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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 152 KB, 328x374, Screen Shot 2015-01-03 at 12.30.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1933214 No.1933214 [Reply] [Original]

Male artists, how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"

I like pretty girls as much as any other guy, but I find it too awkward to jack off to my own material since I'm only concentrating on the mistakes in my drawing when I look at it.

I'm dead serious though, I haven't ever masturbated to my own work since it feels too awkward. It's not like Joe Schmoe is going to listen to that.

>> No.1933219

>how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"

i don't have to, because i don't only draw pretty women. in fact i don't draw pretty women at all. the sooner you get out of the wojtek fus style prettygirlportrait phase, the faster you will reach gudness.

>> No.1933222

I draw both males and females. I would say I'm past the phase you're describing, but I was definitely in a Xia idrawgirls phase when I was much younger.

>> No.1933233
File: 56 KB, 600x803, august 25 2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think i draw a woman til i was like 18. i also haven't had an orgasm in like over a year so I can't really speak to this.

I draw whoever is there to draw though. Unattractive or attractive. I've definately gotten turned on by my own drawings before. It's usually when I'm drawing young white girls. go figure.

It's funny what does it though. Like it'll be a curve of their hips or something and you just start getting aroused.

Pic related I think this drawing turned me on while I was making it. It's not even that good a drawing.

>> No.1933248

i don't have to, because i don't have any peers.

>> No.1933257

I don't, because I'm having fun

and that's really all that matters

fuck you fucking faggot

>> No.1933261

I punch these peers

>> No.1933289


I don't have peers. I wish I had friend to pal around about drawings. creating is really fun sometimes I wish to share ideas and sketch with a real pal. /ic/ is my friend for now. I enjoy you all

>> No.1933328


I used to fap on my drawings when I had very little sexual experience and sex was my first thought since I woke up until night.

>> No.1933332

I wonder if I'm going to have troubles like this for drawing a bunch of half-naked buff men all the time. I don't have an artblog yet but I'm planning to start working more on it this year.

>> No.1933333

>how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"
I don't have this problem because I'm not 12, and neither are my peers.

>> No.1933334

keep in mind if you only did pretty girl faces until the point you were as good as wojtek fus you could make a living out of it

>> No.1933336


When people make criticisms like that there's usually some hint of truth in it. When you hear something like "you only draw X" it can usually be translated to "you need to get out of your comfort zone and try drawing different shit." Which is something you should do since that'll just make you a better artist in the long run but that doesn't mean drawing pretty women is inherently bad or should be avoided or anything.

>> No.1933337

I've never had anyone say this, but if they did, I'd smugly inform them that being able to draw beautiful women is one of the most commercially valuable skills an artist can have. I'd be very condescending about it.

>> No.1933347

would you get mad if I said it reminded me of Eva from frank millers Sin City?

>> No.1933351

I like to draw things that are nice to look at
Pretty girls are nice to look at
Ugly girls are not
This is why I do not draw you.


>> No.1933354

you only draw ugly shit men/women because you can't draw for shit

>> No.1933358

The second they say that, I start drawing sexually arousing men and show them.
They stop talking to me.

>> No.1933366


I've actually been asked this once and I just said that its easier to draw blocky man features than it is to draw rounder feminine features, and that its easier to make someone ugly than beautiful, so I do it for the challenge.

>> No.1933386

i fapped to the model but never the art

also for some reason i'm a passionate sexist but i draw skinny girls with baggy clothes like korra. But I even give her a coat or heavy sweater. It's not even a fetish, i genuinely like drawing clothes and shit.

>> No.1933388

>i genuinely like drawing clothes and shit.

cloth folds are very fun to draw m8

>> No.1933392
File: 67 KB, 600x730, december 8 2014 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except there are no sexually arousing men. only gotten boners from guys who look like girls. like the ones with fake tits and their dick chopped off or whatever.

thats why i usually draw guys like monsters cause fuck it who cares its a fucking guy. you have the same reaction to a guy regardless of what he looks like. anything that looks genderless is usually assumed to be a guy anyways. ( Rek'Sai is a man fuck what you heard)

picasso was exceptionally good at abstracting women but retaining their femininity.

pic related i made this guy into a thing.

>> No.1933393

I fap to artwork all the time. Even if its not sexual at all. Benching makes you horny as fuck.

its true.
i also like drawing big lettermen jackets on girls because I think thats fucking hot as fuck

>> No.1933395

you might want to get on track and draw guys as you see them for a little while.

>> No.1933397
File: 3.93 MB, 480x270, 1413818971573.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tell them they're right and proceed to jack off to it in front of them

the fuck are they gonna do cry that i draw what i want how i want to?

>> No.1933399

I did not mean fuckbois. I mean like real fucking strong and comforting at the same time. Like if you gave them a hug, you'd feel stronger, or an erection.

>> No.1933401

>the fuck are they gonna do cry that i draw what i want how i want to?

also that gif is really impressive

>> No.1933412

like when i hug my dad?

>> No.1933467

>Male artists, how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"
With a "Duh" and maybe a "Do you not?"

It's not criticism and there's no reason to take it seriously.

>> No.1933663

I once told a nagging fatty I drew pretty women because I wanted to be a pretty woman but couldn't.
She apologized and left.

>> No.1933679
File: 44 KB, 400x550, DC_-_Dwarf_Pile_by_George_Kamitani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope i will be able to jack off to my drawings once i get good enough

btw, ask those guys if they'd prefer you to draw some pretty males instead and ask them if it would appeal to them

if they are seriously asking if you masturbate to your drawings just call them sick fucks, or ask that fapping to portraits is difficult, i dunno
how socially awkward can you be OP

>> No.1934586

>fapping to portraits is difficult

>> No.1934598

who the fuck faps to portraits

only portrait I fapped too was egg girl but she's on a whole different level

>> No.1934601

I do.
I fap to anything I like

>> No.1934728

>only draw pretty women to jack off to them?
but they are right

>> No.1934740

I'm a woman and I draw pretty woman aswell as men. I simply say that it's my art and I sure as hell don't wanna look at ugly ass people. But in all fairness this only applies to personal work. Don't embelish if you're drawing from real life. People aren't perfect and by drawing them as they are you'll learn a whole lot more. After you get used to that you'll see the beuty in the form, you won't think of them as ugly. You'll start to differentiate subjects as interesting and boring. And pretty and ugly people will fall into both.

>> No.1934748

I tell them that they are right and i do masturbate to my work, it's probably hard to convince them otherwise since so many people do this once they reach the level of
actually liking their own drawings.

>> No.1934751

>Male artists, how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"

There is no reason to respond to these at all. You're just asking for drama. Only things you should answer are jokes, technical questions, and the occasional complement.

Stonewall all politics. This is good advice for office life too. Just say "I don't vote" and all the troublemakers will go away bored.

>> No.1934765

I draw whatever I like. I happen to like women, so its not uncommon to end up drawing that if I'm drawing for fun. If I'm drawing to git gud, yeah, I'm gonna try to push what I can do, but if I'm drawing for myself there's no need to pretend I'm enjoying drawing big naked dudes on what's essentially my free time.

>> No.1934767

But are you a pretty woman yoirself?

>> No.1934770

This is especially important if you post your art on facebook or tumblr. You can only lose if you reply to those kind of questions.

>> No.1934836

>OP asks male artists
>hurr worman here :^)

>> No.1935438

Pretty women don't complain about neckbeards drawing pretty women.

>> No.1935576

When I deployed I would draw pictures of women looking up with an open mouth. Usually one of my exes. I would fap and cum on the drawing. Then I would crumble it up in a ball and through it away.

It was very clean.

>> No.1935625

Really? I've found it completely opposite.

Men are more angular and there's less of a flow with my lines. Someone ugly has distinctive features and generally has more lines and things going with their face than beautiful people. And I'm not talking about the "they're ugly because you can't draw humans right" ugly.

>> No.1935649


Well that's one way to practice.

>> No.1935672

Only ever drawing "beautiful" people is a sign of a bad artist.

Look at superhero comics, they're filled with perfect doll-like characters, all looking exactly the same, be it heroes, civilians, love interests. Boring, repetitive and unimaginative because they can't be portrayed as "ugly". That is only permissible to villains, which is why they are usually the most interesting and memorable.

Most of us have a very specific look in mind when we think "attractive", and we tend to rely on it heavily in our drawings, in result pumping out repetitive clones. Look at fucking Scott Campbell, this hack basically draws the same girl over and over, only changing the theme around her.

Don't be Scott Campbell.

>> No.1935696
File: 653 KB, 500x750, 1416600025388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only ever drawing "beautiful" people is a sign of a bad artist.
>Look at superhero comics, they're filled with perfect doll-like characters,

>Liking perfection is a sign of bad artist
Go back to umblr. People of all ages and generations adored perfection since ancient days.
Nobody cares about your fatty issues.

>> No.1935698
File: 693 KB, 527x769, 1416552143922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935699
File: 288 KB, 1280x1024, 1416552751637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935700
File: 75 KB, 500x741, 1416619873289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935701

oh god why

>> No.1935704

So because those people don't want to be boring instead of trying to find a different approach to beauty the just go repulsive instead?
I am also of the idea that art should not be a beautification of everything when it doesn't needs to, but come on that's just silly.

>> No.1935713


holy fuck

>> No.1935715


can i get some sauce plz, reverse google doesnt help

i feel like cringing some more tonight

>> No.1935722
File: 384 KB, 516x760, 11111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935725
File: 380 KB, 822x870, 1416553578541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can i get some sauce plz, reverse google doesnt help
>i feel like cringing some more tonight
I can't give you because it's from one thread about "Tumblr Redraws Anime/Animaion screencaps".
There is a tumblr that is about tumblirites redrawing screencaps and it's basically "draw skinny character to STRONK female character" all over.

>> No.1935727
File: 121 KB, 696x1321, 1392412267904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So because those people don't want to be boring instead of trying to find a different approach to beauty the just go repulsive instead?
Nah, it's about "durr hurr IMME SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE BCUZ I DRAW HAIRY LEGGED GRILLS XDDDD" kind of people annoying the shit out of people who just want to draw what they think about perfection.

>> No.1935729


yes i found a tumblr that is all redraws, im sorting thru and capping, might post my collection later

thanks anyway tho

>> No.1935737

>Male artists, how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"
I tell them to grow up.

>> No.1935741
File: 439 KB, 478x764, 5555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im tired, will continue my journey into the abyss tomorrow, dumping some of my findings for now.

i hope to have a master collection, this is my new goal

>> No.1935742
File: 554 KB, 512x823, 14141414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935743
File: 367 KB, 510x583, 121212121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935744

I still get pissed whenever I see the picture in your post.

>> No.1935745
File: 505 KB, 1110x625, tumblr_najcwpLwWg1qdz5l8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935747
File: 487 KB, 573x903, I5sZoaI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935748
File: 195 KB, 800x932, 03j5OiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1935749


>> No.1935750
File: 215 KB, 1280x1097, d2f5Fdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


got many more but goin to bed for now, should i just make a separate thread tomorrow?

>> No.1935788

plz dont

>> No.1935805

>those faces
Alright, I chuckled.

But do stop.

>> No.1935831

This wouldn't even look that bad at all if it weren't for the godawful filters.

>> No.1935839

absolutely disgusting.

>> No.1935847

>Male artists, how do you deal with criticism from peers who say you "only draw pretty women to jack off to them?"

I do a lot of pin-up commissions, and I have never heard this. Perhaps because I dont draw really hardcore stuff some artists I have seen online draw, girls legs spred wide open, pussy spread, of the guys that draw massively huge tits. I imagine those guys probably get asked about jerking off to their own stuff, but I'm more of a Gil Elvgren school pin-up, nothing hardcore.

Honestly, I dont know how those guys go to family get togethers and thier family members have seen all the hardcore sexually explicit stuff they draw online. That must make those kind of situations very awkward, or even going on a date with a girl, and then the girl googles the guys name and there is all this hardcore art drawn by the guy.... how do those guys date?? I guess they have to find the right girl out there that is totally ok with that.

>> No.1935869
File: 154 KB, 756x680, temp22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>relatives flipping through my sketchbook
>horse pussy here and there
>"anon why you only draw mares?"
"I like them."


>> No.1935922


I'm sure all the explicit art attracts a certain type of freak that most men like, namsaying

>> No.1935925

When you are younger, people will call you a pervert. When you're in college, feminists will object because they think you are objectifying them. The response to both is the same: ignore them. Seriously. Pay them no mind. Draw and paint the loveliest ladies you can. Also, it sounds like your critics are really immature.

>> No.1935929

Y-ou too.

>> No.1935933

Yes I'm sure if you just keep drawing the same body type every day you're gonna grow and improve immensely. Art is all about the comfort zone after all!

>> No.1936219

I like you

>> No.1936225

every good artist ever stayed in his comfort zone. the irony of your attempted sarcasm is staggering.

>> No.1936265

I don't have to draw women, because I have enough sex in the real world.

>> No.1936271

>nothing to do with post

you must be very cool.
gtfo neckbeard

>> No.1936290
File: 31 KB, 480x531, smug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure buddy

>> No.1936297

He didn't say to only draw the same bodytype. There is far more than just one bodytype that can be considered beautiful or aesthetically pleasing. I really don't see the point of this argument anyway. There is no particular skill involved in drawing ugly people. Once you have the fundamentals down and know your anatomy, different body types are just a matter of observation. Good artists who stay in their "comfort zone" and only draw beautiful people could easily draw fat or ugly people.

>> No.1936578
File: 593 KB, 1190x1602, tumblr_nhknsxAwvN1txj7yyo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking triggered.

Ugh, I hate what tumblr does to Perona's perfection.

>> No.1936582

>how do those guys date??
They don't.

>> No.1936836
File: 501 KB, 1056x1080, nigga_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1936837

>darker top lip
damnit, my dick pops up when I dont want it too.

>> No.1936845
File: 150 KB, 1600x900, 1416868731020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting a boner off that tumblretta hambeast

You sir are a swine, and not at all pleasant to converse in attributes of an ideal lady.

>> No.1936847

Why did you post a tatami mat?

>> No.1936860

what anime is that?

>> No.1936869

>how do those guys date
3DPD not even once.

>> No.1936897

princess tutu

>> No.1936921
File: 77 KB, 239x239, coolio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already fapped too it, so there's that

>> No.1936964

Princess Tutu, watch it, it's good.
I'm serious, /a/ also recommends it, and they're right about it.

>> No.1937022


What is this god awful style called.

I want a name for it so I can burn it off the face of the earth.

>> No.1937026


I wonder how it'd feel to be tolkien looking at this kind of thing.

If you hate white dudes so much why don't you make your own thing you talentless symbol drawing hack.

>> No.1937679


Say you draw women because that's what the industry wants.

And artists usually draw the opposite sex.

>> No.1937690


>> No.1937703

Tumblr style.

>> No.1937707

>this thread
must be weird being straight

>> No.1937828

>Anon please, it's a well-known historic fact that medieval Europe was actually filled with tons of black slaves, as is logical, since whites are by default racist. Are you really so stupid that you did not know this? This is why authors of works filled with white people are scum, because there was no time or place on our planet where white people lived that colored folk did not.
I was actually told this by someone on 4chan before, felt like I had to share.

>> No.1937830

Je suis Charlie.

>> No.1937841

Might want to stop drawing women so much, maybe you are drawing them too much, also the way you draw them can give the impression that it's not just for artistic expression, not that I care frankly, but others might.

I personally think old men's faces are some of the most interesting things to draw, pretty girls get boring fast, diversify man.

>> No.1937853

amazing how all those dark skinned people still look white

i wonder if it has anything to do with tumblr girls being unable to draw any other race than their own?

>> No.1938243

same reason that korra looks white.
its popular, big suprise.

>> No.1938252


I actually had that problem with male anatomy. to me the masculine body is just funnier to draw from imagination because muscles are bigger, visible, and really a big part of the silhouette while the womans body is basically just long and smooth curves. I was asked if I was gay.

>> No.1938261

It's even more awkward when they start thinking you if you are lesbian because of that

>> No.1938328

not even grill, but I totally get it

>> No.1938376

i draw many characters with black skin and features, not out of political conviction and i dont care about people drawing them white but i just like it more this way

is it bad?

>> No.1938381


implying you don't love the cock, faggot.

>> No.1938397

>michelangelo was a bad artist

you will go far with your elitism kid

>> No.1938518

keep on rolling anon

>> No.1938640
File: 409 KB, 977x1210, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically this. Think of someone who was raised on Tin-Tin and Little Nemo and then tell them that everything is horrible and that only their generation can do something about it

>> No.1938657

Diogenes please
Not here

>> No.1938659
File: 36 KB, 496x648, tolkien_and_the_nazis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tolkien was actually a bit of a SJW.
Pic related was his reply to a German publisher asking for proof of his Aryan heritage.
I'm pretty sure this was basically the 1938 equivalent of telling someone off on twitter.

What I'm getting at is that he totally would have made his elves black if someone had asked him.

>> No.1938948

It is entirely accurate so I don't know.

>> No.1938961

>Flipping off literal Nazi publishers is now being an SJW

This acronym has been blown completely out of context and is now a meaningless buzzword.

Tolkien didn't feign some faux offense for some group of people he had no ties to, he merely rebuked a German publisher for asking a stupid question in the guise of a retarded question.

>> No.1938989
File: 75 KB, 612x612, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never had an issue, I draw everything, but love the human form and such

>> No.1939015

I am really sorry but this is the firs time I am on these board and I really think this drawing is beautiful.

>> No.1939024
File: 133 KB, 600x446, fat kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I draw porn and sexy ladies all day and I'm a girl

>> No.1939038

rape me

>> No.1939040
File: 158 KB, 289x307, 1395950536368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atta girl

>> No.1939061
File: 278 KB, 500x388, party_down.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ya go.

>> No.1939063
File: 262 KB, 446x456, 1415279486244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1939065

Being a bleeding assed faggit doesn't count as being a girl

>> No.1939121

post some

>> No.1939124

i wanna see

>> No.1939131


wow you're so special and unique

>> No.1939142
File: 25 KB, 600x578, such pretty aw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this gurl I drew?

>> No.1939144

I'd fug it. Cum on her little flower thing

>> No.1939161


What makes you think she wouldn't reject you?

>> No.1939168

>what is rape

>> No.1939188


I should have kept the drawings I did as a kid. I found the human body design to suck and was spending my time drawing ants. I had a booknote full of ants running everywhere on the pages. I spent so much time watching them that I was still seeing them moving when I was closing my eyes.

> Then Testosterone arrived and I discovered that the female design was kinda ok

>> No.1939200

well I posted the Patty in the alternative general.

>> No.1939203

Patty Wagan from mighty switch force?

>> No.1939205

never mind, I see it.
looks nice. Dont know if id jack off to it, but Its nice for what it is

>> No.1939212

haha, well, it's just what I'm most proud of now.

>> No.1939253

>Tolkien was actually a bit of a SJW

I don't see anything that says he is a SJW. The publisher was asking an irrelevant question.

>> No.1939258

p-post more

>> No.1939263

I see. Keep rocking on.

>> No.1939286
File: 38 KB, 600x804, andrewloomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is her bf. could you kick his ass?

>> No.1939301

I would woo him into a threesome

>> No.1939649

I am so disappointed in you /ic/. Homyw has nobody mentioned that fucking ear?

>> No.1939652

Stop talking to kids and you won't have that problem

>> No.1939673

>showing your art to your peers
there's your problem anon
I only show it to other sick lolicon on the interwebs
normalfags will never understand me anyway

>> No.1939895
File: 676 KB, 2228x1721, temp20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have much more, all I have is kind off old.
I posted this one a while back in some thread.

>> No.1939926

Oh dear.

>> No.1939945


no, it's a horse.

>> No.1939953

Why is that horse on a slip n slide.

>> No.1939973


>> No.1940027

>"Lmao you wouldn't believe how hard it is to fap to do that"

>> No.1940034

*how hard it is to do that

>> No.1940560

Quints confirm truth

>> No.1943233

That just means he's a Judeophile ie philosemitic. There's enough SJWs that dislike Jews because Israel or because they are hardcore Marxists. Marx ironically despised Jews for obvious reasons. If only he had known.

Also, the Nazi's really misused the word Aryan, it does not mean what they understood it to mean. Which is what he rightfully pokes fun at.

>> No.1943241

I always thought people would look down on me for drawing porn as well but up until now everyone is really cool with it.

My family found out last Christmas, one of my siblings made a joke about me drawing porn.

I thought he was serious and responded with''How the fuck did you know?'' most of them only laughed a bit at my response. But then the evening went on as usual. What shook me most was that my mom is quite enthusiastic about it.

>> No.1943242

Efficient. I like it.

>> No.1943244

those are fucking satirical right? please tell me they are, and not some "draw it in YOUR style!" crap.

>> No.1943259

i used to do explicit stuff, not even one of my friends/family knew because i used a pseudonym

>> No.1943355

Goddamn, you lucky bastard.
I hate living in a christian house where everything is god this, and god that.
I just wanna have a good time, making money

>> No.1943359

then just don't tell them and do what you want?

>> No.1943408
File: 134 KB, 1049x375, whato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do what you want?
Thats not how suburb black parents work.
Im in college now, but that didnt change anything.
I just need to earn enough too move out

>> No.1943462

Kill them then. no edge, no emo.

>> No.1943482
File: 2.42 MB, 174x174, Grand Happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may move out but the almighty will still be watching. There is nothing that may shroud you from his gaze of judgment, wrathful as he may be but his mercy is eternal.

Repent, Anon repent.

>> No.1943747

ohoho well, at least this one's a parody


>> No.1943857

Westerners suck at drawing beautiful women anyway.
That's japan's job, and mostly because the industry demands it.

>> No.1943858

Weeb detected.

>> No.1943861

Prove me wrong

>> No.1943870


>> No.1943882
File: 38 KB, 369x206, 1412806023601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to music
>"would Jesus listen to this"
My parents stopped this for whatever reason in Highschool, but thinking about thag
Speaking of which, has anyone ever received shit from Christian for drawing nudes?

>> No.1943893


>prove my subjective views objectively wrong


I would prove that youre objectively a dirty weeb but your posts have done that for me already :^)

>> No.1943894

subjectively he's a dirty weeb as well

>> No.1943897

Congratulations of proving yourself wrong, idiot.

>> No.1943905

>ur wrong

Nice, sure got me there. Whats next?
>Post your work faggot? :^)

>> No.1943948
File: 184 KB, 500x370, 4646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came from /k/ because one of you shitlords said we had bad taste in art. This shit is fucking pewdiepie fanart level autism.

>> No.1943951

That's the idea

>> No.1944023

It should be made aware that humans of different races do exist in Middle-Earth. There are the Haradrim in the far south who are black people, and there are Easterlings in the direction-I'm-gonna-let-you-guess who are Asiain.

That's why there are random black and Asian girls in the Hobbit films, even though I agree it's a major asspull. Their homelands are thousands of miles away and their original cultures are viewed antagonistically by the white Middle-Earth people, mainly because they are willingly aligned with the Dark Lord.

My personal favorite, from a thread discussing the Korra finale, is this:

>Just because a creator says something is canon doesn't mean it actually is.

And no, it wasn't a greentext or a sarcastic tone. It was an actual statement.

>> No.1944154

I only draw girls because they're more appealing to look at.

I do draw males, but only really the "I'm a bad ass" type, and it's not that often.

Females are just more fun to draw. Dem curves vs dem blocks. Curves always win.

>> No.1944173

>Just because a creator says something is canon doesn't mean it actually is.
There exists the golden rule of never asking the creator to clarify what he meant by "element X from work Y" outside of work "Y".

>> No.1944914

kek please say this in a college critique OP

>> No.1945133
File: 176 KB, 894x894, FML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I did, then I'd be homeless.
Dont want that

"and the Lord said, go my Shepard, retrieve my sheep, and the kingdom of God, is yours".
Its bout getttin dat paper.

>what if your guardian angel/jesus sat on your bed and watched you masterbate
fuck, I didnt masterbate till I was 17 cause of that.

>> No.1945137
File: 17 KB, 261x211, itsa_me_Ezio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark skin people and asains/ yakuza allied with the dark lord
those goddamn cringos