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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 333 KB, 640x766, 659990-78585bddb0470b03a1eddb85ff5900d31368067660_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1920975 No.1920975 [Reply] [Original]

Im a person with a style somewhat close to kill la kills art style, and i really want to get into concept art or visual development for feature animation.
Do you think i could make it with "muh style" or do you think i should try to lean more towards Disneys style? i've only drawn for approximately 1 year so i have time to change/develop my style.

>> No.1920979

If you can draw anything like that after one year, you're among the most talented people on earth. You can do whatever you want.

I have a feeling you're delusional about your style and level of skill, so post your work.

Also, no, you can't have a career if you can only draw animu, unless you publish your own shit.

>> No.1920981

>i've only drawn for approximately 1 year

I bet you haven't even studied anatomy, form or gesture. Go read the stick.

>> No.1920990

i have studied some, but i have some problems with applying it to the shit i draw, the only thing i have not really studied atm is anotomy which i am gonna try to study now for 3 weeks.
ofc im not as good as the artists from kill la kill, i basically have a shit tier version of their style.
And ofc im not implying that im just gonna draw animu kawaii desu drawings for a living, but in my own style, somewhat like sycra.

>> No.1921013

Can you stop typing like a 16 year old girl? Thanks.

>> No.1921015

Where can I get the book on OP's pic?

>> No.1921028

Cristo santo

>> No.1921048

Read the sticky, you delusional weeb.

>> No.1921054

It's hilarious that you mentioned sycra when he has a video on what "style" is, and what you are doing is not it.

>> No.1921055

>looking up to the mark crilley of /ic/

>> No.1921072

Sycra started drawing in his own style only after years of studying fundamentals... Did you not watch his videos on that? Jumping right in and expecting to get a job because you can 'kind of draw like KLK' is not how it works.
You need to have a strong grasp of anatomy and all other fundamentals before you have a chance are serious work.
Sycra can stylize because he understands how to, not saying you can't, but if you want to be a professional chances are you'll have a bad time.

>> No.1921088

Sycra's pretty shit, to be honest. He's decent when he relies heavily on reference, but once he tries to draw anything from his imagination, it looks terrible and stiff. The guy can't construct for shit, and he tries to cover it by exaggerating his animu hybrid "style".
He's an example of an artist who's learned by relying too much on reference. I you want to see his raw, mostly unreferenced skill level, go look at the sketch section of his dA. It's embarrassing.

>> No.1921098

Thanks for that very insightful blogpost of yours, faggot.

>> No.1921101

Isn't it hard to type with Sycra's dick so far down your throat, you blind faggot?

>> No.1921102

He's right though, I just looked at their sketchbook on DA and it is the same as the Beginner's thread. I was surprised when I realized that even /ic/ can do better than that.

>> No.1921106

It's honestly as if there is something wrong with your brain that you just HAVE TO post this same crap every single time.
>random artist is being mentioned
>"hurrr he's not good, he's doing this and that and that's bad and he should rather do blablabla and he sucks"

How is that even remotely relevant to the topic at hand? The guy mentioned Sycria and how he says in his video that style comes after studying the fundamentals. Do you disagree with that statement? If yes, then you are a moron, if no, then why the fuck did you write your stupid as shit post?

>inb4 "hurr calm down sycria"

Because that's what you always write next whenever you are called out by someone on your stupidity, like the broken record that you are.

>> No.1921107

I wouldn't know, I too think Sycra is a pretty bad artist. I'm just making fun of you for being a fucking retard because your post has no relevance whatsoever.

>> No.1921110
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, 1416590400587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ is not one person.

>> No.1921111

what makes you think that? what if you're talking to one person with multiple personalities?

>> No.1921112

I know, but you are. You are the same faggot from the KJG thread and the same faggot from that other thread about that scandinavian digital artist who paints landscapes.

>> No.1921115

>It's honestly as if there is something wrong with your brain that you just HAVE TO post this same crap every single time.

Are you schizophrenic or something? I drop by here are few times a year, and this is the only time I've actually commented on an artist in the past year. But yeah, I guess everyone who disagrees with you is one person, right? Christ, this is the most pathetic attempt at a strawman I've ever seen.

>The guy mentioned Sycria and how he says in his video that style comes after studying the fundamentals. Do you disagree with that statement?

Sycra is an example of a person who didn't fucking learn from the fundamentals, because he can't construct for shit. Go look at the gallery I mentioned before running your mouth. Also, it's a blatantly wrong statement. Style is something you develop in conjunction with learning the fundamentals. There isn't an artist alive who studied the fundamentals alone for years, and then decided to develop a style. Most artists become artists because they have a passion for drawing, and will have spent a good amount of time drawing whatever the fuck they want before starting on the fundamentals. Drawing your own shit for fun doesn't stop when you actually do start learning the fundamentals.

It's rather astonishing that you call someone else a retard, when you can't see the obvious relevance of my post.

>> No.1921117

I posted that the perspective was off on the clip of the m4 after someone praised KJG as a god who had no faults when clearly that clip was out of perspective. I don't know about the other thread.

>> No.1921118
File: 71 KB, 991x807, sycra 'the master draftsman' yasin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sycra is literally the opposite of talented.

How one man can still be so shit after drawing seriously for 15 years is beyond me.

>> No.1921119

Fuck, you're retarded. Now you think three different people are the same person?

>> No.1921120

Yes, there's just one guy going around calling everybody a faggot.
There's no way multiple people could possibly express their discontent for certain artists.

>> No.1921131

he uses "muh style"
you know its true in your heart

>> No.1921133


There's no such thing as talent.

>> No.1921137


>> No.1921141
File: 55 KB, 240x226, top shiggy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1921146

No such thing faggot.

>> No.1921147

Its funny how there is no talent is used as if everyone who wants to practice art starts and moves at the
same phase, they clearly don't. There is no talent but there are stupid people and smarter people, a smarter
person with better memory and common sense will be a lot quicker to grasp things like the rules of perspective
or memorise anatomy and color theory while a slow person will struggle to those things to no end and will forever
be behind, a smart person will be able to learn from his mistakes and not repeat them, some people will just
be better by nature, you can cover your stupidity with extreme work but there will be only so much you can do.

>> No.1921148


>> No.1921154

Fuck off. Talent is separate from intelligence. Intelligence will help you grasp concepts more easily and improve quicker through the application of sheer logic and rationality.
Talent is more of an instinctive thing. An abilitiy to see and interpret things in your mind.

>> No.1921160
File: 2.63 MB, 580x308, Explanation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how 'bout "aptitude"?

>> No.1921203


intelligence plays a role undoubtedly but it's minor.

some people just lie when they say 'but i've worked 6 hours a day, every day for X years!'.

some people don't lie when they make the same claim.

and out of the group of liars, there's a large part that isn't even aware that they are lying, because they have a wrong definiton of 'working', or are chronologically challenged.

>> No.1921207

If you think talent isn't real, you're as insane as the most batshit crazy creationist.
It's a biological fact of nature.

>> No.1921210


i was talking about intelligence. talent is real too, but plays an equally minuscule role as intelligence.

a 'talent' is what you would call being tall in regards to playing basketball.

there is no equivalent in art. there is innate skill that is just a biological gene variation given to you for free and making you 30% better than the average competition.

humans have evolved a very specific set of cognitive skills, and we depended on those for the last god knows how many thousands of years. people with significantly inferior cognitive skills didn't get to breed. simple as that.

unless you have an iq in the 'mentally handicapped' range you are just as 'talented' as everybody else.

>> No.1921222

>a 'talent' is what you would call being tall in regards to playing basketball.

No. Being tall does not equate to athletic ability.

>there is innate skill that is just a biological gene variation given to you for free and making you 30% better than the average competition.

Don't just pull shit out of your ass.

>humans have evolved a very specific set of cognitive skills, and we depended on those for the last god knows how many thousands of years. people with significantly inferior cognitive skills didn't get to breed.

This is bullshit on so many levels it's not even funny. Study some basic fucking biology, please. Or hell, just use common sense.

Talent isn't an on or off switch. It's a combination of abilities derived from a number of different genes. A drawing talent could be manifested from completely different genes and give two people very different talents, that still result in an increased ability to see and learn how to draw.
Talent is simply descibing an innate abilitiy that makes you learn faster and better than someone else, and also gives you a higher skill ceiling.

However, most people cluster around an average, just as with IQ, and people can exist along the entire line, with fewer people displaying signs of extreme talent or extreme lack of talent.

>> No.1921244

hurr calm down sycria

>> No.1921255

>There's no such thing as talent.

But there's predestination.

> the doctrine that Vilppu has ordained all that will happen, especially with regard to the progression of some and not others.

Have you accepted Him in your heart, anon?

>> No.1921263


ur dumb as fuck and not even trying to read what i write. gonna quit arguing now, i've spent way too much time in my life arguing with idiots on /ic/ already. have a good day.

>> No.1921278

knowing anatomy

being able to pull the intellegence from your heart and draw it, with speed.

>> No.1921280

>ur dumb as fuck

Oh, the fucking irony.

>> No.1921291

I hope the irony here isn't lost on 'u'

>> No.1921328

>mentioning talent

I have never ever seen any other type of post start so much shit on /ic/ consistently.

>> No.1921362

>oh, the irony

indeed. very ironic.

same to you

>> No.1921430
File: 14 KB, 447x384, smug satan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show us your work.

>> No.1921439

>not smug hades
what a fucking heretic

>> No.1921459
File: 462 KB, 500x513, tumblr_mconycDVAl1r2vpn6o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no equivalent in art.
what if someone has great hand motor controlling and is able to quickly draw perfect circles of any sizes without tools
does that count as talent?

because as far as I'm concerned some people have a very wide gap when it comes to output compare to normal people (pic related)
so yeah, the talent in art can make great difference

>> No.1921463

If this was posted in the beginner thread no one be the wiser

Don't kid yourself

>> No.1921472
File: 196 KB, 1024x1562, majin_vegeta_by_sycra-d71gy04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1921475


You know if he unfucked the face it'd actually look pretty good.

>> No.1921480

What the hell is that anatomy. I get that it's DBZ but fuck that's scary.

>> No.1921493
File: 182 KB, 1920x1080, 1388599680847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty sure his ear is way too high, if not his arm is waaay too fucking short. Like, half the length that it should be. And that chin man, it can piece the heavens.


>> No.1921495


I was more just keen on the linework and cel shading but orrite m8

>> No.1921498

Yes his arm is way too short yes and his ear is wrong, it's actually heavy stylization when you can see if someone knows
his shit, when things start to look less human and more abstract is when you are more actively thinking about those
things and they don't fall into place on their own as a puzzle.

>> No.1921499

Jesus Christ this thread is cancer, you guys ruin all opportunity for a good discussion by arguing over minor details or comments. I guess this is 4chan though so not sure what else I was expecting.

>> No.1921506

OFC ofc. Why do you think linke this.

>> No.1921510

how about you....post your fucking work.

>> No.1921513



You know damn well if he drew the rest of the figure he'd look like a fucking T-rex.

>> No.1921517

what if he drew stumpy legs?

>> No.1921519


Then it would be really badly proportioned as a whole. Like a bad chibi.

>> No.1921856


>> No.1921913
File: 71 KB, 420x635, c32efcb7f667f6c5def39db8eda2e6ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well this is DBZ. Anime and comics don't really follow any rule but the whim of the artist.

> It looks horrible, though

>> No.1922577


well vegeta -is- a tyrannical little manlet so

>> No.1922786


I think your picture is great. Even with the style though... is that skin... or a goatee? Because right now its a skinatee.

I'm not a good artist, fyi. But as a pleeb, that's all I see horribly wrong.

>> No.1922802

Aren't those 2 minute sketches he did for a video?

Anyway, Sycra is good, he simply has a boring taste.

>> No.1923024
File: 76 KB, 509x768, 1415812947147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im a person with a style somewhat close to kill la kills art style,...
No you're not. The thing what you call "style" is your shallow interpretation of another person's work. You did not do anything to obtain it, you're just copying what you see. Yoh Yoshinari and Sushio are the shit, they are where they are right now, because of hard work, exceptional skill and a unique style, you can't expect to succeed the same way.
>do you think i should try to lean more towards Disneys style?
Hell, nah! You would be doing the same as with klk. Just practice more and don't force anyone's style into your own. It's ok if you like a given artist's work, that's called influence, what you do is most likely copying.
Learn your fundamentals, and draw what you like. Your own style will come along the way.

>> No.1925284

if there is one style i cant stand its kill la kill one.
not only does it look very weird and incorrect but the designs of the characters in the show are also terrible

>> No.1925321


>unique style

Looks like generic animu, though maybe slightly higher quality.

>> No.1926245

>though maybe slightly higher quality.
kek, klk is shit and you know it

>> No.1926247

true, true :l

>> No.1926277

it doesn't look like "generic" anime. The style is pretty recognizable by anyone. If you're unfamiliar with the subject that's one thing, but you need to be able to recognize your own ignorance. Rather than gaining a familiarity with the subject, rather than even realizing you just don't know, you choose to dismiss it. That is a big character flaw you have, and since you're on /ic/ I can only assume you have an interest in actually improving.
I don't want you to take this as a personal attack. I'll be failing pretty hard in my post if you try to "defend" yourself from this, but I want you to take this I'm saying as advise. Be more self aware of your own actions.

>> No.1926279

>weaboo rage
lel, enjoy your powerpoint slideshow

>> No.1926280


I find that the people who choose to talk a lot of shit aren't the types who are seriously into art, they want to use it either as a way to kill time in their dull lives or they want to use it as a way to feel smug and superior over popular artists. If he was really intent at being good he'd shut up and draw, or at least say something similar to what >>1923024 had to say.

>> No.1926282

or they see kill la kill as it is and don't glorify its shitty "style"

>> No.1926287
File: 35 KB, 625x626, 1406733219995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are free to not like it but the fact that you just outright dismiss it as shit means that you have a personal vendetta against it. That to me screams "I want to feel superior over this and I want to do it through the laziest way possible."

You have not said a single intelligent thing to make your case and quite honestly I believe you don't even want to speak intelligently on it. Keep that shitty attitude and you will never, ever get decent at art.

>> No.1926296

>That to me screams "I want to feel superior over this and I want to do it through the laziest way possible."
or I just prefer other stuff, tried to watch klk but it really was too shitty for me, I don't understand why people get offended when you call shitty anime shitty
>Keep that shitty attitude and you will never, ever get decent at art.
sure mate, I'm not the one whos making it personal tho, to me that seems a bit unhealthy but hope you get far ahead in art and life.