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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 222 KB, 1000x875, 302894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1912749 No.1912749 [Reply] [Original]

This guy http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/markydaysaid
makes $1500 a month http://www.patreon.com/markydaysaid

How does this make you feel ?
I don't even.

>> No.1912753

You just don't get cubist porn, anon.

>> No.1912755

Wow, everything about this image is total garbage.

I'm not mad that this guy makes money, it just reminds me that I could do this, too.

>> No.1912759

I actually feel like shit now, knowing I don't make a dollar while my skill level is higher than this nerd's will ever be

I refuse to draw porn to cater to a niche that is apparantly worth 1500$, and the other sectors are completely saturated by better artists

ahh well, such is the life and fate of the /ic/ tard I guess?

>> No.1912761

>autistic perverts throw their clammy disposable income at mediocre smut artists

What's so startling about this? Moreover, why should I be angered? I'm secure enough in my own work that I don't need to project jealousy onto other artists who work the crowd of 1-hand typers for their money. More power to them.

>> No.1912763


>> No.1912767

wow that pic is really hot, I love how her ass looks in the splits

going to donate on patreon, thanks OP!

>> No.1912774

>ahh well, such is the life and fate of the /ic/ tard I guess?

No, it's just you. If you pay attention at what goes on you will quickly realize that knowledge means money, you pay to gain that knowledge and depending how you use it you earn what you put in your work.

The amount of knowledge /ic/ has in its disposal is more than enough to have anybody start drawing and after a couple of years should be able to draft figures well enough to convince people that hey this is good stuff I think I'll have some more of that.

The main difference between a beginner and a proficient draftsman is the knowledge they use in their work; one of the key fundamentals that helps differentiate is Perspective, and how much Anatomy you know but it can be missleading.

Perspective will not teach you about Anatomy and how to build forms on top of the other forms and Anatomy will not teach you how to apply these forms in space and relate them to an eye level to make a believable figure.You need to work with both Perspective and Anatomy that is not limited to basic forms but also proportion, and finally the single most important piece that will have you work stand out is how well of a gesture you describe to tell a story.

>> No.1912775

There's something really wrong with the world we live in if this guy makes $1500 a month doing this

>> No.1912776

Forgot to add that after how well of anatomy you know it will grant you more doors to open for you to get those Shekels.

>> No.1912787

I really don't understand how what you just made me read has anything to do with the post of mine you replied it to

no idea what so ever

>> No.1912790

Think about it :^)

>> No.1912802


People make a lot more doing a lot less. Just because hes not an expert doesn't mean he doesn't deserve the money given to him, despite the fact he is making so little.
Its not just about having skill, its about knowing how to use it (or the lack of it). I say more power to him.

>> No.1912824

Honestly, I don't think I will ever be good at this whole socializing, building an online-following, marketing aspect of art. There should be a place where socially awkward hermit-artists can find and team up with otherwise artistically unskilled marketing people who handle all the aforementioned stuff and turn your drawings into money for a shared profit.

>> No.1912829

It gives me hope.

If he can do it, I sure as fuck can.

>> No.1912830

He probably gets that much because he has a large group and panders constantly.
Be good to your fans, and you will git gud money in return

>> No.1912832
File: 523 KB, 450x253, stupid anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and you can see how that turned out

>> No.1912842

>implying this shithole hugbox is any different/better

Kill yourself

>> No.1912847

You've probably been asked this before. What the ever loving fuck are you doing here?

>> No.1912862

It makes me feel like success is pretty random.

>> No.1912864
File: 55 KB, 248x399, Legendaires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do you make a month with your art?

>> No.1912866

>The truth about life in most cases, life gives you cards, but even with bad ones you might get far with them with a little luck and effort

>> No.1912870
File: 563 KB, 1000x875, no more of that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1912898
File: 262 KB, 446x456, 1415279486244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sly motherfucker

>> No.1912901


It legitimately bothers me how poorly drawn and designed this room is.

If this woman can afford a down mattress and pillows, then why is the rest of the room so beggared? No carpets or rugs, a rather shoddy set of drawers, a tattered Whiterun hold tapestry, and one single blanket over the bed. If she lives in such a cold tundra, she will definitely freeze to death overnight, if there's no hearth and fire in the room.

She could at least have curtains as well, for the sake of decoration, warmth and privacy. Plus, that Stone of Barenziah, Meridia's Beacon and Steel Greatsword would look pretty good to any thief who decides to peer in.

Don't even get me started on the poster and panties.

>inb4 immature jokes about autism and vapid memes.

If you're an artist, you don't put all effort into one thing (terribly, at that) and ignore the rest.

>> No.1912902

I don't know why the set dressing would be the first thing to bother you when the guy failed at perspective.

>> No.1912904

If we mentioned the problems with the art itself, we'd have to write a book.

>> No.1912908

I'm seriously considering making something like this. I'm just scared though.

>> No.1912910
File: 154 KB, 1003x864, merc_wip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I called it "Tyrion loves pussy".

This is not the greatest art in the world: this is just a tribute.

>> No.1912943

>How does this make you feel?
Makes me feel fine.

Seems like the guy was able to find a group of people that are willing to pay for his art even though its is not that great. The guy might be an amateur as far as artistic skill goes but he is great at marketing.

>> No.1912952

>look at the money this shitty artist makes XDXD :^)

These threads should stop. They're extremely dangerous to this board.

You end up with a bunch of people saying stupid shit about how they have standards and they would be art gods otherwise. And you guys start to actually believe it, so you don't change what you're doing and you stay shit and poor.

Fuck off with this "muh standards!" defense mechanism. Selling your bullshit is part of a professional's skillset.

This isn't a board for coddling hobbyists.

>> No.1912962

>mediocre artist, superior businessman
>superior artist, mediocre businessman

I can't hate him. If he can convince people to give him 1500 a month for that shit then I'm fucking impressed. And he pumps out a LOT of art too. When it comes to making money quantity is just as, if nor more important than quantity. Increasing quantity increases profits at a MUCH faster rate than increasing quality.

What's that, like 78,000 a year?

>> No.1912963

I bet a lot of us can do much better than him. I know for a fact that I can. But I'd have to start drawing/painting smut-on-demand, because that's the only kind of art people are going to pay for on a regular basis.

My sister's in art school and trying to find ways to get paid for painting. So far she's only come up with "paint fireplace commissions for rich people" and "paint stained glass windows for rich people" and "paint murals for rich people." Point being that only rich people will pay for quality art that doesn't strive, as its main goal, to make your dick hard.

>> No.1912966

My earlier venting and current hypocrisy aside, I agree with you. It just feeds the already-inflated egos of many people on this board. Again, seeing that a guy this bad at art can accomplish a month's wages of minimum wage with his art tells me that I can make it, too. I'm no porn artist nor do I plan on being one (even though I do enjoy making my own :3), but I am reminded that there is a market out there for everything, and success is just around the corner.

These threads are just as toxic as Dobson or Buckley hate threads on /co/. Seriously, what's with the hate? Until someone shows me a time-sheet revealing that they worked as camp counselors at Auschwitz, I find no reason to hate them so furiously as I'm "supposed to." We should just focus on ourselves, work ethic, potential, skill level and financial gain included. We only get one life, why waste it complaining all the time?

>> No.1912972

a month. not a week

>> No.1912974

Pick one. People on here will bash your art to a fault, even if it's good. People on here even hate on professionals like bahi and Jaime.

>> No.1912975

>1500 a month
>78,000 a year


>> No.1912976

it's 18000 fuckass. Spend some more time on /sci/

>> No.1912989

I am never jealous about art.

>> No.1913007

Why are you scared ?

>> No.1913076

It's actually pretty refreshing to see pros get shit on this board, especially the ones who deserve it like Rapoza, Wojtek, Luvisi, Genzoman....

>> No.1913096

So the dude is making like minimum wage for his artwork?

Why are you even mad. Think about this for a second. HIs artwork is worth the lowest common denominator in terms of wages paid.

And y'know, it feels right to me.

>> No.1913108

This, I'd rather just keep slugging at the minimum wage grind while practicing painting... Like you'd have to draw weird fetishes (so can't show your family what you do all day when they ask) and only the creepiest people on the internet will recognize your work. Nah, fuck that.

>> No.1913115

Exactly this. It's like selling your used panties on Craigslist. You'll make some easy money, but do you really want to think back one day on how you earned it? Do you feel comfortable telling people about it? I personally wouldn't, but I guess some people are uninhibited enough that it doesn't bother them.

>> No.1913155

As long as you are making bank who cares?

>> No.1913161

It's like prostitution. Might feel like a good and easy way to go at first, but after doing it for years it will get stale and you'll get to a point where you just can't stand it being your everyday routine.

I have an artist friend who's been doing porn for years, as a hobby and also commissions. I'm talking more than 10 years, every day.
Nowadays he just can't stand any form or depiction of sex anymore, and he's at a point where he'd rather go back and lift crates if there's no other choice.

>> No.1913179

Success is as random as everything else in life is

If this nerd had been a complete failure, like 99% of people drawing homemade porn, we would've never heard of him

of course, this is the 0.0001% that DID get the needed attention and followers, and so he "made it"

same thing goes for so many things, like people who got rich on stock markets etc

There's books written about the phenomena, don't stare yourself blind at the successes of others, you can change the slightest value in the equation and they would probably have not ended where they are today

In that sense it could also possibly help to know that all you really need is a lucky break, in a sense. That is, if you are at least getting exposure, working hard,...

>> No.1913201

I make more than $1500 a month at my art dayjob
I'm a shittier artist than him

>> No.1913250

Yeah, right.

>> No.1913255

Makes me feel like i've got hope.

>> No.1913277

That /ic/ will make a thread about me and hurt my feelings.

>> No.1913295

Well, if he had been lifting crates for the last 10 years, I bet he'd be thinking the exact opposite right now. People tend to get sick of their work, regardless what it is, unless they really love doing it.

That said, there are plenty of artists who genuinely love drawing porn, I doubt there are many people in this world who genuinely love carrying crates all day.

>> No.1914858

I keep considering getting into smut more and more.

>> No.1914875

Those "artistically unskilled marketing people" will most likely end up getting all the money though.

>> No.1914897

i will repeat this as necessary

stop whinning 'it doesnt fair' you guys too idealistic thinking everyone is giving fuck with anatomy, it isnt. Its the FETISH you must look for, no matter how shit the drawing if they can jack off on it, its a masterpiece.

this is harsh truth that i learn after entering and quitting mainstream publisher, no one give a fuck if your drawing is perfectly loomis but lack of nude and fanservice.

>> No.1914909
File: 27 KB, 292x300, ufB6cl0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is not Jaques tier
>$9,795 a month

>> No.1915436

i would totally pay for that pic a few 100s.
This guy has a special style.

>> No.1915538

>$1500 a month
>mfw that isn't even enough to pay rent here in ghetto ass chicago
fuck you op

>> No.1915545
File: 1.00 MB, 2521x2497, gregkelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how many hours though, if he lives in a big city he's hardly rolling in the dough

>> No.1915570
File: 189 KB, 1136x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy must prostitute himself all over the internet

>> No.1915580



Try a few months. People can learn much faster than you think anon and I think you guys have underestimated the wealth of knowledge you've amassed here.

>> No.1915598

Makes me feel like I'm gonna make some money pretty soon.

I felt like that for years. I always tell myself I need to get better...

>> No.1915603

>78,000 a year
You are not a very good businessman, I see...

>> No.1915625

i keep edging towards that side anon. i slowly feel like there is nothing really stopping me from doing porn for a living.
someone stop me :_;

>> No.1915639

That's shooped, though.

>> No.1916659

Hm, that's inspiring. Guess I know what my mission is once I'm done with finals.

>> No.1916712


I feel nothing but hilarity. That image is hilarious, and the fact that people give this man money is hilarious. No different to atrocious pop music making gorillions of dollaz while astonishing modern acts like Anglagard labor in obscurity.

I don't even give a fuck. As long as I'm surviving, and even if I'm not, I'll be fine. Let people like this do this and make money from idiots. That's not what I value, so all I can do is laugh. Like Seneca said, it's better to laugh at the world's follies than to mourn them or feel angry; at least that way you take joy from it.

>> No.1916714


It's called having an agent. It's not like that's some new, revolutionary idea, dude.

>> No.1916721


Why should we? If you have so little integrity that you're willing to do it, then I say go ahead and jump. Enjoy never being an artist.

>> No.1916725

Could you explain when an artist is an artist?
Are artist who specialize in a subject no artists?

>> No.1916728

I'm okay with that guy.
It's cool if he makes money from something he enjoys.

>> No.1916763

That's not even close to minimum wage where I live.
And it's like mid level freelance job pay anyway.

>> No.1916791


Well I'm kind of being a dick on purpose obviously, or exaggerating for effect, rather. When I say 'artist' in this sense, I refer to anyone who makes an honest attempt to produce something original and of lasting worth and, particularly, that comes from emotional or intellectual curiosity within the person, drawing on their own interests, loves, experiences, ponderings, and so on.

To draw cheap pornography to make a quick buck makes you a draughtsman with little self-respect, not an 'artist' in this sense, and I believe it fundamentally violates the integrity of oneself as a creative force. I think this is also true to a lesser degree with any kind of paid illustration work 'drawn cold', where it is a case of acting as a draughtsperson rather than a creative artist, but many illustrators will admit that this is what they do and are quite happy with it.

The people of /ic/ generally presents themselves as folk of high intention, but like I say, if you have no desire to be an actual 'artist' (in the sense I'm using the word), then go ahead and draw crap pornography that makes you feel like an awful person. You might quickly find, however, that the tedious process of doing this more than a few times feels little better than a career in data entry.

ON THE OTHER HAND, if you are drawing pornography for yourself, to realise erotic fantasies of your own, and you approach it with the aim of creating something with strength, drive, and intensity, then that's a much better prospect. If you then happen to make money from it, you're a fortunate person indeed. You may still find though that art that appeals only to the libido is a poor player when compared to the (dare I say it) higher-intentioned artistic aims you could aspire to.

>> No.1916798

So are concept artist who work for games or illustrators/designers who work for a client no artists?
If they aren't, what would you call them instead?

And what if high intentions and workin-for.money intertwine? At what percentage of high-intentions is an artist an artist?

I don't want to be difficult or disagree with you, I'm just curious.

>> No.1916808


If high intentions and making money intertwine, then that's a wonderful thing and the artist in question will be a very happy person. That doesn't ruin the integrity of it. But being willing to do things JUST for money, or change something in a way that, in your eyes, spoils it, DOES ruin the integrity.

And shit nobody's perfect, I'm not saying you should be a puritan. I've done illustration commissions that have bored the crap out of me. But surely there is nothing lower than to see godawful fanservice hentai and immediately think, "wow, I could make some money here", as though the expression or exploration of something important to you doesn't matter: I believe that when the shit hits the fan that's the ONLY thing that matters. Unless it's your last resort to stave off starvation, why sell your soul? Better I think to be able to look back and know that in amongst all the crass, vulgar shit that saturates civilisation (ow the edge) you did something integral, something that came from an honest place.

Concept artists etcetera are of course 'artists' in the wider, proper sense of the term. Like I said, I was exaggerating, although it's worth noting that, like many words, the words 'artist' and 'art' have many different meanings.

>> No.1916810


Addendum: in all honesty, I can't claim to have some well-defined philosophy of what an artist is. Ultimately I'm saying in a roundabout way nothing more than, "when people do stuff like this I think it really sucks and I think less of them".

>> No.1916817

Haha, okay, I'm the noisy guy, and I agree with everything you said in your last text. I'd much prefer to not sell my soul and do shit that I find mindnumbing or horrible. ( I designed for alcohol and tobacco companies in the past and I am completely fine with it, but I find no joy in drawing porn).

Ok, last question:
What if some people really love working on porn commissions and it makes them happy?

>> No.1916820


I think I said; that's still a case of you doing it for yourself. It's just... doing things for the right reasons, you know? I've drawn porn plenty of times. Usually for myself, for my own enjoyment, and I've pretty much never shown it to anyone.

There's just so much shit out there, you know. I don't want to add to it. I want to make an honest and committed attempt to learn how to create something original and lasting and powerful, and all the artists I respect are people who do that, to.

Designing for alchohol and tobacco products actually sounds like a nice project. Those things always look nice and subdued.

>> No.1916824

Let's appreciate for a second that there's a peaceful agreement on /ic/.

I like your goal, keep at it!

>> No.1916827

I wouldn't mind making some cash on the side with a bit of cheesecake.

>> No.1916831

so..do it

>> No.1916876
File: 152 KB, 500x1280, 449a20b20cb6e3a89a646451772fcfea-d7fg7p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at you fags bitchin while you should be makin, if he can do it, why cant you?
wanna make money from your arts then get ready to draw all the furrie fetishes, feces etc or dont draw at all if its all about money for you make stuff for yourself and be happy about it

>> No.1916930

Hahahha, oh shit. I pretty much see why.
19 yo key animator for top anime projects who works without any animation education and almost no practice in fucking flash via internet from Austria without even understating japanese. And he is better than many of professional animators with 30 years of practice.
They simply fucking jelly.

>> No.1916941
File: 584 KB, 1000x875, DAILYDOSE_IC-EDITION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
