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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 101 KB, 800x906, wer45-j6fe2-992s3-i6cqu_800x906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1937069 No.1937069 [Reply] [Original]

Thread about problems that interrupted your art career/hobby

>Be Animation Student
>Currently aspiring and working very hard to go into CGI or serious 3d animation
>Painting is a long time passion
>Work as a cook to help pay for school and living costs
>constantly using my right hand, basically nonstop at this point
>Wrist pains for 2-3 weeks
>recently spread up to my inner palm (alone the thumb to Palm area)
>go to docs
>Anon you have carpal tunnel quite severely, you need to not be using your hand that much at all, and let it go down
>Can't paint
>Can't even digitally paint on my newish Cintiq
>Hurts to masturbate
>still work, but it's incredibly painful
>Worried my artistic skills will start to grow rusty, but can't continue to work on things without shooting pains
>Can't even play damn vidya's for long because it gets painful

>> No.1937081

Anon for the sake of your future career, you really should listen to the doctor. Just give drawing a pause for a few weeks, invest the time you can not draw into studying/ learning about art. In these other jobs, try to use your left hand as much as often so your right one gets some rest. You only got this one or you should consider getting good at handling everything with the left hand.

>> No.1937082

frank frazetta had a stroke you bitch

>> No.1937083

>too bad

>> No.1937106

i find it hard to believe some noob got carpel tunnel syndrome

>> No.1937133
File: 252 KB, 582x700, metamorphosis_kazuhiko_nakamura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This last year of school, and school in its entirety

>Already know what I want to do
>have a focus
>all required classes completed
>still have the nagging of two classes that ask for the odd homework assignment that is unrelated to my endeavors
>have to get up early for school to begin with, which makes me tired
>exhaustion and exasperation intensify
>still draw, but constantly tired
>afraid I'm killing my body by working late into the night just to wake up for a groggy, shitty day at school

I'm removed as it is since this whole year for me is excessive. I'm going all 4 years instead of graduating early to work on my portfolio as much as I can.

I think the long-term benefits of my current lifestyle will make me happy in the future, so whatever.

It's hard though to take classes you don't need around people that rub you every wrong way.

>sorry for bitching like a faggoty little niggerific 13-year-old

>> No.1937151

use your left hand, it's not that hard

>> No.1937158

Have little to no skill with left hand, can barely write a word with it

Only thing I can do well with it is type and hold stuff

>> No.1937172
File: 173 KB, 225x224, 1374897414350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice man! If you keep using it it's gonna get worse and worse. Stop using it. All you have to do is gain motor control of you left hand, you still have all your other knowledge. Listen to doctor anon, anon!

>> No.1937174

That's because you don't use it.
I do everything with my left hand save for writing and drawing since I got a cast for 4 months playing football.
You don't realize how capable your off-hand is until you train it.

>> No.1937183
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>be reaallly shitty about this time last year
>mom comes up and asks me too start my website to post stuff
>look at stuff
>its shit
>mom im not ready
>"if you arent ready then you cant draw"
>post shit
>mom wonders why I havent made any money from it
>"i-it looks good anon"
>its shit mom, I wasnt ready to launch the website
>Spend the year studying and building up confidence
>"fuck you, move out"

and here I am, on the edge of tomorrow without a resume and no place to stay

>> No.1937188


>Dislocated my thumb on my drawing hand and wore a splint for three months
>Focused on learning to draw with my arm instead

Everything was okay.

>> No.1937193

I'm in a similar situation right now.

>Plan to spend first two years out of college grinding art to get art job
>going into my second year
>Dad suddenly tells me I have to be out by next month
>well, shit
>Decide to get married and move in with husband
>he wants to either buy a house or stay with his parents, fuck renting
>parent's house is out in buttfuck nowhere
>option 1: get car and parttime job, live for cheap while asian inlaws judge me for not being doctor/engineer/lawyer
>option 2: get real job to help pay mortgage, kill all dreams

I'm trying to find the motivation to keep working while I still have a home, but instead I just end up drinking and browsing /ic/.

>> No.1937211

>>option 1: get car and parttime job, live for cheap while asian inlaws judge me for not being doctor/engineer/lawyer
>>option 2: get real job to help pay mortgage, kill all dreams

Besides being asian and not having a truck, Im in the same pot as you.
Congrats on being married though.

The only scary thing about buttfuck nowhere is ghosts, but that's only if someone died in the house or you are on top of a grave.
Its scary and exiting at the same time, all of this.

>> No.1937265

Everyone in this thread besides OP should commit suicide

>> No.1937277

>Hurts to masturbate

Im sorry anon

>> No.1937281

keep practicing, dont be silly

>> No.1937318

>Hurts to masturbate

OP should kill self before anyone else does

>> No.1937329
File: 9 KB, 500x369, 1408601213439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I started college, I no longer have the free time I used to have which is funny because people say that when you're in college/uni, you're supposed to have more time.

>finish high school
>fuck yeah I'm ready for a course related to arts or language!
>mom: can I borrow your advisement form for a bit? This will be very quick
>mom: ok now let me pass this to the enrollment and filing office real quick. You can just rest here or tour the school, honey
>mfw mom put Accountancy in my enrollment form behind my back
>no more time to draw
>must compute taxes and shit

It has been a constant struggle ever since. I was never meant for maths.

>> No.1937335

Why don't you have free time? I want to get into accountancy actually, but i also want to do stand-up and develop my drawing. Will I be spending 24/7 working at accountant stuff or something?

>> No.1937382

No. If you're good at analyzing transactions, you will be fine, anon. Afterall, while there are some formulas that need to be memorized, most of the time, you will only be dealing with subtraction, addition, multplication yada yada on your calculator. When computing taxes, you will be provided tables too that has everything you need.

The only reason why I don't have much time is because I'm bad at analyzing. I have to git gud and go through a lot of materials. Also, in my school, the professors teach fuck all and then give out exams with NO choices, INTENTIONALLY wrong amounts/numbers as part of the problems and a lot more that look like they were pulled out from previous board exams. I don't know if this is how they do it in western schools as well.

So with classes having no one pass the exams even though a lot of them were valedictorians in high school, it really puts me on the edge and thus I have to constantly practice.

>> No.1937399

>love drawing
>suck at it
>draw more
>still suck at it

>> No.1937400

Why don't you change your major bro?

>> No.1937402

I'm already a 4th year. It will be such a waste to shift courses now.

>> No.1937404

We'll make it bruh

>> No.1937411

Oh, that's too bad then. Well, at least you'll have a way to get money. Just don't get married if you still want an art career, because if you do get married, you're highly likely to never leave your accounting job due to financial security needs.

>> No.1937412
File: 1.62 MB, 416x318, aryan_man_laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.1937451

You're already married, arent you?

>> No.1937452

I'm not. Thankfully.

>> No.1937748
File: 72 KB, 500x602, Doctor Piccolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rest and take the dose.

>> No.1937799

Pick option 1, While doing Art on the side. Two pronged approach; make money to keep yourself alive to art another day.

In the meantime keep honing your skills to try and get that art job you want. When you're ready, Make the switcheroo.

Will it be hard? Probably. But the good things aren't easy. Thats how it works.

>> No.1937835
File: 29 KB, 400x300, crying-statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>struggling with genius tablet last few years
>it's a real pain
>can't but wacom tablets in a shithole i live
>still managed somehow to learn to draw
>got money to order intuos pro
>sorry, we don't have it yet, but we can order it will come within a week
>o-ok call me when it arrives then
>can't draw on a genius ever since
>can't think about anything else
at least I have a pencil and a sketchbook

>> No.1937836

I mean buy

>> No.1937976

>get no qualifications in school
>decide to pursue art
>get kicked out of house
>get a job at a supermarket
>can't afford rent anymore
>get kicked out of house
>get fired for not being clean
>no way to get a job
>mowing peoples gardens and cleaning cars for tiny money
>get good enough to sell little watercolour paintings of town at marketplace
>do portraits there too
>get membership to leisure center
>can finally shower and stay warm
>still can't get job because nobody hires homeless
>doesn't bother me because I'm happy making money off what I love and have no other responsibilities
>get robbed
>no money
>no art supplies
>back to square one
It's kind of weird this thread appeared when it did. I'm leaving the leisure center in a few weeks when my membership expires, gonna have to go back to doing odd jobs for people. Hopefully this time I can save up enough money to rent a house and get a job
Buying pencils and paper is really out of my budget, I don't even have a bag anymore

>> No.1938685

>still drawing
>graduated in an unrelated subject
>got a job in a related field
>working as a developer
>artists gets fucked in the ass all the time
>mfw good pay, no loans and not fucked in the ass

>> No.1938688
File: 30 KB, 600x646, 123981246310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope shit works out for you man

>> No.1938702

(it's better with the left hand)

>> No.1938706

Have you been kicked out because you decided to be an artist or just because they decided you're too old to stay?

>> No.1938709

Murrica, everyone. Where parents willingly fuck up the life of their children for no apparent reason.
I'd probably try to screw their lives back if my parents did something like that to me.

>> No.1938710

and how are going to do that as a homeless person without any money.

>> No.1938714

He gets stronger, pulling his life out, becomes successful, comes back to parents only to realize that the only thing he can do is to thank them for making him a person he is.

>> No.1938716

sure, anon, just like all those other homeless people

>> No.1938720

This is so wrong I don't even know how people really believe this shit.

>> No.1938721

life is not pokemon you retard

>> No.1938723

Get creative, you're a fucking artist. I'm pretty sure you can come up with something if you really hate someone.

>> No.1938724

That's why most will fail.

>> No.1938734

Person you reacted to here, I'm not the homeless d/ic/k. I think if you're homeless it would be a big waste of time hating on people. How is that going to go get you anywhere?

>> No.1938752

mfw everytime i work in a company the main artist has carpal
There were even this guy that had this uglyass thing on the arm lol

not sure if coincidence thought

>> No.1938765

It will obviously be extremely detrimental, but it will probably feel pretty good if you can actually come back at them somehow. Will possibly get you a morale boost of sort too.

>> No.1938798

Not "coincidence". (Over)working your main hand/wrist will do that after long durations.

>> No.1938831
File: 106 KB, 1024x683, facepalm sculpture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got sexually harassed repeatedly by a couple of my peers in school and had to drop back a term to get away from them because it's easier for the school to tell me it's my fault than to actually do something about their majority toxic, ridiculously immature male student body.

Still get marginalized/discriminated against (if I had a dollar for everytime "[something good] happened to you just because you're a gil") on the regular and the faculty for the most part just tells me "that's how the industry is, learn to deal with it," but that's much easier to deal with than people actually touching and groping you and shit.

>> No.1938843


>> No.1938856

Ahaha you fucking failure. Serves you right. Now get the fuck out of here.

>> No.1938873

did you had a stroke writing this?

>> No.1938904

How the fuck can you afford to be on 4chan?

>> No.1938914

He's probably like those hobos and gypsies who beg for money "to buy food" and then go buy themselves some credit for their phone instead.

>> No.1939048

Better than drugs at least

>> No.1939051
File: 24 KB, 285x274, 1239872345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly boys. he needs to access the internet to be able to read all the useful tips & tricks shared here on /ic/, so he can become a better artist

>> No.1939054

>Reasons why.
Reasons whyyy~
You probably wear a shirt or blouse that shows a lil too much boob, Or you wear a sweater thats two sizes too small just because "these guys love it and it will convince them to date me and not express their sexual feelings."

>Reasons Why
You should know that sex sells, hell flirting sells. But it can also make the wrong person veery angry. Use it cautiously to work your way to the top.

>Reasons Why
You can tell them to stop and tell them you will call your lawyer. Even if you dont have a lawyer, you can bluff and watch the people fly away from you like a bunch of PTSD people who heard a firecracker.

>Reasons Why
its 100% your fault. Speak up nigga.

>> No.1939055

li berries
and McD's free wifi

>> No.1939060

Citation needed

>> No.1939067

there are none

>> No.1939074

Just take the sticky and leave.
thats the best advice

>> No.1939081

Yeah, I laughed my ass off at your stupidity.
>not being responsible
>letting yourself be molested
>a bloo bloo nobody defends me
>maybe if I make this post whiteknights will defend me!
You deserve all that happened, you little dumb shit.

>> No.1939087

>Blooo hoo, it's not muh fault how I act around boys!
>Waaaaugh, it's not muh fault how I act around girls!

>> No.1939098

I've been molested as a kid and forced to do things that I didn't want to do from a girl and it involved very intimate things and I remember how she bullied and held me up against the wall and she told me to love her and she demanded to french kiss her and I was just eight years old and she was like ten and guess what help I got? Absolutely nothing, and I am presupposed to deal with it as a boy although it's scarred me a lot but if this was the other way around guess who would of been crucified?

But no since she was a girl all she had to do was show some tears and blame me because I was the boy even though she overpowered me and was older than me I was the one who was demonized.

It goes both ways cunt.

>> No.1939120

I'll just suggest you don't post stuff like this in 4chan unless you're prepared for negative feedbacks. hope you gotten over it and take care.

for someone who experience the same situation being powerless first hand, I don't know why you would lash out on another one. hope you gotten over it as well and take care.

>> No.1939138

How someone dresses doesn't excuse harassment. I've seen dogs with more self-restraint then some of these guys that cry about how they "can't help" but harass girls.

This is like telling someone just not to have a creepy pedo rapist uncle. Or just not let their friends have guns or knives. Victims shouldn't be expected to police their perpetrators.

At the end of the day, though, yes, the faculty's solution was to basically ask me to dress in shittier clothes, because apparently being attractive is a crime. I used to wear leggings or stockings with shorts underneath with a skirt or shorts with T-shirts or tanktops (SoCal weather) - now I wear sweats and baggy T-shirts and consequently get harangued for looking like I don't care. There's not winning, but I guess that's the industry I chose.

As far as bluffing away threats, the main perpetrator was a very very rich European boy who was all to aware of my financial situation. Threatening him probably would've caused more trouble than it did, and the sad thing is literally letting shit happen and never saying anything about it STILL got me into hot water with him because I "confused him into asking to have sex with me with my good looks and ruined his life."

Everything's easier to reason your way out of when you're not actually experiencing it and all its specifics.

I have spoken up selectively since to staff, faculty, etc., but apparently there is no action to be done according to the school.

>> No.1939145

No one said it didn't?????

I'm sorry that happened to you. That is horrible and inexcusable and I can only hope some justice was brought to the situation... but it's no reason to antagonize other survivors or trauma.

If anything know and promote that there is solidarity in people who have shared these awful experiences. :(

I'm aware and I wouldn't have shared it if I was still traumatized enough to let some anons on 4ch rustle my jimmies, but your concern is appreciated. (:

>> No.1939149
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I just realized in the past week that the fact I have no confidence in my life means I can't make any progress with my art.

I sit down everyday and try to draw, sketch, paint or whatever. about 2 hours in to whatever I'm doing I throw it away out of impulse and give up for the day and wait for the next one. This has been going on for literally years, I've tried to sit down and do art with countless different mindsets to try and break the cycle. I dropped out of art school and I'm living at home and told my parents I would work on my art skills. My parents believe in me but they have no idea how much of a fuck-up I really am. I'm not interested in anything else, I don't want to do military either, so now I'm dumping my purse out on the internet.

>> No.1939190
File: 1.96 MB, 400x303, boner_powers_activate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she told me to love her and she demanded to french kiss her and I was just eight years old and she was like ten

your plight aids my erection

>> No.1939195
File: 1.30 MB, 320x170, Liberated Womyn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hurts Anon I still have bad dreams and wake up in the morning shedding a tear

>> No.1939196
File: 26 KB, 363x507, Bioshocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone is going to be nice to me because I'm me!

>creepy uncle
its not really. If someones uncle acts strange [letting your niece sit on his lap for too long grinding] then don't let the uncle near your niece.
>victims can't be expected to protect them self
Why do you think pepper spray and tazers are popular gifts for 17-30 year old chicks? How about you tell your robber that when he jacks your wallet and you?

> I used to wear leggings or stockings with shorts underneath with a skirt or shorts with T-shirts or tanktops (SoCal weather)
Congrats on wearing top fucking tier fetish clothes dude. I don't know what industry you work in, but it seems like these men didnt learn how to masterbate Jesus.
Also for the clothes, its a reasonable compromise.

This is like one of my Japanese Doujins, holy shit. What does finnance have to do with "no".
If he continued then you could have pressed charges like a goddamn adult.

Overall, it sounds like you work either offshore, in construction, or you are the 'porn-star/eye candy' in the office.

>> No.1939197

This gif always give me a hard on.

Also, has it affected you; Are you sadistic or submissive?
Girls forcing love is arousing for me, but its opposite for you, wierd

>> No.1939199
File: 720 KB, 1280x720, 1380205761850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit of both, get out of my head Anon this shit is getting scary.

>> No.1939202

Get your whale ass back to tumblr, where you convince everyone, that no rules should apply on womyns and that shouldt even consider taking any responsibilities of their actions.

>> No.1939206
File: 6 KB, 184x184, WILL_IT_BLEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to Freudians wild wild prepubescent ride. Step right up, and find out why you find things arousing and disgusting.

Have you found yourself to be angry when a girl approaches you for anything?
Do you like watching Forced porn?
Is your favorite color green or purple?

>> No.1939207

I work in concept art.

Anyways, clearly you're very convinced of your stance and there's really no benefit in my persuading you. The problem has been at least minimized to bearable for me so regardless of who is at 'fault' it's a non-issue at this point.

Thought this thread was for setbacks not for people to argue whose misery-dick is longer.

>> No.1939217

I changed my stance because Im trying to even it out. Theres only so much memespouting I can come up with before im pooped.

>misery dick
thats 4chan for you. who can be the biggest NEET.

Also if you told your boss that you were sexually harassed, and he did nothing but give a warning, then you can actually sue.
Its a part of corporate ethics, and ethical code.

>> No.1939233

This was in college.

Also not a dispute I would win given the college's status, the perpetrator's status, and my own status financially.

>> No.1939240

I have to chuckle a bit.
So you really were around horny college boys, no suprise. They thought you were cute and hit on you, but obviously someone took it too far.
You could have gone to the campus police and even the state police.
He had money, not a fucking gun to your face. Sure he would have balied, but you gotta let em know that he can't go around doing that shit you know?

The damage is done I suppose. You had sex when you didnt care for it, whoopie.

>> No.1939242

I-I love you anon

>> No.1939243

There was a whole mess of other factors in play, but yeah.

At the end of the day it still surprises how many people try to justify and explain his behaviour though. It's pretty sad, but at least a good way to tell right off the bat if someone is worth continuing to listen/talk to lol

>> No.1939250
File: 1.11 MB, 250x250, hehe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw, thats sweet anon.
You wanna cuddle and watch Netflix together?

>boys will be boys :^)
tsk tsk

>> No.1939251

>boys will be boys :^)
I-is that what I said?

>> No.1939266

I was saying that
> how many people try to justify and explain his behaviour though
goes in hand with the expression "boys will be boys"

>> No.1939271

I didn't say that?
I didn't say that only boys try to justify it?
sry I guess I'm confused what you're trying to say

>> No.1939280

>graduate high school, go to to community college
>also get a job to buy a car and put money aside
>still live with parents who fight all the time
>start feeling overwhelmed with everything going on
>grades start slipping, decide to withdraw
>parents refuse to help pay for education anymore
>prefer being at work more than school or home
>work more or less winds up enveloping my life

I also realized the work I was doing at CC was very sub-par compared to what students make at actual art schools and the pieces they had for their portfolios before entering them.

>> No.1941735

Oh man. Had a similar situation, felt numbness in the thumb, pointer and middle finger, and pain in the wrist. But I decided to give it a rest, didn't draw for a while, play or do anything much with that hand. Just lay your wrist and keep it straight. Watch shit and fill in your visual library and it will be fine after a while. And you're gonna have a fun time just chilling and catching up on movies/animu and so on.
Better play it safe before it's too late. Good luck!

Can't you change it?
Just wait one year and enroll the next one.

>At the end of the day it still surprises how many people try to justify and explain his behaviour though.

>Traumatizing event in life
>Tells a lot of people about it
>Tells people who you're not close enough with for them to even back you up

Bitch, you can't fool me, you might've felt slightly bad about it when it happened, but hell, you seem too fond of telling that story to people, don't you? Just take your whining somewhere else.

>> No.1943451

so you know what she's been through but you insult her? being a female sucks indeed. Im sorry for you being molested though.

>> No.1943452

so its her fault, and women should be allowed to use leggings or shorts but old men can run almost naked if they want to, interesting

>> No.1943459

No one wants to molest old men