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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1914504 No.1914504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now... i believe some of you might get offended, especially those who do that (or maybe you won't reply after what i have just wrote), but my question is why you do that?

To make yourself feel better? Because you hate the fact that others work hard to get better and you don't? Because you don't enjoy drawing and hate yourself for that and try to make others to hate it too?

So, annons, what is the reason you come to this board and spread your hate?

>> No.1914514


dis gonna be gud.

i never hate personally but collectively i hate photobashers, wojtek-tier plagiarists and everyone who lacks humility.

but as somebody who has no life and has spent the last years on /ic/ nearly 24/7/365, i've come across a TON of hateful posting directed at specific anons. who weren't really anon.

>> No.1914526


Thanks OP you just gave me a brilliant idea. No I'm not telling you what it is and it isn't art related.

>> No.1914534


anon's gonna pull a noah bradley for quick 'exposure at all costs'

>> No.1914545

Why do faceless people you'll never meet on the internet making fun of you offend you so much?

What is the reason you come to this board, or the internet as a whole, if your feelings get hurt so easily?

Ridiculing of your useless sjw questions aside, no one has control over anyone but themselves, so your random crusades to force your views onto others are never gonna amount to anything. While hiding behind your "righteous knight" impression, you are as terrible with dealing with people as the people you are calling out.

If you focus on the only person you have control over (yourself) and read a book or two to better your own person, you'll understand that being a whiny bitch doesn't help you in any way.

>> No.1914548


OP here

i should wrote in the first post that because i knew someone will think i am buthurt or something.

Well.. i'm not buthurt. I don't even post any of my work or whatsoever but i am one of thise who are spectators.

the only reason i am asking that is because i honestly wonder why people do that (because it's obvious they spend their priceless time to intentionally do what i wrote in first post).

So again.. i'm not here to judge, i'm just wondering why is there so much negativity on this board.

>> No.1914551


I bet you're a fun guy.

>> No.1914553

You're projecting on too many anons.

I'm one of the few sympathetic posters on here. I turn "It's shit" into at least two paragraphs explaining why it's not hopeless, and what the contributing anon should work on. I'd say 50/50 I get called idiot no matter what, and the other time I get complimented for an insightful comment.

There was one instance of a harsher critique I made. The artist working under the influence of his or her libido spent more time rendering the cameltoe than any other aspect of the image. I got a bit aggravated and might have crossed the line, however never used insults, was fully aware the anon had some skill and could make better pictures.

Honestly though I'm in the same boat as a lot of other anons. I know more than I draw, and spend way too much time on here yapping away.

>> No.1914566

>I know more than I draw, and spend way too much time on here yapping away.

Just like how I know more about anime than actually watching it. Or about politics than actually knowing how it works. There is something about this site that has many people here trapped for good and nobody can explain why.

>> No.1914571

What you consider hating is simply people being honest. You are used to real life and other websites with an account name where most people are too worried about hurting each others feelings to give real feedback.

>> No.1914573


I don't mean honest/harsh critiques, those are even welcome.

i think we all know what i'm talking about, don't pretend ;)

>> No.1914578

I've had my work torn off the wall by an art teacher, that was harsh and invigorating. Trolling and parroting is retarded shitposting.

>> No.1914585

Eh okay, but there are pretty few of those around here. At least in draw threads.

>> No.1914597

I think that constructive, harsh criticism with a justification helps me grow. Sometimes i think a slap in the face helps me be aware of the things im doing wrong.
But yeah, sometimes people are mean and hateful for no reason and when you ask for a justification they dont respond or become even more upset.
I think that a respectful critic is very very positive, but some poeple here is plain retarded

>> No.1914599

>I'd say 50/50 I get called idiot no matter what, and the other time I get complimented for an insightful comment.

You are me

>> No.1914600

Because sometimes it's fun. Like, you seem like you'd be a prime choice if I wanted to be a dick on the internet.

>> No.1914620
File: 467 KB, 580x411, 1417363578591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT muh feels

If you can't stand the heat get the fuck out.

>> No.1914626

But you keep burning your meals.

>> No.1914632

Because I'm fucking tired of this board and this site but I just can't leave it behind. Your meta thread already annoyed the fuck out of me.

>> No.1914637
File: 184 KB, 1437x988, ss+(2014-11-12+at+03.06.43).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both right

i'll just take my ball go home and build my own court.

Im sure this image fits somehow, but it's truly unrelated.

>> No.1914639


>> No.1914650


>ITT muh feels

that's why you posted ;)

>> No.1914656

The bigger question is
Why do people suddenly equate being anonymous with "I should be an unfiltered emotionally hurtful person" "My real self is this sharp tongued mean individual"

Like what the fuck you know its not ok to be a dick ever to people. Just because nobody can track you down doesn't mean its ok.

And the ever present
>You're just a bitch if you get offended by me being real
Which I think just comes straight from ppl posting from poverty stricken areas who had a hard life or something. Being sensitively responsive to you being a bad person doesn't make somebody a bitch. It makes them a human being.

>> No.1914660

If you're talking about the practice of bashing peoples work aithout actually explaining why it is bad, I might have an explanation for that.

A lot of times the picture being replied to show s no signs of effort on the side of its poster, therefor what they are looking for is not critique but praise. That kind of attitude is something that should be discouraged if we want to avoid turning this board into a hugbox.

>> No.1914667
File: 42 KB, 700x525, SG_034 Stefan Grosjean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is something very cathartic about being able to speak your mind without any real ramifications. On this board I don't have to worry about stepping on someone's toes, gaining a reputation, or getting them upset because it's anonymous, my advice is well meant, and they can take it or leave it. I generally try to make sure my words are not said just to be an ass but have real purpose and meaning behind it. I genuinely want to help people out here and put a lot of thought into my posts. I like to think anyway that my posts don't come across as hateful, harsh sometimes and maybe too honest, but not purposefully putting people down.

>> No.1914673


cheeki brekki

>> No.1914677

For people to break or form habbits is extremely hard. For people to change ever so slightly is a hard and long process.

Not to mention that your opinion is foremost your opinion and not an improvement for everyone. People on here enjoy to be outspoken. I don't get why people still compare real life to online interactions. In no way are they comparable. Anonymity has negatives points, a lot of them, but people visit this board especially for the positives. The most important thing being, is that every post stands for its own merit, something that is lost in places where you have an identity.

This place will not bend to you. It's your choice to learn to deal with those things.

You already made a huge mistake in taking things personally. People act on impulse, we're just humans. No one is calm all the time, it's quite the opposite. Wanting to slice the throat of your mother when you're angry is quite the reaction, and it looks borderline psychopathic when exposed. But at the end of the day it's super common and generic and doesn't represent you at all except that you may get angry and hurt fast.

You just expose your own weakness when complaining about those things. At the end of the day you can't even judge people for one post, because this kind of information is vacuous and trivia.

This guy for example could feel any way, but in the end you just speculate if you give him your reaction. You either ignore or continue the redundant chain of empty information.

>> No.1914695

I'm not at all concerned by the trolling and hating on /ic/. What worries me is that posters and occasionally mods can't seem to tell trolling and actual discussion apart.

>> No.1914708

I agree with you OP.
But who did that painting? Reverse search found nothing. Looks kinda Nathan Fowkes like. Or is it yours?

>> No.1914713


Psst, the janny is in on it too.

>> No.1914718

I think it's pretty clear what's behind 99% of the hate-posting here. The people who always get the bitterest reactions are those who the people on this board perceive as uppity, or taking pride in their work, or thinking that they're better than they actually are. Any time anyone gives off the scent of liking their own work too much, there's an inevitable feeding frenzy.

So the root cause of the hate is probably insecurity. If I'm frustrated with my own work, I'm obviously going to be annoyed with anyone who is happily oblivious.

This would also explain the vast rage at anyone who is perceived as "cheating": tracing or painting over photographs or using other 'unfair' tricks to circumvent the frustrating barriers that everyone else is struggling with. Also, the frequent hate threads at people like Noah Bradley who aren't technically very good but are nonetheless financially successful.

/ic/ is a hangout for a lot of struggling, frustrated, insecure artists, and that's why there's such a bitter atmosphere here. Not complicated.

>> No.1914723

That moment when your mom told you that the bullies who fuck you up every day are just jealous, the moment when you got home all beaten up and dirty and she told you that they're just insecure and bitter.

She was lying.

They fucked you up because your fragrance is the good old weakness, be it character or aesthetics.

>> No.1914729

i also wonder this op. (though i don't mind too much, either.) i only ever seem to comment on things when:
1. i particularly appreciate a post and want to give a big thumbs up and/or ask after an art site the poster'd be willing to share
2. am giving constructive feedback when it's been specifically requested (pretty infrequent, and usually do this just with the more serious work)
3. am participating in an activity or question-answer, or am joining in on a discussion of some complex question or other on light/shadow/color.
99% of the time i just lurk and look at all the nice art, never posting anything

>> No.1914733


Weak artists don't get bullied here as long as they're humble. They might get told to stfu and read the sticky, but there's no real venom. Bring up Noah Bradley, though, and watch the shitstorm (over and over and over and over).

In my experience, after reading this board for about five years, /ic/ reacts viscerally to two things: undeserved pride and "cheating". Not weakness.

>> No.1914744

They shit on him because of his weak points.
People who like anime get called out too because of the bad reputation their fanbase has. Especially the ones connected with art.

People just dislike things. Of course only the bad things stick. Every "shitpost" gets hundreds of times more attention than a quality post". In the end OP is a mouth breather for yet again giving attention to a negative point that will never change instead giving attention to the positive and productive things. He is like everyone else, only concentrating on the negatives. People seek attention. If being negative generates the most attention, people will start to abuse such ways. I bet OP is guilty when it comes to his own points too. It's unbelievable how many double standards the average human being carries.

>> No.1914753

People should show more gratitude. It happens only rarely, but when someone thanks me for a helpful post I get a warm and fuzzy feeling. It's truly beautiful. Too often I just ignore a helpful post, even if it wasn't addressed to me directly. A helpful post is a helpful post.

>> No.1914782

i feel that feel. i've gotten both really wonderful and really scathing feedback over the years, and every time i get sincerely positive stuff, (though i s'pose it's kinda stupid to be so effected,) it really makes my day
i never get angry when people hate on my stuff, just unhappy

>> No.1914827

Why are you niggers so fucking bent about dumb semantics?

>> No.1914831


I think people are pissed off over shitty comments and you get retards who think being crass as fuck equates to having insight.

There's a word of difference between "You fucking suck" and "You fucking suck and here is why." Though personally I try to be like "This part fucking sucks, improve that. This part sucks less so that's good I guess, for a pleb"

>> No.1914834
File: 145 KB, 500x282, 1388091403460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I told you faggots to get the fuck out if you can't handle it, someone tells you that you are shit well you are fucking shit why the fuck must you complicate this with muh feels and muh e-bullying stop being such a fucking faggot, grow balls, develop a thick skin, get over it and git gud.