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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 219 KB, 887x861, 1419715219072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1929045 No.1929045 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up. Practice makes Perfect!

A friendly reminder to do wrist exercises and take breaks as you practice to avoid getting CPS.

Previous thread: >>1925882

>> No.1929049

Before anyone asks: if there's no study posted in the dying thread I pick a random practice and post it as OP picture like I did with the last thread.

You can use that ref picture as this thread's study, if you wish. Happy drawin'

>> No.1929101
File: 52 KB, 700x700, Study.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everything I Draw look really tall

>> No.1929108

Work on your proportions. Try drawing the silhouette and think of the biggest shapes first.

>> No.1929112

Maybe try exaggerating it to make it look really small for a while, see what that does. Compare the two and look for a middle ground

>> No.1929117
File: 480 KB, 523x1280, Test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been drawin for a year, lurkin for just as long.
How's my first post?

>> No.1929124

He looks like someone with scoliosis. Might be become there is a not of form. The best thing about it is his right arm.

>> No.1929132
File: 93 KB, 1214x768, Leaning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I using shapes correctly?
In this she is meant to be leaning off a wall where the butt is touching it, having the torso leaning a bit towards the camera and slightly to the left

I shrunk it down a bit and everything looked about right besides the head which now looked small
How could I measure it by heads while the spine is bent?

>> No.1929133

but why did it have to be the faggot looking nude guy? Man it up at least...

>> No.1929134

I couldn't quite tell what it was

>> No.1929136

yeah but draw boxes in perspective, and make it even more simple, blobby or bean twisting shapes.

>> No.1929140
File: 1.18 MB, 1104x3048, Test2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I definitely pushed it too far then. Was worried about making seem too stiff.
>Might be become there is a not of form
Guessing you're saying to work on studying anatomy. Did that, pulled his back in.

>> No.1929141

I tried doing the beaten but the Lower half always kind of just stuck out to far since it was kind of just a Oval on top another oval flat down, Prokos Robo Bean felt more useful, but its more for males im assuming because they're blocky and (the pecks are equal to the size of the hips?)
How can I study shapes correctly? Drawing stuff like a tissue box from different angles?

>> No.1929142

I tried doing the bean*
Fuck auto correct, I dont even know how that happened

>> No.1929155
File: 79 KB, 494x934, ss+(2014-12-29+at+04.36.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a horribly inaccurate phone picture. I'll probably come back to it later and see the mistakes myself but right now I'm blind to it.

>> No.1929172 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 1300x1500, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's today's morning exercise. Referenced porn this time around.

>> No.1929173
File: 319 KB, 1300x1500, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's today's morning exercise. Referenced porn this time around.

>> No.1929175

Does Keys to Drawing actually help? Paid what basics does it help you with? I tried a few exercises and it looked like a bunch of squiggly lines.

>> No.1929183

The book will help you understand the essentials of drawing, providing fundamental basics as to how to approach it. It'll do this one step at a time, however, but the end of the book it'll all come together. In other words, it helps you open your mind as to how to draw.

Do each exercise and read as to why you need to do those exercises. If you feel as though the image you drew is of unsatisfactory, draw it again. If it still looks bad the 2nd time, draw it again, and again, and again, until you get it "close enough".

What determines "close enough"? Will, do you see progress? If the answer is Yes, then that's close enough. You're not gonna draw something that looks 100% like said image... not yet anyways.

>> No.1929184

Is there any way to stop having a lewd mind from going out of control? Like, damn, even this stupid man-ass in the OP is giving me a boner and I can't fucking begin to try comprehending it so I can draw it properly.

Do I just masturbate like crazy? Take libido-killing pills?

>> No.1929186

Are you underaged? After a while you get used to it. You could fap beforehand.

>> No.1929214

I'm in my 20s. This has been a persistent problem of mine that has prevented me from graduating the symbol stage.

>> No.1929242

Not really an excuse to not get past symbol stage, as there are plenty of others subjects you can draw both nature and man-made. Unless you have some weird fetish for it. The thing is that after drawings hundreds of them, humans became more of an object to me instead of a living being.

>> No.1929251

A lot of great artists have perverted minds and are even tempted to draw lewd versions of said images. The reason why you're drawing in the symbol stage has nothing to do with that.

>> No.1929275

I don't want to draw this. I mean i draw sometimes naked people but this one is to gay 5 me.

>> No.1929277

Doesn't get drawing porn repetitive as fuck?

>> No.1929283

doesn't pulling the "Don't like what I don't like" card get repetitive as fuck?

>> No.1929287

I don't know m8, that sounds a bit weird, random nudes don't do anything to me, there's nothing sexual about them at all. As the other anon said, it's almost like viewing/drawing an object.

>> No.1929295

Too gay? Are you serious? it's a fucking male butt. How is that gay. I'd MAYBE understand if you had to draw his dick and balls but that's just an ass. How you gonna draw men if you're afraid of their asses?

>> No.1929301

then find another model and draw that
or get over your insecurities
>inb4 where do i find models?

>> No.1929308

dude id rather draw a naked african or south american with a 2-10 inch dick than this guy putting his slut faggot ass on display. Just do a normal fucking pose homo. Pretend you're not gay for 5 seconds, jesus.

>> No.1929317

someone is insecure RAWFOL

>> No.1929322

Just go suck someones dick already, get out of the closet.

>> No.1929332

>slut faggot ass
You couldn't sound more in the closet if you tried, m8.

>> No.1929352

Then what is it?
Well maybe if I could get past this initial problem I'd be able to view them that way.

>> No.1929361

>Then what is it?

You're just looking for an excuse to not draw. If you want to draw people better, your first step is going to have to draw them in the nude.

>> No.1929371

Here's an idea for you:

Start watching really weird porn. Make it so that you can only get off to this weird kind of porn to a point where a nude figure doesn't do anything for you unless they are in a weird situation.

I'm sure it'll work. 100%. Just do it. ✓

>> No.1929387

>an excuse
No, this is a real issue of mine.

Already taken care of that. Whatever, guess this is why I'm not cut out for art.

>> No.1929393

>stopped from being an artist because too horny
Some high grade keks right here.

>> No.1929409

There are no physical limitations. You simply don't want to. There are plenty of other subjects and solutions. You don't want it, stop trying to find excuses.

>> No.1929410

I've got another idea:

Draw apes. Hairless apes. Surely apes won't make your cock crow.

>> No.1929425

The chapta expires everytime I'm almost done with uploading.. What to do?

>> No.1929426

>No, this is a real issue of mine.

I don't think you realize how many artists draw when they are beyond horny. All in honestly, you're just looking for an excuse not to draw. If you can barely focus on your work, then you're bound to fail at everything else.

>> No.1929443

>Cut it in half

>> No.1929445
File: 353 KB, 484x491, 743e480cdf3961617a964fc690656c18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here, draw this anon
work on your foreshortening

>> No.1929450

What a coincidence, I do fail at everything else.

>> No.1929453
File: 1.90 MB, 3516x2548, Help me please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you say, thanks anon

>> No.1929462
File: 1.93 MB, 3472x2548, Help me please2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute beginner reporting in

Since I cut the upload in half I'll post the second picture with my thoughts

>1. The glas bowl's center should be anywhere in the red circle, I guess
>2. Horrible shading techniques, but I can't tell why
>3. Ignore, just for the record
>4. I'm kinda proud of this cloth mouse

>> No.1929468

Absolute beginner you say? I suppose there is no hope for me after all.

>> No.1929469
File: 175 KB, 500x301, 1404347405510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to hear we got that established.

>> No.1929472
File: 62 KB, 840x675, ghhgtrvgftyureds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to draw a head tilted away being viewed from the side, but I'm not very sure if I'm drawing it correctly, any tips?

I drew a head at a standard profile view to compare, I still think I'm not drawing it quite right

>> No.1929475
File: 972 KB, 2548x1952, Hand for ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is dude, this is me basically 1 week ago

300 motherfucking cringe worthy sides of Betty Edwards and 6 exercises out of the book made it happen

It is like magic

>> No.1929490
File: 24 KB, 560x616, CupCups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betty Edwards has terrible logic, but is a damn good teacher. Reading Right Side of the Brain and I drew this cup after a week of finishing the book. Yea it's ugly, but I never thought I'd ever get this far into drawing.

>> No.1929492
File: 74 KB, 593x757, 0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they satisfactory for minute gestures?

>> No.1929494


What logic are you talking about? This woman doesn't know what logic is.

It is like she discovered how to build a plane, and explains its ability to fly with "GOD LIKES ITS COLOR THAT'S WHY!"

Wonderful teacher tho

>> No.1929497

too many lines that don't mean anything. Be precise, make clean lines and erase the ones you don't like.

>> No.1929499

I downloaded Loomis Figure drawing for all its worth and I always come in those books with the idea that they'll tell me what to do exactly step by step and then try more of X and Y but he just shows you a lot of stuff and goes "Do this". It IS helpful but I always come to the realization that everything you get from this book you have to actually perform yourself.

>> No.1929506 [DELETED] 

a few recent portraits, trying to focus on construction though they aren't great in terms of that probably

been using pen recently so I'm more assured with lines and not sketchy

>> No.1929507
File: 524 KB, 594x620, portraits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few recent portraits, trying to focus on construction though they aren't great in terms of that probably

been using pen recently so I'm more assured with lines and not sketchy

>> No.1929509 [DELETED] 

But if I'm too precise, wont they look like contour drawings?

>> No.1929516

looks alright keep it up

>> No.1929626
File: 164 KB, 1166x940, loomis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man does it feel good to finally have some structure to make figures.

>> No.1929643

Alright guys, I buckled down and bought myself some Pigma micron pens. What are some good exercises to get used to using pens, considering I've mostly stuck with graphite and digital this whole time.

>> No.1929707
File: 193 KB, 1239x903, Screenshot_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for putting up my post from the previous thread OP! feels gut mahn

Tried again to tackle the same model, but from a different angle.

>people saying reference is too gay to draw
>people they're to horny to draw

If you cant handle a naked butt, you're not going to progress as much or as fast as the other artists who put aside their apathy or lust in order to learn new things.

ps: any critiqs?

>> No.1929710
File: 261 KB, 1277x795, Screenshot_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and more clothing studies.

>> No.1929723


>> No.1929733
File: 647 KB, 1077x1089, Anno and Honno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggled so much with the nose and mouth I just said fuck it and went with simple shapes.

It ended up looking cartoony.

>> No.1929734
File: 1.22 MB, 1399x793, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used this for reference as well

>> No.1929736

> I just said fuck it and
>gave up

thats your problem, get back in there and try drawing things you arent comfortable with. this is how you get better
then draw a MAN standing on a glass surface, from a bottom view.
no guaruntees that it will look good, it probably wont, but it waill make it WAY easier when you try a second time now that you know 40% of what youre doing instead of 0%

the biggest part of art early on is breaking out of that comfort zone that you dont realize you have.

>> No.1929737
File: 58 KB, 418x421, figures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Total beginner. I decided to work on human figure proportion/poses.

>> No.1929740
File: 360 KB, 480x480, 1406575381820.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to be good at drawing and painting
>want to be good at making music
>want to sing
>want to dance
>want to model in 3d
>want to make video games

How much will I be able to "master" in my life?

>> No.1929741

Bro, you're probably in your early 20s. You got your whole life ahead of you to work on shit.

>> No.1929744


>> No.1929745

I guess yes. At least they're all somewhat connected and knowing one will help with another.

>> No.1929748

I get what you're saying man. I should try to keep at it in those things. But everytime I try to draw a realistic nose it looks like a deformed mushroom. I really gotta figure out the technique for that...

I feel you bro. Although I only want to do 3 of those things, at this point it seems like I'm just a Jack of all Trades, master of none. But yeah, like the other guy said most of us here still have time.

>> No.1929765
File: 156 KB, 768x1024, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quitting drawing for half a year wasn't a smart idea. Also trying to copy studies feels harder to learn from than trying my own guessworking.

>> No.1929777

>Currently learning music
>Can now create music
>Can code in C++
>Currently learning how to draw

I'm almost there. Just keep training. It'll take up a lot of your time, but it's whatever. I like being a shut in.

>> No.1929783

Yeah I'm bouncing between music and drawing. I draw because I want to be able to paint and model 3d bodies the way I want.

I play music mainly because it's fun and it feels...natural. Maybe not natural but you know, it feels right when you play the piano and you sing a song and you're just there having fun. Feels good to groove. Dance is just because of Michael Jackson. I'm not good at it either but it feels good too to make some moves on the groove.

>> No.1929814
File: 579 KB, 601x753, Screen Shot 2014-12-30 at 7.00.34 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a quick referenced drawing but failed.

>> No.1929822

>I failed
but you drew something

If it's not accurate then just draw it again until it is.

You only truly fail if your canvas is blank and you're not in some abstract/contemporary art expo and are trying to make a point with the empty thing.

Focus on what you did right and repeat that, your brain will most likely repair the previously faulty thing on its own because it knows how things are supposed to look

>> No.1929825

Don't bounce back between the two.
Choose one subject and grind it out. Remember, when you try to tackle too many things at once, you simply won't make it to your goals.

I've dabbled with music, but at the moment I'm drawing 6+ hours a day and will continue on. I won't start working on my game till November 2015, and even then it won't be my "dream game". Just a simple platformer just to see if I have the ability to create such a thing.

>> No.1929828

Back to hentai foundry

>> No.1929880

Exactly what I want to do. But haven't started in any of those xD
Feeling like I am going to get nowhere fast and I have looked at books and online tutorials. Anyone with an idea to help xD

>> No.1929883

Same guy as here xD
But I also brought it up to friends and family that know how to draw and they all explain by saying "Just DO it" and that never seems like enough for me

>> No.1929889

>How much will I be able to "master" in my life?
Think of it this way:
All these areas are different villages in a densely overgrown jungle and the skill in them comes as fruit that you can only prepare at your home base in the middle of the jungle
All the tribes living in the villages are not interested in venturing out so they don't carve any pathways for you.

This leaves you as the only one to do so.
So you grab your machete and hack away at the shrubbery and ake your way toward village dancing.

You receive the fruit but you don't have mouth and you can only be fed puree intravenously at home base (for some reason this is not lethal to you and, in fact, nourishes you).

So you walk back home and eat enjoy your injection.
Thing is, you're gonna get hungry again, so you go again the next day, carving your path out a bit more, stomping the grass nice and flat.

You go back and forth and back and forth and the more you visit that one village the easier it becomes to go there, because for some reason not only have you stomped the ground nice and flat and free of shrubbery, but at some point it turns into a conveyor belt that moves you faster and faster, later you'll get a teleporting device.

Thing is, if you don't go there every time and decide you want to try the other fruits from the other villages(they only differ in taste, they nourish you the same), the shrubbery will grow back in all the pathes you aren't traversing.

So in other words:
You could master all of them if you lived forever, but if you want to master them in your lifetime then it would be best to do so focusing one at a time.

Sure, the teleporter will start up a little bit more slowly but it will still teleport you and if you teleport again every now and then, it becomes faster again.

Stuff like that.

But if you go all over the place all the time then you'll be hacking away at shrubs more than you're eating delicious skillfruit.

>> No.1929910


Do I need to actually sit through and read this book or should I just skip to each exercise?

>> No.1929919

any advice for a scribbler? There's a concept in my mind for a creature that has literally no basis in any real animals. What is the best way to go about trying to learn how to draw it? Pot shots and refinement? Is there a secret to drawing purely from visualization that I don't know about? I can draw pretty much anything I can see already but rarely ever keep anything I do. What do?

>> No.1929920

Base it on whatever your mind copied the idea from. Saying it has no basis on anything makes it sound like you made something with no purpose or functionality for the sake of being a hipster.

>> No.1929925

Oh god, thats gonna be a riot. So many pieces... now i have to figure out where the hell it all came from. thanks genuinely.

>> No.1929926

Where could I find more on drawing heads and faces/portraits? Loomis is kind of lackluster on the matter.

>> No.1929936

Copied and saved

>> No.1929937

Hard to say

I would read it tho, just to have the right to flame her logic

>> No.1929945 [DELETED] 
File: 1.75 MB, 3264x2448, DSC_0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1929946
File: 468 KB, 750x1000, DSC_0595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1929949
File: 506 KB, 2096x1608, Step by step.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the point in drawing a Silhouette?

>> No.1929953


>> No.1929956
File: 237 KB, 617x929, Loomis3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this thing I just did. The shoulders/head placement isn't too bad but the lower you go the more fucked up things get. Notice also how the arms feel weird as fuck. Starting from a silhouette would've helped with that.

>> No.1929960

Kek la kek

>> No.1929961

No no. I love drawing porn also. But it just gets faster repetitive than drawing normal things. It's just how it is.

>> No.1929968

>The shoulders/head placement isn't too bad
they are

>> No.1929972

give me a chance I started figure drawing this morning with Loomis mannequins

>> No.1929986
File: 565 KB, 1400x1783, 141229 gestures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to try and come back with some portraits too, if I can keep what anon said in mind and not be frustrated with myself.

>> No.1930047

These are great anon, you're clearly feeling the motion.

>> No.1930058

Trying to draw hair on a female character. What's a great tutorial to look up in order to grasp a better idea on how to draw them?

>> No.1930060

This should have everything you need
Maybe give this a try too

>> No.1930064


I recently started looking up vids on how to draw certain features and always ran into Proko's work. I don't know why I didn't run into his hair video.

And thanks for the link showing off all the ways to draw here, this is more than enough help. Much appreciated, anon!

>> No.1930220
File: 74 KB, 1080x753, trying is the first step to failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried anons. I fucking tried my best, okay.

>> No.1930283
File: 508 KB, 479x781, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has table bottom syndrome

how can i improve

>> No.1930285
File: 1.49 MB, 3501x2550, Leuchter 30.12.2014 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another day, another absolute Beginner

I nearly collapsed because of this shit, needed 1,5 hours, didn't even shade and almost gave up 3 times

But as this Anon >>1930220 says
>I tried anons. I fucking tried my best, okay.

>> No.1930305
File: 79 KB, 1080x753, trying is the first step to failure 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep on trying until I get it right.

>> No.1930335


work smaller ^^

>> No.1930338
File: 31 KB, 1500x1500, 12-29-2014 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1930340

keep at it! also im sure you know this but you should work on your lines. they're a little scratchy. try doing more big sweeping motions from your elbow and shoulder and your line quality will get better!

also a smaller file size would be a lot nicer

>> No.1930346

Beginner here, what is the best way to learn how to draw people and stuff? My overall goal is to start drawing comics. I know it takes time and practice but how should I focus most of my effort? I heard copying from pictures really helps? Does anyone know of any material I can read/study that might be helpfull? Especially for the human body?

>> No.1930366

I tried Loomis Figure drawing for what it's worth yesterday and I think it's pretty essential to start understanding the mannequin he shows in the first part. Understanding the shape of the body and the proportions is key. As he says, it pays huge dividends to spend a lot of time with it.

So basically start doing >>1929986 with the help of http://artists.pixelovely.com/

>> No.1930373
File: 655 KB, 651x800, woman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another try at a different pose.

I feel like I do better when I actually want to draw opposed to just forcing myself to draw

>> No.1930378

Start with gesture, and then construction/perspective. I can't emphasize how important basic shapes are when constructing the human body. Git gud at shapes first, and then combine that with gesture and you'll be in a good spot. After that, learn landmarks and fleshing things out and afterwards go into anatomy. But NEVER forget basic shapes. Cubes, cylinders, spheres, and the like.

>> No.1930379

Forgot proportion. Know the rules first before you bend them.

>> No.1930386

I didn't, thank you very much, pal

>> No.1930389
File: 251 KB, 1343x793, Thou arth a cheeky kunt m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i studied some landmarks/proportions and tried to apply them to my gestures (added some minimal anatomy too). How horribly did i fail?

>> No.1930392
File: 92 KB, 956x680, oop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

focusing on gesture right now. i hope i can keep this up instead of lasping back into do nothing for another year

i feel like 60 seconds each is a lot of time but i find that i can't even set up a mannequin (yet) in that amount of time, sigh.

Thank you. I'm just not feeling too confident after seeing my regression.

>> No.1930407
File: 171 KB, 1199x871, oop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1930410

I didn't draw for 1 week. Lost somehow the motivation and im lazy as fuck. Hope i get some soon.

>> No.1930414

I'm not even using time limits. First I need to understand properly what it is I'm supposed to do so I click next and pause so I can do my things. I'll put the 60 seconds limit soon but not now.

>> No.1930416

just find fun things to draw to get you back on track. Get creative, that's what it's all about in the end.

>> No.1930418

I was lazy today, did everything in my power not to draw(tidied my desk, fixed my lamp, i even fucking cut my nails, tho i didnt need to do any of these), then i got bored and did this >>1930389 It's not too much, but it's more than nothing.

you can do it anon. Draw, now.

>> No.1930441
File: 859 KB, 853x601, Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 1.08.35 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops i should've thought of that

gonna go read more loomis because doing this is demotivating

>> No.1930447

you're doing a lot better than I am

>> No.1930448
File: 656 KB, 1600x800, portraitstudy8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an update. i made some slight tweaks to the construction and redid the values. its looking a lot better.

>> No.1930493
File: 157 KB, 301x307, chad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930522

Goddamn it

>> No.1930531

absolute beginner here. what i find off is:

- jaw form. the rest of the head rotated so that more of the bottom should be showing, but it's almost like the jaw stayed in the same place. more area in the drawing should be allotted to the underside of the mouth.
- brow ridge disappeared. though i'm not sure if it really disappeared or if at this angle it'd be indicated through rendering and this is lineart.

if i hide the neck portion, it actually doesn't look too bad. decently believable face. it just doesn't look like it's similar to the one on the left.

>> No.1930534
File: 2.39 MB, 1800x2400, Kickedintheballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930537
File: 721 KB, 531x604, 1419642408465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to keep practicing every day and work smart. Think about all the progress you'll make and the pretty things you'll be able to draw.

>> No.1930541

I feel as though most beginners here tend to drop drawing after a few months of practice. I sometimes wonder how many came and gone.

>> No.1930542

I come and go and come and go

I dont know how to "work smart"

>> No.1930543

Work smart I feel is just another term for studying.
Learn what you can to improve your abilities in drawing.

>> No.1930545

Well you have to know what you're supposed to be learning and what the progression from your point should be in order to properly advance. Basically, don't just draw to draw and copy the shit you see. Draw while actively paying attention to what you're doing, right or wrong.

Don't forget to have fun

>> No.1930547

See, I wonder if I'm falling in the habit if simply "copying the exercise" and not actually learning from the book. I feel as though I am, but I could be lying to myself.

>> No.1930548

Punish yourself for not drawing

>Get a BB gun and shoot yourself every half an hour for not picking up a pen
>Open your windows and get nacked
>turn up the music and increase volumen from time to time

Just do shit like that

>> No.1930576

I think half of /ic/ would rather shoot themselves repeatedly than practice.

>> No.1930654
File: 112 KB, 825x879, hotstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure how to go about the shading here. Any suggestions?

>> No.1930660

how do I draw symmetrically jesus christ each fucking drawing I make is assymetric in reflection oh god this is fucking frustrating as fuck

>> No.1930662

didnt mean to quote you

>> No.1930663

it's cool man. as for that, just keep on reflecting your images until they look right both ways I guess, then practice from there

>> No.1930674

What you think about Charles Bargue course (plates)? I really really hate sight size method and refuse to use it because it's completly useless in terms of entertainment design, but the rendering practise are looking promising. Is it useful to do (at least half) of those plates?

>> No.1930677
File: 435 KB, 1486x804, asdsdls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grid or plumb line, it's not a big concern when you can just use rulers, compasses and computer programs for perfect symmetry. Eyeballing your symmetry give it time. Draw a bounding box, practice drawing circles and ellipses.

hope this helps a little. Don't be a slave to your lines, though they are beautiful. Also look into studying color and light. It will help the most. Natural shapes and great color design occur in nature.

>> No.1930686
File: 1.15 MB, 1149x822, rabbitface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesn't look like her at all but is the face decent? Decent as in not full retard.

>> No.1930687
File: 265 KB, 800x1131, Wow its fucking disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was fucking consistently studying damnit, stopping for over three months was a shit mistake.

Quick 20 minute shit doodle before I grind the fundaments again.

>> No.1930688

It's 2D anon.
Forms and proportions.

>> No.1930690

Thanks so much. This is extremely helpful.

>> No.1930701
File: 289 KB, 841x750, FacesinCrowd.sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I hope it helps! Helps me study too. I wanted to point out by 'simple' I even literally used the 'polygon lasso' to make a quick pattern across the chest. Then just paintbucket. It's absolutely 100% inaccurate, but it's enough to fool.

I think most instructors mean well, but they're at such an advanced stage, they may still be overwhelming their student. James Gurney has a section in his book, Pg. 156 titled 'Two Values' He also has it on his blog. Check it out.

>> No.1930740
File: 588 KB, 800x961, 141230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a problem figuring out proportions and where to put things. I know theres (generally) the width of an eye between eyes, but I have no idea how large to make the eyes in the first place, etc.

I hoped that maybe going more basic and down to a skull would help me figure out how big/where to put the side plane of the head at least.

>> No.1930760
File: 267 KB, 1000x1200, ehh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hard time accepting fundamentals to learn. I don't know why, but it's hard to drop the "experience" I have so far and learn the basics. I'm taking a figure drawing class this upcoming term to discipline myself. I've realized that I'm more active in drawing if I surround myself in the environment rather than force myself. I've just been practicing heads for now, maybe I'll go shoulders from time to time, but that where my skills start to lack once I get lower in the anatomy. Hopefully one day though!

I envy people so much that can do this

>> No.1930801
File: 602 KB, 798x1094, mizrachette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just putting it out there because its the first completish thing I did in the week since I got my tablet.

>> No.1930803
File: 642 KB, 1275x1650, 0022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please critique my minute gestures and point out the best ones?

>> No.1930807


2 is fucking mint m8 good job

don't forget to do longer duration figure drawings!

>> No.1930811
File: 806 KB, 1456x2592, hampton-try.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working through Hampton. Any suggestions? Sorry for the shitty image quality...I dont have a drawing tablet.

>> No.1930839

Too much detail.
4 is your best
25 is also very good
as is 35
15 is kinda good as well
22 works
28 is very good
39 is good
36 and 37 work
40 reads too
27 is good though her left arm is reduced to almost no information at all.

But in general you occlude too much by prioritizing forms and their overlap instead of focusing on the action/gesture.

Most of these, even the ones I listed have this problem to a degree, but the ones I listed read the clearest.

Ones I haven't listed have lost some information in favor of your priority of form over gesture, like 23, where is her left arm?
Wasnt visible on the reference? Well you should have drawn it anyway, because the forms are secondary, what matters is the gesture, and you lost the gesture of that other arm.

Where is she holding it? Close to her body pointing backward ? Stuck out to the side?

How would you use this gesture to recreate a figure from a different perspective?

Would you just invent that missing arm? Sure there is some guesswork involved when drawing hidden things but the idea is to draw through forms and capture the motion anyway.

>> No.1930846

If I were Marshall Vandruff now then I'd ask you to use no more than 10 lines per gesture drawing.
(Though he is usually harsher and goes for like 6 or 8)

Maybe you could try that to really hone your sense of only capturing the most important essence?

>> No.1930850

this is coming from someone who can't get the angle of the head right but things that I have noticed are these (since it's the only way I can get the proportions right).

From the front view:
The top of the ear lines up right above the brows
The bottom of it lines up with the bottom of the nose.
There's roughly another ear-length to the bottom of the chin from there
The jaw line breaks at the same height as the bottom of the mouth (varies)
A minimum width for the chin can be aproximated by the width of the nose on some people
For regular noses (e.g. not big black people nose), the center corner of the eyes will line up with the ends of the nose.
The ends of the mouth will often line up with the center of the eyes.

The ears vary a lot on people so they can be higher or lower but the rule can still be used. There are always exceptions and it's just stuff I noticed often so feel free to remove or add some "rules".

>> No.1930851

Thanks for the input.

>> No.1930855

I'm getting tired of trying heads. I can't get the fucking angle right. I understand the point of the sphere and the lines on it but it's always just a bit off. Any trick on getting more accurate for this?

>> No.1930857

I gave up after those few months, although rarely I like coming back to see what people can do. Seeing some great things helps suppress my urge to buy a tablet and try again because it reminds me how bad I was. Bye bye!

>> No.1930860

just buy one nigga it's like 100 bucks tops for a decent one and you can even do homework with it wihtout having to vacuum all this shit the erasers make when working hard on a problem

>> No.1930866
File: 43 KB, 1500x1500, 12-31-2014 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Critique the fuck out of this. I want an "ego loss."

>> No.1930868

would you look at those dubs.

Sorry, yes. Hrm hrm.


The left one is alright though.

>> No.1930870
File: 79 KB, 400x400, faceproportions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any trick on getting more accurate for this?
Observe and draw them some more.

The browline is the equator of the sphere.
The noseline is in the middle of the browline and chin.

the bottom of the eyesockets is in the middle of the noseline and browline.
the centerline of the eyes and bottom of the keystone is in the middle of the bottom of the eyesockets and the browline.

Things below the nose baseline are divided into three thirds.

the bottom of the first third is the line where the lips separate.

the bottom of the second third is the top of the chin and the bottom of the last third is the bottom of the chin.

If you have trouble placing these in perspective, remember that the head is basically an elongated box and the lines wrap around it nicely.

But yeah this shit takes time but keep at it.

>> No.1930873

>Critique the fuck out of this
Look at it yourself.

Do you see anything wrong?
If you still see anything wrong with it, you don't need our critique, yet.

Cause what can we say here?
Learn your fundamental shapes in perspective?
One glance is enough for you to know this yourself.

You have the understanding of form, though, and that's a great start.

>> No.1930875

The proportions aren't THAT problematic right now. It's really the angle at which I'm drawing them is never quite right. The problem is really in the fundamental of the shere+plane placement. I'll practice more tomorrow. Maybe draw some noses alone from varied angles since I tend to misplace the nostrils depending on it. I tend to think the nose is like a little flat roof with two holes and a triangle top. Thanks for the reminder still

>> No.1930876

Well, okay, take more time with drawing, or rather draw with more care.

That lower right woman could look better if you didn't finish it in under 2 seconds.

Engage your brian while drawing, it's a little bit slower but will give bigger yields.

If you train yourself to draw quickly in a trance without thinking then that's what you're going to end up learning.

>> No.1930877

>Engage your brian

I only have a ryan

>> No.1930878

though engaging your brian is useful as well.

Ryans also work,

perhaps think of the nostrils as claws or something instead? The shapes curl around

>> No.1930888
File: 63 KB, 1500x1500, 12-31-2014 2-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pshh what ever pleb. I haven't drawn for fun in awhile, so I am trying to get some sort of feedback from what I draw. Whether im going about this positively isnt a question I am currently worried about. But you are right about sitting down and analyzing my own drawing(s).

>> No.1930889


You draw like you don't give a shit. It still feels fairly solid though so thats nice. Why not try something cleaner?

>> No.1930891

>You draw like you don't give a shit.

If this were a programming thread, >>1930888
you'd most likely call your variables
nigger, asfg, blaa or something equally ah-fuck-it-whatever-who-cares ADD ish.

>> No.1930896
File: 453 KB, 1024x1200, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand drawing everyday will help you improve, but how do I make each drawing better than the last? How do I create a work ethic of improvement?

>> No.1930899

>how do I make each drawing better than the last
By redrawing it and checking how close it is to whatever you want to express the way you want to express, of course.

Like Jesse, from breaking bad.
He kept on making boxes until he had a really nice one.
He didn't make a box, then a birdhouse, then a plane, then a chair, etc.

Though that would have given him a little bit of skill in all of them.
No mastery though.

>> No.1930904

Thanks, anon. I do know a fair number of the rules when it comes to putting them all together, but something about it just hasn't clicked for me yet. I know roughly where things go, but I have no idea how wide to make the nose without having the eyes in place. I dont know how large to make the eyes even though I know theres the width of an eye (usually) between them, etc. Or that a face is (generally) five eyes wide.

Logically, I can list the rules of the face in proportion to itself but even when I'm drawing from reference it's kind of a crapshoot. I'm easily frustrated because I'm putting down lines that I know belong - thirds for the brow line/nose/chin etc, but then I dont know how to put the features on the lines.

I don't really know how to best solve this problem for myself, though I'm hoping that looking at the muscles and bone might help. Maybe.

>> No.1930907
File: 1.13 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first drawing in almost 6 years I was using a eye I found on Google to help me but in honest opinions how can make it better.

>> No.1930908

ANYONE KNOW A SITE OR A LIGHTWEIGHT PROGRAM THAT has A 3d HUMAN MODEL and lets you make your own gestures or something in different angles??

>> No.1930910

Turn the image right side up, practice line confidence - no more short and uncertain "hairy" lines, draw basic shapes to help yourself understand that eyes are round and not flat, look more closely at eye references, to learn that the iris is concave which can help you understand how light actually falls on it.

>> No.1930917


>> No.1930919

An bad upside photo of a beginners drawing of one eye on dirty lined paper. You could not fit the stereotype better.

>> No.1930920

Why are eyes the most drawn object of amateurs? I used to spend papers upon papers of eyes and animu eyes jesus fuck

>> No.1930921

I read a book that said people draw eyes when they feel self-conscious or that they're being watched.

Could be total bullshit, though.

>> No.1930922

Search youtube on ´How to draw´, 4th result is how to draw a realistic eye. That helps

Don´t get me wrong though. There is absolutely nothing wrong with practicing drawing the eye., but not in this way. It´s symbol drawing

>> No.1930923

>Why are eyes the most drawn object of amateurs?
Eyes are of great significance to us.

>> No.1930940
File: 92 KB, 960x960, 10615958_274908756040228_5368129808004987998_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930941

Great now remember about the cruise control for cool

>> No.1930947
File: 462 KB, 3231x2330, Project 1-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /ic/ I've posted a few threads back a few keys to drawing exercises. Sadly, school stuff (non-art related) came up and I haven't been able to draw for more than a month now. Anyways do you guys have any stories that can help me stay disciplined/ motivate me to be more consistent in my output?

TLDR I haven't drawn for more than a month post motivational stories to help me

>> No.1930948
File: 333 KB, 2434x1475, Project 1-d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930949
File: 591 KB, 1700x2419, Project 1-e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1930950

What you need to do is play the inspirational theme song from that show.

>> No.1931003

What is there to critique? you haven't done anything

>> No.1931020
File: 2.13 MB, 2248x4305, hhii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1931040
File: 1.55 MB, 2250x2250, gestures 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do these gestures everyday, except the weekend

90 seconds long each, except for 41, and 42, those are 5 minutes each

>> No.1931061

You're killing it. Keep doing that.

But these too are more mannequinization than just gesture.

>> No.1931077

Half way through fun with a pencil, I attempted the previous beginner exercise and it out better than I thought. It's complete shit, but the errors are obvious.

I'm enjoying my studies.

>> No.1931135
File: 1.03 MB, 2048x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year!

I hope your New Year's resolutions contain "keep practising"

>> No.1931137
File: 582 KB, 887x848, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was an attempt..

>> No.1931173

Will I still see an improvement if I just draw and challenge myself everyday without the help of any books? Keys to Drawing is really boring me.

>> No.1931180

Try Loomis. He's pretty good and there's so little text that you basically do exactly that. You're given everything to make it on your own and then you practice practice practice

Fun with a pencil and Figure drawing for all its worth are the only ones I've touched and they have enough content to keep me busy for a long while.

>> No.1931181

Try Robertson's "How to Draw" instead. If you're a beginner, you should nail down the basics before straying off outside the anatomy books.

>> No.1931210

As I read Loomis' books, I'm not sure how to apply them onto my drawings. Is there an exercise if so I kind I can look into to put myself to the test to see where I'm at?

>> No.1931211

Nothing is magically gonna come out of your mind. You learn from what others learn, and from life.

Even if you focused only in life, trying to discover centuries and centuries of piled up information contained in books by yourself is going to be a colossal waste of time. It could take you decades or even all your life to realize what gesture is, or you could just deal with it and sit one day to read a book.

If a book is boring you, just skim through it for the general ideas and then go back to each one, or try a different book. Or look for videos. There's even whole classes available on torrents. Gimping yourself is gonna get you nowhere in art.

>> No.1931212

Whenever someone does digital gestures they're always really small. Is that the size you draw at, or do you scale them down afterward so you can post all of them? If it's the former and you draw tiny, consider drawing a lot larger, like at least as large as the photo reference.

>> No.1931227


Take the mannequin and start applying them to pics from the link. Don't bother with the time limit, just set the mannequin right. Once you start understanding the proportions keep trying and understand how flesh works from the other drawings in loomis.

>> No.1931229

I'm actually at the part where Loomis has you drawing the mannequin from his examples. Thanks for the link, I'll apply them to these images or references images provided here

>> No.1931254
File: 239 KB, 1100x1349, testdrawjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went ahead and attempted the previous beginner exercise and man, so many errors I might as well start all over. However, I'll complete the Loomis' mannikin exercise before I give it another shot to get better idea how to go about executing this properly.

>> No.1931334

Is there anymore exercises on building up your frame work from Fun with a Pencil? The book only provides two exercises, but I feel like it isn't enough before jumping to the manikin.

Any site showing more exercises of that particular subject? Or perhaps maybe a better way to tackle manikin drawings?

>> No.1931347
File: 68 KB, 720x960, jokerquicksketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did this in about 10 minutes. Doing quick sketches of a bunch of superheroes and villains. Aside from part of the hair and the bow thing I am pretty happy with it.

>> No.1931350

Forgot to mention, this was me practicing using guidelines and doing it quickly. As well as shading practice.

>> No.1931363

At your stage, starting over and and over and over again is highly recommended.

The gesture, shapes and "guide lines" aren't there just for the sake of putting it there, if you put it down with little thought you will get no where.

Take your time to read the materials and try to understand "why" first. When you understand why you open up the ability to use those techniques instead of just poorly copying them.

>> No.1931369
File: 130 KB, 570x516, Head angles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips for the next part. This shit is going to get nastier than what's already there. Are the proportions not too terrible?

>> No.1931373

That's some tiny shit, anon

>> No.1931379
File: 41 KB, 922x613, 0024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this one coming along?

>> No.1931380
File: 299 KB, 490x657, framework.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is, while reading Loomis' book I understand why they are there, but I don't understand how they are formed. I'm currently tackling the manikin part of the exercise and it's very difficult to mimic the poses it offers.

I simply just can't comprehend the instructions Loomis is providing. I can draw the exercises with no problems, but he reviews so little as to how to add more to the frame work, I don't see how anyone can understand it.

Pic related, this the part of the exercise I'm at and I don't understand how to "add" the frame work. All my images come out as distorted as >>1931254

Any advice will be appreciated, as I feel Loomis does through this section rather poorly since he's vague on the subject matter.

>> No.1931394

what helped me make sure my figures were aiming in the right direction was trying to put the two disks he puts in place of the hip bones (in which the legs go). You can basically control the angle of the disks by drawing narrower or fatter circles/ovals and place the hips just right and go from there.

>> No.1931399

You've identified your problem that you don't "understand" which is commendable, a lot of people just pass it off as loomis is stupid and other such excuses. So now you have to find the way to overcome that.

For me I just think it's a lack of experience, draw more still lifes, draw more of anything. If you keep forcing yourself on that one segment that you don't understand what would occur is that you are just practicing making the same mistakes over and over again and then drawing those mistakes would become natural to you.

Maybe try Betty Edwards Drawing on the right side of the brain to see if it changes your line of thinking, or try another perspective book.

>> No.1931404

I do apologize, but even with the description, I can't quiet understand what you mean. Could you provide an example?

I've done Right Side of the Brain and did the exercises with ease. Well, not to say it was "easy", but it was easy to look at the image I made and said "this is what I need to fix" and resolved it from there.

However, the part I'm at in Fun with a Pencil, sadly, it provides very little on how the frame-work actually works. Earlier I asked if there were anymore exercises in regards to this subject, but it seems like there isn't much since Loomis covers very little about it before jumping onto the manikins exercise

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to go about this since I do draw from life very often. I'm stuck on this subject, and sadly, I have no idea how to progress from this point on. Any other advice I seek dismisses any teachers Loomis has to offer, but I don't want my time I've spent going through half the book gone to waste. I'd like to follow the sticky as strictly as possible, since it's nice to have a "personal study".

But please, any advice I'll gladly accept in order to improve on this section, as I'd love to continue my drawings.

>> No.1931409

Might want to go with "Drawing the Head and Hands" by Loomis for what you're trying to do right now. Most people always tell you to start with "Fun With a Pencil", but I feel like that book only gives you the bare minimum when it comes to learning construction.

>> No.1931410

I've been told to read "Drawing the Head and Hands" several times in the past when I've ran into brick walls. I've been able to surpass and continue, and so I neglected Head and Hands for the time being as I assumed it was a more advance book (like a Step 2, after Fun with a Pencil).

But if it's necessary to read Head and Hands at this point, I suppose I can give that a shot.

>> No.1931412
File: 235 KB, 1024x768, homoporn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really want to reopen my pixiv but I'm worried I'll be lazy again and have the urge to post my sloppy unfinished sketches
also how I do

>> No.1931416

Upon reviewing Head and Hands, it doesn't cover the difficulties I'm currently under going. I just want a better explanation as to how to go about creating a framework for the human figure. Upon further research, I'm able to find other methods, but as mention earlier, these other methods advise to dismiss any of Loomis' teachings. I don't feel as though that's a good idea since I've been working on fun with a pencil for the past 2 weeks, and I'd hate to throw away any knowledge the book had to offer.

>> No.1931422

Same here. The sphere is nice and all but I'm having trouble really capturing the angle and proper size of the head when making a portrait since my circles are pretty bad right from the start.

>> No.1931423
File: 43 KB, 474x192, Untitl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm designing a moveset for a contest in a chibi fightan vidya I play - how do I make this NOT look like the inside wall of Coldsteel's asshole?

>> No.1931428


i see it now, butt is kinda messy

first time doing gesture + contour with a bit of rendering. pls gib criticism

>> No.1931429

Sometimes you just have to find the explanation yourself. Just keep practicing what you've learned so far and eventually it'll come.

2 weeks is nothing.

>> No.1931431
File: 420 KB, 2684x3132, Loomispls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to follow along with Loomis, did this trying to do the base shapes to face exercise, fucked this one up real good. Can't really figure out why. Any advice/critique?

Going to try sketching the OP image in the meantime.

>> No.1931433

That's probably my problem, and one thing I forget that Betty Edwards always brought up. As I'm doing Loomis' exercises, I'm too focus on trying to do it 100% his way, that I just can't seem to get the images on point. However, Betty Edwards always brought up ways like "how did you complete the image? When you had difficulty, what was YOUR method" and that mind set always had me figure out what to do.

In conclusion; I'm retarded. I'll research other methods, and regardless of feedback, I'll complete Fun with a Pencil. I was just having such a blast drawing, to run into a wall this quickly got me flustered. Thank you anon for cooling my head.

>> No.1931435
File: 32 KB, 352x316, Make it parallel nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is you didn't draw the two lines above and below the horizon line of the ball correctly. Imagine there's a flat plane where you're drawing the face. If things aren't parallel you'll end up with some weird shit. It's as if your brows weren't lined up with your mouth.

I'm not that much better but I think that's part of the problem. Hope it helps.

>> No.1931437

even in my pic the nose is too high/far right. I'm working on that at the moment.

>> No.1931439

Shit, I was imagining my features on additional sphere-circumferences, rather than parallel orbits, thanks for that.

>> No.1931469
File: 134 KB, 1075x753, Bootysketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back, tear me a new one

>> No.1931477



>> No.1931491
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, 1415570733311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1931494

it's ok I only like 2d homo

>> No.1931495
File: 112 KB, 1024x768, oop4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

third day in row of actually doing stuff. i hope this keeps up for the next 365 days

>> No.1931496
File: 1.57 MB, 4512x2948, fastsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it. Not super happy with the results, but I did it. Give me some harsh critique guys, I want 2015 to be the year I learn to draw way good.

Right off the bat though I can see I didn't manage my time or space well. But what else could I have done better, or done to better manage time/space?

>> No.1931501
File: 175 KB, 1024x768, oop5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75 seconds each this time. still having a hard time with the head-neck area, sigh

>> No.1931512

>Give me some harsh critique guys
Don't do gesture drawings or speed sketches until you're more confident in your proportions of the figure.

If you grind speed drawings without knowing what you are drawing then you will train yourself to draw badly.

I mean, you can still do it daily but it should be for recreation and not your main focal point.

Your lines are shakey and your forms aree weak.

Hands are not 3's feet are not Ls and you're breaking joins everywhere.

And you might say "I'm doing gesture" but you're not. I don't see cross contour lines, I don't see gesture lines.

All I see is rushed figures your brain can't figure out at that speed.

Do more fundamentals are the human figure in its simplified form.

Your drawing will look so much better in the end.

>> No.1931514

To add to that:
30 to 60 drawings aren't about getting your figure down as fast as possible.
It's to train yourself to draw smartly and only focus on the essential lines you can describe gesture (and as much of the figure, but that's secondary) as possible.

It is not intended to be hurried.

It's intended to train your eye to see what really matters.

I made the mistake you are making and it didn't give me any good yields.

I am still shit at the overall figure.
I am now focusing on one thing at atime at a nice and steady pace.

I'll return to gesture drawing once I am more comfortable with everything about the figure.
(Currently focusing on heads I don't even care about the rest of the body right now, apart from the neck/shoulder)

>> No.1931515

Fair enough, thanks for the advice. "Rushed figure my brain can't figure out" sounds a bit right.

How do I practice figure proportions? I guess draw a lot of figures, right? Just grab some pictures in poses and draw them? Like the image in the OP? Because I did that here >>1931469 Should I just keep doing more like that, or is there fundamental problems with that as well?

Thanks again for the honest advice though, hard to find people willing to be harsh.

>> No.1931517

>How do I practice figure proportions?
This is pretty 'easy' nowadays, with all the proportions being known/discovered by various artists.

You learn them and think about them while you draw.

You have pretty good observation skills though as seen here >>1931469

About fundamentals, well, do you know the landmarks of the body? Do you know the simplified body? the simplified skeleton frame?

You can benefit from that, a lot, especially if you want to modify the figure you are drawing.

Check this out, starting at 37 minutes-ish and onward.

>> No.1931521

Also, when I say, hands are not 3s, feet are not Ls, I mean that, ofcourse.

But in a pure gestural drawings hands are just single lines, the feet perhaps an indicated triangle.

Something abstract.
Sure, 3's and Ls are abstract as well but they're closer to reality and if you get closer to reality with something then it just looks worse than it could if you mess it up.

like the difference between drawing a :-) vs drawing a realistic head.

You could have a crooked nose or something on the smiley and the eyes misplaced slightly and it would most likely not make people vomit as much as if you went ahead and tried to restore some painterly realistic jesus head and end up painting a monkey.

So again, in those 30 - 60 minute ones, focus on what's important, this is actually pretty difficult, but if you manage to 'get it' then your well designed simple lines will have more expressive power than a 3 or and L which indicates form more clearly but simply doesn't look as good as a nice juicy gesture line or a nice juicy roughly indicated limb .

>> No.1931522

Nice man, thanks for the help. Know of any exercise collections I could follow to help me keep the habit (thinking along the lines of online teaching websites/exercise maps like khanacademy or codeacademy, but with art, obviously)

>> No.1931524

not the same anon as above but i'd advise you to practice with a pencil.

>> No.1931526

I'm curious, why pencil rather than digitally?

>> No.1931528

Well, there is pixelovely and sketchdaily or posemaniacs, but they show full figures you can grind, you have to draw the gesture/line of action from observation and knowledge.

And I'll be honest, there is no clear definition and technically your drawings *are* gesture drawings, I mean we had some anons post some mannequinized gesture drawings as well and I didn't bitch about them as much ,but they had much better understanding of volume and proportion.

I mainly just want you to stop drawing quickly until you know what you're doing.

Also, you don't *have* to use a pencil but the dynamics/the feel is just so much 'easier' the medium does a lot of work for you.

It also allows you to look at your paper where you are drawing and thus this removes some mental burden (but that goes away with practice) about drawing on non cintiq style tablets.

Also, it's easier to carry around a small sketchbook than most fancy tablets.
It's also a lot cheaper.

>> No.1931529

It's more of a recommendation than a necessity.
Traditional gives off more feel for me. knowing how to grip the pencil and how hard you apply pressure to it.

>> No.1931530

But again, this is just my personal opinion, of course.

You are the artist and you have to make the decision on what you do and you did some really good work already.

So take what I say with some salt, you can do what you are doing, perhaps its the best for you, but if you still draw all haywire in 60 second drawings after a month of doing that, then perhaps you should slow down a bit and study it at a slow pace until you can see the forms when you close your eyes and can draw them in your sleep.

Speed comes naturally with mastery repetition, even if you're not rushing. At experienced level you will be a lot faster doing the same meticulous thing than when you start out.

>> No.1931532
File: 40 KB, 511x684, image010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And a pic with some gestures of various levels of concreteness.

They all look great, from the stickmen to the boxmen.

>> No.1931535
File: 466 KB, 2010x1156, gestures2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And some of the 30 second gestures I did earlier in 2014.

You can see that my torsos are often too short, even in this simplistic form and my proportions are all whack.

So I stopped doing that before it became a habit.

>> No.1931536
File: 409 KB, 2056x1472, 5_min_sketches1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I don't think they're super bad or anything, but I was only 'good' at 30 to 60 second ones.

The longer studies kicked my ass, where I couldn't just scribble down some simple shit and actually had to construct properly.

Which I didn't learn beforehand.

It was very frustrating, but again,>>1931522
the longer drawigns you did look so much better than the ones I did.

As seen here.

>> No.1931541
File: 161 KB, 1306x960, 1 hour class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one.

these all could have been better if I had known more about what I'm trying to do without a time limit inside a time limit.

>> No.1931547
File: 272 KB, 604x874, Happy New Year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy new year fellow beginners

>> No.1931584


>> No.1931585

>had drawn whole fuckin day
>see it's possible to get my goal if i draw every day like this
>next morning
>cause of this i have somehow 0 motivation to draw
>getting lazy

I hate me.

>> No.1931609
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started with Loomis 3 days ago. How to fix my craniums? They always seem too wide. Besides, my lips and eyes always are gigantic. Are my proportions right? pls critique

>> No.1931623

Simply draw more, you know what's wrong, now all you gotta do is practice until you can fix it.

>> No.1931628

Thanks. What about "drawing with the hand", as in not using the fingers? Do you guys do it?

>> No.1931630

Drawing from the hand? you mean shoulder?

Yeah, I do that.

Once you start drawing a little bigger it's a lot nicer to have long strokes coming from there than the very limited wrist.

Though shoulder also works on small details but it really shines on the big ones.

>> No.1931634
File: 1.59 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. Thanks for all your input. :^)

>> No.1931693

Question about measuring/sighting:

I've found that it's easier for me to just measure the width and height of whatever I'm drawing rather than just finding the midpoint.

I'm curious if this is advisable, since I've never heard it before, and also as to how you guys do your sighting.

>> No.1931728

What are some good pointers in drawing hips on the human body. There seems to be so many different methods to approach it, but what's a simple way in going about drawing the hips?

>> No.1931733
File: 634 KB, 1092x1500, Negative Räume 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I skip Betty Edwards "Negative space " exercises or do I really need 'em?
I tried and failed after 1 hour, tried again and failed again, tried to fix it and it went even worse.

Are these exercises important and should I focus on getting it right or should I go on with the book?

>I know I didn't draw clear lines. Forgive me this time please

>> No.1931740

Negative space is important.

The perspective on the chair seems off, try taking a picture of the chair with your phone and see if you can get the image printed out by a local Kinkos. After doing so, trace the image through some tracing paper. This may give you a better insight as to how to draw your chair.

If anything, you can compare what you've drawn, and what you've traced side by and to get an idea of where the errors are.

>> No.1931742

Thank you very much, I wil do it right now

>> No.1931751

Yea I've been reading Bridgman too

I find the method he use help me build more fluid gesture that seems more alive

>> No.1931781
File: 352 KB, 376x728, Legitimate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1931928
File: 69 KB, 800x600, 456646456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1931941

hey anons..I dont know if this has already been asked here or not but how do you guys approach reading art books..I just dont know what the most effective method is..do you read the whole book first or in chapters and then apply or copy every diagram and whatnot..

>> No.1931943
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>> No.1931944
File: 171 KB, 717x509, IMG_20150101_184819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1931945

think like learning a language. it starts with a couple common phrases, writing letters, then you move into fundamentals of grammar and shit.

when you start in school you learn ABCs then 123s. addition, subtraction, then you start learning multiplication, reading and writing. They give you homework to take home. But when you're a child you want to play videogames or ride your bike instead.

Now that you're older and more mature you want to study. But you forgot the things you did as a child, apply to learning how to draw.

>> No.1931952

Hey guys, another beginner here.

I wanted to ask you how important it is to draw from real life? It feels like when Im studying from real life I kinda learn more. Its hard to explain but the structure of everything becomes much more clear and you can kinda feel the muscles and all that shit when drawing faces.

Is there a difference between drawing from your mind and from real life in terms of learning and getting better?

Of course Im doing all that loomis stuff too and learning anatomy but in the end can you get really good by just always drawing from pictures and your mind?

>> No.1931963
File: 3.61 MB, 4160x3120, 0101151757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute begginer here, i just started and am studying the nose, heres what i did today. The thing is I always seem to start up and give up before i see any real improvement, how do you manage to stay focused

>> No.1931964
File: 362 KB, 414x557, damn bino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my first time drawing just for fun. this is of childish gambino, critiques?

>> No.1931967
File: 3.75 MB, 4160x3120, 0101151757a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pt 2
heres my attempt at a nose from a different angle

>> No.1931990

You might want to "imply" the nose rather than drawing the whole countours. I mean, by shadows and stuff. It looks more realistic. You can use Loomis' "Drawing the Head and Hands" for that.

>> No.1932007

>I understand drawing everyday will help you improve, but how do I make each drawing better than the last
Ask yourself questions.
"Why isn't my drawing like the model?"
"What are my weaknesses?"
"What artists do I really like, and what defines their style?"
"Why is my picture boring?"

>> No.1932027


Gonna rephase your questions so they are more helpful
>"Why isn't my drawing like the model?"
What is the model doing? why did I chose this pose, what action, motion or feeling do I get from the referance and is that being communicated in my drawing?

>"Why is my picture boring?"
Did I put a story into my drawing, how does my eye move around the drawing, is my eye being pulled to the interesting parts? (face, hands, movement)

>> No.1932090

How do you get the angle of the head right? I'm trying Loomis' ball and plane but my circles suck so hard it fucks up the whole thing and my lines never truly show the same kind of angle as the picture.

>> No.1932102
File: 388 KB, 2500x2500, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think # 6 punched # 7 and #5 saw and 6# is telling her to fuck off

>> No.1932111
File: 1.40 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drew this in my yard yesterday

>> No.1932112

Draw the head

>> No.1932116

the values and shading look very off to me

>> No.1932123
File: 461 KB, 860x468, imagine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her butthurt if she could see that.

I still missed the angle by a couple degrees. It should be tilted higher than that. Sucks since I was able to make a near perfect circle for the first time.

>> No.1932125

What's the best way to find the hips and draw the breasts?

>> No.1932126

All right /ic/, let's talk exercise/practice schedule. Let's say I'm a huge faggot and have decided I'm going to spend 2015 starting my journey to learn to draw in earnest. Let's say my schedule allows me to spend at least four hours a week practicing, in one hour chunks, and let's say my immediate goal is to draw pseudo-realistic humanoid figures and scenery from imagination, with access to references relatively goal.

What will I need to know to be able to do this?

At the rate defined, how long will it take me to reach that goal?

What exercises can I practice within my hour-long sessions?

>> No.1932127

I can see what's wrong with other people's drawings and my own drawings but I can't fix them goddamnit

>> No.1932130


>What will I need to know to be able to do this?

for the humanoids human anatomy and shapes and construction, for scenery the same shit and composition

>At the rate defined, how long will it take me to reach that goal?

depends on you

>What exercises can I practice within my hour-long sessions?

Gesture drawings, that sort of thing

>> No.1932154

I was told (earlier in this thread) to focus on proportion and anatomy before doing gesture drawings. So should I perhaps be doing longer 30 or 60 minute drawings before getting into quick gestural drawings?

>> No.1932181
File: 264 KB, 1531x1011, 10 minutes of sketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I'm able to do in 10 minutes sketch-wise, working from the image shown in the image at that size, without zooming in. I'm fairly happy with it, in comparison to what I was capable of previously, but I want to make sure I'm going about this right.

Basically what I did was measure the image in terms of "booties" (most regular shape in the image, made measuring easy), which told me it was 8 booties tall. Then I drew the booty in and drew things off in reference to the position of the things I'd already drawn, adjusting as necessary. Is this the right way to go about things?

Follow up questions: What do I do next? If I want to draw stuff from imagination eventually, what can I do when practicing this stuff to help me do other figures without a reference?

>> No.1932182
File: 741 KB, 889x1200, original reference.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original image I was sketching from.

Also, worth mentioning, I don't have a pressure-sensitive tablet, and I'm stuck with GIMP (both temporarily, once I'm back at school I'll have limited access to cyntiqs with photoshop). So that's why I don't have any variety of line width or opacity. (I use the airbrush tool and simply go over my lines multiple times to emulate the effect)

>> No.1932185
File: 841 KB, 888x1200, overlap ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the original overlayed with what I drew. Not terribly accurate I can see now. I think each individual part is more or less the right shape, but the small errors I make multiply the further I get away from my original starting point (in this case, dat butt). Certain parts are slightly shorter, angled differently, or placed differently. How do I get better at this? Will it come naturally with time? This is sighting, right?

>> No.1932187
File: 1.52 MB, 2000x1333, donald-glover-childish-gambino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the pic i was trying to draw

>> No.1932195
File: 96 KB, 521x735, 10 minutes of fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moved some stuff around, didn't actually draw anything new though, matches must better now. However, how could I have drawn this one originally? Because if I have to put the original image under my first draft in order to get the proportions right, I might as well trace the first time and save myself the trouble. (Not what I want to do)

>> No.1932198
File: 188 KB, 686x960, 1378262493947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do I do this without tracing
do it more, git gud, ect

seriously you just have to do more and more and you'll get better at spacial relationships and form bro

>> No.1932199

It really is just a practice grind? I mean that's fine, I just want to make sure I'm not teaching myself any bad habits. Is the practice of putting the original up as background and moving my parts around until it matches up a good exercise as well, or a waste of time?

Also, should I just work on the general form like I've been doing in this image, or is it worth going into greater detail on each exercise and drawing in solid lines/more details on each of these?

>> No.1932206

>is it okay to basically trace
the answer is no
To practice just pick a fundamental and do relating studies

>> No.1932217
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1932220

The right thigh is fucked

>> No.1932223

forget about nose details for the moment.

It's just a box.

Don't even think about nostrils until you have gotten placing the box in perspective correctly.

Also, remember that the tip of the nose curls down forward and the nostrils also curl.

>> No.1932228

>how could I have drawn this one originally
use plumb lines.

like >>1932182
if you drew a straight line down from left edge from his right ear cup then this line would touch the left edge of his right calf, as well as the left edge of his heel.

A horizontal line through the right elbow would go straight through the ass crack, where the transition from light to dark happens.

The miggle of his earlobe touches the left elbow on a horizontal line.
The bottom of his chin is on a horizontal line with the bottom edge of his armpit

Shit like that.

This gets even better with actual angles then like from left fingertip to edge of left heel, etc

But that's tougher than horizontal and vertical lines.

>> No.1932231


In writing/calligraphy,
you learn how to write each letter properly first as well, right?
You could get faster from there with a knowledge about how the letters should look.

Sure you might not get them right if you go too fast but if you slowed down a bit, you'd get more accurate again.

>> No.1932232

So does that mean doing drawings like this?>>1932195
I'm not so much constructing as I am trying to place the lines in similar positions as they are in the original image. Should I at some point doing the "here's a bunch of basic shapes that basically represent the internal shapes of the body"?

I feel like my first draft has a lot of the same plumb lines. The ear and calf/heel match up, as do the elbow, asscrack, and ear. And I'm noticing a lot of those line-ups while I'm drawing it and making use of them. It's the other aspects of the drawing that tend to shift it seems.

>> No.1932233

>"here's a bunch of basic shapes that basically represent the internal shapes of the body"?

As soon in the drawing as possible.

>> No.1932234

Shit, I haven't been doing that at all. I feel like I start trying to draw the shapes initially, but it just ends up becoming the contour lines anyway as I try to figure out how everything lines up. Am I supposed to just imagine the pieces in my head and pose them how I think the model is posed, draw that, and then compare? Is there anything that explains this in depth? Loomis was fairly vague.

>> No.1932235
File: 868 KB, 1160x1152, tmp_7967-DSC_0204_20150102081051665-1874668644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opinions on this one?
Maybe Hand too Small?
I am at a Hospital right now and sketching around a little bit.
Sry for Bad english

>> No.1932238

Well, you can just keep doing what you're doing and train your observation skills.

The shapes will come naturally with that.

The only drawback is that you will be able to copy better first than invent (since some outlines change drastically when rotated, etc) but that's totally okay, seriously.

Especially if you want to just draw people as they are in how you see them.

If you think too much then you can also be stalled by paralysis through analysis, so just go with your flow, you'll git gud in the end anyway.

>> No.1932239

OK. My goal though is to draw from imagination, so I really do need to learn invention at some point, but I'm happy just practicing spatial positioning for a while I think.

>> No.1932241

But here,
Proko does a decent job in outlining various methods/steps, though.

And yes he starts with gesture and I usually tell people to get a grip on figure proportions first, but that's only because I rarely see 'stickmen' in those 30-60 second gesture drawings people post but rushed deformed figures instead.

>> No.1932246
File: 1.32 MB, 400x222, pyro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw finally 100% anxiety free now when drawing
>tfw i'm calm and relaxed when drawing
Hang in there my overthinking bro's, it get's better, trust me.

>> No.1932253

Congrats, Anon.
It's one of the grails of art.

Hold onto it as much as you can.

>> No.1932256
File: 115 KB, 800x884, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now I confirmed I was just blindly copying exercises from every book and video /ic/ gave me.

What do I grind so I can improve?

>> No.1932275
File: 145 KB, 1024x768, oop6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trying to simplify these to just gesture is so weird

30 sec this time.
gonna go study faces now

>> No.1932296
File: 138 KB, 1024x768, oop7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1932426

YouTube areas you're currently having trouble with, as they may offer a better/different explanation to help you open your eyes on the issue.

>> No.1932513
File: 699 KB, 1200x888, IMG_20150102_185729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For fuck's sake, how do I find the midpoint? I'm going through Keys to Drawing and while I can do anything else well this shit is just fucking impossible. I'm so frustrated I'm about to kill something.

This is the previous exercise, a few months apart. Second is from 2 days ago. I could do it.

>> No.1932514
File: 175 KB, 943x1122, IMG_20150102_185824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And now this shit is just fucking horrifying. I can't even place lines down properly. I've tried with other pictures but when I actually do go about finding the true midpoint, it's much lower or higher than what I estimated and I end up restating everything. I end up with really fucked up drawings and I just can't do it properly.

Fuck. H

>> No.1932559

I'm having trouble as well with construction. It really is frustrating but I keep thinking after every drawing that if I get through this part, I'll be in drawing heaven since I'll be able to understand perspective correctly. Loomis warns that it is a big wall that practice will invariably get you through it.

We just have to keep trying and it will click

>> No.1932574
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get social up in this bitch
I made a skype group, put this into the address bar of Internet Explorer and you'll join it:


(You will join it through skype, so you only have to use IE once)

It's experimental (Like when i made the first Beginner thread), but it has potential.

>> No.1932590

Could be a good idea. I might join later but at the moment, I'm trawling through the previous threads via the archive as I am a complete and utter beginner.

>> No.1932594

When i made the beginner thread we celebrated how all of us fucked up all the time. The entire idea of Beginner General's is for people with skills or no skills can still post and communicate.
Join the skype chat even if you are autism-tier.

>> No.1932595


>> No.1932598

I think I'm getting somewhere slowly with all this bullshit. I was often focusing too much on "muh ball and plane" and not enough on the features of the individual. Messy but still I see improvement from yesterday.

>> No.1932599
File: 549 KB, 912x546, slowly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.1932606

Because the model sets are great and they're on CGPeers?

>> No.1932620

I just recently picked up drawing and I'm starting off with Fun with a Pencil. I'm up to the expressions part, and I'm having trouble copying the smile. Should I just keep trying until I get it, or should I move on to other faces and just remember the characteristics of each expression?

>> No.1932637

Ouh, sorry mate, my Internet connection broke down. Posting from my phone right now. I will see if I can build it up again

>> No.1932641

>Go read the sticky

>> No.1932646

Hope you didn't buy it. This guy autistic as hell. Learned it from his lifestream bitching about the old guy who was great.

>> No.1932649

Guys i need help drawing, and what I mean is all I can think to do is studies, I don't know if its just cause I'm not creative but I dont know what I want draw

>> No.1932659
File: 1.30 MB, 3120x2917, 0102151426~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does 3 point perspective work whoever I try to do it never seems right pic related

>> No.1932664
File: 467 KB, 1058x506, slowly2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I get this nigga right? I spent so much time trying to understand the angle of his head goddamn.

>> No.1932669

Have you tried using a ruler?

>> No.1932676

Can I use pictures instead of real life 3d models to train my negative-space-seeing-skills?

>> No.1932679

I just said I downloaded it from CGPeers. The torrent tracker for this kind of stuff.

>> No.1932684

Little trick that will already help, always put the center of the nose right at the cross.

The sphere of the head should also be cut parallel to the middle vertical mid line, not inclined. That's why your guy looks like some potato man top-right. You should retain some roundness to the top of the head of course, but cutting the sphere that way leaves the whole head too large. Notice on some pictures how right after the eyebrows end the head gets very angular. That's where the switch to the side of the head occurs.

>> No.1932796

I feel like you shouldn't force this ability onto yourself, but seeing negative space should come "natural".

Next time you're out and about, look for gaps in certain spaces, between cars, trees, doors and rails, whatever. Try to see if you can make a shape in your head. The more you mentally exercise yourself on this, the more you'll get used to recognizing negative space.

>> No.1932860
File: 384 KB, 2500x2500, New Canvas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More studyish things

>> No.1932881

I did, that's where I downloaded Fun with a Pencil from. How is the sticky supposed to help me with this?

>> No.1932888

First time lurking around this board, want to get into drawing although it seems like magic whenever I see even an amateur draw something. Amazes me how people can draw so well like it's a cake walk. I'm not trying to be modest I am seriously a shit artist and really wish to get better.

I'm trying CtrlPaint now and am disappointed at how bad I am at even some basic stuff. Currently doing the "visual measuring" part and trying to get the right angles to draw my phone. My phone isn't blocky though, the shape curves so I'm not sure if that makes it harder but wow It's pretty bad I think. Is CtrlPaint a good starting point when I can hardly draw stick figures?

>> No.1932914
File: 550 KB, 1358x1842, Loomis3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't say for CtrlPaint but I would suggest starting with Fun with a pencil. It's very good and if you keep peeking at it while making portraits/gestures it really helps get better. I couldn't draw faces/bodies for SHIT a week ago and I can do "decent" stuff now. The pic is my progress for today. It still sucks, but what I'm proud of is the black guy because the angle was weird and I spent a lot of time trying to understand how to build the head around it.

So go find Fun with a pencil in pdf (it's all free), Drawing Heads & hands and Figure drawing for what it's worth, all by Loomis.

You might think you're not making any progress but trust me, just keep going through the frustration and you'll decipher bits of information about what you're doing right and wrong every day.

Use this for shit to draw.

Don't bother with the time limit for the moment, just focus on understanding how to build the head and take it easy.

>> No.1932967

Get rid of symbol drawing first

>> No.1932970

Drawing bodies is difficult. Anyone have any recommendations on what videos to review to help me construct the body for an absolute beginner? Loomis isn't doing it for me.

>> No.1932992
File: 1.34 MB, 3956x800, sketch process.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried another sketch, process detailed in image, with reference used at the left. Obviously, the rightmost image has some issues with scale and placement, should I fix it before moving on, just keep doing a bunch of these quick somewhat accurate sketches, or spend more time on my next sketch trying to be really accurate, in which case, how the hell do you get better accuracy without just tracing over the reference?

>> No.1932997

This is a neat references, where did you find this image?

>> No.1932997,1 [INTERNAL] 

quickposes, they've got a library

>> No.1933001

When drawing Female hips the widest part would be at the start of the crotch?

>> No.1933067

i can't seem to get it working, all IE does is google search it.

>> No.1933078

I think Vilppu will punch you in the face if you don't stop rendering and get back to gestures.

>> No.1933079

Quickposes, they've got an image library.

Still looking for assistance on that, by the way.

>> No.1933080

Sycra pls leave

>> No.1933107

>prokofag detected

>> No.1933108

Go to bed Sycra

>> No.1933115

your all a bunch of faggots, quit with the shitposting immediately

>> No.1933117

If you want them to quit you just have to ignore them, tard.

>> No.1933127

What does /ic/ think of Keys to Drawing with Imagination? And when should you read it? Never seen it rec on here, but its by by Bert Dodson.

>> No.1933140

Seems like this thread is getting pretty full. Is it time for a new thread?

Also, I'm being told all of my images are corrupt, and can't seem to upload any. Anyone know anything about that? I recently installed 4Chan X, so I thought that was the problem, but I deleted it, and it's still happening, regardless of which browser I'm using.

>> No.1933141

I'm having trouble building bodies/heads while keeping in mind the traits of the person. Like, I'll end up with a head that works ok but never looks like the person in the reference.

Any tips on how to start working on that? At what point do you break from the "ok this is the way the ball and plane will be looking in general now this guy has a face more like..."

>> No.1933152

It was a problem with the site.

New: >>1933150

>> No.1933158
File: 176 KB, 1850x1428, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images are back.
Do my proportions suck, they don't look right to me.

>> No.1933175

In my first view the legs and arms to short.

>> No.1933187

I'm no expert but I think that your mid one should end up overall lower than the first. I just can't believe someone being bent that much and being as tall as if he's standing straight up.

First one is textbook copy

>> No.1934170
File: 217 KB, 1700x2200, img005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need tips to improve my inking technique

Please help

Also how do I prevent blots of ink droplets from falling off the nib

>> No.1934195
File: 537 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150104_164347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got some crap to put here, recent from my sketch book
what do i need to work on?
i haven't had a critique in a fucking while

>> No.1934196
File: 445 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150104_164329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1934198
File: 433 KB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150104_164432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1934408

>shows 1 gesture, some blurry faces and a necromancer(?), wants critique on nothing
Do 20 more gestures (ten 30 second ones and ten 2 minute ones), or maybe draw some MORE characters. THEN we talk about critique

>> No.1934419

well, most of everything i draw is like this. Usually the way it goes is
>have idea
>try to draw it
>desperately study rest of the day
im guessing this is a terrible way to go about it, but i can't help but do it. Any assistance on working on it?

>> No.1934419,1 [INTERNAL] 

I say you need to start learning anatomy and perspective while continuing to do lots of gestures PER DAY.

All 3 are integral for drawing from the imagination and essential in general.