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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 60 KB, 483x339, tumblr_mdzam2B6aU1qf7yhjo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1895752 No.1895752 [Reply] [Original]

Red nose thread, it was so severe apparently even that art teachers hated it.

Post red nose art, it's hard to find surprisingly.

>> No.1895755
File: 104 KB, 460x460, repin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Repin, doing tumblr nose before tumblr

>> No.1895761


he actually had good reason

russia is cold place

>> No.1895762
File: 280 KB, 280x800, when_i_still_needed_you_by_phobs-d32n77v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1895764
File: 61 KB, 805x684, Flagg.hollywood-men1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people just have red noses.

Whining about what amounts to a small stylistic choice by certain people is extremely petty.

>> No.1895769

some people are just drunk or cold but I mean when people do red noses for the sake of the trend.

Ok, how bout a bad art trend thread? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.1895772
File: 38 KB, 356x200, 200_s.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1895785

Theres blush from cold etc
Theres also light passing through cartilage etc

and then theres a fucking red carrot on your face. There a clear difference.

In cartooning, when the artist isnt arsed to do basic light detail on most other things, its a pain when they go as far as to detail the nose in that way.

>> No.1895788
File: 55 KB, 700x700, dontbringagreynosetoarednosefight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I just wonder why

>> No.1895793
File: 587 KB, 500x670, tumblr_ndb2e7u1va1tfj13io1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad trend
>asian female characters with dyed streak of hair
because black hair is too plain apparently

>> No.1895796

that aint red anon
its purple are you colorblind

>> No.1895801


i saw a tumblr post about this

this is actually a decent point tho

>> No.1895803

>frozen comes out
>people complain about sameface
>a deluge of artists copying that face style

lol I'm guilty of this, my art style is almost 10-20% of recent disney concept art

>> No.1895807

same here, didn't get to read the text below it though, why this is a thing?
imo bright color highlights look lame and try hard

>> No.1895808


i wouldn't mind it so much if it wasn't such a prevalent and specific thing

like it's normal for girls to highlight their hair and shit but why is it always asians specifically

>> No.1895810

It's the same reason anime characters have wildly colored hair while most are supposed to be japanese. Asian hair is visually boring. No variety of colors, volume or texture. Being able to use color allows you to use lots of colors in the costume while still drawing attention to the head.

>> No.1895816

because it is an alternative to using lines

>> No.1895817
File: 204 KB, 613x490, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you're still wrong, anon.

>> No.1895818


Don't watch the video just look at the dude's nose in the first couple of secs.

>> No.1895819

Speaking of which, many tumblr artists are copying johannathemad's faces. You know, the ones with upside down 7 noses and huge chins.

>> No.1895822

Nice other people finally noticed.

>> No.1895829

Johanna who? I've never even heard of that name.
I don't really see anything weird about her tumblr either. Those look like regular noses and chins to me.

>> No.1895866
File: 189 KB, 657x300, thisthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pigeon toes and knock knees?

>> No.1895868

se japan

>> No.1895888
File: 161 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nezkxvwgtl1ridwmio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all she does is red nose

>> No.1895898
File: 34 KB, 493x335, thinkstock_rf_photo_of_man_holding_sunglasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously all pro-alcoholism propaganda.

>> No.1895910

having a bright red nose irl is really unfortunate

>> No.1895912
File: 108 KB, 478x640, 478x640_ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obligatory arms behind back, yeah I know it's what beginner artists do but bad habit/trend nonetheless

now with guide:

>> No.1895913

Don't talk bad about rudolph.

>> No.1895915

>actually looks at the tutorial
also wanna add covering one eye with hair to avoid drawing it

>> No.1895919

>heisenberg shirt

>> No.1895926
File: 205 KB, 500x356, 500px-Wirt_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason thought animal crossing was the reason for all the red noses

>> No.1895930

I-I think it's hot

>> No.1895962
File: 41 KB, 399x398, IMAG0484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Leg positioning makes ur legs look not so squashed and increases that thight gap anon

>> No.1895970

Christ I never noticed this before..

I could never put my finger on it. Now that i see a pattern it all makes sense.

>> No.1895974
File: 693 KB, 527x769, 1393223719012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is hipster as fuck.

>> No.1895978

Goddamn, I've always hated these redraw anime memes. Most of the time the artist tumblrfies the face, thinking that their drawing is unique and western because they don't draw anime anymore. It's like they forgot what makes an appealing picture and went blind while searching for muh style

>> No.1895979

But this is good wifu material

>> No.1895981
File: 303 KB, 1280x1024, 1391419133135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? Especially when they redesign already fine looking characters thinking their version is so much superior/progressive.

>> No.1895984

This picture makes me want to vomit.

And it being Kill la Shit makes it even worse.

>> No.1895987

dude you can't talk shit about Yoshinari here

>> No.1895988

What if they're all Irish characters?

>> No.1895990
File: 70 KB, 1319x756, 1266774_626089730774998_141552782_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lewd almighty

>> No.1895992

Seen people point out SJWs and feminist have the same thing

>> No.1895993
File: 903 KB, 500x865, 1391415525040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's so progressive, anon!

>> No.1895994

What the fuck man

>> No.1896000
File: 380 KB, 822x870, 1394583141862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense considering the setting, it must be progressive at all costs.

>> No.1896002

KLK is shit

>> No.1896005

sticking my fingers in a blender is more progressive

>> No.1896008
File: 618 KB, 524x714, 1391416829097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely. That means you are disabled, so it's progressive enough.

>> No.1896048

>Botan black for no fucking reason

>> No.1896051

Black botan is qt, but fuck whoever did this still

>> No.1896057

Are they zombies?

>> No.1896064


What the fuck is this shit? It's like the artists in question had a few cells short of a brain. Where do you anons get all this from?

>> No.1896065


>> No.1896066

>Havent laughed this hard in a while.

>> No.1896072

Lol tumblring up established characters is my peeve.

>char becomes fat just because
>race bending while hating on race bending

>> No.1896076

The juxtaposition is hilarious, but this is actually the best one of these kind of pictures I've seen. Consistent, semi-appealing. As long as everything they draw doesn't have the weird ass cheek thing going.

>> No.1896086
File: 241 KB, 400x3500, ac1a8f45c4621f04750e988499faad5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1896087
File: 85 KB, 257x177, vdu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896109


Sketch was fine. Everything else wasn't.

>> No.1896117
File: 168 KB, 556x791, dolor_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896118

red nose looks good, you only hate it because it makes people cuter and many people love it

>> No.1896119
File: 116 KB, 1280x843, tumblr_user.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some more.

>> No.1896120


It makes characters look like they've been on a drinking binge

>> No.1896137

Holy fuck. I didn't know this was a thing. I know these kind of people can't see logic, but I can't wait to throw this against their complaints of "white washing"

>> No.1896146


I think this is because black goes well with anything.

In high school my girlfriend kept her hair dyed black and would change the color on her bangs every month. God I miss her.

>> No.1896151

could be rosacea or seborrhoeic eczema.

>> No.1896165

why do you care

>> No.1896171

Looks like the rednose tumblr defense force has arrived

>> No.1896173
File: 25 KB, 400x462, 10153844_588173041287531_4978016084201095077_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

realize where the fuck you are before being a retard.

>> No.1896182
File: 493 KB, 1000x388, 1391417720693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really does.

>> No.1896184
File: 410 KB, 959x832, scootaloo_by_imalou-d6l9rwz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i used to put red noses on ponies, i actually liked it

>> No.1896188


into the hide goes the thread

>> No.1896190


Can we not bring up those tumblr artists that draw sailor moon characters ugly on purpose because it's their style and it's empowering or some shit?

>> No.1896195


except for the noses, that redraw does look way better though.

>> No.1896199

that's probably the point he's trying to make

>> No.1896203


oh my god i remember this

fuck anyone who thinks that doing this to the hobbit of all things is necessary or a good idea

no fucking shit it's full of white dudes it was made by a white guy in 1937 it's a product of its time

if this bothers you so bad write a new story instead of shitting on an old one


Yoshinari was not a major creative force in KLK by any means. It's an Imaishi show.

>> No.1896205

holy shit this is as retarded as going back to say that Huckleberry finn needs a white woman as his companion because Jim the slave is racist.

>> No.1896254
File: 33 KB, 500x332, 1414362940312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is kill la kill not on this because it's too obvious? or because it doesn't look asian enough?

>> No.1896257

The red nose shit existed way before you were born. Fuck off.

>> No.1896258

Frozen artstyle is the exact same as the one used in Tangled though. Also no matter how much of a hipster a person might be and how much they hate Frozen due to its popularity, no one can argue that Glen Keane and Jin Kim aren't great artists, so it's hardly a bad art trend.

>> No.1896261

It's anime. made by asians for asians. Notice that the entire image is just american entertainment, which is why tumblrinas are made about "bad asian stereotypes."

>> No.1896264


Wasn't a large part of the book Huck helping Jim to escape though?

Did they miss the part where Huck basically resigns himself to going to hell to help Jim because that's how he was indoctrinated into the racism?

>> No.1896269

But Blink is supposed to have purple/pink hair. Skin too.

>> No.1896271

Psylocke too, though that was hardly psylocke in that shit movie.

>> No.1896279

Yeah it's called gin blossoms or hay-fever.

>> No.1896297

I wouldn't put Ryuko in there because her hair actually means and does something unlike the other. Maybe except for Juniper Lee too then.

>> No.1896308
File: 3 KB, 210x230, 1340516841377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people ITT defending red nose
Yeah I think we all know that it is biologically possible to have a red nose and that red nose happens in certain conditions.

If you weren't so SJW about it you'd realize we're talking about "muh style" red nose that completely takes the focus away from everything except that blaring, often dick shaped monstrosity.

>> No.1896311

Way to make your opinion instantly irrelevant with a /pol/ meme

>> No.1896314

Do artists on tumblr not learn proper anatomy and shit?

>> No.1896316

Wasn't Pacific Rim about the military? I find it hard to believe that haircut is government approved

>> No.1896320

>thinking SJW is a /pol/ meme in a tumblr thread


>> No.1896321

Don't get me wrong, there are actual pros who migrated to tumblr but the vast majority is just parroting what they see I guess.

All I know is that they are at least a step up from deviantart quality.

>> No.1896322
File: 98 KB, 326x284, 1406256911283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him but there's truth and a deeper meaning regardless of it being a form of a meme or not; there are indeed people who follow through political correctness to the extreme and to the point where your name gets dragged through the mud, reputation shattered, career obliterated all because you have voiced your mind or stated an opinion that in a way triggered or offended a group of people who feel that they are entitled to special treatment.

TL;DR - Mark my words your work may one day trigger a witchhunt and sjws will cry for blood with your name on it.

>> No.1896327
File: 13 KB, 284x284, 1299206335580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know /ic/ has a larger population of females because art, but still you should know better than to jump on the SJW bandwagon m'lady.

>> No.1896383
File: 1.03 MB, 971x705, 1391418340531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some more. They're too funny.

>> No.1896392
File: 653 KB, 500x750, 1391413913493.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896394

>Woman drawn more modest
>Man still a muscle bound freak

Guess that pendulum only swings one way.

>> No.1896395
File: 435 KB, 521x568, 1391414130399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896398
File: 487 KB, 498x685, 1391414301410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896399
File: 413 KB, 500x653, 1391414906541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896400
File: 442 KB, 500x560, 1391415373002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896401
File: 525 KB, 519x684, 1391415614338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896403
File: 190 KB, 555x937, 1391415880175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896404
File: 215 KB, 1280x1097, 1391416150013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896405

Could they make this character look any more unappealing? It looks like my friend's fat sister.

>> No.1896406

But the differance is that I would fuck Gogo

>> No.1896407
File: 491 KB, 500x542, 1391417921202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896408
File: 695 KB, 500x746, 1391419386162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896410
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x1800, 1392859410231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896411

>leg hair
every time.

>> No.1896412

what the fuck

>> No.1896416

why tunmblrinas always have to put fat on skinny characters
i don't get it
and thoses leg hair goddamn, i hate this website

>> No.1896417

>those hands

>> No.1896420
File: 704 KB, 500x710, 1391416571811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896422
File: 670 KB, 515x922, 1391416725339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896423

I like how they take something stylish and completely trash it.

>> No.1896424
File: 470 KB, 500x561, 1391417090268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896425

I really can't tell if this a parody or not.

>> No.1896426
File: 468 KB, 500x553, 1393220026784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even got my hazubando.

>> No.1896427
File: 225 KB, 500x333, 1391419606958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896429
File: 623 KB, 500x629, 1391415455081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896430
File: 565 KB, 521x789, 1391415778281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896431
File: 659 KB, 515x791, 1393225207590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896432
File: 226 KB, 474x700, 1391416016832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poe's law is strong with this one. I just can't tell if they're joking anymore.

>> No.1896439

Damn, that is a punchable face.

>> No.1896453

I kinda wanna print it out and cum on it and send it to the artist.

>> No.1896474


>> No.1896480


no please dont

>> No.1896481

The left face is my exact reaction to this whole thread

>> No.1896482
File: 1.93 MB, 450x247, fku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these physically hurt fucking stop it

>> No.1896484

No it's cause KLK is a piece of fucking garbage

>> No.1896495

>remove woman's ass
>shrink woman's breast
>keep wolverine's muscles
>increase wolverine's dick size

If a man drew this he must be gay.

>> No.1896496

>How do I anatomy?

>> No.1896499

This one's actually not too bad.

>> No.1896501

It's actually an improvement, more emotion instead of that generic flat animu look. Just goes to show to never copy animu

>> No.1896502

>talking about people with red noses is SJW somehow

>> No.1896503

If nothing else, this thread perfectly explains why anime is so appealing to everyone, including westerners.

>> No.1896505

goddamnit not yuyu

>> No.1896511
File: 462 KB, 591x729, 1393219882189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one makes me laugh every time.

>> No.1896512

oh right because this place is full with autists

>> No.1896514
File: 696 KB, 519x827, 1393222512046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896515
File: 518 KB, 522x714, 1393223496304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896516
File: 278 KB, 525x684, 1393223857731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896518
File: 363 KB, 400x533, 1393224456374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896520
File: 684 KB, 517x739, 1393225429863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896521
File: 535 KB, 524x617, 1393224069831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896522

I would say they're both dogshit. Top is the worst kind of generic anime, while bottom is the typical western tumblr shit. It doesn't express real emotion, it expresses that typical tumblr set of emotions that's based off of Disney and some other style I have no way of describing, but that every female tumblrcunt tries to emulate.

>> No.1896524

>hey kid wanna /ss/?

>> No.1896525

sailor moon became stu pickles

>> No.1896526

Are you shitting me? Who do you think is most likely to draw shit like that? Hipsters and girls on tumblr? Or some conservative or libertarian fuck? This style has become ingrained with a certain political affiliation or a certain group of people.

>> No.1896528

Is that the person who started that revolting style?

>> No.1896532
File: 51 KB, 800x477, Bqc1EhqCQAAfUjL.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks nothing like Disney. There are lots of Disney concept artists posting on tumblr and none of them do these huge, overdefined noses. At least not on characters that are supposed to be appealing.

>> No.1896533
File: 478 KB, 517x799, 1393225342140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked out their tumblr. Holy shit, all that same face.

>> No.1896535

I said Disney and some undefined style I don't have a name for.
I was also referring to the type of expression.

>> No.1896536

I like that one.

>> No.1896541
File: 780 KB, 520x747, 1393222173357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to agree with you about the expression. The mouth looks so weird and fucked up.

Here's another redraw that I think looks okay.

>> No.1896543

I don't get how this artist is so popular.

Like, s/he's not awful but this shit isn't that great either.

>> No.1896551

She is awful. Her entire style is based around the androgynous bullshit that's dominated pop culture for the past decade.

>> No.1896554

It's not terrible, but the person clearly has a poor grasp of perspective.

Also, Sailor Moon's knees, lmao

>> No.1896558
File: 512 KB, 507x772, 1391416426941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896563

i didn't actually realize that "redraw a frame from anime" was such a widespread thing.

tbh i really don't get what tumblr's fascination with overdefined noses is all about

>> No.1896566

This is turning me on

>> No.1896569

Maybe they do that to diferenciate from their animu phase, since animu usually have simple noses and all...

>> No.1896572

I think it has to do with the "special snowflake" mentality on tumblr. They want an artstyle that's "totally different" from other people drawing 'anime style,' so they add noses to make it unique.

also throw in some "anti stereotypical beauty standards" for good measure

>> No.1896573
File: 631 KB, 500x776, 1391415209917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just that they want to break away from their anime phase, even though they're still into it. But I honestly doubt drawing quirky noses does that much to help.

>> No.1896579

I didnt notice her massive jugs when I watched it

>> No.1896582
File: 582 KB, 500x653, 1391416664452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More wonky mouths.

>> No.1896587

I will relax this motherfucker with my balls .

>> No.1896590
File: 536 KB, 500x563, 1391414660615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They honestly look drunk.

>> No.1896592

I think the redraw for this is actually better. What's wrong with it?

>> No.1896593

>copying images

welcome to the new age, to the new age

>> No.1896597
File: 419 KB, 500x560, 1391414787659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896598

I bet you like big lips and long tounges, you fucking

>> No.1896600
File: 560 KB, 499x528, 1391417610314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896601

I love ic

>> No.1896602
File: 327 KB, 500x466, 1391419166230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896603
File: 61 KB, 628x422, ewww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ, that blood...


>> No.1896604
File: 526 KB, 522x615, 1393222780836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896606
File: 610 KB, 524x737, 1393223315293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896607
File: 160 KB, 650x411, dud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1896609
File: 434 KB, 519x635, 1393224193400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896610

That ain't Kuwabara...

>> No.1896612
File: 464 KB, 521x733, 1393224380998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896613
File: 520 KB, 516x686, 1393224543275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896617
File: 357 KB, 500x553, 1391418240389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896618



>> No.1896619
File: 486 KB, 500x797, 1393221778083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896620
File: 787 KB, 519x763, 1393225090344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896622
File: 593 KB, 996x375, 1391415681989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896623

That artist is ok. Doesn't go apeshit with noses.

>> No.1896624
File: 473 KB, 526x678, 1393224913036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think so too.

>> No.1896625

This one doesn't look bad.

Her face weirded me out but it seems ok besides that?

>> No.1896626
File: 508 KB, 401x593, 1391417356942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about some cartoon/movie redraws?

>> No.1896627
File: 1.19 MB, 995x710, 1391418126693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896628
File: 625 KB, 500x766, 1391418511261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896629
File: 628 KB, 500x751, 1391419048040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896630
File: 404 KB, 519x755, 1393216057244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896631

How is that a red nose? I'm pretty sure that was his original design in the movie and there's only a slight blush

>> No.1896632

If I post my half-assed redraw in here, you guys would critique it?

When did Danny got all those muscles?
And why is he being corrupted in here?

>> No.1896633

>that fat mami
God damnit

>> No.1896634
File: 549 KB, 1000x577, 1391417229287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896635
File: 510 KB, 505x782, 1393220574278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896636

While Asuka looks terrible, Shinji looks like one suave motherfucker.

>> No.1896637
File: 415 KB, 501x577, 1391417793678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896638

Fucking shit, forgot that I can't spoil shit in here.

His arms are way too long...

Those aren't even the same characters?

>> No.1896648
File: 9 KB, 236x176, 7e314163047a739eddff3fa3f8c887dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOW it's art!

>> No.1896649
File: 690 KB, 500x766, 1391418742758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that's all I have to share.

>> No.1896650
File: 18 KB, 500x281, 10258255_840289369336414_7582984553639079331_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love this

>> No.1896651

This is beautiful

>> No.1896657

>my sides

>> No.1896678
File: 463 KB, 526x710, 1389414296365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896684

im rubbing my appendage all over my monitor anon

>> No.1896685
File: 80 KB, 500x741, tumblr_inline_mted8baTNG1rb3e3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1896686

Is that a parody?

>> No.1896688


this is a parody right

please tell me it is

>> No.1896689

lol this is basically a case study on why anime is superior to western cartoons.

>> No.1896692

Hey now, fan-art drawn by tumblr doesn't represent western cartoons as a whole at all.

>> No.1896693

holy shiet

>> No.1896695

Are you really that retarded?

>> No.1896699
File: 119 KB, 1163x534, tumblr_mig5e2Z6ih1s65xsao3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no but it sure is for disney shit

>> No.1896700


nice bait bro

>> No.1896704

Post some good looking western cartoons to prove him wrong. Oh wait. Also don't post Avatar stuff that's copying animu.

>> No.1896705

Make another thread for that shit, samefag.

Don't derail the thread any further

>> No.1896707

Literally my only post here.

>> No.1896708

>implying the thread has any actual merit in the first place

superior top kek

>> No.1896770

i like the redraw better.

>> No.1896771
File: 747 KB, 520x675, 1393225601815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You feeling okay?

>> No.1896784
File: 58 KB, 1295x750, red nose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1896789

>tfw your feet are naturally pigeon toed and everyone just thinks you're purposely trying to be cute or something
That girl on the left in the skirt looks lkke a zombie

>> No.1896792

I haven't kekd this hard in years

>> No.1896793

.....it's a girl
That is a girl

>> No.1896796

.... my waifu

>> No.1896820

And here I thought this show couldn't get anymore tumblr

>> No.1896821

No, but it's fucking funny and amusing.

Eat shit nerd

>> No.1896823

>fucking funny and amusing

agreed but only because your retardation in this thread is fucking amusing, top kek.

>> No.1896825


I thought a lot of these were okay. Is it bad to redraw scenes in your own style? I always wanted to try repainting a scene to realism or redraw a scene in a different genre. It seems like is it could be a fun exercise and good practice, I don't see what's bad about it?

>> No.1896826

The comics industry decided to bend over and take it without lube for these people, instead of hiring good writers and artists and trying to cash in on the movie hype by increasing distribution to places other than comic shops.

The comics industry will be dead in 5-10 years and they'll wonder why. Protip: catering to a few thousand hipster kids in SF isn't a sustainable business model.

>> No.1896830

>implying you even know my posts outside of what you're replying to and this one
People are just making fun of the typical Tumblr style/fucking noses/etc, not necessarily because the scenes are in a different style.
What are you even on about, m8? The sales of comic books have been increasing overall as of these past five years.

>> No.1896831

Yeah, some of them aren't so bad. I just posted a few examples of a redraw done just okay to see what others thought.

>> No.1896836

those 2 post are enough to show your retardation ;^)

>> No.1896837
File: 66 KB, 500x364, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does represent some astonishingly awful cultural appropriation from supposedly progressive, open-minded people - whitewashing the product of another race and culture to suit their own tastes, it's incredibly Victorian.

Maybe someone should point that out to them and watch their heads explode.

>> No.1897205

Steven's expression when

>> No.1897239


It was a girl.

>> No.1897240
File: 210 KB, 500x343, tumblr_inline_n913cuGIKn1qefs2b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck hahahaha

>> No.1897241
File: 89 KB, 691x960, 1609938_842271189156454_556893801292701388_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you and this fucking thread

>> No.1897244
File: 181 KB, 354x340, BXB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897245

>its candy, I aint gotta explain shit

>> No.1897255

do they not watch oran high school host club? thats a fucking girl

>> No.1897257


>How do you draw people looking up from above and infront of them
>Fuck it, I'll just draw it straight on

>> No.1897260


>> No.1897315

The day when /ic/ proved it too got infested with tumblrinas.

All hope is lost.

>> No.1897320

>doesnt get the point of the thread

did you know that you're one of the people we're making fun of?

>> No.1897396
File: 71 KB, 600x450, 67b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897405

what the fuck

>> No.1897407

oh good lord not zamii

>> No.1897428
File: 116 KB, 647x1000, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no but it sure is for disney shit

Uh no it isn't, you moron. Disney does character designs that all fulfill a purpose. Round, big noses for comical, nice characters, small noses for cute, young characters, thin, sharp noses for evil characters etc. They sure as hell don't have one style of "big red tublr nose" and you are stupid as fuck to even suggest that they do.

>> No.1897430
File: 477 KB, 300x185, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad art trend thread
/ic/ asks this shit and has the nerve to call other people hipsters

>> No.1897461

underrated post

>> No.1897464

my dick

>> No.1897465

so wats ur tumblr url bb?

>> No.1897489

nice meme

>> No.1897527

The values in the redraw are absolute shit/non existant, look at how the original artist defined their forms in planes instead of the childish linework in the 2nd one.

>> No.1897538

Plz stop

>> No.1897546
File: 146 KB, 630x926, at first I was like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1897554

Will Terrell does lots of red noses

>> No.1897607

his C shaped bulge bothers me a lot.

>> No.1897608
File: 55 KB, 912x362, chubbyusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope I captured the essence.

>> No.1897614

yeah well now it's a middle aged lesbian

>> No.1897663

Isn't that Gingerhaze? Methinks it might be... a joke.

>> No.1897665

I didn't know Canada did redraws.

>> No.1897676


I really like these. They at least seem like they're going somewhere original, not letting any certain trend overpower their own style choices.

>> No.1897680
File: 253 KB, 772x1034, multi_cellular_by_willterrell-d7cv3un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But he does it on old men mostly and he is not emphasizing them unnecessarily like tumblrettes do. + His drawings are the shit

>> No.1897696

i fucking hate that drawing style. its like draw by numbers. no exploration of the form at all.

fuck it looks like the eyes were picked out of a catalog.

the same face is strong with that "style"

>> No.1897700

what do you mean by it was so severe that art teachers hated it? on tumblr?

>> No.1897706


>> No.1897714

it's flat, no sense of volume. it's the problem with all of these.

>> No.1897741
File: 164 KB, 360x360, img_53842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably will get shit on for this, but I think that red noses are fine when done properly and if the artist understands what makes it red.
If it's a stylistic choice to increase bloodflow/saturation, then they should do so to similar areas like the ears/finger tips.

Not trying to start a 'muh style' argument or even defending tumblr nose, I think it's annoying too. But I think it can be done properly, it's exaggeration of a feature, just like exaggerating eyes or any other part of the body. It looks weird if it's the only thing pushed, just like really big anime eyes would look weird if nothing else was pushed.
For instance Will Terrell does red nose correctly (in my opinion), he pushes saturation in other places and not just the nose and it actually makes sense.
I really like hue/tonal variation and I think the problem is that tumblr doesn't know how to do it correctly.

>> No.1897751

Also the armpit hair on the girl. Not sure if you guys noticed... So progressive

>> No.1897779


>> No.1897800


The only time a red nose bugs me is when the artist obviously has little skill, and is looking to add a cheap, quick flourish to their painting with the hope of distracting the viewer from their shortcomings. It is surface that bypasses the sweat that polish requires, and wielded without charm. Looking at many of the anime redraws posted here, the lack of charm is clearly endemic in all areas, not just the nose.

>> No.1897815
File: 691 KB, 1370x934, 13924121137090987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>females look ugly as fuck with big noses and ugly faces
>hairy legs lol
>they are all dirty like pigs
>they eating like pigs too
holy shit im glad if tumblr uses this kind of female reference now.
More stupidity to make thos dumbasses look ridiculous.
>thinking that being a strong person is having bad habit of over-eating and they dirty as pigs

>> No.1897819
File: 15 KB, 500x473, 10522454_892221274124588_5474567127579395633_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being lazy, out of shape, and neglecting basic personal hygiene makes you a strong independent woman

>people actually believe this

>> No.1897828
File: 80 KB, 1000x750, 1392412083757 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>being lazy, out of shape, and neglecting basic personal hygiene makes you a strong independent woman
It started as a "M-MUH different view on female stereotype unlike those skinny handsome super sexy big boobs models".
However they didn't found anything smart to put it against that stereotype.
All they have is fat, dirty/vagina smelly/hairy legged/pig-red-nosed female.
God im glad im not from USA. Looking at the internet it sucks in there...

>> No.1897866
File: 1.41 MB, 300x223, 1414446967933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one on the right reminds me of the happy mask salesman.

>> No.1897868


>> No.1897875

It's not too bad. Capturing Ocelot's likeness is hard as fuck.

>> No.1897887

tumblr is getting more retarded everyday

>> No.1897892

Holy fuck. Tumblr is even scarier than 4chan

>> No.1897894

Basic personal hygiene means shaving your legs? Legs are not any dirties with hairs on them, other than that, I see nothing that would make them unhygienic.
Being unattractive =/= being unhygienic.

Being whatever the fuck you want to be makes you a strong independent person. If someone's only goal in life isn't to be pretty, I think they're a bit more intelligent than stupid sluts who can only talk about shoes and makeup.
Of course there are stupid fat people, just like there are stupid thin people, no reason to hate everyone who's overweight though, it's their fucking body.

>> No.1897895

Exactly this. There are red noses and there are tumblr noses. Red noses are good.

>> No.1897901

And back to tumblr you go

>> No.1897908

They are quite similar in many regards. Like take /ic/ for example. We just recently had a thread where people were redrawing shitty Deviantart images. That thread reminded me a lot of this thread with all these tumblr anime redrawings. Just like tumblr and their overdefined red noses, /ic/ even has its own signature style, badly drawn wannabe realism.

>> No.1897916

Sure, your analysis would be right if it wasn't entirely wrong.

>> No.1897924
File: 39 KB, 320x157, Cora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed one.

>> No.1897939 [DELETED] 

>offended a group of people who feel that they are entitled to special treatment.

So white people, basically.

>> No.1897943

Just stay in tumblr

>> No.1897945

Then please tell me what the difference is. What's the difference between artists on /ic/ redrawing shit tier deviantart images and tumblr redrawing shit tier animu screencaps? The purpose of those is the same, to make fun of the original artwork and to somehow prove that you are better. The outcome is the same too, except that Tumblr is better at drawing than /ic/.

>> No.1897960
File: 24 KB, 319x243, 1245957701851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a group of people who feel that they are entitled to special treatment.

So white people basically. Look at all the faggots whining about actually having to look at brown people. The lack of awareness is fucking ironic.


>> No.1898016

This shit would inspire Picasso

>> No.1898021


Anime hair color is supposed to tell characters apart because of same face.

>> No.1898025

They're complaining because they fundamentally changed the character design not because they're black you fucking twat.

>> No.1898066

Bullshit. Some of them hide behind the "oh, I just don't like the design" excuse, but characters get new costumes/designs/alternate forms all the goddamn time and people still like the fucking characters. What about the ones who *specifically fucking whine about the race of the character*, and start up about how it changes the entire history and how they're no longer relatable? Go to /v/ sometime ask them how they feel about Vivian in Dragon's Age, for example.

God, white people are shit.

>> No.1898075
File: 72 KB, 730x412, tumblr_mj5s3cm8U31s5ptf3o3_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. some anon posted in /co/ a day or two ago that some of the most popular movies and television shows nowadays have 'tumblr' art styles, or art features. it's not a niche to tumblr, it's popular, moneymaking art.

if a woman not shaving her armpits/legs is dirty, so is every human male. in fact she's probably less dirty, women sweat less.

nice bait

>> No.1898134
File: 66 KB, 720x406, The-Boondocks-Season-4-Episode-10-489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rational people will dislike any design change that only alters race or physique for no reason other that stupid sjw agendas.
The need these retards have of making all whites brown, all men women, and and all women fat and/or hairy is revolting , and no, no one has a problem with all that shit when it has a valid reason for being there, everyone thinks this shit is awful because it doesn't contribute anything and it makes no fucking sense.
Just imagine turning all the aladin characthers into pale, blonde, blue eyed norsemen, but still having them live in the fucking middle eastern dessert, or turning all the boondocks characters into fat and hairy european girls, but still have them deal with all that back culture stuff they mock in the show.
It doesn't make sense and it is infuriating as shit.

>> No.1898160

This, as a black person I fucking hate it when people think I will just instinctively relate to any black character like if a characters white I'm just not allowed to see myself in them at all, it's fucking bullshit

>> No.1898166

Yeah, but often compliments the character design too. And remember that anime characters are supposed to look more flashy than your average joe.

Look at the mangas - they can do fine with only having a ink and raster to work with.

>> No.1898307

How often do whites see themselves in black character though? Not only can they not relate, they don't want them to exist.

>> No.1898366

>implying we have any self confidence to do any of that crap

open your eyes nigga-senpai

>> No.1898370

enjoy not having a dick in you

>> No.1898374

>not seeing yourself IN Korra

You are a straight up Busta

>> No.1898400

Try again, retard. Whites have been inserting themselves into stories where they didn't add anything to the plot/where it didn't make sense or was unnecessary : Hachiko, The Last Samurai, Big Hero 6, The Last Airbender movie, Dances With Wolves, etc... all so dumb fucks like you could have someone to "identify" with. It's called "whitewashing", maybe you've heard of it: there's a shitton of movies that had non-white characters played by whites, Japanese horror movies get remade with for no real reason, other than so whites won't have to see someone who doesn't look like them on-screen, and it's infuriating as shit. Boondocks was a shit example, btw. The world doesn't revolve around you.

>> No.1898405
File: 1.71 MB, 2000x1573, 6931f4480823389e547cb076ff86cd73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't like it as much as you think she does

>> No.1898422

Black dude here.
I don't give a shit if a cast doesn't have a black person in there.
Have them in there for a purpose, not for the sake of it.

what a slut.
BTW, you are gonna get some flak about
>B-But Naga is female!

>> No.1898484

its bc asians are ~alternative~ and ~exotic~ n they play it up w the dyed streak

>> No.1898503

no please, I just fapped 2 hours ago

>> No.1898776

When you are trying hard to make them sound the same, everything can be made to look the same.
Tumblr's game is not "redraw shit tier animu screencaps better", it's "redraw any screencap", and if it was just that, it would be fine, but they take decently drawn screencaps, fail to draw them better, even as their style is as bad as animu, and make sure to push their progressive shit agenda on the redrawings. They are taking ok pics and redrawing them in terrible taste and quality.

/ic/ is taking DA shit of terrible taste and and redrawing them for fun. The goal is to create well illustrated pictures of a shitty subject. Of course /ic/ is failing hard on the "well illustrated" part, but not because they are trying to force an ugly style on the drawings or trying to make the subject better switching a pony for a veal for animal equality su progrssuve.

So, /ic/ takes bad pics and redo them... as bad as the original for lack of skill, tumblr takes ok pics with their nose up and make them worse for lack of skill and assholishness.

>> No.1898869

So you are saying whitewashing is not ok, and the way to fix it is by "blackwashing"?

You are ignoring completely his point, just imagine one day we have a remake of the A team, and Mr. T is a white blonde dude. Do you seriously think white people will cheer? Spoiler: the answer is 'no'.

Most of your examples are bullshit as well. If the kid playing Aang is not asian on the avatar movie is because of shit casting, like we had Jessica Alba, a latina playing a white blonde woman in the Fantastic Four movie. People complained about both choices I am sure.

The Last Samurai white protagonist is pretty out of place, but then again we had a black samurai as the best fighter in Japan in the anime Afro Samurai. Hell, looking for this anime I found a 70's movie called Black Samurai about some black guy kicking butt in China. So having a character that is foreign to the setting is not just a white fantasy, it's just nice to cheer for the guy who is alone and is an outsider.

Adaptations are a totally different story. Japanese horror movies are the most common examples because they make good scary movies, but westerners as a whole can't relate too much. Pinning it on white people is so idiotic I am thinking this is bait, I can't believe we have this level of retarded sjw here on 4chan.

The problem here really is picking a well established character and changing the color of his skin, because that's the only thing you need to identify with someone, right? Also, it's ok to change the color of a white person to black, even asian can be changed to black, as we saw in the yuyu hakusho image, but god forbid turning a black person a shade of brown lighter.
I swear, these politically correct assholes are more racists than racists themselves.

>> No.1898878
File: 14 KB, 151x193, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899028

Where did I ever say that? Quit making up words, there's no such thing as "blackwashing", and whitewashing still isn't okay. I ignored his point because it was shit. Dumbfucks seem to believe white is the default, so having that rightful default altered rustles the shit out of your jimmies, and you'll come up with any number of reasons to justify being the center of attention.

Whitewashing is shit-casting, bruh. Did you completely miss the uproar over the "race-bending" in TLA movie? Most of the people protesting were Asian. I recall the casting choices being defended with such gems as 'we couldn't find any suitable Asian actors' and 'he was just the best fit for the part!' Whites were perfectly fine with inserting yourself into a story which they "brought nothing to". Kek at a shitty example like Mr. T being made into a white guy, it will never happen. And even if it did, whatever bitching from whites wouldn't be nearly as loud as if, say, they made Superman black. It's nice to cheer for the outsider, as long as he doesn't disrupt what you think a character *should* be.

Westerners can't identify with Japanese horror movies because they're in a different culture? That would make westerners faggots, then. There's nothing far-fetched about ghosts coming out of TV screens, dead children coming back to life, and any number J-horror tropes, as long as it's whitewashed, apparently.

>The problem here really is picking a well established character and changing the color of his skin, because that's the only thing you need to identify with someone, right?

For a lot of people, yes. You can see yourself in a cowboy, superhero, witch, wizard... as long as they look like you. Do one tiny thing like alter their skin color and suddenly it ruins the entire character.

But ask yourself why the hell you would even *need* to change a non-white character into white, in order to identify with them in the first place. And then get back to me about racism.

>> No.1899030

If they are characters in a story, they're not just there for the sake of it. I don't see anyone demanding to know what whites are bringing to the story just by being white, so stop doing the same to non-whites.

>> No.1899088

Dude, that's the thing, white people don't identify with a character automatically because of their skin color, nor do black people.
Whites don't need to change nonwhite characters to white. I was there for the uproar over Aangs' casting, "whites were pretty fine with it" my ass, you can pretend that was their attitude all you want, but whites were pissed off as well like any fan would with changes in any character. But of course asians would be the loudest complainers, it's a character of their race being changed, just like black people would be the loudest if Mr. T was changed, and I want to say whites would be the loudest if Superman were to be turned black, but I guess they would be too occupied celebrating this "victory against white opression" or too busy not giving a shit to complain. Sue Storm, a white character being played by a latina without uproar is a great example of the second.

Think about it, if Mr. T were to be switched for a white dude, you would be first in line to call racism and whitewashing, but if Superman was sudenly black, you would be there applauding and calling it progressive.
You and a bunch of other sjw, there is no such thing as blackwashing, as there is no whitewashing as well, but you certainly would consider the former as a move forward for society because whites are shit anyway, right? You want me to think about racism, but weren't you the guy that said explicitly that "God, white people are shit"?

About horror movies, I have to ask you to tell me why The Ring wasn't popular in the west until the american version. Do you think black westerners were enjoying the japanese version in secret, and then whites made their version so they could enjoy it too? No, that's not even about race, it's a whole different culture depicted in the film that common western people can't relate and won't enjoy. Stop demonizing whites.

>> No.1899213

I can't tell if these are parodies or not

>> No.1899233
File: 36 KB, 163x133, 1415687092564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1899250 [DELETED] 

It coot do nig.

>> No.1899252

Dat shit coot tho

>> No.1899256

I think the red noses make them look like they're nearing orgasm.
If you've ever seen any of the o-faces in hentai, they've all got the red cheeks and nose shading.

>> No.1899259


>> No.1899584

Nah, but a SHIFT in skin color seems to be the thing that *prevents them from identifying with that character* after the idea is brought up, or in a lot of cases even LIKING that character as much as they used. They don't realize how much they prefer the "default" until it's suggested that maybe it shouldn't BE the default to begin with. You're still wrong, but you accidentally fucked up and got something right: whites don't need to change nonwhite characters. So why do they keep doing it? The reverse does not have the same implications, so stop comparing them.

Jessica Alba isn't such a great example, because I know a lot of people who mistake her for white anyway. A browner looking woman wouldn't have gone over so well as Sue Storm, I suspect. A few white fans disliking the race-bending of TLA doesn't count for shit, because the casting agents, studio execs, scriptwriters, share-holders, and everyone else with the most clout when it comes to making a movie were okay with it. I bet they were mostly white, just like the movie-goers. The idea of Mr. T being played by a white guy is still laughable, so come up with a better example. I probably wouldn't care if Superman were black, nor would most other blacks. Just like I didn't give a shit that Idris Elba played a Norse god (but white people did), just like I don't give shit that Quvenzhané Wallis is playing Annie (but white people do), just like I didn't give a shit that Will Smith played Jim West (but white people did), etc. There's a whole lotta of bitching from *certain people* who say that they are ruining the characters legacy. Just because of the race change. Nothing about identifying with a character, they're just diehard believers in the white-is-right mentality.

>> No.1899590

>continued due to faggot ass character limit

The Ring wasn't mainstream, probably because it was a foreign film, and didn't get much attention here... because it was y'know, foreign. Don't think that means it needed to be re-made. I enjoyed the original version of the Ring just fine before, and it being based in glorious Nippon didn't bother me in the slightest.

Stop demonizing whites? Kiss the blackest part of my ass. This is 4chan, one of the most racist places on the internet, and whites manage to demonize themselves just fine. If you think insulting white people is racist, you don't know shit about actual racism (which is where a lot of your bullshit opinions are coming from). You wanna call out actual racism, you can start with everytime someone says nigger. You'd be doing nothing else for the rest of the day.

>> No.1899670
File: 8 KB, 275x198, Cry+harder+white+knight+anon+making+assumptions+for+op+and+_8d8e4bf8c8c8c5a47ca49eca5e4c39fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blackwashing is not real and not racist becuz da white man is the only one capable of racism
>hurr durr I can't relate at all unless he looks like me!!
>your examples and analogies are shit but mine are totally coherent and valid lololol XD
>Lets modify characters according to my sjw agenda, even though it doesn't add absolutely anything to the character, but don't dare to question it, that's racist hurr durr white privilege womyn opreshun freebleedding shitlord bigot huurrrr

Do you pay any thought to the shit you say while typing? I guess not, because you still post it.
Please go back sjw retard land and never come back you fucking tumblr slut.

>> No.1899673

I wanna post these to /a/

>> No.1899679
File: 631 KB, 500x563, 1391415085805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, do it.

>> No.1899682

I will once the thread dies, dont want to go out looking for more

>> No.1899698

I didn't fuck up, you understood what I said wrong because you are an idiot. White people don't need, they don't feel the need to change nonwhite characters, that's why they don't do it. That's what I am saying.
If you don't think changing a character's race from white to black is the same shit as turning black to white, then you live in a world different than mine, one where logic doesn't exist.

Jessica Alba can play a white blond person because she looks white enough with her hair dyed? Fucking racist, if you really think that, then you should also accept a white Aang with his eyes taped to look asian.

What you don't understand is that while white people don't have this mentality that turning a black character white is ok, a culture is being created where it's ok to change a white character to black. How is this trend is not blackwashing again?

Mr. T example is laughable sure, because white people would never accept and relate with this iconic black character just because his skin was painted white. White Mr. T is not Mr. T. Black Superman is not Superman, not because "white is right" or "default", but because the character is white.

You think calling someone nigger would be more racist than saying "god, blacks are shit"? You are telling me hating on a race isn't racism as long as the the race is white? You need some ethics 101 to reverse this fucking marxist brainwashing you suffered.

>> No.1899839


>> No.1899983

Patient zero.
At least she actually is good.

>> No.1900004

>Change woman's powerful tripod stance into a pose where all her weight is on her knees and wrist.
>She may fall and die but at least she doesn't look sexy anymore, victory for feminism!

>> No.1900287

Yeah, no, you fucked up. You are actually fucking up so badly you're contradicting yourself, and you don't even realize it.

Right from the start, you manage to be shockingly wrong about the main point: whites have BEEN forcing white actors in parts of non-white characters, and adding white main characters to stories where everyone else is brown, and it's been happening for years. If you don't feel the need to change nonwhite characters, why does it keep happening (and why the pants-shitting when the reverse happens)? Answer that or stop wasting my time. Most recent example I can think of is the movie Exodus, which is supposed to be about Ancient Egypt, but they're gonna cast, you guessed it, white actors and actresses for the main roles. There is rightful backlash over this, because, guess what? IT'S BEEN HAPPENING FOR YEARS. And no, "blackwashing" isn't the same thing. Get over it.

I personally don't think JA looks white, but I like how you disregarded the part about whether or not a more noticeably mestiza woman would have been cast. And comparing it to eye-tape, of all things. Good going, tiger. And exactly *why* do you think Superman *needs* to be white? That's the question you refuse to ask yourself. He's a superpowered ALIEN, for fucks sake, but that matters less to you than the color of his skin, apparently. He's a fictional character, he can be changed, regardless of how you feel about it. Reboots of series happen all the damn time, designs are changed, continuities and storylines are altered; you need to get out more.

When did I say that "nigger > blacks are shit"? You're imagining things in your need to feel persecuted by someone you think is an sjw. The second point is more accurate. Racism = prejudice + power, so as far as I'm concerned a nonwhite disliking whites isn't racist. It's not possible for a minority to be truly *racist* in a white-dominated society, because there are no real effects of said "racism". "Whites are shit" =/= racist.

>> No.1900292

>hurr durr i'm rite therefore ur teumbler
>sjw h8tn on da wite man
>reverce wasism is a REEL TING n niggerwashin is ruinin storiez becuz including DEM exckludes US!!11
>implying non-whites are the main ones relating to people on the basis of their skin color
>being this butthurt

I can't stand Tumblr. Why the fuck is everything you disagree with related to Tumblr? These ideas were around long before Tumblr, or Reddit, or any other site you think is out to get you.

>> No.1901195

Look, I was writing a gigantic ass response addressing all the bullshit you are throwing in the most didactic way I could, because I wanted to convey this information so bad, but I kept reading your last paragraph, and it is so idiotic, so outrageous that I kept asking myself if it was worth putting so much thought and effort to argue with someone so obtuse who can't understand the most basic of concepts, who prefer to make their own meaning to words.
I did a shorter version, and it's still a huge.

I never contradicted myself, what you call whitewashing in movies is bad casting and people hiring whites because white actors are plentiful and cheaper. It shouldn't be excused, especially in cases like Exodus, but it's not this crime of racism you are painting it to be. As more person of color take interest in working in films, more they will be depicted on the screen. That is all that is.
Of course, that wasn't even the main point, the main point is "it's not ok to change the race of a character just for the sake of it", and you keep saying changing a character from any other race to white is wrong, but the reverse is right, you tell me it's not the same thing at all, but you fail to argument why it's different. Because it isn't.

If Jessica Alba was switched by a darker woman it wouldn't make a difference, maybe people would complain more, but doesn't change the problem, just like it wouldn't make a difference if Aang's actor were to be changed by a kid with squint eyes who could pass as a asian, and people complained less. I glossed over it as I thought you would realize what a stupid argument that was on your own. But of course I superestimated you.

>> No.1901197

plus hes russian so hes exempt from rednose

>> No.1901198

I am glad you finally brought the bullshit ass "supermen is alin not wite" argument, because in this case, Aang is not asian either, he lives in a made up fantasy world, he is from the land of water or something. Think about why do you think he should be asian regardless, and that is why superman should be white.

Before losing this battle for exaustion I would like to at least address your dumbfuck definition of "racism": you can't change the meaning of words to your liking. Racism is not this load of shit you invented, racism is simply discrimination, prejudice, violence against people because of their race. When you say an entire race is shit, you are being racist.
I'd like for you to search this thread for a racist statement. I actually did it for you, here is only one: "god, white people are shit".

>> No.1901237

If the main point is it's not okay to change a characters race for the sake of it, answer my question. Why does Hollywood keep doing it? It is far more common than the reverse (PoC to white), and worse. Because it is merely a continuation of a long history of white supremacy and erasure of non-whites. Basically: because racism. And get the fuck over thinking it works both ways. You can bitch about the mythical act of "blackwashing" after you've addressed white medias need to whitewash everything. And yes, what they are doing in Exodus is racism, dumbfuck. Getting rid of brown people in favor of white people. You say it shouldn't be excused, but you've been trying to excuse it this entire time. Again with the contradictions. Make up your mind or quit making an ass of yourself.

Whitewashing is not merely "bad casting", but they always overlap. Casting Melissa McCarthy as Marilyn Monroe would be bad casting. Casting Betty White to play Pamela Anderson in a biopic would be bad casting. Pushing an agenda of whiteness where it is uninvited, unwanted and unnecessary is racism.

Oh look, more bullshit about how brown actors don't fucking exist, because them not getting hired OBVIOUSLY means they didn't try! You pulled the same line of idiocy that got tossed around when people called out the choices for lead in TLA. "White actors were the ones who showed up in greatest number to the casting call!" "We simply couldn't find ANY decent Asian actors!" "It doesn't matter how they look, all that matters is the acting!" Try harder. There are plenty of non-white actors trying to make it in Hollywood, but they can't get parts because of shit like this. You act like the only actors on earth are white, and that's how you'd prefer it to be, so you can continue saying this shit. It's a cycle.

>> No.1901246


Oh, white actors are just more common (wrong), so we just use them. Which in turn leads to non-whites not getting parts, probably getting discouraged, and the cycle continues. You are a fucking idiot, and your thought process is warped beyond imagination.

How the fuck are white actors "cheaper" when they're the highest paid in hollywood? Compare the net worths of the 10 highest paid black actors in hollywood with the 10 highest paid white actors and get back to me. Could you even name 10 black actors off the top of your head? Oh, of course not, because that would ruin your fantasy of everyone on your television screen being white. I like how you implied Jessica Alba (or a "browner woman") playing Sue Storm is a "problem". Racists always show their true colors. The "squint-eyes" comment was also pretty classy.

LMAO at Aang not being asian. Is that the best you can do? Because he's in a fantasy world? If that's the case, then that means A WHOLE LOTTA CHARACTERS aren't the race they appear to be, and that the door open for them to be re-imaged as other races! But I know you'd shit your pants over a Mexican Batman or an Indian Harry Potter, wouldn't you? Interferes with your white-as-default fantasy.

I'm not changing the meaning of words to shit, faggot, you're the one who keeps saying that favoring whiteness over non-whiteness ISN'T racism. If that isn't redefining shit, I don't know what is. And as the old adage goes, "letting a white person define racism is like letting a child molester define pedophilia". Why the fuck do you think the most racist people on the face of the planet should be allowed to define racism? When you defend racism, you are ALSO being racist. So you wanna search this thread for racist statements? You can start with the dumbfuck who complained about Botan being black (implying there was anything wrong with her being black), or you can just re-read all of your stupid fucking posts.

Or you could just fuck off and die.

>> No.1901261

>people defending liefeld anatomy

where the fuck am I?

the redraw's shitty too tho, they just fuckin traced wolverine.

>> No.1901670

>picking knits

>> No.1901670,1 [INTERNAL] 

Underrated as fuck