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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 189 KB, 1280x760, bullshitredesigns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1881827 No.1881827 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ic/ im so tired of people constantly bringing up the reletivist argument in defense of certain artwork, designs, etc.

Can you please tell me in objective terms why the design on the left is worse than the one on the right?

>> No.1881830


Because shes a fat bitch. I watch cartoons to escape, not remind myself of fat bitches. The middle design is alright and the right is the best.

>> No.1881831

Yea i know, but in objective terms. Doesn't the right one have better proportions than the left?

Also i think they have more detail in the crotch to seperate the legs, than the left which is just a line.

>> No.1881832

She's objectively fat, which is an undesirable trait. Her facial proportions are more masculine (small eyes, large jaw) which is ugly.

It's objectively fat and manly. The redesign takes that away, which looks better.

>> No.1881834


what's the context that makes it design? as is, i only see 3 slightly different drawings of what i assume is the same character.

>> No.1881837

There's lots of little changes. Better proportions--bigger eyes in this style look better and can show expression better (same with the bigger eyebrows), smaller feet look better, her pelvis is no longer inside of her ribcage, her crotch has actual anatomy, she's not so distorted and fat, the legs flow freely instead of having sharp changes in direction at the knees etc etc

Then there are changes to make it less flat. There is more overlapping elements such as the hair over the shoulder, the crotch being added, there is a cast shadow on the neck, the waistline is lower and shows some perspective instead of being flat, the shoes are in better perspective too.

Some other changes I notice are the bee being much larger, and the characteristics of the bee are played up--the stripes, wings, and stinger. She also has that crease of extra fabric on her shirt, which I guess makes it feel more like a sweater and differentiates the materials a bit even though there's no rendering.

There might be some more minor changes that I missed, but that should give a general idea of which changes were made.

>> No.1881839


Looking for something to bolster your arguments on /co/?

There is a greater amount of overlapping forms to the design on the right. Look at the way the clothes wrap around the body, the overlapping hair on her shoulders. The body rhythms, particularly the legs, are also more elegant and natural. The more realistically proportioned torso means they would have to make fewer concessions in the posing of the character.

The one advantage of the final design on the left is economical. It's easier to draw and animate.

>> No.1881840

one isn't objectively better than the other, and nitpicking proportions is pretty silly when they're as heavily stylized as all 3 of these are.

>> No.1881845

the one on the left is the redesign, the one on the right is the original

>> No.1881848
File: 1.59 MB, 1280x720, 0dfd72af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the creator exaggerates/magnifies the "ugly" parts too much.
look at pic related
there's some ugly parts on the characters (boy is fat, girl has a weird nose) but it's not force fed to the viewer, it's more subtle detail.

that's just my opinion

>inb4 west vs east

>> No.1881862

Fucking why.jpg

>> No.1881869

fuck off you serious? I loved bee and catbug, any proof this is confirmed

>> No.1881870
File: 122 KB, 443x346, hM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit, for real?
what the fuck is wrong with these people?

>> No.1881875
File: 197 KB, 500x281, 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mix them too.

>> No.1881882

it's the western equivalent of moe samefaces

>> No.1881883


i felt like this one was just too obviously trying to capitalize on the already established pop-internet-culture status of cutesy comic characters.

so offputting when you sense an exploitative vibe of popular themes in order to maximize exposure. but such is life.

sounding like a maximum hipster probably.

>> No.1881890
File: 618 KB, 1136x1280, deckardnormal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup it is.

This is a shot from the sneak peak clip from the next episode, where we tried to fix deckard

>> No.1881891


the redesign is: black guy becomes white, and white chick becomes fat? lol

>> No.1881892
File: 215 KB, 1280x777, abomination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no /co/ decided to try to make deckard look normal, bee is the same in top and bottom panel.

deckard is the exact same design as pilot, i mean if you are gonna redesign anyone for simplicity why not this monstrocity?

>> No.1881903
File: 487 KB, 1289x826, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The proportions are actually more off for the first one in regards to the pelvis legs and chest. The head on the other hand is more proportionate but larger heads are usually due to style. I do think the last one is pretty well balanced when it comes to detail and simplicity, the first one is a bit blocky.

>> No.1881958

I hope her thighs clap when I thrust my peen into her vagoo.
Im going to draw that.

>> No.1881996
File: 504 KB, 500x281, 1399956478179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post it mang

>> No.1882007

1st one looks like she's about to cry

>> No.1882046
File: 176 KB, 1280x848, Frederator_Blog_bee_uniform_turn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she's a 300 pounds abomination now.
fucking tumblr jeez.

>> No.1882072

I would cry too if I gained over 500 pounds

>> No.1882077

The one on the left looks like she's designed to have downs.

>> No.1882079

I don't get it - if this is true then how is it a good choice? In the one on the left we already understand she's got a little chub and that's fine. It's adorable.

There's absolutely nothing beneficial from her legs turning into trunks, the already-big shoes being enlarged, and losing the detail in her clothes and simplifying the bee.

Sacrificing design purely to have a fat character would be mind boggling.

>> No.1882145
File: 21 KB, 176x232, 1415053294924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, heterochromia, really?

>> No.1882147

>Can you please tell me in objective terms why the design on the left is worse than the one on the right?

It's too exaggerated even for a cartoon character model. Every factor of the design is overdone and simplified, such as blue outline for the eyes, single stripe on the bee, giant shoe laces, less definition of the hair, and no definite indication of knees or elbows. Plus, she looks like middle-aged version of her original self rather than congruent redesign into a different style.

They all still look like generic Tumblr/Calarts crap, though.

>> No.1882155

>Can you please tell me in objective terms why the design on the left is worse than the one on the right?
generally: the proportions are worse, and not just for the body, for the face as well.
>smaller eyes which are more in the upper area of the head
looks fat
>lacking hair in the ear area
>shoulders are less defined and upper body is shorter
for no goddamn reason
>arm to leg thickness ratio is absolutely atrocious
it's retarded. it's like she's trying to get closer to the proportions of a powerpuff girl while not beeing as stylized.
she just looks sloppy and amateurish in comparison.

the right one has a more consistent and reasonable design.

>> No.1882266

Her mouth is smiling, but her eyes say 'please kill me'
She's desperately trying to hind her depression behind a fake smile, knowing subconciously that it's transparent to everyone around but they pretend not to notice.
Her life is misery. The only happy moments await her in her home, where she'll sit in front of TV every day with 10 lbs family bucket of chocolate ice cream.

This is the vibe I get from this redesign. I don't know the character, so maybe it's consistent with her character, but I suspect it's not.

>> No.1882271

And just like that, a badly drawn cartoon character becomes a mirror for anon's creepy as fuck self-projection.

>> No.1882277

Aside from the lame heterochromia thing, I really like his design.
Bright hair and tan skin pops, he's easily recognizable.
I'm going to ignore this because I can't cope with it possibly being true.

Didn't this cartoon work out as costing something like $6,000 per second?

>> No.1882289

Actually, the one on the left looks the best from the thumbnail.

>> No.1882313
File: 123 KB, 546x350, puppcat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS is the final design, you idiot. and if you can't back up your own opinions by yourself, you have no place stating them.

>> No.1882317
File: 32 KB, 351x445, 10635710_1489933824590181_1617506743072062479_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank god.

>> No.1882344


Are you sure it is? But yeah, is so thank God.

>> No.1882353

Lol fatty detected. It's okay sweetie we're all the same behind the keyboard

>> No.1882358

it's certainly the most recent trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XGpnZ-Gwls

>> No.1882382

So it seems they made everything vaguely chibi excluding her dream sequences.
So much why.

>> No.1882454

what show is this?

>> No.1882617

critch is too high, no torso, shittier hair, no wrinkle detail in clothes, bad show and feet design.

honestly all 3 suck, the one on the right just sucks less.

>> No.1882619

youkai watch

>> No.1882674

So the ladyboy is overdesigned and the main character is as barebones as possible.
This is the visual arts equivalent of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan.

I think we found the magic recipe for pandering to women.

>> No.1882698

>the main character is as barebones as possible.
Nothing new. Protagonists in comics and cartoons tend to have simpler designs, since they're the ones that have to be drawn the most often.

>> No.1882760

I don't usually speak for other anons, but I think he means boring instead of simple. Her design doesn't really say anything about her, or the character really. It seems a little put together without and thought behind it, though that's an issue most "character designers" seem to have now.
Also, I can't be the only one sick of tumblrs "light brown" race.

>> No.1882775

Is he supposed to have Waardenburg syndrome?

>> No.1882787

But technically it does. She's a bit chubby and dresses pretty plainly with some cute accents. Skirt, ribbons and cat-related stuff are cute, the big fluffy pullover makes her look easy-going. Different socks and cowlick indicate she's not very tidy. She's supposed to be relatable to girls as an average, imperfect girl.
Her design says more about her than Finn's says about him, e.g.

>> No.1882790

So... she's just a boring character then? A self insert. I guess I can't say to much against it. If it works in capturing that sort of audience, then more power to them. Seems like chicks don't stick around as long with self inserty shit though.

>> No.1882799

I've only seen the pilot, but the entire thing was socially awkwardness slice of life stuff combined with some magical girl things near the end. Seems like that's the thing they're going for, undoubtedly with some Sailor Moon inspiration.
Personally I find it cringey to watch, from the slow delivery to the autotuned mascot, but I know others enjoy the general awkwardness and randomness of the show.

>> No.1882803
File: 1.42 MB, 1347x707, bedroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly he's supposed to look ~*exotic*~ with a hint of rebeliousness, going by his bedroom.

>> No.1882804

Yeah, doesn't sound like my sort of thing by a long shot, but as I said, more power to them.

>> No.1882826

>that color scheme

way to forego the rule of 3 colors

christ its worse than steven universe

>> No.1882855

>bomb drops
>your kid is born with no eyes and 6 fingers

I feel sorry for Japanese Vets

>> No.1882856


My soul demands the gorging out of the artists eyes

>> No.1882858

hell he doesnt even use enough blue and purple to make it look decent
its all fucking blue.

no 2:1 ratio, no other 2 colors to make it anything other than a gradient image (which would be fine if it was line drawings, more stylistic, and not animation)

Seriously these tumblr shows are murder on my eyes.

>> No.1882868

>the only "green" is on the tree
>its not even green, its just a trick of the eye
I'm even more upset about this

>> No.1882924

Catbug is great because of his personality.
He's basically a 5 year old with a grown up job.
Check the episode Catbugs Away Team.

>> No.1882936
File: 898 KB, 856x469, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the episode, the redesign is certainly the one on Op's, not this >>1882313, also.
>slim, brown, "rebel", heterochromia kid as love interest.
literally a fat bitch's self inserting fanfiction.
I wonder who's behind this change.

>> No.1883010

http://natazilla.tumblr.com/ she never even talks about a redesign, I don't understand.

>> No.1883015
File: 251 KB, 500x647, hispachan.org_141532196437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1883019
File: 3.56 MB, 250x250, fuck-ass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn it i was looking forward to it too

>> No.1883051


It looks better, honestly, especially in motion.

I still don't like the show, though, especially because I hate her annoying ass character (the dialogue and shit-tier voice acting is to blame, mostly), but her new design is really cute, and feels more "balanced" if that makes any sense.

>> No.1883160

I think that a lot of the grief comes from the fact it felt like the fatty redesign was simply shoehorned in because reasons.

>> No.1883430
File: 316 KB, 630x420, Bee-And-Puppycat-Kickstarter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree, the redesign is sloppy and unbalanced,not only she stands out as fucking deformed (no other characther got redesigned to fit her new proportions), hummongous legs and retarded cheeks/jaw + huge hair silhouette make her look like a walking donut.
The first design was better and there was absolutely no reason to change it, I mean, what the fuck does this new design adds? nothing other than "muh fat acceptance".

And yeah, the voice acting is thrash, but I find funny how even the first episode delivered a better voice over than this new "revamped" one.

>> No.1883455

that's not a bedroom, that's a furniture showroom

>> No.1883465

>there was absolutely no reason to change it
newer design is much easier to animate.

also? the new design isn't fatter than the old one. it just looks fatter because her hair isn't hiding her round face.

>> No.1883468
File: 236 KB, 520x496, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1883479

>the new design isn't fatter than the old one
look at the tree trunk legs.

>> No.1883524

Why haven't you faggots posted the first two episodes?


I mean, you're fucking talking about the art design of the concept art when the shitty show has been out for two days.

>> No.1883540

>extinguishing the pan under the tap
It's like they want kids to burn themselves on boilover.

>> No.1883543 [DELETED] 


>yes hipster goyette blanda upp with the nice metrosexual negro boy down the hall from you

>> No.1883558

well, that was shit.

but I won't list my complaints because apologists would just whine about them.

like the slurred speech.

>dude she's totally a klutz and messy and she has to speak like that etc

>> No.1883602
File: 261 KB, 641x364, pko0i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't look like that the entire time, she doesn't even look like that in this episode.
stop cherry picking this image.

>> No.1883603

I prefer the one on the left, actually. The far right has a mixture of semi-realistic proportions and busy little details which don't complement the rhythm of the big shapes or the simplicity of the color in the design. Left is more balanced proportionally so the eye follows the form easily.

I'd take the bee design from the far right, however.

>> No.1883686

Middle a best.

>dat cranium or lack thereof on the right

>> No.1883945


sorry....what is the rule of 3 colours?

>> No.1883976

Working cartoonist ITT.
All three designs are equally good. May be the one in the middle has...a bit too much "boobs", reduse them to the right one level and it will be perfect.

Personally i like the very right one. She looks cute and nice. I like her face especially.
The first one...i don't know. It makes me uncomfortable somehow. I don't know what they were trying to do, to make her look extremely chubby or just it's the style where everybody look lumpy like those girls from Megaman series - they always have "fat legs" while they're not fat-its the style...

>> No.1883979
File: 7 KB, 194x260, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it. Picrelate always made me feel uncomfortable because of those legs...
Imagine how much meat/bones in those...ugh. why.

>> No.1884001

the other characters don't have legs wider than their already wide head

>> No.1884005

theyre all cute

>> No.1884008

Something lord of the rings clearly lacked but is never brought up. The rule of 3 colours is basically something to nitpick on a work when you don't like the general feel of it but works that feel right with it gets a pass.

>> No.1884016
File: 340 KB, 1097x590, tumblr_n97to0H3ln1riw6cxo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is hair dye genetic in his family?

>> No.1884020

ok, but could you please elaborate some more on what it is? i google searched but all i'm finding is furniture layout and such. do you have any examples of it in a screencap or painting?

>> No.1884026

It IS for rooms, 60% main color, 30% secondary color, 10% accent color.

>> No.1884068

I just saw these. I like the pilot far better than the new one and not only because the old character design.

>> No.1884230

It's called being a 19 year old neet on 4chan.

>> No.1884253

hair is flat. clothing has no definition or folds. proportions are awful. blue lines on eyes are shit. feet are twice the size of hands. so on.

>> No.1884289

The one on the left is the redesign you know

>> No.1884301

>blue lines on eyes are shit.
While I can somewhat understand the reasons for all other changes, why did they do this?

>> No.1884328
File: 93 KB, 387x222, tumblr_inline_n4hsjlWNoY1qghhoa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are so the animators know what shape the eye whites are, because it's a piece of a model sheet. it's not part of the final design.

>> No.1884587

you're talking to some of the most cynical failures in existence right now.

>> No.1885292

I don't mind the new design itself, but what I don't like, is that they changed the designs after the kickstarter campaign was over. I feel like they falsely advertised the show, begged for money and screwed us by giving us something else than what people paid for.

>> No.1885301
File: 27 KB, 252x343, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stunned with how bad the animators are. They totally fucked up bee's arms and legs when she kissed puppycat. They shrank worse than most deviant art animations.

>> No.1885309

From what I saw is not nearly as bad in the animation, but judging by that picture itself hte left one is really shitty. And it's not even the propotions, because you could play around with the proportions of the right one to make them fit the left one a bit. THe main issue is that the left one is just a very shitty drawing. It's balloon forms stacked on top of one another with no real relation to them. Look at the right leg of the old design, the two contour lines play properly off one another, compare that to the new design whose leg is basically two sausages. that's basically what's going on all over the drawing.
But like I said, if you look at the animation, it doesn't get nearly as bad as the left drawing. Sadly it's never like the one on the right either.

>> No.1885383

I'm starting to think this change wasn't purposeful at all, but indeed related to money.
I'm guessing that whomever did the first episode charged to much, so they bailed and settled for a cheaper animator(s), consequentially, lowering the quality of the work.
Maybe that's why there wasn't an official announcement of the design change, there was no design change, the people working on the show are just incompetent drafstmen/ animators (but also including directors and writers. My god, there's so much shit wrong with this, I just can't believe the quality drop in just one episode).

>> No.1885384

this, there is no consistency at all.

>> No.1885385

That's what I'm thinking. They made a ton of novice mistakes when it came to the animation and can't even seem to draw her proportions consistently. Seriously, where did all that kickstarter money go?

>> No.1886045

there's more than one episode and animation is crazy expensive. they probably barely managed to pay for it.

the redesign can't be related entirely to money. for example, changing the colour of her hair wouldn't retain them more money.

>> No.1886057
File: 79 KB, 553x714, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oney is such a best

>> No.1886099
File: 87 KB, 268x265, 1331601185879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you oney

>> No.1886144



>> No.1886146

>hating on Roll

>> No.1886174
File: 13 KB, 153x164, ss+(2014-11-09+at+09.10.50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay guys, it's funny chibi style.

>> No.1886191

> vague shade of brown
this is so tumblr
they force themselves to look oh so progressive but are still afraid to go full nigger

>> No.1886201

The design? Clearly meant to be a fat girl so its not a bad fat girl design.

>> No.1886246
File: 48 KB, 737x215, ss+(2014-11-11+at+12.28.41).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think Channel Fredorator have a very good design team.

>> No.1886440
File: 112 KB, 150x150, 1339306104576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1886989
File: 2.58 MB, 925x521, 1415565104251-0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those shrinking arms
>How Puppycats looks more like a soulless puppet than ever
>Bassicaly a circle and an oval floating in midair
>How the animation where he bend his knees is inexistent he just fells like that

>> No.1887044

Bee's different socks are really pissing me off. Am I the only one?

>> No.1887049

It's very odd to put contrast there of all places, it definitely takes your attention away at times... but the colors are washed out and the designs are so boring that it doesn't really matter.

>> No.1887158

Art student opinion
Personally, there are pros and cons to both. I find Bee's body type on the far left to make more sense, personally. There is equal movement from the breast to the legs, carrying her weight better and less awkwardly. Also remember that when you animate with a studio, a character design will inevitably change because more than two-three people are working on it and that's a big reason she looks so different, is to be economic to the animation.

Again, I think it's actually more streamlined and saying shes fat is fucking ridiculous because I figure draw fat people plenty and I know fat when I see it in artwork. If you have a problem with fat bodies then you're not an artist lmao therefore no opinion granted. She's a pretty normal size and anybody who says otherwise clearly doesn't know shit about proportion/figure exaggeration. Anyways, the huge glaring flaws in the far left are her face and hair- hair lacking above the ear and stupid eye shape/colored lines throws it off, huge chin, too. I think if her face were fixed she'd look better, but ultimately because of this, the one of the far right ends up looking more unified because all her features are delicate, while the one of the left seems to mix it up. The one on the left has better gesture and is less stiff but her face looks like shes had a permanent injury leading to her features being shifted two meters up her head which makes the whole model look bad constantly.

>> No.1887192

>brags about being an art student
Opinion disregarded.

>> No.1887199

>studied art
>no i know everything guys who learn are jerks i was gonnaread a book once forget actually learning

>> No.1887200
File: 93 KB, 453x722, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know this is a cartoon, but don't people usually have external obliques and...a stomach? She's straight rib cage to pelvis.

IMO the middle one is the best, her face looks better then both of the other two, she's got a stomach, and even though her body is a bit stocky it looks balanced.

Look at how much better she looks without that retarded head. Even with the huge ass legs.

>> No.1887207

I hate to use the "its just their style!!!" excuse but I genuinely think that aesthetically, the rib-pelvis thing doesn't look bad? I honestly feel like that's just exaggeration of the figure.

Middle one makes the balance look weird imo, shes like, too heavy on top. But image posted is a huge improvement !!! Much better.

>> No.1887212
File: 36 KB, 405x266, sakura emotionally shattered.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.1887215

>make a big deal about being an art student
>doesn't just give opinion

Nigga, nobody cares. Its like chicks starting a post with "I'm a girl".

>> No.1887256

No idea what im doing here.
Right looks like granny (experienced, happy)
Middle, mom (confused)
Left, young (innocent, Easy to controll)
What does men like?

>> No.1887321

That's worse. Being a girl adds no real value to anything. At least an art student has gone to school for SOMETHING.
>tfw nothing student because I'm still working on fixing the mistake of not continuing U-stream maths
>math isn't even hard - just pointless remembering formulas that will always be right in front of you in any real life scenario because the internet exists
>can just google chemist shit, smart like a science

>> No.1887354

Fuck, don't go making me feel bad.
They may have gone to school, but it doesn't say much about them. I have a friend who went to art school, comments on art like she's an expert, but can't draw anything beyond flat animu and has absolutely no foundations. This is why I think it's silly to say you're an art student instead of just simply saying what you think... though the fact they are here to improve their work while or after their schooling is a good sign.

>> No.1890133
File: 254 KB, 428x713, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1892800

Personally theres something off about the left. Like her heads to big and her torso is weird


Left is redesign right is pilot design. Middle is so the transition I guess.

>> No.1892810

Maybe because it looks fatty