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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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1855591 No.1855591 [Reply] [Original]

You know how people hate Noah Bradley, Rob Liefeld and Tom Preston and the like? Well the newcomer looking at their art might wonder that even if their art is far from the crappiest shit they have seen, the artist in question gets loads of shit for it. Which, to the newcomer, might be off-putting if that said newcomer is also an aspiring artist. So ITT we list down things that every artist, aspiring or established, should ingrain into his etiquette to avoid the path of infamy. Because, unlike 'not being a jackass', somethings are not apparent, especially to someone new to the field.

>> No.1855592

Just listin down some things
>Be mindful of critique, don't dismiss them but don't let it bring you down. Be openminded but be critical about it. Judge if the critique is actually useful
>Likewise, when giving crits, don't fling the tough love method around, not every place online is /ic/
>Don't shit on other artists. Never discourage them. Doing art is already thin ice since everyone is so hypercritical of what they make. They can see the errors in it as plainly as day. Again, not every where is /ic/ where you just man up get back to gitting gud
>Do not shit on fans and customers. Even if they did shitty things like not pay after a commission. Best thing you can do is steel yourself and figure out how to avoid that from happening again.

>> No.1855595

Don't be a dick, be a dude

>> No.1855603


I avoid displaying my personal politics because I might offend people.

>> No.1855631

1) be polite, and short. no need to rip someone a new asshole because they said something stupid, you got a good fanbase, they will do that for you.

2) read EVERY CRIT and say thanks to the ones you think are good, and nothing to the bad ones, DO NOT REMOVE WHAT THEY SAY as thats asshole method number one.

3) unless you are fucking paid for it, NO POLITICAL ANYTHING unless its part of pop culutre. no need to alienate 50%+ of your base just because you have the need to run your fucking mouth.

4) lets also lump social justice in there too. look at it this way, everyone here knows that feminists have the bat shit insane "all men should be executed" or "all men need to be castrated" and we laugh at these retards, but for gods sake unless its pop culture, don't do anything feminist... tons of people see feminism as a positive and don't know what the vocal... its hard to call it a minority, as the majority aren't active.... fuck it, you know what i mean, you piss more people off shitting on something they don't know about but think they are on the right side of, and i say feminism specifically, because they tend to ruin everything they touch, see atheism+ as an example.

with the commission, require a down payment of minimum wage + supplies, than on delivery require what you think the premium for your art should be.

>> No.1855637

Never ever defend your work against people you don't know. It's okay when it's your friends, but online against strangers, they will scrutinize even more and will have a voice to attach to your art. Think of it like batman, as a man you are vulnerable, mortal, etc. Don't let people put a face to your art unless you have the charisma of tony stark.

This of course only matters if you care. You shouldn't, this topic is stupid as your art should speak for itself, but what ever

>> No.1855647

stay away from anime, deviantart, and fanart. That whole world (this shitty board included) is complete crap.

>> No.1855782

>stay away from deviantart
then where should I look for commissions?

>> No.1855788

Avoid arguing about style/taste.
Also save your energy by not attempting to explain the art industry to people who know nothing about art.Generally; it is often pointless to put effort in explaining when the other person has firm but unfounded beliefs about how the world is - you'll find the "starving artist" stereotype to be quite stubborn.

>> No.1855791

You can get commissions through networking any place. Any forum you post in: signature link to your portfolio. Any place you go: business cards with your site. There are also dedicated sites for freelance jobs where you can find offers for illustration work etc (the site usually keeps a percentage of your commission).
Nothing wrong with having a gallery on deviantART though.

>> No.1855816
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>I avoid displaying my personal politics because I might offend people.
Im gay. From not USA country and i have so much things to bitch about. I could be the next Tom Preston who is against homophobia or something like that.
But i understand that being a good quality/skilled artist is way better for your mind and future than being an internet whiny bich who does some pathetic comics feeding his audience.
I still want to draw one or two comic strips to piss off people sometimes thought...but something makes me change my mind every time.
And then i draw just a picture.
And people like it and everyone is happy. And i understand i did the right decision.

>> No.1855819

>stay away from anime, deviantart, and fanart. That whole world (this shitty board included) is complete crap.
It's perfectly fine to be on DA if you are not a part of some "community".
Lots of nice artists post here. Hell...even Joe Jusko had a DA.
However i agree about Fan Arts.
But it's again Ok to do fanarts. Just do some researches about fandoms first.
Like for example couple of times i did a fanart that gathered some really creepy and retarded looking people with hilariously bad avatars.
I did some research and understood that there is actually some batshit crazy fandom of the thing i did.
And comment section was so flooded with shitposters i even closed it down because it was some kind of /b/.

I noticed that mostly the most cartoony and innoscent things tend to gather such people.

>> No.1855820

>Im gay
ur a faget

>> No.1855821

>You can get commissions through networking any place. Any forum you post in: signature link to your portfolio. Any place you go: business cards with your site. There are also dedicated sites for freelance jobs where you can find offers for illustration work etc (the site usually keeps a percentage of your commission).
Ok, name 5 sites that are good for freelance artist.
I'm waiting.
Every time i aks people this questions they tend to abandon thread and never return.

>> No.1855822
File: 14 KB, 400x262, 14115395959040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, im just gay.
You are faggot.
Know the difference.

>> No.1855825
File: 1.99 MB, 400x222, suicidal ant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy. I should be ready. I'm starting to open the floodgates for the commissions of small technicolor horses. And said fandom is not exactly the sanest around. I'm kinda scared even if I am a full nor/mlp/erson. Any tips on dealing with fandoms? I feel like it's gonna be walking on really thin ice here. Also do you think my small horse commissions will bite me in the ass when I, hopefully, go pro someday? I'm not planning anything hardcore, just some humanized and landscapes, but still, it's not exactly the most well-looked at fandom.

>> No.1855840
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>Any tips on dealing with fandoms?
1) Don't take them/fandom seriously.
2) Ignore retarded stuff/people/comments.
Especially 2.
I know how tempting it - to answer and unsult back/explain why they are wrong/answer when some weird stuff start flooding your comment sections.
But believe me - it's like avalanche. More answers = more shit.
Some of those creeps even could start annoying you and produce drama.
Like for example i was trying to be nice and polite to anyone first. And one underage weirdo was literally annoying me through PMs. His DA page was filled with drawings like picrelated.
Then i gone to bed.
When i woke up and opened my DA, my front page and PM was filled with "WHY UR NOT ANSWERING!!!??????12e12e" - sort of bullshit.
Then that person actually banned me and kinda become my personal hater for a month or two. I'm dead fucking serious.
And i had few times when i was dealing with people like that, and came to a thought that artist should ignore that stuff at all costs.

Remember those professional artists who work in industry?
They almost never appear in comment section and never answer.
They were right...

>> No.1855848
File: 46 KB, 330x750, hahahahahaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

G-god damn. But I'm still gonna push through, I need commissions to pay for college. And this is better than doing furry porn, less risk of skewering my own ass in the future. Plus, I already know the ins and outs of this fandom, less chance of dying when you know the minefield.

Thanks for the advice, Anon. Godspeed to where you want to end up in life. Also wish me luck, God knows i'll need it.

>> No.1855854

freelancer.com, odesk, there was one more...

>> No.1855872

Not him, but you are obviously one of those gays whose whole identity revolves around their gayness, since you felt the need to preface your comment by telling us all about it.

You're probably also one of those gays who just won't shut the fuck up about it and are not content just be gay in private and leave everyone else alone, you have to rub everyone's face in it with displays of faggotry in public.

Ergo, your a faget.

>> No.1855874

and you're the guy who he feels stifled by and thus doesn't make his comics, congratulations.

>> No.1855879
File: 989 KB, 500x254, tumblr_mtz8e2B3zl1snodp4o2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>named only 2.
>there was one more...

which one...? ;)

>> No.1855883


>> No.1855884

>Fanart isn't everything
who wouldn't like to illustrte a tribute to something they like
i think that if you are not into commissions you should stick more to your concepts, i have noticed that a many artists who use other people's art styles or concepts always have an art block, we all have a different criteria on this probably.
if you keep that attitude don't ask why you are shit, better improve and try new things
if you have an art block instead of wishing to be the attention whore simply don't be one, that draws people's attention on someone else instead of you.
if you feel like your artwork is shit, don't bitch about it, stop or improve if you feel like
unless you don't agree with their terms.

>> No.1855887
File: 172 KB, 460x638, rew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonimously tell that you see homophobia but tend not to talk about it and keep being positive unlike people in tumblr who become offended and make comics about it
>some retarded faggot comes and whines about "Buu Huu you felt the need to preface your comment by telling us all about it"
My god what a butthurt faggot.
May be i should start doing comic strips to piss the crap out of people like you after all...
Gay Parades exist exactly for that purpose.

>> No.1855890


>> No.1855927

>Rob Liefeld

Liefeld gets hate because he's a dogshit artist but besides that he's known to be one of the nicest guys in the industry.

>> No.1855929

Can't recall :(
The third one of the three big freelance sites working with reviews.

No, not Fiverr, real freelancing.

Mmh. Maybe I'll recall when in the shower or at five o'clock in the morning :3

>> No.1855967

"commissions", in the sense of this shitty deviant art world, are for shit art. Commissioned artwork, ie freelanced work is much more respectable. Drawing some kids furry porn fantasy for $15 is silly teenage crap. Selling illustrations to a magazine for hundreds of dollars is much more respectable. I have found work through behance but most work comes from self promotion (sending postcards, books and even Instagram.)

>> No.1855973

I just stay away from that whole world, it's a world I don't know, and I don't wanna know. I made a deviant art account years ago, perused what was popular (weeb shit. neckbeard swords and warriors and wizards shit, fanart shit, etc.) and I immediately deleted my account. No thanks. I make art that's much more Juxtapoz/ HiFructose-ish.

>> No.1855979
File: 315 KB, 1191x842, 1302218150470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure you make art that is shit that no one cares about. this type of elitism is a natural defense mechanism for noobies like yourself and the perfect excuse why no one likes your art. They are just not smart enough to appreciate it.

>> No.1855995

I never claimed that "my art is so deep you don't get it.". I claimed that I'm aligned more with the broader world of art and illustration rather than this neckbearded internet world of it where people draw everything on tablets... and where everything is related to video games or movies and TV shows. I just don't care for that world.

Nice try calling me a noob though.

>> No.1856020

>Nice try calling me a noob though.

I'm not trying anything, we both know that you ARE a noob. Constantly trying to belittle a certain medium or subject matter is a dead giveaway of an unskilled shitter. You lack intelligence and humility to ever get good at art.

Notice how you only mention the "neckbeard" art that you hate so much and never the art that you create and enjoy? That is because you know very well that if you did so, people could post popular artists on Deviantart, tumblr, facebook etc with similar subject matter done in traditional media which would completely destroy your little delusion that it's your subject matter or medium of choice that prevents you from being popular "in this art world".

>> No.1856041
File: 209 KB, 627x741, Cc8Bj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since most of you are /r9k/ expats, i should probably point out that complaining about feminism or tumblr or indeed anything to do with race if you are white is a fast track to people hating you. just don't. chances are you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about anyway.


>> No.1856140

Post work?

>> No.1856223

>gitting gud
Can you please fucking stop? is this /v/ or some shit? type in damn english holy shit, its seriously annoying

>> No.1856224

>since most of you are /r9k/ expats

Eww really?

>> No.1856225


>> No.1856228

I guess someone told the neets there you can make money with art and they flooded over here in hopes of turning their life around

no one told them most of the real artists have been drawing since they were kids

>> No.1856250

um... even the shitty artists charge more than 15$ for anything more than their rough 5 minute concept, and people who are good can demand more than 100$, with the added bonus that if you are good, you get far more people filling up your time, and if you are fast, full time employment. where as a magazine job require you to already be top of your game and competing with people they already know and would rather use for would could be a one off with no future with the publication.

first, give them quality, don't half ass something because it would be easier. the only person opinion you should care about is the person commissioning.

>> No.1856260

Snyder is a douchebag

>> No.1856265
File: 40 KB, 566x600, CLAUSTROPHOBIC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent advice /ic/

never express yourself in anyway, you'll get lots of work

>> No.1856270

make bank or go home. gitgud until you drop.

>> No.1856417
File: 6 KB, 250x200, William_Murderface-14083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post

>> No.1856693


>> No.1856754


u seen markos gay marriage comic cover? look it up. pretty cool and honestly very tastefully done.

>> No.1856902

>fantasy genre is shit
>anime is shit
>fanart is shit
>etc. is shit
What is NOT shit to you, Mr.Artist? I guess you draw some boring stuff like...i dunno...horses standing from left to right?

>> No.1856910

>I claimed that I'm aligned more with the broader world of art and illustration rather than this neckbearded internet world of it where people draw everything on tablets...

It's one of those posts i like to read sometimes.

>> No.1856923
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>u seen markos gay marriage comic cover? look it up. pretty cool and honestly very tastefully done.
this one?
i don't like how pop culture portrait gays. but i guess i understand that they creating these pictures not for gays but for bigots to make them stop thinking that gays are some sort of horrible monsters from their worst fears where they fuck them in their asses...so this why every gay is "suppa clean and happy/positive cutie".

>> No.1857022

Why is water shooting out of their assess

>> No.1857023


Not to get in on all this, but I agree with >>1855887

Yeah he mentioned he was gay before anything else, but it was entirely relevant to his central point and he explicitly mentioned that he doesn't do annoying shit and rub it in everyone's face.

Good work, Mr. faggot. And God speed!

>> No.1857082

>list down things that every artist, aspiring or established, should ingrain into his etiquette to avoid the path of infamy

1. Come to terms that most artists produce uninteresting work. So knowing how to critique through that will help.
2. Understand that a critique is basically an evaluation with reasons. So being able to form good reasons helps.
3. Really challenge your reasons in order to understand them. So being critical of your own critiques will help strengthen them.
4. Look at the work and not the artist. This takes great discipline, and shouldn't be taken lightly.
5. Social proof=\=correctness. Always cross exam common opinions. Become aware of maladaptive thinking.
6. Genuine curiosity is the mother of progress, practice is only ancillary. Listen to what you're curious about.
7. Stick to your guns. Mediocrity is filled to the brim with the those who lead by normatives.

>> No.1857098

I'm proud to be reducing the amount of faggotry in the world.


There's that word again. The suffix "phobia" implies that there is some kind of fear present, but I can think of nothing less fearsome than some limp-wristed pansy fagboy. No, I don't fear gays. I just hate them.

>May be i should start doing comic strips to piss the crap out of people like you after all...

And then you'll just be proving my point by becoming one of those insufferable SJW's who just won't STFU about their first world problems. Good work.

>> No.1857102

Over the years I learned it's best stay away from Norwegians, Finns, and swedes. Not being /pol/ but most often they just bark to hear their own voice.

>> No.1857151

like be a liberal reddit hipster

love women, love gays, love blacks, but only draw stuff that will identify with white hipsters. Like high fantasy and really average white chicks with blue hair and tattoos :^)

>> No.1857336
File: 47 KB, 732x491, 1411250424178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see, this is the sort of thing that will get you in trouble outside of the 4chan circlejerk

picture related.

and even if you disagree with someone, be polite to them. moral high ground, starve the trolls.

>> No.1857361
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And what are you doing on /ic/ instead of /pol/? Third reich flyers aren't art, you know?

>> No.1857436
File: 86 KB, 536x500, 0_37fe0_564b3ea_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's that word again. The suffix "phobia" implies that there is some kind of fear present, but I can think of nothing less fearsome than some limp-wristed pansy fagboy. No, I don't fear gays. I just hate them.
You know...
For a fag you are quite homophobic.

>> No.1857488

I don't get it, is this supposed to make me hate Liefeld more?
Because he managed to turn me over.

>> No.1857553

This is what I'm afraid of. That I'll get flak just for being terrible. It's scary.

>> No.1857574
File: 47 KB, 339x488, winterhilfswerk-poster-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Third reich flyers aren't art, you know?

>> No.1857576

enemas so they can have a clean consumation

>> No.1857595

...I never thought id see the day I root for Liefield

>> No.1857610

>What is NOT shit to you, Mr. Artist?

Right, because I ruled out everything, right?

I only ruled out the garbage in the neckbeard world.

I'll list some random artists I enjoy:

Neo Rauch, John Heartfield, Karin Mamma Anderson, Dane Patterson, Pat Perry, Los Carpinteros, Marcel Dzama, Henrik Drescher, Triston Pigott, Jenny Saville, William Eggleston, Diane Arbus, Seth Alverson, Asger Carlson, Frank Stockton, Josh Cochran, Kerry James Marshall - want me to go on?

>> No.1858002
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Communism is where it's at. Chinese and russian 20th century communism inspired so many modern artists (not necessarily in a way of giving praise).
It also gives me hope because real art still exist, and deviantart video game hipsters with their pokemon art won't become the future.