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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1922995 No.1922995 [Reply] [Original]

>that feel

>> No.1923003

"oh my god....you're a really good drawer!!"

>> No.1923018
File: 20 KB, 400x388, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be shy 14 year old
>girls never pay attention to me
>only attention i get is in art class
>girls realize i can draw a little
>ask me to draw things for them
>flattered, and blushing i draw anything they ask for
>mfw they run to the teacher and tell him they made it
>mfw i realized i was just being used

>> No.1923043

fuck : S

>> No.1923051

Hahaha you actually drew it?

I never got the "can you draw something for me" for free, maybe cause I'm a hardass but people saw my shit drawings and were willing to pay... I was just not confident and lazy, I guess stupid as well.

Look on the bright side anon, at least you got good practice out of it.

>> No.1923194
File: 70 KB, 500x667, doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1998, 2nd grade
>pokemon craze going around school
>I decide to use my art powers to scam some kids
>start selling shitty pokemon line drawings on office paper for 3 dollars each
>end up making 15 dollars, a couple of pens, and a transformers toy
>kids wants his transformers toy back
>he snitches on me and they make me give it all back

>be obsessed with digimon
>keep a sketchbook with all my original digimon drawings
>kid who hates my guts sees me drawing one day
>he stares at my drawings, open-mouthed in awe of my skill
>"hey man those are really cool"
>I ignore him and smugly continue to draw

>> No.1923218

You sound like a douchbag tho.

>> No.1923296

hopefully you grew up, but since you seem proud of this post i guess not

>> No.1923319
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>senior year in highschool
>drawing in class
>draw weird shit and girls
>people asked for drawings
>made some dough out of it
>this one guy wants me to draw furry for him
>not sure about it
>decided to go with it anyway
>made 3 pics total
>he didnt have money
>so he asked if he could suck my dick for payment
>shocked beyond the 7 great seas
>after school in the big stall he goes down
>late for football practice but I didnt care right now
>he didnt do great, teeth everywhere and not enough sucktion
>get tired of it and tell him to stand up
>my turn
>suck his dick
>cums in my mouth in about 2 min
>swallow for some fucking reason
>"t-thanks anon"
>he dashes off to go home while I pick up my bag to go to practice

getting a gf has been a questionable task ever since

>> No.1923322
File: 191 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 6-1-12 at 2.54 PM #3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1923329

>highschool in class
>drawing pantsu shots after watching some anime yesterday
>gets a boner
>was called by teacher to recite

and then

>> No.1923335

>that whole post
wait what?

>> No.1923337

Last two panels are a lie and never actually happen.

>> No.1923339


Give into the dick, anon. It's amazing.

>> No.1923341

most girls and girlfriends told me to stop drawing, even though it landed me more jobs than and got me more cash than focusing on schoolwork plus it never felt like work which was better than working in a grocery store or mcdicks.

>> No.1923372

bcuz ur bad

>> No.1923374

but its ok man cus i like the abuse!

>> No.1923378

ohhh nice one
they said i was good but always wanted me to make "good money" instead.

>> No.1923382
File: 22 KB, 500x334, 1405834039240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grade 3 or 4
>cant remember
>im a loner in class
>new school
>i can draw.
>learnt the normal cartoon style of drawing from the terry dunton illustrated books.
>was best drawer in class, but had no friends
>kids in class start to notice i can draw and draw alot.
>one of the fast kids comes up to me one day (being fast runner at that age was basically "you are popular")
>he asks me if i can draw a picture of our teacher with her boobs out.
>and if i do i can sit with his group at lunch.
>i draw it. i put so much effort into it, one of my first drawings that took longer than half an hour.
>i finish it
>give it to the group of fast boys.
>they look at it
>they tell me i should sign it.
>i do
>they take it back and then say it needs a title.
>so i take it back and make the title the teachers name.
>then they take it back and all run to the very same teacher doing playground lunchtime duty.
>they give it to her
>they tell her that i drew it
>dont know what to do.
>3 days no playtime
>im also banned from drawing in her class for the rest of the year.
>mum and dad were called too

i fucking hate kids

>> No.1923401

The price you pay for being retarded bro

>> No.1923407

How did you not see that coming when they asked you to sign it though?

>> No.1923446


Yeah, you're not a scumbag.

>> No.1923452

Had to read that twice just to make sure...

>> No.1923459

i wish i didn't read it
i think that's what he was going for
faggots and queers tryin' to rustle jimmies

>> No.1923466
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 1409218274586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 9/10 grill in my year asks me to draw her in a free class one time in last year of highschool
>mfw she poses for me as i draw her face and massive tits
>mfw she likes it and stares at it for the rest of class
I lurked /ic/ for like 2 years at that time so I did actually know how to draw faces

>> No.1923474

so you were underage, you scum! that's why /ic/ was so horrible!

>> No.1923487

go look at the promotion thread dude like 1/3 of ic is underage

>> No.1923530

So they could mooch off of you.
good call to kill those goldiggers.

>landed more jobs
did you put it on your resume or just bring it up in the interview or what?

>> No.1923532

thats like the start of a villans story bro.
seek help

>> No.1923535


Dudes, like 70% of 4chan userbase consists of people under 21.

With a shit ton of people in the 14-18 range.

>> No.1923538
File: 54 KB, 426x640, Pepper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sorry that you had to morph into a creature to express your true emotional feelings

not until I get a job and move out.
I dont want to be kicked out by my parents.

its true though.
I blocked his number because I was afraid that my parents might find out and kick me out, aggressively.
For now, I repress all urges for sexual companionship either straight or gay, to focus on the task of independence.

Granted I still fap, but I repress the need to share that feeling with someone else.

>> No.1923570


Fuck you faggots. You're just mad coz I started making money at a young age, while you will never be good enough to make money with your art. Don't hate the playa, hate the game.

>> No.1923585


I beg to differ: the last panel happens to me all the time.

I litteraly had a colleague watching me while I was drawing a chair, interrupting me to inform me that I should rather draw him instead.

Like, I'm learning art to draw only heads instead of space marines. Fucking heretic. I bet he doesn't praise the Sun, too.

> I do art for myself, like a true autist.

>> No.1923599
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Do you have a type?

>> No.1923600
File: 29 KB, 450x320, stock-photo-portrait-of-a-senior-man-disappointed-56555446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doodling random shit back in HS
>People say my drawings are genuinely really good
>I know they're not really good drawings
Uncultured swines

>> No.1923602

life story

>> No.1923607

amatuers always think you are hotshit, even if you arent.

drawing really good is adjacent to getting laid.
If you want to.

>> No.1923628

>In 2nd grade, art class time comes around. >On this day, it is my favorite assignment, free >draw time! It is Monday. Every Sunday my >dad would let me watch a nature >documentary. Last nights was about wolves. >Draw a deer being attack by a pack of >wolves. Dad gets called from school and is >asked to come talk to him. He goes in office, >they hand him the drawing, and ask, 'Is >everything okay at home?' Next morning my >dad tells me, 'No more drawing nature >documentary scenes at school.'.

Apparently it was very graphic, as graphic as a 2nd grader can make it. Sorry dad.

Sorry dad. >.<

>> No.1923633

Reminds me of a time some kid ripped out a drawing I did in my sketchbook and gave it too the teacher for art class in middle school. I told the guy next to me the kid stole a drawing out of my sketchbook and the guy got up and made a big scene. I was crushing on that guy too and it was the best day of my life. My hero~

>> No.1923636

>amatuers always think you are hotshit, even if you arent.

I actually had people asking me why I wasn't making it my job.

> I recently finished Fun with a Pencil
> How the hell could I even thing of making a living out of it

>> No.1923637
File: 164 KB, 1059x911, couldufuckingnot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone in school knows me as the kid who can draw good
>one day during lunch (im sitting by myself) a girl who sometimes talks to me comes to sit at my table
>omg how did you learn to draw so good? she says
>"oh i just practice a lot" i say to her. Inside I"m thinking "can this bitch just leave. She's making me self conscious."
>decide to tolerate her presence since it might lead to me getting some pussy

>the next day she comes sit at my table
>"hey since you draw so good can you draw something for me"
>maybe, what do you want?
>She takes out a picture of some guy. "can you draw a picture of my boyfriend, it's for our anniversary."

I spat right in her hore face. Then I got up, did a 360, and walked away.

>mfw this bitch had the balls to waste my time leading me on only to ask for a drawing of her boyfriend

>> No.1923642

>sometimes talks to me
>spat in her hore face
>for leading me on

Are you actually this autistic

>> No.1923645

i-is this pasta?

>> No.1923651

you did a 360 with your table? That's pretty rad

>> No.1923655

It was fine until the last two sentences.

I presume you're over 17, don't act like an edgy teenager.

>> No.1923663

That part was a joke, I didn't actually spit in her face, although it's what I should have done.

But really, what possesses these girls to come up and ask for free shit from a guy when they already have a boyfriend. This all happened in a while back in 8th grade BTW. Girls these days are running wild. They'll walk all over you if you let them.

>> No.1923667

dude better not too draw it aswell as her boo may have came after you or some shit

>> No.1923746

treat your bitch like a bitch and its instant puss.
Of course there are legit nice girls out there where you dont have to act like a balla to get

>> No.1923799

>her boo
black people, please go.

>> No.1923807

>not bae

tsk tsk tsk

>> No.1923820

>all of my friends drew, but most weren't on the same level because they never cared about practice like I did
>get compliments a lot
>'anon, you're such a good artist!'
>'Ugh I hate how good you are. You're so much better than me its not fair. You make me depressed when I see your art.'
>one of my friends who was abused at home once told me their mom always compared my art to theirs and talked about what a better artist I was and how it destroyed their self esteem.

Literally half my friends would give backhanded 'compliments' about my art (or even how skinny I was or my looks) as a way to tell me I make them feel like shit by existing. I just stopped sharing drawings or trying to look nice since it seemed to upset people.

>> No.1923829

Why do I keep assuming men are intelligent. You realize you could have said
> No problem, it'll be about $30 dollars or so depending on the size. Artists have to eat too.
She would have paid it or fucked off. I'm praying this is pasta.

>> No.1923831

At least you can say that you have made art that people will remember.

>> No.1923847
File: 36 KB, 406x700, 1395849986993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>class full of ladies
>drew naked dudes for ap art
>in lewd poses
>even teacher encourages me
>my entire concentration was dicks
>ornate brush pen, oils, all dicks
>get a 5

kek I should upload some of it, just so you can imagine the judges opening my portfolio and trying to make constructive discussion over it

>> No.1923874

>But really, what possesses these girls to come up and ask for free shit from a guy when they already have a boyfriend.
Because people aren't thirsty like you, dude. Not everyone has some ulterior motive on mind.
>This all happened in a while back in 8th grade BTW.
I hope you're in 10th grade now if that's how you still act. Do you whine about the friendzone as well?

>> No.1923899

i guess..
well, at the time i was a dumb kid, so i thought they really wanted to remember that it was me that drew it.
im fine now, that was a loong time ago, and pretty much the only bad thing that drawing has brought into my life.

>> No.1923901

>i cry everytiem

>> No.1923903

ru a girl?

>> No.1923904

>implying her boo wasnt a niggering cuckmongle?

>> No.1923905

holy shit, this is making me angry just reading it.

>> No.1923920

>>'Ugh I hate how good you are. You're so much better than me its not fair. You make me depressed when I see your art.'

Oh shit you too?
man, I blew it with this girl I was trying to fuck cause I was better than her and made her feel bad.

>> No.1923921

"men' in highschool are just boys.
Shit, when I was in highschool, all I could think about was ways to fuck these girls like my friends did, but it never worked.
I stopped caring about sex.
Im more of an asshole because of it, but whatever.

I hope I dont end up being the supreme gentlemen v2

>> No.1923922

I hate this word.
if a girl dont like you or playing hard to get, you can just get another one, not to make her jelly but, just for you.

Our dicks are so narrow minded.

>> No.1923957



>> No.1923961

>In junior high
>extra shitty neighborhood in eastern bloc Balkan shithole.
>be the weird loner who draws all the time
>In class full of 18 year old junkies, Russians and albos mostly who kept failing the class and had to start over.
>get picked on daily, usually just names, meh, don't take it personally.
>we had a 2-hour art class every week
>tried my best to listen to the teacher but those kids always used to shit up the class, shouting throwing things around like monkeys.
>one day the art teacher notices me sitting alone, drawing some kids playing football on my sketchbook
>He asks if he can look through it.
>"Wow, that's amazing! Do you take any art classes?"
>"No, I just like to draw on me free time." I said.
>Those are really great!" They were decent I guess.
>He offered to teach me some things and help me out, give me constructive critique etc.
>From 0 friends to best friend in the course of 3 months, we still occasionally talk on the phone.
>Learned a lot of things about graphic design, how the eye moves through the picture, color temp, how to simplify complex shapes and draw details on top.
>Sometimes I used to ask the other teachers if I could skip their class because the art teacher wanted me for some work.
>Nobody objected, I was a decent student, didn't cause any trouble, always did my homework and keep up with the things I missed.
>Well, nobody except the scum in my class.

>> No.1923963
File: 565 KB, 449x635, 1392287500958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just considering relinquishing the line between straight and gay, but that story was fucking perfection.

lost it all at
>my turn
>suck his dick
>swallow for some fucking reason
I'm in orbit

>> No.1923964

friendzone is for beta fags who women use as blue balled wallets. even being close friends with a girl especially if she's attractive is destined for failure

>> No.1923987

>Got some serious art gains, perspective, cleaner lines later on
>always with a sketchbook in hand.
>The other students asked me why am I skipping classes.
>I tell them about the art, show them some work and they tell me how much of a lucky bastard I am that I don't have to sit through sociology kek.
>By some miracle some of the kids who gave me shit the year before finally stepped it up and finished, one dropped out, but two still stayed.
>one day, I was working on a brochure for a school-funded charity and forgot my sketchbook on the art teachers' desk.
>didn't even notice it was missing until later that day
>He went around and showed my work to the principal and all his coworkers.
>the next days many teachers were telling me how I was really talented, keep drawing and never give up etc.
>i was happy for once
>the older guys were asking me if I could draw tattoos, some girls were jokingly asking me if I could draw them naked like that girl on the Titanic or whatevs. I use to laugh and tell them im too busy (fuuugg).
>"The assholes who used to give me shit weren't even talking to me, strange.
>at the end of the week, the teacher told me he left the book on my classroom desk.
>Oooooooooohh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
>Run to the class.
>Raining confetti, those two fags looking at me with a shit eating grin.
ill continue later if you guys want.

>> No.1923992


>those last 4 lines

oh no oh please no

>> No.1923996


>> No.1924006

>middle school
>detention for anatomy book i checked out from the school library.
>guess im a pervert now.. ohkay

>hate everyone
>drew a lot of monsters and Jhonen Vasquez fanart.
>in trouble again for nudity and 'gore'
>Now im perverted and disturbed.

My art teacher hated me. the AP art teacher loved my work but could not stand me as a student. I didnt take my drawing seriously (just your average underachiever).
My friends always complimented my drawings, but i knew i was shit (still am) and was frustrated with the lack of criticism.
out of the whole artsy fartsy circle i became the odd one. However people still thought i was approachable.
>"teach me how to art!"
>"You're so good! I hate you and your talent"
>"Draw me and my bf/gf"
>"I took that drawing i like from your sketchbook. Im going to get it as a tattoo"
>fuckton of lewd requests

>> No.1924009

This is like 4chan: the highschool

>> No.1924039

i am grill

Yeah, feels bad

>> No.1924043

this is the best greentext I've seen on /ic/ in a long time. Congrats on getting dick anon

>> No.1924045

well....we are waiting.

>> No.1924053


>until I could afford another sketchbook i just walked around aimlessly with nothing to do, zoning out.
>people were asking what's wrong, i just replied "oh nothing, just thinking if I did well on the X test"
>my parents were in a difficult position economically, i couldn't afford a fancy PC with 2GB of RAM and all those cool isometric RPGs at the time(early 2000s), my only escape was drawing
>I was thinking what the fuck was their problem, have i fucked them over in some way? fuuuck man
>I only told the art teacher the next morning and the whole day he was saying how he was sorry, I was telling him its no big deal they were just shitty doodles and that he will take me to the principal so i can say who did it.
>I really didn't want to snitch some unpredictable sociopaths.
>i was such a beta back then, i could've started some shit but then again I thought I could do better.
>I told him who did it but I begged him not to tell anyone.
>He didn't find it odd that these two grown ass guys who were messing up his class did it.
>He even told me a story about how years ago these two stuck a sharp pencil in some autistic kids ear, one shoved it in and the other pushed it with an open palm.
>The police even got involved wtf
>but the other students knew it was them so eventually I was called to the office.
>I still regret that day, when I gave them the green-light to fuck me even more.
>"No", I replied when the principal asked me,"They didn't do anything".
>I thought to myself it wasn't worth it to get them into trouble for 40K fanart and cringy nihilist poems.

Shit I think im getting too specific now, its a small world, but then again it happened almost 13 years ago so who cares

>> No.1924055

>always be the "good drawer" kid
>draw one piece and pokemon fan art in middle school for money to buy pokemon and yu gi ho cards
>teacher who is obsessed with me tells me I should go to art school
>worst art school ever
>nobody here loves to draw but me, not even the teacher
>spend more time doing math than drawing and art related classes
>leave after 2 years
>10 years later today, I'm still the one who can draw better than all of my classmates who graduated

Fucking disappointing, I just wanted somebody to share art talks and giggles. I finally found one now but she's depressed and always talks like she'll better off be dead than keep practicing.
I hate this

>> No.1924056

>>"You're so good! I hate you and your talent"

Hearing this annoys the heck out of me. I know it's a compliment or whatever, but i'd rather just hear 'hey that's nice' instead.

>> No.1924060

>so he asked if he could suck my dick for payment
>my turn
>taking turns on payment

>> No.1924065

So, OPs pic is from a highschool artist then? Cause the quality isn't that much better than the shitty sketch they used to make the point.

>> No.1924066

>mfw drawing at a skate park every now and then
>mfw hot girl always stares at me
>mfw she finally decides to leave her friends and talk to me
>mfw shes amazade at my drawings
>mfw she flirts with me
>mfw I discover shes a small drug dealer gf
>this is brazil!


>mfw drawing in public
>people come to see what I'm doing
>besides using headphone, hear people talking good shit about me
>kids come and ask if they can see my drawings
>they are amazed and full of joy, wanting to do it too
>good feels


That explains a lot, actually.

>> No.1924068

Yeah, it is. They captioned it something like "what i deal with in high school every day". But hey, you almost got a clever jab in against some kid who makes gag comics.

>> No.1924084

sorry for taking too long. I messed up some lines there.

>The teacher saw I wasn't as carefree as I used to be in the next months and he really tried to help me out.
>i explained to him how I don't want to deal with some people from my class among other personal things.
>for the next months he got me involved with lots of creative projects for the school and even the local arts and culture center
>i guess it was a way to keep me busy, get better at what I do and meet people with common interests.
>did some portraits here and there, posters, brochures, covers you name it.
>At the end of the year, the were plans for a stage play too
>hell yes, my first serious job
>pretty big place, lots of seats
>i was in charge of the backgrounds, and a girl was doing the decoration(pretty qt), i got to pick some friends to help me out.
>I imagined the analmad when those two worthless fucks had to sit through all the classes while the weird loser got all the attention. getting to do whatever I wanted.
>fast forward last days of school year
>Everything's ready, all sets, backgrounds, props(old furniture from my grandma's house hah), Almost 4 months of planning and hard work.
>I tagged some seats with my name so my parents and family can enjoy the show from the best angle.
>I didn't have to worry about anything, things were getting better from this point.
>Heavy rain outside, two hours early and people already start to come in
>all those teachers and people coming by and telling me i did a great job
>after a while the girl comes over and asks me if I opened the backstage door
>I immediately replied no, she said she didn't know if she should've closed it so I went.
>Wide open, rain pouring, mud fucking everywhere
>as I closed it, I heard a couple of voices shouting backstage.
>and there they were...
>not just those two, they were six


>> No.1924087

I don't see that caption anywhere on that page.

>> No.1924089

> nobody exept me give a fuck about drawing
> everyone is horrible
> art teacher is a fat eccentric hippie with "everybody is a winner" mentality
> instantly gives everyone a ridiculously good grades, class average about 5,5 (best grade is 6 , worst is 1)
> tfw she has no higher grade to give me and just goes with a 6 "with a star"
> "with a star"

I basically had the same grades like all the untalented slackers

>> No.1924094

go on...

>> No.1924103

i need the next post. please dont just stop there anon

>> No.1924105

one of the faggots(didn't know him) was cleaning his sneakers on the main >background, which took me forever to make. He was scrapping the fucking paint with his heel.
>I didn't get the chance to place it on the stands yet, i had it lying down
>The others were laughing and telling the girls who were screaming to shut up.
>So there's was my chance. I went full autist on their asses.
>Shouted at him and he turned around
>grabbed an open can with some kind of thick varnish and threw it all over him with a sweeping motion,
>his friends came at me from the left side facing the stage.
>my friends from the other
>some students who were acting that night also joined in while wearing their costumes
>a fist landed right on my eye
>the curtains were down so a couple of teachers come over to see what the hell was going on
>they break up the fight, the principal also comes quickly
>the two dumbfucks got expelled almost 2 weeks before the final exams for causing trouble.
>There was no security in the building, the teachers kicked them out.
>Only 30 minutes before we start, teachers running around asking us if we were ok.
>"Everythings fine", I shouted holding my face.
> I lost my train of thought completely until the play was over and they called my name through the microphone.
>I came from behind the stage, people patting me on the back
>everyone's applauding, looked around to see where my parents were
>they certainly weren't happy and I wondered why
>looked at some photos of that night the next day
>left side of my face was swollen red.

Greatest moment of my life.

>> No.1924108
File: 1.95 MB, 250x250, 1402411460663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything went better than expected.

>> No.1924109

Glad to hear everything worked out pretty well.

>> No.1924110


>> No.1924112

>mfw this bitch had the balls to waste my time leading me on only to ask for a drawing of her boyfriend


>> No.1924113

also forgot to mention that we had to use the garden background instead of the main one which was the living room supposedly.

sorry for being 2slow

>> No.1924115

my story

>> No.1924127
File: 40 KB, 504x466, 1399048850115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then I got up, did a 360, and walked away
So you made a little pirouette in front of her? How adorable, anon.

>> No.1924147
File: 49 KB, 544x360, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that girl who drew shitty animu stuff with horrible 2-dimensional anatomy, stiff poses and sameface everywhere always got more praise from everyone in your class than you because she had clearer lines and colored her stuff

>> No.1924167
File: 45 KB, 445x297, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my early teen years there was this girl who would draw terrible animu versions of the cheetah girls and whatnot who was praised for her "talent"
since she knew that i was really antisocial she stole my sketchbook, traced some shit and destroyed it.
the rest was a circlejerk of insults towards me because i was "jealous" for her "talent"

>> No.1924193

Then you either couldn't draw in high school, or could never draw. I was asked this constantly, especially during art class.

>> No.1924205

then why not draw it again better, and ask her to draw it without tracing

>> No.1924208

i knew it

>> No.1924210

One of those high school art schools?

>> No.1924211
File: 82 KB, 374x441, demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy was considered the best artist in my class back in middle school
now he is a tattoo artist and draws like this

>> No.1924216

At least he has a job you lousy bum

>> No.1924218

>At least he has a job you lousy bum
>implying having a job is always done in the interest of society

consider a teacher who doesn't like the curriculum/how the school does things yet keeps their mouth shut because of mortgages and bills.

that teacher is, at that point, putting himself over society, even if the job is still somewhat beneficial.

but they would still rather save their hide than speak up against inefficiencies and shortcomings of their profession.

They choose to let everyone suffer a worse fate than they could have in order to not get booted from the job.

>> No.1924223


lol. in my school that guy would've been pretty average.

>> No.1924256

>guy commissions me for flat color sketch
>pays me $25
>my turn
>put $30 in his paypal

faggots. wtf.

>> No.1924267

can someone screencap this, holy shit

>> No.1924269

....Just do it yourself.

>> No.1924275

How did the teacher not now that?

>> No.1924298
File: 47 KB, 499x499, 1419034460462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't get it

>> No.1924310

Wow I would have sucker punched him so fucking hard

>> No.1924316

Do it.

>> No.1924360
File: 32 KB, 1250x1100, greenstory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1924380
File: 26 KB, 550x688, this-is-so-gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my turn


>> No.1924423

Thats horrible quality

>> No.1924427

I was in the moment.
Something had to give, ya know.

I didnt think It would be my sexuality

>> No.1924429

>high school
>never drawn
>wanted to go into CS
>shit grades, so my options for uni are not looking good
>art schools seem to take in any retard
>go there out of desperation
>code at home, it's fun and easy, but I wouldn't have gotten into CS because my math was shit and still is shit
>drawing is fun, but no passion for it, feels like I'm living a lie

>> No.1924430

It's okay homofaggot, you will be in good company with the other fags.


>> No.1924435

I have come to terms with the fact that I am a weak human being with glaring flaws.

No matter how much I beat myself over it, I can not spend the majority of my day on art.

Sometimes I like to browse the internet. Sometimes I like to play videogames. Sometimes I like to have a midday nap.

I realise fully that those things don't bring anything meaningful into my life, but I can't get rid of them. I am destined to be mediocre, just like everyone else.

I am so calm now. I just stopped worrying. Life is so easy when you lower your standards for yourself and admit that you're a failure.

>> No.1924441

for a horrible post, how fitting.

>> No.1924461

fucking lold

>> No.1924490

haha, Ill be right here playboy.

>> No.1924702

also swallow, for some reason

>> No.1924707
File: 60 KB, 548x542, 1417693514576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry be happy bruh

>> No.1924708

I like that thinking
>holy shit you cant even blow
>THIS is how you blow

>> No.1924720

jesus, that brings back memories.

>> No.1924769

>tfw when you are the guy that thought everyone was amazing cause you could only draw stick figures

>> No.1924783


>> No.1924800

>5th grade
>I'm the drawing kid
>Gook exchange student shows up
>Draws perfect (to 10 year old eyes) animu shit
>My flame is stolen
>Harbor racist feelings that exist to this day
>Teacher encourages my creativity though
>Tells me that I should spend my life writing and drawing stories
>Gets me involved in several large scale projects
>Have to draw large banners for an event
>I pencil them all but they have to be painted
>I get to hand pick a crew
>Picked my best friends and the kids I hated most
>tfw I'm 10 years old and I'm in a position of authority over half my class, directing them to labor over my own artistic vision
>feel like Gutzon Borglum
>Spend two days hanging out with my best friends in the hallway
>Spend two days bossing around the kids I hate, feels good
>Get a brief measure of recognition from the rest of my class
>One of the 6th grade teachers, who is known for having a good art class, compliments my work
>Tell my teacher that I'd like to have her next year (they're close friends).

>6th grade
>Got the teacher I wanted
>Read "Mrs Frisby and the Rats of NIMPH:
>Have to draw a title page for my report
>Oh yeah, time to shine bitch
>Draw realistic rats
>Get a detention for drawing monsters
>Weeks later
>Reading "Holes"
>Have to draw the scene where a kid gets hit in the head with a shovel
>Draw it realistically
>Get detention for drawing graphic violence
>By this point I'm thoroughly miserable
>Experience depression for the first time
>Start skipping homework
>Get constant detention
>Friends start to hate me
>Start going home for lunch
>Stop being the artistic kid, become the fat kid
>School is misery from here on out

>Take seven art classes throughout high school
>Fail or almost fail all of them for lack of effort
>Don't even bother to look into art school
>Still draw religiously, just have no interest in academia
>Drop out
>Become NEET with no friends
>Seven years later I'm working hard teaching myself how to write and draw stories

>> No.1924867


I know this feeling all to well, been dealing with it since I started uploaded frequently during the break and it fucking sucks

>> No.1924891

>go to the bar with my friends recently
>chatting about work and such
>decide to show my blog with drawings and studies
>at the moment I was paid for some commissions work (people actually want to pay for my art!) so I had some confidence
>friends only amazed by my studies of naked women
>all of us are female
>wondering now if they are latent lesbians or this is how non-artist people's brains work

>> No.1924894

I study almost exclusively males and my male friends liked it too, so probably the latter.

>> No.1924898

I dont know that feel, fortunately
But i might be that gook exchange student who only draws anime

>> No.1924921
File: 19 KB, 632x328, Man-Crying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be that kid who draws
>Get the usual praise set by friends and teachers
>Parents, not so much
>tfw asian
>Says I'm wasting my time etc etc
>I'm actually lazy back then and my drawings aren't anywhere decent
>Even threw away my drawings from time to time and beat my ass to show they aint kidding
>Scolded because I draw more than I study
>High school
>All dat angst and think that parents hate me for drawing and wanting to get into art
>Gotten somewhat better at drawing
>This dude always asks me to draw for him
>"ugh, i wish i can draw as good as you. but i can color good so draw me a picture to color!"
>"but you can train for it?"
>"no, it's all about talent. i dont have a talent for drawing but i do for coloring"
>Never do it because fuck him and his ideals
>Actually i gave him one of my scraps because pity
>His color choices are shit
>Got my grades up to calm my parents down
>At some point I decided to tell my parents that i wanted to go to multimedia uni after HS
>Now, being asian they of course object to the idea and told me to go into sciences
>They're not exactly wrong but i still want to go to multimedia
>Taking sciences
>Try to change to art
>Parents transfer me to another school where there's only science Pre-U program
>Not giving up without a fight and meticulously picking which test to fail to get the pointers so i can get into a multimedia course
>Get better to the point of starting to get commissions
>Start learning how getting a job in multimedia works
>Actually know what i'm talking about half the time
>Grow a little more mature
>Pre-U over, get multimedia
>Parents don't make much of a fuss
>In fact encourages me to go for it at my best
>Whole family encourages me and say the same
>they never hated me for drawing
>they just wanted me to be sure what I was getting myself into
>Roommate in uni is a "talent" believer and asks for drawings
>Think back to all the shit i went through
>Die a little inside

why the hell is he in the course

>> No.1924927

It's not a trade where you give her a drawung and she repays it with sex.

>> No.1924943

You got the power Wei Shen.
Hes just gonna fall and that means more money for you

>> No.1924947
File: 149 KB, 991x683, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That only happens when its a tattoo design

>> No.1924952

>drop out
Of college or high school?

>> No.1924964
File: 95 KB, 383x372, uasian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y u no doctor son?

>> No.1924970

too many med grads without jobs i heard. meanwhile multimedia is a big hole that even the gov wants filled and a lot of companies are willing to pay +2000 even as basic

besides if that doesnt work out, even oil and gas companies are looking for multimedia grads because most monitoring tools are digitized in the QC department

but i'm gunning for studios

>> No.1924981

Cool beans.
You just put a new target in my range.
Thanks anon

>> No.1924999

Please do it, submitting mine soon, want to see what a 5 looks like

>> No.1925030

keep in mind i'm not american

>> No.1925047

I'm usually so "busy" with work, studies and playing vidya that the day flies by, so I usually draw after I finished doing anything else.

This also means I have shitty sleeping habits where I wake up at 9:30 am and go to sleep at 3 am and that kinda sucks actually

>> No.1925110

you got asian blood in you, of course you're talented.

>> No.1925114

Asians are devoid of talent. They're machines, who learn by rote repetition, and lack the ability to become bored.

>> No.1925121

garuntee replies dude
when one side asumes so does the other

>> No.1925137

>They're machines, who learn by rote repetition, and lack the ability to become bored.
Man, I wish I was Asian.

>> No.1925140
File: 1.37 MB, 200x254, nicepost.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good on you, anon.
Your tenacity is admirable.

>> No.1925145

Happened to me all through high school guy.
They must not have thought you were very good.

>> No.1925148

The guy did not either. no hores for him.


>> No.1925152

thanks Vaas

>> No.1925166

>thew away drawings from time to time and beat my ass to show they aint kidding

>they never hated me for drawing
>they just wanted me to be sure what I was getting myself into

Either they're covering their asses for being shitty parents or you're covering it for them

>> No.1925176
File: 35 KB, 275x420, Just_stupid_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terry dunton
Do you mean Terry Denton?
Are you literally me?

>> No.1925188
File: 31 KB, 480x531, smug2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents beat me for drawing mlp.
but now I draw humans
So its whatever.

>> No.1925190

You again...

>> No.1925200


stop it you fucking autist

>> No.1925219

>Man, I wish I was Asian.
Depends on what you want to do. It's great up to a certain point if you simply want to learn something by repetition, but it's death if you want to be creative or make something new.

Jews have a different type of intelligence. They have a lot of creativity in their way of thinking, so they make great scientists, and know how to exploit the public for their own benefit. Caucasians are somewhere inbetween, with a lot of variety between Europeans from the north, east and south.

It really is quite telling when you look at society. Asians tend to be mechanically good at many things, such as rote math learning, spelling, musical instruments, education in general, video games that require repetition and memorization, and a huge part of their technological industry is based around copying and improving existing technology. However, they don't have many great scientists, and very few Nobel Prize winners. They learn and adapt. They don't invent or create.

Jews have a ton of Nobel Prize winners, theoretical physicists, chess champions and have started companies like Google, Facebook, Tumblr, Android and so on. They also have a slew of CEOs in the entertainment industry, and are the wealthiest and most highly educated people in the US by a large margin.
I'd get into Caucasians, but this is a rather broad subject.

It's fascinating if you look into it without an ideological agenda. Now let's hope this doesn't derail the thread...

>> No.1925239

Well it's actually true. /ic/ is faggy and talent is the thing that matters.

>> No.1925249
File: 3 KB, 125x93, CourageIsOverYourShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>high school
>pretty okay at drawing
>No friends, nobody talks to me, nobody wants to partner on projects with me, no real inclination to initiate interaction on my part either
>Teacher: "For this group project you'll need to illustrate-"
>Half the class: "I CALL ANON!"
>similar requests to draw things for people's homework without any other previous or later interaction with me

>> No.1925278
File: 768 KB, 700x691, See the smiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no one will ever draw a picture of you
even though you draw people you know all the time and put a lot of effort into it too.

>> No.1925328


fuck them.
you get bitches for drawing bitches nigga

>> No.1925388

The reverse whore trap.
I wonder if it would work for me.

>> No.1925400
File: 6 KB, 275x277, 1414431624292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I don't fucking understand

>> No.1925422

Are you australian?

>> No.1925438

>me and some other guy are the drawfag guys
>people ask me for tips on drawing but I always turn down any request to draw for them for free.
>they always flock to that other guy to draw for them.

>> No.1925445


High school.

>> No.1925462

I sucked his cock and swallowed, while in the heat of the moment.
Not sure about having a gf, but parents hate the gay.

any more questions?

>> No.1925469
File: 140 KB, 368x368, 1414919553678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think we all know that feel ;_;

>> No.1925488

I told them no for the most part, but once in a while I got stuck with a group who needed some drawings done and didn't care about me beyond that.
In the end, things got better though. I got asked to do a mural for homecoming my last two years at the school, and then became almost a pseudo celebrity, with a few people who weren't even in my classes being like "hey aren't you that one anon? Nice mural!" But sometimes people still ask for free shit out of the blue and now that I'm trying to do it for money it's pretty annoying.

>> No.1925509

tell them to figgity fuck themselves

>> No.1925512

please attach a photo when using "mfw"

>> No.1925574

stop projecting anon

>> No.1925591

>doodeling in class next to girl
"you're really quiet anon"
"why don't you ever talk anon"
>"I dunno"
"I think you need to talk more"
All I wanted to do was fucking draw bitch wouldn't let me do shit fucking hell

>> No.1925593

dude she wanted you 3 bone her

>> No.1925597
File: 4 KB, 100x174, BIG_BOSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont you talk anon
I have no fucking idea what to say.

>> No.1925613

>Hey anon, how do you draw hands.

I'm sorry?

>Yeah! Hands, how do you draw them? I keep looking at tutorials, but I can't figure them out!



I fucking hate you.

>> No.1925621

in the same position, chink parents and all, but I plan to finish Accountancy first before I plan to start out my grand strategy. I don't know, man. I love drawing too, but I guess I just want something stable to fall onto just in case things go south when it comes to art.

>> No.1925623

I hope you're talking about cultural differences.

>> No.1925625

>any girl who talks to you wants to fuck you
Yeah, no. I think you've been stuck in your room for too long, anon.

>> No.1925631

Just say "anything I say can and will be used against me".

>> No.1925635

5 hours too long?
dude no
she at least wanted him as back up at least

>> No.1925637

you're right, girls want to use us.

>> No.1925639

>become the outcast or the comedian based upon delivery
Oh jeez

>> No.1925650
File: 731 KB, 706x1000, 0adc6c3fd42ffdfafe640a2b9cefad1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine anon, embrace the love of dick and get a qt bf.

>> No.1925730

that's why i took multimedia

you dont honestly think that multimedia = art do you?

>> No.1925933
File: 6 KB, 184x184, WILL_IT_BLEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted a fuckboi.

>> No.1925942

When I was in school I did an everybody gets one system.
If someone asked, I'd do a quick drawing and tell them the rest has a fee.
Got a decent amount of graohic design and cutesy cartoon stuff work. Chicks dug my cats.

>> No.1925946

Very edgy, I like that :^)

>> No.1925948

did they dig your cats as much as your dick?

>> No.1925956

I had, and still have, a 2d waifu. I don't mess around with 3dpd.
I probably coulda fucked a few if I put in any effort though.

>> No.1925993

I know the feel bro.
2D is comfy

>> No.1926443

Happens to me constantly, the last one more then the one before.

>> No.1926446

>> I do art for myself, like a true autist.
Word, brother.
I have been asked so many times to draw people but i never gave in.
I could probly make some cash on it tho.

>> No.1926451

Kind of happens to me with this guy i taught a little about drawing. People are a bunch of whiny fags.
You wanna git gud? Practice.
You dont give a fuck and just wanna draw? Just draw.
What the fuck is there to feel bad about.

>> No.1926452

>but who is that guy
>mystery deepens


>> No.1926494
File: 511 KB, 600x500, 1405368183735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highschool, recently picked up anime as a hobby
>start drawing some anime girls in a dresses in class, but nobody knew me for it because I was good at hiding it
>after school, one of my friends come up to me
>"anon, the teacher has your drawing of some anime chick in her classroom"
>"I don't know what you're talking about"
>oh god oh shit I left my notebook in the classroom
>go back to the classroom, it's filled with a bunch of girls studying together or something
>see my notebook on the teacher's desk
>quietly rush to the desk to take it
>as I pick it up and turn around to leave I'm stopped by a girl
>"I colored your pretty drawing for you."
>She opens the notebook and shows me the anime drawing
>It's all colored in ugly highlighter
>"u-uh thanks"
>rush out of the room at the speed of spaghetti
>mfw going home that day

Needless to say I don't draw that kind of stuff anymore.

>> No.1926497

My usual response to that was

>because I don't have anything interesting to say.

Thinking back on it that was probably really dumb of me. It got people to stop talking to me, though.

>> No.1926567

>"I colored your pretty drawing for you."
>It's all colored in ugly highlighter
did you go to a school for special kids? Because it sure sounds like it.

>> No.1926581

>in college art course
>90% of the class are females
>nobody draws seriously
>everyone thinks they're talented
>I'm better than everyone
>that doesn't mean I'm very good but you know what these people are like
>everyone says I'm really good
>even the teacher
>none of the girls ever talk to me or want to be in my group
>am ugly, fat and have different interests than them
>I don't even have a phone

>always worry that they said I was good out of pity and that I'm actually just as delusional as they are

>> No.1926634

Just show us your work. We'll tell you you're terrible either way.

>> No.1926689
File: 706 KB, 1188x1508, 001 (3) - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure here you go, this is the most recent thing I've got that I'm willing to post, I'd post some of my classmates work but I don't have any pictures of it. It's the usual poorly measured photo realism and edgy maths book doodle type stuff though. It's horrible, even if we did talk we can't be art buddies.

>> No.1926705

That's basically what I did, and made some money, but the payment wasn't enough for the time I was pouring into it (plus it made me feel bad 'cause I only drew couples).So I elevated my prices to a ridiculous high. That way very few people hired me but at a good price for my time. Man, hs taught economics better than I could ever hope.

>> No.1926717
File: 507 KB, 2448x3264, ollld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get my first sketchbook freshmen year
>draw all kinds of animu and naked girls in it
>drawing in earth science class
>the class had the most ghetto piece of shit kids in the school
>have to walk out to go to the bathroom or something
>come back in to see some mexican going through the pages of my sketchbook literally like half the class around him
>I go over and ask for it back
>"you should ask if you want to look through other people's stuff"

The rest of the year I couldn't shake the feeling that everyone thought I was a weird pervert, I mean I was, but I didn't want anyone to know.

>pic related: a page from that sketchbook

>> No.1926727

That's why you don't draw naughty stuff in a different sketchbook, m8.

I can't imagine all the spaghetti I'd spill if I had gone through a similiar situation. I draw plenty of buff shirtless guys but never anything lewd, but still. I don't like people randomly looking at my stuff.

>> No.1926729

*that's why you draw

>> No.1926737
File: 1.48 MB, 2412x2994, skull changes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are creative out of necessity. I've noticed their cultural output isnt "art for art's sake" or "lets go to the moon, because fuck it, we can", its more, "here is need, lets invent something to fill that need and get money". Same with Facebook, etc. It wasnt created out of some benevolent will for mankind or to please God, only to take a stake in the market.

Europeans on the other hand are the true original creators, they create works of beauty and pure aesthetic pleasure without a motive of profit or power.

It all boils down to a fear of death I think. Jews' fear of death manifolds itself in amassing the material and holding onto some semblance of control over the world through money, while Europeans are spiritual and wish to live on through their art/inventions/whatever, and to effect people through beauty.

Just some stuff I've noticed.

>> No.1926741

>>>/pol/ מספיק.

>> No.1926743
File: 77 KB, 640x480, 6173_6db4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>asian parents
Double majoring in Economics as well. Extending to do post-grad to buy time to git gud otherwise I'd just end up in government.

>> No.1926744

so the other post praising Jews and cutting down asians is OK though?

you people...

>> No.1926746

ישו הוא משיח

>> No.1926747

Obviously not. This discussion is pretty retarded and needs to move somewhere else.

Ok m8

>> No.1926750

thank you for policing me


>> No.1926768
File: 27 KB, 283x438, 1415544853776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the good artists in my school became nurses

im in debt and still draw like shit here i am in 4chan :)

>> No.1926789

>no on like my works, becouse "fuck u" thats why...
>no on like me
>no friends
>years later, last year of school
> "hey can u draw for me?"
> im happy becouse some on ask for it!
> skech girl, face to face for first time
> boner, fear, wird feel
> she see my work, she knows its shit
> im knows its shit
> its shit
> "anon this is your first portrait?"
> she becoume that "one girl" i practice all of my free time
> time without easy access to computers&digital photo
> she is shy, body 8/10 hide in suck dress
>from face day by day we finish on naked body
>her bf was alwasy near...
>sketch start looks nice
> that guy want to be naked as she!
>wtf can i do?
> end of school
> I got to the art academy

>> No.1926790

holy fuck, you're me

why do so many great artists want to go into the nursing or medical field? is this just some trend?

>> No.1926794


I've noticed this too, I've seen heaps in courses like pharmacy. Biochem is quite popular too.

>> No.1926809

Ah highschool.

I remember this one time when I was doodling, this student came up and said "drawing cartoons? Isn't that like for babies?"

And then he asked if I can draw something like Barney screwing Baby Bop. I don't think he knew they were siblings, but that's besides the point.

>> No.1926814

job is more secure than others, you get paid well, combined with part time = sustainable living with free time left for art. in US, at least.

>> No.1926825

>beginner drawer now
>couldn't draw at school
>serves a purpose for a high school story
>so, be attractive and working out
>asocial sperg surrounded with low cultured jokers
>they are jealous of my looks and activities I take part in with some(I guess) friends
>be polite enough to laugh with them from me and try not to let them take their jokes in too insulting fashion
>actually so fit as to be a myth of this super strong kid
>it was only calisthenics bodyweight skills and withholding of pain
>the true delinquents and ruffians believe this myth
>new kid in school comes in
>said delinquents are afraid of him, he is aggressive and gives no shits about not fighting
>somehow befriend him
>his need to appear cool gets the better of him; he starts going over the line insulting me
>beat him up while no one dared; video shown of me starting the fight and ending it
>he drops out of school while I am free to go for being docile student
>assholes and truly misbehaving kids throw a party
>the kid I beat up says he will beat me with metal rod upon my head


>> No.1926833

didn't meant to quote

>he appears at school with metal rod(telescope) in his hand
>walk past him as he talks to other kids
>he goes after my friends, saying they are jerks for deceiving me into thinking he told trash about me
>never actually beats me up
>few weeks later, I meet him before late night school dance(from which I get out from boredom later on)
>he suddenly does an imitation on me on how I beat him up, then we shake hands in a friendly, cheerful manner
>he does a short, pithy question, asking me why I beat him up, my best friend.
>we go out to the dance room in silence
>he looks to act strange, more vile, more rash..
>girl was trying to hit on me, but I sperged out that night
>every boy in the classroom liked the girl
>3years she was trying to hit on me, but I only played eye games and then sperged out
>regret this, but I know it was actually for the betterment of myself

>> No.1926835

>grammar errors and incoherent rambling serving no point but to delay me

Put these posts into box of shame

>> No.1926846


Drawing porn in class isnt the best idea. It was a gamechanger for me.

>> No.1926851

to be honest i think it's a racial think

90% of the nursing students were pinoy/viet.... The only niggers that cared about art were chinks, but the chinks got the art dreams beat out of them early by their parents. So while they got the best upbringing for art and education. They all wanted to go into medicine because their parents told them to.

As for me. I love art more than i love money so I choose to fail with exponential passion.

>> No.1926864

have fun cleaning up old mans shit from the bed and giving patients handjobs

>> No.1926868

there are worse jobs out there and pay is good.

>> No.1926872

besides, that's job gor a nurse assistant. the registered nurse mostly does the interview, assessment, documentation and drug administration.

>> No.1926914

Not too shabby, Anon.

>> No.1926920
File: 110 KB, 901x362, 9H1Btjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was the year when I was going to become an amazing artist
>Damaged my shoulder and haven't been able to draw for 8 months

>> No.1926931
File: 25 KB, 400x283, 231535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking image

>> No.1926990

What's the deal with this guy? Looks like Proko.

>> No.1926996

He has muscles and he uses himself for reference which makes /ic/ mad since they have flubby bodies

>> No.1927019

use the other arm.
use your feet.

drawing is a thing of the mind.

the circle is not in your arm, it is in your brain.

>> No.1927020

A note on the backup plans,

Unless you really enjoy accounting and working with numbers you'll end up hating your backup plans. S-speaking from experience...

>> No.1927028

I feel indifferent to it. To be honest, there's a lot to study and analyze and keep it mind, but whenever I swiftly solve problems correctly, I feel delight and pleasure. I am aware tho, that it is a totally passionless job. Just doing it for the dosh.

>> No.1927029

thank you, anon

>> No.1927038

That drawing has a female 8 year old skull and a male adult skull.

>> No.1927105

If you just learned how to construct then you would not have a problem using photo reference.

>> No.1927232

>ehehehehehehheh u like what u see?? ehehehehehhehe fucking pleb, ehehehehehhehehehe i'm better than u ehehehehehehehhehehe, gonna masturbate to this once home ehehehehehehehhehehe

>> No.1927289

Yes exactly

>> No.1927361

I don't know of anyone who's been to one except this one guy who's parents sent him there after he had a bad time at regular school.

>> No.1927370

Post work or don't talk

>> No.1927372

That's why I said, the last two panels
>I'm not really good at anything
Who would even say this?

>> No.1927379

Who would even say this?
the girl who wrote the comic.

you obviously don't go out much.

>> No.1928736
File: 92 KB, 1024x524, lie_down__try_not_to_cry__cry_a_lot_combo_by_badflippy-d5t596e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in 8th grade
>Boyfriend loves my art work and encourages me to keep getting better even though I sucked
>Boyfriend suddenly stops encouraging me with my art work or giving me any advice
>Everything I draw isn't "awful" or "good" its just "nice one I like it" or "thats cool" on everything
>His comments feel emotionless
>He becomes obsessed with some girls traced porn of her bleach fan character on DeviantART
>Commissions her to draw her own fan character all the time
>I ask him if there is anything he'd like for me to draw for him for free
>Nah that's ok
>I must have gotten worse, I MUST get better
>comes to /ic/ for advice and starts studying from scratch which I had never done before
>Fast forward to 9th grade
>Boyfriend asks me to draw his OC by description because he was a writer
>I WILL do this, I won't mess up!
>Finishes and shows it to him
>He replies, "WOW um, good? I don't know, it doesn't look good at all, not really like my character at all
>He shows me another traced drawing by the same girl, "look at how perfect this is, you could learn a lot from her. Someday you might be a decent artist"
>Cry, feeling like I'll never be any good and what's the use, I stop drawing or practicing anatomy or anything
>Everything I draw hurts cause I can't draw anything that's decent looking all of a sudden
>Comes to realization that he is a jerk and leaves his sorry ass
>Happier now and have improved a lot for my own sake. I continue to lurk /ic/ for helpful advice

>> No.1928742

how old r u now?

>> No.1928749 [DELETED] 


>> No.1928755

I bet she is 20 or so

>> No.1928762

>not assuming it's some fag, as usual

>> No.1928781

Guessed it right on
Na I'm a grill

>> No.1928826

>"look at how perfect this is, you could learn a lot from her. Someday you might be a decent artist"

>> No.1928827

can you show us the crack of your vag?

>> No.1928831

>there are 14 year old girls on 4chan

>> No.1928841
File: 134 KB, 1049x375, whato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1928856

>draw all the fukken time, less doodles, more sketches of things in class
>only kid that draws at the whole school
>don't take art classes cause parents think it's a waste of time
>art teacher learns about me through other students
>comes to me and looks at my drawings
>offers me a job to do portraits of rich people at some gala
>was not confident in my skills at the time and don't take the job out of fear of failure
>yell at my past self to this day cause she was doing it to support me as a budding artist, some kid she barely knew

Highschool to college

>be me in highschool
>parents don't like me spending time drawing so they have me study most of the time
>am a high percentile student, sacrifice my art development for grades and extra-curriculars


>> No.1928858



>regret it to this day
>all I did in my free time was draw characters and animate, wasn't very good at both but I loved doing it
>Take internships at architectural firms to appease parents(living in NYC)
>depressing studio life of stunted creativity and lowlevel architects given monkey work
>I have to choose what college I wanna go to
>get accepted into 4 Ivy leagues
>parents say, why not Cornell they have a good architectural program and you like drawing you'd do well
>go there, I like architecture and building designs so why not
>only class I really like are the physics, technical, and draftsman classes FUCK THE DESIGN class
>spend all-nighters upon all-nighters working on projects
>kids passing out left and right from lack of sleep and malnutrition
>get really depressed over my classes
>this is not what I want to do
>say fuck it, am transferring to another school to study something I wanna do
>parents don't like this tell me good luck on my own, won't help me with anything
>cause of my grades I'm able to net a pretty hefty scholarship for SVA
>work construction in the summer to help pay for school

I am studying animation and am getting phenomenal life drawing classes with great professors, and I'm motivated as hell to work on my own free time. This is the happiest I felt all my life

>> No.1928860


Also worth mentioning parents tried pushing me towards architecture by making me take summer programs at different colleges

I guess they recognized I loved drawing, but wanted me to do something they thought would land me money, but money goes as far as the effort you put into it

>> No.1929023

So, can we see your work?

>> No.1929040

>online boyfriend
God why
You could get someone better looking and nicer just walking down the street

>> No.1929042

>be smart
>go into architecture
That was your mistake

>> No.1929044


i remember drawing half naked fantasy women in middle school and was totally comfortable with it, like succubi and stuff
one day i even drawn a literally naked little girl it was supposed to represent life or something

>> No.1929082

I highly doubt this happened. But...if it did happen, congrats OP. Do you still draw and are you good yet? You said it was like 13 years ago.

>> No.1929085

>7 art classes in HS
How is that possible?

>> No.1929086

>Everyone thinks they're talented
>I'm better than everyone
Oh the irony.

>> No.1929089

>you're this stupid

>> No.1929452

i thought /ic/ was full of sad neet neckbeards. man was i wrong

>> No.1929470

i'm a sad neet neckbeard and i'm ashamed to be among these youngins.

>> No.1929511

I kinda hate you for having such a priviledged life but I can't help respecting you for throwing it aside for what you really want. Like goddammit, I bet you're good looking and talented too. I'm envious but what you did takes a lot of balls and I think that shit is inspiring.

It's funny, like that other anon I thought /ic/ was totally made up of angry NEETs but I guess they're just the loudest. Art really does connect all walks of life, fucking cool.

>> No.1929521

Im sad, but not a NEET.
Its my own fault, and I realize that.

Its a lot of personal things, but it aint my blog

>> No.1929537

>be a freshman in an overcrowded public highschool
>come from an abusive house
>drawing is my escape
>hands burned on stove etc at home, not allowed to draw
>take art class expecting to have a safe place to draw
>only student in the art class actually interested in art

>teacher is a nervous wreck
>regularly leaves the room to cry in the hallway because of things like students standing up
>teacher realizes I'm the only one who gives a shit
>starts having me help her plan lessons because she's too much of an anxious wreck
>do not actually have time draw anything all semester


>> No.1929549
File: 426 KB, 245x245, 1410135791171.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant draw what you want because your mommy and daddy said no

get a job and move out.

>> No.1929554

i never show my parents what i draw. why would anyone?

>> No.1929569

Every fucking time.

>> No.1929581

>your this gay

>> No.1929586


Thanks for proving that you're stupid.

>> No.1929587

>be the single only person in all the damn graphic design school capable of drawing
>never get more than a 5 because art teacher hates me
>messed up family shit makes me graduate for the skin of my teeth
>try to enter the national comic scene
>art never feels ready to be shown, o I end giving up
>eight years later
>meet casually a teacher: "oh hey anon, did you remember your friend that wasn't even able to keep the pencil in his hand and was dumb as a rock? he's the only one of your class working in graphic design now"
what the fuck

>> No.1929592

at least i dont suck dicks fag

>> No.1929597

Guess violence does solve problems

>> No.1929631

My life was mostly struggling to find passion and not having the will to pursue.

I have found it and I am a happier man for it, but I still have a ways to go before I can be successful.

>> No.1929642
File: 262 KB, 446x456, 1415279486244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying really hard.
I have reached the point of stripping my resume and starting over.
Looking to be a CNC operator or something.
Whats your profession?

My parents have this policy of "you live in my house, I own you and your property"
So I literally have no control. Hell, I had to stop doing anatomy because my mom was offended by it.

>> No.1929646

Having black parents who don't play with that shit solves problems anon.

>> No.1929794
File: 57 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in school
>one teacher always mocking me when she see me drawing (anytime). Calling me a "child", a person doing childish things (at fucking child-age..yeah) and looking at me quite mockingly
>wtf is her problem. I guess she has an issue about artists. (Later find out that her husband is a pour alcoholic artist) Oh well i dont give a shit
>continue being a "kid who draws"
>when we discuss ur future jobs and who we want to be, when its my turn, jokingly my friend says that i will be "inventing toys" or cartoons, because im childish
>kek (trying not to show that im super flattered)
Im 29 now. Everything they said become true. Holy shit, im glad that old bitch - teacher didnt made me hate art.
But i still remember her face...having that disguisting "reaction anime image that supposed to make fun of an opponent and make him feel stupid" look when she was coming by and taking my papers and looking at shit i drew.

>> No.1929800
File: 301 KB, 1360x768, woahdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats some bomb ass karma you got there

>> No.1929829

what the fuck man

>> No.1929874


>> No.1930002

Well...i didnt become an artist that quickly. I even had a non art related years in university and different job before i left it to learn how to draw.

>> No.1930031

when i was in rehab and the card games got boring, we would play "telephone pictionary", where somebody would write down a phrase, pass it along, then the next person would have to illustrate it. they pass down their picture, then that person guesses what it is and passes down their phrase, etc. you need an odd number of people for everybody to get to draw.

nobody but my roommate knew i drew before that; and getting attention for the sort of stuff i was drawing was so weird. they'd be phrases like "anon fucking a wounded polar bear in the ear" or "'an anthropomorphic tree masturbating", so people would seriously be like, "dude, c'mere! you gotta see this picture anon just drew of a monkey with dicks for earlobes!"

i met some really fucking interesting people at that place

>> No.1930032


One class in 9th grade.

Two classes in 11th grade.

Two classes in 12th grade (I quit these two after a few months because it was the same shit as the 11th grade classes)

Two classes when I repeated 12th grade.

I would have taken art in the 10th grade but a scheduling conflict fucked me out of it.

>> No.1930124

>Be in high school
>Drawing and art finally becoming decent
>Take lots of classes
>Preparing for senior year AP Art
>Wanna go to school for illustration or GD
>Economy crashes, thanks Bush
>Panic thinking I wont ever have a job
>Complete 180 go to school for nursing because stable
>5 years later am RN
>Get married and move to CA
>No one wants new grads without experience because the market is flooded
>basically everyone had the same idea during recession and omg filipino ladies.
>two years and one short contract job fuck it
>going to community college for gd
>feels good to be home.

>> No.1930478
File: 17 KB, 261x211, itsa_me_Ezio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeating senior year of highschool

you must feel like shit, haha

>> No.1930501

That is what's inspiring though, some people say fuck it so they never bother to look for their passion and do what their parents want forever. I always had it right under my nose but for some reason thought I wasn't good enough to actually work on my skill and apply to an art school instead of doodling to deal with how boring school was but no, I am starting to try to think of myself in a better light cause that shit is crippling to an artist. I was always in denial. Still kinda am cause I never upload anything but I want my skill to intimidate people, not for them to be like "aww how cute" when they see my work. So yeah I'm going back to community next fall cause I haven't the discipline to teach myself at home.

I feel like we have a lot in common despite coming from completely different backgrounds. May your passion take you far, dude.

>> No.1930515


Not really. The only thing I regret is I went through the trouble of actually taking the repeat and dropping out instead of just dropping out right away. Didn't make sense to go through an entire year of high school when it only takes two days to get a GED, and I don't even have that because I have never applied for a job.

>> No.1930578

How fedora-tipper can you be, OP.

>> No.1930585

enough to tip the scales

>> No.1931055

>Jews aren't Caucasian

>> No.1931516

>a grill artist having a bf that commissions some random deviantart girl to draw him fanart

I am imagining the most autistic highschool couple ever

>> No.1931562

>not beau

>> No.1931564

Show me.


pretty please

>> No.1931565


>> No.1931868

>Senior year of High School
>be in the advanced Drawing and Sculpting classes
>only me and another guy in the classes
>year end art judging contest thing comes along
>I win both first and second place in my classes
>also get the award for highest gpa in art
>feel bad cause the other guy didn't get any awards
>Teacher really should've given him second place considering there were only two people in the class
>She really didn't like him

We had three people in the class first semester, but the Swiss foreign exchange girl got sent back to her homeland for flirting/getting romantic with freshmen/sophmore boys.

>> No.1934060

confirmed for constant.
>ya must not've been very good, man
>sorry about thay

>> No.1934182
File: 1.37 MB, 264x264, Huehue.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in high school
>known as the person who could draw well
>also known for hanging out with the introverts at lunch
>one of my friends drew anime constantly and was always known for never turning down requests
>become envious and start taking requests too
>classmates at first were really polite and tolerant of my personal space
>feels nice getting small exposure
>over a few weeks the requests become more frequent and complicated
>kids not thanking me anymore
>start questioning my artistic integrity
>decide that its time to only accept commissions, starting at one dollar or three.
>suddenly nobody wants to deal with me anymore
>everyone flocks over to my friend still taking free requests of animu drawings.
>feel like shit for still being seen as a tool
>mfw she wanted to go to MCAD too like me but now i'm the one attending it after high school.

That same friend is now taking online classes and still trying to get into an art college. I can't imagine what would've happened if i still was stuck taking requests like her.

>> No.1934191

>everyone taking the bait

>> No.1934613

I got a chuckle at the monkeys with dicks for earlobes.