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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 793 KB, 2346x1434, Franz_Sedlacek_Auferstehung_des_Fleisches_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1890525 No.1890525 [Reply] [Original]

How to deal with failure? I've really tried, been trying for the last 4 years. But after a long streak of failures (can't get an exibithion, can't get published, can't find somenone to finance Instalation/urban intervention ideas... ) I realize maybe its not for me to live as an artist.
I'm getting old, i'm starting to need a job. It is time to move on with my life, but what should i do with all those sketchbooks, canvas and loose leaf of paper? Burn it all?

>> No.1890544

What did you think you did wrong?
I want to critique and help you where you fell so you can get up.

>> No.1890548

4 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Art takes time, time to learn, time to mature, time to grow, time build up your career. I say to keep going but it sounds like you want to give up, it's not really up to me now is it?

Pyle said "If you are going to be an artist all hell can't stop you. If not, all Heaven can't help you."

Remember that the most important thing is typically your skills (I suspect they are lacking at the moment if you can't gain traction), but other things like ideas, connections, your personality, reliability etc are also important.

>> No.1890635
File: 1.46 MB, 2481x3507, scan14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is not exactly that i want to give up. It is just that i need a job, or i will starve in the fucking streets.
I live in the 3rd world, an art career here is something that rich people can afford, i can't.
And to be honest, my art was pretty bad.
Pic related, Self-portrait i made.

>> No.1890664

>going for the oversaturated abstract
Thts why you starve

>> No.1890679

are you op ?

>> No.1890686
File: 569 KB, 1625x1176, img737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made my share of figurative studies.

>> No.1890696
File: 432 KB, 1654x1148, scan3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but yes, most of my stuff is this "nonsense" bullshit.
And i realize that my failure its conected to me doing this kind of thing.

But i've got friends who draw cartoons, or that paint usign the "classic" technic, and most of them failed to, or achieved moderate success, but aren't able to sustain their own lives, and need to be supported by their parents.

I should have tried to pull a Romero Brito-like scam and moved to L.A.

>> No.1890701

Get a job dude. It's not like your skills with go down hill while you are working.

>> No.1890709
File: 1.09 MB, 2481x3507, Scan12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats what i'm doing, but i'm also considering give up art for life.
This quest for skill development and finding of meaning, its such a pain in the ass.

>> No.1890767

Its 2014, making a living with your drawings have never been so fucking easy op. if you're at least decent, I mean. no, you have no special talent, this shit is beyond horrible, its like watching the pen scribbles on a public bathroom door. human brain isn't built to. I guess your good share of figurative studies wasn't really enough, because there are kids in my classes at middleschool much more skilled than you, and their only inspiration are fucking cartoons and videogames.
but what really zaps my dings around is that you want to make an exposition or be published. you realize that at this dayregister it. and age most of those things are just masturbatory activity for the artists and who organizes?
the answer is: yes, give up "drawing" this retarded shit and find a normal job. then you can learn to draw as an hobby. maybe you're good, the only way to know is to try.

>> No.1890769

> in my classes at middleschool

underage detected

>> No.1890773

you sir are a cunt and you probably have an equally shitty life.

i like how people go on long irrelavant rants about how someone hasnt tried hard enough and how theyre a pussy for giving up and that theuy know people better than them like this actually has any power in any respect towards making someone do something.

fuck off and stop staying "get a job" to people trying to make art their job you absolute sack of shit of a human being.

>> No.1890784

why do people always feel the fucking need to make art their fucking job

these people want to take the easy way out, they don't fucking care about art, they just assume they can convince someone to pay them for their shitty work like the lazy sacks of shits they are.

>> No.1890789

Someone who doesn't have a job here. The reason why I don't want to "get a job" is because I really fucking hate looking at people and prefer staying inside my house.

I wish it was just me, my dog, and my canvas on a 50 acre land away from it all. I don't hate people but I hate being clustered in a building looking at the same faces everyday and pretending to be their friend for a paycheck unless I was doing art at a studio where we all share a common goal. I like new experiences not being a work drone.

>> No.1890792

He's probably a teacher ya dingus

>> No.1890794

lel society is so retarded XD right guise

>> No.1890796

fuck you

>> No.1890800

If you are doing art for money, you chose the wrong career.

The only thing I can tell you is, improve and get make an online sketchbook.

If you REALLY want to motivate yourself, write a story and draw shit for it. Publish it online and have fun.

Meanwhile, get a normal job on the sidelines.

>> No.1890805

Not him.

You'll never get published with that mind-set.

Think about it: Who's going to green-light your work? Who's criticizing it? Who's falling in love with it and giving you money and their eternal devotion?

You'll never get far alone. Unless that's what you want, I guess, though that invalidates most complaints later.

>> No.1890813
File: 81 KB, 1368x706, Mickey Desantis 1_006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Peoples personalities are different when online. You can easily reference your siblings, if you have any, and compare that to their online persona as a ref point. It isn't hard to fake a pretend, chill guy attitude for the sake of your career.

Not wanting to work a job for high school students != I will never get published. "Nice guys finish last"-- Feng Zhu

>> No.1890816

>Feng Zhu
are you really unironically quoting that retard?

what the fuck happened to /ic/?

>> No.1890835
File: 22 KB, 130x138, fengzhu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't like anti-social guys"
-Feng Zhu

>> No.1890943
File: 1.06 MB, 2481x3507, Scan18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my shit is horible. But it is my shit and doing anything else, at this moment, would be betraying who I am and trying to be someone else, which i think is not what an artist should do.

I've already giving up, i'm leting go of the urge to draw and i'm looking for a normal job.

Thi question in this thread is "should i keep my scribles or should i burn tem al?".

>> No.1890945
File: 720 KB, 2481x3348, Scan17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm drunk now, and thats why i'm typing like a monkey, sorry for the missspelings,.

>> No.1890955
File: 256 KB, 350x350, 1352428663685.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It sounds like you are just begging us to put you out of your misery. Why do you think getting a job somehow equates you have to quit art? You are getting paid means you can buy materials and new books that will only help you. You won't get less time after a 9 thru 5 if you come home and get straight to work on the fundamentals. It means you won't spend time on /ic/ after work making alternative depression threads like this one about how much your life sucks if you want every minute to count.

Those drawings look more like graphic design thumbnails than anything else. Maybe you've been studying the wrong things for 4 years or haven't cared to pick up a technical book. If this is something you really wanted you would have picked up loomis.

>> No.1890964

what country? move to 1st world hobos here probably treated better then low class their

>> No.1891320
File: 767 KB, 298x298, 1415349485861.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm a woman that does not have problems, my only problem is that I'm crazy"
What the fuck.

>> No.1891346
File: 31 KB, 400x400, spirit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1891351

This thread should be a lesson for all the kids thinking abstract and postmodern art is a valid career choice. You can't expect to make a living if you have no skills that are of value to other people.

>> No.1891366

I know abstract artists who are putting kids through college and paying their own bills. Do you form all of your opinions based on a single anecdotal account?

>> No.1891367
File: 255 KB, 984x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.1891373

No I form my opinions based on logic and reason. Abstract art is not a valuable skill. Maybe there are abstract artists who have marketing skills and that's how they make money, but their craft is literally worthless.

My point is that if you want to make money with your profession, your skills need to be desirable to others. Otherwise, you base your entire career on luck and opportunity.

>> No.1891377

Stay in your containment thread. You can paint better than the image I just posted, your craft is much better?

Prove it. Don't dance around it, just put up or shut up.

>> No.1891378


I just say I wish to kill myself, leave my failures as if and continue with life, then return later down the line to complain about it again because until I am not out of engineering school, I will not have time to even make a line.

Rinse and repeat. Sometimes when there's a holiday, I'll sit down and do a sketch, and everyone will tell me its shit, and I will just set it aside to work on it more later when a new holiday comes by.

>> No.1891388

What containment thread you retard? Also what do you mean by "better" than the image you posted? There is literally no objective way to judge that painting and compare it to any representational piece of real art, It's a bunch of random nonsensical shapes mashed together without any sense of composition or value structure.

>> No.1891391

Dance little bear, dance

>> No.1891403

Your understanding of composotion is pretty dull and primitive. I bet you cant even draw properly yet confident enough to have opinion on art its purposes and judgement criterias. You also dont know shit about techincal part of abstract paintings. If u tried to paint something in that manner i bet it would look like shit(to majority of people that enjoys abstract art - open minded people you know). Its not the abstractions that "killed skill" its conceptual art which is also arguable.

>> No.1891405


> I bet you cant even draw properly yet confident enough to have opinion on art its purposes and judgement criterias.

projecting yourself in your post aren't we?

>> No.1891408
File: 130 KB, 528x696, bosch_jheronimus01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, should i unpack my merc_wip.jpg? In addition composition in that piece is really similar to picreleated.

>> No.1891424


The point is
>someone paying you for a fetish
>wanting to be deep and emotional but can't pay the bills

>> No.1891426

The point was about technical ability as I recall.

>> No.1891427


which you don't have

>> No.1891429

I did like 8 months and I'm already struggling. Going to start working instead of doing art.