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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 106 KB, 692x692, sdss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1931232 No.1931232 [Reply] [Original]

happy new year /ic/ !

>> No.1931242

Happy "remember that people don't care about you" day. What are your goals for this year?

>> No.1931245

Happy new /ic/, year!

>> No.1931247

>tfw drunk qt3.14 isn't interested in looking over your erotic sketchbook while she vomits in the bathroom

>> No.1931248
File: 1.98 MB, 480x360, PkgJSev.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a great new year you d/ic/ks!

>> No.1931250

Hope I get better at drawing next year

>> No.1931251

You wont

>> No.1931252

I hate each and every one of you.

>> No.1931253
File: 633 KB, 3658x2329, K-ON!.full.1165135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im sorry :<
did your sketches not get any attention onii chan

>> No.1931255

No, I miss Teal. I hate you all.

>> No.1931260
File: 561 KB, 610x610, Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 3.26.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2015 is the year for me. I can feel it. I'm gonna make it, boys.

I've developed my online presence enough in 2014 to make a small livable wage around $1000 monthly. Barely enough to get by, but it's growing. My drawing skills are strong enough and have high appeal, so that's not what's holding me back. My main problem in 2014 (when I started full time freelancing) was simply poor time management. I woke up too late everyday and dicked around way too much. Regardless, I managed to land a few gigs with some well known franchises, and my social media presence is in the low thousands across several sites.

2015 I'm going to get organized and really treat my freelancing as a real, actual business. I'm going to try and get up early everyday and stay organized throughout the workday. I'm going to use Google Tasks + Calendar to make actionable objectives to complete every single day. I've been trying this out and having a checklist of stuff to do that I can cross out really helps me stay on track.

My goals in 2015 are to up my average income to about $3000/month, both through freelance illustration work and selling prints online. I want to increase my social media following into the tens of thousands and be featured/interviewed on more sites. I want to attract steady, high profile clients and do work on larger projects.

I think it's all very possible, given I can stay focused and put in the hours. Promoting myself online has been one of the most beneficial uses of my time in terms of getting more jobs, so that's going to be a major priority.

What are your goals, d/ic/kheads?

>> No.1931264


good luck!

>> No.1931271


samefag less on /ic/. i know you won't but just be aware that you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.1931272
File: 360 KB, 1090x1023, lola2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just finished drawing this, so... Here's this!

>> No.1931273
File: 2.91 MB, 854x480, The Truth.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck with all that, buddy.

My plan is just get better. Improve on /everything/. Since I'm moving to a different state near the end of summer ( going into junior year of hs, underage b8 here), I plan to get fit, get better at art, and improve myself to the point where I can shamelessly promote myself. I'm tired of being a fat fuck, and complaining on 4chinz isn't exactly helping. But as much as I detest lurking these boards and you guys, I wish all of you d/ic/ks a merry new year's


>> No.1931276

To combat the many distractions I will leave the internet usb stick at home when I go to the apartment in a few days. Also deleting all games.
Ive heard it takes 2.5 months to get used to a new lifestyle.
Also a good way to test it is, when I visit for a few days once a month, to see if I can produce the same amount I produce without internet.

>> No.1931279

We're gonna git gud. We're doing it guise. We're all gonna make it.

>> No.1931282
File: 404 KB, 500x914, Happy new year1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year!

>> No.1931289

I love you too

>> No.1931294
File: 301 KB, 1360x768, woahdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the year I finally move the fuck out.
I can feel it in my bones. I also feel a strange presence of death and despair, but thats not important right now.
I am still unsure what Ill do for I living, but maybe something like TSA or a CNC machine operator.

>> No.1931300

what's there to study about the sternocleidomastoid? it's easy to see under the skin, has clear origins and insertion points, and does, like, two things.

>> No.1931307
File: 325 KB, 404x778, 455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another new years alone with my dakimakura

>> No.1931315

Cant wait to move out and get my own daki, fuck yea.
The only thing Ill have to pay for is the pillow and the cover itself, cause Ill just do the artwork

>> No.1931316

tfw no sexy scott robertson waifu

>> No.1931318
File: 1.19 MB, 367x330, 1349751264954.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to throw away mine. Too many cumstains.

>> No.1931324

What show is that?

>> No.1931326

You didnt wash it?

>> No.1931327


>> No.1931330

Blue Blazes/ Aoi Hanoo. Just started airing in July, I think.

Nah. Too busy trying to git gud and crying over my own depression.

>> No.1931339

Thank you!

>> No.1931341

>not owning a daki with merc wip
Never gonna make it, bro

>> No.1931342

protip dont post your fa name on 4chan

>> No.1931354

It's actually my tumblr art blog name, but yeah.

>> No.1931355

Why am I imagining having that daki and him saying on the pillow "you'll never reach my level, scrub." As I thrust onto the sheet?

>> No.1931356
File: 536 KB, 2729x1819, find_hot_artists_in_your_area.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having fun with your daki, anon?

>> No.1931357

I will, once I move out my parents house, yea.

>> No.1931361

found you there thought ;> you should try less toony stuff , your style is adorable thought

>> No.1931362


It's 2late anonimoose will hack you. No forgive.

>> No.1931365

M-Merry Christmas. But y-you know. You said you are underage. You will get a month ban :(

>> No.1931376

n-noah bradley?

>> No.1931396
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, 63463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are guests in the house
>l-leave me alone!

>> No.1931397

:(( W-well damn, I c-can't brows /ic/..?

>> No.1931401

I've been exhausted recently and nearly decided to stay home today, and just draw porn. Thankfully got my shit together and got out. Had a good time too.
It's odd getting back to my porn drawings after normalfagging for a while. Puts my deviancy into perspective, especially since I'm quite good at normalfagging.

>> No.1931403

You can If ya don't go around announcing your age, ya big goof.

>> No.1931405

I do want to try! But, I adore thick lines and bright colours... ha. But I try to draw and try something new everyday if i can.
Also, send me a message, so I know who you are. ;)
thank you for the compliment though!

Oh noes.
I Posted my da on b before. The raid lasted 20 minutes, and after, a guy messaged me saying I was aactually a pretty cool guy.

>> No.1931407
File: 10 KB, 124x126, 1182480003833g.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was sort of a slip of the tongue (hypothetically speaking). I've only been lurking /ic/ for about a year, and I'm a bit busy with NY's stuff to be too focused.

S-sorry sempai >//<

>> No.1931408
File: 2.82 MB, 540x720, 1419195064640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told some of my friends I wouldn't even plan on doing anything new 2015 other than generally doing my thing, but I think it'd be nice to have some goals for the first year begun as an adult.

Let's see:
1) Start getting more comfortable with animating, and finding some good software to animate with (PaintTool SAI just feels so unintuitive after animating with flash for ~3 years)
2) Start some sort of webcomic or animation series with some characters I've been trying to develop for a while. Going for a light-hearted yet dramatic/moving Cartoon Network sort of vibe. I had better do something this year regarding this!
3) Get a part time job so I'm covering two parts of NOT being NEET (education + employed)
4) Start regularly using a calendar and planning my empty days out so I don't end up doing stupid stuff like play Smash 4 all day.
5) Make MORE THAN 0.00 DOLLARS with my art.

>> No.1931426

Will you finally gonna git gud in 2015, /ic/?

>> No.1931430


>> No.1931432

You faggots need to start apprecciating your loneliness.
I'm stuck here with people I despise for forcing me to hang out with people I don't care about, and that are consequentially forcing me to go and spend the rest of the night with people that I don't even know .
I just want to go to my house and sleep already, I'd trade this shit for a cumstained daki in a heartbeat.

>> No.1931434

Going to go back to school, not going to fuck it up this time.

Who ever you are anon, your taste in cartoons is impeccable.

You're gonna make it.

>> No.1931442

>Who ever you are anon, your taste in cartoons is impeccable.

Man, your head couldn't be futher up your own asshole.

>> No.1931443

all i wanna do now is get better at shading, get more popular and start making $

>> No.1931444

What is the context for this picture?

>> No.1931446


The guy in the photo is Noah Bradley, a concept artist and illustrator that d/ic/ks hate for a variety of reasons.

He posted that photo on his facebook page on Valentines day.

Pretty effective attention seeking tactic imo because I've seen it passed around a lot.

>> No.1931448

fuck the happiness of a new year.

>> No.1931457

I wish someone would add more to this pic. Sternocleidomastoid is the best one by far.

Needs more:
>my feet hurt

why aren't there any Zdzislaw Beksinski paintings on the walls?

>not having Gurney's Color and Light on the coffee table at all times

why does Noah keep hitting on every girl?

>> No.1931458

If you were as sexy as Noah "Epitome of Man" Bradley, you'd hit on every girl you saw, too.

>> No.1931460


>> No.1931461
File: 279 KB, 1241x900, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


happy new year cunts

>> No.1931465
File: 557 KB, 500x341, 1420083425895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy new year /ic/
good luck to anons with high ambitions; ill be drawing my chinese slideshow characters and ebinposting in the alt thread meanwhile

>> No.1931467

i hate all of you

>> No.1931473
File: 440 KB, 500x700, tumblr_n1saodaIsE1qc26bqo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these two replies.
lolwat /ic/. but thanks for the little boost, >>1931434, even if it's based on very little. Hopefully it wasn't sarcastic lol.
dat's wassup
lol damn how many ppl on /ic/ do you think actually own a gallery? I actually wonder this as well.
Thanks for the goodluck anon, and I hope that's enthusiasm that I'm reading!

>> No.1931475

Happy new year and best of luck to all of you.

>> No.1931476

>lol damn how many ppl on /ic/ do you think actually own a gallery? I actually wonder this as well.

The guy depicted doesn't own the place, no one on /ic/ is rich enough to display a rothko.

He's just there chillin.

>> No.1931478

Happy new year, you cunts. Hope you all have a good one.

>> No.1931479
File: 47 KB, 640x480, nathan-goldsmith-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next year is going to be a busy one for me (well, this year now), i think my art will improve but it will remain a hobby that no one will pay for.
have a productive new year. don't kill yourself and stay mad.
many good anime seasons are to be had in 2015. many trolls and keks and newfags spamming with shitty threads. it's all good and expected.
i wish you all to git gud, but not better than me. cheers.

>> No.1931482
File: 41 KB, 524x1009, 1413999438532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1931484
File: 34 KB, 1185x505, f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1931488

i got a 1 month boost i can't fuck it up. Had a little health scare and im off from work for at least a month.

i plan to at least make 3-4 portfolio pieces.

i just wish my studies didn't look like complete shit..... ding ding ding.... that's what im to work on next then....

>> No.1931500


>look up your art
>its all small drawings of chubby pop culture game characters on plain background

Why does fan art annoy me so much? It's the most unoriginal shit and people eat it up

>> No.1931503

Moving out next week and hopefully I can soon quit my job and do full time commission. Could already do it most likely but taking the jump from having a steady secure income to freelancing is a big one for me.

>> No.1931507

Cause it's attention you're not getting I guess

>> No.1931519
File: 2.26 MB, 944x4205, 2015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1931542
File: 1.23 MB, 320x234, no more.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1931548

Wow, you're pretty angry, no wonder you won't make it!

You seem like you want to do the right thing this year, so just wanted to give you some encouragement.

>> No.1931573


>> No.1931590

Is that Noah?
>TFW I look just like Noah Bradley, with brown eyes.
>TFW Maybe my brown eyes are why I'm here wasting time with you instead of making money
>TFW /pol/ was right.

>> No.1931592
File: 113 KB, 876x692, opopopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


added; keep em comin

>> No.1931595

>get more popular and start making $
How the fuck do you get the pops? I've been on dA for 9 years and this year started throwing a couple fanarts on tumblr, and still my facebook is the biggest audience. Which is not big at all at 300 views per picture with 75 fans.

I know the private commission money is at dA, but you're more likely to be comissioned if you're popular on tumblr cause it's much easier to get popular there than at dA, yet I don't seem to know how to do shit in tumblr other than post and tag my shit.
Like, how do you get it seen by groups or something?

>> No.1931614

>I wish I was at home FEELING the gesture

Or something Vilppu-esque like that.

>> No.1931631

Just do porn of popular characters. I never really upload my pictures anywhere, other than posting them in the occasional 4chan thread, but I have one half-finished picture of Elizabeth with 100k views that someone else uploaded to Reddit. In fact, it's probably got far more than that, given that it's also uploaded to places like rule34, the various boorus and random porn sites.

>> No.1931636

>need to start apprecciating your loneliness
I already do. I don't text or respond to texts and when my roommates are home I keep my door firmly shut. I love being alone.

>> No.1931696

2015 will be the year of photobashing and 3D on /ic/

>> No.1931702
File: 886 KB, 480x364, 1410569414898.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I barely post, but still draw/paint, I love you guys. You have always been here, ready to critique, ready to argue about art, ready for a discussion , ready to share. It's the closest I've ever had to a community feeling, with other artists.
I hope one day to be drinking with you guys and laughing over the grandma-knit sweaters they allowed to be installed in a gallery, or the 2deep4u faggotry we all know.

Please never stop being the best asshole friends a faggot could ask for.

I love you guys. No Homo.

>> No.1931724

>bitch doesn't even know im FEELING her gesture

>> No.1931776

Nice. Add the Loomis one, doing traditional, Craig Mullins, reference thread too from this too:

>> No.1931784

Speaking of Noah. He's on the front page of Reddit right now.

Why aren't you?

>> No.1931828
File: 132 KB, 876x692, 8888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1931842
File: 355 KB, 960x892, noah is small fry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1931863

It's alright anon. Maybe the mod gods will treat you nicely for once. I was lurking here when I was 15, im still here :3. Not underage though, so me forgives. Now be a good boy and do your studies and git gut. Starting at young age is gooood

>> No.1931914
File: 143 KB, 876x692, icallyears.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok here's the version to save for 2015

all of /ic/'s ebic may-mays in one image

>> No.1931922

I feel like this should be better drawn considering it's /ic/.

If that ever happens, be sure to include in chromatic aberration, smudge, noise, lens flare, rim lighting, some painterly strokes and so on.

>> No.1931942


>> No.1931949

you wanna know why it's not better drawn?

Because the hounds are fucking out on /ic/ every second. Only /cgl/ is more petty and cunty than /ic/ is. But goddamn if one dude shows a semblance of a mistake, he'll get bit in the jugular.

>> No.1932002

Holy shit those feels

>> No.1932011


I think /3/ is worse than /ic/ in terms of pernickety bitchiness.

>> No.1932013

>Only /cgl/ is more petty and cunty than /ic/
What do you expect of a board filled with camwhores?

>> No.1932017
File: 34 KB, 323x351, 1416278557798-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lol, if you want extra dough and you feel that your value as a person is meaningless to you, you could always go to Furaffinity and do private commission.

Most of your audience will consist of Omega-class manchildren who all have the same fucking tired OC's. The place is a fucking asspat central, and you won't be able to get a critique out of nearly anybody (so you need to come here or elsewhere for such things).

But their pockets are lined with sweet, sweet NEET money, and it's yours for the taking. I have personally made over $2,000 from private commissions in the last, I guess, two years.

So there's that.

>> No.1932020

Goddamn it why is it always furfags and other fellows with shit fetishes?

>> No.1932021


Because they have no life, and are obsessed enough with it that they are willing to pay a shitload of money to have it realised by artists.

>> No.1932035

That show is the best

>> No.1932037

You dont use your real name except for paypal right?

>> No.1932038

If its Elizabeth, ive propably fapped to it.
take comfort in it

>> No.1932041


Of course not.

But I don't intend to be a professional artist, anyway so it's not like it would matter overly.

>> No.1932042
File: 384 KB, 250x188, yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iv'e been thinking about just throwing the torch out the window and letting the world burn before me. Im really at the point where I want to do porn for money even if my parents hate it, I'll just slap their shit with my dough.
Is going into porn a good idea, if you just dont give a fuck anymore?

>> No.1932043

sweet beans bro.
That makes me happy

>> No.1932051
File: 53 KB, 820x820, 1414423075048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me put it this way: Homo Sapiens of the male genre always have, and always will, want to jack their weiners off.

>> No.1932059

Anon. I do use mechanical pencil in most of my outdoor quick sketches. Do you mean I'm not elite?

>> No.1932194

Fuck yea!
Lets start up those engines

>> No.1932243

>Implying I want to be popular with filthy subhumans.
I want to be popular with casuals and get paid to draw fanart and quirky oc's. Not become a niche cryptid because I can't show my shit anywhere with any semblance of functional humanity.

Doing porn will set you back years in your networking and save for certain Milla Jovovich stalker, they don't pay well enough to be drawing their filth.

>> No.1932539

I miss that guy too. I just hope that he's getting all the money ;_;

>> No.1932547

Just a sugesstion bro.

>> No.1932579

I'm starting to feel like nitpicking/pettiness is low tier, low level critque. A sign of novice ignorance. I wanted to mention this in the draw thread, after I saw Firez getting these strange, petty crits because his anon trolls don't like how he responds. And in all honesty this Firez guy probably does a terrible job charming his potential audiences.

I saw this incredible segment about Phil Fish. I always had my own thoughts on Fish. Like why this guy was so hated? He said awful stupid shit. But I never thought it deserved that sociopathic backlash. Admittedly it turned out he was always provoking/egging/playing with fire, deliberately saying stupid shit to a wide audience... Absolute social retardation all around. Same thing with this Tom Preston guy, and while I don't think Firez is as bad as these guys. He's clearly un-nerving sociopathic anons with nothing better to do. I think he's doing better though.
For the video on phil fish. One of the most rational explanations I've ever seen about the Phil Fish thing.

Back to Firez, from the Draw Thread. They were just talking about facial/chin ratios on his dumb green-haired girl drawing. I wanted to step in and say. Posting Loomis proportion/ratio charts. One of the dumbest handling of a crit I've ever witnessed.
>you guys realize that he's close enough? It's insignificant. He's got color/value/edge problems he's not addressing.
So I agree with Firez for rejecting that retarded critique. Unfortunately he made them angrier.

Fuck I'm actually feeling like I'm ready to deal with crazy fucks.

>> No.1932662

I think this video generally covers "internet famous" people really well if you are interested in these kind of things.


>> No.1932677

yes this is perfect, im watching it now, it's what i feel is going on.

I actually caught myself acting like fish in some instances. Not trashing people, but maybe being critical of art i wasn't into. But truth is I love art. It makes me happy to know I'm not as crazy as these guys.

I just don't like that awful backlash they get. It SCREAMS petty/nitpick. Thank you though anon. I'm going to watch the whole thing now.

>> No.1932692

>why is Fish hated
>"you guys dont deserve another sequel"

He should have been more professional about it.
thats all

>> No.1932703

Well first of all watch that video above. I'm still digesting it myself. Phil Fish is hated more than Kim Jung Un and Adolph Hitler. And at the same time, more people in the world don't know and don't give a fuck who Phil Fish is.

Who cares he said something?
>What I would have done is been more professional about it.
Ok you're famous because you said something absolutely retarded. From now on people will only focus on the stupid shit you say. Any chance of reversing the backlash is gone. Put yourself in his shoes. Pretend you just got 2million hits for saying the most polarizing sentence in the world.
And go!
Did you act more professionally about it? Did you save your skin? Did people stop blogging about you? Did you really expect this cunt to know how to handle that situation?

That's what's fascinating to me.

>> No.1932713

>From now on people will only focus on the stupid shit you say.
Thats what journalism is today unfortunately.

>> No.1933504

Fuck off Alex.

Your art is shit, and thread less is lame as fuck. It just kitsch and meaningless corporate shit

>> No.1933561
File: 310 KB, 600x600, Illustration-Signes-Langue-Alex-Solis-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. I used Alex Solis's work in my post because it was sitting on my desktop, and I just wanted a picture with my post. Alex is not in this thread, or likely anywhere on /ic/.

In this situation, usually people would post
>pic unrelated
But I didn't. I forgot.

Regardless, you can't assume people own any image they post here unless they specifically say something along the lines of "This is something I drew". How outstandingly retarded can you be to not realize this?

Even then, I've followed the guy for quite some time. He has a huge portfolio of great work and is a very successful & skilled illustrator.

You've proven yourself to be nothing more than a sad fucking hemorrhoid. Great job!

>pic unrelated