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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 124 KB, 800x1176, art_study_not_porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1887217 No.1887217 [Reply] [Original]

Because we should not have to make new threads or post in draw threads with our fundamental exercises. Feel free to post even the smallest exercise you have done to show you are still trying, do not give up. Practice makes Perfect!

A friendly reminder to do wrist exercises and take breaks as you practice to avoid getting CPS.

Previous thread: >>1884036

OP image is this thread's study, since no one posted one. DRAW IT

>> No.1887222

How do I get my proportions right when I'm drawing a figure at a certain angle?

>> No.1887224

next thread image get a nude guy posing in the same pose

>> No.1887226

I'm seconding

>> No.1887228

As the OP I have no problem with this. Only picked it because it looked challenging.

>> No.1887235

This is what we get for no one posting a study last thread.

>> No.1887265


>not porn


>> No.1887277

Well it should get people's attention

>> No.1887296

OP's image is airbrushed. Not really ideal for studying purposes.

>> No.1887301

I feel like I'm having less time to practice and I read people are practicing for 6-8 hours a day. What do I do?

>> No.1887308


How is that porn? Sure, you can see her but, but IMO it's not really suggestive.

>> No.1887317

It's definitely softcore porn
>different anon

>> No.1887323

Just draw the fucking picture

>> No.1887325

see >>1887296

>> No.1887333

In that case post a different study. I'm sorry I failed you all.

>> No.1887337


>> No.1887349

Okay how about for the study we draw a random scene from this video?

>> No.1887357
File: 262 KB, 768x1024, tumblr_membenar1t1rt8jooo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my god why are you guys wasting your time studying stuff like that? pull up some statues and paint those. jesus.

>> No.1887374
File: 678 KB, 1052x644, compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How screwed am I?

>> No.1887375


Don't worry about what other people are doing, just practice for how ever long you're comfortable with.

>> No.1887379
File: 346 KB, 1200x1600, Project 1-b (i fucked up the thumb).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted a few threads back anyways I'm gonna post all my keys to drawing exercises in these threads to improve my discipline.

>> No.1887388


If you want to get really good at something you have to MAKE time for it.

>> No.1887393 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 702x960, moose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is moose in sunset. This was one of the first drawings I began to draw, so it was natural that I drew the drawing again in my scrap -book.

>> No.1887396

Wow, you are an hero.

>> No.1887397

this is a very good art

>> No.1887401

woah, very inspiring.

>> No.1887404 [DELETED] 

Thank you very much. I aim to inspire

>> No.1887405

not screwed if you keep practicing
remember: draw what you see, not what you think you see (when doing studies and such)

>> No.1887411
File: 208 KB, 755x902, 1390311446007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this ref too, guys. If you want.

>> No.1887412

What gallery is this currently in? I need to see this in real life to take in the details

>> No.1887414

The sketch on the upper page is looking promising too, I would work on that some more, though watch out you don't overdo it, it's almost there imo, just needs a little bit more love and attention to make it yet another masterpiece

maybe the two can be exhibited as they are presented here, I think they work very well together, they convey a powerful message!

>> No.1887421 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 582x417, Krystaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. What about this one? The color represents: Green = Strength, Health. Blue = Experience, Knowledge

>> No.1887424 [DELETED] 

Very flattering. Haha, not in gallery yet, but soon hopefully ;)

>> No.1887429 [DELETED] 

Wow thanks so much. I used nearly 3 hours on this one, so its rally flattering that all you like it so much! Ten thousand smileys! :):):):):):):)

>> No.1887433


Please do

>> No.1887438

seconding this

we've had enough of naked ladies for a thread or two

>> No.1887448 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 960x735, Dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about this one? It's a dragon if you couldn't tell, haha. BUT! it seems, I forgot something significant, namely the WINGS! :(. But oh well, will probably try to draw it again sometime soon with wings and all, but it's a bit cramped space in Scrap-book I use to draw the drawings in. :)

>> No.1887461

wow this is very good!

>> No.1887486 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1191x386, 0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let me know where I screwed up.

>> No.1887510

very cute

>> No.1887528

Thought I would pop in the beginner thread for once to see if I could help some people out. I.. I don't know if you guys are joking or not

>> No.1887557

OP's image is lewd. what if my mum sees me drawing that?

>> No.1887568


also op's picture as badly photoshopped

>> No.1887573


>> No.1887579
File: 807 KB, 1028x576, whybother.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've decided to jump on the drawing game and picked up Keys to drawing. This is one of my recent hand drawings from the second exercise.

Doesn't feel like I'm going anywhere to be honest

>> No.1887591

You can't seriously expect significant results form just a few days or weeks.

>> No.1887597

If you want to draw from imagination blind contour is waisting your time. You should just learn to study hands formally. But don't take my word for it, ask Algen!


>> No.1887600

So I've been going over Loomis Figure Drawing For all it's worth and I feel like I went to learn to doggy paddle and I've been thrown in the middle I'd the ocean instead. I'm planning on taking a drawing class next semester but I'd like to already learn a few things. Are there any better approaches?

>> No.1887603

That's what worked for him, anon, everyone's different.

You gotta learn to draw what you see in front of your eyes before you can draw what you see in your mind's eye, brosef. The point of a blind contour drawing isn't to draw a certain subject, it's to help you better learn to draw what you see.

>> No.1887605

Before you get balls deep into figure drawing and more advanced stuff try to get as good of grasp onto perspective and drawing basic forms as you can. Things will make a lot more sense once you're better at depicting things in space.

>> No.1887606
File: 1.58 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I do this right? Sorry about the lined paper.

>> No.1887607


He's only dissing those things because he is butthurt over Janaschi and she made him do tjose exercises. janaschi has always been leagues ahead of algenpfleger, and she did those.

>> No.1887609

Do you have a book that could possibly guide me in those areas?

>> No.1887612

Yeah I know. I just hope to see some form of improvement eventually just to keep me going

>> No.1887613

What helped me a lot was Rapid Viz and Norling's Perspective Made Easy. If you grind it out right now it will pay off massive dividends in the future, once you can draw freehand perspective you more or less know how to draw.

>> No.1887615

If you're diligent and you're consistent you'll improve. Keep yourself motivated, set yourself a realistic goal of where you wanna be and what you wanna do and just make sure you're working towards it every day.

>> No.1887616
File: 966 KB, 771x551, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do? Aside from the obvious problems, I had a lot of trouble trying to get the more subtle aspects of her face.

>> No.1887618

Read the sticky, anon

>> No.1887619

my ultimate goal is to make comics of my own, but I need to get fundamentals down before tackling style and such. I'll aim to do a practice everyday for the meantime.

>> No.1887640


Comics is a thing that doesn't have time to be drawing stuff from life; that isn't something you're supposed to do. Find books on how to make comics and study what comic artists need to do to make comics. Drawing your hand like steadily without looking at it for weeks on end isn't helpful for a comic book artist.

>> No.1887643

We all begin somewhere. Don't get discouraged. Google Loomis books on how to draw head. Watch Prokos videos on how to draw faces. Watch Vilppu vids. There alot of great artists who explain this. And draw ALOT. And I mean ALOT! If you waste 2 years by drawing hour a day you won't progress much. I did that mistake long time ago. Don't be afraid of mistake in the beginning.

>> No.1887652


>> No.1887664

you are drawing what you think you see. Not what is there, check your proportions. Draw lines across from your ref to your image to see how off you are.

>> No.1887671

You have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.1887673


Anything wrong with what I said? Point it out please.

>> No.1887675

If you want to become a successful artist in any medium you need to draw from life.

You don't do studies and exercises to make a pretty picture that you can post online to get comments and praise on, you do them to study and learn something and to increase your skill level. You need to take the time to learn to draw before you start comicking and the best way to do it is to draw from life. You can't effectively stylize, invent and draw according to a plan unless you are very familiar with the ideals and the basics.

Sequentials and comics are an artform in itself in that you need to know how to tell a story using visual mediums. It's something you learn alongside drawing, it's not just one or the other.

>> No.1887683
File: 391 KB, 1504x2000, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some help with composition. Feeling completely lost.

>> No.1887684
File: 1.13 MB, 1816x1300, 06-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to become a successful artist in any medium
>any medium
How long will it take someone to know when they'll be good enough to draw a comic strip if they are constantly drawing from life? It's idiotic to not practice drawing comics and writing for storytelling. You are creating fictional worlds and deriving from life not drawing exactly what you see from a photograph. The only 'life' drawing you will ever need is figure drawing and I should have emphasized that in my first post. You aren't a fine artist.

Pic related took 10000 hours of painting vases am I right?

>> No.1887697


>You can't effectively stylize, invent and draw according to a plan unless you are very familiar with the ideals and the basics.

And yet even the worst "how to draw manga" book will tell you something about construction, proportions, and anatomy. How is it any different from Loomis?

>> No.1887700
File: 77 KB, 509x768, b1a2fc98338eb732e658275e5bc78cb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking pleb

I don't think you quite realize how much drawing it takes to reach the level of a successful comic artist, you're coming of like a new guy in /fit/ saying "I don't wanna get too big". You don't draw from life to make pretty pictures and paintings to be a fucking atelier, you draw from life to *learn* and cement the fundamentals and to learn and internalize the ideal. You draw *in tandem* with whatever your goal is, drawing isn't a black and white career path or a strict set of dichotomies, if you think like that you will be crippling yourself further down the road.

The image attached is from the director of Little Witch Academia Yoh Yoshinari, The guy creates incredibly stylized works, characters and environments because he can draw the real thing successfully. Stop being bitter and frustrated, increase your workload, grind the fuck out of the fundies while you're still a fledgling beginner and it will pay off in spades Later on down the line.

Or you could just do your own thing and wind up like Shadbase.

When did I say anything about Loomis?

>> No.1887705


More like 10000 hours of drawing naked people probably. Think of all the things you have to draw. Think of all the poses, backgrounds, and other objects you'll have to draw. I'm a beginner here too, but from my perspective it's obvious that you have to know how to draw something before you draw something. Undoubted anyone professionally making comics uses plenty of references, and I imagine they don't look at someone else's art to plan out how they're going to draw something.

>> No.1887706


the thing is those books might teach you about proportions, construction and anatomy, but they usually don't teach shit about planes and 3d. Anime/Manga/Comics are inherently flat, they use techniques of illusion to create a semi-3d effect, but how you actually achieve that differs from style to style.

Learning from realism and learning how to construct objects (e.g. eye, nose, mouth) from realism teaches you knowledge which can then be used to abstract and simplify things the way you want (ie your style) and not just draw for example four lines and a few circles for an eye without really understanding what they actually "mean" in terms of stylization

>> No.1887708
File: 151 KB, 1200x870, air-gear-1495988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I went to the zoo and found this exact awesome monster in a cage (see pic) so I sketched it in my sketchbook. Drawing from life and lots of still life vases really helped me!

That is a pencil illustration that probably took him a shit load of time, not a comic strip. But nice cherry picking.

>> No.1887714


Dude we are arguing about the fact that some poor anon is being lead to believe tracing his hand by eyeballing it will help him with comic books. We all know construction and blah blah is needed. The sticky isn't tailored to every field of work you know.

>> No.1887717

Not drawing from life by choice. Learning the basics and implementing them into what I like to draw. It's working so far, and guess what, I'm enjoying the shit out of it.

>> No.1887718


Now I know you're trolling, or you'd have to be stupid not to realize that even monsters are created using the rules of nature in a sense. When you draw a fictional creature you have to consider how it's anatomy functions. If you're drawing a dragon how do they wings behave? How does the anatomy of reptiles usually work? Things like that. Otherwise it's not going to be "believable", and it'll probably look stupid.

>> No.1887726


I know you need to know animal anatomy, yes. But are you really going to go out of your way to a zoo to draw a swine or use a photograph? I haven't read Airgear but I'm pretty sure it doesn't revolve around animals.

Anyway >>1887579
exercise is completely stupid. You are getting way off track.

>> No.1887730

>completely ignore the point of my post
>accuse me of cherry picking
You do realize that comic artists extensively use reference from photos and their own observations, right? You would actually be surprised to see where comic artists go to get inspiration and to get references.

Just like an olympic athlete needs to be in good shape and have strength, endurance and speed regardless in whatever event they compete in and just like a game dev needs to understand and have a background in the basics of programming to create video games, a successful artist needs to master the fundamentals in gesture, form and perspective to draw whatever they want in their respective field. The sticky covers these topics and will get you on the road to develop a skill set for this, wherever you want to wind up.

You have to learn to draw before you can be a comic artist, that particular exercise is for beginners to help assist them get into the mindset to draw what he sees and not what he believes he's seeing. It sucks but there isn't a shortcut or a substitute for drawing and learning.

You can go on ahead and do whatever it is you want to do but don't start telling beginners to make your beginner mistakes.

>> No.1887732

That white thing in the lower left corner of her mouth is a specular reflection on her tongue, not a tooth.

Instead of drawing from a poorly cropped and posed photo with flash lighting, go grab an apple, a lamp, and draw that. Try to use directional lighting, and not frontal.

>> No.1887734

Can I post some calligraphy too in here?
I didn't find a thread.

>> No.1887739


>> No.1887742


>my beginner mistakes
>does realize that the sticky was made by /ic/ anons like you and me

oh boy the parrot parroting what he heard

lots of still life painting going on in that link let me tell you

>> No.1887744

Once again, way to completely ignore my point

>> No.1887745


>That white thing in the lower left corner of her mouth is a specular reflection on her tongue, not a tooth.

Oh shit. That makes a lot more sense.

>> No.1887747


you have no point, you are going off on a tangent while I play along when I simply said blind contour is a waste of time for comic book artists. I don't know what else to tell you, maybe you need to get up form the computer and breathe for a bit.

>> No.1887748


Wait until you see the prerequisites they make you take.

>> No.1887751


to suck you more of your money

>> No.1887755

That's every school in the US and every degree unfortunately.

>> No.1887760

I told you why blind contour drawing isn't useless as you said and you keep using logical fallacies instead of actually refuting my points. You can stay ignorant, I'm just asking that you don't give advice when you yourself don't actually know what you're talking about and deffer any actual rebuttal in place of ad hominem and straw man.

>> No.1887766
File: 17 KB, 640x480, art_009Still_life_vases_and_pears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I told you why blind contour drawing isn't useless

I think the confusion started from >>1887640
when then I said >>1887684
>the only 'life' drawing you will ever need is figure drawing
which from a comment here >>1887597
was about blind contor being useless as what Algen said when someone here >>1887603
said otherwise which is his opinion also

Most of what is in keys to drawing is helpful for observational drawing. But comic book artist draw from imagination. Knowing construction....etc has everything to do with being able to make a believable monster in this panel >>1887708 but observational drawing does not. I say observational as in spending time meticulously painting vases as if it will help your comic book artwork. It will for illustrations, but not comic books. Using photographs to observe what is in the reference to help with your scenes everybody does.

Making comics has nothing to do with wasting weeks your time doing blind contour to teach you to see whats in reference. I'm not saying Keys to Drawing is completely useless, but blind contour is. Measuring angles etc is useful.

>> No.1887767

Jeeez. Why do I want study informatics and also want to practice drawing? Sorry for the faggy question

>> No.1887771

You kept inferring that drawing from life and observational drawing was more akin to becoming an atelier and dealing with fine art. I'll have to disagree in that observational drawing is key to developing your visual library and to creating convincing environments and characters, many sequential artists will go to zoos and do studies of animals to get a better feel of not only their anatomy but their mannerisms and locomotion. Drawing an actual subject also is much more stimulating as much more information is presented to you and is probably the best way to learn how light works as well as how to depict form, as far as beginners go this is probably the best way to learn to develop a skill set.

And as far as blind contour drawing is concerned it's a very beginner exercise, not something to spend weeks on.

Whatever the case, let's agree to disagree.

>> No.1887837
File: 71 KB, 318x312, 1414118456653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1887844

i'll do this

>> No.1887854

I'm trying to draw her face but I keep looking at her butt. This is more an exercise in concentration than drawing.

>> No.1887871

here's a faggy reply

>> No.1887873

Because you won't learn shit if you don't practice what you've learned.

>> No.1887879
File: 121 KB, 766x1200, 3082b8b622a9f8893a6c6dedbcd5cfd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh tumblr and your spider woman poses.

Here how about we study this instead?

>> No.1887885

good for you, keep enjoying your shit
i'm so proud of my precious little flower

>> No.1887909
File: 1.07 MB, 4157x2882, DSC_0s01s5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hidden: English sentence with 6 words.
Any comments?

>> No.1887911
File: 75 KB, 500x484, 1411196578159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get a tumblr to post my stuff
>feel like people are judging every pixel of the shit I post
>feel like people are making fun of me behind my back
fuck what do I do, or should I just delete it if it's making me down all the time?
the only positive is that it's motivating me to draw more and practice

>> No.1887926
File: 327 KB, 1007x1510, Corner of the room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally started reading the sticky and im going trough "Drawing on the right side of your brain". Feel free to give me advice / criticism
Its pretty fun

If you dont like it, delete it. Practice for yourself instead of feeling like you have to draw for other people.
If you don't want to delete it though, i'll follow you!

>> No.1887931

Just remember that no one cares about you or your work. Seriously.

>> No.1887936

this is why I hide all my drawings deep in my sketchbook then burn them behind the old factory after midnight

but really, feeling like shit is good it means you have motivation to improve

I make myself feel like shit whenever I am not actively drawing or working on my music so that I form a strong positive relation to doing hard work

and then when my hands get sore I can finally relax and enjoy myself without feeling like shit.

So don't delete your tumblr

>> No.1887944

>the only positive is that it's motivating me to draw more and practice
Then keep it

>> No.1887951
File: 71 KB, 1600x1200, 123123523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why aren't you faggots drawing the OP pic? Do you even want to git gud? Anyway here is mine. Its quite shit. Would like tips on render and any other crits.

>> No.1887966
File: 18 KB, 419x600, study I guess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another. This one turned out better. Crits welcome again

>> No.1887997

Butt looks pretty good but uneven. Unfortunately she gained weight and turned evil.
This one's quite good, not much to say.

>> No.1888000

Thanks for the crits

>> No.1888002
File: 271 KB, 531x700, Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 23.16.252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the proportions are messed up. I was trying to focus on getting the tones right this time.


>> No.1888004

Do people even know your tumblr m80?

>> No.1888010

I used to draw a lot and want to get back into it (Stopped because of a borked finger that didn't quite heal correctly), but I seem to just get frustrated and upset...What do you guys do when this happens?

>> No.1888012

Just lower your head and keep drawing. Eventually when you start to build up a better skill set it becomes more enjoyable, you gotta get over the initial hump.

>> No.1888014

Slap myself really hard in the face, tell myself to fuck off sad cunt, then I draw until I pass out.

>> No.1888019

Things you can study from it:
sexy expression

there are many ways to study, you don't have to make exact copies of tones every time

>> No.1888022
File: 122 KB, 870x420, first_time_apple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time study, went with an apple

what's wrong with it?

>> No.1888027

It's not about copying tones, but being able to draw an accurate representation of real life. The airbrushing introduces problems that wouldn't exist, from unclear lighting, incorrect edges, etc. Given that it's airbrushed, chances are that it and pictures like it have been modified in other ways (usually larger but, narrower waist) by people that don't know their anatomy. You're likely to lose out on a lot of important anatomical landmarks.

I'm not saying that this is the worst image in the world to study from, but it's certainly suboptimal, especially for beginners. You can't even study much of the pose because of the poor cropping that hides a hood chunk of the body and the ground plane. Secondly, I wouldn't prioritize studying "sexy expressions" when a beginner could be working on simple forms and light. You'd need to already be able to rotate, light and draw the skull and head from any angle before you'd get much use out of studying expressions.

>> No.1888060
File: 184 KB, 960x495, first_time_pear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's a pear as well

Doing these studies, even if they are really simple, was really time well spent - I actually felt like I learned a bunch of stuff about shapes and light and shit.

>> No.1888066

is it really wise to start with faces if you don't have any basics down?

>> No.1888068

I have this problem when I'm reading stuff like vlippu's drawing manual where I can't sit still. I end breezing through the lessons without doing the assignments. What should I do?

>> No.1888084

Sit down and do the exercises. There's nothing anybody here can say that will magically make you do your work - just do it. Turn off the internet and all other distractions, so that doing the exercises is the most entertaining thing you could possibly do.

>> No.1888085

I couldn't even do half of these studies..."beginner" thread my ass

>> No.1888135

Why is it that every time I draw something I feel like I fuck everything up?

>> No.1888141

jesus even /ic/ is infested by SJW now.

>> No.1888148

No shit, what did you think would happen when "post your tumblr" threads were allowed? Now they're everywhere and you can even notice how critiques are starting to get less accepted with all the "let's see you do better" that spawned the merc wip meme and people getting offended by racial slurs.

>> No.1888151

...the fuck

>> No.1888164

That's literally all of 4chan

>> No.1888167

The anonymity is gone and it has long been

If you're a true oldfag this place or what's left of it can only makes you want to cry and cut the wrong way

Most of these fags should stay on reddit but no

>> No.1888180

RIP my brothers... RIP.

>> No.1888187

so how long do you guys recommend I spend doing blind contour studies? 30 mins? because right now I can't go 3 minutes without wanting to chop my balls off

>> No.1888196

I would say do it for a minimum of 20 minutes. Keep in mind that when you're doing a blind contour drawing that you aren't doing it to try to make a nice looking drawing, you're doing it to really study and observe your subject.

>> No.1888199

any crit?

>> No.1888298


work on head shapes/proportions

>> No.1888309

try to perfect the proportions before even starting on the tones if you believe them to be messed up

the right foot looks a tad flat, define the arch and the region near the toes

mouth and lower facial features look too simple, try to define the mouth region in the same level of detail as the eyes and nose

left thigh looks gargantuan, define where the bottom of it ends and where the space under it begins

add more detail to the neck region so it becomes clear that he is not actually deformed

I have no experience working with tones but from what I see in other artwork they look fairly well here.

overall this looking real good. I like pretty much everything that I did not criticize especially the hands, nose, and eyes.

>> No.1888349

I have minor nitpicks

I'd fix the negative space between his torso and arm also between his hands

The entire left arm is out of place (which you could just fix with the following of the negative space so... that was kinda redundant) His shoulder is very out of place... there is a subtle curve there.

I think you can see the face so nvm tone wise.. you went too green while you should've stayed in the yellow.

>> No.1888370
File: 20 KB, 329x290, i898798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1888373

Come on. I don't necessarily have an issue with this ref, we're aren't going to get a solid understanding of the anatomy with a pose like this. It's very specific, and not practical in showing you the form.

I love sexy bitches, but these are meant to be beginner threads, aim mostly in understanding human anatomy. How much do you expect to retain with random posed references like this one. I think it could make for better studying if we keep the refs more simple and consistent.

>> No.1888375

Good God, I just wanted to let you know that I too agree you are completely clueless.

Oh and by the by, if those two drawings you posted are yours, I'm really laughing hard right now. If you look up to that style, I'm laughing a bit too, but that's fine! But if you're bragging, olol

If that's the result from not drawing from life enough,

then I think you shot yourself in the foot harder than you might realise, because that right there proves to anyone serious about their art endeavours that life drawing is a must if you don't want to end up with shit like yours
read some books lel

>> No.1888376

Looking good, keep practicing, that book will help change how you see tremendously

I don't upload my stuff either but it's good to be self-conscious

you see room for improvement and being your own harshest critic is good, just don't be too hard on yourself, don't work to be awesome now, work to be awesome in x years

>> No.1888378

I kind of agree

A full figure pose for starters would be a must, heck, for all I care even use one from the figure drawing page, they have nice enough ref imo

Just my 2c, your thread your pick of ref obviously

>> No.1888401
File: 776 KB, 1000x1198, doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1888415

you don't belong in a Beginner thread from the looks of things

>> No.1888418

Fuck. This is gold. Thx ic

>> No.1888420

Thanks guys. This is really helpful.

>> No.1888425


Judging from his perspective he definitely does.

>> No.1888525
File: 1.25 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20141113_123441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how'd i do guys

>> No.1888528

not good, also why are you copying that warped drawing? I don't see what you could learn from it, it's probably doing you harm.

>> No.1888531

because the guide told me to

>> No.1888559

Is it even worth to draw just one hour? I dont know. Personally i have to warm up at first which takes a bit.

>> No.1888560


you could start counting the amount of time after you feel you've warmed up sufficiently.

>> No.1888567

don't talk nonsense

it is a draw what you see exercise in right side of the brain

>> No.1888575
File: 1.47 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are my gestures? Am I doing it right?

>> No.1888583


>Taking that book as gospel

Not that anon, but i personally don't think that book is bad, but don't take it as Gods word. It is based on a flawed theorem

>> No.1888594 [DELETED] 
File: 330 KB, 1600x1163, Gesture and foreshortening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least you aren't copying contour. In my opinion
>don't cut off abruptly with a straight line at the legs and continue the flow. If you are going to do that curve the line.
>foreshortening should still be shown with line and perspective lines
>don't do too many straight-on poses

And do gestures from film, master paintings, and manga because those have more movement than sitting nude sluts. Really what practical use is it of you gesturing everyday from pixilovely the same, lifeless models? Test your imagination gesturing by sketching real life walking people at the mall or park, whatever.

>> No.1888601


who am I kidding, you aren't going to make it asking "am I doing it right" on your first try. You don't even have the respect to draw on copier paper. Just continue doing it the wrong way.

>> No.1888608

>colour picker.
stop that right now.

>> No.1888610
File: 63 KB, 490x490, 1412605035572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1888616
File: 880 KB, 2111x2480, beach chick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One brush on one layer. Any crits or advice, I've never been great at colouring.

>> No.1888618


The statue study would have been better time well spent.

>> No.1888619
File: 932 KB, 782x972, Studies1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think?

>> No.1888620

Pretty good, now see if you can draw her in a different pose.

>> No.1888633

Anything i should know if i am currently learning how to draw on Photoshop after lifetime of in-hand drawing?

Pic related

>> No.1888642
File: 720 KB, 1418x569, mrdka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1888648


I'll do that one now...stand by...

>> No.1888651

values are abit off , but still pretty good

>> No.1888658

Get a reference that's not complete garbage to study from, you also don't quite understand volumes yet, also juding from the pear

>> No.1888662

You need to use something more opaque, especially for the block-in. Feel free to use a softer, less opaque brush for blending.

>> No.1888685

> understand volumes yet

Not that guy but.. volumes?

>> No.1888713

What I mean is depth in a 3D-object. When you draw a circle it is just a simple 2D circle, if you add proper shading to it, it becomes 3D.

This is why it is not necessarily recommended to study from photos at first, because you do not get that understanding of room and depth, even if it seems like something you could pick up from a photograph. It is much better and easier to draw random objects from your table from multiple angles even or at least get some basic reference with proper light&shadow.

The apple is a bad example for that becasuse it is most likely ( oh no wait, I even found it http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/15/Red_Apple.jpg ) a color picture turned black&white with a (Photoshop-)filter. Its near impossible (especially as novice) to properly understand light and value with something like that

>> No.1888727

Don't treat it as drawing, think of it more as the equivalent to painting (unless you only do line-drawings, which you obviously don't).

>> No.1888736

Beginner of two and a half years here.

I'm looking over the last six months to a year, and it seems like I haven't really improved much at all, as far as my finished product is concerned . My form and proportions are a little sharper, but it doesn't feel like it's worth the effort I've put into it.

On the other hand, I've gotten much faster and more efficient. What used to take me a long time, with many false starts and redraws, I can sketch out much more easily and competently. Yet there's still the issue of the finished product not being much better than it would have been 6 months ago.

Is this normal? Is it just a natural part of the give and take of progressing?

>> No.1888737
File: 925 KB, 2000x2200, statue progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this is what I have so far after about an hour and a half. Hair and hands were difficult for me. And I know the shading/colours aren't perfect. I can't seem to get a good finish with smooth/blended colours :/

Anyway, I think I'll call this one done and move on to something else.

>> No.1888740
File: 19 KB, 590x779, fig1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I've got so far. should I bother trying to finish it or just keep working on basics? (I know my lines suck..)

>> No.1888748

draw what you see, why did you add the outlines in the finished pic? do you see the outlines? doubt it.

>> No.1888751

It's alright.
Your edges are too soft though. Try to start your drawing with just a few values and a hard brush to force yourself to see what is in light and what is not.
Hands and feet are nice.
Don't forget the background. You can simplify it a lot but don't let your figure float in empty space.

>> No.1888753
File: 285 KB, 1000x1167, statue6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're right. I was debating whether to put outline or not. I only did because I was having problems reading the hands properly. I did them on a different layer though. Also, i few tiny adjustments to shading.

>> No.1888757


Thanks for the advice. I'll work on that :)

>> No.1888762
File: 129 KB, 613x648, icsketch1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1888771


So... you mean form?

I'm sorry when you put "volumes" I was thinking in terms of sound than math. Maybe volumes is an art term and I didn't know.

Yeah I'd say he has a problem with form as well and should stick to blocking in then using the soft brush to render... he could be using the gradient tool and lasso as well.

>> No.1888943

I don't know what steps to take to get better anymore. I can't find anything that is fun and will help me get better. Everything I think of, like reading books, always turns me away from getting better

And I don't want to just draw because the last couple things I've done haven't shown any improvement

>> No.1889010

Try to find something you thought was really good and remember that if you work hard enough you can be that good too. Don't compare the work you've done now to something you did a day or so ago compare yourself by months not by days.

Just know art is a continual learning experience so if you don't something now you will one day.

>> No.1889119
File: 50 KB, 1500x1500, 11-13-2014 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1889140

the lower right body is pretty good. Looks like you're having trouble with the perspective on the lower left one, try it again and think about the structure more.

>> No.1889209

The faggot who this here, what went wrong?

>> No.1889361
File: 54 KB, 279x320, addada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the optimum practice time to where you get something out of it but you aren't overdoing it?

>> No.1889418

45 minutes. Any work you do, 45 minutes is the optimal time. take a break. Do another 45.

>> No.1889424

The 45 minute thing only really goes for work that requires a lot of thinking/concentration, you can do shit like line practice without that.
Not to mention that you want to do a warm up before you start serious practice and if you take a break your muscles will get cool again in the meantime.

I guess it might be effective to do a warm up, then 45 minutes of actual study, then a 'break' where you do simple stuff like line practice or just doodeling, them do another 45 of serious stuff and so on until you're out of time or can't bring yourself to continue anymore. Then again, that's kind of unnecessarily complicated. Probably easier to just alternate whenever you start to have trouble concentrating.

>> No.1889437

Why m8?

>> No.1889449


Not him, but this helps me out as well. Beginner here, reading up on Loomis', sometimes when I do 2 or 3 exercises in a row, my brain feels fizzled like if I over worked myself, but I feel so accomplished like "yeah I did it!" kind of thing. However, never really thought about taking breaks, I would just push forward, see myself screw up the next exercise, and just tell myself I'll get it tomorrow (which I will).

Taking a break as I'm doing line practice sounds like a good idea. Thanks.

>> No.1889474
File: 337 KB, 801x1176, gwegwfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to try to render it like >>1888474

>> No.1889488

>sexy expression
How is it in any way sexy? She looks tired and bored. Her smile is forced.

>> No.1889496

Dafaq man

>> No.1889497
File: 180 KB, 683x779, Screen Shot 2014-11-15 at 2.45.03 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had 2 months off, can't escape the chicken scratch, rush through anything I try, lost my patience, don't know how to fix.

>> No.1889506


I thought this was beginners thread!? You're seem like a pro. Beautiful work!

>> No.1889507

I actually just traced it since I wanted to practice rendering instead.

>> No.1889516
File: 233 KB, 1000x563, anne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i give up

>> No.1889520
File: 1.28 MB, 2592x1944, IMG_20141114_173652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did i do?

>> No.1889521

Ahh. Nice lines still. You got the face great. I've just watched that video too. Good technique, I'll give it a try sometime too

>> No.1889522

Ann Drank

>> No.1889524

>render like
I;m starting to feel like that any kind of rendering or color over linework ruins it and make it absolutely horrible. what's wrong with me

>> No.1889552

How can I listen to your music, m8?

>> No.1889557
File: 594 KB, 1920x1080, gqgqwfgq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that wasn't me >>1889507
i didn't trace
posting progress

>> No.1889561
File: 869 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20141114_181812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How doni get a better contrast

>> No.1889576

nice, keep it going

>> No.1889586

I might be wrong, but this looks like a rather small drawing/sketchbook. It's usually better to work on larger paper.

>> No.1889598

What is a good book on volumes and basic shapes in 3d maybe with some v perspective and if possible something like how to then take those shapes into a human form?

>> No.1889607
File: 98 KB, 664x960, i0JakSZgL0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is many techniques artists use to achieve the contrast. Playing with tones, using white coloured materials, etc. Look at their works and analyze it.

>> No.1889648

Right, i probably should get a larger paper, lucky my school offers 100x70 cm for abot 0.01 usd

I'll do that, thank you

>> No.1889677
File: 478 KB, 744x1052, bitmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not good at explaining things but there are two things that you need to do
The first and most important is make sure things are placed correctly in relation to each other, for example in pic when relating the point of the nose to the visible nipple we can see your drawing is off by a great amount, causing your torso to appear way to large. make sure to check using the angle of the lines that connect key points, this is useful to make your drawing accurate and easier to do
The second is use negative space, the aria that's left clear between the arm, the body, and the leg. Make sure it matches up alright otherwise it means that your drawing is wrong, this is just to see if it looks right, don't draw from negative space.

>> No.1889694


And what about the medium? I simply can't get the contrast I wan't with 6B pencils on a white paper. I've bought gray toned paper to try some new stuff, but I don't know what kind of white pencil I should use to make the highlights. Could someone give me some help?

Related drawing was made with charcoal, right?

>> No.1889696


>> No.1889697

graphite yes

it's impossible to get any contrast with graphite

>> No.1889705
File: 144 KB, 698x1024, wcubWIAFqy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Related drawing was made with charcoal, right?
Example made with pencil for you.

>> No.1889706

>What is a good book on volumes and basic shapes in 3d
Don't really know of any books that specialize in that. The best teacher is drawing from life. Find objects that show these basic forms from a thrift shop, or build your own. Spray paint them with a matte gray if needed. Grab a lamp and practice drawing them from differing viewing angles, viewing distances, lighting directions, etc.
I'd give this a read, and come back to the site periodically as it's very dense and complex:

>maybe with some v perspective
It's common for perspective books to walk you through constructing basic forms in perspective. Basic forms, like all forms, never exist outside the context of perspective, so I'd look into that sooner rather than later. Perspective Made Easy is a great start, then you can move on to Loomis's Successful Drawing if you want, but there are lots of good resources on perspective out there.

>if possible something like how to then take those shapes into a human form
Most figure drawing books already do this. Vilppu, Hampton, Bridgman, and Loomis to an extent all show different ways of doing it. Proko's figure drawing series on youtube also has this. This representation of figures in terms of basic forms is often referred to as a manikin, a block-in, or a construction (starting stage) depending on who you're talking to.

>> No.1889710

That bugs me.

What can be happening? Bad technics? Bad quality pencils? I've tried to use higher grade ones, 8B and 9B, but still no success. I don't think that changing the medium I use is going to solve my problems, but I wish to try new things.

What are the materials used to do this drawing? the title of the image says charcoal, but nothing about the white medium. What is it? White charcoal? White crayons?

>> No.1889711
File: 29 KB, 600x453, charcoalonpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1889716

One bhelpuri. How much?

>> No.1889747
File: 1.42 MB, 2560x1920, 2014-11-15 09.51.21 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For gestures is the clean method used in people like proko the way to do it? I've been alternating between the method he uses and this scribly method in the pic cause it feels more natural to me. I feel like it gets the 'action' but is it ok to use loose lines for them?

Also how much do we consider form when doing gestures? Are they just things we add on after we get the action down and we still have time or do we consider them from the start?

>> No.1889752

>study anatomy for hours and hours
>still looks like shit when I draw from imagination
what the fuck I just want to draw porn already

>> No.1889756

Refs are your friend anon. Draw what you see not what you know. You're trying to drawing something you can't see right now.

>> No.1889761

life drawing m8

>> No.1889770

>Is this normal? Is it just a natural part of the give and take of progressing?

Art is a learning process sometimes you fuck up and sometimes you do great. Remember your improvements and work on your faults. We'd all like art to be easy but unfortunately it isn't. Just don't give up and don't say "my art is shit" say "my art is shit now but soon it will be good". Believe me anon I know how you feel it's hard to see your progress but you are making progress no matter how little it may seem it's there.

>> No.1889772
File: 379 KB, 1000x679, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave it a shot

>> No.1889777

Pretty go...what's wrong with her face? But seriously I suggest brushing up on the facial features a bit more otherwise you're on the right track.

>> No.1889781

Closest yet I'd say except for the face but faces are hard, also thin out the torso a bit.

>> No.1889807

How do I know I'm making a good circle? I feel like my circles are fat.

>> No.1889834
File: 371 KB, 798x1176, dbssfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting bored with this

>> No.1889839

You need to work on edge variety. Your hardest edges are only found on your silhouette - likely from a mask? All of your interior shapes and brush strokes are soft edged. You should take better care to notice how hard a plane change is - gradual changes have softer edges and sharp plane changes have harder edges. You want to have harder edges on cast shadows (generally speaking) and softer edges on form shadows. The material you're painting should also play a role on your edge control

A lot of the issues you're facing is due to the ref being airbrushed, which is one reason why people advise against studying from such references. To learn more about edge control, study some master paintings, and read through Schmid's Ala Prima.

>> No.1889840

I don't think you're a beginner anymore.

>> No.1889842

do I have to buy those books like right side of the brian in the sticky in order to see?
can't I just copy that Picasso picture over and over again until I get a carbon copy?

>> No.1889848

Just look for a pdf online. There's a book sharing thread with links that keeps cropping up.

>can't I just copy that Picasso picture over and over again until I get a carbon copy?
There are better exercises out there, and you need variety. Doing the same exact exercise for the same exact reference will just teach you how to draw that specific reference. The goal is to be able to draw anything you see.

>> No.1889850
File: 64 KB, 265x293, gewgw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, i followed the video tutorial
he only used soft brush and i actually used other brushes, but it's still too soft?
>quick face fix

>> No.1889851

Oh, and if you do get a hold of a copy, ignore the pseudoscience in the book and focus on the exercises.

>> No.1889852

There is so much to learn. Everything changes based on the angle.

>Trying to learn anatomy for every possible angle

Does anyone else feel overwhelmed with human anatomy? Do you always use references?

>> No.1889853

You don't have to buy them, there is a mega link dump with about all the books you need. Here: https://mega.co.nz/#F!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

>> No.1889854

How can I make drawing fun?

>> No.1889855

thats why you lean to draw basic shapes in perspective, since everythig is composed of them

from there it becomes alot simpler to draw figures in different poses, just because you know the shapes and how to manipulate then

see Villppu for more, he'd explain it better than i can

>> No.1889861

I wouldnt suggest learning all the anatomy at once if you're just a begginer. Learn the simple stuff, pelvis and rib cage, proportions. In the same time practice perspective, do studies.
And then adding anatomy will be easier because of your understanding of form.

>> No.1889864
File: 459 KB, 676x1024, 2887739523_2f2d183c31_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skimmed through most of that tutorial, and I personally don't like his approach. To see and paint values accurately, it's often advised to do your block-in as opaquely as possible, then soften edges as needed during the rendering stage. This way you are much more conscious of your value and color choices, as well as your shapes in the whole painting.

There are 4 types of edges: hard, firm soft and lost. Technically speaking, there are many more than that, and they exist inbetween these 4 categories. Edge quality is a gradient just as values are a gradient. You need to incorporate all of these different types of edges throughout your painting. Use squinting to determine which edges should be your hardest, which should be your softest, and how all intermediate edges compare. Again, read Schmid - he explains the technique in depth.

Look to master paintings and how edges are handled. In this Sargent portrait, you can see hard edges at the tip of the nostril, the top of the lit ear, the edges of some highlights, the silhouette of his coat against the background in the bottom left, etc. You can see firm edges on the eye lids. There are soft edges in his hair and beard (with some firm edges too). There are lost edges in the shadow between his hair, cheekbone and ear.

Your painting in comparison has lots of edges that are too hard in your silhouette from using a marquee tool or a mask. All of your interior shapes are pretty much all soft. There's no variety, there's no purpose, and it isn't faithful to life.

>> No.1889892

>I skimmed through most of that tutorial, and I personally don't like his approach. To see and paint values accurately, it's often advised to do your block-in as opaquely as possible, then soften edges as needed during the rendering stage. This way you are much more conscious of your value and color choices, as well as your shapes in the whole painting.
ever drawn with a pencil or charcoal? his approach is very similar in that you are building up values gradually and it's for that reason i'm more comfortable with it. i've tried other painting methods, including starting opaquely and then blending. you're right about edges, but if you're expecting me to paint greater than my reference, you're asking too much man.

>> No.1889903

>ever drawn with a pencil or charcoal? his approach is very similar in that you are building up values gradually and it's for that reason i'm more comfortable with it
Extensively, but you'll generally get better looking results out of a digital painting if you treat it like a painting. I've yet to find a program or tools that accurately simulate drawing with pencil. I'd say give traditional painting a try if you haven't already (preferably oils, but acrylics are fine). It will help you think differently about digital painting as a whole, as well as different ways to lay down your marks.

>but if you're expecting me to paint greater than my reference, you're asking too much man.
Fair enough, but my advice was more something to take in for the long run, not for fixing this study from a non-ideal photograph. Try to digitally paint some still lifes, but use different approaches each time until you find something that clicks and doesn't sacrifice edge control. If you can get your hands on some oils, paint a ton of still lifes with that - a little bit of experience with different media than pencils and digital will go a long way towards improving all of your drawings and paintings.

>> No.1889935
File: 194 KB, 1413x696, Screenshot_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How am i doing?

>> No.1889937

The perspective on the box is off.

>> No.1889938

Lets talk about regression.
why when I become frustrated I lose the ability to draw fucking anything instead of getting better like its supposed to happen according to general opinion? I guess I should just fucking chop away my fucking right arm and drop this shit forever

>> No.1889940

You forgot their clothes in both the pictures

>> No.1889941

haha, oh wow

>> No.1889946

This is me every night when I am tired. Even if I have been drawing good for the rest of the day. Maybe you need to take better care of yourself, or take a break.

>> No.1889950

B-but their anatomy studies..

>> No.1889954
File: 2 KB, 102x124, 1414729906433s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop laughing at my dreams!

>> No.1889965

Not so good Al

>> No.1889972

Thank you so much for this :)

>> No.1889994

I just want to get rid of this fucking hand fucking chew it away like fucking shit chew chew chew fucking chew cut throwaway this fucking hand shit it never does it right fucking millimeters its fucking slow and dump i fucking hate hate hate hate this fucking shit dumb stupid fucking limp of shit hand do what the fuck my fucking eyes tell you shit cunt shitty fucking hand i'm fucking going to kill you one these days

>> No.1889997
File: 88 KB, 670x477, Kiseijuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1890002

Show us something anon, maybe someone here can help. I feel the same way a lot but I think it comes from focusing too much on the result instead of the process.

>> No.1890028
File: 155 KB, 1107x653, 11_15_complexAsaroStudyQuarter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1890058
File: 384 KB, 1000x667, statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1890071

About Fun with a Pencil, during the exercises, why is it at times you'll have to draw a shape such as a nose, but in step 2 or 3, the nose is in a completely different shape. It makes it hard to follow sometimes, but I just go with the flow as best as I can.

>> No.1890158
File: 483 KB, 804x1075, gwgewgw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dread rendering this

>> No.1890173

you can do eet!

>> No.1890204
File: 117 KB, 297x398, just keep practicing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That drawing looks like it uses white charcoal or white charcoal pencil for the whites.

Anyways, I made a quick drawing for you on paper with a 3B and 8B graphite pencil. Very crude, just wanted to show you how to control values.

I started by drawing a rectangle to fit the figure, so that I'd have some negative space to go on. Either way there's a lot of problems with the drawing because I was going too fast.

Then I put a value around the rectangle equivalent to the grey value that was around the picture on my computer screen. I also was looking at the picture at a size similar to my drawing on the paper(so I was seeing the big shapes instead of the details). About 2.5 x 3.5 inches for the drawing. If I wanted to make a more accurate study I would check the proportions of the digital image and then measure those out on paper with a ruler.

I then lightly sketched out the gist/shapes of the figure. Then I squinted at the picture to simply value shapes, and to see where the most dark values are. I also establish the grey of the background at this point.

At the end, I put in dark accents with the 8B pencil.

Anyways, contrast is capable with graphite just as much as charcoal. You just need to a) start your drawing lightly, b)gradually introduce the values into the areas. It's important that you keep drawing, you'll get better. Make sure you address the whole image when doing a study, because this will make your contrast and values read a whole lot better.

The paper was also from a Strathmore "Sketch paper" fine tooth surface sketchbook; 400 series. 60 lb. paper. 5.5 x 8.5. But I also went through a full 11x14 sketchbook of the same kind earlier this year, so I have a lot of practice with this paper and know its limits. It's redundant I know, but just keep up on it.

>> No.1890225
File: 1.03 MB, 1413x1394, redline check your angles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi anon, that's a good try. But right now your main problem is you need to check more closely your angles. Use your pen if you need to. Lock your arm, and set your pen parallel to the angle, then transfer the angle to the other side.

Another thing is, the border of your image is your best friend. The border of your image is your reference for the true horizontal of your image. Whatever is parallel to that, you also should also be drawing as a horizontal as well.

That also includes the vertical border. Whatever is parallel to the vertical border of the image, you should also draw as a near perfect vertical.

I drew over on the ref and your drawing what the essential direction of the form is. You can see how in your drawing you weren't paying enough attention to it. Pay attention to the big picture, the relationships in your drawing. Draw general and ignore details first. Details and contours can be adjusted in later.

Also, I'd recommend anatomy studies a bit later. Get good with basic forms, and observing the big picture of things, or the general.

Drawing is no laughing matter. You can ignore any person that laughs at your drawing. Keep practicing, and posting. Draw from life too, doing still-lifes will probably help you a lot at this point.

>> No.1890237
File: 1.01 MB, 816x612, study1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did a couple landscape studies. just looking for ways to improve

>> No.1890238
File: 994 KB, 816x612, study2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1890239
File: 2 KB, 125x83, 1415377719159s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1890242
File: 914 KB, 700x465, 1415361057348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1890271

Cool work that you do but why are you here? Do you just want to help us or what?

>> No.1890278

Work big to small, anon, block in the major shapes of tones and get more granular as you go along. It helps if you make thumbnails before hand.

>> No.1890285

what do you mean by make thumbnails? is that the outline? i wasnt trying to make it exactly proportional so some stuff was obviously going to be skewed and stretched

>> No.1890295

Finished tonight's labors. Thats five 3.5 hour days so far. One more tomorrow and my week is done with 21 hours and a day off. I'm officially drawing more than I ever have and it feels really good.

Next week I start doing four hours a day with two days off. Still wondering how I'll fill four hours a day but God am I looking forward to having a full weekend.

>> No.1890298

By thumbnails I mean make a 2x5 or smaller version of what you're gonna be drawing that has the major tones planned out

>> No.1890302


You need to study perspective. A scene like this requires it.

>> No.1890303

oh wow i never thought of that. i did notice that i didnt have an overall idea of how my values were going to be

i suppose youre referring to the rooftops on the bottom right? i did notice those are a little off. are there any other big problems?

>> No.1890305
File: 90 KB, 918x655, iso_castle_by_fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best route to get good at pixel art? Would it be best to get a solid base in pixel art?

>> No.1890308

solid base in drawing****

>> No.1890311
File: 1.21 MB, 2134x1653, fch11-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my quick study. I want to focus on the full portrait style, but I left the V-Jay out since they all look the (almost) same.

>> No.1890314

Pixel art is much like any other medium in that you need a solid foundation to work off of. Take the time and develop your skill level, learning traditionally will pay off large dividends later on.

>> No.1890317

Thanks a lot, will do.

>> No.1890325

Portait of goya, tried to copy. Good/bad?

>> No.1890338


>> No.1890373
File: 330 KB, 1202x901, DSCF0072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gesture looks great
>starts rendering

>> No.1890382
File: 379 KB, 1287x965, DSCF0076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know /ic/

>> No.1890396

First of all : Don't get discouraged. Practice gesture more. 3-4 months of gesture drawing everyday is not enough. Second , study anatomy. I noticed in lotsa of places the anatomy is off. Third, don't push pencil too hard. Try to scetch lightly. And finally, proportions. If proportions are off - everything will look ugly. No matter how much you try

>> No.1890438
File: 299 KB, 1030x773, DSCF0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watched some Proko, read some Vilppu and prayed to the Loomis.
Pic related took 15 minutes together.
I'll get there Anon, eventually... Thank you.

>> No.1890448

Why do I feel like I'll never be good? I practice but I feel like it's not getting me anywhere. I'm told to experiment but I worried about how badly the result will turn out. I feel like I do everything wrong. I don't know what to do /ic/.

>> No.1890453

If it's not fun right now, then think back to the time it was and try to replicate that feeling by doing the same stuff as back then for warmup.
If it wasn't fun in the past, then art is not for you.

>> No.1890454

art isn't meant to be fun.

if you want fun go play vidya games.

>> No.1890458

You keep drawing goddammit.

>> No.1890459

if you're not having fun drawing, why do you draw? surely not for the money, there are a lot better not fun things to do for money, but unless you're not a total empty shell of a human being you do find something fun that also can earn you money, so why not do that?

>> No.1890461

Even if they come out terrible?

>> No.1890463

>Having fun, while being productive in your art? STOP IT, IT'S PURE CANCER! HAVING FUN IS BAD!

1.Draw more
3.Draw more
4.Fail more
6.Your art gets better
If you do anything in life, you fail, don't be afraid of it, it's important.

>> No.1890464


pay for classes you clearly can't learn on your own

>> No.1890466

Those are the best kind. The fact you know they're terrible tells you what you need to work on. If not you might need someone elses eye, but if you can tell what's wrong you can take steps to fix it.

>> No.1890468

are you doing everything wrong?

>> No.1890469

>reading comprehension
I sad it isn't meant to be fun, doesn't mean it cannot be fun at times.

>why do you draw?
if you're not drawing/painting for the sole purpose of expressing your thoughts/ideas, you're doing it wrong. that's the reason people make art, not because drawing dickgirls in pretty pink skirts is so much fun.

i think you'll find it curious that the majority of working digital artists live to dread their line of work.

>> No.1890473
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me... It just feels like it

>> No.1890475

why dont you do a dedicated drawing and see where that goes

>> No.1890476

Don't really know when i should draw. In the morning or in the evening. Morning I have more power to do shit but evening it's more fun

>> No.1890477

Forgive me for being an idiot but what is a dedicated drawing?

>> No.1890480

well you can express your thoughts in many ways, like drawing, writing, singing, dancing just to name a few. Some find one closer than the other, and if they want to express their thoughts through art (any art) they must find it fulfilling and fun. There are a lot of people who don't have any interest in expressing their thoughts in artistic forms too, you know.

Also, not that that has to do anything with this argument, in my opinion "expressing thoughts and ideas" is a total bullshit reason to make art. Yes, I often express my thoughts and ideas through my art, but that isn't the sole reason I draw. I also want to learn how to make beautiful aesthetic drawings, not only so I can express my thoughts, but so I can make other people happy and so people can enjoy my art for what it is and not think about what I thought at the moment of creating it. I hate the "expressing thoughts" idea so much, because often "artists" think that that's enough, so they pull down their pants and shit on a canvas - and that's their expression of what they feel right now. That's fine and dandy but it's ugly and disgusting by itself. In my opinion a watcher needs to be able to appreciate the artwork before their eyes as it is, not knowing what the artist was thinking and who he was. Of course, it's interesting to know Van Gogh's biography, but in my opinion it shouldn't matter. Just taking the artwork for what it is in my opinion is the true pure form of art and it's appreciation.

>> No.1890481

practice and study in the morning, apply those studies and draw for fun in the evening.

>> No.1890484
File: 111 KB, 894x909, 1278542138871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know but I have this... Figuring out how to make pixel circles seems like a good start.

>> No.1890485

as close to a completed drawing as possible, shading and all

>> No.1890495
File: 2.08 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attempt at sketching bleegh

>> No.1890514


I'm referring to everything. It's a very sloppy picture.

>> No.1890530

Is that how you go?

>> No.1890532

Literally every artist ever.

Progress is seen in months and years, not days and weeks.

>> No.1890536
File: 214 KB, 644x1512, 1414960182334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1890541

nah, i just practice whenever and draw for myself when i have the inspiration

>> No.1890543

>tumblr nose
Good to see they're throwing themselves into the trash spontaneously.

>> No.1890552


How did the tumblr nose come about? I'm sure a lot of tumblr artists used it hence the name, but why?

>> No.1890561

The origin is not known, just like Teratomas, Glucagonomas and other types of cancer. We just have to deal with them.

>> No.1890591

is this supposed to be encouraging? Feels depressing to me.

>> No.1890622
File: 2.48 MB, 2448x3264, 1416085053685968706160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a practice sketch of Axe from Dota, any critiques?

>> No.1890624


>> No.1890630

Don't get depress. The problem is, everyone is talented and have the ability to become a good artists. However, people get discourage easily, only to give up without knowing their true potential.

I'm still a beginner, but when I see amazing looking images and art, I don't see it as a "I'll never get that good" but rather, how I can adapt certain style aspects into my own. Cause I know, the things I'd like to draw, are images only I can produce in my mind, and I want them on paper. And that's something no one else can create.

>> No.1890663


>> No.1890691

Did someone actually finished Loomis Figure Drawing? Did you learn/improve after this much?
Or was it nothing and you have to study much much more.

I draw everything 2 times which improves my skills a bit which is sweet to notice. Hope it will be even better when i finish the book

>> No.1890774

Shit why I'm laughing so badly

>> No.1890778

Images taken from the cell phone takes up a lot of memory.

Have you read any of Loomis books, by any chance? It seems off, but perhaps it's incomplete?

>> No.1890779
File: 189 KB, 1082x776, Screenshot_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the redline Senpai!! Never heard of focusing of angles for studying, I will definitely use this technique more often! :D

>> No.1890823

Hmm, I've never actually finished it. I moved on to Vilppu's Drawing Manual before finishing it. I recommend you to move over to it if you haven't, and spend a lot of time on mastering the basic forms, the sphere, cube, etc. that he mentions. Really this will improve your drawings from imagination tremendously and your ability to de-construct reality.

When drawing from imagination you are basically creating forms and placing even smaller forms on to them, like noses or eyes. It's crucial that you also spend time trying to visualize the basic forms and to really believe you're drawing real forms.

Invest time into these exercises https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHefdroQdDo
It's worth the time.

>> No.1890850

the majority of people here have never finished it because they are too lazy. if they did, they wouldn't have a need to look for other resources like this guy>>1890823 who clearly was too incompetent to finish his loomis studies.

if you master the abstraction methods presented in the loomis book you will be off to a good point to move onto better things, you would have no need to relearn basic forms.

>> No.1890894

Doing bargues method. Am I suppose to 100% imitate the final product?

>> No.1890911

>abstraction methods
What are those?

>> No.1890942

Nah mate, I havn't drawn in a while, so I just attempted to whip up somthing in the span of roughly 10 minutes to see where i'm at

>> No.1891007


>> No.1891053
File: 458 KB, 666x930, D1113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He laughs at me...

When I fix his smile I see nothing but disappointment

On a serious note this was pretty hard for some reason, maybe because I didn't see the leg correctly, maybe because I was too focused on negative spaces.

I think I'll come back to this but for the time being I'm going to move on for my on sanity.

>> No.1891056
File: 82 KB, 476x970, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like all my drawings are in a "sketch stage" so to speak. Like somewhere between the two examples of pic related. What should I do to fix this?

>> No.1891230

pretty bad, Your high light and cast shadow's are inconsistent on 90% of them.
Watch a fundamental video and stop guessing

>> No.1891233

>get artists Blues
>Stop drawing for a week
>Someone posts a drawing you did
>Get hyped and Motivated
Im Really feeling it

>> No.1891237

>tfw been slacking for the past two days
fuck this I'm practicing right now

>> No.1891251
File: 930 KB, 2592x1142, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's dead - don't care, just posting to prove I'm alive.

Had real work to do this week. Every night fucking exhausted and slept at 10... Then slept till 6pm today... Sleep and work are interfering with my draw schedule, it is making me upset.

Tips on getting back into the grind?

>> No.1891267 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 394x790, Simple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried simplifying this drawing, kind of fond of this tech, Its easy on the eyes and kind of masks the bad quality parts

>> No.1891269

New >>1891256

>> No.1891359

im not a pro, but

I'd move the black figures at the edges a bit more further apart to bright more emphasis on the central figure, or maybe lose them completely

>> No.1892062

what is tumblr nose

>> No.1892390

Ok, so can someone explain to me how exactly do you study? I have asked many different people and they have all given me some cryptic bullshit.
Is it just analyzing what you fucked up?