaime because the markmaking is wayyyy sloppier than his usual work and the face is pretty wonky...that being said I agree it still is stronger than merc_wip.

>> No.1944028

Agreed 100%

>> No.1944031


>You can't compare professional quality art against amateur level art.

Lol. What? The only difference is that one is done for money and one isn't. They're not "apples and oranges". They're not categorically incomparable.

The guy who did merc_wip is like 21 years old, iirc. Jaime Jones is going on 30. Why isn't it ok to compare amateur work to professional work, but totally sensible to compare the work of two artists who have almost a decade of experience difference?

You aren't thinking this through. You're just drawing arbitrary lines to delineate what is and isn't comparable to suit your argument.

>> No.1944036

>hi level

no it isn't it's newb tier trial bait...

he isn't subtle at all like all top level trolls.

>> No.1944037

that brush work though.. i def think at his time he was fed up with all the muh borgue.

and just was having fun with it.

>> No.1944042

>The only difference is that one is done for money and one isn't.
That's not the only difference between amateur level art and professional quality art. There's generally a minimum threshold to even land good clients in the first place. You can easily see a difference between amateur and professional quality work regardless if it was done for a client or not. It certainly is unfair to compare professional quality work with that of an amateur. That's like trying to compare a licensed plumber against some guy who watched a youtube video. Or comparing an MLB athlete against a little league player. You compare art with the work of their peers, and amateur vs professional is a simple way to apply a binary division to a spectrum of skill levels. Merc_wip was done by a professional and for a client, and as such it makes sense to compare it to the work of other professionals.

>The guy who did merc_wip is like 21 years old, iirc. Jaime Jones is going on 30. Why isn't it ok to compare amateur work to professional work, but totally sensible to compare the work of two artists who have almost a decade of experience difference?
First off, Jaime didn't even paint that destiny pic. That much is painfully obvious.

Second, you can compare professionals because they are peers in that they compete for jobs. Yes there is a range of jobs out there from low profile to high profile, but these artists are certainly comparable vs comparing professionals against amateurs who just picked up a pencil.

>> No.1944044

In fact, comparing a new professional against the seasoned veteran is useful for the newer guy to see where he is lacking in his work. You can't assume all amateurs wish to produce professional quality work, so you can't classify them the same. Different standards are at play here. The professional artists are your apples. Once the amateur embarks to produce professional quality work, then there's both merit and reason to compare them against professionals. Not everything posted in the drawthreads are by professional hopefuls, or people who've even put any amount of real work towards that goal. As such, they are the oranges, still fruit, but a very different kind of fruit.

A drawing that is good for a 5 year old or good for an amateur isn't the same as art that is good for a professional. There are two different scales at play, and professional vs general population is both a good and useful distinction to make.

>> No.1945077

My apologies man, I'm always under the impression that threads like these are trolls not looking to understand, but just to talk shit. Since that has been the case on /ic/ for too long.